British Empire Medal (B.E.M.)
 Bayley, Vera Mary
 Bertie, Vere Mary
 Bourne, Sheila Ruth
 Buckmaster, Dorothy Annette
 Butler, Theobald Rollo Pierce
 Campbell, Rosemary Jean
 Cotton, Gladys May
 Darby, Constance Elinor Katherine
 Edmond, G. A.
 Fitzroy, Nancy Jean
 Gascoigne, Peter
 Grant-Suttie, Elsie Margaret Hew
 Gregory, Donald Ralph
 Hardie, Graeme
 Jacobs, Charles William
 Leslie, Audrey Lorraine
 Martin, Margaret de Carteret
 McCorquodale, Mary Douglas
 McIntosh, Henry
 Moss, Keith
 Robertson, John Stuart
 Russell, Lucy Bevan
 Satchwell, Frederick James
 Stopford, Moyra Charlotte
 Taylor, Kathleen Mary
 Thomson, Sonja Mary
 Tomson, Christabel Charlotte
 Wellesley, Denis Arthur, 5th Earl Cowley
 Woon, William Henry Tregoning
 Phillimore, Audrey Magdalen Dominica Gwladys ( 1941 )
 Brassey, Honora Mary ( 1943 )
 Cayley, Anne Lætitia Mary ( 1944 )
 Elliot, Cynthia Sophie ( 1944 )
 Gammell, Mary Finella ( 1945 )
 Roper-Caldbeck, Julia Christian Dora ( 1945 )
 Fry, Margaret Isobel ( 1946 )
 Hebblethwaite, Muriel Hobhouse ( 1946 )
 James, Patience Diana ( 1946 )
 Moore, Ethne Philippa ( 1946 )
 Ellis, Catherine Rosemary ( 1949 )
 Clarke, David Richard ( 1950 )
 Hewett, Neale John Patrick ( 1953 )
 Lindsay, Ellen Blanche ( 1955 )
 Heber-Percy, Margaret Eleanor ( 1957 )
 Christian, Benjamin Norman ( 1986 )
 Browning, Mary Joan ( 1992 )
 Watters, Helen M. ( 2020 )
Count equals 47 individuals.
Commander, Order of the British Empire (C.B.E.)
 Abraham, William Ernest Victor
 Abrahams, Arthur Cecil
 Abrahams, Michael
 Acland, David Alfred
 Acworth, Louis Raymond
 Adam, James
 Adams, Henry George Homer
 Adebowale, Victor Olufemi, Baron Adebowale
 Agnew, Andrew
 Agnew, Patrick Dalreagle
 Airey, Terence Sydney
 Aldridge, Leonard
 Aldridge, Thomas Arthur
 Alexander, Walter Ronald
 Algeo, Arthur
 Allen, Atwell Hayes
 Allen, Thomas
 Allerton, Ord Dennis
 Allt, Greenhouse
 Altham, John Barrett
 Amis, Kingsley William
 Anderson, Arthur Robert
 Anderson, James Roy
 Anderson, Peter Corsar
 Anderson, William Henniker
 Ansell, Michael Picton
 Antrobus, Philip Reginald
 Appleyard-List, Jonathan Cecil
 Archibald, Brian Mortimer
 Archibald, George, 1st Baron Archibald
 Armitage, Stephen Cecil
 Armstrong, Charles Douglas
 Armytage, David George
 Arnold, Allan Cholmondeley
 Ashburner, Peter Robert
 Askew, John Majoribanks
 Atherton, Maurice Alan
 Atkinson, John Godfrey
 Attenborough, Richard Samuel, Baron Attenborough
 Attwood, Frederick Newton
 Ayshford Sanford, Mary Ethel
 Bach, Stephen Craine Goulden
 Bailey, W. H. C.
 Baird, Edward William David
 Baker, George William
 Bald, Mary Verena Campbell
 Balfour, Anthony John Chetwynd
 Balfour, Michael Graham
 Bankes, Robert Wynne
 Banks, Desmond Anderson Harvie, Baron Banks
 Banks, Richard Alford
 Banks, William Lawrence
 Barbary, John Ewart Trounce
 Barber, Hugh Kenneth
 Barber, John
 Barclay, Colville Adrian de Rune
 Barclay, Robert Leatham
 Barker, Frederick George
 Barnard, Geoffrey
 Barnardo, Frederick Adolphus Fleming
 Barne, William Bradley Gosset
 Barnett, Denis Hensley Fulton
 Barraclough, John
 Barrett, Dacre Leonard
 Basset, Bryan Ronald
 Bassett, Samuel John Woodroffe
 Bateson, Dingwall Latham
 Bathurst, Benjamin John
 Batt, Reginald Crossley
 Batten, Stephen Alexander Holgate
 Beard, Edmund Charles
 Beatty, Michael P. K.
 Beaumont-Nesbitt, Frederick George
 Beckett, Clifford Thomason
 Beddington, Gerald
 Beddington, William Richard
 Bedford-Roberts, John Gordon
 Bedworth, Richard
 Behrens, Leonard Frederick
 Bell, Douglas, of Blackethouse
 Bell, John Aiton
 Bellamy, Robert Hugh
 Beloe, Robert
 Bennett, Cecil Harry Andrew
 Bennett, Francis Ernest Herman
 Bennett, Joseph Hector Dealy
 Benson, Constantine Evelyn
 Benson, Frank
 Beresford, John Baldwyn
 Berkeley, Lennox Randal
 Berry, John, of Tayfield
 Beswick, John
 Bevir, Anthony
 Bexon, MacAlister
 Bhattacharyya, Sushantha Kumar, Baron Bhattacharyya
 Bilimoria, Karan Faridoon, Baron Bilimoria
 Bilney, Christopher Neil Hope
 Binney, Ralph Douglas
 Binns, Arthur Lennon
 Binny, Robert Angus Graham
 Bird, Roland Ernest
 Birks, Jack
 Birley, James Leatham
 Black, Colin Charteris
 Black, Ian Reddie Hamilton
 Blackstone, Geoffrey Vaughan
 Blagrove, Henry John
 Blake, Judith Vivienne, Baroness Blake of Leeds
 Blaker, Cedric
 Blane, William
 Blount, Edward Augustine
 Boissier, Roger Humphrey
 Bolton, Charles Arthur
 Bonaparte-Wyse, Andrew Reginald Nicholas Gerald
 Bond, John Arthur Mallock
 Bonham, Elizabeth Lydia Rosabelle
 Borg, Alan Charles Nelson
 Bostock, Henry John
 Bostock, John Southey
 Bosville, Thomas James Bolle
 Boulton, Harold Edwin, 2nd Bt.
 Bovell, Henry Cecil
 Bowen, James Bevan
 Bowhill, Alexander Herriot, of Inchmarlo
 Bowle-Evans, Charles Harford
 Bowly, William Arthur Travell
 Boyce, Harry Carlisle
 Boyd, Henry
 Boyle, Harry Lumsden
 Brackenbury, Hereward
 Brackley, Herbert George
 Bradshaw, William Graham
 Braithwaite, Francis Powell
 Branch, Edward Christopher Richard Ulick
 Brand, Charles Gordon
 Brandon, Vivian Roland
 Brassey, Hilda Madeline
 Bredin, George Richard Frederick
 Brewis, Charles Richard Wynn
 Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 2nd Viscount Bridgeman
 Bridges-Adams, William
 Briscoe, Edith Caroline
 Brittain-Jones, Jack
 Brittain-Jones, Jack
 Brittorous, Francis Gerard Russell
 Brockbank, John Graham
 Brocklebank, Henry Cyril Royds
 Brodie, Thomas
 Brook, David Conway Grant
 Brook, Reginald James
 Brook, William Arthur Darville
 Brooke, Walter Headfort
 Brooking, Cyril Aubrey Hamilton
 Brown, Reginald Llewellyn
 Brown, Robert Ross Buchanan
 Browne, Edward Humphrey
 Browne, Elliott Martin
 Brownrigg, Thomas Marcus
 Bruce-Williams, Edward Stephen
 Brunt, Robert Nigel Bright
 Brutton, Charles Phipps
 Bruxner-Randall, James Gerald
 Bryant, Arthur Wynne Morgan
 Bryden, William Campbell Rough
 Buckland, Lance
 Buckley, George Alexander Maclean
 Buckley, Percy Neville
 Budge, Joseph
 Budge, Vincent Alexander Prideaux
 Bulfield, Grahame
 Bullock, Christopher Llewellyn
 Burdon, Rowland
 Burgh Morris, Arthur
 Burn, Herbert Southernden
 Burnell-Nugent, James Michael
 Burns, Richard Eric
 Burrows, Henry
 Burton, Colin
 Burton, Harriet Ann
 Burton, Richard
 Bussell, Edward Irvine
 Butler, Arnold Charles Paul
 Butler, Montagu Sherard Dawes
 Byford, Charles Barrie
 Byrne, Patrick S.
 Cadell, Colin Simson
 Cadogan, Edward Henry
 Caldecott, Andrew
 Caldecott, John Andrew
 Calvert, James
 Calvert, John Thornton
 Cameron, Cyril St. Clair
 Campbell, Archibald Young Gipps
 Campbell, John
 Campbell, William McLagan
 Campbell, William Tait
 Camu, Louis
 Candole, Eric Armar
 Cane, Arthur Beresford
 Capel, Arthur Edward
 Cardiff, Ereld Wingfield Boteler
 Carleton-Smith, Mark Alexander Popham
 Carleton-Smith, Michael Edward
 Carlile, Edward Hildred, 1st Bt.
 Carne, William Power
 Carnwath, Francis A. A.
 Carr White, Percy
 Carter, Bernard
 Carter, W. G. K.
 Catlow, Thomas Noel
 Catto, Andrew Yule
 Caws, Richard Byron
 Chambers, Samuel Craven
 Chambers, William Scott
 Champion, John Pelham
 Chance, Cecilia Mary Elizabeth
 Chandler, Geoffrey
 Chapman, Archibald John
 Chapman, Arthur William
 Chapman, Eric
 Charkham, Jonathan Philip
 Chetwode, George Knightley
 Chichester-Constable, Raleigh Charles Joseph
 Chisholm, Archibald Hugh Tennent
 Cholmeley, Laurence Norman
 Christie, James
 Christie-Miller, John Aylmer
 Churchill, Thomas Bell Lindsay
 Churchward, George Jackson
 Clapham, John Harold
 Clark, George Philip
 Clarke, Desmond Alexander Bruce
 Clarke, Kathleen Rebe Curtis
 Clarke, Orme Bigland, 4th Bt.
 Clementi, Cresswell Montagu
 Clements, John Selby
 Clements, Maude
 Cleverdon, Julia
 Clough, John Alan
 Coaker, Ronald Edward
 Coates, William
 Cochrane, Robert Cecil
 Coke, John Cuthbert D'Ewes
 Colburn-Bennett, John Alfred
 Colchester-Wemyss, Maynard Willoughby
 Collard, Alfred Stephen
 Collier, Angus Lyell
 Collingwood, Sydney
 Collins, Stephen Ogle
 Collins, William Alexander
 Collins, William Hope
 Colvin, Brenda Gwyneth Stewart
 Colvin, Forrester Farnell
 Connolly, Cyril Vernon
 Cooke, John Sholto Fitzpatrick
 Cooksey, Frank
 Cooksey, Frank Sebastian
 Cookson, Roland Antony
 Cooper, Roy Charles
 Coplestone, Frederick
 Corbett, Hugh Askew
 Cordeaux, E. K.
 Cordingley, John
 Cordy-Simpson, John Roger
 Cornelius, Marion
 Cornwallis, Fiennes Stanley Wykeham, 1st Baron Cornwallis
 Cornwallis, Kinahan
 Corrigan, Paul David
 Cottam, Algernon Edward
 Couldrey, Robert Charles
 Counsell, Edward Hugh Michael
 Courage, Edward Raymond
 Cowie, Hugh Norman Ramsay
 Cox, Anthony
 Cox, Geoffrey Sandford
 Crawford, George Oswald
 Crawley, Cecil Gordon
 Crawley, Georgina Beatrice
 Cripps, Matthew Anthony Leonard
 Crofton, Cyril Randell
 Crookenden, Arthur
 Crosland, Walter Hugh
 Crossley, Arthur William
 Crutchley, Brooke
 Crutchley, Ernest Tristram
 Cuckney, Ernest John
 Cullen, Paul Alfred
 Cumber, William John
 Cuming, Robert Stevenson Dalton
 Cundall, John Rowley
 Currey, Harry Percival
 Currie, Richard William
 Curwen, Henry
 Curzon, Alexandra Naldera
 Curzon, Francis Richard Henry Penn, 5th Earl Howe
 Cutler, Arthur Roden, V.C.
 D'Abreu, Alphonsus Ligouri
 Dacre, George Bentley
 Dalby, Charles
 Dalgliesh, David Geoffrey
 Daly, Thomas Denis
 Daniell, Averell John
 Dannatt, Francis Richard, Baron Dannatt
 Darnley-Smith, G.
 Daubeney, Edward Kaye
 Davan Wetton, Eric
 David, Richard William
 Davidson, George
 Davies, Arthur Birney
 Davies, Daniel James
 Davies, Evan Mervyn, Baron Davies of Abersoch
 Davies, John Owen Fisher
 Davies, John Robert
 Davies, Richard Harries
 Davies, Warburton Edward
 Davis, John Samuel Champion
 Deakin, Cecil Martin Fothergill
 Dean, Basil Herbert
 Delaforce, John de Fleurriet
 Denholm, John Ferguson
 Denison, Henry
 Desborough, Arthur Peregrine Henry
 Devas, William George
 Dew, Edward Roderick
 Dimbleby, David
 Ditchburn, Alfred Henry
 Dixon-Ward, Frank
 Dobry, George Leon Severyn
 Dolmetsch, Carl Frederick
 Dolphin, Cyril Edwin Harold
 Donald, Ian
 Doncaster, John Priestman
 Donnet, Alexander Mitchell, Baron Donnet of Balgay
 Dorman, Pamela Eve Catherine
 Dormer, Charles Joseph Thaddeus, 14th Baron Dormer of Wyng
 Douglas, Alan Graham
 Douglas, Sholto William
 Douglas-Withers, John Keppel Ingold
 Dower, Michael Shillito Trevelyan
 Dowson, Philip Manning
 Drake, Jean Leslie Patricia, Baroness Drake
 Draper, Martin Richard
 Drew, Elizabeth Jean
 Dreyer, Desmond Parry
 Drury, Martin Dru
 Drury, Richard Frederick
 Du Cane, Peter
 Du Vivier, Richard
 Duberly, Archibald Hugh
 Dudgeon, Gerald Cecil
 Duffell, Peter Royson
 Duffett, Charles Henry
 Dugdale, Nigel
 Dunbar-Dunbar-Rivers, Beatrix Justina
 Dunbar-Nasmith, James Duncan
 Duncan, Nigel William
 Dundas, Cyril Alfred FLux
 Dunn, Keith Frederick William
 Dunville, John Dunville
 Durie, Alexander Charles
 Dutton, Eric Adlhelm Torlogh
 Dyball, Anthony John
 Ebsworth, Wilfrid Algernon
 Edgar, Gilbert Harold
 Edgell, Geoffrey
 Edwards, Herbert Cecil Ralph
 Edwards, John Basil
 Edwards, John Keith
 Edwards, Ralph Alan Bevan
 Edwards, William Philip Neville
 Eeles, Henry
 Eley, Geoffrey Cecil Ryves
 Elliot, Frederic Barnard
 Elliott, Christopher Haslett
 Elliott, Frederick Barnard
 Ellis, Hugh Sidney
 Ellis, Richard Stanley
 Elworthy, Samuel Charles, Baron Elworthy
 Emerson, Donald Godfrey
 Ennals, Paul Martin
 Erskine-Tulloch, Rolland Padraig Stewart
 Eugster, Basil Oscar Paul
 Evans, Brian Antony
 Evans, David
 Evans, Evan Laming
 Evans, John Meredyth Jones
 Evans, John Owain
 Eve, Arthur Stewart
 Evetts, John Fullerton
 Evill, Thomas Hayward
 Ewart, John Walter Douglas
 Ewart, William Herbert Lee
 Ewen, David Frederick
 Eyre, Richard Charles Hastings
 Faber, Oscar
 Fairbanks, Cecil Benfield
 Fairfax-Cholmeley, Francis William Alfred
 Fairgrieve, Russell
 Falcon, Michael Gascoigne
 Falk, Oswald Toynbee
 Fane-Saunders, Bernard
 Fanshawe, George Hew
 Fanshawe, Peter Evelyn
 Farquharson-Lang, William Marshall, 14th of Finzean
 Farrell, Thomas Hugh Francis
 Faulkner, Hugh Webb
 Faviell, John Victor
 Fawssett, F. A. B.
 Fayrer, Joseph, 2nd Bt.
 Feather, Victor Grayson Hardy, Baron Feather
 Feilden, Randle Guy
 Fell, Aubrey Llewellyn Coventry
 Ferguson, Arthur George
 Ferrens, Thomas
 Fetherston-Dilke, John Timothy
 Fetherstonhaugh, William Albany
 Finch-Hatton, Muriel Evelyn Vernon
 Findlay, Charles Bannatyne
 Findlay, George William Marshall
 Finnis, Henry
 Firbank, Cecil Llewellin
 Firebrace, Aylmer Newton George
 Fisher, Arthur Francis
 Fisher, Donal Rutherford Dacre
 Fisher, John Douglas Fellowes
 Fisher-Rowe, Herbert Mayow
 FitzHerbert-Brockholes, William Joseph
 Fitzherbert-Brockholes, John William
 Fitzpatrick, Ernest Richard
 Flack, Martin William
 Fleming, Robert
 Fletcher, Clarence George Eugene
 Fletcher, Edward Lionel
 Foley, Frank Wigram
 Follett, Henry Spencer
 Fonblanque, Edward Barrington
 Fooks, Raymond Hatherell
 Foord, Edward John
 Ford, Richard Brinsley
 Forman, Adam
 Forrester, Michael
 Foster, Thomas Francis Vere
 Foster, Wilfred Neill
 Francis, Alan David
 Franck, Louis
 Fraser, Alexander Garden
 Fraser, Charles Ian, of Reelig
 Fraser, Duncan Richard
 Fraser, Richard Michael, Baron Fraser of Kilmorack
 Fraser-Smith, Selwyn Willis
 Fraud, Don Alberto Jiménez
 Freeland, John Cavendish
 Fremantle, Sydney Walter
 French, Godfrey Alexander
 Friedberger, John Peter William
 Friend, Arthur Leslie Irvine
 Gaggero, Joseph James
 Gairdner, Charles Henry
 Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor
 Galliers-Pratt, Anthony Malcolm
 Gandell, Wilfrid Pearse
 Garnett, Henry Claude Lyon
 Garnett, James Clerk Maxwell
 Gates, Sylvester Govett
 Gelston, John Fitzhugh
 Gerard-Pearse, William Richard Dalrymple
 Gibb, Alexander
 Gibb, Maurice Sylvester
 Gibb, Ronald Charles
 Gielgud, Val Henry
 Gilbey, Alfred Ronald Dashwood
 Gill, Charles Douglas
 Gillmore, Alan David
 Goble, Stanley James
 Godfrey-Faussett, Peter
 Goldney, Claude le Bas
 Gomez, Paul Slocombe
 Goode, Ernest Reginald
 Goodenough, Ethel Mary
 Goodwin, Richard Elton
 Goold-Adams, Richard John Moreton
 Goossens, Leon Jean
 Gordon, David Bruce
 Gordon, Gwynnedd Conway
 Gordon, Mary Kathleen
 Gordon, Seton
 Gordon-Watson, Charles
 Gorges, Edmond Howard
 Gosselin, Arthur Nicholas
 Gott, William Henry Ewart
 Gouriet, Geoffrey
 Gow, John Wesley Harper
 Gow, John Wesley Harper
 Gowers, William Richard
 Gowing, Lawrence Burnett
 Grace, Gladys Sheffield
 Graham, Walter Gerald Cloete
 Graham-Campbell, John, 10th of Shirvan
 Grand, Laurence Douglas
 Grant, Arthur, of Monymusk, 10th Bt.
 Grant, Donald Patrick Trevor, 5th Baron Strathspey of Strathspey
 Granville, Alexander
 Gray, Colin
 Gray, James
 Gray, John Magnus
 Grazebrook, Tom Neville
 Green, Alan
 Greene, Howard
 Greenfield, Hector Robert Hume
 Greenly, John Henry Maitland
 Gregson, Guy Patrick
 Grenville-Grey, Cecil Everard Montague
 Gresley, Herbert Nigel
 Grew, James
 Grey, Spencer Thomas
 Griffith, Edward Hugh
 Griffith, George Herbert
 Griffith-Jones, John Mervyn Guthrie
 Griffith-Williams, Eric Llewellyn Griffith
 Griffiths, Hugh Ernest
 Grogan, Edward George
 Grunsell, Charles Stuart Grant
 Gurdon, Adam Brampton Douglas
 Gurdon, Edward Temple Leigh
 Gurney, Cecil Hay
 Gurney, Rachel
 Guy, Roland Kelvin
 Gwynne, Nevile Gwyn
 Haddon, Thomas
 Haig, Rona Alison, Baroness Fairhead
 Haines, John Robert Sutherland
 Haldane, Naomi May Margaret
 Hale-Ley, Hugh Marlborough
 Hall, Edward Thomas
 Hall, John Richard, of Dunglass, 9th Bt.
 Hallifax, Ronald Hamilton Curzon
 Hamer, George Frederick
 Hamilton, George Cecil Hans
 Hanbury, Richard Nigel
 Hanlon, Thomas James
 Hanson, Robert
 Hardy, Henry Harrison
 Harington, Charles
 Harkness, Kenneth Lanyon
 Harnett, William Falkiner
 Harper, John Robinson
 Harries, David Hugh
 Harris, Ernest Frederick
 Harris, Geoffrey Wingfield
 Harris-Burland, William Malcolm
 Harrison, Louis Kenneth
 Harrison-Smith, Sydney Alick
 Harry, William
 Harvey, Arthur Vere, Baron Harvey of Prestbury
 Harvey, Charles Offley
 Hastilow, Cyril Alexander Frederick
 Hastings, Michael John, Baron Hastings of Scarisbrick
 Havilland, Peter Hugh
 Hawker, Claude Julian
 Hay, Charles John Bruce
 Hayne, Maurice Leslie
 Hayward, Philip Henry Cecil
 Haywood, Austin Hubert Whitwick
 Hazlehurst-Cherry, Edward
 Heathcoat-Amory, Ian Murray, 2nd Bt.
 Heeckeren van Kell, Alexander
 Henderson, Harold Gordon
 Henderson, James
 Henderson, Neville Vicars
 Hendy, Peter Gerard, Baron Hendy of Richmond Hill
 Hensman, Richard Frank Bradshaw
 Henson, John Gordon
 Herring-Cooper, William Weldon
 Herzig, Christopher
 Hewat, Harry Aitken
 Hewlett, Thomas Clyde, Baron Hewlett
 Heyman, George Douglas Gordon
 Heywood, Geoffrey Henry
 Hezlet, Robert Knox
 Hickling, Horace Cyril Benjamin
 Hill, Frank Moutray
 Hiscox, Ralph
 Hoare, Geoffrey Lennard
 Hoare, William Douro
 Hobbs, Godfrey Pennington
 Hobson, Richard Walton
 Hogarth, Robert George
 Hogg, Norman
 Holbrook, Claude Vivian
 Holden, Andrew
 Holloway, Robin Hugh Ferguson
 Holme, Michael Walker
 Holme-Sumner, Berkeley
 Holmes, Leonard Geoffrey
 Holt, Edward, 1st Bt.
 Holt, Harold Edward Sherwin
 Honeyman, George
 Hooker, Stanley George
 Hooper, Angela Marie
 Hope, Collingwood
 Hope, James Kenneth
 Hopkinson, Henry Charles Barwick
 Hopton Scott, Francis Charles
 Hore-Ruthven, Bridget Helen, Lady Ruthven of Freeland
 Hornby, Alan Hugh
 Hornby, Geoffrey Hardinge Phipps
 Horne, Edward William
 Hotham, Henry Frederick, 7th Baron Hotham of South Dalton
 Houghton, Charles Thomas
 Houison-Craufurd, John Archibald, of Craufordland
 Howard, Stephen Goodwin
 Howgill, Richard John Frederick
 Howson, Harold George
 Hubbard, Robert Lancelot Fortescue
 Hudson, Peter
 Hughes-Buller, Ralph Buller
 Hull, Hubert
 Hulton, John Meredith
 Hunt, John Henderson, Baron Hunt of Fawley
 Hunt, Robert Frederick
 Hunter Gordon, Patrick
 Hunter, Henry John Francis
 Hunter, Joseph Charles
 Hunter, Philip Vassar
 Hunter, Summers
 Hunter-Jones, M. E.
 Hunting, Charles Patrick Maule
 Hussey, Christopher Edward Clive
 Hutchins, George D'Oyly
 Hutton, Reginald Maurice James
 Hyde, George Francis
 Hyde-Thomson, Paul Cater
 Hyslop, Francis
 Ibison, Reginald
 Iliff, Neil Atkinson
 Ingrams, Leonard Victor
 Inskip, Grace Hampden
 Isham, Ralph Heyward
 Isolani, C. T.
 Jackson, Cecil Vivian Staveley
 Jackson, Louis Steuart
 Jackson, Richard Leofric
 Jackson, W. H.
 Jacobs, David Lewis
 James, Edmund Henry Salt
 James, Sydney Rhodes
 Jameson, Melville Stewart
 Jamieson, Stanley Wyndham
 Jefferson, Geoffrey
 Jenkins, Arthur de Brisay
 Jenkins, Noble Fleming
 Jenkins, Robert
 Jennett, Frederick Stuart
 Jerrard, Henry Sam Francis Temple
 Jervoise, Edmund Purefoy Ellis
 Johnson, George Frederick
 Johnson, Guy Francis
 Johnson, Henry Langhorne
 Johnson, Royston Henry
 Johnston, Brian
 Johnston, Robert
 Johnstone, Clive Charles Carruthers
 Johnstone, Hope
 Johnstone, John Raymond
 Jones, Basil Douglas
 Jones, Charles Edward Webb
 Jones, Edward
 Jones, John Hubert Emlyn
 Jones, Morey Quayle
 Joughin, John Clague
 Jowett, Peter Hague
 Judd, Charles Wilfred
 Judd, Thomas Langley
 Jukes-Hughes, Edward Glyn de Styrap
 Karmel, David
 Keenlyside, Richard Hamilton
 Kellie-MacCallum, James Dalgleish
 Kemp-King, George
 Kendall, Sidney Robert Gordon
 Kennedy, Francis
 Kent, Walter George
 Kenyon, George Vicary
 Ker, Charles Arthur
 Kershaw, Harold Slaney
 Keynes, Richard Darwin
 Kier, Olaf
 Kindersley, Hugh Kenyon Molesworth, 2nd Baron Kindersley
 King, Robert de Lisle
 Kingzett, Brian
 Kirkpatrick, Ivone
 Kirton, Robert James
 Kitson, Harold William
 Koppel, Percy Alexander
 Krohn, Herman Alexander
 Kyle, Wallace Hart
 Laird, Hugh Roy MacGregor
 Lake, Walter John Challoner
 Landsberg, Peter
 Lardner-Clarke, J. de W.
 Larken, Edmund
 Laurie, Percy Robert
 Laver, James
 Lawrie, Thomas
 Lawton, Philip Charles Fenner
 Le Hunte Ward, John Richard
 Le Maistre, Charles de la Cour
 Leacock, Aubrey Gordon
 Leakey, Arundell David
 Leask, Anthony de Camborne Lowther
 Leith, Marjorie Edith
 Lentaigne, Walter David Alexander
 Leslie, Norman Roderick Alexander David, 8th Bt.
 Leslie-Melville, Constance Alice
 Leuchars, Peter Raymond
 Levita, Cecil Bingham
 Lewes, John Hugh
 Lewis, Edward Raymond
 Lewis, Frank Oswald
 Liardet, Guy Francis
 Liardet, Henry Maugham
 Lindley, Francis Oswald
 Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop, 1st Baron Lindsay of Birker
 Lindsay, James Wilson
 Lindsay, William
 Linklater, Eric Robert
 Linzee, Robert Gordon Hood
 Lithgow, Samuel
 Lithgow, Samuel
 Little, Knightley
 Little, Malcolm Orme
 Livingston, Henry Brockholst
 Livingstone, David
 Llewhellin, George Elliot
 Lloyd Webber, William Southcombe
 Lloyd, Rhys Gerran, Baron Lloyd of Kilgerran
 Lloyd, Samuel Eyre Massy
 Lloyd-Phillips, Ivan
 Lockhart, John Gilbert
 Long, Eustace Ruffel Drake
 Long, Victoria Florence de Burgh
 Longmore, Philip Elton
 Longmore, William James Maitland
 Longstaff, Cedric Llewellyn
 Loring, Walter Watson Alexander
 Lovegrove, Herbert
 Lovett, Ernest Neville
 Lowther, John George
 Lukis, Wilfred Boyd Fellowes
 Lumley, Francis Douglas
 Lumsden, Bruce John David
 Lush, Maurice Stanley
 Lycett, Michael Hildesley
 Lyle, Hugh Thomas
 Lyle, Thomas Keith
 Lysaght, William Royse
 Lywood, Oswyn George William Gifford
 Maas, John
 MacLeod, Minden Whyte-Melville
 MacMahon, Hugh Francis Edward
 MacMillan, Gordon Holmes Alexander, of MacMillan and Knap
 MacNeece Foster, William Foster
 MacNeice, Louis
 MacRae, Colin William, of Feoirlinn
 Macafee, John Leeper Anketell
 Macartney-Filgate, Arthur Robert Patten
 Macdonald, Roderick William
 Mace, Irene Gladys
 Macgregor, W. D.
 Mackenzie, Virginia Lilian Eumeline
 Mackinnon, Alexander Charles Broughton
 Mackintosh, Hugh Stewart
 Maclagan, Eric Robert Dalrymple
 Maclean, Alasdair Gillean Lorne, of Pennycross
 Macnab, Brigadier John Francis, of Barravorich
 Maconochie, Hartley Alfred
 Mactaggart, William Alexander
 Madden, Colin
 Madden, Wyndham D'Arcy
 Maddick, Edmund Distin
 Madsen, Peter E. B.
 Mahaffy, John
 Mainwaring, Watkin Randle Kynaston
 Maitland, Alastair George
 Makeig-Jones, John Reeder
 Mallinson, Terence Stuart
 Mallowan, Max Edgar L.
 Mander, Theodore
 Mann, Gother Victor Fryers
 Manners-Smith, Lionel Charles
 Manning, Frederick John
 Marsden, Arthur
 Marshall, Walter Charles, Baron Marshall of Goring
 Marshall-Cornwall, James Handyside
 Martin, Alistair James Strang
 Martin, Archer John Porter
 Martin, John Besley
 Martin, Peter Lawrence de Carteret
 Massey, Arthur
 Mather, Loris Emerson
 Mathias, Lewis James
 Maurice, George Thelwall Kindersley
 Maxwell, Joseph Archibald
 Mayne, Jasper Graham
 McAleer, Gerald Ward
 McBarnet, Alexander Cockburn
 McCalmont, Robert Chaine Alexander
 McCarthy, James Joseph
 McClintock, Nicholas Cole
 McConnel, Douglas Fitzgerald
 McConnell, Thomas Edward
 McDonald, Jeanie
 McDowall, Keith Desmond
 McGrath, Patrick Gerard
 McKenna, David
 McKie, John
 McKinney, Donald
 McLaren, Henry Duncan, 2nd Baron Aberconway
 McMicking, Neil
 McNalty, Arthur George Preston
 McNeill, John Malcolm
 McPherson, Alan Bruce
 McVittie, Charles Harold
 McWhirter, Norris Dewar
 McWilliam, Dorothy
 Mead, R. C.
 Mellon, Charlotte Seymour
 Mellor, Francis Hamilton
 Menzies-Wilson, William Napier
 Meynell, David
 Micklem, Edward Robert
 Micklem, Ralph
 Miles, Bernard, Baron Miles
 Miles, Reginald Bratihwaite
 Miller, Charles Harvey
 Miller, Douglas Sinclair
 Millington, Geoffrey
 Milner-White, Eric
 Milward, Clement Arthur
 Mitchell, Francis Neville
 Mitchell, Frank Herbert
 Mitchell, Henry Kelsall Beckford
 Mitchell, James Alastair Harry
 Mitchell-Innes, Edward Alfred
 Mitchison, Gilbert Richard, Baron Mitchison
 Moberly, William Innes
 Mogg, Herbert John
 Moiselwitsch, Benno
 Montague-Jones, Ronald
 Monteith, Joseph Basil Lawrence
 Montgomery, J. A. L.
 Moore, Arthur Trevelyan
 Moore, James Newton Rodney
 Moores, John
 More, Robert Henry
 Morgan, Charles Langbridge
 Morgan, Frederick Thomas de Mallet
 Moriarty, Cecil Charles Hudson
 Morris, John Edward Longworth
 Mount, Christopher John
 Mount, James Williams Spencer
 Mount, William Arthur, 1st Bt.
 Moyle, Arthur, Baron Moyle
 Moynihan, Herbert George Rodrigo
 Mulhallen, R. Gabbett
 Mullen, David Campbell
 Munzer, Ruth Beatrice, Baroness Henig
 Muravieff, Anastasia
 Mure, William
 Murray, John Arnaud Robin Grey
 Murray, Terence Desmond
 Murray-White, Richard Stephen
 Musson, Geoffrey Randolph Dixon
 Myburgh, Philip Stafford
 Mylroie, Sylvia
 Myners, Paul, Baron Myners
 Napier, Charles Scott
 Naylor, Robert Francis Brydges
 Neal, Harry Morton
 Neuberger, Albert
 Nevill, Cosmo Alexander Richard
 Newton, Frank Graham
 Nicholas, Bryan David
 Nichols, Arthur Trevor
 Nicholson, Frank
 Nicholson, Geoffrey
 Nightingale, Peter Ray
 Nolan, David Belfield
 Norman, Alexander Vesey Bethune
 Norman, Henry Nigel St. Valery, 2nd Bt.
 Norman, Torquil Patrick Alexander
 Northen, Arthur
 Norton, Cyril Henry
 Noyes, Alfred
 O'Brien, Lucy Mary
 O'Cock, Michael James Palmer
 O'Neill, Onora Sylvia, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve
 O'Riordan, John Patrick Bruce
 Oliver, Kenneth C.
 Olivier, Charles Harold Arthur
 Ormerod, Denis Leonard
 Osmond, William Robert Fiddes
 Otter-Barry, Hugh van Lynden
 Owen, Trevor B.
 Oxley, John Stewart
 Paffard, Reginald Douglas
 Pakeman, Sidney Arnold
 Palmer, Geoffrey Woodroffe
 Palmer, Herbert Richmond
 Palmer, Joseph Eric
 Parker, Albert
 Parker, Charles Avison
 Parker, Charles Sandbach
 Parker, Ellen Frances
 Parker, Karl Theodore
 Parker, Michael John
 Parry-Evans, Joseph David Samuel
 Parsons, Edward Howard Thornbrough
 Parsons, Frederick Gillespie Austin
 Parsons, Frederick John
 Passmore, John Reginald Juteum
 Paterson-Owens, Tom
 Paul, Walter Reginald
 Pawle, Hanbury
 Payne, Lionel Guy Standish
 Pears, Steuart Arnold
 Pearson-Rogers, Henry
 Peck, Gerald Edward
 Peel, Francis Richard Jonathan
 Pelly, John Noel
 Pemberton, Francis William Wingate
 Pennefather-Evans, Granville
 Petrie, James Colquhoun
 Philips, Lewis Francis
 Phillips, Geoffrey Francis
 Phipps, Oswald Constantine John, 4th Marquess of Normanby
 Pickard, Ormonde George
 Pickering, Ralph Emers
 Pickford, Mary Ada
 Picot, Henry Philip
 Pigott, Anthony David
 Pike, Ebenezer John Lecky
 Pike, Joseph Cuthbert
 Pike, Victor Joseph
 Pile, George Douglas Laurie
 Pile, George Laurie
 Pinder, Harold Senhouse
 Pinney, George Frederick
 Pinsent, Matthew Clive
 Pinter, Harold
 Pitman, Christian Ernest
 Plant, Cyril Thomas Howe, Baron Plant
 Pocock, Carmichael Charles Peter
 Poland, Edmund Nicholas
 Pollard, George Leslie Grove
 Porch, Edward Albert
 Poulton, Arthur Faulconer
 Powell, Anthony Dymoke
 Powell, Douglas, 2nd Bt.
 Powell, Philip Lionel William
 Powys-Maurice, Frank Heathcote
 Pratt, David Lynn
 Pratt, Fendall William Harvey
 Prescot, Cynric Puleston
 Prichard, Hubert Cecil
 Prideaux, Walter Arbuthnot
 Pritchett, Cyril George Francis
 Procter, Henry Edward Edleston
 Profumo, John Dennis
 Prynne, Michael Whitworth
 Pugh, Leslie Penrhys
 Purcell-Buret, Theobald John Claud
 Purvis, John Robert
 Putron, Owen Washington
 Quayle, John Anthony
 Quilliam, Ronald Henry
 Quirk, Charles Randolph, Baron Quirk
 Raalte, Margherita
 Radcliffe, Frederick Walter
 Radice, Fulke Rosavo
 Raeburn, William Norman, 2nd Bt.
 Raikes, Cecil Dacre Staveley
 Raikes, Henry St. John Digby
 Ramsay, Angus Iain
 Ramsbotham, David John, Baron Ramsbotham
 Ravenhill, Richard William
 Rawes, Stanley
 Rawlins, Arthur Kennedy
 Rawstorne, George Streynsham
 Raymond, Adelard
 Reeve, John Talbot Wentworth
 Reid, Francis Felix
 Reid, Francis Smith
 Reid, Hugh, of Springburn, 1st Bt.
 Reid, Percy Lester
 Rendel, Maud Ernestine
 Rendell, Dennis Bossey
 Renny, George David
 Renton, Ronald Kenneth Duncan
 Rhodes, George Ewart
 Rich, Charles Albert
 Richards, George Warren
 Richards, William
 Richardson, Cecil George Herbert
 Rickett, Robert Harold
 Ricketts, Abdy Henry Gough
 Riddick, John Galloway
 Ridsdale, Julian Errington
 Risk, Ralph
 Roberts, Cyril Alfred
 Roberts, George Augustus
 Robertson, Antony Stuart
 Robertson, James Alexander Rowland
 Robertson, James Currie
 Robertson, James Ian
 Robertson, W. H.
 Robins, Christopher Gray
 Robins, George H.
 Robinson, Alfred Esmond
 Robinson, James Charles Evitt
 Robinson, James Salmond
 Robinson, William Henry
 Roche, Horace Sampson
 Rocyn-Jones, David
 Rodger, Thomas Ferguson
 Roe, Thomas Chambers Windsor
 Rogers, John Robson
 Rome, Francis David
 Ross, Alan
 Rothenstein, John Knewstub Maurice
 Rougemont, Ernest Charles de
 Roundell, Christopher Foulis
 Rowbotham, Guy Reginald
 Rowe, David Leslie Vivian
 Rowlands, Edward, Baron Rowlands
 Rowlandson, Michael George Dobbie
 Russell, George Herbert
 Russell, Reginald Edmund Maghlin
 Rutherford, Alexander John Buckley
 Rutherford, Malcolm
 Ryan, Christopher Nigel John
 Saker, Richard Kenneth Maitland
 Salisbury-Jones, Arthur Guy
 Samborne-Palmer, Frederick Carey Stuckley
 Sandberg, Christer Peter
 Sandilands, Francis Edwin Prescott
 Sankey, Harold Bantock
 Savile, George Walter Wrey
 Savile, Robert Vesey
 Schofield, Brian Betham
 Schubart, Hans Albrecht
 Schuster, George Ernest
 Scott, David Richard Alexander
 Scott, Denis Herbert
 Scott, Ian Jonathan
 Scott, Peter Markham
 Scott, Robert Heatlie
 Scott, Thomas Patrick David
 Scott-Bowden, Jonathan
 Scott-Elliot, James
 Scott-Moncrieff, Alan Kenneth
 Segrave, Thomas George
 Sellers, Peter Richard Henry
 Selous, Gerald Holgate
 Servaes, Reginald Maxwell
 Sewell, John Thomas Beadsworth
 Seymour, Almeric Hugh
 Sharp, Duncan
 Sharp, Eric, Baron Sharp of Grimsdyke
 Shearer, Edgar Donald Reid
 Sheehan, Patrick Timothy
 Sheepshanks, Robin John
 Sheffield, John
 Sheil, William Anthony
 Shelley, James Edward
 Shepherd, Gilbert John Victor
 Sherbrooke, Nevile Hugh Cairns
 Sherrard, James William
 Siddeley, Cyril Davenport, 2nd Baron Kenilworth
 Silvester, James
 Simon, Maximilian St. Leger
 Sims, James Hugh
 Sinclair, James Roderick, 19th Earl of Caithness
 Sinclair, John Houston
 Sinclair, Thomas Charles
 Sitwell, Robert
 Skelton, Reginald
 Sleeman, John Cuthbert de Fontenne
 Sloggett, Arthur John Henry
 Smail, James Cameron
 Smale, Colin
 Smidt, Theresa Dorothea
 Smith, Bryan Crossley
 Smith, Edmund Hakewell
 Smith, John Lindsay
 Smith, John Masterton
 Smith, Launcelot E.
 Smith, Montague Bentley Talbot Paske
 Smith, Philip Roland, Baron Smith of Hindhead
 Smith, Sydney Alick Harrison
 Smith, Sydney Ernest
 Smith, Thomas Eustace
 Smith, William Humphrey
 Smith, William Revell Revell
 Smyth-Osbourne, Edward Alexander
 Smyth-Pigott, Joseph Ruscombe Wadham
 Snow, John FitzGerald
 Snow, Peter John
 Snowden, Arthur de Winton
 Snowden, Cyril Ralph
 Soames, Arthur Christopher John, Baron Soames
 Soanes, Florence Mary
 Somerville, Desmond Henry Sykes
 Somerville, John Nicholas
 Sopwith, Thomas Octave Murdoch
 Sorby, Terence Malin Dare
 Sorel-Cameron, George Cecil Minett
 Sorel-Cameron, John
 Sorel-Cameron, Robert
 Southwood, Horace Gerald
 Sparks, Charles Pratt
 Sparks, Harry Pratt
 Speaight, Robert William
 Spence, Alexander Hierom Ogilvy
 Spencer, Desmond Gerard Heath
 Spens, Will
 Spiers, Lennox
 Spinney, Arthur Rawdon
 Spraggett, Richard William
 Spry, Henry Ernest
 St. Clair, Lockhart Matthew
 Stacey, John
 Standing, Michael Frederick Cecil
 Stanley, Charles Orr
 Stannard, Frank William
 Steele, Gerald
 Steinkopf, Mary Margaret
 Stenson, William Henry Guillard
 Stephen, Robert Alexander
 Stephens, Frederick
 Stevens, Arthur Edwin
 Stevens, Frank Augustus Douglas
 Stewart, Gershom
 Stewart, Harold Charles
 Stewart, Patrick Alexander Vansittart
 Stewart, Robert Christie
 Stirling, James, of Garden
 Stirling, Viola Henrietta Christina
 Stobart, Hugh Morton
 Stockdale, Frank Arthur
 Stone, Henry Cecil Brough
 Stone, John Richard Nicholas
 Stoppard, Tom
 Storrs, Ronald Henry Amherst
 Strachan, Andrew Henry
 Straight, Whitney Willard
 Stratton, Richard
 Straubenzee, Casimir Henry Claude
 Strudwick, Mark Jeremy
 Stuart, Donald Mackenzie
 Stuart, Nigel John Buchanan
 Stuart-Jones, James
 Studholme, John
 Sumsion, Herbert Whitton
 Surtees, Herbert Conyers
 Sutcliffe, John Harold Vick
 Swan, William B.
 Swinton Lee, Stanlake
 Swire, William
 Swithinbank, Bernard Winthrop
 Symes, George Stewart
 Talbot Rice, David
 Talbot, Reginald Gilbert Murray
 Taylor, Frank Martin Hussey
 Taylor, George Francis
 Taylor, Philip Beauchamp
 Taylour, Beatrix
 Temple, Diana Mary
 Thackwell, Denys Edward Osbert
 Theron, François Henry
 Thistlethwaite, Frank
 Thomas, Antony Charles
 Thomas, William Barclay
 Thomson, Anthony Standidge
 Thomson, Charles Newbigging
 Thomson, John
 Thomson-Glover, John William
 Thorne, Peter Francis
 Thornycroft, John Ward
 Thring, Walter Hugh Charles Samuel
 Thursby-Pelham, Charles Kenneth
 Thynne, Alice Emma
 Tilea, Viorel Virgil
 Tilly, Alfred
 Tilney, Robert
 Tilney, Robert Adolphus George
 Titley, John McLaren Wolseley
 Tomes, Clement Thurstan
 Tomes, John Newall
 Tomlin, Julian Latham
 Toosey, Philip
 Tottenham, Francis
 Tower, Peter Gerald Sandeman
 Townley, Charles Francis
 Townsend, Clarence Henry Southgate
 Tregoning, William Leonard
 Treston, Maurice Lawrence
 Tritton, Alan George
 Trotter, William Kemp
 Troughton, Charles Hugh Willis
 Tunnicliffe, Denis, Baron Tunnicliffe
 Turnbull, Douglas John Tulloch
 Turnbull, John
 Turner, Charles Edward Francis
 Turner, Joseph Harling
 Turnor, Anthony Richard
 Tweedie, William
 Twiss, John Henry
 Tyler, Arthur Catchmay
 Tyndall, William Ernest
 Ungerson, Bernard
 Upjohn, Gerald Ritchie, Baron Upjohn
 Varley, Arthur Noel Claude
 Vellacott, Paul Cain
 Venning, Walter King
 Verdon-Smith, William George
 Verey, David
 Vicars, Robert James
 Vincent, Arthur Rose
 Vincent, Frank Arthur Money Hampe
 Vivian, Anthony Chester
 Waddington, Conrad Hal
 Waldegrave, Granville George, 4th Baron Radstock of Castle Town
 Wales, Natalie
 Walker, Elizabeth Cansh
 Walker, Francis Spring
 Walker, George
 Walker, Michael John Dawson, Baron Walker of Aldringham
 Walker, Peter Martin Brabazon
 Walkey, Howarth Seymour
 Walkey, James Rowland
 Wallace, Richard Roy
 Wallis, Henry Richard
 Walsh, George Peregrine
 Ward, Vincent Aubrey
 Ward, Walter
 Warrander, John Leask
 Waterlow, Sydney Philip Perigal
 Watson, Dymock
 Watson, Ian Darsie
 Watson, Martin Yorke
 Way, Bromley George
 Wedderburn, Alexander Henry Melvill
 Wedgwood, John
 Welchman, Godfrey de Vere
 Wells-Pestell, Reginald Alfred, Baron Wells-Pestell
 Wentworth-Stanley, Charles Sidney Bowen
 West, Ferdinand Maurice Felix, V.C.
 Westbrook, Neil Gowanloch
 Weston, John Leslie
 Wheatley, Mervyn Savile
 Wheeler, Thomas Benjamin
 Wheler, Granville Charles Hastings, 1st Bt.
 White, Percival Napier
 Whitworth, Geoffrey Arundel
 Wield, Ronald Cunningham
 Wieler, Leslie Frederic Ethelbert
 Wigan, John Tyson
 Wigram, Kenneth
 Wilcox, Malcolm
 Wilkinson, George Alexander Eason
 Wilkinson, Walter Sutherland
 Wilks, Geoffrey Walford
 Willcocks, David Valentine
 Williams, Alice Helena Alexander
 Williams, Edward Alexander Wilmot
 Williams, George Mervyn
 Williams, Hugh Lloyd
 Williams, John Edward Ffrancon
 Williams, John Fischer
 Williams, Mary Christian
 Williams, Roger Stanley
 Williams-Ellis, Bertram Clough
 Willis Fleming, John Browne Phillimore
 Willis, Charles Armine
 Willis, John William Bund
 Wills, Richard Lloyd Joseph
 Wilmot-Sitwell, Robert Bradshaw
 Wilson, George Ambler
 Wilson, Gordon
 Wilson, James Lockie
 Wilson, Richard Henry George
 Windsor, Rodney Francis Maurice
 Wingfield-Stratford, Cecil Vernon
 Winter, Frederick Thomas
 Winterton, Thomas John Willoughby
 Winton, Reginald Pepys
 Wintour, Fitzgerald
 Witt, John Everard
 Wodehouse, John, 3rd Earl of Kimberley
 Wolfenden, John Frederick, Baron Wolfenden
 Wood, Arthur Michael
 Wood-Hill, Cyril
 Woodhouse, John Alick
 Woodroffe, Charles Richard
 Woodruff, John Douglas
 Woods, Raymond Wybrow
 Woodwark, Stanley
 Woolley, Richard Melsome
 Woosnam, Charles Richard
 Worrall, Percy Reginald
 Wrey, Philip Bourchier Sherard, 12th Bt.
 Wright, Andrew Barkworth
 Wright, Ernest Leslie
 Wu, Alex
 Wyatt, Myles Dermod Norris
 Wyndham, Charles John
 Wythes, Ernest James
 Young, Clive
 Young, Daniel Henderson Lusk
 Young, Patrick Savage
 Younghusband, George Edward
 Zvegintzov, Dimitry Dimitrievitch
 Hey, Walter Lancaster ( 1864 )
 Gough, Frederic William ( 1875 )
 Hume, John James Francis ( 1916 )
 Long, Wilfred James ( 1916 )
 Pollock, Evelyn ( 1916 )
 Thomas, Godfrey Vignoles, 9th Bt. ( 1916 )
 Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian ( 1917 )
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland ( 1917 )
 Geddes, Alexandra Mary Campbell ( 1917 )
 Harvey, Ernest Musgrave, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Layton, Walter Thomas, 1st Baron Layton ( 1917 )
 Mackenzie, William Warrender, 1st Baron Amulree ( 1917 )
 Marks, George Croydon, 1st and last Baron Marks ( 1917 )
 McLaren, Florence Priscilla ( 1917 )
 Perry, Perceval Lea Dewhurst, 1st and last Baron Perry ( 1917 )
 Sebag-Montefiore, Edmund ( 1917 )
 Villiers-Stuart, William Desmond ( 1917 )
 Windham, William ( 1917 )
 Armstrong-Jones, Robert ( 1918 )
 Barcroft, Joseph ( 1918 )
 Barrow, Oscar Theodore ( 1918 )
 Basset, Edith Basset ( 1918 )
 Bathe, Phyllis ( 1918 )
 Benn, Ernest John Pickstone, 2nd Bt. ( 1918 )
 Birkmyre, Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Bonham, Edith Florence ( 1918 )
 Brassey, Mabel Annie ( 1918 )
 Browning, Jeffrey ( 1918 )
 Bryant, Francis Morgan ( 1918 )
 Burney, Sydney Bernard ( 1918 )
 Cadogan, Sophie Beatrix Mary ( 1918 )
 Carmichael, James Forrest Halkett ( 1918 )
 Catto, Thomas Sivewright, 1st Baron Catto ( 1918 )
 Colclough, Beauchamp Urquhart ( 1918 )
 Compton, Douglas James Cecil ( 1918 )
 Cornwallis-West, Constance Edwina ( 1918 )
 Cripps, Leonard Harrison ( 1918 )
 Douglas-Pennant, Muriel, Viscountess Daventry ( 1918 )
 Duncombe, Charles William Ernest ( 1918 )
 FitzGerald, Francis John ( 1918 )
 Fraser, Helen Charlotte Isabella ( 1918 )
 Fraser, William, 1st Baron Strathalmond ( 1918 )
 Frederick, George Charles ( 1918 )
 Galton, Laura Gwendolen Douglas ( 1918 )
 Gore, St. John Corbet ( 1918 )
 Goschen, George Joachim, 2nd Viscount Goschen ( 1918 )
 Grierson, William Wylie ( 1918 )
 Guest, Blanche Vere ( 1918 )
 Guest, Corisande Evelyn Vere ( 1918 )
 Guise, Anselm Verner Lee ( 1918 )
 Guthrie, Violet Hunter ( 1918 )
 Hay, Susan Elizabeth Clementine ( 1918 )
 Howard, Charlotte Josephine ( 1918 )
 Hurcomb, Cyril William, 1st Baron Hurcomb ( 1918 )
 Hussey, Mildred Harriet ( 1918 )
 Iliffe, Edward Mauger, 1st Baron Iliffe ( 1918 )
 Lawrence, Alfred Clive ( 1918 )
 Lloyd, Rosamund Angharad ( 1918 )
 Mackworth, John Dolben ( 1918 )
 Macnaghten, Terence Charles ( 1918 )
 Maguire, James Rochfort ( 1918 )
 Marr, James, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Masson, David Orme ( 1918 )
 Mather-Jackson, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1918 )
 Maunsell, Richard Edward Lloyd ( 1918 )
 McNair, Arnold Duncan, 1st Baron McNair ( 1918 )
 Mitchell-Thomson, William, 1st Baron Selsdon ( 1918 )
 Molesworth, William ( 1918 )
 Nicholson, John Sanctuary ( 1918 )
 Nightingale, Thomas Slingsby ( 1918 )
 Paget, Eden Wilberforce ( 1918 )
 Paget, Muriel Helen Florence ( 1918 )
 Palmer, Claude Bowes ( 1918 )
 Peel, Ellen ( 1918 )
 Pochin, Laura Elizabeth ( 1918 )
 Reid, Jean Templeton ( 1918 )
 Ridley, Cecil Guy ( 1918 )
 Russell, Ellen ( 1918 )
 Sclater-Booth, Eleanor Birch ( 1918 )
 Sheridan, Sophie Florence Lothrop ( 1918 )
 Siddeley, John Davenport, 1st Baron Kenilworth ( 1918 )
 Slater, Alexander Ransford ( 1918 )
 Smith, Walter William Marriott ( 1918 )
 Stamp, Josiah Charles, 1st Baron Stamp ( 1918 )
 Stevenson, Frances Louise ( 1918 )
 Struthers, Mary ( 1918 )
 Talbot, Reginald Gilbert Murray ( 1918 )
 Thomas, Florence ( 1918 )
 Vesey, Sydney Philip Charles ( 1918 )
 Walpole, Hugh Seymour ( 1918 )
 Walrond, Georgina Grenfell ( 1918 )
 Ward, Edith Amelia ( 1918 )
 Wilson, Joseph Maitland ( 1918 )
 Yarrow, Harold Edgar, 2nd Bt. ( 1918 )
 Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke ( 1919 )
 Adam, Herbert Algernon ( 1919 )
 Allenby, Frederick Claude Hynman ( 1919 )
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1919 )
 Bailey, Joseph Henry Russell, 2nd Baron Glanusk of Glanusk Park ( 1919 )
 Balfour, James Moncreiffe ( 1919 )
 Baring, Everard ( 1919 )
 Barnes, Ronald Gorell, 3rd Baron Gorell ( 1919 )
 Barrett-Lennard, John ( 1919 )
 Barry, Stanley Leonard ( 1919 )
 Bayley, Arthur George ( 1919 )
 Beauchamp, Frank, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Bentinck, Walter Guy, Baron Bentinck ( 1919 )
 Bigham, Charles Clive, 2nd Viscount Mersey ( 1919 )
 Blackett, Henry ( 1919 )
 Blakeney, William Edward Albemarle ( 1919 )
 Blunt, Conrad Edward Grant ( 1919 )
 Boles, Dennis Fortescue, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Boothby, Frederick Lewis Maitland ( 1919 )
 Bowman, Humphrey Ernest ( 1919 )
 Boyle, John David ( 1919 )
 Brabazon, Reginald le Normand, 13th Earl of Meath ( 1919 )
 Brereton, Frederick Sadleir ( 1919 )
 Brooke, Ronald George ( 1919 )
 Bruce, Wilfrid Montagu ( 1919 )
 Buchan, Norman Macleod, of Auchmacoy, 18th Earl of Caithness ( 1919 )
 Burbidge, Richard Woodman, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Burn-Clerk-Rattray, Paul Robert, of Craighall-Rattray, 27th of Rattray ( 1919 )
 Burnett, Charles Stuart ( 1919 )
 Burrell, Merrik Raymond, 7th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Cadogan, Gerald Oakley, 6th Earl Cadogan ( 1919 )
 Campbell, Charles Stewart ( 1919 )
 Campbell, Robert Garrett ( 1919 )
 Carleton, Montgomery Lancelot ( 1919 )
 Caulfeild, Francis William John ( 1919 )
 Caulfeild, James Montgomerie ( 1919 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Thomas Reginald ( 1919 )
 Chadwyck-Healey, Gerald Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Chaytor, D'Arcy ( 1919 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Reginald George ( 1919 )
 Cholmondeley, Hugh Cecil ( 1919 )
 Cummins, Henry Ashley Travers ( 1919 )
 Dalzell, Charlotte Emma Maud ( 1919 )
 Dashwood, Edmund William ( 1919 )
 Dawnay, Alan Geoffrey Charles ( 1919 )
 Dewar, Kenneth Gilbert Balmain ( 1919 )
 Drummond, Laurence George ( 1919 )
 Egerton, Philip ( 1919 )
 Ellis, Henrietta Christobel ( 1919 )
 Eustace, Alexander Henry ( 1919 )
 Fane, Anthony Mildmay Julian, 13th Earl of Westmorland ( 1919 )
 Fenwick, Edwin Hurry ( 1919 )
 FitzHerbert, Norman ( 1919 )
 Fitzmaurice, Robert ( 1919 )
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles de Meuron, 7th Earl Fitzwilliam ( 1919 )
 Forbes, Charles Hay ( 1919 )
 Garsia, Herbert George Anderson ( 1919 )
 Godley, Godfrey Archibald ( 1919 )
 Grattan, O'Donnel Colley ( 1919 )
 Gretton, John, 1st Baron Gretton ( 1919 )
 Guest, Frederick Edward ( 1919 )
 Hackett, Robert Isaac Dalby ( 1919 )
 Halsey, Arthur ( 1919 )
 Hambro, Harold Everard ( 1919 )
 Hamilton, Agnes Moore ( 1919 )
 Harrison, Cholmeley Edward Carl Branfill ( 1919 )
 Hawkins, Herbert Pennell ( 1919 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Charles Henry Brabazon ( 1919 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Edward Henry FitzHardinge ( 1919 )
 Henniker, Alan ( 1919 )
 Hepburne-Scott, Walter George, 9th Lord Polwarth ( 1919 )
 Herbert, Edward Sydney ( 1919 )
 Herbert, Victoria Alexandrina Mary Cecil ( 1919 )
 Hewett, George Stuart ( 1919 )
 Hewett, Paul ( 1919 )
 Hill, Marcus Rowley ( 1919 )
 Hoghton, James, 11th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Hordern, Arthur Venables Calveley ( 1919 )
 Hoskyns-Abrahall, Bennet ( 1919 )
 Howard, William Gilbert ( 1919 )
 Hughes-Onslow, Henry Douglas ( 1919 )
 Innes, James William Guy ( 1919 )
 James, Cuthbert ( 1919 )
 Jebb, Gladwyn Dundas ( 1919 )
 Keane, Richard Henry ( 1919 )
 Keyes, Adrian St. Vincent ( 1919 )
 Knapp, Arthur Rowland ( 1919 )
 Le Marchant, Edward Thomas, 4th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Legard, Alfred Digby ( 1919 )
 Legge, Francis Cecil ( 1919 )
 Leslie, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Lindsay, D'Arcy, 20th of Dowhill ( 1919 )
 Mackintosh, Alfred Donald, 28th of Mackintosh ( 1919 )
 Makgill, Robert Haldane ( 1919 )
 Marindin, Cecil Colvile ( 1919 )
 Massy-Dawson, Grace Catherine Rose ( 1919 )
 Maud, Philip ( 1919 )
 Maunsell, Francis Richard ( 1919 )
 Miller, Alfred Douglas ( 1919 )
 Minchin, Frederick Frank Reilly ( 1919 )
 Montagu, Edward ( 1919 )
 Montmorency, Geoffrey Fitz-Hervey ( 1919 )
 Moore, Thomas Cecil Russell, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Morison, Theodore ( 1919 )
 Mulholland, Helen Mary ( 1919 )
 Nelson, Maurice Henry Horatio ( 1919 )
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st Baron Newall ( 1919 )
 O'Brien, Aubrey John ( 1919 )
 Oliver, Charles Augustus ( 1919 )
 Oliver, Richard John Deane ( 1919 )
 Onslow, Cranley Charlton ( 1919 )
 Osmaston, Cecil Alvend FitzHerbert ( 1919 )
 Paget, Beatrice Eleanor ( 1919 )
 Paget, Henry Edward Clarence ( 1919 )
 Palmer, Mabel Laura Georgiana ( 1919 )
 Pelham, Frederick Sidney ( 1919 )
 Percy, Alan Ian, 8th Duke of Northumberland ( 1919 )
 Percy, William Richard ( 1919 )
 Peto, Geoffrey Kelsall ( 1919 )
 Piercy, William, 1st Baron Piercy ( 1919 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob, 6th Earl of Radnor ( 1919 )
 Pollen, Francis Gabriel Hungerford ( 1919 )
 Raeburn, Ernest Manifold ( 1919 )
 Ramsden, Herbert Frescheville Smyth ( 1919 )
 Rawlinson, Alfred, 3rd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Remnant, James Farquharson, 1st Baron Remnant ( 1919 )
 Richardson, Lewis, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Riddell, Edward Vansittart Dick ( 1919 )
 Roper, Alexander William ( 1919 )
 Rous, George Edward John Mowbray, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke ( 1919 )
 Rous, Gwendoline Audrey Adeline Brudenell ( 1919 )
 Rowley, Howard Fiennes Julius ( 1919 )
 Shakerley, Walter Geoffrey, 3rd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Sinclair, Hugh Montgomerie ( 1919 )
 Somerset, George FitzRoy Henry, 3rd Baron Raglan ( 1919 )
 Spears, Edward Louis, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Richard Greville Arthur Wellington ( 1919 )
 Stewart, Arthur Courtenay ( 1919 )
 Stirling, George Murray Home, 9th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Stobart, George Herbert ( 1919 )
 Stoney, Ralph Durrant Sadleir ( 1919 )
 Stracey, John Bourchier ( 1919 )
 Strutt, Edward Lisle ( 1919 )
 Thomson, Christopher Birdwood, Baron Thomson ( 1919 )
 Thorold, Hayford Douglas ( 1919 )
 Tottenham, Percy Marmaduke ( 1919 )
 Trench, Frederick Æmilius ( 1919 )
 Trotter, Gerald Frederic ( 1919 )
 Vesey, Osbert Eustace ( 1919 )
 Villiers, Charles Walter ( 1919 )
 Waring, Holburt Jacob, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Warren, Thomas Richard Pennefather, 8th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Webb-Johnson, Alfred Edward, 1st and last Baron Webb-Johnson ( 1919 )
 Whitaker, Albert Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Willey, Francis Vernon, 2nd Baron Barnby ( 1919 )
 Woodhouse, Horace Martin, 3rd Baron Terrington ( 1919 )
 Wrey, William Bourchier Sherard ( 1919 )
 Wrightson, Charles Archibald Wise ( 1919 )
 Acland, Alfred Dyke ( 1920 )
 Bampfylde, Violet Marcia Catherine Warwick ( 1920 )
 Baring, Jane Emma ( 1920 )
 Bartolucci, Candida Louise ( 1920 )
 Bell, Mary Katherine ( 1920 )
 Betterton, Henry Bucknall, 1st and last Baron Rushcliffe ( 1920 )
 Bibby, Frank ( 1920 )
 Blacker, George Francis ( 1920 )
 Buckworth, Mildred Mary ( 1920 )
 Butler, Isabella Lilly ( 1920 )
 Caine, Gordon Ralph Hall ( 1920 )
 Campbell, Gerald FitzGerald ( 1920 )
 Cavendish, Katherine Caroline ( 1920 )
 Charley, Harold Richard ( 1920 )
 Clauson, Albert Charles, 1st and last Baron Clauson ( 1920 )
 Coke, Mary ( 1920 )
 Coote, Florence Anita Eyre ( 1920 )
 Cotton-Jodrell, Dorothy Lynch ( 1920 )
 Cubitt, Helen Laura ( 1920 )
 Cunliffe-Owen, Frederick Philip Lewis ( 1920 )
 Cunningham, Lucy Bertram ( 1920 )
 Cunningham, Mary Elizabeth ( 1920 )
 Cunningham, Sarah Catherine ( 1920 )
 Dobbs, Charles Fairlie ( 1920 )
 Evans-Freke, Georgiana Dorothea Harriet ( 1920 )
 Gandy, Henry Garnett ( 1920 )
 Glyn, Florence Elizabeth Mary ( 1920 )
 Gordon, Grace Cecile ( 1920 )
 Gordon-Duff, Thomas Duff, 9th of Drummuir and 11th of Park ( 1920 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Helen Magdalan ( 1920 )
 Gough-Calthorpe, Dorothy ( 1920 )
 Grayson, Henry Mulleneux, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Harte, Marion ( 1920 )
 Hatton, Madeline Frances ( 1920 )
 Hobson, Dorothy Helen ( 1920 )
 Hodges-Nugent, Charles Hugh Hodges ( 1920 )
 Hodgson, Hilda Mary ( 1920 )
 Hogg, Ethel Mary ( 1920 )
 Houstoun-Boswall-Preston, Alistair ( 1920 )
 Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1920 )
 Irwin, May Imelda Josephine ( 1920 )
 Isaacs, Barberina Rogers ( 1920 )
 James, Arthur Godfrey ( 1920 )
 Keown-Boyd, Alexander William ( 1920 )
 King, James Edward ( 1920 )
 Kinnaird, Emily Cecilia ( 1920 )
 Lampson, Curtis Walter ( 1920 )
 Lascelles, Margaret Selina ( 1920 )
 Lett, Hugh, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Macdonell, Æneas Ranald, 21st of Glengarry ( 1920 )
 Marsham, George ( 1920 )
 Maud, Henry ( 1920 )
 McDonnell, Mabel Harriet ( 1920 )
 Meade, Francis Henry ( 1920 )
 Morris, Mai Alice Magdalene ( 1920 )
 Murray, Marjorie Louisa ( 1920 )
 Nevill, Joan Marion ( 1920 )
 New, Norah Marjorie ( 1920 )
 Oliver, Marion ( 1920 )
 Onslow, Gwendolen Florence Mary ( 1920 )
 Ormsby-Gore, Emily ( 1920 )
 Peel, Florence Caroline ( 1920 )
 Perugia, Marie ( 1920 )
 Phillimore, Valentine Egerton Bagot ( 1920 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Wilma ( 1920 )
 Portal, Adela Harriet ( 1920 )
 Rice, Ellen ( 1920 )
 Richards, Harriet Diana Arabella Mary ( 1920 )
 Robbins, Rowland Richard ( 1920 )
 Roberts, Walmorth Howland ( 1920 )
 Sackville-West, Cecilie Victoria ( 1920 )
 Sergison, Editha Elma ( 1920 )
 Slade, Lucia ( 1920 )
 Smith, Mary Emma ( 1920 )
 Smith, Thomas Rudolph Hampden, 2nd Bt. ( 1920 )
 St. John, Henry Beauchamp ( 1920 )
 Stamer, Arthur Cowie ( 1920 )
 Stewart-Mackenzie, Susan Mary Elizabeth ( 1920 )
 Strutt, Geoffrey St. John ( 1920 )
 Stuart-Wortley, Caroline Susan Theodora ( 1920 )
 Thynne, Alice Emma ( 1920 )
 Trench, Ernest Frederic Crosbie ( 1920 )
 Trevelyan, George Macaulay ( 1920 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Gerard Yorke ( 1920 )
 Tyssen-Amherst, Alicia Margaret ( 1920 )
 Vigors, Kathleen Mary ( 1920 )
 Wedderburn, Alexander Dundas Ogilvy ( 1920 )
 Brooke, Basil Stanlake, 1st Viscount Brookeborough ( 1921 )
 Fowler, Edward Gardiner ( 1921 )
 McClintock, John Knox ( 1921 )
 Mulholland, Charles Henry George, 3rd Baron Dunleath of Ballywalter ( 1921 )
 Stephen, Beatrice ( 1921 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Richard Southwell Windham Robert, 6th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl ( 1921 )
 Aylmer, Henry Evans-Freke ( 1922 )
 Bainbridge, Eva Jeffie ( 1922 )
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Bryan Henry ( 1922 )
 Elphinstone-Dalrymple, Francis Napier, 7th Bt. ( 1922 )
 Forbes, Evelyn Elizabeth ( 1922 )
 Fraser, William Jocelyn Ian, Baron Fraser of Lonsdale ( 1922 )
 Keble, Alfred Ernest Conquer ( 1922 )
 Kirkpatrick, Charles ( 1922 )
 Molesworth, Hugh Wilson ( 1922 )
 Pakenham, George de la Poer Beresford ( 1922 )
 Barron, Netterville Guy ( 1923 )
 Chancellor, Alexander Richard ( 1923 )
 Weldon, Ernest Steuart ( 1923 )
 Capell, Algernon Essex ( 1924 )
 Anson, George Augustus ( 1925 )
 Carter, John Fillis Carré ( 1925 )
 Morgan, Courtenay Charles Evan, 1st Viscount Tredegar ( 1925 )
 Anthony, Henry Montesquieu ( 1926 )
 Blennerhassett, Marie Carola Franciska Roselyne ( 1926 )
 Dobbs, Richard Conway ( 1926 )
 Furness, Robert Allason ( 1926 )
 Gamble, Victor Felix ( 1926 )
 James, Fullarton, 6th Bt. ( 1926 )
 North, Frances Hilda ( 1926 )
 Peake, Frederick Gerald ( 1926 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Stuart ( 1926 )
 Waley Cohen, Jacob ( 1926 )
 Campbell, John Maxwell ( 1927 )
 O'Brien, Edward ( 1927 )
 Parsons, Arthur Edward Broadbent ( 1927 )
 Boughey, George Menteth, 9th Bt. ( 1928 )
 Smith, Harry Reginald Walter Marriott ( 1928 )
 Strutt, Arthur Charles ( 1928 )
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees Prendergast, 6th Viscount Gort, V.C. ( 1928 )
 Badeley, Henry John Fanshawe, 1st and last Baron Badeley ( 1929 )
 Prescott, William Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1929 )
 Smith, Reginald Montagu Bosworth ( 1929 )
 Thorold, Ernest Hayford ( 1929 )
 Ashton, Julian Rossi ( 1930 )
 Boyle, Walter John Harry ( 1930 )
 Durrant, Adela Constance Alexandrina ( 1930 )
 Macarthur-Onslow, Rosa Sheila ( 1930 )
 Maitland-Heriot, William ( 1930 )
 Balfour, Francis Cecil Campbell ( 1931 )
 Pepys, George Digby ( 1931 )
 Russ, Sidney ( 1931 )
 Cargill, Gertrude Margaret ( 1932 )
 Seager, George Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton of Saint Mellons ( 1932 )
 Babington, John Tremayne ( 1934 )
 Fairbairn, Bernard William Murray ( 1934 )
 Havilland, Geoffrey ( 1934 )
 Master, Mildred Estelle Sybella ( 1934 )
 Tennant, Clayre Jessie ( 1934 )
 Fyfe, Cleveland ( 1935 )
 Hawkins, Charles Cæsar ( 1935 )
 Oliphant, Laurence Richard ( 1935 )
 Pope, Cuthbert John ( 1935 )
 Warburton, Augusta ( 1935 )
 Caulfeild, Francis Wade ( 1936 )
 Erskine, Walter Hugh ( 1936 )
 Every, Edward Francis ( 1936 )
 Howe, Thomas Edward Barham ( 1936 )
 Bosville, Celia Violet ( 1937 )
 Cave-Browne, William ( 1937 )
 Cotton, Vere Egerton ( 1937 )
 Croker, Edward James O'Brien ( 1937 )
 Darwin, Bernard Richard Meirion ( 1937 )
 MacEwen, Mary Ethel Winifred ( 1937 )
 Montagu, James Drogo ( 1937 )
 Verney, Reynell Henry ( 1937 )
 Wyndham, Madeline Pamela Constance Blanche ( 1937 )
 Best, Margaret Mary ( 1938 )
 Mallinson, Stuart Sidney ( 1938 )
 Ridley, Matthew White, 3rd Viscount Ridley ( 1938 )
 Campbell, Angus Dudley ( 1939 )
 Cavendish, Richard Charles Alexander ( 1939 )
 Cochrane, Ralph Alexander ( 1939 )
 Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape ( 1939 )
 Hale, Gertrude Annie ( 1939 )
 Horsburgh, Florence Gertrude, Baroness Horsburgh ( 1939 )
 Llewellin, John Jestyn, 1st Baron Llewellin ( 1939 )
 Pym, Charles Evelyn ( 1939 )
 Somerset, Ada Frances ( 1939 )
 Weeks, Ronald Morce, 1st and last Baron Weeks ( 1939 )
 Church, Geoffrey Selby, 2nd Bt. ( 1940 )
 Grant-Suttie, Hubert Francis ( 1940 )
 Harding, Allan Francis John, 1st Baron Harding of Petherton ( 1940 )
 Hutchison, Balfour Oliphant ( 1940 )
 Johnson, Guy Allen Colpoys Ormsby ( 1940 )
 Laurie, John Emilius, of Maxwelton, 6th Bt. ( 1940 )
 Leese, Oliver William Hargreaves, 3rd Bt. ( 1940 )
 Massy, Charles Walter ( 1940 )
 Phillimore, William Raigersfeld ( 1940 )
 Ramsden, William Havelock Chaplin ( 1940 )
 Warren, Edward Galway ( 1940 )
 Balfour, Ruth ( 1941 )
 Cole-Hamilton, John Beresford ( 1941 )
 Maxse, Sarah Algeria Marjorie ( 1941 )
 Napier-Clavering, Noel Warren ( 1941 )
 Sheffield, John Vincent ( 1941 )
 Stamer, William Donovan ( 1941 )
 Wake-Walker, William Frederic ( 1941 )
 Benyon, Richard ( 1942 )
 Buxton, Roden Henry Victor ( 1942 )
 D'Arcy, John Conyers ( 1942 )
 Duckworth, Francis Robinson Gladstone ( 1942 )
 Dukes, Charles, 1st and last Baron Dukeston ( 1942 )
 Dundas, John George Lawrence ( 1942 )
 Dunphie, Charles Anderson Lane ( 1942 )
 Franks, Oliver Shewell, Baron Franks ( 1942 )
 Hordern, Archibald Frederick ( 1942 )
 Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1942 )
 Lloyd, Wilfrid Lewis ( 1942 )
 Mackworth, Philip Herbert ( 1942 )
 Millar, Edric William Hoyer ( 1942 )
 Pelly, Claude Bernard Raymond ( 1942 )
 Purey-Cust, Richard Brownlow ( 1942 )
 Redcliffe-Maud, John Primatt, Baron Redcliffe-Maud ( 1942 )
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge ( 1942 )
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim ( 1942 )
 Summers, Geoffrey, 1st Bt. ( 1942 )
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Oliver ( 1942 )
 Thorold, Henry Karslake ( 1942 )
 Whitaker, John Albert Charles, 2nd Bt. ( 1942 )
 Archdale, William Porter Palgrave ( 1943 )
 Ashley, Edwina Cynthia Annette ( 1943 )
 Aykroyd, Wallace Ruddell ( 1943 )
 Beaumont, Wentworth Henry Canning, 2nd Viscount Allendale ( 1943 )
 Bethell, Jocelyn Slingsby ( 1943 )
 Blood, William Edmund Robarts ( 1943 )
 Campbell-Orde, Alan Colin ( 1943 )
 Dennis, Meade Edward ( 1943 )
 Douglas, Archibald Sholto George ( 1943 )
 Erlanger, Gerard John Regis Leo ( 1943 )
 Erskine-Murray, Arthur ( 1943 )
 Havelock, Eric Henry Edwardes ( 1943 )
 Marshall, Jeanette Marcia ( 1943 )
 Maunsell, Raymond John ( 1943 )
 O'Connell, Donal Bernard ( 1943 )
 Russell, Guy Herbrand Edward ( 1943 )
 Snow, Charles Percy, Baron Snow ( 1943 )
 Strachey, Oliver ( 1943 )
 Westropp, Victor John Eric ( 1943 )
 White, Cecil Meadows Frith ( 1943 )
 Arbuthnott, Robert Keith, 15th Viscount Arbuthnott ( 1944 )
 Back, Terence Hugh ( 1944 )
 Best, Humphrey Willie ( 1944 )
 Burnett, Leslie Trew, 2nd Bt. ( 1944 )
 Cunliffe, Robert Lionel Brooke ( 1944 )
 Floyd, Henry Robert Kincaid, 5th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Gage, Richard Francis O’Donnell ( 1944 )
 Kendrew, Douglas Anthony ( 1944 )
 Liddell, Guy Maynard ( 1944 )
 Maclean, FitzRoy Hew, of Dunconnel, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Napier, John Lenox Clavering ( 1944 )
 Neville, Alfred Geoffrey ( 1944 )
 Pasley, Joseph Montagu Sabine ( 1944 )
 Rivett-Carnac, James William ( 1944 )
 Roberts, Gilbert Howland ( 1944 )
 St. Clair, George James Paul ( 1944 )
 Vyvyan, Ralph Ernest ( 1944 )
 Weir, James Kenneth, 2nd Viscount Weir ( 1944 )
 Williams, Edgar Trevor ( 1944 )
 Wingfield-Stratford, Geoffrey Edward ( 1944 )
 Astley, Philip Reginald ( 1945 )
 Babington Smith, Michael James ( 1945 )
 Barrington-Ward, Victor Michael ( 1945 )
 Bayley, Kennett ( 1945 )
 Bowlby, Cuthbert Francis Bond ( 1945 )
 Boyle, Dermot ( 1945 )
 Browne, Dominick Andrew Sidney ( 1945 )
 Browne, Jack Nixon, Baron Craigton ( 1945 )
 Buchanan-Smith, Alick Drummond, Baron Balerno ( 1945 )
 Calder, Peter Ritchie, Baron Ritchie-Calder ( 1945 )
 Carver, Richard Michael Power, Baron Carver ( 1945 )
 Cavendish, Maud Louisa Emma ( 1945 )
 Cavendish, Ralph Henry Voltelin ( 1945 )
 Chapman, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 Daly, George Dermot ( 1945 )
 Eden, Henry Charles Hamilton ( 1945 )
 Erskine, Robert George ( 1945 )
 Evans, Geoffrey Charles ( 1945 )
 Eve, Raymond Alister Trustram ( 1945 )
 FitzGeorge-Balfour, Robert George Victor ( 1945 )
 Fock, John Henry Edward, 6th Baron de Robeck ( 1945 )
 Gilmour, Anne Margaret ( 1945 )
 Harris, Lawrence Anstie ( 1945 )
 Henn, Thomas Rice ( 1945 )
 Herbert, Edward Robert Henry, 5th Earl of Powis ( 1945 )
 Hunt, Henry Cecil John, Baron Hunt ( 1945 )
 Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marquess of Reading ( 1945 )
 Kirkpatrick, Herbert James ( 1945 )
 Lake, Ernest Atwell Winter ( 1945 )
 Low, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron Aldington ( 1945 )
 MacDougall, George Donald Alastair ( 1945 )
 Mackenzie, Roderick Edward François McQuhae, of Scatwell, 11th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Maxwell, Dennis Crichton ( 1945 )
 Morris, John William, Baron Morris of Borth-y-Gest ( 1945 )
 Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, 1st Baron Poole ( 1945 )
 Porritt, Arthur Espie, Baron Porritt ( 1945 )
 Price, Denis ( 1945 )
 Rea, Alec Lionel ( 1945 )
 Rees, Thomas Wynford ( 1945 )
 Ridley, Vera Emily ( 1945 )
 Russell, Edward Frederick Langley, 2nd Baron Russell of Liverpool ( 1945 )
 Russell, John Hugo, 3rd Baron Ampthill ( 1945 )
 Smyth-Osbourne, Henry Percy ( 1945 )
 Somerset, Nigel FitzRoy ( 1945 )
 Stronge, Humphrey Cecil Travell ( 1945 )
 Tarleton, Gerald Weldon Browne ( 1945 )
 Tryon-Wilson, Charles Edward ( 1945 )
 Upjohn, Gerald Ritchie, Baron Upjohn ( 1945 )
 Usher, Thomas Clive ( 1945 )
 Walker, Claude Frederick ( 1945 )
 Waterlow, William James, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 William-Powlett, Peveril Barton Reibey ( 1945 )
 Williams, Edward Francis, Baron Francis-Williams ( 1945 )
 Younger, James Paton ( 1945 )
 Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, Richard Hamilton, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Arcedeckne-Butler, St. John Desmond ( 1946 )
 Beauchamp, Willoughby Greaves ( 1946 )
 Becher, Ralph Frederick Richard ( 1946 )
 Benson, Henry Alexander, Baron Benson ( 1946 )
 Blackburn, Arthur Seaforth, V.C. ( 1946 )
 Boylan, Edward Thomas Arthur George ( 1946 )
 Bridgeman, Maurice Richard ( 1946 )
 Brooke, Basil Charles Barrington ( 1946 )
 Burbidge, Richard Grant Woodman, 3rd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Clarke, Edward Neville ( 1946 )
 Coote, John Ralph, 14th Bt. ( 1946 )
 Dawnay, Christopher Payan ( 1946 )
 Denison-Pender, John Jocelyn, 2nd Baron Pender ( 1946 )
 Dunphie, Geoffrey Peter Woodroffe ( 1946 )
 Erskine, John Maxwell, 1st Baron Erskine of Rerrick ( 1946 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Mary Alice ( 1946 )
 Godley, Brian Richard ( 1946 )
 Goff, Reginald Stannus ( 1946 )
 Goodenough, Michael Grant ( 1946 )
 Gordon-Duff, George Edward ( 1946 )
 Guinness, Edward Douglas ( 1946 )
 Hastings, Edward George Godolphin ( 1946 )
 Hazlerigg, Thomas Maynard ( 1946 )
 Head, Antony Henry, 1st Viscount Head ( 1946 )
 Herbert, Charles Edward Mercer ( 1946 )
 Hill-Wood, Wilfred William Hill ( 1946 )
 Houldsworth, William Thomas Reginald, 3rd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Kahn, Richard Ferdinand, Baron Kahn ( 1946 )
 Lindsay, George Mackintosh ( 1946 )
 Lucas, Hubert Francis ( 1946 )
 Meynell, Mary Margaret Desiree ( 1946 )
 Montague, Frederick, 1st Baron Amwell ( 1946 )
 Potter, Arthur Kingscote ( 1946 )
 Riddell, Peter John Archibald ( 1946 )
 Sassoon, Sybil Rachel Betty Cecile ( 1946 )
 Smijth-Windham, William Russell ( 1946 )
 Sprot, Mabel Elizabeth ( 1946 )
 Stamp, Laurence Dudley ( 1946 )
 Sturdee, Lionel Arthur Doveton, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Tennant, Katharine, Baroness Elliot of Harwood ( 1946 )
 Thurlow, Edward Guy Lethbridge ( 1946 )
 Thynne, Brian Sheridan ( 1946 )
 Traill, Henry Austin ( 1946 )
 Waterlow, Thomas Gordon, 3rd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne ( 1947 )
 Brazier-Creagh, Kilner Rupert ( 1947 )
 Chapple, Esther Ellen ( 1947 )
 Cusack, Henry Vernon ( 1947 )
 Erskine, Ian David ( 1947 )
 MacDermot, Dermot Francis, The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin ( 1947 )
 Peek, Violet Eveline ( 1947 )
 Stannus, Edris ( 1947 )
 Telfer Smollett, Alexander Patrick Drummond ( 1947 )
 Throckmorton, Geoffrey Berkeley William ( 1947 )
 Trappes-Lomax, Thomas Byrnand ( 1947 )
 Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole ( 1948 )
 Burden, Thomas William, 1st Baron Burden ( 1948 )
 Dewar, Alfred Charles ( 1948 )
 Dorman, Bedford Lockwood, 2nd Bt. ( 1948 )
 Ferguson, John Frederick ( 1948 )
 McEntee, Valentine La Touche, 1st and last Baron McEntee ( 1948 )
 St. George, Clifford Fortescue Loftus ( 1948 )
 Wills, Walter Douglas Melville ( 1948 )
 Wodehouse, Edmond ( 1948 )
 Blackley, Travers Robert ( 1949 )
 Blackwood, Algernon Henry ( 1949 )
 Bruce, Clarence Napier, 3rd Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1949 )
 Erskine, Malcolm David ( 1949 ), posthumous
 Fagan, Brian Walter ( 1949 )
 Franks, John Gerald ( 1949 )
 Gordon, Alexander Robert Gisborne ( 1949 )
 Hodge, Alice Ida ( 1949 )
 Lyttelton, Hester Margaret ( 1949 )
 Pinsent, John Ryland ( 1949 )
 Wynn, Rowland Tempest Beresford ( 1949 )
 Bruce, John Hamilton ( 1950 )
 D'Arcy, Thomas Norman ( 1950 )
 Dawson, Hugh Trevor, 2nd Bt. ( 1950 )
 Dunn, Patrick Hunter ( 1950 )
 Garbutt, Richard Henderson Owen ( 1950 )
 Geddes, Charles John, Baron Geddes of Epsom ( 1950 )
 Holderness, Ernest William Elsmie, 2nd Bt. ( 1950 )
 James, Ughtred Henry Ramsden ( 1950 )
 Jebb, Eglantyne Mary ( 1950 )
 Lyttelton, Mary Hermione ( 1950 )
 Meeking, Daisy Finola ( 1950 )
 Meysey-Thompson, Hubert Charles ( 1950 )
 Montagu, Henrietta ( 1950 )
 Montgomery, Ernest John ( 1950 )
 Paget, Edward Francis ( 1950 )
 Price, Lillian Nancy Bache ( 1950 )
 Spence, Roger Hierom Gerard Ogilvy ( 1950 )
 Tollemache, Humphrey Thomas, 6th Bt. ( 1950 )
 Williamson, Thomas, Baron Williamson ( 1950 )
 Cadman, Richard ( 1951 )
 Coleridge, Richard Duke, 4th Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1951 )
 Coote, Denis Ivor ( 1951 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Archibald ( 1951 )
 Hutchison, Cecil Tait ( 1951 )
 Macarthur-Onslow, Denzil ( 1951 )
 Millar, Olive Christine ( 1951 )
 Packer, Douglas Frank ( 1951 )
 Popplewell, Ernest, Baron Popplewell ( 1951 )
 Robinson, Adrian ( 1951 )
 Samuel-Montagu, Ewen Edward Samuel ( 1951 )
 Stirling, William Gurdon ( 1951 )
 Strachey, Philippa ( 1951 )
 Taylor, William Johnson, 1st Bt. ( 1951 )
 Bowman, James, 1st Bt. ( 1952 )
 Cornwallis, Julia Dorothy ( 1952 )
 Drake, Arthur Eric Courtney ( 1952 )
 Eden, George Wilfrid ( 1952 )
 Grosvenor, Beatrice Elizabeth Katherine ( 1952 )
 Hope, Adrian Price Webley ( 1952 )
 Horsbrugh, May Eudora ( 1952 )
 Jebb, Geraldine Emma May ( 1952 )
 Lindsay, Martin Alexander, of Dowhill, 1st Bt. ( 1952 )
 Lubbock, Percy ( 1952 )
 Meeking, Viola Emily Mildred ( 1952 )
 Redgrave, Michael Scudamore ( 1952 )
 Stoney, Ralph Francis Ewart ( 1952 )
 Stopford, Frederick Victor ( 1952 )
 Villiers, Robert Alexander ( 1952 )
 Willink, John Humphrey Wakefield ( 1952 )
 Babington, Hume ( 1953 )
 Bacon, Alice Martha, Baroness Bacon ( 1953 )
 Bowden, Herbert William, Baron Aylestone ( 1953 )
 Cadogan, Alexandra Mary Hilda ( 1953 )
 Colville, George Cecil ( 1953 )
 Fox-Strangways, Vivian ( 1953 )
 Goodbody, Richard Wakefield ( 1953 )
 Gore, Ralph Thomas ( 1953 )
 Graham, Bevis Royal ( 1953 )
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1953 )
 Henniker, Mark Chandos Auberon, 8th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Llewellyn, Henry Morton, 3rd Bt. ( 1953 )
 Milne-Watson, Michael, 3rd Bt. ( 1953 )
 Reade, Mary Spencer Revell ( 1953 )
 Skyrme, William Thomas Charles ( 1953 )
 St. Clair-Ford, Peter ( 1953 )
 Whitefoord, Hugh Penry ( 1953 )
 Wynyard, Diana ( 1953 )
 Allsopp, Samuel Ranulph ( 1954 )
 Anstruther-Gray, Jean Helen St. Clair ( 1954 )
 Barnett, Oliver Charles ( 1954 )
 Connor, John Richard ( 1954 )
 Cooke-Collis, Edward Cunliffe ( 1954 )
 Cust, Lionel George Arthur ( 1954 )
 Darwin, Robert Vere ( 1954 )
 Fletcher, Charles Montague ( 1954 )
 Grey, Geoffrey Ernest Adair ( 1954 )
 Kenyon, Kathleen Mary ( 1954 )
 Lane, William Arbuthnot, 2nd Bt. ( 1954 )
 McFarland, Basil Alexander Talbot, 2nd Bt. ( 1954 )
 Parker, Robert William ( 1954 )
 Sebright, Giles Edward, 13th Bt. ( 1954 )
 Shaw, Glen Byam ( 1954 )
 Vivian, Alexandra Mary Freesia ( 1954 )
 Younger, Ralph ( 1954 )
 Archdall, Mervyn ( 1955 )
 Crane, Evelyn Sherbrooke ( 1955 )
 Gathorne-Hardy, John David, 4th Earl of Cranbrook ( 1955 )
 Grattan, Henry ( 1955 )
 Henn, William Francis ( 1955 )
 Montagu, Lilian Helen ( 1955 )
 Pakenham, Richard Hercules Wingfield ( 1955 )
 Taylor, George ( 1955 )
 Teacher, Anthony Donald Macdonald ( 1955 )
 Browne, John Francis Archibald, 6th Baron Kilmaine ( 1956 )
 Bruce, Robert ( 1956 )
 Burrell, Walter Raymond, 8th Bt. ( 1956 )
 Collett, Thomas Kingsley ( 1956 )
 Constantine, Theodore, Baron Constantine of Stanmore ( 1956 )
 Cooper, Alfred Cecil ( 1956 )
 Cusack, John Ralph ( 1956 )
 Fiske, William Geoffrey, Baron Fiske ( 1956 )
 Hargreaves, Kenneth ( 1956 )
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Henry Charles, 7th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1956 )
 Hughes, William, Baron Hughes ( 1956 )
 Philipson-Stow, Audrey Frances Philipson ( 1956 )
 Sitwell, Francis Osbert Sacheverell, 5th Bt. ( 1956 )
 Sorsbie, Malin ( 1956 )
 Taylor, Ernest Edward ( 1956 )
 Torby, Anastasia Mikhailovna, Countess de Torby ( 1956 )
 Wedgwood, Cicely Veronica ( 1956 )
 Wynne-Finch, John Charles ( 1956 )
 Agnew, Norris Montgomerie ( 1957 )
 Beaton, Cecil Walter Hardy ( 1957 )
 Burrell, Peter Eustace ( 1957 )
 Eccles, Philip Campbell ( 1957 )
 Fulton, Angus Anderson ( 1957 )
 Hanmer, Margaret Evelyn ( 1957 )
 Harington, Charles Henry Pepys ( 1957 )
 Haughton, John Wilfred ( 1957 )
 Hepper, Montagu Geoffrey Almaric ( 1957 )
 Holland-Hibbert, Julian Thurstan, 5th Viscount Knutsford ( 1957 )
 McAlpine, Robin ( 1957 )
 Mond, Eva Violet ( 1957 )
 Petrie, Charles Alexander, 3rd Bt. ( 1957 )
 Philipps, William Speke ( 1957 )
 Robson, Marie Enid ( 1957 )
 Wakeman, Offley, 4th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Weld Forester, Wolstan Beaumont Charles ( 1957 )
 Beaumont, Margaret Helen ( 1958 )
 Boulton, William Whytehead, 3rd Bt. ( 1958 )
 Brooke, Oliver George ( 1958 )
 Bunbury, Francis Ramsey St. Pierre ( 1958 )
 Chance, William Hugh Stobart ( 1958 )
 Hamilton, Godfrey John ( 1958 )
 Henderson, May Agnes Florence ( 1958 )
 Hope-Wallace, Dorothy Jaqueline ( 1958 )
 Lloyd-Baker, Olive Katherine Lloyd ( 1958 )
 Magan, William Morgan Tilson ( 1958 )
 Molesworth, George Noble ( 1958 )
 Tritton, Geoffrey Ernest, 3rd Bt. ( 1958 )
 Woolley, Harold, Baron Woolley ( 1958 )
 Armytage, Reginald William ( 1959 )
 Clerk, Margery Alice ( 1959 )
 Heycock, Llewellyn, Baron Heycock ( 1959 )
 O'Brien, Turlough Aubrey ( 1959 )
 Roper, Edward Gregson ( 1959 )
 Salt, Barbara ( 1959 )
 Somers Cocks, John Sebastian ( 1959 )
 Soothill, Marjorie Gray ( 1959 )
 Stephens, Frederick ( 1959 )
 Betjeman, John ( 1960 )
 Chavasse, Paul Morrison Bushe ( 1960 )
 Gibbs, Anstice Rosa ( 1960 )
 Gore, Francis Norton Wentworth ( 1960 )
 Grisewood, Harman Joseph Gerard ( 1960 )
 Stapleton Fitzalan Howard, Miles Francis, 17th Duke of Norfolk ( 1960 )
 Thesiger, Ernest Frederic Graham ( 1960 )
 Wake, Joan ( 1960 )
 fforde, John Patrick Ilbert ( 1960 )
 Backhouse, Edward Henry Walford ( 1961 )
 Block, David Arthur Kennedy William ( 1961 )
 Chapman, Robert MacGowan, 2nd Bt. ( 1961 )
 Collison, Harold Francis, Baron Collison ( 1961 )
 Curzon, Edward Richard Assheton Penn, 6th Earl Howe ( 1961 )
 Greene, Elisabeth Joy ( 1961 )
 Grenfell, Sybil Vera ( 1961 )
 Hirst, Irene Phyllis ( 1961 )
 Leslie, Helen Margaret ( 1961 )
 Pargiter, George Albert, Baron Pargiter ( 1961 )
 Style, Godfrey William ( 1961 )
 Walthall, Leigh Edward Delves ( 1961 )
 Weldon, Hamilton Edward Crosdill ( 1961 )
 Alexander, Clare Helen ( 1962 )
 Bernard, Charles Broderick Amyass ( 1962 )
 Boggis-Rolfe, Hume ( 1962 )
 Curlewis, Adrian Herbert ( 1962 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael ( 1962 )
 Gosling, O. W. ( 1962 )
 Grant, Elspeth Josceline ( 1962 )
 Hodgkinson, William Derek ( 1962 )
 Lascelles, Henry Anthony ( 1962 )
 Pakington, Herbert Stuart, 4th Baron Hampton ( 1962 )
 Rhys, Charles Arthur Uryan, 8th Baron Dynevor of Dynevor ( 1962 )
 Spender, Stephen Harold ( 1962 )
 Walker, Anne ( 1962 )
 Acton, Thomas Heward ( 1963 )
 Campbell, Hester Maud Vere ( 1963 )
 Cecil, William Alexander Evering, 3rd Baron Amherst of Hackney ( 1963 )
 Gordon, David George Ian Alexander, 4th Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1963 )
 Hall, Peter Reginald Frederick ( 1963 )
 Jessel, Edward Herbert, 2nd Baron Jessel ( 1963 )
 Reyntiens, Priscilla Cecilia Maria Worsthorne ( 1963 )
 Selwyn, Dorothy Theresa ( 1963 )
 Stopford Sackville, Nigel Victor ( 1963 )
 Turner-Cain, George Robert ( 1963 )
 White, Archibald John Ramsay ( 1963 )
 Whitworth, Reginald Henry ( 1963 )
 Buchan, John Norman Stuart, 2nd Baron Tweedsmuir ( 1964 )
 Campbell, Alastair, 4th Baron Stratheden of Cupar and Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1964 )
 Chichester, Francis Charles ( 1964 )
 Goring, John ( 1964 )
 Grimston, Joan Florence Mary ( 1964 )
 Haworth, Michael Goodier ( 1964 )
 Heathcote, Gilbert Simon, 9th Bt. ( 1964 )
 Lycett Green, Edward Stephen, 4th Bt. ( 1964 )
 Macartney-Filgate, John Victor Openshaw ( 1964 )
 Malcolm, Kenneth Robert ( 1964 )
 McColville, Mabel Helen ( 1964 )
 Pakenham, Henry Desmond Verner ( 1964 )
 Pease, Elinor Dorothea ( 1964 )
 Roberts, Thomas Langdon Howland, 6th Bt. ( 1964 )
 Smith, David John ( 1964 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, David Eustace Martindale ( 1964 )
 Woodbine Parish, David Elmer ( 1964 )
 Wright, Lewis Tatham, Baron Wright of Ashton-under-Lyne ( 1964 )
 Campbell, Ian Robert ( 1965 )
 Congreve, Ambrose Christian ( 1965 )
 Cotterell, Richard Charles Geers, 5th Bt. ( 1965 )
 Davis, John King ( 1965 )
 Henniker-Heaton, Clement Algernon Charles ( 1965 )
 Jebb, David Gladwyn ( 1965 )
 Loder, Robert Eric ( 1965 )
 Mackenzie-Kennedy, Archibald Gordon ( 1965 )
 Mackie, Maitland ( 1965 )
 Marr, Allan James ( 1965 )
 Montague Browne, Anthony Arthur Duncan ( 1965 )
 Moser, Claus Adolf, Baron Moser ( 1965 )
 Barton, Hugh David MacEwen ( 1966 )
 Bennett, Oliver Bosshardt ( 1966 )
 Bromhead, Robert Benjamin Gonville ( 1966 )
 Bursill, Evelyn Joyce, Baroness Denington ( 1966 )
 Clerk, John Dutton, of Penicuik, 10th Bt. ( 1966 )
 Collier-Wright, John Hurrell ( 1966 )
 Collins, William Alexander Roy ( 1966 )
 Conolly-Carew, William Francis, 6th Baron Carew ( 1966 )
 Croft Murray, Edward Frederick ( 1966 )
 Greene, Sidney Francis, Baron Greene of Harrow Weald ( 1966 )
 Ponsonby, Myles Walter ( 1966 )
 Taylor, Harry Bernard, Baron Taylor of Mansfield ( 1966 )
 Wilson, Alexander James ( 1966 )
 Bagot, Millicent Jessie Eleanor ( 1967 )
 Beaumont, Ralph Edward Blackett ( 1967 )
 Beck, Edgar Charles ( 1967 )
 Cameron, Neil, Baron Cameron of Balhousie ( 1967 )
 Coke, Gerald Edward ( 1967 )
 Floyer-Acland, Stafford Nugent ( 1967 )
 Haldane, Archibald Richard Burdon ( 1967 )
 Mahon, John Denis ( 1967 )
 Raikes, Iwan Geoffrey ( 1967 )
 Rugge-Price, Anthony Arthur Keith ( 1967 )
 Trevelyan, Pauline ( 1967 )
 Andrews, David ( 1968 )
 Buchan, Alastair Francis ( 1968 )
 Bull, Anthony ( 1968 )
 Cohen, Elsie Sybil ( 1968 )
 Cripps, John Stafford ( 1968 )
 Gibbs, Roland Christopher ( 1968 )
 MacDermot, Brian Charles ( 1968 )
 Macpherson, Ronald Thomas Stewart, of Biallid ( 1968 )
 Molesworth-St. Aubyn, John, 14th Bt. ( 1968 )
 Piercy, Penelope Katherine ( 1968 )
 Pilcher, Charles Dennis ( 1968 )
 Thesiger, Wilfred Patrick ( 1968 )
 Trevelyan, Mary ( 1968 )
 Bamford, Joseph Cyril ( 1969 )
 Cory-Wright, Douglas ( 1969 )
 Palmer, Charles Alan Salier ( 1969 )
 Royle, Allan ( 1969 )
 Samuel, Godfrey Herbert ( 1969 )
 Williams-Wynn, Owen Watkin, 10th Bt. ( 1969 )
 Younger, John William, 3rd Bt. ( 1969 )
 Brett, Lionel Gordon Baliol, 4th Viscount Esher ( 1970 )
 Falkender, Marcia Matilda, Baroness Falkender ( 1970 )
 Garnett, William John Poulton Maxwell ( 1970 )
 Hudson, Peter ( 1970 )
 Kadoorie, Lawrence, Baron Kadoorie ( 1970 )
 Legge, David Alexander Keppel ( 1970 )
 Montague, Michael Jacob, Baron Montague of Oxford ( 1970 )
 Plowright, Joan Ann ( 1970 )
 Shillington, Robert Edward Graham ( 1970 )
 Wilson, Peter Cecil ( 1970 )
 Barton, Hugh Ronald ( 1971 )
 Cooke, John Sholto Fitzpatrick ( 1971 )
 Mackie, George Yull, Baron Mackie of Benshie ( 1971 )
 Magnus-Allcroft, Philip, 2nd Bt. ( 1971 )
 Nicolson, Lionel Benedict ( 1971 )
 Norman, Nigel Desmond ( 1971 )
 Strutt, Lavinia Mary ( 1971 )
 Trevelyan, John ( 1971 )
 Wills, Hugh David Hamilton ( 1971 )
 Bolt, Robert Oxton ( 1972 )
 Brockbank, John Myles ( 1972 )
 Cowdrey, Michael Colin, Baron Cowdrey of Tonbridge ( 1972 )
 Fraser, Ian James ( 1972 )
 Synnot, Anthony Monckton ( 1972 )
 Tyrell-Kenyon, Lloyd, 5th Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington ( 1972 )
 Williams-Wynne, John Francis ( 1972 )
 Cubitt, Charles Guy ( 1973 )
 Hughes-Morgan, David John, 3rd Bt. ( 1973 )
 Kevill-Davies, Christopher Evelyn ( 1973 )
 Quennell, Peter Courtney ( 1973 )
 Scarlett, John Leopold Campbell ( 1973 )
 Torrens, Betty Ann ( 1973 )
 Abbott, Albert Francis ( 1974 )
 Attenborough, David Frederick ( 1974 )
 Caulfeild, Toby St. George ( 1974 )
 Greenaway, Derek Burdick, 2nd Bt. ( 1974 )
 Grenfell, Pascoe Christian Victor Francis, 2nd Baron Grenfell ( 1974 )
 Harman, Elizabeth ( 1974 )
 Hurd, Douglas Richard, Baron Hurd of Westwell ( 1974 )
 Mostyn, Joseph David Frederick ( 1974 )
 Taylor, Thomas, Baron Taylor of Blackburn ( 1974 )
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Patrick Robin Gilbert, 4th Baron Derwent ( 1974 )
 Wills, Frederick Anthony Hamilton, 2nd Baron Dulverton ( 1974 )
 Wingate, Reginald Eric Lennard ( 1974 )
 Baddeley, Angela ( 1975 )
 Montgomery, David Bernard, 2nd Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ( 1975 )
 Sieff, Michael David ( 1975 )
 Smith, John Lindsay Eric ( 1975 )
 Bagnold, Enid ( 1976 )
 Chubb, George Hayter, 3rd Baron Hayter ( 1976 )
 Denman, Charles Spencer, 5th Baron Denman of Dovedale ( 1976 )
 Feilden, Bernard Melchior ( 1976 )
 Hodgkin, Gordon Howard Eliot ( 1976 )
 Knights, Philip Douglas, Baron Knights ( 1976 )
 Underhill, Henry Reginald, Baron Underhill ( 1976 )
 Clark, Michael William ( 1977 )
 Cornwall-Legh, Charles Legh Shuldham, 5th Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1977 )
 Cubitt, Hugh Guy ( 1977 )
 Duckworth, Geoffrey Loraine Dyce ( 1977 )
 Dundas, Hugh Spencer Lisle ( 1977 )
 Morgan, Elizabeth Shirley Vaughan ( 1977 )
 Noble, Peter Saxton Fitzjames ( 1977 )
 Ridsdale, Julian Errington ( 1977 )
 Rix, Brian Norman Roger, Baron Rix ( 1977 )
 Sterling, Jeffrey Maurice, Baron Sterling of Plaistow ( 1977 )
 Swire, John Anthony ( 1977 )
 Acland, John Hugh Bevil ( 1978 )
 MacMillan, John Richard Alexander ( 1978 )
 Myatt, Beryl Catherine, Baroness Platt of Writtle ( 1978 )
 Neave, Julius Arthur Sheffield ( 1978 )
 Rees, William Linford Llewelyn ( 1978 )
 Wintour, Charles Vere ( 1978 )
 Yerburgh, Robert Guy Eardley, 2nd Baron Alvingham ( 1978 )
 Gladwin, Derek Oliver, Baron Gladwin of Clee ( 1979 )
 Kilpatrick, Robert, Baron Kilpatrick of Kincraig ( 1979 )
 Brown, Frederick Richard ( 1980 )
 Eyre, James Ainsworth Campden Gabriel ( 1980 )
 Faulkner, James Dennis Compton ( 1980 )
 Miles, Charles William Noel ( 1980 )
 Murray, John Anthony Jerningham ( 1980 )
 Smith, Robert Courtney ( 1980 )
 Williams, Charles Cutherbert Powell, Baron Williams of Elvel ( 1980 )
 Ashton, Simon Claude ( 1981 )
 Bowness, Peter Spencer, Baron Bowness ( 1981 )
 Cobham, Michael ( 1981 )
 Leigh, William Henry Gerard ( 1981 )
 Nickson, David Wigley, Baron Nickson ( 1981 )
 Stevenson, Henry Dennistoun, Baron Stevenson of Coddenham ( 1981 )
 Butterworth, John Blackstock, Baron Butterworth ( 1982 )
 Harris, John Hulme ( 1982 )
 Howarth, Alan Thomas, Baron Howarth of Newport ( 1982 )
 Lehmann, Rosamond Nina ( 1982 )
 Rothschild, Miriam Louisa ( 1982 )
 Sandberg, Michael Graham Ruddock, Baron Sandberg ( 1982 )
 Scott, Peter Francis ( 1982 )
 Cripps, Anne Theresa ( 1983 )
 Dunn, Lydia Selina, Baroness Dunn ( 1983 )
 Holme, Richard Gordon, Baron Holme of Cheltenham ( 1983 )
 Lewis, Trevor Oswin ( 1983 )
 Lowther, John Luke ( 1983 )
 Macready, Nevil John Wilfrid, 3rd Bt. ( 1983 )
 Palmer, William Alexander ( 1983 )
 Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam ( 1983 )
 Scarr, Desmond Eric Renforth ( 1983 )
 Triggs, Emily May, Baroness Blatch ( 1983 )
 Airy, Christopher John ( 1984 )
 Alliance, David, Baron Alliance ( 1984 )
 Christopher, Anthony Martin Grosvenor, Baron Christopher ( 1984 )
 Corbett, Uvedale ( 1984 )
 Galbraith, James Muir Galloway ( 1984 )
 Gordon, James Stuart, Baron Gordon of Strathblane ( 1984 )
 Seely, David Peter, 4th Baron Mottistone ( 1984 )
 Sewel, John Buttifant, Baron Sewel ( 1984 )
 Buckley, Mary Graham ( 1985 )
 Camm, Julia Frances, Baroness Cumberlege ( 1985 )
 Davey, Kenneth John ( 1985 )
 Dugdale, William Stratford, 2nd Bt. ( 1985 )
 Eccles, John Dawson, 2nd Viscount Eccles ( 1985 )
 Lamb, Kenneth Henry Lowry ( 1985 )
 Ponsonby, Robert Noel ( 1985 )
 Rothschild, Leopold David ( 1985 )
 Suenson-Taylor, Kenneth Bent, 2nd Baron Grantchester ( 1985 )
 Tyler, Paul Archer, Baron Tyler ( 1985 )
 Walker, Michael Giles Neish ( 1985 )
 Watson, Alan John, Baron Watson of Richmond ( 1985 )
 Arbuthnott, John Campbell, 16th Viscount Arbuthnott ( 1986 )
 Batty, Patience Hélène Mary ( 1986 )
 Davies, Islwyn Edmund Evan ( 1986 )
 Dunwoody, John Elliott Orr ( 1986 )
 Elworthy, Timothy Charles ( 1986 )
 Gore, Francis St. John Corbet ( 1986 )
 Greene, Graham Carleton ( 1986 )
 Greig, Henry Louis Carron ( 1986 )
 Guinness, James Edward Alexander Rundell ( 1986 )
 Henshaw, Clinton Lionel Guy Grant ( 1986 )
 Oman, Julia Trevelyan ( 1986 )
 Preston, Roger Saint Clair ( 1986 )
 Russell, Geoffrey Denis Erskine, 4th Baron Ampthill ( 1986 )
 Thompson, John William McWean ( 1986 )
 Daniell, Patrick John ( 1987 )
 Gore, Frederick John Pym ( 1987 )
 Runciman, Walter Garrison, 3rd Viscount Runciman of Doxford ( 1987 )
 Russell, James Cecil Cumine, of Aden ( 1987 )
 Scott, Michael Ian Eldon ( 1987 )
 Campbell, David Archibald ( 1988 )
 Clement-Jones, Timothy Francis, Baron Clement-Jones ( 1988 )
 Rigg, Enid Diana Elizabeth ( 1988 )
 Boissier, Beatrice Mary June ( 1989 )
 Bott, Edward Charles Arden ( 1989 )
 Hamilton-Smith, Ian Anthony, 3rd Baron Colwyn ( 1989 )
 Hives, John Warwick, 2nd Baron Hives ( 1989 )
 Ward, Gerald John ( 1989 )
 Forte, Olga ( 1990 )
 Fuller, Anthony Gerard Fleetwood ( 1990 )
 Gavron, Robert, Baron Gavron ( 1990 )
 Gilbert, Martin ( 1990 )
 Hart Dyke, David ( 1990 )
 James, John Nigel Courtenay ( 1990 )
 James, Ursula Mary-Rose ( 1990 )
 Ling, John de Courcy ( 1990 )
 Loder, Robert Beauclerk ( 1990 )
 MacDermot, Niall ( 1990 )
 Moss, Jean, Baroness Denton of Wakefield ( 1990 )
 Vyvyan, Charles Gerard Courtenay ( 1990 )
 Arbuthnott, Robert ( 1991 )
 Burch, Jonathan Alexander ( 1991 )
 Daiches, David ( 1991 )
 Douglas-Home, David Alexander Cospatrick, 15th Earl of Home ( 1991 )
 Leslie, Jean ( 1991 )
 Lush, Sylvia Rosalind ( 1991 )
 Mackie, Maitland ( 1991 )
 Moores, Peter ( 1991 )
 Mountbatten, Patricia Edwina Victoria, Countess Mountbatten of Burma ( 1991 )
 Simon, David Alec Gwyn, Baron Simon of Highbury ( 1991 )
 Tate, Henry Saxon, 5th Bt. ( 1991 )
 Tope, Graham Norman, Baron Tope ( 1991 )
 Bruce, James Michael Edward ( 1992 )
 Cairns, Simon Dallas, 6th Earl Cairns ( 1992 )
 Constable-Maxwell, Ann Mary Teresa ( 1992 )
 Dixon, Thomas Robin Valerian, 3rd Baron Glentoran ( 1992 )
 Hodgson, Robin Granville, Baron Hodgson of Astley Abbotts ( 1992 )
 Horne, Alistair Allan ( 1992 )
 Hutchison, Peter Craft, of Rossie, 2nd Bt. ( 1992 )
 Jordan, William Brian, Baron Jordan ( 1992 )
 Leigh-Pemberton, Jeremy ( 1992 )
 Stern, Vivien Helen, Baroness Stern ( 1992 )
 True, Nicholas Edward, Baron True ( 1992 )
 Copleston, Frederick Charles ( 1993 )
 Fox, Robert Trench ( 1993 )
 Greenall, Gilbert ( 1993 )
 Hamlyn, Paul Bertrand, Baron Hamlyn ( 1993 )
 Knatchbull, John Ulick, 7th Baron Brabourne of Brabourne ( 1993 )
 Lawrie, Janet Delahoy ( 1993 )
 Lindsay, Oliver John Martin ( 1993 )
 Long, Richard Gerard, 4th Viscount Long ( 1993 )
 Razzall, Edward Timothy, Baron Razzall ( 1993 )
 Saunders Watson, Leslie Michael MacDonald ( 1993 )
 Astor, David Waldorf ( 1994 )
 Bethell, David Allan, 5th Baron Westbury ( 1994 )
 Bromhead, David de Gonville ( 1994 )
 Errington, Stuart Grant ( 1994 )
 Livsey, Richard Arthur Lloyd, Baron Livsey of Talgarth ( 1994 )
 Peel, Jonathan Sidney ( 1994 )
 Bagri, Raj Kumar, Baron Bagri ( 1995 )
 Brougham, Michael John, 5th Baron Brougham and Vaux ( 1995 )
 Dyer, Simon ( 1995 )
 Farmar, Mary Alice ( 1995 )
 Hill, Jonathan Hopkin, Baron Hill of Oareford ( 1995 )
 Laming, William Herbert, Baron Laming ( 1995 )
 Prashar, Usha Kumari, Baroness Prashar ( 1995 )
 Vereker, Charles John Prendergast ( 1995 )
 Davies, David Garfield, Baron Davies of Coity ( 1996 )
 Grasemann, Ruth Barbara, Baroness Rendell of Babergh ( 1996 )
 Monro, Seymour Hector Russell Hale ( 1996 )
 Phipps, Jeremy Julian Joseph ( 1996 )
 Ashby, Michael Farries ( 1997 )
 Baden-Powell, Betty St. Clair ( 1997 )
 Bhattacharyya, Sushantha Kumar, Baron Bhattacharyya ( 1997 )
 Bowman, James Thomas ( 1997 )
 Cavendish, Peregrine Andrew Morny, 12th Duke of Devonshire ( 1997 )
 Filkin, David Geoffrey Nigel, Baron Filkin ( 1997 )
 Little, Ian Malcolm David ( 1997 )
 Macdonald, Angus John, Baron Macdonald of Tradeston ( 1997 )
 McColl, Ian, Baron McColl of Dulwich ( 1997 )
 Plowden, Anna Bridget ( 1997 )
 Spark, Joan Brownlow, Baroness Hanham ( 1997 )
 Thomas, Terence James, Baron Thomas of Macclesfield ( 1997 )
 Bridgeman, Teresa Anne ( 1998 )
 Clarke, Anthony James, Baron Clarke of Hampstead ( 1998 )
 Evans, Matthew, Baron Evans of Temple Guiting ( 1998 )
 Grade, Michael Ian ( 1998 )
 Howard, Alan Mackenzie ( 1998 )
 Kee, Robert ( 1998 )
 Whitfield, June Rosemary ( 1998 )
 Wyndham-Baker, Mark Alexander ( 1998 )
 Galsworthy, Arthur Michael Johnstone ( 1999 )
 Joffe, Joel Goodman, Baron Joffe ( 1999 )
 Marshall, Michael John ( 1999 )
 Nicholson, Robin Alaster ( 1999 )
 Pakenham, Antonia Margaret Caroline ( 1999 )
 Shand, Elspeth Rosamund Morton, Baroness Howe of Idlicote ( 1999 )
 Strang Steel, Fiennes Michael, of Philiphaugh, 3rd Bt. ( 1999 )
 Brown, Heather Renwick, Baroness Brigstocke ( 2000 )
 Byrne, Denise Patricia, Baroness Kingsmill ( 2000 )
 Durie, Andrew Maule Dewar, of Durie ( 2000 )
 Greenfield, Susan Adele, Baroness Greenfield ( 2000 )
 Hemsley, Thomas Jeffrey ( 2000 )
 Low, Colin Mackenzie, Baron Low of Dalston ( 2000 )
 Porritt, Jonathon Espie, 2nd Bt. ( 2000 )
 Seymour, Jane ( 2000 )
 Ackland, Sidney Edmond Jocelyn ( 2001 )
 Bailey, David ( 2001 )
 Jowell, Roger Mark ( 2001 )
 Lee, Christopher Frank Carandini ( 2001 )
 Seymour, Julian Roger ( 2001 )
 Sporborg, Christopher Henry ( 2001 )
 Baring, Nicholas Hugo ( 2002 )
 Bergne, Alexander Paul a Court ( 2002 )
 Graham, Andrew John Noble, 5th Bt. ( 2002 )
 Style, Charles Rodney ( 2002 )
 Britten, Alan Edward Marsh ( 2003 )
 Campbell, Susan Catherine, Baroness Campbell of Loughborough ( 2003 )
 Monro, Hugh Brisbane Henry Ewart ( 2003 )
 Clarke, John Theobald ( 2004 )
 Ribeiro, Bernard Francisco, Baron Ribeiro ( 2004 )
 Bevan, Timothy John ( 2005 )
 Coke, Edward Douglas, 7th Earl of Leicester of Holkham ( 2005 )
 Donaghy, Rita Margaret, Baroness Donaghy ( 2005 )
 Hall, Anthony William, Baron Hall of Birkenhead ( 2005 )
 Binney, Marcus Hugh Crofton ( 2006 )
 Humphries, John Barry ( 2007 )
 Logue, Christopher ( 2007 )
 Marx, Clare Lucy ( 2007 )
 Buckmaster, Theresa ( 2008 )
 Morgan, Janet ( 2008 )
 Stein, Maria Donata Nanetta Paulina Gustava Erwina Wilhelmine ( 2008 )
 Aitken, Robert Hanbury Tenison ( 2009 )
 Clegg, Hugh Anthony ( 2009 )
 Douglas-Riley, Timothy Roger ( 2009 )
 Hervey-Bathurst, James Felton ( 2009 )
 Proby, William Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 2009 )
 Stansky, Marina Alandra ( 2009 )
 Younger, James Samuel ( 2009 )
 Reid, Susan Carole ( 2010 )
 Allom, Fiona Ferelith, Baroness Hodgson of Abinger ( 2012 )
 Bonham Carter, Helena ( 2012 )
 Carlile, Alexander Charles, Baron Carlile of Berriew ( 2012 )
 Chancellor, Alexander Surtees ( 2012 )
 Laylie, Catherine Irene Jacqueline, Baroness Meyer ( 2012 )
 Winslet, Kate Elizabeth ( 2012 )
 Bridges, Margaret Evelyn ( 2013 )
 Linklater, Magnus Duncan ( 2013 )
 Brady, Karren Rita, Baroness Brady ( 2014 )
 Cooper, Penelope Ann ( 2014 )
 Hambro, Rupert Nicholas ( 2014 )
 Janner, Ruth Joan Gertrude Rahle ( 2014 )
 Meinertzhagen, Robert Daniel ( 2014 )
 Turton, Victoria Harriet Lucy ( 2014 )
 Staniforth, Sarah Elizabeth ( 2015 )
 Choudrey, Zameer Mohammed, Baron Choudrey ( 2016 )
 Henig, Simon Antony ( 2016 )
 Micklethwait, Richard John ( 2016 )
 Moore, Susan ( 2016 )
 Grayling, Anthony Clifford ( 2017 )
 Hattersley, Andrew Tym ( 2017 )
 Parente, William Henry Marcello ( 2017 )
 Gascoigne, Arthur Bamber ( 2018 )
 Willis, Katherine Jane, Baroness Willis of Summertown ( 2018 )
 Woodhouse, Nicholas Michael John ( 2020 )
 Carswell, Sally Jean ( 2022 )
Count equals 2542 individuals.
Commander, Royal Victorian Order (C.V.O.)
 Acland, William Alison Dyke, 2nd Bt.
 Adams-Connor, Harry George
 Allison, Ronald William Paul
 Allt, Greenhouse
 Argenti, Philip Pandely
 Ayrton-Grime, Philip
 Baird, Ariel Olivia Winifred
 Balfour, Edward William Sturgis, 9th of Balbirnie
 Barclay, George Head
 Barclay, Humphrey Gordon
 Beaumont-Nesbitt, Frederick George
 Benson, Frank
 Bingley, Robert Albert Glanville
 Black, Colin Mackenzie
 Bolden, John Leonard
 Bonham-Carter, John Arkwright
 Bonham-Carter, Stuart Sumner
 Boothby, William Osbert
 Boulton, Harold Edwin, 2nd Bt.
 Bowly, William Arthur Travell
 Bradley, George Granville
 Brinton, John Chaytor
 Broadwood, Arthur
 Buist, Colin
 Butler, Esmond Unwin
 Butler, Montagu Sherard Dawes
 Butler, Nevile Montagu
 Campbell, Barrington Bulkeley, 3rd Baron Blythswood
 Campbell, Duncan Alexander Dundas, of Barcaldine, 3rd Bt.
 Campbell, John
 Carington, Rupert Clement George, 4th Baron Carrington of Upton
 Carr, William Greenwood
 Cartwright, Francis Jack
 Caws, Richard Byron
 Cheney, John Norman
 Clauson, Eugene
 Cleverly, Osmund Somers
 Clifton, Peter Thomas
 Colville, Elizabeth Harriet
 Couchman, Walter Thomas
 Courage, Robert Anthony Gordon
 Crawford, Homewood
 Crawford, Robert Stewart
 Croft, William Dawson
 Crooke, James
 Cunningham-Jardine, Ronald Charles
 Davies, Anthony
 Dawson, Vesey John
 Dent, Francis Henry
 Duckworth, Robinson
 Dugdale, Frank
 Dumaresq, John Saumarez
 Dumas, Philip Wylie
 Duncan, John
 Edmondson, George D’Arcy
 Edwards, Bartle
 Edwards, James Valentine
 Eliot, Charles George Cornwallis
 Esch, Vincent Jerome
 Faulkner, Hugh Douglas Younger
 FitzGerald, Maurice, 2nd Bt.
 Fulford, Roger Thomas Baldwin
 Garcia, Manuel Rodriguez
 Gibbs, Lancelot Merivale
 Gibbs, William
 Goldney, Gabriel Prior, 2nd Bt.
 Gordon, George Grant
 Gossage, Ernest Leslie
 Grant, Arthur Rowland Harry
 Graves-Sawle, Francis Aylmer, 3rd Bt.
 Greig, Louis
 Guinness, Cecil Edward
 Haig, Arthur Balfour, 28th of Bemersyde
 Hall, Thomas Armitage
 Hamilton, Hubert Ion Wetherall
 Hammet, James Lacon
 Hanbury-Williams, John Coldbrook
 Harris, Charles Alexander
 Harvey, Charles Offley
 Harvey, Thomas Cockayne
 Hawksley, James Rose Price
 Hayman, Peter Telford
 Hervey, Frederick Alfred John
 Higgins, Henry Vincent
 Holroyd, John Hepworth
 Holt, Christopher Robert Vesey
 Hone, Muriel Decima
 Hornby, John James
 Houssemayne Du Boulay, Roger William
 Howitt, Alfred Bakewell
 Howitt, Frank Dutch
 Hussey, William Clive
 Hyde, George Francis
 Innes, Thomas, 5th of Learney and Cullerlie
 Innes-Ker, Alastair Robert
 Jackson, John
 James, John Morrice Cairns, Baron Saint Brides
 James, William Dodge
 Jeans, Francis William Hugh
 Jocelyn, Arthur Cecil
 Joly de Lotbinière, Seymour
 Jones, Inigo Richmund
 Knowles, Lees, 1st and last Bt.
 Lamb, William John
 Lambe, Charles Edward
 Lang, John Marshall
 Lang, Marshall Buchanan
 Lantsheere, Théophile
 Ley, James Clement
 Lindsay, Doreen
 Lindsay, Ronald Charles
 Lister, Reginald
 Lloyd, Wilford Neville
 Lombard-Hobson, Samuel Richard Le Hunte
 Lowther, Henry Cecil
 Lumsden, Walter
 Lyon, Francis
 MacRae, Colin William, of Feoirlinn
 Mackenzie, Douglas William Alexander Dalziel
 Maclellan, Andrew Patrick Withy
 Macmillan, Frederick Orridge
 Mallet, Victor Alexander Louis
 Marten, Francis Arthur
 Martineau, Philip Brian
 Mason, Dennis Howard
 Mathews, Ernest
 Maxwell, Joseph Archibald
 McCalmont, Hugh
 McHardy, William George
 McHardy, William George
 Miles, Herbert Scott Gould
 Mitchell, John Angus Macbeth
 Mitford, William Kenyon
 Moncrieff, David Charles Scott
 Montagu, Charles William Augustus
 Morris, Charles Sculthorpe
 Morton, Gerald de Courcy
 Muirhead, David Francis
 Mumford, Anthony
 Munthe, Axel
 Murray, David Paul
 Nelson-Ward, Philip
 Neuflize, unknown
 Newton, Francis James
 Nicolls, Basil Edward
 O'Kinealy, Doreen Elizabeth
 Oldham, Henry Hugh
 Olphert, John
 Paget, Paul Edward
 Palmer, Norman Craig
 Paravicini, Percy John
 Parker, John Michael Avison
 Parker, Michael Avison
 Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings, 1st Bt.
 Philipps, Grismond Picton
 Phillips, Mark Anthony Peter
 Phipps, William Duncan
 Pole-Carew, Reginald
 Ponsonby, Francis Noel
 Poore, Richard, 4th Bt.
 Poulton, Arthur Faulconer
 Prickard, Thomas Francis Vaughan
 Pridham-Wippell, Henry Daniel
 Rasch, David Alwyne Carne
 Ricardo, Horace
 Richmund-Jones, Inigo
 Riddell, John Charles Buchanan, of that Ilk, 13th Bt.
 Rothschild, Alfred Charles
 Rowan, Thomas Leslie
 Rowan, Thomas Leslie
 Russell, John Cecil
 Russell, Reginald Edmund Maghlin
 Saint, Stafford Eric
 Sale, Walter Morley
 Salmond, John Maitland
 Samuel, Adrian Christopher Ian
 Sandars, John Satterfield
 Sankey, Herbert Stuart
 Scott Brown, W. G.
 Scott, Robert Falcon
 Selby, Walford Harmood Montague
 Shelly, Richard Rashleigh
 Sinclair, James Roderick, 19th Earl of Caithness
 Smiley, Charles Michael
 Smith, Cecil Highat Harcourt
 Smith, Granville Roland Francis
 Smith, I. Manners, V.C.
 Smith-Rewse, Henry Whistler
 Snow, Henry Martin
 Spickernell, Frank Todd
 Spraggett, Richard William
 St. George, Diana Gillian Bligh
 St. John, Eva
 Stephens, David
 Sydney-Smith, Nicholas Peter T.
 Tanner, Lawrence Edward
 Thomas, Hugh Lloyd
 Thornton, Thomas Anson
 Tomkins, Julian Edward
 Trasenster, Michael Augustus Tulke
 Trend, Burke St John, Baron Trend
 Tudor, Oswald Peploe
 Tupper, Reginald Geoffrey Otway
 Turnbull, Andrew, Baron Turnbull
 Tyrwhitt, Hugh
 Villiers, Charles Hyde
 Wake-Walker, Baldwin, 2nd Bt.
 Walston, Henry David Leonard George, Baron Walston
 Walwyn, Fulke Thomas Tyndall
 Warre, Edmond
 Weldon, Anthony Arthur, 6th Bt.
 Wernher, Myra Alice
 Wickham, John Lamplugh
 Willoughby, Claude Henry Comaraich
 Winspeare Guicciardi, Vittorio, honorary
 Woodroffe, Charles Richard
 Wray, Cecil
 Wray, John Cecil
 Yorke, Alexander Grantham
 Zambra, William Warren Shaw
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1897 )
 Plunket, William Lee, 5th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1900 )
 Brocklehurst, John Fielden, 1st and last Baron Ranksborough ( 1901 )
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton, 12th Earl of Dundonald ( 1901 )
 Dalton, John Neale ( 1901 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1901 )
 Dawnay, Hugh Richard, 8th Viscount Downe ( 1902 )
 Ponsonby, Edward, 8th Earl of Bessborough ( 1902 )
 Rothschild, Leopold ( 1902 )
 Scott, Percy Moreton, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Baring, Everard ( 1903 )
 Farquhar, Arthur Murray ( 1903 )
 Feilding, Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine, 9th Earl of Denbigh ( 1903 )
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1903 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1903 )
 Lambart, Gustavus Francis William, 1st Bt. ( 1903 )
 Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1903 )
 Savile-Lumley, John Savile, 2nd Baron Savile of Rufford ( 1903 )
 Browne, Valentine Charles, 5th Earl of Kenmare ( 1904 )
 Waller, Stanier ( 1904 )
 Critchett, George Anderson, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Graham, James, 6th Duke of Montrose ( 1905 )
 Lockwood, Amelius Richard Mark, 1st and last Baron Lambourne ( 1905 )
 Neville, George ( 1905 )
 St. Aubyn, John Townshend, 2nd Baron St. Levan of St. Michaels Mount ( 1905 )
 Harford, Frederic Dundas ( 1906 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1906 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe ( 1906 )
 Rous, George Edward John Mowbray, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke ( 1906 )
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Trench, Frederic John Arthur ( 1906 )
 Grenfell, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Desborough ( 1907 )
 Hall, Francis Henry ( 1907 )
 King-Hall, George Fowler ( 1907 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 Maxse, Frederick Ivor ( 1907 )
 Montgomerie, Robert Archibald James ( 1907 )
 Paget, Ralph Spencer ( 1907 )
 Hamilton, Gavin George, 2nd Baron Hamilton of Dalzell ( 1908 )
 King-Hall, Herbert Goodenough ( 1908 )
 Peile, Arthur Lewis Babington ( 1908 )
 Rees, John David, 1st Bt. ( 1908 )
 Cecil, William ( 1909 )
 Cooper, Richard Joshua ( 1909 )
 Edmonstone, Archibald, of Duntreath, 5th Bt. ( 1909 )
 Fry, William ( 1909 )
 Kavanagh, Charles Toler MacMorrough ( 1909 )
 Shackleton, Ernest Henry ( 1909 )
 Gough-Calthorpe, Somerset Arthur ( 1910 )
 Grey, Raleigh ( 1910 )
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1910 )
 Walsh, Arthur Henry John, 3rd Baron Ormathwaite ( 1910 )
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 8th of Craigmillar and 13th of Liberton, 1st Bt. ( 1910 )
 Greenall, Gilbert, 1st Baron Daresbury ( 1911 )
 Rimington, Michael Frederic ( 1911 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1912 )
 Le Poer Trench, William ( 1912 )
 Cust, Lionel Henry ( 1914 )
 Lambton, William ( 1914 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1915 )
 Nevill, Richard Plantagenet ( 1916 )
 Lloyd-Verney, Harry ( 1917 )
 Gordon, Granville Cecil Douglas ( 1918 )
 Greville, Alwyn Henry Fulke ( 1918 )
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st Baron Keyes ( 1918 )
 Schuster, Claud, 1st and last Baron Schuster ( 1918 )
 Grigg, Edward William MacLeay, 1st Baron Altrincham ( 1919 )
 Henderson, Harold Greenwood ( 1919 )
 Kingscote, Thomas Arthur Fitzhardinge ( 1919 )
 Armytage, Percy ( 1920 )
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1920 )
 Maitland, William Whitaker ( 1921 )
 Verney, Ralph, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Bryant, Francis Morgan ( 1922 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, George Arthur Maurice, 2nd Baron Stanmore ( 1922 )
 McLintock, William, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
 Gower, Robert Patrick Malcolm ( 1923 )
 Kennard, Howard William ( 1923 )
 Annesley, Caryl Arthur, 12th Viscount of Valentia ( 1924 )
 Lindsay, William Alexander ( 1924 )
 Gore, St. John Corbet ( 1925 )
 Hope, Herbert Willes Webley ( 1925 )
 Liddell, Augustus Frederick ( 1925 )
 McMahon, Bernard William Lynedoch ( 1925 )
 Bonham, Eric Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1926 )
 Erskine, Arthur Edward ( 1926 )
 Hay, Arthur ( 1926 )
 Law, Ernest Philip Alphonso ( 1926 )
 Trotter, Gerald Frederic ( 1926 )
 Dalrymple-Hay, Charles John, of Park Place, 5th Bt. ( 1928 )
 Eliot, Montague Charles, 8th Earl of Saint Germans ( 1928 )
 Fry, Geoffrey Storrs, 1st and last Bt. ( 1929 )
 Cochrane, Arthur William Stewart ( 1931 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1932 )
 Lascelles, George Reginald ( 1934 )
 Bromley, Arthur, 8th Bt. ( 1935 )
 Campbell, Harold George ( 1935 )
 Mackinnon, Lachlan Donald Ian ( 1935 )
 Rasch, Guy Elland Carne ( 1936 )
 Seymour, Horace James ( 1936 )
 Annesley, Lettice ( 1937 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Victor Cecil ( 1937 )
 Davies, George Frederick ( 1937 )
 Howard, Arthur Jared Palmer ( 1937 )
 Nugent, Terence Edmund Gascoigne, 1st and last Baron Nugent ( 1937 )
 Yorke, Dorothy Constance Emily ( 1937 )
 Millar, Frederick Hoyer, 1st Baron Inchyra ( 1938 )
 Mackenzie, Eric Dighton ( 1939 )
 Gore, John Francis ( 1941 )
 Kerr, Louis William Howard ( 1942 )
 Balfour, Frederick Robert Stephen ( 1944 )
 Frederick, Edward Boscawen, 9th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Anderson-Pelham-Welby, Charles Cornwallis ( 1945 )
 Glyn, Marion Feodorovna Louise ( 1945 )
 Herbert, Sidney Charles, 16th Earl of Pembroke ( 1945 )
 Coke, John Spencer ( 1946 )
 Gwatkin, Norman Wilmshurst ( 1946 )
 Oliver-Bellasis, Richard ( 1946 )
 Penn, Arthur Horace ( 1946 )
 Thynne, Ulric Oliver ( 1946 )
 Hope, Mary Dorothea ( 1947 )
 Kenyon-Slaney, Sybil Agnes ( 1947 )
 Legge, Humphrey, 8th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1947 )
 Spencer, Adelaide Margaret Delia ( 1947 )
 Townsend, Peter Woolridge ( 1947 )
 Codrington, Geoffrey Ronald ( 1948 )
 Colville, John Rupert ( 1949 )
 Bellew, George Rothe ( 1950 )
 Weld Forester, Edric Alfred Cecil ( 1950 )
 Wilson, John Mitchell Harvey, 2nd Bt. ( 1950 )
 Dashwood, John Lindsay, 10th Bt. ( 1951 )
 Boyd-Rochfort, Cecil Charles ( 1952 )
 Gordon-Lennox, George Charles ( 1952 )
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Mark Edward ( 1952 )
 Pryce-Jones, Henry Morris ( 1952 )
 Agnew, William Godfrey ( 1953 )
 Arthur, Oswald Raynor ( 1953 )
 Balfour, Francis Cecil Campbell ( 1953 )
 Barclay, Roderick Edward ( 1953 )
 Bernard, Percy Ronald Gardner, 5th Earl of Bandon ( 1953 )
 Bingham, Ralph Charles ( 1953 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Victoria Alexandrina Violet ( 1953 )
 Colville, Richard ( 1953 )
 Conant, Roger John Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1953 )
 Dawnay, Oliver Payan ( 1953 )
 Hambro, Jean Frances ( 1953 )
 Reid, John Peter Lorne ( 1953 )
 Seymour, Margaret Katherine ( 1953 )
 St. George, Frederick Ferris Bligh ( 1953 )
 Studholme, Henry Gray, 1st Bt. ( 1953 )
 Vesey, Osbert Eustace ( 1953 )
 Wingfield, Maurice Anthony ( 1953 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Mary Rachel ( 1954 )
 Gilliat, Martin ( 1954 )
 Hone, Evelyn Dennison ( 1954 )
 Malcolm, Arthur William Alexander ( 1954 )
 Neville, Philip Lloyd ( 1954 )
 Adair, Allan Henry Shafto, 6th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelot, 6th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Dalrymple, Jean Margaret Florence ( 1957 )
 Egerton, Alice ( 1957 )
 Lyttelton, Diana Maud ( 1957 )
 Tomkins, Edward Emile ( 1957 )
 Harcourt, Olivia Vernon ( 1958 )
 Milbank, Mark Vane, 4th Bt. ( 1958 )
 Hankey, Henry Arthur Alers ( 1959 )
 Butler, James Arthur Norman, 6th Marquess of Ormonde ( 1960 )
 Henniker-Major, John Patrick Edward Chandos, 8th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney ( 1960 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Edward Frederick, of Bargany ( 1961 )
 Gore, Paul Annesley ( 1961 )
 Millard, Guy Elwin ( 1961 )
 Somers Cocks, John Sebastian ( 1961 )
 Bonham-Carter, Christopher Douglas ( 1962 )
 FitzGerald, John Sidney North ( 1963 )
 Hamilton, Moyra Kathleen ( 1963 )
 Millar, Oliver Nicholas ( 1963 )
 Plunket, Patrick Terence William Span, 7th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1963 )
 Cadogan, Henriette Alice ( 1964 )
 Dalrymple, John Aymer, 13th Earl of Stair ( 1964 )
 Malcolm, Dugald ( 1964 )
 McDonnell, Rose Gwendolen Louisa ( 1964 )
 Peel Yates, David ( 1965 )
 Smith, Ann Fortune ( 1965 )
 Warburton, Anne Marion ( 1965 )
 Yorke, Elizabeth Mary ( 1965 )
 Ramsden, Caryl Oliver Imbert, 8th Bt. ( 1966 )
 Anstruther, Ralph Hugo, of that Ilk, 7th/12th Bt. ( 1967 )
 Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Agnes Barbara ( 1967 )
 Wilmot-Sitwell, Hervey Degge ( 1967 )
 Dimmock, Peter Harold ( 1968 )
 Mackworth-Young, Robert Christopher ( 1968 )
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Jean Mary Monica ( 1969 )
 Gordon-Cumming, Alexander Roualeyn ( 1969 )
 Hamilton, Moyra Kathleen ( 1969 )
 Butler, Thomas Pierce, 12th Bt. ( 1970 )
 Cameron, Donald Hamish, of Lochiel, 26th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1970 )
 Morrison, Mary Anne ( 1970 )
 Scott-Elliot, Aydua Helen ( 1970 )
 Harrison, Mary Patricia ( 1971 )
 Hawkins, Alice Anne ( 1972 )
 Ogilvie, Elizabeth Vere Drummond ( 1972 )
 Greig, Henry Louis Carron ( 1973 )
 Stanley, Kathryn Edith Helen ( 1973 )
 Curlewis, Adrian Herbert ( 1974 )
 D'Arcy, Michael Austin ( 1974 )
 Hamilton-Dalrymple, Hew Fleetwood, 10th Bt. ( 1974 )
 Armstrong, Robert Temple, Baron Armstrong of Ilminster ( 1975 )
 Guest, Douglas Albert ( 1975 )
 Lewthwaite, Rainald Gilfrid, 4th Bt. ( 1975 )
 Legge, Elizabeth ( 1976 )
 Aird, Alastair Sturgis ( 1977 )
 Grenfell, Frances Olivia ( 1977 )
 Bagnall, Nigel Thomas ( 1978 )
 Eyre, James Ainsworth Campden Gabriel ( 1978 )
 Nevill, Rupert Charles Montecute ( 1978 )
 Loyd, Julian St. John ( 1979 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Andrew Albert Christian Edward, 1st Duke of York ( 1979 )
 Remnant, James Wogan, 3rd Baron Remnant ( 1979 )
 Baring, John Francis Harcourt, 7th Baron Ashburton ( 1980 )
 Harmsworth, Esmé Mary Gabrielle ( 1980 )
 Moncreiffe, Rupert Iain Kay, of that Ilk, 11th Bt. ( 1980 )
 Hennessy, David James George, 3rd Baron Windlesham ( 1981 )
 Innes, Malcolm Rognvald, 16th of Edingight ( 1981 )
 Mansfield, Edward Gerard Napier ( 1981 )
 Palmer, Andrew Eustace ( 1981 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Mary Katharine, 15th Lady Herries of Terregles ( 1982 )
 Leigh, William Henry Gerard ( 1983 )
 Lumley, Elizabeth ( 1983 )
 Allhusen, Derek Swithin ( 1984 )
 Paget, Julian Tolver, 4th Bt. ( 1984 )
 Adeane, George Edward ( 1985 )
 Davis, John Henry Harris ( 1985 )
 Napier, Francis Nigel, 14th Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1985 )
 Beaumont, Edward Nicholas Canning ( 1986 )
 Butler, Frederick Edward Robin, Baron Butler of Brockwell ( 1986 )
 Crichton, Richard John Vesey ( 1986 )
 Henderson, John Ronald ( 1986 )
 Swan, Conrad Marshall John Fisher ( 1986 )
 Maclagan, Michael ( 1988 )
 Oswald, William Richard Michael ( 1988 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Edward Antony Richard Louis, Duke of Edinburgh ( 1989 )
 Stewart-Wilson, Blair Aubyn ( 1989 )
 Wilson, Geoffrey Hazlitt ( 1989 )
 Gilmour, Alexander Clement ( 1990 )
 Gourlay, Basil Ian Spencer ( 1990 )
 Jamieson, David Auldjo, V.C. ( 1990 )
 Makgill, Diana Mary Robina ( 1990 )
 Seymour, George Raymond ( 1990 )
 St. Clair, Charles Murray Kennedy, 8th/17th Lord Sinclair ( 1990 )
 Attenborough, David Frederick ( 1991 )
 Cooper, John Julius, 2nd Viscount Norwich ( 1993 )
 St. Aubyn, Thomas Edward ( 1993 )
 Stevens, Jocelyn Edward Greville ( 1993 )
 Egerton, Margaret ( 1994 )
 Janvrin, Robin Berry, Baron Janvrin ( 1994 )
 Ross, Walter Hugh Malcolm ( 1994 )
 Elworthy, Timothy Charles ( 1995 )
 Slessor, John Arthur Guinness ( 1995 )
 Beaumont, Richard Blackett ( 1996 )
 Dawnay, Delia Mary ( 1996 )
 Cavendish, Elizabeth Georgiana Alice ( 1997 )
 Chamberlayne-Macdonald, Nigel Donald Peter ( 1997 )
 Douglas-Home, David Alexander Cospatrick, 15th Earl of Home ( 1997 )
 Gunnis, Diana Marion ( 1998 )
 Gurney, Susan Richenda ( 1998 )
 Parsons, John Christopher ( 1998 )
 Roberts, Hugh Ashley ( 1998 )
 Fulford-Dobson, Michael ( 1999 )
 Cairns, Simon Dallas, 6th Earl Cairns ( 2000 )
 Fletcher, Fiona Margaret ( 2000 )
 Maclean, Lachlan Hector Charles, of Duart and Morvern, 12th Bt. ( 2000 )
 Pellew, Mark Edward ( 2000 )
 Windham, Ashe George Russell ( 2000 )
 Cecil, Angela Mary Rose ( 2001 )
 Kirkham, Graham, Baron Kirkham ( 2001 )
 Myddelton, Fiona Violet ( 2001 )
 Assheton, Nicholas ( 2002 )
 Hoyer Millar, Annabel Alice ( 2002 )
 Ramsay, Elizabeth Anne ( 2002 )
 Barne, Nicholas Michael Lancelot ( 2003 )
 Dawnay, Mary ( 2003 )
 Heywood, Jeremy John, Baron Heywood of Whitehall ( 2003 )
 Marshall, Peter Harold Reginald ( 2003 )
 Richards, Anthony Charles ( 2003 )
 Elliott, Christopher Haslett ( 2004 )
 Bamfield, Phyllida Katharine ( 2009 )
 Wright, Nicholas Peter ( 2010 )
 Shawcross, William Hartley Hume ( 2011 )
 Bridges, Mark Thomas, 3rd Baron Bridges ( 2012 )
 Bush, John Barnard ( 2012 )
 Grosvenor, Gerald Cavendish, 6th Duke of Westminster ( 2012 )
 May, Sally Seabourne ( 2012 )
 Leigh-Pemberton, James Henry ( 2013 )
 Trotter, Alexander Richard, 14th of Mortonhall and 5th of Charterhall ( 2013 )
 Anderson, Marion Teresa ( 2014 )
 Chance, Nicholas John Lucas ( 2014 )
 Gibbs, Jennifer Susan ( 2014 )
 Scott, Valerie ( 2014 )
 St. Clair-Erskine, Peter, 7th Earl of Rosslyn ( 2014 )
 Bridgeman, Mary Selina ( 2015 )
 Brodie, Ewen John, of Lethen ( 2015 )
 Clyne, Nicola Sharon ( 2015 )
 Frayne, Hilary ( 2015 )
 Lewis, Robin William ( 2015 )
 Bagwell-Purefoy, Jeremy Patrick ( 2016 )
 Maitland-Carew, Gerald Edward Ian ( 2016 )
 Legge-Bourke, Victoria Lindsay ( 2017 )
 Leishman, Mark Murray ( 2017 )
 Brownlow, David Ellis, Baron Brownlow of Shurlock Row ( 2018 )
 Cameron, Donald Angus, of Lochiel, 27th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 2018 )
 Leakey, Arundell David ( 2018 )
 Ramsbotham, James David Alexander ( 2019 )
 Strang Steel, Celia Jane ( 2019 )
 Mackworth-Young, Charles Gerard ( 2020 )
 Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles Jacob, 4th Baron Rothschild ( 2020 )
Count equals 535 individuals.
Companion of Honour (C.H.)
 Adam, Barbara Frances, Baroness Wootton of Abinger
 Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett
 Babington Smith, Henry
 Boult, Adrian Cedric
 Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir
 Carlile, Wilson
 Chetwynd, Godfrey John Boyle, 8th Viscount Chetwynd of Bearhaven
 Christie, George William Langham
 Christie, John
 Eccles, David McAdam, 1st Viscount Eccles
 Elliot, Walter
 Freud, Lucien Michael
 Gardiner, Gerald Austin, Baron Gardiner
 Gielgud, Arthur John
 Goodman, Arnold Abraham, Baron Goodman
 Gordon-Walker, Patrick Christian, Baron Gordon-Walker
 Gorton, John Grey
 Greenwood, Arthur
 Hamilton, Maud Evelyn
 Houghton, Arthur Leslie Noel Douglas, Baron Houghton of Sowerby
 Hudson, Robert Spear, 1st Viscount Hudson
 Kerr, Philip Henry, 11th Marquess of Lothian
 Lewis, Essington
 Lloyd, John Selwyn Brooke, Baron Selwyn-Lloyd
 Mare, Walter
 Patten, Christopher Francis, Baron Patten of Barnes
 Pinter, Harold
 Rowntree, Benjamin Seebohm
 Sandys, Edwin Duncan, Baron Duncan-Sandys
 Shinwell, Emmanuel, Baron Shinwell
 Sitwell, Sacheverell, 6th Bt.
 Soames, Arthur Christopher John, Baron Soames
 Stewart, Robert Michael Maitland, Baron Stewart of Fulham
 Thorneycroft, George Edward Peter, Baron Thorneycroft
 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph
 Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer
 Abraham, Margaret Edith ( 1917 )
 Henderson, Alexander, 1st Baron Faringdon ( 1917 )
 Levy-Lawson, Harry Lawson Webster, 1st and last Viscount Burnham ( 1917 )
 Markham, Violet Rosa ( 1917 )
 Strutt, Edward Gerald ( 1917 )
 Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson ( 1918 )
 Layton, Walter Thomas, 1st Baron Layton ( 1919 )
 Royden, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Royden ( 1919 )
 Ellerman, John Reeves, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Lee-Dillon, Harold Arthur, 17th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin ( 1921 )
 Caine, Thomas Hall ( 1922 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard ( 1922 )
 Davidson, John Colin Campbell, 1st Viscount Davidson ( 1923 )
 Bruce, Stanley Melbourne, 1st and last Viscount Bruce of Melbourne ( 1927 )
 Haldane, John Scott ( 1927 )
 Royden, Agnes Maude ( 1930 )
 Bruce, William Napier ( 1935 )
 Ward, Janet Penrose ( 1936 )
 Davies, Gwendoline Elizabeth ( 1937 )
 Langhorne, Nancy Witcher ( 1937 )
 Alexander, Albert Victor, 1st and last Earl Alexander of Hillsborough ( 1941 )
 Marquis, Frederick James, 1st Earl of Woolton ( 1942 )
 Andrews, John Miller ( 1943 )
 Cunliffe-Lister, Philip, 1st Earl of Swinton ( 1943 )
 Hives, Ernest, 1st Baron Hives ( 1943 )
 Leathers, Frederick James, 1st Viscount Leathers ( 1943 )
 Snell, Henry, 1st and last Baron Snell ( 1943 )
 Casey, Richard Gardiner, Baron Casey ( 1944 )
 Huggins, Godfrey Martin, 1st Viscount Malvern ( 1944 )
 Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee ( 1945 )
 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and last Baron Ismay ( 1945 )
 Palmer, Roundell Cecil, 3rd Earl of Selborne ( 1945 )
 Sackville-West, Victoria Mary ( 1948 )
 Cecil, Edward Christian David ( 1949 )
 Cripps, Richard Stafford ( 1951 )
 Morrison, Herbert Stanley, Baron Morrison of Lambeth ( 1951 )
 Britten, Edward Benjamin, Baron Britten ( 1953 )
 Chuter-Ede, James, Baron Chuter-Ede ( 1953 )
 Fraser, William Jocelyn Ian, Baron Fraser of Lonsdale ( 1953 )
 Butler, Richard Austen, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden ( 1954 )
 Maugham, William Somerset ( 1954 )
 Crookshank, Harry Frederick Comfort, 1st and last Viscount Crookshank ( 1955 )
 Beecham, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1957 )
 Stuart, James Gray, 1st Viscount Stuart of Findhorn ( 1957 )
 Morris, William Richard, 1st and last Viscount Nuffield ( 1958 )
 Sitwell, Francis Osbert Sacheverell, 5th Bt. ( 1958 )
 Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie, Baron Clark ( 1959 )
 Bryant, Arthur Wynne Morgan ( 1960 )
 Lennox-Boyd, Alan Tindal, 1st Viscount Boyd of Merton ( 1960 )
 Pery, Edmund Colquhoun, 5th Earl of Limerick ( 1960 )
 Buchan-Hepburn, Patrick George Thomas, 1st and last Baron Hailes ( 1962 )
 Maclay, John Scott, 1st Viscount Muirshiel ( 1962 )
 Watkinson, Harold Arthur, 1st Viscount Watkinson ( 1962 )
 Brooke, Henry, Baron Brooke of Cumnor ( 1964 )
 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett ( 1965 )
 Silkin, Lewis, 1st Baron Silkin ( 1965 )
 Lloyd George, Megan ( 1966 )
 Reid, James Scott Cumberland, Baron Reid ( 1967 )
 Boyd-Orr, John, 1st and last Baron Boyd-Orr ( 1968 )
 Robbins, Lionel Charles, Baron Robbins ( 1968 )
 Cohen, Henry, 1st Baron Cohen of Birkenhead ( 1974 )
 Hogg, Quintin McGarel, Baron Hailsham of St. Marylebone ( 1974 )
 Trotter, Angela Olivia ( 1974 )
 Whitelaw, William Stephen Ian, 1st and last Viscount Whitelaw ( 1974 )
 Ashley, Jack, Baron Ashley of Stoke ( 1975 )
 Short, Edward Watson, Baron Glenamara ( 1976 )
 Hughes, Cledwyn, Baron Cledwyn of Penrhos ( 1977 )
 Healey, Denis Winston, Baron Healey ( 1979 )
 Boyle, Edward Charles Gurney, Baron Boyle of Handsworth ( 1981 )
 Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1983 )
 Runciman, James Cochran Stevenson ( 1984 )
 Joseph, Keith Sinjohn, Baron Joseph ( 1986 )
 Tebbit, Norman Beresford, Baron Tebbit ( 1987 )
 Powell, Anthony Dymoke ( 1988 )
 Baker, Kenneth Wilfred, Baron Baker of Dorking ( 1992 )
 Brooke, Peter Leonard, Baron Brooke of Sutton Mandeville ( 1992 )
 King, Thomas Jeremy, Baron King of Bridgwater ( 1992 )
 Astor, Francis David Langhorne ( 1994 )
 Owen, David Anthony Llewellyn, Baron Owen ( 1994 )
 Smith, John Lindsay Eric ( 1994 )
 Attenborough, David Frederick ( 1996 )
 Howe, Richard Edward Geoffrey, Baron Howe of Aberavon ( 1996 )
 Hurd, Douglas Richard, Baron Hurd of Westwell ( 1996 )
 Heseltine, Michael Ray Dibdin, Baron Heseltine ( 1997 )
 Major, John ( 1999 )
 Hodgkin, Gordon Howard Eliot ( 2003 )
 Mahon, John Denis ( 2003 )
 Young, George Samuel Knatchbull, Baron Young of Cookham ( 2012 )
 O'Neill, Onora Sylvia, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve ( 2014 )
 Ashdown, Jeremy John Durham, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon ( 2015 )
 Cadbury, George Adrian Hayhurst ( 2015 )
 Woolf, Harry Kenneth, Baron Woolf ( 2015 )
 Young, David Ivor, Baron Young of Graffham ( 2015 )
 Amos, Valerie Ann, Baroness Amos ( 2016 )
 Osborne, George Gideon Oliver ( 2016 )
 Smith, Robert Haldane, Baron Smith of Kelvin ( 2016 )
 Bannister, Roger ( 2017 )
 Eyre, Richard Charles Hastings ( 2017 )
 Stern, Nicholas, Baron Stern of Brentford ( 2017 )
 Wilson, Helen Mary, Baroness Warnock ( 2017 )
 Bragg, Melvyn, Baron Bragg ( 2018 )
 Pakenham, Antonia Margaret Caroline ( 2018 )
 Quant, Barbara Mary ( 2023 )
Count equals 139 individuals.
Companion, Order of St. Michael and St. George (C.M.G.)
 Abel Smith, Wilfrid Robert
 Addison, George Henry
 Adeane, Edward Stanley
 Allchin, Geoffrey Cuthbert
 Allhusen, Frederick Henry
 Altham, Edward Altham
 Anderson, Rowland James Percy
 Anley, Barnett Dyer Lampier Gray
 Archer, Norman Ernest
 Archer-Shee, Martin
 Armes, Reginald John
 Armitage, Charles Clement
 Arnold-Forster, Hugh Christopher
 Arthur, Leonard Robert Sunkersett
 Asquith, Dominic Antony Gerard
 Asser, Verney
 Aston, Arthur Vincent
 Atchley, Shirley Clifford
 Atherton, Thomas James
 Athill, Francis Remi Imbert
 Austen, Arthur Robert
 Austin, Herbert Henry
 Ayshford Sanford, Edward Charles
 Bailey, Vivien Telford
 Baillie, Duncan Gustavus
 Baird, Alexander Walter Frederick
 Balfour, John Edmond Hugh
 Balsan, Louis-Jacques
 Barclay, Christopher Francis Robert
 Bardsley, R. V.
 Barnes, Eric Cecil
 Barron, Henry Page-Turner, 2nd Bt.
 Barrow, George, 2nd Bt.
 Barrow, Percy Harry Stanley
 Bartholomew, William Henry
 Barton, Cecil James Juxon Talbot
 Bass, Harry Godfrey Mitchell
 Bateman, George Cecil
 Bateman-Champain, Hugh Frederick
 Bathurst, Seymour Henry, 7th Earl Bathurst of Bathurst
 Bell, Edward
 Bellairs, Roger M.
 Bennett, Andrew Percy
 Beresford, Marcus Henry de la Poer
 Bernays, Lewis Adolphus
 Besly, Ernest Francis Withers John
 Bethell, Edward Hugh
 Bethell, Hugh Keppel
 Bewes, Arthur Edward
 Bickford, Andrew Kennedy
 Bing, Geoffrey Henry Cecil
 Birch Reynardson, Henry Thomas
 Birkbeck, William Henry
 Blackwell, William Richard
 Blair-Imrie, Hew Francis
 Blaker, George Blaker
 Blandy, Richard Denis
 Blenkinsop, Alfred Percy
 Blond, Neville
 Blyth, Charles Frederick Tolme
 Board, Andrew George
 Body, Kenneth Marten
 Bonar, Henry Alfred Constant
 Bonham Carter, Charles
 Bower, Robert Lister
 Bowle-Evans, Charles Harford
 Bowring, Theodore Louis
 Boyd, Gerald Farrell
 Boyle, Lionel Richard Cavendish
 Bracegirdle, Leighton Seymour
 Brackenbury, George
 Branch, Edward Christopher Richard Ulick
 Brenan, Byron
 Bridge, Charles
 Bridge, Charles Edward Dunscombe
 Bridges, William Throsby
 Bright, Charles Edward
 Bright, Richard George Tyndall
 Broadmead, Philip Mainwaring
 Brooke-Popham, Henry Robert Moore
 Browne, Cuthbert Garrard
 Bruce, Alexander Robson
 Bruce, Gerald Trevor
 Bruce, Thomas
 Brunker, Capel Molyneux
 Bulkeley, Thomas Henry Rivers
 Burges Watson, Richard Eagleston Gordon
 Burnett-Stuart, John Theodosius, of Dens and Crichie
 Burns, Robert
 Bushe, Thomas Francis
 Butler, Bernard Arnold Barrington
 Butter, Archibald Edward
 Butts, Frederick Manus
 Caddell, Henry Mortimer
 Cameron, Donald Roderick
 Cameron, Neville John Gordon
 Campbell, Charles William
 Candole, Eric Armar
 Cardew, George Ambrose
 Carey, George Glas Sandeman
 Cartwright, Henry Antrobus
 Cary-Barnard, Cyril Darcy Vivien
 Cator, Geoffrey Edmund
 Cayley, Henry
 Chamney, Henry
 Chamney, Henry
 Chance, Oswald Kesteven
 Chapman, Archibald John
 Chapple, Frederick
 Cheape, George Ronald Hamilton
 Cheke, Marcus John
 Chenevix Trench, Frederick
 Child, Smith Hill, 2nd Bt.
 Christian, Alfred
 Clague, John
 Clarke, Edward Henry St. Lawrence, 4th Bt.
 Clarke, Goland Vanholt
 Clarke, Stanley de Astel Calvert
 Clarkson, Bertie St. John
 Clayton, Edward Robert
 Cloete, Henry
 Coke, Thomas William, 3rd Earl of Leicester of Holkham
 Colburn-Bennett, John Alfred
 Collingwood, Clennell William
 Collingwood, Sydney
 Collins, Charles Bury
 Collins, Godfrey Pattison
 Collins, Richard Henn
 Colvin, George Lethbridge
 Combs, Willis Ide
 Connor, John Colpoys
 Consett, Montagu William Warcop Peter
 Cook, George Trevor Roper
 Cookson, Philip Blencowe
 Cornish, Josiah Easton
 Cornwall-Jones, Arthur Thomas
 Costley-White, Cyril Grove
 Cotterill, Montagu
 Courtney, John Mortimer
 Cowper, Sydney
 Craigie-Halkett, Hugh Marjoribanks
 Crawford, Arthur Travers
 Crawford, John Halket
 Crewe, James Hugh Hamilton
 Cromartie, Ian Talbot
 Crosse, Charles Robert
 Crossley, Arthur William
 Crutchley, Ernest Tristram
 Cudmore, Arthur Murray
 Cumberbatch, Henry Arnold
 Cunliffe-Owen, Edward
 Currie, Harry Augustus Frederick
 Curzon-Howe, Assheton Gore
 Cust, Charles Leopold, 3rd Bt.
 Cuthbertson, Edward Boustead
 D'Souza, Frances Gertrude Clair, Baroness D'Souza
 Dallas, Alexander Egerton
 Dallas, Alister Grant
 Davey, Horace Scott
 David, Edgeworth Beresford
 Davies, Warburton Edward
 Dawnay, George William ffolkes
 Dawnay, John, 9th Viscount Downe
 Dawson, Douglas Frederick Rawdon
 Dealtry, William
 Deane, James
 Deedes, Charles Parker
 Dent, Douglas Lionel
 Deshon, Edward
 Dick, Archibald Campbell Douglas
 Dick-Cunyngham, James Keith
 Diggle, Neston William
 Donaldson, Leonard Andrew Boyd
 Douglas, John
 Drace-Francis, Charles David Stephen
 Drummond, Hugh Henry John, 1st Bt.
 Drury-Lowe, Sydney Robert
 Duncan, John
 Dundas, George
 Dunnett, James
 Dutton, Arthur Brandreth Scott
 Dutton, Eric Adlhelm Torlogh
 Earle, Maxwell
 Eason, Herbert Lightfoot
 East, Kenneth Arthur
 Eccles, Launcelot Williams Gregory
 Edmondson, George D’Arcy
 Edwards, William Rice
 Egerton-Warburton, Peter
 Elsmie, Alexander Montagu Spears
 Elsmie, George
 Erskine, Esmé Nourse
 Evans, Llewellyn
 Fairholme, George Frederick
 Falbe, Vigant William
 Fane, Cecil
 Farie, James Uchtred
 Farmar, George Jasper
 Farmar, Harold Mynors
 Farrer, Edmund Hugh
 Feetham, Edward
 Feilden, Randle Joseph
 Feilding, Rudolph Edmund Aloysius, Viscount Feilding
 Fife, Ronald D'Arcy
 Figgess, John
 Finch-Hatton, Edward Heneage
 FitzGerald, Thomas
 FitzPatrick, Thomas Henry
 Fitzherbert, Giles Eden
 Fitzwilliams, Duncan Campbell Lloyd
 Fitzwilliams, Edward Crawford Lloyd
 Fletcher, Henry Charles
 Foot, Richard Mildmay
 Forrest, Alexander
 Forrest, John Vincent
 Fortescue, Seymour John
 Fraser, George Ireland
 Fraser, James Keith
 Fraser, William, 2nd Baron Strathalmond
 Fremantle, Edmund Robert
 French, Neville Arthur Irwin
 Froude, Ashley Anthony
 Fuller, Cyril Thomas Moulden
 Gaisford, Richard Boileau
 Gale, Henry Richmond
 Gale, Walter A
 Gamble, Geoffrey Massey
 Garbett, Colin Campbell
 Gardner, Christopher Thomas
 Garnham, Percy Cyril Claude
 Gascoigne, Ernest Frederick Orby
 Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis
 Gaunt, Ernest Frederic Augustus
 Geddes, John Gordon
 Gibbs, Frank Stannard
 Gibson, William Charles
 Gifford, Maurice Raymond
 Gillam, Reynold Alexander
 Gilmour, John
 Gladstone, David Arthur Steuart
 Glass, Leslie Charles
 Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfred
 Glubb, John Bagot
 Glyn, Geoffrey Carr
 Glyn, Richard Thomas
 Goble, Leslie Herbert
 Godfrey-Faussett, Bryan Godfrey
 Godfrey-Faussett, Edmund Godfrey
 Godwin, Charles Alexander Campbell
 Goodenough, James Graham
 Goodman, Godfrey Davenport
 Gordon, Alister Fraser
 Gordon, Archibald
 Gordon, Arthur John Lewis
 Gordon, Donald
 Gordon, Philip Cecil Harcourt
 Gordon, Robert
 Gordon-Finlayson, Robert
 Gore, Augustus Frederick
 Gore, Robert Clements
 Gosling, Charles
 Gough, Hugh Rowlands
 Gough, John Edmund, V.C.
 Grant, Philip Gordon
 Grant-Dalton, Duncan
 Granville, Alexander
 Graves, Robert Wyndham
 Green-Wilkinson, Lewis Frederick
 Greenly, Walter Howorth
 Gregory, John Duncan
 Gregson, Edward Gelson
 Grenfell, Harold Maxwell
 Grier, Anthony MacGregor
 Grimston, Sylvester Bertram
 Grogan, Edward Ion Beresford, 2nd Bt.
 Grove-White, James
 Groves, John Edward Trimble
 Gunning, Orlando George
 Gurney, Martyn Cecil
 Hadow, Arthur Lovell
 Haig, Arthur Balfour, 28th of Bemersyde
 Hallifax, Guy Waterhouse
 Hamilton, Claud Lorn Campbell
 Hanbury, Lionel Henry
 Hanbury-Tracy, Algernon Henry Charles
 Hanbury-Williams, John
 Hankin, Arthur Maxwell
 Harbord, Cyril Rodney
 Hare, Robert Hugh
 Harford, James Dundas
 Harkness, Joseph Welsh Park
 Harper, Charles Henry
 Harragin, Walter
 Hart, John
 Hart, John
 Hartigan, Marcus Michael
 Hartley, Edmund Baron, V.C.
 Hartman-Berkeley, Thomas Berkeley
 Hatch, George Pelham
 Hawker, Albert Henry
 Hawker, Claude Julian
 Hawksley, Randall Plunkett Tayler
 Hay, Charles John Bruce
 Hay-Drummond-Hay, Robert
 Hayes, Robert Hall
 Haywood, Austin Hubert Whitwick
 Headlam, Maurice Francis
 Healey, Charles
 Heap, John Arnfield
 Hedley, Coote
 Hemming, John Henry
 Henderson, Joseph
 Herbert, St. Leger Algernon
 Herridge, Geoffrey Howard
 Hervey, Dudley Francis Amelius
 Hewett, Edbert Ansgar
 Hewett, Edward Osborne
 Hewitt, David Walker
 Higgins, Charles Graeme
 Higginson, Cecil Pickford
 Hildyard, Reginald John Thornton
 Hill, William Martin
 Hillgarth, Alan Hugh
 Hills, Edmund Herbert
 Hilton, John Robert
 Hoare, Reginald
 Hobbs, Reginald Francis Arthur
 Hodgins, William Egerton
 Hohler, Henry Arthur Frederick
 Hohler, Rio Tyrrell Arthur
 Holdsworth, George Lewis
 Holford, James Henry Edward
 Hollond, Spencer Edmund
 Holmes, Hardress Gilbert
 Holmes, Hugh Oliver
 Holt, Felton Vesey
 Home, Archibald Fraser
 Hope, John Owen Webley
 Hopkinson, Henry Charles Barwick
 Hordern, Samuel
 Horne, Edward William
 Houison-Craufurd, John Archibald, of Craufordland
 Houssemayne Du Boulay, Roger William
 Howard, Henry Cecil Lloyd
 Howell, Paul Philip
 Howell, Philip
 Huddleston, Willoughby Baynes
 Hull, Henry Mitchell
 Hume, William
 Humphreys, Edward Thomas
 Humphreys, Gardiner
 Hunt, Gerald Ponsonby Sneyd
 Hunter, Alan John
 Huntly, Charles Hugh Grafton Fitzroy Beachcroft
 Hurt, Henry Albert Le Fowne
 Hutchings, Robert Noel
 Hutt, Alexander McDonald Bruce
 Huxley, Gervas
 Ievers, Robert Wilson
 Ing, George Harold Absell
 Inglis, John
 Innes, J. R.
 Irvine, Alfred Ernest
 Irwin, De la Cherois Thomas
 Isaacson, Robert Spencer
 Isacke, Hubert
 Isherwood, Albert Arthur Magnall
 Jackson, Ernest Somerville
 Jackson, George Hanbury
 Jackson, Henry Cholmondely
 James, Edward Foster
 James, Herbert Ellison
 Jameson, Robert Dundonald
 Jamieson, George
 Jardine, James Bruce
 Jeffcoat, Algernon Cantley
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Baron Jeffreys
 Jeffreys, Henry Byron
 Jenkins, Noble Fleming
 Jones, Lewis
 Jones, Morey Quayle
 Justice, William Clive
 Kays, Walpole Swinton
 Kearsley, Robert Harvey
 Kellett, Richard Orlando
 Kennedy, Henry Brewster Percy Lion
 Keppel, Derek William George
 Ker, Charles Arthur
 Kerr-Pease, Beauchamp
 Kerrison, Edmund Roger Allday
 Keyes, Terence Humphrey
 Kidston, George
 Kilkelly, Charles Randolph
 Kindersley, Archibald Ogilvie Lyttelton
 King, William Birchall Macaulay
 Kirwan, Archibald William Laurence Patrick
 Kitson, Gerald
 Knight, William Lowry Craig
 Knott, John Espenett
 Knox, George Hodges
 Koe, Frederick William Brooke
 Koppel, Percy Alexander
 Lambert, Edward Parry
 Lane, George Howard Moore
 Langham, Frederick George
 Larken, Frank
 Larking, Denis Augustus Hugo
 Lawford, Vincent Adrian
 Lawrence, Hugh Duncan
 Lawrence, Richard Charles Bernard
 Leach, Reginald Pemberton
 Leach, Thomas Stephen
 Leakey, Arundell David
 Lecky, Robert St. Clair
 Leslie, Norman Roderick Alexander David, 8th Bt.
 Leslie, Walter Stewart
 Lethbridge, Ernest Astley Edmund
 Lewin, Henry Frederick Elliott
 Liddell, John Sinclair
 Litchfield-Speer, R-Adml Frederick Shirley
 Littleton, William Francis
 Lloyd, Arthur Henry Orlando
 Lloyd, Edward Mayow Hastings
 Lloyd, Thomas
 Lloyd, Thomas Owen
 Loch, Edward Douglas, 2nd Baron Loch
 Loch, Granville George
 Locker-Lampson, Oliver Stillingfleet
 Loder-Symonds, Frederick Parland
 Loehnis, Anthony David
 Long, Edward Charles
 Long, Walter
 Long, William
 Longdon, Horace Walker
 Lonsdale, Rupert
 Luck, Cyril Montagu
 Ludlow-Hewitt, Edgar Rainey
 Luker, Ronald
 Lumley, Osbert Victor George Athling
 Lunn, Peter Northcote
 Lushington, Stephen
 Lyddon, William George
 Lyon, Francis
 MacDonell, Edgar Errol Napier
 MacEwen, Norman Duckworth Kerr
 Macaire, Robert Nigel Paul
 Macarthur-Onslow, George
 Machell, Percy Wilfred
 Mackenzie, Charles
 Mackenzie, Colin Hercules
 Mackinnon, Archibald Donald
 Macnaghten, Charles Melville
 Maconchy, Ernest William Stewart King
 Macpherson, Alexander Duncan
 Macrorie, Arthur Kenneth
 Magor, Edward Walter Moyle
 Main, Thomas Ryder
 Mainwaring, Rowland Broughton
 Mallet, Claude Coventry
 Mann, James Robert
 March, George Edward
 Marescaux, Alfred Edward Hay
 Marescaux, Gerald Charles Adolphe
 Marjoribanks, Dudley Churchill, 3rd Baron Tweedmouth of Edlington
 Marshall, Francis James
 Marshall, Hugo Frank
 Marshall-Hole, Hugh
 Marten, Francis Arthur
 Marten, Francis William
 Marton, Richard Oliver
 Mason, Frederick Cecil
 Massingham, John Dudley
 Massy, Edward Charles
 Massy, Hugh
 Massy-Westropp, John
 Mattei, Anthony
 Maude, Frederick Stanley
 Maule, Henry Noel St. John
 Maurice, George Thelwall Kindersley
 Maxwell, Arthur
 Maxwell, Wellwood George Courtenay
 May, Edward Sinclair
 May, Reginald Seaburne
 Mayall, Alexander Lees
 McDonald, Hugh Campbell
 McGrigor, Charles Rhoderic Robert
 McLean, Charles Wesley Weldon
 McMicking, Gilbert
 McMullen, Osmond Robert
 McNalty, Arthur George Preston
 McShane, Allan Douglas
 Meiklejohn, William Hope
 Mellor, James Gilbert Shaw
 Meynell, Godfrey
 Meynink, John FitzSimmons
 Michell, Rowland Lyons Norsworthy
 Micklem, Ralph
 Miers, Henry David Alastair Capel
 Miles, Alfred Henry
 Milne, Arthur Dawson
 Milne-Thomson, A.
 Minnitt, Robert John
 Mitchell, Roland Lyons Nosworthy
 Mitchell, Thomas Walter
 Mitford, Bertram Reveley
 Mitford, William Kenyon
 Moberly, John Campbell
 Moggridge, Harry Weston
 Moir, John William
 Molesworth, Richard Piggot
 Money, Noel Ernest
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward James
 Moore, Antony Ross
 More, Robert Henry
 Morgan, Horace Leslie
 Morgan, John Albert Leigh
 Morison, Richard Barns
 Morland, Martin Robert
 Moysey, Charles John
 Muirhead, David Francis
 Munn, Reginald George
 Murray, Donald
 Murray, James Dalton
 Murray, William Athol
 Napier, John Scott
 Nash, Norman Ernest Keown
 Neilson, Walter Gordon
 Newbolt, Francis
 Newcome, Henry William
 Newton, Basil Cochrane
 Nicholson, George Harvey
 Nicholson, John Rumney
 North, Edward Bunbury
 Norton, Charles Edward
 Nugent, Raymond Andrew
 O'Callaghan, George Henry Kenneth McDonald
 O'Connor, Charles Yelverton
 O'Leary, Terence Daniel
 Oakeshott, Keith Robertson
 Owen, Edward Cunliffe
 Oxley, Reginald Stuart
 Pagan, John
 Paget, Wellesley Lynedoch Henry
 Palliser, John
 Palmer, Cyril Eustace
 Parker, Alwyn
 Parker, Henry Wise
 Parnell, John William
 Parr, Henry Hallam
 Parr, Robert
 Parry-Evans, Joseph David Samuel
 Parsons, Alfred Woods
 Parsons, John Whitehill
 Paton, George
 Paton, Thomas Angus Lyall
 Patron, Joseph Armand
 Pearce-Serocold, Eric
 Pearce-Serocold, Oswald
 Pears, Maurice Loraine
 Pelham Burn, Henry
 Pemberton-Pigott, Alan Desmond Frederick
 Pennycuick, Charles Edward Ducat
 Perceval, Claude John
 Percival, Arthur Ernest
 Pereira, Cecil Edward
 Perreau, Arthur Montagu
 Peyton, Westropp Joseph
 Philips, Burton Henry Capel
 Philips, Lewis Francis
 Phillpotts, Louis Murray
 Phipps-Hornby, Edmund John, V.C.
 Pipon, James Murray
 Pipon, John Pakenham
 Pitman, Thomas Tait
 Pitt-Taylor, Walter William
 Poe, John
 Pollard, James Hawkins-Whitshed
 Pollen, Stephen Hungerford
 Pollock, John Buchanan
 Pomeroy-Colley, George
 Ponsonby, John
 Pottinger, Eldred Thomas
 Powell, William Bowen
 Powell-Jones, John Ernest
 Poë, John
 Pretty, Eric Ernest Falk
 Puckle, Frederick Kaye
 Radcliffe, Frederick Walter
 Rainey-Robinson, Robert Maximilian
 Randolph, Algernon Forbes
 Ravenhill, Harry Stuart
 Reade, Raymond Northland Revell
 Riley, Rupert Farquhar
 Ritchie, Archibald Buchanan
 Ritchie-Thomson, George
 Rivers-Bulkeley, Robert
 Roberts, John
 Robertson, Charles Hope
 Robertson, James Currie
 Robertson, Matthew Wallace
 Robertson, W. H.
 Robinson, John Poole Bowring
 Roche, Horace Sampson
 Rodzianko, Paul
 Rolleston, Christopher
 Rome, Claude Stuart
 Rome, Francis David
 Romer, Cecil Francis
 Roper, J. C. A.
 Ross, Robert James
 Ross, Walter Charteris, of Cromarty
 Round-Turner, Charles Wolfram
 Rowan-Robinson, Henry
 Rowsell, F. W.
 Royds, Charles William Rawson
 Royds, Percy
 Royds, Percy Molyneux Rawson
 Rundall, Charles Frank
 Rushworth, Edward Everard
 Russell, Francis Shirley, of Aden
 Russell, Thomas
 Ryan, Charles Snodgrass
 Ryan, Rupert Sumner
 Salisbury-Jones, Arthur Guy
 Salmond, John Maitland
 Samuel, Adrian Christopher Ian
 Samuel, Edwin Herbert, 2nd Viscount Samuel
 Satgé, Henry Valentine Bache
 Saumarez, Richard James
 Savage, William Henry
 Scobell, Sanford John Palairet
 Scott, Alastair Henderson
 Scott, Kenneth
 Scott-Kerr, Robert
 Scrase-Dickins, Mark Frederick Hakon
 Selby, Ralph Walford
 Sellar, Thomas Byrne
 Senior, Bernard
 Sewell, Horace Somerville
 Shairp, Alexander
 Sharpe, Frank Victor
 Shelford, Thomas
 Shelley, Malcolm Bond
 Shepherd, George A.
 Sheppard, Mervyn Cecil ffranck
 Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert
 Simpson, Henry Valentine
 Sinclair, John Houston
 Sinclair-Maclagan, Ewen George
 Sinnott, Edward Stockley
 Sladen, David Ramsay
 Sladen, Gerald Carew
 Slater, Samuel Henry
 Smyth, John Henry Graham
 Smyth-Osbourne, Henry Percy
 Somerville, Henry Boyle Townshend
 Southey, Robert John
 Southwell, Henry Kemble
 Spain, George Redesdale Brooker
 Speaight, Richard Langford
 Spearman, Edmund Robert
 Spedding, Edward Wilfrid
 Spencer-Churchill, John Kemys George Thomas
 Spender Clay, Herbert Henry
 Spens, James
 Spielmann, Isidore
 Spraggett, Richard William
 Spring, Frederick Gordon
 Sprot, Alexander, 1st Bt.
 Squire, Clifford William
 Stanley, George Frederick
 Stanley, Robert Christopher Stafford
 Steel, Charles Deane
 Steel, Richard Alexander
 Steele, Julian McCarty
 Stephens, Reginald Byng
 Stern, Albert Gerald
 Stevenson, Edward Hall
 Stewart, Charles
 Stewart, Charles Edward
 Stewart, Duncan George
 Stockley, Arthur Unlacke
 Stockwell, Clifton Inglis
 Straubenzee, Casimir Cartwright
 Strickland, Edward Peter
 Studd, Herbert William
 Sugden, Richard Edgar
 Sullivan, Francis William, 6th Bt.
 Summerhayes, David Michael
 Sweet, Edward Herbert
 Sweny, William Frederick
 Sykes, Frederick Hugh
 Sykes, Percy Molesworth
 Talbot, Gerald Francis
 Tancock, Osborne Kendall
 Tapley, Harold Livingstone
 Tatton-Brown, Eden
 Temperley, Arthur Cecil
 Temple, Charles Lindsay
 Thesiger, George Handcock
 Thomas, David Churchill
 Thomas, Hugh Lloyd
 Thomas, Hugh Whitelegge Thomas
 Thomas, Michael David
 Thompson, iate Albert George
 Thorne, Augustus Francis Andrew Nicol
 Thorne, Robin
 Thursfield, Raymond Spencer
 Todd, Alpheus
 Todhunter, Herbert William
 Todhunter, John Louis Benedict
 Tompson, Reginald Henry Dalrymple
 Tours, Berthold George
 Traill, Henry Austin
 Trentham, Everard Noel Rye
 Trevor, Herbert Edward
 Trotter, James Keith
 Troyte-Bullock, Edward George
 Tudor, Henry Hugh
 Tulloch, Alexander Bruce
 Tulloch, James Bruce Gregorie
 Tweedie, William
 Umfreville, Ralph Brunton
 Van Koughnet, Edmund Barker
 Vandeleur, Robert Seymour
 Venning, Walter King
 Villiers, Edward Cecil
 Villiers, Evelyn Fountaine
 Villiers, George Patrick Hyde
 Vincent, Berkeley
 Vivian, Valentine
 Waechter, Harry Sedan, 1st Bt.
 Wake-Walker, Baldwin, 2nd Bt.
 Walker, Michael John Dawson, Baron Walker of Aldringham
 Wallace, Robert Charles
 Wallis, Henry Richard
 Walsh, Mainwaring Ravell
 Walter, Robert
 Ward, Thomas
 Warner, George Redston
 Warner, William Ward
 Watherston, David Charles
 Watson, Hames Kiero
 Watson, Hugh Wharton Myddleton
 Watson, John Philip
 Watt, Ian Buchanan
 Wauchope, Andrew Gilbert, of Niddrie
 Webb-Bowen, Tom Ince
 Webber, Norman William
 Weber, William Hermann Frank
 Welby, George Earle
 Western, James Halifax
 Westmorland, Percy Thullier
 Weston, William Andrew
 Wetherell, Robert May
 Whatman, William Douglas
 White, Edward Dalrymple
 White, Oswald
 White-Thomas, Hugh Davie
 Wickham, Henry
 Wigan, John Tyson
 Wigram, Ernest
 Wilkinson, Peter Allix
 Williams, William Hugh
 Williamson, Victor Alexander
 Wilson, Launcelot Machell
 Winsloe, Alfred Leigh
 Winter, Ormonde de l'Epee
 Winton, Charles
 Wintour, Ulick Fitzgerald
 Wodehouse, Berkeley
 Wodehouse, Josceline Henage
 Wood, Lewis Ironside
 Woodroffe, Charles Richard
 Woodwark, Stanley
 Wortham, Harold Charles Webster
 Worthington, Edward Scott
 Wray, Cecil
 Wray, John Cecil
 Wright, Edward Fortescue
 Yate, Charles Edward, 1st and last Bt.
 Yeats-Brown, Montagu
 Young, Charles Augustus
 Young, Julian Mayne
 Young, Robert
 Zvegintzov, Dimitry Ivanovitch
 Hamilton-Gordon, Arthur, 1st Baron Stanmore ( 1859 )
 Wolff, Henry Drummond ( 1859 )
 FitzMaurice, George William Hamilton, 6th Earl of Orkney ( 1866 )
 Whitmore, George Stoddart ( 1869 )
 Barclay, Colville Arthur Durell, of Pierston, 11th Bt. ( 1870 )
 Layard, Edgar Leopold ( 1874 )
 Holland, Henry Thurstan, 1st Viscount Knutsford ( 1875 )
 Layard, Charles Peter ( 1875 )
 Weld, Frederick Aloysius ( 1875 )
 French, George Arthur ( 1877 )
 Hart, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1879 )
 FitzGerald, Gerald ( 1880 )
 Littleton, Edward George Percy, 3rd Baron Hatherton ( 1880 )
 Macleod, Norman Magnus, 26th of MacLeod ( 1880 )
 Dalton, John Neale ( 1881 )
 Macgregor, William ( 1881 )
 Hayter, Henry Heylyn ( 1882 )
 Gallwey, Michael Henry ( 1883 )
 Powell, George Smyth ( 1884 )
 Barrow, Arthur Frederick ( 1885 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1886 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1886 )
 Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1886 )
 O'Conor, Nicholas Robert ( 1886 )
 Wodehouse, Henry Ernest ( 1886 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1887 )
 Blake, Henry Arthur ( 1887 )
 Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st and last Baron Sydenham of Combe ( 1887 )
 Oliver, John Ryder ( 1889 )
 Strickland, Gerald Paul Joseph Cajetan Carmel Antony Martin, 1st and last Baron Strickland ( 1889 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1893 )
 Goold-Adams, Hamilton John ( 1894 )
 Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1894 )
 Herbert, Ivor John Caradoc, 1st and last Baron Treowen ( 1895 )
 Grey, Raleigh ( 1896 )
 Stewart, Donald William ( 1896 )
 Olivier, Sydney Haldane, 1st and last Baron Olivier ( 1898 )
 Chichester, Edward, 9th Bt. ( 1899 )
 Fortescue, Charles Granville ( 1899 )
 Galway, Henry Lionel ( 1899 )
 Maxse, Ernest George Berkeley ( 1899 )
 Wake, Charles St. Aubyn ( 1899 )
 Cavendish, Alfred Edward John ( 1900 )
 Cooke-Collis, William ( 1900 )
 Cummins, Henry Alfred ( 1900 )
 Stevenson, Robert ( 1900 )
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton, 1st Bt. ( 1900 )
 à Court Repington, Charles ( 1900 )
 Bigham, Charles Clive, 2nd Viscount Mersey ( 1901 )
 Brasier-Creagh, George Washington ( 1901 )
 Dorman, John Cotter ( 1901 )
 Goold-Adams, Henry Edward Fane ( 1901 )
 Guinness, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee, 2nd Earl of Iveagh ( 1901 )
 Simon, Maximilian Frank ( 1901 )
 Bence-Lambert, Guy Lenox ( 1902 )
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice ( 1902 )
 Fitzpatrick, Bernard Edward Barnaby, 2nd Baron Castletown of Upper Ossory ( 1902 )
 Langman, Archibald Lawrence, 2nd Bt. ( 1902 )
 North, Frederic Dudley ( 1902 )
 Trefusis, John Schomberg ( 1902 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Thomas, 4th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl ( 1902 )
 Bell, Valentine Graeme ( 1903 )
 Gwynn, Charles William ( 1903 )
 Maud, Philip ( 1903 )
 Somers Cocks, Charles Sebastian ( 1903 )
 Alexander, Dudley Henry ( 1904 )
 Baird, John Lawrence, of Ury, 1st Viscount Stonehaven ( 1904 )
 Findlay, Mansfeldt de Cardonnel ( 1904 )
 Gavan Duffy, Charles Cashel ( 1904 )
 Lambton, William ( 1904 )
 Maunsell, Francis Richard ( 1904 )
 Montgomerie, Robert Archibald James ( 1904 )
 Rochfort, Alexander Nelson ( 1904 )
 Spooner, Charles Edwin ( 1904 )
 Casement, Roger David ( 1905 )
 Nicholson, John Sanctuary ( 1905 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1906 )
 Anstruther, Robert Hamilton ( 1907 )
 Lamb, Ernest Henry, 1st Baron Rochester ( 1907 )
 Napier, Henry Dundas ( 1907 )
 Maud, William Hartley ( 1908 )
 Cambridge, Adolphus Charles, 1st Marquess of Cambridge ( 1909 )
 Chancellor, John Robert ( 1909 )
 Gordon, William Alexander ( 1909 )
 Bland, Robert Norman ( 1910 )
 Brand, Robert Henry, 1st and last Baron Brand ( 1910 )
 Carden, John ( 1910 )
 Hoskyns, Peyton ( 1910 )
 Erskine-Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine, 1st and last Baron Wester Wemyss ( 1911 )
 Ridley, Henry Nicholas ( 1911 )
 Somers Cocks, Philip Alphonso ( 1911 )
 Thesiger, Bertram Sackville ( 1911 )
 Bentinck, Walter Guy, Baron Bentinck ( 1912 )
 Barton, Sidney ( 1913 )
 Hobart-Hampden, Ernest Miles ( 1914 )
 Arbuthnot, Dalrymple, 5th Bt. ( 1915 )
 Barry, Stanley Leonard ( 1915 )
 Brand, Thomas Walter, 3rd Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1915 )
 Burrowes, Arnold Robinson ( 1915 )
 Cairns, Wilfred Dallas, 4th Earl Cairns ( 1915 )
 Cameron, Archibald Rice ( 1915 )
 Cavendish, Richard Frederick ( 1915 )
 Cayley, Douglas Edward ( 1915 )
 Croft, Henry Page, 1st Baron Croft ( 1915 )
 Cummins, Stevenson Lyle ( 1915 )
 Erskine, Henry Adeane ( 1915 )
 Goff, Algernon Hamilton Stannus ( 1915 )
 Gray, Frederick William Barton ( 1915 )
 Hemming, Edward Hughes ( 1915 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Walter Patrick, 10th Lord Ruthven of Freeland ( 1915 )
 Moncreiffe, Robert Drummond, of that Ilk, 8th Bt. ( 1915 )
 Nightingale, Thomas Slingsby ( 1915 )
 Onslow, Cranley Charlton ( 1915 )
 Ravenshaw, Hardis Secondus Lalande ( 1915 )
 Sackville-West, Charles John, 4th Baron Sackville of Knole ( 1915 )
 Stewart, Cosmo Gordon ( 1915 )
 Sullivan, Edward Langford ( 1915 )
 Tennyson, Charles Bruce Locker ( 1915 )
 Vyvyan, Courtenay Bourchier, 10th Bt. ( 1915 )
 Bell, Maurice Hugh Lowthian, 3rd Bt. ( 1916 )
 Birkin, Charles Wilfred ( 1916 )
 Byass, Harry Nicholl ( 1916 )
 Cadman, John, 1st Baron Cadman ( 1916 )
 Cameron, Donald Walter, of Lochiel, 25th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1916 )
 Carroll, John William Vincent ( 1916 )
 Caulfeild, Charles Trevor ( 1916 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1916 )
 Clark, James Richardson Andrew, 2nd Bt. ( 1916 )
 Cole, John Henry Michael, 5th Earl of Enniskillen ( 1916 )
 Craske, John ( 1916 )
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage, of Kilbirnie, 5th Bt. ( 1916 )
 Cunliffe, Frederick Hugh Gordon ( 1916 )
 Curtis, Edward George ( 1916 )
 Erskine, James Francis ( 1916 )
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice Swynfen ( 1916 )
 Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Charles Strathavon ( 1916 )
 Heriot-Maitland, James Dalgleish ( 1916 )
 Hood, Victor Albert Nelson ( 1916 )
 Hordern, Arthur Venables Calveley ( 1916 )
 Hordern, Gwyn Venables ( 1916 )
 Jebb, Gladwyn Dundas ( 1916 )
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st Baron Keyes ( 1916 )
 Knatchbull, George Wyndham Chichester ( 1916 )
 Leveson-Gower, Charles Cameron ( 1916 )
 Martin, Robert Edmund ( 1916 )
 Maunsell, Frederick Guy ( 1916 )
 McClintock, Robert Lyle ( 1916 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Herbert Andrew ( 1916 )
 Montmorency, John Pratt ( 1916 )
 Petre, Henry Cecil ( 1916 )
 Price, Cyril Uvedale ( 1916 )
 Rankin, Charles Herbert ( 1916 )
 Rawlinson, Alfred, 3rd Bt. ( 1916 )
 Rose, Hugh, 24th of Kilravock ( 1916 )
 Slater, Alexander Ransford ( 1916 )
 Stockdale, Herbert Edward ( 1916 )
 Trotter, Gerald Frederic ( 1916 )
 White, Robert ( 1916 )
 Wingate, Alfred Woodrow Stanley ( 1916 )
 Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke ( 1917 )
 Acland-Troyte, Gilbert John ( 1917 )
 Annesley, James Howard Adolphus ( 1917 )
 Arbuthnot, Alexander George ( 1917 )
 Backhouse, Roger Roland Charles ( 1917 )
 Berkeley, Christopher Robert ( 1917 )
 Bewley, Alfred William ( 1917 )
 Boyle, Edward Louis Dalrymple ( 1917 )
 Bridgeman, Reginald Francis Orlando ( 1917 )
 Brown, Francis Clifton ( 1917 )
 Bruce, Henry James ( 1917 )
 Burney, Charles Dennistoun, 2nd Bt. ( 1917 )
 Butler, Leslie James Probyn ( 1917 )
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1917 )
 Caulfeild, James Edward Wilmot Smyth ( 1917 )
 Cobbe, Henry Hercules ( 1917 )
 Cole-Hamilton, Claud George ( 1917 )
 Domvile, Barry Edward ( 1917 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, Arthur ( 1917 )
 Feilden, Wemyss Gawne Cunningham ( 1917 )
 Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynne ( 1917 )
 Fraser, Alexander William Frederick, 19th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1917 )
 French, George Arthur ( 1917 )
 Gunning, Charles Vere, 7th Bt. ( 1917 )
 Harrison, Cholmeley Edward Carl Branfill ( 1917 )
 Herbert, Edward Sydney ( 1917 )
 Hunter Blair, Walter Charles ( 1917 )
 Lowis, Penton Shakespear ( 1917 )
 Lubbock, Guy ( 1917 )
 Mac Gregor, Malcolm, of Mac Gregor, 5th Bt. ( 1917 )
 Macnaghten, Ernest Brander ( 1917 )
 Manners, Robert William Orlando ( 1917 )
 Maunsell, George William ( 1917 )
 McMahon, Bernard William Lynedoch ( 1917 )
 Milman, Lionel Charles Patrick, 7th Bt. ( 1917 )
 Nepean, Herbert Evan Charles Bayley ( 1917 )
 Pakenham, Hercules Arthur ( 1917 )
 Poole, Frederick Cuthbert ( 1917 )
 Ramsay, Frank William ( 1917 )
 Ramsden-Jodrell, Henry ( 1917 )
 Rowley-Conwy, Rafe Grenville ( 1917 )
 Sanders, George Herbert ( 1917 )
 Severn, Claud ( 1917 )
 Sinclair, Hugh Montgomerie ( 1917 )
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham ( 1917 )
 Stanistreet, George Bradshaw ( 1917 )
 Tufton, Charles Henry ( 1917 )
 Ussher, Allan Vesey ( 1917 )
 Ward, Bernard Rowland ( 1917 )
 Wedgwood, Ralph Lewis, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Williamson, Adolphus Hudleston ( 1917 )
 Wiseman, William George, 10th Bt. ( 1917 )
 Wrey, William Bourchier Sherard ( 1917 )
 Akers-Douglas, Aretas, 2nd Viscount Chilston ( 1918 )
 Archdale, Hugh James ( 1918 )
 Armytage, George Ayscough, 7th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Barlow, Hilaro William Wellesley, 5th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Bellingham, Edward Henry Charles Patrick, 5th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Blakeney, Herbert Norwood ( 1918 )
 Boyle, Algernon Douglas Edward Harry ( 1918 )
 Burrard, William Dutton ( 1918 )
 Campbell, John Vaughan, V.C. ( 1918 )
 Carden, Louis Peile ( 1918 )
 Cavendish, Frederick William Lawrence Shepperd Hart ( 1918 )
 Chapman, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Chaytor, D'Arcy ( 1918 )
 Clifton, Percy Robert ( 1918 )
 Cochrane, Archibald ( 1918 )
 Colston, Edward Murray, 2nd Baron Roundway ( 1918 )
 Comyn, Lewis James ( 1918 )
 Darell, William Harry Verelst ( 1918 )
 Davson, Harry Miller ( 1918 )
 Dawnay, Guy Payan ( 1918 )
 Dill, John Greer ( 1918 )
 Dugan, Winston Joseph, 1st and last Baron Dugan of Victoria ( 1918 )
 Fagan, Edward Arthur ( 1918 )
 Fairfax, Bryan Charles ( 1918 )
 Fortescue, Francis Alexander ( 1918 )
 Gibbon, Charles Monk ( 1918 )
 Greer, Frederick Augustus ( 1918 )
 Grubb, Alexander Henry Watkins ( 1918 )
 Hambro, Percival Otway ( 1918 )
 Herbert, Otway Charles ( 1918 )
 Heywood, Cecil Percival ( 1918 )
 Hood, Neville Albert ( 1918 )
 Hope, William Henry Webley ( 1918 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Gore Arkwright, 1st Earl of Gowrie ( 1918 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Christian Malise ( 1918 )
 Ironside, William Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside ( 1918 )
 Jessel, Herbert Merton, 1st Baron Jessel ( 1918 )
 Keble, Alfred Ernest Conquer ( 1918 )
 Kenyon, Edward Ranulph ( 1918 )
 Kidston, George Jardine ( 1918 )
 Leeds, Thomas Louis ( 1918 )
 Legge, William Kaye ( 1918 )
 Leveson-Gower, Philip ( 1918 )
 Locock, Guy Harold ( 1918 )
 Mackworth, Harry Llewellyn, 8th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Magan, Arthur Tilson Shaen ( 1918 )
 Martin, Gerald Hamilton ( 1918 )
 McDonnell, Angus ( 1918 )
 Meyrick, Frederick Charlton, 2nd Bt. ( 1918 )
 Milner, George Francis ( 1918 )
 Molesworth, Arthur Ludovic ( 1918 )
 Murray, Arthur Cecil, 3rd Viscount Elibank ( 1918 )
 Murray, Charles David, Lord Murray ( 1918 )
 Needham, Henry ( 1918 )
 Nicholson, Walter Norris ( 1918 )
 Nightingale, Manners Ralph Wilmott ( 1918 )
 O'Grady, Standish de Courcy ( 1918 )
 Pakenham, George de la Poer Beresford ( 1918 )
 Peel, Edward John Russell ( 1918 )
 Price, George Dominic ( 1918 )
 Price, Thomas Herbert Francis ( 1918 )
 Radcliffe, Philip John Joseph ( 1918 )
 Rainsford Hannay, Frederick ( 1918 )
 Ramsay-Fairfax, William George Astell ( 1918 )
 Russell, Alexander Victor Frederick Villiers ( 1918 )
 Sausmarez, Cecil ( 1918 )
 Seely, John Edward Bernard, 1st Baron Mottistone ( 1918 )
 Seymour, Edward Hamilton, 16th Duke of Somerset ( 1918 )
 Shaw-Stewart, Basil Heron ( 1918 )
 Stanley, Ferdinand Charles ( 1918 )
 Stewart, Albert Fortescue ( 1918 )
 Strachey, Richard John ( 1918 )
 Tempest, Roger Stephen ( 1918 )
 Thomson, Roger Gordon ( 1918 )
 Thynne, Ulric Oliver ( 1918 )
 Tovey, George Strangways ( 1918 )
 Vivian, Gerald William ( 1918 )
 Wagstaff, Cyril Mosley ( 1918 )
 Wake, Hereward, 13th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Walthall, Edward Charles Walthall Delves ( 1918 )
 Whitmore, Francis Henry Douglas Charlton, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Willey, Francis Vernon, 2nd Baron Barnby ( 1918 )
 Williams, Henry David ( 1918 )
 Wingfield, Maurice Anthony ( 1918 )
 Wolrige Gordon, John Gordon, 8th of Esslemont and 19th of Hallhead ( 1918 )
 Annesley, Arthur Stephen Robert ( 1919 )
 Annesley, William Henry ( 1919 )
 Astley-Rushton, Edward Astley ( 1919 )
 Barron, Netterville Guy ( 1919 )
 Bernard, Denis John Charles Kirwan ( 1919 )
 Biddulph, Harry ( 1919 )
 Bland, Edward Humphrey ( 1919 )
 Bland, William St. Colum ( 1919 )
 Bourke, Ulrick John Deane ( 1919 )
 Boyd, Henry Alexander ( 1919 )
 Brand, Roger ( 1919 )
 Bromley, Arthur, 8th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Bruce, Edward James, 14th Earl of Kincardine ( 1919 )
 Burnett, James Lauderdale Gilbert, of Leys, 13th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Buxton, John Lawrence ( 1919 )
 Buzzard, Charles Norman ( 1919 )
 Campbell, George Frederic Colin ( 1919 )
 Carey, Octavius William ( 1919 )
 Cecil, William Thomas Brownlow, 5th Marquess of Exeter ( 1919 )
 Charteris, Nigel Keppel ( 1919 )
 Chenevix Trench, Lawrence ( 1919 )
 Clive, George Sidney ( 1919 )
 Cohen, Charles Waley ( 1919 )
 Conolly, Edward Michael ( 1919 )
 Cooke-Collis, William James Norman ( 1919 )
 Croft, William Denman ( 1919 )
 Crosbie, James Dayrolles ( 1919 )
 Cummins, Harry Ashley Vane ( 1919 )
 Currie, Ryves Alexander Mark ( 1919 )
 Daly, Arthur Crawford ( 1919 )
 Dampier, Cecil Frederick ( 1919 )
 Dick-Cunyngham, William Stewart, 8th/10th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Dillon, Eric FitzGerald, 19th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin ( 1919 )
 Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenheere, 1st Baron Dowding ( 1919 )
 Drummond, Maurice Charles Andrew ( 1919 )
 Eden, Schomberg Henley ( 1919 )
 Edwardes, Hugh, 6th Baron Kensington ( 1919 )
 Egerton, Wilfrid Allen ( 1919 )
 Fisher, Julian Lawrence ( 1919 )
 Forwood, Dudley Baines, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Franks, George Despard ( 1919 )
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Baron Freyberg, V.C. ( 1919 )
 Gethin, Richard Walter St. Lawrence, 8th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Gordon, George Hamilton ( 1919 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Esmé Charles ( 1919 )
 Grigg, Edward William MacLeay, 1st Baron Altrincham ( 1919 )
 Grubb, Herbert Watkins ( 1919 )
 Hamilton, Gilbert Claud ( 1919 )
 Hare, Robert William ( 1919 )
 Harington, John ( 1919 )
 Hay, Victor Alexander Sereld, 21st Earl of Erroll ( 1919 )
 Henley, Anthony Morton ( 1919 )
 Hodges, Michael Henry ( 1919 )
 Knox, Alfred William Fortescue ( 1919 )
 Legard, d'Arcy ( 1919 )
 Lindsay, George Mackintosh ( 1919 )
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Francis Leger Christian ( 1919 )
 Livingstone-Learmonth, John Eric Christian ( 1919 )
 Macartney, Henry Dundas Keith ( 1919 )
 Macdougall, Alexander James, 29th of Dunollie ( 1919 )
 Macnab, Allan James ( 1919 )
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Henry Coventry ( 1919 )
 Matheson, Torquhil George, of Lochalsh, 5th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Molesworth, Herbert Ellicombe ( 1919 )
 Moore, Henry Charles Ponsonby, 10th Earl of Drogheda ( 1919 )
 Napier, William Rawdon ( 1919 )
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st Baron Newall ( 1919 )
 Pelham-Burn, Kathleen ( 1919 )
 Pelly, Raymond Theodore ( 1919 )
 Ponsonby, Vere Brabazon, 9th Earl of Bessborough ( 1919 )
 Rainsford-Hannay, Frederick, of Kirkdale ( 1919 )
 Ramsden, Josslyn Vere ( 1919 )
 Rose Price, Thomas ( 1919 )
 Rumbold, William Edwin ( 1919 )
 Salt, Harold Francis ( 1919 )
 Sclater-Booth, Walter Dashwood ( 1919 )
 Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norman ( 1919 )
 Seymour, Ralph Frederick ( 1919 )
 Skipwith, Frederick George ( 1919 )
 Skipwith, Harry Louis Estoteville ( 1919 )
 Smyth-Osbourne, George Nowell Thomas ( 1919 )
 St. John, Edmund Farquhar ( 1919 )
 Stapleton, Francis Harry ( 1919 )
 Stirling, William ( 1919 )
 Stopford, Arthur ( 1919 )
 Stuart, Burleigh Francis Brownlow ( 1919 )
 Sutton, Hugh Clement ( 1919 )
 Thynne, Denis Granville ( 1919 )
 Vesey, Ivo Lucius Beresford ( 1919 )
 Wake, Edward St. Aubyn ( 1919 )
 Waley Cohen, Jacob ( 1919 )
 Walker, Bertram James ( 1919 )
 Wallace, Robert Francis Hurter, of that Ilk ( 1919 )
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell ( 1919 )
 Wilson, Guy Greville ( 1919 )
 Windsor-Clive, George ( 1919 )
 Wood, Charles Michell Aloysius ( 1919 )
 Yorke, Ralph Maximilian ( 1919 )
 Carmichael, James Forrest Halkett ( 1920 )
 Curtis, Berwick ( 1920 )
 Hamilton, Claud Nigel ( 1920 )
 Mackworth, Geoffrey ( 1920 )
 Nicolson, Harold George ( 1920 )
 Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, 1st and last Baron Vansittart ( 1920 )
 Lampson, Miles Wedderburn, 1st Baron Killearn ( 1922 )
 Peel, Robert Francis ( 1922 )
 Sinclair, Archibald Henry Macdonald, 1st Viscount Thurso ( 1922 )
 Balfour, Oswald Herbert Campbell ( 1923 )
 Bentinck, Charles Henry ( 1923 )
 Blunt, Arthur Powlett ( 1923 )
 Forbes Adam, Eric Graham ( 1923 )
 Macnaghten, Terence Charles ( 1923 )
 Villiers, Gerald Hyde ( 1923 )
 Young, Hubert Winthrop ( 1923 )
 Alexander, Edward Bruce ( 1925 )
 Legh, Piers Walter ( 1925 )
 Stonor, Oswald Francis Gerard ( 1925 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Edgar Wrigley ( 1926 )
 Russell, Thomas Wentworth ( 1926 )
 Spring Rice, Thomas Aubrey, 3rd Baron Monteagle of Brandon ( 1926 )
 Fremantle, John Morton ( 1927 )
 Keown-Boyd, Alexander William ( 1928 )
 Rowley, Arthur Langford Sholto, 8th Baron Langford of Summerhill ( 1928 )
 Bagge, John Picton, 5th Bt. ( 1929 )
 Baillieu, Clive Latham, 1st Baron Baillieu ( 1929 )
 Eden, Charles William Guy ( 1929 )
 Mac Gregor, Robert Menzies ( 1929 )
 Campbell, Cecil James ( 1930 )
 Cochrane, Charles Walter Hamilton ( 1930 )
 Vane, Christopher William, 10th Baron Barnard of Barnard's Castle ( 1930 )
 Dobbs, Cecil Moore ( 1931 )
 Butler, Edwin John ( 1932 )
 Campbell, Ronald Ian ( 1932 )
 Macready, Gordon Nevil, 2nd Bt. ( 1932 )
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang ( 1932 )
 Grant Watson, Herbert Adolphus ( 1933 )
 Hussey, Eric Robert James ( 1933 )
 Lascelles, Alan Frederick ( 1933 )
 Richards, Arthur Frederick, 1st Baron Milverton ( 1933 )
 Sarsfield-Hall, Edwin Geoffrey ( 1933 )
 Wigram, Ralph Follett ( 1933 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1934 )
 Kerr, Louis William Howard ( 1935 )
 Mackenzie, Eric Dighton ( 1935 )
 Bowman, Humphrey Ernest ( 1936 )
 Heathcote-Smith, Clifford Edward ( 1936 )
 Holman, Adrian ( 1936 )
 Montgomery, Harold Robert ( 1936 )
 Welby, Hugh Robert Everard Earle ( 1936 )
 Charles, Noel Hughes Havelock, 3rd Bt. ( 1937 )
 Forbes, Bertram Aloysius ( 1937 )
 Harvey, Oliver Charles Harvey, 1st Baron Harvey of Tasburgh ( 1937 )
 Roberts, Walter St. Clair Howland ( 1937 )
 Pepys, Walter Evelyn ( 1938 )
 Prideaux-Brune, Humphrey Ingelram ( 1938 )
 Huggins, John ( 1939 )
 Kirkpatrick, Ivone Augustine ( 1939 )
 Millar, Frederick Hoyer, 1st Baron Inchyra ( 1939 )
 Peake, Frederick Gerald ( 1939 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Ferdinand William, 8th Duke of Portland ( 1941 )
 Neave, Sheffield Alrey ( 1941 )
 Stirling, Charles Norman ( 1941 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor Frederick William, 9th Duke of Portland ( 1942 )
 Grubb, Kenneth George ( 1942 )
 Hoskyns-Abrahall, Theo Chandos ( 1942 )
 Houstoun-Boswall, William Evelyn ( 1942 )
 Jebb, Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 1st Baron Gladwyn ( 1942 )
 Pearce-Serocold, Arthur John ( 1942 )
 Trench-Gascoigne, Alvary Douglas Frederick ( 1942 )
 Brand, Thomas Henry, 4th Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1943 )
 Twining, Francis Edward, Baron Twining ( 1943 )
 Furness, Robert Allason ( 1944 )
 Hambro, John Henry ( 1944 )
 Hopkinson, Henry Lennox D'Aubigne, 1st Baron Colyton ( 1944 )
 Jackson, Robert Gillman Allen ( 1944 )
 Maclay, John Scott, 1st Viscount Muirshiel ( 1944 )
 Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield ( 1944 )
 Murphy, William Lindsay ( 1944 )
 Caccia, Harold Anthony, Baron Caccia ( 1945 )
 Denham, Henry Mangles ( 1945 )
 Dening, Esler Maberley ( 1945 )
 Farquhar, Harold Lister ( 1945 )
 Foley, Guy Francis ( 1945 )
 Gibbs, Geoffrey Cokayne ( 1945 )
 Grey, Nigel ( 1945 )
 Le Fanu, George Ernest Hugh ( 1945 )
 Thorold, Guy Frederick ( 1945 )
 Codrington, William Melville ( 1946 )
 Fitzmaurice, Gerald Gray ( 1946 )
 Foot, Hugh Mackintosh, Baron Caradon ( 1946 )
 Hamilton, John Almeric de Courcy ( 1946 )
 Lascelles, Daniel William ( 1946 )
 Montagu-Pollock, William Horace ( 1946 )
 Phillimore, John Gore ( 1946 )
 Young, Norman Egerton ( 1946 )
 Buxton, Patrick Alfred ( 1947 )
 Hankey, Robert Maurice Alers, 2nd Baron Hankey ( 1947 )
 Noble, Andrew Napier, of Ardkinglas, 2nd Bt. ( 1947 )
 Simon, John Gilbert, 2nd Viscount Simon ( 1947 )
 Addis, William ( 1948 )
 Barclay, Roderick Edward ( 1948 )
 Boyle, David Hugh Montgomerie ( 1948 )
 Chancellor, Christopher John ( 1948 )
 Hayter, William Goodenough ( 1948 )
 Darling, Charles Brian Auchinleck ( 1949 )
 Gage, Berkeley Everard Foley ( 1949 )
 Gore-Booth, Paul Henry, Baron Gore-Booth ( 1949 )
 Roll, Eric, Baron Roll of Ipsden ( 1949 )
 Burrows, Bernard Alexander Brocas ( 1950 )
 Keswick, John Henry ( 1950 )
 Murray, Francis Ralph Hay ( 1950 )
 Vesey, Osbert Eustace ( 1950 )
 Bruce Lockhart, John MacGregor ( 1951 )
 Codrington, Geoffrey Ronald ( 1951 )
 Grey, Paul Francis ( 1951 )
 Pyke, Cyril John ( 1951 )
 Stourton, Ivo Herbert Evelyn Joseph ( 1951 )
 Trevelyan, Humphrey, Baron Trevelyan ( 1951 )
 Young, George Peregrine, 5th Bt. ( 1951 )
 Blackley, Travers Robert ( 1952 )
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne ( 1952 )
 Malcolm, Angus Christian Edward ( 1952 )
 Wingate, Ronald Evelyn Leslie, 2nd Bt. ( 1952 )
 Arthur, Oswald Raynor ( 1953 )
 Cheetham, Nicholas John Alexander ( 1953 )
 Hone, Evelyn Dennison ( 1953 )
 Hood, Samuel, 6th Viscount Hood of Whitley ( 1953 )
 O'Neill, Con Douglas Walter ( 1953 )
 Rumbold, Horace Algernon Fraser ( 1953 )
 Rumbold, Horace Anthony Claud, 10th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Wakefield, Roger Cuthbert ( 1953 )
 MacDermot, Dermot Francis, The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin ( 1954 )
 Marjoribanks, James Alexander Milne ( 1954 )
 Beaumont, Richard Ashton ( 1955 )
 Cusack, Henry Vernon ( 1955 )
 Grey, Ralph Francis Alnwick, Baron Grey of Naunton ( 1955 )
 Rolland, Francis William ( 1955 )
 Warner, Edward Redston ( 1955 )
 Bowlby, Cuthbert Francis Bond ( 1956 )
 Grattan-Bellew, Arthur John ( 1956 )
 Gunning, Orlando Peter ( 1956 )
 Henniker-Major, John Patrick Edward Chandos, 8th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney ( 1956 )
 Hope, Charles Peter ( 1956 )
 Wilberforce, Richard Orme, Baron Wilberforce ( 1956 )
 Evans, Sidney Harold, 1st Bt. ( 1957 )
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Francis Edward, 8th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1957 )
 Millard, Guy Elwin ( 1957 )
 Potter, Arthur Kingscote ( 1957 )
 Talbot, Milo John Reginald, 7th Baron Talbot of Malahide ( 1957 )
 Young, William Hilary ( 1957 )
 Hall, Douglas Basil, of Dunglass, 14th Bt. ( 1958 )
 Murray, James Patrick ( 1958 )
 Russell, John Wriothesley ( 1958 )
 Adams, Philip George Doyne ( 1959 )
 Armstrong, Andrew Clarence Francis, 6th Bt. ( 1959 )
 Boothby, Evelyn Basil ( 1959 )
 Cotton, John Richard ( 1959 )
 Duntze, George Edwin Douglas, 6th Bt. ( 1960 )
 Greenhill, Denis Arthur, Baron Greenhill of Harrow ( 1960 )
 Hankey, Henry Arthur Alers ( 1960 )
 Henry, James Holmes, 2nd Bt. ( 1960 )
 Howard, Henry Anthony Camillo ( 1960 )
 Tomkins, Edward Emile ( 1960 )
 Trench, David Clive Crosbie ( 1960 )
 Asquith, Edward Julian George, 2nd Earl of Oxford and Asquith ( 1961 )
 Loyd, Francis Alfred ( 1961 )
 Stewart, Charles Cosmo Bruce ( 1962 )
 Butter, John Henry ( 1963 )
 Pumphrey, John Lawrence ( 1963 )
 St. John, Oliver Charles Beauchamp ( 1963 )
 Gore, Paul Annesley ( 1964 )
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Henry, 3rd Baron Acton of Aldenham ( 1964 )
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1964 )
 Ramsbotham, Peter Edward, 3rd Viscount Soulbury ( 1964 )
 Henderson, John Nicholas ( 1965 )
 Hunt, Roland Charles Colin ( 1965 )
 Lambert, Margaret Barbara ( 1965 )
 Ramsden, Caryl Oliver Imbert, 8th Bt. ( 1965 )
 Hibbert, Reginald Alfred ( 1966 )
 Malcolm, Dugald ( 1966 )
 McDouall, John Crichton ( 1966 )
 Meinertzhagen, Peter ( 1966 )
 Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baron Moore of Wolvercote ( 1966 )
 Trench, Nigel Clive Cosby, 7th Baron Ashtown ( 1966 )
 Maitland, Donald James Dundas ( 1967 )
 McAlpine, Robert Douglas Christopher ( 1967 )
 Balfour Paul, Hugh Glencairn ( 1968 )
 Colchester, Halsey Sparrowe ( 1968 )
 Colvin, John Horace Ragnar ( 1968 )
 Elliott, Thomas Anthony Keith ( 1968 )
 Edmonds, Robert Humphrey Gordon ( 1969 )
 Howard, Edmund Bernard Carlo ( 1969 )
 Parsons, Anthony Derrick ( 1969 )
 Stewart, Dugald Leslie Lorn, 16th Chisholm of Appin ( 1969 )
 Waterlow, John Conrad ( 1970 )
 Wilson, Richard John McMoran, 2nd Baron Moran ( 1970 )
 Park, Daphne Margaret Sybil Desiree, Baroness Park of Monmouth ( 1971 )
 Graham, John Alexander Noble, 4th Bt. ( 1972 )
 Carden, Derrick Charles ( 1974 )
 Weir, Michael Scott ( 1974 )
 Bridges, Thomas Edward, 2nd Baron Bridges ( 1975 )
 Farquharson, Robert Alexander ( 1975 )
 Acland, Antony Arthur ( 1976 )
 Ryder, Margaret Susan, Baroness Ryder of Warsaw ( 1976 )
 Hickman, John Kyrle ( 1977 )
 Jackson, John Edward ( 1977 )
 Warburton, Anne Marion ( 1977 )
 Akers-Jones, David ( 1978 )
 Gordon Lennox, Nicholas Charles ( 1978 )
 Gordon-Cumming, Alexander Roualeyn ( 1978 )
 Byatt, Hugh Campbell ( 1979 )
 Gibbon, James Aubrey ( 1980 )
 Lucas, Ivor Thomas Mark ( 1980 )
 Petrie, Peter Charles, 5th Bt. ( 1980 )
 Renwick, Robin William, Baron Renwick of Clifton ( 1980 )
 Gibbs, Eustace Hubert Beilby, 3rd Baron Wraxall ( 1982 )
 Gillmore, David Howe, Baron Gillmore of Thamesfield ( 1982 )
 McLaren, Robin John Taylor ( 1982 )
 Arbuthnott, Hugh James ( 1984 )
 Boyd, John Dixon Iklé ( 1985 )
 Wilson, David Clive, Baron Wilson of Tillyorn ( 1985 )
 Palmer, Andrew Eustace ( 1987 )
 Beamish, Adrian John Patrick ( 1988 )
 Meyer, Christopher John Rome ( 1988 )
 Goodenough, Anthony Michael ( 1990 )
 Gore-Booth, David Alwyn ( 1990 )
 Boyce, Graham Hugh ( 1991 )
 Burns, Robert Andrew ( 1992 )
 Davan Wetton, Philip Henry ( 1993 )
 Pakenham, Michael Aidan ( 1993 )
 Cecil, Desmond Hugh ( 1995 )
 Pooley, Peter ( 1996 )
 Brooking, Patrick Guy ( 1997 )
 Darroch, Nigel Kim, Baron Darroch of Kew ( 1997 )
 Berry, Peter Fremantle ( 1998 )
 Montgomery, David Bernard, 2nd Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ( 2000 )
 Nash, Stephen Thomas ( 2000 )
 Rothschild, Emma Georgina ( 2000 )
 Cornelius-Wheeler, Selwyn Charles ( 2001 )
 Neville-Rolfe, Lucy Jeanne, Baroness Neville-Rolfe ( 2005 )
 Brooke, Henry ( 2012 )
 Hughes-Hallett, James Wyndham John ( 2012 )
 Browne, Carolyn ( 2017 )
 Kidd, John Christopher William ( 2017 )
 Barton, Christopher Charles ( 2020 )
Count equals 1428 individuals.
Companion, Order of the Bath (C.B.)
 Abbott, Henry Dyeth
 Abercromby, Alexander
 Acheson, Edward
 Adams, Cyril Douglas
 Adams, Frank
 Addison, George Henry
 Adye, Walter
 Airey, Terence Sydney
 Alexander, J. H.
 Alexander, John Hobhouse Inglis
 Alexander, John Hobhouse Inglis
 Alexander, Robert
 Allen, John Derwent
 Allerton, Ord Dennis
 Allerton, Richard Christopher
 Altham, Edward
 Anderson, Alexander
 Anderson, Paul
 Anley, Frederick Gore
 Anson, George Edward
 Anstruther, Philip
 Antrobus, Reginald Laurence
 Arbuthnot, Charles George
 Arbuthnot, Henry Thomas
 Arbuthnot, William
 Archer, Walter Edward
 Ardagh, John Charles
 Armitage-Smith, Anthony Armitage
 Ashburnham, Thomas
 Asser, Verney
 Atherton, Thomas James
 Austin, Herbert Henry
 Aylen, Ian Gerald
 Bagot, Charles Hervey
 Bailey, Sidney Robert
 Baillie-Grohman, Harold Tom
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, Lord Binning
 Baillie-Hamilton, Ker
 Baird, Alexander Walter Frederick
 Baker-Carr, John Darcy
 Balders, Charles William Morley
 Baldock, Thomas Stanford
 Baldwin, John
 Baldwin, John Eustice Arthur
 Balfour, Alfred Granville
 Balfour, Charles Barrington
 Balfour, Philip Maxwell
 Ball, Valentine
 Ballance, Frank Arthur
 Ballard, Volant Vashon
 Bannerman, William
 Banon, Lionel
 Barber, Colin Muir
 Barclay, Colville Adrian de Rune
 Barling, Harry Gilbert, 1st Bt.
 Barnes, Eric Delano
 Barnes, George Carnac
 Barrett, Denis Hugh Bryan
 Barrington, Charles George
 Barrow, Joseph Lyon
 Barrow, Lousada
 Barrow, Percy Harry Stanley
 Bartosik, Josef Czeslaw
 Barttelot, Walter, 1st Bt.
 Bastin, George Edward Restalic
 Bates, Charles Loftus
 Bax, Robert Nesham
 Baxendale, Joseph Francis Noel
 Bayley, Charles John
 Bayly, John
 Bazalgette, Derek Willoughby
 Bazalgette, Joseph William
 Beamish, Henry Hamilton
 Beard, Edmund Charles
 Beardsworth, Simon John
 Beaumont, William Anderson
 Beche, Henry Thomas
 Beckett, Clifford Thomason
 Beckett, Edwin Horace Alexander
 Beddall, Walter Samuel Hall
 Bedworth, Richard
 Bell, Edward William Derrington, V.C.
 Bell, Mark Sever, V.C.
 Bell, Thomas
 Bell, Thomas Hugh, 2nd Bt.
 Bell, William Edward Derrington, V.C.
 Bell, unknown
 Bellairs, Roger M.
 Bellairs, William
 Benson, Robert Edmund Ross
 Benson, William George Sackville
 Berkeley, Charles Assheton FitzHardinge
 Bethell, Hugh Keppel
 Bethell, Slingsby
 Bevan, Christopher Martin
 Bevan, John Henry
 Beveridge, Arthur Joseph
 Bewicke-Copley, Robert Calverley Alington
 Biddulph, Edward
 Bigge, Thomas Scovell Charles
 Biggs, Hilary Worthington
 Bilney, Christopher Neil Hope
 Bingham, Cecil Edward
 Birch Reynardson, Edward
 Blackburne, Robert Ireland
 Blackett, Edward William, 7th Bt.
 Blackie, John
 Blackwell, William Richard
 Blackwell, unknown
 Blagrove, Henry John
 Blair, James, V.C.
 Blake, Arthur Maurice
 Blake, Frederic Rodolph
 Blake, Maurice Charles Joseph
 Blenkins, unknown
 Blomefield, Thomas Wilmot Peregrine, 4th Bt.
 Blount, Charles Hubert Boulby
 Bluett, Douglas
 Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell, Henry
 Blunt, Charles Harris
 Blyth, unknown
 Body, Kenneth Marten
 Boileau, Francis William
 Bonaparte-Wyse, Andrew Reginald Nicholas Gerald
 Bond, John Arthur Mallock
 Bond, John Wentworth Garneys
 Bonham Carter, David William Frederick
 Bonham, Edward Walter
 Boothby, William Osbert
 Boothby, William, 8th Bt.
 Borrett, Herbert Charles
 Bosville Macdonald, James William
 Boucher, Charles Hamilton
 Bourke, Charles Fowler
 Bourke, George Deane
 Bourke, John Jocelyn
 Bovell, Henry Cecil
 Bowen, Herbert
 Bowes-Lyon, Francis James Cecil
 Bowles, Frederick Augustus
 Boxer, Alan Hunter Cachemaille
 Boyle, Algernon Douglas Edward Harry
 Boyle, William
 Bradney, Joseph Alfred
 Bradshaw, William Pat Arthur
 Branch, Edward Algernon Bysshe
 Brandling, John James
 Bretherton, Russell Frederick
 Brinckman, Theodore Francis, 3rd Bt.
 Broadbent, John Edward
 Brocklehurst, Arthur Evers
 Brodie, Thomas
 Bromet, Geoffrey Rhodes
 Bromhead, Benjamin Parnell, 4th Bt.
 Brook, William Arthur Darville
 Brooke, Arthur Thomas
 Brooke, Geoffrey Francis Heremon
 Brooke, Henry Vaughan
 Brooke-Pechell, Samuel John, 3rd Bt.
 Broughton, William Robert
 Brown, Reginald Llewellyn
 Brown, William Baker
 Browne, Andrew
 Browne, Arthur Howe, 8th Marquess of Sligo
 Browne, James
 Browne, Percival John
 Browne, Percival John
 Browning, Frederick Arthur Montague
 Brownlow, Francis
 Brownlow, William Vesey
 Brownrigg, Henry John
 Brownrigg, Henry John Studholme
 Bruce, Robert
 Bryant, Jeremiah
 Bryant, Richard
 Buchanan, Lewis Mansergh
 Bucher, Francis Roy
 Buckland, Geoffrey Ronald Aubert
 Buckley, Peter Noel
 Bulkeley, Charles Rivers
 Bull, Robert
 Buller, Henry Tritton
 Bunbury, Henry William St. Pierre
 Bunsen, Maurice William Ernest, 1st and last Bt.
 Burdett, Charles Wyndham, 5th Bt.
 Burke, James Henry Thomas Joseph FitzGerald
 Burne, Henry Knightley
 Burney, Charles
 Burns, Robert
 Burrows, Henry
 Burrows, Montagu Brocas
 Burton, Adolphus William Desart
 Burton, Benjamin
 Bury, Lindsay Edward
 Butler, Antoine Sloet
 Butler, Montagu Sherard Dawes
 Butts, Frederick Cromie
 Byron, Richard
 Caborne, Warren Frederick
 Cadell, Robert
 Caldecott, Francis James
 Caldwell, Henry
 Cameron, Aylmer Spicer, V.C.
 Cameron, John
 Cameron, Neville John Gordon
 Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Henry William, 3rd Bt.
 Campbell Stewart, Richard
 Campbell, Alexander
 Campbell, Archibald
 Campbell, Colin George
 Campbell, Francis Alexander
 Campbell, George
 Campbell, Guy, 1st Bt.
 Campbell, John
 Campbell, Lorne
 Campbell-Ross, Alan
 Campbell-Walter, Keith McNeil
 Campion, William Henry
 Cantlie, Colin
 Capper, Thomson
 Cardiff, Ereld Wingfield Boteler
 Carey, Constantine Phipps
 Carey, George Glas Sandeman
 Carey, William
 Carmichael Smyth, James, 1st Bt.
 Carmichael, Charles Montauban
 Carmichael, James Doddington
 Carnegie, Alexander
 Carnegie, Swynfen Thomas
 Carruthers, Francis John
 Carter, Thomas Wren
 Cator, Albermarle Bertie Edward
 Caulfeild, James
 Caulfeild, Marcus Piers Francis
 Cave, John Halliday
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Frederick
 Cayley, Cecil Lilla Iris
 Cayley, Walter de Sausmarez
 Cazalet, Peter Grenville Lyon
 Chads, William John
 Chaloner, Thomas
 Chamberlain, Charles Francis Falcon
 Chamier, Stephen Henry Edward
 Champion de Crespigny, Hugh Vivian
 Chaplin, John Worthy, V.C.
 Chapman, Archibald John
 Chapman, Edward Francis
 Chaytor, Edward Walter Clervaux
 Cheyne, William Watson, of Leagarth, 1st Bt.
 Chichester, Edward, 9th Bt.
 Child, Smith Hill, 2nd Bt.
 Chilton, Maurice Somerville
 Christie, John
 Churchill, Thomas Bell Lindsay
 Churchward, Paul Rycaut Stanbury
 Claremont, unknown
 Clark, Richard
 Clark-Kennedy, John
 Clark-Kennedy, John
 Clarke, Charles Philip
 Clarke, Desmond Alexander Bruce
 Clarke, Roger Boucher
 Clarke, Stephenson Robert
 Clarke, Stephenson Robert
 Clay, Charles Travis
 Clayton, Edward Gilbert
 Clayton, Edward Miles
 Clayton, Gilbert Falkingham
 Cleary, William Castle
 Cleeve, William Frederick
 Clementi, Cresswell Montagu
 Clementi, Cresswell Montagu
 Cleverly, Osmund Somers
 Clifford, Henry Hugh, V.C.
 Clode, Charles Mathew
 Coaker, Ronald Edward
 Coats, George Henry Brook
 Cobbe, Henry Clermont
 Cobbold, Thomas Clement
 Cockburn, Henry
 Cocks, Arthur Herbert
 Codrington, William
 Cohen, Richard Henry Lionel
 Colbeck-Welch, Edward Lawrence
 Colborne, William John
 Cole, Arthur Lowry
 Cole, Arthur Willoughby George Lowry
 Colebrooke, William Macbean George
 Coles, Cowper Phipps
 Collard, Bernard St. George
 Collier, Francis Augustus
 Collin, Geoffrey de Egglesfield
 Collingwood, Cuthbert George
 Colomb, Philip Howard
 Colomb, Rupert Palmer
 Colquitt, Goodwin
 Colvile, Henry Edward
 Colville, Elizabeth Harriet
 Colville, William James
 Colvin, Cecil Hodgson
 Colvin, George Lethbridge
 Combe, Boyce Albert
 Combe, Gerard
 Combe, John Frederick Boyce
 Connal, Kenneth Hugh Munro
 Conway, Thomas Henry Somerset
 Conyers, Charles Edward
 Cooke, Anthony Charles
 Cooke-Yarborough, Charles
 Cooper, Kenneth Christie
 Cooper-Key, Edmund Moore
 Coote, Robert
 Corbet, Arthur Domville
 Cordeaux, Harry Edward Spiller
 Cornock, Charles Gordon
 Cottam, Algernon Edward
 Cotter, George Sackville
 Couper, George Ebenezer Wilson, 2nd Bt.
 Couper, George, 1st Bt.
 Courcy, Michael
 Courcy, Nevinson Willoughby
 Courtenay, Edward Reginald
 Courthope, William John
 Coventon, Leonard Charles Hopwood
 Cowley, John Guise
 Cox, Hugh Bertram
 Coxhead, James Alfred
 Crabbe, Eyre Macdonnell Stewart
 Crace, John Gregory
 Craigie, Robert Leslie
 Craigie-Halkett, John
 Craster, Shafto Longfield
 Crawford, George Oswald
 Creagh-Osborne, Frank Osborne
 Cresswell, Pearson R.
 Crewdson, William Dillworth
 Crewdson, Wilson Theodore Oliver
 Crewe, Charles Preston
 Crocker, Sydney Francis
 Crofton, Edward Lowther
 Crofton, Morgan Samuel
 Croker, William
 Crombie, John Harvey Forbes
 Crommelin, George Russell
 Crossman, Francis Lindisfarne Morley
 Cruddas, Ralph Cyril
 Crutchley, Ernest Tristram
 Cubitt, Henry, 2nd Baron Ashcombe
 Cuckney, Ernest John
 Cumberland, Charles Edward
 Cumberland, Octavius
 Cumming, Malcolm Edward Durant
 Cunliffe, Robert Henry, 4th Bt.
 Cunliffe-Owen, Charles
 Cunliffe-Owen, Charles
 Cunliffe-Owen, Henry Charles
 Cunninghame Graham, Angus Edward Malise Bontine, of Gartmore and Ardoch
 Currey, Andrew Christian
 Currey, Harry Philip
 Currie, Robert Alexander
 Curtis, Henry
 Curtis, J. G. W.
 Cust, Charles Leopold, 3rd Bt.
 Custance, Frederick Hambleton
 Custance, Frederick Hambleton
 Dalacombe, Henry Ivatt
 Dalbiac, Philip Hugh
 Dalgety, Edmund Henry
 Dallas, Alister Grant
 Dalrymple, Samuel
 Dalrymple, unknown
 Dalyell, Ralph
 Dalyell, Ralph
 Dalyell, Ralph
 Dalyell, Ralph
 Dalzell, Robert Alexander George
 Daniel, Goronwy Hopkin
 Dansey, William
 Darby-Griffith, Henry
 Darwin, Charles Waring
 Dasent, John Roche
 Dashwood, Charles
 Davenport, Dudley Leslie
 Davenport, Robert Clutterbuck
 Davidson, Cuthbert
 Davidson, Leslie
 Davies, Anthony
 Davies, Anthony
 Davies, Lewis
 Davison, Kenneth Stewart
 Dawkins, John Wyndham George
 Dawson-Damer, George Lionel
 Deakin, Cecil Martin Fothergill
 Dean-Pitt, George
 Dean-Pitt, Stanley Talbot
 Deas-Thomson, Edward
 Deedes, Charles Parker
 Degacher, Henry James
 Delacombe, Rohan
 Delamain, Charles Henry
 Denison, Henry
 Denning, Norman Egbert
 Denning, Reginald Francis Stewart
 Dennis, Maurice Griffin
 Dennys, Cyril George
 Dent, Douglas Lionel
 Dent, John
 Dent, Robert Annesley Wilkinson
 Dering, Henry Nevill, 9th Bt.
 Derriman, Samuel Hoskins
 Desborough, John
 Despard, unknown
 Dibley, Albert Kingsley
 Dick, Archibald Campbell Douglas
 Dick-Cunyngham, James Keith
 Dickinson, Richard
 Dickson, Collingwood, V.C.
 Dickson, John Bourmaster
 Dickson, Robert Kirk
 Dickson, William
 Dodson, John William, 2nd Baron Monk Bretton
 Doherty, Henry E.
 Domville, William Cecil Henry, 4th Bt.
 Donaldson, Leonard Andrew Boyd
 Donegan, James Francis
 Donelly, William
 Donne, Benjamin A.
 Doran, Beauchamp John Colclough
 Dormer, James Charlemange
 Douglas, Douglas, of Mains
 Douglas, John
 Dowdall, Lawrence Charles Edward Downing
 Dowker, Howard Codrington
 Doyle, Percy William
 Drake, John Mervyn Cutcliffe
 Drew, James Sydney
 Drew, James Syme
 Drummond, Maurice
 Drummond, Victor Arthur Wellington
 Drummond-Hay, James de Vismes
 Drury, Charles William
 Duckworth, George Herbert
 Duff, Charles Edward
 Dugdale, William Marshall
 Dumaresq, John Saumarez
 Dumas, Philip Wylie
 Dunbar, William Cospatrick, of Mochrum, 9th Bt.
 Duncan, Nigel William
 Dundas, George Heneage Lawrence
 Dundas, William Pitt
 Dunsterville, Lionel Charles
 Durand, Henry Marion
 Durant, Bryan Cecil
 Dutton, Arthur Brandreth Scott
 Dyneley, Thomas
 Eardley-Wilmot, Arthur Parry
 Eardley-Wilmot, Revell
 Earle, Maxwell
 Earle, William
 Eason, Herbert Lightfoot
 Eastwick, E. B.
 Ebsworth, Wilfrid Algernon
 Eckford, James
 Eckford, James
 Eckford, James
 Eden, John
 Edge, Raymond Cyril Alexander
 Edmonstone, William, of Duntreath, 4th Bt.
 Edridge, Frederick Lockwood
 Edwards, Henry, 1st Bt.
 Edwards, John Douglas
 Eeles, Henry
 Egerton, Alfred Mordaunt
 Ellerton, Walter Maurice
 Elliot, Charles
 Elliot, Minto
 Elliot, William
 Elliot, William
 Elliott, Frank Louis Dumbell
 Elmhirst, Charles
 Elmhirst, Thomas Walker
 Elphinstone, Howard, 1st Bt.
 Elphinstone-Dalrymple, John Hamilton
 Elsmie, Alexander Montagu Spears
 Elton, Frederick Coulthurst
 Emerson, Henry Horace Andrews
 England, Hugh Turnour
 Errington, Francis Henry Launcelot
 Erskine, Edward Morris
 Eugster, Basil Oscar Paul
 Eustace, Robert
 Eustace, William Cornwallis
 Evans, Charles Glyn
 Evans, John Alan Maurice
 Evans, Roger
 Evans, Thomas
 Evanson, Arthur Charles Tarver
 Evelegh, Frederick Charles
 Everard, Matthias
 Evetts, John Fullerton
 Ewan, Thomas George
 Ewart, Charles Brisbane
 Eyre, Henry
 Fagan, Christopher Sullivan
 Fairbanks, Cecil Benfield
 Fancourt, St. John Fancourt Michell
 Fane de Salis, Rodolph John Hibernius Leslie
 Fane, Walter
 Fanshawe, Edward
 Farmar, George Jasper
 Farmer, Hugh Robert Macdonald
 Farrant, Ralph Henry
 Faulkner, Hugh Webb
 Faunce, Alured Dodsworth
 Fawcus, Graham Ben
 Fearon, Robert Bryce
 Feetham, Edward
 Fegen, Frederick James
 Fegen, Frederick James
 Feilden, Henry Wemyss
 Feilden, Randle Guy
 Fellowes, Halford David
 Fellowes, John Charles
 Fellowes, Thomas
 Ferguson Davie, Henry Augustus
 Ferguson Davie, William Augustus, 3rd Bt.
 Festing, Francis Worgan
 Fetherstonhaugh, William Albany
 Fielden, Edward Hedley
 Findlay, Neil Douglas
 Findley, Neil Douglas
 Finkelstein, Tamara Margaret
 Firbank, Cecil Llewellin
 Fisher, A. A'Court
 Fisher, Donal Rutherford Dacre
 Fisher, Ralph Lindsay
 Fisher, William Blake
 Fitton, Hugh Gregory
 Fitzmayer, James William Howard
 Fleming, Roger Eustace
 Fonblanque, Edward Barrington
 Foot, Richard Mildmay
 Forbes, Arthur William
 Forrest, John Vincent
 Forrest, Thomas Arthur
 Forrester, Michael
 Forster, Thomas Oriel, 3rd Bt.
 Forsyth, Codrington
 Foster, Morgan Hugh
 Foster, Morgan Hugh
 Fountaine, Charles Algernon Andrew
 Francklyn, John Henry
 Franklin, Charles Trigance
 Fraser, Alexander
 Fraser, Howard Alan Denholm
 Frederick, Edward
 Freeland, John Cavendish
 Fremantle, Arthur James Lyon
 Fremantle, Fitzroy William
 Fremantle, John
 French, William
 Frewen, Edward
 Friedberger, John Peter William
 Friend, Arthur Leslie Irvine
 Fry, Geoffrey Storrs, 1st and last Bt.
 Fuller, Francis
 Fullerton-Elphinstone, William George Keith
 Furse, John Paul Wellington
 Fyffe, Richard Alan
 Fyler, Herbert Arthur Stevenson
 Fyler, Lawrence
 Gabbett, Joseph
 Gage, Edward Thomas
 Gairdner, Charles Henry
 Gaisford, Richard Boileau
 Gardiner, Henry Lynedoch
 Gardner, Alan Henry
 Garnier, Alan Parry
 Garratt, Francis Sudlow
 Garsia, Michael Clare
 Gartside-Tipping, Robert
 Gascoigne, Julian Alvery
 Gaskell, Herbert Stewart
 Gaskell, Joseph Gerald
 Gaye, Arthur Stretton
 Geddes, John Gordon
 George, Robert Allingham
 Gibb, Alexander
 Gibb, Alexander
 Gibbons, James Samuel
 Gieve, Edward John Watson
 Gilbert, Walter Raleigh
 Gildea, George Frederick
 Gill, William Smith
 Gillmore, Alan David
 Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfred
 Glen-Coats, Thomas Glen, 1st Bt.
 Glover, Guy de Courcy
 Glubb, Frederic Manley
 Glyn, Henry Carr
 Glyn, Richard Thomas
 Godby, C.
 Goddard, Robert Victor
 Godfrey, Harry Rowlandson
 Godfrey-Faussett, Bryan Trevor
 Godfrey-Faussett, Edmund Godfrey
 Godley, Denis
 Godwin, Henry Thomas
 Goldney, Claude le Bas
 Goldney, Gabriel Prior, 2nd Bt.
 Goldsmid, Frederick John
 Goodenough, James Graham
 Goodman, Walter Rutherfoord
 Goolden, Francis Hugh Walter
 Gordon, Charles Edward Parke
 Gordon, Charles Henry
 Gordon, George Grant
 Gordon, Joseph Maria
 Gordon, Laurence George Frank
 Gordon, Lochinvar Alexander Charles
 Gordon, Robert
 Gordon, William
 Gore, Robert Clements
 Gore-Browne, Thomas
 Gorges, Edmond Howard
 Gosselin, Martin Le Marchant Hadsley
 Gosset, William
 Gott, William Henry Ewart
 Gough, George Hugh
 Gough, John Edmund, V.C.
 Goulburn, Frederick
 Grace, Henry Edgar
 Graham, Charles
 Graham, Miles William Arthur Peel
 Grand, Laurence Douglas
 Grant Duff, Adrian
 Grant, Adam Noel
 Grant, Charles
 Grant, Henry Duncan
 Grant, James
 Grant, John
 Grant, John Peter, 14th of Rothiemurchus
 Grasett, Arthur Edward
 Gray, Gordon Thomas Seccombe
 Greathed, William Wilberforce Harris
 Green, William Spottswood
 Green, William Wyndham
 Green-Wilkinson, Frederic
 Greenacre, Walter Douglas Campbell
 Greene, D. S.
 Greene, Dominick Sarsfield
 Greene, Godfrey Thomas
 Greene, Godfrey Thomas
 Greer, Henry Harpur
 Greeson, Edward
 Greg, Ernest William
 Gregory, Andrew Richard
 Gregory, Charles Levinge
 Gregory, George David Archibald
 Gregory, John Duncan
 Gregson-Ellis, Philip George Saxon
 Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley
 Grogan, Edward George
 Grosvenor, Thomas George
 Gubbins, James
 Gubbins, unknown
 Guingand, Francis Wilfred
 Guinness, John Ralph Sidney
 Guise, John Christopher, V.C.
 Gully, Edward Walford Karslake
 Gurdon, Adam Brampton Douglas
 Gurdon, Edward Temple Leigh
 Gurdon, William Brampton
 Hacket-Pain, William
 Hackett, John
 Haines, Gregory
 Hall, Edward George
 Hall, Henry
 Hallett, Theodore John
 Hallifax, Ronald Hamilton Curzon
 Halsey, Lionel
 Ham, John
 Hamilton, Charles John James, 3rd Bt.
 Hamilton, George Vaughan
 Hamilton, Henry
 Hamilton, Henry Meade
 Hamilton, Hubert Ion Wetherall
 Hamilton, Richard
 Hammill, Denzil
 Hammill, Tynte Ford
 Hanlon, Thomas James
 Harbord, Cyril Rodney
 Hardinge, Edward
 Hardinge, Henry Charles, 3rd Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton
 Hardman-Jones, Everard John
 Hare, James Francis
 Hare, Richard Charles
 Hare, Robert Hugh
 Hare, Steuart Welwood
 Harley, Robert William
 Harries, David Hugh
 Harris, Charles Alexander
 Harris, Philip Henry Farrell
 Harris, Ronald Montague Joseph
 Harrison, Lawrence Whitaker
 Hart-Synnot, Arthur FitzRoy
 Harvey, Charles Offley
 Harvey, Henry Paul
 Harvey, Robert John
 Hassard, Fairfax
 Hastings, Alexander Plantagenet
 Hastings, Edward George Godolphin
 Hastings, Francis Eddowes
 Hastings, George Fowler
 Hawkins, Alexander Cæsar
 Hawksley, James Rose Price
 Hawtrey, Stephen Charles
 Hay, Charles John Bruce
 Hay, John
 Hay, William
 Headlam, Maurice Francis
 Heath, Gerard Moore
 Heath, Harry Hepenstall Rose
 Heathcote, Mark Henry
 Hedley, Coote
 Heise, Augustus Charles Heise
 Hellard, Robert Chambers
 Hellings, Peter William Cradock
 Hemming, Frederick Wilson
 Henderson, Brodie Haldane
 Henderson, Malcolm
 Henderson, Mercer
 Henderson, W. H.
 Henley, Joseph John
 Henniker-Hughan, Arthur John, 6th Bt.
 Henniker-Major, Arthur Henry
 Henry, Charles Stewart
 Henry, George
 Henry, Vivian
 Hepburn, Francis
 Hepburn, Henry Poole
 Herbert, Charles
 Herbert, Edward William
 Hervey, Andrew
 Hervey, Henry Arthur William
 Hervey, William
 Hervey-Bathurst, Felton William, 1st Bt.
 Hetherington, Derick Henry Fellowes
 Hewett, George Ludlow Kennedy
 Hewitt, David Walker
 Heyland, Alfred Thomas
 Heyman, George Douglas Gordon
 Heywood, Graham Percival, 4th Bt.
 Hezlet, Arthur Richard
 Hezlet, Robert Knox
 Hickes, Lancelot Daryl
 Hickey, Cecil Spencer
 Hill, Joseph
 Hill, Percy
 Hill, Robert Chambré
 Hill, Stephen John
 Hillier, Walter Caine
 Hinde, William Robert Norris
 Hoare, Arthur Fanshawe
 Hobart, Percy Cleghorn Stanley
 Hobbs, Reginald Francis Arthur
 Hobbs, Reginald Geoffrey Stirling
 Hobson, Robert Lockhart
 Hodsoll, Eric John
 Holdsworth, George Lewis
 Holland, Bernard Henry
 Holland, Trevenan James
 Holland, unknown
 Holland-Martin, Robert Martin
 Hollins, Hubert W.
 Hollond, Spencer Edmund
 Holloway, Robin Hugh Ferguson
 Holmes, Noel Galway
 Holmes, Robert W. A.
 Holroyd, John Hepworth
 Holt, Reginald Vesey
 Holyoake, George
 Home, Archibald Fraser
 Home, Robert
 Hooker, Joseph Dalton
 Hope, Hugh Richard
 Hope, Lewis Anstruther
 Hopwood, C. A.
 Hornby, Alan Hugh
 Horsey, Adam
 Horsey, Frank Lankester
 Hort, John Josiah, 3rd Bt.
 Horton, William
 Hoste, Dixon Edward
 Hoste, George Charles
 Hotham, John
 Houghton, Charles Thomas
 Howard, Henry Cecil Lloyd
 Howard, Henry Lloyd
 Howard-Vyse, Edward Dacre
 Huddleston, Hubert Jervoise
 Hudson, Charles Edward, V.C.
 Hudson, Thomas Roe Christopher
 Hughes, Frederic Godfrey
 Hughes, James
 Hulton, Frederick Richard
 Humphreys, Gardiner
 Hunter Blair, Thomas, of Dunskey and Robertland
 Hunter, Alan John
 Hutton, George Morland
 Hutton, Reginald Maurice James
 Huyshe, Alfred George
 Ingall, William Lenox
 Inglis, John Drummond
 Innes, James John McLeod, V.C.
 Irby, Frederick Paul
 Irvine, Alfred Ernest
 Irvine, James Laird
 Irwin, Richard O.
 Isacke, Hubert
 Jackson, George Hanbury
 Jackson, James Nesbit
 Jackson, Thomas
 James, Herbert Ellison
 James, John Hastings
 James, Mervyn
 Jameson, Leander Starr, 1st and last Bt.
 Jardine, Christopher Willoughby
 Jeffcoat, Algernon Cantley
 Jeffreys, Edmund Richard
 Jeffreys, Henry Byron
 Jenyns, Soame Gambier
 Jerningham, George Sulyarde
 Jervois, William Francis Drummond
 Jocelyn, William Nassau
 Johnson, Alured Clarke
 Johnson, George Frederick
 Johnson, Henry Allen William, 4th Bt.
 Johnston, Francis James Thomas
 Johnston, William
 Johnstone, John Douglas
 Jones, Basil Douglas
 Jones, Francis Adolphus
 Jones, Inigo Richmund
 Jones, Inigo Richmund
 Jones, Lewis
 Jones, Morey Quayle
 Jones, Walter Thomas Cresswell
 Jordan, unknown
 Kaye, William Squire Barker
 Kays, Horace Francis
 Keane, George Disney
 Keightley, Richard Charles
 Kellett, Richard Orlando
 Kelly, Richard Macdougall Brisbane Francis
 Kelly, Robert Vandeleur
 Kennaway, John Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Kennedy, Francis William
 Kennedy, J. J.
 Kennedy, James
 Kennedy, John Noble
 Kenyon-Slaney, Walter Rupert
 Keppel, Arnold Allen Cecil, 8th Earl of Albemarle
 Keppel, Colin Richard
 King, John Hynde
 Kingsley, William Henry Bell
 Kinloch, David Alexander, of Gilmerton, 11th Bt.
 Kitson, Gerald
 Kitson, Henry Karslake
 Kitson, James Edward
 Knox, George Williams
 Knox, Thomas Edmond
 Koe, Frederick William Brooke
 Labalmondiere, Douglas William Parish
 Laird, John Knox
 Lake, Noel Thomas
 Lambert, Edward Parry
 Lambert, Henry Charles Miller
 Lambert, Rowley
 Lambooy, Albert Percy
 Lane, Charles Stuart
 Lang, Arthur Moffat
 Langhorne, Algernon Philip Yorke
 Lanyon, William Owen
 Larcom, Arthur
 Larken, Edmund Thomas
 Last, Christopher Neville
 Laurie, Claude Villiers Emilius Laurie, of Maxwelton, 4th Bt.
 Laurie, John Winburn
 Lautour, Peter Augustus
 Law, Francis Towry Adeane
 Lawrence, George St. Patrick
 Lawrence, Richard Charles
 Lawrence, Richard Charles Bernard
 Lawrence, Thomas Edward
 Lawson, Edward Frederick, 4th Baron Burnham
 Lawson, Robert Neale
 Laye, Joseph Henry
 Le Hunte Ward, Thomas
 Leask, Anthony de Camborne Lowther
 Leask, Henry Lowther Ewart
 Leatham, Eustace La Trobe
 Lecky, Robert St. Clair
 Lee, Alec Wilfrid
 Lee, Richard Phillips
 Lefroy, John Henry
 Legh, Edmund Cornwall
 Leith, Robert William Disney, of Glenkindie and Westhall
 Lentaigne, John Francis O'Neill
 Lentaigne, Walter David Alexander
 Leslie, Charles Henry, 7th Bt.
 Lewin, Henry Frederick Elliott
 Lewis, Eric William Charles
 Lewis, Robert Stedman
 Ley, James Clement
 Liardet, Guy Francis
 Liardet, Henry Maugham
 Liddell, William Andrew
 Limond, David
 Limond, James
 Lindley, Francis Oswald
 Lindsay, Alexander Hadden
 Lindsay, Charles Hugh
 Lindsay, Martin, 16th of Dowhill
 Linzee, Robert Gordon Hood
 Lloyd, Arthur Henry Orlando
 Lloyd, Edward Mayow Hastings
 Lloyd, Frederick Charles
 Lloyd, Robert Oliver
 Lloyd, Thomas Edward John
 Lloyd, Wilford Neville
 Loch, Edward Douglas, 2nd Baron Loch
 Loch, Granville George
 Loch, Granville Gower
 Locock, Herbert
 Lomax, Samuel Holt
 Longmore, Thomas
 Lovett, Beresford
 Lowry, James Herbert
 Lowry-Corry, Montagu William, 1st and last Baron Rowton
 Lowth, Frank Robert
 Lowther, Gerald Augustus, 1st and last Bt.
 Lowther, Henry Cecil
 Luard, John Scott
 Luard, Richard George Amherst
 Luard, William Garnham
 Lucas, Frederick George
 Luke, Edward Vyvyan
 Lumley, Francis Douglas
 Lumsden, Frederick William, V.C.
 Lumsden, Herbert William
 Lumsden, Thomas
 Lush, Maurice Stanley
 Lushington, Franklin
 Lushington, Stephen
 Lygon, Edward Pyndar
 Lyon, Francis
 Lyons-Montgomery, Hugh Frederick
 Lyttelton, George William Spencer
 Lywood, Oswyn George William Gifford
 Maberly, Evan
 MacEwen, Norman Duckworth Kerr
 MacGregor, Henry Grey
 MacLeay, Alexander Caldcleugh
 MacLeod, Minden Whyte-Melville
 MacMahon, Hugh Francis Edward
 MacNeece Foster, William Foster
 MacNeill, James Graham Robert Douglas
 Macdonald, Archibald
 Macdonald, Colin
 Macdonald, John Kinnier
 Macdonell, Alexander
 Macdougall, William
 Macfarlane, Duncan Alwyn
 Macfie, William
 Macgregor, Charles Reginald
 Mackay-Lewis, Kenneth Frank
 Mackenzie, Colin
 Mackenzie, George Frederic Campbell
 Mackenzie, George Sutherland
 Mackinnon, George Henry
 Maclellan, Andrew Patrick Withy
 Macleod, Donald
 Macleod, John
 Macnaghten, William Hay
 Maconchy, Ernest William Stewart King
 Macpherson, Alexander Duncan
 Macpherson, Duncan, of Cluny Macpherson, 15th Chief
 Macpherson, Ewan, of Cluny Macpherson, 14th Chief
 Macrae, Brigadier-General John Cecil
 Madden, Colin
 Main, Thomas Ryder
 Mainwaring, Watkin Randle Kynaston
 Malcolm, George Alexander
 Malleson, Wilfrid
 Mallet, Louis
 Maltby, Christopher Michael
 Maltby, Paul Copeland
 Malthus, Sydenham
 Manders, Richard
 Mangles, Cecil
 Mann, Gother Frederick
 Manners, Robert William
 Manning, Frederick John
 Manning, William Henry
 Mansel, John
 Mansel, John
 Manson, unknown
 Marescaux, Gerald Charles Adolphe
 Margesson, Wentworth Henry Davies
 Markham, Frederick
 Marley, George
 Marling, Charles Murray
 Marshall, Francis James
 Martell, Hugh Colenso
 Martelli, Horace de Courcy
 Marten, Francis Arthur
 Martin, Aubrey William Graham
 Martin, George Blake Napier
 Martin, George Bohun
 Martin, George Peter
 Martin, Herbert
 Martin-Leake, Francis
 Martindale, Ben Hay
 Marx, John Locke
 Mason, Alexander Herbert
 Mason, Dennis Howard
 Massy, Edward Charles
 Master, William Charles Chester
 Mathew, George Benvenuto Buckley
 Matthew, George Buckley
 Matthews, Frank Broadwood
 Matthews, Michael
 Maude, Francis Cornwallis, V.C.
 Maude, James Ashley
 Maxwell, Charles William
 Maxwell, Edward Herbert
 Maxwell, Joseph Archibald
 Maxwell, Richard Ponsonby
 Mayne, John
 Mayne, Richard E.
 Mayor, Robert John Grote
 McBeath, John Edwin Home
 McCalmont, Barklie Cairns
 McClintock, John William Leopold
 McConnel, Douglas Fitzgerald
 McCreagh, Michael
 McDonnell, Francis
 McGrath, Patrick Gerard
 McGrigor, Charles Rhoderic Robert
 McLeod, Donald Kenneth
 McLeod, William Bannatyne
 McMahon, Thomas Westropp, 3rd Bt.
 McMeekan, Gilbert Reader
 McMicking, Harry
 McMicking, Neil
 McNeil, Malcolm
 McNeill, John Malcolm
 McVittie, Charles Harold
 Meade, John
 Meade-Fetherstonhaugh, Herbert
 Mellor, James Gilbert Shaw
 Mellor, John Edward
 Mends, Horatio Reginald
 Mercer-Henderson, Douglas
 Merivale, Herman
 Mesurier, Frederick Augustus
 Metcalfe, Theophilus John, 5th Bt.
 Michelmore, William Godwin
 Micklethwait, St. John Aldrich
 Middlemore, unknown
 Middleton, William Alexander
 Miles, Edward
 Miles, Eric Grant
 Miller, Charles Blois
 Miller, Charles Harvey
 Miller, George
 Miller-Cunningham, George
 Mills, Charles Piercy
 Milton, John
 Milward, Clement Arthur
 Minshull-Ford, John Randle
 Mirrlees, William Henry Buchanan
 Mitchell, Francis Herbert
 Mitchell, Francis Neville
 Mitchell, Geoffrey Charles
 Mitchell, John Angus Macbeth
 Mitford, Bertram Reveley
 Moberly, Bertrand Richard
 Molesworth, Edward Hogarth
 Monckton-Arundell, George Edward Milnes, 7th Viscount Galway
 Moncreiffe, Robert Drummond, of that Ilk, 8th Bt.
 Money, Alonzo
 Money, Archibald
 Money, Gerard Noel
 Money, Robin Cotton
 Money, Rowland
 Monro, James
 Montagu, Victor Alexander
 Montagu, William Augustus
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward James
 Monteith, John
 Montgomerie, John Eglinton
 Montgomery, Robert Arundel Kerr
 Moore, Denis Grattan
 Morris, Charles Henry
 Morris, John Edward Longworth
 Morris, William George
 Morse, John Anthony Vere
 Morshead, William Henry Anderson
 Morton, Gerald de Courcy
 Moulton Barrett, Edward Alfred
 Mountain, Armine Simcoe Henry
 Muir, Charles Wemyss
 Mulcaster, William Howe
 Murray, Arthur Alexander Wolfe
 Murray, James
 Murray, James Patrick
 Murray, John
 Murray, Malcolm Donald
 Murray, Malcolm Patrick
 Murray-Aynsley, Charles
 Mussenden Leathes, Reginald Carteret
 Mylne, Colin James
 Myrddin-Evans, Guildhaume
 Napier, Charles Scott
 Napier, George Thomas Conolly
 Naylor, David Murray
 Naylor, Robert Francis Brydges
 Neill, Ivan
 Neill, James George
 Neilson, James
 Nelson, Eustace John Blois
 Nepean, Evan Colville
 Nevill, Cosmo Alexander Richard
 Neville-Rolfe, Ernest
 Newcome, Henry William
 Newland, Foster Reuss
 Nicholson, Claude
 Nicholson, Francis Lothian
 Nicholson, George Harvey
 Nicholson, Randolph Stewart Gresham
 Nicholson, Stuart
 Nicholson, Stuart James
 Nicolson, Frederick William Erskine, of Carnock, 10th Bt.
 Noble, John
 Norbury, Herbert Reginald
 Norbury, Thomas Coningsby
 North, Bordrigge North
 North, Dudley
 Northey, Edward
 Norton, Cyril Henry
 Nourse, Joseph
 Nugent, John
 O'Donnell, Thomas Joseph
 O'Reilly, Walter Frederick
 Oakes, I. G. A.
 Ogilvy, William Lewis Kinloch
 Oliphant, Anthony
 Onslow, William Henry
 Oppé, Adolph Paul
 Orr, John Henry
 Otway, Loftus William
 Ovens, Gerald Hedley
 Owen, Henry Mostyn
 Oxley, Reginald Stuart
 Page, Charles Max
 Paget, Alfred Henry
 Paget, Wellesley Lynedoch Henry
 Pakenham, Thomas Henry
 Pakenham-Walsh, John
 Palmer, Cyril Eustace
 Palmer, Geoffrey Woodroffe
 Park, Cecil William
 Parke, Thomas Adams
 Parker, Alwyn
 Parker, Henry Wise
 Parker, Hyde
 Parker, John Boteler
 Parry, Frederick Sydney
 Parsons, Charles
 Parsons, Harold Daniel Edmund
 Parsons, Lawrence Worthington
 Paton, William Douglas
 Paulet, Frederick
 Paulet, George
 Paynter, Noel Stephen
 Peacock, Frederick William
 Pears, Edmund Radcliffe
 Pearse, George Godfrey
 Pearson, Charles Knight
 Pearson, Hugh Pearce
 Pearson, Thomas Hooke
 Pease, Leonard Thales
 Pelham, Frederick Thomas
 Pelham, Thomas Henry William
 Pellew, Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds
 Pelly, Henry Bertram
 Pelly, Raymond
 Pelly, Saville Marriott
 Penn, Lewis William
 Penrose-Fitzgerald, John Uniacke
 Perceval, Claude John
 Perceval, John Maxwell
 Percival, Arthur Ernest
 Percy, Henry
 Perreau, Arthur Montagu
 Persse, William
 Petre, George Glynn
 Phelps, Arthur
 Philips, Lewis Francis
 Phillimore, Henry Bouchier
 Phillimore, John
 Phillips, Philip Esmonde
 Phillpotts, Edward Montgomery
 Phipps, Constantine Edmund Henry
 Phipps, Edmund Bampfylde
 Phipps-Hornby, Edmund John, V.C.
 Pigeard, Jean Charles Edouard
 Pigott, Charles Berkeley
 Pike, Victor Joseph
 Pilkington, Henry Lionel
 Pipon, Henry
 Pipon, James Murray
 Pipon, John Pakenham
 Pitman, Thomas Tait
 Pizey, Mark
 Plowden, Francis High
 Poland, Edmund Nicholas
 Pollard, James Hawkins-Whitshed
 Pomeroy-Colley, George
 Ponsonby, John
 Popham, Arthur Fredrick
 Pott, David
 Potter, Wilfrid John
 Pottinger, John
 Poë, William Hutcheson, 1st Bt.
 Pratt, Fendall William Harvey
 Pratt, Henry Marsh
 Pratt, Robert
 Preston, Richard
 Prevost, William Augustus
 Price, Thomas Caradoc Rose
 Primrose, Bouverie Francis
 Prior-Palmer, George Erroll
 Proby, Granville
 Proctor-Beauchamp, Horace George, 6th Bt.
 Prynne, Michael Whitworth
 Purnell, William Paston
 Quinnell, John Charles
 Quirk, J. O.
 Raikes, Geoffrey Taunton
 Raikes, Thomas
 Rainey-Robinson, Robert Maximilian
 Rait, Arthur John
 Ramsay, Henry
 Rashleigh, Colman, 2nd Bt.
 Rattray, Thomas
 Rawlins, James Sebastian
 Read, Arthur Duncan
 Reade, Raymond Northland Revell
 Reeve, John Talbot Wentworth
 Regan, Michael Dalrymple
 Reilly, William Edmund Moyses
 Rennie, unknown
 Reynell-Pack, Arthur John
 Rich, George Whitworth Talbot
 Richards, George Warren
 Richardson, Frank McLean
 Richardson, John
 Richardson, William Stewart
 Richardson-Robertson, Robert
 Richmond, Douglas Close
 Richmond, Matthew
 Richmond, Maxwell
 Richmund-Jones, Inigo
 Rickett, Denis Hubert Fletcher
 Riddell, Charles James
 Riddell, William
 Ridgeway, David Graeme
 Ridley, Charles William
 Ritchie, Archibald Buchanan
 Rivaz, Vincent
 Roberts, Hugh Lloyd
 Roberts, Samuel
 Roberts, Samuel Ussher
 Robertshaw, Ballin Illingworth
 Robertson, Donald Elphinston
 Robertson, George Duncan, 21st of Struan, 7th of Drumachuine and 17th Chief of Clan Donnachaidh
 Robertson, J. A. C.
 Robertson, James Alexander Rowland
 Robertson-Aikman, Thomas Stokes George Hugh
 Robinson, Courtenay Denis Carew
 Robinson, John Beverley, 1st Bt.
 Robinson, Stratford Watson
 Rodney, George Brydges
 Rolland, William R. E.
 Rome, Francis David
 Roper-Curzon, Edward Henry
 Rose, John Nugent, 15th of Holme
 Ross, Robert James
 Ross, Walter Charteris, of Cromarty
 Ross, Walter John Macdonald
 Rothney, Octavius Edward
 Rothney, unknown
 Round-Turner, Charles Wolfram
 Rowan-Hamilton, Gawin William
 Rowan-Robinson, Henry
 Rowe, Charles William Dell
 Rowe, Joshua
 Rowsell, F. W.
 Royds, Clement Molyneux
 Royds, Percy
 Royds, Percy Molyneux Rawson
 Rudd, John
 Ruggles-Brise, Harold Goodeve
 Russell, Odo William Theophilus Villiers
 Ryan, Charles Snodgrass
 Sadler, James Hayes
 Salter, unknown
 Samuel, Saul, 1st Bt.
 Sandbach, Arthur Edmund
 Sanders, Robert
 Sandwith, Humphrey
 Sarrell, Nieza
 Sartorius, Euston Henry, V.C.
 Sartorius, George Conrad
 Saumarez, Thomas
 Savile, Henry Bourchier Osborne
 Savile, Leopold Halliday
 Savile, Walter Clare
 Scarlett, Francis Rowland
 Scarlett, Peter Campbell
 Schwabe, George Salis
 Scobell, Sanford John Palairet
 Scott, Henry Lawrence
 Scott, Henry Young Darracott
 Scott, James Archibald
 Scott, Thomas Patrick David
 Scott-Elliot, James
 Scott-Kerr, Robert
 Seager, Edward
 Searle, Thomas
 Seccombe, Thomas Lawrence
 Segrave, Roderick
 Selby, Walford Harmood Montague
 Servaes, Reginald Maxwell
 Seton, Bruce Gordon, of Abercorn, 9th Bt.
 Seton, William Carden
 Seymour, Henry George
 Shaw, George
 Shears, Phillip James
 Sheffield, John
 Sherbrooke, Robert St. Vincent, V.C.
 Shipley, Charles Orby
 Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert
 Showers, St. George
 Shuckburgh, Charles Arthur Evelyn
 Shuckburgh, John Evelyn
 Sim, James Duncan Stuart
 Simkins, George Penn
 Simonds, John Hayes
 Sinclair-Lockhart, Graeme, of Castle Hill, 10th Bt.
 Sinclair-Maclagan, Ewen George
 Singleton, Uvedale Corbet
 Sitwell, William Henry
 Sivewright, Robert Charles Townsend
 Sivewright, Robert Henry V.
 Skelton, Peter
 Slade, Frederick George
 Sladen, Gerald Carew
 Slatin, Rudolph Carl
 Slight, Julian Foulston
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim
 Small, William George
 Smallwood, Gerald Russell
 Smallwood, Robert Evelyn Russell
 Smith, Aubrey Clare Hugh
 Smith, Edmund Hakewell
 Smith, Granville Roland Francis
 Smith, James Webber
 Smith, Michael William
 Smith, William Revell Revell
 Smith, unknown
 Smith-Rewse, Henry Whistler
 Smyth, Henry
 Snodgrass, Kenneth
 Somerset, Charles Henry
 Somerset, Edward Arthur
 Somerset, Poulett George Henry
 Speed, Robert William
 Spence, Thomas William Leisk
 Spencer, Richard
 Spens, James
 Spickernell, Frank Todd
 Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage
 Spring Rice, Stephen Edward
 Spring, Frederick Gordon
 St. John, George Francis William
 St. John, George Francis William
 Stacy, L. R.
 Stafford, William Francis Howard
 Stafford, William Joseph Fitzmaurice
 Stainforth, Charles Herbert
 Stanhope, Leicester Fitzgerald Charles, 5th Earl of Harrington
 Stanhope, Lincoln Edwin Robert
 Stannus, Ephraim Gerrish
 Stannus, Henry James
 Staunton, George
 Staveley, William
 Staveley, William Cathcart
 Steel, James
 Steele, Julian McCarty
 Steele, St. George Loftus
 Stephen, Fitzroy
 Stephen, Robert Alexander
 Stephenson, Guy
 Steward, Edward Merivale
 Stewart, Charles Edward
 Stewart, James Henry Keith
 Stewart, Josiah
 Stewart, Keith
 Stewart, Walter
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8th Duke of Atholl
 Stirling-Hamilton, William, of Preston, 10th Bt.
 Stockley, Charles More
 Stockwell, Clifton Inglis
 Stopford, Walter James
 Stotherd, Richard Hugh
 Strachey, Charles
 Straghan, Abel
 Strange, Henry Francis
 Straubenzee, Casimir Cartwright
 Straubenzee, Casimir Henry Claude
 Straubenzee, Turner
 Streatfeild, Henry
 Street, J. A.
 Street, John Alfred
 Stretton, Sempronius
 Strickland, Edward
 Strode, Augustus Chetham
 Stronge, Charles Walter
 Stroyan, Colin Strathearn Ropner
 Stuart, George
 Stuart, Herbert James
 Studd, Herbert William
 Sturges, Robert Grice
 Sugden, Richard Edgar
 Sullivan, William
 Surtees, Herbert Conyers
 Sutton, Bertine Entwisle
 Swales, William Anderson
 Swan, Henry Frederick
 Swann, John Christopher Robert
 Swinburn, Henry Robinson
 Sykes, Percy Molesworth
 Symons, Ernest Vize
 Synnott, Pierce Nicholas Netterville
 Tabor, David John St. Maur
 Tagart, Harold Arthur Lewis
 Talbot, Milo George
 Tanner, Henry
 Tapp, unknown
 Taylor, Bertram Wilfrid
 Taylor, Francis Maurice Gustavus Du Plat
 Taylor, John Lowther du Plat
 Taylor, Reynell George
 Taylor, Reynell Hamilton Baylay
 Taylor, Thomas William
 Taylor, Unknown
 Telfer Smollett, Alexander Patrick Drummond
 Temperley, Arthur Cecil
 Tempest-Hicks, Henry
 Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt.
 Templeton, Charles Perry
 Thackeray, Frederick R.
 Thackwell, Joseph Edwin
 Thackwell, William de Wilton Roche
 Theron, François Henry
 Thesiger, George Handcock
 Thomas, Alan Brodrick
 Thomas, Godfrey Vignoles, 9th Bt.
 Thomas, Henry
 Thompson, Charles William
 Thompson, John Yelverton
 Thompson, W. J.
 Thomson, Alexander
 Thomson, Anthony Standidge
 Thomson, Evelyn Claude Ogilvie
 Thomson, George
 Thomson, Jocelyn Home
 Thomson, William Beveridge
 Thomson, William Montgomerie
 Thorne, Augustus Francis Andrew Nicol
 Thornton, Henry
 Thring, George Arthur
 Thynne, Thomas Henry, 5th Marquess of Bath
 Tickell, Richard
 Tizard, Henry Thomas
 Tolley, Henry Dunbar
 Tompson, Reginald Henry Dalrymple
 Torlesse, Arthur David
 Townsend, Michael Southcote
 Travers, Robert
 Trefusis, Walter Rodolph
 Tremlett, Erroll Arthur Edwin
 Trevelyan, Henry Willoughby
 Trollope, George Barne
 Trotter, Charles William
 Trotter, Henry
 Troubridge, Edward Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 Troubridge, Ernest Charles Thomas
 Troubridge, Thomas St. Vincent Hope Cochrane, 3rd Bt.
 Tuck, George Newsam
 Tucker, H. T.
 Tulloch, Alexander
 Tulloch, James Bruce Gregorie
 Tupper, Gaspard Le Marchant
 Turner, John
 Turner, John
 Turner, Nathaniel Octavius Simpson
 Turnour, Edward Winterton
 Twentyman, Augustus Charles
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ivo de Vesci Edward
 Twiss, John Henry
 Tyler, Leslie Norman
 Tyndall, Henry
 Tyndall, William Ernest
 Tytler, John Adam, V.C.
 Upton, Arthur Percy
 Urmston, Edward Brabazon
 Urquhart, Francis Gregor
 Urquhart, Robert Elliott, of Gairdrew
 Urquhart, Ronald Walton
 Ussher, Thomas
 Utterson, A. H.
 Utterson, Archibald Hammond
 Utterson-Kelso, John Edward
 Vade-Walpole, Charles
 Van Cortlandt, Henry Charles
 Vandeleur, Robert Seymour
 Vans Agnew, Patrick, of Barnbarroch and Sheuchan
 Vansittart, Nicholas
 Vaughan, Edward William Drummond
 Verdon, George Frederick
 Verner, Thomas Edward
 Vickers, Thomas Edward
 Villiers, Francis Hyde
 Villiers, George Patrick Hyde
 Villiers, Isaac Pierre
 Viney, James
 Wace, Edward Gurth
 Wachope, Samuel
 Wade, William Barton
 Wake, Drury St. Aubyn
 Wake, Herwald Craufurd
 Walbanke-Childers, Michael
 Waldegrave, Granville George, 2nd Baron Radstock of Castle Town
 Waldegrave, William
 Walker, George
 Walker, William George, V.C.
 Wallace, Hill
 Walrond, Theodore
 Walsh, George Peregrine
 Walsh, Mainwaring Ravell
 Walwyn, Humphrey Thomas
 Walwyn, James Humphrey
 Ward, Bernard Matthew
 Warne-Browne, Thomas Arthur
 Warner, Charles William
 Warner, Thomas Courtenay Theydon, 1st Bt.
 Warre, Edmond
 Waterfield, Henry Gordon
 Waters, John Dallas
 Watson, Bertram Chalmers
 Watson, Hugh Wharton Myddleton
 Watson-Watt, Robert Alexander
 Wauchope, Andrew Gilbert, of Niddrie
 Wauchope, Samuel
 Wavell, Archibald Graham
 Wavell, Archibald Graham
 Webber, Charles Edmund
 Webber, George
 Welch, Malcolm
 Wellby, Roger Stanley
 Wellesley, Victor Alexander Augustus Henry
 Wemyss, Henry Manley
 West, Clement Arthur
 Wheatley, Anthony
 Wheeler, Aubrey John
 Wheler, Francis, 10th Bt.
 Whistler, James
 Whitbread, Samuel Howard
 Whitcombe, Philip Sidney
 White, Ferdinand
 White, Percival Napier
 White-Thomas, Hugh Davie
 Whittingham, Ferdinando
 Wieler, Leslie Frederic Ethelbert
 Wigan, John Tyson
 Wigram, Godfrey James
 Wildish, Denis Bryan Harvey
 Wilkinson, Frederick Green
 Wilkinson, Osborn
 Wilkinson, Percival Spearman
 Williams, Edward Alexander Wilmot
 Williams, Godfrey
 Williams, Janet Lucy
 Williams, Orlando Cyprian
 Williams-Wynn, Herbert Lloyd Watkin, 7th Bt.
 Willis, Frederic Arthur
 Willoughby, Michael Francklin
 Willoughby, unknown
 Wills, Caleb Sherar
 Wilson, Bevil Thomson
 Wilson, Charles Henry Wellesley, 2nd Baron Nunburnholme
 Wilson, Charles Rivers
 Wilson, Gordon
 Wilson, John
 Wilson, John Cracroft
 Wilson, John Gerald
 Wilson, John Morrillyon
 Winter, Ormonde de l'Epee
 Wintour, Fitzgerald
 Wintour, Ulick Fitzgerald
 Wiseman-Clarke, Somerset Molyneux
 Witt, John Everard
 Wodehouse, Armine
 Wodehouse, Edmond Henry
 Wodehouse, Edwin
 Wood, Arthur Henry
 Wood, Edward Alexander
 Wood, Ernest
 Wood, Evelyn FitzGerald Michell
 Wood, Frank
 Wood, Richard
 Wood, Richard
 Wood, Robert Blucher
 Wood, Sydney Herbert
 Woodgate, William
 Woodhouse, Tom Percy
 Woodward, Robert
 Woollcombe, Louis Charles Stirling
 Worthington, Edward Scott
 Wray, Cecil
 Wray, Edward
 Wray, John Cecil
 Wright, Thomas
 Wyndham, George Hugh
 Wynyard, Robert Henry
 Yerburgh, Richard Eustre
 Yielding, William Richard
 Yorke, Horatio Arthur
 Young, Charles Augustus
 Young, Charles Colville
 Young, Julian Mayne
 Young, Keith
 Young, Robert
 Young-Jamieson, Douglas
 Yule, Henry
 à Court Repington, Charles Ashe
 Doyle, Charles William ( 1814 )
 Baker, Henry Loraine, 2nd Bt. ( 1815 )
 Cadogan, George, 3rd Earl Cadogan ( 1815 )
 Casement, William ( 1815 )
 Cathcart, Charles Murray, 2nd Earl Cathcart ( 1815 )
 Clifford, Augustus William James, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
 Deane, John Thomas FitzMaurice, 2nd Baron Muskerry ( 1815 )
 Douglas, Howard, 3rd Bt. ( 1815 )
 Dunlop-Wallace, John Alexander Agnew ( 1815 )
 Fane, John, 11th Earl of Westmorland ( 1815 )
 Farquhar, Arthur ( 1815 )
 Fraser, Alexander George, 17th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1815 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1815 )
 Hamond, Graham Eden, 2nd Bt. ( 1815 )
 Harris, William George, 2nd Baron Harris ( 1815 )
 Hay, George, 8th Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1815 )
 Keating, Henry Sheehy ( 1815 )
 Kerrison, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
 Maxwell, Murray ( 1815 )
 Mitchell, Hugh Henry ( 1815 )
 Parker, William, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
 Schomberg, Charles Marsh ( 1815 )
 Stuart, Robert Walter, 11th Lord Blantyre ( 1815 )
 Trevor, Henry Otway, 21st Lord Dacre ( 1815 )
 Aylmer, Frederick Whitworth William, 6th Lord Aylmer ( 1816 )
 Maitland, Anthony, 10th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1816 )
 Macdonald, Robert, 1st of Inchkenneth and Gribune ( 1817 )
 Macdonnell, George, 6th of Leek ( 1817 )
 Hopkinson, Charles ( 1826 )
 O'Donoghue, William John ( 1826 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Henry John, 18th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1827 )
 Spencer, Frederick, 4th Earl Spencer ( 1827 )
 Gubbins, Richard ( 1831 )
 Guise, John Wright, 3rd Bt. ( 1831 )
 Percy, Josceline ( 1831 )
 Russell, George William ( 1831 )
 Brereton, William ( 1838 )
 Maunsell, Robert Charles ( 1838 )
 Reid, William ( 1838 )
 Warre, William ( 1838 )
 Douglas, Thomas Monteath ( 1839 )
 Dundas, Henry, 3rd Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1839 )
 Austen, Charles John ( 1840 )
 Berkeley, Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge, 1st Baron FitzHardinge of Bristol ( 1840 )
 Waldegrave, William, 8th Earl Waldegrave ( 1840 )
 Maitland, Thomas, 11th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1841 )
 Campbell, Colin, 1st and last Baron Clyde of Clydesdale ( 1842 )
 Havelock, Henry ( 1842 )
 Rose, Hugh Henry, 1st and last Baron Strathnairn of Strathnairn ( 1842 )
 Cameron, George Poulett ( 1843 )
 Grattan, John ( 1843 )
 Outram, James, 1st Bt. ( 1843 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, 1st Bt. ( 1844 )
 Lawrence, Henry Montgomery ( 1846 )
 Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Ciamhaltha ( 1848 )
 Eliot, Edward Granville, 3rd Earl of Saint Germans ( 1848 )
 Sheil, Justin ( 1848 )
 Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Cowley ( 1848 )
 Tennant, James ( 1849 )
 Milne, Alexander ( 1850 )
 Northcote, Stafford Henry, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh ( 1851 )
 Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair ( 1851 )
 Adye, John Miller ( 1855 )
 Brownrigg, John Studholme ( 1855 )
 Claremont, Edward Stopford ( 1855 )
 Fane, Francis William Henry, 12th Earl of Westmorland ( 1855 )
 Kingscote, Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge ( 1855 )
 Lawrence, Arthur Johnstone ( 1855 )
 Pakenham, William Lygon, 4th Earl of Longford ( 1855 )
 Russell, Edward ( 1855 )
 Sackville-West, Charles Richard, 6th Earl De La Warr ( 1855 )
 Herbert, Percy Egerton ( 1856 )
 Ramsay, George, 12th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1856 )
 Carleton, Henry Alexander ( 1858 )
 Curzon-Howe, Richard William Penn, 3rd Earl Howe ( 1858 )
 Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1858 )
 Armstrong, William George, 1st and last Baron Armstrong of Cragside ( 1859 )
 Erskine, Walter Coningsby, 12th Earl of Kellie ( 1860 )
 May, Thomas Erskine, 1st and last Baron Farnborough ( 1860 )
 Ricketts, George Henry Mildmay ( 1860 )
 Thornton, Edward Parry ( 1860 )
 Seymour, Frederick Beauchamp Paget, 1st and last Baron Alcester ( 1861 )
 Tremenheere, Charles William ( 1861 )
 Kennedy, Arthur Edward ( 1862 )
 Brownlow, Charles Henry ( 1863 )
 Herbert, Charles St. John Septimus ( 1863 )
 Phayre, Arthur Purves ( 1863 )
 Hamilton, James, 2nd Duke of Abercorn ( 1865 )
 Booth, James ( 1866 )
 Cumming, Arthur ( 1867 )
 Mackenzie, Colin ( 1867 )
 Ommanney, Erasmus ( 1867 )
 Tupper, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1867 )
 Burke, John Bernard ( 1868 )
 Palliser, William ( 1868 )
 Thesiger, Frederick Augustus, 2nd Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1868 )
 Lingen, Ralph Robert Wheeler, 1st and last Baron Lingen ( 1870 )
 Keane, Hussey Fane ( 1871 )
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley ( 1871 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1872 )
 FitzRoy, Augustus Charles Lennox, 7th Duke of Grafton ( 1873 )
 Savile, John, 1st Baron Savile of Rufford ( 1873 )
 Butler, William ( 1874 )
 Hunt-Grubbe, Walter James ( 1874 )
 Welby, Reginald Earle, 1st and last Baron Welby ( 1874 )
 Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys ( 1876 )
 Meade, Richard James, 4th Earl of Clanwilliam ( 1877 )
 Scarlett, William Frederick, 3rd Baron Abinger ( 1877 )
 Currie, Philip Henry Wodehouse, 1st and last Baron Currie of Hawley ( 1878 )
 Vivian, Hussey Crespigny, 3rd Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1878 )
 Parnell, Henry, 4th Baron Congleton ( 1879 )
 Blackwood, Stevenson Arthur ( 1880 )
 Haliburton, Arthur Lawrence, 1st and last Baron Haliburton of Windsor ( 1880 )
 Northcote, Henry Stafford, 1st and last Baron Northcote ( 1880 )
 Sanderson, Thomas Henry, 1st and last Baron Sanderson ( 1880 )
 Ball-Acton, Charles ( 1881 )
 Keane, Leopold George Frederick ( 1881 )
 Littleton, Edward Richard, 2nd Baron Hatherton ( 1881 )
 Malcolm, Edward Donald, 16th of Poltalloch ( 1881 )
 Noble, Andrew, of Ardmore, 1st Bt. ( 1881 )
 Coghill, Kendal Josiah William ( 1882 )
 Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron Fisher ( 1882 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1882 )
 Ramsay, George Dalhousie ( 1882 )
 Acland, Henry Wentworth, 1st Bt. ( 1883 )
 Jenkinson, Edward George ( 1883 )
 Stevenson, Thomas Rennie ( 1884 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1885 )
 Beresford, Charles William de la Poer, 1st and last Baron Beresford ( 1885 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1885 )
 Boscawen, Evelyn Edward Thomas, 7th Viscount Falmouth ( 1885 )
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st Baron Grenfell ( 1885 )
 Hobart, Robert Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1885 )
 O'Conor, Nicholas Robert ( 1886 )
 Chatfield, Alfred John ( 1887 )
 Durand, Edward Law, 1st Bt. ( 1887 )
 Guinness, Charles Wolfran Nugent ( 1887 )
 Lambert, George Thomas ( 1887 )
 Massey, Eyre Challoner Henry, 4th Baron Clarina of Elm Park ( 1887 )
 Massy, William Godfrey Dunham ( 1887 )
 Northcote, Walter Stafford, 2nd Earl of Iddesleigh ( 1887 )
 Robinson, Charles Walker ( 1887 )
 Turnor, Algernon ( 1887 )
 Campbell, John William, of Airds, 1st Bt. ( 1888 )
 Portal, Gerald Herbert ( 1888 )
 Grant, Robert ( 1889 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1889 )
 Herbert, Ivor John Caradoc, 1st and last Baron Treowen ( 1890 )
 Pigott, Thomas Digby ( 1890 )
 Clifford, Robert Cecil ( 1891 )
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1st and last Baron Nicholson ( 1891 )
 Baillie-Hamilton, William Alexander ( 1892 )
 Durand, Algernon George Arnold ( 1892 )
 Hood, Arthur Wellington Alexander Nelson, 2nd Viscount Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas ( 1892 )
 Malcolm, John Wingfield, 1st and last Baron Malcolm of Poltalloch ( 1892 )
 Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth Augustus, 1st and last Baron Muir Mackenzie ( 1893 )
 Milner, Alfred, 1st and last Viscount Milner ( 1894 )
 Adrian, Alfred Douglas ( 1895 )
 Byng, Henry William John, 4th Earl of Strafford ( 1895 )
 Gordon, James Henry ( 1895 )
 Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1895 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1895 )
 Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry, 1st and last Baron Lugard ( 1895 )
 Ponsonby, Edward, 8th Earl of Bessborough ( 1895 )
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st Bt. ( 1895 )
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton, 12th Earl of Dundonald ( 1896 )
 Cochrane, William Francis Dundonald ( 1896 )
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1896 )
 Creagh, Arthur Gethin ( 1896 )
 Dering, Henry Nevill, 9th Bt. ( 1896 )
 Franks, John Hamilton ( 1896 )
 Fullerton, John Reginald Thomas ( 1896 )
 Gallwey, Thomas Joseph ( 1896 )
 Herbert, Michael Henry ( 1896 )
 Ward, Edward Willis Duncan, 1st Bt. ( 1896 )
 Brett, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher ( 1897 )
 Cave, Basil Shillito ( 1897 )
 Egerton, George le Clerc ( 1897 )
 Elliott, Thomas Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1897 )
 Macdonald, John Andrew, 13th of Glenaladale ( 1897 )
 Macgregor, William ( 1897 )
 Paget, Harold ( 1897 )
 Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1897 )
 Vandeleur, John Ormsby ( 1897 )
 Welby, Charles Glynne Earle, 5th Bt. ( 1897 )
 Barrow, Edmund George ( 1898 )
 Bromhead, Charles James ( 1898 )
 Goold-Adams, Hamilton John ( 1898 )
 Hope, Lewis Anstruther ( 1898 )
 Seymour, Horace Alfred Damer ( 1898 )
 Greville, Sidney Robert ( 1899 )
 Annesley, Arthur, 11th Viscount of Valentia ( 1900 )
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1900 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell ( 1900 )
 Bertie, Reginald Henry ( 1900 )
 Bonham-Carter, Alfred ( 1900 )
 Brocklehurst, John Fielden, 1st and last Baron Ranksborough ( 1900 )
 Brooke, Lionel Godolphin ( 1900 )
 Brownlow, Caledon Charles ( 1900 )
 Chalmers, Robert, 1st and last Baron Chalmers ( 1900 )
 Chamberlain, Neville Francis Fitzgerald ( 1900 )
 Childers, Edmund Spencer Eardley ( 1900 )
 Cholmondeley, Hugh Cecil ( 1900 )
 Dalzell, Arthur Edward, 13th Earl of Carnwath ( 1900 )
 Dawnay, Hugh Richard, 8th Viscount Downe ( 1900 )
 Eustace, Francis John William ( 1900 )
 Franks, Kendal Matthew St. John ( 1900 )
 Fry, William ( 1900 )
 Gallwey, Edmond Joseph ( 1900 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, 4th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1900 )
 Gore, St. John Corbet ( 1900 )
 Guinness, Henry William Newton ( 1900 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1900 )
 Hall, Francis Henry ( 1900 )
 Hay, Charles Gore, 20th Earl of Erroll ( 1900 )
 Hickman, Thomas Edgecumbe ( 1900 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe ( 1900 )
 Meyrick, Frederick Charlton, 2nd Bt. ( 1900 )
 O'Grady, John de Courcy ( 1900 )
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount Plumer ( 1900 )
 Ridley, Charles Parker ( 1900 )
 Roche, Ulick de Rupe Burke ( 1900 )
 Rochfort, Alexander Nelson ( 1900 )
 Scott, Percy Moreton, 1st Bt. ( 1900 )
 Stanley, Edward George Villiers, 17th Earl of Derby ( 1900 )
 Thorneycroft, Alexander Whitelaw ( 1900 )
 Towry-Law, Cecil Henry, 6th Baron Ellenborough ( 1900 )
 Trench, Frederick Æmilius ( 1900 )
 Cameron, Cyril St. Clair ( 1901 )
 Cummins, James Turner ( 1901 )
 Fetherstonhaugh, Richard Steele Rupert ( 1901 )
 Adye, John ( 1902 )
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo ( 1902 )
 Archdale, Hugh James ( 1902 )
 Burgh, Ulick George Campbell ( 1902 )
 Campbell, Frederick ( 1902 )
 Clark, James Richardson Andrew, 2nd Bt. ( 1902 )
 Colville, Arthur Eward William ( 1902 )
 Considine, Heffernan James Fritz Joseph John ( 1902 )
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1902 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 7th Duke of Richmond ( 1902 )
 Marling, Percival Scope, 3rd Bt., V.C. ( 1902 )
 Nicholson, John Sanctuary ( 1902 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st and last Baron Rawlinson ( 1902 )
 Sclater-Booth, George, 2nd Baron Basing of Basin Byflete and of Hoddington ( 1902 )
 Warrender, George John Scott, of Lochend, 7th Bt. ( 1902 )
 Wing, Frederick Drummond Vincent ( 1902 )
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 8th of Craigmillar and 13th of Liberton, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Monro, Seymour Charles Hale ( 1903 )
 Pollock, John Archibald Henry ( 1903 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Henry, 5th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl ( 1903 )
 Anderson, Charles Alexander ( 1904 )
 Cooper, Edward Joshua ( 1904 )
 Egerton, Reginald Arthur ( 1904 )
 Hogg, Adam George Forbes ( 1904 )
 Kerr, Mark Ancrum ( 1904 )
 Little, Malcolm Orme ( 1904 )
 Rous, George Edward John Mowbray, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke ( 1904 )
 Bruce, William Napier ( 1905 )
 Butler, Henry ( 1905 )
 Egerton, Granville George Algernon ( 1905 )
 Mellor, John Paget, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Selby-Bigge, Lewis Amhurst, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Stevenson, James, of Braidwood ( 1905 )
 Windsor-Clive, Robert George, 1st Earl of Plymouth ( 1905 )
 Bonham, John ( 1906 )
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1st and last Viscount Byng of Vimy ( 1906 )
 Kincaid, William Francis Henry Style ( 1906 )
 Liddell, Adolphus George Charles ( 1906 )
 Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevil, 1st Bt. ( 1906 ), Military
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1906 )
 Seymour, Hugh de Grey, 6th Marquess of Hertford ( 1906 )
 Stafford, Thomas Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Vyvyan, Courtenay Bourchier, 10th Bt. ( 1906 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Thomas ( 1907 )
 Drummond, Laurence George ( 1907 )
 King-Hall, Herbert Goodenough ( 1907 )
 Anstruther, Arthur Wellesley ( 1908 )
 Findlay, Mansfeldt de Cardonnel ( 1908 )
 Law, William Algernon ( 1908 )
 Massy, Harry Stanley ( 1908 )
 St. Aubyn, John Townshend, 2nd Baron St. Levan of St. Michaels Mount ( 1908 )
 Askwith, George Rankin, 1st and last Baron Askwith ( 1909 )
 Bradbury, John Swanwick, 1st Baron Bradbury ( 1909 )
 Donaldson, Hay Frederick ( 1909 )
 Huggins, Ponsonby Glenn ( 1909 )
 Murray, Arthur Mordaunt ( 1909 )
 Preston, Jenico Edwards ( 1909 )
 Tyrrell, William George, 1st and last Baron Tyrrell of Avon ( 1909 )
 Williams-Drummond, James Hamlyn Williams, 4th Bt. ( 1909 )
 Dalrymple-Hay, James Reginald Maitland ( 1910 )
 Sinclair, Hugh Montgomerie ( 1910 )
 Vincent, Berkeley ( 1910 )
 Bailey, Joseph Henry Russell, 2nd Baron Glanusk of Glanusk Park ( 1911 )
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1911 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1911 )
 Burke, Henry Farnham ( 1911 )
 Clark, James ( 1911 )
 Crosbie, Henry ( 1911 )
 Erskine, Henry Adeane ( 1911 )
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerran, 7th Bt. ( 1911 )
 Fortescue, Charles Granville ( 1911 )
 Fortescue, Francis Alexander ( 1911 )
 Graham, James, 6th Duke of Montrose ( 1911 )
 Guinness, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee, 2nd Earl of Iveagh ( 1911 )
 Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27th of Hunterston ( 1911 )
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st Baron Keyes ( 1911 )
 Lindsay, Henry Edzell Morgan ( 1911 )
 Lloyd, Edward William ( 1911 )
 Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevil, 1st Bt. ( 1911 ), Civil
 Mosley, Tonman, 1st and last Baron Anslow ( 1911 )
 O'Donovan, Morgan William, The O'Donovan ( 1911 )
 Purey-Cust, Herbert Edward ( 1911 )
 Rainsford Hannay, Frederick ( 1911 )
 Rollo, William Charles Wordsworth, 11th Lord Rollo of Duncrub ( 1911 )
 Westropp, George Ralph Collier ( 1911 )
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer ( 1912 )
 Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh ( 1912 ), Civil
 Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne ( 1912 )
 Thackwell, Colquhoun Grant Roche ( 1912 )
 Barlow, Hilaro William Wellesley, 5th Bt. ( 1913 )
 Kerr, Mark Edward Frederick ( 1913 )
 Le Fanu, Thomas Philip ( 1913 )
 Wyndham, Guy Percy ( 1913 )
 Drummond, James Eric, 16th Earl of Perth ( 1914 )
 Horne, Henry Sinclair, 1st and last Baron Horne ( 1914 )
 Lascelles, Gerald William ( 1914 )
 Luce, John ( 1914 )
 Paine, Godfrey Marshall ( 1914 )
 Phillimore, Richard Fortescue ( 1914 )
 Price, Charles Henry Uvedale ( 1914 )
 Roper, Alexander William ( 1914 )
 Smith-Cumming, Mansfield George ( 1914 )
 Tottenham, Henry Loftus ( 1914 )
 Trenchard, Hugh Montague, 1st Viscount Trenchard ( 1914 )
 Tyrwhitt, Reginald Yorke, 1st Bt. ( 1914 )
 Whiting, William Henry ( 1914 )
 Backhouse, Oliver ( 1915 )
 Barrow, George de Symons ( 1915 )
 Brabazon, Reginald le Normand, 13th Earl of Meath ( 1915 )
 Christian, Arthur Henry ( 1915 )
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C. ( 1915 )
 Curtis, Reginald Salmond ( 1915 )
 Forestier Walker, George Townshend ( 1915 )
 Hunter Blair, Walter Charles ( 1915 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1915 )
 Perceval, Edward Maxwell ( 1915 )
 Seymour, Edward Hamilton, 16th Duke of Somerset ( 1915 )
 Stuart, Burleigh Francis Brownlow ( 1915 )
 Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Eustace Henry William, 1st Bt. ( 1915 )
 Wadeson, Frederick William George ( 1915 )
 Arbuthnot, Robert Keith, 4th Bt. ( 1916 )
 Bentinck, Rudolf Walter ( 1916 )
 Beveridge, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Beveridge ( 1916 )
 Bland, Edward Humphrey ( 1916 )
 Brereton, Edward FitzGerald ( 1916 )
 Bruen, Edward Francis ( 1916 )
 Campbell, David Graham Muschet ( 1916 )
 Cayley, George Cuthbert ( 1916 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1916 )
 Christian, Gerard ( 1916 )
 Courtauld-Thomson, Courtauld Greenwood, 1st and last Baron Courtauld-Thomson ( 1916 )
 Cunliffe, Frederick Hugh Gordon ( 1916 )
 Dalgliesh, Richard ( 1916 )
 Dawson, Bertrand Edward, 1st and last Viscount Dawson of Penn ( 1916 )
 Eustace, Alexander Henry ( 1916 )
 Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynne ( 1916 )
 FitzGerald, Brinsley John Hamilton ( 1916 )
 Goold-Adams, Henry Edward Fane ( 1916 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Edward Henry FitzHardinge ( 1916 )
 Hohler, Thomas Beaumont ( 1916 )
 Kenyon, Edward Ranulph ( 1916 )
 Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh ( 1916 ), Military
 Murray, Cyril Francis Tyrrel ( 1916 )
 Osmaston, Cecil Alvend FitzHerbert ( 1916 )
 Seely, John Edward Bernard, 1st Baron Mottistone ( 1916 )
 Shaw-Stewart, Michael Hugh, of Greenhall and Blackhall, 8th Bt. ( 1916 )
 Stanley, Arthur ( 1916 )
 Stopford, Lionel Arthur Montagu ( 1916 )
 Sutton, Hugh Clement ( 1916 )
 Thesiger, Bertram Sackville ( 1916 )
 Tilley, John Anthony Cecil ( 1916 )
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Julian Dallas ( 1916 )
 Walker-Heneage-Vivian, Algernon ( 1916 )
 Williams-Bulkeley, Richard Henry, 12th Bt. ( 1916 )
 Adeane, Charles Robert Whorwood ( 1917 )
 Anderson, Francis James ( 1917 )
 Beamish, Tufton Percy Hamilton ( 1917 )
 Beard, Charles Thomas ( 1917 )
 Bland, William St. Colum ( 1917 )
 Brand, Thomas Walter, 3rd Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1917 )
 Brasier-Creagh, George Washington ( 1917 )
 Cameron, Archibald Rice ( 1917 )
 Cooper, Richard Joshua ( 1917 )
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland ( 1917 )
 Dawkins, Henry Stopford ( 1917 )
 Erskine, James Francis ( 1917 )
 Farquhar, Richard Bowles ( 1917 )
 Franks, George McKenzie ( 1917 )
 Geddes, Auckland Campbell, 1st Baron Geddes ( 1917 )
 Hope, Herbert Willes Webley ( 1917 )
 Kell, Vernon George Waldegrave ( 1917 )
 Kenyon, Lionel Richard ( 1917 )
 Keynes, John Maynard, 1st and last Baron Keynes ( 1917 )
 Lake, Noel Montagu ( 1917 )
 Lambart, Edgar Alan ( 1917 )
 Lawrence, Walter Roper, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 MacLean, James Cassilis ( 1917 )
 MacLean, John Cassilis Birkmyre ( 1917 )
 Makins, Ernest ( 1917 )
 Maunsell, Frederick Guy ( 1917 )
 Minchin, Frederick Falkiner ( 1917 )
 Minchin, William Cyril ( 1917 )
 Moynihan, Berkeley George Andrew, 1st Baron Moynihan ( 1917 )
 Nugent, Oliver Stewart Wood ( 1917 )
 Olivier, Sydney Haldane, 1st and last Baron Olivier ( 1917 )
 Sclater-Booth, Walter Dashwood ( 1917 )
 St. John, Francis Gerald ( 1917 )
 Swinton, Ernest Dunlop ( 1917 )
 Trotter, Gerald Frederic ( 1917 )
 Yarde-Buller, Henry ( 1917 )
 Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ( 1918 )
 Benn, Ion Hamilton, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Brand, Hubert George ( 1918 )
 Brownrigg, Douglas Egremont Robert, 4th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1918 )
 Cameron, John Ewen ( 1918 )
 Carter-Campbell, George Tupper Campbell ( 1918 )
 Clive, George Sidney ( 1918 )
 Daly, Arthur Crawford ( 1918 )
 Dawnay, Guy Payan ( 1918 )
 Dennis, Meade James Crosbie ( 1918 )
 Douglas, William Charles, 5th of Brigdon ( 1918 )
 Erskine, Seymour Elphinstone ( 1918 )
 Fitzherbert, Edward Stafford, 13th Baron Stafford ( 1918 )
 Gunning, Charles Vere, 7th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Gwynn, Charles William ( 1918 )
 Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Charles Strathavon ( 1918 )
 Hope, George Webley ( 1918 )
 Hordern, Gwyn Venables ( 1918 )
 Hutchison, Robert, 1st and last Baron Hutchison of Montrose ( 1918 )
 James, William Bernard ( 1918 )
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Baron Jeffreys ( 1918 )
 Jocelyn, Julian Robert John ( 1918 )
 Johnson, Elliot Philipse ( 1918 )
 Keble, Alfred Ernest Conquer ( 1918 )
 MacNaghten, Melville Leslie ( 1918 )
 Maclachlan, Crawford ( 1918 )
 Macnab, Allan James ( 1918 )
 Macpherson, Ewan Francis ( 1918 )
 Matheson, Torquhil George, of Lochalsh, 5th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Mott, Basil, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Parker, Edmond Hyde ( 1918 )
 Poole, Frederick Cuthbert ( 1918 )
 Salter, James Arthur, 1st Baron Salter ( 1918 )
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham ( 1918 )
 Stanistreet, George Bradshaw ( 1918 )
 Stuart, Godfrey Richard Conyngham ( 1918 )
 Sullivan, Edward Langford ( 1918 )
 Tedder, Arthur John ( 1918 )
 Townsend, Cyril Samuel ( 1918 )
 Vyvyan, Arthur Vyell ( 1918 )
 Wedgwood, Ralph Lewis, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1918 )
 Wingfield-Stratford, Cecil Vernon ( 1918 )
 Wiseman, William George, 10th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Bigham, Frank Trevor Roger ( 1919 )
 Bingham, George Charles, 5th Earl of Lucan ( 1919 )
 Blake, Francis Douglas, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Brown, Francis Clifton ( 1919 )
 Buxton, Geoffrey Fowell ( 1919 )
 Caccia, Anthony Mario Felix ( 1919 )
 Cavendish, Richard Frederick ( 1919 )
 Cayley, Douglas Edward ( 1919 )
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage, of Kilbirnie, 5th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Cummins, Stevenson Lyle ( 1919 )
 Curtis, Berwick ( 1919 )
 Foley, Frank Wigram ( 1919 )
 Forbes Adam, Frank, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Hambro, Percival Otway ( 1919 )
 Hodges, Michael Henry ( 1919 )
 Hopkins, Richard Valentine Nind ( 1919 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Gore Arkwright, 1st Earl of Gowrie ( 1919 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Walter Patrick, 10th Lord Ruthven of Freeland ( 1919 )
 Jessel, Herbert Merton, 1st Baron Jessel ( 1919 )
 Mac Gregor, Malcolm, of Mac Gregor, 5th Bt. ( 1919 )
 McDonnell, Angus ( 1919 )
 Pelly, Raymond Theodore ( 1919 )
 Ramsay, Frank William ( 1919 )
 Sanders, George Herbert ( 1919 )
 Smyth-Osbourne, George Nowell Thomas ( 1919 )
 Stockdale, Herbert Edward ( 1919 )
 Vernon-Wentworth, Frederick Charles Ulick ( 1919 )
 White, Robert ( 1919 )
 Wise, Edward Frank ( 1919 )
 Cooke-Collis, William James Norman ( 1920 )
 Dunbar-Nasmith, Martin Eric, V.C. ( 1920 )
 Law, Ernest Philip Alphonso ( 1920 )
 Montgomery, Charles Hubert ( 1920 )
 Cadogan, Edward Cecil George ( 1921 )
 Maclure, Alan Francis ( 1921 )
 Nepean, Herbert Evan Charles Bayley ( 1921 )
 Sackville-West, Charles John, 4th Baron Sackville of Knole ( 1921 )
 Spears, Edward Louis, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Stewart, Cosmo Gordon ( 1921 )
 Domvile, Barry Edward ( 1922 )
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice Swynfen ( 1922 )
 Fowler, Cole Cortlandt ( 1922 )
 Gower, Robert Patrick Malcolm ( 1922 )
 Grey, Egerton Spencer ( 1922 )
 Hurcomb, Cyril William, 1st Baron Hurcomb ( 1922 )
 Ryder, Charles Henry Dudley ( 1922 )
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Walter Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1923 )
 Coventry, Charles John ( 1923 )
 Hotham, Alan Geoffrey ( 1923 )
 Nightingale, Manners Ralph Wilmott ( 1923 )
 Onslow, Cranley Charlton ( 1923 )
 Rankin, Charles Herbert ( 1923 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Richard Southwell Windham Robert, 6th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl ( 1923 )
 Cummins, Harry Ashley Vane ( 1924 )
 Kirkpatrick, Charles ( 1924 )
 Sausmarez, Cecil ( 1924 )
 Villiers-Stuart, John Patrick ( 1924 )
 Burrard, Harry George ( 1925 )
 Leith-Ross, Frederick William ( 1925 )
 Fremantle, Thomas Francis, 3rd Baron Cottesloe ( 1926 )
 Lampson, Miles Wedderburn, 1st Baron Killearn ( 1926 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Richard Greville Arthur Wellington ( 1926 )
 Astley-Rushton, Edward Astley ( 1927 )
 Biddulph, Harry ( 1927 )
 Burnett, Charles Stuart ( 1927 )
 Harington, John ( 1927 )
 Napier, William Rawdon ( 1927 )
 St. John, Richard Stukeley ( 1927 )
 Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, 1st and last Baron Vansittart ( 1927 )
 Williams-Wynn, Frederick Rowland ( 1927 )
 Alexander, Edward Currie ( 1928 )
 Casement, John Moore ( 1928 )
 Dill, John Greer ( 1928 )
 Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenheere, 1st Baron Dowding ( 1928 )
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly ( 1928 )
 Darell, William Harry Verelst ( 1929 )
 Dugan, Winston Joseph, 1st and last Baron Dugan of Victoria ( 1929 )
 Fletcher, Walter Morley ( 1929 )
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st Baron Newall ( 1929 )
 Oliphant, Lancelot ( 1929 )
 Peel, Sidney Cornwallis, 1st and last Bt. ( 1929 )
 Grant, Charles John Cecil ( 1930 )
 Jebb, Gladwyn Dundas ( 1930 )
 Wagstaff, Cyril Mosley ( 1930 )
 Bryant, Francis Morgan ( 1931 )
 Ellis, Arthur Henry Augustus ( 1931 )
 Godley, Hugh John, 2nd Baron Kilbracken ( 1931 )
 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and last Baron Ismay ( 1931 )
 James, Thomas Norman ( 1931 )
 Needham, Henry ( 1931 )
 Burgh, Eric ( 1932 )
 Burnett, James Lauderdale Gilbert, of Leys, 13th Bt. ( 1932 )
 Campion, Gilbert Francis Montriou, 1st and last Baron Campion ( 1932 )
 Codrington, Geoffrey Ronald ( 1932 )
 Freeman, Wilfrid Rhodes, 1st Bt. ( 1932 )
 Leveson-Gower, William Spencer, 4th Earl Granville ( 1932 )
 Salt, Harold Francis ( 1932 )
 Burnell-Nugent, Frank Henry ( 1933 )
 Heywood, Cecil Percival ( 1933 )
 Hill, Richard Augustus Sandys ( 1933 )
 Murray, Kenelm Digby Bold ( 1933 )
 Pepys, Gerald Leslie ( 1933 )
 Wake, Hereward, 13th Bt. ( 1933 )
 Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre ( 1934 )
 Cunningham, Andrew Browne, 1st and last Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope ( 1934 )
 Thorold, Ernest Hayford ( 1934 )
 Verney, Ralph, 1st Bt. ( 1934 )
 Croft, William Denman ( 1935 )
 Goschen, Arthur Alec ( 1935 )
 Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norman ( 1935 )
 Wake, Baldwin St. Aubyn ( 1935 )
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell ( 1935 )
 Blakiston-Houston, John ( 1936 )
 Brownrigg, W. Douglas S. ( 1936 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Henry Meyrick ( 1936 )
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Baron Freyberg, V.C. ( 1936 )
 Graham, Douglas Malise ( 1936 )
 Lindsay, George Mackintosh ( 1936 )
 Mackinnon, Lachlan Donald Ian ( 1936 )
 Acland, Edward Leopold Dyke ( 1937 )
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke ( 1937 )
 Campbell, Ronald Ian ( 1937 )
 Drummond, Edmund Rupert ( 1937 )
 Howard, Algar Henry Stafford ( 1937 )
 Kemp, George, 1st Baron Rochdale ( 1937 )
 Lascelles, Francis William ( 1937 )
 Lyttelton, John Cavendish, 9th Viscount Cobham ( 1937 )
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Henry Coventry ( 1937 )
 Maynard, Francis Herbert ( 1937 )
 Pery-Knox-Gore, Arthur Francis Gore ( 1937 )
 Pott, David ( 1937 )
 Tedder, Arthur William, 1st Baron Tedder ( 1937 )
 Tovey, John Cronyn, Baron Tovey ( 1937 )
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees Prendergast, 6th Viscount Gort, V.C. ( 1937 )
 Wilson, Henry Maitland, 1st Baron Wilson ( 1937 )
 Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1938 )
 Beresford, George de la Poer ( 1938 )
 Dowding, Arthur Ninian ( 1938 )
 Hopwood, Alfred Henry ( 1938 )
 Pile, Frederick Alfred, 2nd Bt. ( 1938 )
 Wilson, Nigel Maitland ( 1938 )
 Babington, John Tremayne ( 1939 )
 Forbes Adam, Ronald, 2nd Bt. ( 1939 )
 Johnson, Dudley Graham, V.C. ( 1939 )
 Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st and last Viscount Portal of Hungerford ( 1939 )
 Simpson, Frank Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1939 )
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang ( 1939 )
 Wodehouse, Norman Atherton ( 1939 )
 Chenevix Trench, Ralph ( 1940 )
 Douglas, William Sholto, 1st and last Baron Douglas of Kirtleside ( 1940 )
 Floyer-Acland, Arthur Nugent ( 1940 )
 Harris, Arthur Travers, 1st Bt. ( 1940 )
 Jardine, Colin Arthur, 3rd Bt. ( 1940 )
 Massy, Hugh Royds Stokes ( 1940 )
 Petre, Roderic Loraine ( 1940 )
 Wake-Walker, William Frederic ( 1940 )
 Agnew, William Gladstone ( 1941 )
 Astley, Delaval Graham L'Estrange ( 1941 )
 Darvall, Lawrence ( 1941 )
 Dorman, Edward Mungo ( 1941 )
 Harvey, Oliver Charles Harvey, 1st Baron Harvey of Tasburgh ( 1941 )
 Hutchison, Balfour Oliphant ( 1941 )
 Scarlett, Percy Gerald ( 1941 )
 Smith, Arthur Francis ( 1941 )
 Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1st Bt. ( 1941 )
 Wallace, Charles John ( 1941 )
 Brook, Norman Craven, 1st and last Baron Normanbrook ( 1942 )
 Burnett, Robert Lindsay ( 1942 )
 Clarke, Marshal Llewelyn ( 1942 )
 Dening, Roland ( 1942 )
 Egerton, Henry Jack ( 1942 )
 Lambert, Guy William ( 1942 )
 Macready, Gordon Nevil, 2nd Bt. ( 1942 )
 Norrie, Charles Willoughby Moke, 1st Baron Norrie ( 1942 )
 Orr Ewing, Norman Archibald, of Ballikinrain, 4th Bt. ( 1942 )
 Stopford, Montagu George North ( 1942 )
 Beresford-Peirse, Noel Monson de la Poer ( 1943 )
 Bolitho, Edward Hoblyn Warren ( 1943 )
 Christison, Alexander Frank Philip, 4th Bt. ( 1943 )
 Cochrane, Ralph Alexander ( 1943 )
 Cole-Hamilton, John Beresford ( 1943 )
 Creswell, George Hector ( 1943 )
 Erskine, George Watkin Eben James ( 1943 )
 Keightley, Charles Frederick ( 1943 )
 Mackintosh, Lachlan Donald, 29th of Mackintosh ( 1943 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1943 )
 Pryce-Jones, Henry Morris ( 1943 )
 Ramsden, William Havelock Chaplin ( 1943 )
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge ( 1943 )
 Rodd, Francis James Rennell, 2nd Baron Rennell ( 1943 )
 Simeon, Charles Edward Barrington ( 1943 )
 Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 2nd Viscount Bridgeman ( 1944 )
 Browning, Langley ( 1944 )
 Chapman, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Napier-Clavering, Noel Warren ( 1944 )
 Robbins, Lionel Charles, Baron Robbins ( 1944 )
 Adair, Allan Henry Shafto, 6th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Arbuthnott, Robert Keith, 15th Viscount Arbuthnott ( 1945 )
 Bernard, Percy Ronald Gardner, 5th Earl of Bandon ( 1945 )
 Clifford, Bede Edmund Hugh ( 1945 )
 Dennis, Meade Edward ( 1945 )
 Douglas-Pennant, Cyril Eustace ( 1945 )
 Duff, Alan Colquhoun ( 1945 )
 Dundas, John George Lawrence ( 1945 )
 Edmondstoune-Cranstoun, Charles Joseph, of Corehouse ( 1945 )
 Floyd, Henry Robert Kincaid, 5th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Holland, Cedric Swinton ( 1945 )
 Lake, Atwell Henry, 9th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Laycock, Robert Edward ( 1945 )
 Morgan, Vaughan ( 1945 )
 Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith ( 1945 )
 Richardson, David Turnbull ( 1945 )
 Rivett-Carnac, James William ( 1945 )
 Sinclair, John Alexander ( 1945 )
 St. Clair, George James Paul ( 1945 )
 Talbot, Arthur George ( 1945 )
 Thorold, Henry Karslake ( 1945 )
 Whitaker, John Albert Charles, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 White, Cecil Meadows Frith ( 1945 )
 Benyon, Richard ( 1946 )
 Boyle, Dermot ( 1946 )
 Croker, George FitzGerald ( 1946 )
 Evans, Geoffrey Charles ( 1946 )
 Fortescue, Hugh William, 5th Earl Fortescue ( 1946 )
 Herbert, Edwin Otway ( 1946 )
 Portal, Reginald Henry ( 1946 )
 Reid, John Peter Lorne ( 1946 )
 Studdert, Robert Hallam ( 1946 )
 Westropp, Victor John Eric ( 1946 )
 Williams, Edgar Trevor ( 1946 )
 Wilmot-Sitwell, Hervey Degge ( 1946 )
 Adeane, Michael Edward, Baron Adeane ( 1947 )
 Ashmore, Leslie Haliburton ( 1947 )
 Blomfield, Valentine ( 1947 )
 Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Charles Leyshon, 2nd Bt. ( 1947 )
 Jebb, Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 1st Baron Gladwyn ( 1947 )
 Lithgow, James, 1st Bt. ( 1947 )
 Townshend, Hugh ( 1947 )
 Beaumont, Wentworth Henry Canning, 2nd Viscount Allendale ( 1948 )
 Compton, Edmund Gerald ( 1948 )
 Dixon, Pierson John ( 1948 )
 Dunphie, Charles Anderson Lane ( 1948 )
 Lowther, Charles Bingham, 4th Bt. ( 1948 )
 Maxwell, Dennis Crichton ( 1948 )
 Russell, Guy Herbrand Edward ( 1948 )
 Stamer, William Donovan ( 1948 )
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne ( 1949 )
 Brooke, Basil Charles Barrington ( 1949 )
 Campbell, Alexander Douglas ( 1949 )
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Granville Brian ( 1949 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Victor Cecil ( 1949 )
 Erskine, Ian David ( 1949 )
 Hartwell, John Redmond ( 1949 )
 Hawkins, Geoffrey Alan Brooke ( 1949 )
 Mackworth, Philip Herbert ( 1949 )
 Playfair, Edward Wilder ( 1949 )
 William-Powlett, Peveril Barton Reibey ( 1949 )
 Dunnett, George Sangster ( 1950 )
 Gibson, Edward Russell, 3rd Baron Ashbourne ( 1950 )
 Hall, Robert Lowe, Baron Roberthall ( 1950 )
 Havelock, Eric Henry Edwardes ( 1950 )
 Helsby, Laurence Norman, Baron Helsby ( 1950 )
 Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1950 )
 Pelly, Claude Bernard Raymond ( 1950 )
 Sanders, Terence Robert Beaumont ( 1950 )
 Campbell, Ian Vincent Hamilton, of Barcaldine, 7th Bt. ( 1951 )
 McLaughlin, Patrick Vivian ( 1951 )
 Oliver-Bellasis, Richard ( 1951 )
 Dawnay, David ( 1952 )
 Ford, Edward William Spencer ( 1952 )
 John, Caspar ( 1952 )
 Pasley, Joseph Montagu Sabine ( 1952 )
 Portman, Guy Maurice Berkeley ( 1952 )
 Tollemache, Humphrey Thomas, 6th Bt. ( 1952 )
 Anstruther, Alexander Meister ( 1953 )
 Bayley, Kennett ( 1953 )
 Buzzard, Anthony Wass, 2nd Bt. ( 1953 )
 D'Arcy, Thomas Norman ( 1953 )
 Liddell, Guy Maynard ( 1953 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, John Saye Wingfield ( 1953 )
 Young, Norman Egerton ( 1953 )
 Allen, Philip, Baron Allen of Abbeydale ( 1954 )
 Creagh, Edward Philip Nagle ( 1954 )
 Franks, John Gerald ( 1954 )
 Onslow, Richard George ( 1954 )
 Popham, Arthur Ewart ( 1954 )
 St. Clair-Ford, Peter ( 1954 )
 Colville, Edward Charles ( 1955 )
 Colville, John Rupert ( 1955 )
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1955 )
 Howard-Johnston, Clarence Dinsmore ( 1955 )
 Maclay, Walter Symington ( 1955 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1955 )
 Rumbold, Horace Anthony Claud, 10th Bt. ( 1955 )
 Stopford, Edward Kennedy ( 1955 )
 Tulloch, Donald Derek Cuthbertson ( 1955 )
 Willoughby, Guy ( 1955 )
 Birkin, James Michael ( 1956 )
 Dunn, Patrick Hunter ( 1956 )
 Roll, Eric, Baron Roll of Ipsden ( 1956 )
 Armstrong, William, Baron Armstrong of Sanderstead ( 1957 )
 Beresford-Peirse, Henry Campbell de La Poer, 5th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Carver, Richard Michael Power, Baron Carver ( 1957 )
 Coote, John Ralph, 14th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Duncan, David ( 1957 )
 Kirkpatrick, Herbert James ( 1957 )
 Murray, Francis Ralph Hay ( 1957 )
 Tyrwhitt, St. John Reginald Joseph, 2nd Bt. ( 1957 )
 Younger, Ralph ( 1957 )
 Brooke, Frank Hastings ( 1958 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1958 )
 Crawford, William Godfrey ( 1958 )
 Davies-Cooke, Philip Ralph ( 1958 )
 Dawnay, Peter ( 1958 )
 Gibbs, Martin St. John Valentine ( 1958 )
 Kendrew, Douglas Anthony ( 1958 )
 Pelly, Peter Douglas Herbert Raymond ( 1958 )
 Ruggles-Brise, John Archibald, 2nd Bt. ( 1958 )
 Bonham-Carter, Christopher Douglas ( 1959 )
 Finlay, John Euston Bell ( 1959 )
 Gordon-Lennox, George Charles ( 1959 )
 Wingate, Ronald Evelyn Leslie, 2nd Bt. ( 1959 )
 Cairns, David Charles, 5th Earl Cairns ( 1960 )
 Colville, Richard ( 1960 )
 Graham, Frederick Clarence Campbell ( 1960 )
 Le Fanu, Michael ( 1960 )
 Talbot, Thomas George ( 1960 )
 Villiers, John Michael ( 1960 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Alexander Henry Charles ( 1961 )
 Gwynn, Edward Harold ( 1961 )
 Harington, Charles Henry Pepys ( 1961 )
 Hope, Adrian Price Webley ( 1961 )
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Henry Charles, 7th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1961 )
 Price, Denis ( 1961 )
 Talbot, Arthur Allison Fitzroy ( 1961 )
 Welby-Everard, Christopher Earle ( 1961 )
 Henley, Joseph Charles Cameron ( 1962 )
 Spens, Colin Hope ( 1962 )
 Allen, Douglas Albert Vivian, Baron Croham ( 1963 )
 Boyle, David William Maurice, 9th Earl of Glasgow ( 1963 )
 Bush, John Fitzroy Duyland ( 1963 )
 Cholmeley, Hugh John Francis Sibthorp, 5th Bt. ( 1963 )
 Law, Horace Rochfort ( 1963 )
 Ridley, Edward Alexander Keane ( 1963 )
 Walsham, John Scarlett Warren, 4th Bt. ( 1963 )
 Bayly, Patrick Uniacke ( 1964 )
 Hill-Norton, Peter John, Baron Hill-Norton ( 1964 )
 Lea, George H. ( 1964 )
 Macdonnel, Æneas Ranald Donald, 22nd of Glengarry ( 1964 )
 Avigdor-Goldsmid, James Arthur, 3rd Bt. ( 1965 )
 Cooke, John Gervaise Beresford ( 1965 )
 Janvrin, Hugh Richard Benest ( 1965 )
 St. John, Roger Ellis Tudor ( 1965 )
 Tatton-Brown, William Eden ( 1965 )
 Wyldbore-Smith, Francis Brian ( 1965 )
 Best, Thomas William ( 1966 )
 Blair-Oliphant, David Nigel ( 1966 )
 Bowyer, John Francis ( 1966 )
 Bruce Lockhart, John MacGregor ( 1966 )
 Brush, Edward James Augustus Howard ( 1966 )
 Greeves, John Ernest ( 1966 )
 Hamilton, Godfrey John ( 1966 )
 Raeburn, William Digby Manifold ( 1966 )
 Skyrme, William Thomas Charles ( 1966 )
 Stapleton Fitzalan Howard, Miles Francis, 17th Duke of Norfolk ( 1966 )
 Adams, John Harold ( 1967 )
 Aiken, John Alexander Carlisle ( 1967 )
 Griffith-Griffin, Anthony Templer Frederick ( 1967 )
 Lascelles, Henry Anthony ( 1967 )
 Turner-Cain, George Robert ( 1967 )
 Egerton, David Boswell, 16th Bt. ( 1968 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael ( 1968 )
 Hunt, John Joseph Benedict, Baron Hunt of Tanworth ( 1968 )
 Ridley, William Terence Colborne ( 1968 )
 Robertson, Ian Argyll, of Brackla ( 1968 )
 Dunbar-Nasmith, David Arthur ( 1969 )
 Noel, Gambier John Byng ( 1969 )
 Whitworth, Reginald Henry ( 1969 )
 Boggis-Rolfe, Hume ( 1971 )
 Cameron, Neil, Baron Cameron of Balhousie ( 1971 )
 Lowe, Douglas Charles ( 1971 )
 Nairne, Patrick Dalmahoy ( 1971 )
 Spencer-Smith, Jeremy Michael ( 1971 )
 Cathcart, Alan, 6th Earl Cathcart ( 1973 )
 Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baron Moore of Wolvercote ( 1973 )
 Vanneck, Peter Beckford Rutgers ( 1973 )
 Anson, Peter, 7th Bt. ( 1974 )
 Armstrong, Robert Temple, Baron Armstrong of Ilminster ( 1974 )
 Agnew, William Godfrey ( 1975 )
 Holland, David Cuthbert Lyall ( 1975 )
 Campbell, Ian Robert ( 1976 )
 Clayton, Michael Thomas Emilius ( 1976 )
 Cecil, Oswald Nigel Amherst ( 1977 )
 Perkins, Kenneth ( 1977 )
 Attlee, Donald Laurence ( 1978 )
 Craig, David Brownrigg, Baron Craig of Radley ( 1978 )
 Dearing, Ronald Ernest, Baron Dearing ( 1979 )
 O'Morchoe, David Nial Creagh, The O'Morchoe ( 1979 )
 Fursdon, Francis William Edward ( 1980 )
 Wrong, Elizabeth Catherine ( 1980 )
 Alexander-Sinclair, David Boyd, of Freswick ( 1981 )
 Anson, John ( 1981 )
 Cavendish, Peter Boucher ( 1981 )
 Grey, John Egerton ( 1981 )
 Reid, Peter Daer ( 1981 )
 Boyd, Robert Stanley ( 1982 )
 Hughes-Morgan, David John, 3rd Bt. ( 1983 )
 Napier, Lennox Alexander Hawkins ( 1983 )
 Williamson, David Francis, Baron Williamson of Horton ( 1984 )
 Graham, Euan Douglas ( 1985 )
 Bevan, Timothy Michael ( 1986 )
 Gordon Lennox, Bernard Charles ( 1986 )
 Brooking, Patrick Guy ( 1988 )
 Stopford, Stephen Robert Anthony ( 1988 )
 Ramsay, Charles Alexander ( 1989 )
 Alexander, John Oswald Claud ( 1991 )
 Harris, John Hulme ( 1991 )
 Salt, James Frederick Thomas George ( 1991 )
 Wilson, Richard Thomas James, Baron Wilson of Dinton ( 1991 )
 Ansell, Nicholas George Picton ( 1992 )
 Cordy-Simpson, Roderick Alexander ( 1993 )
 Shiffner, John Robert ( 1995 )
 Janvrin, Robin Berry, Baron Janvrin ( 1997 )
 Phipps, Jeremy Julian Joseph ( 1997 )
 Scott, Michael Ian Eldon ( 1997 )
 Hunt, Julian Charles Roland, Baron Hunt of Chesterton ( 1998 )
 Vyvyan, Charles Gerard Courtenay ( 1998 )
 Ricketts, Simon Henry Martin ( 2000 )
 Halpert, Jeremy Michael ( 2001 )
 Weaver, Tobias Rushton ( 2001 )
 Heywood, Jeremy John, Baron Heywood of Whitehall ( 2002 )
 Butterworth, Anna Elizabeth Blackstock ( 2003 )
 Grant-Peterkin, Anthony Peter ( 2003 )
 Routledge, Martin John ( 2009 )
 Broadbridge, Richard John Martin, 5th Baron Broadbridge ( 2018 )
Count equals 2563 individuals.
Companion, Order of the Indian Empire (C.I.E.)
 Abdy Collins, Bernard
 Aikman, David Wann
 Aitchison, Charles Umpherston
 Allen, Charles Turner
 Ambrose, Robert Denis
 Ameer Ali, Syed
 Ameer Ali, Syed Waris
 Anderson, Arthur Robert
 Arbuthnot, Alexander John
 Arnold, Allan Cholmondeley
 Bailey, Frederick Marshman
 Barnardo, Frederick Adolphus Fleming
 Barrett, Cyril Charles Johnson
 Beamish, Richard Marie
 Beauchamp, Henry King
 Beck, Edgar Charles
 Beckett, Richard Henry
 Bell, Robert Duncan
 Benn, Robert Arthur Edward
 Berkeley, James Cavan
 Binning, Joseph
 Black, Sam
 Bonham-Carter, Edgar
 Booth, Eustace Frederick Delamere
 Boyle, Cecil Alexander
 Briscoe, Hugh Kynaston
 Bristow, Charles Holditch
 Brooke, Victor Reginald
 Bruce Lockhart, Robert McGregor
 Buckland, Charles Edward
 Bulkeley, Denys Paul
 Burch, Frederick Whitmore
 Butler, Montagu Sherard Dawes
 Calvert, Hubert
 Cameron, John
 Cardozo, Henry O'Connell
 Carew, G.
 Carmichael, Claude Dundas James
 Carnegie, Patrick
 Cartmel, Alfred
 Casson, Charles William Charteris
 Chenevix Trench, Richard Henry
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Walter Stanley
 Christie, unknown
 Church, Thomas Ross
 Clague, John
 Clarke, Reginald
 Clayton, Hugh Byard
 Clerk, Claude
 Collins, Bernard Abdy
 Colvin, Elliot James Dowell
 Cooke, Theodore
 Couper, George Ebenezer Wilson, 2nd Bt.
 Craig, Thomas Joseph Alexander
 Craster, Shafto Longfield
 Craw, Henry Hewat
 Crerar, James
 Crichton, Walter Hugh
 Croft, William Dawson
 Crompton-Roberts, Charles Montagu
 Cunliffe-Owen, Francis Philip
 Daly, Clive Kirkpatrick
 Daly, Francis
 Dalyell, Gordon, of the Binns
 Darling, George Kenneth
 Davidson, Colin Keppel
 Dennehy, Harold George
 Duff, George Mowatt
 Dundas, Robert Thomas
 Eden, Ashley
 Egerton, Robert Eyles
 Ekin, Roger Gillies
 Elliot, Frederick Augustus Hugh
 Erskine, Claude Ernest Torin
 Erskine, Keith
 Ewart, John Murray
 Ferard, Henry Cecil
 Ferguson Davie, Arthur Francis
 Fisher, Gerald Thomas
 Flowerdew, Richard Edward
 Foy, Thomas Arthur Wyness
 Fraser, Denholm de Montalt
 Fraser, Stuart Mitford
 Fuller, John Augustus
 Giles, Edward
 Glass, James George Henry
 Gleadowe-Newcomen, Arthur Hills
 Godfrey, John R. R.
 Goodridge, Walter Somerville
 Gordon, Lewis Conway
 Gordon, William
 Graham, John Malise
 Grand, Laurence Douglas
 Grant, Leonard Bishopp
 Gregson, Edward Gelson
 Grey, Arthur
 Grigg, Henry Bidewell
 Grimston, Rolle Estouteville
 Gunter, Clarence Preston
 Gwyther, Frank Edwin
 Hall, Edward George
 Halliday, Frederick Loch
 Hamilton, Frederick Arnold
 Harding, George Trevor Hamilton
 Hardinge, Arthur Edward
 Harriott, George Moss
 Harrison, Charlton Scott Cholmeley
 Hastings, Charles Godolphin William
 Hechle, James Herbert
 Henderson, Malcolm
 Hewlett, T. G.
 Higgins, John Comyn
 Hildebrand, Arthur Hedding
 Hilson, A. H.
 Hobhouse, Arthur, 1st and last Baron Hobhouse
 Holmes, John Dalrymple Edgar
 Horton, Ralph Albert
 Howell, Evelyn Berkeley
 Hughes-Buller, Ralph Buller
 Iggulden, Herbert Augustus
 Ilbert, Courtenay
 Ingoldby, Eric
 Irwin, Henry
 Irwin, Henry Raikes Alexander
 Jackson, Cecil Vivian Staveley
 Jackson, Louis Steuart
 James, Edmund Henry Salt
 Jameson, Thomas Blandford
 Jennings, Herbert Alexander Kaye
 Johnson, Edwin Beaumont
 Kemp, Arthur Hugh
 Kennedy, William Magill
 Kennion, Roger Lloyd
 Keppel, Derek William George
 Kingsley, Harold Evelyn William Bell
 Kitchin, Arthur James Warburton
 Knight, George
 Knox, Kenneth Neville
 Lamb, Richard Amphlett
 Lawrence, Henry Rundle
 Lenfestey, Leopold d'Estreville
 Lucas, Frederick George
 Lumsden, Walter
 Lyall, Charles
 MacDougall, Raibeart
 MacIvor, Ivar
 MacLaughlin, Alexander John Maunsell
 Macdonald, Roderick William
 Macgregor, Charles Metcalfe
 Maconachie, Richard Roy
 Maconchy, Ernest William Stewart King
 Macpherson, Archibald Duncan
 Macpherson, Charles Gordon Weiland
 Macpherson, Duncan James
 Maitland, William James
 Marriott, Eric Llewellyn
 Marsden, Percy
 Marsh, Henry
 Mason, Philip
 McHinch, Alexander
 McWatters, Arthur Cecil
 Meade, Richard John
 Mills, James Philip
 Mitchell, John Fowler
 Moore, John Arthur
 Morony, Thomas Henry
 Muir, Charles Wemyss
 Murray, Charles Stewart
 Murray, Malcolm Donald
 Muspratt, Sydney Frederick
 Napier, George Campbell
 Needham, Francis Jack
 Nevill, Richard
 Norman, Henry Wylie
 O'Kinealy, Doreen Elizabeth
 Orde, Percy Lancelot
 Pearson, James Rae
 Pearson, Ralph Sneyd
 Perram, George James
 Perry, Edward William
 Peterson, John Carlos Kennedy
 Phipson, Edward Selby
 Platts, Matthew George
 Pope, James Alister
 Porch, Edward Albert
 Powell, Baden Henry
 Price, Edwin Lessware
 Pritchard, Hugh Robert Norman
 Radcliffe, Frederick Walter
 Radley, Hugh Poynton
 Rahimtoola, Fazal Ibrahim
 Rawlins, James Sebastian
 Robertson, James Currie
 Rose, John Latham
 Ross, Henry
 Russell, Guy Hamilton
 Ryland, John
 Scott, Ian Dixon
 Scott-Duff, Arthur Abercromby
 Shakespear, Alexander Blake
 Slater, Samuel Henry
 Smiles, Walter
 Smith, Herbert Austen
 Smith, I. Manners, V.C.
 Spence, Alexander Hierom Ogilvy
 St. Clair, Lockhart Matthew
 Stamper, Thomas Henry Gilborn
 Steel, Richard Alexander
 Stent, Percy John Hodsall
 Stewart, Charles Edward
 Stewart, Donald Martin, 1st Bt.
 Stewart, Francis Hugh
 Stockley, Hugh Roderick
 Stodart, Thomas
 Stokes, Whitley
 Strachey, John
 Stuart, John Matthew Blackwood
 Tawney, Charles Henry
 Temple, Frederick Charles
 Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt.
 Temple, Richard, 1st Bt.
 Thornton, Hugh Aylmer
 Threlfall, William James
 Tickell, Richard Hugh
 Townsend, Crewe Armand Hamilton
 Trafford, Richard Wylme
 Tuck, Charles Harold Amys
 Tucker, L. H. E.
 Turner, Frederick Charles
 Vernon, Harold Anselm Bellamy
 Verrières, Albert Claude
 Vincent, Frank Arthur Money Hampe
 Vincent, Robert William Edward Hampe
 Wadia, Nusserwanjee Nowrosjee
 Wake, Drury St. Aubyn
 Walter, Edmund
 Wathen, Gerard Anstruther
 Watney, Charles Norman
 Weldon, Thomas
 Wells, Henry Lake
 Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer
 Wigley, Frederick George
 Williams, Stanley Price
 Wills, Cecil Upton
 Wilson, George
 Wodehouse, Charles
 Wood, Eric Rawlinson
 Wood, Ernest
 Woods Ballard, Basil
 Worthington, Edward Scott
 Yates, James Ainsworth
 Graham, Donald ( 1878 )
 Rivett-Carnac, John Henry ( 1878 )
 Smith, George ( 1878 )
 Tennant, James Francis ( 1879 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1880 )
 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st Earl of Lytton ( 1880 )
 Daly, Henry Dermot ( 1880 )
 Adam, William Patrick ( 1881 )
 Colvin, Auckland ( 1883 )
 Dawnay, Hugh Richard, 8th Viscount Downe ( 1886 )
 Mackay, Donald James, 11th Lord Reay ( 1886 )
 Forbes Adam, Frank, 1st Bt. ( 1888 )
 Mackay, James Lyle, 1st Earl of Inchcape ( 1890 )
 Rees, John David, 1st Bt. ( 1890 )
 Daly, Hugh ( 1892 )
 Campbell, Alexander ( 1893 )
 Brooke, William Robert ( 1894 )
 Spring, Francis Joseph Edward ( 1894 )
 Franks, Norman ( 1896 )
 Durand, Algernon George Arnold ( 1897 )
 Browning, Winthrop Benjamin ( 1898 )
 Minchin, Alfred Beckett ( 1898 )
 Hare, Lancelot ( 1900 )
 Hammick, Murray ( 1901 )
 Pinhey, Alexander Fleetwood ( 1901 )
 Smith, James Robert Dunlop ( 1901 )
 Wingate, George ( 1901 )
 Bomford, Gerald ( 1902 )
 Bannerman, Arthur D'Arcy Gordon, of Elsick, 12th Bt. ( 1903 )
 Douglas, Montagu William ( 1903 )
 Stoney, Edward Waller ( 1904 )
 Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway ( 1905 )
 Egerton, Brian ( 1906 )
 O'Brien, Aubrey John ( 1906 )
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland ( 1907 )
 Ranchhodlal, Chinubhai Madhowlal, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 Arbuthnott, John Campbell ( 1908 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1908 )
 Grant, Alfred Hamilton, of Dalvey, 12th Bt. ( 1908 )
 Chenevix Trench, George Frederick ( 1911 )
 Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1911 )
 Ramsay, Arthur Dennys Gilbert ( 1911 )
 Campbell, Richard Hamilton ( 1912 )
 Coventry, Bernard ( 1912 )
 James, William Bernard ( 1912 )
 Wodehouse, Frederic William ( 1912 )
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage, of Kilbirnie, 5th Bt. ( 1913 )
 Clerk, Hugh Edward ( 1914 )
 Molesworth, William ( 1914 )
 Fremantle, Selwyn Howe ( 1915 )
 Ryder, Charles Henry Dudley ( 1915 )
 Wagstaff, Cyril Mosley ( 1915 )
 Windham, Charles Joseph ( 1915 )
 Boxwell, Ambrose ( 1916 )
 Hodges-Nugent, Charles Hugh Hodges ( 1916 )
 Maffey, John Loader, 1st Baron of Rugby ( 1916 )
 Power, Gervase Bushe ( 1916 )
 Rawlins, Arthur Kennedy ( 1916 )
 Grimston, Francis Sylvester ( 1917 )
 Lloyd, George Ambrose, 1st Baron Lloyd ( 1917 )
 Bagshawe, Frederick William ( 1918 )
 Berkeley, Arthur Mowbray ( 1918 )
 Goodbody, Cecil Maurice ( 1918 )
 Noel, Edward William Charles ( 1918 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob, 6th Earl of Radnor ( 1918 )
 Poore, Robert Montagu ( 1918 )
 Udny-Hamilton, Robert Edward Archibald, 11th Lord Belhaven and Stenton ( 1918 )
 Alexander, Edward Currie ( 1919 )
 Balfour, Francis Cecil Campbell ( 1919 )
 Bell, Ernest Albert Seymour ( 1919 )
 Black, Walter Clarence ( 1919 )
 Chenevix Trench, Arthur Henry ( 1919 )
 Christian, Gerard ( 1919 )
 Gordon, William Alexander ( 1919 )
 Hewitt, Dudley Riddiford ( 1919 )
 Hope, Adrian Victor Webley ( 1919 )
 Low, Austin ( 1919 )
 Mackenzie, Colin ( 1919 )
 Nightingale, Manners Ralph Wilmott ( 1919 )
 O'Grady, Henry de Courcy ( 1919 )
 Osmaston, Bertram Beresford ( 1919 )
 St. John, Richard Stukeley ( 1919 )
 Swinton, Francis Edward ( 1919 )
 Wodehouse, Philip Peveril John ( 1919 )
 Cotton, Charles William Egerton ( 1920 )
 Dobbs, Charles Fairlie ( 1920 )
 Hordern, Edward Joseph Calveley ( 1920 )
 Verney, Ralph, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Butler, Edwin John ( 1921 )
 Gwynn, John Tudor ( 1921 )
 Young, Henry George ( 1921 )
 Hope, Adrian James Robert ( 1922 )
 Legh, Piers Walter ( 1922 )
 Macpherson, Thomas Stewart ( 1922 )
 Gamble, Victor Felix ( 1923 )
 Clarke, Loftus Otway ( 1924 )
 Tottenham, Alexander Robert Loftus ( 1925 )
 Bentinck, Arthur Harold Walter ( 1926 )
 Law, Henry Duncan Graves ( 1927 )
 Cunningham, John ( 1928 )
 Pooley, Charles Blois ( 1928 )
 Mackworth-Young, Gerard ( 1929 )
 Bomford, Hugh ( 1931 )
 Chenevix Trench, Charles Godfrey ( 1931 )
 Gordon, Eyre ( 1931 )
 Rees, Thomas Wynford ( 1931 )
 Strickland, Claude Francis ( 1931 )
 Wetherill, Henry Buswell ( 1931 )
 Wingate, Ronald Evelyn Leslie, 2nd Bt. ( 1931 )
 Haughton, Samuel George Steele ( 1935 )
 Ogilvy, David ( 1935 )
 Burke, Edmund Plunkett ( 1936 )
 Trench, William Launcelot Crosbie ( 1936 )
 Blakiston, John Francis ( 1937 )
 Gordon, John de la Hay ( 1937 )
 Layard, Austen Havelock ( 1937 )
 Molesworth, Alec Lindsay Mortimer ( 1937 )
 Jardine, Lionel Westrop ( 1939 )
 Crofton, Richard Marsh ( 1941 )
 Fitzmaurice, Desmond FitzJohn ( 1941 )
 Crofton, Roger ( 1942 )
 Ramsden, Geoffrey Charles Frescheville ( 1942 )
 Eliott Lockhart, Allan Robert ( 1943 )
 Franks, Kendal Fergusson ( 1943 )
 Macnab, Archibald Corrie, of that Ilk, 22nd Chief ( 1943 )
 Boyd, Thomas Crawford ( 1944 )
 Phillimore, Reginald Henry ( 1944 )
 Butler, Horace Somerset Edmond ( 1945 )
 Nepean, Herbert Dryden Home Yorke ( 1945 )
 Wakefield, Edward Birkbeck, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 Abell, George Edmond Brackenbury ( 1946 )
 Eustace, John Curtis Wernher ( 1946 )
 Nicholson, John Norris, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Erskine Crum, Vernon Forbes ( 1947 )
 Eustace, Edward Arthur Rawlins ( 1947 )
 Hutchinson, Frederick Heap ( 1947 )
 Rumbold, Horace Algernon Fraser ( 1947 )
 Trevelyan, Humphrey, Baron Trevelyan ( 1948 )
Count equals 389 individuals.
Companion, Order of the Star of India (C.S.I.)
 Allen, Basil Copleston
 Arbuthnott, David
 Arnold, Edwin
 Babington Smith, Henry
 Barrett, Cyril Charles Johnson
 Beckett, Richard Henry
 Birdwood, George Christopher Molesworth
 Birdwood, Herbert Mills
 Black, Sam
 Boughey, George Fletcher Ottley
 Bourne, William
 Bowring, Lewin Bentham
 Braidwood, Harold Lithgow
 Bray, Edward Hugh
 Brett, Cecil Michael Wilford
 Bright, William Robert
 Broome, Arthur
 Bryant, Francis Morgan
 Buckley, Llewellyn Eddison
 Buckley, Robert Burton
 Burch, Frederick Whitmore
 Calvert, Hubert
 Campbell, Archibald Young Gipps
 Carmichael, Charles Paget
 Cassels, Walter Seton
 Casson, Herbert Alexander
 Cave-Browne, Edward Raban
 Cleghorn, James
 Cockerell, Horace Abel
 Colvin, Clement Sneyd
 Cooke, Herbert Fothergill
 Cotton, Frederic Conyers
 Cruickshank, Alexander Walmesley
 Cuningham, James Macnab
 Daly, Clive Kirkpatrick
 Davidson, Robert
 Dawes, Michael
 Dennehy, Harold George
 Dew, Armine Brereton
 Dunsterville, Lionel Charles
 Eales, Herbert Lovely
 Earle, William
 Ellis, Arthur Edward Augustus
 Elsmie, George Robert
 Elsmie, George Robert
 Fanshawe, Herbert Charles
 Ferard, Henry Cecil
 Finnis, Henry
 Fisher, Gerald Thomas
 Ford, William
 Fox-Strangways, Maurice Walter
 Foy, Thomas Arthur Wyness
 Fraser, Denholm de Montalt
 Fulton, Edmund McGildowney Hope
 Garbett, Colin Campbell
 Gidney, Claude Henry
 Glyn, Henry Carr
 Godley, John Cornwallis
 Gordon, Lochinvar Alexander Charles
 Gore, St. George Corbet
 Grant, Charles Frederick
 Grigson, Wilfrid
 Hamilton, George William
 Hamilton, Henry Charles
 Harriott, George Moss
 Harrison, Edward Francis
 Hatch, George Cliffe
 Haughton, J. C.
 Haughton, John Colpoys
 Herbert, Charles
 Hewett, John Prescott
 Hogg, Frederick Russell
 Horne, William Ogilvie
 Inglis, Claude Cavendish
 Irwin, Alfred Macdonald Bulteel
 Isacke, Hubert
 Jehangir, Cowasjee
 Jejeebhoy, Jamsetjee, 3rd Bt.
 Jennings, Robert Henry
 Keyes, Terence Humphrey
 King, Lucas White
 Kisch, Hermann M.
 Lake, Edward John
 Longden, Henry Errington
 Lovett, Beresford
 Lucas, Frederick George
 MacMahon, Hugh Francis Edward
 Macgregor, Charles Metcalfe
 Martin, John Simson Stuart
 Master, Charles Gilbert
 Maxwell, Henry St. Patrick
 Maxwell, Henry St. Patrick
 McIvor, Ivar
 McMahon, Arthur Henry
 McNair, Arthur Wyndham
 Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus
 Michael, James
 Miller, Alexander Edward
 Mills, James Philip
 Money, Arthur Wigram
 Money, William James
 Montgomery, George Samuel
 Montgomery, J. A. L.
 Morony, Thomas Henry
 Muspratt, Sydney Frederick
 Ogilvie, George Drummond
 Oliver, John Orlando Hercules Norman
 Ouseley, Gore
 Perry, Edward William
 Powell, William Bowen
 Primrose, James Maurice
 Pritchard, Charles Hamerton
 Quinton, James Wallace
 Raikes, Charles
 Rattray, Thomas
 Reynolds, Herbert John
 Rice, Walter Francis
 Rice, William Roche
 Riddell, Henry Philip Archibald
 Risley, Herbert Hope
 Rothney, unknown
 Scoones, Geoffry Allen Percival
 Sim, James Duncan
 Sim, James Duncan Stuart
 Slache, Francis Alexander
 Smeaton, Donald Mackenzie
 Stevenson, Henry Wickham
 Stokes, Henry John
 Stokes, Hopetoun Gabriel
 Stokes, Whitley
 Strachey, Richard
 Taylor, Reynell George
 Thornton, Hugh Aylmer
 Trevor, G. H.
 Tupper, Charles Lewis
 Tweedie, William
 Tyrwhitt, Hugh
 Waterfield, W. G.
 Waterfield, William Garrow
 Wigram, Kenneth
 Wilde, Alfred Thomas
 Wiles, Gilbert
 Woodroffe, James Tisdall
 Wylie, Henry
 Yate, Charles Edward, 1st and last Bt.
 Grant, Charles ( 1861 )
 Chamberlain, Crawford Trotter ( 1866 )
 Mansfield, Samuel ( 1866 )
 Powell, Eyre Burton ( 1866 )
 Sherer, John Walter ( 1866 )
 Sassoon, Albert Abdullah David, 1st Bt. ( 1867 )
 Hopkinson, Henry ( 1874 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1876 )
 Bradford, Edward Ridley Colborne, 1st Bt. ( 1876 )
 Cavagnari, Pierre Louis Napoleon ( 1877 )
 Grey, Leopold John Herbert ( 1877 )
 St. John, Oliver Beauchamp Coventry ( 1879 )
 Macnab, Donald Campbell ( 1881 )
 Primrose, Henry William ( 1885 )
 Mackenzie, Alexander ( 1886 )
 Vesey-FitzGerald, William Gerald Seymour ( 1887 )
 MacDonnell, Anthony Patrick, 1st and last Baron MacDonnell ( 1888 )
 Holderness, Thomas William, 1st Bt. ( 1898 )
 James, Henry Evan Murchison ( 1898 )
 Ismay, Stanley ( 1901 )
 Daly, Hugh ( 1903 )
 Macpherson, William Charles, 4th of Blairgowrie ( 1903 )
 Dane, Louis William ( 1904 )
 Hall, William Thomas ( 1904 )
 Hare, Lancelot ( 1906 )
 Walker, George Casson ( 1906 )
 Barrow, Oscar Theodore ( 1907 )
 Meston, James Scorgie, 1st Baron Meston ( 1908 )
 Harrison, Francis Capel ( 1909 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1910 )
 Bunbury, Cecil Edward Francis ( 1910 )
 Burrard, Sidney Gerald, 7th Bt. ( 1911 )
 Levinge, Edward Vere ( 1911 )
 Ramsay, John ( 1911 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1911 )
 Wilson, Mathew Richard Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1911 )
 Macnabb, Donald John Campbell ( 1913 )
 Nethersole, Michael ( 1914 )
 Eliott, Francis Hardinge ( 1915 )
 Grant, Alfred Hamilton, of Dalvey, 12th Bt. ( 1915 )
 Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1915 )
 Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway ( 1916 )
 Douglas-Scott-Montagu, John Walter Edward, 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu ( 1916 )
 Houssemayne Du Boulay, James ( 1916 )
 Fagan, Patrick James ( 1917 )
 Gillman, Herbert Francis Webb ( 1917 )
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C. ( 1918 )
 Harrison, Thomas Aylett ( 1918 )
 Douglas, Montagu William ( 1919 )
 Nepean, Herbert Evan Charles Bayley ( 1919 )
 Fagan, Edward Arthur ( 1920 )
 Fremantle, Selwyn Howe ( 1920 )
 Maffey, John Loader, 1st Baron of Rugby ( 1920 )
 Burrard, Harry George ( 1921 )
 Arbuthnot, Robert Edward Vaughan ( 1922 )
 Black, Walter Clarence ( 1922 )
 Knapp, Arthur Rowland ( 1922 )
 Thomas, Godfrey John Vignoles, 10th Bt. ( 1922 )
 Forbes Adam, Colin Gurden ( 1924 )
 Hotson, John Ernest Buttery ( 1926 )
 Vernon, Harold Anselm Bellamy ( 1930 )
 Briscoe, Hugh Kynaston ( 1931 )
 Cotton, Charles William Egerton ( 1931 )
 Gordon, Eyre ( 1935 )
 Lane, Charles Macdonald ( 1935 )
 Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1936 )
 Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre ( 1936 )
 Steward, Edward Merivale ( 1937 )
 Gordon, John de la Hay ( 1941 )
 Molesworth, George Noble ( 1941 )
 Layard, Austen Havelock ( 1947 )
Count equals 216 individuals.
Dame Commander, Order of St. Michael and St. George (D.C.M.G.)
 Neville-Jones, Lilian, Baroness Neville-Jones
Count equals 1 individual.
Dame Commander, Order of the British Empire (D.B.E.)
 Black, Susan Margaret, Baroness Black of Strome
 Blake-Humfrey, Isabel Charlotte
 Buller, Georgiana
 Campbell, Jane, Baroness Campbell of Surbiton
 Cartland, Mary Barbara Hamilton
 Donald, Alison
 Foster, Jacqueline, Baroness Foster of Oxton
 Fraenkel, Ruth Lynn, Baroness Deech
 Fritchie, Irene Tordoff, Baroness Fritchie
 Gore-Browne, Ethel
 Hart, Judith Constance Mary, Baroness Hart of South Lanark
 Hornsby-Smith, Margaret Patricia, Baroness Hornsby-Smith
 Johnson, Celia Elizabeth
 Kenyon, Kathleen Mary
 Lygon, Susan
 Mair, Sarah Elizabeth Siddons
 Manningham-Buller, Elizabeth Lydia, Baroness Manningham-Buller
 Morris, Mary Jennifer
 Neuberger, Julia Babette Sarah, Baroness Neuberger
 Parker, Ellen Frances
 Rundle, Catherine Leslie
 Salmon, Nancy Marion
 Shaw, Flora Louise
 Shoppee, Marjorie Alice Collett
 Sibley, Antoinette
 Smyth, Ethel Mary
 Stephen, Alice
 Straubenzee, Eileen Maria
 Ward, Barbara Mary, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth
 White, Alice Emily
 Bellingham, Augusta Mary Monica ( 1909 )
 Fraser, Ethel Maud ( 1916 )
 Schneider, Olive Crofton ( 1916 )
 Chaplin, Edith Helen ( 1917 )
 Gordon, Marjorie Adeline ( 1917 )
 Radmall, Fanny Lucy ( 1917 )
 Rowan-Hamilton, Hariot Georgina ( 1917 )
 Barttelot, Edith Hariet ( 1918 )
 Brand, Maud Elizabeth ( 1918 )
 Feilding, Margaret Agnes ( 1918 )
 Guest, Rosamond Cornelia Gwladys ( 1918 )
 Mitchell, Helen Porter ( 1918 )
 Olliffe, Florence Eveleen Eleanor ( 1918 )
 Palmer, Mary Dorothea ( 1918 )
 Ramsay, Katharine Marjory ( 1918 )
 Roberts, Aileen Mary, Countess Roberts ( 1918 )
 Williams, Caroline Sydney ( 1918 )
 Dundas, Henrietta Caroline ( 1919 )
 Fraser, Helen Charlotte Isabella ( 1919 )
 Maynard, Blanche ( 1919 )
 Morphy, Florence Rose ( 1919 )
 O'Hagan, Mary Caroline ( 1919 )
 Smith, Mabel Danvers ( 1919 )
 Cuninghame, Janet Lucretia ( 1920 )
 Goetze, Violet Florence Mabel ( 1920 )
 Haig, Sybil Margaret ( 1920 )
 Montagu, Louisa Augusta Beatrice ( 1920 )
 Stiebel, Louise Victoria ( 1920 )
 Talbot, Meriel Lucy ( 1920 )
 Clark, Edith Stewart ( 1921 )
 Anderson, Margaret Helen ( 1922 )
 Spencer, Margery ( 1922 )
 ffolkes, Barbara ( 1923 )
 Parker, Caroline Beatrix ( 1924 )
 Cunliffe-Owen, Mary Monica ( 1925 )
 Stewart-Mackenzie, Susan Mary Elizabeth ( 1925 )
 Lawrence, Maude Agnes ( 1926 )
 Byng, Hester Joan ( 1927 )
 Fraser, Helena Violet Alice ( 1927 )
 Leigh, Margaret Elizabeth ( 1927 )
 Lygon, Maud ( 1927 )
 Tribe, Mary du Caurroy ( 1928 )
 Backhouse, Harriet Jane ( 1929 )
 Westenra, Mary ( 1930 )
 Harvey, Kathleen ( 1933 )
 Pearson, Gertrude Mary ( 1933 )
 Taylor, Elizabeth Mary ( 1934 )
 Dallas-Yorke, Winifred Anna ( 1935 )
 Bingham, Rosalind Cecilia Caroline ( 1936 )
 Glyn, Juliette Evangeline ( 1937 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Pauline, Princess Alice of Albany ( 1937 )
 Wills, Violet Edith ( 1937 )
 Cochrane, Katherine Elizabeth ( 1938 )
 Cadogan, Edith Mary Winifred ( 1939 )
 Charnaud, Stella, Baroness Swanborough ( 1941 )
 Tupper, Cecil Mary Nowell Dering ( 1941 )
 Forbes, Katherine Jane Trefusis ( 1944 )
 Warry, Joan ( 1945 )
 Brassey, Hilda Madeline ( 1946 )
 Trotter, Angela Olivia ( 1946 )
 Wood, Leslie Violet Lucy Evelyn ( 1946 )
 Fisher, Dehra Ker ( 1949 )
 Tyrwhitt, Mary Joan Caroline ( 1949 )
 Watts, Felicity Hyde ( 1949 )
 Farrer, Frances Margaret ( 1951 )
 Stannus, Edris ( 1951 )
 Dickinson, Frances Joan, Baroness Northchurch ( 1952 )
 Maxse, Sarah Algeria Marjorie ( 1952 )
 Asquith, Helen Violet, Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury ( 1953 )
 Crewe-Milnes, Helen Cynthia ( 1953 )
 Macleod, Flora Louisa Cecilia, 28th of Macleod ( 1953 )
 Sitwell, Edith Louisa ( 1954 )
 Bruce, Eva Isabel Marion ( 1955 )
 Ashcroft, Edith Margaret Emily ( 1956 )
 Grove, Diana Cicely ( 1956 )
 Gilmour, Anne Margaret ( 1957 )
 Harrison, Sylvia Margaret ( 1957 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Ivy ( 1958 )
 Tennant, Katharine, Baroness Elliot of Harwood ( 1958 )
 Buckley, Ruth Burton ( 1959 )
 Sergison, Cynthia Mary ( 1959 )
 Baillieu, Margery Merlyn ( 1960 )
 Hoyer Millar, Evelyn Louisa Elizabeth ( 1960 )
 Mathews, Barbara Muriel, Baroness Brooke of Ystrafellte ( 1960 )
 Salt, Barbara ( 1962 )
 Conan Doyle, Jean Lena Annette ( 1963 )
 Greene, Elisabeth Joy ( 1963 )
 Vickers, Joan Helen, Baroness Vickers ( 1964 )
 Younghusband, Eileen Louise ( 1964 )
 Pinsent, Hester Agnes ( 1965 )
 Tennant, Margaret ( 1965 )
 Goodhart, Mabel Flora ( 1967 )
 Jenkins, Marjorie Minna ( 1967 )
 Maurier, Daphne ( 1967 )
 Rutherford, Margaret ( 1967 )
 Wedgwood, Cicely Veronica ( 1968 )
 Cooper, Gladys ( 1969 )
 Lloyd George, Olwen Elizabeth ( 1969 )
 Nelson, Molly Peel ( 1969 )
 Anderson, Mary Mackenzie ( 1970 )
 Richmond, Bridget Horatia ( 1972 )
 Bursill, Evelyn Joyce, Baroness Denington ( 1974 )
 Graham-Brown, Margot ( 1974 )
 Ormsby-Gore, Katherine Margaret Alice ( 1974 )
 Ponsonby, Moyra Blanche Madeleine ( 1977 )
 Havers, Ann Elizabeth Oldfield, Baroness Butler-Sloss ( 1979 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Mary ( 1980 )
 Pike, Irene Mervyn Parnicott, Baroness Pike ( 1981 )
 Grant, Guinevere ( 1983 )
 Hornby, Rosamund ( 1983 )
 Morgan, Elizabeth Shirley Vaughan ( 1983 )
 Owen, Joan Anna Dalziel, Baroness Seccombe ( 1984 )
 Wilson, Helen Mary, Baroness Warnock ( 1984 )
 Christie, Joan Christabel Jill, Baroness Knight of Collingtree ( 1985 )
 Howard, Rosemary Christian ( 1986 )
 Emerton, Audrey Caroline, Baroness Emerton ( 1989 )
 Fookes, Janet Evelyn, Baroness Fookes ( 1989 )
 Brown, Audrey Pellew Clifton, Baroness Hylton-Foster ( 1990 )
 Lloyd, June Kathleen, Baroness Lloyd of Highbury ( 1990 )
 Packe, Jane Elizabeth ( 1990 )
 Bennett, Victorie Evelyn Patricia ( 1991 )
 Moore, Margaret Elizabeth Harvey ( 1991 )
 Katz, Beatrice, Baroness Serota ( 1992 )
 Arden, Mary Howarth ( 1993 )
 Buchanan-Smith, Mary Drummond ( 1993 )
 McLaren, Anne Laura Dorinthea ( 1993 )
 Graham, Gillian Mary Millicent ( 1994 )
 Hale, Brenda Marjorie, Baroness Hale of Richmond ( 1994 )
 Osborne, Hazel, Baroness Byford ( 1994 )
 Rigg, Enid Diana Elizabeth ( 1994 )
 Clarke, Elizabeth Audrey ( 1995 )
 Clarke, Joyce Anne, Baroness Anelay of St. Johns ( 1995 )
 Cohen, Rosalyn ( 1995 )
 Malagola, Carla Maria Francesca, Contessa Cappi ( 1995 )
 Herbert, Davina Marcia, Baroness Darcy de Knayth ( 1996 )
 Masters, Sheila Valerie, Baroness Noakes ( 1996 )
 Hellman, Ruth ( 1998 )
 Dunn, Lydia Selina, Baroness Dunn ( 1999 )
 Elliot, Diana Clavering ( 1999 )
 Hallett, Heather Carol, Baroness Hallett ( 1999 )
 Taylor, Elizabeth Rosemond ( 1999 )
 Wagstaff, Norma Christina Elizabeth ( 1999 )
 Rothschild, Miriam Louisa ( 2000 )
 Clemetson, Diana ( 2004 )
 Plowright, Joan Ann ( 2004 )
 Grey-Thompson, Carys Davinia, Baroness Grey-Thompson ( 2005 )
 Pakenham, Antonia Margaret Caroline ( 2011 )
 Walter, Harriet ( 2011 )
 Neville-Rolfe, Lucy Jeanne, Baroness Neville-Rolfe ( 2012 )
 Carr, Sue Lascelles, Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill ( 2013 )
 Quant, Barbara Mary ( 2015 )
 Scott Thomas, Kristin ( 2015 )
 Peyton-Jones, Julia ( 2016 )
 Whitfield, June Rosemary ( 2017 )
 Wintour, Anna ( 2017 )
 Marx, Clare Lucy ( 2018 )
 Benjamin, Floella Karen Yunies, Baroness Benjamin ( 2020 )
 Campbell, Susan Catherine, Baroness Campbell of Loughborough ( 2020 )
 Newton-John, Olivia ( 2020 )
 Lumley, Joanna Lamond ( 2022 )
Count equals 190 individuals.
Dame Commander, Royal Victorian Order (D.C.V.O.)
 Cleverdon, Julia
 Douglas Pilkington, Fiona
 Graham, Helen Violet
 Hawkins, Alice Anne
 Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Marina, Princess of Greece and Denmark
 Stanley, Isobel Constance Mary
 Waldegrave, Susan Katharine
 Crewe-Milnes, Helen Cynthia ( 1937 )
 Cochrane, Anne Annette Minna ( 1938 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Mary Frances ( 1939 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Rose Constance ( 1945 )
 Ashley, Edwina Cynthia Annette ( 1946 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Beatrice Edith Mildred ( 1947 )
 Spencer, Adelaide Margaret Delia ( 1950 )
 Hamilton, Cynthia Elinor Beatrix ( 1953 )
 Herbert, Patricia ( 1953 )
 Onslow, Dorothy Evelyn Augusta ( 1953 )
 Knox, Constance Harriet Stuart ( 1960 )
 Glyn, Marion Feodorovna Louise ( 1961 )
 Hamilton, Katharine ( 1961 )
 Gill, Ruth Sylvia ( 1966 )
 Gibbs, Anstice Rosa ( 1967 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Mary Rachel ( 1968 )
 Crichton, Mary Katherine ( 1969 )
 Dalrymple, Jean Margaret Florence ( 1969 )
 Smith, Ann Fortune ( 1970 )
 Harcourt, Olivia Vernon ( 1971 )
 Seymour, Margaret Katherine ( 1971 )
 McDonnell, Rose Gwendolen Louisa ( 1973 )
 Cadogan, Henriette Alice ( 1977 )
 Trafford, Ann ( 1977 )
 Warburton, Anne Marion ( 1979 )
 Harrison, Mary Patricia ( 1981 )
 Morrison, Mary Anne ( 1982 )
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Jean Mary Monica ( 1984 )
 Stanley, Kathryn Edith Helen ( 1984 )
 Legge, Elizabeth ( 1989 )
 Grenfell, Frances Olivia ( 1990 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Mary Katharine, 15th Lady Herries of Terregles ( 1995 )
 Lumley, Elizabeth ( 1995 )
 Freeman-Mitford, Deborah Vivien ( 1999 )
 Campbell-Harris, Jean Alys, Baroness Trumpington ( 2005 )
 Vere-Laurie, Florence Mary ( 2009 )
 Gunnis, Diana Marion ( 2010 )
 Gurney, Susan Richenda ( 2010 )
 Stopford, Mary Christina ( 2010 )
 Fuller-Acland-Hood, Elizabeth Periam ( 2014 )
 Hoyer Millar, Annabel Alice ( 2014 )
 Smith, Juliet Margaret ( 2014 )
 Bailey, Elizabeth Shân Josephine ( 2015 )
 Moore, Jennifer Ann ( 2017 )
 Dawnay, Mary ( 2018 )
 Whitelaw, Elizabeth Susan ( 2019 )
Count equals 53 individuals.
Dame Grand Cross, Order of the Bath (G.C.B.)
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Alice Christabel
Count equals 1 individual.
Dame Grand Cross, Order of the British Empire (G.B.E.)
 Cass, Annie
 Cunard, Annie Allen
 Hinds, Grace Elvina
 Mann, Annie Elizabeth
 Monck, Annette Louise
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Alice Christabel
 Owen, Margaret
 Ridsdale, Lucy
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Pauline, Princess Alice of Albany
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Louise Caroline Alberta, Princess of the United Kingdom
 Somers-Cocks, Adeline Marie
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Helen Hermione ( 1918 )
 Lygon, Margaret ( 1918 )
 Pirie, Aimée Evelyn ( 1918 )
 Smith, Mildred Anne ( 1919 )
 Gore, Mabell Frances Elizabeth ( 1920 )
 Hamilton, Maud Evelyn ( 1920 )
 Kindersley, Robert Molesworth, 1st Baron Kindersley ( 1920 )
 Brassey, Marie Adelaide ( 1924 )
 Terry, Ellen Alice ( 1925 )
 Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Rachel Cecily ( 1926 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth Angela Marguerite ( 1927 )
 Marjoribanks, Isabel Maria ( 1931 )
 Soames, Olave St. Clair ( 1932 )
 Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Marina, Princess of Greece and Denmark ( 1937 )
 Denison, Irene Francis Adza ( 1938 )
 Charnaud, Stella, Baroness Swanborough ( 1944 )
 Hozier, Clementine Ogilvy, Baroness Spencer-Churchill ( 1946 )
 Swithinbank, Isobel ( 1946 )
 Ashley, Edwina Cynthia Annette ( 1947 )
 Jekyll, Barbara ( 1953 )
 Bingham, Margaret Diana ( 1954 )
 Horsburgh, Florence Gertrude, Baroness Horsburgh ( 1954 )
 Trotter, Angela Olivia ( 1954 )
 Fisher, Dehra Ker ( 1957 )
 Cavendish, Dorothy Evelyn ( 1964 )
 Warwick, Dorothy Mary ( 1983 )
 Havers, Ann Elizabeth Oldfield, Baroness Butler-Sloss ( 2005 )
 Middleweek, Helene Valerie, Baroness Hayman ( 2012 )
Count equals 39 individuals.
Dame Grand Cross, Royal Victorian Order (G.C.V.O.)
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Nina Cecilie
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Alice Christabel
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Pauline, Princess Alice of Albany
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Louise Caroline Alberta, Princess of the United Kingdom
 Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth Angela Marguerite ( 1937 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Helen Magdalan ( 1938 )
 Lygon, Margaret ( 1946 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Rose Constance ( 1953 )
 Gore, Mabell Frances Elizabeth ( 1953 )
 Windsor, Margaret Rose, Princess of the United Kingdom ( 1953 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Mary Alice ( 1955 )
 Windsor, Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga Christabel, Princess of Kent ( 1960 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom ( 1974 )
 Worsley, Katharine Lucy Mary ( 1977 )
 Smith, Ann Fortune ( 1980 )
 Deurs, Birgitte Eva ( 1989 )
 Morrison, Mary Anne ( 2013 )
 Waldegrave, Susan Katharine ( 2013 )
Count equals 18 individuals.
George Cross
 Cotes-Preedy, Digby Vawdre Cartmel
Count equals 1 individual.
George Cross (G.C.)
 Brett, Alexander Douglas
 Cowley, John Guise
 Hay, David George Montagu, 12th Marquess of Tweeddale
 Miller, John Bryan Peter
 Newgass, Harold Reginald
 Nicholls, Arthur Frederick Crane
 Stewart, James Ernest
 Tollemache, Anthony Henry Hamilton
 Ashburnham, Doreen Winifred ( 1916 ), for fighting off a cougar which attacked her and her cousin
 Abbott, Edmund Geoffrey ( 1920 )
 Jolly, Richard Frank ( 1939 ), posthumously
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Ellis Edward Arthur ( 1940 )
 Howard, Charles Henry George, 20th Earl of Suffolk ( 1941 ), posthumously
Count equals 13 individuals.
George Medal (G.M.)
 Barbary, Peter John
 Bathurst Norman, Harry Rumbold
 Blackstone, Geoffrey Vaughan
 Brooke, H. L.
 Cavenagh, John Michael
 Dewar, James
 Dudley, Edward Patrick Vercker
 Dunlop, Edward Arunah
 Durie, Thomas Peter
 Marriott, James
 Modley, Leonard William Waldron
 Thomson, William Hutchinson
 Tolkien, Michael Hilary Reuel
 Morgan-Giles, Morgan Charles ( 1941 )
 Spencer, Alexandra Margaret Elizabeth ( 1941 )
 Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild ( 1944 )
 Gibbon, Acton Henry Gordon ( 1954 )
Count equals 17 individuals.
George Medal for Bravery of Russia
 Donisthorpe, Frances Elizabeth
Count equals 1 individual.
Grand Commander, Order of the Star of India (G.C.S.I.)
 Chamberlain, Neville Bowles ( 1873 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Grand Cross, Royal Victorian Order (G.C.V.O.)
 Vestey, Samuel George Armstrong, 3rd Baron Vestey ( 2018 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Imperial Service Order (I.S.O.)
 Beresford, Marcus Henry de la Poer
 Brodrick, Thomas Noel
 Campbell, Henry Cooke
 Courtney, John Mortimer
 Dodd, Albert Crossley
 Dundas, Charles Saunders Melville, 6th Viscount Melville of Melville
 French, Francis Henry
 Harris, Albert Edward John
 Hughes, Walter Tatham
 Michell, John
 Miles, Alfred Henry
 Minchin, Charles Owen
 Owsley, John William
 Parry Okeden, William Edward
 Ponsonby-Fane, Spencer Cecil
 Robinson, Hugh Malcolm
 Senior, Bernard
 Sueur, Henry
 Tanner, Henry
 Trollope, Charles William Annesley
 Turing, Henry
 Murray, George Herbert ( 1890 )
 Austen-Leigh, Charles Edward ( 1902 )
 Sanderson, Thomas Henry, 1st and last Baron Sanderson ( 1902 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1903 )
 Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys ( 1903 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1903 )
 Caulfeild, Francis John Rothe Toby St. George ( 1904 )
 Primrose, Henry William ( 1904 )
 Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1906 )
 Browning, Jeffrey ( 1911 )
 Bryant, Francis Morgan ( 1916 )
 Berkeley, Hubert ( 1921 )
 Hay, Arthur Thomas Erroll, of Park, 10th Bt. ( 1970 )
Count equals 34 individuals.
Kara George Medal
 Young, Edward Hilton, 1st Baron Kennet ( 1915 ), 4th Class with Swords
Count equals 1 individual.
  Osbert, in the Crusdases
 Alcock, John
 Archer, Henry
 Arundell, Richard
 Ashurst, Henry, 1st Bt.
 Aylmer, Andrew, 2nd Bt.
 Balliol, Alexander
 Balliol, Hugh
 Bamford, Anthony Paul, Baron Bamford
 Bannerman, Patrick, by the Old Pretender
 Barclay, Robert, of Pierston, 1st Bt.
 Bardolf, Hugh, 1st Lord Bardolf
 Barnes, William Lethbridge Gorell
 Beauchamp, John, 1st Lord de Beauchamp, Baron of Kidderminster
 Bedingfeld, Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Bentinck, Gerrit, of the duchy of Guelder
 Berkeley, Maurice
 Berkeley, Robert
 Boteler, James
 Bowater, Frank Henry, 1st Bt.
 Bowes, William
 Brabazon, Roger
 Brady, Nicholas William
 Brewose, John
 Brewose, Thomas
 Browne, Nicholas
 Browne, Valentine
 Bruce, David, 6th of Clackmannan, by King James IV
 Bruce, George, by King James VI
 Bruce, Thomas
 Bryant, Arthur Wynne Morgan
 Brydges, John
 Butler, Edmund
 Butler, James
 Butler, Stephen
 Cain, William Ernst, 1st Bt.
 Campbell, Alexander, 1st Bt.
 Campbell, George
 Carlyle, John
 Carlyle, William
 Carrick, Neil
 Cavendish, John, for his role in the Peasants' Revolt
 Chideocke, John, 5th Lord FitzPayn
 Cholmley, Richard
 Chute, George, 1st and last Bt.
 Clarence, John
 Clifford, Thomas, 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh
 Colebrooke, James, 1st Bt.
 Collins, John
 Cope, John, 6th Bt.
 Cotton, Richard
 Croker, John
 Cromie, Michael, 1st Bt.
 Crosbie, Thomas, by Duke of Ormonde in consideration of the loyalty of his family during the Cromwellian times
 Cuninghame, Adam, 3rd of Caprington, by King James IV
 Cunliffe, Ellis, 1st Bt.
 Cust, Reginald John
 Dance, Nathaniel
 Daniel, Thomas
 Davies, Horatio David
 Delmé, Peter
 Dennes, William
 Dering, Edward, 1st Bt.
 Digby, Robert
 Dormer, William
 Douglas, James
 Drury, Thomas, 1st and last Bt.
 Ebrahim, Mahomedbhoy Currimbhoy, 2nd Bt.
 Edgcombe, Richard, by King Edward IV
 Erleigh, John
 Ernle, John
 Fagan, Hugh
 Fagan, John
 Feilding, John, during the French Wars
 Fenton, Geoffrey
 Fiennes, William, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele
 Fisher, Clement
 FitzGerald, Edmond fitz John
 FitzGibbon, John, by the Earl of Kildare
 FitzGibbon, Maurice, 4th White Knight, in the field at Chepstow
 FitzJohn, John
 FitzWilliam, William
 FitzWilliam, William
 Fortescue, Faithful
 Foster, John
 Fraser, William
 Frederick, Thomas
 Fry, Richard
 Fullerton, James
 Gamage, Thomas
 Gascoigne, Charles
 Gibbes, Ralph
 Gorges, Edward
 Gough, Richard, from King George I
 Gould, Thomas
 Graham, William, of Kincardine
 Grey, Richard
 Grosvenor, Richard, 1st Bt.
 Guildford, Richard
 Haig, Andrew, of Bemersyde, by King Robert III
 Hamilton, James
 Hankeford, Richard
 Hanmer, Edward, by the Duke of Florence
 Hanson, Reginald, 1st Bt.
 Havelock, Arthur Elibank
 Haye, William, 1st Lord Hay
 Henderson, John, 4th of Fordell, by King James VI
 Henderson, John, 5th of Fordell, by King Charles I
 Heneage, Thomas
 Heneage, Thomas, by King Edward VI
 Hewitt, Joseph, 1st Bt.
 Heydon, John
 Hogg, Stuart Saunders
 Holand, Edward
 Holcroft, Thomas
 Hope, William, of Kirkliston, 1st Bt.
 Hyde, Robert
 Ingram, Arthur
 Innes, Henry, of that Ilk, 4th Bt.
 Irby, Anthony
 Ireton, John
 Jackson, Louis Steuart
 James, John Kingston, 1st Bt.
 Kagan, Joseph, Baron Kagan
 Kennedy, John
 Kirkpatrick, Thomas, of Closeburn
 Leke, Francis, 1st Earl of Scarsdale
 Leslie, Bartholomew
 Lethbridge, Roper
 Leveson, John
 Lindsay, David, 3rd of Crawford
 Lindsay, Gerard, 4th of Crawford
 Lockhart, James, 9th of the Lee, by King James VI and I of England
 Lucy, William
 Lush, Charles Montague
 Macdowall, Fergus, 3rd of Garochloyne, by King David II
 Macdowall, John, 13th of Garthland, by King James VI
 Macleod, Roderick, 15th of MacLeod
 Mansel, John
 Mansel, Richard
 Maunsell, Philip
 Maunsell, William
 Mazuranic, Radoslav
 Mellish, George
 Menteth, Patrick, by King Charles II
 Molesworth, John, 2nd Bt.
 Mompesson, Thomas
 Monson, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Monson, William
 Montagu, Charles
 Montfort, Amaury, Canon of York
 Moray, John, Lord of Bothwell
 Moray, Thomas, Lord of Bothwell
 Mortimer, Edmund
 Murray, Archibald, of Blackbarony, 1st Bt.
 Murray, John, 1st Earl of Annandale, by King James VI
 Musgrave, Richard
 Naunton, Robert
 Needham, Robert
 Neuberger, David Edmond, Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury
 Newton, John
 North, Thomas
 O'Neill, Brian MacPhelim
 Paulet, William, by Henry VI for his distinguished conduct in the French Wars
 Paynel, Walter
 Penrice, John
 Petty, William
 Pigot, Arthur
 Pitches, Abraham
 Pole, William
 Power, Richard, 1st Baron le Power and Coroghmore
 Poyntz, John
 Poyntz, Nicholas
 Prideaux, Humphrey Povah Treverbian
 Pudsey, John
 Pudsey, Ralph
 Rich, Robert
 Riddell, John, of that Ilk, 1st Bt.
 Ridley, Adam Nicholas
 Rochead, James, of Inverleith
 Rolleston, John Fowke Lancelot
 Russel, Thomas
 Sackville, Richard
 Sadler, Samuel Alexander
 Sandhauch, Andrew
 Sandilands, James, 3rd of Calder
 Savage, John
 Scurlage, Philip
 Seacourt, Anskill
 Sergeaux, Richard
 Sharp, William, 1st Bt.
 Shovel, Cloudesley
 Shuckburgh, Richard, after the Battle of Edge Hill
 Smythe, John
 Spencer, John
 Spring, John, by King Henry VII
 Spring, William, by King James I
 Spring, William, Queen Elizabeth I
 Spring, William, 1st Bt., by King Charles I
 St. Lac, John
 Stanhope, John
 Stanhope, Michael
 Stanley, William
 Stapleton, Brian
 Stewart, Alexander, of Inverlunan
 Stewart, Andrew
 Stewart, John
 Stewart, John, of Cardney
 Stewart, John, of Ralston
 Stewart, Walter, Master of Fife
 Stirling, William, 2nd of Keir, by King James IV
 Strode, William
 Sullivan, Benjamin
 Swynford, Thomas
 Talbot, Richard fitz Milo, for service in King Edward II's Scottish wars
 Talbot, Thomas, for service against the O'Neills
 Tempest, Robert
 Temple, John
 Throckmorton, William, 1st Bt.
 Tresham, Thomas
 Tylney, Philip
 Verney, Ralph
 Vincent, Thomas, by Queen Elizabeth I
 Waldegrave, Thomas
 Walsh, John
 Walshe, Nicholas
 Wenyeve, George
 West, William, 1st Baron Delaware
 Wheeler-Cuffe, Richard
 Widdrington, Thomas
 William, Thomas
 Willoughby, Robert
 Windsor, James, by King Edward III
 Wingfield, Edward
 Wingfield, Henry
 Worsley, Geoffrey
 Wynter, William
 Tyrwhitt, Hercules ( 1067 )
 Darell, William ( 1069 ), for helping King William I to put down the Northern rebellion
 Blundeville, Ranulf, 4th Earl of Chester ( 1188 )
 Stourton, Michael ( 1208 )
 Talbot, Gilbert ( 1208 )
 Lockhart, Symon ( 1214 ), by King Alexander II
 Mac Taggart, Ferquard, 1st Earl of Ross ( 1215 )
 Gerald, Maurice, 2nd Baron of Offaly ( 1217 )
  Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall ( 1225 )
 Scot, John, 10th Earl of Huntingdon ( 1227 ), by King Alexander III of Scotland
 Beaumont, Thomas, 6th Earl of Warwick ( 1229 )
 Wemyss, John ( 1231 )
 Vere, Hugh, 4th Earl of Oxford ( 1233 )
 Ireton, Fulcher ( 1236 )
 Berkeley, Maurice ( 1242 )
 Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord Despenser ( 1244 )
 Tempest, Richard ( 1246 )
  Alexander III 'the Glorius', King of Scotland ( 1251 ), by King Henry III of England
 Brederode, Willem II, Heer van Velsen ( 1251 )
 Grey, Reynold, 1st Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( 1257 )
 Percy, Henry ( 1257 )
 Robert, Thomas ( 1261 )
 Latimer, William ( 1262 )
 Segrave, Nicholas, 1st Lord Segrave ( 1263 )
 Strathbogie, David, 8th Earl of Atholl ( 1264 )
 Vere, Robert, 5th Earl of Oxford ( 1264 )
 Musgrave, Thomas ( 1265 )
 Lumley, Roger ( 1268 )
 Sudeley, Bartholomew ( 1269 )
  Donald, 6th Earl of Mar ( 1270 )
 Cauntelo, George ( 1272 )
 Grenville, Eustace ( 1273 )
 Walter, Robert, 1st Lord FitzWalter ( 1274 )
 Tempest, Roger ( 1277 )
 Trafford, Henry ( 1284 )
 Campbell, Neil, of Lochow ( 1285 )
 Fitzalan, Richard, 1st/8th Earl of Arundel ( 1289 )
 Brederode, Dirk II 'de Goede' ( 1290 )
 Leycester, Nicholas ( 1292 )
 Vere, Hugh, 1st Lord de Vere ( 1293 )
 Beauchamp, Guy, 10th Earl of Warwick ( 1296 )
 Percy, Henry, 1st Lord Percy ( 1296 )
 Toeni, Robert, 1st Lord Tony ( 1298 )
 Neville, Hugh, 1st Lord Neville ( 1300 )
 Aton, Gilbert ( 1306 )
 Bardolf, Thomas, 2nd Lord Bardolf ( 1306 )
 Basset, Ralph, 2nd Lord Basset of Drayton ( 1306 )
 Beauchamp, John, 1st Lord Beauchamp (of Somerset) ( 1306 )
 Chaundos, Roger, 1st Lord Chaundos ( 1306 )
 Cobham, Stephen, 1st Lord Cobham (of Runham) ( 1306 )
 Courtenay, Hugh, 1st Earl of Devon ( 1306 )
 Faucomberge, Walter ( 1306 )
 Fitzalan, Edmund, 2nd/9th Earl of Arundel ( 1306 )
 Harcourt, John ( 1306 )
 Haverington, John, 1st Lord Harington ( 1306 )
 Lumley, Robert ( 1306 )
 Mowbray, John, 2nd Lord Mowbray ( 1306 )
 Vere, Thomas ( 1306 )
 Warre, John, 2nd Lord la Warre ( 1306 )
 Wrottesley, William ( 1306 )
 Zouche, William, 1st Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth) ( 1306 )
 Holand, Robert, 1st Lord Holand ( 1307 )
 Macdougall, Dougal, 1st of Garochloyne ( 1307 ), by King Edward I for the capture at Loch Ryan of Thomas and Alexander
 Segrave, Stephen, 3rd Lord Segrave ( 1307 )
 Beaumont, Henry, 1st Earl of Buchan ( 1308 )
 Butler, Edmond ( 1309 ), by King Edward II
 Trafford, Henry ( 1309 )
 Bermingham, John, 1st and last Earl of Louth ( 1312 ), by the Lord Deputy
 Maurice, Nicholas, 2nd Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw ( 1312 ), by John FitzThomas (afterwards Earl of Kildare)
 Oglander, Henry ( 1315 )
 Lumley, Robert ( 1316 )
 Wemyss, Michael, of Wemyss ( 1316 )
 Berkeley, Thomas, 3rd Lord Berkeley ( 1322 )
 Percy, Henry, 2nd Lord Percy ( 1322 )
 Clinton, John, 2nd Lord Clinton ( 1324 )
 Clinton, William, 1st and last Earl of Huntingdon ( 1324 )
 Louvain, Thomas ( 1324 )
 Cauntelo, Nicholas, 3rd Lord Cauntelo ( 1326 )
 Neville, John, Lord of Hornby ( 1326 )
 West, Thomas ( 1326 )
 Cobham, John, 2nd Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1327 )
 Duivenvoorde, Willem 'Snickerieme', Heer van Dongen en Oosterhout, Burggraaf van Geertruidenberg ( 1328 )
 Latimer, William, 2nd/3rd Lord Latimer (of Corby) ( 1328 )
 Beauchamp, Thomas, 11th Earl of Warwick ( 1329 )
 Argentine, John ( 1330 )
 Leigh, William ( 1330 )
 Maurice, Richard, 2nd Knight of Kerry ( 1330 )
 Bermingham, William ( 1331 )
 Haverington, Robert ( 1331 )
 Stewart, John, 1st Earl of Angus ( 1331 )
 FitzGibbon, Maurice, 1st White Knight ( 1333 ), in Scotland by King Edward
 Holand, Robert, 2nd Lord Holand ( 1336 )
 Beaumont, John, 2nd Baron Beaumont ( 1338 )
 Benting, Helmich ( 1340 )
 Leigh, John ( 1341 )
 Assheton, John ( 1342 )
 Cobham, John, 2nd Lord Cobham (of Runham) ( 1342 )
 Neville, Robert (II), Lord of Hornby ( 1344 )
 Culwen, Gilbert ( 1346 ), from the King on the field of Crécy, for his brilliant services
 Ros, William, 3rd Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1346 )
 Cicester, Roger ( 1347 )
 FitzGerald, Maurice FitzThomas, 4th Earl of Kildare ( 1347 )
 Willoughby, John, 3rd Lord Willoughby de Eresby ( 1347 )
 Tempest, John ( 1349 )
 Tempest, Richard ( 1349 )
 Alençon, Pierre II, Comte d'Alençon ( 1350 )
 Latimer, William, 3rd/4th Lord Latimer (of Corby) ( 1351 )
 Audley, Nicholas, 3rd Baron Audley (of Heleigh) ( 1352 )
 Babington, John ( 1352 ), by King Edward III
 FitzAlan, Edmund ( 1352 )
 Beauchamp, Guy ( 1355 )
 Beauchamp, Thomas, 12th Earl of Warwick ( 1355 )
 Mowbray, John, 4th Lord Mowbray ( 1355 )
 Neville, John, 3rd Lord Neville ( 1360 )
 Preston, Robert, 1st Lord Preston of Gormanston ( 1361 )
 Say, William, 3rd Lord Say ( 1361 )
 Talbot, Thomas ( 1361 ), by Prince Lionel during the Ulster expedition
 Percy, Henry, 1st Earl of Northumberland ( 1362 )
 Latimer, Thomas ( 1365 )
 Courtenay, Hugh, 3rd Lord Courtenay ( 1367 )
 Courtenay, Philip ( 1367 )
 Holand, Thomas, 2nd/5th Earl of Kent ( 1367 )
 Sudeley, John, 3rd Lord Sudeley ( 1367 )
 Lindsay, Alexander ( 1368 )
 Hastings, John, 2nd Earl of Pembroke ( 1369 )
 Musgrave, Thomas ( 1372 )
 Ros, Thomas, 4th Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1372 )
 Nicholas, John, 4th Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw ( 1374 )
 Beaumont, John, 4th Baron Beaumont ( 1377 ), by King Edward III
 Haverington, Robert, 3rd Lord Harington ( 1377 )
 Hungerford, Thomas ( 1377 )
 Lyon, John, 1st of Glamis ( 1377 )
 Mowbray, John, 1st and last Earl of Nottingham ( 1377 )
 Musgrave, Thomas ( 1377 )
 Percy, Henry, Lord Percy ( 1377 )
 Southeray, John ( 1377 )
 Talbot, Richard, 4th Lord Talbot ( 1377 )
 Vere, Robert, 9th Earl of Oxford ( 1377 )
 York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1377 )
 Douglas, James, 2nd Earl of Douglas ( 1378 )
 Courtenay, Edward, 3rd Earl of Devon ( 1380 )
 Neville, Ralph, 1st Earl of Westmorland ( 1380 )
 Tempest, Richard ( 1380 )
 Hastings, John, 3rd Earl of Pembroke ( 1381 )
 Innes, Robert, 8th of that Ilk ( 1381 )
 Paulet, John ( 1381 ), in the camp before St. Omer
 Radcliffe, Ralph ( 1382 )
 Seymour, Richard, 4th Lord St. Maur ( 1382 )
 Keith, Robert ( 1383 )
 Lumley, Ralph, 1st and last Lord Lumley ( 1384 )
 Despenser, Philip, 2nd Lord Despenser ( 1385 )
 Leigh, Robert ( 1386 )
 Hanmer, David ( 1387 )
 Maitland, Robert, of Thirlestane and Levington ( 1387 )
 Stewart, John, 1st Seigneur d'Aubigny ( 1387 )
 Wingfield, John ( 1389 )
 Douglas, James, 1st Lord of Dalkeith ( 1390 )
 Stafford, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Stafford ( 1390 )
 Forbes, John, of that Ilk ( 1391 )
 Beauchamp, Roger ( 1393 )
 Gerard, Thomas ( 1393 )
 O'Neill, Niall 'Og', King of Ulster ( 1394 ), by King Richard II
 Leigh, William ( 1396 )
 Leigh, Piers ( 1397 )
 Preston, Christopher, 2nd Lord Preston of Gormanston ( 1397 )
 Stafford, Humphrey ( 1397 )
 Beauchamp, Richard, 13th Earl of Warwick ( 1399 )
 Courtenay, Edward, Lord Courtenay ( 1399 )
 Courtenay, Hugh, 4th Earl of Devon ( 1399 )
 Hastings, Edward ( 1399 )
 Hungerford, Walter, 1st Lord Hungerford ( 1399 )
 Mowbray, Thomas, 4th Earl of Norfolk ( 1399 )
 Skipwith, John ( 1399 )
 Lumley, John ( 1400 )
 Nugent, William ( 1401 )
 Tempest, William ( 1401 )
 Lowther, Robert ( 1403 )
 Lyon, John, of Glamis ( 1404 )
 Poynings, Robert, 4th Lord Poynings ( 1404 )
 York, Richard, 1st Earl of Cambridge ( 1406 )
 Hay, Gilbert, 1st of Dronlaw ( 1408 )
 Sutherland, John, 7th Earl of Sutherland ( 1408 )
 Trelawny, John ( 1408 )
 Irwyne, Alexander, 3rd of Drum ( 1410 ), on the morning of the Battle of Liegravege and returned to Scotland
 Talbot, John, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1413 )
 West, Thomas, 2nd Lord West ( 1413 )
 Leigh, Robert ( 1415 )
 Tempest, Piers ( 1415 )
 Thomas, William ( 1415 )
 Brooke, Thomas ( 1416 )
 West, Reynold, 6th Lord la Warre ( 1416 )
 Bonville, William, 1st Lord Bonville ( 1417 )
 Skipwith, Thomas ( 1417 )
 Botiler, Ralph, 7th Lord Sudeley ( 1418 )
 Musgrave, Richard ( 1418 )
 Brederode, Willem IV ( 1420 )
 Neville, Richard, 5th Earl of Salisbury ( 1420 )
 FitzWalter, Walter, 7th Lord FitzWalter ( 1421 )
 Stafford, Humphrey, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 1421 )
 Fiennes, Roger ( 1422 )
 Leigh, William ( 1423 )
 Poynings, Richard ( 1423 )
 Bowes, William ( 1424 )
 Crichton, William, of that Ilk, 1st Lord Crichton ( 1424 )
 Dunbar, George, 10th Earl of Dunbar ( 1424 )
 Irwyn, Alexander, 4th of Drum ( 1424 )
 Lindsay, Alexander, 2nd Earl of Crawford ( 1424 )
 Maxwell, Herbert, 1st Lord Maxwell ( 1424 )
 Stewart, Alexander ( 1424 )
 Borthwick, William, 2nd of Borthwick ( 1425 )
 Lindsay, David, 3rd Earl of Crawford ( 1425 )
 Plunket, Christopher ( 1425 )
 Berkeley, James, 1st Lord Berkeley ( 1426 ), by King Henry V
 Bourchier, John, 1st Lord Berners ( 1426 ), by the Duke of Bedford
 Butler, James, 5th Earl of Ormonde ( 1426 )
 Cobham, Reynold ( 1426 )
 Courtenay, Thomas, 5th Earl of Devon ( 1426 )
 Grey, Henry, 2nd Comte de Tancarville ( 1426 )
 Hungerford, Edmund ( 1426 )
 Keith, William ( 1426 )
 Mowbray, John, 3rd Duke of Norfolk ( 1426 )
 Neville, George, 1st Lord Latymer ( 1426 )
 Neville, Ralph, 2nd Earl of Westmorland ( 1426 ), by the infant King Henry VI
 Neville, William, 1st and last Earl of Kent ( 1426 )
 Percy, Henry, 2nd Earl of Northumberland ( 1426 )
 Plantagenet, Richard, 3rd Duke of York ( 1426 )
 Radcliffe, Ralph ( 1426 )
 Ros, Thomas, 8th Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1426 )
 Trafford, Edmond ( 1426 )
 Vere, John, 12th Earl of Oxford ( 1426 )
 Wingfield, Robert ( 1426 )
 Camoys, Roger ( 1427 )
 Borthwick, William, 1st Lord Borthwick ( 1430 )
 Crichton, James, 2nd Lord Crichton ( 1430 )
 Douglas, William, 8th Earl of Douglas ( 1430 )
 Hamilton, James, 5th of Cadzow ( 1430 )
 Stanley, Thomas, 1st Lord Stanley ( 1431 )
 Stourton, John, 1st Baron Stourton ( 1432 )
 Booth, Thomas ( 1435 )
 Elphinstone, Alexander, of that Ilk ( 1436 ), following the Scottish victory over the English of Piperden
 Lumley, Thomas, 1st Lord Lumley ( 1436 )
 Stewart, Andrew, 1st Lord of Avandale ( 1437 )
 Stewart, Murdoch ( 1437 )
 Berkeley, William, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley ( 1438 )
 Legh, John ( 1438 )
 Seton, George, 1st Lord Seton ( 1439 )
 Campbell, Duncan, 1st Lord Campbell ( 1440 )
 Keith, Robert ( 1440 )
 Erskine, Thomas, 2nd Lord Erskine ( 1441 )
 Grey, Thomas, 1st Baron of Richemount Grey ( 1441 )
 Trafford, John ( 1444 )
 Neville, Richard, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1445 )
 Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke ( 1449 )
 Neville, John ( 1449 )
 Neville, John, 1st and last Marquess of Montagu ( 1449 ), by King Henry VI
 Neville, Thomas ( 1449 )
 Tudor, Edmund, 1st Earl of Richmond ( 1449 )
 Tudor, Jasper, 1st and last Duke of Bedford ( 1449 )
 Ross, John, 1st Lord Ross of Halkhead ( 1450 )
 Stourton, William, 2nd Baron Stourton ( 1450 )
 Boyd, Robert, 1st Lord Boyd of Kilmarnock ( 1451 )
 Ros, Thomas, 9th Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1452 )
 Hotham, John ( 1453 )
 Barnewall, Robert, 1st Baron Trimlestown ( 1455 )
 Gordon, George, 2nd Earl of Huntly ( 1455 )
 Leslie, Andrew, Master of Rothes ( 1459 )
 Beaumont, William, 2nd Viscount Beaumont ( 1460 )
 Clifford, John, 9th Lord Clifford ( 1460 )
 Stanley, Thomas, 1st Earl of Derby ( 1460 )
 Stirling, William, 1st of Keir ( 1460 )
 Devereux, Walter, 1st Lord Ferrers (of Chartley) ( 1461 )
 Hastinges, William, 1st Lord Hastings ( 1461 )
 Howard, John, 1st Duke of Norfolk ( 1461 )
 Legh, Piers ( 1461 )
 Talbot, John, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1461 )
 Willoughby, John ( 1461 )
 Neville, Humphrey ( 1464 )
 Herbert, William, 2nd Earl of Pembroke ( 1465 )
 Stafford, Henry, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 1465 )
 Talbot, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Lisle ( 1465 )
 Neville, George, 2nd Lord Abergavenny ( 1471 ), by King Edward IV
 Wingfield, Robert ( 1471 )
 Yonge, John ( 1471 )
 Willoughby, Robert, 1st Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1472 )
 Douglas, John, 2nd Earl of Morton ( 1474 )
 Leigh, William ( 1474 )
 Herbert, Walter ( 1475 )
 West, Thomas, 8th Lord la Warre ( 1478 )
 Butler, Piers, 8th Earl of Ormonde ( 1479 )
 Borthwick, William, 2nd Lord Borthwick ( 1481 )
 Hepburn, Patrick, 1st Earl of Bothwell ( 1481 )
 Towneley, Richard ( 1481 )
 Borthwick, William, 3rd Lord Borthwick ( 1484 )
 Ruthven, William, 1st Lord Ruthven ( 1484 )
 Townshend, Roger ( 1484 )
 Chandée, Philibert, 1st and last Earl of Bath ( 1485 )
 Cheyne, John, 1st and last Lord Cheyne ( 1485 )
 Clifford, Henry, 10th Lord Clifford ( 1485 ), and his attainder was reversed
 Courtenay, Edward, 1st and last Earl of Devon ( 1485 )
 Hungerford, Walter ( 1485 ), by King Henry VII
 Legh, Piers ( 1485 )
 Manners, Robert ( 1485 )
 Poyntz, Robert ( 1485 )
 Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1485 )
 Sutton, Edward, 2nd Baron Dudley ( 1485 )
 Talbot, Gilbert ( 1485 )
 Thomas, Rhys ( 1485 )
 Wingfield, Edward ( 1485 )
 Carew, William ( 1487 ), by King Henry VII following the Battle of Stoke (his victory over the impostor Lambert Simnel)
 Herbert, George ( 1487 )
 Paulet, Amyas ( 1487 )
 Pole, Richard ( 1487 )
 Wyndham, John ( 1487 )
 Carlyle, William, 2nd Lord Carlyle of Torthorwald ( 1488 )
 Kennedy, David, 1st Earl of Cassillis ( 1488 ), by King James III
 Rattray, John, 11th of Rattray ( 1488 )
 Darcy, Thomas, 1st Lord Darcy ( 1489 )
 Knightley, Richard ( 1494 )
 Ogilvy, John, 2nd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie ( 1494 )
 St. Lawrence, Nicholas, 3rd Baron Howth ( 1494 )
 Conyers, William, 1st Lord Conyers ( 1497 )
 Cornwall, Thomas ( 1497 )
 Drury, Robert ( 1497 )
 Herbert, William ( 1497 )
 Howard, Edward ( 1497 )
 Howard, Thomas, 3rd Duke of Norfolk ( 1497 )
 Lockhart, James, 5th of the Lee ( 1497 ), by King James IV
 Manners, George, 11th Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1497 )
 Skipwith, John ( 1497 )
 Stanhope, Edward ( 1497 )
 Longe, Thomas ( 1501 )
 Stourton, Edward, 6th Baron Stourton ( 1503 )
 Hay, John, 2nd Lord Hay of Yester ( 1504 )
 Jardine, Alexander, of Applegirth ( 1504 )
 Mordaunt, John ( 1504 )
 Willoughby, Robert, 2nd Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1504 )
 Napier, Alexander, 5th of Merchistoun ( 1507 )
 Hay, Thomas, Master of Yester ( 1508 )
 Cuninghame, William, 4th Earl of Glencairn ( 1509 )
 Shelton, John ( 1509 )
 Wingfield, Robert ( 1509 )
 Erskine, John, 5th Lord Erskine ( 1510 )
 Hay, John, 3rd Lord Hay of Yester ( 1510 )
 Maxwell, Robert, 4th Lord Maxwell ( 1510 )
 Douglas, William ( 1511 )
 Wingfield, Richard ( 1511 )
 Lindsay, David, 8th Earl of Crawford ( 1512 )
 Arundell, John ( 1513 ), at the Battle of the Spurs
 Berkeley, Thomas, 5th Lord Berkeley ( 1513 ), from the Earl of Surrey
 Bray, Edmund, 1st Lord Braye ( 1513 )
 Brydges, John, 1st Baron Chandos of Sudeley ( 1513 )
 Burgh, Thomas, 1st Lord Burgh ( 1513 )
 Capell, Giles ( 1513 )
 Clinton, Thomas, 8th Lord Clinton ( 1513 )
 Cokayne, Thomas ( 1513 )
 Croft, Edward ( 1513 )
 Darcy, George, 2nd Lord Darcy ( 1513 )
 FitzWilliam, William, 1st and last Earl of Southampton ( 1513 )
 Hanmer, Thomas ( 1513 )
 Harcourt, Simon ( 1513 )
 Herbert, Richard ( 1513 )
 Hopton, Arthur ( 1513 )
 Hotham, John ( 1513 )
 Hungerford, Edward ( 1513 )
 Kingston, William ( 1513 )
 Leighton, Thomas ( 1513 ), following the Battle of Tournai
 Lumley, John, 4th Lord Lumley ( 1513 )
 Musgrave, Edward ( 1513 )
 Neville, Edward ( 1513 )
 Neville, John, 3rd Lord Latymer ( 1513 )
 Philipps, Thomas ( 1513 )
 Pole, Henry, 1st Lord Montagu ( 1513 )
 Scott, Walter, 3rd of Buccleuch ( 1513 ), on the field of the Battle of Flodden
 Stonor, Walter ( 1513 )
 Sutton, John, 3rd Baron Dudley ( 1513 )
 Vere, John, 15th Earl of Oxford ( 1513 )
 Wallop, John ( 1513 )
 Walsingham, Edmund ( 1513 )
 Wingfield, Anthony ( 1513 )
 Wiseman, John ( 1513 )
 Zouche, John, 8th Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth) ( 1513 )
 Barnewall, John, 3rd Baron Trimlestown ( 1514 )
 Mynors, Roger ( 1517 )
 Percy, Henry, 5th Earl of Northumberland ( 1519 )
 FitzWilliam, William ( 1522 )
 Home, John ( 1522 )
 Russell, John, 1st Earl of Bedford ( 1522 ), by the Earl of Surrey
 Bedingfeld, Edmund ( 1523 )
 Bedingfield, Edmund ( 1523 ), for bravery in battle
 Bourchier, John, 2nd Earl of Bath ( 1523 )
 Conyers, Christopher, 2nd Lord Conyers ( 1523 )
 Musgrave, William ( 1523 )
 Neville, Ralph, 4th Earl of Westmorland ( 1523 ), by the Earl of Surrey
 Paulet, William, 1st Marquess of Winchester ( 1523 )
 Pole, Arthur ( 1523 )
 Seymour, Edward, 1st Duke of Somerset ( 1523 )
 Somerset, Henry, 2nd Earl of Worcester ( 1523 ), by the Duke of Suffolk
 Stourton, William, 7th Baron Stourton ( 1523 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Lord Wentworth ( 1523 )
 Skipwith, William ( 1526 )
 Wharton, Thomas, 1st Baron Wharton ( 1528 )
 Boleyn, George Rochford, 1st and last Lord Rochford ( 1529 )
 Pole, Geoffrey ( 1529 )
 Shelley, William ( 1529 )
 Spencer, William ( 1529 )
 Strange, Thomas ( 1529 )
 Audley, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Audley of Walden ( 1532 )
 Griffith, George ( 1532 )
 Danby, Christopher ( 1533 )
 Douglas, James, 7th of Drumlanrig ( 1533 )
 Rich, Richard, 1st Baron Rich ( 1533 )
 Wyatt, Thomas ( 1535 )
 Mansel, Rice ( 1536 )
 Paulet, Hugh ( 1537 )
 Lee, Anthony ( 1539 )
 Manners, Richard ( 1539 )
 Baker, John ( 1540 )
 Butler, Edmund, 1st/11th Baron Dunboyne ( 1541 )
 Monson, John ( 1541 )
 North, Edward, 1st Baron North ( 1542 )
 O'Brien, Donal ( 1542 )
 O'Brien, Donough, 1st Earl of Thomond ( 1542 )
 Peckham, Edmund ( 1542 )
 Willoughby, William, 1st Baron Willoughby of Parham ( 1542 )
 Bradbourne, Humphrey ( 1544 )
 Cholmley, Richard ( 1544 )
 Clinton, Edward, 1st Earl of Lincoln ( 1544 )
 Cokayne, Thomas ( 1544 )
 Conyers, John, 3rd Lord Conyers ( 1544 )
 Greville, Fulke ( 1544 )
 Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke ( 1544 )
 Hotham, Francis ( 1544 )
 Legh, John ( 1544 )
 Legh, John ( 1544 )
 Legh, Piers ( 1544 )
 Leigh, Thomas ( 1544 )
 Leycester, Ralph ( 1544 )
 Luttrell, John ( 1544 ), by Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford
 Manners, Henry, 2nd Earl of Rutland ( 1544 )
 Neville, Henry, 5th Earl of Westmorland ( 1544 ), after the surrender of Boulogne
 Paulet, John, 2nd Marquess of Winchester ( 1544 )
 Power, Piers, 2nd Baron le Power and Coroghmore ( 1544 ), after the capture of Boulogne
 Radcliffe, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Sussex ( 1544 )
 Trafford, Edmond ( 1544 )
 Worsley, Robert ( 1544 )
 Neville, John, 4th Lord Latymer ( 1545 )
 Stanhope, Michael ( 1545 ), by King Henry VIII
 Tyrwhitt, Robert ( 1545 )
 Wharton, Thomas, 2nd Baron Wharton ( 1545 )
 Bagnall, Ralph ( 1547 ), ater the Battle of Musselburgh
 Butler, Richard, 1st Viscount Mountgarret ( 1547 )
 Butler, Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormonde ( 1547 )
 Carnegie, Robert, of Kinnaird ( 1547 )
 Chaloner, Thomas ( 1547 )
 Cope, Anthony ( 1547 )
 Croft, James ( 1547 )
 D'Oyly, Henry ( 1547 )
 Dudley, Andrew ( 1547 )
 Dudley, John, 2nd Earl of Warwick ( 1547 )
 Hanmer, Thomas ( 1547 )
 Hastings, Edward, 1st and last Baron Hastings of Loughborough ( 1547 )
 Howard, Thomas, 1st Viscount Howard of Bindon ( 1547 )
 Knightley, Valentine ( 1547 )
 Poole, Giles Leonard Richard ( 1547 )
 Portman, William ( 1547 )
 Seymour, Edward ( 1547 )
 Skipwith, William ( 1547 )
 Stourton, Charles, 8th Baron Stourton ( 1547 )
 Strange, Nicholas ( 1547 )
 Throckmorton, Nicholas ( 1547 )
 Thynne, John ( 1547 )
 Towneley, Richard ( 1547 )
 Vere, John, 16th Earl of Oxford ( 1547 )
 Wallop, Oliver ( 1547 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 2nd Lord Wentworth ( 1547 )
 Wyndham, John ( 1547 )
 Wodehouse, Roger ( 1548 )
 Bourchier, John, Lord FitzWarin ( 1549 )
 Dudley, Ambrose, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1549 )
 Heydon, Christopher ( 1549 )
 Pelham, Nicholas ( 1549 )
 Stradling, Thomas ( 1549 )
 Cecil, William, 1st Baron of Burghley ( 1551 )
 FitzGerald, Gerald, 1st/11th Earl of Kildare ( 1552 )
 Courtenay, William ( 1553 )
 Croftes, John ( 1553 )
 Fermor, John ( 1553 )
 Finch, Thomas ( 1553 )
 Leigh, John ( 1553 )
 Leigh, Thomas ( 1553 )
 Molyneux, Richard ( 1553 ), at the coronation of Queen Mary I
 Peckham, Robert ( 1553 )
 Radcliffe, Henry, 4th Earl of Sussex ( 1553 )
 Stafford, Henry, 2nd Baron Stafford ( 1553 )
 Stonor, Francis ( 1553 )
 Waldegrave, Edward ( 1553 )
 Chichester, John ( 1556 )
 Montagu, Edward ( 1557 )
 Percy, Henry, 2nd Earl of Northumberland ( 1557 )
 Percy, Thomas, 1st Earl of Northumberland ( 1557 )
 Bacon, Nicholas ( 1558 )
 Booth, William ( 1558 )
 Carey, Henry, 1st Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon ( 1558 )
 Leigh, Thomas ( 1558 )
 MacCarthy, Donald, Mor, 1st and last Earl of Clancare ( 1558 )
 Darcy, John, 3rd Lord Darcy ( 1559 )
 Grey, Arthur, 14th Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( 1560 )
 Harington, James ( 1561 )
 Hopton, Owen ( 1561 )
 Lucy, Thomas ( 1561 )
 Stewart, James, of Ardmaleish ( 1561 )
 Cheney, Henry, 1st and last Lord Cheney ( 1563 ), by the Queen
 Hastings, George, 4th Earl of Huntingdon ( 1565 )
 Heron, Nicholas ( 1565 )
 Home, James ( 1565 )
 Home, John ( 1565 )
 Nugent, Christopher, 5th Baron Delvin ( 1565 )
 Stewart, Alexander, of Garlies, younger ( 1565 )
 Stewart, James, 1st Lord Doune ( 1565 )
 Bagenal, Nicholas ( 1566 )
 Barnewall, Patrick ( 1566 )
 Barnewall, Robert, 5th Baron Trimlestown ( 1566 )
 Chevers, Christopher ( 1566 )
 Lyttelton, John ( 1566 )
 Norris, Henry, 1st Lord Norris ( 1566 )
 Plunkett, Thomas, 2nd Baron Louth ( 1566 )
 Barry, James Fitz Richard, 4th Viscount Barry ( 1567 ), by the Lord Deputy
 Bourke, William, 1st Baron Bourke of Connell ( 1567 ), by the Lord Deputy Sydney
 Butler, Theobald, 1st Baron Caher ( 1567 )
 Fiennes, Richard ( 1567 )
 FitzMaurice, Thomas, 14th Baron of Kerry and Lixnaw ( 1567 ), by the Lord Deputy Sidney
 Maxwell, John, of Cowglen ( 1567 )
 Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset ( 1567 )
 Mordaunt, Lewis, 3rd Lord Mordaunt ( 1568 )
 Wallop, Henry ( 1569 )
 Carey, George, 2nd Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon ( 1570 ), for his military services at Berwick
 Constable, Robert ( 1570 )
 Curwen, Henry ( 1570 )
 Gilbert, Humphrey ( 1570 )
 Grey, Henry, 6th Earl of Kent ( 1570 )
 Russell, Francis, Lord Russell ( 1570 ), for services in Scotland, by the Earl of Sussex
 St. Lawrence, Christopher, 7th Baron Howth ( 1570 )
 Gilbert, John ( 1571 )
 Campbell, Hugh, 1st Lord Campbell of Loudoun ( 1572 )
 Mansel, Edward ( 1572 )
 Baker, Richard ( 1573 )
 Fane, Thomas ( 1573 )
 Stradling, Edward ( 1573 )
 Walsingham, Thomas ( 1573 )
 Knyvett, Henry ( 1574 )
 Mervyn, James ( 1574 )
 Bassett, Arthur ( 1575 )
 Cecil, Thomas, 1st Earl of Exeter ( 1575 )
 Bourke, John, 1st Baron of Ardenerie ( 1576 )
 Colley, Henry ( 1576 )
 Courtenay, William ( 1576 )
 Paulet, Amyas ( 1576 )
 Petre, John, 1st Baron Petre ( 1576 )
 Brocket, John ( 1577 )
 Grenville, Richard ( 1577 )
 Bagenal, Henry ( 1578 )
 Colt, George ( 1578 )
 Wodehouse, Roger ( 1578 )
 Bourchier, George ( 1579 )
 Drury, Drew ( 1579 )
 Knyvett, Thomas ( 1579 )
 Cavendish, William, 1st Earl of Devonshire ( 1580 )
 Foljambe, Godfrey ( 1580 )
 Melville, Robert, 1st Lord Melviille of Monymaill ( 1581 )
 Russell, William, 1st Baron Russell of Thornhaugh ( 1581 )
 Colclough, Anthony ( 1582 )
 Barnewall, Peter, 6th Baron Trimlestown ( 1583 )
 Heneage, George ( 1583 )
 Stafford, Edward ( 1583 )
 Vaus, Patrick, Lord Barnbarroch ( 1583 )
 Dymoke, Edward ( 1584 )
 Finch, Moyle, 1st Bt. ( 1584 )
 Harington, John, 1st Baron Haryngton of Exton ( 1584 )
 Johnstone, John, of that Ilk ( 1584 )
 Maitland, John, 1st Lord Maitland of Thirlestane ( 1584 )
 Murray, John, 1st Earl of Tullibardine ( 1584 )
 Osborne, Edward ( 1584 )
 Greville, Fulke, 4th Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1585 )
 Raleigh, Walter ( 1585 )
 Blount, Charles, 1st Earl of Devonshire ( 1586 )
 Boteler, Phillip ( 1586 )
 Burgh, John ( 1586 )
 Fermor, George ( 1586 )
 Knollys, William, 1st Earl of Banbury ( 1586 ), by Robert, Earl of Leicester
 Molyneux, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1586 )
 Monson, John ( 1586 )
 Sydney, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester ( 1586 )
 Wingfield, John ( 1586 )
 Carey, Edmund ( 1587 ), by the Earl of Leicester
 Palavicino, Horatio ( 1587 )
 West, Thomas, 2nd Baron Delaware ( 1587 )
 Bingham, George ( 1588 )
 Brereton, William, 1st Baron Brereton of Leighlin ( 1588 ), by the Earl of Leicester
 Clifford, George, 3rd Earl of Cumberland ( 1588 )
 Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk ( 1588 )
 O'Neil, Turlough Lynach ( 1588 )
 Sheffield, Edmund, 1st Earl of Mulgrave ( 1588 )
 Spencer, John ( 1588 )
 St. Lawrence, Nicholas, 8th Baron Howth ( 1588 )
 Townshend, Roger ( 1588 )
 Bevill, William ( 1589 )
 Denny, Edward ( 1589 )
 Denny, Edward, 1st and last Earl of Norwich ( 1589 )
 Leigh, William ( 1589 )
 Sackville, William ( 1589 )
 Scrymgeour, James ( 1589 ), on his return from Denmark with embassy which negotiated marriage of the Danish Princess Anne to King James VI
 Campbell, Duncan, of Glenorchy, 1st Bt. ( 1590 )
 Campbell, John, of Lawers ( 1590 )
 Cope, Anthony, 1st Bt. ( 1590 )
 Hoghton, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1590 )
 Home, George, 1st and last Earl of Dunbar ( 1590 ), by King James VI of Scotland
 Johnstone, James, of Johnstone ( 1590 )
 Kennedy, Thomas, Master of Cassillis ( 1590 )
 Ker, Robert, 1st Earl of Roxburghe ( 1590 )
 Scott, Walter, 1st Lord Scott of Buccleuch ( 1590 )
 Stewart, Alexander, 6th of Garlies ( 1590 )
 Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury ( 1591 )
 Chaloner, Thomas ( 1591 )
 Colclough, Thomas ( 1591 )
 Coningsby, Thomas ( 1591 ), by the Earl of Essex
 Dormer, Robert, 1st Baron Dormer of Wyng ( 1591 )
 Drury, Robert ( 1591 )
 Fairfax, Thomas, 1st Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( 1591 )
 Glemham, Henry ( 1591 )
 Goring, Henry ( 1591 )
 Harcourt, Walter ( 1591 )
 Killigrew, Henry ( 1591 )
 Markham, Griffin ( 1591 )
 Sandys, Walter ( 1591 )
 Tracy, John, 1st Viscount Tracy of Rathcoole ( 1591 )
 Balfour, Michael, 1st Lord Balfour of Burleigh ( 1592 )
 Stirling, Archibald, 5th of Keir and 2nd of Cawder ( 1592 )
 Dundas, Walter, 18th of Dundas ( 1593 ), at the baptism of King James VI and I's son, Henry
 Fiennes, Richard, 1st Baron Saye and Sele ( 1593 )
 Holles, John, 1st Earl of Clare ( 1593 ), by the Lord Deputy
 Mansel, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1593 )
 Napier, Robert ( 1593 )
 Egerton, Thomas, 1st Viscount Brackley ( 1594 )
 Gibson, Alexander, Lord Durie ( 1594 )
 Murray, John, of Blackbarony ( 1594 )
 Needham, Robert, 1st Viscount Kilmorey ( 1594 )
 Radcliffe, Edward, 6th Earl of Sussex ( 1594 )
 Agnew, Andrew, of Lochnaw ( 1595 )
 Brabazon, Edward, 1st Lord Brabazon, Baron of Ardee ( 1595 ), by the Lord Deputy [Ireland]
 Leigh, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1595 )
 Ashley, Anthony, 1st and last Bt. ( 1596 )
 Bagnall, Samuel ( 1596 )
 Berkeley, Maurice ( 1596 ), from the Earl of Essex, while serving under that nobleman in the expedition to Calais
 Bourke, Richard, 3rd Baron Bourke of Connell ( 1596 )
 Chichester, Arthur, 1st and last Baron Chichester of Belfast ( 1596 )
 Hervey, Henry, 1st and last Baron Hervey of Kidbrooke ( 1596 ), by the Earl of Essex
 Heydon, Christopher ( 1596 )
 Lambart, Oliver, 1st Lord Lambart, Baron of Cavan ( 1596 ), at the storming of Cadiz
 Lennard, Henry, 12th Lord Dacre ( 1596 )
 Mansel, Robert ( 1596 )
 North, John ( 1596 )
 Poley, William ( 1596 )
 Radcliffe, Robert, 5th Earl of Sussex ( 1596 )
 Somerset, William, Lord Herbert ( 1596 ), by the Earl of Essex
 Throckmorton, Arthur ( 1596 )
 Vere, Horatio, 1st and last Baron Vere of Tilbury ( 1596 )
 Wodehouse, Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1596 ), for valour at the taking of Cadiz
 Clifton, Gervase, 1st Lord Clifton (of Leighton Bromswold) ( 1597 )
 Egerton, Thomas ( 1597 )
 Gawdy, Bassingbourne ( 1597 )
 Trelawny, Jonathan ( 1597 )
 Arundell, Thomas, 1st Baron Arundell of Wardour ( 1598 )
 Aylmer, Gerald, 1st Bt. ( 1598 )
 Butler, Walter, 11th Earl of Ormonde ( 1598 )
 Legh, Piers ( 1598 )
 Strode, William ( 1598 )
 Berkeley, Francis ( 1599 )
 Booth, George, 1st Bt. ( 1599 )
 Courtenay, William ( 1599 )
 Dillon, Theobald, 1st Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin ( 1599 )
 Egerton, John, 1st Earl of Bridgwater ( 1599 )
 Finch, Theophilus, 2nd Bt. ( 1599 ), in Ireland
 FitzGerald, Gerald, 14th Earl of Kildare ( 1599 )
 Grey, Thomas, 15th Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( 1599 )
 Manners, Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland ( 1599 )
 Moore, Garret, 1st Viscount Moore of Drogheda ( 1599 )
 Mostyn, Thomas ( 1599 )
 Murray, David, 1st Viscount of Stormont ( 1599 )
 Neville, Henry ( 1599 )
 O'Dempsey, Terence, 1st Viscount Clanmalier ( 1599 )
 Osborne, Hewett ( 1599 ), by the Earl of Essex
 Sandys, Edwin ( 1599 )
 Talbot, John ( 1599 ), for service in the Nine Years' War
 Vaughan, John, 1st Earl of Carbery ( 1599 ), by the Lord Deputy Essex, but this was later disallowed by Queen Elizabeth
 Wallop, Henry ( 1599 )
 Wilmot, Charles, 1st Viscount Wilmot of Athlone ( 1599 )
 Moore, Edward ( 1600 )
 Mosley, Nicholas ( 1600 )
 Ogilvy, John, of Inverquharity ( 1600 )
 Ridgeway, Thomas, 1st Earl of Londonderry ( 1600 )
 St. John, Oliver, 1st Viscount Grandison of Limerick ( 1600 ), by the Deputy, Lord Mountjoy
 St. Lawrence, Christopher, 9th Baron Howth ( 1600 )
 Withipole, Edmond ( 1600 )
 Bourke, Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1601 )
 Hart, Percival ( 1601 )
 Rouse, Anthony ( 1601 )
 Sandys, William ( 1601 )
 Stanhope, Edward ( 1601 )
 Mac Donnell, Randal Mac Sorley, 1st Earl of Antrim ( 1602 ), by the Lord Deputy Mountjoy, and received a grant from King James I of the Route and the Glyns, co. Antrim, lands which his father had conquored from the Max Quillans
 Noel, Edward, 2nd Viscount Campden ( 1602 )
 Alington, Giles ( 1603 )
 Ayloffe, William, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Bacon, Edward ( 1603 )
 Bacon, Francis, 1st and last Viscount Saint Alban ( 1603 ), at the coronotation of King James I
 Bamburgh, William, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Barrington, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Beaumont, Henry ( 1603 )
 Beaumont, Henry ( 1603 )
 Beaumont, Richard, 1st and last Bt. ( 1603 )
 Beaumont, Thomas, 1st Viscount Beaumont of Swords ( 1603 )
 Belasyse, Thomas, 1st Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle ( 1603 )
 Bellasis, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Bennett, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Bishopp, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Blayney, Edward, 1st Lord Blayney, Baron of Monaghan ( 1603 )
 Blennerhassett, Edward ( 1603 ), before the coronation of King James I
 Bourke, Theobald, 1st Viscount Mayo ( 1603 )
 Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork ( 1603 )
 Browne, Valentine ( 1603 )
 Bunbury, Henry ( 1603 )
 Carew, Matthew ( 1603 )
 Carnegie, David, 1st Earl of Southesk ( 1603 )
 Carr, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Caryll, Edward ( 1603 )
 Caryll, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Caulfeild, Toby, 1st Lord Caulfeild, Baron of Charlemont ( 1603 )
 Cecil, William, 2nd Earl of Exeter ( 1603 )
 Cheyney, Francis ( 1603 )
 Clere, Henry, 1st and last Bt. ( 1603 )
 Coke, Edward ( 1603 )
 Cope, Walter ( 1603 )
 Cornwall, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Cotton, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Croftes, Henry ( 1603 )
 Croke, John ( 1603 )
 Croke, John ( 1603 )
 Crymes, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Cutts, John ( 1603 )
 Cæsar, Julius ( 1603 )
 Darcy, Conyers, 7th Lord Darcy de Knayth ( 1603 )
 Deane, John ( 1603 )
 Dymoke, Charles ( 1603 )
 Dyneley, Robert ( 1603 )
 Esmond, Laurence, 1st and last Lord Esmond, Baron of Lymbrick ( 1603 )
 Fairfax, Thomas, 1st Viscount Fairfax of Emley ( 1603 )
 Fanshawe, Henry ( 1603 )
 Fermor, Hutton ( 1603 )
 Fleming, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Gresham, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Gresley, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Grey, Henry, 8th Earl of Kent ( 1603 )
 Hales, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Hamilton, Thomas, 1st Earl of Haddington ( 1603 )
 Hanham, John ( 1603 )
 Hanmer, John ( 1603 )
 Hanmer, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Harpur, John ( 1603 )
 Heneage, Thomas ( 1603 ), by King James I
 Hicks, Baptist, 1st Viscount Campden ( 1603 )
 Hobart, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Hynde, William ( 1603 )
 Isham, Euseby ( 1603 )
 Jephson, John ( 1603 )
 Jephson, William ( 1603 )
 Kingsmill, George ( 1603 )
 Lawson, Ralph ( 1603 ), by King James I
 Leigh, Edward ( 1603 )
 Leigh, Henry ( 1603 )
 Leigh, John ( 1603 )
 Lowey, William ( 1603 )
 Lytton, Rowland ( 1603 )
 Malet, John ( 1603 )
 Manners, George ( 1603 )
 Mansel, Lewis, 2nd Bt. ( 1603 )
 Mildmay, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Monson, Robert ( 1603 )
 Montagu, Henry, 1st Earl of Manchester ( 1603 )
 Myddelton, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Nugent, Richard, 1st Earl of Westmeath ( 1603 )
 Petre, William, 2nd Baron Petre ( 1603 )
 Poole, Henry ( 1603 )
 Poyntz, Nicholas ( 1603 )
 Ramsay, George, 1st Lord Ramsay of Dalhousie ( 1603 )
 Rice, Walter ( 1603 )
 Roper, Thomas, 1st Viscount Baltinglass ( 1603 )
 Sandys, Myles, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Saunderson, Nicholas, 1st Viscount Castleton ( 1603 )
 Savile, Henry, 1st and last Bt. ( 1603 )
 Selby, George ( 1603 )
 Seymour, Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1603 )
 Skipwith, William ( 1603 )
 Smythe, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Spencer, Richard ( 1603 )
 Stanhope, John ( 1603 )
 Stonor, Henry ( 1603 )
 Sutton, William ( 1603 )
 Tempest, Stephen ( 1603 )
 Tichborne, Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1603 )
 Tichborne, Walter ( 1603 )
 Tracy, Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1603 )
 Trafford, Edmond ( 1603 )
 Turpin, William ( 1603 )
 Twysden, William, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Tyrrell, Edward ( 1603 )
 Ussher, William ( 1603 ), by Sir George Grey, Lord Deputy of Ireland
 Vincent, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Weld, Humphrey ( 1603 )
 Weston, Richard, 1st Earl of Portland ( 1603 )
 Willoughby, Ambrose ( 1603 )
 Willoughby, William, 3rd Baron Willoughby of Parham ( 1603 )
 Windebank, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Wyndham, John ( 1603 )
 Acland, John ( 1604 ), by King James I
 Ashburnham, John ( 1604 )
 Brabazon, William, 1st Earl of Meath ( 1604 )
 Grimston, Harbottle, 1st Bt. ( 1604 )
 Hay, James, 1st Earl of Carlisle ( 1604 )
 Hext, Edward ( 1604 )
 Hoghton, Gilbert, 2nd Bt. ( 1604 )
 Jones, Roger ( 1604 )
 Kerr, Andrew, 1st Lord Jedburgh ( 1604 )
 Loftus, Adam, 1st Viscount Loftus of Ely ( 1604 )
 Musgrave, Edward ( 1604 )
 O'Brien, Daniel, 1st Viscount Clare ( 1604 )
 Pelham, Edmund ( 1604 )
 Savile, Henry ( 1604 )
 Strange, Hamon ( 1604 )
 Strode, Richard ( 1604 )
 Tempest, Nicholas, 1st Bt. ( 1604 )
 Temple, Alexander ( 1604 )
 Apsley, Allen ( 1605 )
 Burton, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1605 ), by the Lord Deputy [Ireland]
 Butler, Richard ( 1605 )
 Button, William, 1st Bt. ( 1605 )
 Chaworth, George, 1st Viscount Chaworth of Armagh ( 1605 )
 Colt, Henry ( 1605 )
 Crane, Robert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1605 )
 Fenwick, John, 1st Bt. ( 1605 )
 Hutton, Timothy ( 1605 )
 Murray, Gideon, Lord Elibank ( 1605 )
 Nisbet, Philip, of that Ilk ( 1605 )
 Portman, John, 1st Bt. ( 1605 )
 Rivers, George ( 1605 )
 Stanhope, Philip, 1st Earl of Chesterfield ( 1605 )
 Acland, Arthur ( 1606 )
 Baker, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1606 )
 Borlase, John ( 1606 )
 Coventry, Thomas ( 1606 )
 Digby, John, 1st Earl of Bristol ( 1606 )
 Lewknor, Edward ( 1606 )
 Moody, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1606 )
 Stewart, Walter, 1st Lord of Blantyre ( 1606 )
 Wynn, John, 1st Bt. ( 1606 )
 Boteler, John, 1st Baron Boteler of Brantfield ( 1607 )
 Corbet, Vincent ( 1607 )
 Dalston, George ( 1607 )
 Feilding, William, 1st Earl of Denbigh ( 1607 )
 Gostwick, Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1607 )
 Heneage, George ( 1607 )
 Jones, Roger, 1st Viscount Ranelagh ( 1607 )
 Murray, Mungo, 2nd Viscount of Stormont ( 1607 )
 Russell, Francis, 4th Earl of Bedford ( 1607 )
 Stirling, James ( 1607 )
 Waldegrave, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1607 )
 Barrett, Edward, 1st and last Lord Barrett of Newburgh ( 1608 ), by King James I
 Fairfax, Ferdinando, 2nd Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( 1608 )
 Goring, George, 1st Earl of Norwich ( 1608 )
 Grierson, William, 9th of Lag ( 1608 )
 Hungerford, Anthony ( 1608 )
 Isham, John, 1st Bt. ( 1608 )
 Manners, Oliver ( 1608 )
 Mostyn, Roger ( 1608 )
 Quarles, Robert ( 1608 )
 Stradling, John, 1st Bt. ( 1608 )
 Tuchet, Mervyn, 2nd Earl of Castlehaven ( 1608 )
 Blennerhassett, John ( 1609 )
 Douglas, Robert, 1st and last Viscount Belhaven ( 1609 )
 Finch, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Winchilsea ( 1609 )
 Hamilton, James, 1st Viscount Claneboye ( 1609 )
 Hay, George, 1st Earl of Kinnoull ( 1609 )
 Skipwith, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1609 )
 St. John, John, 1st Bt. ( 1609 )
 Carnegie, John, 1st Earl of Northesk ( 1610 )
 Rich, Henry, 1st Earl of Holland ( 1610 )
 Wortley, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1610 )
 Bacon, Nicholas, 1st Bt. ( 1611 ), by Queen Elizabeth
 Bourchier, John ( 1611 )
 Croftes, Henry ( 1611 )
 Hobart, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1611 )
 Napier, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1611 )
 Vane, Henry, the Elder ( 1611 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford ( 1611 )
 Wharton, Thomas ( 1611 )
 Aldworth, Richard ( 1612 )
 Brooke, John, 1st and last Baron Cobham ( 1612 )
 Brudenell, Thomas, 1st Earl of Cardigan ( 1612 )
 Douglas, William, 1st Earl of Queensberry ( 1612 )
 Lindsay, David, 1st Lord Lindsay of Balcarres ( 1612 )
 Parsons, Laurence ( 1612 )
 Puckering, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1612 )
 Shelley, John, 1st Bt. ( 1612 )
 Tollemache, Lionel, 2nd Bt. ( 1612 )
 Wray, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1612 )
 Appleton, Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1613 )
 Crooke, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1613 )
 Cæsar, Charles ( 1613 )
 Ingram, Arthur ( 1613 )
 Killigrew, Joseph ( 1613 )
 Leigh, Francis, 1st Earl of Chichester ( 1613 )
 Rollo, Andrew, 1st Lord Rollo of Duncrub ( 1613 )
 Seymour, Francis, 1st Baron Seymour of Trowbridge ( 1613 )
 Stewart, William, 1st Bt. ( 1613 )
 Yelverton, Henry ( 1613 )
 Bayning, Paul, 1st Viscount Bayning of Sudbury ( 1614 )
 Lambton, William ( 1614 )
 Moseley, Edward ( 1614 )
 Ashfield, John, 1st Bt. ( 1615 )
 Blakiston, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1615 )
 Brouncker, William, 1st Viscount Brouncker of Lyons ( 1615 )
 Butler, Pierce, 1st Viscount of Ikerrin ( 1615 )
 Colley, Henry ( 1615 )
 Hamilton, James, of Fingalton and Preston ( 1615 )
 Hynde, Edward ( 1615 )
 Newport, Richard, 1st Baron Newport of High Ercall ( 1615 )
 O'Brien, Barnabas, 5th Earl of Thomond ( 1615 )
 Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 1615 )
 Wemyss, John, 1st Earl of Wemyss ( 1615 )
 Annesley, Francis, 1st Viscount of Valentia ( 1616 )
 Boteler, Henry ( 1616 )
 Brooke, Basil ( 1616 )
 Chichester, Edward, 1st Viscount Chichester of Carrickfergus ( 1616 )
 Crosbie, Pierse, 1st and last Bt. ( 1616 )
 Hatton, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1616 )
 Henderson, Francis, of Easter Duvis in Newbottle ( 1616 )
 Henderson, Robert, of Tunnygask ( 1616 )
 Leigh, Thomas, 1st Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh ( 1616 )
 Lumley, Richard, 1st Viscount Lumley of Waterford ( 1616 )
 Mackay, Donald, 1st Lord Reay ( 1616 )
 Mackintosh, Lachlan, 17th of Mackintosh ( 1616 )
 Napier, Archibald, 1st Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1616 )
 Perient, Thomas ( 1616 )
 St. George, Richard ( 1616 )
 Tracy, Robert, 2nd Viscount Tracy of Rathcoole ( 1616 )
 Villiers, John, 1st Viscount Purbeck ( 1616 )
 Ashby, Francis, 1st and last Bt. ( 1617 )
 Babington, Henry ( 1617 )
 Blakiston, William ( 1617 )
 Calvert, George, 1st Baron Baltimore ( 1617 )
 Campbell, Dugald, of Auchinbreck, 1st Bt. ( 1617 )
 Corbet, Andrew ( 1617 )
 Coventry, Thomas, 1st Baron Coventry of Aylesborough ( 1617 )
 Hare, John ( 1617 )
 Hare, John ( 1617 )
 Hartopp, William ( 1617 )
 Hutchinson, Thomas ( 1617 )
 Lake, Arthur ( 1617 )
 Lake, Thomas ( 1617 )
 Lucy, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1617 )
 Macdonald, Donald, 12th of Clanranald and Moidart ( 1617 ), by King James VI
 Monckton, Philip ( 1617 )
 Muirhead, James, 7th of Lauchope ( 1617 ), by King James VI
 Myddelton, Thomas ( 1617 )
 Napier, Nathaniel ( 1617 )
 Pakenham, Philip ( 1617 )
 Parker, Thomas ( 1617 )
 Rich, Nathaniel ( 1617 )
 Trafford, Cecil ( 1617 )
 Vaughan, John, 1st Earl of Carbery ( 1617 ), by King James I
 Verney, Greville, 7th Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1617 )
 Vincent, Anthony, 2nd Bt. ( 1617 )
 Withipole, William ( 1617 )
 Blundell, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1618 )
 Boynton, Matthew, 1st Bt. ( 1618 )
 Caulfeild, William, 2nd Lord Caulfeild, Baron of Charlemont ( 1618 )
 Eliot, John ( 1618 )
 Gordon, Adam, 1st of Park ( 1618 )
 Lowther, Gerard ( 1618 )
 Lucy, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1618 )
 Lyttelton, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1618 )
 Mordaunt, Robert, 2nd Bt. ( 1618 )
 Russell, William, 1st Bt. ( 1618 )
 Boreel, William, 1st Bt. ( 1619 )
 Butler, Edward, 1st Viscount Galmoye ( 1619 )
 Hughes, Thomas ( 1619 )
 Loftus, Robert ( 1619 )
 Mackenzie, Roderick, of Castle Leod ( 1619 ), for pacifying the Highlands
 Pickering, John ( 1619 )
 Trevor, Thomas ( 1619 )
 Wake, Isaac ( 1619 )
 Acheson, Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1620 )
 Bellingham, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1620 )
 Cornwall, Gilbert ( 1620 )
 Parsons, William, 1st Bt. ( 1620 )
 Barrington, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1621 )
 Bourchier, Henry, 5th Earl of Bath ( 1621 )
 Burnett, Thomas, of Leys, 1st Bt. ( 1621 )
 Harrison, Richard ( 1621 )
 Melville, Robert, 2nd Lord Melville of Monymaill ( 1621 )
 Alen, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1622 )
 Barret, James ( 1622 )
 Blake, Valentine, 1st Bt. ( 1622 )
 Boreel, John ( 1622 ), by King James I
 Brownlow, William ( 1622 ), by Henry Cary, Viscount Falkland
 Courten, William ( 1622 )
 Herbert, Percy, 2nd Baron Powis ( 1622 )
 Lambart, Cary ( 1622 )
 Sherard, William, 1st Baron Sherard ( 1622 ), by King James I
 Stewart, John, 1st Earl of Traquair ( 1622 )
 Temple, William ( 1622 )
 Barkham, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1623 )
 Boreel, James ( 1623 ), by King James I
 Cottington, Francis, 1st and last Baron Cottington ( 1623 )
 Courten, Peter ( 1623 )
 Croke, George ( 1623 )
 Finch, Heneage ( 1623 )
 Hay, James, 2nd Earl of Carlisle ( 1623 )
 Herbert, Henry ( 1623 )
 Hopkins, William ( 1623 )
 Lockhart, James, 10th of the Lee ( 1623 )
 Loftus, Edward, 2nd Viscount Loftus of Ely ( 1623 )
 Meade, John ( 1623 )
 Monson, William, 1st Viscount Monson of Castlemaine ( 1623 )
 Mostyn, Thomas ( 1623 )
 Napier, Robert, 2nd Bt. ( 1623 )
 Tichborne, Benjamin ( 1623 )
 Tichborne, Henry ( 1623 )
 Wray, Christopher ( 1623 )
 Yelverton, Christopher, 1st Bt. ( 1623 )
 Astley, Jacob, 1st Baron Astley of Reading ( 1624 )
 Blake, Richard ( 1624 ), by Lord Deputy Viscount Falkland
 Boyle, Richard, 2nd Earl of Cork ( 1624 )
 Boyle, Richard, 2nd Earl of Cork ( 1624 ), by the Lord Deputy Falkland
 FitzHerbert, John ( 1624 )
 O'Dempsey, Christopher ( 1624 )
 Skeffington, Richard ( 1624 )
 Vernon, Edward ( 1624 )
 Betenson, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1625 )
 Bishopp, Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1625 )
 Douglas, James, 1st Lord Mordington ( 1625 )
 Finch, John, 1st Baron Finch of Fordwich ( 1625 )
 Holles, John, 2nd Earl of Clare ( 1625 )
 Blayney, Henry, 2nd Lord Blayney, Baron of Monaghan ( 1626 )
 Brabazon, Edward, 2nd Earl of Meath ( 1626 )
 Cholmley, Hugh, 1st Bt. ( 1626 )
 Clotworthy, John, 1st Viscount Massereene ( 1626 )
 Coote, Charles, 1st Earl of Mountrath ( 1626 )
 Hobart, Miles ( 1626 )
 Killigrew, William ( 1626 )
 Sandys, Myles, 2nd Bt. ( 1626 )
 Alexander, William, 1st Earl of Stirling ( 1627 )
 Craven, William, 1st and last Earl of Craven ( 1627 )
 Grenville, Richard, 1st and last Bt. ( 1627 )
 Harcourt, Simon ( 1627 )
 Leslie, Alexander, 1st Earl of Leven ( 1627 )
 Ruthven, Patrick, 1st and last Earl of Brentford ( 1627 ), by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden
 Sebright, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1627 )
 St. Leger, Anthony ( 1627 )
 Washington, Lawrence ( 1627 )
 Boyle, Lewis, 1st Viscount Boyle of Kinalmeaky ( 1628 )
 Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery ( 1628 )
 Carnegie, James, 2nd Earl of Southesk ( 1628 )
 Crosbie, John ( 1628 )
 Dixwell, Basil, 1st and last Bt. ( 1628 )
 Esmonde, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1628 )
 Tyrrell, John ( 1628 )
 Acton, William, 1st Bt. ( 1629 )
 Agnew, Patrick, of Lochnaw, 1st Bt. ( 1629 )
 Blake, Valentine, 3rd Bt. ( 1629 )
 Bowen, John ( 1629 )
 Livingston, James, 1st Earl of Callendar ( 1629 )
 Mansel, Anthony ( 1629 )
 Smyth, Charles, 1st Viscount Carrington of Burford ( 1629 )
 Stonhouse, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1629 )
 Vere, Robert, 19th Earl of Oxford ( 1629 )
 Vermuyden, Cornelius ( 1629 )
 Ware, James ( 1629 )
 Cornwallis, Frederick, 1st Baron Cornwallis of Eye ( 1630 )
 Riddell, Walter, of that Ilk, 2nd Bt. ( 1630 )
 Sandilands, James ( 1630 )
 Stuart, James, 4th Duke of Lennox ( 1630 )
 Lowther, Gerard ( 1631 )
 Lowther, Lancelot ( 1631 )
 Sinclair, John, of Dunbeath ( 1631 )
 Carmichael, James ( 1632 )
 Carmichael, James, 1st Lord Carmichael ( 1632 )
 Cary, George ( 1632 )
 Kennedy, Alexander ( 1632 )
 Balfour, James, 1st Bt. ( 1633 )
 Dundas, John, of Fingask ( 1633 ), by King Charles I
 Haldane, John, 11th of Gleneagles ( 1633 )
 Kerr, Mark ( 1633 )
 Kerr, Thomas ( 1633 )
 Murray, Andrew, 1st Lord Balvaird ( 1633 )
 Robinson, William ( 1633 )
 Rollo, James, 2nd Lord Rollo of Duncrub ( 1633 )
 Ruthven, Thomas, 1st Lord Ruthven of Freeland ( 1633 )
 Seton, Alexander, 1st Viscount Kingston ( 1633 )
 Hartopp, Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1634 )
 Wrey, William, 2nd Bt. ( 1634 )
 Browne, Dominick ( 1635 )
 Douglas, James, 10th Earl of Morton ( 1635 )
 Poulett, John, 1st Baron Poulett ( 1635 ), on board H.M.S. Mary Honor
 Poulett, John, 2nd Baron Poulett ( 1635 ), on board H.M.S. Mary Honor
 Ramsay, Gilbert, 1st Bt. ( 1635 )
 Blennerhassett, Leonard ( 1636 )
 Curzon, John, 1st Bt. ( 1636 )
 Ussher, William ( 1636 )
 Barrington, John, 3rd Bt. ( 1638 )
 Bedingfield, Thomas ( 1638 )
 Bourke, Ulrick, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde ( 1638 )
 Bruce, Thomas, 1st Earl of Elgin ( 1638 )
 Villiers, William, 2nd Viscount Grandison of Limerick ( 1638 )
 Barret, Andrew, 1st and last Bt. ( 1639 )
 Berkeley, John, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton ( 1639 ), by the King
 Gun, William ( 1639 )
 Mac Donnell, Randal, 1st Marquess of Antrim ( 1639 ), by the Lord Deputy Wentworth
 Barry, James, 1st Baron Barry of Santry ( 1640 )
 Soame, Thomas ( 1640 )
 Vane, George ( 1640 )
 Vane, Henry, the Younger ( 1640 )
 Wittewronge, John, 1st Bt. ( 1640 )
 Abdy, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Alston, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Aucher, Anthony, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Borlase, John ( 1641 )
 Burgoyne, Roger, 2nd Bt. ( 1641 )
 Cave, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Cayley, William, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Cochrane, William, 1st Earl of Dundonald ( 1641 )
 Cotton, John, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Courthope, George ( 1641 )
 Croft, Christopher ( 1641 )
 D'Oyly, William, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Fairfax, Thomas, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( 1641 )
 Fergusson, John, of Kilkerran ( 1641 )
 Gibson, Alexander, of Durie ( 1641 )
 Goodricke, John, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Harrison, John ( 1641 )
 Hepburn, Adam, of Humbie ( 1641 )
 Kaye, John, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Lawson, Wilfrid, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Monckton, Francis ( 1641 )
 Potts, John, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Riddell, William ( 1641 )
 Scott, William, Lord Clerkington ( 1641 )
 Skene, Alexander, 2nd of Hallyards ( 1641 )
 Temple, Peter ( 1641 )
 Verney, Ralph, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Wolryche, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Astley, Isaac, 1st and last Bt. ( 1642 )
 Ball, Peter ( 1642 )
 Byron, Richard, 2nd Baron Byron of Rochdale ( 1642 )
 Dormer, Robert, 1st Earl of Carnarvon ( 1642 ), by the King
 Leigh, Robert ( 1642 )
 Leigh, Thomas ( 1642 )
 Palmer, William ( 1642 ), After the Battle of Edgehill
 Reade, John, 1st Bt. ( 1642 )
 Armstrong, Thomas ( 1643 )
 Astley, Isaac, 2nd Baron Astley of Reading ( 1643 )
 Badd, Thomas, 1st and last Bt. ( 1643 )
 Bard, Henry, 1st Viscount Bellomont ( 1643 )
 Bathurst, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1643 )
 Bridgeman, Orlando, 1st Bt. ( 1643 )
 Granville, John, 1st Earl of Bath ( 1643 )
 Lockhart, William, 11th of the Lee ( 1643 )
 Sandilands, James, 1st Lord of Abercrombie ( 1643 )
 Seymour, Joseph ( 1643 )
 Sutherland, Alexander, 1st Lord Duffus ( 1643 )
 Ward, Humble, 1st Baron Ward of Birmingham ( 1643 )
 Courtenay, William, 1st Bt. ( 1644 )
 Owen, John ( 1644 )
 Villiers, George, 4th Viscount Grandison of Limerick ( 1644 )
 Braham, Richard, 1st and last Bt. ( 1645 )
 Capell, Arthur, 1st Baron Capell of Hadham ( 1645 )
 Lingen, Henry ( 1645 ), by King Charles I
 Mauleverer, Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1645 )
 Wyndham, Henry ( 1645 )
 Wedderburn, Alexander ( 1646 )
 Gibson, John, of Pentland and Addistone ( 1647 )
 Carmichael, David, 8th of Balmedie ( 1648 )
 Browne, Richard, 1st and last Bt. ( 1649 )
 Eliott, Gilbert, of Stobs, 1st Bt. ( 1651 )
 Gilmour, John, of Craigmillar ( 1651 )
 Richardson, James, of Smeaton, 3rd Bt. ( 1651 )
 Viner, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1654 )
 Maxwell, Robert, of Orchardtoun, 2nd Bt. ( 1655 )
 Calthorpe, James ( 1656 )
 Bennet, Henry, 1st Earl of Arlington ( 1657 )
 Cleypole, John, 1st Bt. ( 1657 )
 St. George, Oliver, 1st Bt. ( 1659 ), by Henry Cromwell, Lord Depute Ireland
 Abdy, John, 1st and last Bt. ( 1660 )
 Abdy, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Adams, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Allen, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Assheton, Ralph, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Bankes, Ralph ( 1660 )
 Biddulph, Theophilus, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Booth, John ( 1660 )
 Bowyer, John, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Bowyer, William, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Bradshaigh, Roger, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Brodrick, Alan ( 1660 )
 Broughton, Brian, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Browne, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Browne, Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1660 )
 Bunce, James, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Campbell, Hugh, 5th of Cawdor ( 1660 )
 Chichester, Arthur, 2nd Earl of Donegall ( 1660 )
 Clarges, Thomas ( 1660 ), by King Charles II
 Coote, Charles, 2nd Earl of Mountrath ( 1660 )
 Cotton, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Cust, Pury ( 1660 )
 Cutler, John, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Dawnay, John, 1st Viscount Downe ( 1660 )
 Farmer, Edward ( 1660 )
 Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Nottingham ( 1660 )
 Finch, Heneage, 3rd Earl of Winchilsea ( 1660 )
 Harcourt, Philip ( 1660 )
 Hartopp, William ( 1660 )
 Henley, Andrew, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 King, John, 1st Baron Kingston ( 1660 )
 Lake, Lancelot ( 1660 )
 Lewis, John, 1st and last Bt. ( 1660 )
 Marsham, John, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Mordaunt, John, 1st Viscount Mordaunt of Avalon ( 1660 )
 Mostyn, Roger, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Paston, Robert, 1st Earl of Yarmouth ( 1660 )
 Scott, William ( 1660 ), by King Charles II
 Shaw, John, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 St. George, Oliver, 1st Bt. ( 1660 ), by King Charles II
 Temple, Purbeck ( 1660 )
 Throckmorton, Baynham, 3rd Bt. ( 1660 )
 Turnor, Edward ( 1660 )
 Twisden, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Tyrrell, Thomas ( 1660 )
 Wilde, William, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Wyndham, William, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
 Agnew, Andrew, of Lochnaw, 2nd Bt. ( 1661 )
 Bellew, John, 1st Baron Bellew of Duleek ( 1661 )
 Clifton, Clifford ( 1661 )
 Clinton, Francis, 6th Earl of Lincoln ( 1661 )
 Compton, Francis ( 1661 )
 Courthope, George ( 1661 )
 Hamilton, Charles, 2nd Bt. ( 1661 )
 Hay, Thomas, of Park younger, 1st Bt. ( 1661 )
 Kinnaird, George, 1st Lord Kinnaird ( 1661 ), by King Charles II
 Lowe, John ( 1661 )
 MacLeod, Norman, 1st of Berneray ( 1661 ), for services to the royalist cause
 MacLeod, Roderick, 1st of Talisker ( 1661 ), for services to the royalist cause
 Nairne, Robert, 1st Lord Nairne ( 1661 )
 Powle, Richard ( 1661 )
 Walker, Walter ( 1661 )
 Bellingham, Daniel, 1st Bt. ( 1662 )
 Cann, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1662 )
 Catelyn, Nevil ( 1662 )
 Charlton, Job, 1st Bt. ( 1662 )
 Davenly, William ( 1662 ), by King Charles II
 Stirling, George, 6th of Keir and 3rd of Cawder ( 1662 )
 Wyndham, Charles ( 1662 )
 Cann, William, 2nd Bt. ( 1663 )
 Howe, Scrope, 1st Viscount Howe ( 1663 )
 Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon ( 1663 )
 Knight, John ( 1663 )
 Viner, George, 2nd Bt. ( 1663 )
 Wodehouse, Thomas ( 1663 )
 Beresford, Tristram, 1st Bt. ( 1664 )
 Brooke, Henry ( 1664 )
 Churchill, Winston ( 1664 )
 D'Oyly, William, 2nd Bt. ( 1664 )
 Onslow, Henry ( 1664 )
 Seton, Alexander, of Pitmedden, 1st Bt. ( 1664 )
 Allin, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1665 )
 Carr, Robert, 3rd Bt. ( 1665 )
 Fox, Stephen ( 1665 )
 Viner, Robert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1665 )
 Aldworth, Richard ( 1666 )
 Malet, John ( 1666 )
 Poyntz, John ( 1666 )
 Rich, Edwyn ( 1666 )
 Warton, Michael ( 1666 )
 North, Charles, 5th Baron North ( 1667 )
 Shore, John ( 1667 )
 Wyndham, Edmond ( 1667 )
 Booth, Richard ( 1668 )
 Drake, William ( 1668 )
 Gourlay, Thomas, 13th of Kincraig ( 1669 )
 Lake, Thomas ( 1670 )
 Trevor, John ( 1670 )
 Ward, Robert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1670 )
 Clarke, Gilbert ( 1671 )
 Hacket, Andrew ( 1671 )
 Hobart, Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1671 ), by King Charles II
 Paul, William ( 1671 )
 Ayscough, Edward ( 1672 )
 Winnington, Francis ( 1672 )
 Bruce, Alexander, 4th Earl of Kincardine ( 1674 )
 Harding, Robert ( 1674 )
 Middleton, Thomas ( 1675 )
 Pemberton, Francis ( 1675 )
 Rooth, Richard ( 1675 )
 Evelyn, Edward, 1st and last Bt. ( 1676 )
 Rich, Robert, 2nd Bt. ( 1676 )
 Walker, George, 1st Bt. ( 1676 )
 Jeffreys, George, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem ( 1677 )
 Jones, John ( 1677 )
 Wood, Caesar ( 1677 )
 Meade, John, 1st Bt. ( 1678 )
 Owen, Robert ( 1678 )
 Topham, John ( 1678 )
 Bradshaigh, Roger, 2nd Bt. ( 1679 )
 Osborne, Thomas, 5th Bt. ( 1679 )
 Rycaut, Paul ( 1679 )
 Cann, Thomas ( 1680 )
 Lauder, John, of Fountainhall, 2nd Bt. ( 1680 )
 Magill, John, 1st and last Bt. ( 1680 ), by the Viceroy of Ireland
 Villiers, Edward ( 1680 )
 Cameron, Ewen, of Lochiel, 17th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1681 )
 Fleming, Daniel ( 1681 )
 Marsham, Robert, 4th Bt. ( 1681 )
 Gibson, Alexander, of Pentland ( 1682 )
 Wheler, George ( 1682 )
 Mackworth, Humphrey ( 1683 )
 Colt, William Dutton ( 1684 )
 Dashwood, Samuel ( 1684 )
 Herbert, Edward ( 1684 )
 Hodgson, Thomas ( 1684 )
 Shuttleworth, Richard ( 1684 )
 Trumbull, William ( 1684 )
 Booth, Saint John ( 1685 )
 Laurie, Robert, of Maxwelton, 1st Bt. ( 1685 ), by King James II
 Nightingale, Robert ( 1685 )
 Oglethorpe, Theophilus ( 1685 )
 Verney, Richard, 11th Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1685 )
 Jeffreys, Thomas ( 1686 )
 Powys, Thomas ( 1686 )
 Thomas, Edmund ( 1686 )
 Cottrell, Charles Ludowicke ( 1687 )
 Eyles, John ( 1687 )
 Rice, Stephen ( 1687 )
 Williams, William, 1st Bt. ( 1687 )
 Elmes, Thomas ( 1688 )
 Hedges, William ( 1688 )
 Moseley, Edward ( 1689 )
 Furnese, Henry ( 1691 )
 Trevor, Thomas, 1st Baron Trevor of Bromham ( 1692 )
 Buckworth, John, 1st Bt. ( 1693 )
 Pakenham, Thomas ( 1693 )
 Daines, William ( 1694 )
 Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1695 )
 Elwill, John, 1st Bt. ( 1696 )
 Turner, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1696 )
 Blackwell, Lambert, 1st Bt. ( 1697 )
 Sinclair, Archibald ( 1697 )
 Harrison, Edmund ( 1698 )
 Duncombe, Charles ( 1699 )
 Hasell, Edward ( 1699 )
 Jeffreys, Jeffrey ( 1699 )
 Gibson, John, of Pentland ( 1700 )
 Heathcote, Gilbert, 1st Bt. ( 1702 )
 Hoare, Richard ( 1702 )
 Harcourt, Simon, 1st Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt ( 1703 )
 Byng, George, 1st Viscount Torrington ( 1704 )
 Thorold, Charles ( 1704 )
 Gibson, John ( 1705 )
 Parker, Thomas, 1st Earl of Macclesfield ( 1705 )
 Calderwood, William, Lord Polton ( 1707 )
 Hamilton, David ( 1708 )
 King, Peter, 1st Lord King, Baron of Ockham ( 1708 )
 Thorold, George, 1st Bt. ( 1708 )
 Lambert, John, 1st Bt. ( 1710 )
 Phipps, Constantine ( 1710 )
 Crosbie, Maurice, 1st Baron Branden ( 1712 )
 Merttins, George ( 1713 )
 Sturt, Anthony ( 1713 )
 Chapman, William, 1st Bt. ( 1714 )
 Johnston, William ( 1714 )
 Bull, John ( 1717 )
 Pringle, Walter, Lord Newhall ( 1718 )
 Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke ( 1720 )
 Eyles, Joseph ( 1724 )
 Hale, Bernard ( 1726 )
 Carmichael, John, 3rd Earl of Hyndford ( 1742 )
 Denny, Thomas ( 1743 )
 Head, Thomas ( 1744 )
 Hoare, Richard ( 1745 )
 Ladbroke, Robert ( 1745 )
 Stracey, John ( 1748 )
 Burton, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1750 )
 Smythe, Sidney Stafford ( 1750 )
 Asgill, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1752 )
 Glyn, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1752 )
 Clive, Edward ( 1753 )
 Burnaby, William, 1st Bt. ( 1754 )
 Blakiston, Matthew, 1st Bt. ( 1759 )
 Douglas, James, 1st Bt. ( 1759 ), for bearing home the dispatch of the surrender of Quebec
 Hodges, James ( 1759 )
 Cheere, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1760 )
 Rawlinson, Thomas ( 1760 )
 St. John, Henry Paulet, 2nd Bt. ( 1760 )
 Brookes-Cotterell, John ( 1761 )
 Feilding, John ( 1761 )
 Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden ( 1761 )
 Truman, Benjamin ( 1761 )
 Norton, Fletcher, 1st Lord Grantley, Baron of Markenfield ( 1762 )
 Erskine, William, of Torry, 1st Bt. ( 1763 )
 Barker, Robert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1764 )
 Esdaile, James ( 1766 )
 Grey, William, 1st Baron Walsingham ( 1771 )
 Parker, Peter, 1st Bt. ( 1772 )
 Bickerton, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1773 ), for steering the King's barge at a naval review off Plymouth
 Carter, John ( 1773 )
 Burland, John ( 1774 )
 Rawlinson, Walter ( 1774 )
 Schomberg, Alexander ( 1777 )
 Wallace, James ( 1777 )
 Ainslie, Philip, of Pilton ( 1778 )
 Dent, Digby ( 1778 )
 Hamond, Andrew Snape, 1st Bt. ( 1778 )
 Fowke, Thomas ( 1779 )
 Chapman, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1780 )
 Burrell, Peter, 1st Baron Gwydyr ( 1781 )
 Moore, George ( 1781 )
 Stirling, Walter, of Faskine ( 1781 )
 Young, George ( 1781 )
 Taylor, Robert ( 1783 )
 Heathcote, John Edensor ( 1784 )
 Chetwynd, George, 1st Bt. ( 1787 )
 Jodrell, Paul ( 1787 )
 Arden, Richard Pepper, 1st Baron Alvanley ( 1788 )
 Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon ( 1788 )
 Dryden, John, 1st Bt. ( 1793 )
 Pellew, Edward, 1st Viscount Exmouth ( 1793 ), for capturing the French frigate Cleopatra
 Meredyth, Joshua Colles, 8th Bt. ( 1794 )
 Macartney, John, 1st Bt. ( 1796 ), for promoting Irish canals
 Anstruther, John, of that Ilk, 4th and 1st Bt. ( 1797 )
 Calder, Robert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1797 )
 Thompson, Thomas Boulden, 1st Bt. ( 1799 ), on his return to England
 Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough ( 1801 )
 Manners-Sutton, Thomas, 1st Baron Manners of Foston ( 1802 )
 Ximenes, Morris ( 1806 )
 Bayley, John, 1st Bt. ( 1808 )
 Doveton, William Webber ( 1808 )
 Workman-Macnaghten, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1809 )
 Newbolt, John Henry ( 1810 )
 Conant, Nathaniel ( 1813 )
 Doyle, Charles William ( 1814 )
 Etang, Antoine Pierre Ambroise ( 1814 )
 McGrigor, James, 1st Bt. ( 1814 )
 Shepherd, Samuel ( 1814 )
 Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Oakhampton and Redwood ( 1815 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1815 )
 Kerrison, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
 Mends, Robert ( 1815 )
 Gifford, Robert, 1st Baron Gifford of St. Leonard's ( 1817 )
 Havilland, Peter ( 1817 )
 Rice, Ralph ( 1817 )
 Maxwell, Murray ( 1818 )
 Best, William Draper, 1st Baron Wynford ( 1819 )
 Copley, John Singleton, 1st Baron Lyndhurst ( 1819 )
 Giffard, Ambrose Hardinge ( 1819 )
 Lees, Edward Smith ( 1821 ), by King GEorge IV on his visit to Ireland
 Blosset, Robert Henry ( 1822 )
 Ferguson, Adam ( 1822 ), by King George IV
 Ferguson, Adam ( 1822 )
 Webster-Wedderburn, James ( 1822 )
 Rolfe, Robert Monsey, 1st and last Baron Cranworth ( 1825 )
 Stoddart, John ( 1826 )
 Beauvoir, John Edmond, 2nd Bt. ( 1827 )
 Scarlett, James, 1st Baron Abinger ( 1827 )
 Jenner-Fust, Herbert ( 1828 )
 Cunliffe, Robert Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1829 )
 Dewar, James ( 1829 )
 Parry, William Edward ( 1829 )
 Scarlett, William Anglin ( 1829 )
 Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, 1st Baron St. Leonards ( 1829 )
 Bosanquet, John Bernard ( 1830 )
 Clifford, Augustus William James, 1st Bt. ( 1830 )
 Wallace, James Maxwell ( 1831 )
 Bethune, Henry Lindsay, of Kilconquhar, 1st Bt. ( 1832 )
 Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1832 )
 Douglas, Charles Eurwicke ( 1832 )
 Palgrave, Francis Ephraim ( 1832 )
 Farquhar, Arthur ( 1833 )
 Barrie, Robert ( 1834 )
 Pepys, Charles Christopher, 1st Earl of Cottenham ( 1834 )
 Jones Parry, Love Parry ( 1835 )
 Dalyell, John Graham, of the Binns, 6th Bt. ( 1836 )
 Arthur, George, 1st Bt. ( 1837 )
 Hopkinson, Charles ( 1837 )
 Montefiore, Moses Haim, 1st and last Bt. ( 1837 )
 Macnab, Allan Napier, 1st Bt. ( 1838 )
 Mitchell, Thomas Livingstone ( 1839 )
 Roper, Henry ( 1839 )
 Warre, William ( 1839 )
 Oliphant, Anthony ( 1840 )
 Potter, Thomas ( 1840 )
 Reid, James John ( 1840 )
 Wilde, Thomas, 1st Baron Truro of Bowes ( 1840 )
 Perry, Thomas Erskine ( 1841 )
 Sartorius, George Rose ( 1841 )
 Maitland, Thomas, 11th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1843 )
 Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1844 )
 Cochrane, James ( 1845 )
 Richardson, John ( 1846 )
 Colvile, James William ( 1848 )
 Lyell, Charles, of Kinnordy, 1st and last Bt. ( 1848 )
 Romilly, John, 1st Baron Romilly ( 1848 )
 Carden, Robert Walter, 1st Bt. ( 1851 )
 Fox, Charles ( 1851 )
 Kindersley, Richard Torin ( 1851 )
 Potter, John ( 1851 )
 Nicholson, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1852 )
 Bethell, Richard, 1st Baron Westbury ( 1853 )
 James, John Kingston, 2nd Bt. ( 1854 )
 Maxwell, Peter Benson ( 1856 )
 Cooper, Daniel, 1st Bt. ( 1857 )
 Daly, Dominick Justin ( 1857 )
 Watts, James ( 1857 )
 Bright, Charles Tilston ( 1858 )
 Cairns, Hugh MacCalmont, 1st Earl Cairns ( 1858 )
 Fairbairn, Peter ( 1858 ), on the occasion of HM Queen Victoria's visit
 Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne ( 1861 )
 Collier, Robert Porrett, 1st Baron Monkswell of Monkswell ( 1863 )
 Gurney, Goldsworthy ( 1863 )
 Baker, Samuel White ( 1866 )
 Bovill, William ( 1866 )
 McKenna, Joseph Neale ( 1867 )
 Selwyn, Charles Jasper ( 1867 )
 Waterlow, Sydney Hedley, 1st Bt. ( 1867 )
 Baggallay, Richard ( 1868 )
 Fairbairn, Andrew ( 1868 )
 Watkin, Edward William, 1st Bt. ( 1868 )
 Coats, Peter ( 1869 )
 Hanson, Richard Davies ( 1869 )
 Strachey, John ( 1872 )
 Harcourt, William George Granville ( 1873 )
 Holker, John ( 1874 )
 Garth, Richard ( 1875 )
 Robinson, Bryan ( 1877 )
 Villiers, John Henry, 1st Baron de Villiers ( 1877 )
 Walker, Andrew Barclay, 1st Bt. ( 1877 )
 Bowen, Charles Synge Christopher, Baron Bowen of Colwood ( 1879 )
 Monckton, John Braddick ( 1880 )
 Humphreys, John ( 1881 )
 Owen, Hugh ( 1881 )
 Darvill, Henry ( 1883 )
 Porter, George Hornidge, 1st Bt. ( 1883 )
 Vane, Henry Morgan ( 1883 )
 Deane, James Parker ( 1885 )
 Lewis, William Thomas, 1st Baron Merthyr ( 1885 )
 Walter, Edward ( 1885 )
 Ball, Robert Stawell ( 1886 )
 Duckworth, Dyce, 1st Bt. ( 1886 )
 Hart, Andrew Searle ( 1886 )
 Maclagan, Andrew Douglas ( 1886 )
 Magnus, Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1886 )
 Bristowe, Henry Fox ( 1887 )
 Bullard, Harry ( 1887 )
 Cochrane, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1887 )
 Farrer, William James ( 1887 )
 Isaacs, Henry Aaron ( 1887 )
 Pryce-Jones, Pryce ( 1887 )
 Stephenson, Henry ( 1887 )
 Wilson, Alexander ( 1887 )
 Mackenzie, Morell ( 1888 )
 Marriott, William Thackeray ( 1888 )
 McOnie, William ( 1888 )
 Blomfield, Arthur William ( 1889 )
 Forbes Adam, Frank, 1st Bt. ( 1890 )
 Drummond-Hay, Francis Ringler ( 1891 )
 Dixon, Daniel, 1st Bt. ( 1892 )
 Smyly, Philip Crampton ( 1892 )
 Renals, Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1893 )
 Russell, Edward Richard, 1st Baron Russell of Liverpool ( 1893 )
 Dimsdale, Joseph Cockfield, 1st Bt. ( 1894 )
 Haden, Francis Seymour ( 1894 )
 Pitman, Isaac ( 1894 )
 Wigan, Frederick, 1st Bt. ( 1894 )
 Irving, Henry ( 1895 )
 Low, James, 1st Bt. ( 1895 )
 Nixon, Christopher John, 1st Bt. ( 1895 )
 Walpole, Charles George ( 1895 )
 Woodhouse, James Thomas, 1st Baron Terrington ( 1895 )
 Cruise, Francis Richard ( 1896 )
 Bancroft, Squire Bancroft ( 1897 )
 Bigham, John Charles, 1st Viscount Mersey ( 1897 )
 Blaker, John George, 1st Bt. ( 1897 )
 Cayzer, Charles William, 1st Bt. ( 1897 )
 Chambers, Robert Newman Pitt ( 1897 )
 Darling, Charles John, 1st Baron Darling ( 1897 )
 Marshall, Frederick ( 1897 )
 Ritchie, James Thomson, 1st and last Bt. ( 1897 )
 Macdonald, William Christopher ( 1898 )
 Samuel, Marcus, 1st Viscount Bearsted ( 1898 ), for services rendered in the salvage of H.M.S. Victorious
 Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Hardy, 1st Baron Cozens-Hardy ( 1899 )
 Jackson, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1899 )
 Strachey, Arthur ( 1899 )
 Weber, Hermann David ( 1899 ), for work on tuberculosis
 Brunton, Thomas Lauder, 1st Bt. ( 1900 )
 Buckley, Henry Burton, 1st Baron Wrenbury ( 1900 )
 Carson, Edward Henry, Baron Carson ( 1900 )
 Critchett, George Anderson, 1st Bt. ( 1901 )
 Eady, Charles Swinfen, 1st Baron Swinfen ( 1901 )
 Miller, Henry John ( 1901 )
 Shaughnessy, Thomas George, 1st Baron Shaughnessy ( 1901 )
 Bell, John Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Borwick, Robert Hudson, 1st Baron Borwick ( 1902 )
 Lodge, Oliver Joseph ( 1902 )
 Ropner, Emil Hugo Oscar Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Rucker, Arthur William ( 1902 )
 Thornycroft, John Isaac ( 1902 )
 Truscott, George Wyatt, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Ball, Charles Bent, 1st Bt. ( 1903 )
 Lambert, George Thomas ( 1903 )
 Venables-Vernon, William Henry ( 1903 )
 Brickwood, John, 1st Bt. ( 1904 )
 Colvin, Walter Mytton ( 1904 )
 Lawrence, Alfred Tristram, 1st Baron Trevethin ( 1904 )
 Morris, Edward Patrick, 1st Baron Morris ( 1904 )
 Stern, Edward David, 1st and last Bt. ( 1904 )
 Bull, William James, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 David, Sassoon Jacob, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Ebrahim, Currimbhoy, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Lowe, Francis William, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Redwood, Thomas Boverton, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Sausmarez, Havilland Walter, 1st and last Bt. ( 1905 )
 Smyly, Philip Crampton ( 1905 )
 Benn, John Williams, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Bethell, John Henry, 1st Baron Bethell ( 1906 )
 Bowater, Thomas Vansittart, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Morison, Thomas Brash, Lord Morison ( 1906 )
 Crisp, Frank, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 Dunn, William Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 Levy, Maurice, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 MacNaghten, Melville Leslie ( 1907 )
 Macmillan, Frederick Orridge ( 1907 )
 Burnett, David, 1st Bt. ( 1908 )
 Fleming, John ( 1908 )
 Baddeley, John James, 1st Bt. ( 1909 )
 Dawson, Arthur Trevor, 1st Bt. ( 1909 )
 Kemp, George, 1st Baron Rochdale ( 1909 )
 Low, Frederick ( 1909 )
 Tedder, Arthur John ( 1909 )
 Tree, Herbert Beerbohm ( 1909 )
 Hamilton-Grierson, Philip James ( 1910 )
 Horridge, Thomas Gardner ( 1910 )
 Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1910 )
 Robinson, Thomas Bilbe ( 1910 )
 Aitken, William Maxwell, 1st Baron Beaverbrook ( 1911 )
 Aske, Robert William, 1st Bt. ( 1911 )
 Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1911 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Thomas ( 1911 )
 Egerton, Reginald Arthur ( 1911 )
 Guinness, Arthur Robert ( 1911 )
 Ryan, Gerald Hemmington, 1st Bt. ( 1911 )
 Soares, Ernest Joseph ( 1911 )
 Bailhache, Clement Meacher ( 1912 )
 Beecham, Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1912 )
 Davidson, James Mackenzie ( 1912 )
 Holland, Alfred Reginald Sothern, 1st Bt. ( 1912 )
 Keightley, Samuel ( 1912 )
 Moynihan, Berkeley George Andrew, 1st Baron Moynihan ( 1912 )
 Atkin, James Richard, Baron Atkin ( 1913 )
 Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, 1st Viscount Buckmaster ( 1913 )
 Ebrahim, Fazulbhoy ( 1913 )
 Forbes-Robertson, Johnston ( 1913 )
 Harmood-Banner, John Sutherland, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Mathias, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Acland, Reginald Brodie Dyke ( 1914 )
 Lamb, Ernest Henry, 1st Baron Rochester ( 1914 )
 Redmayne, Richard Augustine Studdert ( 1914 )
 Thomas, William James, 1st Bt. ( 1914 )
 Cary, Robert Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1915 )
 Cave, George, 1st and last Viscount Cave ( 1915 )
 McCullagh, Crawford, 1st Bt. ( 1915 )
 Ohlson, Erik, 1st Bt. ( 1915 )
 Saltmarsh, Edward George ( 1915 )
 Sinha, Satyendra Prasanna, 1st Baron Sinha ( 1915 )
 Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of Birkenhead ( 1915 )
 Younger, Robert, Baron Blanesburgh ( 1915 )
 Beecham, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1916 )
 Middlebrook, William, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
 Wyldbore-Smith, Edmund Charles ( 1916 )
 Armstrong-Jones, Robert ( 1917 )
 Barran, Rowland Hirst ( 1917 )
 Birkmyre, Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Hambling, Henry Herbert, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Newton, Louis Arthur, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Roberts, Samuel, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Touche, George Alexander, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Weir, William, 1st Viscount Weir ( 1917 )
 Butt, Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Carr, Emsley ( 1918 )
 Duke, Henry Edward, 1st Baron Merrivale ( 1918 )
 Horder, Thomas Jeeves, 1st Baron Horder ( 1918 )
 Mountain, Edward Mortimer, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Seager, William Henry ( 1918 )
 Chitty, Thomas Willes, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Davson, Edward Rae, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Edge, Knowles ( 1919 )
 Fraser, John Malcolm, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Rose, Hugh Arthur, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Bird, Alfred Frederic, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Bryant, Francis Morgan ( 1920 )
 Hogg, Malcolm Nicholson ( 1920 )
 Hope, Harry, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Manners, George Espec John ( 1920 )
 Neill, Thomas ( 1920 )
 Newson, Percy Wilson, 1st and last Bt. ( 1920 )
 Walker, Alexander ( 1920 )
 Bates, Richard Dawson, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Blair, Reginald, 1st and last Bt. ( 1921 )
 Fox, John Charles ( 1921 )
 Ganzoni, Francis John Childs, 1st Baron Belstead ( 1921 )
 Richardson, Lewis, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Richardson, Philip Wigham, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Roberts, Walmorth Howland ( 1921 )
 Butler, George Beresford ( 1922 )
 Cockerline, Walter Herbert ( 1922 )
 Comyn-Platt, Thomas ( 1922 )
 Edge, William, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
 Hamilton, Collingwood George Clements, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
 Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1922 )
 Mackintosh, Harold Vincent, 1st Viscount Mackintosh of Halifax ( 1922 )
 Whyte, Alexander Frederick ( 1922 )
 Dance, George ( 1923 )
 Lyle, Charles Ernest Leonard, 1st Baron Lyle of Westbourne ( 1923 )
 Studd, John Edward Kynaston, 1st Bt. ( 1923 )
 Windham, Walter George ( 1923 )
 Windham, William ( 1923 )
 Hastings, Patrick Gardiner ( 1924 )
 Lees, William Clare, 1st Bt. ( 1924 )
 Macnaghten, Henry Pelham Wentworth ( 1924 )
 Nall, Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1924 )
 Talbot, George John ( 1924 )
 Wedgwood, Ralph Lewis, 1st Bt. ( 1924 )
 Lindsay, D'Arcy, 20th of Dowhill ( 1925 )
 Walker-Smith, Jonah Smith ( 1925 )
 Waring, Holburt Jacob, 1st Bt. ( 1925 )
 Barrett-Lennard, Fiennes Cecil Arthur ( 1926 )
 Boyd-Carpenter, Archibald ( 1926 )
 Cobham, Alan ( 1926 )
 Fairbairn, George ( 1926 )
 Ford, Patrick Johnston, 1st Bt. ( 1926 )
 Hawkey, Alfred James, 1st Bt. ( 1926 )
 Milne-Watson, David, 1st Bt. ( 1927 )
 Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith ( 1927 )
 Villiers, John Abraham ( 1927 )
 Vincent, Percy, 1st Bt. ( 1927 )
 Willson, Walter Stuart James ( 1927 )
 Aitchison, Stephen Harry, 1st Bt. ( 1928 )
 Bowen, George Bevan ( 1928 )
 Low, Austin ( 1928 )
 Margesson, Mortimer Reginald ( 1928 )
 Maugham, Frederick Herbert, 1st Viscount Maugham ( 1928 )
 McCowan, David, 1st Bt. ( 1928 )
 Spencer-Nairn, Robert, of Monimail, 1st Bt. ( 1928 )
 Whitaker, Albert Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1928 )
 Bowyer, George Edward Wentworth, 1st Baron Denham ( 1929 )
 Broadbridge, George Thomas, 1st Baron Broadbridge ( 1929 )
 Cahn, Julien, 1st Bt. ( 1929 )
 Cohen, Benjamin Arthur ( 1929 )
 Rolleston, William Gustavus Stanhope ( 1929 )
 Verdon-Roe, Edwin Alliott ( 1929 )
 Tottenham, Alexander Robert Loftus ( 1931 )
 Woodall, Ambrose Edgar, 1st Baron Uvedale of North End ( 1931 )
 Lawrence, Geoffrey Lawrence, 3rd Baron Trevethin ( 1932 )
 Mond, Robert Ludwig ( 1932 )
 Parcq, Herbert, Baron du Parcq ( 1932 )
 Wilkinson, George Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1932 )
 Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke ( 1933 )
 Campbell, Edward Taswell, 1st Bt. ( 1933 )
 Collett, Charles Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1933 )
 Macpherson, Thomas Stewart ( 1933 )
 Edmondson, Albert James, 1st Baron Sandford ( 1934 )
 Fitzroy, Charles Edward ( 1934 )
 Smith, Robert Workman, of Crowmallie, 1st Bt. ( 1934 )
 Womersley, Walter James, 1st Bt. ( 1934 )
 Bonham Carter, Charles ( 1935 )
 Harmsworth, Harold Cecil Aubrey ( 1935 )
 MacAndrew, Charles Glen, 1st Baron MacAndrew ( 1935 )
 Marquis, Frederick James, 1st Earl of Woolton ( 1935 )
 Davies, George Frederick ( 1936 )
 Seddon-Brown, Norman ( 1936 )
 Fetherston-Godley, Francis William Crewe ( 1937 )
 Jackson, Francis Stanley ( 1937 ), for services to cricket
 Price, Henry Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
 Walpole, Hugh Seymour ( 1937 )
 Wingfield, Anthony Henry ( 1937 )
 Wrottesley, Frederic John ( 1937 )
 Asquith, Cyril, Baron Asquith of Bishopstone ( 1938 )
 Bruce-Gardner, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1938 )
 Low, Stephen Philpot ( 1938 )
 Seager, George Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton of Saint Mellons ( 1938 )
 Wells, Sydney Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1938 )
 Wilson, Charles McMoran, 1st Baron Moran ( 1938 )
 Beerbohm, Henry Maximilian ( 1939 )
 Fraser, William, 1st Baron Strathalmond ( 1939 )
 Birkett, William Norman, 1st Baron Birkett ( 1941 )
 Champion de Crespigny, Constantine Trent ( 1941 )
 Gladstone, Hugh Steuart, of Capenoch ( 1941 )
 Newson-Smith, Frank Edwin, 1st Bt. ( 1941 )
 Alexander, Frank Samuel, 1st Bt. ( 1942 )
 Davson, Ivan Buchanan ( 1942 )
 Howard, John Curtois ( 1942 )
 Mills, Percy Herbert, 1st Viscount Mills ( 1942 )
 Page, Frederick Handley ( 1942 )
 Cohen, Lionel Leonard, Baron Cohen ( 1943 )
 Fox, John ( 1943 )
 Howard, Stanley Herbert ( 1943 )
 McNair, Arnold Duncan, 1st Baron McNair ( 1943 )
 Spens, William Patrick, 1st Baron Spens ( 1943 )
 Bowater, Eric Vansittart ( 1944 )
 Marks, Simon, 1st Baron Marks of Broughton ( 1944 )
 Wakefield, William Wavell, 1st Baron Wakefield of Kendal ( 1944 )
 Wilson, Thomas George ( 1944 )
 Acland-Troyte, Gilbert John ( 1945 )
 Chance, William Hugh Stobart ( 1945 )
 Coutanche, Alexander Moncrieff, Baron Coutanche ( 1945 )
 Heneage, Arthur Pelham ( 1945 )
 Holmes, Joseph Stanley, 1st and last Baron Dovercourt ( 1945 )
 Smith, Bracewell, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 Tennyson, Charles Bruce Locker ( 1945 )
 Ball, William Valentine ( 1946 )
 Daly, Clive Kirkpatrick ( 1946 )
 Jephcott, Harry, 1st Bt. ( 1946 )
 McNair, William Lennox ( 1946 )
 Meynell, Everard Charles Lindley ( 1946 )
 Rootes, Reginald Claud ( 1946 )
 Broun-Lindsay, Humphrey George Maurice ( 1947 )
 Olivier, Laurence Kerr, Baron Olivier ( 1947 )
 Pollock, Ronald Evelyn ( 1947 )
 Richardson, Ralph David ( 1947 )
 Ropner, William Guy ( 1947 )
 Ferranti, Vincent Ziani ( 1948 )
 Griffin, Lancelot Cecil Lepel ( 1948 )
 Birley, Oswald Joseph Hornby ( 1949 )
 Turner, James, 1st Baron Netherthorpe ( 1949 )
 Bellew, George Rothe ( 1950 )
 Chapman, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1950 )
 Hoskyns-Abrahall, Theo Chandos ( 1950 )
 Masson, James Irvine Orme ( 1950 )
 Manningham-Buller, Reginald Edward, 1st Viscount Dilhorne ( 1951 )
 Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baron Brain ( 1952 )
 Dashwood, Henry Thomas Alexander ( 1952 )
 Reed, Carol ( 1952 )
 Touche, Gordon Cosmo, 1st Bt. ( 1952 )
 Welch, George James Cullum, 1st Bt. ( 1952 )
 Ferguson, John Frederick ( 1953 )
 Leveson-Gower, Henry Dudley Gresham ( 1953 )
 Lloyd, Ernest Guy Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1953 )
 MacDougall, George Donald Alastair ( 1953 )
 Runciman, James Cochran Stevenson ( 1953 )
 Truscott, Denis Henry ( 1953 )
 Cameron, John, Lord Cameron ( 1954 )
 Dodds, Edward Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1954 )
 Lowry-Corry, Henry Charles ( 1954 )
 Mallinson, Stuart Sidney ( 1954 )
 Robinson, John Roland, 1st Baron Martonmere ( 1954 )
 Whitehead, Edgar Cuthbert Fremantle ( 1954 )
 Howard, Harold Walter Seymour, 1st Bt. ( 1955 )
 Stockdale, Edmund Villiers Minshull, 1st Bt. ( 1955 )
 Ashby, Eric, Baron Ashby ( 1956 )
 Bibby, Arthur Harold, 1st Bt. ( 1956 )
 Hooper, Frederic Collins, 1st Bt. ( 1956 )
 Jackson, Robert Gillman Allen ( 1956 )
 Channon, Henry ( 1957 )
 Crowther, Geoffrey, Baron Crowther ( 1957 )
 Gridley, Arnold Hudson, 2nd Baron Gridley ( 1957 )
 Mott-Radclyffe, Charles Edward ( 1957 )
 Parkinson, Kenneth Wade ( 1957 )
 Waley-Cohen, Bernard Nathaniel, 1st Bt. ( 1957 )
 Armstrong, Thomas Henry Wait ( 1958 )
 Rolland, Francis William ( 1958 )
 Thesiger, Gerald Alfred ( 1958 )
 Wills, Gerald ( 1958 )
 Cust, Lionel George Arthur ( 1959 )
 Pym, Charles Evelyn ( 1959 )
 Redgrave, Michael Scudamore ( 1959 )
 Ropner, Robert Desmond ( 1959 )
 Rugg, Edward Percy ( 1959 )
 Aitken, Robert ( 1960 )
 Buckley, Denys Burton ( 1960 )
 Hornby, Roger Antony ( 1960 )
 Llewellyn, David Treharne ( 1960 )
 Richardson, John Samuel, Baron Richardson ( 1960 )
 Russell, Charles Ritchie, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1960 )
 Vernon, Wilfred Douglas ( 1960 )
 Windham, Ralph ( 1960 )
 Wynne-Finch, William Heneage ( 1960 )
 Pelly, Kenneth Raymond ( 1961 )
 Widgery, John Passmore, Baron Widgery ( 1961 )
 Younger, James Paton ( 1961 )
 Langford-Holt, John Anthony ( 1962 )
 Fraser, Ian ( 1963 )
 Hogg, John Nicholson ( 1963 )
 Lubbock, Alan ( 1963 )
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Andrew James ( 1963 )
 McAlpine, Robert Edwin, Baron McAlpine of Moffat ( 1963 )
 Mynors, Roger Aubrey Baskerville ( 1963 )
 Constantine, Theodore, Baron Constantine of Stanmore ( 1964 )
 Douglass, Harry, Baron Douglass of Cleveland ( 1964 )
 Erskine, Derek Quicke ( 1964 )
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, James Roualeyn ( 1964 )
 Macarthur-Onslow, Denzil ( 1964 )
 Micklethwait, Robert Gore ( 1964 )
 Bush, John Fitzroy Duyland ( 1965 )
 Sorsbie, Malin ( 1965 )
 Stamp, Laurence Dudley ( 1965 )
 Stokes, Donald Gresham, Baron Stokes ( 1965 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Maurice Alberic ( 1965 )
 Brandon, Henry Vivian, Baron Brandon of Oakbrook ( 1966 )
 Schon, Frank, Baron Schon ( 1966 )
 Agnew, Norris Montgomerie ( 1967 )
 Bowater, Ian Frank ( 1967 )
 Jardine Paterson, John Valentine ( 1967 )
 Molony, Joseph Thomas ( 1967 )
 Roskill, John Ashton Wentworth ( 1967 )
 Sainsbury, Robert James ( 1967 )
 Barnett, Oliver Charles ( 1968 )
 Bridge, Nigel Cyprian, Baron Bridge of Harwich ( 1968 )
 Collett, Thomas Kingsley ( 1968 )
 Wallis, Barnes Neville ( 1968 )
 Betjeman, John ( 1969 )
 Chesterton, Oliver Sidney ( 1969 )
 Grant-Ferris, Robert Grant, Baron Harvington ( 1969 )
 McAlpine, Robin ( 1969 )
 Milne-Watson, Michael, 3rd Bt. ( 1969 )
 Rayne, Max, Baron Rayne ( 1969 )
 Studd, Peter Malden ( 1969 )
 Weidenfeld, Arthur George, Baron Weidenfeld ( 1969 )
 Ackner, Desmond James Conrad, Baron Ackner ( 1970 )
 Brightman, John Anson, Baron Brightman ( 1970 )
 Drake, Arthur Eric Courtney ( 1970 )
 Forte, Charles, Baron Forte ( 1970 )
 Oppenheimer, Philip Jack ( 1970 )
 Pilkington, Lionel Alexander Bethune ( 1970 )
 Barran, David Haven ( 1971 )
 Brookes, Raymond Percival, Baron Brookes ( 1971 )
 Clark, John Allen ( 1971 )
 Croom-Johnson, David Powell ( 1971 )
 Dainton, Frederick Sydney, Baron Dainton ( 1971 )
 Davis, John Henry Harris ( 1971 )
 Kleinwort, Cyril Hugh ( 1971 )
 Beaton, Cecil Walter Hardy ( 1972 )
 Braine, Bernard Richard, Baron Braine of Wheatley ( 1972 )
 Bryan, Paul Elmore Oliver ( 1972 )
 Bullock, Alan Louis Charles, Baron Bullock ( 1972 )
 Forbes-Leith, Robert Ian Algernon, of Fyvie, 2nd Bt. ( 1972 )
 Shillington, Robert Edward Graham ( 1972 )
 Strutt, Nigel Edward ( 1972 )
 Agnew, Geoffrey William Gerald ( 1973 )
 Carr-Ellison, Ralph Harry ( 1973 )
 Cudlipp, Hugh Kinsman, Baron Cudlipp ( 1973 )
 Fraser, David William ( 1973 )
 Maitland, Donald James Dundas ( 1973 )
 Rayner, Derek George, Baron Rayner ( 1973 )
 Style, Godfrey William ( 1973 )
 Williams, Edgar Trevor ( 1973 )
 Berkeley, Lennox Randal ( 1974 )
 Colville, John Rupert ( 1974 )
 Fisher, Nigel Thomas Loveridge ( 1974 )
 Marshall, Arthur Gregory George ( 1974 )
 Pilcher, Charles Dennis ( 1974 )
 Taylor, Francis, Baron Taylor of Hadfield ( 1974 )
 Beck, Edgar Charles ( 1975 )
 Boulton, William Whytehead, 3rd Bt. ( 1975 )
 Villiers, Charles English Hyde ( 1975 )
 Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville ( 1975 )
 Attenborough, Richard Samuel, Baron Attenborough ( 1976 )
 Beach, William Gerald Hugh ( 1976 )
 Goldsmith, James Michael ( 1976 )
 Marsh, Richard William, Baron Marsh ( 1976 )
 Phelps Brown, Henry ( 1976 )
 Albery, Donald Arthur Rolleston ( 1977 )
 Browne-Wilkinson, Nicolas Christopher Henry, Baron Browne-Wilkinson ( 1977 )
 Cadbury, George Adrian Hayhurst ( 1977 )
 Douglas, Edward Sholto ( 1977 )
 Durie, Alexander Charles ( 1977 )
 Hudson, Havelock Henry Trevor ( 1977 )
 Llewellyn, Henry Morton, 3rd Bt. ( 1977 )
 Wolfson, Leonard Gordon, Baron Wolfson ( 1977 )
 Astor, John Jacob ( 1978 )
 Chilver, Amos Henry, Baron Chilver ( 1978 )
 Down, Alastair Frederick ( 1978 )
 Laing, Hector, Baron Laing of Dunphail ( 1978 )
 Mustill, Michael John, Baron Mustill ( 1978 )
 Stone, John Richard Nicholas ( 1978 )
 Tombs, Francis Leonard, Baron Tombs ( 1978 )
 Bennett, Reginald Frederick Brittain ( 1979 )
 Wills, Hugh David Hamilton ( 1979 )
 Woolf, Harry Kenneth, Baron Woolf ( 1979 )
 Beloff, Max, Baron Beloff ( 1980 )
 Bingham, Thomas Henry, Baron Bingham of Cornhill ( 1980 )
 Clark, William Gibson Haig, Baron Clark of Kempston ( 1980 )
 Dowson, Philip Manning ( 1980 )
 Knights, Philip Douglas, Baron Knights ( 1980 )
 Meinertzhagen, Peter ( 1980 )
 Moores, John ( 1980 )
 Sainsbury, John Davan, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover ( 1980 )
 Sells, David Perronet ( 1980 )
 Woodbine Parish, David Elmer ( 1980 )
 Abbott, Albert Francis ( 1981 )
 Rees-Mogg, William, Baron Rees-Mogg ( 1981 )
 Ridsdale, Julian Errington ( 1981 )
 Sanderson, Charles Russell, Baron Sanderson of Bowden ( 1981 )
 Scott-Hopkins, James Sidney Rawdon ( 1981 )
 Cleminson, James Arnold Stacey ( 1982 )
 Cubitt, Hugh Guy ( 1982 )
 Green, Peter James Frederick ( 1982 )
 Harman, Jeremiah Le Roy ( 1982 )
 Hoskyns, John Austin Hungerford Leigh ( 1982 )
 Marshall, Walter Charles, Baron Marshall of Goring ( 1982 )
 Saunders, Peter ( 1982 )
 Shaw, Michael Norman, Baron Shaw of Northstead ( 1982 )
 Wade, William Oulton, Baron Wade of Chorlton ( 1982 )
 Boles, John Dennis ( 1983 )
 Burns, Terence, Baron Burns ( 1983 )
 Hamilton, Michael Aubrey ( 1983 )
 Macpherson, William Alan, of Cluny Macpherson and 6th of Blairgowrie, 27th Chief ( 1983 )
 Mayhew, Patrick Barnabas Burke, Baron Mayhew of Twysden ( 1983 )
 Neill, Francis Patrick, Baron Neill of Bladen ( 1983 )
 Nicholls, Donald James, Baron Nicholls of Birkenhead ( 1983 )
 Spender, Stephen Harold ( 1983 )
 Wyatt, Woodrow Lyle, Baron Wyatt of Weeford ( 1983 )
 Bevan, Timothy Hugh ( 1984 )
 Fawcett, James Edmund Sandford ( 1984 )
 Hoffenberg, Raymond ( 1984 )
 Le Marchant, Spencer ( 1984 )
 Page, Arthur John ( 1984 )
 Wells, John Julius ( 1984 )
 Wolfson, David, Baron Wolfson of Sunningdale ( 1984 )
 Blyth, James, Baron Blyth of Rowington ( 1985 )
 Feilden, Bernard Melchior ( 1985 )
 Hogg, Christopher Anthony ( 1985 )
 Russell-Johnston, David Russell, Baron Russell-Johnston ( 1985 )
 Somerville, John Nicholas ( 1985 )
 Sterling, Jeffrey Maurice, Baron Sterling of Plaistow ( 1985 )
 Tapsell, Peter Hannay Bailey ( 1985 )
 Thomas, Swinton Barclay ( 1985 )
 Trafford, Joseph Anthony Porteous, Baron Trafford ( 1985 )
 Fraser, Ian James ( 1986 )
 Mahon, John Denis ( 1986 )
 Millett, Peter Julian, Baron Millett ( 1986 )
 Rix, Brian Norman Roger, Baron Rix ( 1986 )
 Sandberg, Michael Graham Ruddock, Baron Sandberg ( 1986 )
 Ackers, James George ( 1987 )
 Alun-Jones, John Derek ( 1987 )
 Bowness, Peter Spencer, Baron Bowness ( 1987 )
 Lyell, Nicholas Walter, Baron Lyell of Markyate ( 1987 )
 Marshall, Colin Marsh, Baron Marshall of Knightsbridge ( 1987 )
 Mather, David Carol MacDonell ( 1987 )
 Brooke, Henry ( 1988 )
 Carswell, Robert Douglas, Baron Carswell ( 1988 )
 Drinkwater, John Muir ( 1988 )
 Fairbairn, Nicholas Hardwick, of Fordell ( 1988 )
 Hornby, Simon Michael ( 1988 )
 Jacobs, David Anthony, Baron Jacobs ( 1988 )
 Judge, Igor, Baron Judge ( 1988 )
 Smith, John Lindsay Eric ( 1988 )
 Walters, Dennis ( 1988 )
 Brittan, Leon, Baron Brittan of Spennithorne ( 1989 )
 Denholm, John Ferguson ( 1989 )
 Harrison, Rex Carey ( 1989 )
 McNair-Wilson, Patrick Michael Ernest David ( 1989 )
 Rothschild, Evelyn Robert Adrian ( 1989 )
 Trotman-Dickenson, Aubrey Fiennes ( 1989 )
 Bell, Timothy John Leigh, Baron Bell ( 1990 )
 Grierson, Ronald Hugh ( 1990 )
 Lloyd, Nicholas Markley ( 1990 )
 Marshall, Robert Michael ( 1990 )
 Pilkington, Antony Richard ( 1990 )
 Roberts, Ieuan Wyn Pritchard, Baron Roberts of Conwy ( 1990 )
 Sheppard, Allen John George, Baron Sheppard of Didgemere ( 1990 )
 Stirling, Archibald David ( 1990 )
 Swire, John Anthony ( 1990 )
 Tugendhat, Christopher Samuel, Baron Tugendhat ( 1990 )
 Blofeld, John Christopher Calthorpe ( 1991 )
 Gibbs, Martin St. John Valentine ( 1991 )
 Raison, Timothy Hugh Francis ( 1991 )
 Rogers, Richard George, Baron Rogers of Riverside ( 1991 )
 Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley, Baron Stewartby ( 1991 )
 Swinburn, Richard Hull ( 1991 )
 Walker, David Alan ( 1991 )
 Bogaerde, Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven ( 1992 )
 Cowdrey, Michael Colin, Baron Cowdrey of Tonbridge ( 1992 )
 Grant, Matthew Alistair ( 1992 )
 Hodgkin, Gordon Howard Eliot ( 1992 )
 Macpherson, Ronald Thomas Stewart, of Biallid ( 1992 )
 Maxwell-Hyslop, Robert John ( 1992 )
 Morrison, Peter Hugh ( 1992 )
 Quennell, Peter Courtney ( 1992 )
 Tennant, Anthony John ( 1992 )
 Walker, Harold, Baron Walker of Doncaster ( 1992 )
 Cooksey, David James Scott ( 1993 )
 Wiggin, Alfred William ( 1993 )
 Condon, Paul Leslie, Baron Condon ( 1994 )
 Gibbs, Roger Geoffrey ( 1994 )
 Gorst, John Michael ( 1994 )
 Madel, William David ( 1994 )
 Neville, Roger Albert Gartside ( 1994 )
 Parisi, Arabella ( 1994 )
 Turnberg, Leslie Arnold, Baron Turnberg ( 1994 )
 Bennett, Hugh Peter Derwyn ( 1995 )
 Cobham, Michael ( 1995 )
 Gilbert, Martin ( 1995 )
 Haselhurst, Alan Gordon Barraclough, Baron Haselhurst ( 1995 )
 Simon, David Alec Gwyn, Baron Simon of Highbury ( 1995 )
 Tumim, Stephen ( 1995 )
 Kirkham, Graham, Baron Kirkham ( 1996 )
 Stevens, Jocelyn Edward Greville ( 1996 )
 Trotman, Alexander James, Baron Trotman ( 1996 )
 Dear, Geoffrey James, Baron Dear ( 1997 )
 Forsyth, Michael Bruce, Baron Forsyth of Drumlean ( 1997 )
 Mawhinney, Brian Stanley, Baron Mawhinney ( 1997 )
 Needham, Richard Francis ( 1997 )
 Richards, Stephen Price ( 1997 )
 Stoppard, Tom ( 1997 )
 Birt, John, Baron Birt ( 1998 )
 Browne, Edmund John Phillip, Baron Browne of Madingley ( 1998 )
 Stevenson, Henry Dennistoun, Baron Stevenson of Coddenham ( 1998 )
 Dummett, Michael Anthony Eardley ( 1999 )
 McLintock, Charles Alan ( 1999 )
 Morris, John, Baron Morris of Aberavon ( 1999 )
 Sieff, David Daniel ( 1999 )
 Smith, Robert Haldane, Baron Smith of Kelvin ( 1999 )
 Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen ( 1999 )
 Bellamy, Christopher William, Baron Bellamy ( 2000 )
 Ridley, Nicholas Harold Lloyd ( 2000 )
 Rowe-Beddoe, David Sydney, Baron Rowe-Beddoe ( 2000 )
 Agnew, Rudolph Ion Joseph ( 2001 )
 Etherton, Terence Michael Elkan Barnet, Baron Etherton ( 2001 )
 Noon, Gulam Kaderbhoy, Baron Noon ( 2002 )
 Bhattacharyya, Sushantha Kumar, Baron Bhattacharyya ( 2003 )
 Moores, Peter ( 2003 )
 Kerslake, Robert Walter, Baron Kerslake ( 2005 )
 Sacks, Jonathan Henry, Baron Sacks ( 2005 )
 Cornelius-Wheeler, Selwyn Charles ( 2006 )
 Silva, George Desmond ( 2007 )
 Barling, Gerald Edward ( 2008 )
 Beith, Alan James, Baron Beith ( 2008 )
 Jowell, Roger Mark ( 2008 )
 Marshall, Michael John ( 2010 )
 Heywood, Jeremy John, Baron Heywood of Whitehall ( 2012 )
 Hendy, Peter Gerard, Baron Hendy of Richmond Hill ( 2013 )
 Randall, Alexander John, Baron Randall of Uxbridge ( 2013 )
 Stuart-Smith, Jeremy Hugh ( 2013 )
 Day-Lewis, Daniel Michael Blake ( 2014 )
 Pickles, Eric Jack, Baron Pickles ( 2015 )
 Clegg, Nicholas William Peter ( 2018 )
 Clifton-Brown, Geoffrey Robert ( 2018 )
 Hoyle, Lindsay Harvey ( 2018 )
 Melville-Ross, Timothy David ( 2018 )
 Leigh-Pemberton, James Henry ( 2019 )
 Duncan Smith, George Iain ( 2020 )
 Habgood, Francis John Stapylton ( 2020 )
 Stevens, Simon Laurence, Baron Stevens of Birmingham ( 2021 )
 Weston, Guy ( 2021 )
 Amis, Martin ( 2023 )
Count equals 2406 individuals.
Knight Bachelor
 Arundell, John
 Backhouse, John
 Bacon, Nathaniel
 Bacon, Nicholas
 Barker, Robert
 Belasyse, Henry
 Boteler, Philip
 Bottomley, Peter James
 Campbell, John
 Carleton-Smith, Michael Edward
 Coventry, Reginald William
 Dane, Richard Morris
 Grattan, Edmund Arnaut
 Jermy, John
 Johnson, Harold Featherston
 Kadoorie, Elly
 Moore, John, 1st Bt.
 Palmer, Geoffrey, 1st Bt.
 Robinson, Thomas, 1st Baron Grantham
 Somerset, Charles
 Waldegrave, William
 Webster, Peter Edlin
 Beaumont, Henry, 5th Baron Beaumont ( 1399 )
 Lancaster, John, Duke of Bedford ( 1399 )
 Beaumont, John, 1st Viscount Beaumont ( 1426 )
 Bellingham, Henry ( 1460 )
 Berkeley, William, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley ( 1475 )
 Tuchet, James, 7th Baron Audley (of Heleigh) ( 1475 )
 Bourchier, John, 2nd Lord Berners ( 1478 )
 Bellingham, Roger ( 1487 )
 St. John, John ( 1488 )
 Beaumont, John ( 1490 )
 Bourchier, John, 1st Earl of Bath ( 1494 )
 Berkeley, Maurice ( 1509 )
 Brooke, George, 9th Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1523 ), by the Earl of Surrey, after the capture of Morlaix
 Russell, Francis, 2nd Earl of Bedford ( 1547 )
 Somerset, William, 3rd Earl of Worcester ( 1547 )
 Aston, Walter, 1st Lord Aston of Forfar ( 1603 )
 Compton, Thomas ( 1603 )
 Murray, Patrick, 1st Earl of Tullibardine ( 1603 )
 Bacon, Nathaniel ( 1604 )
 Bevill, Robert ( 1604 )
 Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Berkshire ( 1605 )
 Somerset, Thomas, 1st Viscount Somerset ( 1605 )
 Bourchier, Edward, 4th Earl of Bath ( 1610 )
 St. John, Oliver, 1st Earl of Bolingbroke ( 1610 )
 Stewart, William, 2nd Lord Blantyre ( 1610 )
 Robartes, Richard, 1st Baron Robartes of Truro ( 1616 )
 Spencer, William, 2nd Baron Spencer of Wormleighton ( 1616 )
 Scott, William, of Harden ( 1618 )
 Becher, William ( 1619 )
 Becher, William ( 1622 )
 Howard, Charles, 2nd Earl of Berkshire ( 1626 )
 Russell, William, 1st Duke of Bedford ( 1626 )
 St. John, Oliver, 5th Baron Saint John of Bletso ( 1626 )
 Pole, William ( 1641 )
 Piers, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1658 )
 Becher, William ( 1660 )
 Scott, Gideon, of Highchester ( 1660 )
 Knyvett, John ( 1661 )
 Hume-Campbell, Alexander, 2nd Earl of Marchmont ( 1696 )
 Blakeney, William, 1st and last Baron Blakeney of Castle Blakeney ( 1756 )
 Blackall, Thomas ( 1762 )
 Parker, Hyde ( 1779 )
 Hawkins, William ( 1783 )
 Freeman-Mitford, John, 1st Baron Redesdale ( 1793 )
 Hartwell, Francis John, 1st Bt. ( 1802 )
 Massy, Hugh ( 1808 )
 Fellowes, James ( 1810 )
 Barton, Freeman ( 1814 )
 Bayley, Daniel ( 1815 )
 Abbott, Charles, 1st Baron Tenterden ( 1816 )
 Eustace, John Rowland ( 1816 )
 Crichton, Archibald William ( 1817 )
 Harvey, Robert John ( 1817 )
 Crichton, Alexander ( 1821 )
 Graves, Thomas North, 2nd Lord Graves, Baron of Gravesend ( 1821 )
 Greene, Jonas ( 1821 )
 Hope, John ( 1821 )
 Fellowes, Thomas ( 1828 )
 Leighton, James Boniface ( 1830 )
 Pollock, Frederick, 1st Bt. ( 1834 )
 Jejeebhoy, Jamsetjee, 1st Bt. ( 1842 )
 Cockburn, Alexander James Edmund, of Langton, 12th Bt. ( 1850 )
 Wood, William Page, 1st and last Baron Hatherley ( 1851 )
 Burke, John Bernard ( 1854 )
 Bramwell, George William Wilshire, 1st and last Baron Bramwell of Hever ( 1856 )
 Playfair, Hugh Lyon ( 1856 )
 Clifford, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1858 )
 Armstrong, William George, 1st and last Baron Armstrong of Cragside ( 1859 )
 Robinson, Hercules George Robert, 1st Baron Rosmead ( 1859 )
 Blackburn, Colin, Baron Blackburn of Killearn ( 1860 )
 Donaldson, Stuart Alexander ( 1860 )
 Wilde, James Plaisted, 1st and last Baron Penzance ( 1860 )
 Phillimore, Robert Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1862 )
 Thomson, William, 1st and last Baron Kelvin ( 1866 ), for his services in helping to lay the trans-Atlantic cable
 Hannen, James, Baron Hannen ( 1868 )
 O'Connell, Maurice Charles ( 1868 )
 Causton, Joseph ( 1869 )
 Cusack, Ralph Smith ( 1873 )
 James, Henry, 1st and last Baron James of Hereford ( 1873 )
 Palliser, William ( 1873 )
 Field, William Ventris, 1st and last Baron Field ( 1875 )
 Lindley, Nathaniel, Baron Lindley ( 1875 )
 Hawkins, Henry, 1st and last Baron Brampton of Brampton ( 1876 )
 Howell, Thomas ( 1876 )
 Lopes, Henry Charles, 1st Baron Ludlow ( 1876 )
 Tennant, David ( 1877 )
 Leighton, Frederic, 1st and last Baron Leighton ( 1878 )
 Charley, William Thomas ( 1880 )
 Bramwell, Frederick Joseph, 1st and last Bt. ( 1881 )
 Jenkins, John Jones, 1st Baron Glantawe ( 1881 )
 Chubb, George Hayter, 1st Baron Hayter ( 1885 )
 Davey, Horace, Baron Davey ( 1886 )
 Foster, Balthazar Walter, 1st Baron Ilkeston ( 1886 )
 Grubb, Howard ( 1887 )
 Harrison, Henry Leland ( 1887 )
 King, James, 1st Bt. ( 1887 )
 Stuart, Andrew ( 1887 )
 Gray, William ( 1890 )
 Romer, Robert ( 1890 )
 Hickman, Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1891 )
 Jeune, Francis Henry, 1st and last Baron St. Helier ( 1891 )
 Barnes, John Gorell, 1st Baron Gorell ( 1892 )
 Reid, Robert Threshie, 1st and last Baron Loreburn ( 1894 )
 Roe, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Roe ( 1894 )
 Tangye, Richard ( 1894 )
 Conway, William Martin, 1st and last Baron Conway of Allington ( 1895 )
 Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, 1st Viscount Finlay ( 1895 )
 Furness, Christopher, 1st Baron Furness ( 1895 )
 Jehangir, Cowasjee, 1st Bt. ( 1895 )
 Leese, Joseph Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1895 )
 Sebag-Montefiore, Joseph ( 1896 )
 Findlater, William Huffington ( 1897 )
 Guinness, Reginald Robert Bruce ( 1897 )
 Noel-Paton, Joseph ( 1897 )
 Cleeve, Thomas Henry ( 1900 )
 Jebb, Richard Claverhouse ( 1900 )
 Ramsay, George Dalhousie ( 1900 )
 Collins, Richard Henn, Baron Collins ( 1901 )
 Dewar, Thomas Robert, 1st and last Baron Dewar ( 1902 )
 Franks, John Hamilton ( 1902 )
 Holland, William Henry, 1st Baron Rotherham ( 1902 )
 Marshall, Horace Brooks, 1st and last Baron Marshall of Chipstead ( 1902 )
 Thomas, Alfred, 1st and last Baron Pontypridd ( 1902 )
 Baker, Augustine Fitzgerald ( 1903 )
 Clark, William Ovens ( 1903 )
 Layard, Charles Peter ( 1903 )
 Petrie, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1903 )
 Franks, Kendal Matthew St. John ( 1904 )
 Warrington, Thomas Rolls, 1st Baron Warrington of Clyffe ( 1904 )
 Chapman, Edward Francis ( 1905 )
 Gardner, Robert ( 1905 )
 Kennedy, Alexander Blackie William ( 1905 )
 Robson, William Snowdon, Baron Robson ( 1905 )
 Byers, John William ( 1906 )
 Cable, Ernest, 1st and last Baron Cable ( 1906 )
 Marshall, Joseph Herbert ( 1906 )
 Moulton, John Fletcher, Baron Moulton ( 1906 )
 Norman, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Parker, Robert John, Baron Parker of Waddington ( 1906 )
 Pigott, Thomas Digby ( 1906 )
 Royds, Clement Molyneux ( 1906 )
 Pickford, William, 1st and last Baron Sterndale ( 1907 )
 Considine, Heffernan James Fritz Joseph John ( 1908 )
 Dalziel, James Henry, 1st and last Baron Dalziel of Kirkcaldy ( 1908 )
 Duveen, Joseph Joel ( 1908 )
 Graham, Hugh, 1st and last Baron Atholstan ( 1908 )
 Wakefield, Charles Cheers, 1st and last Viscount Wakefield ( 1908 )
 Boot, Jesse, 1st Baron Trent ( 1909 )
 Dill, Samuel ( 1909 )
 Hamilton, John Andrew, 1st and last Viscount Sumner ( 1909 )
 Hanson, Francis Stanhope ( 1909 )
 Riddell, George Allardice, 1st and last Baron Riddell ( 1909 )
 Shackleton, Ernest Henry ( 1909 )
 Bowen, Charles Christopher ( 1910 )
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland ( 1910 )
 Ranchhodlal, Chinubhai Madhowlal, 1st Bt. ( 1910 )
 Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1910 )
 Casement, Roger David ( 1911 )
 Griffith-Boscawen, Arthur Sackville Trevor ( 1911 )
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1911 )
 Marks, George Croydon, 1st and last Baron Marks ( 1911 )
 Plender, William, 1st and last Baron Plender ( 1911 )
 Courtauld-Thomson, Courtauld Greenwood, 1st and last Baron Courtauld-Thomson ( 1912 )
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice ( 1912 )
 Fox, Francis ( 1912 )
 Gibbon, William Duff ( 1912 )
 Graham, Cecil William Noble ( 1912 )
 Partington, Edward, 1st Baron Doverdale ( 1912 )
 Walston, Charles ( 1912 )
 Addis, Charles Stewart ( 1913 )
 Schuster, Claud, 1st and last Baron Schuster ( 1913 )
 Frank, Howard George, 1st Bt. ( 1914 )
 Rutherford, Ernest, 1st and last Baron Rutherford of Nelson ( 1914 )
 Sankey, John, 1st and last Viscount Sankey ( 1914 )
 Stanley, Albert Henry, 1st and last Baron Ashfield ( 1914 )
 Abercrombie, John Robertson ( 1915 )
 Geddes, Eric Campbell ( 1916 )
 Hewart, Gordon, 1st Viscount Hewart ( 1916 )
 Smith, George Adam ( 1916 )
 Dunning, Leonard, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Foster, Thomas Gregory, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 MacGeough Bond, Walter William Adrian ( 1917 )
 Roche, Alexander Adair, Baron Roche ( 1917 )
 Thornycroft, William ( 1917 )
 McCraith, James William ( 1918 )
 Pilditch, Philip Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Raeburn, William Hannay, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Barrie, Charles ( 1919 )
 Coode-Adams, John ( 1919 )
 Duveen, Joseph, 1st and last Baron Duveen ( 1919 )
 Greer, Frederick Arthur, 1st and last Baron Fairfield ( 1919 )
 Harrison, John, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Lenox-Conyngham, Gerald Ponsonby ( 1919 )
 Read, Alfred Henry ( 1919 )
 Beattie, John Carruthers ( 1920 )
 Churchman, William Alfred, 1st and last Bt. ( 1920 )
 Hughes-Morgan, David, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Browning, Jeffrey ( 1921 )
 Hindley, John Scott, 1st Viscount Hyndley ( 1921 )
 Pollock, Adrian Donald Wilde ( 1921 )
 Pryke, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Butterfield, Frederick William Louis ( 1922 )
 Gardiner, Robert Septimus ( 1922 )
 Hogg, Douglas McGarel, 1st Viscount Hailsham ( 1922 )
 Iliffe, Edward Mauger, 1st Baron Iliffe ( 1922 )
 Pollock, Edward James ( 1922 )
 Prescott, William Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
 Romer, Mark Lemon, Baron Romer ( 1922 )
 Bell, Ernest Albert Seymour ( 1923 )
 Blacker, George Francis ( 1923 )
 Montagu, Ernest William Sanders ( 1923 )
 Hohler, Gerald Fitzroy ( 1924 )
 Pollock, Henry Edward ( 1924 )
 Fremantle, Selwyn Howe ( 1925 )
 Hope, Herbert James ( 1925 )
 James, William Bernard ( 1925 )
 Batho, Charles Albert, 1st Bt. ( 1926 )
 Clauson, Albert Charles, 1st and last Baron Clauson ( 1926 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Charles Henry Brabazon ( 1926 )
 McLean, Robert ( 1926 )
 Bagge, Richard Ludwig ( 1927 )
 Head, Henry ( 1927 )
 Hurd, Archibald ( 1928 )
 Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and last Baron Merriman ( 1928 )
 Playfair, Nigel Ross ( 1928 )
 Portal, Spencer John, 4th Bt. ( 1928 )
 Verney, Ralph, 1st Bt. ( 1928 )
 Carmichael, James Forrest Halkett ( 1929 )
 Jowitt, William Allen, 1st and last Earl Jowitt ( 1929 )
 Vaughan-Morgan, Kenyon Pascoe ( 1929 )
 Wentworth-Stanley, Charles ( 1929 )
 Bennett, Ernest Nathaniel ( 1930 )
 Cripps, Richard Stafford ( 1930 )
 Crittall, Valentine George, 1st and last Baron Braintree ( 1930 )
 Gore, St. John Corbet ( 1930 )
 Layton, Walter Thomas, 1st Baron Layton ( 1930 )
 Caulcutt, John ( 1931 )
 Elphinstone, Lancelot Henry ( 1931 )
 Jenks, Maurice, 1st Bt. ( 1931 )
 Robinson, Roy Lister, 1st and last Baron Robinson ( 1931 )
 Rowan-Hamilton, Sydney Orme ( 1931 )
 Fremantle, Francis Edward ( 1932 )
 Goddard, Raynor, Baron Goddard ( 1932 )
 Greenaway, Percy Walter, 1st Bt. ( 1932 )
 Hall, William Clarke ( 1932 )
 Hurd, Percy Angier ( 1932 )
 Pooley, Ernest Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1932 )
 Rowley, Arthur Langford Sholto, 8th Baron Langford of Summerhill ( 1932 )
 Siddeley, John Davenport, 1st Baron Kenilworth ( 1932 )
 Stewart, Halley ( 1932 )
 Young, Hubert Winthrop ( 1932 )
 Alcock, Walter Galpin ( 1933 )
 Caine, Derwent Hall, 1st Bt. ( 1933 )
 Dalrymple-Hay, Harley Hugh ( 1933 )
 Lyons, Henry Edward, 1st and last Baron Ennisdale ( 1933 )
 McCorkell, Dudley Evelyn Bruce ( 1933 )
 Ramsden, Eugene Joseph Squire Hargreaves, 1st and last Baron Ramsden ( 1933 )
 Berkeley, George Harold Arthur Comyns ( 1934 )
 Fraser, William Jocelyn Ian, Baron Fraser of Lonsdale ( 1934 )
 Joseph, Samuel George, 1st Bt. ( 1934 )
 Perring, John Ernest ( 1934 )
 Porter, Samuel Lowry, Baron Porter ( 1934 )
 Barcroft, Joseph ( 1935 )
 Boyd-Orr, John, 1st and last Baron Boyd-Orr ( 1935 )
 Greene, Wilfred Arthur, 1st and last Baron Greene ( 1935 )
 Taylor, Alfred Jesse, 1st Baron Grantchester ( 1935 )
 Webb-Johnson, Alfred Edward, 1st and last Baron Webb-Johnson ( 1936 )
 Babington, Anthony Brutus ( 1937 )
 Hodson, Francis Lord Charlton, Baron Hodson ( 1937 )
 Moore, Thomas Cecil Russell, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
 Simonds, Gavin Turnbull, 1st and last Viscount Simonds ( 1937 )
 Tucker, Frederick James, Baron Tucker ( 1937 )
 Bomford, Hugh ( 1938 )
 Morton, Fergus Dunlop, Baron Morton of Henryton ( 1938 )
 Nicholson, Sydney Hugo ( 1938 )
 Butler, Edwin John ( 1939 )
 Forster, John, 1st Baron Forster of Harraby ( 1939 )
 Gordon, Eyre ( 1939 )
 McCraith, Douglas ( 1939 )
 Rowland, Frederick, 1st Bt. ( 1939 )
 Bennett, Peter Frederick Blaker, 1st and last Baron Bennett of Edgbaston ( 1941 )
 Townsend, John Sealy Edward ( 1941 )
 Uthwatt, Augustus Andrewes, Baron Uthwatt ( 1941 )
 Godber, Frederick, 1st and last Baron Godber ( 1942 )
 Locock, Guy Harold ( 1942 )
 Morton, George Bond ( 1942 )
 Forbes, Archibald Finlayson ( 1943 )
 Fyfe, Cleveland ( 1943 )
 Gibbons, William Kenrick ( 1943 )
 Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron Denning ( 1944 )
 Drummond, Jack Cecil ( 1944 )
 Dunnington-Jefferson, John Alexander, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Evershed, Francis Raymond, 1st and last Baron Evershed ( 1944 )
 Fleming, Alexander ( 1944 )
 Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey ( 1944 )
 Havilland, Geoffrey ( 1944 )
 Houldsworth, Hubert Stanley, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Blackall, Henry William Butler ( 1945 )
 Crofton, Richard Marsh ( 1945 )
 Mander, Geoffrey Le Mesurier ( 1945 )
 Morris, John William, Baron Morris of Borth-y-Gest ( 1945 )
 Fitzmaurice, Desmond FitzJohn ( 1946 )
 Hordern, Archibald Frederick ( 1946 )
 Palmer, Charles Eric ( 1946 )
 Robins, Thomas Ellis, 1st and last Baron Robins ( 1946 )
 fforde, Arthur Frederick Brownlow ( 1946 )
 Jenkins, David Llewelyn, Baron Jenkins ( 1947 )
 Devlin, Patrick Arthur, Baron Devlin ( 1948 )
 Erskine, Robert George ( 1948 )
 Grigson, Wilfrid ( 1948 )
 Harington, Charles Robert ( 1948 )
 Pearce, Edward Holroyd, Baron Pearce ( 1948 )
 Beresford, George de la Poer ( 1949 )
 Cohen, Henry, 1st Baron Cohen of Birkenhead ( 1949 )
 Duff, James Fitzjames ( 1949 )
 Erskine, John Maxwell, 1st Baron Erskine of Rerrick ( 1949 )
 Donovan, Terence Norbert, Baron Donovan ( 1950 )
 Ingram, Bruce Stirling ( 1950 )
 Parker, Hubert Lister, Baron Parker of Waddington ( 1950 )
 Barry, Gerald Reid ( 1951 )
 Hamilton, George Rostrevor ( 1951 )
 Hinton, Christopher, Baron Hinton of Bankside ( 1951 )
 Pearson, Colin Hargreaves, Baron Pearson ( 1951 )
 Upjohn, Gerald Ritchie, Baron Upjohn ( 1951 )
 Errington, Eric, 1st Bt. ( 1952 )
 Gavan Duffy, Charles ( 1952 )
 Cox, Harold Roxbee, Baron Kings Norton ( 1953 )
 Eliott Lockhart, Allan Robert ( 1953 )
 Gillett, Sydney Harold, 1st Bt. ( 1953 )
 Grubb, Kenneth George ( 1953 )
 Heaton-Armstrong, John Dunamace ( 1953 )
 Holford, William Graham, Baron Holford ( 1953 )
 Hopwood, Francis John, 3rd Baron Southborough ( 1953 )
 Hunt, Henry Cecil John, Baron Hunt ( 1953 )
 Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1953 )
 Morris, Charles Richard, Baron Morris of Grasmere ( 1953 )
 Orr Ewing, Ian Leslie ( 1953 )
 Edwards, Eric Cyril Boyd, Baron Chelmer ( 1954 )
 King-Hall, William Stephen, Baron King-Hall ( 1954 )
 Taylor, Charles Stuart ( 1954 )
 Todd, Alexander Robert, Baron Todd ( 1954 )
 Evans, Ifor, Baron Evans of Hungershall ( 1955 )
 Hallinan, Eric ( 1955 )
 Murray, Keith Anderson Hope, Baron Murray of Newhaven ( 1955 )
 Buchanan-Smith, Alick Drummond, Baron Balerno ( 1956 )
 Diplock, William John Kenneth, Baron Diplock ( 1956 )
 James, Eric John Francis, Baron James of Rusholme ( 1956 )
 Spearman, Alexander Cadwallader Mainwaring ( 1956 )
 Summers, Gerard Spencer ( 1956 )
 Williamson, Thomas, Baron Williamson ( 1956 )
 Cadbury, Egbert ( 1957 )
 Campbell, John Middleton, Baron Campbell of Eskan ( 1957 )
 Geddes, Charles John, Baron Geddes of Epsom ( 1957 )
 Snow, Charles Percy, Baron Snow ( 1957 )
 Black, William Rushton, Baron Black ( 1958 )
 Butler, James Ramsay Montagu ( 1958 )
 Dunphie, Charles Anderson Lane ( 1958 )
 Edmund-Davies, Herbert Edmund, Baron Edmund-Davies ( 1958 )
 Erlanger, Gerard John Regis Leo ( 1958 )
 Jackson, Willis, Baron Jackson of Burnley ( 1958 )
 Grattan-Bellew, Arthur John ( 1959 )
 Gunning, Orlando Peter ( 1959 )
 Hurd, Anthony Richard, Baron Hurd ( 1959 )
 Phillimore, Henry Josceline ( 1959 )
 Pollen, Walter Michael Hungerford ( 1959 )
 Prior-Palmer, Otho Leslie ( 1959 )
 Simon, Jocelyn Edward Salis, Baron Simon of Glaisdale ( 1959 )
 Janner, Barnett, Baron Janner ( 1960 )
 Jessel, Richard Hugh ( 1960 )
 Perring, Ralph Edgar, 1st Bt. ( 1960 )
 Adeane, Robert Philip Wyndham ( 1961 )
 Baker, John Fleetwood, Baron Baker ( 1961 )
 Beamish, Tufton Victor Hamilton, Baron Chelwood ( 1961 )
 Constantine, Learie Nicholas, Baron Constantine ( 1961 )
 Scarman, Leslie George, Baron Scarman ( 1961 )
 Stourton, Ivo Herbert Evelyn Joseph ( 1961 )
 Wilberforce, Richard Orme, Baron Wilberforce ( 1961 )
 Rawlinson, Peter Anthony Grayson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell ( 1962 )
 Summers, Richard Felix ( 1962 )
 Carron, William John, Baron Carron ( 1963 )
 Lindsay, William ( 1963 )
 Abbott, Myles John ( 1964 )
 Darwin, Robert Vere ( 1964 )
 Foot, Dingle Mackintosh ( 1964 )
 Joly de Lotbinière, Edmond ( 1964 )
 Woolley, Harold, Baron Woolley ( 1964 )
 Fiske, William Geoffrey, Baron Fiske ( 1965 )
 Donaldson, John Francis, Baron Donaldson of Lymington ( 1966 )
 Lane, Geoffrey Dawson, Baron Lane ( 1966 )
 Fisher, Henry Arthur Pears ( 1968 )
 Flowers, Brian Hilton, Baron Flowers ( 1969 )
 Grade, Lew, Baron Grade ( 1969 )
 Keith, Kenneth Alexander, Baron Keith of Castleacre ( 1969 )
 Collins, William Alexander Roy ( 1970 )
 Greene, Sidney Francis, Baron Greene of Harrow Weald ( 1970 )
 Howe, Richard Edward Geoffrey, Baron Howe of Aberavon ( 1970 )
 Catherwood, Henry Frederick Ross ( 1971 )
 Griffiths, William Hugh, Baron Griffiths ( 1971 )
 Lowry, Robert Lynd Erskine, Baron Lowry ( 1971 )
 Plummer, Arthur Desmond Herne, Baron Plummer of St Marylebone ( 1971 )
 Sieff, Marcus Joseph, Baron Sieff of Brimpton ( 1971 )
 Weinstock, Arnold, Baron Weinstock ( 1971 )
 Barnetson, William Denholm, Baron Barnetson ( 1972 )
 Porter, George, Baron Porter of Luddenham ( 1972 )
 Ryder, Sydney Thomas Franklin, Baron Ryder of Eaton Hastings ( 1972 )
 Taylor, John Aked, Baron Ingrow ( 1972 )
 Templeman, Sydney William, Baron Templeman ( 1972 )
 Cockfield, Francis Arthur, Baron Cockfield ( 1973 )
 Johnston, Charles Collier, Baron Johnston of Rockport ( 1973 )
 Peake, Harald ( 1973 )
 Plumb, Charles Henry, Baron Plumb ( 1973 )
 Benson, Henry Alexander, Baron Benson ( 1974 )
 Brotherston, John Howie Flint ( 1974 )
 Chichester-Clark, Robert ( 1974 )
 Delfont, Bernard, Baron Delfont ( 1974 )
 Elliott, Robert William, Baron Elliott of Morpeth ( 1974 )
 Ezra, Derek, Baron Ezra ( 1974 )
 Kadoorie, Lawrence, Baron Kadoorie ( 1974 )
 Oliver, Peter Raymond, Baron Oliver of Aylmerton ( 1974 )
 Perry, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron Perry of Walton ( 1974 )
 Bannister, Roger ( 1975 )
 Goff, Robert Lionel Archibald, Baron Goff of Chieveley ( 1975 )
 Mackworth-Young, Robert Christopher ( 1975 )
 Blair-Cunynghame, James Ogilvy ( 1976 )
 Bolton, Frederick Bernard ( 1976 )
 Slynn, Gordon, Baron Slynn of Hadley ( 1976 )
 Cooke, Robin Brunskill, Baron Cooke of Thorndon ( 1977 )
 Hall, Peter Reginald Frederick ( 1977 )
 Hunter, Robert Brockie, Baron Hunter of Newington ( 1977 )
 Butterfield, William John Hughes, Baron Butterfield ( 1978 )
 Lloyd, Anthony John Leslie, Baron Lloyd of Berwick ( 1978 )
 Pennock, Raymond William, Baron Pennock ( 1978 )
 King, John Leonard, Baron King of Wartnaby ( 1979 )
 Phillips, David Chilton, Baron Phillips of Ellesmere ( 1979 )
 Woolf, Harry Kenneth, Baron Woolf ( 1979 )
 Huggins, Alan Armstrong ( 1980 )
 Jakobovits, Immanuel, Baron Jakobovits ( 1981 )
 Kimball, Marcus Richard, Baron Kimball ( 1981 )
 Maude, Angus Edmund Upton, Baron Maude of Stratford-upon-Avon ( 1981 )
 Monro, Hector Seymour Peter, Baron Monro of Langholm ( 1981 )
 Feldman, Basil Samuel, Baron Feldman ( 1982 )
 Hobhouse, John Stewart, Baron Hobhouse of Woodborough ( 1982 )
 Nolan, Michael Patrick, Baron Nolan ( 1982 )
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1983 )
 Dearing, Ronald Ernest, Baron Dearing ( 1984 )
 Dean, Arthur Paul, Baron Dean of Harptree ( 1985 )
 Haslam, Robert, Baron Haslam ( 1985 )
 Hoffmann, Leonard Hubert, Baron Hoffmann ( 1985 )
 Morgan-Giles, Morgan Charles ( 1985 )
 Saville, Mark Oliver, Baron Saville of Newdigate ( 1985 )
 Turner, Michael John ( 1985 )
 Kilpatrick, Robert, Baron Kilpatrick of Kincraig ( 1986 )
 Mobbs, Gerald Nigel ( 1986 )
 Richardson, Ivor Lloyd Morgan ( 1986 )
 Warnock, Geoffrey James ( 1986 )
 Murray, John Anthony Jerningham ( 1987 )
 Pattie, Geoffrey Edwin ( 1987 )
 Prentice, Reginald Ernest, Baron Prentice ( 1987 )
 Copisarow, Alcon Charles ( 1988 )
 Elworthy, Peter Herbert ( 1988 )
 Hutton, James Brian Edward, Baron Hutton ( 1988 )
 Imbert, Peter Michael, Baron Imbert ( 1988 )
 Mitchell, David Bower ( 1988 )
 Goodhart, William Howard, Baron Goodhart ( 1989 )
 Amis, Kingsley William ( 1990 )
 Foster, Norman Robert, Baron Foster of Thames Bank ( 1990 )
 Fowler, Peter Norman, Baron Fowler ( 1990 )
 Cope, John Ambrose, Baron Cope of Berkeley ( 1991 )
 Lloyd Webber, Andrew, Baron Lloyd-Webber ( 1992 )
 Rankin, Alick Michael ( 1992 )
 Balchin, Robert George Alexander, Baron Lingfield ( 1993 )
 Bland, Francis Christopher Buchan ( 1993 )
 Brittan, Samuel ( 1993 )
 Collins, John Alexander ( 1993 )
 Frost, David Paradine ( 1993 )
 Johnstone, John Raymond ( 1993 )
 Verney, Lawrence John ( 1993 )
 Wilson, Nicholas Allan Roy, Lord Wilson of Culworth ( 1993 )
 Walker, Robert, Baron Walker of Gestingthorpe ( 1994 )
 Lofthouse, Geoffrey, Baron Lofthouse of Pontefract ( 1995 )
 Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam ( 1995 )
 Spicer, William Michael Hardy, Baron Spicer ( 1996 )
 Ouseley, Herman George, Baron Ouseley ( 1997 )
 Patel, Narendra Babubhai, Baron Patel ( 1997 )
 Guinness, Kenelm Ernest Lee, 4th Bt. ( 1998 )
 Serota, Nicholas Andrew ( 1999 )
 Coleridge, Paul James Duke ( 2000 )
 Arthur, Gavyn Farr ( 2002 )
 Horne, Alistair Allan ( 2003 )
 Nunneley, Charles Kenneth Roylance ( 2003 )
 Leigh Fermor, Patrick Michael ( 2004 )
 Pinsent, Matthew Clive ( 2005 )
 Savory, Michael ( 2006 )
 Ennals, Paul Martin ( 2009 )
 Keswick, Henry Neville ( 2009 )
 Lee, Christopher Frank Carandini ( 2009 )
 Ribeiro, Bernard Francisco, Baron Ribeiro ( 2009 )
 Cecil, Henry Richard Amherst ( 2011 )
 Garnier, Edward Henry, Baron Garnier ( 2012 )
 Hildyard, Robert Henry Thoroton ( 2012 )
 Hughes-Hallett, Thomas Michael Sydney ( 2012 )
 Leigh, Edward Julian Egerton ( 2013 )
 Sants, Hector William Hepburn ( 2013 )
 Scott, David Richard Alexander ( 2013 )
 Cash, William Nigel Paul ( 2014 )
 Fish, David Royden ( 2014 )
 Grimstone, Gerald Edgar ( 2014 )
 Malcolm, Noel Robert ( 2014 )
 Palmer, Godfrey Henry Oliver ( 2014 )
 Soames, Arthur Nicholas Winston, Baron Soames of Fletching ( 2014 )
 Agnew, Theodore Thomas More, Baron Agnew of Oulton ( 2015 )
 Bellingham, Henry Campbell, Baron Bellingham ( 2016 )
 Fergusson, Alexander Charles Onslow ( 2016 )
 Scruton, Roger Vernon ( 2016 )
 Beevor, Antony James ( 2017 )
 Johnstone, Clive Charles Carruthers ( 2019 )
Count equals 538 individuals.
Knight Bachelor (K.B.)
 Newton, Michael, 4th Bt.
 Arundell, John ( 1399 ), at the coronation of King Henry IV
 Arundell, Thomas ( 1483 ), at the coronation of King Richard III
 Arundell, Thomas ( 1533 ), at the coronation of Anne Boleyn
 Compton, Henry, 1st Lord Compton ( 1567 ), by Robert, Earl of Leicester
 Lee, Joseph Cocksey ( 1882 ), for services in connection with the Treaty of 1881 between Great Britain and France
 Martin, Robert Edmund ( 1939 )
 Stopford, John Sebastian Bach, Baron Stopford of Fallowfield ( 1941 )
 Herbert, Edwin Savory, Baron Tangley ( 1943 )
 Clarke, Anthony Peter, Baron Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony ( 1993 )
 Sugar, Alan Michael, Baron Sugar ( 2000 )
Count equals 11 individuals.
Knight Bachelor by Isabella Catolica of Spain
 Parker, Hyde
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight Bachelor by the Comte de Dunois at Siege of Rouen
 Monypenny, William, 1st Lord Monypenny ( 1449 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight Banneret
 Brydges, Edmund, 2nd Baron Chandos of Sudeley
 Clifford, Roger, 5th Lord Clifford
 Fraser, Simon
 Fraser, Simon
 Mansel, Hugh
 Mansel, Thomas
 Maunsell, Robert
 Molyneux, Thomas
 Molyneux, Thomas
 North, Roger, 2nd Baron North
 Peshall, Hugh
 Seymour, John
 Wake, Nicholas
 Darcy, Norman ( 1284 )
 Molyneux, William ( 1286 )
 Warre, Roger, 1st Lord la Warre ( 1300 )
 Courtenay, Hugh, 1st Earl of Devon ( 1308 )
 Darcy, Philip, 1st Lord Darcy ( 1322 )
 Lestrange, Ebles, 1st Lord Strange ( 1326 )
 Courtenay, Hugh, 2nd Earl of Devon ( 1327 )
 Lestrange, Roger, 4th Lord Strange (of Knockyn) ( 1327 )
 Willoughby, John, 2nd Lord Willoughby de Eresby ( 1327 )
 Bradeston, Thomas, 1st Lord Bradeston ( 1330 )
 Cobham, Reynold, 1st Lord Cobham (of Sterborough) ( 1339 )
 Basset, Ralph, 2nd Lord Basset of Drayton ( 1341 )
 Burghersh, Bartholomew, 1st Lord Burghersh ( 1341 )
 Bardolf, John, 3rd Lord Bardolf ( 1345 )
 Beauchamp, John, 1st Lord Beauchamp (of Warwick) ( 1349 )
 Cobham, John, 2nd Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1354 ), with an annuity of 100 marks
 Molyneux, William ( 1367 )
 Cobham, John, 3rd Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1370 )
 Bourchier, John, 2nd Baron Bourchier ( 1380 )
 Camoys, Thomas, 1st Lord Camoys ( 1383 )
 Stewart, William ( 1385 )
 Pilkington, John ( 1471 )
 Assheton, Ralph ( 1482 )
 Stanley, Edward, 1st Lord Monteagle ( 1482 )
 Blount, James ( 1487 )
 Darcy, Thomas, 1st Lord Darcy ( 1497 )
 West, Thomas, 8th Lord la Warre ( 1513 )
 West, Thomas, 9th Lord la Warre ( 1513 )
 Windsor, Andrews, 1st Baron Windsor ( 1513 )
 Brooke, Thomas, 8th Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1514 )
 Mackinnon, Lachlan, of Strathaird, 28th Chief of MacKinnon ( 1651 ), by King Charles II, on the field of Worcester
 Lindsay, John, 20th Earl of Crawford ( 1743 )
Count equals 45 individuals.
Knight Commander, Hanoverian Order (K.C.H.)
 Anderson, Paul
 Arthur, George, 1st Bt.
 Baillie, George
 Barton, Robert
 Bayley, Daniel
 Boyle, Courtenay
 Brooke-Pechell, Samuel John, 3rd Bt.
 Church, Richard
 Cloete, Abraham Josias
 Collier, Francis Augustus
 Cotton, Willoughby
 Dalbiac, James Charles
 Dick, Robert Henry
 Dickson, Alexander
 Douglas, Neil, of Glenfinart
 Doyle, John, 1st and last Bt.
 Drummond, Adam, 7th of Megginch Castle
 Drummond-Graeme, George, 10th of Inchbrakie
 Dunn, David
 Egerton, Charles Bulkeley
 FitzGerald, Robert Lewis
 FitzRoy, Charles Augustus
 Gosset, William
 Halford, Henry Vaughan, 1st Bt.
 Hanbury, John
 Hawker, Thomas
 Hay, John
 Head, Francis Bond, 1st Bt.
 Higgins, Samuel Gordon
 Hillyar, James
 Jerningham, George Sulyarde
 Loring, John Wentworth
 Lyons, Edmund, 1st Baron Lyons
 Maude, James Ashley
 Maxwell, Charles William
 McCaskill, John
 McCreagh, Michael
 Money, William Taylor
 Montagu, William Augustus
 Mulcaster, Frederick William
 Mulcaster, William Howe
 O'Connell, Maurice Charles Philip
 O'Connell, Maurice Charles Philip
 O'Conor, Richard
 Parish, Woodbine
 Pellew, Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds
 Peyton, John Strutt
 Pigot, Hugh
 Ponsonby, Frederick Cavendish
 Seymour, George Francis
 Seymour, Horace Beauchamp
 Southwell, Charles
 Spencer, Richard
 Spencer, Robert Cavendish
 Stanhope, Francis Charles
 Townshend, Horatio George Powys
 Townshend, James Nugent Boyle Bernardo
 Verner, William, 1st Bt.
 Viney, James
 Walker, Frederick Nathaniel
 Whatley, Joseph
 Whitmore, George
 Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Oakhampton and Redwood ( 1815 )
 Vivian, Richard Hussey, 1st Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1816 )
 Doyle, Charles William ( 1819 )
 Murray, James, 1st Baron Glenlyon ( 1820 )
 Cockburn, George ( 1821 )
 Ashburnham, George, 3rd Earl of Ashburnham ( 1827 )
 Carmichael Smyth, James, 1st Bt. ( 1829 )
 Denison, Albert Denison, 1st Baron Londesborough ( 1829 )
 Sidney, Philip Charles, 1st Baron De L'Isle and Dudley of Penshurst ( 1830 )
 Ivory, James ( 1831 )
 Ussher, Thomas ( 1831 )
 Campbell, John Nicholl Robert, 2nd Bt. ( 1832 )
 Eustace, William Cornwallis ( 1832 )
 Farquhar, Arthur ( 1832 )
 Schomberg, Charles Marsh ( 1832 )
 Ximenes, David ( 1832 )
 Harris, William George, 2nd Baron Harris ( 1833 )
 Barrie, Robert ( 1834 )
 Currey, Edmund ( 1834 )
 Lindsay, Patrick ( 1834 )
Count equals 82 individuals.
Knight Commander, Order of Hanover (K.C.H.)
 Farquhar, Arthur
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight Commander, Order of St. Michael and St. George (K.C.M.G.)
 Addis, John Mansfield
 Airey, Terence Sydney
 Allen, George Wigram
 Allen, Richard Hugh Stanley
 Antrobus, Reginald Laurence
 Ardagh, John Charles
 Armitage, Robert Perceval
 Ashmore, Alexander Murray
 Balck, Victor Gustaf
 Baldwin, John
 Barclay, Colville Adrian de Rune
 Barclay, George Head
 Barclay-Harvey, Charles Malcolm
 Bateman-Champain, John
 Bateman-Champain, John Underwood
 Bates, Charles Loftus
 Battershill, William Denis
 Beaumont, Henry Hamond Dawson
 Beit, Otto John, 1st Bt.
 Beith, John Greville Stanley
 Belfield, Henry Conway
 Bell, Gawain Westray
 Bell, Joshua Peter
 Bellairs, William
 Bergne, John Henry Gibbs
 Berkley, George
 Best, Thomas Alexander Vans
 Bingham, Cecil Edward
 Bingham, Francis Richard
 Birch, Arthur Nonus
 Birch, Ernest Woodford
 Birch, James Frederick Noel
 Bland, Neville
 Blomfield, Richard Massie
 Bols, Louis Jean
 Bolton, George Lewis French
 Bonham-Carter, Edgar
 Bottomley, James Reginald Alfred
 Bourke, George Deane
 Bowen, Charles
 Boyle, Charles Cavendish
 Braddon, Edward Nicholas Coventry
 Brett, Wilford
 Bridges, George Tom Molesworth
 Broadmead, Philip Mainwaring
 Brooking, Harry Triscott
 Brown, George Malloch, Baron Malloch-Brown
 Brown, Hanbury
 Butler, Nevile Montagu
 Caine, Michael Harris
 Cairns, William Wellington
 Campbell, Francis Alexander
 Campbell, George William Robert
 Campion, William Robert
 Capper, Thomson
 Carcano, Miguel Angel, honorary
 Cardew, Frederic
 Carrington, Frederick
 Carter, John
 Cave, Basil Shillito
 Cayley, Walter de Sausmarez
 Chadwick, John Edward
 Charles, Noel Hughes Havelock, 3rd Bt.
 Charlton, Edward Francis Benedict
 Chaytor, Edward Walter Clervaux
 Cheetham, Joshua Milne Crompton
 Cheyne, William Watson, of Leagarth, 1st Bt.
 Clauson, Eugene
 Clayton, Gilbert Falkingham
 Clifford, Henry Hugh, V.C.
 Cole, David
 Colomb, John Charles Ready
 Colvile, Henry Edward
 Cordeaux, Harry Edward Spiller
 Crankshaw, Eric Norman Spencer
 Creswell, Michael Justin
 Crewe, Charles Preston
 Cunliffe-Owen, Francis Philip
 Cusack-Smith, Thomas Berry, 5th Bt.
 Cutler, Arthur Roden, V.C.
 Daunt, Timothy Lewis Achilles
 Davidson, Walter Edward
 Davies, Francis John
 Dawkins, Charles Tyrwhitt
 Deas-Thomson, Edward
 Delacombe, Rohan
 Denison-Pender, John Denison
 Dickson, Frederick
 Dormer, Cecil Francis Joseph
 Douglas, Charles Eurwicke
 Douglas, John
 Drummond, Victor Arthur Wellington
 Dunstan, Wyndham Rowland
 Edwards, James Bevan
 Edwards, James Bevas
 Elliot, Thomas Frederick
 Ellison, Gerald Francis
 Everett, William
 Eyre, George
 Eyres, Henry Charles Augustus
 Fanshawe, Hew Dalrymple
 Fawcett, Henry
 Fergusson, James Andrew
 Fergusson, James, of Kilkerran, 6th Bt.
 Festing, Francis Worgan
 Figg, Leonard Clifford William
 Fisher, Godfrey Arthur
 Fleming, Sandford
 Fowler, John, 1st Bt.
 Francis, Richard Trevor Langford
 Freeling, Sanford
 Fuller, John Michael Fleetwood, 1st Bt.
 Furse, Ralph Dolignon
 Furse, William Thomas
 Gairdner, Charles Henry
 Gallwey, Thomas Lionel John
 Garratt, Francis Sudlow
 Garrod, Archibald Edward
 Gascoigne, Julian Alvery
 Gascoigne, William Julius
 Gault, James
 George, Robert Allingham
 Glass, Leslie Charles
 Glubb, Frederic Manley
 Godley, Alexander John
 Goodlad, Alastair Robertson, Baron Goodlad
 Gosselin, Martin Le Marchant Hadsley
 Graaff, Jacobus Arnoldus Combrinck
 Grafftey-Smith, Laurence Barton
 Grant Duff, Evelyn Mountstuart
 Greene, Hugh Carleton
 Greenly, John Henry Maitland
 Greville, George
 Gubbins, Colin
 Gurdon, William Brampton
 Gurney, Hugh
 Hall Hall, Herbert
 Hall, William Reginald
 Hare, Steuart Welwood
 Harley, Robert William
 Harris, Charles Alexander
 Harrison, Geoffrey Wedgwood
 Harvey, Henry Paul
 Hayman, Peter Telford
 Haynes-Smith, William Frederick
 Heath, Gerard Moore
 Helm, Alexander Knox
 Henderson, Brodie Haldane
 Henderson, Nevile Meyrick
 Heneker, William Charles Giffard
 Henniker-Heaton, Herbert
 Hildyard, David Henry Thoroton
 Hill, Clement Lloyd
 Hill, Stephen John
 Hill, Thomas St. Quintin
 Hillier, Walter Caine
 Hincks, Francis
 Hoare, Reginald Hervey
 Hodgson, Arthur
 Hodgson, Arthur
 Hodgson, Arthur
 Hodson, Arnold Wienholt
 Holmes, Stephen Lewis
 Howard, Francis
 Howard-Vyse, Richard Granville Hylton
 Hutton, Edward Thomas Henry
 Jekyll, Herbert
 Jerningham, Hubert Edward Henry
 Joly de Lotbinière, Henri Gustave
 Kennedy, Francis
 Kennedy, John Gordon
 Kimball, George Vero
 King-Harman, Charles Anthony
 Kirkpatrick, George Airey
 Kirkwood, Robert Lucian Morrison
 Knaggs, Samuel William
 Knollys, Clement Courtenay
 Knollys, Courtenay
 Knox, Adrian
 Knox, Thomas George
 Kortright, Cornelius Henderickson
 Kourkoumelles, Demetrios
 Labouchere, George Peter
 Lacaita, James Philip
 Laffan, Robert
 Lambert, Henry Charles Miller
 Lanyon, William Owen
 Lawley, Arthur, 6th Baron Wenlock
 Laycock, Joseph Frederick
 Laycock, Robert Edward
 Leech, Stephen
 Lefroy, John Henry
 Liddell, William Andrew
 Lindsay, James
 Lister, Reginald
 Lister, Thomas Villiers
 Lister, William
 Loehnis, Clive
 Lowther, Henry Cecil
 Lowther, Henry Crofton
 Lubbock, Nevile
 Luke, Harry Charles
 Lynden-Bell, Arthur Lynden
 MacDougall, Raibeart
 Mackenzie, George Sutherland
 Maclean, Donald
 Macleay, George
 Mallet, William Ivo
 Mansfield, Alan James
 Mansfield, Charles Edward
 Mare, Arthur James
 Marshall, Frederick
 Marshall, Peter Harold Reginald
 Mathew, George Benvenuto Buckley
 Mathews, Lloyd William
 Matthew, George Buckley
 Maud, Humphrey John Hamilton
 Maxse, Henry FitzHardinge Berkeley
 Maxwell, William Edward
 McBride, Richard
 McIlwraith, Robert Malcolm
 Melville, Eugene
 Menzies, Stewart Graham
 Meville, George
 Michael, Kenneth
 Millington-Drake, Eugene John Henry Vanderstegen
 Mills, James
 Mogg, John Frederick, Baron Mogg
 Money, Alonzo
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Alan Richard
 Montgomery, Robert Arundel Kerr
 Morgan, John Albert Leigh
 Morland, Oscar Charles
 Morland, Oscar Charles
 Morland, Thomas Lethbridge Napier
 Muirhead, David Francis
 Mundy, Robert Miller
 Munro, Richard Gordon
 Murdoch, Thomas William Clinton
 Murray, John Hubert Plunkett
 Myrddin-Evans, Guildhaume
 Naesmyth, James, of Posso, 3rd Bt.
 Nelson, Edward Montague
 Newland, Foster Reuss
 Newton, Edward
 Newton, Francis James
 Nicholson, Douglas Romilly Lothian
 Noel, Gerard Henry Uctred
 O'Brien, Charles Richard Mackey
 O'Brien, John Terence
 O'Brien, Terence
 O'Shanassy, John
 Onslow, William Henry
 Osborne, Francis D'Arcy Godolphin, 12th Duke of Leeds
 Paget, Alfred Wyndham
 Pakenham, Francis John
 Pakenham, William Christopher
 Palairet, Charles Michael
 Palmer, Herbert Richmond
 Parsons, Charles
 Parsons, Harold Daniel Edmund
 Pearson, Charles Knight
 Peel, Frederick
 Penrose, Charles Vinicombe
 Perowne, John Victor Thomas Woolrych Talt
 Petre, George Glynn
 Phillips, Herbert
 Philp, Robert
 Phipps, Constantine Edmund Henry
 Pinching, Horace Henderson
 Pink, Ivor Thomas Montague
 Pulteney, William
 Reilly, Francis Savage
 Rickett, Denis Hubert Fletcher
 Ridley, William John
 Robertson, John Struan
 Robinson, William Cleaver Francis
 Robinson, William Henry
 Ross, Ronald
 Ruggles-Brise, Harold Goodeve
 Russell, Claud Frederick William
 Russell, Odo William Theophilus Villiers
 Rycroft, Julian Miles Wemyss
 Sadler, James Hayes
 Samuel, Saul, 1st Bt.
 Sanderson, Percy
 Scanlen, Thomas Charles
 Scarlett, Peter William Shelley Yorke
 Schuster, George Ernest
 Scott, Ian Dixon
 Scrivener, Patrick
 Selby, Walford Harmood Montague
 Sharples, Richard Christopher
 Shepstone, Theophilus
 Shuckburgh, John Evelyn
 Shute, Cameron Deane
 Simpson-Orlebar, Michael Keith Orlebar
 Slatin, Rudolph Carl
 Smith, Gerard
 Smith, Gerard
 Smyth, Edward Selby
 Smyth, Henry Augustus
 Smyth, Leicester
 Snagge, Thomas William
 Solomon, William Henry
 Spencer, Walter Baldwin
 Starke, Hayden Erskine
 Stevens, John Melior
 Stewart, James Marshall
 Stopford, Frederick William
 Storrs, Ronald Henry Amherst
 Stovin, Frederick
 Strachey, Charles
 Stronge, Francis William
 Sykes, Richard Adam
 Symes, George Stewart
 Tagart, Harold Arthur Lewis
 Taylor, Henry
 Thomas, Derek Morison David
 Thomson, William Montgomerie
 Torrens, Henry
 Tothill, Hugh
 Townley, Walter Beaupré
 Travers, Robert
 Trotter, Henry
 Troubridge, Ernest Charles Thomas
 Troutbeck, John Monro
 Tupper, Charles Hibbert
 Turnbull, Roland Evelyn
 Turville, Francis Charles Fortescue
 Urquhart, Andrew
 Vaes, unknown
 Verdon, George Frederick
 Vyvyan, George Rawlinson
 Wade-Gery, Robert Lucian
 Wallinger, Geoffrey Arnold
 Walsham, John Scarlett Warren, 4th Bt.
 Walsham, John, 2nd Bt.
 Walwyn, Humphrey Thomas
 Ward, Edward Wolstenholme
 Waterlow, Sydney Philip Perigal
 Watts, Herbert Edward
 Weigall, William Ernest George Archibald, 1st and last Bt.
 Wellesley, Victor Alexander Augustus Henry
 Whigham, Robert Dundas
 Whitehead, James Beethom
 Wickham, Charles George
 Wiggin, Charles Douglas
 Wilkinson, Percival Spearman
 Williams, Michael Sanigear
 Williams, Michael Sanigear
 Wilson, David
 Windley, Edward Henry
 Winsloe, Alfred Leigh
 Winterton, Thomas John Willoughby
 Wood, Alexander
 Woodhouse, Tom Percy
 Woods, Robert Wilmer
 Woods, Wilfrid Wentworth
 Wrench, John Evelyn Leslie
 Wright, Andrew Barkworth
 Wright, Paul Herve Giraud
 Wrixon, Henry John
 Wyndham, George Hugh
 Youens, Peter William
 Maitland, Anthony, 10th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1820 )
 Macdonell, James ( 1837 )
 Wolff, Henry Drummond ( 1862 )
 Adderley, Charles Bowyer, 1st Baron Norton ( 1869 )
 Doyle, Charles Hastings ( 1869 )
 Gore-Browne, Thomas ( 1869 )
 Lyttelton, George William, 4th Lord Lyttelton, Baron of Frankley ( 1869 )
 Robinson, Hercules George Robert, 1st Baron Rosmead ( 1869 )
 Rogers, Frederick, 1st and last Baron Blachford ( 1869 )
 Keppel, William Coutts, 7th Earl of Albemarle ( 1870 )
 Rose, John, 1st Bt. ( 1870 )
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley ( 1870 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, Arthur, 1st Baron Stanmore ( 1871 )
 Kennedy, Arthur Edward ( 1871 )
 Lowry-Corry, Somerset Richard, 4th Earl of Belmore ( 1872 )
 Torrens, Robert Richard Chute ( 1872 )
 Gavan Duffy, Charles ( 1873 )
 Phipps, George Augustus Constantine, 2nd Marquess of Normanby ( 1874 )
 FitzMaurice, George William Hamilton, 6th Earl of Orkney ( 1875 )
 Gregory, William Henry ( 1875 )
 Layard, Charles Peter ( 1876 )
 Holland, Henry Thurstan, 1st Viscount Knutsford ( 1877 )
 Hely Hutchinson, John Luke George, 5th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty ( 1879 )
 Tupper, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1879 )
 Weld, Frederick Aloysius ( 1880 )
 Bell, Joshua Peter ( 1881 )
 Colvin, Auckland ( 1881 )
 Hart, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1882 )
 Meade, Richard James, 4th Earl of Clanwilliam ( 1882 )
 Molteno, John Charles ( 1882 )
 Villiers, John Henry, 1st Baron de Villiers ( 1882 )
 Whitmore, George Stoddart ( 1882 )
 Dawes, Edwyn Sandys ( 1884 )
 FitzGerald, Gerald ( 1885 )
 Sackville-West, Lionel, 2nd Baron Sackville of Knole ( 1885 )
 Wood, Christiana Eliza ( 1885 )
 Clarke, Marshal James ( 1886 )
 Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys ( 1886 )
 Playfair, Robert Lambert ( 1886 )
 Stawell, William Foster ( 1886 )
 Vivian, Hussey Crespigny, 3rd Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1886 )
 Onslow, William Hillier, 4th Earl of Onslow ( 1887 )
 Preston, Jenico William Joseph, 14th Viscount Gormanston ( 1887 )
 Sanderson, Thomas Henry, 1st and last Baron Sanderson ( 1887 )
 Vincent, Edgar, 1st and last Viscount D'Abernon ( 1887 )
 Blake, Henry Arthur ( 1888 )
 Gallwey, Michael Henry ( 1888 )
 Powell, George Smyth ( 1888 )
 Hay, James Shaw ( 1889 )
 Macgregor, William ( 1889 )
 Portal, Gerald Herbert ( 1892 )
 Tennant, David ( 1892 )
 Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st and last Baron Sydenham of Combe ( 1893 )
 Evans, Francis Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1893 )
 Agnew, James Wilson ( 1894 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1894 )
 Baillie-Hamilton, William Alexander ( 1897 )
 Darley, Frederick Matthew ( 1897 )
 Strickland, Gerald Paul Joseph Cajetan Carmel Antony Martin, 1st and last Baron Strickland ( 1897 )
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st Bt. ( 1898 )
 Fane, Edmund Douglas Veitch ( 1899 )
 Lygon, William, 7th Earl Beauchamp ( 1899 )
 Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1899 )
 Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Baron Tennyson of Aldworth ( 1899 )
 Bruce, James Andrew Thomas ( 1900 )
 Gallwey, Thomas Joseph ( 1900 )
 Haworth-Booth, Francis Fitzgerald ( 1900 )
 Barrington, William Augustus Curzon ( 1901 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1901 )
 Cameron, Ewen ( 1901 )
 Dering, Henry Nevill, 9th Bt. ( 1901 )
 Forrest, John ( 1901 )
 Girouard, Edward Percy Cranwell ( 1901 )
 Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry, 1st and last Baron Lugard ( 1901 )
 St. John, Frederic Robert ( 1901 )
 Ward, Joseph George, 1st Bt. ( 1901 )
 French, George Arthur ( 1902 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, 1st Earl of Ypres ( 1902 )
 Herbert, Michael Henry ( 1902 )
 Sutton, George Morris ( 1904 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Alexander, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1905 )
 Plunket, William Lee, 5th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1905 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1906 )
 Thesiger, Frederick John Napier, 1st Viscount Chelmsford ( 1906 )
 Olivier, Sydney Haldane, 1st and last Baron Olivier ( 1907 )
 Gibson-Carmichael, Thomas David, 1st and last Baron Carmichael ( 1908 )
 Philipps, Owen Cosby, 1st and last Baron Kylsant ( 1909 )
 Probyn, Leslie ( 1909 )
 Galway, Henry Lionel ( 1910 )
 Bailey, Abe, 1st Bt. ( 1911 )
 Dickson-Poynder, John Poynder, 1st and last Baron Islington ( 1911 )
 Carden, Lionel Edward Gresley ( 1912 )
 Ellison-Macartney, William Grey ( 1912 )
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Chancellor, John Robert ( 1913 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Edward Herbert ( 1913 )
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1913 )
 Kennedy, Robert John ( 1913 )
 Morris, Edward Patrick, 1st Baron Morris ( 1913 )
 Robinson, Thomas Bilbe ( 1913 )
 Tyrrell, William George, 1st and last Baron Tyrrell of Avon ( 1913 )
 Bowen, Charles Christopher ( 1914 )
 Stanley, Arthur Lyulph, 5th Baron Sheffield ( 1914 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1915 )
 Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1915 )
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1st and last Viscount Byng of Vimy ( 1915 )
 Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevil, 1st Bt. ( 1915 )
 Carden, Sackville Hamilton ( 1916 )
 Carnegie, Lancelot Douglas ( 1916 )
 Drummond, James Eric, 16th Earl of Perth ( 1916 )
 Findlay, Mansfeldt de Cardonnel ( 1916 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1916 )
 Law, William Algernon ( 1916 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
 Babington, James Melville ( 1917 )
 Campbell, Walter ( 1917 )
 Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode ( 1917 )
 Curtis, Reginald Salmond ( 1917 )
 Dering, Herbert Guy Nevill ( 1917 )
 Dundas, Charles Hope, of Dundas ( 1917 )
 Newdegate, Francis Alexander ( 1917 )
 Peel, Arthur Robert ( 1917 )
 Rumbold, Horace George Montagu, 9th Bt. ( 1917 )
 Adye, John ( 1918 )
 Barrow, George de Symons ( 1918 )
 Cadman, John, 1st Baron Cadman ( 1918 )
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerran, 7th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Fowler, John Sharman ( 1918 )
 Horne, Henry Sinclair, 1st and last Baron Horne ( 1918 )
 Moynihan, Berkeley George Andrew, 1st Baron Moynihan ( 1918 )
 Phillimore, Richard Fortescue ( 1918 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st and last Baron Rawlinson ( 1918 )
 Rycroft, William Henry ( 1918 )
 Wilson, Henry Fuller Maitland ( 1918 )
 Young, Charles Alban, 9th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Bentinck, Rudolf Walter ( 1919 )
 Brand, Hubert George ( 1919 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1919 )
 Dawson, Bertrand Edward, 1st and last Viscount Dawson of Penn ( 1919 )
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1919 )
 Gillman, Webb ( 1919 )
 Hope, George Webley ( 1919 )
 Hutchison, Robert, 1st and last Baron Hutchison of Montrose ( 1919 )
 Kavanagh, Charles Toler MacMorrough ( 1919 )
 Malcolm, Ian Zachary, 17th of Poltalloch ( 1919 )
 Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne ( 1919 )
 Smith-Cumming, Mansfield George ( 1919 )
 Synge, Robert Follett ( 1919 )
 Tilley, John Anthony Cecil ( 1919 )
 Rous, George Edward John Mowbray, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke ( 1920 )
 Addis, Charles Stewart ( 1921 )
 Hay, Victor Alexander Sereld, 21st Earl of Erroll ( 1924 )
 Hohler, Thomas Beaumont ( 1924 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 3rd Earl Granville ( 1924 )
 Slater, Alexander Ransford ( 1924 )
 Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway ( 1925 )
 Cocks, Arthur Herbert Tennyson, 6th Lord Sommers, Baron of Evesham ( 1926 )
 Akers-Douglas, Aretas, 2nd Viscount Chilston ( 1927 )
 Lampson, Miles Wedderburn, 1st Baron Killearn ( 1927 )
 Montgomery, Charles Hubert ( 1927 )
 Grigg, Edward William MacLeay, 1st Baron Altrincham ( 1928 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Gore Arkwright, 1st Earl of Gowrie ( 1928 )
 Montgomery, Henry Hutchinson ( 1928 )
 Cholmondeley, Hugh, 3rd Baron Delamere of Vale Royal ( 1929 )
 Gavan Duffy, Frank ( 1929 )
 James, Frederick Seton ( 1929 )
 Bottomley, William Cecil ( 1930 )
 Leith-Ross, Frederick William ( 1930 )
 Seeds, William ( 1930 )
 Maffey, John Loader, 1st Baron of Rugby ( 1931 )
 Oliphant, Lancelot ( 1931 )
 Scott, Ernest Stowell ( 1931 )
 Ramsay, Patrick William Maule ( 1932 )
 Wingfield, Charles John Fitz Roy Rhys ( 1933 )
 Davson, Edward Rae, 1st Bt. ( 1934 )
 Dugan, Winston Joseph, 1st and last Baron Dugan of Victoria ( 1934 )
 Vanneck, William Charles Arcedeckne, 5th Baron Huntingfield of Heveningham Hall ( 1934 )
 Young, Hubert Winthrop ( 1934 )
 Clark Kerr, Archibald John Kerr, 1st and last Baron Inverchapel ( 1935 )
 Northcote, Geoffry Alexander Stafford ( 1935 )
 Richards, Arthur Frederick, 1st Baron Milverton ( 1935 )
 Rivettt, David ( 1935 )
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe Montgomery ( 1936 )
 Bentinck, Charles Henry ( 1937 )
 Caulcutt, John ( 1937 )
 Loder, John de Vere, 2nd Baron Wakehurst ( 1937 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Francis George ( 1937 )
 Dundas, Charles Cecil Farquharson ( 1938 )
 Hotham, Alan Geoffrey ( 1938 )
 Malcolm, Dougal Orme ( 1938 )
 Pollock, Adrian Donald Wilde ( 1938 )
 Bromley, Arthur, 8th Bt. ( 1941 )
 Campbell, Ronald Ian ( 1941 )
 Charles, Noel Hughes Havelock, 3rd Bt. ( 1941 )
 Huggins, Godfrey Martin, 1st Viscount Malvern ( 1941 )
 Knollys, Edward George William Tyrwhitt, 2nd Viscount Knollys ( 1941 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, David John ( 1941 )
 Baring, Charles Evelyn, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale ( 1942 )
 Bruce Lockhart, Robert Hamilton ( 1943 )
 Cecil, David George Brownlow, 6th Marquess of Exeter ( 1943 )
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang ( 1943 )
 Collier, Laurence ( 1944 )
 Norrie, Charles Willoughby Moke, 1st Baron Norrie ( 1944 )
 Forbes, Victor Courtenay Walter ( 1945 )
 Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1945 )
 Moore, Henry Charles Ponsonby, 10th Earl of Drogheda ( 1945 )
 Harvey, Oliver Charles Harvey, 1st Baron Harvey of Tasburgh ( 1946 )
 Macdonald, Gordon, 1st Baron Macdonald of Gwaenysor ( 1946 )
 Murphy, William Lindsay ( 1946 )
 Douglas, Francis Campbell Ross, 1st Baron Douglas of Barloch ( 1947 )
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge ( 1947 )
 Fletcher, Reginald Thomas Herbert, 1st and last Baron Winster ( 1948 )
 Kirkpatrick, Ivone Augustine ( 1948 )
 Trench-Gascoigne, Alvary Douglas Frederick ( 1948 )
 Vereker, George Gordon ( 1948 )
 Guinness, Arthur Rundell ( 1949 )
 Houstoun-Boswall, William Evelyn ( 1949 )
 Jebb, Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 1st Baron Gladwyn ( 1949 )
 Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield ( 1949 )
 Millar, Frederick Hoyer, 1st Baron Inchyra ( 1949 )
 Twining, Francis Edward, Baron Twining ( 1949 )
 Caccia, Harold Anthony, Baron Caccia ( 1950 )
 Dixon, Pierson John ( 1950 )
 Farquhar, Harold Lister ( 1950 )
 Porritt, Arthur Espie, Baron Porritt ( 1950 )
 Foot, Hugh Mackintosh, Baron Caradon ( 1951 )
 Roberts, Walter St. Clair Howland ( 1951 )
 Scott, Oswald Arthur ( 1951 )
 Clarke, Henry Ashley ( 1952 )
 Cohen, Andrew Benjamin ( 1952 )
 Hayter, William Goodenough ( 1953 )
 Sinclair, John Alexander ( 1953 )
 Fitzmaurice, Gerald Gray ( 1954 )
 Glyn, Francis Maurice Grosvenor ( 1954 )
 Hall, Robert Lowe, Baron Roberthall ( 1954 )
 Lascelles, Daniel William ( 1954 )
 Noble, Andrew Napier, of Ardkinglas, 2nd Bt. ( 1954 )
 Barclay, Roderick Edward ( 1955 )
 Burrows, Bernard Alexander Brocas ( 1955 )
 Cross, Ronald Hibbert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1955 )
 Dunbar-Nasmith, Martin Eric, V.C. ( 1955 )
 Gage, Berkeley Everard Foley ( 1955 )
 Gibbs, Geoffrey Cokayne ( 1955 )
 Hankey, Robert Maurice Alers, 2nd Baron Hankey ( 1955 )
 Knox, Thomas Daniel, 6th Earl of Ranfurly ( 1955 )
 Stirling, Charles Norman ( 1955 )
 Trevelyan, Humphrey, Baron Trevelyan ( 1955 )
 Arthur, Oswald Raynor ( 1957 )
 Gore-Booth, Paul Henry, Baron Gore-Booth ( 1957 )
 Harcourt, William Edward, 2nd Viscount Harcourt ( 1957 )
 Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marquess of Reading ( 1957 )
 Low, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron Aldington ( 1957 )
 Luce, William Henry Tucker ( 1957 )
 Lyttelton, Charles John, 10th Viscount Cobham ( 1957 )
 Montagu-Pollock, William Horace ( 1957 )
 Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1958 )
 Grey, Ralph Francis Alnwick, Baron Grey of Naunton ( 1959 )
 Hall, Douglas Basil, of Dunglass, 14th Bt. ( 1959 )
 Hone, Evelyn Dennison ( 1959 )
 Johnston, Charles Hepburn ( 1959 )
 Thorold, Guy Frederick ( 1959 )
 William-Powlett, Peveril Barton Reibey ( 1959 )
 Gibbs, Humphrey Vicary ( 1960 )
 Hood, Samuel, 6th Viscount Hood of Whitley ( 1960 )
 Rumbold, Horace Algernon Fraser ( 1960 )
 Abel Smith, Henry ( 1961 )
 Head, Antony Henry, 1st Viscount Head ( 1961 )
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Francis Edward, 8th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1961 )
 MacDermot, Dermot Francis, The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin ( 1961 )
 Ormsby-Gore, William David, 5th Baron Harlech ( 1961 )
 Morris, William George ( 1962 )
 Murray, Francis Ralph Hay ( 1962 )
 O'Neill, Con Douglas Walter ( 1962 )
 Roll, Eric, Baron Roll of Ipsden ( 1962 )
 Rumbold, Horace Anthony Claud, 10th Bt. ( 1962 )
 Trench, David Clive Crosbie ( 1962 )
 Vallat, Francis Aimé ( 1962 )
 Grey, Paul Francis ( 1963 )
 Kendrew, Douglas Anthony ( 1963 )
 Morris, Charles Richard, Baron Morris of Grasmere ( 1963 )
 Rothschild, Robert ( 1963 )
 Asquith, Edward Julian George, 2nd Earl of Oxford and Asquith ( 1964 )
 Cheetham, Nicholas John Alexander ( 1964 )
 Gwatkin, Norman Wilmshurst ( 1964 )
 Beaumont, Richard Ashton ( 1965 )
 Hase, Karl-Günther Paul Otto ( 1965 )
 Haskard, Cosmo Dugal Patrick Thomas ( 1965 )
 Henniker-Major, John Patrick Edward Chandos, 8th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney ( 1965 )
 Loyd, Francis Alfred ( 1965 )
 Marjoribanks, James Alexander Milne ( 1965 )
 Warner, Edward Redston ( 1965 )
 Robinson, John Roland, 1st Baron Martonmere ( 1966 )
 Greenhill, Denis Arthur, Baron Greenhill of Harrow ( 1967 )
 Adams, Philip George Doyne ( 1969 )
 Cotton, John Richard ( 1969 )
 Tomkins, Edward Emile ( 1969 )
 Grubb, Kenneth George ( 1970 )
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1971 )
 Henderson, John Nicholas ( 1972 )
 Hope, Charles Peter ( 1972 )
 Keswick, John Henry ( 1972 )
 Millard, Guy Elwin ( 1972 )
 Ramsbotham, Peter Edward, 3rd Viscount Soulbury ( 1972 )
 Pumphrey, John Lawrence ( 1973 )
 Royle, Anthony Henry Fanshawe, Baron Fanshawe of Richmond ( 1974 )
 Wright, Patrick Richard Henry, Baron Wright of Richmond ( 1974 )
 Trench, Nigel Clive Cosby, 7th Baron Ashtown ( 1976 )
 Graham, John Alexander Noble, 4th Bt. ( 1979 )
 Hibbert, Reginald Alfred ( 1979 )
 Weir, Michael Scott ( 1980 )
 Wilson, Richard John McMoran, 2nd Baron Moran ( 1981 )
 Acland, Antony Arthur ( 1982 )
 Atkins, Humphrey Edward Gregory, Baron Colnbrook ( 1983 )
 Blaker, Peter Allan Renshaw, Baron Blaker ( 1983 )
 Bridges, Thomas Edward, 2nd Baron Bridges ( 1983 )
 Jackson, John Edward ( 1984 )
 Gordon Lennox, Nicholas Charles ( 1986 )
 Wilson, David Clive, Baron Wilson of Tillyorn ( 1987 )
 Renwick, Robin William, Baron Renwick of Clifton ( 1989 )
 Gillmore, David Howe, Baron Gillmore of Thamesfield ( 1990 )
 Powell, Charles David, Baron Powell of Bayswater ( 1990 )
 McLaren, Robin John Taylor ( 1991 )
 Boyd, John Dixon Iklé ( 1992 )
 Onslow, Cranley Gordon Douglas, Baron Onslow of Woking ( 1992 )
 Burns, Robert Andrew ( 1997 )
 Goodenough, Anthony Michael ( 1997 )
 Gore-Booth, David Alwyn ( 1997 )
 Hanley, Jeremy James ( 1997 )
 Meyer, Christopher John Rome ( 1997 )
 Huddleston, Ernest Urban Trevor ( 1998 )
 Beamish, Adrian John Patrick ( 1999 )
 Ashcroft, Michael Anthony, Baron Ashcroft ( 2000 )
 Montague Browne, Anthony Arthur Duncan ( 2000 )
 Barrington-Ward, Simon ( 2001 )
 Boyce, Graham Hugh ( 2001 )
 Darroch, Nigel Kim, Baron Darroch of Kew ( 2008 )
 Asquith, Dominic Antony Gerard ( 2012 )
 Stuart-Smith, Murray ( 2012 )
 McDonald, Simon Gerard, Baron McDonald of Salford ( 2014 )
 Swire, Hugo George William, Baron Swire ( 2016 )
Count equals 706 individuals.
Knight Commander, Order of the Bath (K.C.B.)
 Abbott, Charles Stuart Aubrey, 3rd Baron Tenterden
 Abbott, James
 Abercromby, Ralph, 2nd Baron Dunfermline
 Acton, Alfredo
 Adair, Charles William
 Aguilar, George
 Airey, George
 Alderson, Edward Hall
 Allen, Bertram Cowles
 Altham, Edward Altham
 Alvensleben Rusteberg, George
 Anderson, George
 Anderson, Henry Percy
 Anderson, Robert
 Andoe, Hilary Gustavus
 Anstice, Edmund Walter
 Aquilar, George
 Arbuthnot, Charles George
 Arbuthnot, Robert Keith, 4th Bt., posthumously
 Armitage, Charles Clement
 Arnold, John
 Ashburnham, Cromer
 Ashmore, Peter William Beckwith
 Ashworth, Charles
 Ashworth, Charles
 Ashworth, Frederick
 Aylmer, Fenton John, 13th Bt., V.C.
 Babington Smith, Henry
 Baddeley, Vincent Wilberforce
 Bainbridge, Edmond
 Bainbrigge, Philip
 Baird, John Erskine Kennedy
 Bankes, Thomas
 Barker, George
 Barnard, Edward King
 Barnard, Geoffrey
 Barnard, Henry William
 Barnes, George Stapylton
 Barrington, Bernard Eric Edward
 Barstow, George Lewis
 Bathurst, James
 Battenberg, Franz Joseph
 Baynes, Robert Lambert
 Beach, William Gerald Hugh
 Becher, Arthur
 Beckwith, Thomas Sydney
 Benson, Frederick William
 Bentinck, Henry John William
 Beresford, John de la Poer, 1st Bt.
 Bergne, John Henry Gibbs
 Berkeley, George Henry Frederick
 Berthon, Stephen Ferrier
 Best, Matthew Robert
 Bethell, Alexander Edward
 Bingham, Francis Richard
 Bingham, George Ridout
 Birch, James Frederick Noel
 Birkbeck, William Henry
 Black, Frederick
 Blair, Robert
 Blair, Robert
 Blenkinsop, Alfred Percy
 Bligh, John Duncan
 Blount, Edward Charles
 Bols, Louis Jean
 Bond, Edward Augustus
 Bonham-Carter, Stuart Sumner
 Boorman, Derek
 Bosanquet, Day Hort
 Bourchier, George
 Bourchier, Thomas
 Bovenschen, Frederick Carl
 Bower, Roger Herbert
 Boyd, Gerald Farrell
 Boyes, George Thomas Henry
 Boyle, Courtenay Edmund
 Brace, Edward
 Bradshaw, Alexander Frederick
 Bridges, George Tom Molesworth
 Bridges, William Throsby
 Brind, Eric James Patrick
 Brook-Morgan, Alexander
 Brooke, Arthur
 Brooke-Popham, Henry Robert Moore
 Brooking, Harry Triscott
 Browne, George Sackville
 Browne, James Frankfort Manners
 Bruce Lockhart, Robert McGregor
 Bruce, Charles
 Bruce, Gerald Trevor
 Bruce, Henry William
 Bruce-Williams, Hugh Bruce
 Buchan, John
 Bucher, Francis Roy
 Buller, George
 Bullock, Christopher Llewellyn
 Bunbury, Henry Noel
 Burgess, Edward
 Burnell-Nugent, James Michael
 Bushman, Henry Augustus
 Cadogan, George
 Caird, James
 Callander, Colin Bishop
 Campbell Stewart, Richard
 Campbell, Alexander, 1st Bt.
 Campbell, Barrington Bulkeley, 3rd Baron Blythswood
 Campbell, Colin
 Campbell, Henry Frederick
 Campbell, William Pitcairn
 Cane, Edmund Frederick
 Capel, Thomas Bladen
 Carleton-Smith, Mark Alexander Popham
 Carnegie, Robin Macdonald
 Carr, Henry
 Carrington, Frederick
 Carrington, William Henry Peregrine
 Carroll, William Fairbrother
 Cavagnari, Pierre Louis Napoleon
 Chadwyck-Healey, Charles Edward Heley, 1st Bt.
 Charles, John
 Charlton, Edward Francis Benedict
 Chatterton, James Charles, 3rd Bt.
 Chauvel, Henry George
 Chetwode, George Knightley
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Reginald Arthur James
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Wellington Patrick Manvers
 Christie, William Henry Mahoney
 Church, William Selby, 1st Bt.
 Clarke, John
 Coates, William
 Cobbe, Alexander Hugh
 Cochrane, Arthur Auckland Leopold Pedro
 Codrington, Alfred Edward
 Codrington, Henry John
 Colborne, Francis
 Cole, Christopher
 Colquhoun, Alan John, of Luss, 6th Bt.
 Colvile, Fiennes Middleton
 Colvin, Richard Beale
 Colvin-Smith, Colvin
 Congreve, Walter Norris, V.C.
 Coningham, Arthur
 Cook, Charles Archer
 Cooke, Herbert Fothergill
 Cordingley, John
 Coryton, William Alec
 Cotton-Jodrell, Edward Thomas Davenant
 Couchman, Walter Thomas
 Cowan, Walter Henry, 1st Bt.
 Cowell, John
 Cox, John
 Cox, John William
 Craig, James Henry
 Crease, John Frederick
 Croft, William Dawson
 Crosbie, John Gustavus
 Crutchley, Charles
 Crutchley, Victor Alexander Charles, V.C.
 Cuffe, Hamilton John Agmondesham, 5th Earl of Desart
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 4th Bt.
 Cumming, John
 Cunliffe-Owen, Francis Philip
 Curteis, Alban Thomas Buckley
 Curzon-Howe, Assheton Gore
 Custance, Hambleton Francis
 Dallas, Thomas
 Dannatt, Francis Richard, Baron Dannatt
 Darby, Henry d'Esterre
 Darling, Charles Henry
 Darling, Kenneth Thomas
 Darwin, George Howard
 Dashwood, Charles
 Davidson, David
 Davies, Francis John
 Dawkins, Clinton
 Dening, Lewis
 Denison, William Thomas
 Dick, James Nicholas
 Dick, Robert Henry
 Dickins, William Drummond Scrase
 Dickson, Alexander
 Dobbie, William George Shedden
 Dobson, Denis William
 Dodgson, David Scott
 Donkin, Rufane Shawe
 Donnelly, John Fretcheville Dykes
 Donnelly, Ross
 Donnet, James
 Doran, John
 Dormer, James Charlemange
 Douglas, Archibald
 Douglas, James
 Douglas, Neil, of Glenfinart
 Doveton, John
 Doyle, John Milley
 Drew, Arthur Charles Walter
 Dreyer, Frederic Charles
 Drummond-Hay, John
 Du Plat, Charles Taylor
 Duck, Francis
 Duckworth-King, George St. Vincent, 4th Bt.
 Duffell, Peter Royson
 Duncan, John
 Dundas, Lorenzo George
 Dundas, Richard Saunders
 Dundas, Robert Lawrence
 Dunne, John Hart
 Durlacher, Laurence George
 Durnford-Slater, Robin Leonard Francis
 Dyer, John
 Eden, Charles
 Edmonstone, George Frederick
 Edwardes, Herbert Benjamin
 Edwards, James Bevan
 Edwards, James Bevas
 Edwards, Ralph Alan Bevan
 Edwards, William Rice
 Egerton, Edward Henry
 Egerton, Raleigh Gilbert
 Elliot, Alexander James Hardy
 Elliot, George
 Elliot, Henry Miers
 Elliot, William
 Elliot, William
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Charles Gilbert John Brydone
 Ellison, Gerald Francis
 Elphinstone, Howard Crauford, V.C.
 Engleheart, John Gardner Dillman
 Erskine, James Elphinstone
 Este, Augustus Frederick
 Evans, Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell, 1st Baron Mountevans
 Evans, John
 Evans-Lombe, Edward Malcom
 Evatt, George Joseph Hamilton
 Evill, Douglas Claude Strathern
 Ewart, Henry Peter, 1st and last Bt.
 Ewart, John Spencer, of Craigcleuch
 Eyre, George
 Fahie, William Charles
 Fairfax, Henry
 Fanshawe, Edward Arthur
 Fanshawe, Hew Dalrymple
 Fanshawe, Robert
 Farquhar, Arthur
 Fead, George
 Feilding, Percy Robert Basil
 Fellowes, Thomas Butler
 Fergusson, James Andrew
 Fisher, Douglas Blake
 FitzGerald, Charles John Oswald
 FitzRoy, Charles Augustus
 FitzRoy, William
 Fitzroy, Robert O'Brian
 Flower, William Henry
 Foley, St. George Gerald
 Fottrell, George
 Foulis, William
 Franklyn, William Edumnd
 Franks, Thomas Harte
 Fraser, Charles Craufurd, V.C.
 Fraser, Thomas
 Frazer, Hugh
 Frederick, Charles Arthur
 Fremantle, Charles William
 Fuller, Cyril Thomas Moulden
 Fullerton, Eric John Arthur
 Furse, William Thomas
 Fyers, William
 Fyffe, Richard Alan
 Galton, Douglas Strutt
 Galwey, Michael
 Gamble, David, 1st Bt.
 Gammell, James
 Garden, Timothy, Baron Garden
 Gardiner, Robert
 Gardner, Alan Hyde, 2nd Baron Gardner
 Garrett, Robert
 Gaskell, Arthur
 Gaunt, Ernest Frederic Augustus
 Gellibrand, John
 Gerard, Montagu Gilbert
 Gibb, William Anthony
 Gibbons, William
 Giffard, George
 Glubb, John Bagot
 Glyn, John Plumptre Carr
 Glyn, Julius Richard
 Goddard, Robert Victor
 Godwin, Charles Alexander Campbell
 Godwin, Henry Thomas
 Goodenough, William Howley
 Goodman, Godfrey Davenport
 Goodwin, Richard Elton
 Gordon Ramsey, Charles
 Gordon, Alexander
 Gordon, Charles
 Gordon-Finlayson, Robert
 Gore, John
 Gossage, Ernest Leslie
 Gosset, Ralph Allen
 Gough-Calthorpe, Somerset John, 7th Baron Calthorpe
 Graham, Henry
 Graham, Henry John Lowndes
 Grant, Colquhoun
 Grant, John Peter, 11th of Rothiemurchus
 Grant, Philip Gordon
 Grant, Thomas Tassell
 Grant, William Keir
 Grant, William Lowther
 Gray, Albert
 Greathed, Edward Harris
 Greville, Charles John
 Grey, George, 1st Bt.
 Grey, John
 Hale, Edward
 Hall, William Hutcheon
 Halliday, Frederick
 Hallifax, David John
 Hamilton, Charles, 2nd Bt.
 Hamilton, Edward Joseph, 1st Bt.
 Hamilton, Frederick Tower
 Hamilton, Frederick William
 Hamilton, Robert North Collie, of Silvertonhill, 6th Bt.
 Hamilton-Gordon, Alexander
 Hanbury, John
 Hanbury-Williams, John
 Hanley, Michael Bowen
 Harding, George
 Harding, Robert Palmer
 Hardinge, Arthur Edward
 Hardman, James Donald Innes
 Hare-Clarges, Richard Goddard
 Harper, George Montague
 Harris, Edward Alfred John
 Harrison-Smith, Francis
 Harvey, John
 Harvey, John
 Harvey, Robert John
 Hay, Robert John
 Heath, Leopold George
 Henderson, Nigel Stuart
 Heneker, William Charles Giffard
 Herbert, Thomas
 Heriot-Maitland, James Makgill
 Hervey, George William
 Hewett, William Nathan Wrighte, V.C.
 Higginson, James Macaulay
 Hildyard, Reginald John Thornton
 Hill, Clement Lloyd
 Hill, Edward Stock
 Hill, Thomas Noel
 Hillyar, Charles Farrell
 Hillyar, James
 Hood, Horace Lambert Alexander
 Hope Johnstone, William James
 Hope, Edward Stanley
 Hope, William, of Craighall, 14th Bt.
 Hopkins, Frank Henry Edward
 Hopton, Edward
 Hornby, William Windham
 Horsey, Algernon Frederick Rous
 Hotham, Charles
 Hotham, Henry
 Howard, Andrew Charles
 Howard, Edward Stafford
 Howard, Francis
 Howard, Henry
 Howard, Kenneth Alexander, 1st Earl of Effingham
 Howarth, Edward
 Hozier, Henry Montague
 Hudson, Peter
 Hughes, William Templer
 Hull, Charles Patrick Amyatt
 Humphreys, Edward Thomas
 Hurst, Cecil James Barrington
 Hussey, Richard Hussey
 Hutt, William
 Hutton, Edward Thomas Henry
 Hyde, George Francis
 Ingilby, William Bates
 Inglefield, Edward Augustus
 Inglefield, Frederick Samuel
 Inglis, John Eardley Wilmot
 Jackson, Henry Cholmondely
 Jackson, Richard Downs
 Jebb, Joshua
 Jenkyns, Henry
 Johnson, Allen Bayard
 Johnston, Henry Hamilton
 Jones, Charles Edward Webb
 Jones, John
 Jones, John Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Jones, Richard
 Kelly, Richard
 Kelly, Richard Denis
 Kelly-Kenny, Thomas
 Kemball, Arnold Burrowes
 Kent, Stephenson
 Kenyon, Frederic George
 Keppel, Derek William George
 Kerr, Ralph Drury
 King, Henry
 King-Hall, William
 Kingcome, John
 Kitchener, Frederick Walter
 Kitson, Frank Edward
 Knight, John
 Knott, Harold
 Knox, Charles Edmond
 Knox, William George
 Knyvett, Carey John
 Koelle, Harry Philpot
 Lake, Henry Atwell
 Lake, Willoughby Thomas
 Lance, Frederick
 Lance, Frederick
 Lancy, William
 Lang, Derek Boileau
 Larken, Frank
 Lavie, Thomas
 Lawley, Beilby, 3rd Baron Wenlock
 Lawson, George
 Le Marchant, John Gaspard
 Leach, Edward Pemberton, V.C.
 Leach, George Archibald
 Lee, Frank Godbould
 Lee, Richard Phillips
 Leeke, Henry John
 Legard, James Digby
 Legge, Arthur Kaye
 Leigh, Edward Chandos
 Leith, Alexander, of Freefield and Glenkindie
 Leith, George Alexander William, 2nd Bt.
 Lennox, Wilbraham Oates, V.C.
 Leslie, Walter Stewart
 Lester, Frederick Parkinson
 Lindsell, Wilfred
 Littler, John Hunter
 Lloyd, Morgan George
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Savage
 Longden, Henry Errington
 Longley, Henry
 Loring, John Wentworth
 Lowry, Robert Swinburne
 Loyd, Henry Charles
 Lumley, James Rutherford
 Lumley-Saunderson, William
 Lushington, Godfrey
 Lynden-Bell, Arthur Lynden
 Lyttelton-Annesley, Arthur Lyttelton
 Mac Gregor, Evan John Murray, of Mac Gregor, 2nd Bt.
 MacAlister, Donald, 1st Bt.
 MacGregor, Duncan
 MacGregor, George Hall
 MacMillan, Gordon Holmes Alexander, of MacMillan and Knap
 Macdonald, John
 Macdonald, John, Lord Kingsburgh
 Macdonald, Reginald John, 22nd of Clanranald and Moidart and 8th of Benbecula
 Macdougall, John, 25th of Dunollie and of Lorn
 Macgregor, Charles Metcalfe
 Mackenzie, Colin John
 Maclaine, Archibald
 Maclean, Fitzroy Donald, 10th Bt.
 Macnamara, Burton
 Macpherson, James
 Mahon, Bryan Thomas
 Maitland, Frederick Lewis
 Mallet, Bernard
 Manners, Charles Henry Somerset
 Mansfield, John Maurice
 Markham, Edwin
 Marshall-Cornwall, James Handyside
 Martel, Giffard
 Martin, Henry Byam
 Martin, Ranald
 Maude, Frederick Stanley
 Maudslay, James Rennie
 Maxwell, Arthur
 Maxwell, George Vaughn
 May, Edward Sinclair
 May, Reginald Seaburne
 McCalmont, Hugh
 McCaskill, John
 McClintock, Francis Leopold
 McDonnell, Schomberg Kerr
 McMahon, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 McPherson, Herbert Taylor, V.C.
 McPherson, James Duncan
 Meiklejohn, William Hope
 Melvill, James Cosmo
 Menzies, Stewart Graham
 Metford, Francis
 Meyrick, Thomas Charlton, 1st Bt.
 Michell, Frederick Thomas
 Mills, Charles Piercy
 Milman, Archibald John Scott
 Milman, George Bryan
 Moberly, Walter Hamilton
 Moncrieff, Alexander
 Money, Arthur Wigram
 Monro, Horace Cecil
 Montagu, George
 Montagu, Horace William
 Montagu, Nicholas Lionel John
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Alan Richard
 Montgomery, Robert
 Montgomery-Moore, Alexander G.
 Montresor, Henry Tucker
 Moon, Ernest Robert
 Moore, James Newton Rodney
 Moore, William
 Moorsom, Robert
 Moresby, Fairfax
 Morland, Thomas Lethbridge Napier
 Morony, Thomas Lovett
 Morris, George
 Morshead, Owen Frederick
 Mottram, Richard Clive
 Mouat, James, V.C.
 Munro, Thomas, of Lindertis, 1st Bt.
 Murray, Charles Augustus
 Murray, Herbert Harley
 Murray, James Wolfe
 Murray, John
 Murray, John
 Muspratt, Sydney Frederick
 Myddelton-Biddulph, Thomas
 Napier, Charles, Count Napier St. Vincent
 Napier, George Thomas
 Napier, Thomas Erskine
 Napier, Trevylyan Dacres Willes
 Napier, William Francis Patrick
 Newdigate, Henry Richard Legge
 Nicholls, George
 Nicholson, Arthur William
 Nicholson, Lothian
 Nicholson, Lothian
 Nicolls, Edward
 Nicolls, Jasper
 Norbury, Frederick
 Norbury, Henry F.
 Norman, Francis Booth
 Norton-Griffiths, John, 1st Bt.
 Nott, John
 Nugent, Charles Edmund
 Nye, Archibald Edward
 O'Callaghan, Robert William
 O'Farrell, Edward
 Ormsby-Gore, George Ralph Charles, 3rd Baron Harlech
 Ouseley, William Gore
 Outram, Benjamin
 Pack, Denis
 Paget, Alfred Wyndham
 Paget, George
 Paget, George Edward
 Pakenham, Hercules Robert
 Parham, Frederick Robertson
 Parke, William
 Parker, Andrew David, Baron Parker of Minsmere
 Parr, Henry Hallam
 Parsons, Charles Algernon
 Parsons, Lawrence Worthington
 Patten-MacDougall, James
 Paulet, Henry
 Pearson, Thomas
 Pease, Thales
 Peel, William, V.C.
 Pelham, Edward Henry
 Pelham-Clinton, Edward William
 Pellew, Israel
 Pelly, Lewis
 Pennycuick, John
 Penrose, Charles Vinicombe
 Pereira, Cecil Edward
 Perkins, Aeneas
 Peyton, William Eliot
 Phillimore, Augustus
 Phipps, Charles Beaumont
 Pigot, Hugh
 Pigott, Anthony David
 Pinney, Reginald John
 Pinsent, Robert
 Pitt-Taylor, Walter William
 Plumridge, James Hanway
 Poett, Joseph Howard Nigel
 Pole, Charles Morice, 1st and last Bt.
 Pole-Carew, Reginald
 Ponsonby, Frederick Cavendish
 Ponsonby, John
 Ponsonby, William
 Poore, Richard, 4th Bt.
 Powell, Charles Herbert
 Poë, Edmund Samuel
 Pratt, Thomas Simson
 Prescott, Henry
 Pridham-Wippell, Henry Daniel
 Pringle, James
 Proctor, Philip Dennis
 Pulteney, William
 Pyman, Harold English
 Ram, Lucius Abel John Granville
 Ramsay, William
 Randolph, George Granville
 Reid, Alexander John Forsyth
 Reid, James, 1st Bt.
 Reid, John Watt
 Rice, Edward Bridges
 Rice, Ernest
 Richmond, Herbert William
 Richmond, William Blake
 Rimington, Michael Frederic
 Ritchie, Richmond Thackeray
 Robinson, Henry
 Robinson, Henry Augustus, 1st Bt.
 Robinson, Robert Spencer
 Rodd, John Tremayne
 Rogers, John Robson
 Rolleston, Humphry Davy, 1st Bt.
 Rollo, Robert
 Rolt, John
 Rose, Frank Forrester
 Rose, William
 Rose, William
 Ross, John
 Ross, John Foster George, of Bladensburg
 Ross, Ronald
 Rowan, Thomas Leslie
 Ruggles-Brise, Evelyn John
 Ruggles-Brise, Samuel Brise
 Ryan, Charles Lister
 Ryder, George Lisle
 Sabine, Edward
 Sale-Hill, Rowley
 Salmond, William
 Sandford, Francis, 1st and last Baron Sandford
 Savile, Leopold Halliday
 Sawyer, Herbert
 Sayer, James Robert Steadman
 Schomberg, George Augustus
 Scoones, Geoffry Allen Percival
 Scott, George
 Scott, Hopton Stratford
 Scott-Moncrieff, Alan Kenneth
 Seaton, Thomas
 Self, Albert Henry
 Sewell, William Henry
 Seymour, George Francis
 Seymour, Michael, 1st Bt.
 Shakerley, Charles Watkin, 2nd Bt.
 Shaw, Eyre Massey
 Shirley, Horatio
 Shortridge, Jon Deacon
 Shute, Cameron Deane
 Shute, Charles Cameron
 Skelton, Reginald
 Slade, John Ramsay
 Sleeman, William Henry
 Sleigh, James Wallace
 Smith, Francis Harrison
 Smith, James Edward Masterton
 Smith, John
 Smith, John Frederick Sigismund
 Smith, Rupert
 Smyth, Nevill Maskelyne, V.C.
 Somerset, Alfred Plantagenet Frederick Charles
 Somerset, Henry
 Sotheby, Edward Southwell
 Stacey, John
 Stack, Maurice
 Stainton, Anthony Nathaniel
 Stainton, John Armitage
 Stanham, Reginald George
 Stanley, Victor Albert
 Startin, James
 Steele, Scudamore Winde
 Steele, Thomas Montagu
 Stephen, James
 Stephens, David
 Stephens, Reginald Byng
 Stephenson, Augustus Frederick William Keppel
 Stephenson, Henry Frederick
 Stewart, Herbert
 Stewart, James Marshall
 Stewart, John Henry Keith
 Stirling, James
 Stockwell, Hugh Charles
 Stopford, Frederick William
 Stopford, Montagu
 Stransham, Anthony Blaxland
 Strickland, Edward
 Strickland, Edward Peter
 Sturgis, Mark Beresford Russell
 Sulivan, Bartholomew James
 Sullivan, Francis William, 6th Bt.
 Sutton, John
 Swinburn, Richard Hull
 Sykes, Frederick Hugh
 Symonds, William
 Tailyour, Norman Hastings
 Talbot, Charles
 Tarleton, John Walter
 Taylor, John
 Taylor, John
 Thesiger, Edward Pierson
 Thomas, Francis William
 Thomas, John Wellesley
 Thomson, Basil Home
 Thorne, Augustus Francis Andrew Nicol
 Thring, Henry, 1st Baron Thring
 Tilley, John
 Tizard, Henry Thomas
 Tombs, Henry, V.C.
 Toone, William
 Torrens, Henry
 Torrens, Henry
 Torrens, Henry
 Tothill, Hugh
 Tottenham, Francis
 Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrers
 Tracey, Richard Edward
 Trench, Robert Le Poer
 Trollope, Charles
 Trotter, James Keith
 Tryon, George
 Tudor, Henry Hugh
 Tulloch, Alexander Bruce
 Tupper, Reginald Geoffrey Otway
 Turnbull, Andrew, Baron Turnbull
 Turner, Arthur Francis
 Turner, Frank
 Turner, Frederick
 Tuson, Henry Brasnell
 Tweedie, Hugh Justin
 Upcott, Gilbert Charles
 Valiant, Thomas
 Vansittart-Neale, Henry James
 Vaughan, John Luther
 Vivian, Arthur Pendarves
 Wade, Claude
 Wagner, Anthony Richard
 Wake-Walker, Baldwin, 1st Bt.
 Wale, Charles
 Walker, Edward Edward Forestier
 Walker, Edward Walter Forestier
 Walker, George Gustavus
 Walker, Patrick Jeremy
 Wallace, Richard, 1st and last Bt.
 Wallington, John
 Wallington, John Williams
 Walpole, Horatio George
 Walpole, Robert
 Walpole, Spencer
 Warde, Edward Charles
 Warre, Henry James
 Warren, Charles
 Warren, Charles
 Warrender, George John Scott, of Lochend, 7th Bt.
 Watkins, Henry Bulkley Burlton
 Watson, Dymock
 Watts, Herbert Edward
 Watts, Philip
 Webb-Bowen, Tom Ince
 Webster, John Morrison
 Wells, Lionel Victor
 Wells, Richard
 Wemyss, Henry Colville Barclay
 West, Alan William John, Baron West of Spithead
 West, John
 Wheeler, Hugh Massy
 Whish, William Sampson
 Whistler, Lashmer Gordon
 White, Henry Dalrymple
 White, John Chambers
 White, Robert
 White, William
 White-Thomas, Robert
 White-Thomson, Robert Thomas
 Whitehead, Hayward Reader
 Whitehead, Thomas
 Whitmore, Edmund Augustus
 Whittingham, Sandford
 Wilbraham, Richard
 Wilde, Alfred Thomas
 Williams, J. William Collman
 Williams, William
 Williams, William John
 Williams-Wynn, Henry Watkin
 Wills, Edward Payson, 1st Bt.
 Wilmot, Henry Wilmot, 5th Bt., V.C.
 Wilson, Bedford Hinton
 Wilson, Samuel Herbert
 Windham, Charles Ashe
 Winnifrith, Alfred John Digby
 Winterton, Thomas John Willoughby
 Wiseman, William Saltonstall, 8th Bt.
 Wodehouse, Edwin Frederick
 Wodehouse, Philip Edmond
 Wollaston, Gerald Woods
 Wood, George
 Wood, Henry Hastings Affleck
 Wood, John Stewart
 Wood, William
 Woods, Wilfrid John Wentworth
 Wymer, Henry George Petre
 Wyndham, Henry
 Wyse, Thomas
 Yorke, Henry Francis Redhead
 Yorke, Joseph Sidney
 Blakeney, William, 1st and last Baron Blakeney of Castle Blakeney ( 1756 )
 Barlow, George Hilaro, 1st Bt. ( 1806 )
 Acland, Wroth Palmer ( 1815 )
 Adam, Frederick ( 1815 )
 Barclay, Robert ( 1815 )
 Beauclerk, Amelius ( 1815 )
 Bertie, Albermarle, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
 Blakeney, Edward ( 1815 )
 Bunbury, Henry Edward, 7th Bt. ( 1815 )
 Burrard-Neale, Harry, 2nd Bt. ( 1815 )
 Byng, John, 1st Earl of Strafford ( 1815 )
 Calder, Robert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1815 )
 Cockburn, George, of Langton, 10th Bt. ( 1815 )
 Disney, Moore ( 1815 )
 Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton ( 1815 )
 Hargood, William ( 1815 )
 Hely Hutchinson, John, 2nd Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty ( 1815 )
 Hussey-Bickerton, Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1815 )
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane ( 1815 )
 Lyon, James ( 1815 )
 Martin, Thomas Byam ( 1815 )
 Oswald, John ( 1815 )
 Pellew, Edward, 1st Viscount Exmouth ( 1815 )
 Popham, Home Riggs ( 1815 )
 Power, Manley ( 1815 )
 Smith, Sidney ( 1815 )
 Somerset, FitzRoy James Henry, 1st Baron Raglan ( 1815 )
 Stovin, Frederick ( 1815 )
 Thompson, Thomas Boulden, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
 Vivian, Richard Hussey, 1st Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1815 )
 Walker, George Townshend, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
 Warde, Henry ( 1815 )
 Whitworth-Aylmer, Matthew, 5th Lord Aylmer ( 1815 )
 Blackwood, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1819 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1831 )
 Hamond, Graham Eden, 2nd Bt. ( 1831 )
 Laurie, Robert, of Maxwelton, 6th Bt. ( 1831 )
 Maitland, Anthony, 10th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1832 )
 Dunlop-Wallace, John Alexander Agnew ( 1833 )
 Parker, William, 1st Bt. ( 1834 )
 Adam, Charles, of Blair-Adam ( 1835 )
 Bourke, Richard ( 1835 )
 Keating, Henry Sheehy ( 1836 )
 Casement, William ( 1837 )
 Cathcart, Charles Murray, 2nd Earl Cathcart ( 1838 )
 Fane, John, 11th Earl of Westmorland ( 1838 )
 Lindsay, Patrick ( 1838 )
 Barrie, Robert ( 1840 )
 Kerrison, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1840 )
 Guise, John Wright, 3rd Bt. ( 1841 )
 Fraser, Alexander George, 17th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1842 )
 Washington, James ( 1843 )
 Gilbert, Walter Raleigh, 1st Bt. ( 1846 )
 Brooke, James ( 1847 )
 Beaufort, Francis ( 1848 )
 Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle, 1st and last Baron Dalling and Bulwer of Dalling ( 1848 )
 Grey, George ( 1848 )
 Lawrence, Henry Montgomery ( 1848 )
 Pakenham, Richard ( 1848 )
 Trevelyan, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1848 )
 Campbell, Colin, 1st and last Baron Clyde of Clydesdale ( 1849 )
 Dundas, Henry, 3rd Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1849 )
 Bonham, Samuel George, 1st Bt. ( 1850 )
 Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Ciamhaltha ( 1851 )
 McGrigor, James, 1st Bt. ( 1851 )
 Reid, William ( 1851 )
 Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Cowley ( 1851 )
 Tennant, James ( 1852 )
 Melvill, James Cosmo ( 1853 )
 Cautley, Proby Thomas ( 1854 )
 Davis, John Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1854 )
 Airey, Richard, 1st and last Baron Airey ( 1855 ), for his services against the Russians
 Aylmer, Frederick Whitworth William, 6th Lord Aylmer ( 1855 )
 Berkeley, Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge, 1st Baron FitzHardinge of Bristol ( 1855 )
 Bingham, George Charles, 3rd Earl of Lucan ( 1855 )
 Brudenell, James Thomas, 7th Earl of Cardigan ( 1855 )
 Rose, Hugh Henry, 1st and last Baron Strathnairn of Strathnairn ( 1855 )
 Seymour, Michael ( 1855 )
 Sheil, Justin ( 1855 )
 Crampton, John Fiennes Twistleton, 2nd Bt. ( 1856 )
 Elliot, Charles ( 1856 )
 Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub and of Grately ( 1856 )
 Montagu, Henry, 6th Baron Rokeby ( 1856 )
 Outram, James, 1st Bt. ( 1856 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, 1st Bt. ( 1856 )
 Shaw-Lefevre, John George ( 1857 )
 Wilson, Archdale, 1st Bt. ( 1857 )
 Havelock, Henry ( 1858 )
 Mansfield, William Rose, 1st Baron Sandhurst of Sandhurst ( 1858 )
 Milne, Alexander, 1st Bt. ( 1858 )
 Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1858 )
 Slade, Adolphus ( 1858 )
 Montgomery, Robert ( 1859 )
 Young, John, 1st Baron Lisgar of Lisgar and Bailieborough ( 1859 )
 Buchanan, Andrew, 1st Bt. ( 1860 )
 Head, Edmund Walker, 8th Bt. ( 1860 )
 Larcom, Thomas Aiskew, 1st Bt. ( 1860 )
 Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, 1st and last Viscount Lyons ( 1860 )
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1861 )
 Pakenham, William Lygon, 4th Earl of Longford ( 1861 )
 Cadell, Thomas, V.C. ( 1862 )
 Hay, George, 8th Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1862 )
 Low, John ( 1862 )
 Mundy, George Rodney ( 1862 )
 Douglas, Thomas Monteath ( 1865 )
 Maitland, Thomas, 11th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1865 )
 Sartorius, George Rose ( 1865 )
 Malet, Alexander, 2nd Bt. ( 1866 )
 Manners-Sutton, John Henry Thomas, 3rd Viscount Canterbury ( 1866 )
 May, Thomas Erskine, 1st and last Baron Farnborough ( 1866 )
 Kennedy, Arthur Edward ( 1867 )
 Knollys, William Thomas ( 1867 )
 Macdonald, John Alexander ( 1867 )
 Herbert, Percy Egerton ( 1869 )
 Lawrence, Arthur Johnstone ( 1869 )
 Paget, George Augustus Frederick ( 1870 )
 Smyth, Leicester ( 1870 )
 Fitzmayer, James William Howard ( 1871 )
 Mends, William Robert ( 1871 )
 Sackville-West, Charles Richard, 6th Earl De La Warr ( 1871 )
 Jenner, William, 1st Bt. ( 1872 )
 Sassoon, Albert Abdullah David, 1st Bt. ( 1872 )
 Adye, John Miller ( 1873 )
 Pasley, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1873 )
 Percy, Henry Hugh Manvers, V.C. ( 1873 )
 McGarel-Hogg, James MacNaghten, 1st Baron Magheramorne of Magheramorne ( 1874 )
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley ( 1874 )
 Cuppaidge, Burke ( 1875 )
 Daly, Henry Dermot ( 1875 )
 Dickson, Collingwood, V.C. ( 1875 )
 Harbord, Charles, 5th Baron Suffield ( 1876 )
 Elliot, George Augustus ( 1877 )
 Seymour, Frederick Beauchamp Paget, 1st and last Baron Alcester ( 1877 )
 Savile, John, 1st Baron Savile of Rufford ( 1878 )
 Thesiger, Frederick Augustus, 2nd Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1878 )
 Biddulph, Michael Anthony Shrapnel ( 1879 )
 Lingen, Ralph Robert Wheeler, 1st and last Baron Lingen ( 1879 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1879 )
 Liddell, Adolphus Frederick Octavious ( 1880 )
 Ross, Campbell Claye Grant ( 1880 )
 Brassey, Thomas, 1st Earl Brassey ( 1881 )
 Jones, Thomas Heron, 7th Viscount of Ranelagh ( 1881 )
 Lenox-Conyngham, William Fitzwilliam ( 1881 )
 Lindsay-Loyd, Robert James, 1st and last Baron Wantage of Lockinge ( 1881 )
 Macdonell, Alexander ( 1881 )
 Hodges-Nugent, Charles Butler Peter Hodges ( 1882 )
 Hunt-Grubbe, Walter James ( 1882 )
 Morier, Robert Burnett David ( 1882 )
 Welby, Reginald Earle, 1st and last Baron Welby ( 1882 )
 Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair ( 1883 )
 Acland, Henry Wentworth, 1st Bt. ( 1884 )
 Currie, Philip Henry Wodehouse, 1st and last Baron Currie of Hawley ( 1885 )
 Haliburton, Arthur Lawrence, 1st and last Baron Haliburton of Windsor ( 1885 )
 Hood, Alexander, 1st Viscount Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas ( 1885 )
 Butler, William ( 1886 )
 Farquhar, Arthur, of Drumnagesk ( 1886 )
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st Baron Grenfell ( 1886 )
 West, Algernon Edward ( 1886 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1887 )
 Blackwood, Stevenson Arthur ( 1887 )
 Brandreth, Thomas ( 1887 )
 Cumming, Arthur ( 1887 )
 Maude, George Ashley ( 1887 )
 Meade, Richard James, 4th Earl of Clanwilliam ( 1887 )
 Newton, Charles Thomas ( 1887 )
 Walter, Edward ( 1887 )
 Jenkinson, Edward George ( 1888 )
 Kingscote, Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge ( 1889 )
 Bradford, Edward Ridley Colborne, 1st Bt. ( 1890 )
 Calcraft, Henry George ( 1890 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1890 )
 Palgrave, Reginald Francis Douce ( 1892 )
 Noble, Andrew, of Ardmore, 1st Bt. ( 1893 )
 Sanderson, Thomas Henry, 1st and last Baron Sanderson ( 1893 )
 Stirling, William ( 1893 )
 Cadell, Robert ( 1894 )
 Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron Fisher ( 1894 )
 Walker, Frederick William Edward Forestier ( 1894 )
 Agnew, Stair Andrew ( 1895 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1895 )
 Milner, Alfred, 1st and last Viscount Milner ( 1895 )
 O'Conor, Nicholas Robert ( 1895 )
 Blood, Bindon ( 1896 )
 Grant, Robert ( 1896 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1896 )
 Clerk-Rattray, James, of Craighall-Rattray, 26th of Rattray ( 1897 )
 Jeune, Francis Henry, 1st and last Baron St. Helier ( 1897 )
 Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys ( 1897 )
 Luard, William Garnham ( 1897 )
 Maunsell, Frederick Richard ( 1897 )
 Domvile, Compton Edward ( 1898 )
 Elles, Edmond Roche ( 1898 )
 Leigh-Pemberton, Edward ( 1898 )
 Montmorency, Reymond Hervey, 3rd Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency ( 1898 )
 Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth Augustus, 1st and last Baron Muir Mackenzie ( 1898 )
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1st and last Baron Nicholson ( 1898 )
 Westmacott, Richard ( 1898 )
 Primrose, Henry William ( 1899 )
 Barrow, Edmund George ( 1900 )
 Cavendish, Charles Compton William, 3rd Baron Chesham ( 1900 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, 1st Earl of Ypres ( 1900 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1900 )
 Ward, Edward Willis Duncan, 1st Bt. ( 1900 )
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st Bt. ( 1900 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1901 )
 Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1901 )
 Bartley, George Christopher Trout ( 1902 )
 Bertie, Francis Leveson, 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame ( 1902 )
 Brett, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher ( 1902 )
 Dixon, Henry Grey ( 1902 )
 Douglas, Archibald Lucius ( 1902 )
 Elliott, Thomas Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Ommanney, Erasmus ( 1902 )
 Seymour, Horace Alfred Damer ( 1902 )
 Stephen, Leslie ( 1902 )
 Thynne, Reginald Thomas ( 1902 )
 Beresford, Charles William de la Poer, 1st and last Baron Beresford ( 1903 )
 Chamberlain, Neville Francis Fitzgerald ( 1903 )
 Hardinge, Arthur Henry ( 1904 )
 Bathe, Gerald Henry Perceval, 4th Bt. ( 1905 )
 Macleod, Reginald, 27th of MacLeod ( 1905 )
 Freeman-Mitford, Algernon Bertram, 1st Baron Redesdale ( 1906 )
 Maunsell, Thomas ( 1906 )
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount Plumer ( 1906 )
 Chalmers, Robert, 1st and last Baron Chalmers ( 1908 )
 Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge Samuel ( 1908 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell ( 1909 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Alexander, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1909 )
 Neville, George ( 1909 )
 Egerton, George le Clerc ( 1910 )
 Scott, Percy Moreton, 1st Bt. ( 1910 )
 Askwith, George Rankin, 1st and last Baron Askwith ( 1911 )
 Crichton, Henry George Louis ( 1911 )
 Donaldson, Hay Frederick ( 1911 )
 FitzRoy, Almeric William ( 1911 )
 Fortescue, Hugh, 4th Earl Fortescue ( 1911 )
 Gore, Francis Charles ( 1911 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe ( 1911 )
 King-Hall, George Fowler ( 1911 )
 Lumley, Alfred Frederick George Beresford, 10th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1911 )
 Mellor, John Paget, 1st Bt. ( 1911 )
 Oliphant, Laurence James, 9th of Condie ( 1911 )
 Rochfort, Alexander Nelson ( 1911 )
 Rolleston, Lancelot ( 1911 )
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1912 )
 Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevil, 1st Bt. ( 1912 )
 Bradbury, John Swanwick, 1st Baron Bradbury ( 1913 )
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton, 12th Earl of Dundonald ( 1913 )
 Eustace, Francis John William ( 1913 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1913 )
 Selby-Bigge, Lewis Amhurst, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1914 )
 Farquhar, Arthur Murray ( 1914 )
 Greene, William Conyngham ( 1914 )
 Holderness, Thomas William, 1st Bt. ( 1914 )
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo ( 1915 )
 Anderson, Charles Alexander ( 1915 )
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerran, 7th Bt. ( 1915 )
 Gough, John Edmund, V.C. ( 1915 ), posthumously
 Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27th of Hunterston ( 1915 )
 Ramsay, Malcolm Graham ( 1915 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st and last Baron Rawlinson ( 1915 )
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1915 )
 Wilson, Henry Fuller Maitland ( 1915 )
 Bonham Carter, Maurice ( 1916 )
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1st and last Viscount Byng of Vimy ( 1916 )
 Erskine-Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine, 1st and last Baron Wester Wemyss ( 1916 )
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer ( 1916 )
 Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, 1st Baron Hankey ( 1916 )
 Horne, Henry Sinclair, 1st and last Baron Horne ( 1916 )
 King-Hall, Herbert Goodenough ( 1916 )
 Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st and last Viscount Lee of Fareham ( 1916 )
 Liddell, Frederick Francis ( 1916 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
 Robeck, John Michael, 1st and last Bt. ( 1916 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1917 )
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C. ( 1917 )
 Geddes, Auckland Campbell, 1st Baron Geddes ( 1917 )
 Kavanagh, Charles Toler MacMorrough ( 1917 )
 Legge, William Heneage, 6th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1917 )
 Maxse, Frederick Ivor ( 1917 )
 Philipps, Ivor ( 1917 )
 Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Eustace Henry William, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Tyrwhitt, Reginald Yorke, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode ( 1918 )
 Couper, Victor Arthur ( 1918 )
 Frank, Howard George, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Haldane, James Aylmer Lowthorpe ( 1918 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, Alexander ( 1918 )
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st Baron Keyes ( 1918 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1918 )
 Lambton, William ( 1918 )
 Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne ( 1918 )
 Paine, Godfrey Marshall ( 1918 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1918 )
 Trenchard, Hugh Montague, 1st Viscount Trenchard ( 1918 )
 Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ( 1919 )
 Babington, James Melville ( 1919 )
 Barrow, George de Symons ( 1919 )
 Beveridge, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Beveridge ( 1919 )
 Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Campbell, David Graham Muschet ( 1919 )
 Campbell, Walter ( 1919 )
 Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynne ( 1919 )
 Forestier Walker, George Townshend ( 1919 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1919 )
 Ironside, William Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside ( 1919 )
 Knox, Alfred William Fortescue ( 1919 )
 Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh ( 1919 )
 Murray, George Evelyn Pemberton ( 1919 )
 Phillimore, Richard Fortescue ( 1919 )
 Rycroft, William Henry ( 1919 )
 Schuster, Claud, 1st and last Baron Schuster ( 1919 )
 Singer, Morgan ( 1919 )
 Fitzherbert, Edward Stafford, 13th Baron Stafford ( 1920 )
 Hopkins, Richard Valentine Nind ( 1920 )
 Lambert, Cecil Foley ( 1920 )
 Brand, Thomas Walter, 3rd Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1921 )
 Leveson-Gower, George Granville ( 1921 )
 Matheson, Torquhil George, of Lochalsh, 5th Bt. ( 1921 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1922 )
 Malcolm, Neill ( 1922 )
 Nugent, Oliver Stewart Wood ( 1922 )
 Perceval, Edward Maxwell ( 1922 )
 Salter, James Arthur, 1st Baron Salter ( 1922 )
 Williams-Bulkeley, Richard Henry, 12th Bt. ( 1922 )
 Hope, George Webley ( 1923 )
 Robinson, Charles Walker ( 1923 )
 Vyvyan, Arthur Vyell ( 1923 )
 Boyle, Algernon Douglas Edward Harry ( 1924 )
 Hodges, Michael Henry ( 1925 )
 Bentinck, Rudolf Walter ( 1926 )
 Fowler, John Sharman ( 1926 )
 Brand, Hubert George ( 1927 )
 Franks, George McKenzie ( 1927 )
 Gillman, Webb ( 1927 )
 Tyrrell, William George, 1st and last Baron Tyrrell of Avon ( 1927 )
 Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, 1st and last Baron Vansittart ( 1929 )
 Dawkins, Horace Christian ( 1930 )
 Boyle, William Henry Dudley, 12th Earl of Cork ( 1931 )
 Gwynn, Charles William ( 1931 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1931 )
 Fagan, Edward Arthur ( 1932 )
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Baron Jeffreys ( 1932 )
 Backhouse, Roger Roland Charles ( 1933 )
 Cameron, Archibald Rice ( 1933 )
 Clive, George Sidney ( 1933 )
 Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenheere, 1st Baron Dowding ( 1933 )
 Leith-Ross, Frederick William ( 1933 )
 Shaw-Stewart, Michael Hugh, of Greenhall and Blackhall, 8th Bt. ( 1933 )
 Dunbar-Nasmith, Martin Eric, V.C. ( 1934 )
 Maffey, John Loader, 1st Baron of Rugby ( 1934 )
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly ( 1934 )
 Badeley, Henry John Fanshawe, 1st and last Baron Badeley ( 1935 )
 Fane de Salis, Cecil ( 1935 )
 Knox, Harry Hugh Sidney ( 1935 )
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st Baron Newall ( 1935 )
 Burnett, Charles Stuart ( 1936 )
 Dill, John Greer ( 1937 )
 Freeman, Wilfrid Rhodes, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
 Fry, Geoffrey Storrs, 1st and last Bt. ( 1937 )
 Grant, Charles John Cecil ( 1937 )
 Portal, Bertram Percy ( 1937 )
 Ramsay, Alexander Robert Maule ( 1937 )
 Thomas, Godfrey John Vignoles, 10th Bt. ( 1937 )
 Campion, Gilbert Francis Montriou, 1st and last Baron Campion ( 1938 )
 Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie, Baron Clark ( 1938 )
 Hurcomb, Cyril William, 1st Baron Hurcomb ( 1938 )
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees Prendergast, 6th Viscount Gort, V.C. ( 1938 )
 Williams-Wynn, Robert William Herbert, 9th Bt. ( 1938 )
 Bernard, Denis John Charles Kirwan ( 1939 )
 Brownrigg, W. Douglas S. ( 1939 )
 Cunningham, Andrew Browne, 1st and last Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope ( 1939 )
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke ( 1940 )
 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and last Baron Ismay ( 1940 )
 Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st and last Viscount Portal of Hungerford ( 1940 )
 Ramsay, Bertram Home ( 1940 )
 Wilson, Henry Maitland, 1st Baron Wilson ( 1940 )
 Burgh, Hubert Henry ( 1941 )
 Cadogan, Alexander George Montagu ( 1941 )
 Cunningham, Alan Gordon ( 1941 )
 Douglas, William Sholto, 1st and last Baron Douglas of Kirtleside ( 1941 )
 Forbes Adam, Ronald, 2nd Bt. ( 1941 )
 Hill, Richard Augustus Sandys ( 1941 )
 Pile, Frederick Alfred, 2nd Bt. ( 1941 )
 Tovey, John Cronyn, Baron Tovey ( 1941 )
 Whitmore, Francis Henry Douglas Charlton, 1st Bt. ( 1941 )
 Arbuthnot, Geoffrey Schomberg ( 1942 )
 Babington, John Tremayne ( 1942 )
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Baron Freyberg, V.C. ( 1942 )
 Harris, Arthur Travers, 1st Bt. ( 1942 )
 Lyttelton, John Cavendish, 9th Viscount Cobham ( 1942 )
 Montgomery, Bernard Law, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ( 1942 )
 Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norman ( 1942 )
 Smith, Harry Reginald Walter Marriott ( 1942 )
 Tedder, Arthur William, 1st Baron Tedder ( 1942 )
 Babington, Philip ( 1943 )
 Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape ( 1943 )
 Le Marchant, Edward Thomas, 4th Bt. ( 1943 )
 Leese, Oliver William Hargreaves, 3rd Bt. ( 1943 )
 Tait, William Eric Campbell ( 1943 )
 Wake-Walker, William Frederic ( 1943 )
 Weeks, Ronald Morce, 1st and last Baron Weeks ( 1943 )
 Hamilton, Louis Henry Keppel ( 1944 )
 Lascelles, Alan Frederick ( 1944 )
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim ( 1944 )
 Burnett, Robert Lindsay ( 1945 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, Frederick Hew George ( 1945 )
 McGrigor, Rhoderic Robert ( 1945 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1945 )
 Napier, Albert Edward Alexander ( 1945 )
 Pery, Edmund Colquhoun, 5th Earl of Limerick ( 1945 )
 Brook, Norman Craven, 1st and last Baron Normanbrook ( 1946 )
 Franks, Oliver Shewell, Baron Franks ( 1946 )
 Portal, Reginald Henry ( 1946 )
 Redcliffe-Maud, John Primatt, Baron Redcliffe-Maud ( 1946 )
 Sinclair, Robert John, 1st Baron Sinclair of Cleeve ( 1946 )
 Smith, Arthur Francis ( 1946 )
 Troubridge, Thomas Hope ( 1946 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1947 )
 Stopford, Montagu George North ( 1947 )
 Talbot, Cecil Ponsonby ( 1947 )
 Campbell, Bruce Atta, 2nd of Arduaine ( 1948 )
 Cochrane, Ralph Alexander ( 1948 )
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang ( 1948 )
 Wiggin, William Henry ( 1948 )
 Douglas-Pennant, Cyril Eustace ( 1950 )
 Keightley, Charles Frederick ( 1950 )
 Christie-Miller, Geoffry ( 1951 )
 Howard, Algar Henry Stafford ( 1951 )
 Kirkpatrick, Ivone Augustine ( 1951 )
 Plowden, Edwin Noel August, Baron Plowden ( 1951 )
 Russell, Guy Herbrand Edward ( 1951 )
 Erskine, George Watkin Eben James ( 1952 )
 Maxwell, Dennis Crichton ( 1952 )
 Gale, Richard Nelson ( 1953 )
 Legh, Piers Walter ( 1953 )
 Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield ( 1953 )
 William-Powlett, Peveril Barton Reibey ( 1953 )
 Lascelles, Francis William ( 1954 )
 Pelly, Claude Bernard Raymond ( 1954 )
 Adeane, Michael Edward, Baron Adeane ( 1955 )
 Darvall, Lawrence ( 1956 )
 John, Caspar ( 1956 )
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne ( 1957 )
 Boyle, Dermot ( 1957 )
 Playfair, Edward Wilder ( 1957 )
 Reid, John Peter Lorne ( 1957 )
 Onslow, Richard George ( 1958 )
 Bellew, George Rothe ( 1961 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1961 )
 Tyrwhitt, St. John Reginald Joseph, 2nd Bt. ( 1961 )
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1962 )
 Tryon, Charles George Vivian, 2nd Baron Tryon ( 1962 )
 Villiers, John Michael ( 1962 )
 Armstrong, William, Baron Armstrong of Sanderstead ( 1963 )
 Crawford, William Godfrey ( 1963 )
 Le Fanu, Michael ( 1963 )
 Murray, Keith Anderson Hope, Baron Murray of Newhaven ( 1963 )
 Allen, Philip, Baron Allen of Abbeydale ( 1964 )
 Harington, Charles Henry Pepys ( 1964 )
 Zuckerman, Solly, Baron Zuckerman ( 1964 )
 Compton, Edmund Gerald ( 1965 )
 Fitzpatrick, Geoffrey Richard Desmond ( 1965 )
 Carver, Richard Michael Power, Baron Carver ( 1966 )
 Peel Yates, David ( 1966 )
 Allen, Douglas Albert Vivian, Baron Croham ( 1967 )
 Ford, Edward William Spencer ( 1967 )
 Hill-Norton, Peter John, Baron Hill-Norton ( 1967 )
 Law, Horace Rochfort ( 1967 )
 Lea, George H. ( 1967 )
 FitzGeorge-Balfour, Robert George Victor ( 1968 )
 Barraclough, John ( 1970 )
 Hellings, Peter William Cradock ( 1970 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, John Saye Wingfield ( 1970 )
 Ashmore, Edward Beckwith ( 1971 )
 Griffith-Griffin, Anthony Templer Frederick ( 1971 )
 Hodgkinson, William Derek ( 1971 )
 Ward, Richard Erskine ( 1971 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1972 )
 Gibbs, Roland Christopher ( 1972 )
 Aiken, John Alexander Carlisle ( 1973 )
 Gourlay, Basil Ian Spencer ( 1973 )
 Hunt, John Joseph Benedict, Baron Hunt of Tanworth ( 1973 )
 Lewin, Terence Thornton, Baron Lewin ( 1973 )
 Moser, Claus Adolf, Baron Moser ( 1973 )
 Bramall, Edwin Noel Westby, Baron Bramall ( 1974 )
 Lowe, Douglas Charles ( 1974 )
 Cameron, Neil, Baron Cameron of Balhousie ( 1975 )
 Henderson, Peter Gordon, Baron Henderson of Brompton ( 1975 )
 Nairne, Patrick Dalmahoy ( 1975 )
 Raikes, Iwan Geoffrey ( 1976 )
 Armstrong, Robert Temple, Baron Armstrong of Ilminster ( 1978 )
 Leng, Peter John Hall ( 1978 )
 Stanier, John Wilfred ( 1978 )
 Acland, John Hugh Bevil ( 1980 )
 Bagnall, Nigel Thomas ( 1980 )
 Craig, David Brownrigg, Baron Craig of Radley ( 1980 )
 Fieldhouse, John David Elliott, Baron Fieldhouse ( 1980 )
 Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baron Moore of Wolvercote ( 1980 )
 Guy, Roland Kelvin ( 1981 )
 Staveley, William ( 1981 )
 Pringle, Steuart Robert ( 1982 )
 Mostyn, Joseph David Frederick ( 1984 )
 Vincent, Richard Frederick, Baron Vincent of Coleshill ( 1984 )
 Arthur, John Norman Stewart ( 1985 )
 Hunt, Nicholas John Streynsham ( 1985 )
 Sainty, John ( 1986 )
 Bathurst, David Benjamin ( 1987 )
 Scott Thomas, William ( 1987 )
 Butler, Frederick Edward Robin, Baron Butler of Brockwell ( 1988 )
 Inge, Peter Anthony, Baron Inge ( 1988 )
 MacMillan, John Richard Alexander ( 1988 )
 Anson, John ( 1990 )
 Guthrie, Charles Ronald Llewelyn, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank ( 1990 )
 Fellowes, Robert, Baron Fellowes ( 1991 )
 Hill-Norton, Nicholas John ( 1991 )
 Harris, John Hulme ( 1992 )
 Rous, William Edward ( 1992 )
 Biggs, Geoffrey William Roger ( 1993 )
 Abbott, Peter Charles ( 1994 )
 Boyce, Michael, Baron Boyce ( 1995 )
 Wilson, Richard Thomas James, Baron Wilson of Dinton ( 1997 )
 Bichard, Michael George, Baron Bichard ( 1999 )
 Crisp, Edmund Nigel Ramsay, Baron Crisp ( 2002 )
 Janvrin, Robin Berry, Baron Janvrin ( 2002 )
 Kiszely, John Panton ( 2004 )
 Allan, Alexander Claud Stuart ( 2012 )
 Geidt, Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie, Baron Geidt ( 2014 )
 Rutnam, Philip McDougall ( 2018 )
Count equals 1340 individuals.
Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire (K.B.E.)
 Aglen, Francis Arthur
 Agnew, Patrick Dalreagle
 Alderson, Edward Hall
 Allchin, Geoffrey Cuthbert
 Armitage-Smith, Anthony Armitage
 Atkinson, Arthur Joseph
 Bailey, Sidney Robert
 Baldwin, John Eustice Arthur
 Balfour, Alfred Granville
 Balfour, Philip Maxwell
 Barber, Colin Muir
 Barrie, Charles Coupar, 1st and last Baron Abertay
 Bassett, Walter Eric
 Beaver, Hugh Eyre Campbell
 Belgrave, Charles Dalyrymple
 Benthall, Arthur Paul
 Bernard, Edgar
 Best, Thomas Alexander Vans
 Bewicke-Copley, Robert Calverley Alington
 Bicket, Alexander
 Biggs, Hilary Worthington
 Boucher, Charles Hamilton
 Bovenschen, Frederick Carl
 Bower, Robert Lister
 Bower, Roger Herbert
 Braddon, Henry Yule
 Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 2nd Viscount Bridgeman
 Brodie, Israel
 Browne, Arthur Howe, 8th Marquess of Sligo
 Browning, Frederick Arthur Montague
 Brownrigg, Henry John Studholme
 Burnett-Stuart, John Theodosius, of Dens and Crichie
 Burrough, Harold Martin
 Butler, Cyril Kendall
 Callander, Colin Bishop
 Cantlie, Colin
 Carcano, Miguel Angel, honorary
 Cazalet, Peter Grenville Lyon
 Chapple, John
 Chilton, Maurice Somerville
 Clapham, Michael John Sinclair
 Clarke, Charles Philip
 Clarke, Francis Grenville
 Clarke, Ralph Stephenson
 Clayton, Gilbert Falkingham
 Cleary, William Castle
 Cleland, Charles John
 Cohen, Jack Benn Brunel
 Colchester-Wemyss, Maynard Francis
 Colefax, Arthur
 Collins, Godfrey Pattison
 Coningham, Arthur
 Cooke, Edward Marriott
 Cooke, Herbert Fothergill
 Coryton, William Alec
 Cotts, William Dingwall Mitchell, 1st Bt.
 Couchman, Francis Dundas
 Crace, John Gregory
 Cranmer-Kenrick, George
 Craw, Henry Hewat
 Creagh, Michael O'Moore
 Crichton-Stuart, John, 6th Marquess of the County of Bute
 Croft, William Dawson
 Crookenden, Napier
 Cunningham, Hugh Patrick
 Cunninghame Graham, Angus Edward Malise Bontine, of Gartmore and Ardoch
 Cutforth, Lancelot
 Darwin, Horace
 Darzi, Ara, Baron Darzi of Denham
 David, Edgeworth Beresford
 Davies, Lancelot Richard Bell
 Delacombe, Rohan
 Denham, Edward Brandis
 Denning, Norman Egbert
 Denning, Reginald Francis Stewart
 Docker, Bernard Dudley Frank
 Dorman, Arthur John, 1st Bt.
 Downer, Alexander Russell
 Drew, James Sydney
 Drew, James Syme
 Elliot, William
 Elmhirst, Thomas Walker
 Embry, Basil Edward
 Epstein, Jacob
 Figgess, John
 Findlay, John Ritchie, of Aberlour, 1st Bt.
 Fisher, Douglas Blake
 Fisher, Gerald Thomas
 Fisher, Thomas
 Forbes, Arthur William
 Fowle, Henry Walter Hamilton
 Fraser, John Foster
 Freeman, Philip Horace
 Fryer, John Claud Fortescue
 George, Robert Allingham
 Gibbs, Frank Stannard
 Glover, Guy de Courcy
 Goodhart, Arthur Lehman
 Gordon-Watson, Charles
 Goschen, William Henry
 Grafftey-Smith, Laurence Barton
 Graham, Miles William Arthur Peel
 Grasett, Arthur Edward
 Green, Frederick
 Green, William Wyndham
 Greeson, Edward
 Gregory, George David Archibald
 Greig, Louis
 Guingand, Francis Wilfred
 Hacket-Pain, William
 Haggard, Henry Rider
 Hall, Frederick, 1st Bt.
 Hall, Peter Reginald Frederick
 Hallett, Theodore John
 Hallifax, David John
 Harford, James Dundas
 Harmer, Sidney
 Harper, Charles Henry
 Harris, Austin Edward
 Hayter, William Goodenough
 Heath, Herbert Leopold
 Hedley, Coote
 Hennessy, Alfred Theodore
 Hezlet, Arthur Richard
 Hiley, Ernest Haviland
 Hinde, William Robert Norris
 Holmden, Osborn George
 Holmes, Hugh Oliver
 Holmes, Noel Galway
 Holt, Vesey George Mackenzie
 Hordern, Samuel
 Hore, Charles F. A.
 Horlick, Edwin John
 Hornell, Robert Arthur
 Hoste, William, 1st Bt.
 Houldsworth, Henry Walter
 Howard-Vyse, Edward Dacre
 Hughes, Wilfred Selwyn Kent
 Inglis, John Drummond
 Isaacson, Robert Spencer
 Jackson, Thomas
 Johnson, Robert Arthur
 Jones, Francis Adolphus
 Jones, Roderick
 Jones, Roderick
 Jones, Roderick
 Jones, Vincent Strickland
 Kennedy, John Noble
 Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, Neil James
 Kitson, Henry Karslake
 Leng, Hilary Howard
 Leslie, Norman Alexander
 Leslie, Walter Stewart
 Lindsell, Wilfred
 Llewellyn, Leonard Wilkinson
 Macdonald, Peter Drummond
 Macdonald, Roderick Douglas
 Maconachie, Richard Roy
 Maconochie, Charles Cornelius
 Maltby, Paul Copeland
 Mann, James Henderson
 Manners, Errol
 Manning, William Henry
 Mara, Kamisese Kapaiwai Tuimacilai
 Marshall, Hugo Frank
 Martel, Giffard
 Martell, Hugh Colenso
 Martelli, Horace de Courcy
 Marten, Francis Arthur
 Maxwell, Wellwood George Courtenay
 May, Reginald Seaburne
 Mayhew, Basil Edgar
 McCreery, Richard Loudon
 Mellon, Paul
 Mellor, James Gilbert Shaw
 Merton, Thomas Ralph
 Michelmore, William Godwin
 Miers, Henry David Alastair Capel
 Miller, James
 Miller-Cunningham, George
 Miller-Cunninhgam, George, of Leithenhopes
 Moberly, John Campbell
 Mole, Charles John
 Money, Arthur Wigram
 Morse, John Anthony Vere
 Nicholson, Cameron Gordon Graham
 Nicholson, Randolph Stewart Gresham
 Nimmo, Adam
 Nye, Archibald Edward
 Oldfield, Leopold Charles Louis
 Oman, Charles William Chadwick
 Owen, William Francis Langer
 Packe, Edward Hussey
 Page, Charles Max
 Parr, Robert
 Parry, Frederick Sydney
 Pass, Eliot Arthur
 Pears, Edmund Radcliffe
 Peel, Mervyn Lloyd
 Piggott, George Bettesworth
 Pipon, James Murray
 Pitman, Isaac James
 Potter, Wilfrid John
 Preston, Frederick George Panizzi
 Prideaux-Brune, Humphrey Ingelram
 Proctor, Philip Bridger
 Prothero, George Walter
 Rafter, Charles Haughton
 Readett-Bayley, Henry Dennis
 Redgrave, Roy Michael Frederick
 Reyne, Cecil Nugent
 Richmond, Maxwell
 Ritchie, Archibald Buchanan
 Roberts, Ouvry Lindfield
 Robertshaw, Ballin Illingworth
 Robertson, Malcolm Arnold
 Romer, Cecil Francis
 Rosenheim, Max Leonard, Baron Rosenheim
 Ross, Walter Charteris, of Cromarty
 Rowlatt, Frederick Terry
 Royds, Charles William Rawson
 Royle, Lancelot Carrington
 Ryan, Charles Snodgrass
 Sankey, Herbert Stuart
 Scobell, Sanford John Palairet
 Scoones, Geoffry Allen Percival
 Scott, Nicholas Paul
 Self, Albert Henry
 Slater, William Kershaw
 Smith, Aubrey Clare Hugh
 Smith, Edwin Rodney, Baron Smith
 Snagge, Harold Edward
 Somerville, William
 Spickernell, Frank Todd
 Spinks, Charlton Watson
 Stainton, John Armitage
 Standing, Guy
 Stanley, Robert Christopher Stafford
 Stern, Albert Gerald
 Stewart, Charles John
 Stewart, Edward
 Stewart, Gershom
 Stewart, Robert King, of Murdostoun
 Stockwell, Hugh Charles
 Straubenzee, Casimir Cartwright
 Strickland, Edward Peter
 Summerscale, John Percival
 Sutton, Bertine Entwisle
 Templer, Gerald Walter Robert
 Thesiger, Wilfred Patrick
 Thistleton-Smith, Geoffrey
 Thomas, William Beach
 Thomson, Frederick Charles, of Glendarroch, 1st Bt.
 Thornton, Henry Worth
 Thornycroft, John Edward
 Turton, Robert Hugh, Baron Tranmire
 Twiston-Davies, Leonard
 Tyler, Leslie Norman
 Vian, Philip Louis
 Vincent, Berkeley
 Wadia, Nusserwanjee Nowrosjee
 Warne-Browne, Thomas Arthur
 Watherston, David Charles
 Weatherall, James Lamb
 Weaver, Lawrence
 Weaver, Lawrence
 Wemyss, Henry Colville Barclay
 Wemyss, Maynard Francis Colchester
 Whistler, Lashmer Gordon
 White, Vincent Gordon Lindsey, Baron White of Hull
 White-Thomas, Hugh Davie
 Wickham, Charles George
 Willert, Arthur
 Williams-Drummond, Francis Dudley
 Wilson, Murrough John
 Wilson, Samuel Herbert
 Wimble, John Bowring
 Winter, Ormonde de l'Epee
 Wood, Ernest
 Wood, Frank
 Woods, Wilfrid Wentworth
 Worley, Newnham Arthur
 Wormald, John
 Young, Arthur Henderson
 Austin, Herbert, 1st and last Baron Austin ( 1917 )
 Bathurst, Charles, 1st Viscount Bledisloe ( 1917 )
 Cokayne, Brien Ibrican, 1st Baron Cullen of Ashbourne ( 1917 )
 Collingwood, William ( 1917 )
 Fellowes, Ailwyn Edward, 1st Baron Ailwyn ( 1917 )
 Fielding, Charles William ( 1917 )
 Kindersley, Robert Molesworth, 1st Baron Kindersley ( 1917 )
 Nethersole, Michael ( 1917 )
 Pollock, Ernest Murray, 1st Viscount Hanworth ( 1917 )
 Robinson, Thomas Bilbe ( 1917 )
 Arden-Close, Charles Frederick ( 1918 )
 Benn, Arthur Shirley, 1st and last Baron Glenravel ( 1918 )
 Caine, Thomas Hall ( 1918 )
 Courtauld-Thomson, Courtauld Greenwood, 1st and last Baron Courtauld-Thomson ( 1918 )
 Davison, William Henry, 1st Baron Broughshane ( 1918 )
 Dickinson, Willoughby Hyett, 1st Baron Dickinson ( 1918 )
 Esplen, John, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Eve, Herbert Trustram ( 1918 )
 Fletcher, Walter Morley ( 1918 )
 Goold-Adams, Henry Edward Fane ( 1918 )
 Guthrie, Connop Thirwall Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Horne, Robert Stevenson, 1st Viscount Horne of Slamannan ( 1918 )
 Lumsden, John ( 1918 )
 Mackenzie, William Warrender, 1st Baron Amulree ( 1918 )
 May, George Ernest, 1st Baron May ( 1918 )
 McGowan, Harry Duncan, 1st Baron McGowan ( 1918 )
 Mitchell-Thomson, William, 1st Baron Selsdon ( 1918 )
 Perry, Perceval Lea Dewhurst, 1st and last Baron Perry ( 1918 )
 Plunket, William Lee, 5th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1918 )
 Sykes, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Taylor, William Francis Kyffin, 1st and last Baron Maenan ( 1918 )
 Tritton, Seymour Biscoe ( 1918 )
 Welby, Alfred Cholmeley Earle ( 1918 )
 William-Hume-Williams, Ellis, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Anderson, Francis James ( 1919 )
 Gibson, Herbert, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Grey, Raleigh ( 1919 )
 Hambro, Charles Eric ( 1919 )
 Kell, Vernon George Waldegrave ( 1919 )
 Mackenzie-Kennedy, Edward Charles William ( 1919 )
 Newton, George Douglas Cochrane, 1st Baron Eltisley ( 1919 )
 Poole, Frederick Cuthbert ( 1919 )
 Purey-Cust, Herbert Edward ( 1919 )
 Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th Duke of Bedford ( 1919 )
 Sackville-West, Charles John, 4th Baron Sackville of Knole ( 1919 )
 Seymour, Edward Hamilton, 16th Duke of Somerset ( 1919 )
 Waterlow, William Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Yarde-Buller, Henry ( 1919 )
 Bingham, George Charles, 5th Earl of Lucan ( 1920 )
 Bowater, Frederick William ( 1920 )
 Brooke, Harry Vesey ( 1920 )
 Buller-Fullerton-Elphinstone, George Keith ( 1920 )
 Cunliffe-Lister, Philip, 1st Earl of Swinton ( 1920 )
 Dukes, Paul Henry ( 1920 )
 Finlay, William, 2nd Viscount Finlay ( 1920 )
 Grayson, Henry Mulleneux, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Gridley, Arnold Babb, 1st Baron Gridley ( 1920 )
 Harvey, Ernest Musgrave, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Edward Henry FitzHardinge ( 1920 )
 Lawson Johnston, George, 1st Baron Luke ( 1920 )
 Lawson, Arnold ( 1920 )
 Macnaghten, Malcolm Martin ( 1920 )
 Petersen, William ( 1920 )
 Raeburn, Ernest Manifold ( 1920 )
 Renwick, Harry Benedetto, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Rhodes, Robert Heaton ( 1920 )
 Stamp, Josiah Charles, 1st Baron Stamp ( 1920 )
 Sutherland, Arthur Munro, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Waley Cohen, Robert ( 1920 )
 Hambro, Percival Otway ( 1921 )
 McAlpine, Thomas Malcolm ( 1921 )
 Venables-Vernon, William Henry ( 1921 )
 Fane de Salis, William ( 1922 )
 McLintock, William, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
 Samuelson, Herbert Walter ( 1922 )
 Stanistreet, George Bradshaw ( 1922 )
 Balfour, Arthur, 1st Baron Riverdale ( 1923 )
 James, Frederick Seton ( 1923 )
 Masson, David Orme ( 1923 )
 Swinton, Ernest Dunlop ( 1923 )
 Vesey, Ivo Lucius Beresford ( 1923 )
 Gower, Robert Patrick Malcolm ( 1924 )
 Forestier-Walker, Charles Leolin, 1st and last Bt. ( 1925 )
 Reid, John ( 1925 )
 Stewart, Kenneth Dugald, of Strathgarry, 1st Bt. ( 1927 )
 Maitland-Heriot, William ( 1928 )
 Bigham, Frank Trevor Roger ( 1929 )
 Boothby, Robert Tuite ( 1929 )
 Herbert, Dennis Henry, 1st Baron Hemingford ( 1929 )
 Hurcomb, Cyril William, 1st Baron Hurcomb ( 1929 )
 Barlow, Thomas Dalmahoy ( 1934 )
 Domvile, Barry Edward ( 1934 )
 Citrine, Walter McLennan, 1st Baron Citrine ( 1935 )
 Keown-Boyd, Alexander William ( 1936 )
 Anson, George Augustus ( 1937 )
 Cooke-Collis, William James Norman ( 1937 )
 Inskip, John Hampden ( 1937 )
 Baillieu, Clive Latham, 1st Baron Baillieu ( 1938 )
 Barlow, James Alan Noel, 2nd Bt. ( 1938 )
 Gray, Harold William Stannus ( 1938 )
 Makins, Ernest ( 1938 )
 Russell, Thomas Wentworth ( 1938 )
 Drummond, Maurice Charles Andrew ( 1939 )
 Peto, Geoffrey Kelsall ( 1939 )
 Talbot, Cecil Ponsonby ( 1939 )
 Goschen, Harry William Neville, 1st Bt. ( 1940 )
 Beresford-Peirse, Noel Monson de la Poer ( 1941 )
 Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape ( 1941 )
 Hambro, Charles Jocelyn ( 1941 )
 Sinclair, Robert John, 1st Baron Sinclair of Cleeve ( 1941 )
 Tovey, John Cronyn, Baron Tovey ( 1941 )
 Fitzmaurice, Raymond ( 1942 )
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Baron Freyberg, V.C. ( 1942 )
 Rootes, William Edward, 1st Baron Rootes ( 1942 )
 Smith, Arthur Francis ( 1942 )
 Spears, Edward Louis, 1st Bt. ( 1942 )
 Thesiger, Bertram Sackville ( 1942 )
 Cochrane, Edward Owen ( 1943 )
 Heathcote-Smith, Clifford Edward ( 1943 )
 Hobart, Percy Cleghorn Stanley ( 1943 )
 Ramsay, Bertram Home ( 1943 )
 Willis, Algernon Usborne ( 1943 )
 Burnett, Robert Lindsay ( 1944 )
 Christison, Alexander Frank Philip, 4th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Radcliffe, Cyril John, 1st Viscount Radcliffe ( 1944 )
 Renwick, Robert Burnham, 1st Baron Renwick ( 1944 )
 Rodd, Francis James Rennell, 2nd Baron Rennell ( 1944 )
 Stopford, Montagu George North ( 1944 )
 Wake, Baldwin St. Aubyn ( 1944 )
 Bromet, Geoffrey Rhodes ( 1945 )
 Cochrane, Ralph Alexander ( 1945 )
 Cornwallis, Wykeham Stanley, 2nd Baron Cornwallis ( 1945 )
 Dowding, Arthur Ninian ( 1945 )
 James, Archibald William Henry ( 1945 )
 Keightley, Charles Frederick ( 1945 )
 Macready, Gordon Nevil, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Simeon, Charles Edward Barrington ( 1945 )
 Bowerbank, Fred Thompson ( 1946 )
 Clarke, Marshal Llewelyn ( 1946 )
 Denny, Maurice Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Hutchison, Balfour Oliphant ( 1946 )
 Jamieson, Archibald Auldjo ( 1946 )
 Kinnaird, Kenneth Fitzgerald, 12th Lord Kinnaird ( 1946 )
 Maclay, Joseph Paton, 2nd Baron Maclay ( 1946 )
 Mathew, Theobald ( 1946 )
 Mills, Percy Herbert, 1st Viscount Mills ( 1946 )
 Plowden, Edwin Noel August, Baron Plowden ( 1946 )
 Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1st Bt. ( 1946 )
 Campbell, Cecil James ( 1947 )
 Spens, William Patrick, 1st Baron Spens ( 1947 )
 Forster, John, 1st Baron Forster of Harraby ( 1948 )
 Ramsden, Geoffrey Charles Frescheville ( 1948 )
 Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. ( 1949 )
 Morgan, Vaughan ( 1949 )
 Erskine, George Watkin Eben James ( 1950 )
 Gale, Richard Nelson ( 1950 )
 Corbett, Thomas Godfrey Polson, 2nd Baron Rowallan ( 1951 )
 Furness, Robert Allason ( 1951 )
 Baring, Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1952 )
 Burrows, Robert Abraham ( 1952 )
 Dunnett, George Sangster ( 1952 )
 Festing, Francis Wogan ( 1952 )
 Hawkins, Geoffrey Alan Brooke ( 1952 )
 Penney, William Gordon, Baron Penney ( 1952 )
 White, Thomas ( 1952 )
 Woodhouse, Horace Martin, 3rd Baron Terrington ( 1952 )
 Bolitho, Edward Hoblyn Warren ( 1953 )
 Boothby, Robert John Graham, Baron Boothby ( 1953 )
 Boyle, Dermot ( 1953 )
 Howard, Arthur Jared Palmer ( 1953 )
 Ingleby-Mackenzie, Kenneth Alexander ( 1953 )
 Pizey, Mark ( 1953 )
 Baker Wilbraham, Philip Wilbraham, 6th Bt. ( 1954 )
 Bird, Robert Bland, 2nd Bt. ( 1954 )
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne ( 1954 )
 Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 2nd Viscount Bridgeman ( 1954 )
 Evans, Geoffrey Charles ( 1954 )
 Holman, Adrian ( 1954 )
 Lord, Leonard Percy, 1st and last Baron Lambury ( 1954 )
 Robins, Thomas Ellis, 1st and last Baron Robins ( 1954 )
 Addis, William ( 1955 )
 Compton, Edmund Gerald ( 1955 )
 Fleck, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Fleck ( 1955 )
 Helsby, Laurence Norman, Baron Helsby ( 1955 )
 Herbert, Edwin Otway ( 1955 )
 Stopford, John Sebastian Bach, Baron Stopford of Fallowfield ( 1955 )
 Campbell, Alexander Douglas ( 1956 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Ferdinand William, 8th Duke of Portland ( 1956 )
 Graham, Fergus Frederick, 5th Bt. ( 1956 )
 Herbert, Edwin Savory, Baron Tangley ( 1956 )
 Hutt, Alexander McDonald Bruce ( 1956 )
 Bernard, Percy Ronald Gardner, 5th Earl of Bandon ( 1957 )
 Bolton, Ian Frederick Cheney, 2nd Bt. ( 1957 )
 Bowman, James, 1st Bt. ( 1957 )
 Fitz-Clarence, Geoffrey William Richard Hugh, 5th Earl of Munster ( 1957 )
 Hinton, Christopher, Baron Hinton of Bankside ( 1957 )
 Mowbray, George Robert, 5th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Goodbody, Richard Wakefield ( 1958 )
 Hughes-Onslow, Geoffrey Henry ( 1959 )
 Lucas, Jocelyn Morton, 4th Bt. ( 1959 )
 Mancroft, Stormont Mancroft, 2nd Baron Mancroft ( 1959 )
 Wilson, Thomas George ( 1959 )
 Forbes, Nigel Ivan, 22nd Lord Forbes ( 1960 )
 Legge-Bourke, Edward Alexander Henry ( 1960 )
 Onslow, William Arthur Bampfylde, 6th Earl of Onslow ( 1960 )
 St. Clair-Ford, Peter ( 1961 )
 Baker-Carr, John Darcy ( 1962 )
 Brazier-Creagh, Kilner Rupert ( 1962 )
 Harington, Charles Robert ( 1962 )
 MacLean, Hector Charles Donald ( 1962 )
 Aitken, William Traven ( 1963 )
 Bridgeman, Maurice Richard ( 1964 )
 Gordon-Lennox, George Charles ( 1964 )
 Hicks-Beach, Michael John, 2nd Earl Saint Aldwyn ( 1964 )
 Moore, Charles Garrett Ponsonby, 11th Earl of Drogheda ( 1964 )
 Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, Baron Renton ( 1964 )
 Talbot, Arthur Allison Fitzroy ( 1964 )
 Bacon, Edmund Castell, 13th and 14th Bt. ( 1965 )
 Dunn, Patrick Hunter ( 1965 )
 Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1965 )
 Welby-Everard, Christopher Earle ( 1965 )
 Chichester, Francis Charles ( 1967 ), receiving the accolade from HM Queen Elizabeth II with Drake's sword at Greenwich
 MacLean, Charles Hector Fitzroy, Baron Maclean ( 1967 )
 Pretyman, Walter ( 1967 )
 Reid, Edward James, 2nd Bt. ( 1967 )
 Acland, Hugh John Dyke ( 1968 )
 Bayly, Patrick Uniacke ( 1968 )
 Geddes, Anthony Reay Mackay ( 1968 )
 Lewis, William Brereton Couchman, 3rd Baron Merthyr ( 1969 )
 Geddes, Ross Campbell, 2nd Baron Geddes ( 1970 )
 Coleridge, Richard Duke, 4th Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1971 )
 Nicholson, John Norris, 2nd Bt. ( 1971 )
 Packer, Douglas Frank ( 1971 )
 Goschen, John Alexander, 3rd Viscount Goschen ( 1972 )
 Woods, Frank ( 1972 )
 Younger, Kenneth Gilmour ( 1972 )
 Dixon, Daniel Stewart Thomas Bingham, 2nd Baron Glentoran ( 1973 )
 Andrews, John Lawson Ormrod ( 1974 )
 Fellowes, Ailwyn Edward, 3rd Baron de Ramsey of Ramsey Abbey ( 1974 )
 Macpherson, Niall Malcolm Stewart, 1st and last Baron Drumalbyn ( 1974 )
 Mansfield, Edward Gerard Napier ( 1974 )
 Parsons, Laurence Michael Harvey, 6th Earl of Rosse ( 1974 )
 Verney, Ralph Bruce, 5th Bt. ( 1974 )
 Watson, Philip Alexander ( 1974 )
 Wilson, Alexander James ( 1974 )
 Herbert, Henry George Reginald Molyneux, 7th Earl of Carnarvon ( 1976 )
 Hudson, Peter ( 1977 )
 Cecil, Oswald Nigel Amherst ( 1979 )
 Synnot, Anthony Monckton ( 1979 )
 Dahrendorf, Ralph, Baron Dahrendorf ( 1982 )
 Pery, Patrick Edmund, 6th Earl of Limerick ( 1983 )
 Bruce, Morys George Lyndhurst, 4th Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1984 ), civil
 Eccles, David McAdam, 1st Viscount Eccles ( 1984 )
 Akers-Jones, David ( 1985 )
 Tufo, Vincent ( 1985 )
 Acheson, Ernest Donald ( 1986 )
 Cooke, Robin Brunskill, Baron Cooke of Thorndon ( 1986 )
 Jellicoe, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl Jellicoe ( 1986 )
 Lascelles, George Henry Hubert, 7th Earl of Harewood ( 1986 )
 Inskip, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote ( 1987 )
 Nickson, David Wigley, Baron Nickson ( 1987 )
 Palmer, John Roundell, 4th Earl of Selborne ( 1987 )
 Swinnerton-Dyer, Henry Peter Francis, 16th Bt. ( 1987 )
 Milton-Thompson, Godfrey James ( 1988 )
 Levene, Peter Keith, Baron Levene of Portsoken ( 1989 )
 Phillips, David Chilton, Baron Phillips of Ellesmere ( 1989 )
 Cleminson, James Arnold Stacey ( 1990 )
 Steel, David Martin Scott, Baron Steel of Aikwood ( 1990 )
 Bowyer, Bertram Stanley Mitford, 2nd Baron Denham ( 1991 )
 Oxburgh, Ernest Ronald, Baron Oxburgh ( 1992 )
 Boyd-Carpenter, Thomas Patrick John ( 1993 )
 Higgins, Terence Langley, Baron Higgins ( 1993 )
 Fermor-Hesketh, Thomas Alexander, 3rd Baron Hesketh ( 1997 )
 Mallinckrodt, Georg-Wilhelm Gustav ( 1997 ), Honorary
 Cordy-Simpson, Roderick Alexander ( 1998 )
 Deedes, William Francis, Baron Deedes ( 1999 )
 Ashdown, Jeremy John Durham, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon ( 2000 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Richard Walter John, 10th Duke of Buccleuch ( 2000 )
 Shah, Sadruddin, Prince Aga Khan ( 2002 )
 Pakenham, Michael Aidan ( 2003 )
 Coe, Sebastian Newbold, Baron Coe ( 2006 )
 Rausing, Hans ( 2006 )
 Tata, Ratan Naval ( 2009 )
 Smit, Timothy Bartel ( 2011 )
 Cadogan, Charles Gerald John, 8th Earl Cadogan ( 2012 )
 Gregory, Andrew Richard ( 2016 )
 McAvoy, Thomas McLaughlin, Baron McAvoy ( 2022 )
Count equals 571 individuals.
Knight Commander, Order of the Indian Empire (K.C.I.E.)
 Allen, George
 Altham, Edward Altham
 Anderson, James Drummond
 Ardagh, John Charles
 Arnold, Edwin
 Baker, Herbert
 Beatson-Bell, Nicholas Dodd
 Benton, John
 Beresford, William Leslie de la Poer, V.C.
 Biles, John
 Birdwood, George Christopher Molesworth
 Bliss, Henry William
 Blunt, Edward Arthur Henry
 Boyd, Donald James
 Campbell, Archibald Young Gipps
 Campbell, Walter Fendall
 Chamier, Edward Maynard des Champs
 Cotton, George
 Cunningham, Henry Stewart
 Darling, Malcolm Lyall
 Dennehy, Thomas
 Dew, Armine Brereton
 Donald, John Steuart
 Drummond, Edmund
 Eardley-Wilmot, Sainthill
 Edwards, William Rice
 Egerton, Raleigh Gilbert
 Evans, Griffith Humphrey Pugh
 Franklin, Benjamin
 Garbett, Colin Campbell
 Gidney, Claude Henry
 Halsey, Lionel
 Hogg, Frederick Russell
 Howell, Evelyn Berkeley
 Hudson, William Brereton
 Hutchings, Robert Noel
 Keppel, Colin Richard
 Keyes, Terence Humphrey
 Lambert, John
 Lethbridge, Roper
 Lewis, William Hawthorne
 Lutyens, Edwin Landseer
 Macartney, George
 Mahtab, Uday Chand, of Burdwan
 Malleson, Wilfrid
 McLeod, Donald Kenneth
 McMahon, Arthur Henry
 Milward, Clement Arthur
 Mitchell, Kenneth Grant
 Moberly, Bertrand Richard
 Morton, Gerald de Courcy
 O'Donnell, Thomas Joseph
 Ogilvie, George Drummond
 Parsons, Alfred Alan Lethbridge
 Perronet Thompson, John
 Reid, Robert Neil
 Risley, Herbert Hope
 Sale, Stephen George
 Sheppard, William Didsbury
 Simpson, Benjamin
 Slade, Edmond John Warre
 Stewart, Thomas Alexander
 Stokes, Hopetoun Gabriel
 Sykes, Percy Molesworth
 Talbot, Adelbert Cecil
 Thuilliell, Henry Ravenshaw
 Trevor, Gerald
 Tupper, Charles Lewis
 Wake, Drury St. Aubyn
 Wiles, Gilbert
 Williams, Godfrey
 Macnab, Donald Campbell ( 1887 )
 Vesey-FitzGerald, William Gerald Seymour ( 1887 )
 Molesworth, Guilford Lindsey ( 1888 )
 Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1888 )
 Durand, Henry Mortimer ( 1889 )
 Mackay, James Lyle, 1st Earl of Inchcape ( 1894 )
 Brooke, William Robert ( 1895 )
 Jardine, John, 1st Bt. ( 1897 )
 Shah, Mohamed, Aga Khan III ( 1898 )
 Wingate, Andrew ( 1898 )
 James, Henry Evan Murchison ( 1901 )
 Elles, Edmond Roche ( 1903 )
 Younghusband, Francis Edward ( 1904 )
 Dane, Louis William ( 1905 )
 Bomford, Gerald ( 1909 )
 Dane, Richard Morris ( 1909 )
 Morison, Theodore ( 1910 )
 Rees, John David, 1st Bt. ( 1910 )
 Daly, Hugh ( 1911 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1911 )
 Houssemayne Du Boulay, James ( 1911 )
 Spring, Francis Joseph Edward ( 1911 )
 Egerton, Brian ( 1914 )
 Ramsay, John ( 1915 )
 Levinge, Edward Vere ( 1916 )
 Grant, Alfred Hamilton, of Dalvey, 12th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Anderson, Charles Alexander ( 1919 )
 Dering, Herbert Guy Nevill ( 1919 )
 Douglas-Scott-Montagu, John Walter Edward, 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu ( 1919 )
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1921 )
 Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway ( 1921 )
 Fagan, Patrick James ( 1922 )
 Knapp, Arthur Rowland ( 1924 )
 Jehangir, Cowasjee, 2nd Bt. ( 1927 )
 St. John, Henry Beauchamp ( 1930 )
 Harrison, Charlton Scott Cholmeley ( 1932 )
 Parsons, Arthur Edward Broadbent ( 1938 )
 Abell, George Edmond Brackenbury ( 1947 )
Count equals 109 individuals.
Knight Commander, Order of the Star of India (K.C.S.I.)
 Aitchison, Charles Umpherston
 Arbuthnot, Alexander John
 Baillie, Duncan
 Barclay, George Head
 Barnes, George Stapylton
 Barnes, Hugh Shakespear
 Beadon, Cecil
 Beatson-Bell, Nicholas Dodd
 Bell, Robert Duncan
 Bosanquet, Oswald Vivian
 Brooking, Harry Triscott
 Browne, James
 Browne, Samuel, V.C.
 Burne, Owen Tudor
 Butler, Montagu Sherard Dawes
 Campbell, George
 Campbell, John
 Cavenagh, Orfeur
 Chamier, Edward Maynard des Champs
 Charles, Richard Havelock, 1st Bt.
 Chatterjee, Atul Chandra
 Chichele-Plowden, Trevor John Chichele
 Cochrane, Archibald Douglas
 Colvin, Elliot Graham
 Colvin, Elliot James Dowell
 Cotton, Arthur Thomas
 Cotton, Henry John Stedman
 Couper, George Ebenezer Wilson, 2nd Bt.
 Crerar, James
 Crosthwaite, Charles Hawkes Todd
 Crosthwaite, Robert Joseph
 David, Sassoon Jacob, 1st Bt.
 Deane, Harold Arthur
 Durand, Henry Marion
 Eden, Ashley
 Edwardes, Herbert Benjamin
 Egerton, Robert Eyles
 Eliott, Daniel
 Elliot, Walter, of Wolfelee
 Fayrer, Joseph, 1st Bt.
 Fayrer, Joseph, 1st Bt.
 Forbes, George
 Fox, Charles Edmund
 Fraser, Stuart Mitford
 Fryer, Frederic
 Gerard, Montagu Gilbert
 Goldsmid, Frederick John
 Grey, William
 Griffin, Lepel Henry
 Harington, Henry Byng
 Hayward, Maurice Henry Weston
 Hewett, John Prescott
 Hewett, William Nathan Wrighte, V.C.
 Hobhouse, Arthur, 1st and last Baron Hobhouse
 Ilbert, Courtenay
 Innes, Charles Alexander
 Israel, Barrow Helbert
 Jejeebhoy, Jamsetjee, 5th Bt.
 Jenkins, John Lewis
 Kemball, Arnold Burrowes
 Lamb, Richard Amphlett
 Lawrence, George St. Patrick
 Lawrence, Henry Staveley
 Leslie, Bradford
 Lewis, William Hawthorne
 Low, Robert Cunliffe, V.C.
 Lowndes, George Rivers
 Lyall, Charles
 Macdonald, Reginald John, 22nd of Clanranald and Moidart and 8th of Benbecula
 McPherson, Herbert Taylor, V.C.
 Meade, Richard John
 Morris, John Henry
 Muir Mackenzie, John William Pitt
 Muir, William
 Muir, William
 Peile, James Braithwaite
 Pelly, Lewis
 Perronet Thompson, John
 Plowden, William Chichele
 Pollock, Frederick Richard
 Pomeroy-Colley, George
 Porter, Leslie
 Price, John Frederick
 Pycroft, Thomas
 Ramsay, Henry
 Reid, Robert Neil
 Ricketts, Henry
 Ridgeway, Joseph West
 Robinson, William Rose
 Schuster, George Ernest
 Seccombe, Thomas Lawrence
 Solomon, William Henry
 Stewart, Thomas Alexander
 Stokes, Gabriel
 Stokes, Henry
 Trevor, Arthur Charles
 Walker, George Casson
 Walwyn, Humphrey Thomas
 Ward, William Erskine
 Wilson, Gordon
 Wilson, James
 Wilson, John Cracroft
 Young, William Mackworth
 Yule, Henry
 Campbell, Colin, 1st and last Baron Clyde of Clydesdale ( 1861 )
 Canning, Charles John, 1st Earl Canning ( 1861 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1861 )
 Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub and of Grately ( 1861 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1st Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore ( 1861 )
 Grant, Charles ( 1865 )
 Chamberlain, Neville Bowles ( 1866 )
 Mansfield, William Rose, 1st Baron Sandhurst of Sandhurst ( 1866 )
 Sherer, George Moyle ( 1866 )
 Wingate, George ( 1866 )
 Phayre, Arthur Purves ( 1867 )
 Temple, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1867 )
 Vesey-FitzGerald, William Robert Seymour ( 1867 )
 Bayley, Edward Clive ( 1877 )
 Stephen, James Fitzjames, 1st Bt. ( 1877 )
 Bayley, Steuart Colvin ( 1878 )
 St. John, Oliver Beauchamp Coventry ( 1882 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1883 )
 Bradford, Edward Ridley Colborne, 1st Bt. ( 1885 )
 Danvers, Juland ( 1886 )
 Mackenzie, Alexander ( 1891 )
 Colvin, Auckland ( 1892 )
 MacDonnell, Anthony Patrick, 1st and last Baron MacDonnell ( 1893 )
 Durand, Henry Mortimer ( 1894 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1906 )
 Hare, Lancelot ( 1907 )
 Holderness, Thomas William, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 Mackay, James Lyle, 1st Earl of Inchcape ( 1910 )
 Smith, James Robert Dunlop ( 1910 )
 Hammick, Murray ( 1911 )
 Ismay, Stanley ( 1911 )
 Meston, James Scorgie, 1st Baron Meston ( 1911 )
 Burrard, Sidney Gerald, 7th Bt. ( 1914 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1915 )
 Daly, Hugh ( 1916 )
 Morison, Theodore ( 1917 )
 Stuart, Robert Charles Ochiltree ( 1917 )
 Younghusband, Francis Edward ( 1917 )
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C. ( 1919 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1920 )
 Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway ( 1921 )
 Sinha, Satyendra Prasanna, 1st Baron Sinha ( 1921 )
 Grant, Alfred Hamilton, of Dalvey, 12th Bt. ( 1922 )
 Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1922 )
 Montmorency, Geoffrey Fitz-Hervey ( 1928 )
 Hotson, John Ernest Buttery ( 1930 )
 Knight, Henry Foley ( 1943 )
Count equals 151 individuals.
Knight Commander, Royal Victorian Order (K.C.V.O.)
 Abel Smith, Alexander
 Agar-Robartes, Francis Gerald, 7th Viscount Clifden of Gowran
 Ashmore, Peter William Beckwith
 Baring, Mark
 Barnes, Hugh Shakespear
 Barry, Henry Deacon
 Bather, John Knollys
 Battenberg, Maurice Victor Donald
 Birkbeck, Edward, 1st and last Bt.
 Bland, Neville
 Bland, Simon Claude Michael
 Bowes-Lyon, Francis James Cecil
 Bracegirdle, Leighton Seymour
 Brock, Osmond de Beauvoir
 Brownlow, William, 3rd Baron Lurgan
 Burnet, Robert William
 Butler, Thomas Dacres
 Butter, David Henry
 Campbell, Archibald, 4th Baron Blythswood
 Campbell, Walter Douglas Somerset
 Carnwarth, Andrew
 Carnwath, Andrew Hunter
 Chartres, Richard John Carew, Baron Chartres
 Chaytor, Edward Walter Clervaux
 Cheke, Marcus John
 Chichester, Gerald Henry Crofton
 Clayton, FitzRoy Augustus Talbot
 Clowes, Henry Nelson
 Coke, Charles Henry
 Colville, William James
 Combs, Willis Ide
 Cooper, Simon Christie
 Cordingley, John
 Corkran, Victor George
 Crutchley, Charles
 Cutler, Arthur Roden, V.C.
 Daniel, Goronwy Hopkin
 Davies, Daniel Thomas
 Davies, Francis John
 Davies, Henry Walford
 Dawnay, David
 Delacombe, Rohan
 Dent, Robin John
 Dimsdale, Joseph Cockfield, 1st Bt.
 Dobbs, Richard Arthur Frederick
 Dunphie, Alfred
 Egerton, Alfred Mordaunt
 Eliot, Philip Frank
 Eliot, Philip Frank
 Ellis, Arthur Edward Augustus
 Eugster, Basil Oscar Paul
 Farquharson, Angus Durie Miller
 Farrer, Walter Leslie
 Feilden, Randle Guy
 Fellowes, William Albemarle
 Fielden, Edward Hedley
 Fortescue, John William
 Fraser, Charles Annand
 Fraser, Denholm de Montalt
 Freeman, Philip Horace
 Gane, Irving Blanchard
 Gardiner, Henry Lynedoch
 Gascoigne, Ernest Frederick Orby
 Gascoigne, Julian Alvery
 Gatty, Arthur Scott
 Geidt, Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie, Baron Geidt
 George, Robert Allingham
 Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfred
 Godlee, Rickman John, 1st Bt.
 Goodrich, James Edward Clifford
 Gower, Robert Vaughan
 Graham-Hodgson, Harold Kingston
 Grey, Roger
 Griffin, Arthur John Stewart
 Gurney, Somerville Arthur
 Gurney, Walter Somerville
 Hallifax, David John
 Halpert, Jeremy Michael
 Hanbury, Thomas
 Hanbury-Tenison, Richard
 Harris, Ronald Montague Joseph
 Hart, Reginald Clare, V.C.
 Hay, Alan Philip
 Henderson, David
 Henderson, John Nicholas
 Home, Archibald Fraser
 Hope, David Michael, Baron Hope of Thornes
 Horner, John Francis Fortescue
 Houssemayne Du Boulay, Roger William
 Hugo, John
 Hunter, Alan John
 Jackson, Thomas Sturges
 James, John Hastings
 Johnson, George Frederick
 Johnson, Robert Arthur
 Kearsley, Robert Harvey
 Kennedy, John Noble
 Kitson, Gerald
 Knollys, Henry
 Kyle, Wallace Hart
 Landale, David William Neill
 Laurie, Percy Robert
 Lawrence, James John Trevor, 2nd Bt.
 Leach, Edward Pemberton, V.C.
 Lees, James Cameron
 Levita, Cecil Bingham
 Lister, William
 Lowry-Corry, Montagu William, 1st and last Baron Rowton
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Richard Maximilian, 2nd Baron Acton of Aldenham
 Lyttelton-Annesley, Arthur Lyttelton
 MacMillan, Gordon Holmes Alexander, of MacMillan and Knap
 Macadam, Ivison Stevenson
 Macdonald-Buchanan, Reginald Narcissus
 Macrae, Robert Andrew Alexander Scarth
 Mahon, Bryan Thomas
 Maltby, Paul Copeland
 Mann, James Gow
 Mann, Michael Ashley
 Mansel, James Seymour Denis
 Mansfield, Alan James
 Mare, Arthur James
 Marjoribanks, George John
 Martin, Robert Andrew St. George
 Mason, Frederick Cecil
 Mayall, Alexander Lees
 McCalmont, Robert Chaine Alexander
 Meux, Hedworth
 Mitchell, Frank Herbert
 Mitchell, Patrick Reynold
 Montgomery Campbell, Henry Colville
 Moreton, Richard Charles
 Murray, Donald
 Murray, John
 Murray, John, of Folla
 Nelson, Eustace John Blois
 Nevile, Henry Nicholas
 Nicholson, Douglas Romilly Lothian
 Nott-Bower, John Reginald Hornby
 Nott-Bower, William
 Pakenham, William Christopher
 Parker, Michael John
 Peat, Henry
 Pelly, Henry Bertram
 Percival, Lancelot Jefferson
 Peyton, William Eliot
 Poole, Reginald Ward Edward Lane
 Powell, Richard Douglas, 1st Bt.
 Reynolds-Moreton, Richard Charles
 Ross, John Foster George, of Bladensburg
 Rowley, Hercules Edward, 4th Baron Langford of Summerhill
 Rue, Ernest
 Russell, Charles, 1st Bt.
 Russell, Odo William Theophilus Villiers
 Satgé, Henry Valentine Bache
 Scarlett, Peter William Shelley Yorke
 Scott, Ian Dixon
 Scott, Kenneth
 Scott-Gatty, Alfred
 Scott-Gatty, Alfred
 Seymour, Edward
 Seymour, Reginald Henry
 Seymour, William Frederick Ernest
 Slade, Edmond John Warre
 Smith, Aubrey Clare Hugh
 Smith, Edmund Hakewell
 Smith, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Smith-Ryland, Charles Mortimer Tollemache
 Stevenson, Edward Daymonde
 Stewart, Dugald Leslie Lorn, 16th Chisholm of Appin
 Stewart, Robert Christie
 Stirling, James, of Garden
 Stopford, Frederick William
 Sturt, Humphrey Napier, 2nd Baron Alington of Crichel
 Swan, Conrad Marshall John Fisher
 Swan, William B.
 Talbot, Gerald Francis
 Thorne, Peter Francis
 Tothill, Hugh
 Towneley, Simon Peter Edmund Cosmo William
 VIcars, Arthur Edward
 Vane-Tempest, Herbert Lionel Henry
 Wade-Gery, Robert Lucian
 Wagner, Anthony Richard
 Wand, John William Charles
 Ward, John Hubert
 Warner, George Redston
 Warren, Thomas Herbert
 Warrender, George John Scott, of Lochend, 7th Bt.
 Waterlow, Sydney Hedley, 1st Bt.
 Weatherall, James Lamb
 Webb-Carter, Evelyn John
 White, Henry Ellis Yeo
 Wilkinson, Nevile Rodwell
 Wilson, Jacob
 Windley, Edward Henry
 Windsor, Michael George Charles Franklin, Prince of Kent
 Wodehouse, Edwin Frederick
 Wollaston, Gerald Woods
 Woodard, Robert Nathaniel
 Woods, Robert Wilmer
 Worthington, Edward Scott
 Wroughton, Philip Lavallin
 ffolkes, William Hovell Browne, 3rd Bt.
 Monson, Debonnaire John, 8th Baron Monson of Burton ( 1896 )
 Monson, William John, 1st and last Viscount Oxenbridge ( 1896 )
 Byng, Henry William John, 4th Earl of Strafford ( 1897 )
 Cambridge, Adolphus Charles, 1st Marquess of Cambridge ( 1897 )
 Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward, 1st Baron Acton of Aldenham ( 1897 )
 Dease, Gerald Richard ( 1897 )
 FitzGerald-de Ros, Dudley Charles, 23rd Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1897 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1897 )
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1898 )
 Fullerton, John Reginald Thomas ( 1899 )
 Barlow, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1901 )
 Brett, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher ( 1901 )
 Broadbent, William Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1901 )
 Farquhar, Horace Brand, 1st and last Earl Farquhar ( 1901 )
 Boyd Carpenter, William ( 1902 )
 Davidson, Randall Thomas, 1st Baron Davidson of Lambeth ( 1902 )
 Dawnay, Hugh Richard, 8th Viscount Downe ( 1902 )
 Hobart, Robert Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Spencer, Victor Albert Francis Charles, 1st Viscount Churchill ( 1902 )
 Beresford, Charles William de la Poer, 1st and last Baron Beresford ( 1903 )
 MacDonnell, Anthony Patrick, 1st and last Baron MacDonnell ( 1903 )
 Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1903 )
 Plunket, William Lee, 5th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1903 )
 Plunkett, Horace Curzon ( 1903 )
 Bass, Michael Arthur, 1st Baron Burton of Burton-on-Trent and of Rangemore ( 1904 )
 FitzGeorge, Adolphus Augustus Frederick ( 1904 )
 FitzGeorge, Augustus Charles Frederick ( 1904 )
 Goschen, William Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1904 )
 Gough, Hugh, 3rd Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1904 )
 Levy-Lawson, Edward, 1st Baron Burnham ( 1904 )
 Savile-Lumley, John Savile, 2nd Baron Savile of Rufford ( 1904 )
 Boscawen, Evelyn Edward Thomas, 7th Viscount Falmouth ( 1905 )
 Brougham, Henry Charles, 3rd Baron Brougham and Vaux ( 1905 )
 Oliphant, Laurence James, 9th of Condie ( 1905 )
 Stanley, Edward George Villiers, 17th Earl of Derby ( 1905 )
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1906 )
 Montagu, Edward George Henry, 8th Earl of Sandwich ( 1906 )
 Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy ( 1906 )
 Scott, Percy Moreton, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles Henry John, 20th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1907 )
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton, 12th Earl of Dundonald ( 1907 )
 Denison, William Francis Henry, 2nd Earl of Londesborough ( 1907 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe ( 1907 )
 Shaughnessy, Thomas George, 1st Baron Shaughnessy ( 1907 )
 Ward, Edward Willis Duncan, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 Cripps, Charles Alfred, 1st Baron Parmoor ( 1908 )
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1908 )
 Grenfell, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Desborough ( 1908 )
 Hambro, Everard Alexander ( 1908 )
 Lascelles, Henry Ulick, 5th Earl of Harewood ( 1908 )
 Murray, Andrew Graham, 1st Viscount Dunedin ( 1908 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell ( 1909 )
 Crossley, Savile Brinton, 1st Baron Somerleyton ( 1909 )
 FitzRoy, Almeric William ( 1909 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1909 )
 Paget, Ralph Spencer ( 1909 )
 Mountbatten, Alexander Albert, 1st Marquess of Carisbrooke ( 1910 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1910 )
 Chamberlain, Neville Francis Fitzgerald ( 1911 )
 Dalton, John Neale ( 1911 )
 Dawson, Bertrand Edward, 1st and last Viscount Dawson of Penn ( 1911 )
 Erskine, Henry David ( 1911 )
 Fellowes, Ailwyn Edward, 1st Baron Ailwyn ( 1911 )
 Hamilton, Bruce Meade ( 1911 )
 Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1911 )
 Mackinnon, William Henry ( 1911 )
 Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1911 )
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles de Meuron, 7th Earl Fitzwilliam ( 1912 )
 Greville, Sidney Robert ( 1912 )
 Stern, Herbert, 1st Baron Michelham ( 1912 )
 Walsh, Arthur Henry John, 3rd Baron Ormathwaite ( 1912 )
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Winnington-Ingram, Arthur Foley ( 1915 )
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1916 )
 Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
 Mountbatten, George Louis Victor Henry Serge, 2nd Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1916 )
 Smith, James Robert Dunlop ( 1916 )
 Bonham Carter, Maurice ( 1917 )
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer ( 1917 )
 Hood, Alexander Nelson ( 1917 )
 Rigby, Hugh Mallinson, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Beresford, Marcus Talbot de la Poer ( 1918 )
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st Baron Keyes ( 1918 )
 Burke, Henry Farnham ( 1919 )
 Critchett, George Anderson, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Stopford, Lionel Arthur Montagu ( 1919 )
 Tyrrell, William George, 1st and last Baron Tyrrell of Avon ( 1919 )
 Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynne ( 1920 )
 Fry, William ( 1920 )
 Grigg, Edward William MacLeay, 1st Baron Altrincham ( 1920 )
 Marshall, Horace Brooks, 1st and last Baron Marshall of Chipstead ( 1920 )
 Maffey, John Loader, 1st Baron of Rugby ( 1921 )
 Pollock, Bertram ( 1921 )
 Brand, Hubert George ( 1922 )
 Colebrooke, Edward Arthur, 1st and last Baron Colebrooke ( 1922 )
 Duff, Alexander Ludovic ( 1922 )
 Montmorency, Geoffrey Fitz-Hervey ( 1922 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1922 )
 Annesley, Arthur, 11th Viscount of Valentia ( 1923 )
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland ( 1924 )
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Baron Jeffreys ( 1924 )
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice Swynfen ( 1925 )
 Greer, Joseph Henry ( 1925 )
 Horder, Thomas Jeeves, 1st Baron Horder ( 1925 )
 Carnegie, Charles Alexander, 11th Earl of Southesk ( 1926 )
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1927 )
 Cambridge, George Francis Hugh, 2nd Marquess of Cambridge ( 1927 )
 Cust, Lionel Henry ( 1927 )
 Feilding, Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine, 9th Earl of Denbigh ( 1927 )
 Lloyd-Verney, Harry ( 1927 )
 Rhodes, Robert Heaton ( 1927 )
 Bannerman, Arthur D'Arcy Gordon, of Elsick, 12th Bt. ( 1928 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1928 )
 Ogilvy, David Lyulph Gore Wolseley, 11th Earl of Airlie ( 1929 )
 Barton, Sidney ( 1930 )
 Cohen, Leonard Lionel ( 1930 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, George Arthur Maurice, 2nd Baron Stanmore ( 1930 )
 Inge, William Ralph ( 1930 )
 Montgomery, Charles Hubert ( 1930 )
 Wernher, Harold Augustus, 3rd Bt. ( 1930 )
 Erskine, Arthur Edward ( 1931 )
 Baillie, Albert Victor ( 1932 )
 Dalrymple, Hew Hamilton ( 1932 )
 Eliot, Montague Charles, 8th Earl of Saint Germans ( 1934 )
 Grant, Charles John Cecil ( 1934 )
 Barrington-Ward, Lancelot ( 1935 )
 Molyneux, Richard Frederick ( 1935 )
 Hopkinson, Henry Lennox ( 1936 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1937 )
 Broadbridge, George Thomas, 1st Baron Broadbridge ( 1937 )
 Cochrane, Arthur William Stewart ( 1937 )
 Fraser, John, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
 Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1937 )
 Penny, Frederick George, 1st Viscount Marchwood ( 1937 )
 Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norman ( 1937 )
 Chichester, Arthur Claud Spencer, 4th Baron Templemore ( 1938 )
 Burke, Ulick Roland ( 1939 )
 Gage, Henry Rainald, 6th Viscount Gage of Castle Island ( 1939 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Esmé Charles ( 1939 )
 Ponsonby, George Arthur ( 1939 )
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell ( 1939 )
 Webb-Johnson, Alfred Edward, 1st and last Baron Webb-Johnson ( 1942 )
 Campbell, Harold George ( 1943 )
 Howard, Algar Henry Stafford ( 1944 )
 Howard, Charles Alfred ( 1944 )
 Pooley, Ernest Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge ( 1944 )
 Fergusson, Louis Forbes ( 1945 )
 Leveson-Gower, William Spencer, 4th Earl Granville ( 1945 )
 Nugent, Terence Edmund Gascoigne, 1st and last Baron Nugent ( 1945 )
 Innes, Thomas, 7th of Learney ( 1946 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 7th Earl of Radnor ( 1946 )
 Ridley, Jaspar Nicholas ( 1946 )
 Agnew, William Gladstone ( 1947 )
 Baring, Charles Evelyn, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale ( 1947 )
 Lett, Hugh, 1st Bt. ( 1947 )
 Don, Alan Campbell ( 1948 )
 Kerr, Louis William Howard ( 1948 )
 Smith, Bracewell, 1st Bt. ( 1948 )
 Evans, Horace, 1st and last Baron Evans ( 1949 )
 Penn, Arthur Horace ( 1949 )
 Ross, James Paterson, 1st Bt. ( 1949 )
 Abel Smith, Henry ( 1950 )
 Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and last Baron Merriman ( 1950 )
 Adeane, Michael Edward, Baron Adeane ( 1951 )
 Barrington-Ward, Victor Michael ( 1952 )
 Bère, Rupert, 1st Bt. ( 1952 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Victor Cecil ( 1952 )
 Scott, John, 4th Earl of Eldon ( 1952 )
 Bellew, George Rothe ( 1953 )
 Boyle, Dermot ( 1953 )
 Bromley, Arthur, 8th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Codrington, Geoffrey Ronald ( 1953 )
 Coke, John Spencer ( 1953 )
 Drewe, Cedric ( 1953 )
 Eccles, David McAdam, 1st Viscount Eccles ( 1953 )
 Foot, Hugh Mackintosh, Baron Caradon ( 1953 )
 Nicolson, Harold George ( 1953 )
 Tryon, Charles George Vivian, 2nd Baron Tryon ( 1953 )
 Cohen, Andrew Benjamin ( 1954 )
 Cross, Ronald Hibbert, 1st and last Bt. ( 1954 )
 Herbert, Percy Mark ( 1954 )
 Napier, Albert Edward Alexander ( 1954 )
 Hamilton, Eric Knightley Chetwode ( 1955 )
 Blunt, Anthony Frederick ( 1956 ), until 1979 when he was stripped of his knighthood
 Grey, Ralph Francis Alnwick, Baron Grey of Naunton ( 1956 )
 Hankey, Robert Maurice Alers, 2nd Baron Hankey ( 1956 )
 Vesey, Osbert Eustace ( 1956 )
 Wilkinson, George Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1956 )
 Barclay, Roderick Edward ( 1957 )
 Ford, Edward William Spencer ( 1957 )
 Porritt, Arthur Espie, Baron Porritt ( 1957 )
 Stirling, Charles Norman ( 1957 )
 Wilson, John Mitchell Harvey, 2nd Bt. ( 1957 )
 Bowes-Lyon, David ( 1959 )
 Gordon, Adam Granville ( 1960 )
 Baring, Alexander Francis St. Vincent, 6th Baron Ashburton ( 1961 )
 Browne, Denis John Wolko ( 1961 )
 Cairns, David Charles, 5th Earl Cairns ( 1961 )
 Dawnay, Peter ( 1961 )
 Gore-Booth, Paul Henry, Baron Gore-Booth ( 1961 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1962 )
 Gilliat, Martin ( 1962 )
 Jackson, Robert Gillman Allen ( 1962 )
 Milbank, Mark Vane, 4th Bt. ( 1962 )
 Henley, Joseph Charles Cameron ( 1963 )
 Agnew, William Godfrey ( 1965 )
 Colville, Richard ( 1965 )
 Gibbs, Humphrey Vicary ( 1965 )
 Russell, John Wriothesley ( 1965 )
 Adair, Allan Henry Shafto, 6th Bt. ( 1967 )
 Bonham-Carter, Christopher Douglas ( 1968 )
 Boyd-Rochfort, Cecil Charles ( 1968 )
 Cornwallis, Wykeham Stanley, 2nd Baron Cornwallis ( 1968 )
 Legh, Francis Michael ( 1968 )
 Rumbold, Horace Anthony Claud, 10th Bt. ( 1969 )
 Fane, David Anthony Thomas, 15th Earl of Westmorland ( 1970 )
 Molony, Joseph Thomas ( 1970 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael ( 1971 )
 Blair, Chandos ( 1972 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Alexander Henry Charles ( 1972 )
 Penn, Eric Charles William Mackenzie ( 1972 )
 Gooch, Robert Eric Sherlock, 11th Bt. ( 1973 )
 Millar, Oliver Nicholas ( 1973 )
 Plunket, Patrick Terence William Span, 7th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1974 )
 Skyrme, William Thomas Charles ( 1974 )
 Forrest, Ronald Stephen ( 1975 )
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1975 )
 Mackworth-Young, Robert Christopher ( 1975 )
 Acland, Antony Arthur ( 1976 )
 Anstruther, Ralph Hugo, of that Ilk, 7th/12th Bt. ( 1976 )
 Egerton, Seymour John Louis ( 1976 )
 Hill-Wood, Wilfred William Hill ( 1976 )
 Lawson Johnston, Ian St. John, 2nd Baron Luke ( 1976 )
 Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baron Moore of Wolvercote ( 1976 )
 Assheton, Ralph, 1st Baron Clitheroe ( 1977 )
 Chubb, George Hayter, 3rd Baron Hayter ( 1977 )
 Flower, Desmond Llowarch Edward, 10th Viscount Ashbrook ( 1977 )
 Dalrymple, John Aymer, 13th Earl of Stair ( 1978 )
 Raeburn, William Digby Manifold ( 1979 )
 Studd, Peter Malden ( 1979 )
 Swinton, John, 7th of Kimmerghame ( 1979 )
 Collins, Arthur James Robert ( 1980 )
 Leigh, Neville Egerton ( 1980 )
 Ellison, Gerald Alexander ( 1981 )
 Hamilton, John d'Henin, 3rd Baron Hamilton of Dalzell ( 1981 )
 Lockhart-Mummery, Hugh Evelyn ( 1981 )
 Herbert, Henry George Reginald Molyneux, 7th Earl of Carnarvon ( 1982 )
 Kerr, Peter Francis Walter, 12th Marquess of Lothian ( 1983 )
 Aird, Alastair Sturgis ( 1984 )
 Davies, Richard Harries ( 1984 )
 Brassey, Hugh Trefusis ( 1985 )
 Byatt, Hugh Campbell ( 1985 )
 Bengough, Piers Henry George ( 1986 )
 Eyre, James Ainsworth Campden Gabriel ( 1986 )
 Gibbs, Eustace Hubert Beilby, 3rd Baron Wraxall ( 1986 )
 Miles, Peter Tremayne ( 1986 )
 Le Fanu, George Victor Sheridan ( 1987 )
 Palmer, Gordon William Nottage ( 1988 )
 Airy, Christopher John ( 1989 )
 Fellowes, Robert, Baron Fellowes ( 1989 )
 Gordon Lennox, Nicholas Charles ( 1989 )
 Baring, John Francis Harcourt, 7th Baron Ashburton ( 1990 )
 Innes, Malcolm Rognvald, 16th of Edingight ( 1990 )
 Knox, Bryce Muir ( 1990 )
 Loyd, Julian St. John ( 1991 )
 Money-Coutts, David Burdett ( 1991 )
 Napier, Francis Nigel, 14th Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1992 )
 Luttrell, Geoffrey Walter Fownes ( 1993 )
 Ponsonby, Ashley Charles Gibbs, 2nd Bt. ( 1993 )
 Younger, George Kenneth Hotson, 4th Viscount Younger of Leckie ( 1993 )
 Beaumont, Edward Nicholas Canning ( 1994 )
 Crossley, Saville William Francis, 3rd Baron Somerleyton ( 1994 )
 Dugdale, John Robert Stratford ( 1994 )
 McCorkell, Michael William ( 1994 )
 Stewart-Wilson, Blair Aubyn ( 1994 )
 Greig, Henry Louis Carron ( 1995 )
 Hamilton-Russell, Gustavus Michael George, 10th Viscount Boyne ( 1995 )
 Mansel Lewis, David Courtenay ( 1995 )
 Scott Thomas, William ( 1995 )
 Buxton, Aubrey Leland Oakes, Baron Buxton of Alsa ( 1996 )
 Gibbs, Peter Evan Wyldbore ( 1997 )
 Gore-Booth, David Alwyn ( 1997 )
 James, John Nigel Courtenay ( 1997 )
 Lowther, John Luke ( 1997 )
 Digby, Edward Henry Kenelm, 12th Baron Digby ( 1998 )
 Janvrin, Robin Berry, Baron Janvrin ( 1998 )
 Oswald, William Richard Michael ( 1998 )
 Parker, John St. Aubyn, 6th Earl of Morley ( 1998 )
 Sheppard, Allen John George, Baron Sheppard of Didgemere ( 1998 )
 Wills, John Vernon, 4th Bt. ( 1998 )
 Carr-Ellison, Ralph Harry ( 1999 )
 Ross, Walter Hugh Malcolm ( 1999 )
 Elworthy, Timothy Charles ( 2001 )
 Roberts, Hugh Ashley ( 2001 )
 Gilbart-Denham, Seymour Vivian ( 2002 )
 Parsons, John Christopher ( 2002 )
 Brooks, Timothy Gerald Martin ( 2003 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Simon Alexander ( 2005 )
 Bunbury, Michael William, 13th Bt. ( 2005 )
 Cholmondeley, David George Philip, 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 2007 )
 Cavendish, Peregrine Andrew Morny, 12th Duke of Devonshire ( 2009 )
 Elwes, Henry William George ( 2009 )
 O'Neill, Raymond Arthur Clanaboy, 4th Baron O'Neill of Shane's Castle ( 2009 )
 Riddell, John Charles Buchanan, of that Ilk, 13th Bt. ( 2009 )
 Vestey, Samuel George Armstrong, 3rd Baron Vestey ( 2009 )
 Bromley Davenport, William Arthur ( 2010 )
 Whitbread, Samuel Charles ( 2010 )
 Buchanan, Andrew George, 5th Bt. ( 2011 )
 Cropper, James Anthony ( 2011 )
 Cubitt, William George ( 2011 )
 Kay-Shuttleworth, Charles Geoffrey Nicholas, 5th Baron Shuttleworth ( 2011 )
 Crichton, Henry George Victor John, 6th Earl Erne of Crom Castle ( 2012 )
 Heber-Percy, Algernon Eustace Hugh ( 2014 )
 Alexander, Nicholas James, 7th Earl of Caledon ( 2015 )
 Boyle, Simon Hugh Patrick ( 2015 )
 Duberly, Archibald Hugh ( 2015 )
 McDonald, Simon Gerard, Baron McDonald of Salford ( 2015 )
 Tollemache, Timothy John Edward, 5th Baron Tollemache of Helmingham ( 2015 )
 Petre, John Patrick Lionel, 18th Baron Petre ( 2016 )
 Smyth-Osbourne, Edward Alexander ( 2016 )
 Wright, Nicholas Peter ( 2018 )
 Bathurst, Benjamin John ( 2019 )
 Bridges, Mark Thomas, 3rd Baron Bridges ( 2019 )
 Jameson, Melville Stewart ( 2019 )
Count equals 528 individuals.
Knight Grand Commander, Order of the Indian Empire (G.C.I.E.)
 Bruce, Victor Alexander, 13th Earl of Kincardine
 Burne, Owen Tudor
 Chatterjee, Atul Chandra
 Cochrane-Baillie, Charles Wallace Alexander Napier, 2nd Baron Lamington
 Faudel-Philips, George, 1st Bt.
 Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, 1st Marquess of Willingdon
 Grant Duff, Mountstuart
 Herbert, John Arthur
 Lawley, Arthur, 6th Baron Wenlock
 Lawley, Beilby, 3rd Baron Wenlock
 Palmer, Arthur Power
 Russell, Arthur Oliver Villiers, 2nd Baron Ampthill
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
 Seccombe, Thomas Lawrence
 Stanley, George Frederick
 Sykes, Frederick Hugh
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell
 White, George Stuart, V.C.
 Bourke, Robert, 1st and last Baron Connemara ( 1887 )
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1887 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1887 )
 Mackay, Donald James, 11th Lord Reay ( 1887 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1887 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1887 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1888 )
 Harris, George Robert Canning, 4th Baron Harris ( 1890 )
 Mansfield, William, 1st and last Viscount Sandhurst ( 1895 )
 Chamberlain, Crawford Trotter ( 1897 )
 Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st and last Marquess Curzon of Kedleston ( 1898 )
 Northcote, Henry Stafford, 1st and last Baron Northcote ( 1900 )
 Shah, Mohamed, Aga Khan III ( 1902 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert John, 4th Earl of Minto ( 1905 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1905 )
 Elles, Edmond Roche ( 1906 )
 Lawrence, Walter Roper, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st and last Baron Sydenham of Combe ( 1907 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1908 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1911 )
 Dane, Louis William ( 1911 )
 Gibson-Carmichael, Thomas David, 1st and last Baron Carmichael ( 1911 )
 Sinclair, John, 1st Baron Pentland ( 1912 )
 Thesiger, Frederick John Napier, 1st Viscount Chelmsford ( 1916 )
 Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, 2nd Marquess of Zetland ( 1917 )
 Lloyd, George Ambrose, 1st Baron Lloyd ( 1918 )
 Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1921 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1921 )
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1922 )
 Bulwer-Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert, 2nd Earl of Lytton ( 1922 )
 Goschen, George Joachim, 2nd Viscount Goschen ( 1924 )
 Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1926 )
 Jackson, Francis Stanley ( 1927 )
 Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1928 )
 Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1929 )
 Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ( 1932 )
 Knatchbull, Michael Herbert Rudolf, 5th Baron Brabourne of Brabourne ( 1933 )
 Montmorency, Geoffrey Fitz-Hervey ( 1933 )
 Erskine, John Francis Ashley, Lord Erskine ( 1934 )
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1937 )
 Hope, Arthur Oswald James, 2nd Baron Rankeillour ( 1939 )
 Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre ( 1940 )
 Colville, David John, 1st Baron Clydesmuir ( 1943 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1947 )
Count equals 62 individuals.
Knight Grand Commander, Order of the Star of India (G.C.S.I.)
 Bourke, Richard Southwell, 6th Earl of Mayo
 Bruce, Victor Alexander, 13th Earl of Kincardine
 Creagh, Garrett O'Moore, V.C.
 Cross, Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount Cross
 Fergusson, James, of Kilkerran, 6th Bt.
 Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, 1st Marquess of Willingdon
 Grant Duff, Mountstuart
 Hooker, Joseph Dalton
 Lawley, Arthur, 6th Baron Wenlock
 Lawley, Beilby, 3rd Baron Wenlock
 Low, John
 Monro, Charles Carmichael, 1st and last Bt.
 Nye, Archibald Edward
 Russell, Arthur Oliver Villiers, 2nd Baron Ampthill
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
 Stanley, George Frederick
 Stewart, Donald Martin, 1st Bt.
 Strachey, Richard
 Sykes, Frederick Hugh
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell
 White, George Stuart, V.C.
 Wodehouse, Philip Edmond
 Pollock, George, 1st Bt. ( 1861 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1866 )
 Harris, George Francis Robert, 3rd Baron Harris ( 1866 )
 Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub and of Grately ( 1866 )
 Mansfield, William Rose, 1st Baron Sandhurst of Sandhurst ( 1866 )
 Montgomery, Robert ( 1866 )
 Rose, Hugh Henry, 1st and last Baron Strathnairn of Strathnairn ( 1866 )
 Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1867 )
 Vesey-FitzGerald, William Robert Seymour ( 1868 )
 Baring, Thomas George, 1st Earl of Northbrook ( 1876 )
 Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard Plantagenet Campbell, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Cha ( 1876 )
 Temple, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1877 )
 Strachey, John ( 1878 )
 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st Earl of Lytton ( 1880 )
 Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 1st Earl of Cranbrook ( 1880 )
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1884 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1888 )
 Mackay, Donald James, 11th Lord Reay ( 1890 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1893 )
 Fowler, Henry Hartley, 1st Viscount Wolverhampton ( 1895 )
 Harris, George Robert Canning, 4th Baron Harris ( 1895 )
 MacDonnell, Anthony Patrick, 1st and last Baron MacDonnell ( 1897 )
 Mansfield, William, 1st and last Viscount Sandhurst ( 1900 )
 Hamilton, George Francis ( 1903 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert John, 4th Earl of Minto ( 1905 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1905 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1909 )
 Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st and last Baron Sydenham of Combe ( 1911 )
 Shah, Mohamed, Aga Khan III ( 1911 )
 Barrow, Edmund George ( 1916 )
 Thesiger, Frederick John Napier, 1st Viscount Chelmsford ( 1916 )
 Gibson-Carmichael, Thomas David, 1st and last Baron Carmichael ( 1917 )
 Sinclair, John, 1st Baron Pentland ( 1918 )
 Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1921 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1921 )
 Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, 2nd Marquess of Zetland ( 1922 )
 Lloyd, George Ambrose, 1st Baron Lloyd ( 1924 )
 Mackay, James Lyle, 1st Earl of Inchcape ( 1924 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st and last Baron Rawlinson ( 1924 )
 Bulwer-Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert, 2nd Earl of Lytton ( 1925 )
 Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st and last Viscount Lee of Fareham ( 1925 )
 Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1926 )
 Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of Birkenhead ( 1928 )
 Goschen, George Joachim, 2nd Viscount Goschen ( 1929 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1930 )
 Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1930 )
 Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1932 )
 Jackson, Francis Stanley ( 1932 )
 Peel, William Robert Wellesley, 1st Earl Peel ( 1932 )
 Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode ( 1934 )
 Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1936 )
 Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ( 1937 )
 Knatchbull, Michael Herbert Rudolf, 5th Baron Brabourne of Brabourne ( 1937 )
 Erskine, John Francis Ashley, Lord Erskine ( 1940 )
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1943 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1947 )
Count equals 79 individuals.
Knight Grand Cross, Hanoverian Order (G.C.H.)
 Barnard, Andrew Francis
 Beresford, George Thomas
 Beresford, John de la Poer, 1st Bt.
 Blackwood, Henry, 1st Bt.
 Bradford, Thomas
 Burton Conyngham, Francis Nathaniel Pierpoint
 Calvert, Harry, 1st Bt.
 Campbell, Henry Frederick
 Cartwright, Thomas
 Cary, Lucius Bentinck, 10th Viscount of Falkland
 Clinton, Henry
 Colborne, John, 1st Baron Seaton of Seaton
 Colville, Charles
 Darling, Ralph
 Denham, James Stewart, 3rd/8th Bt.
 Disbrowe, Edward Cromwell
 Donkin, Rufane Shawe
 Duff, Alexander
 Fagel, Henry
 Fitz-Clarence, Adolphus
 Fitz-Clarence, Frederick
 Foster, Augustus John, 1st Bt.
 Fremantle, William Henry
 Fremantle, William Henry
 Fuller, Joseph
 Gage, William Hall
 Gordon, Robert
 Grant, Colquhoun
 Grey, Henry George
 Halford, Henry Vaughan, 1st Bt.
 Halkett, Hugh
 Halkett, Peter, of Pitferrane, 6th Bt.
 Halyburton, John Frederick
 Hammond, Thomas
 Hope, John
 Houstoun, William, of Calderhall, 1st Bt.
 Hulse, Samuel
 Hunter, Martin
 Knighton, William, 1st Bt.
 Mac Gregor, Evan John Murray, of Mac Gregor, 2nd Bt.
 MacLeod, John
 Makdougall-Brisbane, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Montresor, Henry Tucker
 Murray, John, of Dunerne, 8th Bt.
 Nugent, Charles Edmund
 Paget, Charles
 Phipps, Constantine Henry, 1st Marquess of Normanby
 Rose, George Henry
 Rowley, Charles, 1st Bt.
 Seymour, George Hamilton
 Smith, John
 Smith, Lionel, 1st Bt.
 Stanhope, Charles, 3rd Earl of Harrington
 Waller, Jonathan Wathen, 1st Bt.
 Wetherall, Frederic Augustus
 Williams-Wynn, Henry Watkin
 Hanover, Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge ( 1815 )
 Hanover, Frederick Augustus, 1st Duke of York ( 1815 )
 Hanover, William IV, King of the United Kingdom ( 1815 )
 Paget, Henry William, 1st Marquess of Anglesey ( 1816 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1816 )
 Campbell, James, 1st and last Bt. ( 1817 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry ( 1817 )
 Fane, John, 11th Earl of Westmorland ( 1817 )
 Lyon, James ( 1817 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1st Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore ( 1817 )
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st and last Viscount Beresford of Beresford ( 1818 )
 Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hastings ( 1818 )
 Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Oakhampton and Redwood ( 1819 )
 Bourke, John, 4th Earl of Mayo ( 1819 )
 Cholmondeley, George James, 1st Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1819 )
 Seymour-Conway, Francis Charles, 3rd Marquess of Hertford ( 1819 )
 Conyngham, Henry, 1st Marquess Conyngham ( 1821 )
 Le Poer Trench, Richard, 2nd Earl of Clancarty ( 1821 )
 Stewart, Robert, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1821 )
 Conyngham, Francis Nathaniel, 2nd Marquess Conyngham ( 1823 )
 Duff, James, 4th Earl Fife ( 1823 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1825 )
 Byng, John, 1st Earl of Strafford ( 1826 )
 Meade, Richard Charles Francis Christian, 3rd Earl of Clanwilliam ( 1826 )
 Boyle, George, 4th Earl of Glasgow ( 1830 )
 Curzon-Howe, Richard William Penn, 1st Earl Howe ( 1830 )
 Hay, William George, 18th Earl of Erroll ( 1830 )
 Beauclerk, Amelius ( 1831 )
 Chichester, George Hamilton, 3rd Marquess of Donegall ( 1831 )
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane ( 1831 )
 Kerrison, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1831 )
 O'Brien, James, 3rd Marquess of Thomond ( 1831 )
 Sidney, Philip Charles, 1st Baron De L'Isle and Dudley of Penshurst ( 1831 )
 Vivian, Richard Hussey, 1st Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1831 )
 Coffin, Isaac, 1st Bt. ( 1832 )
 Campbell, George William, 6th Duke of Argyll ( 1833 )
 Keppel, William Charles, 4th Earl of Albemarle ( 1833 ), civil
 Amherst, William Pitt, 1st Earl Amherst of Arracan ( 1834 )
 Bayly, Henry ( 1834 )
 Child-Villiers, George, 5th Earl of the Island of Jersey ( 1834 )
 Cust, John, 1st Earl Brownlow ( 1834 )
 Grant, Robert ( 1834 )
 Egerton, Thomas Grosvenor, 2nd Earl of Wilton of Wilton Castle ( 1835 )
 FitzGibbon, John, 2nd Earl of Clare ( 1835 )
 Slade, John, 1st Bt. ( 1835 )
 Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard Plantagenet, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ( 1835 )
 Blakeney, Edward ( 1836 )
 Elphinstone, John, 13th Lord Elphinstone ( 1836 )
 Cockburn, George ( 1837 )
 Crosbie, John Gustavus ( 1837 )
 Fraser, Alexander George, 17th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1837 )
 Doyle, Charles William ( 1839 )
Count equals 108 individuals.
Knight Grand Cross, Order of St. Michael and St. George (G.C.M.G.)
 Aglen, Francis Arthur
 Atkins, Humphrey Edward Gregory, Baron Colnbrook
 Bethell, Alexander Edward
 Biddulph, Robert
 Bosanquet, Day Hort
 Bouverie, Henry Frederick
 Bowen, George Ferguson
 Briggs, Thomas
 Bruce, Alexander Hugh, 6th Lord Balfour of Burleigh
 Buller, Redvers Henry, V.C.
 Bunsen, Maurice William Ernest, 1st and last Bt.
 Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 3rd Bt.
 Byatt, Horace Archer
 Caldecott, Andrew
 Campbell, Ronald Hugh
 Cartwright, Fairfax Leighton
 Cassel, Ernest
 Chauvel, Henry George
 Chilton, Henry Getty
 Clementi, Cecil
 Clementi-Smith, Cecil
 Clifford, Bede Edmund Hugh
 Clifford, Hugh Charles
 Cochrane, Archibald Douglas
 Cochrane-Baillie, Charles Wallace Alexander Napier, 2nd Baron Lamington
 Colborne, John, 1st Baron Seaton of Seaton
 Cooper, Daniel, 1st Bt.
 Cornwallis, Kinahan
 Craigie, Robert Leslie
 Crawford, Robert Stewart
 Denham, Edward Brandis
 Des Voeux, George William
 Disbrowe, Edward Cromwell
 Dobbie, William George Shedden
 Douglas, Howard, 3rd Bt.
 Drummond-Hay, John
 Duff, Robert William, 4th of Fetteresso
 Duncan, Patrick
 Egerton, Charles Bulkeley
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Francis Edmund Hugh
 Erskine, William Augustus Forbes
 Fergusson, Ewen Alastair John
 Fitzpatrick, Charles
 Ford, Francis Clare
 Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, 1st Marquess of Willingdon
 Fremantle, Arthur James Lyon
 Garstin, William Edmund
 Gorton, John Grey
 Graham, Ronald William
 Graham, Thomas, 1st Baron Lynedoch
 Grant, John Peter, 11th of Rothiemurchus
 Grant, Patrick
 Greenstock, Jeremy
 Grenville, George, 2nd Baron Nugent of Carlanstown
 Halsey, Lionel
 Hamilton, Ian Standish Monteith
 Hankey, Frederick
 Hannay, David Hugh Alexander, Baron Hannay of Chiswick
 Hely Hutchinson, Walter Francis
 Henderson, John Nicholas
 Hotham, Henry
 Howard, Henry
 Huddleston, Hubert Jervoise
 Hunter, Martin
 Hurst, Cecil James Barrington
 Hussey, Richard Hussey
 Irving, Henry Turner
 James, John Morrice Cairns, Baron Saint Brides
 Jay, Michael Hastings, Baron Jay of Ewelme
 Jervois, William Francis Drummond
 Johnson-Brooke, Charles Anthony
 Johnston, Henry Hamilton
 Kelly, David Victor
 Kennedy, John Noble
 Kerr, John Olav, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard
 Knox, Uchter John Mark, 5th Earl of Ranfurly
 Le Hunte, George Ruthven
 Le Marchant, John Gaspard
 Lee, Frank Godbould
 Lindley, Francis Oswald
 Lindsay, Ronald Charles
 Loch, Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Loch
 Loraine, Percy Lytham, 12th Bt.
 Lowther, Gerald Augustus, 1st and last Bt.
 Lushington, Godfrey
 Lyons, Edmund, 1st Baron Lyons
 MacGillivray, Donald Charles
 MacMichael, Harold Alfred
 Macleay, James William Ronald
 Maitland, Donald James Dundas
 Malet, Edward Baldwin, 4th Bt.
 Mallet, Victor Alexander Louis
 Manning, William Henry
 Mara, Kamisese Kapaiwai Tuimacilai
 Marling, Charles Murray
 Maurice, Frederick Barton
 McCallum, Henry
 McMahon, Arthur Henry
 Miles, Herbert Scott Gould
 Monro, Charles Carmichael, 1st and last Bt.
 Musgrave, Anthony
 Nicolas, Nicholas Harris
 Norman, Henry Wylie
 Northey, Edward
 Nye, Archibald Edward
 Pauncefote, Julian, 1st and last Baron Pauncefote
 Pender, John
 Peterson, Maurice Drummond
 Phipps, Eric Clare Edmund
 Pilcher, John Arthur
 Plunkett, Francis Richard
 Ponsonby, Frederick Cavendish
 Portal, Wyndham Raymond, 1st and last Viscount Portal
 Reid, William
 Reilly, D'Arcy Patrick
 Renison, Patrick Muir
 Ridgeway, Joseph West
 Robertson, George Islay MacNeill, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen
 Robertson, Malcolm Arnold
 Robinson, William Cleaver Francis
 Rowley, Josias, 1st and last Bt.
 Rumbold, Horace, 8th Bt.
 Scott, Charles Stewart
 Scott, Robert Heatlie
 Shuckburgh, Charles Arthur Evelyn
 Soames, Arthur Christopher John, Baron Soames
 Spring Rice, Cecil Arthur
 Steel, Christopher Eden
 Stevenson, Ralph Clarmont Skrine
 Stockdale, Frank Arthur
 Stopford, Robert
 Stuart, Patrick
 Templer, Gerald Walter Robert
 Thomas, Thomas Shenton Whitelegge
 Villiers, Francis Hyde
 Walker, Charles Michael
 Ward, John Guthrie
 Ward, William Humble, 2nd Earl of Dudley
 Warren, Charles
 White, George Stuart, V.C.
 White, William Arthur
 Wilson, Archibald Duncan
 Wilson, Charles Rivers
 Wilson, Samuel Herbert
 Windsor, Arthur Frederick Patrick Albert, Prince of Connaught
 Wolff, Henry Drummond
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C.
 Wood, Richard
 Wood, Richard
 Woodford, Alexander
 Wright, Michael Robert
 Young, Arthur Henderson
 North, Frederick, 5th Earl of Guilford ( 1819 )
 Adam, Frederick ( 1821 )
 Burrard-Neale, Harry, 2nd Bt. ( 1824 )
 Hanover, Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge ( 1825 )
 Pigot, Henry ( 1837 )
 Oswald, John ( 1838 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1845 )
 Ward, Henry George ( 1849 )
 Young, John, 1st Baron Lisgar of Lisgar and Bailieborough ( 1855 )
 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George, 1st Baron Lytton of Knebworth ( 1869 )
 Grey, Henry George, 3rd Earl Grey ( 1869 )
 Monck, Charles Stanley, 4th Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon ( 1869 )
 Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell ( 1869 )
 Smith-Stanley, Edward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby ( 1869 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1870 )
 Manners-Sutton, John Henry Thomas, 3rd Viscount Canterbury ( 1873 )
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley ( 1874 )
 Robinson, Hercules George Robert, 1st Baron Rosmead ( 1875 )
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1876 )
 Phayre, Arthur Purves ( 1877 )
 Phipps, George Augustus Constantine, 2nd Marquess of Normanby ( 1877 )
 Campbell, John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, 9th Duke of Argyll ( 1878 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, Arthur, 1st Baron Stanmore ( 1878 )
 Rose, John, 1st Bt. ( 1878 )
 Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, 1st and last Viscount Lyons ( 1879 )
 Russell, Odo William Leopold, 1st Baron Ampthill ( 1879 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Leopold George Duncan Albert, 1st Duke of Albany ( 1880 )
 Kennedy, Arthur Edward ( 1881 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1884 )
 Torrens, Robert Richard Chute ( 1884 )
 Weld, Frederick Aloysius ( 1885 )
 Wynn-Carington, Charles Robert, 1st and last Marquess of Lincolnshire ( 1885 )
 Holland, Henry Thurstan, 1st Viscount Knutsford ( 1886 )
 Morier, Robert Burnett David ( 1886 )
 Tupper, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1886 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1888 )
 Sackville-West, Lionel, 2nd Baron Sackville of Knole ( 1888 )
 Hart, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1889 )
 Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1889 )
 Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore ( 1889 )
 Child-Villiers, Victor Albert George, 7th Earl of Island of Jersey ( 1890 )
 Lowry-Corry, Somerset Richard, 4th Earl of Belmore ( 1890 )
 Vivian, Hussey Crespigny, 3rd Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1890 )
 Boyle, David, 7th Earl of Glasgow ( 1892 )
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st Baron Grenfell ( 1892 )
 Lascelles, Frank Cavendish ( 1892 )
 Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1893 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1895 )
 O'Conor, Nicholas Robert ( 1896 )
 Smith, Donald Alexander, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal ( 1896 )
 Blake, Henry Arthur ( 1897 )
 Milner, Alfred, 1st and last Viscount Milner ( 1897 )
 Preston, Jenico William Joseph, 14th Viscount Gormanston ( 1897 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert John, 4th Earl of Minto ( 1898 )
 Brand, Henry Robert, 2nd Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1899 )
 Macdonell, Hugh Guion ( 1899 )
 Onslow, William Hillier, 4th Earl of Onslow ( 1899 )
 Reid, Robert Threshie, 1st and last Baron Loreburn ( 1899 )
 Durand, Henry Mortimer ( 1900 )
 Greene, William Conyngham ( 1900 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1900 )
 Walker, Frederick William Edward Forestier ( 1900 )
 Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( 1900 )
 Darley, Frederick Matthew ( 1901 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1901 )
 Mackay, James Lyle, 1st Earl of Inchcape ( 1902 )
 Macnaghten, Edward, Baron Macnaghten ( 1902 )
 Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Baron Tennyson of Aldworth ( 1903 )
 Bertie, Francis Leveson, 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame ( 1904 )
 Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, 1st Viscount Finlay ( 1904 )
 Grey, Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey ( 1904 )
 Northcote, Henry Stafford, 1st and last Baron Northcote ( 1904 )
 Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st and last Baron Sydenham of Combe ( 1905 )
 Palmer, William Waldegrave, 2nd Earl of Selborne ( 1905 )
 Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1906 )
 Goold-Adams, Hamilton John ( 1907 )
 Macgregor, William ( 1907 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1908 )
 Goschen, William Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1909 )
 Gladstone, Herbert John, 1st and last Viscount Gladstone ( 1910 )
 Hardinge, Arthur Henry ( 1910 )
 Plunket, William Lee, 5th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1910 )
 Forrest, John ( 1911 )
 Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry, 1st and last Baron Lugard ( 1911 )
 Robson, William Snowdon, Baron Robson ( 1911 )
 Thesiger, Frederick John Napier, 1st Viscount Chelmsford ( 1912 )
 Buchanan, George William ( 1913 )
 Dickson-Poynder, John Poynder, 1st and last Baron Islington ( 1913 )
 Strickland, Gerald Paul Joseph Cajetan Carmel Antony Martin, 1st and last Baron Strickland ( 1913 )
 Buxton, Sydney Charles, 1st and last Earl Buxton ( 1914 )
 Emmott, Alfred, 1st and last Baron Emmott ( 1914 )
 Foljambe, Arthur William de Brito Savile, 2nd Earl of Liverpool ( 1914 )
 Munro-Ferguson, Ronald Crauford, 1st and last Viscount Novar ( 1914 )
 Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1915 )
 Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood ( 1915 )
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
 Cavendish, Victor Christian William, 9th Duke of Devonshire ( 1916 )
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount Plumer ( 1916 )
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo ( 1917 )
 Vincent, Edgar, 1st and last Viscount D'Abernon ( 1917 )
 Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevil, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Philipps, Owen Cosby, 1st and last Baron Kylsant ( 1918 ), He lost this honour in 1931
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1919 )
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1919 )
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer ( 1919 )
 Gough-Calthorpe, Somerset Arthur ( 1919 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1919 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1919 )
 Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne ( 1919 )
 Robeck, John Michael, 1st and last Bt. ( 1919 )
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Forster, Henry William, 1st and last Baron Forster ( 1920 )
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1st and last Viscount Byng of Vimy ( 1921 )
 Cave, George, 1st and last Viscount Cave ( 1921 )
 Chancellor, John Robert ( 1922 )
 Geddes, Auckland Campbell, 1st Baron Geddes ( 1922 )
 Haldane, James Aylmer Lowthorpe ( 1922 )
 Stevenson, James, 1st and last Baron Stevenson ( 1922 )
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1923 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1923 )
 Rumbold, Horace George Montagu, 9th Bt. ( 1923 )
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerran, 7th Bt. ( 1924 )
 Baird, John Lawrence, of Ury, 1st Viscount Stonehaven ( 1925 )
 Newdegate, Francis Alexander ( 1925 )
 Tyrrell, William George, 1st and last Baron Tyrrell of Avon ( 1925 )
 Windsor, George VI, King of the United Kingdom ( 1926 )
 Brooke, Charles Vyner de Windt ( 1927 )
 Levy-Lawson, Harry Lawson Webster, 1st and last Viscount Burnham ( 1927 )
 Tilley, John Anthony Cecil ( 1927 )
 Cadman, John, 1st Baron Cadman ( 1929 )
 Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, 1st Baron Hankey ( 1929 )
 Bathurst, Charles, 1st Viscount Bledisloe ( 1930 )
 Villiers, George Herbert Hyde, 6th Earl of Clarendon ( 1930 )
 Ward, Joseph George, 1st Bt. ( 1930 )
 Clifford, Bede Edmund Hugh ( 1931 )
 Ponsonby, Vere Brabazon, 9th Earl of Bessborough ( 1931 )
 Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, 1st and last Baron Vansittart ( 1931 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 3rd Earl Granville ( 1932 )
 Slater, Alexander Ransford ( 1933 )
 Drummond, James Eric, 16th Earl of Perth ( 1934 )
 Windsor, George Edward Alexander Edmund, 1st Duke of Kent ( 1934 )
 Akers-Douglas, Aretas, 2nd Viscount Chilston ( 1935 )
 Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir ( 1935 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Gore Arkwright, 1st Earl of Gowrie ( 1935 )
 Maffey, John Loader, 1st Baron of Rugby ( 1935 )
 Monckton-Arundell, George Vere Arundell, 8th Viscount Galway ( 1935 )
 Windsor, Henry William Frederick Albert, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1935 )
 Clive, Robert Henry ( 1936 )
 Lampson, Miles Wedderburn, 1st Baron Killearn ( 1937 )
 Leith-Ross, Frederick William ( 1937 )
 Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1937 )
 Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1938 )
 Kennard, Howard William ( 1938 )
 Ormsby-Gore, William George Arthur, 4th Baron Harlech ( 1938 )
 Cadogan, Alexander George Montagu ( 1939 )
 Des Voeux, Alice Frances Denison ( 1940 )
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st Baron Newall ( 1940 )
 Clark Kerr, Archibald John Kerr, 1st and last Baron Inverchapel ( 1942 )
 Richards, Arthur Frederick, 1st Baron Milverton ( 1942 )
 Huggins, John ( 1943 )
 Dugan, Winston Joseph, 1st and last Baron Dugan of Victoria ( 1944 )
 Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1946 )
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Baron Freyberg, V.C. ( 1946 )
 Seymour, Horace James ( 1946 )
 Young, Mark Aitchison ( 1946 )
 Campbell, Ronald Ian ( 1947 )
 Cunningham, Alan Gordon ( 1948 )
 Harvey, Oliver Charles Harvey, 1st Baron Harvey of Tasburgh ( 1948 )
 Ramsbotham, Herwald, 1st Viscount Soulbury ( 1949 )
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang ( 1950 )
 Franks, Oliver Shewell, Baron Franks ( 1952 )
 Knollys, Edward George William Tyrwhitt, 2nd Viscount Knollys ( 1952 )
 Norrie, Charles Willoughby Moke, 1st Baron Norrie ( 1952 )
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim ( 1952 )
 Kirkpatrick, Ivone Augustine ( 1953 )
 Twining, Francis Edward, Baron Twining ( 1953 )
 Jebb, Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 1st Baron Gladwyn ( 1954 )
 Baring, Charles Evelyn, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale ( 1955 )
 Dening, Esler Maberley ( 1955 )
 Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield ( 1955 )
 Millar, Frederick Hoyer, 1st Baron Inchyra ( 1955 )
 Shah, Mohamed, Aga Khan III ( 1955 )
 Dixon, Pierson John ( 1957 )
 Foot, Hugh Mackintosh, Baron Caradon ( 1957 )
 Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marquess of Reading ( 1958 )
 Caccia, Harold Anthony, Baron Caccia ( 1959 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, George Nigel, 10th Earl of Selkirk ( 1959 )
 Morrison, William Shepherd, 1st Viscount Dunrossil ( 1959 )
 Fitzmaurice, Gerald Gray ( 1960 )
 Heathcoat-Amory, Derick, 1st and last Viscount Amory ( 1961 )
 Sidney, William Philip, 1st Viscount De L'Isle, V.C. ( 1961 )
 Clarke, Henry Ashley ( 1962 )
 Fergusson, Bernard Edward, Baron Ballantrae ( 1962 )
 Head, Antony Henry, 1st Viscount Head ( 1963 )
 Grey, Ralph Francis Alnwick, Baron Grey of Naunton ( 1964 )
 Casey, Richard Gardiner, Baron Casey ( 1965 )
 Garner, Joseph John Saville, Baron Garner ( 1965 )
 Gore-Booth, Paul Henry, Baron Gore-Booth ( 1965 )
 Hone, Evelyn Dennison ( 1965 )
 Trevelyan, Humphrey, Baron Trevelyan ( 1965 )
 Porritt, Arthur Espie, Baron Porritt ( 1967 )
 Windsor, Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick, 2nd Duke of Kent ( 1967 )
 Hood, Samuel, 6th Viscount Hood of Whitley ( 1969 )
 Trench, David Clive Crosbie ( 1969 )
 Burrows, Bernard Alexander Brocas ( 1970 )
 Greenhill, Denis Arthur, Baron Greenhill of Harrow ( 1972 )
 O'Neill, Con Douglas Walter ( 1972 )
 Baring, George Rowland Stanley, 3rd Earl of Cromer ( 1974 )
 Tomkins, Edward Emile ( 1975 )
 Maitland, Donald James Dundas ( 1977 )
 Ramsbotham, Peter Edward, 3rd Viscount Soulbury ( 1978 )
 Hibbert, Reginald Alfred ( 1982 )
 Acland, Antony Arthur ( 1986 )
 Graham, John Alexander Noble, 4th Bt. ( 1986 )
 Bridges, Thomas Edward, 2nd Baron Bridges ( 1988 )
 Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1988 )
 Wright, Patrick Richard Henry, Baron Wright of Richmond ( 1989 )
 Wilson, David Clive, Baron Wilson of Tillyorn ( 1991 )
 Gillmore, David Howe, Baron Gillmore of Thamesfield ( 1994 )
 Williamson, David Francis, Baron Williamson of Horton ( 1998 )
 Ashdown, Jeremy John Durham, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon ( 2006 )
 Ashton, Catherine Margaret, Baroness Ashton of Upholland ( 2015 )
Count equals 374 individuals.
Knight Grand Cross, Order of the Bath (G.C.B.)
 Abercromby, John
 Abercromby, Robert
 Aguilar, Charles Lawrence
 Aitchison, John
 Alexander-Sinclair, Edwyn Sinclair
 Alison, Archibald, 2nd Bt.
 Alston-Roberts-West, Michael Montgomerie
 Anson, George
 Armstrong, William, Baron Armstrong of Sanderstead
 Ashmore, Edward Beckwith
 Bagot, Charles
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 1st Bt.
 Barker, George Digby
 Barlow, George Hilaro, 1st Bt.
 Barlow, Robert
 Barnard, Andrew Francis
 Barnett, Denis Hensley Fulton
 Bartholomew, William Henry
 Bell, John
 Berkeley, George Cranfield
 Biddulph, Robert
 Bingley, Alexander Noel Campbell
 Blacker, Cecil Hugh
 Bourke, Richard
 Bouverie, Henry Frederick
 Bradford, Thomas
 Bright, Robert Onesiphorus
 Brock, Osmond de Beauvoir
 Brown, George
 Browne, Samuel, V.C.
 Brownrigg, Robert, 1st Bt.
 Bruce, Frederick William Adolphus
 Buller, Alexander
 Buller, Redvers Henry, V.C.
 Bulwer, Edward Earle Gascoigne
 Burgoyne, John Fox, 1st Bt.
 Burnett-Stuart, John Theodosius, of Dens and Crichie
 Caldwell, Benjamin
 Caldwell, James Lillyman
 Calvert, Harry, 1st Bt.
 Cameron, Duncan Alexander
 Cameron, William Gordon
 Campbell, Archibald, 1st Bt.
 Campbell, George
 Campbell-Bannerman, Henry
 Cassel, Ernest
 Cathcart, George
 Cave, Stephen
 Chapple, John
 Cheape, John
 Clarke, Charles Mansfield, 3rd Bt.
 Clinton, Henry
 Clinton, William Henry
 Cochrane, Alexander Forrester
 Cochrane, Thomas John
 Codrington, Edward
 Codrington, William John
 Colborne, John, 1st Baron Seaton of Seaton
 Cole, Galbraith Lowry
 Colville, Charles
 Commerell, John Edmund, V.C.
 Coote, Eyre
 Cotton, Sydney John
 Cotton, Willoughby
 Cradock, John Francis, 1st Baron Howden of Howden and Grimston
 Craufurd, Charles Gregan
 Creagh, Garrett O'Moore, V.C.
 Cross, Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount Cross
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 3rd Bt.
 Cunynghame, Arthur Augustus Thurlow
 Dacres, Richard
 Dalrymple-Hay, John Charles, of Park Place, 3rd Bt.
 Davis, William Wellclose
 Digby, Henry
 Digby, Kenelm Edward
 Douglas, Howard, 3rd Bt.
 Douglas, James Dawes
 Douglas, John, of Glenfinart
 Dowell, William Montagu
 Doyle, John, 1st and last Bt.
 Dreyer, Desmond Parry
 Drummond, Gordon
 Drummond, James Robert
 Drury-Lowe, Drury Curzon
 Du Cane, John Philip
 Duckworth, John Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Dundas, David
 Dunnett, James
 Durham, Philip Charles
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Henry George
 Elworthy, Samuel Charles, Baron Elworthy
 Embry, Basil Edward
 England, Richard
 Evans, David
 Ewart, John Alexander, of Craigcleuch
 Fane, Henry
 Fanshawe, Arthur
 Fanshawe, Arthur Dalrymple
 Fanshawe, Edward Gennys
 Fergusson, John Donald Balfour
 Fisher, William Wordsworth
 FitzGerald, John Forster
 Foley, Thomas
 Forbes, Charles Morton
 Forbes, John
 Ford, Francis Clare
 Fraser, David Macdowall
 Fraser, David William
 Fremantle, Charles Howe
 Fremantle, Edmund Robert
 Fremantle, Sydney Robert
 Fremantle, Thomas Francis
 Fry, Edward
 Gage, William Hall
 Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis
 Godley, Alexander John
 Godley, John Arthur, 1st Baron Kilbracken
 Gomm, William Maynard
 Gore, Charles Stephen
 Gough, Charles John Stanley, V.C.
 Gough, Hugh Henry, V.C.
 Gow, James Michael
 Gowers, Ernest Arthur
 Graham, James Robert George, 2nd Bt.
 Graham, Ronald William
 Graham, Thomas, 1st Baron Lynedoch
 Grant, Patrick
 Grey, Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey
 Grey, Frederick William
 Grey, George, 2nd Bt.
 Grey, Henry George
 Hallowell-Carew, Benjamin
 Halsted, Lawrence William
 Hamilton, Edward Walter
 Hamilton, Ian Standish Monteith
 Hamilton, Richard Vesey
 Hardy, Thomas Masterman, 1st and last Bt.
 Harington, Charles
 Hart, Reginald Clare, V.C.
 Harvey, Eliab
 Havelock-Allan, Henry Marshman, 1st Bt., V.C.
 Havelock-Allan, Henry Marshman, 1st Bt., V.C.
 Hay, John
 Herbert, Robert George Wyndham
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Alexander Ludwig Georg Friedrich Emil
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Ernst Ludwig Karl Albert Wilhelm
 Hewett, George, 1st Bt.
 Higginson, George Wentworth Alexander
 Hislop, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Hodge, Edward Cooper
 Hope, Alexander
 Hope, James
 Hope, James Archibald
 Hope-Vere, George
 Hopkins, Richard Valentine Nind
 Hornby, Geoffrey Thomas Phipps
 Hoskins, Anthony Hiley
 Hotham, Charles Frederick
 Hotham, William
 Houstoun, William, of Calderhall, 1st Bt.
 Howard, Henry Francis
 Hudson, James
 Hunt, Peter Mervyn
 Hutton, Noel Kilpatrick
 Ilbert, Courtenay
 James, William Milbourne
 Jenkins, R.
 Jenkins, Richard
 Johnson, Charles Cooper
 Johnson, Edwin Beaumont
 Johnson, Henry, 1st Bt.
 Johnstone Hope, William
 Jones, Harry David
 Kelly, John Donald
 Kennedy, William Robert
 Keppel, Henry
 Kerr, Mark Ralph George
 Keyes, Charles Patton
 King, Richard, 2nd Bt.
 Knowles, Henry Charles, 2nd Bt.
 Kyle, Wallace Hart
 Lamb, Frederic James, 3rd Viscount Melbourne
 Lambe, Charles Edward
 Lambert, George Robert
 Lambert, John
 Lathbury, Gerald William
 Lawrence, Herbert Alexander
 Leith, James
 Lindsay, Ronald Charles
 Liston, Robert
 Little, Archibald
 Little, Charles James Colebrooke
 Littler, John Hunter
 Loch, Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Loch
 Loftus, Augustus William Frederick Spencer
 Longmore, Arthur Murray
 Low, Hugh
 Low, Robert Cunliffe, V.C.
 Luce, John David
 Ludlow-Hewitt, Edgar Rainey
 Lugard, Edward
 Lushington, Stephen
 Lyons, Edmund, 1st Baron Lyons
 Lysons, Daniel
 Mahaffy, John Pentland
 Maitland, Peregrine
 Maitland, Thomas
 Makdougall-Brisbane, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Malcolm, George
 Malcolm, John
 Malcolm, Pulteney
 Malet, Edward Baldwin, 4th Bt.
 Martin, George
 Maude, Frederick Francis, V.C.
 Maurice, Frederick Barton
 McCreery, Richard Loudon
 McLeod, John C.
 McMahon, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 McMurdo, William Montagu Scott
 McNeill, John
 Meade, Robert Henry
 Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, 1st Baron Metcalfe
 Meux, Hedworth
 Michel, John
 Miles, Herbert Scott Gould
 Mogg, Herbert John
 Monro, Charles Carmichael, 1st and last Bt.
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Charles Thomas
 Montagu, George
 Moore, Graham
 Morier, Robert Burnett David
 Murray, George
 Murray, George Herbert
 Musson, Geoffrey Randolph Dixon
 Napier, Charles James
 Nicholson, Cameron Gordon Graham
 Noel, Gerard Henry Uctred
 Norman, Henry Wylie
 Nott, William
 Nugent, George, 1st Bt.
 O'Halloran, Joseph
 Ochterlony, David, 1st Bt.
 Otway, Robert Waller, 1st Bt.
 Owen, Hugh
 Paget, Arthur
 Paget, Augustus Berkeley
 Paget, Clarence Edward
 Paget, Edward
 Pakenham, Edward Michael
 Pakenham, Thomas
 Pakenham, William Christopher
 Palmer, Arthur Power
 Paulet, Henry
 Paulet, William
 Pauncefote, Julian, 1st and last Baron Pauncefote
 Peel, Charles Lennox
 Peel, Robert, 3rd Bt.
 Phayre, Robert
 Phipps, Eric Clare Edmund
 Picton, Thomas
 Playre, R.
 Plunkett, Francis Richard
 Pole, Charles Morice, 1st and last Bt.
 Ponsonby, Henry Frederick
 Ponsonby-Fane, Spencer Cecil
 Prescott, Henry
 Pringle, William Henry
 Ramsbotham, David John, Baron Ramsbotham
 Reid, William
 Riddell-Webster, Thomas Sheridan
 Ridgeway, Joseph West
 Roberts, Abraham
 Roberts, Ouvry Lindfield
 Robinson, Frederick Philipse
 Robinson, Frederick Philipse
 Robinson, Henry
 Romer, Cecil Francis
 Ross, Hew Dalrymple
 Ross, John
 Rowley, Charles, 1st Bt.
 Rowley, Josias, 1st and last Bt.
 Rumbold, Horace, 8th Bt.
 Russell, Alexander George
 Ryder, Alfred Phillips
 Sale, Robert
 Salmond, John Maitland
 Sartorius, Euston Henry, V.C.
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
 Scarlett, James Yorke
 Sclater, Henry Crichton
 Scott, Charles Stewart
 Seymour, Edward Hobart
 Seymour, George Hamilton
 Shaw-Stewart, Houston
 Shaw-Stewart, William Houston
 Slessor, John Cotesworth
 Smith, Lionel, 1st Bt.
 Somerset, Robert Edward Henry
 Spencer, Augustus Almeric
 Staveley, Charles William Dunbar
 Stewart, Donald Martin, 1st Bt.
 Stewart, R. M.
 Stewart, William
 Stopford, Edward
 Stopford, Robert
 Stransham, Anthony Blaxland
 Straubenzee, Charles Thomas
 Symonds, Thomas Matthew Charles
 Talbot, John
 Taylor, Henry George Andrew
 Taylor, Herbert
 Taylor, Richard Chambre Hayes
 Teck, Franz Paul Karl Ludwig Alexander
 Templer, Gerald Walter Robert
 Thomas, Charles Inigo
 Tizard, Henry Thomas
 Tombs, Henry, V.C.
 Trend, Burke St John, Baron Trend
 Trollope, Henry
 Tucker, Charles
 Tuzo, General Harry
 Tyler, Charles
 Upton, George Frederick, 3rd Viscount Templetown
 Venning, Walter King
 Vian, Philip Louis
 Walker, George Townshend, 1st Bt.
 Walker, Michael John Dawson, Baron Walker of Aldringham
 Ward, William Humble, 2nd Earl of Dudley
 Warde, Henry
 Warren, John Borlase, 1st and last Bt.
 Watson, John, V.C.
 Wellesley, George Greville
 West, Algernon
 West, John
 Whigham, Robert Dundas
 White, George Stuart, V.C.
 White, William Arthur
 Wigram, Kenneth
 Willes, George Ommaney
 Willis, Algernon Usborne
 Willis, George Harry Smith
 Wodehouse, Josceline Henage
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley
 Wolseley, George Benjamin
 Wood, David Edward
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C.
 Woodford, Alexander
 Woronzow, Semyon Romanovitch, Count Woronzow
 Worsley, Richard Edward
 Wylie, William
 Wynne, Arthur Singleton
 Yelverton, Hastings Reginald
 Coote, Eyre ( 1801 )
 Banks, Joseph, 1st and last Bt. ( 1815 )
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st and last Viscount Beresford of Beresford ( 1815 )
 Carnegie, William, 7th Earl of Northesk ( 1815 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry ( 1815 )
 Eden, Morton Frederick, 1st Baron Henley of Chardstock ( 1815 )
 Elphinstone, George Keith, 1st and last Viscount Keith ( 1815 )
 Gambier, James, 1st and last Baron Gambier of Iver ( 1815 )
 Hanover, Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge ( 1815 )
 Hanover, Frederick Augustus, 1st Duke of York ( 1815 )
 Hanover, William IV, King of the United Kingdom ( 1815 )
 Hood, Samuel, 1st Viscount Hood of Whitley ( 1815 )
 Hope, John, 4th Earl of Hopetoun ( 1815 )
 Jervis, John, 1st Earl of Saint Vincent ( 1815 )
 Le Poer Trench, Richard, 2nd Earl of Clancarty ( 1815 )
 Ludlow, George James, 3rd Earl Ludlow ( 1815 )
 Paget, Henry William, 1st Marquess of Anglesey ( 1815 )
 Ramsay, George, 9th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1815 )
 Saumarez, James, 1st Baron de Saumarez ( 1815 )
 Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney, 6th Viscount Strangford ( 1815 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1st Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore ( 1815 )
 Stuart, Charles, 1st and last Baron Stuart de Rothesay ( 1815 )
 Vane, Charles William, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1815 )
 Waldegrave, William, 1st Baron Radstock of Castle Town ( 1815 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1815 )
 Wellesley, Henry, 1st Baron Cowley of Wesley ( 1815 )
 Whitworth, Charles, 1st Earl of Whitworth ( 1815 )
 Pellew, Edward, 1st Viscount Exmouth ( 1816 )
 Walker, George Townshend, 1st Bt. ( 1817 )
 Cockburn, George, of Langton, 10th Bt. ( 1818 )
 Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hastings ( 1818 )
 à Court, William, 1st Baron Heytesbury of Heytesbury ( 1819 )
 Bligh, Richard Rodney ( 1820 )
 Gordon, George, 5th Duke of Gordon ( 1820 )
 Harris, George, 1st Baron Harris ( 1820 )
 Phipps, Henry, 1st Earl of Mulgrave ( 1820 )
 St. Clair-Erskine, James, 2nd Earl of Rosslyn ( 1820 )
 Tarleton, Bannastre, 1st and last Bt. ( 1820 )
 Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Oakhampton and Redwood ( 1822 )
 Burrard-Neale, Harry, 2nd Bt. ( 1822 )
 Thompson, Thomas Boulden, 1st Bt. ( 1822 )
 Oswald, John ( 1824 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville, 1st Earl Granville ( 1825 )
 Canning, Stratford, 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe ( 1829 )
 Gordon, Robert ( 1829 )
 Hawkins-Whitshed, James, 1st Bt. ( 1830 )
 Martin, Thomas Byam ( 1830 )
 Adair, Robert ( 1831 )
 Byng, John, 1st Earl of Strafford ( 1831 )
 Hargood, William ( 1831 )
 Warde, Henry ( 1831 )
 Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston ( 1832 )
 Manners-Sutton, Charles, 1st Viscount Canterbury ( 1833 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Minto ( 1834 )
 Ponsonby, John, 1st and last Viscount Ponsonby of Imokilly ( 1834 )
 Beauclerk, Amelius ( 1835 )
 Eden, George, 1st and last Earl of Auckland ( 1835 )
 Whitworth-Aylmer, Matthew, 5th Lord Aylmer ( 1836 )
 Lambton, John George, 1st Earl of Durham ( 1837 )
 Villiers, George William, 4th Earl of Clarendon ( 1837 )
 Vivian, Richard Hussey, 1st Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro ( 1837 )
 Acheson, Archibald, 2nd Earl of Gosford ( 1838 )
 Ellis, Charles Augustus, 6th Lord Howard de Walden ( 1838 )
 Jenkins, Richard ( 1838 )
 Russell, George William ( 1838 )
 Smith, Sidney ( 1838 )
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane ( 1839 )
 Adam, Frederick ( 1840 )
 Milne, David ( 1840 )
 Pollock, George, 1st Bt. ( 1842 )
 Pottinger, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1842 )
 Parker, William, 1st Bt. ( 1843 )
 Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton ( 1844 )
 Law, Edward, 1st and last Earl of Ellenborough ( 1844 )
 Jenkinson, Charles Cecil Cope, 3rd Earl of Liverpool ( 1845 )
 Fane, John, 11th Earl of Westmorland ( 1846 )
 Cochrane, Thomas, 10th Earl of Dundonald ( 1847 )
 Phipps, Constantine Henry, 1st Marquess of Normanby ( 1847 )
 Somerset, FitzRoy James Henry, 1st Baron Raglan ( 1847 )
 Blakeney, Edward ( 1849 )
 Gilbert, Walter Raleigh, 1st Bt. ( 1849 )
 Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle, 1st and last Baron Dalling and Bulwer of Dalling ( 1851 )
 Hobhouse, John Cam, 1st and last Baron Broughton of Broughton-de-Gyfford ( 1852 )
 Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Cowley ( 1853 )
 Campbell, Colin, 1st and last Baron Clyde of Clydesdale ( 1855 )
 Hamond, Graham Eden, 2nd Bt. ( 1855 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1855 )
 Macdonell, James ( 1855 )
 Maule-Ramsay, Fox, 11th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1855 )
 Whitley-Deans-Dundas, James ( 1855 )
 Wood, Charles, 1st Viscount Halifx of Monk Bretton ( 1856 )
 Eliot, Edward Granville, 3rd Earl of Saint Germans ( 1857 )
 Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub and of Grately ( 1857 )
 Outram, James, 1st Bt. ( 1857 )
 Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas, 1st Baron Bloomfield of Ciamhaltha ( 1858 )
 Bruce, James, 12th Earl of Kincardine ( 1858 )
 Rose, Hugh Henry, 1st and last Baron Strathnairn of Strathnairn ( 1858 )
 Canning, Charles John, 1st Earl Canning ( 1859 )
 Cathcart, Charles Murray, 2nd Earl Cathcart ( 1859 )
 Elphinstone, John, 13th Lord Elphinstone ( 1859 )
 Pakington, John Somerset, 1st Baron Hampton ( 1859 )
 Seymour, Michael ( 1859 )
 Austen, Francis William ( 1860 )
 Burgh, Ulysses, 2nd Baron Downes of Aghanville ( 1860 )
 Stovin, Frederick ( 1860 )
 Berkeley, Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge, 1st Baron FitzHardinge of Bristol ( 1861 )
 Hornby, Phipps ( 1861 )
 Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, 1st and last Viscount Lyons ( 1862 )
 Maitland, Anthony, 10th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1862 )
 Guise, John Wright, 3rd Bt. ( 1863 )
 Townshend, John Robert, 1st and last Earl Sydney ( 1863 )
 Dundas, Henry, 3rd Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1865 )
 Buchanan, Andrew, 1st Bt. ( 1866 )
 Airey, Richard, 1st and last Baron Airey ( 1867 )
 Hay, George, 8th Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1867 )
 Wilson, Archdale, 1st Bt. ( 1867 )
 Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1868 )
 Young, John, 1st Baron Lisgar of Lisgar and Bailieborough ( 1868 )
 Bingham, George Charles, 3rd Earl of Lucan ( 1869 )
 Mansfield, William Rose, 1st Baron Sandhurst of Sandhurst ( 1870 )
 Milne, Alexander, 1st Bt. ( 1871 )
 Vernon, Robert, 1st Baron Lyvedon of Lyvedon ( 1872 )
 Cockburn, Alexander James Edmund, of Langton, 12th Bt. ( 1873 )
 Maitland, Thomas, 11th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1873 )
 Martin, William Fanshawe, 4th Bt. ( 1873 )
 Russell, Odo William Leopold, 1st Baron Ampthill ( 1874 )
 Chamberlain, Neville Bowles ( 1875 )
 Montagu, Henry, 6th Baron Rokeby ( 1875 )
 Mundy, George Rodney ( 1877 )
 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st Earl of Lytton ( 1878 )
 Layard, Austen Henry ( 1878 )
 Seymour, Francis George Hugh, 5th Marquess of Hertford ( 1879 )
 Thesiger, Frederick Augustus, 2nd Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1879 )
 Manners, John James Robert, 7th Duke of Rutland ( 1880 )
 Northcote, Stafford Henry, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh ( 1880 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1880 )
 Sartorius, George Rose ( 1880 )
 Brand, Henry Bouverie William, 1st Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1881 )
 Pakenham, William Lygon, 4th Earl of Longford ( 1881 )
 Seymour, Frederick Beauchamp Paget, 1st and last Baron Alcester ( 1881 )
 Adye, John Miller ( 1882 )
 Cooper-Key, Astley ( 1882 )
 Mends, William Robert ( 1882 )
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1883 )
 Macdonald, John Alexander ( 1884 )
 Bruce, Henry Austin, 1st Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1885 )
 Lowe, Robert, 1st Viscount Sherbrooke ( 1885 )
 Phipps, George Augustus Constantine, 2nd Marquess of Normanby ( 1885 )
 Savile, John, 1st Baron Savile of Rufford ( 1885 )
 Shaw-Lefevre, Charles, 1st and last Viscount Eversley of Heckfield ( 1885 )
 Stanley, Frederick Arthur, 16th Earl of Derby ( 1886 )
 Brownlow, Charles Henry ( 1887 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Alexander, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1887 )
 Daly, Henry Dermot ( 1889 )
 Hood, Arthur William Acland, 1st and last Baron Hood of Avalon ( 1889 )
 Jenner, William, 1st Bt. ( 1889 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, 1st Bt. ( 1889 )
 Wolff, Henry Drummond ( 1889 )
 Hood, Alexander, 1st Viscount Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas ( 1891 )
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward, 1st Earl of Lathom ( 1892 )
 Currie, Philip Henry Wodehouse, 1st and last Baron Currie of Hawley ( 1892 )
 Welby, Reginald Earle, 1st and last Baron Welby ( 1892 )
 Herschell, Farrar, 1st Baron Herschell of the City of Durban ( 1893 )
 Arbuthnot, Charles George ( 1894 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1895 )
 Biddulph, Michael Anthony Shrapnel ( 1895 )
 Meade, Richard James, 4th Earl of Clanwilliam ( 1895 )
 Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair ( 1895 )
 Bradford, Edward Ridley Colborne, 1st Bt. ( 1897 )
 Haliburton, Arthur Lawrence, 1st and last Baron Haliburton of Windsor ( 1897 )
 Lascelles, Frank Cavendish ( 1897 )
 O'Conor, Nicholas Robert ( 1897 )
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st Baron Grenfell ( 1898 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1898 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1898 )
 Hunt-Grubbe, Walter James ( 1899 )
 Stanley, Henry Morton ( 1899 )
 Child-Villiers, Victor Albert George, 7th Earl of Island of Jersey ( 1900 )
 Sanderson, Thomas Henry, 1st and last Baron Sanderson ( 1900 )
 Milner, Alfred, 1st and last Viscount Milner ( 1901 )
 Romer, Robert ( 1901 )
 Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron Fisher ( 1902 )
 Grant, Robert ( 1902 )
 Jeune, Francis Henry, 1st and last Baron St. Helier ( 1902 )
 Kerr, Walter Talbot ( 1902 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1902 )
 More-Molyneux, Robert Henry ( 1902 )
 Villiers, Edward Hyde, 5th Earl of Clarendon ( 1902 )
 West, Algernon Edward ( 1902 )
 Domvile, Compton Edward ( 1904 )
 Egerton, Charles Comyn ( 1904 )
 Brassey, Thomas, 1st Earl Brassey ( 1906 )
 Butler, William ( 1906 )
 Wilson, Arthur Knyvet, 3rd Bt., V.C. ( 1906 )
 Lyttelton, Neville Gerald ( 1907 )
 Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1907 )
 Bertie, Francis Leveson, 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame ( 1908 )
 Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys ( 1908 )
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1st and last Baron Nicholson ( 1908 )
 Barrow, Edmund George ( 1909 )
 Blood, Bindon ( 1909 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, 1st Earl of Ypres ( 1909 )
 Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1910 )
 Beresford, Charles William de la Poer, 1st and last Baron Beresford ( 1911 )
 Cambridge, Adolphus Charles, 1st Marquess of Cambridge ( 1911 )
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1911 )
 Douglas, Archibald Lucius ( 1911 )
 Goschen, William Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1911 )
 Hildyard, Henry John Thoroton ( 1911 )
 Macnaghten, Edward, Baron Macnaghten ( 1911 )
 Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth Augustus, 1st and last Baron Muir Mackenzie ( 1911 )
 Bridgeman-Simpson, Francis Charles ( 1912 )
 Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy ( 1913 )
 Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood ( 1913 )
 Gladstone, Herbert John, 1st and last Viscount Gladstone ( 1914 )
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st Bt. ( 1914 )
 Buchanan, George William ( 1915 )
 Hamilton, Bruce Meade ( 1915 )
 Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1915 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe ( 1915 )
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1916 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1916 )
 Chalmers, Robert, 1st and last Baron Chalmers ( 1916 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1916 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1916 )
 Mackinnon, William Henry ( 1916 )
 Holderness, Thomas William, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1917 )
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo ( 1918 )
 Erskine-Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine, 1st and last Baron Wester Wemyss ( 1918 )
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount Plumer ( 1918 )
 Geddes, Eric Campbell ( 1919 )
 Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, 1st Baron Hankey ( 1919 )
 Horne, Henry Sinclair, 1st and last Baron Horne ( 1919 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st and last Baron Rawlinson ( 1919 )
 Bradbury, John Swanwick, 1st Baron Bradbury ( 1920 )
 Foljambe, Arthur William de Brito Savile, 2nd Earl of Liverpool ( 1920 )
 Hamilton, John Andrew, 1st and last Viscount Sumner ( 1920 )
 Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1920 )
 Stanley, Edward George Villiers, 17th Earl of Derby ( 1920 )
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1921 )
 Lowther, James William, 1st Viscount Ullswater ( 1921 )
 Robeck, John Michael, 1st and last Bt. ( 1921 )
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
 Farquhar, Horace Brand, 1st and last Earl Farquhar ( 1922 )
 Gough-Calthorpe, Somerset Arthur ( 1922 )
 Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ( 1923 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1923 )
 Trenchard, Hugh Montague, 1st Viscount Trenchard ( 1924 )
 Duff, Alexander Ludovic ( 1926 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1926 )
 Mackenzie, William Warrender, 1st Baron Amulree ( 1926 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1926 )
 Samuel, Herbert Louis, 1st Viscount Samuel ( 1926 )
 Vincent, Edgar, 1st and last Viscount D'Abernon ( 1926 )
 Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh ( 1927 )
 Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne ( 1927 )
 Mountbatten, Alexander Albert, 1st Marquess of Carisbrooke ( 1927 )
 Schuster, Claud, 1st and last Baron Schuster ( 1927 )
 Barrow, George de Symons ( 1928 )
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C. ( 1928 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1928 )
 Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode ( 1929 )
 Phillimore, Richard Fortescue ( 1929 )
 Tyrwhitt, Reginald Yorke, 1st Bt. ( 1929 )
 Goodenough, William Edmund ( 1930 )
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st Baron Keyes ( 1930 )
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1932 )
 Brand, Hubert George ( 1932 )
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerran, 7th Bt. ( 1932 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1933 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1934 )
 Rumbold, Horace George Montagu, 9th Bt. ( 1934 )
 Tyrrell, William George, 1st and last Baron Tyrrell of Avon ( 1934 )
 Weir, William, 1st Viscount Weir ( 1934 )
 Campbell, David Graham Muschet ( 1935 )
 Stamp, Josiah Charles, 1st Baron Stamp ( 1935 )
 Boyle, William Henry Dudley, 12th Earl of Cork ( 1936 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1936 )
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer ( 1937 )
 Backhouse, Roger Roland Charles ( 1938 )
 Ironside, William Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside ( 1938 )
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st Baron Newall ( 1938 )
 Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, 1st and last Baron Vansittart ( 1938 )
 Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenheere, 1st Baron Dowding ( 1940 )
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees Prendergast, 6th Viscount Gort, V.C. ( 1940 )
 Bonham Carter, Charles ( 1941 )
 Cunningham, Andrew Browne, 1st and last Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope ( 1941 )
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell ( 1941 )
 Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1942 )
 Dill, John Greer ( 1942 )
 Freeman, Wilfrid Rhodes, 1st Bt. ( 1942 )
 Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st and last Viscount Portal of Hungerford ( 1942 )
 Tedder, Arthur William, 1st Baron Tedder ( 1942 )
 Hardinge, Alexander Henry Louis, 2nd Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1943 )
 Bridges, Edward Ettingdean, 1st Baron Bridges ( 1944 )
 Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape ( 1944 )
 Wilson, Henry Maitland, 1st Baron Wilson ( 1944 )
 Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre ( 1945 )
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke ( 1945 )
 Harris, Arthur Travers, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 Montgomery, Bernard Law, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ( 1945 )
 Pile, Frederick Alfred, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Douglas, William Sholto, 1st and last Baron Douglas of Kirtleside ( 1946 )
 Forbes Adam, Ronald, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Hurcomb, Cyril William, 1st Baron Hurcomb ( 1946 )
 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and last Baron Ismay ( 1946 )
 Paget, Bernard Charles Tolver ( 1946 )
 Barlow, James Alan Noel, 2nd Bt. ( 1947 )
 Campion, Gilbert Francis Montriou, 1st and last Baron Campion ( 1948 )
 Stopford, Montagu George North ( 1948 )
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim ( 1950 )
 Brook, Norman Craven, 1st and last Baron Normanbrook ( 1951 )
 Harding, Allan Francis John, 1st Baron Harding of Petherton ( 1951 )
 McGrigor, Rhoderic Robert ( 1951 )
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge ( 1952 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1953 )
 Keightley, Charles Frederick ( 1953 )
 Lascelles, Alan Frederick ( 1953 )
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang ( 1953 )
 Gale, Richard Nelson ( 1954 )
 Erskine, George Watkin Eben James ( 1955 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1955 )
 Redcliffe-Maud, John Primatt, Baron Redcliffe-Maud ( 1955 )
 Kirkpatrick, Ivone Augustine ( 1956 )
 Festing, Francis Wogan ( 1957 )
 Goddard, Raynor, Baron Goddard ( 1958 )
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne ( 1960 )
 John, Caspar ( 1960 )
 Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield ( 1960 )
 Reid, John Peter Lorne ( 1961 )
 Goodbody, Richard Wakefield ( 1963 )
 Helsby, Laurence Norman, Baron Helsby ( 1963 )
 Stirling, William Gurdon ( 1964 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1965 )
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1967 )
 Le Fanu, Michael ( 1968 )
 Harington, Charles Henry Pepys ( 1969 )
 Allen, Philip, Baron Allen of Abbeydale ( 1970 )
 Bush, John Fitzroy Duyland ( 1970 )
 Carver, Richard Michael Power, Baron Carver ( 1970 )
 Hill-Norton, Peter John, Baron Hill-Norton ( 1970 )
 Compton, Edmund Gerald ( 1971 )
 Fitzpatrick, Geoffrey Richard Desmond ( 1971 )
 Law, Horace Rochfort ( 1972 )
 Allen, Douglas Albert Vivian, Baron Croham ( 1973 )
 Griffith-Griffin, Anthony Templer Frederick ( 1975 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Charles Philip Arthur George, King of the United Kingdom ( 1975 )
 Cameron, Neil, Baron Cameron of Balhousie ( 1976 )
 Gibbs, Roland Christopher ( 1976 )
 Lewin, Terence Thornton, Baron Lewin ( 1976 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1977 )
 Hunt, John Joseph Benedict, Baron Hunt of Tanworth ( 1977 )
 Lowe, Douglas Charles ( 1977 )
 Bramall, Edwin Noel Westby, Baron Bramall ( 1979 )
 Fieldhouse, John David Elliott, Baron Fieldhouse ( 1980 )
 Nairne, Patrick Dalmahoy ( 1981 )
 Stanier, John Wilfred ( 1982 )
 Armstrong, Robert Temple, Baron Armstrong of Ilminster ( 1983 )
 Craig, David Brownrigg, Baron Craig of Radley ( 1984 )
 Staveley, William ( 1984 )
 Bagnall, Nigel Thomas ( 1985 )
 Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baron Moore of Wolvercote ( 1985 )
 Guy, Roland Kelvin ( 1987 )
 Hunt, Nicholas John Streynsham ( 1987 )
 Bathurst, David Benjamin ( 1991 )
 Butler, Frederick Edward Robin, Baron Butler of Brockwell ( 1992 )
 Inge, Peter Anthony, Baron Inge ( 1992 )
 Guthrie, Charles Ronald Llewelyn, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank ( 1994 )
 Burns, Terence, Baron Burns ( 1995 )
 Fellowes, Robert, Baron Fellowes ( 1998 )
 Boyce, Michael, Baron Boyce ( 1999 )
 Wilson, Richard Thomas James, Baron Wilson of Dinton ( 2001 )
 West, Alan William John, Baron West of Spithead ( 2004 )
 Dannatt, Francis Richard, Baron Dannatt ( 2009 )
 Geidt, Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie, Baron Geidt ( 2018 )
 Carleton-Smith, Mark Alexander Popham ( 2022 )
Count equals 731 individuals.
Knight Grand Cross, Order of the British Empire (G.B.E.)
 Anderson, Alan Garratt
 Babington Smith, Henry
 Balfour, Edith Sophy
 Bancroft, Ian Powell, Baron Bancroft
 Birch, James Frederick Noel
 Blades, George Rowland, 1st Baron Ebbisham
 Brind, Eric James Patrick
 Clifford, Hugh Charles
 Cole, George James, Baron Cole
 Dale, Henry Hallett
 Darling, Kenneth Thomas
 Denison-Pender, John Denison
 Dewrance, John
 Dreyer, Frederic Charles
 Evill, Douglas Claude Strathern
 Fraser, John Malcolm, 1st Bt.
 Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, 1st Marquess of Willingdon
 Garstin, William Edmund
 George, Edward Alan John, Baron George
 Gibb, Alexander
 Gowers, Ernest Arthur
 Graham, Violet Hermione
 Granet, William Guy
 Hardman, James Donald Innes
 Helm, Alexander Knox
 Henderson, Nigel Stuart
 Huddleston, Hubert Jervoise
 Hudson, Robert Arundell
 Inglefield, Gilbert Samuel
 Keith, Henry Shanks
 Kenyon, Frederic George
 Kitson, Frank Edward
 Labouchere, George Peter
 Leach, Ronald
 Ludlow-Hewitt, Edgar Rainey
 Mallet, William Ivo
 McCormick, William Symington
 Miles, Herbert Scott Gould
 Moberly, Walter Hamilton
 Morland, Oscar Charles
 Morland, Oscar Charles
 O'Brien, Leslie Kenneth, Baron O'Brien of Lothbury
 Parham, Frederick Robertson
 Pearson, Cyril Arthur, 1st Bt.
 Pyman, Harold English
 Sclater, Henry Crichton
 Sykes, Frederick Hugh
 Troutbeck, John Monro
 Tupper, Reginald Geoffrey Otway
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees Prendergast, 6th Viscount Gort, V.C.
 Wallinger, Geoffrey Arnold
 Ward, Richard Erskine
 Woods, Wilfrid John Wentworth
 Cunliffe, Walter, 1st Baron Cunliffe ( 1917 )
 Emmott, Alfred, 1st and last Baron Emmott ( 1917 )
 Geddes, Eric Campbell ( 1917 )
 Gladstone, Herbert John, 1st and last Viscount Gladstone ( 1917 )
 Guest, Frances Charlotte ( 1917 )
 Paget, Louise Margaret Leila Wemyss ( 1917 )
 Sankey, John, 1st and last Viscount Sankey ( 1917 )
 Stanley, Arthur ( 1917 )
 Thesiger, Frederick John Napier, 1st Viscount Chelmsford ( 1917 )
 Ure, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Strathclyde ( 1917 )
 Younger, Robert, Baron Blanesburgh ( 1917 )
 Burns, Mary Ethel ( 1918 )
 Dunlop, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Foljambe, Arthur William de Brito Savile, 2nd Earl of Liverpool ( 1918 )
 Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st and last Viscount Lee of Fareham ( 1918 )
 Milner, Mary Elizabeth ( 1918 )
 Plender, William, 1st and last Baron Plender ( 1918 )
 Windsor-Clive, Robert George, 1st Earl of Plymouth ( 1918 )
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Peel, William Robert Wellesley, 1st Earl Peel ( 1919 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Beatrix Frances ( 1919 )
 Ward, Edward Willis Duncan, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Akers-Douglas, Aretas, 1st Viscount Chilston ( 1920 )
 Baird, Alexander, of Ury, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Bates, Percy Elly, 4th Bt. ( 1920 )
 Brabazon, Reginald, 12th Earl of Meath ( 1920 )
 Cohen, Alice Edith ( 1920 )
 Horne, Robert Stevenson, 1st Viscount Horne of Slamannan ( 1920 )
 Robinson, Thomas Bilbe ( 1920 )
 Samuel, Herbert Louis, 1st Viscount Samuel ( 1920 )
 Lumley, Alfred Frederick George Beresford, 10th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1921 )
 Cecil, Evelyn, 1st Baron Rockley ( 1922 )
 Philipps, John Wynford, 1st Viscount Saint Davids ( 1922 )
 Worthington Evans, Worthington Laming, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
 Duff, Alexander Ludovic ( 1924 )
 Findlay, Mansfeldt de Cardonnel ( 1924 )
 Frank, Howard George, 1st Bt. ( 1924 )
 Stamp, Josiah Charles, 1st Baron Stamp ( 1924 )
 Dickson-Poynder, John Poynder, 1st and last Baron Islington ( 1926 )
 Paget, Almeric Hugh, 1st and last Baron Queenborough ( 1926 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1927 )
 Mitchell, Helen Porter ( 1927 )
 Young, Edward Hilton, 1st Baron Kennet ( 1927 )
 Phillimore, Walter George Francis, 1st Baron Phillimore ( 1928 )
 Bowden, Harold, 2nd Bt. ( 1929 )
 Cunliffe-Lister, Philip, 1st Earl of Swinton ( 1929 )
 Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway ( 1929 )
 Eyres Monsell, Bolton Meredith, 1st Viscount Monsell ( 1929 )
 Fraser, Helen Charlotte Isabella ( 1929 )
 McLintock, William, 1st Bt. ( 1929 )
 Taylor, William Francis Kyffin, 1st and last Baron Maenan ( 1929 )
 Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith ( 1934 )
 Barton, Sidney ( 1936 )
 Cameron, Archibald Rice ( 1937 )
 Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow ( 1938 )
 Hindley, John Scott, 1st Viscount Hyndley ( 1939 )
 Betterton, Henry Bucknall, 1st and last Baron Rushcliffe ( 1941 )
 Morris, William Richard, 1st and last Viscount Nuffield ( 1941 )
 Wilson, Henry Maitland, 1st Baron Wilson ( 1941 )
 Balfour, Arthur, 1st Baron Riverdale ( 1942 )
 Tovey, John Cronyn, Baron Tovey ( 1943 )
 Jehangir, Cowasjee, 2nd Bt. ( 1944 )
 Salter, James Arthur, 1st Baron Salter ( 1944 )
 Lithgow, James, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 Barlow, Thomas Dalmahoy ( 1946 )
 Iliffe, Edward Mauger, 1st Baron Iliffe ( 1946 )
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim ( 1946 )
 Chancellor, John Robert ( 1947 )
 Munro, Robert, 1st and last Baron Alness ( 1947 )
 Christison, Alexander Frank Philip, 4th Bt. ( 1948 )
 Radcliffe, Cyril John, 1st Viscount Radcliffe ( 1948 )
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge ( 1949 )
 Cochrane, Ralph Alexander ( 1950 )
 Eve, Arthur Malcolm Trustram, 1st Baron Silsoe ( 1950 )
 Fox-Strangways, Giles Stephen Holland, 6th Earl of Ilchester ( 1950 )
 Pearson, Gertrude Mary ( 1950 )
 Stewart, Kenneth Dugald, of Strathgarry, 1st Bt. ( 1950 )
 Lindsay, David Alexander Robert, 28th Earl of Crawford ( 1951 )
 Porter, Samuel Lowry, Baron Porter ( 1951 )
 Moore-Brabazon, John Theodore Cuthbert, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara ( 1953 )
 Mountbatten, Philip, 1st Duke of Edinburgh ( 1953 )
 Pery, Edmund Colquhoun, 5th Earl of Limerick ( 1953 )
 Russell, Guy Herbrand Edward ( 1953 )
 Trench-Gascoigne, Alvary Douglas Frederick ( 1953 )
 Bowater, Noël Vansittart, 2nd Bt. ( 1954 )
 Bruce, Clarence Napier, 3rd Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1954 )
 Brett, Oliver Sylvain Baliol, 3rd Viscount Esher ( 1955 )
 Rootes, William Edward, 1st Baron Rootes ( 1955 )
 Erskine, John Maxwell, 1st Baron Erskine of Rerrick ( 1956 )
 Sackville, Herbrand Edward Dundonald Brassey, 9th Earl De La Warr ( 1956 )
 Buchan-Hepburn, Patrick George Thomas, 1st and last Baron Hailes ( 1957 )
 Forbes, Archibald Finlayson ( 1957 )
 Keightley, Charles Frederick ( 1957 )
 Pizey, Mark ( 1957 )
 Ramsay, Simon, 16th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1957 )
 Citrine, Walter McLennan, 1st Baron Citrine ( 1958 )
 Pelly, Claude Bernard Raymond ( 1958 )
 Truscott, Denis Henry ( 1958 )
 Yarrow, Harold Edgar, 2nd Bt. ( 1958 )
 Berry, James Gomer, 1st Viscount Kemsley ( 1959 )
 Bernard, Percy Ronald Gardner, 5th Earl of Bandon ( 1960 )
 Fremantle, John Walgrave Halford, 4th Baron Cottesloe ( 1960 )
 Luce, William Henry Tucker ( 1961 )
 Sharp, Evelyn Adelaide, Baroness Sharp ( 1961 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, George Nigel, 10th Earl of Selkirk ( 1963 )
 fforde, Arthur Frederick Brownlow ( 1964 )
 Gordon, Alexander Robert Gisborne ( 1965 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Marmaduke, 16th Duke of Norfolk ( 1968 )
 Bowater, Ian Frank ( 1970 )
 Thomson, Roy Herbert, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet ( 1970 )
 Benson, Henry Alexander, Baron Benson ( 1971 )
 Studd, Peter Malden ( 1971 )
 Howard, Hamilton Edward de Coucey, 2nd Bt. ( 1972 )
 Robinson, John Roland, 1st Baron Martonmere ( 1973 )
 Shawcross, Hartley William, Baron Shawcross ( 1974 )
 Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild ( 1975 )
 Gillett, Robin Danvers Penrose, 2nd Bt. ( 1976 )
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1976 )
 Vanneck, Peter Beckford Rutgers ( 1977 )
 Haggerston Gadsden, Peter Drury ( 1979 )
 Beach, William Gerald Hugh ( 1980 )
 Fieldhouse, John David Elliott, Baron Fieldhouse ( 1982 )
 Vallat, Francis Aimé ( 1982 )
 Plowden, Edwin Noel August, Baron Plowden ( 1987 )
 Collett, Christopher ( 1988 )
 Vincent, Richard Frederick, Baron Vincent of Coleshill ( 1990 )
 Keith, Henry Shanks, Baron Keith of Kinkel ( 1997 )
 Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles Jacob, 4th Baron Rothschild ( 1998 )
 Abbott, Peter Charles ( 1999 )
 Cooksey, David James Scott ( 2007 )
 Slynn, Gordon, Baron Slynn of Hadley ( 2009 )
 Weidenfeld, Arthur George, Baron Weidenfeld ( 2011 )
 Tata, Ratan Naval ( 2014 )
 Cohen, Rosalyn ( 2019 )
Count equals 187 individuals.
Knight Grand Cross, Royal Victorian Order (G.C.V.O.)
 Abel Smith, Edward Michael Conolly
 Adair, Allan Henry Shafto, 6th Bt.
 Allen, Hugh Percy
 Armstrong-Jones, Antony Charles Robert, 1st Earl of Snowdon
 Battenberg, Franz Joseph
 Bingham, Cecil Edward
 Blewitt, Shane Gabriel Basil
 Borbón y Habsburgo, Alfonso XIII, Rey de España
 Bosanquet, Day Hort
 Brooke, Basil Vernon
 Brooke-Popham, Henry Robert Moore
 Browning, Frederick Arthur Montague
 Bruce, Alexander Hugh, 6th Lord Balfour of Burleigh
 Buller, Henry Tritton
 Bunsen, Maurice William Ernest, 1st and last Bt.
 Carrington, William Henry Peregrine
 Cartwright, Fairfax Leighton
 Cassel, Ernest
 Charles, Richard Havelock, 1st Bt.
 Child, Smith Hill, 2nd Bt.
 Clarke, Charles Mansfield, 3rd Bt.
 Clarke, Stanley de Astel Calvert
 Cobbold, Cameron Fromanteel, 1st Baron Cobbold
 Codrington, Alfred Edward
 Coke, Thomas William, 3rd Earl of Leicester of Holkham
 Cruise, Richard Robert
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 3rd Bt.
 Curzon-Howe, Assheton Gore
 Cust, Charles Leopold, 3rd Bt.
 Dawson, Douglas Frederick Rawdon
 Douglas, Archibald
 Elliot, William
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Francis Edmund Hugh
 Ellis, Arthur Edward Augustus
 Ewart, Henry Peter, 1st and last Bt.
 Fanshawe, Arthur
 Fanshawe, Arthur Dalrymple
 Farrer, Charles Matthew
 Fergusson, Ewen Alastair John
 Festetics von Tolna, Tassilo Festetics, Prince of Hungary
 Fisher, William Wordsworth
 Fortescue, Seymour John
 Frederick, Charles Arthur
 Fremantle, Edmund Robert
 Fullerton, John
 Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis
 Godfrey-Faussett, Bryan Godfrey
 Gosselin, Martin Le Marchant Hadsley
 Graham, Ronald William
 Halsey, Lionel
 Hamilton, Edward Walter
 Hamilton, Frederick Tower
 Hanbury-Williams, John
 Herbert, Arthur
 Herschell, Richard Farrer, 2nd Baron Herschell of the City of Durban
 Higginson, George Wentworth Alexander
 Hotham, Charles Frederick
 Hunloke, Philip
 Kelly, John Donald
 Keppel, Arnold Allen Cecil, 8th Earl of Albemarle
 Keppel, Derek William George
 Lewis, William Thomas, 1st Baron Merthyr
 Lichnowsky, Karl Max
 Lowther, Henry Crofton
 Loyd, Henry Charles
 Maudslay, James Rennie
 Maurice, Frederick Barton
 McDonnell, Schomberg Kerr
 McMahon, Arthur Henry
 Miller, John Mansel
 Montagu Douglas Scott, John Charles, 7th Duke of Buccleuch
 Moore, James Newton Rodney
 Morshead, Owen Frederick
 Mountbatten, Leopold Arthur Louis
 Murray, George Herbert
 Murray, Malcolm Donald
 Pelham-Clinton, Edward William
 Phipps, Eric Clare Edmund
 Plunkett, Francis Richard
 Poë, Edmund Samuel
 Pulteney, William
 Reid, James, 1st Bt.
 Robinson, Frederick Oliver, 2nd Marquess of Ripon
 Rolleston, Humphry Davy, 1st Bt.
 Romania, Michael I, King of Romania
 Salisbury-Jones, Arthur Guy
 Seymour, Edward Hobart
 Slatin, Rudolph Carl
 Soames, Arthur Christopher John, Baron Soames
 Spring Rice, Cecil Arthur
 Stanicoff, Dimitri
 Stephenson, Henry Frederick
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8th Duke of Atholl
 Stonor, Harry Julian
 Streatfeild, Henry
 Teck, Francis Joseph Leopold Frederick
 Teck, Franz Paul Karl Ludwig Alexander
 Trotter, Henry, 11th of Mortonhall and 2nd of Charterhall
 Tucker, Charles
 Villiers, Francis Hyde
 White, George Stuart, V.C.
 White, Luke, 3rd Baron Annaly of Annaly and Rathcline
 Windsor, Arthur Frederick Patrick Albert, Prince of Connaught
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William John Arthur Charles James, 6th Duke of Portland ( 1896 )
 Colville, Charles John, 1st Viscount Colville of Culross ( 1896 )
 Herbert, Sidney, 14th Earl of Pembroke ( 1896 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1896 )
 Thomson, William, 1st and last Baron Kelvin ( 1896 )
 Curzon-Howe, Richard William Penn, 3rd Earl Howe ( 1897 )
 Edgcumbe, William Henry, 4th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1897 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1897 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1897 )
 Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1900 )
 Keppel, Colin Richard ( 1900 )
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and last Baron Stamfordham ( 1901 )
 Cambridge, Adolphus Charles, 1st Marquess of Cambridge ( 1901 )
 Campbell, John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, 9th Duke of Argyll ( 1901 )
 Duff, Alexander William George, 1st Duke of Fife ( 1901 )
 Fullerton, John Reginald Thomas ( 1901 )
 Harbord, Charles, 5th Baron Suffield ( 1901 )
 Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount Knollys ( 1901 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Alexander, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1901 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Charles Edward George Albert Leopold, 2nd Duke of Albany ( 1901 )
 Bradford, Edward Ridley Colborne, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
 Farquhar, Horace Brand, 1st and last Earl Farquhar ( 1902 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Henry, 15th Duke of Norfolk ( 1902 )
 James, Henry, 1st and last Baron James of Hereford ( 1902 )
 Kingscote, Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge ( 1902 )
 Rothschild, Nathan Mayer, 1st Baron Rothschild ( 1902 )
 Thesiger, Frederick Augustus, 2nd Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1902 )
 Wellesley, Arthur Charles, 4th Duke of Wellington ( 1902 )
 Bertie, Francis Leveson, 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame ( 1903 )
 Curzon, Richard George Penn, 4th Earl Howe ( 1903 )
 Domvile, Compton Edward ( 1903 )
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1903 )
 Ward, William Humble, 2nd Earl of Dudley ( 1903 )
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1904 )
 Davidson, Randall Thomas, 1st Baron Davidson of Lambeth ( 1904 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 7th Duke of Richmond ( 1904 )
 Lascelles, Frank Cavendish ( 1904 )
 Brett, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher ( 1905 )
 Douglas, Archibald Lucius ( 1905 )
 Freeman-Mitford, Algernon Bertram, 1st Baron Redesdale ( 1905 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, 1st Earl of Ypres ( 1905 )
 Goschen, William Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1905 )
 Nicolson, Arthur, 1st Baron Carnock ( 1905 )
 Rodd, James Rennell, 1st Baron Rennell ( 1905 )
 Villiers, Edward Hyde, 5th Earl of Clarendon ( 1905 )
 Beresford, Charles William de la Poer, 1st and last Baron Beresford ( 1906 )
 Reynolds-Moreton, Henry John, 3rd Earl of Ducie ( 1906 )
 Wilson, Arthur Knyvet, 3rd Bt., V.C. ( 1906 )
 Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Devonshire ( 1907 )
 Grosvenor, Hugh Richard Arthur, 2nd Duke of Westminster ( 1907 )
 Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron Fisher ( 1908 )
 Grey, Albert Henry George, 4th Earl Grey ( 1908 )
 Smith, Donald Alexander, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal ( 1908 )
 Stanley, Edward George Villiers, 17th Earl of Derby ( 1908 )
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Alan ( 1908 )
 Buchanan, George William ( 1909 )
 Charteris, Francis Richard, 10th Earl of Wemyss ( 1909 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, 4th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1909 )
 Guinness, Edward Cecil, 1st Earl of Iveagh ( 1910 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1910 )
 Alexander, William ( 1911 )
 Baring, John, 2nd Baron Revelstoke of Membland ( 1911 )
 Bridgeman-Simpson, Francis Charles ( 1911 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1911 )
 Lambton, John George, 3rd Earl of Durham ( 1911 )
 Lyttelton, Neville Gerald ( 1911 )
 Mountbatten, Alexander Albert, 1st Marquess of Carisbrooke ( 1911 )
 Spencer, Charles Robert, 6th Earl Spencer ( 1911 )
 Cavendish, Victor Christian William, 9th Duke of Devonshire ( 1912 )
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st Bt. ( 1912 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 3rd Earl Granville ( 1914 )
 Marconi, Guglielmo Giovanni Maria, 1st Marchese di Marconi ( 1914 )
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1915 )
 Forbes, Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings, 8th Earl of Granard ( 1915 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1916 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe ( 1916 )
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1917 )
 Carnegie, Lancelot Douglas ( 1917 )
 Dawson, Bertrand Edward, 1st and last Viscount Dawson of Penn ( 1917 )
 Hopwood, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough ( 1917 )
 Mansfield, William, 1st and last Viscount Sandhurst ( 1917 )
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow, 1st Viscount Plumer ( 1917 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st and last Baron Rawlinson ( 1917 )
 Bryce, James, 1st and last Viscount Bryce ( 1918 )
 Lawrence, Walter Roper, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Portman, William Henry Berkeley, 2nd Viscount Portman of Bryanston ( 1918 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Edmund Bernard, 1st Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent ( 1919 )
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1920 )
 Legge, Henry Charles ( 1920 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Walsh, Arthur Henry John, 3rd Baron Ormathwaite ( 1920 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1920 )
 Cust, Adelbert Wellington Brownlow, 3rd Earl Brownlow ( 1921 )
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles ( 1921 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1921 )
 Windsor, George VI, King of the United Kingdom ( 1921 )
 Crossley, Savile Brinton, 1st Baron Somerleyton ( 1922 )
 Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1922 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1922 )
 Lascelles, Henry Ulick, 5th Earl of Harewood ( 1922 )
 Windsor, Henry William Frederick Albert, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1922 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell ( 1923 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Claude George, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1923 )
 Brabazon, Reginald, 12th Earl of Meath ( 1923 )
 Murray, Andrew Graham, 1st Viscount Dunedin ( 1923 )
 Shah, Mohamed, Aga Khan III ( 1923 )
 Robeck, John Michael, 1st and last Bt. ( 1924 )
 Windsor, George Edward Alexander Edmund, 1st Duke of Kent ( 1924 )
 Chancellor, John Robert ( 1925 )
 Grenfell, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Desborough ( 1925 )
 Pearson, Weetman Dickinson, 1st Viscount Cowdray ( 1925 )
 Lowther, Hugh Cecil, 5th Earl of Lonsdale ( 1926 )
 Molyneux, Osbert Cecil, 6th Earl of Sefton ( 1926 )
 Colebrooke, Edward Arthur, 1st and last Baron Colebrooke ( 1927 )
 Lockwood, Amelius Richard Mark, 1st and last Baron Lambourne ( 1927 )
 Legge, William Heneage, 6th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1928 )
 Paget, Charles Henry Alexander, 6th Marquess of Anglesey ( 1928 )
 Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st and last Viscount Lee of Fareham ( 1929 )
 Tilley, John Anthony Cecil ( 1929 )
 Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, 1st Viscount Buckmaster ( 1930 )
 Milner, Frederick George, 7th Bt. ( 1930 )
 Somerset, Henry Hugh Arthur FitzRoy, 10th Duke of Beaufort ( 1930 )
 Buchanan, James, 1st and last Baron Woolavington ( 1931 )
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1931 )
 Blood, Bindon ( 1932 )
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1932 )
 Mountbatten, George Louis Victor Henry Serge, 2nd Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1932 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1932 )
 Crichton, George Arthur Charles ( 1933 )
 Feilding, Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine, 9th Earl of Denbigh ( 1933 )
 Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis, Charles John Robert, 21st Lord Clinton ( 1933 )
 Pratt, John Charles, 4th Marquess Camden ( 1933 )
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo ( 1934 )
 Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers, 1st Baron Hankey ( 1934 )
 Lascelles, Henry George Charles, 6th Earl of Harewood ( 1934 )
 Legge, William, 7th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1934 )
 Meade-Fetherstonhaugh, Herbert ( 1934 )
 Boyle, William Henry Dudley, 12th Earl of Cork ( 1935 )
 Brand, Thomas Walter, 3rd Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1935 )
 Cambridge, George Francis Hugh, 2nd Marquess of Cambridge ( 1935 )
 Davidson, John Colin Campbell, 1st Viscount Davidson ( 1935 )
 Erskine, Arthur Edward ( 1935 )
 Gilmour, John, of Lundin and Montrave, 2nd Bt. ( 1935 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter John, 8th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1935 )
 Wyndham, Charles Henry, 3rd Baron Leconfield of Leconfield ( 1935 )
 Lloyd-Verney, Harry ( 1936 )
 Wakefield, Charles Cheers, 1st and last Viscount Wakefield ( 1936 )
 Backhouse, Roger Roland Charles ( 1937 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood ( 1937 )
 Clive, George Sidney ( 1937 )
 Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenheere, 1st Baron Dowding ( 1937 )
 Hardinge, Alexander Henry Louis, 2nd Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1937 )
 Lang, Cosmo Gordon, 1st and last Baron Lang of Lambeth ( 1937 )
 Macmillan, Hugh Pattison, Baron Macmillan ( 1937 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1937 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Evelyn Emily Mary ( 1937 )
 Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1937 )
 Horder, Thomas Jeeves, 1st Baron Horder ( 1938 )
 Ogilvy, David Lyulph Gore Wolseley, 11th Earl of Airlie ( 1938 )
 Ramsay, Alexander Robert Maule ( 1938 )
 Bingham, George Charles, 5th Earl of Lucan ( 1939 )
 Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir ( 1939 )
 Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith ( 1939 )
 Villiers, George Herbert Hyde, 6th Earl of Clarendon ( 1939 )
 Stanley, Arthur ( 1944 )
 Bridges, Edward Ettingdean, 1st Baron Bridges ( 1946 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, 14th Duke of Hamilton ( 1946 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Marmaduke, 16th Duke of Norfolk ( 1946 )
 Lascelles, Alan Frederick ( 1947 )
 Thomas, Godfrey John Vignoles, 10th Bt. ( 1947 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1948 )
 Legh, Piers Walter ( 1948 )
 Hamilton, Claud Nigel ( 1949 )
 Wernher, Harold Augustus, 3rd Bt. ( 1949 )
 Harvey, Oliver Charles Harvey, 1st Baron Harvey of Tasburgh ( 1950 )
 Nugent, Terence Edmund Gascoigne, 1st and last Baron Nugent ( 1952 )
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke ( 1953 )
 Campbell, Harold George ( 1953 )
 Cholmondeley, George Horatio Charles, 5th Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1953 )
 Fisher, Geoffrey Francis, Baron Fisher of Lambeth ( 1953 )
 Fyfe, David Patrick Maxwell, 1st and last Earl of Kilmuir ( 1953 )
 Kavanagh, Dermot MacMorrough ( 1953 )
 Leveson-Gower, William Spencer, 4th Earl Granville ( 1953 )
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1953 )
 Penn, Arthur Horace ( 1953 )
 Norrie, Charles Willoughby Moke, 1st Baron Norrie ( 1954 )
 Ramsbotham, Herwald, 1st Viscount Soulbury ( 1954 )
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim ( 1954 )
 Evans, Horace, 1st and last Baron Evans ( 1955 )
 Garbett, Cyril Forster ( 1955 )
 Howard, Charles Alfred ( 1956 )
 Jebb, Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 1st Baron Gladwyn ( 1957 )
 Pooley, Ernest Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1957 )
 Windsor, Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick, 2nd Duke of Kent ( 1960 )
 Caccia, Harold Anthony, Baron Caccia ( 1961 )
 Clarke, Henry Ashley ( 1961 )
 Adeane, Michael Edward, Baron Adeane ( 1962 )
 Sidney, William Philip, 1st Viscount De L'Isle, V.C. ( 1962 )
 Fergusson, Bernard Edward, Baron Ballantrae ( 1963 )
 Gwatkin, Norman Wilmshurst ( 1963 )
 Scott, John, 4th Earl of Eldon ( 1963 )
 Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1964 )
 Barclay, Roderick Edward ( 1966 )
 Innes, Thomas, 7th of Learney ( 1967 )
 Russell, John Wriothesley ( 1968 )
 Gibbs, Humphrey Vicary ( 1969 )
 Tryon, Charles George Vivian, 2nd Baron Tryon ( 1969 )
 Bonham-Carter, Christopher Douglas ( 1970 )
 MacLean, Charles Hector Fitzroy, Baron Maclean ( 1971 )
 Cairns, David Charles, 5th Earl Cairns ( 1972 )
 Hase, Karl-Günther Paul Otto ( 1972 )
 Lyttelton, Charles John, 10th Viscount Cobham ( 1972 )
 Grey, Ralph Francis Alnwick, Baron Grey of Naunton ( 1973 )
 Windsor, Richard Alexander Walter George, 2nd Duke of Gloucester ( 1974 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1976 )
 Ramsbotham, Peter Edward, 3rd Viscount Soulbury ( 1976 )
 Waldegrave, Geoffrey Noel, 12th Earl Waldegrave ( 1976 )
 Cholmondeley, George Hugh, 6th Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1977 )
 Egerton, Seymour John Louis ( 1977 )
 Ramsay, Simon, 16th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1978 )
 Penn, Eric Charles William Mackenzie ( 1980 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael ( 1981 )
 Gilliat, Martin ( 1981 )
 Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baron Moore of Wolvercote ( 1983 )
 Ogilvy, David George Patrick Coke, 12th Earl of Airlie ( 1984 )
 Mackworth-Young, Robert Christopher ( 1985 )
 Stapleton Fitzalan Howard, Miles Francis, 17th Duke of Norfolk ( 1986 )
 Wechmar, Rüdiger Volkmar Enerhard Maximilian Irnfried Joachim ( 1986 )
 Hamilton, John d'Henin, 3rd Baron Hamilton of Dalzell ( 1987 )
 Johnston, John Frederick Dame ( 1987 )
 Millar, Oliver Nicholas ( 1988 )
 Ogilvy, Angus James Robert Bruce ( 1989 )
 Acland, Antony Arthur ( 1991 )
 Fane, David Anthony Thomas, 15th Earl of Westmorland ( 1991 )
 Richthofen, Hermann Manfred Georg ( 1992 )
 Anstruther, Ralph Hugo, of that Ilk, 7th/12th Bt. ( 1993 )
 Ridley, Matthew White, 4th Viscount Ridley ( 1994 )
 Waddington, David Charles, Baron Waddington ( 1994 )
 Fellowes, Robert, Baron Fellowes ( 1996 )
 Aird, Alastair Sturgis ( 1997 )
 Fitzpatrick, Geoffrey Richard Desmond ( 1997 )
 Crossley, Saville William Francis, 3rd Baron Somerleyton ( 1998 )
 Ford, Edward William Spencer ( 1998 )
 Stonor, Ralph Thomas Campion George Sherman, 7th Lord Camoys ( 1998 )
 Luce, Richard Napier, Baron Luce ( 2000 )
 Hamilton-Dalrymple, Hew Fleetwood, 10th Bt. ( 2001 )
 Lindsay, Robert Alexander, 29th Earl of Crawford ( 2002 )
 Sterling, Jeffrey Maurice, Baron Sterling of Plaistow ( 2002 )
 Windsor, Michael George Charles Franklin, Prince of Kent ( 2003 )
 Janvrin, Robin Berry, Baron Janvrin ( 2007 )
 Geidt, Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie, Baron Geidt ( 2017 )
 Mountbatten, Philip, 1st Duke of Edinburgh ( 2017 )
 Chartres, Richard John Carew, Baron Chartres ( 2019 )
 Guthrie, Charles Ronald Llewelyn, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank ( 2019 )
 Oswald, William Richard Michael ( 2020 )
Count equals 359 individuals.
Knight, Hanoverian Guelphic Order
 Fitzmaurice, John
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight, Hanoverian Order (K.C.H.)
 Kerrison, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1821 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight, Hanoverian Order (K.H.)
 Beamish, North Ludlow
 Brackenbury, John Macpherson
 Brewster, David
 Brown, George
 Burrowes, Robert Edward
 Cadell, Charles
 Campbell, Alexander
 Campbell, unknown
 Chatterton, James Charles, 3rd Bt.
 Clark, John
 Cloete, Abraham Josias
 Couper, George, 1st Bt.
 Cowell-Stepney, John Stepney, 1st Bt.
 Creagh, Michael
 Crowder, John
 Dance, Charles Webb
 Daubeny, Henry
 Disbrowe, George
 Everard, Matthias
 Falconar, Chesborough Grant
 Ferrier, Alexander
 Gore, Charles Stephen
 Grace, Sheffield
 Grove, Henry Jones
 Hailes, Harris Cook
 Halkett, Alexander
 Hamilton, Nicholas
 Hamond, Horace
 Hardinge, Richard
 Harris, Thomas Noel
 Havelock, William
 Havelock, William Henry
 Heise, Augustus Charles Heise
 Henderson, unknown
 Hindmarsh, John
 Hotham, William
 Jones, Rice
 Kerr, Robert
 Lautour, Peter Augustus
 Law, unknown
 Leslie, Charles, 26th of Balquhain
 Lowen, Pierce
 MacLeod, Henry George
 Mansel, Robert Christopher
 Maxwell, Archibald Montgomerie
 McAdam, William
 Nickle, Robert
 Ord, Robert Hutchinson
 Peddie, unknown
 Robinson, William Henry
 Schmiedern, de
 Sherlock, Francis
 Somerset, Henry
 Spencer, Richard
 Stephens, Henry S.
 Tyler, George
 Valiant, Thomas
 Versturme, Louis Robert James
 Wilson, John
 Wilson, John Morrillyon
 Hervey-Bathurst, Felton William, 1st Bt. ( 1818 )
 Wallace, James Maxwell ( 1830 )
 Mackworth, Digby, 4th Bt. ( 1832 )
 Booth, Henry ( 1835 )
 Crookshank, Chichester William ( 1835 )
 Eustace, John Rowland ( 1835 )
 Jones Parry, Love Parry ( 1836 )
 Brereton, William ( 1837 )
Count equals 68 individuals.
Knight, Order of Hanover (K.H.)
 Thackwell, Joseph ( 1834 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight, Order of St. Patrick (K.P.)
 Browne, Valentine Augustus, 4th Earl of Kenmare
 Brownlow, Charles, 2nd Baron Lurgan
 Clements, Nathaniel, 2nd Earl of Leitrim
 Cole, John Willoughby, 2nd Earl of Enniskillen
 Cole, Lowry Egerton, 4th Earl of Enniskillen
 Cuffe, Hamilton John Agmondesham, 5th Earl of Desart
 Hely Hutchinson, Richard Walter John, 6th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty
 Hill, Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull, 3rd Marquess of Downshire
 Howard, William, 4th Earl of Wicklow
 Leeson, Edward Nugent, 6th Earl of Milltown
 Leeson, Joseph, 4th Earl of Milltown
 Plunkett, Arthur James, 8th Earl of Fingall
 Ponsonby, Edward, 8th Earl of Bessborough
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
 Beresford, George de la Poer, 1st Marquess of Waterford ( 1783 )
 Boyle, Richard, 2nd Earl of Shannon ( 1783 )
 Burgh, Henry, 1st and last Marquess of Clanricarde ( 1783 )
 Caulfeild, James, 1st Earl of Charlemont ( 1783 )
 FitzGerald, William Robert, 2nd Duke of Leinster ( 1783 )
 Gore, Arthur Saunders, 2nd Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands ( 1783 ), one of the orignal 15 members of this order
 Loftus, Henry, 1st and last Earl of Ely ( 1783 )
 Moore, Charles, 1st Marquess of Drogheda ( 1783 )
 Nugent, Thomas, 6th Earl of Westmeath ( 1783 )
 O'Brien, Murrough, 1st Marquess of Thomond ( 1783 )
 Stopford, James, 2nd Earl of Courtown ( 1783 )
 Taylour, Thomas, 1st Earl of Bective ( 1783 )
 Wellesley, Richard, 1st Marquess Wellesley of Norragh ( 1783 )
 Proby, John Joshua, 1st Earl of Carysfort ( 1784 )
 Fortescue, William Henry, 1st Earl of Clermont ( 1795 )
 Butler, Walter, 1st and last Marquess of Ormonde ( 1798 )
 Dillon-Lee, Charles, 12th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin ( 1798 )
 Browne, John Denis, 1st Marquess of Sligo ( 1800 )
 Conyngham, Henry, 1st Marquess Conyngham ( 1801 )
 Beresford, Henry de la Poer, 2nd Marquess of Waterford ( 1806 )
 Jocelyn, Robert, 2nd Earl of Roden ( 1806 )
 Taylour, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Headfort ( 1806 )
 Loftus, John, 2nd Marquess of Ely ( 1807 )
 Boyle, Henry, 3rd Earl of Shannon ( 1808 )
 O'Brien, William, 2nd Marquess of Thomond ( 1809 )
 O'Neill, Charles Henry St. John, 1st Earl O'Neill ( 1809 )
 Browne, Howe Peter, 2nd Marquess of Sligo ( 1810 )
 Pakenham, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Longford ( 1813 )
 Alexander, Du Pre, 2nd Earl of Caledon ( 1821 )
 Brabazon, John Chambré, 10th Earl of Meath ( 1821 )
 Butler, James Wandesford, 1st Marquess of Ormonde ( 1821 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles, 2nd Earl Talbot of Hensol ( 1821 )
 Chichester, George Augustus, 2nd Marquess of Donegall ( 1821 )
 Jocelyn, Robert, 3rd Earl of Roden ( 1821 )
 Stopford, James George, 3rd Earl of Courtown ( 1821 )
 Burgh, Ulick John, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde ( 1831 )
 Caulfeild, Francis William, 2nd Earl of Charlemont ( 1831 )
 Mathew, Francis James, 2nd Earl Landaff ( 1831 )
 Conyngham, Francis Nathaniel, 2nd Marquess Conyngham ( 1833 )
 Hely Hutchinson, John, 3rd Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty ( 1834 )
 Boyle, Edmund, 8th Earl of Cork ( 1835 )
 St. Lawrence, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Howth ( 1835 )
 Southwell, Thomas Anthony, 3rd Viscount Southwell of Castle Mattress ( 1837 )
 Hare, William, 2nd Earl of Listowel ( 1839 )
 Taylour, Thomas, 2nd Marquess of Headfort ( 1839 )
 Gore, Philip Yorke, 4th Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands ( 1841 )
 Beresford, Henry de la Poer, 3rd Marquess of Waterford ( 1845 )
 Butler, John, 2nd Marquess of Ormonde ( 1845 )
 FitzGibbon, John, 2nd Earl of Clare ( 1845 )
 Maxwell, Henry, 7th Baron Farnham ( 1845 )
 Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse ( 1845 )
 Plunkett, Arthur, 9th Earl of Fingall ( 1846 )
 Carew, Robert Shapland, 1st Baron Carew ( 1851 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1851 )
 Skeffington, John, 10th Viscount Massereene ( 1851 )
 Acheson, Archibald, 3rd Earl of Gosford ( 1855 )
 Dawson, Richard, 1st Earl of Dartrey ( 1855 )
 Stewart, Frederick William Robert, 4th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1856 )
 Chichester, George Hamilton, 3rd Marquess of Donegall ( 1857 )
 Forbes, George Arthur Hastings, 7th Earl of Granard ( 1857 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough of Goojerat ( 1857 )
 Hill, Arthur Wills Blundell Sandys Trumbull Windsor, 4th Marquess of Downshire ( 1859 )
 Boyle, Richard Edmund St. Lawrence, 9th Earl of Cork ( 1860 )
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1863 )
 Caulfeild, James Molyneux, 3rd Earl of Charlemont ( 1865 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Edwin Richard, 3rd Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl ( 1866 )
 Beresford, John Henry de la Poer, 5th Marquess of Waterford ( 1868 )
 Butler, James Edward William Theobald, 3rd Marquess of Ormonde ( 1868 )
 Crichton, John, 3rd Earl Erne of Crom Castle ( 1868 )
 Moore, Henry Francis Seymour, 3rd Marquess of Drogheda ( 1868 )
 Acheson, Archibald Brabazon Sparrow, 4th Earl of Gosford ( 1869 )
 Bourke, Richard Southwell, 6th Earl of Mayo ( 1869 )
 Proby, Granville Leveson, 4th Earl of Carysfort ( 1869 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1869 )
 Southwell, Thomas Arthur Joseph, 4th Viscount Southwell of Castle Mattress ( 1871 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Thomas, 4th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl ( 1872 )
 Hare, William, 3rd Earl of Listowel ( 1873 )
 Proby, William, 5th Earl of Carysfort ( 1874 )
 Vane-Tempest, George Henry Robert Charles William, 5th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1874 )
 Montagu, William Drogo, 7th Duke of Manchester ( 1877 )
 Dawson-Damer, Henry John Reuben, 3rd Earl of Portarlington ( 1879 )
 O'Hagan, Thomas, 1st Baron O'Hagan of Tullahogue ( 1882 )
 Parkinson-Fortescue, Chichester Samuel, 1st and last Baron Carlingford ( 1882 )
 St. Lawrence, William Ulick Tristram, 4th Earl of Howth ( 1884 )
 Spring Rice, Thomas, 2nd Baron Monteagle of Brandon ( 1885 )
 Taylour, Thomas, 3rd Marquess of Headfort ( 1885 )
 White, Luke, 2nd Baron Annaly of Annaly and Rathcline ( 1885 )
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley ( 1885 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Albert Victor Christian Edward, 1st Duke of Clarence and Avondale ( 1887 )
 Crichton, John Henry, 4th Earl Erne of Crom Castle ( 1889 )
 Needham, Francis Charles, 3rd Earl of Kilmorey ( 1890 )
 Parsons, Laurence, 4th Earl of Rosse ( 1890 )
 O'Brien, Edward Donough, 14th Baron of Inchiquin ( 1892 )
 Pery, William Hale John Charles, 3rd Earl of Limerick ( 1892 )
 Lambart, Frederick Edward Gould, 9th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1894 )
 Guinness, Edward Cecil, 1st Earl of Iveagh ( 1895 )
 Alexander, James, 4th Earl of Caledon ( 1896 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1897 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1897 )
 Bingham, Charles George, 4th Earl of Lucan ( 1898 )
 Gore, Arthur Saunders William Charles Fox, 5th Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands ( 1898 )
 Bernard, James Francis, 4th Earl of Bandon ( 1900 )
 Dillon, Luke Gerald, 4th Baron Clonbrock ( 1900 )
 Pakenham, Thomas, 5th Earl of Longford ( 1901 )
 Beresford, Henry de la Poer, 6th Marquess of Waterford ( 1902 )
 FitzGerald-de Ros, Dudley Charles, 23rd Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1902 )
 Bourke, Dermot Robert Wyndham, 7th Earl of Mayo ( 1904 )
 Brabazon, Reginald, 12th Earl of Meath ( 1905 )
 Fitzpatrick, Bernard Edward Barnaby, 2nd Baron Castletown of Upper Ossory ( 1908 )
 Pirrie, William James, 1st and last Viscount Pirrie ( 1908 )
 Forbes, Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings, 8th Earl of Granard ( 1909 )
 Gore, Arthur Jocelyn Charles, 6th Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands ( 1909 )
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1911 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1911 )
 Brodrick, William St. John Freemantle, 1st Earl of Midleton ( 1916 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1916 )
 Wingfield, Mervyn Richard, 8th Viscount of Powerscourt ( 1916 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, 1st Earl of Ypres ( 1917 )
 Browne, Geoffrey Henry, 1st Baron Mereworth ( 1918 )
 Hamilton, James Albert Edward, 3rd Duke of Abercorn ( 1922 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1927 )
 Windsor, Henry William Frederick Albert, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1934 )
 Windsor, George VI, King of the United Kingdom ( 1936 )
Count equals 137 individuals.
Knight, Order of the Bath
 Leigh, John ( 1501 )
 Bertie, Peregrine ( 1610 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Knight, Order of the Bath ((K.B.)
 Frowick, Henry
 Trafford, Edmund
Count equals 2 individuals.
Knight, Order of the Bath (K.B.)
 Barker, Robert
 Beckwith, George
 Bedingfeld, Edmund
 Berkeley, Maurice
 Berkeley, Thomas
 Berkeley, William
 Bevill, Robert
 Bevill, Robert
 Boleyn, William
 Bramston, John
 Bromley, William
 Brooke, Henry, 11th Lord Cobham (of Kent)
 Browne, William
 Brownrigg, Henry John
 Byron, John
 Calthorpe, Christopher
 Campbell, James
 Carleton, Guy, 1st Baron Dorchester
 Cavendish, John
 Cavendish, William, 1st Earl of Devonshire
 Chester, Henry
 Chichester, Robert
 Clavering, John
 Clavering, John
 Clifton, Gervase, 1st Bt.
 Clifton, Robert, 5th Bt.
 Clinton, Henry
 Compton, Thomas
 Cooke, Anthony
 Cope, John
 Cornwallis, William
 Darcy, Conyers
 Delaval, Francis Blake
 Denham, John
 Denny, Edward
 Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord le Despenser
 Draper, William
 Ducie, Hugh
 Edgecumbe, Richard
 Egerton, William
 Eliott, George Augustus, 1st Baron Heathfield of Gibraltar
 Fairfax, Thomas
 Fairfax, William George
 Fane, Francis
 Fane, Francis
 Fawkener, Everard
 Feilding, Everard
 Fenner, Edward
 FitzAlan, William
 Fortescue, Francis
 Fortescue, John
 Francis, Philip
 Frederick, Charles
 Gage, Edward
 Gates, John
 Gayer, Robert
 Gibbons, John, 2nd Bt.
 Godolphin, Francis
 Gorges, Edmund
 Gorges, Theobald
 Graham, Patrick, of Kincardine and of Dundaff
 Gresley, George
 Griffin, Edward
 Gunning, Robert, 1st Bt.
 Gyse, John
 Harbord, William, 1st Bt.
 Harcourt, Robert
 Hatton, Christopher, 1st Baron Hatton
 Heydon, John
 Hood, Samuel, 1st Bt.
 Hopton, Arthur
 Howard, Charles
 Howard, George
 Howard, Robert
 Howard, Robert
 Howard, William
 Hudleston, Richard
 James, Charles Stuart FitzRoy Douglas-Hamilton
 James, Philip Charles William FitzRoy
 Jermyn, Thomas
 Keats, Richard Goodwin
 Knollys, Robert
 Leveson, Richard
 Ligonier, Jean Louis, 1st Earl Ligonier
 Lindsay, John
 Lindsay, John, of Woodhead
 Lyttelton, Richard
 Lytton, Robert
 Lytton, Robert
 Maynard, John
 Medows, William
 Mennes, Matthew
 Monckton-Arundell, Robert, 4th Viscount Galway
 Monson, John, 2nd Bt.
 Mordaunt, John
 Morgan, William
 Morley, William
 Neville, Christopher
 Neville, Thomas
 Nicoll, Charles Gounter
 Norreys, John
 Norris, William
 Onslow, Richard, 1st Bt.
 Oughton, James Adolphus Dickenson
 Pakington, John
 Parker, Henry, 14th Lord Morley
 Pierson, Richard
 Pocock, George
 Popham, Francis
 Powlett, Nassau
 Preston, Richard, 1st Earl of Desmond
 Radcliffe, Anthony
 Rich, Robert, 2nd Baron Rich
 Rolle, John
 Rowley, William
 Saunders, Charles
 Savile, Henry
 Scott, Edward
 Seymour, Henry
 Shirley, Ralph
 St. John, Paulet
 St. John, Rowland
 Stanley, Charles
 Stanley, Edward
 Stonor, William
 Strickland, Thomas
 Stuart, Charles
 Stuart, Francis
 Sutton, Robert
 Throckmorton, Robert
 Vaughan, John
 Vernon, Henry
 Vernon, Robert
 Walpole, Edward
 Warre, John, 2nd Lord la Warre
 Warren, Peter
 Wentworth, Henry
 Wentworth, Peter
 Wharton, Thomas
 Whitmore, Thomas
 Willoughby, Thomas
 Windsor, William, 2nd Baron Windsor
 Wrey, Bourchier, 4th Bt.
 Croft, Hugh ( 1305 )
 FitzPayn, Robert, 1st Lord FitzPayn ( 1306 )
 Talbot, Gilbert, 1st Lord Talbot ( 1322 )
 Butler, James, 1st Earl of Ormonde ( 1326 )
 Stafford, Ralph, 1st Earl of Stafford ( 1326 )
 Keith, William ( 1333 )
 Dacre, Randolf, 1st Lord Dacre ( 1336 )
 Talbot, Richard, 2nd Lord Talbot ( 1338 )
 Skipwith, William ( 1360 )
 Arundel, John, 6th/13th Earl of Arundel ( 1399 )
 Assheton, John ( 1399 )
 Fitzalan, Thomas, 5th/12th Earl of Arundel ( 1399 )
 Lancaster, Thomas, 1st Duke of Clarence ( 1399 )
 Stanhope, Richard ( 1399 )
 Beauchamp, Richard, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1413 )
 Despenser, Richard, 4th Lord Burghersh ( 1413 )
 Legh, Piers ( 1415 )
 Arundel, John, 7th/14th Earl of Arundel ( 1426 )
 Babington, William ( 1426 )
 Talbot, John, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1426 )
 FitzAlan, Thomas, 10th/17th Earl of Arundel ( 1461 )
 Mowbray, John, 4th Duke of Norfolk ( 1461 )
 Plantagenet, George, 1st Duke of Clarence ( 1461 )
 Stafford, John, 1st Earl of Wiltshire ( 1461 )
 Wingfield, John ( 1461 )
 Cooke, Thomas ( 1465 )
 Say, John ( 1465 )
 Vere, John, 13th Earl of Oxford ( 1465 )
 Hastings, Edward, 2nd Lord Hastings ( 1475 )
 Lyttelton, Thomas ( 1475 )
 Neville, Ralph, 3rd Earl of Westmorland ( 1475 )
 Plantagenet, Richard, 1st Duke of York ( 1475 )
 Stafford, Edward, 2nd Earl of Wiltshire ( 1475 )
 Stanley, George, Baron Strange (of Knokyn) ( 1475 )
 Talbot, George, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1475 )
 Howard, Thomas, 2nd Duke of Norfolk ( 1478 )
 Hoghton, Alexander ( 1482 )
 Lumley, George, 2nd Lord Lumley ( 1482 )
 Butler, Thomas, 7th Earl of Ormonde ( 1483 )
 Cornwall, Edmund ( 1483 )
 Grey, George, 2nd Earl of Kent ( 1483 )
 Neville, George, 3rd Lord Abergavenny ( 1483 )
 Willoughby, Christopher ( 1483 )
 Fiennes, Thomas, 8th Lord Dacre ( 1484 )
 Stafford, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham ( 1485 )
 Lucy, William ( 1486 )
 Courtenay, William, 1st Earl of Devon ( 1487 )
 Croft, Richard ( 1487 )
 Talbot, Gilbert ( 1487 )
 FitzAlan, William, 11th/18th Earl of Arundel ( 1489 )
 Percy, Henry Algernon, 4th Earl of Northumberland ( 1489 )
 Tudor, Arthur, Prince of Wales ( 1489 )
 West, Thomas, 9th Lord la Warre ( 1489 )
 Tudor, Henry VIII, King of England ( 1491 )
 Stanley, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Derby ( 1494 )
 Trafford, Edmond ( 1495 )
 Thomas, Rhys ( 1497 )
 Vaux, Nicholas, 1st Baron Vaux of Harrowden ( 1497 )
 Clinton, John, 7th Lord Clinton ( 1501 )
 Fowler, Richard ( 1501 )
 Grenville, Thomas ( 1501 )
 Griffin, Nicholas ( 1501 )
 Hastings, George, 1st Earl of Huntingdon ( 1501 )
 Paulet, John ( 1501 )
 Trevelyan, John ( 1501 )
 Willoughby, William, 11th Lord Willoughby de Eresby ( 1501 )
 Wodehouse, Thomas ( 1501 )
 Lowther, Hugh ( 1502 )
 Mordaunt, John, 1st Lord Mordaunt ( 1503 )
 Dacre, Thomas, 2nd Lord Dacre (of Gilsland) ( 1504 )
 Boleyn, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Wiltshire ( 1509 )
 Clifford, Henry, 10th Lord Clifford ( 1509 )
 Daubeney, Henry, 1st and last Earl of Bridgwater ( 1509 )
 Knyvett, Thomas ( 1509 )
 Oxenbridge, Goddard ( 1509 )
 Radcliffe, Robert, 1st Earl of Sussex ( 1509 )
 Willoughby, Robert, 2nd Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1509 )
 Windsor, Andrews, 1st Baron Windsor ( 1509 )
 Edgcumbe, Piers ( 1513 )
 Seymour, John ( 1513 )
 Clifford, Henry, 2nd Earl of Cumberland ( 1523 )
 Grey, Henry, 1st Duke of Suffolk ( 1533 )
 Hastings, Francis, 2nd Earl of Huntingdon ( 1533 )
 Mordaunt, John, 2nd Lord Mordaunt ( 1533 )
 Parker, Henry ( 1533 )
 Radcliffe, Henry, 2nd Earl of Sussex ( 1533 )
 Stanley, Edward, 3rd Earl of Derby ( 1533 )
 Stanley, Thomas, 2nd Lord Monteagle ( 1533 )
 Vaux, Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden ( 1533 )
 Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey ( 1536 )
 Gage, John ( 1543 )
 Cromwell, Gregory, 1st Baron Cromwell ( 1547 )
 Fitzalan, Henry, Lord Mautravers ( 1547 )
 Hastings, Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon ( 1547 )
 Jocelyn, Thomas ( 1547 )
 Stanley, Henry, 4th Earl of Derby ( 1547 )
 Talbot, George, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1547 )
 Windsor, Thomas ( 1547 )
 Berkeley, Henry, 7th Lord Berkeley ( 1553 )
 Blount, James, 6th Baron Mountjoy ( 1553 )
 Clinton, Henry, 2nd Earl of Lincoln ( 1553 )
 Courtenay, Edward, 1st Earl of Devon ( 1553 )
 Herbert, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pembroke ( 1553 )
 Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk ( 1553 )
 Lumley, John, 1st and last Baron Lumley ( 1553 )
 Neville, Henry, 4th Lord Abergavenny ( 1553 )
 Paget, Henry, 2nd Lord Paget (of Beaudesert) ( 1553 )
 Paulet, William, 3rd Marquess of Winchester ( 1553 )
 Windsor, Edward, 3rd Baron Windsor ( 1553 )
 North, Roger, 2nd Baron North ( 1559 )
 Sheffield, John, 2nd Baron Sheffield ( 1559 )
 Unton, Edward ( 1559 )
 Bertie, Peregrine, 13th Lord Willoughby de Eresby ( 1586 )
 Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex ( 1586 )
 Rich, Edwyn ( 1596 )
 Anstruther, William ( 1603 )
 Compton, Henry ( 1603 )
 Corbet, Richard ( 1603 )
 Egerton, John, 1st Earl of Bridgwater ( 1603 )
 Fane, Francis, 1st Earl of Westmorland ( 1603 )
 Greville, Fulke, 1st Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court ( 1603 )
 Hay, James, 7th Lord Hay of Yester ( 1603 )
 Herbert, Edward, 1st Baron Herbert of Chirbury ( 1603 )
 Herbert, Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke ( 1603 )
 Herbert, William, 1st Baron Powis ( 1603 )
 Kerr, Robert, 1st Earl of Ancrame ( 1603 )
 Kerr, Robert, 2nd Earl of Lothian ( 1603 )
 Leigh, Francis ( 1603 )
 Lindsay, John, of Kinfauns ( 1603 )
 Manners, Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland ( 1603 )
 Montagu, Edward, 1st Baron Montagu of Boughton ( 1603 )
 Morrison, Charles, 1st and last Bt. ( 1603 )
 Musgrave, Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1603 )
 Rich, Robert, 2nd Earl of Warwick ( 1603 )
 Stanhope, Edward ( 1603 )
 Wharton, George ( 1603 )
 Yelverton, Christopher ( 1603 )
 Percy, Alan ( 1604 )
 Bertie, Robert, 1st Earl of Lindsey ( 1605 )
 Brydges, Grey, 5th Baron Chandos of Sudeley ( 1605 )
 Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury ( 1605 )
 Cecil, William, 2nd Earl of Salisbury ( 1605 )
 Clifford, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland ( 1605 )
 Compton, William, 1st Earl of Northampton ( 1605 )
 Harington, John, 2nd Baron Haryngton of Exton ( 1605 )
 Manners, Francis, 6th Earl of Rutland ( 1605 )
 Norris, Francis, 1st and last Earl of Berkshire ( 1605 )
 Bruce, Edward, 2nd Baron Bruce of Kinlosse ( 1610 )
 Carey, Henry, 1st Earl of Dover ( 1610 )
 Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ( 1610 )
 Clifford, Henry, 5th Earl of Cumberland ( 1610 )
 Dudley, Ferdinando ( 1610 )
 Erskine, John, 20th/3rd Earl of Mar ( 1610 )
 Gordon, George, 2nd Marquess of Huntly ( 1610 )
 Hay, James, 1st Earl of Carlisle ( 1610 )
 Sydney, Robert, 2nd Earl of Leicester ( 1610 )
 Vere, Henry, 18th Earl of Oxford ( 1610 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Cleveland ( 1610 )
 Windsor, Thomas, 6th Baron Windsor ( 1610 )
 Berkeley, George, 8th Lord Berkeley ( 1616 )
 Clinton, Theophilus, 4th Earl of Lincoln ( 1616 )
 Compton, Spencer, 2nd Earl of Northampton ( 1616 )
 Erskine, Alexander, Viscount Fentoun ( 1616 )
 Howard, Edward, 1st Baron Howard of Escrick ( 1616 )
 Howard, Henry Frederick, 22nd Earl of Arundel ( 1616 )
 Howard, James, Lord Maltravers ( 1616 )
 Montagu, Sydney ( 1616 )
 Mordaunt, John, 1st Earl of Peterborough ( 1616 )
 North, Dudley, 4th Baron North ( 1616 )
 Roper, John, 3rd Baron Teynham ( 1616 )
 Sackville, Edward, 4th Earl of Dorset ( 1616 )
 Seymour, Edward, Lord Beauchamp ( 1616 )
 Seymour, William, 2nd Duke of Somerset ( 1616 )
 Stourton, William, 11th Baron Stourton ( 1616 )
 Hungerford, Edward ( 1625 )
 Poyntz, Robert ( 1625 )
 Blount, St. John ( 1626 )
 Boteler, John ( 1626 )
 Brooke, William ( 1626 )
 Byron, John, 1st Baron Byron of Rochdale ( 1626 )
 Carey, John, 2nd Earl of Dover ( 1626 )
 Cavendish, William, 3rd Earl of Devonshire ( 1626 )
 Cecil, Charles, Viscount Cranborne ( 1626 )
 Fane, Mildmay, 2nd Earl of Westmorland ( 1626 )
 Fanshawe, Thomas, 1st Viscount Fanshawe of Dromore ( 1626 )
 Feilding, Basil, 2nd Earl of Denbigh ( 1626 )
 Hay, James, 2nd Earl of Carlisle ( 1626 )
 Herbert, Charles, Lord Herbert of Shurland ( 1626 )
 Howard, James, 3rd Earl of Suffolk ( 1626 )
 Howard, William, 1st and last Viscount Stafford ( 1626 )
 Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester ( 1626 )
 Paget, William, 5th Lord Paget (of Beaudesert) ( 1626 )
 Stanhope, Henry, Lord Stanhope ( 1626 )
 Stanley, James, 7th Earl of Derby ( 1626 )
 Stawell, John ( 1626 )
 Vaughan, Richard, 2nd Earl of Carbery ( 1626 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 5th Lord Wentworth ( 1626 )
 Butler, James, 1st Duke of Ormonde ( 1649 )
 Knightley, Richard ( 1649 )
 Bennet, John, 1st Baron Ossulston ( 1661 )
 Berkeley, Charles, 2nd Earl of Berkeley ( 1661 )
 Browne, George ( 1661 )
 Capell, Henry, 1st and last Baron Capell of Tewkesbury ( 1661 )
 Clinton, Edward, 5th Earl of Lincoln ( 1661 )
 Cornwallis, Charles, 2nd Baron Cornwallis of Eye ( 1661 )
 Ducie, William, 1st and last Viscount Downe ( 1661 )
 Edgcumbe, Richard ( 1661 )
 Egerton, John, 3rd Earl of Bridgwater ( 1661 )
 Fane, Vere, 4th Earl of Westmorland ( 1661 )
 Feilding, George, 1st Earl of Desmond ( 1661 )
 Herbert, Philip, 7th Earl of Pembroke ( 1661 )
 Hungerford, Edward ( 1661 )
 Hyde, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon ( 1661 )
 Portman, William, 6th Bt. ( 1661 )
 Scrope, Adrian ( 1661 )
 Slanning, Nicholas, 1st Bt. ( 1661 )
 Temple, Richard, 3rd Bt. ( 1661 )
 Vaughan, John, 3rd Earl of Carbery ( 1661 )
 Verney, Greville, 9th Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1661 )
 Walpole, Edward ( 1661 )
 Popham, Francis ( 1669 )
 Forester, William ( 1689 )
 Beauclerk, Charles, 2nd Duke of Saint Albans ( 1725 )
 Brownlow, John, 1st and last Viscount Tyrconnel ( 1725 )
 Byng, George, 1st Viscount Torrington ( 1725 )
 Campbell, John, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland ( 1725 )
 Cholmondeley, George, 3rd Earl of Cholmondeley ( 1725 )
 Coke, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Leicester ( 1725 )
 Compton, Spencer, 1st Earl of Wilmington ( 1725 )
 Fortescue, Hugh, 1st and last Earl Clinton ( 1725 )
 Gage, William, 7th Bt. ( 1725 )
 Hanover, William Augustus, 1st Duke of Cumberland ( 1725 )
 Hobart, John, 1st Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1725 )
 Keppel, William Anne, 2nd Earl of Albemarle ( 1725 )
 Lennox, Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond ( 1725 )
 Lumley-Saunderson, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Scarbrough ( 1725 )
 Methuen, Paul ( 1725 )
 Monson, John, 1st Baron Monson of Burton ( 1725 )
 Montagu, John, 2nd Duke of Montagu ( 1725 )
 Montagu, William, 2nd Duke of Manchester ( 1725 )
 Montague, George, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1725 )
 O'Brien, William, 4th Earl of Inchiquin ( 1725 )
 Scott, Henry, 1st Earl of Delorain ( 1725 )
 Sydney, John, 6th Earl of Leicester ( 1725 )
 Walpole, Robert, 1st Earl of Orford ( 1725 )
 Watson-Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Rockingham ( 1725 )
 West, John, 1st Earl De La Warr ( 1725 )
 Yelverton, Talbot, 1st Earl of Sussex ( 1725 )
 Bateman, William, 1st Viscount Bateman ( 1732 )
 Brydges, Henry, 2nd Duke of Chandos ( 1732 )
 Calthorpe, Henry ( 1744 )
 Hanbury-Williams, Charles ( 1744 )
 Hawke, Edward, 1st Baron Hawke of Towton ( 1749 )
 Savile, John, 1st Earl of Mexborough of Lifford ( 1749 )
 Onslow, Richard, 3rd Baron Onslow ( 1752 )
 Hussey-Montagu, Edward, 1st and last Earl of Beaulieu ( 1753 )
 Amherst, Jeffrey, 1st Baron Amherst of Holmesdale ( 1761 )
 Beauchamp-Proctor, William, 1st Bt. ( 1761 )
 Griffin, John Griffin, 4th Baron Howard de Walden ( 1761 )
 Proby, John, 1st Baron Carysfort ( 1761 )
 Warren, George ( 1761 )
 Yorke, Joseph, 1st and last Lord Dover, Baron of the Town and Port of Dover ( 1761 )
 Clive, Robert, 1st Baron Clive of Plassey ( 1764 )
 Coote, Charles, 1st Earl of Bellomont ( 1764 )
 Hanover, Frederick Augustus, 1st Duke of York ( 1767 )
 Knight, Robert, 1st and last Earl of Catherlough ( 1770 )
 Coote, Eyre ( 1771 )
 Hamilton, William ( 1772 )
 Blaquiere, John, 1st Baron de Blaquiere of Ardkill ( 1774 )
 Howe, William, 5th Viscount Howe ( 1776 )
 Gordon, William ( 1779 )
 Harris, James, 1st Earl of Malmesbury ( 1779 )
 Mac Donnell, Randal William, 1st and last Marquess of Antrim ( 1779 )
 Rodney, George Brydges, 1st Baron Rodney of Rodney Stoke ( 1780 )
 Jervis, John, 1st Earl of Saint Vincent ( 1782 )
 Hood, Alexander, 1st Viscount Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas ( 1788 )
 Eden, Morton Frederick, 1st Baron Henley of Chardstock ( 1791 )
 Pitt, William Augustus ( 1792 )
 Whitworth, Charles, 1st Earl of Whitworth ( 1793 )
 Elphinstone, George Keith, 1st and last Viscount Keith ( 1794 )
 Abercromby, Ralph ( 1795 )
 Banks, Joseph, 1st and last Bt. ( 1795 )
 Christian, Hugh Cloberry ( 1796 )
 Nelson, Horatio, 1st and last Viscount Nelson of the Nile and Burnham Thorpe ( 1797 )
 Hely Hutchinson, John, 2nd Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty ( 1801 )
 Saumarez, James, 1st Baron de Saumarez ( 1801 )
 Ludlow, George James, 3rd Earl Ludlow ( 1804 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1804 ), for his victories in India
 Carnegie, William, 7th Earl of Northesk ( 1806 )
 Cochrane, Thomas, 10th Earl of Dundonald ( 1809 )
 Hope, John, 4th Earl of Hopetoun ( 1809 )
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st and last Viscount Beresford of Beresford ( 1810 )
 Doyle, John, 1st and last Bt. ( 1812 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1st Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore ( 1812 )
 Stuart, Charles, 1st and last Baron Stuart de Rothesay ( 1812 )
 Wellesley, Henry, 1st Baron Cowley of Wesley ( 1812 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry ( 1813 )
 Ramsay, George, 9th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1813 )
 Vane, Charles William, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1813 )
 Dundas, David ( 1847 )
 Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( 1885 )
 Meredith, William Colles ( 1886 )
 Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1886 )
 Haldane, William Stowell ( 1912 )
 Hannay, Hugh Augustus McNeish ( 1934 )
 Burrows, Robert Abraham ( 1937 )
Count equals 449 individuals.
Knight, Order of the Garter (K.G.)
 Battenberg, Henry Maurice
 Bingham, Thomas Henry, Baron Bingham of Cornhill
 Blount, William, 4th Baron Mountjoy
 Borbón y Habsburgo, Alfonso XIII, Rey de España
 Bourke, Maurice Archibald
 Brandon, Thomas
 Bray, Reynold
 Browne, Anthony
 Browne, Anthony
 Burley, Richard
 Carew, Nicholas
 Cecil, Brownlow, 2nd Marquess of Exeter
 Chamberlayne, William
 Chandos, John
 Cheney, Thomas
 Clifford, Lewis
 Courtenay, Piers
 Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey, 7th Earl Cowper
 Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton, 1st and last Marquess of Crewe
 Dabridgecourt, John
 Dunne, Thomas Raymond
 Elworthy, Samuel Charles, Baron Elworthy
 Felbrigge, Simon
 Felton, Thomas
 FitzWarin, Fulk, 3rd Lord FitzWarin
 Fitzroy, Henry, 1st Duke of Grafton
 Fitzwilliam, Charles William, 5th Earl Fitzwilliam
 Fitzwilliam, William Thomas Spencer, 6th Earl Fitzwilliam
 Grey, Henry, 1st and last Duke of Kent
 Grey, John
 Grey, Thomas Philip, 2nd Earl de Grey of Wrest
 Grey, Thomas, 2nd Marquess of Dorset
 Grosvenor, Hugh Lupus, 1st Duke of Westminster
 Guildford, Richard
 Harcourt, Robert
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Ernst Ludwig Karl Albert Wilhelm
 Holand, Robert, 2nd Lord Holand
 Howard, Charles, 11th Duke of Norfolk
 Jermyn, Henry, 1st Earl of Saint Albans
 Knollys, Francis
 Loring, Nele
 Lowther, William, 1st Earl of Lonsdale
 Mauny, Walter, 1st Lord Mauny
 Mildmay, Walter
 Mohun, John, 2nd Lord Mohun
 Montgomery, Thomas
 Nassau de Zuylestein, William Henry, 4th Earl of Rochford
 Osborne, Francis Godolphin, 5th Duke of Leeds
 Osborne, Thomas, 4th Duke of Leeds
 Parr, William
 Phipps, Oswald Constantine John, 4th Marquess of Normanby
 Pierrepont, Henry
 Plantagenet, Edward, Prince of Wales
 Poynings, Edward
 Radcliffe, John
 Radcliffe, Robert, 1st Earl of Sussex
 Ratcliffe, John
 Rhodes, Hervey, Baron Rhodes
 Romanov, Nikolai II Aleksandrovich, Tsar of Russia
 Savage, John
 Savage, John
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
 Stanley, William
 Stapleton, Miles
 Stuart, Esmé, 3rd Duke of Lennox
 Stuart, Ludovic, 2nd Duke of Lennox
 Templer, Gerald Walter Robert
 Thomas, Rhys
 Thynne, Thomas Henry, 5th Marquess of Bath
 Tunstall, Richard
 Umfreville, Robert
 Welles, John, 1st Viscount Welles
 Welles, Lionel, 6th Baron Welles
 Willoughby, Michael Guy Percival, 11th Baron Middleton of Middleton
 Wilson, James Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx
 Windsor, Richard Alexander Walter George, 2nd Duke of Gloucester
 Woodville, Anthony, 2nd Earl Rivers
 Wrottesley, Hugh
 Audley, James ( 1344 )
 Beauchamp, Thomas, 11th Earl of Warwick ( 1344 )
 Beauchamp, John, 1st Lord Beauchamp (of Warwick) ( 1348 )
 Burghersh, Bartholomew, 2nd Lord Burghersh ( 1348 )
 Courtenay, Hugh ( 1348 )
 Holand, Otes ( 1348 )
 Holand, Thomas, 1st Earl of Kent ( 1348 )
 Plantagenet, Henry Grosmont of Derby, 1st Duke of Lancaster ( 1348 )
 Stafford, Ralph, 1st Earl of Stafford ( 1348 )
 Woodstock, Edward, Prince of Wales ( 1348 )
 Cobham, Reynold, 1st Lord Cobham (of Sterborough) ( 1353 )
 Antwerp, Lionel, 1st Duke of Clarence ( 1361 )
 Despenser, Edward, 1st Lord le Despenser ( 1361 )
 Gaunt, John, Duke of Lancaster ( 1361 )
 Langley, Edmund, 1st Duke of York ( 1361 )
 Latimer, William, 3rd/4th Lord Latimer (of Corby) ( 1362 )
 Coucy, Enguerrand VII, Sire de Coucy ( 1365 )
 Percy, Henry, 1st Earl of Northumberland ( 1366 )
 Basset, Ralph, 3rd Lord Basset of Drayton ( 1368 )
 Bryan, Guy, 1st Lord Bryan ( 1369 )
 Neville, John, 3rd Lord Neville ( 1369 )
 Hastings, John, 2nd Earl of Pembroke ( 1370 )
 Beauchamp, Thomas, 12th Earl of Warwick ( 1373 )
 Percy, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Worcester ( 1375 )
 Beauchamp, William, 1st Lord Bergavenny ( 1376 )
 Holand, Thomas, 2nd/5th Earl of Kent ( 1376 )
 Stafford, Hugh, 2nd Earl of Stafford ( 1376 )
  Henry IV, King of England ( 1377 )
  Richard II, King of England ( 1377 )
 Woodstock, Thomas, 1st and last Duke of Gloucester ( 1380 )
 Mowbray, Thomas, 1st Duke of Norfolk ( 1383 )
 Vere, Robert, 9th Earl of Oxford ( 1385 )
 FitzAlan, Richard, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel ( 1386 )
 York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1387 )
 Percy, Henry, Lord Percy ( 1388 )
 Bourchier, John, 2nd Baron Bourchier ( 1392 )
 Beaumont, John, 4th Baron Beaumont ( 1393 )
 Beaufort, John, 1st Earl of Somerset ( 1397 )
 Holand, Thomas, 1st and last Duke of Surrey ( 1397 )
 Despenser, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Gloucester ( 1399 )
 Lancaster, John, Duke of Bedford ( 1399 )
 Plantagenet, Henry V, King of England ( 1399 )
 Beaufort, Thomas, 1st Duke of Exeter ( 1400 )
 Fitzalan, Thomas, 5th/12th Earl of Arundel ( 1400 )
 Lancaster, Thomas, 1st Duke of Clarence ( 1400 )
 Plantagenet, Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester ( 1400 )
 Neville, Ralph, 1st Earl of Westmorland ( 1403 )
 Grey, Richard, 1st Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1404 )
 Holand, Edmund, 4th/7th Earl of Kent ( 1404 )
 Ros, William, 6th Lord de Ros of Helmsley ( 1404 )
 Stanley, John ( 1405 )
 Burnell, Hugh, 2nd Lord Burnell ( 1406 )
 Cherleton, Edward, 5th Baron Cherleton ( 1407 )
 Cornwall, John, 1st and last Baron of Fanhope ( 1409 )
 Talbot, Gilbert, 5th Lord Talbot ( 1409 )
 Camoys, Thomas, 1st Lord Camoys ( 1415 )
 Zouche, William, 4th Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth) ( 1415 )
 Vere, Richard, 11th Earl of Oxford ( 1416 )
 Willoughby, Robert, 6th Lord Willoughby de Eresby ( 1417 )
 Grey, John, 1st Comte de Tancarville ( 1418 )
 Phelip, William, 1st Lord Bardolf ( 1419 )
 Stafford, Hugh ( 1419 )
 Clifford, John, 7th Lord Clifford ( 1421 )
 Hungerford, Walter, 1st Lord Hungerford ( 1421 )
 Mowbray, John, 2nd Duke of Norfolk ( 1421 )
 Robessart, Lewis ( 1421 )
 Talbot, John, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1424 )
 Stafford, Humphrey, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 1429 )
 Arundel, John, 7th/14th Earl of Arundel ( 1432 )
 Plantagenet, Richard, 3rd Duke of York ( 1433 )
 Beaufort, Edmund, 1st Duke of Somerset ( 1436 )
 Grey, John ( 1436 )
 Neville, Richard, 5th Earl of Salisbury ( 1436 )
 Beaufort, John, 1st Duke of Somerset ( 1440 )
 Botiler, Ralph, 7th Lord Sudeley ( 1440 )
 Neville, William, 1st and last Earl of Kent ( 1440 )
 Beaumont, John, 1st Viscount Beaumont ( 1441 )
 Beauchamp, John, 1st Baron Beauchamp of Powick ( 1445 )
 Mowbray, John, 3rd Duke of Norfolk ( 1451 )
 Wenlock, John, 1st Baron Wenlock ( 1451 )
 Stanley, Thomas, 1st Lord Stanley ( 1457 )
 Talbot, John, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1457 )
 Bourchier, John, 1st Lord Berners ( 1459 )
 Butler, James, 5th Earl of Ormonde ( 1459 )
 Sutton, John, 1st Baron Dudley ( 1459 )
 Tudor, Jasper, 1st and last Duke of Bedford ( 1459 )
 Neville, Richard, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1460 )
 Bonville, William, 1st Lord Bonville ( 1461 )
 Plantagenet, George, 1st Duke of Clarence ( 1461 )
 Hastinges, William, 1st Lord Hastings ( 1462 )
 Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke ( 1462 )
 Neville, John, 1st and last Marquess of Montagu ( 1462 )
 Tiptoft, John, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1462 )
 Douglas, James, 9th Earl of Douglas ( 1463 )
 Plantagenet, Richard III, King of England ( 1466 )
 Fitzalan, William, 9th/16th Earl of Arundel ( 1471 )
 Wingfield, Thomas ( 1471 )
 Devereux, Walter, 1st Lord Ferrers (of Chartley) ( 1472 )
 Howard, John, 1st Duke of Norfolk ( 1472 )
 Mowbray, John, 4th Duke of Norfolk ( 1472 )
 Stafford, John, 1st Earl of Wiltshire ( 1472 )
 FitzAlan, Thomas, 10th/17th Earl of Arundel ( 1474 )
 Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( 1474 )
 Stafford, Henry, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 1474 )
 Plantagenet, Edward V, King of England ( 1475 )
 Plantagenet, Richard, 1st Duke of York ( 1475 )
 Conyers, John ( 1483 )
 Howard, Thomas, 2nd Duke of Norfolk ( 1483 )
 Stanley, Thomas, 1st Earl of Derby ( 1483 )
 Burgh, Thomas, 1st Lord Burgh (of Gainsborough) ( 1484 )
 Cheyne, John, 1st and last Lord Cheyne ( 1486 )
 Vere, John, 13th Earl of Oxford ( 1486 )
 Stanley, George, Baron Strange (of Knokyn) ( 1487 )
 Talbot, George, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1488 )
 Willoughby, Robert, 1st Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1489 )
 Howard, Thomas, 2nd Duke of Norfolk ( 1491 )
 Tudor, Arthur, Prince of Wales ( 1491 )
 Courtenay, Edward, 1st and last Earl of Devon ( 1494 )
 Tudor, Henry VIII, King of England ( 1495 )
 Stafford, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham ( 1496 )
 Talbot, Gilbert ( 1496 )
 Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1498 )
 Percy, Henry Algernon, 4th Earl of Northumberland ( 1499 )
 Pole, Richard ( 1499 )
 Rhys, Grufudd ( 1501 )
 FitzGerald, Gerald, 8th Earl of Kildare ( 1505 )
 Grey, Richard, 3rd Earl of Kent ( 1505 )
 Stafford, Henry, 1st Earl of Wiltshire ( 1505 )
 Thomas, Rhys ( 1505 )
 Clifford, Henry, 1st Earl of Cumberland ( 1509 )
 Darcy, Thomas, 1st Lord Darcy ( 1509 )
 Howard, Thomas, 3rd Duke of Norfolk ( 1510 )
 Howard, Edward ( 1513 )
 Neville, George, 3rd Lord Abergavenny ( 1513 )
 Stanley, Edward, 1st Lord Monteagle ( 1514 )
 Dacre, Thomas, 2nd Lord Dacre (of Gilsland) ( 1518 )
 Courtenay, Henry, 1st and last Marquess of Exeter ( 1521 )
 Boleyn, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Wiltshire ( 1523 )
 Devereux, Walter, 1st Viscount Hereford ( 1523 )
 Wingfield, Richard ( 1523 )
 Radcliffe, Robert, 1st Earl of Sussex ( 1524 )
 FitzAlan, William, 11th/18th Earl of Arundel ( 1525 )
 Fitzroy, Henry, 1st Duke of Richmond ( 1525 )
 Manners, Thomas, 1st Earl of Rutland ( 1525 )
 Neville, Ralph, 4th Earl of Westmorland ( 1525 )
 FitzWilliam, William, 1st and last Earl of Southampton ( 1526 )
 Vere, John, 15th Earl of Oxford ( 1527 )
 Percy, Henry, 5th Earl of Northumberland ( 1531 )
 Gage, John ( 1532 )
 Berkeley, Thomas, 6th Lord Berkeley ( 1533 )
 Stewart, James V, King of Scotland ( 1535 )
 Kingston, William ( 1539 )
 Russell, John, 1st Earl of Bedford ( 1539 )
 Audley, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Audley of Walden ( 1540 )
 Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey ( 1541 )
 Seymour, Edward, 1st Duke of Somerset ( 1541 )
 Wingfield, Anthony ( 1541 )
 Paulet, William, 1st Marquess of Winchester ( 1543 )
 Fitzalan, Henry, 12th/19th Earl of Arundel ( 1544 )
 Wallop, John ( 1544 )
 Talbot, Francis, 5th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1545 )
 Wriothesley, Thomas, 1st Earl of Southampton ( 1545 )
 Grey, Henry, 1st Duke of Suffolk ( 1547 )
 Paget, William, 1st Lord Paget (of Beaudesert) ( 1547 )
 Seymour, Thomas, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley ( 1547 )
 Stanley, Edward, 3rd Earl of Derby ( 1547 )
 Brooke, George, 9th Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1549 )
 Hastings, Francis, 2nd Earl of Huntingdon ( 1549 )
 Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke ( 1549 )
 West, Thomas, 9th Lord la Warre ( 1549 )
 Clinton, Edward, 1st Earl of Lincoln ( 1551 )
 Neville, Henry, 5th Earl of Westmorland ( 1552 )
 Habsburg, Felipe II, Rey de España ( 1554 )
 Howard, William, 1st Baron Howard of Effingham ( 1554 )
 Radcliffe, Henry, 2nd Earl of Sussex ( 1554 )
 Hastings, Edward, 1st and last Baron Hastings of Loughborough ( 1555 )
 Grey, William, 13th Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( 1557 )
 Radcliffe, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Sussex ( 1557 )
 Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk ( 1559 )
 Manners, Henry, 2nd Earl of Rutland ( 1559 )
 Carey, Henry, 1st Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon ( 1561 )
 Talbot, George, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1561 )
 Dudley, Ambrose, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1563 )
 Russell, Francis, 2nd Earl of Bedford ( 1564 )
 Hastings, Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon ( 1570 )
 Somerset, William, 3rd Earl of Worcester ( 1570 )
 Brydges, Edmund, 2nd Baron Chandos of Sudeley ( 1572 )
 Cecil, William, 1st Baron of Burghley ( 1572 )
 Devereux, Walter, 1st Earl of Essex ( 1572 )
 Grey, Arthur, 14th Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( 1572 )
 Herbert, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pembroke ( 1574 )
 Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Nottingham ( 1574 )
 Stanley, Henry, 4th Earl of Derby ( 1574 )
 Brooke, William, 10th Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1584 )
 Manners, Edward, 3rd Earl of Rutland ( 1584 )
 Butler, Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormonde ( 1588 )
 Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex ( 1588 )
 Radcliffe, Henry, 4th Earl of Sussex ( 1589 )
 Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset ( 1589 )
  Henri IV, Roi de France ( 1590 )
 Clifford, George, 3rd Earl of Cumberland ( 1592 )
 Talbot, Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1592 )
 Burgh, Thomas, 3rd Lord Burgh ( 1593 )
 Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( 1593 )
 Sheffield, Edmund, 1st Earl of Mulgrave ( 1593 )
 Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester ( 1593 )
 Carey, George, 2nd Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon ( 1597 )
 Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk ( 1597 )
 Brooke, Henry, 11th Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1599 )
 Radcliffe, Robert, 5th Earl of Sussex ( 1599 )
 Cecil, Thomas, 1st Earl of Exeter ( 1601 )
 Spencer, Robert, 1st Baron Spencer of Wormleighton ( 1601 )
 Stanley, William, 6th Earl of Derby ( 1601 )
 Erskine, John, 19th/2nd Earl of Mar ( 1603 )
 Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke ( 1603 )
 Stuart, Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales ( 1603 )
 Württemberg, Friedrich I ( 1603 ), with the investiture conducted by Sir Robert Spencer, 1st Baron Spencer of Wormleighton
 Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton ( 1605 )
 Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury ( 1606 )
 Howard, Thomas, 3rd Viscount Howard of Bindon ( 1606 )
 Herbert, Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke ( 1608 )
 Home, George, 1st and last Earl of Dunbar ( 1608 )
 Carr, Robert, 1st and last Earl of Somerset ( 1611 )
 Howard, Thomas, 21st Earl of Arundel ( 1611 )
 Stuart, Charles I, King of Great Britain ( 1611 )
 Erskine, Thomas, 1st Earl of Kellie ( 1615 )
 Knollys, William, 1st Earl of Banbury ( 1615 )
 Manners, Francis, 6th Earl of Rutland ( 1616 )
 Sydney, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester ( 1616 )
 Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 1616 )
 Hamilton, James, 2nd Marquess of Hamilton ( 1623 )
 Cecil, William, 2nd Earl of Salisbury ( 1624 )
 Hay, James, 1st Earl of Carlisle ( 1625 )
 Rich, Henry, 1st Earl of Holland ( 1625 )
 Sackville, Edward, 4th Earl of Dorset ( 1625 )
 Howard, Theophilus, 2nd Earl of Suffolk ( 1627 )
 Compton, William, 1st Earl of Northampton ( 1628 )
 Bertie, Robert, 1st Earl of Lindsey ( 1630 )
 Cecil, William, 2nd Earl of Exeter ( 1630 )
 Hamilton, James, 1st Duke of Hamilton ( 1630 )
 Danvers, Henry, 1st and last Earl of Danby ( 1633 )
 Douglas, William, 7th Earl of Morton ( 1633 )
 Stuart, James, 4th Duke of Lennox ( 1633 )
 Percy, Algernon, 4th Earl of Northumberland ( 1635 )
 Stuart, Charles II, King of Great Britain ( 1638 )
 Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford ( 1640 )
 Stuart, James II, King of Great Britain ( 1642 )
 Nassau-Dillenburg, Willem II, Prince of Orange ( 1645 )
 Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ( 1650 )
 Graham, James, 1st Marquess of Montrose ( 1650 ), but not installed due to the interregnum
 Hamilton, William, 2nd Duke of Hamilton ( 1650 )
 Stanley, James, 7th Earl of Derby ( 1650 )
 Digby, George, 2nd Earl of Bristol ( 1653 )
 Orange, William III Henry, King of Great Britain ( 1653 )
 Stuart, Henry, 1st and last Duke of Gloucester ( 1653 )
 Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich ( 1660 )
 Vere, Aubrey, 20th Earl of Oxford ( 1660 )
 Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Lindsey ( 1661 )
 Monck, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle ( 1661 )
 Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester ( 1661 )
 Stuart, Charles, 6th Duke of Lennox ( 1661 )
 Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 1661 )
 Scott, James, 1st and last Duke of Monmouth ( 1663 )
 Stuart, James, 1st and last Duke of Cambridge ( 1666 )
 Monck, Christopher, 2nd Duke of Albemarle ( 1671 )
 Bennet, Henry, 1st Earl of Arlington ( 1672 )
 Butler, Thomas, 6th Earl of Ossory ( 1672 )
 Maitland, John, 1st and last Duke of Lauderdale ( 1672 )
 Russell, William, 1st Duke of Bedford ( 1672 )
 Somerset, Henry, 1st Duke of Beaufort ( 1672 )
 Fitzroy, Charles, 2nd Duke of Cleveland ( 1673 )
 Sheffield, John, 1st Duke of the County of Buckingham and of Normanby ( 1674 )
 Osborne, Thomas, 1st Duke of Leeds ( 1675 )
 Cavendish, Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ( 1677 )
 Lennox, Charles, 1st Duke of Richmond ( 1681 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, William, 1st Earl of Selkirk ( 1682 )
 Oldenburg, George, Prince of Denmark ( 1684 )
 Seymour, Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset ( 1684 )
 Howard, Henry, 7th Duke of Norfolk ( 1685 )
 Mordaunt, Henry, 2nd Earl of Peterborough ( 1685 )
 Spencer, Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland ( 1687 )
 Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde ( 1688 )
 Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Devonshire ( 1689 )
 Sackville, Charles, 6th Earl of Dorset ( 1692 )
 Stuart, James Francis Edward, 1st and last Duke of Cornwall ( 1692 )
 Talbot, Charles, 1st and last Duke of Shrewsbury ( 1694 )
 Oldenburg, William Henry, Duke of Gloucester ( 1695 )
 Bentinck, Hans William, 1st Earl of Portland ( 1697 )
 Holles, John, 1st and last Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ( 1698 )
 Herbert, Thomas, 8th Earl of Pembroke ( 1700 )
 Keppel, Arnold Joost, 1st Earl of Albemarle ( 1700 )
 Douglas, James, 2nd Duke of Queensberry ( 1701 )
 Hanover, George I Louis, King of Great Britain ( 1701 )
 Churchill, John, 1st Duke of Marlborough ( 1702 )
 Russell, Wriothesley, 2nd Duke of Bedford ( 1702 )
 Hanover, George II Augustus, King of Great Britain ( 1706 )
 Campbell, John, 2nd Duke of Argyll ( 1710 ), resigning from the Order of the Thistle at the same time
 Cavendish, William, 2nd Duke of Devonshire ( 1710 )
 Beauclerk, Charles, 1st Duke of Saint Albans ( 1711 )
 Hamilton, James, 4th Duke of Hamilton ( 1712 )
 Somerset, Henry, 2nd Duke of Beaufort ( 1712 )
 Mordaunt, Charles, 3rd Earl of Peterborough ( 1713 )
 Poulett, John, 1st Earl Poulett ( 1713 )
 Manners, John, 2nd Duke of Rutland ( 1714 )
 Montagu, Charles, 1st and last Earl of Halifax ( 1714 )
 Powlett, Charles, 2nd Duke of Bolton ( 1714 )
 Sackville, Lionel Cranfield, 1st Duke of Dorset ( 1714 )
 Hanover, Ernst August, 1st Duke of York ( 1716 )
 Hanover, Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales ( 1717 )
 Berkeley, James, 3rd Earl of Berkeley ( 1718 )
 Montagu, John, 2nd Duke of Montagu ( 1718 )
 Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1718 )
 Spencer, Charles, 3rd Earl of Sunderland ( 1719 )
 Clinton, Henry, 7th Earl of Lincoln ( 1721 )
 Fitzroy, Charles, 2nd Duke of Grafton ( 1721 )
 Ker, John, 1st Duke of Roxburghe ( 1722 )
 Manners, John, 3rd Duke of Rutland ( 1722 )
 Powlett, Charles, 3rd Duke of Bolton ( 1722 )
 Townshend, Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend of Raynham ( 1724 )
 Lennox, Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond ( 1726 )
 Walpole, Robert, 1st Earl of Orford ( 1726 )
 FitzJames-Stuart, James Francis, 2nd Duque de Liria y Xerica ( 1727 ), from the titular King James III
 Boyle, Richard, 4th Earl of Cork ( 1730 )
 Hanover, William Augustus, 1st Duke of Cumberland ( 1730 )
 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1730 )
 Cavendish, William, 3rd Duke of Devonshire ( 1733 )
 Compton, Spencer, 1st Earl of Wilmington ( 1733 )
 Capell, William, 3rd Earl of Essex ( 1738 )
 Waldegrave, James, 1st Earl Waldegrave ( 1738 )
 Beauclerk, Charles, 2nd Duke of Saint Albans ( 1741 )
 Spencer, Charles, 3rd Duke of Marlborough ( 1741 )
 Hanover, George III, King of Great Britain ( 1749 )
 Russell, John, 4th Duke of Bedford ( 1749 )
 Keppel, William Anne, 2nd Earl of Albemarle ( 1750 )
 Hanover, Edward Augustus, 1st Duke of York ( 1752 )
 Montagu, George, 1st Duke of Montagu ( 1752 )
 Pelham-Clinton, Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1752 )
 Powlett, Charles, 5th Duke of Bolton ( 1753 )
 Cavendish, William, 4th Duke of Devonshire ( 1756 )
 Howard, Henry, 4th Earl of Carlisle ( 1756 )
 Percy, Hugh, 1st Duke of Northumberland ( 1756 )
 Seymour-Conway, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hertford ( 1757 )
 Waldegrave, James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave ( 1757 )
 Grenville-Temple, Richard, 2nd Earl Temple ( 1760 )
 Hanover, William Henry, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1762 )
 Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute ( 1762 ), and he resigned his Knighthood, Order of the Thistle
 Hanover, Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland ( 1767 )
 Spencer, George, 4th Duke of Marlborough ( 1768 )
 Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton ( 1769 )
 Hanover, Frederick Augustus, 1st Duke of York ( 1771 )
 Keppel, George, 3rd Earl of Albemarle ( 1771 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville, 1st Marquess of Stafford ( 1771 )
 North, Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford ( 1772 )
 Howard, Henry, 12th Earl of Suffolk ( 1778 )
 Thynne, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Bath ( 1778 )
 Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond ( 1781 )
 Cavendish, William, 5th Duke of Devonshire ( 1782 )
 Hanover, William IV, King of the United Kingdom ( 1782 )
 Manners, Charles, 4th Duke of Rutland ( 1782 )
 Petty, William, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1782 )
 Hamilton, James, 2nd Earl of Clanbrassill ( 1783 )
 Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess Cornwallis ( 1786 )
 Hannover, Ernst August I ( 1786 )
 Hanover, Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge ( 1786 )
 Hanover, Augustus Frederick, 1st Duke of Sussex ( 1786 )
 Hanover, Edward Augustus, 1st Duke of Kent ( 1786 )
 Somerset, Henry, 5th Duke of Beaufort ( 1786 )
 Percy, Hugh, 2nd Duke of Northumberland ( 1788 )
 Sackville, John Frederick, 3rd Duke of Dorset ( 1788 ), (nominated but never installed)
 Pitt, John, 2nd Earl of Chatham ( 1790 )
 Cecil, James, 1st Marquess of Salisbury ( 1793 )
 Fane, John, 10th Earl of Westmorland ( 1793 )
 Howard, Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle ( 1793 ), after resigning from the Order of the Thistle
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry, 3rd Duke of Portland ( 1794 )
 Hanover, William Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester ( 1794 )
 Scott, Henry, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch ( 1794 ), when he resigned the Order of the Thistle
 Howe, Richard, 1st and last Earl Howe ( 1797 )
 Pratt, John Jeffreys, 1st Marquess Camden ( 1799 )
 Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl Spencer ( 1799 )
 Ker, John, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe ( 1801 )
 Nugent-Temple-Grenville, George, 1st Marquess of Buckingham ( 1801 )
 Manners, John Henry, 5th Duke of Rutland ( 1803 )
 Yorke, Philip, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke ( 1803 )
 Finch, George, 9th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1805 )
 Hamilton, John James, 1st Marquess of Abercorn ( 1805 )
 Herbert, George Augustus, 11th Earl of Pembroke ( 1805 )
 Legge, George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth ( 1805 ), although he was invested but nevere installed
 Somerset, Henry Charles, 6th Duke of Beaufort ( 1805 )
 Stanhope, Philip, 5th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1805 )
 Leveson-Gower, George Granville, 1st Duke of Sutherland ( 1806 )
 Lowther, William, 1st Earl of Lonsdale ( 1807 )
 Seymour-Ingram, Francis, 2nd Marquess of Hertford ( 1807 )
 Wellesley, Richard, 1st Marquess Wellesley of Norragh ( 1810 )
 Graham, James, 3rd Duke of Montrose ( 1812 )
 Lennox, Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond ( 1812 )
 Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham, 4th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1812 )
 Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hastings ( 1812 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1813 )
 Jenkinson, Robert Bankes, 2nd Earl of Liverpool ( 1814 )
 Stewart, Robert, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1814 )
  Leopold I Georg Christian Friedrich, Roi des Belges ( 1816 )
 Bathurst, Henry, 3rd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1817 )
 Paget, Henry William, 1st Marquess of Anglesey ( 1818 )
 Percy, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland ( 1819 )
 Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ( 1820 )
 Cholmondeley, George James, 1st Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1822 )
 Oldenburg, Frederik VI, King of Denmark ( 1822 )
 Seymour-Conway, Francis Charles, 3rd Marquess of Hertford ( 1822 )
 Thynne, Thomas, 2nd Marquess of Bath ( 1823 )
 Sackville, Charles, 5th Duke of Dorset ( 1826 )
 Cavendish, William George Spencer, 6th Duke of Devonshire ( 1827 )
 Osborne, George William Frederick, 6th Duke of Leeds ( 1827 )
 Ashburnham, George, 3rd Earl of Ashburnham ( 1829 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles, 5th Duke of Richmond ( 1829 )
 Russell, John, 6th Duke of Bedford ( 1830 )
 Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl Grey ( 1831 )
 FitzRoy, George Henry, 4th Duke of Grafton ( 1834 )
 Howard, Bernard Edward, 12th Duke of Norfolk ( 1834 )
 Hannover, Georg V ( 1835 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1835 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis, 5th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1835 ), when he resigned the Order of the Thistle
 Hamilton, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton ( 1836 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1836 )
 Howard, George, 6th Earl of Carlisle ( 1837 )
 St. Maur, Edward Adolphus, 11th Duke of Somerset ( 1837 )
 Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Albert ( 1839 )
 Smith-Stanley, Edward, 13th Earl of Derby ( 1839 )
 Vane, William Henry, 1st Duke of Cleveland ( 1839 )
 Grosvenor, Robert, 1st Marquess of Westminster ( 1841 )
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, George Granville, 2nd Duke of Sutherland ( 1841 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, James Brownlow William, 2nd Marquess of Salisbury ( 1842 )
 Somerset, Henry, 7th Duke of Beaufort ( 1842 )
 Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard Plantagenet, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ( 1842 )
 Vane, Henry, 2nd Duke of Cleveland ( 1842 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles, 2nd Earl Talbot of Hensol ( 1844 )
 Hamilton, James, 1st Duke of Abercorn ( 1844 )
 Herbert, Edward, 2nd Earl of Powis ( 1844 )
 Pratt, George Charles, 2nd Marquess Camden ( 1846 )
 Russell, Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford ( 1847 )
 Howard, Henry Charles, 13th Duke of Norfolk ( 1848 )
 Spencer, Frederick, 4th Earl Spencer ( 1849 )
 Villiers, George William, 4th Earl of Clarendon ( 1849 )
 Phipps, Constantine Henry, 1st Marquess of Normanby ( 1851 )
 Percy, Algernon, 4th Duke of Northumberland ( 1853 )
 Vane, Charles William, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry ( 1853 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen ( 1855 )
 Howard, George William Frederick, 7th Earl of Carlisle ( 1855 )
 Fortescue, Hugh, 2nd Earl Fortescue ( 1856 )
 Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston ( 1856 )
 Grosvenor, Richard, 2nd Marquess of Westminster ( 1857 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2nd Earl Granville ( 1857 )
 Cavendish, William, 7th Duke of Devonshire ( 1858 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1858 )
 Ryder, Dudley, 2nd Earl of Harrowby ( 1859 )
 Smith-Stanley, Edward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby ( 1859 )
 Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham, 5th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1860 )
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1862 )
 Canning, Charles John, 1st Earl Canning ( 1862 )
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Ludwig IV Friedrich Wilhelm Karl ( 1862 )
 Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell ( 1862 )
 St. Maur, Edward Adolphus, 12th Duke of Somerset ( 1862 )
 Grey, Henry George, 3rd Earl Grey ( 1863 )
 Brudenell-Bruce, George William Frederick, 2nd Marquess of Ailesbury ( 1864 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry, 4th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1864 )
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, George Granville William, 3rd Duke of Sutherland ( 1864 )
 Fraser, Thomas Alexander, 12th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1865 )
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Ludwig III ( 1865 )
 Powlett, Harry George, 4th Duke of Cleveland ( 1865 )
 Spencer, John Poyntz, 5th Earl Spencer ( 1865 )
  Léopold II, Roi des Belges ( 1866 )
 Wellesley, Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Cowley ( 1866 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 6th Duke of Richnond ( 1867 )
 Manners, Charles Cecil John, 6th Duke of Rutland ( 1867 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1867 )
 Somerset, Henry Charles FitzRoy, 8th Duke of Beaufort ( 1867 )
 Spencer-Churchill, John Winston, 7th Duke of Marlborough ( 1868 )
 Canning, Stratford, 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe ( 1869 )
 Robinson, George Frederick Samuel, 1st Marquess of Ripon ( 1869 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Leopold George Duncan Albert, 1st Duke of Albany ( 1869 )
 Dundas, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Zetland ( 1872 )
 Coke, Thomas William, 2nd Earl of Leicester of Holkham ( 1873 )
 Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st and last Earl of Beaconsfield ( 1878 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury ( 1878 )
 Hannover, Ernst August II Wilhelm Adolf Georg Friedrich ( 1878 )
 Hannover, Ernst August II Wilhelm Adolf Georg Friedrich ( 1878 )
 Russell, Francis Charles Hastings, 9th Duke of Bedford ( 1880 )
 Campbell, George John Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll ( 1883 ), and was able to retain his membership of the Order of the Thistle
 FitzRoy, Augustus Charles Lennox, 7th Duke of Grafton ( 1883 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Albert Victor Christian Edward, 1st Duke of Clarence and Avondale ( 1883 )
 Stanley, Edward Henry, 15th Earl of Derby ( 1884 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1884 )
 Compton, William, 4th Marquess of Northampton ( 1885 )
 Percy, Algernon George, 6th Duke of Northumberland ( 1885 )
 Wodehouse, John, 1st Earl of Kimberley ( 1885 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Henry, 15th Duke of Norfolk ( 1886 )
 Nevill, William, 1st Marquess of Abergavenny ( 1886 )
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1888 )
 Cadogan, George Henry, 5th Earl Cadogan ( 1891 )
 Manners, John James Robert, 7th Duke of Rutland ( 1891 )
 Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Devonshire ( 1892 )
 Hamilton, James, 2nd Duke of Abercorn ( 1892 )
 Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery ( 1892 )
 Campbell, Gavin, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane ( 1894 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1894 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Alexander William Ernest Albert, Prince of Edinburgh ( 1894 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, William Henry Walter, 6th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1897 ), when he resigned the Order of the Thistle
 Stanley, Frederick Arthur, 16th Earl of Derby ( 1897 )
 Bruce, Victor Alexander, 13th Earl of Kincardine ( 1899 )
 Percy, Henry George, 7th Duke of Northumberland ( 1899 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William John Arthur Charles James, 6th Duke of Portland ( 1900 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1901 )
 Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th Duke of Bedford ( 1902 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Charles Edward George Albert Leopold, 2nd Duke of Albany ( 1902 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Charles Richard John, 9th Duke of Marlborough ( 1902 )
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Cromartie, 4th Duke of Sutherland ( 1902 )
 Wellesley, Arthur Charles, 4th Duke of Wellington ( 1902 )
 Windsor, Arthur Frederick Patrick Albert, Prince of Connaught ( 1902 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 7th Duke of Richmond ( 1905 )
 Wynn-Carington, Charles Robert, 1st and last Marquess of Lincolnshire ( 1906 )
 Lambton, John George, 3rd Earl of Durham ( 1909 )
 Palmer, William Waldegrave, 2nd Earl of Selborne ( 1909 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert John, 4th Earl of Minto ( 1910 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1910 )
 Duff, Alexander William George, 1st Duke of Fife ( 1911 )
 Grey, Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon ( 1912 )
 Spencer, Charles Robert, 6th Earl Spencer ( 1913 )
 Lygon, William, 7th Earl Beauchamp ( 1914 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1915 )
 Scudamore-Stanhope, Edwyn Francis, 10th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1915 )
 Stanley, Edward George Villiers, 17th Earl of Derby ( 1915 )
 Cavendish, Victor Christian William, 9th Duke of Devonshire ( 1916 )
 Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st and last Marquess Curzon of Kedleston ( 1916 )
 Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1916 )
 Windsor, George VI, King of the United Kingdom ( 1916 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, 4th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1917 )
 Manners, Henry John Brinsley, 8th Duke of Rutland ( 1918 )
 Barrington-Ward, Frederick Temple ( 1919 )
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry, 7th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1919 )
 Windsor, Henry William Frederick Albert, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1921 )
 Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour ( 1922 )
 Lascelles, Henry George Charles, 6th Earl of Harewood ( 1922 )
 Windsor, George Edward Alexander Edmund, 1st Duke of Kent ( 1923 )
 Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith ( 1925 )
 Chamberlain, Joseph Austen ( 1925 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Edmund Bernard, 1st Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent ( 1925 )
 Percy, Alan Ian, 8th Duke of Northumberland ( 1925 )
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1928 )
 Grenfell, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Desborough ( 1928 )
 Hamilton, James Albert Edward, 3rd Duke of Abercorn ( 1928 )
 Lowther, Hugh Cecil, 5th Earl of Lonsdale ( 1928 )
 Lumley, Alfred Frederick George Beresford, 10th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1929 )
 Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1931 )
 Bulwer-Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert, 2nd Earl of Lytton ( 1933 )
 Stanhope, James Richard, 7th Earl Stanhope ( 1934 )
  Léopold III, Roi des Belges ( 1935 )
 Pelham, Charles Alfred Worsley, 4th Earl of Yarborough ( 1935 )
 Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley ( 1937 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Claude George, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1937 )
 Cecil, William Thomas Brownlow, 5th Marquess of Exeter ( 1937 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Marmaduke, 16th Duke of Norfolk ( 1937 )
 Somerset, Henry Hugh Arthur FitzRoy, 10th Duke of Beaufort ( 1937 )
 Villiers, George Herbert Hyde, 6th Earl of Clarendon ( 1937 )
 Cavendish, Edward William Spencer, 10th Duke of Devonshire ( 1941 )
 Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, 2nd Marquess of Zetland ( 1942 )
 Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1943 )
 Addison, Christopher, 1st Viscount Addison ( 1946 )
 Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1946 )
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke ( 1946 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur James, 5th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1946 )
 Montgomery, Bernard Law, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ( 1946 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1946 )
 Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st and last Viscount Portal of Hungerford ( 1946 )
 Mountbatten, Philip, 1st Duke of Edinburgh ( 1947 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Arthur Henry, 7th Duke of Portland ( 1948 )
 Gurdon, Bertram Francis, 2nd Baron Cranworth of Letton and Cranworth ( 1948 )
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1948 )
 Ormsby-Gore, William George Arthur, 4th Baron Harlech ( 1948 )
 Alexander, Albert Victor, 1st and last Earl Alexander of Hillsborough ( 1950 )
 Beaumont, Wentworth Henry Canning, 2nd Viscount Allendale ( 1951 )
 Fortescue, Hugh William, 5th Earl Fortescue ( 1951 )
 Wellesley, Gerald, 7th Duke of Wellington ( 1951 )
 Leveson-Gower, William Spencer, 4th Earl Granville ( 1952 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard ( 1953 )
 Eden, Robert Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon ( 1954 )
 Guinness, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee, 2nd Earl of Iveagh ( 1955 )
 Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee ( 1956 )
 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and last Baron Ismay ( 1957 )
 Willoughby, Michael Guy Percival, 11th Baron Middleton of Middleton ( 1957 )
 Percy, Hugh Algernon, 10th Duke of Northumberland ( 1959 )
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim ( 1959 )
 Digby, Edward Kenelm, 11th Baron Digby ( 1960 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 7th Earl of Radnor ( 1960 )
 Loder, John de Vere, 2nd Baron Wakehurst ( 1962 )
 Lyttelton, Charles John, 10th Viscount Cobham ( 1964 )
 Bridges, Edward Ettingdean, 1st Baron Bridges ( 1965 )
 Brooke, Basil Stanlake, 1st Viscount Brookeborough ( 1965 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Charles Philip Arthur George, King of the United Kingdom ( 1968 )
 Sidney, William Philip, 1st Viscount De L'Isle, V.C. ( 1968 )
 Baring, Alexander Francis St. Vincent, 6th Baron Ashburton ( 1969 )
 Casey, Richard Gardiner, Baron Casey ( 1969 )
 Heathcoat-Amory, Derick, 1st and last Viscount Amory ( 1969 )
 Bacon, Edmund Castell, 13th and 14th Bt. ( 1970 )
 Cobbold, Cameron Fromanteel, 1st Baron Cobbold ( 1970 )
 Lyttelton, Oliver, 1st Viscount Chandos ( 1970 )
 Butler, Richard Austen, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden ( 1971 )
 Pakenham, Francis Aungier, 7th Earl of Longford ( 1971 )
 Waldegrave, Geoffrey Noel, 12th Earl Waldegrave ( 1971 )
 Baring, Charles Evelyn, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale ( 1972 )
 Moore, Charles Garrett Ponsonby, 11th Earl of Drogheda ( 1972 )
 Nevill, John Henry Guy, 5th Marquess of Abergavenny ( 1974 )
 Shackleton, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron Shackleton ( 1974 )
 Trevelyan, Humphrey, Baron Trevelyan ( 1974 )
 FitzRoy, Hugh Denis Charles, 11th Duke of Grafton ( 1976 )
 Baring, George Rowland Stanley, 3rd Earl of Cromer ( 1977 )
 Hunt, Henry Cecil John, Baron Hunt ( 1979 )
 Lewin, Terence Thornton, Baron Lewin ( 1983 )
 Richardson, Gordon William Humphrey, Baron Richardson of Duntisbourne ( 1983 )
 Stapleton Fitzalan Howard, Miles Francis, 17th Duke of Norfolk ( 1983 )
 Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1985 )
 Windsor, Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick, 2nd Duke of Kent ( 1985 )
 Callaghan, Leonard James, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff ( 1987 )
 Hogg, Quintin McGarel, Baron Hailsham of St. Marylebone ( 1988 )
 Lever, Philip William Bryce, 3rd Viscount Leverhulme ( 1988 )
 Bramall, Edwin Noel Westby, Baron Bramall ( 1990 )
 Wellesley, Arthur Valerian, 8th Duke of Wellington ( 1990 )
 Heath, Edward Richard George ( 1992 )
 Ridley, Matthew White, 4th Viscount Ridley ( 1992 )
 Sainsbury, John Davan, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover ( 1992 )
 Leigh-Pemberton, Robert Robin, Baron Kingsdown ( 1993 )
 Baring, John Francis Harcourt, 7th Baron Ashburton ( 1994 )
 Cavendish, Andrew Robert Buxton, 11th Duke of Devonshire ( 1996 )
 Colman, Timothy James Alan ( 1996 )
 Gladstone, Erskine William, of Fasque and Balfour, 7th Bt. ( 1999 )
 Acland, Antony Arthur ( 2001 )
 Inge, Peter Anthony, Baron Inge ( 2001 )
 Butler, Frederick Edward Robin, Baron Butler of Brockwell ( 2003 )
 Grosvenor, Gerald Cavendish, 6th Duke of Westminster ( 2003 )
 Major, John ( 2005 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Andrew Albert Christian Edward, 1st Duke of York ( 2006 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Edward Antony Richard Louis, Duke of Edinburgh ( 2006 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, William Arthur Philip Louis, The Prince of Wales ( 2008 )
 Stirrup, Graham Eric, Baron Stirrup ( 2013 )
 King, Mervyn Allister, Baron King of Lothbury ( 2014 )
 Kay-Shuttleworth, Charles Geoffrey Nicholas, 5th Baron Shuttleworth ( 2016 )
 Brooke, Alan Henry, 3rd Viscount Brookeborough ( 2018 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Michael James, 7th Marquess of Salisbury ( 2019 )
Count equals 724 individuals.
Knight, Order of the Garter (K.G.) [Jacobite]
 Erskine, John, 23rd/6th Earl of Mar ( 1716 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight, Order of the Thistle (K.T.)
 Dalrymple, John Hamilton, 10th Earl of Stair
 Dalrymple, John Hamilton, 8th Earl of Stair
 Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick, Baron Home of the Hirsel
 Leslie-Melville, Archibald Alexander, 15th Earl of Leven
 Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, 27th Earl of Crawford
 Marjoribanks, Edward, 2nd Baron Tweedmouth of Edington
 Montagu Douglas Scott, John Charles, 7th Duke of Buccleuch
 Poulett, John, 4th Earl Poulett
 Robertson, George Islay MacNeill, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alfred Ernest Albert, 1st and last Duke of Edinburgh
 Steel, David Martin Scott, Baron Steel of Aikwood
 Stirling, John, of Fairburn and Monar
 Stirling-Maxwell, William, 9th Bt.
 Windsor, Arthur Frederick Patrick Albert, Prince of Connaught
 Douglas, George, 1st Earl of Dunbarton ( 1687 )
 Drummond, James, 4th Earl of Perth ( 1687 )
 Drummond, John, 1st Earl of Melfort ( 1687 )
 Gordon, George, 1st Duke of Gordon ( 1687 )
 Hamilton, James, 4th Duke of Hamilton ( 1687 )
 Mackenzie, Kenneth, 4th Earl of Seaforth ( 1687 )
 Murray, John, 1st Marquess of Athole ( 1687 )
 Stuart, Alexander, 5th Earl of Moray ( 1687 )
 Campbell, John, 2nd Duke of Argyll ( 1704 )
 Hamilton, George, 1st Earl of Orkney ( 1704 )
 Johnstone, William, 1st Marquess of Annandale ( 1704 )
 Murray, John, 1st Duke of Atholl ( 1704 )
 Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1704 )
 Scott, James, Earl of Dalkeith ( 1704 )
 Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery ( 1705 )
 Keith, William, 8th Earl Marischal ( 1705 ), by the Jacobite King James III
 Kerr, William, 2nd Marquess of Lothian ( 1705 )
 Campbell, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Loudoun ( 1706 )
 Erskine, John, 23rd/6th Earl of Mar ( 1706 )
 Dalrymple, John, 2nd Earl of Stair ( 1710 )
 Dillon, Arthur, Comte Dillon ( 1715 ), Jacobite
 Cadogan, William, 1st Earl Cadogan ( 1716 )
 Sutherland, John, 16th Earl of Sutherland ( 1716 )
 Hamilton, Thomas, 6th Earl of Haddington ( 1717 )
 Bennet, Charles, 1st Earl of Tankerville ( 1721 )
 Capell, William, 3rd Earl of Essex ( 1725 )
 Hume-Campbell, Alexander, 2nd Earl of Marchmont ( 1725 )
 Scott, Francis, 2nd Duke of Buccleuch ( 1725 )
 Hamilton, James, 5th Duke of Hamilton ( 1726 )
 Bennet, Charles, 2nd Earl of Tankerville ( 1730 )
 Stuart, Charles, 6th Earl of Moray ( 1731 )
 Kerr, William, 3rd Marquess of Lothian ( 1734 )
 Murray, James, 2nd Duke of Atholl ( 1734 )
 Douglas, James, 14th Earl of Morton ( 1738 )
 Hope, Charles, 1st Earl of Hopetoun ( 1738 )
 Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute ( 1738 )
 Berkeley, Augustus, 4th Earl of Berkeley ( 1739 )
 Stuart, James, 8th Earl of Moray ( 1741 )
 Tollemache, Lionel, 4th Earl of Dysart ( 1743 )
 Gordon, Cosmo George, 3rd Duke of Gordon ( 1748 )
 Dalrymple-Crichton, William, 5th Earl of Dumfries ( 1752 )
 Greville, Francis, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1753 )
 Leslie, John, 10th Earl of Rothes ( 1753 )
 Hamilton, James, 6th Duke of Hamilton ( 1755 )
 Cathcart, Charles Schaw, 9th Lord Cathcart ( 1763 )
 Douglas, William, 4th Duke of Queensberry ( 1763 )
 Campbell, John, 4th Duke of Argyll ( 1765 )
 Howard, Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle ( 1767 )
 Murray, John, 3rd Duke of Atholl ( 1767 )
 Scott, Henry, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch ( 1767 )
 Ker, John, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe ( 1768 )
 Kerr, William Henry, 4th Marquess of Lothian ( 1768 )
 Murray, David, 2nd Earl of Mansfield ( 1768 )
 Hanover, William IV, King of the United Kingdom ( 1770 )
 Primrose, Neil, 3rd Earl of Rosebery ( 1771 )
 Gordon, Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon ( 1775 )
 Stewart, John, 7th Earl of Galloway ( 1775 )
 Kerr, William John, 5th Marquess of Lothian ( 1776 )
 Hamilton, Douglas, 8th Duke of Hamilton ( 1785 )
 Brudenell-Bruce, Thomas, 1st Earl of Ailesbury ( 1786 )
 Graham, James, 3rd Duke of Montrose ( 1793 )
 Douglas, George, 16th Earl of Morton ( 1797 )
 Murray, John, 4th Duke of Atholl ( 1800 )
 Cathcart, William Schaw, 1st Earl Cathcart ( 1805 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen ( 1808 )
 Montagu-Scott, Charles William Henry, 4th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1812 )
 Montgomerie, Hugh, 12th Earl of Eglinton ( 1812 )
 Nevill, Henry, 2nd Earl of Abergavenny ( 1814 )
 Stewart, George, 8th Earl of Galloway ( 1814 )
 Erskine, Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine of Restormel Castle ( 1815 )
 Brudenell-Bruce, Charles, 1st Marquess of Ailesbury ( 1819 )
 Hay, George, 8th Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1820 )
 Kerr, William, 6th Marquess of Lothian ( 1820 )
 Douglas, Charles, 6th Marquess of Queensberry ( 1821 )
 Kennedy, Archibald, 1st Marquess of Ailsa ( 1821 )
 Maitland, James, 8th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1821 )
 Saunders-Dundas, Robert, 2nd Viscount Melville of Melville ( 1821 )
 Duff, James, 4th Earl Fife ( 1827 )
 Gordon, George, 9th Marquess of Huntly ( 1827 )
 Greville, Henry Richard, 3rd Earl of Warwick ( 1827 )
 Stuart, Francis, 10th Earl of Moray ( 1827 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis, 5th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1830 )
 Hay, William George, 18th Earl of Erroll ( 1834 )
 Murray, David William, 3rd Earl of Mansfield ( 1835 )
 Campbell, John, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane ( 1838 )
 Innes-Ker, James Henry Robert, 6th Duke of Roxburghe ( 1840 )
 Primrose, Archibald John, 4th Earl of Rosebery ( 1840 )
 Crichton-Stuart, John, 2nd Marquess of the County of Bute ( 1843 )
 Murray, William David, 3rd/4th Earl of Mansfield ( 1843 )
 Graham, James, 4th Duke of Montrose ( 1845 )
 Bruce, James, 12th Earl of Kincardine ( 1847 )
 Duncan-Haldane, Robert Dundas, 1st Earl of Camperdown of Lundie ( 1848 )
 Ramsay, James Andrew, 1st and last Marquess of Dalhousie of Dalhousie Castle ( 1848 )
 Fraser, Alexander George, 17th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1852 )
 Hamilton, Thomas, 9th Earl of Haddington ( 1853 )
 Maule-Ramsay, Fox, 11th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1853 )
 Montgomerie, Archibald, 13th Earl of Eglinton ( 1853 )
 Murray, George Augustus Frederick John, 6th Duke of Atholl ( 1853 )
 Campbell, George John Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll ( 1856 )
 Kinnaird, George William Fox, 9th Lord Kinnaird ( 1857 )
 Kennedy, Archibald, 2nd Marquess of Ailsa ( 1859 )
 Duff, James, 5th Earl Fife ( 1860 )
 Dundas, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Zetland ( 1861 )
 Hamilton, Robert Montgomery, of Wishaw, 8th Lord Belhaven and Stenton ( 1861 )
 Ogilvy, David Graham Drummond, 9th Earl of Airlie ( 1862 )
 Napier, Francis, 10th Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1864 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1867 )
 Stewart-Murray, John James Hugh Henry, 7th Duke of Atholl ( 1868 )
 Carnegie, James, 9th Earl of Southesk ( 1869 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn ( 1869 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, William Hugh, 3rd Earl of Minto ( 1870 )
 Campbell, John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, 9th Duke of Argyll ( 1871 )
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Leopold George Duncan Albert, 1st Duke of Albany ( 1871 )
 Colville, Charles John, 1st Viscount Colville of Culross ( 1874 )
 Crichton-Stuart, John Patrick, 3rd Marquess of the County of Bute ( 1875 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, William Henry Walter, 6th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1875 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, William Alexander Louis Stephen, 12th Duke of Hamilton ( 1878 )
 Kerr, Schomberg Henry, 9th Marquess of Lothian ( 1878 )
 Graham, Douglas Beresford Malise Ronald, 5th Duke of Montrose ( 1879 )
 Ogilvy-Grant, John Charles, 7th Earl of Seafield ( 1879 )
 Duff, Alexander William George, 1st Duke of Fife ( 1881 )
 Hanover, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge ( 1881 )
 Ramsay, John William, 13th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1881 )
 Stewart, Alan Plantagenet, 10th Earl of Galloway ( 1887 )
 Lindsay, James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford ( 1891 )
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1893 )
 Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery ( 1895 )
 Hay, William Montagu, 10th Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1898 )
 Douglas-Home, Charles Alexander, 12th Earl of Home ( 1899 )
 Dundas, Lawrence, 1st Marquess of Zetland ( 1900 )
 Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1900 )
 Bruce, Alexander Hugh, 6th Lord Balfour of Burleigh ( 1901 )
 Hay, Charles Gore, 20th Earl of Erroll ( 1901 )
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, 11th Earl of Haddington ( 1902 )
 Innes-Ker, Henry John, 8th Duke of Roxburghe ( 1902 )
 Leslie-Melville, Ronald Ruthven, 13th Earl of Leven ( 1905 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1906 )
 Hamilton, Gavin George, 2nd Baron Hamilton of Dalzell ( 1909 )
 Erskine, Walter John Francis, 14th Earl of Kellie ( 1911 )
 Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1st and last Viscount Haldane of Cloan ( 1913 )
 Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald, 11th Lord Kinnaird ( 1914 )
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1915 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1917 )
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8th Duke of Atholl ( 1918 )
 Crichton-Stuart, John, 4th Marquess of the County of Bute ( 1922 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1922 )
 Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore ( 1923 )
 Windsor, George VI, King of the United Kingdom ( 1923 )
 Munro-Ferguson, Ronald Crauford, 1st and last Viscount Novar ( 1926 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Claude George, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1928 )
 Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1928 )
 Stirling-Maxwell, John, of Keir, 10th Bt. ( 1929 )
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, George Granville, 5th Duke of Sutherland ( 1929 )
 Douglas-Home, Charles Cospatrick Archibald, 13th Earl of Home ( 1930 )
 Windsor, Henry William Frederick Albert, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1931 )
 Bruce, Edward James, 14th Earl of Kincardine ( 1933 )
 Maxwell, Herbert Eustace, of Monreith, 7th Bt. ( 1933 )
 Cameron, Donald Walter, of Lochiel, 25th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1934 )
 Windsor, George Edward Alexander Edmund, 1st Duke of Kent ( 1935 )
 Colquhoun, Iain, of Luss, 7th Bt. ( 1937 )
 Dalrymple, John James, 12th Earl of Stair ( 1937 )
 Kerr, Philip Henry, 11th Marquess of Lothian ( 1940 )
 Sinclair, Archibald Henry Macdonald, 1st Viscount Thurso ( 1941 )
 Ogilvy, David Lyulph Gore Wolseley, 11th Earl of Airlie ( 1942 )
 Cunningham, Andrew Browne, 1st and last Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope ( 1945 )
 Graham, James, 6th Duke of Montrose ( 1947 )
 Primrose, Albert Edward Harry Mayer Archibald, 6th Earl of Rosebery ( 1947 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter John, 8th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1949 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, 14th Duke of Hamilton ( 1951 )
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, 12th Earl of Haddington ( 1952 )
 Bilsland, Alexander Steven, 1st and last Baron Bilsland ( 1955 )
 Lindsay, David Alexander Robert, 28th Earl of Crawford ( 1955 )
 Corbett, Thomas Godfrey Polson, 2nd Baron Rowallan ( 1957 )
 Kinnaird, Kenneth Fitzgerald, 12th Lord Kinnaird ( 1957 )
 McFadzean, William Hunter, Baron McFadzean ( 1960 )
 Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick, Baron Home of the Hirsel ( 1962 )
 Charteris, Francis David, 12th Earl of Wemyss ( 1966 )
 MacLean, Charles Hector Fitzroy, Baron Maclean ( 1969 )
 Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith ( 1969 )
 Ramsay, Simon, 16th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1971 )
 Colville, Ronald John Bilsland, 2nd Baron Clydesmuir ( 1972 )
 Cameron, Donald Hamish, of Lochiel, 26th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1973 )
 Maclay, John Scott, 1st Viscount Muirshiel ( 1973 )
 Fergusson, Bernard Edward, Baron Ballantrae ( 1974 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, George Nigel, 10th Earl of Selkirk ( 1976 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Charles Philip Arthur George, King of the United Kingdom ( 1977 )
 Cameron, John, Lord Cameron ( 1978 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis John, 9th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1978 )
 Bruce, Andrew Douglas Alexander Thomas, 15th Earl of Kincardine ( 1981 )
 Thomson, George Morgan, Baron Thomson of Monifieth ( 1981 )
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1982 )
 Cameron, Neil, Baron Cameron of Balhousie ( 1983 )
 Ogilvy, David George Patrick Coke, 12th Earl of Airlie ( 1985 )
 Tennant, Iain Mark ( 1986 )
 Whitelaw, William Stephen Ian, 1st and last Viscount Whitelaw ( 1990 )
 Maclean, FitzRoy Hew, of Dunconnel, 1st Bt. ( 1994 )
 Sutherland, Stewart Ross, Baron Sutherland of Houndwood ( 1995 )
 Arbuthnott, John Campbell, 16th Viscount Arbuthnott ( 1996 )
 Lindsay, Robert Alexander, 29th Earl of Crawford ( 1996 )
 Macfarlane, Norman Somerville, Baron Macfarlane of Bearsden ( 1996 )
 Mackay, James Peter Hymers, Baron Mackay of Clashfern ( 1997 )
 Wilson, David Clive, Baron Wilson of Tillyorn ( 2000 )
 Douglas-Home, David Alexander Cospatrick, 15th Earl of Home ( 2014 )
 Smith, Robert Haldane, Baron Smith of Kelvin ( 2014 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Richard Walter John, 10th Duke of Buccleuch ( 2018 )
 Palmer, Godfrey Henry Oliver ( 2024 )
Count equals 220 individuals.
Knight, Order of the Thistle (K.T.) [Jacobite]
 Hay, Charles, 13th Earl of Erroll, by the Jacobite, King James III
Count equals 1 individual.
Knight, Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order (K.H.)
 Dean-Pitt, George
Count equals 1 individual.
Lady Companion, Order of the Garter (L.G.)
 England, Isabella ( 1376 )
 Castilla, Constanza, Reina de Castilla ( 1378 )
 Kent, Joan, Countess of Kent ( 1378 )
 Lancaster, Philippa ( 1378 )
 Plantagenet, Elizabeth ( 1378 )
 Castilla, Isabella ( 1379 )
 Bohemia, Anne ( 1382 )
 Bohun, Eleanor ( 1384 )
 Lancaster, Katherine ( 1384 )
 Langley, Constance ( 1386 )
 Bohun, Mary ( 1388 )
 Roët, Katherine ( 1388 )
 Mohun, Philippe ( 1390 )
 France, Isabelle ( 1396 )
 Beaufort, Joan ( 1399 )
 Holand, Joan ( 1399 )
 Holand, Margaret ( 1399 )
 Evreux, Jeanne, Princesse de Navarre ( 1405 )
 Woodstock, Anne, Countess of Buckingham ( 1405 )
 Neville, Margaret ( 1408 )
 Plantagenet, Blanche ( 1408 )
 Plantagenet, Philippa ( 1408 )
 Bayern-Straubing, Jacqueline, Comtesse de Hainaut et Gravin van Holland en Zeeland ( 1423 )
 Cobham, Eleanor ( 1432 )
 Luxembourg, Jacquetta ( 1435 )
 Plantagenet, Cecilia ( 1480 )
 Plantagenet, Mary ( 1480 )
 Beaufort, Margaret ( 1488 )
 Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julia, Princess o ( 1901 )
 Teck, Mary ( 1910 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth Angela Marguerite ( 1936 )
 Strutt, Lavinia Mary ( 1990 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom ( 1994 )
 Roberts, Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher ( 1995 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Mary ( 2005 )
 Manningham-Buller, Elizabeth Lydia, Baroness Manningham-Buller ( 2014 )
 Vere-Laurie, Florence Mary ( 2018 )
Count equals 37 individuals.
Lady Companion, Order of the Thistle (L.T.)
 Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth Angela Marguerite ( 1937 )
 Mountbatten-Windsor, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom ( 2000 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Lady, Royal Order of Victoria and Albert (V.A.)
 Adeane, Marie Constance
 Alderson, Georgina
 Ames, Mary
 Anderson-Pelham, Charlotte
 Anson, Elizabeth Jane, 3rd Class
 Baillie, Victoria Mathilda Susan
 Battenberg, Victoria Eugénie Julia Ena
 Bridgeman, Charlotte Sobieski Isabel
 Bulteel, Mary Elizabeth
 Cadogan, Ethel Henrietta Maria
 Cathcart, Emily Sarah
 Cavendish, Caroline Fanny
 Conyngham, Jane, 3rd class
 Cowper, Frances Elizabeth
 Craven, Beatrix Jane
 Dalbiac, Susanna Stephenia
 Farquhar, Caroline Eliza
 Feilding, Caroline Augusta, 2nd Class
 Gore, Eliza Amelia
 Grey, Caroline
 Grey, Louisa Jane, 3rd class
 Grimston, Jane Frederica Harriot Mary, 2nd class
 Haldane-Duncan, Julia Janet Georgiana, 3rd class
 Hamilton, Louisa Jane, 3rd class
 Hamilton, Maud Evelyn
 Hay-Mackenzie, Anne, Countess of Cromartie, 3rd Class
 Herschel, Caroline Emilia Mary
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Elisabeth Alexandra Louise Alice
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Victoria Alberta Elisabeth Mathilde Marie
 Hessen und bei Rhein, Victorie Alix Helene Luise Beatrice
 Home-Drummond, Anne, 3rd class
 Hood, Nina Maria
 Hope-Vere, Georgina
 Hope-Vere, Jane, 3rd Class
 Howard, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana
 Jocelyn, Frances, 2nd Class
 Lowther, Verena Maud
 McNeill, Ina Erskine
 Molyneux, Cecilia Maria Charlotte
 Nugent, Ismania Catherine
 Phipps, Harriet Lepell
 Russell, Louisa Jane, 3rd class
 Sackville-West, Elizabeth, 3rd class
 Savile, Sarah Elizabeth
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Alice Mary Victoria Augusta Pauline, Princess Alice of Albany
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Louise Caroline Alberta, Princess of the United Kingdom
 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom
 Seymour, Charlotte Frances Frederica, 3rd class
 Seymour, Eliza Horatia Frederica, 3rd Class
 Seymour, Mary Frederica, 3rd Class
 Shaw-Stewart, Katherine Mary, 4th Class
 Somerset, Georgiana Charlotte Anne
 Spencer-Churchill, Anne Emily
 Stopford, Horatia Charlotte Frances
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Elizabeth Georgiana
 Teck, Mary
 Thynne, Charlotte Anne
 Vane, Frances Anne Emily
 Villiers, Edith
 Villiers, Emily Theresa, 3rd class
 Wyndham, Blanche Julia
 Yorke, Elizabeth Philippa
 Rowan-Hamilton, Hariot Georgina ( 1889 ), 3rd class
 Bastard, Frances ( 1892 )
 Hay, Elizabeth ( 1892 ), 3rd class
Count equals 65 individuals.
Lieutenant, Royal Victorian Order (L.V.O.)
 Assheton, Juliette Mary
 Bagwell-Purefoy, Jeremy Patrick
 Blackett-Ord, Andrew James
 Brassey, Rowena Jane
 Breakwell, Oliver Raven St. John
 Callander, Richard
 Campbell-Grove, Peter Colin Drummond
 Chance, Nicholas John Lucas
 Clarkson, Robert Anthony
 Corsar, Charles Herbert Kenneth
 Creedy, Graham
 Cunningham, William McGhie
 Duncan, Peter
 Dwerryhouse, William Peter
 Elphinstone, Jean Constance
 Elworthy, Samuel Charles, Baron Elworthy
 French, Neville Arthur Irwin
 Gerard-Pearse, William Richard Dalrymple
 Gibbs, Jennifer Susan
 Grosvenor, Leonora Mary
 Guy, Robert Lincoln
 Howard, Thomas Charles Francis
 Isolani, C. T.
 Jenkins, Richard Leoline
 Jewson, Sara Elizabeth
 Koops, Eric
 Lowther-Pinkerton, Anthony James Moxon
 Marten, Napier Anthony Sturt
 May, John Anthony
 Myddelton, Ririd
 Ortmans, Michael
 Pender-Cudlip, Peter
 Radclyffe, Charles Raymond
 Reade, Arthur Harold Newmarch
 Scott, James Archibald
 Secker, Derek Howard
 Sheffield, Jane Armyne
 Simpson, Gordon Russell
 Squire, Clifford William
 Stanier, Sylvia Mary Finola
 Stopford, Jeremy Neville
 Trefusis, Michael Thomas
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Robin Evelyn Leo, 5th Baron Derwent
 Watson, Alastair
 Watson, Philip Alexander
 Wingfield Digby, Nicholas John
 Wright, Nicholas Peter
 Richardson, John Samuel, Baron Richardson ( 1943 )
 Smiley, David de Crespigny ( 1952 )
 St. Clair, Charles Murray Kennedy, 8th/17th Lord Sinclair ( 1953 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, John Assheton, 5th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Gordon Lennox, Nicholas Charles ( 1957 )
 Peake, Iris Irene Adele ( 1959 )
 Chamberlayne-Macdonald, Nigel Donald Peter ( 1960 )
 Hunt, Nicholas John Streynsham ( 1961 )
 MacDermot, Brian Charles ( 1961 )
 Ward, Edwin James Greenfield ( 1963 )
 Attlee, Donald Laurence ( 1964 )
 Crichton, David George ( 1968 )
 Aird, Alastair Sturgis ( 1969 )
 Pelly, Adrian Vincent ( 1971 )
 Stopford, Brian Barrington Dashwood ( 1971 )
 Farquhar, Ian Walter ( 1972 )
 Seymour, George Raymond ( 1972 )
 Beaumont, Edward Nicholas Canning ( 1976 )
 Cavendish, Elizabeth Georgiana Alice ( 1976 )
 Guthrie, Charles Ronald Llewelyn, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank ( 1977 )
 Hamilton-Russell, Richard Gustavus ( 1977 )
 St. Aubyn, Giles Rowan ( 1977 )
 Fenwick, Charles Christopher Sebastian ( 1978 )
 Swan, Conrad Marshall John Fisher ( 1978 )
 Denny, Barry Francis Lyttelton ( 1979 )
 Oswald, William Richard Michael ( 1979 )
 Vinson, Nigel, Baron Vinson ( 1979 )
 Hart Dyke, David ( 1980 )
 Myddelton, Fiona Violet ( 1980 )
 Napier, Francis Nigel, 14th Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1980 )
 Pellew, Mark Edward ( 1980 )
 Smith, Juliet Margaret ( 1981 )
 Windham, Ashe George Russell ( 1982 )
 Dawnay, Mary ( 1983 )
 Egerton-Warburton, Jane ( 1983 )
 Janvrin, Robin Berry, Baron Janvrin ( 1983 )
 Makgill, Diana Mary Robina ( 1983 )
 Stewart-Wilson, Blair Aubyn ( 1983 )
 Bromhead, David de Gonville ( 1984 )
 Walker-Okeover, Jane Katharine ( 1985 )
 Chichester, Dermot Richard Claud, 7th Marquess of Donegall ( 1986 )
 Hoyer Millar, Annabel Alice ( 1986 )
 Legge-Bourke, Victoria Lindsay ( 1986 )
 Bailey, Elizabeth Shân Josephine ( 1988 )
 Chesshyre, David Hubert Boothby ( 1988 )
 Strang Steel, Celia Jane ( 1989 )
 Beckwith-Smith, Anne Honor Mary ( 1990 )
 Coke, Anne Veronica ( 1991 )
 Woodhouse, Davinia Mary ( 1991 )
 Balding, Ian Anthony ( 1992 )
 Parsons, John Christopher ( 1992 )
 Cecil, Angela Mary Rose ( 1993 )
 Richardson, Sarah ( 1993 )
 Fletcher, Fiona Margaret ( 1994 )
 Low, Priscilla Jane Stephanie ( 1995 )
 Roberts, Hugh Ashley ( 1995 )
 Barne, Nicholas Michael Lancelot ( 1996 )
 Winnington, Sarah Rose ( 1996 )
 Maxse, Martin William Frederick ( 1997 )
 Paget, Elizabeth Frances ( 1998 )
 Hastings-Bass, William Edward Robin Hood, 17th Earl of Huntingdon ( 1999 )
 Kitchener, Emma Joy ( 2000 )
 Williamson, Mary ( 2000 )
 Elphinstone, Margaret ( 2002 )
 Lowther, Nicholas James Christopher, 2nd Viscount Ullswater ( 2002 )
 Fanshawe, David Valentine ( 2003 )
 Charkham, Fiona Sara, Baroness Shackleton of Belgravia ( 2006 )
 Seymour, Conway John Edward ( 2007 )
 Leishman, Mark Murray ( 2010 )
 Monro, Seymour Hector Russell Hale ( 2010 )
 Norrie, Guy Bainbridge ( 2010 )
 Egerton-Warburton, Richard Francis ( 2011 )
 Mahon, William Walter, 7th Bt. ( 2011 )
 Carington, Virginia ( 2012 )
 Matheson, Alexander Fergus, of Matheson, 8th Bt. ( 2013 )
 Sefi, Michael Richard ( 2013 )
 White, Alison Frances ( 2013 )
 Henderson, Nicholas John ( 2018 )
Count equals 125 individuals.
Member, Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.)
 Abbott, John Nesbitt White
 Abdy Collins, Henry James
 Acres, Royston Eric
 Adams, Alfred Montague
 Addison, Hugh St. George Melville
 Aggleton, John Wheeler
 Ainsworth, Nigel Victor
 Alexander, Caledon
 Allen, William Herbert
 Alston, Edward Rowland Milles
 Ames, Kenneth
 Anderson, Alfred Thomas Duncan
 Anderson, Edward Simpson
 Andrews, Ernest Courtenay Harold Norman
 Anson, George Wilfrid
 Arbuthnot, Helen Marion
 Arbuthnot, Richard Henry Myles
 Archdale, Fulbert Audley
 Archdale, Osmund Audley
 Archibald, James Montgomery
 Argenti, Philip Pandely
 Armitage, Robert Perceval
 Arthur, Allan
 Ashton, David
 Atherley, Helen Myrtle Dorothy
 Auden, Edward Humphrey
 Austin, Bertram Herbert
 Aylmer, Stella Wyndham
 Babington Smith, Constance
 Bagnall, Charles Frederick Rex
 Bagot, Marjorie Constance
 Baily, Edwin
 Baldry, Stanley Thomas
 Banbury, John Paul
 Bannerman, John Meiklejohn
 Bannister, Desmond John H.
 Baring, Harold Herman John
 Barnett, Geoffrey Arthur
 Barnett, Geoffrey Arthur
 Barrow, Rose Elinor
 Bartlett, Daniel Frederick
 Batho, Guy Fothergill
 Batt, William Frederic
 Batten, Gordon James
 Bayes, John William
 Beach, William Joseph Gaunt
 Beckett, Edwin Horace Alexander
 Beddoes, Shelia
 Bedwell, Francis Cuvelje
 Beese, Christopher David
 Bell, Evelyn Borradaile
 Bellingham-Smith, Robert
 Bennett, Eveline Anstey
 Bentley, Percy Holman
 Berg, Wilfred Clement
 Berkley-Matthews, Ann Barbara
 Bewick, Ralph Louis
 Bingham, Sarah Kaitlin
 Birch, Wyndham Lindsay
 Birley, Eric Barff
 Bishop, Kenneth Charles
 Black, Crispin Nicholas
 Black, Dora Winifred
 Black, John Jeremy
 Black, John Malloy
 Blackmore, Patricia Anne
 Blake, Percival
 Blennerhassett, Hilda
 Blishen, Henry Charles Adolphus
 Blomfield-Smith, Denis Cecil
 Blundell, Agnes Mary Frances
 Blundell-Brown, Geoffrey Thomas
 Blunt, David Alfred Chicheley
 Blyth, John Eustace
 Bolton, Edwin, 1st Bt.
 Bolton, Henry Hargreaves
 Bouwens, Lambart Henry
 Boyd, Harry Duncanson
 Boyle, Reginald Courtenay
 Bradford, Cassandra Felicity
 Bradshaw, Mary Aline
 Brand, Erle Burgo
 Bray, George Ian
 Brayshaw, Clive Reginald
 Breakwell, Oliver Raven St. John
 Brewis, Simon David Richard Wynn
 Bridges, Guillermo Pakenham
 Bridges, James George Robert, Baron Bridges of Headley
 Brierley, Henry
 Brindle, Walter Higham
 Brissenden, Edwin Mayhew
 Brodie, Harry Campbell
 Brooke, Joshua Rupert Ingham
 Brooks, F. L.
 Brown, Arthur Lyndall
 Brown, Arthur Walter
 Brown, Edward David
 Browne, Donald Harris
 Browne, Geoffrey James
 Bruno, Hugh Allan
 Brydon, Noel M.
 Buchanan, John David
 Buckle, Claude Dampier
 Buckley, Marjorie
 Bull, Arthur Clifford Howie
 Bull, Michael Matthew
 Bullock, Harold Malcolm, 1st and last Bt.
 Burdett, Cyril Trench
 Burn-Callander, William Henry
 Burnett, Thomas Leslie Forbes
 Burrowes, Henry Ambrose
 Burrows, Richard
 Burry, John
 Butler-Danvers, Henry Halpin Cavendish
 Butt, Sonia Esmée Florence
 Buxton, Annabel Audrey
 Byrne, Henry James
 Callataij, André Georges
 Calmady-Hamlyn, Mary Sylvia
 Calvocoressi, Ion Melville
 Cameron, Adeline Constance
 Cameron, Clive Rutherford
 Cameron, Donald Robert Grant
 Campbell, Olga Margaret
 Campbell-Johnson, George Frederick Bruton
 Campbell-Preston, George Patrick
 Carden, Catherine Octavia
 Carden, John Valentine, 6th Bt.
 Carr, Robert Michael
 Carter, Gerald
 Carter, John Leonard
 Cavendish, Edward William Spencer, 10th Duke of Devonshire
 Cay, Albert
 Cayley, Julia Philadelphia
 Chadburn, James Howarthe Paul
 Chambré, John
 Chandler, George Curtis
 Chaplin, June Isabel
 Chapman, Albert Ernest
 Chaworth-Musters, Diana Valerie
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Ellis Edward Arthur
 Chevers, Ellis Mary
 Child, James Faulkner
 Cholmondeley, Charles Christopher
 Church, Jerome
 Church, Mary Maude
 Churchill, Lesley Maxwell Gordon
 Churton, David Nigel Vardon
 Churton, Geoffrey Vardon
 Clapp, William Maurice
 Clark, John Maurice, 2nd Bt.
 Clark, Wentworth Douglas
 Clarkson, Patrick Wensley
 Cleasby-Thompson, Peter
 Clist, Julian Reginald Brinton
 Coghlin, Richard Gerald
 Coker, Jessie Aubrey
 Cole, David Lowry, 6th Earl of Enniskillen
 Cole, Wilfrid
 Cole, William Pritchard
 Cole-Hamilton, Joan Margaret
 Collings, Joseph Anthony
 Collins, John Ernest Harley
 Collins-Splatt, Maud
 Colquhoun, James Clifton
 Colville, David
 Colville, Philip Robert
 Combe, Harvey Alexander Brabazon
 Comyn, Nugent Gerald Ward
 Conyers, Elsie Maud
 Cooke, Agnes Gertrude
 Cooke, Margaret Royston
 Cookson, Edward Chorley
 Cooper, Arthur Henry Lucas
 Cooper-Key, Eric Astley
 Copland-Griffiths, Frederic Charles
 Cornock, Charles Gordon
 Corrigan, Thomas William Edward
 Cosgrove, Brian
 Courage, Robert Anthony Gordon
 Cowen, Rosslyn Fairfax Huxley
 Cowley, John Guise
 Cowling, Donald George
 Cox, Katherine Laird
 Cracknell, Reginald Maurice
 Craigie Halkett, Charles
 Craigie-Halkett-Inglis, Charles Dalzell, of Cramond
 Crankshaw, Eric Norman Spencer
 Crawley, Aidan Merivale
 Crawley, Richard Parry
 Cresswell, Herbert Pinckney
 Crewe-Read, Joan
 Croker, Eileen Gertrude Celeste
 Crosby, Andrew Basil
 Crossley, Joan Nightingale
 Cuming, Robert Hugh
 Cuthbert, Elaine Cicley
 Cutler, Edward Cecil
 D'Oyly, Charles Tristan
 Dalgliesh, Diana Shirley
 Dane, Richard Martin Henry
 Daniel, John Bertie Harris
 Danks, Arthur Reginald
 Darvall, Rosemary Anne
 Davey, William Alexander
 Davidson, Henry Ironside
 Davies, Edward Peter
 Davies, Eric Reginald St. Aubrey
 Davies-Harding, Charles Gilbert
 Davis, John Maurice
 Davison, Charles John
 Dawnay, Lewis
 Dawson, Richard Gilbert
 Dearden, Seton Hedley
 Delmé-Murray, George Philip Alexander
 Demetriadi, Constantine
 Demetriadi, George
 Denham, Maxwell William John
 Dennistoun, John
 Devereux, Robert de Bohun
 Dewar, James
 Dickinson, William Vivian
 Dickson, Florence
 Dill, John de Guerin
 Dillon, Stella Margaret
 Dixon, John Dudley
 Dodd, Albert Crossley
 Downes, John Alfred
 Drury, Phyllis Hermione
 Drury, Stephen Guy
 Du Buisson, Thomas Gerard
 Dubash, Naval Kaikushroo
 Duggan, Alexander Sydney
 Duncan, Alys
 Duncan, Hazel Patricia
 Duncan, Patrick Atholl
 Duncan-Johnstone, Angus Colin
 Duncan-Johnstone, Dorothea Marianne
 Duncombe, Emily Katharine Louisa
 Dundas, Alice
 Dunlop, Mary Sheila Cathcart
 Dunlop, Roy
 Dunnington-Jefferson, Hilda
 Durie, Thomas Peter
 Durnford, Henry William
 Dyer, Dorothy Mary
 Dymoke, John Lindley Marmion, 33rd of Scrivelsby and 7th of Tetsford
 Eberle, Alan James Fuller
 Eden, David Frederick Edward
 Edge, Raymond Cyril Alexander
 Edmonds, Robert Humphrey Gordon
 Edwards, Lionel Harry
 Edwards, Wallace Grant
 Elborne, Sydney Lipscomb
 Eley, Henry Gerard
 Eliot, John Alfred Roy
 Eliot, Morrell Geoffrey
 Elliott, Bryan M.
 Ellison, Harold Crispin Hardy
 Emslie, George Bradshaw
 Erlanger, Charlotte Marie Mathilde
 Evans, Barbara Noel
 Evans, James John Pugh
 Evans, Robert George
 Evans, Robert Henry
 Fairey, Charles Richard
 Fane, Venetia Sophia Diana
 Farquhar, David John
 Farrar, Kathleen Elizabeth
 Fellowes, Percy Alwyne
 Fetherston-Dilke, Beaumont Albany
 Findlay, Douglas Alexander
 Findlay, Jean Hamilton
 Finlay, John Kenneth
 Finlayson, James Scott
 Finsberg, Geoffrey, Baron Finsberg
 Fish, George Drummond
 Fitzgerald, Gerald
 Fitzherbert, Evelyn C. W.
 Fitzpatrick, Geoffrey Richard Desmond
 Floor, Ides
 Forbes, Anthony David Arnold William
 Forbes-Sempill, Katherine Charlotte Elizabeth Stewart
 Forman, Arthur Brian James
 Forrest, Rupert Angus
 Fortune, Ernest Forrester
 Foster, Peter Harry Baston Woodroffe
 Fradgley, Alan Newstead
 Francis, John Clement Wolstan
 Francis, Mark Herbert
 Franklin, Arthur Harrington
 Franks, Rudolph Keane
 Fraser, Donald
 Fraser-Mackenzie, John Ord Alistair
 Fraser-Mackenzie, John Ord Alistair, of Bunchrew
 Frost, Oliver Harry
 Fryer, Philip William John
 Fulton, Angus Robertson
 Furness, Frank Wilson
 Gane, Douglas Montagu
 Gardiner-Hill, Harold
 Gardner, David Maitland, of Culdess
 Garnons Williams, Nevill Glennie
 Garstin, Katherine Georgina May
 Garvin, Stephen
 Gash, Walter Stuart
 Gaskin, Doreen
 Gates, Richard
 George, Richard Westropp
 George, William
 Giardelli, Vincent Charles Arthur
 Gibbs, Bryan Northam
 Gibson, David Travers Worsley
 Giffard, Thomas Arthur Walter
 Gill, Geoffrey Douglas
 Glendinning, Halbert James
 Godfrey, Geoffrey Edward Michael
 Goldman, Charles Sydney
 Gomme-Duncan, Jean Mary
 Good, Katherine Margaret Dorothy
 Goodbody, Julian Edmund Kingsford
 Gordon-Watson, Mary Diana
 Gore-Langton, Ian William
 Goring, Brian Hamilton
 Gosling, William Douglas
 Gossage, Terence Leslie
 Gough, John Osborne
 Graham, Alison Helen Constance
 Graham, Lilias Violet
 Grant, Alexander Philip Foulerton
 Grant, John Peter, 15th of Rothiemurchus
 Grattan, Patrick Galloway
 Gray-Cheape, Leslie George
 Green, David Ellis
 Green, Lionel Havercroft
 Grumbar, Julian Charles
 Gruszner, Elisabeth Clothilde Hedvige Maria Gabriella
 Gudge, Florence Louise
 Guest, William Edward
 Guinness, Sylvia
 Hackett, Conn William Cuninghame Dalby
 Hall, Edward Michael
 Halliday, W. Peter
 Hambro, Violet Mary
 Hamilton, Bruce Meade
 Hamilton, Hopton Fownes
 Hamilton, Peter James Sidney
 Hamilton-Grierson, Philip Francis
 Hammer, C. H.
 Hammond, Edith Valentine
 Hanbury, Christopher Lionel
 Hardie, Patrick John
 Harding-Newman, Rupert Edward
 Hardy, Maurice John
 Harkess, Ann Kristine
 Harris, Robin Edward Doveton
 Harrison, Hilda Charlotte
 Harrison, Mary Alice
 Hart, Michael Anthony
 Harvey, John Leslie
 Harvey-Kelly, Charles William David
 Haskard, Cosmo Dugal Patrick Thomas
 Hatfield, Walter Milford Paget
 Haviland, Wilfred Pollen
 Hayes, Denis
 Hayman, Peter Telford
 Hayter, Adrian Goodenough
 Hayward, Gerald Baldwin
 Heard, Sydney Haydn
 Heath, Herbert Charles Selwyn
 Heaton, Basil Hugh Philips
 Heaton-Armstrong, Bridget Almina Suzanne
 Hedley, Edward
 Henderson, Rosa Agnes
 Henderson, Susan Violet
 Hennessy, Maunagh Jean
 Hervey, Margery
 Hesketh, John
 Heywood-Lonsdale, Robert Henry
 Hibberd, W. H.
 Higgon, Victor James
 Hildreth, Henry Richard
 Hildreth, Henry Richard
 Hill, Richard George Rowley, 10th Bt.
 Hill, Rowland Graham
 Hinton, Margaret Ann Searle
 Hoare, Juliana Margaret
 Hoare, Kenneth Ninian
 Hobart, Christopher Beauchamp
 Hobbs, David Andrew
 Hodgson, Avis Odeyne
 Hoghton, Daniel
 Holden, Ernest Frank
 Holderness, Barry Layton
 Holmes, Eric George
 Holmes, Patrick Edward Michael
 Homer, David St. John
 Hope, Helen Jacqueline
 Hopking, Henry Richard
 Hordern, Charles Hubert
 Horsley, Harold Cecil Morton
 Howard, Henry Colin Francis
 Howarth, Ernest Gerald
 Howe, Robert Douglas
 Howse, William Henry
 Hudson, Peter
 Hughes, Ellen Mary Kent
 Hughes-Onslow, Judith Eileen
 Hughes-Ross, Thomas Arnett
 Hume, Hugh Bliss Torriano
 Humphreys, A. F. W.
 Hunter, Robert Brockie, Baron Hunter of Newington
 Hutton, John Michael Coats
 Hutton, John Robin
 Hutton-Williams, Brent Elworth
 Ibbotson, Lancelot William
 Imbert-Terry, Alexander Frédéric Aimé
 Innes, George William Holt
 Jackson, Alan Edward Seton
 Jacob, Anthony John Le Grand
 James, John Morrice Cairns, Baron Saint Brides
 James, Katherine Margaret
 James, Mervyn
 Jeffery, Charles Ernest Augustine
 Jeffreys, Charles Nicholas Theodore
 Jeremy, John
 Johnstone, Norman David Melville
 Jones, Dorothy Irene
 Jones, John Charles
 Jones, Oswell
 Jones, Richard Edmund
 Joynson, Edward Bromilow
 Keegan, Denis Francis
 Kelway-Bamber, Claude Glen
 Kerr, Marc Anderson
 Kidd, Thomas Edward Dealtry
 Kilner, C. S.
 King, Hiliary William
 King-Clark, Robert
 Kingzett, Norman Froggatt
 Kinnersly, George Edward
 Kirkwood, Patrick Murdock
 Kirwan, Lionel Edward
 Kitcat, Henry Jeffreys de Winton
 Knollys, Edward George William Tyrwhitt, 2nd Viscount Knollys
 Laird Craig, Alan John
 Lamarque, Walter Geoffrey
 Lambert, Roger Uvedale
 Landell-Mills, Pierre
 Langley, James Maydon
 Lanning, E. C.
 Lanyon, Mortimer Cecil
 Latchmore, Arthur John Craig
 Lathbury, Gerald William
 Lawrence, Aubrey Trevor
 Le Grice, Charles
 Leask, John Edward Mercer Ewart
 Leatham, John Lawson
 Leatherman, Aileen Freda
 Lecky, Catherine Anne Swetenham
 Lees, Richard Gilbert
 Lefroy, Jeffry Ardern Patrick
 Leggott, Richard Thomas
 Lehman, Geoffrey
 Leigh-Pemberton, Robert Douglas
 Leslie, Arthur Trevor O'Bryen
 Lewis, Peter Hartley Tom
 Ley, Ethel
 Leycester, Philip Wrey
 Leyland, Christopher Julian
 Limb, David Michael
 Lindsay, Andrew James Ronald
 Linklater, John
 Lithgow, Ann Barlow
 Lithgow, Douglas Plenderleath
 Little, Cecil Hunter
 Lloyd, Alexander David Frederick, 2nd Baron Lloyd
 Lloyd, Arthur Cresswell
 Lloyd, Harriet Mary
 Lock, Geoffrey Denis
 Lockett, Gerald Derek
 Lomer, Robert Humphrey
 Lorimer, Annie Elizabeth
 Lough, Ernest Shaw
 Low, George Wilson
 Lowther-Pinkerton, Anthony James Moxon
 Lucas, Harold Norman
 Lumsden, John
 Lyell, Margaret Laetitia
 Lyon, Ivan
 MacGillivray, Donald Charles
 MacLaurin, Henry Normand
 MacLean, Ross Patterson
 MacLeod, Harold Hay Brodie
 Macalpine-Downie, Archibald
 Macdonald-Buchanan, Reginald Narcissus
 Macfarlane, Donald Henry
 Mackenzie, Colin Dalzell
 Mackintosh, Eva Hermione
 Mackintosh-Walker, Charles Algernon
 Mackintosh-Walker, Thomas Charles Bruce
 Maclay, William Neil
 Maclean, Margaret Iona Letitia
 Maclellan, Andrew Patrick Withy
 Macmillan, Ian Louis Egerton
 Macmillan, Kenneth Godfrey
 Macpherson-Grant, George Bertram
 Macrae, Robert Andrew Alexander Scarth
 Magor, Edward Manuel
 Makins, Agatha Caroline
 Malcolm, Margaret Elsie
 Malim, John Charles
 Manders, Frances Gore
 Manduca, Blanche Falzon Sant
 Mann, James Henderson
 Mapp, Charles Harold
 March Phillipps, Gustavus Henry
 Marcoolyn, Henry Bennett
 Margesson, John Edward
 Marler, June Elizabeth
 Marshall, David Gregory
 Martin, Hugh Bellasis
 Martin, Robert Steele
 Martineau, Frederick Alan
 Massy, Ingoldsby Philip
 Matheson, Percy Ewing
 Maude-Roxby, Osbourne Victor
 Maudslay, James Rennie
 Maunsell, Mary Helen Maxwell
 Maxtone, Robert Young
 Maynard, Alister
 Mays-Smith, Robert Shankland
 McClintock-Bunbury, Thomas Leopold, 3rd Baron Rathdonnell
 McHardy, William George
 McHardy, William George
 McLaren, Helen Priscilla
 McLaughlin, Hubert William
 Melotte, Edward John Francis Vigilius
 Merrett, Leslie F.
 Merrett, Patricia Helen
 Michaelis, Marie
 Miles, Philip David
 Miles, Walter Harold
 Millett, Alice
 Mills, George William
 Minter, Frederick George
 Mirehouse, Henry William
 Mitford, Philip Clive
 Molland, Reginald Charles Graves
 Moncrieff, Malcolm Matthew
 Montgomery, Leslie A.
 Moore, Evelyn Corothea Temple
 Moore, Roland
 More, Thomas
 Morgan, Charles Robert Faulconer
 Morgan, John Trevil
 Morley, John Vernon
 Morley, Michael Frederick
 Murphy, James
 Murphy, Stephen Otteran
 Murray, Charles Graham
 Murray, Etheldred Mary
 Murray, Grace
 Murray, Olive Penelope
 Murray, Thomas Prain Douglas
 Musgrave, Leonard
 Mylne, Boris Hamilton
 Naylor, David Murray
 Nelson, Nelson Peter
 Newbald, Beatrice Catherine
 Newton, Giles Fendall
 Nicholl, John Iltyd Dillwyn
 Nicholson, Reginald
 Nobbs, James Sidney
 Norris, Marjorie Hester Annesley
 Norton, Ian Hugh
 Norton, Walter Charles
 O'Leary, Michael George
 O'Neill, Sibyl
 Ogilvie, Jasper John
 Oliver, G. F.
 Omond, John Stuart
 Ottaway, John Cuthbert
 Otway-Ruthven, Robert Mervyn Birmingham
 Owen, Glynn Meirion
 Pagan, John
 Page, Alan Thomas
 Page, Michael James
 Palmer, Anne Beatrice Mary
 Palmer, Florence Mary
 Palmer, Gerald Stanley
 Panter, George William
 Parker, Curtis Peter Nelson
 Parker, Mary Hyde
 Paton, Jean Maud Bennett
 Paul, Ida Jessie
 Peacocke, Arthur R.
 Peake, Cecil Vowe
 Peake, Roland James
 Peake, Sarah
 Pelpola, Peter Donald
 Penny, Frederick Charles
 Penrose-FitzGerald, Charles Bryan
 Percival, Lancelot Roger
 Phelips, Marjorie Cecily
 Phillips, Harold Lionel
 Phillips, Joseph Anthony Moore
 Phipps, Oswald Constantine John, 4th Marquess of Normanby
 Pickett, William David
 Pike, Godfrey Eben
 Pinto, Dorothy Mathilde
 Pitt, Richard
 Pochin, Harold Nichols
 Pollock, Catherine
 Pollock, James Patrick
 Ponsonby, Diamond Louise Constance
 Ponsonby, James Michael
 Porter, Henry Robert Mansel
 Porter, Reginald Nevill Da Costa
 Porter, Samuel Lowry, Baron Porter
 Posnett, Charles Christoper
 Powell, Palgrave Dawson Turner
 Poyntz, Helen Mary
 Poyntz, Hugh Spencer Stephen
 Prendergast, Evelyn David Vereker
 Prentice, John Ness
 Prentice, William Francis
 Prescott, Bernice Louise
 Prescott, Nicholas John Douglas
 Pringle, Reginald James
 Pritchard Gordon, T. A. G.
 Pritchard, Leslie Gordon Francis
 Pryke, Peter Stanley
 Purcell-Gilpin, Beatrice Mary Edith
 Purse, Alffred Henry Marmaduke
 Purvis-Russell, Mary Maude
 Ramsbotham, Richard Bury
 Ramsden, Ivor Basil
 Rana, Diljit Singh, Baron Rana
 Rankin, Charles Winton Browne
 Rashleigh, Rosamond Christabel
 Rawlence, James Victor Thomas
 Rawlings, Mary Loveday
 Read, Leopold John Douglas
 Reed, E. S.
 Reeves, W.
 Reid, David William
 Reid, Patrick Robert
 Ricardo, Marjorie Adela
 Rice, William George Leonard
 Richardson, Philip Herbert
 Rideal, Eric Keightley
 Ridsdale, Herbert Wheatley
 Rigby, Mary Christine
 Ringrose-Voase, Christopher John
 Ritchie, James William, 1st Bt.
 Ritchie, John
 Rivers-Bulkeley, John Edward
 Rivers-Bulkeley, Thomas Foster
 Riviere, Eugene Gonzague
 Robb, Margaret L.
 Robertson, Josiah James
 Robinson, Christopher Paul
 Robinson, Enoch Cobbcroft
 Robjohn, Michael
 Romer, Malcolm Nigel
 Romer, Sheila Frances
 Rooke, Henry Thomas Bernard Bellingham
 Rose, Elizabeth Margaret
 Ross, James
 Rouse, Derek Malcolm
 Row, Winifred Mary
 Rowe, Charles William Dell
 Rowe, Kenneth Charles Harold
 Ryder, Angela Mary Alice
 Sachs, Eric Leopold Otho
 Sambourne, Maud Frances
 Samuelson, Caroline
 Sandys, Edwina
 Sassoon, Louise Judith
 Scheunert, Konstanty
 Scott, F. Selwyn
 Scott, Isabella
 Searle, Kenneth Charles
 Selfe, Cecil John Hunt
 Shackleton, Richard John
 Sheehan, Jeremiah Thomas
 Sheepshanks, Rosemary
 Shennan, Major Kenneth Gordon Woodbine
 Sheppard, David Richard
 Sheppard, Mervyn Cecil ffranck
 Short, Noel Edward Vivian
 Shrubbs, Eric Gordon
 Silva, Edmund Frederick Lorenz
 Simmons, John Harry Walrond
 Sinclair-Loutit, Kenneth William Cripps
 Skipwith, Richard Edward
 Smith, Alexander
 Smith, Julian Ormond
 Smith, Louise Henrietta
 Smith, Margaret
 Smitherman, Frank
 Sowdon, Henry Neville
 Spencer, Desmond Gerard Heath
 Spencer, Sarah Faith Georgina
 Spencer-Nairn, Kathleen Matilda
 Spiegelberg, A. William A.
 Spratt, Judtih Margaret
 Spratt, Rose Ethel Kathleen
 St. Clair-Stannard, Derek Charles
 Stanier, John Wilfred
 Stanley, Geva Vereker
 Stanley, Kenneth Bridges
 Stanley, Sylvia Laura
 Stanton, Arthur William
 Stanton, John Richard Guy
 Staples, Violet Hope
 Steele, Robert
 Stenhouse, Denis Rees
 Stephens, Caroline
 Stephenson, Reginald Winifrid
 Stepney, Catherine Meriel
 Steward, John Amyot
 Stewart, George Vesey
 Stewart, Mary Jane Finlay
 Stewart, Olive Juana
 Stewart-Smith, Dudley Cautley
 Stilwell, John Benedict
 Stirling, Charlotte Dorothea William
 Stirling, John, of Fairburn and Monar
 Stobart, John William
 Stoney, Richard Edward
 Strachey, Olive Margaret
 Stratton, Ruth Margery
 Stronge, Jessy
 Stuart-Linton, Fryda Amy Bertha
 Stubbs, William Edward
 Studholme, Derek Skene
 Sturdee, Nina Edith
 Sutton, Arthur Fraser
 Swoffer, Francis Arthur
 Talbot, Louise Victoria Gisela
 Tamplin, John Michael Alan
 Tanner, Helen Gladys
 Taylor, Jacqueline
 Taylor, M. C.
 Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Ralph Eustace Lovett
 Thomas, William Eustace Rhuddlad, 2nd Bt.
 Thompson, Darren Lars
 Thompson, Edward Hugh Dudley
 Thomson, James Currie
 Thomson, John Alexander
 Thorneycroft, Edward Kendall
 Thornton, Frederick Stanley
 Todhunter, Michael John Benjamin
 Toke, Nicolas Eyare
 Tollemache, Cecil Herbert
 Tonge, Cecil Graham
 Torr, Eileen Doris
 Torrens, Desmond John Dudley
 Touche, Penelope Maitland
 Townley, Rosalinde Cecil
 Townshend, Henry Reginald
 Travers, Irene Mary
 Tregoning, Christopher William Courtenay
 Tugendhat, Thomas G. J.
 Tunnard, Georgina Martha
 Turner, Keith George
 Turner, William George Rhyll
 Tyrwhitt-Drake, Barnard Peter
 Urquhart, Andrew
 Usher, Dudley George
 Vale, Tommy
 Vane-Tempest, Charles Stewart McDonnell
 Vann, Bernard
 Vansittart, Robert Arnold
 Varian, Stephen Noel
 Vaudrey, John Randle
 Vaughan, Malcolm Septimus
 Venour, Vereker Willoughby Hamilton
 Vere, Roger
 Vian, Christopher Arthur
 Vickers, Audrey Elizabeth Peareth
 Villiers-Smith, Stephen Francis
 Viney, Elliott Merriam
 Vipond, Ernest John
 Vosser, Reginald Joseph
 Wadia, Hilla Hormarji
 Wakefield, William Birkbeck
 Walford, John Erskine Scott
 Walker, George Edward Orr
 Walker, Peter Edward, Baron Walker of Worcester
 Waller, Elizabeth Eva
 Walter, Betsy Robertson
 Walters, Dennis
 Ward, Alison Bridget
 Warner, Pelham Francis
 Warrenne Waller, Michael
 Watkins, Tudor
 Watson, Sidney John
 Watson, Vsevolod Victor
 Waugh, Harry Horsburgh
 Weeks, Owen Courtney
 Welby-Everard, Hugh Earle
 Wells, Stanley Walter
 Westropp, Sheilah Maureen
 Westwood, Margaret Taylor Young
 Wetherall, Roderick Lancaster
 Whidborne, Charles Stanley Lucas
 White, Bridget
 White, George Joseph Francis
 Wiggins, Douglas Milton
 Wilkinson, Theon Charles
 Williams, Tessa Gillian Rosamond
 Williamson, Guy Ernest
 Williamson, Hugh Ferguson James
 Williamson, Richard
 Willock, Lois Irene
 Wilson, Michael Thomond
 Wilson, Richard Cope
 Wilson, Richard William George Macgregor
 Windham, Ashe
 Windsor, Maurice
 Wingfield-Stratford, Roshnara Barbara
 Wise, George Walter Bentley
 Wolff, Jack Philip Albert Galvin Clifford
 Wood, Ernest Cresswell Gaden Western
 Woodall, Jonathan William Askew
 Woodburn, Rosamond Helen
 Woodroffe, Alban James
 Woods Ballard, Basil
 Woods, Thomas Pickering Salisbury
 Worthington, Philip Dalton
 Wright, Frederic Maitland
 Wrigley, John Vincent
 Wrigley, Vincent Shiers
 Wykeham-Martin, Robert Fiennes
 Wylie, Violet Verve
 Wyndham, John Edward Reginald, 6th Baron Leconfield of Leconfield
 Wynne, Frederick Robert
 Yeoman, Walter Thomas
 Yerburgh, Ralph Richmond
 Yorke, James Hamilton Simon
 Young, Elizabeth Ellen
 Young, Laurence MacLellan
 Zambra, Warren
 Dawkins, Horace Christian ( 1917 )
 Baird, Constance Kennedy ( 1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Beauclerk, Diana Lily de Vere ( 1918 )
 Beaumont, Haidée Maria ( 1918 )
 Blennerhassett, Arthur ( 1918 )
 Bongard, May Clara ( 1918 )
 Brett, Oliver Sylvain Baliol, 3rd Viscount Esher ( 1918 )
 Bretton, Florence Alice ( 1918 )
 Briscoe, Charlotte Jane ( 1918 )
 Bruce, Ian Robert Craufurd George Mary ( 1918 )
 Brudenell-Bruce, John Charles ( 1918 )
 Brunner, Maud Mary ( 1918 )
 Cassidi, Francis Richard ( 1918 )
 Cayley, Dora ( 1918 )
 Chetwode, Evelyn Hamar ( 1918 )
 Cockburn, Muriel Evelyn Kathleen ( 1918 )
 Colville, George Charles ( 1918 )
 Dashwood, Sidney Lewes ( 1918 )
 Duckworth, Francis Robinson Gladstone ( 1918 )
 Dufton, Dorothy ( 1918 )
 Dugdale, Mary Lousia ( 1918 )
 Egerton, Christian Mary ( 1918 )
 Ellis, Arthur Evelyn Paul ( 1918 )
 Fisher, Lydia Maria ( 1918 )
 FitzGerald, Clara Nesta Richarda ( 1918 )
 Flannery, Harold Fortescue, 2nd Bt. ( 1918 )
 Forbes, Mary Constance ( 1918 )
 Fraser, Lucy Marjorie Kathleen ( 1918 )
 Fremantle, John Morton ( 1918 )
 Greenwell, Winifred Eyre ( 1918 )
 Hay, Henrietta Louisa ( 1918 )
 Heron-Maxwell, Gwendoline ( 1918 )
 Hickman, Phillis Lucy ( 1918 )
 Hope, Herbert George ( 1918 )
 Hope-Wallace, Charles Nugent ( 1918 )
 Irby, Gerald Howard Boteler, 9th Baron Boston ( 1918 )
 Jackson, Evelyn Johanna ( 1918 )
 Jackson, Roland Octavius ( 1918 )
 Lacon, Dorothy Mortlock ( 1918 )
 Leese, Clive ( 1918 )
 Levinge, Edward George ( 1918 )
 Liddell, Lillian Mary Harriet Diana ( 1918 )
 Lowther, Elizabeth Ida ( 1918 )
 Lycett Green, Nancy ( 1918 )
 Maclure, Margaret Eleanor ( 1918 )
 Marsh, Vera Evelyn Selina ( 1918 )
 Masson, James Irvine Orme ( 1918 )
 Massy-Westropp, John Francis Ralph ( 1918 )
 Maxse, Sarah Algeria Marjorie ( 1918 )
 McCorkell, Dudley Evelyn Bruce ( 1918 )
 Moore, Ethne Philippa ( 1918 )
 Napier, Emily Caroline ( 1918 )
 Ogilvy, Diana Maria Elizabeth ( 1918 )
 Petre, Rosamond Catharine ( 1918 )
 Ramsay, Ethel ( 1918 )
 Rowley, Charles Donovan ( 1918 )
 Russell, Caroline Diana Rosalind ( 1918 )
 Russell, Katherine ( 1918 )
 Sinclair, Robert John, 1st Baron Sinclair of Cleeve ( 1918 )
 Smith, Constance Evelyn Winwood ( 1918 )
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang ( 1918 )
 Tate, Edith Marguerite ( 1918 )
 Thesiger, Percy Mansfield ( 1918 )
 Tyssen-Amherst, Alicia Margaret ( 1918 )
 Ward, Edward ( 1918 )
 Watney, Rosalind Margaret ( 1918 )
 Acland, Katherine ( 1919 )
 Arbuthnot, Lionel Gough ( 1919 )
 Barrington, Charles Burton, 5th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Bellew, Edward Henry, 5th Baron Bellew of Barmeath ( 1919 )
 Beresford-Peirse, Arthur Cecil Proctor de la Poer ( 1919 )
 Cairns, Louise Rosemary Kathleen Virginia ( 1919 )
 Campbell, Finetta Madelina Julia ( 1919 )
 Cole, Lowry Arthur Casamaijor ( 1919 )
 Crichton, Mabel Florence Mary ( 1919 )
 Dane, James Whiteside ( 1919 )
 Dening, Esler Maberley ( 1919 )
 Dolmage, Francis Alfred Emilio ( 1919 )
 Drew, Dorothea Anne Harvey ( 1919 )
 Eden, Geoffrey Morton, 7th Baron Auckland ( 1919 )
 Eden, Morton Frederic ( 1919 )
 Eyre, Richard Philip Hastings ( 1919 )
 Gethin, Randolph George ( 1919 )
 Gladstone, Albert Charles, of Fasque and Balfour, 5th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Graham, Sophia Augusta ( 1919 )
 Greenwell, Bernard Eyre, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Grey, Lillian Muriel ( 1919 )
 Gurney, Laura ( 1919 )
 Henderson, Violet ( 1919 )
 Hichens, Helen Mary ( 1919 )
 Hope, Arthur Clement ( 1919 )
 Hunter Blair, Reginald Stanley ( 1919 )
 Leslie, Margaret Jean ( 1919 )
 Leslie-Melville, David William ( 1919 )
 Leveson-Gower, Cecil Octavious Gresham ( 1919 )
 Mac Gregor, Maryel Alpina ( 1919 )
 Moore, Harold Mead ( 1919 )
 Murray, Irene Helen ( 1919 )
 Nethersole, Harrison Ralph ( 1919 )
 Noble, Ethel Isobel Virginia ( 1919 )
 Noel, Charlotte Ida Frederica ( 1919 )
 Northcote, James Alfred ( 1919 )
 Parker, Ronald Francis ( 1919 )
 Persse, Violet Seymour ( 1919 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Humphrey ( 1919 )
 Pollock, Douglas Warren ( 1919 )
 Pott, Evelyn Florence ( 1919 )
 Richardson, William Wigham, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Rotton, Letitia ( 1919 )
 Shaw, Elsie Marie ( 1919 )
 St. Clair-Ford, Leicester ( 1919 )
 Stopford, John Sebastian Bach, Baron Stopford of Fallowfield ( 1919 )
 Strickland, Mary Christina ( 1919 )
 Troubridge, Thomas St. Vincent Wallace, 5th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Willoughby, Hylda Maria Madelaine ( 1919 )
 Baker, Katharine Mary ( 1920 )
 Ballingale, Isabel Millar ( 1920 )
 Beaumont, Hilda Augusta Katherine ( 1920 )
 Bligh, Rosalind Isabel ( 1920 )
 Blood, Joseph Fitzgerald ( 1920 )
 Bruce, Constance Veronica ( 1920 )
 Buxton, Hannah Maud ( 1920 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Beatrice Mabel ( 1920 )
 Chetwynd, Eleonora ( 1920 )
 Coke, Mabel ( 1920 )
 Davies-Cooke, Helena Adelaide Sara ( 1920 )
 Digby, Emily ( 1920 )
 Done, Violet Dorothy Evelyn ( 1920 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Claud Archibald Aubrey ( 1920 )
 Douglas-Pennant, Pamela Georgina ( 1920 )
 Duff Gordon, John Cornewall ( 1920 )
 Egerton, Beatrice Mary ( 1920 )
 Erskine, Walter Hugh ( 1920 )
 Farmer, Mary Frances ( 1920 )
 Fielding, Henry ( 1920 )
 FitzGerald, John Sidney North ( 1920 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Edward, 3rd Baron Howard of Glossop ( 1920 )
 Geddes, Margery Jean ( 1920 )
 Grey-Egerton, Cecily Alice Grey ( 1920 )
 Hammick, Lucy Mabel ( 1920 )
 Hanbury, Adeline Helen ( 1920 )
 Hives, Ernest, 1st Baron Hives ( 1920 )
 Hodson, Violet ( 1920 )
 Horsburgh, Florence Gertrude, Baroness Horsburgh ( 1920 )
 Hubbard, Winifred Mary ( 1920 )
 Hulton-Harrop, Gladys May ( 1920 )
 Jardine, Edna Winifred ( 1920 )
 Langtry, Jeanne Marie ( 1920 )
 Lawley, Caroline Elizabeth ( 1920 )
 Liddell, Violet Constance ( 1920 )
 Locock, Ethel Maud ( 1920 )
 Lowther, Henrietta Isabella ( 1920 )
 Maitland, Claire Marjoribanks ( 1920 )
 McDouall, Helen Ethel ( 1920 )
 Mills, Violet Louisa ( 1920 )
 Milman, Constance Angelena ( 1920 )
 Milman, Eva Mary FitzHardinge, Baroness Berkeley ( 1920 )
 Poynter, Henrietta Mabel ( 1920 )
 Price, Cyril Oliver Rose ( 1920 )
 Russell, Arthur Edward Ian Montagu, 6th Bt. ( 1920 )
 Seymour, Cynthia Charlette ( 1920 )
 Shaw, Mary Margaret ( 1920 )
 Shaw-Stewart, Walter Richard ( 1920 )
 Stephenson, Muriel Mary Temple ( 1920 )
 Steward, Maud Ann Sophia ( 1920 )
 Stirling-Hamilton, John ( 1920 )
 Thynne, Katharine Angela ( 1920 )
 Vachell, Lucy Lyttelton ( 1920 )
 Walker, Elizabeth Fountaine ( 1920 )
 Wedgwood, Mary Euphrasia ( 1920 )
 Butler, James Hubert Theobald Charles, 7th Marquess of Ormonde ( 1921 )
 Clark, Henry Jackson ( 1923 )
 Hone, Arthur Rickman ( 1923 )
 Twining, Francis Edward, Baron Twining ( 1923 )
 Whitefoord, Philip Geoffrey ( 1923 )
 Shaw, Charles John, of Tordarroch and 7th of Newhall ( 1924 )
 Baker, Harold Eustace ( 1926 )
 Paget, Mildred Florence ( 1927 )
 Blackwood, Ursula Henrietta ( 1928 )
 Grimston, Margaret Katherine ( 1929 )
 Holmes à Court, Leonard Wyndham Daly ( 1930 )
 Wedderburn-Maxwell, Henry Godfrey ( 1930 )
 Hay, Ivan Josslyn Lumley ( 1932 )
 Morrogh Bernard, Joseph George ( 1933 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Mary ( 1934 )
 Waldegrave, George Turner ( 1934 )
 Thynne, Roger Charles Seymour ( 1936 )
 Domvile, John Patrick ( 1937 )
 Fox, Selina Fitzherbert ( 1938 )
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1938 )
 Shelley, George Edward ( 1938 )
 Butler-Danvers, Henry Halpin Cavendish ( 1939 )
 Hickman, Lucy ( 1939 )
 Dease, Ernest Joseph ( 1940 )
 Gabbett, Robert Edward ( 1940 )
 Gillman, Herbert Charles Rube ( 1940 )
 Hodge, John Rowland, 2nd Bt. ( 1940 )
 Legard, Antony Ronald ( 1940 )
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Richard William Heribert Peter ( 1940 )
 Marsham, Peter William ( 1940 )
 Montgomery, Ernest John ( 1940 )
 St. Clair-Ford, Vernon John ( 1940 )
 Best, Gertrude Emma ( 1941 )
 Clark, Andrew Edmund James, 3rd Bt. ( 1941 )
 Cuppage, Desmond George Burke ( 1941 )
 Dalrymple, John Aymer, 13th Earl of Stair ( 1941 )
 Drummond, Victoria Alexandrina ( 1941 )
 Edmonds, Margaret Elizabeth ( 1941 )
 Gethin, Percy St. Lawrence ( 1941 )
 Herbert, Charles Edward Mercer ( 1941 )
 Hobart-Hampden, Sidney Mary Catherine Anne ( 1941 )
 Hordern, Peter Hugh ( 1941 )
 Howard, Edith Mary Palmer ( 1941 )
 Levinge, Richard Vere Henry, 11th Bt. ( 1941 )
 Raeburn, William Digby Manifold ( 1941 )
 Traill, William Walter Alan ( 1941 )
 Baddeley, William Shaw ( 1942 )
 Barton, Hugh Ronald ( 1942 )
 Beresford, Eileen May de la Poer ( 1942 )
 Beresford, Gervais de la Poer ( 1942 )
 Bradford, Berenger Colborne ( 1942 )
 Brown, Frederick Richard ( 1942 )
 Craig, Patrick William Dennis ( 1942 )
 Crossley, Phyllis Patty ( 1942 )
 Denny, Thomas Hamilton ( 1942 )
 Lubbock, Michael Ronald ( 1942 )
 Montgomery, Brian Frederick ( 1942 )
 Morgan-Giles, Morgan Charles ( 1942 )
 Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, 1st Baron Poole ( 1942 )
 Pugh, Gwladys Mary ( 1942 )
 Stuart-Menteth, Thomas Alexander ( 1942 )
 Windham, Anne ( 1942 )
 Arthur, Matthew, 3rd Baron Glenarthur ( 1943 )
 Baker Baker, Henry Conyers ( 1943 )
 Blair-Cunynghame, James Ogilvy ( 1943 )
 Bromhead, Robert Benjamin Gonville ( 1943 )
 Buchan, Augusta Lilian ( 1943 )
 Butler, Irene June Beatrice ( 1943 )
 Cayley, Philip Estcourt ( 1943 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Kathleen ( 1943 )
 Cholmondeley, Eva Harriet ( 1943 )
 Dewar, Henry Evelyn Alexander, 3rd Baron Forteviot ( 1943 )
 Dormer, Georgiana Mary ( 1943 )
 Douglas-Pennant, Malcolm Frank, 6th Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai ( 1943 )
 Forbes Adam, Hetty Reay Clifford ( 1943 )
 Geddes, Ford Irvine ( 1943 )
 Gordon, Roderic Armyne ( 1943 )
 Guthrie-James, David Pelham ( 1943 )
 Hacking, Edgar Bolton ( 1943 )
 Harcourt, William Edward, 2nd Viscount Harcourt ( 1943 )
 Hare, John Hugh, 1st Viscount Blakenham ( 1943 )
 Legard, George Hugo Digby ( 1943 )
 Lindsay, Nesta Jessie ( 1943 )
 Lushington, Susan ( 1943 )
 Oakshott, Hendrie Dudley, Baron Oakshott ( 1943 )
 Pakenham, Richard Hercules Wingfield ( 1943 )
 Phillimore, Robert Fortescue ( 1943 )
 Retner, Margaret Emma ( 1943 )
 Rollo, David Ian ( 1943 )
 Shaw-Stewart, Katharine Bedingfeld ( 1943 )
 Tryon-Wilson, Charles Edward ( 1943 )
 White, Lynton Stuart ( 1943 )
 Wood, Emily Mary Marguerite ( 1943 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Olein Eva Constance ( 1943 )
 Allsopp, Samuel Ranulph ( 1944 )
 Arbuthnot, John Sinclair-Wemyss, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Bartlett, Henry David Hardington, 3rd Bt. ( 1944 )
 Beecham, Joseph Michael ( 1944 )
 Boylan, Francis Michael Benedict Carey ( 1944 )
 Brooke, Oliver George ( 1944 )
 Brown, William Banks Duncan, Baron Brown ( 1944 )
 Browne, Edward James Caulfield ( 1944 )
 Burke, Edward Bernard Mary ( 1944 )
 Chetwode, George David ( 1944 )
 Clark, John Maurice ( 1944 )
 Colville, Christian Hendrie ( 1944 )
 Cotton, John Richard ( 1944 )
 Edwardes, Michael George ( 1944 )
 Fane, John Henry Mark ( 1944 )
 Fane, Robert William Augustus ( 1944 )
 Foley, Henry Thomas Hamilton ( 1944 )
 Gordon-Duff, John Beauchamp ( 1944 )
 Gore, Margaret Wyndham ( 1944 )
 Hambro, Everard Bingham ( 1944 )
 Hanmer, Arthur Richard ( 1944 )
 Hildick-Smith, Donald Ryvet ( 1944 )
 Hoare, Bridget ( 1944 )
 Low, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron Aldington ( 1944 )
 Macdonald, Alexander Godfrey, 7th Baron Macdonald of Slate ( 1944 )
 Marling, Marian Charlotte ( 1944 )
 Murray, Anthony Ian Rupert ( 1944 )
 Neave, Julius Arthur Sheffield ( 1944 )
 Newton, Kenneth Garnar, 3rd Bt. ( 1944 )
 Palmer, Gordon William Nottage ( 1944 )
 Pawson, Lynette ( 1944 )
 Peddie, James Mortimer, Baron Peddie ( 1944 )
 Penny, Peter George, 2nd Viscount Marchwood ( 1944 )
 Plumptre, Peter Bridges ( 1944 )
 Pollock, Harry Clement ( 1944 )
 Radcliffe, Hugh John Reginald Joseph ( 1944 )
 Richardson, Gordon William Humphrey, Baron Richardson of Duntisbourne ( 1944 )
 Riddell, William James ( 1944 )
 Ryder, Peter Hugh Dudley ( 1944 )
 Seely, Ivy Angela ( 1944 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Randolph Frederick Edward ( 1944 )
 Tangye, Richard Colin Trevithick ( 1944 )
 Thatcher, Denis, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Walker, Patrick Bruce ( 1944 )
 Wingfield Digby, Stephen Basil ( 1944 )
 Wombwell, Frederick Philip Alfred William, 6th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Wood, Sheelagh Maria Southwell ( 1944 )
 Andrews, Terence George ( 1945 )
 Annan, John ( 1945 )
 Arbuthnott, Robert ( 1945 )
 Armstrong-Jones, Ronald Owen Lloyd ( 1945 )
 Astor, John Jacob ( 1945 )
 Baillieu, Robert Latham ( 1945 )
 Baring, George Rowland Stanley, 3rd Earl of Cromer ( 1945 )
 Baring, Hugo Charles ( 1945 )
 Barry, Rupert Rodney Francis Tress, 4th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Beauclerk, Raphael Charles, 6° Marqués de Valero de Urría ( 1945 )
 Berry, William Michael, Baron Hartwell ( 1945 )
 Borthwick, John Thomas, 3rd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Boscawen, John Perceval Townshend ( 1945 )
 Bowen-Colthurst, Charles Patrick Russell ( 1945 )
 Boyd, Gilbert Allan Rowland, 6th Baron Kilmarnock ( 1945 )
 Brett, Antony Reginald Forbes Balliol ( 1945 )
 Buchan, Alastair Francis ( 1945 )
 Buckley, Denys Burton ( 1945 )
 Burnett, David Humphrey, 3rd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Burrell, Walter Raymond, 8th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Burrough, John Paul ( 1945 )
 Byass, Rupert Arthur ( 1945 )
 Carew, Gavin George ( 1945 )
 Cator, Elizabeth Margaret ( 1945 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Jeanette Gertrude ( 1945 )
 Chaytor, Christopher William Drewett ( 1945 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Edward Hugh Frederick ( 1945 )
 Christie, Hector Lorenzo ( 1945 )
 Clowes, Mwyndeg Dorothea Winchester ( 1945 )
 Constable-Maxwell, Andrew Bernard ( 1945 )
 Constantine, Learie Nicholas, Baron Constantine ( 1945 )
 Coventry, Barbara Mary St. John ( 1945 )
 Croasdaile, Alan Lancelot ( 1945 )
 De'Ath, Ian Dudley ( 1945 )
 Duff, Victoria Maud Veronica ( 1945 )
 Dundas, Thomas Calderwood, of Arniston, 7th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Egerton, Philip Morys ( 1945 )
 Eliot, Peter Charles ( 1945 )
 Elwes, Robert Philip Henry ( 1945 )
 Ezra, Derek, Baron Ezra ( 1945 )
 Fitzgerald, Mona Gwendoline ( 1945 )
 Flower, Desmond Llowarch Edward, 10th Viscount Ashbrook ( 1945 )
 Forbes, Hamish Stewart, of Newe, 7th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Fraser, Hugh Charles Patrick Joseph ( 1945 )
 Gardner, Patrick Michael ( 1945 )
 Gibbs, Andrew Antony ( 1945 )
 Gooch, George Ernest ( 1945 )
 Gordon, Adam Granville ( 1945 )
 Goschen, Donald Charles ( 1945 )
 Hammick, Pamela Blanche ( 1945 )
 Harington, John Temple ( 1945 )
 Healey, Denis Winston, Baron Healey ( 1945 )
 Heathcote, Gilbert Simon, 9th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Henderson, John Ronald ( 1945 )
 Hennessy, Frederick Francis George ( 1945 )
 Hogg, Arthur Ramsey, 7th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Howitt, Francis Beazley ( 1945 )
 Isaacs, Michael Alfred Rufus, 3rd Marquess of Reading ( 1945 )
 Johnson, John Paley, 6th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Johnstone, Roy Henry Montague ( 1945 )
 Lighton, Christopher Robert, 8th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Lloyd, Alexander David Frederick, 2nd Baron Lloyd ( 1945 )
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Henry, 3rd Baron Acton of Aldenham ( 1945 )
 Mackenzie, Margaret Hermione ( 1945 )
 Mackenzie, Norah ( 1945 )
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Edward M. ( 1945 )
 Mancroft, Stormont Mancroft, 2nd Baron Mancroft ( 1945 )
 Maud, Philip David ( 1945 )
 Mayor, Teresa Georgina ( 1945 )
 Metcalfe, Peggy Theophilia ( 1945 )
 Nicolson, Nigel ( 1945 )
 Oppé, Denys Lyonel Tollemache ( 1945 )
 Parsons, Laurence Michael Harvey, 6th Earl of Rosse ( 1945 )
 Pearson, Francis Fenwick, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 Phelps Brown, Henry ( 1945 )
 Philipps, Richard Hanning ( 1945 )
 Pollen, Stephen Derek Hungerford ( 1945 )
 Rees, Rosemary Theresa ( 1945 )
 Remnant, Robert John Farquharson, 2nd Baron Remnant ( 1945 )
 Reynolds, John Francis Roskell, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Richmond, Elizabeth ( 1945 )
 Russell, Denis Leslie ( 1945 )
 Scott, Eric Surtees ( 1945 )
 Smith, Cecil Roland Heathcote ( 1945 )
 Smith, Hugh Adeane Vivian ( 1945 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Mary ( 1945 )
 Stanley, Michael Charles ( 1945 )
 Stewart, Alexander David ( 1945 )
 Stewart, Hugh St. Clair ( 1945 )
 Stopford, James Montagu Burgoyne, 8th Earl of Courtown ( 1945 )
 Stuart, John William Brownlow ( 1945 )
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Roger ( 1945 )
 Sykes, Arthur Patrick ( 1945 )
 Talbot, Evan Arthur Christopher ( 1945 )
 Touchet-Jesson, Thomas Percy Henry, 23rd Baron Audley (of Heleigh) ( 1945 )
 Tritton, Geoffrey Ernest, 3rd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Tritton, John Hedley ( 1945 )
 Tulloch, Alison Stirling ( 1945 )
 Verney, Stephen Edmund ( 1945 )
 Vivian, Violet Mary ( 1945 )
 Warren, Augustus George Digby, 7th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Whitehead, John Chase ( 1945 )
 Williams, Reginald Lawrence William, 7th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Wills, Gerald ( 1945 )
 Wintour, Charles Vere ( 1945 )
 Younger, John William, 3rd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Agnew, Peter Graeme ( 1946 )
 Arbuthnott, Archibald ( 1946 )
 Archdale, Richard Montgomery ( 1946 )
 Baring-Gould, Ruth Monica ( 1946 )
 Best, John William ( 1946 )
 Blount, Marguerite Pauline Mary ( 1946 )
 Booth, Kenneth Alec James ( 1946 )
 Boyd-Rochfort, Harold ( 1946 )
 Butter, John Henry ( 1946 )
 Cadman, William Henry ( 1946 )
 Carden, Beryl ( 1946 )
 Cayley, Forde Everard de Wend ( 1946 )
 Chenevix Trench, Christopher John ( 1946 )
 Cheyne, William Watson ( 1946 )
 Coote, Diana Jean ( 1946 )
 Coote, Thomas Charles ( 1946 )
 Corbet, John Vincent, 7th Bt. ( 1946 )
 Cradock-Hartopp, Kenneth Alston, 10th Bt. ( 1946 )
 Cunard, Virginia Beatrice ( 1946 )
 Dawson-Damer, Aline Mary Seymour ( 1946 )
 Denison, Ernest William, 6th Baron Londesborough ( 1946 )
 Emslie, George Carlyle, Baron Emslie ( 1946 )
 Findlay, Dora Louise ( 1946 )
 Finlay, Robert James Bell ( 1946 )
 Forbes-Leith, Robert Ian Algernon, of Fyvie, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Fortescue, Arthur Henry Grenville ( 1946 )
 Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, Leslie Desmond Edward ( 1946 )
 Fynes-Clinton, Rosalind Mary ( 1946 )
 Gayre, Alexander William ( 1946 )
 Gerard, Rupert Charles Frederick ( 1946 )
 Gilliat, Martin ( 1946 )
 Hamilton, Margaret Graham ( 1946 )
 Hamilton, Sackville William Sackville ( 1946 )
 Hardinge, Caryl Nicholas Charles, 4th Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton ( 1946 )
 Heath, Edward Richard George ( 1946 )
 Holland-Hibbert, Diana ( 1946 )
 Hope, Archibald John George, of Luffness ( 1946 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Elyned Barbara ( 1946 )
 Lambert, Doreen Sylvia ( 1946 )
 Layton, David ( 1946 )
 Lindsay, Thomas Martin ( 1946 )
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1946 )
 McDonnell, James Angus Grey ( 1946 )
 Murray, Gwladys ( 1946 )
 Murray, Nina ( 1946 )
 Nepean, Annie Blanch ( 1946 )
 Noble, Humphrey Brunel, of Ardmore, 4th Bt. ( 1946 )
 North, Dudleya Susan ( 1946 )
 Philipson-Stow, Edmond Cecil, 4th Bt. ( 1946 )
 Portal, Melville Edward Bertram ( 1946 )
 Robinson, Leonard Pritchard ( 1946 )
 Rollo, Peter Andrew ( 1946 )
 Russell, Avril ( 1946 )
 Sausmarez, Cecil Havilland ( 1946 )
 Selby-Lowndes, Geoffrey Howard William ( 1946 )
 Sinclair-Stevenson, George ( 1946 )
 Smith, George Bracewell, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Smith, Kathleen Whalley ( 1946 )
 Sutton, Charles Lexington Manners ( 1946 )
 Templeman, Sydney William, Baron Templeman ( 1946 )
 Thesiger, Gerald Alfred ( 1946 )
 Tuite, Dennis George Harmsworth, 13th Bt. ( 1946 )
 Vestey, Joan Frances ( 1946 )
 Vickers, Joan Helen, Baroness Vickers ( 1946 )
 Weldon, Francis William Charles ( 1946 )
 Wellesley, Violet Evelyn ( 1946 )
 Wills, Hugh David Hamilton ( 1946 )
 Yarrow, Eric Grant, 3rd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Younghusband, Eileen Louise ( 1946 )
 Fowke, Charles Arthur Freer ( 1947 )
 Graaff, De Villiers, 2nd Bt. ( 1947 )
 Hotham, Dorothy Jean ( 1947 )
 Manningham-Buller, Evelyn Constance ( 1947 )
 Portal, Sophie ( 1947 )
 Robertson, Ian Argyll, of Brackla ( 1947 )
 Wingate, Reginald Eric Lennard ( 1947 )
 Arthur, Allan James Vincent ( 1948 )
 Beaumont, Herbert Christopher ( 1948 )
 Cadbury, Marion Janet ( 1948 )
 Dashwood, Iris Laura ( 1948 )
 Eden, Robert Charles Frederick ( 1948 )
 Gibbs, Helen Bridget ( 1948 )
 Gourlay, Basil Ian Spencer ( 1948 )
 Hudson, Dorothy Margaret ( 1948 )
 Lambton, Eileen ( 1948 )
 Stephenson, Cynthia Margaret ( 1948 )
 Trench, Emily Olive Victoria ( 1948 )
 Wilson, Alexander James ( 1948 )
 Bagot, Millicent Jessie Eleanor ( 1949 )
 Brassey, Violet Catherine ( 1949 )
 Brooke, George Francis Cecil, 3rd Bt. ( 1949 )
 Burton, Benjamin Wellesley ( 1949 )
 Colville, Ronald John Bilsland, 2nd Baron Clydesmuir ( 1949 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael ( 1949 )
 Gibbon, Nathaniel Alcock ( 1949 )
 Glyn, Alice Mary Sybil ( 1949 )
 Kay-Shuttleworth, Rachel Beatrice ( 1949 )
 Forestier-Walker, Alan Ivor ( 1950 )
 Lascelles, Oliver ( 1950 )
 Lea, George H. ( 1950 )
 Spring Rice, Mary Elizabeth ( 1950 )
 Thompson, Peile, 5th Bt. ( 1950 )
 Waterlow, Charlotte Mary ( 1950 )
 Winnington-Ingram, Cecil ( 1950 )
 Wood, Anne Dorothy ( 1950 )
 Hubbard, Dorothy Isabel ( 1951 )
 Johnston, George Robert Arthur McGarel ( 1951 )
 Loyd, Francis Alfred ( 1951 )
 Best, Robert Samuel, 8th Baron Wynford ( 1952 )
 Caulfeild, Toby St. George ( 1952 )
 Cavendish, Anne ( 1952 )
 Garnett, Robert Hugh ( 1952 )
 Hard, Launcelot Frederic ( 1952 )
 Hepburne-Scott, Mary Harriet ( 1952 )
 Hunter, Phyllis ( 1952 )
 Kenyon, Sarah Myfida Mary ( 1952 )
 Shillington, Robert Edward Graham ( 1952 )
 Thomson, Keith Home ( 1952 )
 Bourke-Borrowes, Cecil Hubert ( 1953 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Edward Frederick, of Bargany ( 1953 )
 Evans-Freke, Ralfe ( 1953 )
 Keppel, William Bertram Arnold Joost ( 1953 )
 Legge, David Alexander Keppel ( 1953 )
 Leith, Alba Gladys Ivy ( 1953 )
 Chetwynd, Wentworth Randolph ( 1954 )
 Douglas-Home, Henry Montagu ( 1954 )
 Flint, John Montagu ( 1954 )
 Foster, Eleanor Hersilie Mary ( 1954 )
 Gerard, Violet Ethel Mary ( 1954 )
 Gregory-Hood, Alexander Marshall Horace ( 1954 )
 Lowther, Anthony George ( 1954 )
 Mordaunt, Nigel John, 13th Bt. ( 1954 )
 Pearson, Nora ( 1954 )
 Sinclair, John Robert Kilgour, 2nd Baron Sinclair of Cleeve ( 1954 )
 Strang, David Steven ( 1954 )
 Straubenzee, William ( 1954 )
 Thesiger, Sibyl Adeline ( 1954 )
 Walpole, Pamela Frances ( 1954 )
 Cooke-Yarborough, Alfred Graeme ( 1955 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, Elizabeth Averil ( 1955 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, Helen Jessie ( 1955 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert Edward George Lariston, 6th Earl of Minto ( 1955 )
 Kerr, Margaret Mary ( 1955 )
 Maffey, Penelope Loader ( 1955 )
 Perkins, Kenneth ( 1955 )
 Barcroft, Mary ( 1956 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Phoebe Hyacinth ( 1956 )
 Meadows, Hilda ( 1956 )
 Waller, Hardress Jocelyn de Warrenne ( 1956 )
 Berridge, James Willcox ( 1957 )
 Boothby, Basil Frederick ( 1957 )
 Buffett, Charles Ivens ( 1957 )
 Couper, John Every ( 1957 )
 Johnstone-Scott, Charles Hugh ( 1957 )
 Pym, Lucy Barbara ( 1957 )
 Anderson, Mary Mackenzie ( 1958 )
 Darby, Horatio Anthony Fionn O'Carroll ( 1958 )
 Fursdon, Francis William Edward ( 1958 )
 Hort, Aylmer Victor Dyson ( 1958 )
 McClure, John Aylmer ( 1958 )
 Molesworth, Vivienne Yseulte Doreen ( 1958 )
 Wellesley, Arthur Valerian, 8th Duke of Wellington ( 1958 )
 Baker Wilbraham, Joyce Katharine ( 1959 )
 Boileau, Peter Mudie ( 1959 )
 Chavasse, Henry Kendal Perceval ( 1959 )
 Cunliffe, Cecile Gertrude ( 1959 )
 Spicer, Eva Dykes ( 1959 )
 Boles, John Dennis ( 1960 )
 Forbes Adam, Bridget Islay ( 1960 )
 Jenkins, Charles Peter de Brisay ( 1960 )
 Kitson, Verona Vandeleur ( 1960 )
 Latta, Hilda May ( 1960 )
 Bonner, Margaret Lucy ( 1961 )
 Digby, Arthur Kenelm ( 1961 )
 Hanmer, Nicholas Brian ( 1961 )
 Holmes à Court, Majorie Sophia ( 1961 )
 Ley, Francis Douglas, 4th Bt. ( 1961 )
 Royden, Alice Joan ( 1961 )
 Clark, Henry Francis ( 1962 )
 Cockburn, Rosalind ( 1962 )
 Leng, Peter John Hall ( 1962 )
 Meynell, Francis Everard ( 1962 )
 Mostyn, Joseph David Frederick ( 1962 )
 Oakeley, Emily Charlotte Eileen ( 1962 )
 Orr Ewing, John Eric Hugh ( 1962 )
 Parker, Barbara Hastings ( 1962 )
 Barclay, Leslie William Hamilton ( 1963 )
 Burnett, Irene Dorothy May ( 1963 )
 McClure, Evelyn Margaret ( 1963 )
 Molesworth-St. Aubyn, John Arscott, 15th Bt. ( 1963 )
 Warren, Ella Christian Louise Lauder ( 1963 )
 Christie, Joan Christabel Jill, Baroness Knight of Collingtree ( 1964 )
 Crawley-Boevey, Anthony ( 1964 )
 Gray-Cheape, Barbara Susanne ( 1964 )
 Money, Stuart Washbourne ( 1964 )
 Stewart-Richardson, Peter Neil Ralli ( 1964 )
 Anderdon, Rachel Elinor ( 1965 )
 Barnato, Diana ( 1965 )
 Metcalfe, Kathleen Janet ( 1965 )
 Napier, Lennox Alexander Hawkins ( 1965 )
 Pack-Beresford, Tristram Anthony ( 1965 )
 Stuart, Maud Erinvine ( 1965 )
 Butler, Judith Eileen ( 1966 )
 O'Morchoe, David Nial Creagh, The O'Morchoe ( 1966 )
 Warren, Kathleen Pelham Lauder ( 1966 )
 Greensill, Rose Evelyn ( 1967 )
 Phillimore, Mary Harriet ( 1967 )
 Comyn, John Andrew ( 1968 )
 Gordon Lennox, Bernard Charles ( 1968 )
 St. John, Roland Tyrwhitt ( 1968 )
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Richard ( 1968 )
 Blennerhassett, John du Sautoy ( 1969 )
 Dixon, Thomas Robin Valerian, 3rd Baron Glentoran ( 1969 )
 Galwey, John Rickards ( 1969 )
 Rolleston, George Lancelot St. Leger ( 1969 )
 Armstrong, Michael Henry ( 1970 )
 Crofton, Henry Edward Melville, 6th Bt. ( 1970 )
 Gooch, Timothy Robert Sherlock, 13th Bt. ( 1970 )
 Spens, Emily Susan ( 1970 )
 Stopford, Stephen Robert Anthony ( 1971 )
 Tothill, Margaret Winifred Arnold ( 1971 )
 Wilson, Mathew John Anthony, 6th Bt. ( 1971 )
 Heyhoe, Rachael, Baroness Heyhoe Flint ( 1972 )
 Molesworth, Anthony John Lindsay ( 1972 )
 Archdale, Anne Alicia ( 1973 )
 Boyd-Carpenter, Thomas Patrick John ( 1973 )
 Fairbairn, Alan Bernard Murray ( 1973 )
 Hawker, Christopher Henry Acton ( 1973 )
 Hunt, David James Fletcher, Baron Hunt of Wirral ( 1973 )
 Whidborne, Richard St. John ( 1973 )
 Wilde, Marjorie Mary ( 1973 )
 Baskervyle-Glegg, John ( 1974 )
 Brooke, Henry John Allen ( 1974 )
 Bunbury, Charles Napier St. Pierre ( 1974 )
 Buxton, Daphne ( 1974 )
 Dobbs, John Jopp Fairlie ( 1974 )
 Goossens, Sidonie ( 1974 )
 Rous, William Edward ( 1974 )
 Rumbold, Elizabeth Anne ( 1974 )
 Vyvyan, Charles Gerard Courtenay ( 1974 )
 Brooking, Patrick Guy ( 1975 )
 Cavendish, Robin Francis ( 1975 )
 Grice-Hutchinson, Marjorie ( 1975 )
 Hinton, Peter John ( 1975 )
 Hope-Wallace, Philip Adrian ( 1975 )
 French, Maurice Aloysius ( 1976 )
 Hamilton-Russell, James Gustavus ( 1976 )
 Irving, Helen Katherine ( 1976 ), for services to the Pony Club
 Parsons, Anthony Frederick Arundell ( 1976 )
 Tufnell, Meriel Patricia ( 1976 )
 Drury, Michael Humfrey ( 1977 )
 Kerr, Diana Katherine ( 1977 )
 Sidney, Philip John Algernon, 2nd Viscount De L'Isle ( 1977 )
 Stogdon, Edgar David ( 1977 )
 Wombwell, George Philip Frederick, 7th Bt. ( 1977 )
 Maclaren, Owen Finlay ( 1978 )
 Prior-Palmer, Lucinda Jane ( 1978 )
 Bethell, Richard Nicholas, 6th Baron Westbury ( 1979 )
 Kindersley, David Guy Barnabas ( 1979 )
 Russell, James Cecil Cumine, of Aden ( 1980 )
 Handcock, Roland Thomas John, 8th Baron Castlemaine of Moydrum ( 1981 )
 Hobhouse, Mary Hermione ( 1981 )
 Cairns, William ( 1982 )
 Coe, Sebastian Newbold, Baron Coe ( 1982 )
 Curzon-Howe, Joyce Mary ( 1982 )
 Elphinstone, Mary Georgiana ( 1982 )
 Winnifrith, Joan Boniface ( 1982 )
 Godsal, David Hugh ( 1983 )
 Bruen, Nigel Arthur ( 1984 ), for mine-clearance in the Gulf of Suez
 Torr, Jean Rosita Mary ( 1984 )
 Moon, John Jeremy Edward Graham ( 1985 )
 French, Sheila Mary ( 1987 )
 Cameron, Allan John ( 1988 )
 Monro, Hugh Brisbane Henry Ewart ( 1988 )
 Spickernell, Jane ( 1988 )
 Vyvyan-Robinson, James Courtenay ( 1988 )
 Collett, Margaret Ruth ( 1989 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, Christian Margaret ( 1989 )
 Feldman, Doreen, Baroness Miller of Hendon ( 1989 )
 Rennard, Christopher John, Baron Rennard ( 1989 )
 Buxton, Susan Studd ( 1990 )
 Colvin, Amanda ( 1990 )
 Finch-Knightley, Minette Jane ( 1990 )
 Tomes, Ian Maxwell ( 1990 )
 Campbell, Susan Catherine, Baroness Campbell of Loughborough ( 1991 )
 Chan, Michael Chew Koon, Baron Chan ( 1991 )
 Johnston, Andrew James Benjamin ( 1991 )
 Scott-Bowden, Robert Logan ( 1992 )
 Buxton, Joanna Margaret Reader ( 1993 )
 Graham, Andrew John Noble, 5th Bt. ( 1993 )
 Grey-Thompson, Carys Davinia, Baroness Grey-Thompson ( 1993 )
 Thesiger, Patience Elizabeth Florita ( 1994 )
 Blood, May, Baroness Blood ( 1995 )
 Plunket, Charles Patrick Benjamin ( 1995 )
 Stephenson, Susan Madeleine ( 1995 )
 Vereker, Julian Charles Prendergast ( 1995 )
 Bennett, Anne ( 1996 )
 Cripps, Enid Margaret ( 1996 )
 Lipson, Ruth ( 1996 )
 Murray, David Paul ( 1996 )
 Noon, Gulam Kaderbhoy, Baron Noon ( 1996 )
 Straker, Karen Elizabeth ( 1996 )
 Loyd, Geoffrey Haig ( 1997 )
 Somerset, Robin FitzRoy ( 1997 )
 Bridgewater, Vanda Alexandra Clare ( 1998 )
 Cuming, Brian Hugh Douglas ( 1998 )
 Gibson, Chloë Ann ( 1998 )
 Hastings, Moorea ( 1998 )
 Cotton, Robert Charles ( 1999 )
 Knox-Browne, Mervyn Hervey ( 1999 )
 Bagehot, Ann Carol ( 2000 )
 Barron, Gerard ( 2000 )
 Burrows, Linda Margaret Caroline ( 2000 )
 Carew Pole, John Richard Walter Reginald, 13th Bt. ( 2000 )
 Holcroft, Mary Virginia ( 2000 )
 Horton, Patricia Lindsay ( 2000 )
 Stansfeld, John Raoul Wilmot, of Dunninald ( 2000 )
 Tritton, Ian Gordon ( 2000 )
 Poole, Robert William Frederick ( 2001 )
 Stopford, Elizabeth Cameron ( 2001 )
 Weld Forester, Mary Angela Fiona ( 2001 )
 Hill, Harriet ( 2002 )
 Lister, Mary Nerissa Anna ( 2002 )
 Margesson, Richard David ( 2002 )
 Russell, Colin Patrick ( 2002 )
 Worsley-Taylor, Annette Pamela ( 2002 )
 Clark, Mark James Macdonald ( 2004 )
 Maude, Elizabeth Joan ( 2006 )
  Fiona Mary ( 2007 )
 Angus, Yvonne Isabelle ( 2007 )
 Earle, John Vavasour ( 2007 )
 McConnel, Diana Ruth ( 2007 )
 Windham, John Jeremy ( 2007 )
 Cutsem, Eleanor ( 2008 )
 Gohir, Shaistra, Baroness Gohir ( 2008 )
 Martin Smith, Diana Miranda ( 2008 )
 York, Sonia Elisabeth ( 2008 )
 Graham, Malise Charles Richard ( 2009 )
 Hoppen, Kelly Elaine ( 2009 )
 Underhill, Joan Evelyn ( 2009 )
 Hewell, Danusia Irena ( 2010 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Harriot ( 2010 )
 Trafford, John Humphrey, 7th Bt. ( 2010 )
 Wilson, Mark Christian Peter ( 2010 )
 Ashley, April ( 2012 )
 Ayton, John A. C. ( 2012 )
 Binnington, Nicholas William David ( 2012 )
 Dawnay, Jean Mary ( 2012 )
 Ducas, Annoushka ( 2012 )
 Fraser, Margaret Ellen ( 2012 )
 Mackintosh, Anne Kristine ( 2012 )
 Rawlinson, Charles Frederick Melville ( 2012 )
 Walwyn, Peter Tyndall ( 2012 )
 Ward-Boughton-Leigh, Charles Brandon Theodosius ( 2012 )
 Birch, Mary Rose ( 2013 )
 Gurney, Philippa Margaret ( 2013 )
 Davenport, Ann ( 2014 )
 Hervey-Bathurst, Louisa Caroline ( 2014 )
 Hippisley, Michael John ( 2014 )
 Constable-Maxwell, Carolyn Mary ( 2015 )
 Alexander, Rose Maureen ( 2016 )
 Burrows, Nicola Diana ( 2016 )
 Eady, Roger Mynors Swinfen, 3rd Baron Swinfen ( 2016 )
 Fairbairn, William David Murray ( 2016 )
 Galbraith, Heather Margaret Anne Galloway ( 2016 )
 Guinness, Julia Aline ( 2016 )
 Todd, Andrew Patrick ( 2016 )
 Dickinson, Hilary Gail ( 2017 )
 Keigwin, Michael Douglas ( 2017 )
 Louloudis, Constantine Michael ( 2017 )
 Monckton, Rosamond Mary, Baroness Monckton of Dallington Forest ( 2017 )
 Morshead, Samuel Rodd ( 2017 )
 Stewart-Fitzroy, Louise ( 2018 )
 Samuel, Michael John ( 2020 )
 Thomas, Diana Elizabeth ( 2020 )
 Best, Thomas Bernard Nicholas ( 2021 )
Count equals 1639 individuals.
Member, Royal Victorian Order (M.V.O.)
 Acworth, G. W.
 Alcock, Walter Galpin
 Alexander-Sinclair, Edwyn Sinclair
 Allen, Bertram Cowles
 Allen, Jenny Bridget
 Apps, William Richard
 Atkinson, Eric Garnet
 Baillie, James Evan Bruce, of Dochfour
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, Lord Binning
 Bamber, Charles James
 Barclay, Colville Adrian de Rune
 Barclay, Hugh Gurney
 Bardswell, Noel Dean
 Bateman-Champain, Arthur Patrick
 Batt, Reginald Crossley
 Beck, Frank Reginald
 Benson, Reginald Lindsay
 Best, Matthew Robert
 Blanchard, William James Hume
 Blount, Christopher Charles
 Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell, Dermot Howard
 Bordewich, John Stuart
 Borthwick, Alexander
 Bowen, William Herbert
 Bowes-Lyon, Ronald George
 Boyle, Lionel Richard Cavendish
 Boyle, Robert Francis
 Brassey, Edgar Hugh
 Brennan, Sarah Patricia
 Budge, Vincent Alexander Prideaux
 Bulkeley, Thomas Henry Rivers
 Burgess, P. G.
 Butler, Charles John Brinsley, 7th Earl of Lanesborough
 Cadogan, William George Sydney
 Campbell, William McLagan
 Carnegie, Charles Gilbert
 Carruthers, James
 Chaine, William
 Chapman, Cuthbert Godfrey
 Chapman, David Phelips
 Chavasse, Kenneth G.
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles John Alton, Viscount Ingestre
 Chisholm-Batten, Alexander William
 Christian, Henry
 Clarke, Albert Edward Stanley
 Cleland, Charles John
 Cockcraft, Louis William La Trobe
 Colborne, Francis Lionel Lydstone
 Congreve, Walter Norris, V.C.
 Cooch, unknown
 Cooper-Key, Edmund Moore
 Coryton, William Alec
 Cottingham, Edward Roden
 Cowan, Walter Henry, 1st Bt.
 Crawley, Richard Parry
 Crichton, David George, 4th Class
 Crosse, Charles Robert
 Crowdy, James Fuidge
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 4th Bt.
 Cuthbertson, Edward Boustead
 Dalmahoy, James Alexander
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North de Coigny
 Dening, Roland
 Dennistoun, Ian Onslow
 Dormer, Cecil Francis Joseph
 Drummond, Edmund Rupert
 Drummond-Hay, Francis Edward
 Dugdale, James Gordon
 Dundas, Henry Herbert Philip, of Arniston, 3rd Bt.
 Eardley-Russell, Edmund Stuart Eardley Wilmot
 Eastman, Henry Claude Warrington
 Elliot, Edmund Halbert
 Elwes, Arthur Henry Stuart
 Elwes, Henry Cecil
 Erskine, William Augustus Forbes
 Evelegh, Markham Henry
 Everett, Bernard Charles Spencer
 Farmar, Hugh William
 Fearn, Alexandra Gay
 Fellowes, Edmund Horace
 Ferguson, Robert Spencer
 Fletcher, Alan Francis
 Follett, Gilbert Burrell Spencer
 Fox-Pitt, William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane
 Francis, Alan David
 Francklin, Philip
 Fraser, Hugh Joseph
 Fremantle, Sydney Robert
 Fyers, Hubert Alcock Nepean
 Gill, Henry Anderson Clifford
 Glyn, Geoffrey Carr
 Godefroi, Jocelyn William
 Godley, Francis Clements
 Goldsmid, Albert Edward Williamson
 Gordon, Duncan Forbes
 Granville, Dennis
 Graves-Sawle, Charles John, 4th Bt.
 Greenacre, Walter Douglas Campbell
 Grenfell, Harold Maxwell
 Greville, Ronald Henry Fulke
 Gurney, Hugh
 Gurney, Martyn Cecil
 Gye, Herbert F.
 Haddy, Frederick George
 Halliday, Frederick Loch
 Hare, Robert Hugh
 Hargreaves, Reginald Cornwallis
 Harris, William Vesey Hamilton
 Hay-Newton, Francis John Stuart
 Heath, Herbert Leopold
 Herbert, Reginald, 15th Earl of Pembroke
 Hermon-Hodge, Roland Herman, 2nd Baron Wyfold
 Hervey, Frederick William Fane, 4th Marquess of Bristol
 Hickey, Cecil Spencer
 Hilleary, Edward Kenneth Macleod
 Holmes, Henry
 Holt, Reginald Vesey
 Homer, Derek
 Hood, Horace Lambert Alexander
 Hoskyns, Peyton
 Hughes, Wilfred Selwyn Kent
 Jackson, Thomas
 James, John Arthur
 Johnstone, James Henry L'Estrange, of Hangingshaw
 Keith, William Paterson
 Kemble, Horace Leonard
 Kemp-King, George
 Keppel, George
 Kerr, Mark Edward Frederick
 Kerr, Ronald M.
 Kerr-Pease, Beauchamp
 Kilkelly, Charles Randolph
 Kinloch, David Alexander, of Gilmerton, 11th Bt.
 Langton, Roland Stephen
 Lascelles, Henry Arthur
 Laszlo, Philip Alexius
 Legge-Bourke, Alexandra Shân
 Liddell, Lionel Charles
 Lloyd, Arthur Henry Orlando
 Lloyd, Humphrey Clifford
 Loch, Edward Douglas, 2nd Baron Loch
 Lowndes, John Henry
 Lowndes, John Henry
 Macdonald Lockhart, Simon, 23rd of the Lee and 10th of Carnwath, 5th Bt.
 Maclay, William Neil
 Macrorie, Arthur Kenneth
 Madden, Colin
 Mahaffy, John Pentland
 Makins, Geoffrey
 Maltby, Gerald Rivers
 Marjoribanks, Dudley Churchill, 3rd Baron Tweedmouth of Edlington
 Marten, George Gosselin
 Marx, John Locke
 Maude-Roxby, Herbert
 Maundrell, Richard Thomas
 McPherson, Alan Bruce
 Mellor, Harry Manners
 Mercer Nairne Petty-FitzMaurice, Charles George Francis
 Merrill, Hugh
 Metcalfe, Edward Dudley
 Miller, William Mitchell
 Milner, Marcus Henry
 Mole, Charles John
 Monkhouse, Edward Wyndham
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward James
 Murray, Alexander Edward, 8th Earl of Dunmore, V.C.
 Mussenden Leathes, Reginald Carteret
 Napier, Trevylyan Dacres Willes
 Nepean, St. Vincent
 Newton, Denzil Onslow Cochrane
 Nicholson, Stuart
 North, Bordrigge North
 Nugent, George Colborne
 O'Brian, Robert Alfred
 O'Brien, Murrough
 Oswald, Frances Jemima
 Owen, Henry Mostyn
 Paget, Wellesley Lynedoch Henry
 Pasley, Thomas Hamilton Sabine
 Paton, William Douglas
 Peebles, Aubrey William
 Peel, Algernon Robert
 Penrose, James Edward
 Penrose, James Edward
 Pipon, James Murray
 Ponsonby, Cyril Myles Brabazon
 Pott, Edward Helme
 Power, John Danvers
 Quarles van Ufford, Alexander
 Reed, George
 Rhodes, Arthur Tahu Gravenor
 Ricketts, Percy Edward
 Rivers-Bulkeley, Robert
 Robertson, Albert John
 Robertson, Charles Hope
 Robinson, James Salmond
 Robinson, Lionel Frederick
 Ruck-Keene, William George Elmhirst
 Ruggles-Brise, Harold Goodeve
 Saker, H. J.
 Sassoon, Reuben David
 Schreiber, Derek Shuldham
 Scott-Duff, Arthur Abercromby
 Scott-Kerr, Robert
 Seigne, John Thomas
 Sheepshanks, Richard Hasell
 Shipsey, Dorothy Ann
 Shuldham-Legh, Harry Shuldham
 Sotheby, Herbert George
 Spencer-Cooper, Henry Edmund Harvey
 St. John-Mildmay, Herbert Alexander
 Stanley, Victor Albert
 Stanton, Harold James Clifford
 Steel, Christopher Eden
 Stenhouse, Jack M. W.
 Strachey, John
 Surtees, Herbert Conyers
 Tait, William Eric Campbell
 Tarleton, Alfred Henry
 Taylor, Harry Ashworth
 Troubridge, Ernest Charles Thomas
 Tupper, Daniel Alfred Anley
 Tyer, Austin Arnold
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart Henry, 7th Marquess of Londonderry
 Vaughan-Lee, Arthur Vaughan Hanning
 Vincent, Frank Arthur Money Hampe
 Vivian, Odo Richard, 3rd Baron Swansea of Singleton
 Vivian, Valentine
 Wake, Hugh St. Aubyn
 Walker, Frederick James
 Walsh, George Harry William, 4th Baron Ormathwaite
 Walsh, Reginald, 5th Baron Ormathwaite
 Walshe, Francis Weldon
 Walter, Frederic Edward
 Ward, Edwin James Greenfield
 Ward, Gerald Ernest Francis
 Waterfield, Arthur Charles Malleson
 Watson, Philip Alexander
 Weld Forester, Arthur Orlando Wolstan Cecil
 Weld, James Joseph
 Weller-Poley, Edward Hallifax
 Wigram, Andrew Francis Clive, 3rd Baron Wigram
 Willans, Peter William
 Williams, Arthur Stuart
 Williams, Thomas Christopher Harry
 Wilson, Gordon Chesney
 Woollcombe, Louis Charles Stirling
 Worrall, Claude Percy Michael
 Wyndham, William Francis George
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Hamilton, 12th Earl of Dundonald ( 1878 ), 4th Class
 Boscawen, Evelyn Edward Thomas, 7th Viscount Falmouth ( 1897 )
 Brocklehurst, John Fielden, 1st and last Baron Ranksborough ( 1897 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1897 )
 Dolmage, Alfred Gideon ( 1898 )
 Foljambe, Arthur William de Brito Savile, 2nd Earl of Liverpool ( 1900 )
 Van de Weyer, William John Bates ( 1900 )
 Annesley, Arthur, 11th Viscount of Valentia ( 1901 )
 Boyle, Algernon Douglas Edward Harry ( 1901 )
 Bryant, Francis Morgan ( 1901 )
 Erskine-Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskine, 1st and last Baron Wester Wemyss ( 1901 )
 Innes-Ker, Henry John, 8th Duke of Roxburghe ( 1901 )
 Okeover, Haughton Ealdred ( 1901 )
 Arbuthnot, John Bernard ( 1902 )
 Armytage, Percy ( 1902 ), 5th class
 Brett, Maurice Vyner Balliol ( 1902 ), 5th Class
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1st and last Viscount Byng of Vimy ( 1902 )
 Robb, Frederick Spencer Wilson ( 1902 )
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8th Duke of Atholl ( 1902 )
 Wingfield, Mervyn Richard, 8th Viscount of Powerscourt ( 1902 )
 Agnew, Quentin Charles Graham Kinnaird ( 1903 )
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1903 )
 Caccia, Anthony Mario Felix ( 1903 )
 Considine, Heffernan James Fritz Joseph John ( 1903 )
 Fetherstonhaugh, Herbert Howard ( 1903 )
 Kerr, Mark Edward Frederick ( 1903 )
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Doveton, 1st Bt. ( 1903 )
 Ward, Cyril Augustus ( 1903 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1903 )
 Yarde-Buller, John Reginald Lopes, 3rd Baron Churston of Churston Ferrers and Lupton ( 1903 )
 Acheson, Patrick George Edward Cavendish ( 1904 )
 Arbuthnot, Robert Keith, 4th Bt. ( 1904 )
 Boyle, James ( 1904 )
 Cochrane, Thomas Belhaven Henry ( 1904 )
 Fane de Salis, William ( 1904 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron Howard of Penrith ( 1904 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 3rd Earl Granville ( 1904 )
 Lindsay, Walter Charles ( 1904 )
 Walker-Heneage-Vivian, Algernon ( 1904 )
 Anstruther, Charles Frederick St. Clair, of Charleton ( 1905 )
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1905 )
 Drummond, Laurence George ( 1905 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 8th Duke of Richmond ( 1905 )
 Greville, Leopold Guy Francis Maynard, 6th Earl of Warwick ( 1905 )
 Holland, Herbert Christian ( 1905 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry William Edmund, 6th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1905 )
 Phillimore, Richard Fortescue ( 1905 )
 Scott, Ernest Stowell ( 1905 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Richard Greville Arthur Wellington ( 1905 )
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 8th of Craigmillar and 13th of Liberton, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Adam, Frederick Loch ( 1906 )
 Blakeney, Charles Altavilla ( 1906 )
 Cooper, Edward Joshua ( 1906 )
 Crichton, Henry William, Viscount Crichton ( 1906 ), 4th Class
 Cunninghame Graham, Charles Elphinstone Fleeming ( 1906 )
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerran, 7th Bt. ( 1906 )
 Lampson, Miles Wedderburn, 1st Baron Killearn ( 1906 )
 Mackenzie, Victor Audley Falconer, of Glenmuick, 3rd Bt. ( 1906 ), 5th Class
 Paine, Godfrey Marshall ( 1906 )
 Tyrwhitt, Leonard Francis ( 1906 )
 Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, 1st and last Baron Vansittart ( 1906 )
 Young, Charles Alban, 9th Bt. ( 1906 )
 Young, George, 4th Bt. ( 1906 )
 Anson, George Augustus ( 1907 )
 Bruce, Henry James ( 1907 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles John Alton, Viscount Ingestre ( 1907 )
 Clarke, Charles Henry Geoffrey Mansfield ( 1907 )
 Dawnay, Guy Payan ( 1907 )
 Erskine, James Francis ( 1907 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Edward Henry FitzHardinge ( 1907 )
 Rumbold, Horace George Montagu, 9th Bt. ( 1907 )
 Shackleton, Ernest Henry ( 1907 )
 Walsh, Arthur Henry John, 3rd Baron Ormathwaite ( 1907 )
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1908 ), 4th class
 Cavendish, William Edwin ( 1908 )
 Colston, Edward Murray, 2nd Baron Roundway ( 1908 )
 Dering, Herbert Guy Nevill ( 1908 )
 Loftus, Montagu Egerton ( 1908 ), 4th Class
 Murray, Arthur Mordaunt ( 1908 )
 Payne-Gallwey, William Thomas ( 1908 ), 5th Class
 Russell, Alexander Victor Frederick Villiers ( 1908 )
 Villiers, Henry Montagu ( 1908 )
 Wyndham, Guy Percy ( 1908 )
 Yarde-Buller, Henry ( 1908 )
 ffolkes, Francis Arthur Stanley, 5th Bt. ( 1908 )
 Agar-Robartes, Francis Gerald, 7th Viscount Clifden of Gowran ( 1909 )
 Arthur, George Compton Archibald, 3rd Bt. ( 1909 )
 Bagwell, John ( 1909 )
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 4th Bt. ( 1909 )
 Cameron, John Ewen ( 1909 ), 4th class
 Egerton, John Francis Granville Scrope, 4th Earl of Ellesmere ( 1909 )
 Hamilton, James de Courcy ( 1909 )
 Lloyd-Verney, Harry ( 1909 ), 4th Class
 Pakenham, Thomas, 5th Earl of Longford ( 1909 )
 Seymour, Richard Sturgis ( 1909 )
 Williamson, Adolphus Hudleston ( 1909 )
 Cavendish, Ralph Henry Voltelin ( 1910 )
 Christian, Arthur Henry ( 1910 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1910 )
 Lygon, Robert ( 1910 )
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees Prendergast, 6th Viscount Gort, V.C. ( 1910 )
 Armytage, Percy ( 1911 ), 4th class
 Forbes, Donald Alexander ( 1911 )
 Grant, Robert Francis Sydney ( 1911 )
 James, William Bernard ( 1911 )
 Murray, Cyril Francis Tyrrel ( 1911 )
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham ( 1911 )
 Synge, Robert Follett ( 1911 )
 Way, Bromley George ( 1911 )
 Bonham, Eric Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1912 )
 Christian, Charles Arbuthnot ( 1912 )
 Goodenough, William Edmund ( 1912 ), 4th Class
 Jackson, Thomas Dare, 2nd Bt. ( 1912 )
 Lindsay, Lionel Arthur ( 1912 )
 Blomefield, Edward Hugh ( 1914 )
 Bridgeman, Reginald Francis Orlando ( 1914 )
 Gore, Charles Clitheroe ( 1914 )
 Hodges, Michael Henry ( 1914 )
 St. John, Francis Gerald ( 1914 )
 Barry, Stanley Leonard ( 1915 )
 Hughes, Frederic St. John ( 1916 )
 Acland, Edward Leopold Dyke ( 1917 )
 Paulet, Charles Standish ( 1917 )
 Portal, Wyndham Raymond, 1st and last Viscount Portal ( 1917 )
 Morgan, Vaughan ( 1918 )
 Pryce-Jones, Henry Morris ( 1918 )
 Ramsay, Bertram Home ( 1918 )
 St. Clair, Archibald James Murray, 7th/16th Lord Sinclair ( 1918 )
 Willey, Francis Vernon, 2nd Baron Barnby ( 1918 )
 Percy, Alan Ian, 8th Duke of Northumberland ( 1919 )
 St. Aubyn, Lionel Michael ( 1919 )
 Campbell, James Douglas ( 1920 )
 Clifford, Bede Edmund Hugh ( 1920 ), 4th Class
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1920 )
 Edgcumbe, Richard John Frederick ( 1921 )
 Kennedy, Violet Frances ( 1921 )
 Needham, Francis Edward ( 1921 )
 Seymour, Archibald George ( 1921 ), 4th Class
 Stuart, James Gray, 1st Viscount Stuart of Findhorn ( 1921 )
 Blood, William Holcroft ( 1922 )
 Campbell, Charles Ross ( 1922 )
 Ogilvy, Bruce Arthur Ashley ( 1922 ), 5th class
 Spring Rice, Thomas Aubrey, 3rd Baron Monteagle of Brandon ( 1922 )
 Eliot, Montague Charles, 8th Earl of Saint Germans ( 1923 )
 Dalrymple-Hay, Charles John, of Park Place, 5th Bt. ( 1924 )
 James, Thomas Norman ( 1924 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1925 )
 Hawkins, Geoffrey Alan Brooke ( 1925 )
 Ramsay, James Douglas, 11th Bt. ( 1925 )
 Lascelles, Alan Frederick ( 1926 )
 Nicholson, Sydney Hugo ( 1926 )
 Boyle, Edward Patrick Ogilvie ( 1927 )
 Keppel, Edward George ( 1927 )
 Nugent, Terence Edmund Gascoigne, 1st and last Baron Nugent ( 1927 )
 Kerr, Louis William Howard ( 1929 )
 Denison, Edward Conyngham ( 1931 )
 Critchett, George Montague, 2nd Bt. ( 1932 ), 5th Class
 Malet, Alexander Wyndham ( 1932 )
 Buchanan, Andrew Sinclair ( 1933 ), 5th Class
 Bellew, George Rothe ( 1935 ), 4th class
 Curzon-Howe, Leicester Charles Assheton St. John ( 1935 )
 Aird, John Renton, 3rd Bt. ( 1936 )
 Jeffreys, Christopher John Darell ( 1936 )
 Pasley, Joseph Montagu Sabine ( 1936 ), 4th Class
 Vernon, Mervyn Sydney Bobus ( 1936 )
 Coke, Thomas William Edward, 5th Earl of Leicester of Holkham ( 1937 )
 Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Charles Michael, 3rd Bt. ( 1937 )
 Gwatkin, Norman Wilmshurst ( 1937 )
 Heaton-Armstrong, John Dunamace ( 1937 )
 Kerr, Philip Walter ( 1937 )
 Lloyd-Verney, Gerald ( 1937 )
 Lowther, John Arthur ( 1937 )
 Onslow, Richard Francis John ( 1937 ), 4th Class
 Birdwood, Christopher Bromhead, 2nd Baron Birdwood ( 1939 )
 Dawnay, Peter ( 1939 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward ( 1939 )
 Plunket, Benjamin William Alan ( 1939 )
 Stewart-Richardson, Violet Roberta ( 1941 )
 Dawnay, Christopher Payan ( 1944 )
 Armstrong, William, Baron Armstrong of Sanderstead ( 1945 )
 Grenfell, Sybil Vera ( 1945 )
 Mackenzie, Mary Lilias ( 1945 )
 Adeane, Michael Edward, Baron Adeane ( 1946 )
 Henn, William Francis ( 1946 )
 Nicolson, Lionel Benedict ( 1947 )
 Rowan-Hamilton, Denys Archibald ( 1947 )
 Ford, Edward William Spencer ( 1949 )
 Malcolm, Arthur William Alexander ( 1949 )
 Colville, Richard ( 1950 )
 Barton, Denys Evelyn ( 1952 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael ( 1952 )
 Lyttelton, Diana Maud ( 1952 )
 Naylor-Leyland, Alick David Yorke ( 1952 )
 Ward, Edward John Sutton ( 1952 )
 Weldon, Francis William Charles ( 1952 )
 Wellesley, Arthur Valerian, 8th Duke of Wellington ( 1952 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1953 )
 Milbank, Mark Vane, 4th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Millar, Oliver Nicholas ( 1953 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Edward Frederick, of Bargany ( 1954 )
 Spencer, Edward John, 8th Earl Spencer ( 1954 )
 Plunket, Patrick Terence William Span, 7th Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1955 )
 Adams, John Harold ( 1957 )
 Bruen, Francis ( 1957 ), 4th Class
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Robin Evelyn Leo, 5th Baron Derwent ( 1957 )
 Lewin, Terence Thornton, Baron Lewin ( 1958 )
 Ogilvie, Elizabeth Vere Drummond ( 1958 )
 Scott-Elliot, Aydua Helen ( 1958 )
 Campbell-Grove, Peter Colin Drummond ( 1960 )
 Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Agnes Barbara ( 1960 )
 Graham-Vivian, Richard Preston ( 1961 )
 Howard, Edmund Bernard Carlo ( 1961 )
 Mackworth-Young, Robert Christopher ( 1961 )
 Pelly, Adrian Vincent ( 1961 )
 Leigh, William Henry Gerard ( 1962 )
 Hennessy, Robert Angus Martin ( 1963 )
 Haughton, John Marsden ( 1964 )
 Parsons, Anthony Derrick ( 1965 )
 Shakespeare, John William Richmond ( 1968 )
 Makgill, Diana Mary Robina ( 1971 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Mary Katharine, 15th Lady Herries of Terregles ( 1974 )
 Harmsworth, Vyvyan Peter Wilfrid ( 1977 )
 Dawnay, Mary ( 1983 )
 Elphinstone, Jean Constance ( 1983 )
 Fletcher, Fiona Margaret ( 1984 )
 Low, Priscilla Jane Stephanie ( 1985 )
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Sally Anne ( 1989 )
 Laurence, Timothy James Hamilton ( 1989 )
 Acland, Christopher Guy Dyke, 6th Bt. ( 1990 )
 Crichton-Stuart, Caroline Mary Katherine ( 1990 )
 Grayson, Mark Patrick Munro ( 2002 )
 Gooch, Lucinda ( 2006 )
 Deacon, Rebecca Anne ( 2017 )
 Butchard, Henrietta Matilda ( 2022 )
Count equals 483 individuals.
Officer, Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.)
 Abbott, Edmund Rushworth
 Abdy Collins, Brian Eric Leslie
 Abdy Collins, Michael
 Abel Smith, Anthony
 Acland, Agnes Dyke
 Acland-Hood-Reynardson, Arthur
 Adam, Ronald
 Adams, Cyril Douglas
 Adams, Maurice
 Adams, Phyllis, Baroness Stedman
 Addams-Williams, Albert
 Adderley, Richard Boyle
 Adeane, Jean Henrietta
 Adeane, Maud
 Afshar, Haleh, Baroness Afshar
 Agnew, Kenneth Morland
 Ahlberg, Edward
 Albrecht, Charles Reginald Clayton
 Aldridge, John Frederick Lewis
 Aldworth, John James Richard Oliver
 Allan, Robert
 Allen, Frederick Joshua
 Alvarez-Builla y Urquijo, Maria Luisa, Contesa del Real Agrado
 Ambrose, Robert Denis
 Ames, William Arthur Roger
 Anderson, Ian Forrest
 Anderson, Margaret Betty Harvey, Baroness Skrimshire of Quarter
 Anderton, Geoffrey
 Andorsen, Harold Frederic
 Andrews-Levinge, Keble Theodore
 Anson, Ernest St. George
 Appleyard, Rollo
 Arbuthnot, Evelyn Mary
 Arbuthnot, Joyce Frances
 Archdale, Helen Elizabeth
 Archer, Norman Ernest
 Ardill, Helen
 Arkwright, Peter
 Arkwright, Peter
 Armitage, Edward Leathley
 Armstrong, Christopher Wyborn
 Arnold, Eleanor Mary Caroline
 Arnold-Forster, John Anthony
 Arnott, Thomas Frank
 Astley, Philip Reginald
 Atchley, Shirley Clifford
 Athill, Francis Remi Imbert
 Auten, Geoffrey William
 Aylen, Ian Gerald
 Babington Smith, Bernard
 Bache, Robert Philip Sidney
 Bagnall, John Gordon
 Bagnall, William
 Bailey, Richard James
 Baillie, Allister Colvin
 Baillie, Ronald Hugh
 Baillie-Grohman, Harold Tom
 Baillie-Hamilton, Helen
 Baillieu, Arthur Sydney
 Bain, George Alexander
 Baird, Hugh
 Baird, Margaret Eleanor
 Baker, Christopher Ellis
 Baker, Harold Stanley
 Baker, W. M.
 Balfe, Kathleen Mary
 Balfour, Edward William Sturgis, 9th of Balbirnie
 Balfour, Evelyn Barbara
 Balfour, Nigel Harington
 Ball, Osborn Vincent
 Bally, Edward Downes
 Balmain, Malcolm Stewart
 Barbary, Peter John
 Barbour, David Charles
 Barclay, Hugh Bromfield
 Bardsley, R. V.
 Baring, Thomas Esmé
 Barkley, Thomas Yuille
 Barling, Harry Gilbert, 1st Bt.
 Barlow, Cecil Disney
 Barlow, Vernon William
 Barltrop, Adrian Bazely
 Barne, Anthony Miles
 Barnes, Anthony Charles
 Barnes, Robert Ogle
 Barnsley, Thomas E.
 Barthold, Bertram
 Bartlett, Alfred James Napier
 Bartlett, Peter Joseph Howell
 Barton, Cecil James Juxon Talbot
 Barton, John Seddon
 Bashford, Radclyffe James Lindsay
 Bastard, William Edmund Pollexfen
 Bastin, George Edward Restalic
 Bateman, George Cecil
 Bathurst, Frederick
 Batten, John Forbes
 Baxendale, Philip Lionel Salisbury
 Bayford, Robert Frederic
 Bayford, Robert Frederick
 Beale, Basil Perry
 Beament, George Edwin
 Beamish, Francis Teulon
 Beaufort, Victor Alexandre
 Beaumont, Henry
 Beaumont, William Anderson
 Beaumont-Nesbitt, Edward John Downing
 Beaver, Robert Atwood
 Beckett, Brian William
 Beddall, Walter Samuel Hall
 Beddoe, Alan
 Beddoes, Claude Eustace Willoughby
 Beeson, Brian
 Beevor, John Grosvenor
 Bell, Alec Jeffrey
 Bell, Christopher R. V.
 Bell, Clive Vincent Moberly
 Bell, Gawain Westray
 Bell, George Henry
 Bell, Matthew Gerald Edward
 Bell, Richard Carmichael
 Bell, Stanley
 Belton, David Charles
 Bengough, Piers Henry George
 Benn, Anthony
 Bennett, Charles Peto
 Bennett, Peter Ward
 Bennett, Peter Ward
 Bennett, William
 Benskin, Joseph
 Benson, Jeremy Henry
 Beresford, Olivia Mary
 Beresford-Peirse, Sybil Adelaide
 Berkeley, Cyril Sackville Jocelyn
 Berners, John Anstruther
 Berney-Ficklin, Alexander Tennent Mackintosh
 Berry, William, of Tayfield
 Berthon, Charles Peter
 Beuttler, Leslie Brindley Bream
 Beveridge, Arthur Joseph
 Bevis, Cecil
 Bey, Fares Sarofim
 Bickmore, Lawrence Hye Neild
 Bicknell, Claud
 Biddulph, Robert Arthur John
 Bigg, William Charles
 Bigge, Thomas
 Bing, Peter John
 Bingham, Albert Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Bingley, Alexander Noel Campbell
 Bingley, Robert Albert Glanville
 Bingley, Robert Noel Glanville
 Birch, Evelyn Nigel Chetwode, Baron Rhyl of Holywell
 Birch, Julius Guthlac
 Birkett, Derek Grant
 Birnie, Eugene St. John
 Birse, Stuart Wilson
 Blacker, Cecil Hugh
 Blacker, Latham Valentine Stewart
 Blackwood, William Digby
 Blair-Imrie, Hew Francis
 Blaker, George Blaker
 Blakiston-Houston, James Edward
 Blandy, John Reeder
 Blandy, Richard Denis
 Blishen, Anthony Owen
 Blond, Neville
 Blount, Charles Hubert Boulby
 Bloxam, Guy Cholmley
 Bluett, Douglas
 Blunt, Arthur Stanley Vaughan
 Blunt, Christopher Evelyn
 Blunt, Edward Arthur Henry
 Boag, John Hamilton
 Boam, Thomas Sydney
 Bodley-Scott, Maitland
 Body, Kenneth Marten
 Boileau, Thomas Whicher
 Boissevain, Willem Geoffrey
 Boles, Geoffrey Coleridge
 Bolitho, Edward Thomas
 Bolton, Robert Henry Dundas
 Bond, Ivor Reginald Beviss
 Bonham-Carter, John Arkwright
 Booth, Colin Macaulay
 Borthwick, Albert William
 Bott, Henry
 Bottomley, Arthur George, Baron Bottomley
 Bourassa, Louis
 Bourne, Walter Kemp
 Bovill, William Frederick
 Bowen, Harold Townsend
 Bowers, Maunsell
 Bowman, William Alexander Jex
 Bowring, Theodore Louis
 Brackenbury, Robert Henry Langton
 Bradbeer, John Derek Richardson
 Bradney, Edward
 Bramley, Percy Brooke
 Brannigan, Colin
 Breakey, Arthur John
 Brenan, Blair
 Brenan, Hugh Blair
 Brett, Alexander Douglas
 Brett, Catherine Elizabeth Margaret
 Brewer, Frederic William
 Bridgeman, Percival Cunningham Allan
 Bridges, Guillermo Pakenham
 Brightman, Charles John
 Brinton, Cecil Charles
 Bristed, Richard Bower
 Brittan, Reginald
 Broadway, Philip Robert
 Brodie, David James, of Lethen
 Brodrick, Thomas Noel
 Bromage, Thomas Nigel
 Brooks, Annie Muriel
 Brooks, Ronald Clifton
 Broome, Richard
 Brown, Thomas
 Brown, Tom
 Brown, Tom
 Browne, Christopher Charles Lloyd
 Browne, Gerald Macleay
 Browning, George William
 Browning, Hugh Waters Shelley
 Bruce, Alexander Robson
 Bruce, Louisa Keith
 Bruce, Robert James
 Brutton, Charles Phipps
 Bruyne, Gordon
 Bryce, Francis
 Buchanan, Arthur Louis Hamilton
 Buchanan, Edmund Pullar
 Buchanan-Dunlop, Archibald Ian
 Buckley, Arthur Burton
 Bucknall, R. E.
 Bucknall, William Rixon
 Buisson, Helen Mary
 Bullock-Webster, Robin James Stirling
 Bulteel, Cecil Edward
 Bulteel, Walter Beresford
 Bulwer-Long, Hetherington
 Burgess, Edward
 Burgess, Hugh Boughey
 Burgess, John Lawrie
 Burke, Aubrey Francis
 Burkitt, Robin
 Burlinson, Christopher John
 Burman, Alexander Henry
 Burn-Murdoch, Ian
 Burnett, Aubone
 Burnett, Hugh Thomas
 Burney, Sybil Katherine
 Burns, Mary Hay
 Burns, Muriel Annette
 Burrell, Roy Herbert Adams
 Burrell, Roy Herbert Adams
 Burrill, Lionel Peckover
 Burrowes, Arnold Brian
 Burton, Percy Collingwood
 Bury-Barry, James Robert
 Bush, John Barnard
 Bush, Stephen John Duyland
 Butterfield, William Arthur
 Butterfield, William John Hughes, Baron Butterfield
 Butts, Frederick Manus
 Byl, Voltelin Albert William
 Byrom, Peter Craig
 Cadell, Henry Moubray
 Cadge, Christopher Rawlinson
 Cadman, Richard Edward Charles
 Cadogan, Henry Michael Edward
 Callander, Richard
 Calthrop, Walter Henry Calthrope
 Calvocoressi, Roy St. George
 Cameron, Alexander
 Cameron, Donald
 Cameron, Donald
 Cameron, Ewen Duncan
 Campbell, Ann Alicia
 Campbell, Henry Alastair, of Altries
 Campbell, Melfort Andrew
 Campbell, Violet Storeene
 Campbell, William Alexander John
 Campbell-Preston, Margaret Fleetwood
 Campbell-Preston, Robert Mordan Thorne, 12th of Ardchattan
 Cannon, Richard Nevill
 Cardew, Francis Gordon
 Cardew, Frederic Anstruther
 Carey, Rowland Dobree
 Carey, Rupert Sausmarez
 Carleton, Dudley Massey Pigott, 2nd Baron Dorchester
 Carlisle, John Charles Denton
 Carnegie, Robin Macdonald
 Carpenter-Garnier, Leonard George
 Carr White, Gerald
 Carter, Edward Henry
 Carter, Eustace George
 Carter, William Tom
 Cartwright, Francis Jack
 Carver, David Dove
 Carver, Geoffrey Russell
 Carver, R. O. H.
 Carver, Ralph Sydney
 Cassels, Walter Seton
 Casson, Charles William Charteris
 Castello, Diana Elissa
 Cavenagh, John Michael
 Cawadias, Alexander
 Cawadias, Mary Barber
 Chadd, George Victor Nudd
 Chaldecott, Harold Richards
 Chalmers, Robert Arthur
 Chambers, George Alexander
 Chambers, Robert Alexander
 Chamier, George des Champs
 Champion de Crespigny, Richard Geoffrey
 Chandos-Pole, John
 Chant-Sempill, Stuart Whitemore
 Chappell, Hereward
 Chappell, Robert Henville
 Chataway, James Denys Percival
 Chavasse, Christopher Maude
 Chaworth-Musters, John Neville
 Chenevix Trench, Richard Henry
 Cheney, John Norman
 Chetwynd, Walter James Bosville
 Chichester, Ivor Francis
 Christian, Edward Hompesch
 Christie, Alice Margaret
 Christie, Thomas Landale
 Churchill, Alec Palmer ffleetwood
 Churchill, Herbert Forbes
 Clarence, Arderne Arthur
 Clark, Margaret Hildegarde
 Clark, Richard Conyngham
 Clark, William Marshall
 Clarke, John Robert Stephenson
 Clarke, Reuben
 Clarke, William James
 Clayes, Camille des
 Clayes, Quintin
 Clayton East, George Frederick Lancelot, 4th/8th Bt.
 Clayton, Francis Hare
 Cleeve, Charles Edward
 Clements, Frank
 Clements, Julia
 Clements, Mary Florence Edith
 Clowes, Edward
 Clowes, Henry Nelson
 Clutterbuck, Lewis St. John Rawlinson
 Coates, David John
 Coates, William James
 Cobbold, Alfred Townshend
 Cobbold, Nicholas Sydney
 Cockburn, John C.
 Cockburn, Ronald Abercromby
 Cockerell, Frederick William Pepys
 Coghill, Charles Archibald Richard
 Cohen, Andrew Benjamin
 Coker, Lewis Aubrey
 Colbeck-Welch, Edward Lawrence
 Colchester-Wemyss, John Maurice
 Cole, Lionel Webster
 Coleman, Arthur Mallorie
 Colhoun, J. H.
 Collier, Mortimer Calmady
 Collingwood, Cuthbert John
 Coltman, Thomas Alexander Hamilton, of Daljarroch and Blair
 Colvin, Clement Preston
 Colvin, John Forrester
 Compton, Edward Bathurst
 Compton, Joseph Neild
 Congreve, John
 Connal, Kenneth Hugh Munro
 Connolly, Henry Stuart
 Conolly, Timothy
 Constable, Clifford Edward
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Patricia Mary
 Contomichalos, Gerasimo Anthony
 Coode, William James
 Cook, William Louis Charles Gerard
 Cook, William Wallace
 Cookson, Kenneth
 Cookson, Philip Blencowe
 Cookson, Roland Antony
 Cooper, Geoffrey Beauchamp Astley
 Cooper, George Derek
 Cooper, George T.
 Cooper, Kenneth Christie
 Cooper, Thomas Mackay, 1st and last Baron Cooper of Culross
 Cooper, W. M. W.
 Coote, Dermot Chenevix
 Corballis, Edward Roux Littledale
 Corbett-Winder, Clulow Robah Lillah
 Corbett-Winder, John Lyon
 Corbyn, Frederick James Harold
 Corkran, Richard Seymour
 Cornwallis, Oswald Wykeham
 Corsar, Charles Herbert Kenneth
 Costley-White, Ernest
 Cottrell, John Awdry
 Couchman, Walter Thomas
 Coulman, Edward Raymond
 Coutanche, John Alexander Gore
 Crabbe, John Gordon
 Craig, Noel Newman Lombard
 Craster, John Evelyn Edmund
 Crawshaw, Richard, Baron Crawshaw of Aintree
 Crewe-Read, John Offley
 Critchley, Ian Ranald
 Critchley, Peter Evelyn George
 Croft, Tom Radcliffe
 Crofts, Andrew
 Crookenden, Napier
 Crosbie, John Leslie
 Crosse, Robert Derek Stawell
 Crossley, Thomas Bigham
 Crow, Henry
 Crowdy, Rupert C.
 Cumming, Alexander
 Cumming, Malcolm Edward Durant
 Cummins, Anne Emily
 Cuningham, Alured Phayre
 Cunningham, John Francis
 Cunningham, William McGhie
 Currey, Andrew Christian
 Currey, Harry Philip
 Currie, Philip John Reginald
 D'Abreu, Alphonsus Ligouri
 Dallas, Alexander Egerton
 Dalrymple, Marjorie Louise
 Dane, Richard Martin Henry
 Daniell, Humphrey Averell
 Daniell, Thomas Edward St. Clare
 Dansey, Edward Mashiter
 Darley, Eva
 Darley, Henry Read
 Darling, James Ralph
 Daubuz, Claude
 Davenport, Colin
 Davidson, Colin Keppel
 Davidson, John Waugh
 Davidson, Robert
 Davies, David Kenneth Lewis
 Davies, Geoffrey Clive
 Davies, Henry Walford
 Davies, Norman Thomas
 Davis, Alfred Maurice
 Davis, Bernard Stratton
 Davis, Francis Joseph
 Davison, Edith Lindsay
 Dawe, A. R.
 Dawes, D'Arcy Armytage
 Dawes, Henry Halford
 Dawson, Keith Cyril Darlington
 Dawson, Richard John Palliser
 Day, B. W.
 De'Ath, George Dudley
 Deakin, George Stanley
 Deane, Geoffrey Ronald Hawtrey
 Debenham, Frank
 Dechelette, Eugene
 Delamain, Charles Beevor Harty
 Deneys, Francis Leopold Faure
 Dent, Edward John McDonald
 Dent, John
 Dent-Brocklehurst, John Henry
 Des Voeux, Henry John
 Devereux, Laurence
 Dillon, Luke Gerald
 Dimmock, Henry Lionel ffortington
 Dimsdale, Henry Cockfield Luke
 Disney, Hugh Anthony Shipley
 Ditmas, Basil Nevill Leslie
 Dixon, Herbert, 1st Baron Glentoran
 Dixon, Noel Wilbraham
 Dixon-Brown, Cecil Thomas
 Dixon-Spain, John Edward
 Dobbie, Charles William Granville
 Dobbs, George Cadell
 Dobrée, Bonamy
 Dobson, Cyril Fulford
 Dobson, Denis William
 Douglas, James Alexandre Thomas
 Douglas, Jean Georgiana Ethel
 Douglas, Ronald John Sholto
 Dowler, Reginald Hugh
 Down, Alastair Frederick
 Downer, Helen Mary Isabelle
 Downes, Eric Mytton
 Downie, Thomas Steel
 Drake, Francis Collingwood
 Drake-Brockman, Alan Godfrey
 Drinkwater, John
 Drinkwater, John Muir
 Duberly, Montagu Richard William
 Duckworth, Simon D'Olier
 Duckworth-Chad, Anthony Nicholas George
 Dudgeon, Arthur Frederick
 Duffus, James Catto
 Duke, Percival Augustus
 Duke, Reginald Hare
 Dunbar, William Henry George, of Kilconzie
 Dunlop, Edward Arunah
 Dunlop, Malcolm Coit
 Durlacher, Laurence George
 Durst, Charles Summer
 Duthie, Arthur Murray
 Dyas, Patrick
 Dyke, Richard Charles
 Dykes, Kingsley
 Earp, James Percy
 Eastwood, John Francis
 Eberle, Alderman James Fuller
 Eccles, Thomas
 Eddison, James Skinner Mackenzie
 Eden, Robert Laurence
 Edlmann, Ernest Lorne Campbell
 Edmondson, George D’Arcy
 Edwards, Alfred Harold
 Edwards, Geoffrey Richard
 Edwards, Lewis John
 Eggar, Patricia Mary
 Eiloart, Ferdinand Shaw
 Elkington, John David Rew
 Elles, Edmund Hardie
 Elles, Edmund Hardie
 Elliott, Arthur G.
 Elliott, Frank
 Ellison, Joseph Eric
 Elliston, William Rowley
 Else, Sydney Arthur Moorhouse
 Elwes, Francis Guy Robert
 Elwes, Katherine Weston
 Elwes, Richard Everard Augustine
 Emerson, John
 Emsden, Leslie George
 Engelbach, Charles Richard Fox
 Enwright, William John
 Erskine Crum, Walter
 Estcourt, Edward Noel Keith
 Etches, Charles Edward
 Eustace, F. A.
 Evans, G. Tudor
 Evans, Harry Marshall Erskine
 Evans, Kenneth Morton Channer
 Ewart, David
 Eyre, Gervas Malcom
 Eyres, Cresswell John
 Eyston, George Edward Thomas
 Fair, Dorothy Constance
 Fairholme, Edward George
 Faithfull, George Ferdinand Hay
 Fane, Henry William Newman
 Fanshawe, David Valentine
 Farnes, William Reginald
 Farquhar, FitzRoy James Wilberforce
 Farquhar, Peter Walter, 6th Bt.
 Farquhar-Oliver, Mark
 Farquharson, Angus Durie Miller
 Farquharson, John Phelips
 Faudel-Phillips, Stella Josephine Faudel
 Faulds, Andrew
 Fedden, Adye Mary
 Feeny, Joseph Patrick
 Feiling, Keith Grahame
 Fell, James Pemberton
 Ferguson, Donald
 Ferguson, John Gordon Goddard de Poulton
 Ferguson, Spencer Charles
 Ferrier, Charles Gordon
 Ferris, C. C. G.
 Fetherston-Godfrey, Francis William Crewer
 Field, Frank Drummond Shuttleworth
 Field, Norman John Lascelles
 Field, Raymond Ernest
 Finkelstein, Ludwik
 Fischer, Sydney
 Fisher, Ralph Lindsay
 Fisher, William Hugh Trueman
 FitzGerald, Thomas
 FitzHerbert, Margaret
 Fitzalan-Howard, Mark
 Fitzgerald, Thomas Otho
 Fitzwilliams, Reginald Clixby
 Flanders, Michael
 Flather, Gary Denis
 Fleming, Roger Eustace
 Flower, Ronald Philip
 Flower, Stanley Smyth
 Floyd, David
 Foakes, Edward Lindsay Ashley
 Forbes, William Stronach
 Forbes-Leith, Charles Rosedew, of Fyvie, 1st Bt.
 Forbes-Leith, Ethel Louise
 Ford, John Meredith Randle
 Ford, Joseph
 Forde, Ivo Matthew Leopold Dieskan
 Forman, Denis
 Forman, James Adam Sholto
 Forman, John
 Forster, John James
 Fortington, Harold Augustus
 Foster, Francis Kenelm
 Foster, Henry Knollys
 Foster, John
 Foster, Kingsley Osbern Nugent
 Fowler, Charles Edward Percy
 Fowler, Harold Gordon
 Fox, Edward Charles Morice
 Fox, John
 Fox-Pitt, Thomas Stanley
 Francis, Roger Herbert
 Frankland, Alec
 Franklin, Ellis Arthur
 Franklin, J. F.
 Franks, Anthony Kenric Stapleton
 Fraser, David William
 Fraser, Herbert Cecil
 Fraser, Ian
 Fraser, James Gordon
 Fraser, John
 Fraser, Mary Colquhoun
 Freeman, Max
 Freeman-Attwood, Harold Augustus
 Frere, Jasper Gray
 Friend, James Irvine Hatfield
 Frobisher, James Hebblethwaite Martin
 Froggatt, Thomas Wilson
 Frye, Colin Charlwood
 Frye, Maurice Charles
 Fuller, Mary Elizabeth Fleetwood
 Furlong, Dennis Walter
 Furse, John Paul Wellington
 Fyfe, Alastair Douglas
 Gamble, Geoffrey Massey
 Gamble, Henry
 Gamble, John Arthur
 Gardner, Harry Geary
 Garner-Smith, Kenneth James Garner
 Garnier, Thomas Vernon
 Gaselee, Auriol Stephen
 Gaskell, Arthur
 Gaskell, Jeremy John
 Gates, Edward Arthur
 Gaye, Arthur Stretton
 Geidt, Christopher Edward Wollaston MacKenzie, Baron Geidt
 George, Rowland David
 George, William
 Gibbon, Aubrey Wynter
 Gibbon, Edward Acton
 Gibbon, Henry Hensham
 Gibson, Alan Keith
 Gielgud, Val Henry
 Gieve, David
 Giffard, Jack
 Gilbey, Francis Newman
 Giles, Alan Stanley
 Gillespie, Robert Rollo
 Gillington, John Herbert
 Gillmore, Argyle Henry
 Gilmour-White, George
 Glaisby, Arthur Geoffrey Tindall
 Glaisyer, John
 Glencairn-Campbell, Glencairn
 Glubb, John Bagot
 Godfrey, William Brian
 Godfrey-Faussett, Bryan Trevor
 Godley, Alfred Denis
 Godman, Edward Shirley
 Godwin, Herbert James
 Goldschmidt, Jenny Maria Catherine
 Goldsmid, Cyril Julian
 Goldsmith, Francis Benedict Hayam
 Goodson, Hugh Lassam
 Gordon, Henry Shape
 Gordon-Cumming, Henry Ronald
 Gordon-Finlayson, Robert
 Gore-Browne, Eric
 Goss, Annie Constance
 Gough, Hugh Rowlands
 Gould, Roy Alfred
 Gower, Robert Vaughan
 Graham, Charles Ronald
 Graham, Charles Townley
 Graham, Ian James
 Graham, James
 Graham, John Benjamin
 Grant, Donald Coynach
 Grant-Peterkin, Montagu James
 Granville, Dennis
 Gray-Buchanan, Michael Rowand
 Green, Herbert
 Greenall, Cyril Edward
 Greene, Hugh Carleton
 Greener, William John Martin
 Greengross, Morris Philip
 Gregg, William Thornton Huband
 Gregory, Alexander Michael
 Gregson, Lancelot Mare
 Gregson-Ellis, Philip George Saxon
 Grenville-Grey, Cecil Everard Montague
 Grey, George Campbell Goldney
 Grey, George, 8th Baron Walsingham
 Griffith, Sam
 Griffiths, David Llewellyn
 Grisewood, Frederick Henry
 Groom, Arthur
 Guest, Revel Sarah
 Gueterbock, Anthony FitzHardinge, 18th Lord Berkeley
 Gull, William Cameron, 2nd Bt.
 Gunter, Clarence Preston
 Gupta, Ashoke Chandra
 Gwyn, Rhys Anthony
 Haig, Rodolf Cecil Drummond
 Haldane, Henry Chicheley
 Hale-Ley, Arthur Edwin
 Hall, George Leslie
 Hall, Thomas Armitage
 Halliday, Bernard Neil
 Hambrough, Basil Tudor Vincent Beauchamp
 Hamilton, Charles Gipps
 Hamilton, George Ronald
 Hamilton-Grierson, Philip John, for services to the National Health Service
 Hamilton-Wedderburn, Henry Kellerman
 Hamlin, Reginald Henry James
 Hammick, Stephen George, 5th Bt.
 Hamson, Denys Otho
 Hanbury, Arthur Marcus
 Hanbury, Marie Frances Lisette
 Hannay, Alexander Patrick Cathcart
 Hannay, Charles Graham
 Hannay, Vivian Henry Spencer
 Harcus, Andrew Drummond
 Harden, James Richard Edwards
 Hardie, Alan Scott
 Hardie, James Smart
 Harding, Egerton Stephen Somers
 Harding, Reginald Ernest
 Hardman-Jones, Everard John
 Harford, George Arthur, 2nd Bt.
 Harkness, Joseph Welsh Park
 Harper, William Richard
 Harpur, Charles
 Harriott, William George
 Harris, Leslie Alban
 Harrison, Arnold Henry Mayne
 Harrison, Ernest James Cholmeley
 Harrison, Fiona Mary
 Harrison, Francis Edward
 Harrison, J. Michael
 Harrison, William Edward
 Harrod, Lionel
 Hart, H. P.
 Hart-Synnot, Ronald Victor Okes
 Harvey, Herbert
 Harwood, John Keith
 Haseldine, Henry Robert
 Haseldine, Robert Henry
 Haslam, William Heywood
 Hatt-Cook, Edward
 Hatton, J. A.
 Haughey, Edward Enda, Baron Ballyedmond
 Havinden, Ashley Eldrid
 Hawker, Albert Henry
 Hawkins, Arthur John Inskip
 Hawkins, Henry
 Hawkins, Tony
 Hayes, Hilary Anthony
 Hayes-Newington, Anthony Lyle
 Hayes-Newington, Bertram Yorke
 Hayes-Newington, Eric Adrian
 Hayter, Alethea Catherine
 Hayward, Edwin William
 Hayward, Jack
 Hayward, Robert Antony, Baron Hayward
 Head, Susan
 Heal, W. A.
 Hearne, Richard
 Heath, Cuthbert Eden
 Heathcote, George Wadham Bruce
 Heatley, William Robert
 Heaton-Ellis, Peter Richard
 Helps, Rowley Philip Arthur
 Hely Hutchinson, Coote Robert
 Hemming, Henry Harold
 Henderson, John Acheson
 Henley, Robert Stephen
 Henshaw, Lewis
 Hepenstall, Lambert John Dopping
 Herdman, Iona Mary
 Herdman, John Claudius
 Herman, Ashley Ernest
 Hermon, Robert Arthur
 Herring, Ken
 Herring, Peter William Le Strange
 Heurtley, Walter A.
 Hewitt, Lenox
 Heywood, Richard John
 Heywood-Lonsdale, John Pemberton
 Hiam, Roebrt Cooper
 Hickes, Edward Weston
 Hickes, Lancelot Daryl
 Hildreth, Harold Crossley
 Hill, Amy Fitzgerald
 Hill, Anthony Ewart Ledger
 Hill, George
 Hill, George Bernard
 Hill, Herbert
 Hill, Ian Cameron Miller
 Hill, John Sturges Burrow
 Hill, Ledger
 Hill, Lionel Edward
 Hill, Richard Desmond
 Hill, Rowland Graham
 Hill, Thomas St. Quintin
 Hilleary, Edward Langdale
 Hillgarth, Alan Hugh
 Hills, Arthur Lafone Frank
 Hills, Reginald William Welfare
 Hinckley, Gilbert
 Hind, Arthur Mayger
 Hingston, Walter George
 Hippisley, Arthur
 Hippisley, Richard John Bayntun
 Hird, Frank
 Hoare, Alfred Ernest
 Hoare, Nigel Walter
 Hobart, Claud Vere Cavendish, 2nd Bt.
 Hobbs, John Mervyn
 Hobbs, John Mervyn
 Hobbs, Reginald Geoffrey Stirling
 Hobson, John Gardiner Summer
 Hodges, Anne Beatrice
 Hodgkin, Richard Eliot
 Hodgson, Henry Michael
 Hogg, A. G.
 Holborow, Geoffrey Jermyn
 Holland, Jools Miles
 Holliday, Lionel Brook
 Holloway, Roger Graham
 Holman, Arthur Treve
 Holman, John Francis, of Rickarton
 Holmes, Herbert Thomas
 Hone, Arthur Rickman
 Hone, Harold Brindley
 Hope-Johnstone, Charles
 Hopkins, Lewis Egerton
 Hopwood, Arthur Francis Bentinck
 Hordern, Joseph
 Hordern, Samuel
 Hornby, Robert John Augustine
 Hornby, Rosamund
 Horner, John Fitz Lloyd
 Hornidge, Edward Stuart
 Horsey, Frank Lankester
 Horsley-Carr, Alfred George
 Horton-Fawkes, Le Gendre George William
 Houghton, Richard Johnson
 Howard, H. A.
 Howard, Robert Jared Bliss
 Howarth, Osbert John Radclyffe
 Howe, Maurice W.
 Howe, William Tuxford
 Howell, Paul Philip
 Howells, Wilfred Vivian
 Howitt, Michael
 Hubbard, Richard D.C.
 Hudson, Ernest John
 Hudson, Guy Edward Charles
 Hughes, Arthur Joseph
 Hughes, Cecil Hugh Myddleton
 Hughes, Harry Owen
 Hughes-Hallett, Norton Joseph
 Hugo, John
 Hugonin, Francis Edgar
 Hulbert, Evelyn Gervase Carson
 Hulbert, Harry
 Hulse, Edward John
 Hume, John Lawrence
 Hunt, Alan Nathaniel
 Hunt, David Arthur
 Hunt, Peter Mervyn
 Hunter, John Brown Dalzell
 Hurlbatt, Jeremy G.
 Hussey, John Allen
 Hutt, Alexander McDonald Bruce
 Huttenbach, Norman Hugh
 Hutton, Anna Louise
 Hyde, Jennifer Margaret
 Iliff, Arthur Durnford
 Inkin, Geoffrey David
 Irby, Charlotte Augusta
 Irwin, Alistair Stuart Hastings
 Isaac, Reginald John
 Isherwood, Albert Arthur Magnall
 Jackman, Frank Arthur
 Jackson, Derek Ainslie
 Jackson, Edward Darby
 Jackson, Timothy
 Jackson, William Henry Congreve
 Jacob, Frederick Arthur
 Jagger, Hugh Cleivion
 James, Edward Foster
 James, John Richard Hamilton
 James, William Leonard
 Jarman, Arthur James
 Jarvis, Charles Francis Cracroft
 Jayne, Arthur Alfred
 Jebb, Robert Russell Horsley
 Jeffreys, Peter John
 Jennings, Arthur Cyril
 Jessel, Richard Frederick
 Jessop, R. B.
 Johnson, Henry James
 Johnson, James Robert
 Johnstone, Adam
 Johnstone, George Horace
 Johnstone, Harmood Victor Carruthers
 Joly, Kenneth Henry
 Jones, Edgar Montague
 Jones, Emrys Thomas
 Jones, Stanley Oswald
 Jones, Victor
 Jones, Victor Robert
 Jowett, Albert Edwin
 Judd, Bertram Christopher
 Jupp, William Dallas Loney
 Kaulback, Ronald John Henry
 Kaye, Sydney Herbert
 Keane, Michael
 Kearsey, Alexander Horace Cyril
 Kearton, Christopher Frank, Baron Kearton
 Keble, Cleveland Mervyn
 Keenan, David H.
 Keighley, Geoffrey Peter
 Kemp, Athole Stephen Horsford
 Kendrew, Douglas Anthony
 Kennedy, John MacFarlane
 Kenny, William David
 Kenyon, John Frederick
 Keown-Boyd, William Dalison
 Ker, Charles Murray
 Ker, David Alfred William
 Ker-Gibson, Roger
 Kerr, Cecil Nennella Therese
 Kerrison, Edmund Roger Allday
 Kerslake, David McKie
 Key, Benjamin William Martin Aston
 Key, Robert Ellis
 Khushalrai, Sulochana
 Kimber, Horace
 Kimmins, Anthony Martin
 King, Charles
 King, Charles Vaughan
 King, Frank
 King, Horace Townshend Stuart
 King, Michael S.
 King-Harman, Anthony Lawrence
 Kinloch, David Charles
 Kinloch, Michael Ward
 Kinsman, James Charles Patrick
 Kinsman, William Augustus Cecil
 Kirby, Arthur Roland Thomas
 Kirby, William Lewis Clark
 Kitson, Verona Vandeleur
 Klee, Murray
 Knight, Cecil Davenport
 Knott, Harold
 Knowles, Lees, 1st and last Bt.
 Koch de Gooreynd, Alexander Louis Wynand
 Laffaille, Ernest Marcel
 Lafone, Edgar Mortimer
 Laird, Michael Donald
 Laird, Norman Davidson
 Lamb, William John
 Lambert, John Hamilton
 Lambooy, Albert Percy
 Landon, Joseph Herbert Arthur
 Landymore, William Moss
 Lane Fox, Francis Gordon
 Lane, Geoffrey Ernald William
 Lane, Herbert Arthur Cambridge
 Langdale, Philip Joseph
 Larken, Edmund Thomas
 Lash, Henry Alleyne
 Last, Christopher Neville
 Latchford, Roger A.
 Laurie, Rosalind Margaret
 Law, George Frederick
 Law, Hugh Francis d'Assisi Stuart
 Lawless, Emily Jane
 Lawley, Wilfred
 Lawrence, Guy Kempton
 Lawson Johnston, Laura Pearl
 Le Fanu, Richard
 Lean, G. Alastair
 Leask, Henry Lowther Ewart
 Leatham, Lorna Priscilla
 Lee, Michael
 Lee-Warner, Edward Henry
 Lefebure, Charles Hector
 Lefebure, Victor
 Lefroy, Langlois Massy
 Legge, Henry James Granville
 Leigh Fermor, Lewis
 Leigh Fermor, Patrick Michael
 Leigh, Humphrey de Verd
 Leonard, John Denis, Baron Leonard
 Leu, Charles John Newhill
 Leveson, Arthur Edmund
 Levin, Hugh
 Lewer, Arthur John
 Lewes, John Hext
 Lewis, Clinton Gresham
 Lewis, David Henry
 Lewis, Edward
 Lewis, Llewellyn
 Lewis, Robert Stedman
 Lewis, Wilfrid Hubert Poyer
 Ley, Hugh Marlborough Hale
 Leyland, Ann
 Lindgren, Frederick William
 Lindon, John Benjamin
 Lindsay, Ian Gordon
 Lines, David Harold
 Lister, Francis Vivian
 Lister-Kaye, John Pepys, 3rd Bt.
 Litchfield, John Shirley Sandys
 Littlewood, Wallis St. John
 Lloyd, Bartholomew Humphrey Selwyn
 Lloyd, Thomas Owen Saunders
 Lloyd-Jones, Thomas David
 Loch, Edward Campbell
 Logan, Robert Hector
 Lombard-Hobson, Samuel Richard Le Hunte
 Long, Paul
 Long-Price, David Edward
 Longe, John Norman Sullivan
 Longmore, Richard Maitland
 Longridge, Theodore Ernle
 Longrigg, Stephen Hemsley
 Longstaff, Llewellyn Wood
 Longuet-Higgins, John Esmond
 Lonsdale, Maurice Robert
 Lord, Percy Calvert
 Loudon, James Hope
 Lovatt, Richard Stratford
 Loveday, Arthur Frederick
 Lowe, Sydney Joseph
 Loyd, Arthur Thomas
 Loyd, Robert Lindsay
 Lubbock, Nancy Diana Mary
 Luce, John David
 Luce, William Henry Tucker
 Lucie-Smith, John Dudley
 Luck, Major Sidney Ivor
 Lunn, Peter Northcote
 Lupton, Charles
 Lupton, Hugh Ralph
 Lupton, Walter James Edwin
 Lyle, Hugh Thomas
 Lyttelton, Hilda Margaret
 MacBrayne, Laurence
 MacDonnell, Mervyn Sorley
 MacDougall, Thomas Murray
 MacIntyre, Francis Peter
 MacKenzie, William Scrobie
 MacLeod, Norman
 MacLeod, Thomas
 Macartney, Frank Alan George
 Macartney-Filgate, Terence Townley Constance Stuart
 Macindoe, James Douglas
 Mackay, Robert Henry Ramsay
 Mackay, William
 Mackenzie Smith, Antony
 Mackenzie, Beatrice Anna
 Mackenzie, Hector Andrew Courtney, of Dalmore
 Mackenzie, John Hugh Munro, of Mornish
 Mackenzie, William Alexander Stevenson
 Mackie, Maitland
 Mackinnon, Archibald Donald
 Mackinnon, Arthur Avalon, 36th Chief of MacKinnon
 Mackintosh, Duncan Robert
 Maclachlan, Ann Elizabeth Mary
 Macleod, James Walter
 Macnab, Brigadier John Francis, of Barravorich
 Macphail, Kenneth David
 Macpherson, Stuart Mackintosh
 Madden, Charles Hulbert
 Magill, James Henry
 Magor, Edward Walter Moyle
 Main, Donald Maclean
 Maitland, Douglas D.
 Maitland, Geraldine Veronica
 Malcolm, Alexander James Elton, 13th Bt.
 Malet, Greville John Wyndham
 Malet, Harry Charles St. Lo, 7th Bt.
 Maling, James Thomas
 Mallock, Christopher Courtenay
 Mander, John Harold
 Mangnall, Anthony Derek Swift
 Manley, William Edward
 Mansfield, Henry Lattin
 Mapplebeck, Godfrey John
 Mardall, George Stratford
 Mare, Albinia Catherine
 Marler, Leslie S.
 Marr, John Lynn
 Marriott-Dodington, Michael
 Marriott-Dodington, Roger
 Marsden, Eric Charles
 Marsh, John Evelyn
 Marsh, R. E.
 Marston, Donald A.
 Martin, Edwyn Sandys Dawes
 Martin, Henry Ranald
 Martinez del Campo, Carlos Manuel
 Marx, George Francis Locke
 Mascall, Maurice Edward
 Mash, Albert Edward Louis
 Mason, Philip
 Maton, Reginald Foster Pitt
 Matthews, Adrian Lewis
 Matthews, Frank Melvin
 Maude, Christian George
 Maunsell, Charles Henry Wray
 Maunsell, Octavius Studdert
 Maunsell, Richard Lucius Dixie
 Maurice, Patrick Rycroft
 Mawhood, David Vere George
 Mawson, Andrew, Baron Mawson
 Maxwell, Edward Boyd
 Maxwell, Sheelin Virginia
 Maxwell, William Jardine Herries
 Maxwell-Eley, Charles Ryves
 May, Eric Alfred
 McAlester, Charles Godfrey Somerville, of Loup and Kennox
 McCammon, Francis Alexander
 McClure, Ivor Herbert
 McCredie, Ian Forbes
 McDouall, Gerald Ian Crichton
 McDougall, Patrick
 McGrigor, Alexander Muir
 McGrigor, Janet Stevenson Bennett
 McIntosh, Alexander Henry
 McLaren, Ottilie Helen
 McMahon, Horace Westropp, 5th Bt.
 McMaster, Ian
 McMeekan, Gilbert Reader
 McMillan, Anthony Robert
 McMillan, Archibald Robert Octavius
 McMullan, H. W.
 McNair, Arthur Wyndham
 McNeill, Charles Fitzroy Ponsonby
 McTavish, Duncan K.
 McWatters, Gerald
 Medlicott, Richard Frederick
 Meighar-Lovett, Percy George
 Mellor, James Frederick Charles
 Mellor, John Seymour
 Mellor, Thomas Reginald
 Melvill, Michael Ernest
 Menzies, Keith Graham
 Meredith, Hugh Owen
 Messel, Leonard Charles Rudolph
 Metcalfe, Charles Campbell
 Metcalfe, Eric Debonnaire Theophilus
 Metford, Francis
 Methuen, Lionel
 Meynell, Hugo Francis
 Meyrick, Michael Donston Capel
 Michell, George Babington
 Miles, Alfred Henry
 Mill-Colman, Harold
 Millar, David Lindsay
 Miller, Alan Keith McCulloch
 Miller, Frederick Walter Gascoyne
 Miller, Rachel
 Milne, John Duguid, of Turriff
 Milner, John Theodore
 Miskin, Charles Leonard
 Mitcalfe, John Stanley
 Mitchell, Charles
 Mitchell, Charles Hamilton
 Mitchell, Geoffrey Charles
 Moat, William
 Modley, Leonard William Waldron
 Moggridge, Harry Traherne
 Molson, Hartland de Montarville
 Molyneux, Julia Elizabeth Mary
 Monckton-Arundell, George Vere Arundell, 8th Viscount Galway
 Money, Rowland
 Monroe, Edith
 Monsell, Mary Olivia Augusta
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Douglas Andrew
 Monteith, Hugh Clencairn
 Montfort, Archibald Lowry
 Montgomerie-Charrington, Victor Robert
 Montgomery, John Archibald
 Moore, Cuthbert Grafton
 Moore, Sydenham Frederick
 Moorhead, Charles Edward
 Moorsom, Winstanley Robert Coverdale
 Morant, Sydney Andrew Boyd
 More, George Irwin Sanctuary
 More, Thomas Jasper Mytton
 More-Molyneux, James Robert
 Morell, Roy
 Morgan, Charles
 Morgan-Giles, Francis Charles
 Morley, Arthur
 Morley, Godfrey William Rowland
 Morley-Fletcher, David
 Morony, Thomas Lovett
 Morris, Arthur Malcolm
 Morris, John Hugh
 Morris, Raymond John Walton
 Morrison, Edwin Allen
 Morrison, Elizabeth Mary
 Morse, T. R.
 Mowat, Alfred Law, 2nd Bt.
 Mullens, Guy John de Wette
 Mumford, Anthony
 Murphy, Alfred
 Murray, David Paul
 Murray, Edward
 Murray, George Anthony
 Murray, William
 Musker, Herbert
 Muspratt-Mood, John
 Mussenden Leathes, Reginald Carteret
 Mynors, David Rickards Baskerville
 Napier, Arthur Lenox
 Nash, George Herbert
 Nathan, Dennis Raoul Hilliel
 Nathan, Lawrence David Jose
 Naylor, Procter
 Neame, Arthur Laurence Cecil
 Nelson, David George Hargraves
 Nelson, Eustace John Blois
 Nevill, Cosmo Charles Richard
 Neville-Rolfe, Guy
 New, Claude Edward
 New, J. W.
 Newall, Geoffrey Stirling
 Newnham, Maurice Ashdown
 Newton, Thomas Cochrane
 Nicholson, Malcolm
 Nicholson, R. A.
 Nicholson, William Reginald
 Noble, David A. J.
 Noble, Nigel Brian
 Norman, Mark Richard
 Norman, Mark Richard
 Norman-Butler, Arthur Francis
 Norton, Hugh Ross
 Nottidge, George
 Nunneley, Frederick Pitcairn
 Nutt, Walter Rothery
 O'Connell, Isabel Maud
 O'Meara, Eugene John
 Oakes, Margaret
 Oldfield, Peter Carlton
 Oldham, Frederick William Fitzjohn
 Oldham, Gordon Miles Staveley
 Oldham, Ralph Stransham
 Oliver, Anthony Grant
 Oliver, Douglas Austin
 Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow
 Orde, Roden Horace Powlett
 Orde, Wilfrid Donald Dundas
 Organ, Ewart Charles Harold
 Orgill, R.C.
 Orpen, A. S.
 Orr, George Wilson
 Otter-Barry, Robert Bruère
 Outzen-Boisen, Poul
 Owen, Cdre Trevor Lewis
 Owen, Herbert Charles
 Owen-Smith, Cyril Robert
 Pack, James
 Palethorpe-Todd, Richard Andrew
 Palmer, Henry Wellington Tuthill
 Palmer, Vivian Trestrail Dampier
 Pankhurst, Richard Keir Pethick
 Paravicini, Chandos
 Park, Malcolm
 Parker, Douglas Alwyn Charles
 Parkes, John L.
 Parnell, John William
 Parsons, Charles Grenville
 Partridge, Simon Harry Wood
 Pass, Guy
 Patel, Kamlesh Kumar, Baron Patel of Bradford
 Paterson, John Frederick
 Paton, Benjamin Lewis
 Paton, James Angus
 Patron, Joseph Armand
 Pawle, Roger
 Peake, Roger
 Pearson, Robert Stanley
 Pease, Godfrey Barton Robinson
 Pease, Sarah Helen
 Peebles, Aubrey William
 Peel Yates, David
 Peel, Robert
 Pell, Barbara Katherine
 Pellew, Edward Irving Pownoll, 8th Viscount Exmouth
 Pembroke, Richard Walter Byng
 Penn, Bertie Howard
 Penny, Herbert Lloyd
 Pepys, Walter
 Percival, Arthur Ernest
 Percy, Elizabeth Ivy
 Percy, Elizabeth Ivy
 Perry, Muriel
 Peterson, Alexander Duncan Campbell
 Petherick, John Cecil
 Petre, Francis Loraine
 Peyton, Guy Arthur Eliot
 Peyton-Jones, Julia
 Pharazyn, Godfrey Norris
 Phayre-Mudge, Albert Edward
 Philip, Jessy Janet
 Philips, Edward Mark
 Phillimore, William Harry Edmund
 Phillips, Herbert
 Phipps, Joyce Irene
 Pickford, Dorothy Frances
 Pickwoad, William Alfred
 Pierce, William Harold
 Pike, David Bayly
 Pilkington, Edward Fielden
 Pipon, James Murray
 Pirie, Aimée Evelyn
 Pirie, Duncan Vernon
 Pitt, George Newtown
 Plat Taylor, George Philip
 Platts, Matthew George
 Pocock, Frederick
 Pollok, Robert
 Ponsonby, Francis Noel
 Ponsonby, Moyra Blanche Madeleine
 Ponsonby, Wilfred
 Pooley, Warner Lake
 Pope, Jeremy James Richard
 Porteous, David Guy
 Posnett, David Wilson
 Potter, Benjamin Henry
 Poulter, Anthony Mervyn
 Powell, John Frederick
 Powell, Malcolm Cecil
 Power, Edward George Hugh
 Power, John Joseph
 Powney, Cecil Du Pré Penton
 Prain, John Murray
 Pratt, Clarence Lucan Gray
 Preece, James
 Preston, Christopher Edward Martin
 Preston, Nicholas
 Preston, Raphael Chevallier
 Preston, William John Phelim
 Previte, Kenneth Edward
 Price, Bernard
 Price, Edwin Lessware
 Price, Richard Mervyn
 Prideaux, Francis Winckworth Anstice
 Prideaux, John Francis
 Priestley, Robert Chambers
 Prince, Charles Edmond
 Pringle, James
 Pritchard, Hugh Robert Norman
 Probert, Richard Harlachenden Carwardine
 Prosser, Arthur Henry
 Prosser, Margaret Theresa, Baroness Prosser
 Prust, Robert Bateman
 Pryce-Jones, Albert Westhead
 Pugh, Archibald John
 Pumphrey, Jonathan Moberly
 Pumphrey, Selwyn Harold Welford
 Purser, Francis Carmichael
 Putron, Mary
 Putron, Pierre
 Pye, Randall Thomas Kellow
 Pye, Randall Thomas Kellow
 Pyke, Cyril Cameron
 Pyke, Thomas Musgrave
 Pyper, John Clark
 Quarry, Richard Bridges St. John
 Quilter, Eustace Cuthbert
 Quin-Harkin, Arthur Joseph
 Radcliffe, Julian Guy Yonge
 Radford, John Victor Dykes
 Raffles, Stamford Cecil
 Raikes, Dacre Francis Arthur
 Rainsford-Hannay, Archibald Gordon
 Ralston, William Henry
 Ramsay, Norman
 Ramsbotham, Reginald
 Ramsey, Marian
 Rawlinson, Arthur Richard
 Rawstorne, Jennet
 Ray, Matthew Burrow
 Rea, Martin Alexander
 Reckitt, Philip Bealby, 3rd Bt.
 Redman, Henry Gordon
 Reeve, William
 Regan, John Martin
 Regan, Michael Dalrymple
 Reid, Eric Charles Scott
 Reid, Percy Fergus Ivo
 Reid, Philip
 Reidy, Jeremiah
 Reilly, D'Arcy Patrick
 Remington-Hobbs, Edward
 Rendel, Rose Ellen
 Renton, Alexander Frederick Gordon
 Renwick, Susan Mary
 Repard, John David Latimer
 Restler, James Douglas Kendall
 Rew, Charles Edward Daliel Oldham
 Reyne, Peter Algernon Rodney
 Reyntiens, Nicholas S.
 Rhys, David Llewellin
 Richards, Maurice John
 Richardson, Frank McLean
 Richardson, William Augustus
 Rickard, Philip Patrick Strachan
 Rickett, Hubert Cecil
 Riddell, John Cuthbert Widdrington
 Riddell, Mabel Ellen
 Ridley, Charles William
 Ridley, Nicholas John
 Ridley, Percy
 Rigby, John Granville Beaumont
 Riley, Hamlet Lewthwaite
 Rimington, Percy William
 Ritchie, Michael Balfour Hutchison
 Rivett-Carnac, John
 Roberts, Arthur Neil Stewart
 Roberts, Frederick Graham
 Roberts, Geoffrey
 Roberts, O. Mark
 Roberts, Sebastian John Lechmere
 Robertson, Donald Elphinston
 Robertson, John Argyll
 Robertson, Kenneth Struan
 Robinson, Charles Vernon
 Robinson, Frederick Eaton
 Rochford, Bernard
 Roderick, William Buckley Nicholl
 Rodgers, Arthur
 Roe, Charles Douglas
 Rogers-Coltman, Wyndham Julian
 Rolland, Henry Maitland
 Rolleston, Arthur George
 Rolo, Robert Jack
 Romilly, Anne Lucinda
 Rose, Stephen Murfin
 Rosher, Noël Burn
 Ross, Henry
 Ross, T. D.
 Ross, Walter John Macdonald
 Round, James Gray
 Rowe, Brian Walton
 Rowland, Langshaw
 Royds, Albert Henry
 Royds, Edmund
 Rudgard, Harold
 Runton, Anne Maureen
 Rutherford, Alan Gray
 Ryall, James Edward
 Ryves, Thomas Bruno
 Sainte Croix, Leslie Lawson
 Sale, Walter Morley
 Salmond, Ivor Geroge
 Salwey, Humphrey John
 Sandars, John Eric William Graves
 Sandars, Patrick Robert
 Sandeman-Allen, John
 Sandenbergh, Jan Andries Beyers
 Sandow, James Frederick
 Sanguinetti, William Roger
 Sarsfield, Thomas Herrick
 Saunders, George Muskett
 Savile, Clare Buxton Uvedale
 Savile, Lilian Marion Estelle
 Sawers, Charles Maxwell Orr
 Scale, John Dymoke
 Scarfe, Francis Harold
 Schluter, Gerard Edward
 Scicluna, Chevalier Hannibal Alexander
 Sconce, Ian Francis Henry
 Scott, Claude Worthington
 Scott, Curtis Wilson Folliott
 Scott, John Creagh
 Scott, Magdalen Augusta Lavinia
 Scott, Robert Irwin Maddin
 Scott, Thomas Henderson
 Scott, William Patrick
 Scott-Bowden, Logan
 Scratchley, Victor Henry Sylvester
 Scully, Vincent Marcus Barron
 Seddon-Brown, James Geoffrey
 Selby-Lowndes, William
 Selous, Gerald Maxwell Braddon
 Serjeantson, Cecil Myles
 Seymour, Edward
 Shadwell, Leonard Julius
 Sharp, Isobelle
 Sharp, John Swift
 Sharpe, Alfred Gerald Meredith
 Sharpe, Frank Victor
 Sharples, Richard Christopher
 Shaw, Frederick Charleton
 Shaw, William Boyd Kennedy
 Sheppard, Charles Sutton
 Sherwin, Michael F.
 Shewell, Henry Anthony Lampen
 Shiffner, Henry Burrows, 7th Bt.
 Shore, John Lintorn
 Sidley, John Charles
 Sidney, Catherine Mary
 Simpson, Henrietta Mary Amy
 Simpson, Selwyn George
 Sims, John Henry Lang
 Sinclair, David Charles Stranach
 Sinclair, Gordon Leonard
 Sinclair, Thomas Christopher
 Sinclair, W. M.
 Singer, Anthony
 Sinker, Alick Jahleel Brenton
 Sisson, George Macfarlan
 Skene, Philip George Moncrieff, 8th of Pitlour and 12th of Hallyards
 Skinner, Alan Frank
 Slade, Gordon
 Sleight, Ernest, 2nd Bt.
 Sloper, John Smith
 Small, R. Leonard
 Smart, James
 Smith, Alan Patrick
 Smith, Alfred Tennyson
 Smith, Ernest Gates P.
 Smith, John Anderson
 Smith, Michael Kinchin
 Smith, R. L.
 Smith, Robert Hunter
 Smith, Rupert
 Smith-Dodsworth, Matthew Blayney, 6th Bt.
 Smith-Dorrien, Peter Lockwood
 Smyly, Richard Josiah
 Smyth, Henry Malcolm
 Smyth, Nina Augusta Stracey
 Smythe, Patrick Cecil
 Snook, Anthony William Glover
 Snow, James Elliot
 Snow, Thomas Eric D'oyly
 Snowball, Edward Joseph Dove
 Soames, Arthur Granville
 Somers, Michael
 Somerset, Anna Millicent Horatia FitzRoy
 Somerset, Henry Charles Somers Augustus
 Somervell, Arnold Colin
 Somervell, Donald Bradley, Baron Somervell of Harrow
 Sommerhoff, Gerd Walter Christian
 Spedding, Edward Wilfrid
 Speir, Robert Cecil Talbot
 Spence, Ian Fleming Morris
 Spencer, Charles Richard
 Spencer, Victor George Spencer, 3rd Viscount Churchill
 Spencer-Churchill, Anne Emily
 Spencer-Churchill, Cornelia Henrietta Maria
 Spicer, Robert Henry Scanes
 Spooner, Lancelot Arthur Wetherell
 Spread, Eustace John William
 Spurrier, William Horatio Sandys Cumby
 Spurway, Michael Vyvyan
 Stafford, Hugh
 Stainforth, Charles Herbert
 Standring, H. W.
 Stapylton, Miles John
 Stearne, Cyril Ernest
 Stedall, Henry Sidney Oliver Pemberton
 Steel, Charles Deane
 Stenhouse, Jack M. W.
 Stenhouse, Joseph Russell
 Stephenson, Charles John
 Steuart Fothringham, Henry
 Stevenie, Leo
 Stevens, John Melior
 Stevens, Terence Morton Patrick
 Steward, Edward Merivale
 Steward, Reginald Holden
 Stewart, Charles
 Stewart, David
 Stewart, Ian McAlister, 13th of Achnacone
 Stirling, Archibald, of Garden
 Stirling, Patrick Douglas
 Stirling, Thomas Willing, 5th of Muiravonside
 Stocker, Percy
 Stockwell, Hugh Charles
 Stoddart-Scott, Malcolm
 Stokes, Henry
 Stoneham, Edgar Cooper
 Stoney, Henry Howard
 Stoney, Thomas Butler
 Stopford, James Richard Neville, 7th Earl of Courtown
 Storey, William
 Stourton, Herbert Marmaduke Joseph
 Stranack, Harington Rivers
 Stratton, David
 Streater, Jasper Sidney
 Streatfield, Claude Everard John
 Street, Arthur
 Strettell, Eric Francis Dashwood
 Struthers, Alastair
 Stuart, John
 Studdert, John Handcock
 Stuttaford, Irving Thomas
 Sullivan, Arthur Joseph
 Sullivan, Thomas Kingston
 Sullivan-Tailyour, Eric Eyre
 Sumner, William Donald Massey
 Surtees, John Freville Henry
 Surtees, Robert Lambton
 Sutcliffe, David
 Sutherland, Arthur Henry Carr
 Sutro, Alfred
 Swabey, Ellen Gertrude
 Swales, William Anderson
 Swann-Mason, Richard Swann
 Sweetman, Michael James
 Swift, Charles Copley
 Swinburn, Henry Robinson
 Swinton-Home, George Archibald
 Sykes, Peter Thomas Wellesley
 Symington, Maurice Macalaster
 Symington, Robert Macalaster
 Syson, John Luxmoore
 Talbot, Gerald Francis
 Tate, David Anthony
 Tayleur, Brian Charles Lascelles
 Taylor, Alfred Jesse, 1st Baron Grantchester
 Taylor, Archibald
 Taylor, George Du Plat
 Taylor, George Du Plat
 Taylor, Herbert Brian
 Taylor, Robert Allan Grant
 Tennant-Park, Robert
 Tennent, Anderson Kirkwood
 Terrell, Stephen
 Thomas, Anthony Vyvyan
 Thomas, Charles Holwell
 Thomas, Thomas Shenton Whitelegge
 Thomas, Vyvyan Hood
 Thomson, George
 Thomson-Walker, John William
 Thorne, Robin
 Thorne, William Herbert Alfred
 Thorneycroft, Florence
 Thornhill, Peter John
 Thornton, Gertrude Fanny
 Thorpe, Arthur Winton
 Thorpe, John Henry
 Thubron, Gerald Ernest
 Thursby-Pelham, Mervyn Christopher
 Tidbury, James
 Tighe, Charles Herbert
 Tod, Arthur White Milar
 Todd, Alston Cranstoun
 Todhunter, John Louis Benedict
 Tompsett, L. J.
 Topham, Clement
 Tower, Francis Fitzpatrick
 Townsend, David Franks
 Townsend, Michael Southcote
 Townshend, Reginald Brooks
 Tracey, Leonard Tolcher
 Trafford, Rudolph Edgar Francis, 5th Bt.
 Traill, Colin G.
 Treadwell, G. W.
 Treseder, Kenneth Hugh
 Trier, Patrick Aster
 Trollope, Froude Dillon
 Trotter, Archibald McGregor
 Trotter, Marjorie Ellinor
 Truell, George Denis Somerville
 Trusler, Edward Shirley
 Tuck, George Newsam
 Tupman, John Arthur
 Turing, Alan Mathison
 Turnbull, Phipps
 Turner, Edward Neil
 Turner, Frederick
 Turner, George Frederick Goodwin
 Turrill, John Patrick
 Tuzo, General Harry
 Twiss, Lionel Peter
 Tyssen-Amherst, Mary Rothes Margaret, Baroness Amherst of Hackney
 Underhill, Richard Walter
 Unwin, Robin Darell
 Urwick, Lyndall Fownes
 Utterson-Kelso, John Edward
 Vacher, Michael John
 Vaizey, Robert Edward
 Vale, Denis Beaumont
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Sibell
 Vaughan, Charles Jerome
 Vaughan-Morgan, Kenyon Pascoe
 Verdin, Richard Bertram
 Vere Nicoll, Henry Morison
 Verschoyle, Henry Crosby Prittie
 Vesey, David Arthur Fitzgerald
 Vick, Reginald Martin
 Vigor, George St. Vigor J.
 Vine, Laban Edwin
 Vinten, William Patrick
 Vivian, Deborah Mary
 Vivian, Guy Noel
 Vlahovic, Miloska
 Waddy, Arthur Cyril
 Wagg, Henry John
 Waight, Robert Edward
 Wainwright, George Bertram
 Wainwright, James Bertram Everard
 Walker, Claude Frederick
 Walker, Edward Maxwell Cunningham
 Walker, Michael John Dawson, Baron Walker of Aldringham
 Walker, Mildred Mabel
 Walker, Norman Dunbar
 Wall, John Edward, Baron Wall
 Wallace, Falconer Lewis
 Waller, Edward William de Warrenne
 Wallinger, William Arnold
 Wallis, George Lloyd
 Wallis, Richard Archibald Fawcett
 Walrond, Evelyn Maud
 Walsh, Henry Francis Chester
 Walshe, Francis Weldon
 Walter, Albert Elijah
 Walters, Jack
 Walthall, Fiona Anne
 Walwyn, Charles Laurence Tyndall
 Walwyn, James Humphrey
 Ward, Francis
 Ward, Jack Lionel
 Ward, Norah Louisa Fanny
 Ward-Harrison, John
 Warde, Charles Edward, 1st Bt.
 Wardman, Reginald Bryson
 Waring, Henry Blackwood Hallowes
 Warnock, James
 Warre, Felix Walter
 Warren, Raymond
 Wart, Reginald Bramley
 Waters, Joseph Richard
 Waters, William Smith
 Watkins, Hubert Bromley
 Watson, Forrester Colvin
 Watson, John Alfred
 Watson, William Linton
 Watt, Oliver
 Watts, Humphrey
 Wayne, Francis H. M.
 Weatherall, Nigel Edward
 Weaver, Alice
 Webb, William Francis Richmond
 Webb-Carter, Brian Wolseley
 Webb-Carter, David Brian Wynn
 Webb-Carter, Evelyn John
 Weekes, Henry Wilson
 Weir-Breen, Crichton
 Welby-Everard, Philip Herbert Earle
 Weld, Joseph William
 Wells, Norman Ffolliott
 Wells, Oliver John
 Wells, Richard Frederick
 Wells, William
 West, Cecil
 West, Sidney George
 Westmacott, Herbert Horatio Spencer
 Westmacott, Thomas Horatio
 Whaley, H. E.
 Wheatley-Hubbard, Evelyn Raymond
 Wheeler, Edward Vincent Vashon
 Wheeler, Mary Carlisle
 Whinney, Harold Fife
 Whitamore, Vernon Northwood
 Whitbread, Leonard
 Whitcombe, Philip Sidney
 White, Harold Ducket
 White, Henry Herbert Ronald
 White, William Blomfield
 Whitehead, Herbert Mansfield
 Whitehead, Pillans Scarth
 Whiteley, John Percival
 Whittingdale, John Flasby Laurence
 Wickham, Evelyn Twysden
 Widgery, John Passmore, Baron Widgery
 Wiener, Gerald Leopold
 Wigginton, Sydney Isaac
 Wild, Henry Nöel Havelock
 Wild, Wilfrid Hubert
 Wilkinson, Horace Ricardo
 Wilkinson, Peter Allix
 Williams, Arthur Frederic Basil
 Williams, Arthur Stuart
 Williams, Dorian Joseph George
 Williams, Edward Alexander Wilmot
 Williams, Joan Anne
 Williams, Richard Oliver MacMahon
 Williams, Robert Arthur
 Williams, Vivian Dunbar Stanley
 Williams, Walter
 Williams-Ellis, Martyn Ivor
 Williams-Ellis, Roger Clough
 Williams-Freeman, Arthur Peere
 Williamson, Frank
 Williamson, Mark Herbert
 Willmer, Henry Gordon
 Wills, Gilbert Alan Hamilton, 1st Baron Dulverton
 Wilson Patten, Constance Ellinor
 Wilson Smith, J. L.
 Wilson, Anne Mary
 Wilson, Arthur Maitland
 Wilson, David
 Wilson, Ethel Mary
 Wilson, Francis Tyrwhitt Drake
 Wilson, Humphrey Bowstead
 Wilson, James Elliott
 Wilson, James Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx
 Wilson, Kathleen May
 Wilson, Kenneth Henry
 Wilson, Maurice James Hartley
 Wilson, Nathaniel John
 Wilson, Paul Norman, Baron Wilson of High Wray
 Wilson, William Branfoot
 Winch, Aubrey Brooke
 Windsor, Maurice
 Wingate, Sybil Douglas
 Withers, Henry Bramwell
 Wolryche-Whitmore, John Eric Alexander
 Wood, Alexander Louis Sandison
 Wood, Evelyn FitzGerald Michell
 Wood, George Jervis
 Wood, Martin Francis
 Wood, Paul Hamilton
 Woodall, Edward
 Woodall, Edward Corbet
 Woodhead, Michael ffolliott
 Woodhouse, Charles Hall
 Woods, Richard John
 Woodward, David
 Woollcombe, Edward Percy
 Woolley, Arthur Rupert
 Wordsworth, John Gordon
 Worrall, Claude Percy Michael
 Worrsam, Charles Archie
 Worsley, Richard Edward
 Wright, Arthur Robert Donald
 Wright, John
 Wright, Paul Herve Giraud
 Wright, Rupert Anthony
 Wright-Windham, John
 Wrigley, Diana Margaret
 Wrigley, Michael Harold
 Wroughton, Michael Lavallin
 Wyndham, Mark Hugh
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Thomas, 4th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl
 Wynne, Owen Evelyn
 Yarde-Buller, John Reginald Lopes, 3rd Baron Churston of Churston Ferrers and Lupton
 Yellowlees, Henry
 Yerburgh, Richard Guy Cecil
 Yonge, Philip Evelyn
 Yorke, Peter
 Youens, Peter William
 Young, Geoffrey Tyndale
 Young, Margaret Omolola, Baroness Young of Hornsey
 Younger, Allan Elton
 Innes-Ker, Evelyn Anne ( 1902 )
 Irby, Winifred Mary ( 1902 )
 Codrington, Geoffrey Ronald ( 1916 )
 Wake-Walker, William Frederic ( 1916 )
 Birkin, Ethel Lillian ( 1917 )
 Bowerbank, Fred Thompson ( 1917 )
 Brodrick, William John Henry ( 1917 )
 Campbell, Florence Ishbel ( 1917 )
 Farrer, Cecil Claude, 3rd Baron Farrer ( 1917 )
 Henvey, Margaret ( 1917 )
 Hone, Thomas Nathaniel ( 1917 )
 Lethbridge, Mabel Florence ( 1917 )
 Lowther, Mildred ( 1917 )
 Maunsell, Richard John Caswell ( 1917 )
 Rothschild, Lionel Nathan ( 1917 )
 Agnew, Charles Morland ( 1918 )
 Agnew, Samuel Montagu ( 1918 )
 Anderson-Pelham, Alfred Ronald ( 1918 )
 Bagenal, Philip Henry ( 1918 )
 Baillie, Elizabeth Janet ( 1918 )
 Baillieu, Clive Latham, 1st Baron Baillieu ( 1918 )
 Baird, Evelyn ( 1918 )
 Ball, William Valentine ( 1918 )
 Baring, Maurice ( 1918 )
 Barnes, Ronald Gorell, 3rd Baron Gorell ( 1918 )
 Batt, Amy Isabel ( 1918 )
 Bell, Henrietta May ( 1918 )
 Bennett, Peter Frederick Blaker, 1st and last Baron Bennett of Edgbaston ( 1918 )
 Betterton, Henry Bucknall, 1st and last Baron Rushcliffe ( 1918 )
 Blaker, John George, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Booth, James Erskine Wise ( 1918 )
 Booth, William Henry ( 1918 )
 Boothby, Francis Stewart Evelyn ( 1918 )
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Evelyn Caryl ( 1918 )
 Bradshaw, Elsie Margaret ( 1918 )
 Brett, Maurice Vyner Balliol ( 1918 )
 Browne, Isabel Mary Peyronnet ( 1918 )
 Browne-Clayton, Lucy Victoria ( 1918 )
 Browning, Jeffrey ( 1918 )
 Brunton, Alice Helen ( 1918 )
 Burnett, Ethel ( 1918 )
 Burney, Sydney Bernard ( 1918 )
 Butler, Charles Ernest Alfred French Somerset, 7th Earl of Carrick ( 1918 )
 Buxton, Phyllis Sydney ( 1918 )
 Chappell, Mabel ( 1918 )
 Cooke-Yarborough, Sophia Flora ( 1918 )
 Coote, John Methuen ( 1918 )
 Coppin-Straker, Kathleen Alice ( 1918 )
 Coventry, Fulwar Cecil Ashton ( 1918 )
 Cox, Dora Emily Susan ( 1918 )
 Croker, Crofton ( 1918 )
 Cuyler, Charles, 4th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Dabney, Susan Heard Oliver ( 1918 )
 Dawnay, Sybil Mary ( 1918 )
 Dewar, Alfred Charles ( 1918 )
 Dewar-Durie, Robert Nugent ( 1918 )
 Dick-Lauder, Zella Evelyn ( 1918 )
 Dill, John Frederick Gordon ( 1918 )
 Dixon, Edith Sarah ( 1918 )
 Dobbs, Conway Richard ( 1918 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Mary Louise ( 1918 )
 Douglas-Pennant, Ina ( 1918 )
 Duke, Edward, 2nd Baron Merrivale ( 1918 )
 Dunbar Brander, Archibald Alexander ( 1918 )
 Ellis, Henrietta Christobel ( 1918 )
 Fagan, Edith ( 1918 )
 Fetherston-Godley, Francis William Crewe ( 1918 )
 Fisher, Dehra Ker ( 1918 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Anne ( 1918 )
 Fraser, Helena Violet Alice ( 1918 )
 French, Essex Elenora ( 1918 )
 Fry, Theodore Wilfrid ( 1918 )
 Goldsmid Montefiore, Leonard Nathaniel ( 1918 )
 Gordon, John de la Hay ( 1918 )
 Gore, Charles Henry ( 1918 )
 Greene, Kathleen Conyngham ( 1918 )
 Greenwell, Charles Okey ( 1918 )
 Grey, Elizabeth Odeyne ( 1918 )
 Grey, Nigel ( 1918 )
 Grey, Sybil ( 1918 )
 Hall, Martin Julian, of Dunglass, 10th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Hanham, Eliza Frances ( 1918 )
 Hay, Adele ( 1918 )
 Hay-Drummond, Algernon Richard Francis ( 1918 )
 Henniker, Louisa Mary ( 1918 )
 Hill-Trevor, Edith Maria ( 1918 )
 Holdsworth, Beatrice Eliza Bower ( 1918 )
 Holme-Sumner, Beatrice ( 1918 )
 Hope, Edward William ( 1918 )
 Hordern, Lionel Herbert ( 1918 )
 Horlick, James Nockells, 4th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Hotson, John Ernest Buttery ( 1918 )
 Howard-Sneyd, Henry Ralph Mowbray ( 1918 )
 Isaac, Amy Violet ( 1918 )
 James, Fullarton, 6th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Keown-Boyd, Alexander William ( 1918 )
 Kindersley, Guy Molesworth ( 1918 )
 Kinloch, George, of Kinloch, 3rd Bt. ( 1918 )
 Lascelles, Evelyn Louisa ( 1918 )
 Lawrence, Mary Emma ( 1918 )
 Leese, Vernon Francis ( 1918 )
 Lenox-Conyngham, William Arbuthnot ( 1918 )
 Leslie-Melville, Arthur Henry ( 1918 )
 Lindsay, Henry Edith Arthur ( 1918 )
 Lowther, Emma Alice ( 1918 )
 Lugard, Edward James ( 1918 )
 Lytton, Neville Stephen, 3rd Earl of Lytton ( 1918 )
 Maitland, William Whitaker ( 1918 )
 Mansfield, Ralph Sheldon, 4th Baron Sandhurst of Sandhurst ( 1918 )
 Marsham, Reginald Hastings ( 1918 )
 McMahon, Frances Mary Holford ( 1918 )
 Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and last Baron Merriman ( 1918 )
 Monckton, Thomas Anthony ( 1918 )
 Montagu, Mary Louise Elizabeth ( 1918 )
 Montmorency, Hervey Angus, 16th Bt. ( 1918 )
 Moore, Thomas Cecil Russell, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Morris, William Richard, 1st and last Viscount Nuffield ( 1918 )
 Murray, Walter ( 1918 )
 Nicholson, Mary Stephanie ( 1918 )
 North, Thomas Keppel ( 1918 )
 Orpen, Helen Agnes Josephine ( 1918 )
 Parker, Cecily Mary ( 1918 )
 Parker-Jervis, Ethel Mary ( 1918 )
 Pease, Evelyn Ada ( 1918 )
 Pease, Lucy Ethel ( 1918 )
 Pelham, Mary Louisa ( 1918 )
 Pelham, Maud Katherine ( 1918 )
 Picton-Turbervill, Edith ( 1918 )
 Pollock, Charles Frederick ( 1918 )
 Pretious, Ivy Gladys ( 1918 )
 Rainsford-Hannay, Donald ( 1918 )
 Ramsay, Arthur Dennys Gilbert ( 1918 )
 Rankin, Mary Sybil ( 1918 )
 Rathfelder, Florence Agnes ( 1918 )
 Ricardo, Ellen Maud ( 1918 )
 Roberts, Ada Edwina Stewart, Countess Roberts ( 1918 )
 Robinson, Roy Lister, 1st and last Baron Robinson ( 1918 )
 Scott, Michael ( 1918 )
 Smith, Mabel Elizabeth Georgina ( 1918 )
 Smith-Dodsworth, Henrietta ( 1918 )
 Snodgrass, Agnes Eva ( 1918 )
 Spearman, Ethel Nest ( 1918 )
 Spens, William Patrick, 1st Baron Spens ( 1918 )
 Stewart, Percy Malcolm, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Studholme, Fanny ( 1918 )
 Sullivan, Agnes Vernon ( 1918 )
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Robert Nassau ( 1918 )
 Taylor, Elizabeth Mary ( 1918 )
 Thorold, Aline ( 1918 )
 Tritton, Claude Henry ( 1918 )
 Turton, Willie Jack Trevor ( 1918 )
 Vans Agnew, John, of Barnbarroch and Sheuchan ( 1918 )
 Vere-Broke, Jane Anne ( 1918 )
 Waller, Stanier ( 1918 )
 Way, Violet Beatrix Alice Lambton ( 1918 )
 Wedderburn, Charles David St. Clair ( 1918 )
 Wellesley, Florence Jane Helen ( 1918 )
 Wells, Josephine ( 1918 )
 Williams, Beatrice Julia ( 1918 )
 Withington, Rosamond ( 1918 )
 Yarrow, Minnie Ethel ( 1918 )
 Acland, Leopold George Dyke ( 1919 )
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1919 )
 Allsopp, Charles, 3rd Baron Hindlip of Hindlip ( 1919 )
 Anderson-Pelham, Cecil Henry ( 1919 )
 Arbuthnot, Malcolm Alexander ( 1919 )
 Archdale, Mervyn ( 1919 )
 Armstrong, Nevill Alexander Drummond ( 1919 )
 Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre ( 1919 )
 Bagenal, Charles James ( 1919 )
 Baird, Randolph Eustace Wemyss ( 1919 )
 Baring, Hugo ( 1919 )
 Baring-Gould, Major Edward Sabine ( 1919 )
 Barnes, Harold Douglas ( 1919 )
 Bassano, Clara Marie Anne Ghislaine ( 1919 )
 Bates, Richard Dawson, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Beauchamp, Agneta Frances ( 1919 )
 Berkeley, Christopher Robert ( 1919 )
 Best, James William ( 1919 )
 Biddulph, Michael ( 1919 )
 Bingham, Edward Barry Stewart, V.C. ( 1919 )
 Bingham, Helen Augusta Mary ( 1919 )
 Bingham, Matilda Maria Helena ( 1919 )
 Birkin, Philip Austen ( 1919 )
 Blois, Eustace William ( 1919 )
 Blomefield, Wilmot ( 1919 )
 Bosville, Celia Violet ( 1919 )
 Boughey, George Menteth, 9th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Brabazon, Claud Maitland Patrick ( 1919 )
 Bridgeman, Beatrice Adine ( 1919 )
 Brinckman, Rowland ( 1919 )
 Brooks, John Chadwick ( 1919 )
 Broughton, Geoffrey Delves ( 1919 )
 Browne, Denis Robert Howe ( 1919 )
 Browning, Langley ( 1919 )
 Burnell-Nugent, Frank Henry ( 1919 )
 Burnett, Alexander Edwin, of Leys, 14th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Burns, Emily Dunbar ( 1919 )
 Butler, Richard Pierce, 11th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Buxton, Frances Mary ( 1919 )
 Byron, Margaret Dorothy ( 1919 )
 Cadbury, Laurence John ( 1919 )
 Campbell, James Douglas ( 1919 )
 Cary, Lucius Plantagenet, 13th Viscount of Falkland ( 1919 )
 Chetwynd, Arthur Henry Talbot, 7th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Chichester, Arthur Claud Spencer, 4th Baron Templemore ( 1919 )
 Chichester, Shane Randolph ( 1919 )
 Cholmondeley, George Hugo ( 1919 )
 Clayton, Emilius ( 1919 )
 Cliff, Edith Maud ( 1919 )
 Cochrane, Blair Onslow ( 1919 )
 Cohen, Herbert Benjamin, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Coote, Bernard Trotter ( 1919 )
 Coote, Ethel Jean ( 1919 )
 Cradock-Hartopp, Catherine Louisa ( 1919 )
 Craven, Rupert Cecil ( 1919 )
 Craven, William George Robert, 4th Earl of Craven ( 1919 )
 Crossley, Eric ( 1919 )
 Cunynghame, Percy Francis, of Milncraig, 10th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Curtis, Cecil Montagu Drury ( 1919 )
 Dashwood, Arthur Paul ( 1919 )
 Davson, Ivan Buchanan ( 1919 )
 Dawson, William Richard ( 1919 )
 Denny, William Alfred Charles ( 1919 )
 Dolmage, James Anthony ( 1919 )
 Drake, John Hughes ( 1919 )
 Duncombe-Anderson, Wilfred Arthur ( 1919 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, Percy ( 1919 )
 Eliot, Christian Edward Cornwallis ( 1919 )
 Eliot, Montague Charles, 8th Earl of Saint Germans ( 1919 )
 Eliott, Gerald Otho Rousski ( 1919 )
 Elliot, Hattie ( 1919 )
 Elton, Henry Brown ( 1919 )
 Erskine-Murray, Robert Alan ( 1919 )
 Ewart, Gerald Valentine ( 1919 )
 Fairbairn, Bernard William Murray ( 1919 )
 Fairbairn, David Alexander ( 1919 )
 Feilden, Edward Leyland Cooke ( 1919 )
 Feilding, Francis Henry Everard Joseph ( 1919 )
 Finch, William Robert Edward Heneage ( 1919 )
 Finch-Hatton, Guy Montagu George, 14th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1919 )
 FitzRoy, Charles Henry, 4th Baron Southampton ( 1919 )
 Forbes Adam, Ronald, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Forbes, Bertram Aloysius ( 1919 )
 Forbes, James Louis ( 1919 )
 Forbes-Mitchell, Alister Esmé Buchan ( 1919 )
 Fox-Strangways, Giles Stephen Holland, 6th Earl of Ilchester ( 1919 )
 Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron Fraser of North Cape ( 1919 )
 Fraser, Lucy Marjorie Kathleen ( 1919 )
 Frederick, Charles Edward St. John, 8th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Fremantle, Francis Edward ( 1919 )
 Gibbon, Thomas Holroyd ( 1919 )
 Gibbons, Robert Reginald ( 1919 )
 Godley, Richard Shearman ( 1919 )
 Goff, Hugh Stuart Trevor ( 1919 )
 Graham, Christopher ( 1919 )
 Greene, Wilfred Arthur, 1st and last Baron Greene ( 1919 )
 Greville, Charles Beresford Fulke, 3rd Baron Greville of Clonyn ( 1919 )
 Guest, Lionel George William ( 1919 )
 Guinness, Owen Charles ( 1919 )
 Guise, Harry Rivett Cecil ( 1919 )
 Hacking, Douglas Hewitt, 1st Baron Hacking ( 1919 )
 Hamilton, Ellinor ( 1919 )
 Hamilton, Frederick Arthur ( 1919 )
 Hamilton, Ronald James ( 1919 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, Hugh ( 1919 )
 Hamilton-Russell, Eustace Scott ( 1919 )
 Hanbury-Tracy, Cyprienne Emma Madeleine ( 1919 )
 Hanbury-Tracy, Eric Thomas Henry ( 1919 )
 Harris, Thomas Guy Marriott ( 1919 )
 Haughton, Henry Wilfred ( 1919 )
 Hawkins, Dorothy Mary ( 1919 )
 Hay, Sereld Mordaunt Alan Josslyn ( 1919 )
 Headlam, Cuthbert Morley, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Henderson, Arnold ( 1919 )
 Hennessy, George Richard James, 1st Baron Windlesham ( 1919 )
 Herbert, Dorothy Marguerite Elizabeth ( 1919 )
 Hervey, Richard George ( 1919 )
 Hewitt, Brian Lifford ( 1919 )
 Hobart-Hampden-Mercer-Henderson, Sidney Carr, 7th Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1919 )
 Hood, Grosvenor Arthur Alexander, 5th Viscount Hood of Whitley ( 1919 )
 Hope, John Augustus, of Craighall, 16th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow ( 1919 )
 Howard, Arthur Henry ( 1919 )
 Hubbard, John Francis ( 1919 )
 Hubbard, John Gellibrand, 3rd Baron Addington ( 1919 )
 Huggins, Dorothy Gladys ( 1919 )
 Hughes, Frederic St. John ( 1919 )
 Ingilby, John Uchtred Macdowall ( 1919 )
 Ingram, Bruce Stirling ( 1919 )
 Irby, Leonard Paul ( 1919 )
 Johnstone-Douglas, Nina ( 1919 )
 Lake, Atwell Henry, 9th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Lascelles, Ernest ( 1919 )
 Lascelles, George Reginald ( 1919 )
 Lees, Thomas Orde Hans ( 1919 )
 Leese, Neville ( 1919 )
 Legh, Piers Walter ( 1919 )
 Leith, Alexander Robert ( 1919 )
 Leveson-Gower, Charles Cameron ( 1919 )
 Lister-Kaye, Russell ( 1919 )
 Lowther, Lancelot Edward, 6th Earl of Lonsdale ( 1919 )
 Lyons, Henry Edward, 1st and last Baron Ennisdale ( 1919 )
 Lyttelton, Stephen Clive ( 1919 )
 Macready, Gordon Nevil, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Maitland, Frederick Colin, 14th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1919 )
 Martin, Gerald Hamilton ( 1919 )
 Matheson, Ethel Ivy Flora ( 1919 )
 Maude, Charles Raymond ( 1919 )
 McMahon, Kellerman Eyre, 6th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Meynell, Everard Charles Lindley ( 1919 )
 Meynell, Robert Alexander Lindley ( 1919 )
 Miles, Charles William, 5th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Milman, Hugh ( 1919 )
 Milnes-Coates, Edward Clive, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, David John ( 1919 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, George William ( 1919 )
 Montagu, St. John Edward ( 1919 )
 Moore, Francis ( 1919 )
 Morgan, Courtenay Charles Evan, 1st Viscount Tredegar ( 1919 )
 Morgan-Grenville, Harry Nugent ( 1919 )
 Morrison-Bell, Ernest Fitzroy ( 1919 )
 Muir, Margaret Anne Kay ( 1919 )
 Napier, Francis Horatio ( 1919 )
 Neave, Charles Alexander ( 1919 )
 Newton, Harry Knottingham, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Noel, Arthur Edward Joseph, 4th Earl of Gainsborough ( 1919 )
 Noel, Charles Hubert Francis ( 1919 )
 North, Christina Philippa Agnes ( 1919 )
 Nugent, George Roubiliac Hodges ( 1919 )
 Onslow, Harriet Katharine ( 1919 )
 Outram, Francis Davidson, 4th Bt. ( 1919 )
 Packe, Edmund Christopher ( 1919 )
 Parker, William Lorenzo, 3rd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Petre, Henry Cecil ( 1919 )
 Pigott, Wellesley George ( 1919 )
 Pomeroy, Ralph Legge, 8th Viscount Harberton ( 1919 )
 Powys, Mary Augusta ( 1919 )
 Pym, Charles Evelyn ( 1919 )
 Ramsay, Arthur Douglas ( 1919 )
 Ramsbotham, Herwald, 1st Viscount Soulbury ( 1919 )
 Ramsden, Eugene Joseph Squire Hargreaves, 1st and last Baron Ramsden ( 1919 )
 Rees-Mogg, Graham Beauchamp Coxeter ( 1919 )
 Richardson, Philip Wigham, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Ridley, Clarence Oliver ( 1919 )
 Ridley, Jaspar Nicholas ( 1919 )
 Ripley, Edward Guy ( 1919 )
 Romer, Charles Robert ( 1919 )
 Rose, Ivor Sainte Croix ( 1919 )
 Royden, Ethel Martha ( 1919 )
 Russell, Edmond Cecil ( 1919 )
 Russell, Thomas Wentworth ( 1919 )
 Salusbury-Trelawny, James Edward ( 1919 )
 Seymour, Evelyn Francis Edward, 17th Duke of Somerset ( 1919 )
 Seymour, Lionel ( 1919 )
 Shackleton, Ernest Henry ( 1919 )
 Shewell, Herbert Wells Bayly ( 1919 )
 Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1919 )
 Spens, Archibald Borthwick ( 1919 )
 St. Aubyn, Guy Stewart ( 1919 )
 Stacpoole, George William Robert ( 1919 )
 Stanley, Henrietta Margaret ( 1919 )
 Stewart, Albert Fortescue ( 1919 )
 Stoney, Florence Ada ( 1919 )
 Stourton, Violet Mary Annette ( 1919 )
 Strickland, Henry ( 1919 )
 Stuart Taylor, Eric, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Studd, John Edward Kynaston, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 Sturt, Diana Isabel ( 1919 )
 Tangye, Richard Trevithick Gilbertstone ( 1919 )
 Tennant, Ernest William Dalrymple ( 1919 )
 Thorold, Ernest Hayford ( 1919 )
 Truscott, Roy Francis ( 1919 )
 Tyrwhitt, Leonard Francis ( 1919 )
 Verney, Reynell Henry ( 1919 )
 Villiers, Gerald Berkeley ( 1919 )
 Wallace, Charles John ( 1919 )
 Walpole, Charles Archibald ( 1919 )
 Walthall, Henry Douglas Delves ( 1919 )
 Ward, Bernard John Hamilton ( 1919 )
 Ward, Maxwell Richard Crosbie, 6th Viscount Bangor ( 1919 )
 Ward, Robert Arthur ( 1919 )
 Warren, William Robert Vaughton ( 1919 )
 Wellesley, Cecil George ( 1919 )
 White, Francis William ( 1919 )
 Woodhouse, Harold James Selborne, 2nd Baron Terrington ( 1919 )
 Wrey, Edward Charles ( 1919 )
 Wright, Maurice Beresford ( 1919 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Charles Frederick Talbot ( 1919 )
 Adam, Marie Jeanne Augustine ( 1920 )
 Addington, Maud Florence ( 1920 )
 Annesley, Edith Vere ( 1920 )
 Anson, Mary Maud ( 1920 )
 Baker Baker, William Henry ( 1920 )
 Berens, Olivia Elizabeth ( 1920 )
 Best, Gladys Dunlop ( 1920 )
 Blacker, Latham Valentine Stewart ( 1920 )
 Blennerhassett, William Lewis Rowland Paul Sebastian ( 1920 )
 Blount, Edward Aston Charles Marie ( 1920 )
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Alice Maud ( 1920 )
 Bourke, Terence Theobald ( 1920 )
 Boyle, Gertrude Julia Georgina ( 1920 )
 Branch, Charles Churchill ( 1920 )
 Breese, Eloise Lawrence ( 1920 )
 Brocklebank, Agnes Sylvia ( 1920 )
 Bruce, Mary ( 1920 )
 Burrows, Elsie ( 1920 )
 Butler, Charles Walter ( 1920 )
 Byng, Susan Catherine Harriet ( 1920 )
 Campbell-Brabazon, John St. Clair ( 1920 )
 Candy, Kathleen Florence May ( 1920 )
 Carmichael, Evelyn George Massey, of Carmichael ( 1920 )
 Cavendish, Lilah Constance ( 1920 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Bridget Elizabeth ( 1920 )
 Clark, Roland Arbuthnot ( 1920 )
 Cohen, Hannah Floretta ( 1920 )
 Coleridge, Mary Rennell ( 1920 )
 Colt, Thomas Archer ( 1920 )
 Cotton-Jodrell, Olive Harriet ( 1920 )
 Crofton, Augusta Caroline ( 1920 )
 Davies-Cooke, Philip Tatton ( 1920 )
 Dick-Cunyngham, Katharine Mary Delicia ( 1920 )
 Dixon, Charles Egerton ( 1920 )
 Duff Gordon, Caroline Lucie ( 1920 )
 Dundas, Maud Frederica Elizabeth ( 1920 )
 Eden, Charles Hamilton ( 1920 )
 Egerton, Dorothy Charlotte ( 1920 )
 Forster, Gertrude Stansfeld ( 1920 )
 Fraser, Margaret Mary ( 1920 )
 Fullerton-Carnegie, Edward Hugh Wakefield ( 1920 )
 Gardiner, Herbert William ( 1920 )
 Gibbs, Mildred Dorothea ( 1920 )
 Gleichen, Helena Emily ( 1920 )
 Glyn, Augusta Julia Carr ( 1920 )
 Glyn, Margot Elinor ( 1920 )
 Godley, Helen Sarah ( 1920 )
 Goldney, Alice Frances ( 1920 )
 Gordon, George, 2nd Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1920 )
 Graham-Montgomery, Walter Basil ( 1920 )
 Grey, Sybil Frances ( 1920 )
 Gwyer, Cecil Frances ( 1920 )
 Halsey, Walter Johnstone, 2nd Bt. ( 1920 )
 Hamilton, Georgina ( 1920 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, Douglas George ( 1920 )
 Hanning-Lee, Robina Marion ( 1920 )
 Harbord, Alice Marion ( 1920 )
 Harbord, Sybil Charlotte Eleanor ( 1920 )
 Hazlerigg, Grey ( 1920 )
 Herschell, Agnes Freda ( 1920 )
 Holme-Sumner, Gertrude ( 1920 )
 Hope, Caroline Violet Mary ( 1920 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Charles Edward Stewart ( 1920 )
 Horne, Alice Mary ( 1920 )
 Houldsworth, Violet Frances Elisabeth ( 1920 )
 Jex-Blake, Violet ( 1920 )
 Kerr, Wilhelmina Mary Henrietta ( 1920 )
 Kingscote, Winifred Ida ( 1920 )
 Knight, Florita Maria Engracia ( 1920 )
 Lane, Mary Beatrice Sydney ( 1920 )
 Lane-Fox, Marcia Amelia Mary, Baroness Conyers ( 1920 )
 Lees, William Clare, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
 Liddell, Rhoda Caroline Anne ( 1920 )
 Lindsay, Evelyn Margaret ( 1920 )
 Lindsay, Lionel Arthur ( 1920 )
 Long, Mary Katharine ( 1920 )
 Low, Hilda Lucy Adelaide ( 1920 )
 McCorquodale, Norman ( 1920 )
 Meade, Richard John Edward ( 1920 )
 Mills, Beatrice ( 1920 )
 Mirrees, Marion Isobel ( 1920 )
 Monckton, William Leopold ( 1920 )
 Muller, Ingeborg Alfhild ( 1920 )
 Naylor, Mittie ( 1920 )
 North, Maria Theresa ( 1920 )
 Peto, Dorothy Olivia Georgiana ( 1920 )
 Piercy, Ethel Mary ( 1920 )
 Plumer, Sybil Margaret ( 1920 )
 Ponsonby, Cyril Walter ( 1920 )
 Scott, Jane Millicent ( 1920 )
 Seymour, Alexandra Georgina ( 1920 )
 Sowerby, Edith ( 1920 )
 Spender Clay, Violet Sylvia Blanche ( 1920 )
 Strauss, Lily Julia ( 1920 )
 Strickland, Esther Ann ( 1920 )
 Studdert, Frederick Naunton ( 1920 )
 Tempest, Henrietta Francis May ( 1920 )
 Thompson, Eleanor ( 1920 )
 Thornhill, Minnie Elisabeth ( 1920 )
 Thursby, Honor Zoë ( 1920 )
 Tuyll van Serooskerken, Julie Marie ( 1920 )
 Varty-Rogers, Winifred ( 1920 )
 Vesey, Isabel Constance ( 1920 )
 Villiers-Stuart, John Patrick ( 1920 )
 Walsham, Florence Augustus ( 1920 )
 Warburton, Augusta ( 1920 )
 Westwood, William, 1st Baron Westwood ( 1920 )
 Willoughby, James Frederick Digby ( 1920 )
 Burgh, Hugo Graham ( 1921 )
 Galwey, William Rickards ( 1921 )
 Mansel-Pleydell, Harry Percy Morton ( 1921 )
 McGrigor, Charles Colquhoun, 4th Bt. ( 1921 )
 Traill, Anthony O'Brien ( 1921 )
 Browne, Gerald Ralph Desmond, 7th Earl of Kenmare ( 1922 )
 Dundas, Charles Cecil Farquharson ( 1922 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Henry Edmund, 2nd Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent ( 1922 )
 Gillman, Warren Crooke ( 1922 )
 Kerr, Louis William Howard ( 1922 )
 Tancred, Christopher Humphrey ( 1922 )
 Burnett, Robert Lindsay ( 1923 )
 Giles, Frank Lucas Netlam ( 1923 )
 Hamilton-Spencer-Smith, Drummond Cospatric, 5th Bt. ( 1923 )
 Peake, Frederick Gerald ( 1923 )
 Burgh, Hubert Henry ( 1924 )
 Chichester, Alan George ( 1924 )
 Wilson, Nigel Maitland ( 1924 )
 Maclure, William George Percy ( 1925 )
 Ogilvy, David ( 1925 )
 Drysdale, Edith Ellen ( 1926 )
 Eustace, Rowland ( 1926 )
 Lawrence, Charles Trevor ( 1926 )
 Llewellin, John Jestyn, 1st Baron Llewellin ( 1926 )
 Beamish, Walter Strickland ( 1927 )
 Cadogan, Victoria Laura ( 1927 )
 Clarke, William Peter Dunham ( 1927 )
 Guise, Vernon Robert ( 1927 )
 Harris, Arthur Travers, 1st Bt. ( 1927 )
 Hordern, Herle Maudslay ( 1927 )
 Hull, Charlotte Elizabeth ( 1927 )
 Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1927 )
 Agnew, Herbert Charles ( 1928 )
 Dobbs, Cecil Moore ( 1928 )
 Vyvyan, Herbert Reginald ( 1928 )
 Baillie-Hamilton, George Douglas ( 1929 )
 Erskine, Alan David ( 1929 )
 McDouall, John Crichton Stuart ( 1929 )
 Alison, Archibald, 4th Bt. ( 1930 )
 Heywood, Isabel Mary ( 1930 )
 Haughton, Samuel George Steele ( 1931 )
 Kershaw, Fred, 1st Baron Kershaw ( 1931 )
 Maclean, Charles Wilberforce ( 1932 )
 Knox, Edward ( 1933 )
 Neave, Sheffield Alrey ( 1933 )
 Payne-Gallwey, Lowry Philip ( 1933 )
 Stewart-Richardson, Violet Roberta ( 1933 )
 Jebb, Henry Cecil Edward ( 1934 )
 Pelly, Ina Marjorie Gwendolin ( 1934 )
 Preston, Thomas Hildebrand, 6th Bt. ( 1934 )
 Aykroyd, Harold Hammond ( 1935 )
 Cavendish, Evan George Charles ( 1935 )
 Cecil, Henry Mitford Amherst ( 1935 )
 Fane de Salis, Rodolph Henry ( 1935 )
 Needham, Francis Charles Adelbert Henry, 4th Earl of Kilmorey ( 1936 )
 Poyntz, Hugh Stainton ( 1936 )
 Warrender, Alice Helen ( 1936 )
 Bouverie, Mary Helen ( 1937 )
 Burdett, Henry Leatham ( 1937 )
 Gethin, Percy Edward Lovell ( 1937 )
 Montagu, Lilian Helen ( 1937 )
 Anderson, Charles Bevan Carew ( 1938 )
 Bertie, Elizabeth Constance Mary ( 1938 )
 Heaton-Armstrong, Charles George William Stacpool ( 1938 )
 Williams, Lawrence ( 1938 )
 Buchanan-Smith, Alick Drummond, Baron Balerno ( 1939 )
 Coote, Charles Chenevix ( 1939 )
 Cust, Lionel George Arthur ( 1939 )
 Dening, Esler Maberley ( 1939 )
 Foot, Hugh Mackintosh, Baron Caradon ( 1939 )
 Jackson, Henry Humphrey ( 1939 )
 Morton, George Bond ( 1939 )
 Stourton, Ivo Herbert Evelyn Joseph ( 1939 )
 Bayley, Kennett ( 1940 )
 Cavendish, Ronald Valentine ( 1940 )
 Chenevix Trench, Ralph ( 1940 )
 Clarke, Edward Neville ( 1940 )
 Eustace, Edward Arthur Rawlins ( 1940 )
 Eyre, Richard Philip Hastings ( 1940 )
 Fraser, Ian ( 1940 )
 Gale, Richard Nelson ( 1940 )
 Gibbon, Edward Acton Alcock ( 1940 )
 Goff, Robert Ewen Cameron ( 1940 )
 Montagu, Alexander George Francis Drogo, 10th Duke of Manchester ( 1940 )
 Sinclair, John Alexander ( 1940 )
 Stopford, James Coverley ( 1940 )
 Whitefoord, Philip Geoffrey ( 1940 )
 Younger, Edward George, 3rd Viscount Younger of Leckie ( 1940 )
 Baker, John Fleetwood, Baron Baker ( 1941 )
 Buzzard, Anthony Wass, 2nd Bt. ( 1941 )
 Chichester, Arthur O'Neill Cubitt ( 1941 )
 Cordeaux, Edward Cawdron ( 1941 )
 Devitt, Howson Charles ( 1941 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, George Nigel, 10th Earl of Selkirk ( 1941 )
 Duff, Alan Colquhoun ( 1941 )
 Galwey, William Charles Vernon ( 1941 )
 Greenhill, Denis Arthur, Baron Greenhill of Harrow ( 1941 )
 Hewett, William George ( 1941 )
 Jackson, Robert Gillman Allen ( 1941 )
 Keightley, Charles Frederick ( 1941 )
 Kenyon-Slaney, Gerald William ( 1941 )
 King, Mysie Caroline Maitland ( 1941 )
 Muir, Gerald Robin ( 1941 )
 Nussey, Helen Georgiana ( 1941 )
 Oakley, Pauline ( 1941 )
 Robinson, Marjorie Frances Alice ( 1941 )
 Stephenson, Henry Francis Blake, 2nd Bt. ( 1941 )
 Traill, Henry Austin ( 1941 )
 Trevelyan, Humphrey, Baron Trevelyan ( 1941 )
 Yorke, Philip Cecil Langdon ( 1941 )
 Armstrong, Christopher Wyborn ( 1942 )
 Birch, Cicely Mary ( 1942 )
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne ( 1942 )
 Campbell, Sybil ( 1942 )
 Carroll, Donough ( 1942 )
 Codrington, Mary Adela ( 1942 )
 Colville, George Cecil ( 1942 )
 Denison-Pender, Henry Denison ( 1942 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, Lambert ( 1942 )
 Foley, Guy Francis ( 1942 )
 Fortescue, Hugh William, 5th Earl Fortescue ( 1942 )
 Goodbody, Roger Relton ( 1942 )
 Guinness, Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley ( 1942 )
 Hare, Richard George Windham ( 1942 )
 Hughes, William, Baron Hughes ( 1942 )
 Johnstone, George Horace ( 1942 )
 Lea, Robert Francis Gore ( 1942 )
 MacDougall, George Donald Alastair ( 1942 )
 Marsham, Hubert Anthony Lucius ( 1942 )
 Mathews, Arthur Kenneth ( 1942 )
 McCorquodale, Donald ( 1942 )
 Napier, Arthur Henry Gurney ( 1942 )
 Nutting, Arthur Ronald Stansmore ( 1942 )
 Pakington, Humphrey Arthur, 5th Baron Hampton ( 1942 )
 Sorsbie, Malin ( 1942 )
 Thorold, Anthony Henry, 15th Bt. ( 1942 )
 Willink, Francis Arthur ( 1942 )
 Windham, Alba ( 1942 )
 Abell, George Edmond Brackenbury ( 1943 )
 Acland, Katherine ( 1943 )
 Adeane, Robert Philip Wyndham ( 1943 )
 Bromhead, Benjamin Denis Gonville, 5th Bt. ( 1943 )
 Browne, Dominick Andrew Sidney ( 1943 )
 Bull, Anthony ( 1943 )
 Campbell, Alan Fitzroy ( 1943 )
 Carroll, John Frederick ( 1943 )
 Charteris, Nigel Keppel ( 1943 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Malcolm Avondale ( 1943 )
 Dudgeon, Joseph Hume ( 1943 )
 Duff, Dorothy Alexandra ( 1943 )
 Esmonde, John Witham ( 1943 )
 Hall, Gladys Olive ( 1943 )
 Hamilton, Cynthia Elinor Beatrix ( 1943 )
 Hope, Adrian Price Webley ( 1943 )
 Innes, Ronald Gordon Berowald, of Balvenie, 16th Bt. ( 1943 )
 Jardine, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1943 )
 Jekyll, Barbara ( 1943 )
 Lambert, Jeffrey Maurice ( 1943 )
 Lambton, Ann Katharine Swynford ( 1943 )
 Macpherson, George Philip Stewart ( 1943 )
 Malet, George Edward Grenville ( 1943 )
 Milman, Henry Augustus ( 1943 )
 Milman, John Alexander Ralph ( 1943 )
 Morgan-Giles, Morgan Charles ( 1943 )
 Mountbatten, David Michael, 3rd Marquess of Milford Haven ( 1943 )
 Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, 1st Baron Poole ( 1943 )
 Porritt, Arthur Espie, Baron Porritt ( 1943 )
 Quill, Jeffrey Kindersley ( 1943 )
 Rowley-Conwy, Geoffrey Alexander, 9th Baron Langford of Summerhill ( 1943 )
 Russell, Edward Frederick Langley, 2nd Baron Russell of Liverpool ( 1943 )
 Rycroft, David Hugh ( 1943 )
 Stoney, Ralph Francis Ewart ( 1943 )
 Taylor, William Johnson, 1st Bt. ( 1943 )
 Thynne, Emma Margery ( 1943 )
 Villiers, John Michael ( 1943 )
 Ackery, Alan Melville ( 1944 )
 Adams, John Jackson, 1st and last Baron Adams ( 1944 )
 Aitchison, John Gordon ( 1944 )
 Balfour, Oswald Herbert Campbell ( 1944 )
 Boyle, Belinda Margaret Graeme ( 1944 )
 Bruce Lockhart, John MacGregor ( 1944 )
 Bruce, Constance Pamela Alice ( 1944 )
 Burke Cole, John James ( 1944 )
 Byers, Charles Frank, Baron Byers ( 1944 )
 Chenevix Trench, Julius Francis ( 1944 )
 Coleridge, Richard Duke, 4th Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1944 )
 Crichton, Michael Henry ( 1944 )
 Crichton, Richard Edward ( 1944 )
 Dobbs, Hector George Edmund ( 1944 )
 Donaldson, John George Stuart, Baron Donaldson of Kingsbridge ( 1944 )
 Fane de Salis, Arthur Regester ( 1944 )
 Fraser, William, 2nd Baron Strathalmond ( 1944 )
 Gerard, Charles Robert Tolver Michael ( 1944 )
 Gibson, William David ( 1944 )
 Gore, Thomas Gerard ( 1944 )
 Goschen, John Alexander, 3rd Viscount Goschen ( 1944 )
 Hanmer, Robert Hugh ( 1944 )
 Harcourt, Barbara Vernon ( 1944 )
 Henniker, Mark Chandos Auberon, 8th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Herbert, Charles Edward Mercer ( 1944 )
 Holmes à Court, Bridget ( 1944 )
 Hope-Vere, Ralph Jean James ( 1944 )
 Houldsworth, Reginald Douglas Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Kingscote, Nigel Adrian Fitzhardinge ( 1944 )
 Lang, Eustace Vaughan ( 1944 )
 Maclay, Walter Symington ( 1944 )
 Mais, Alan Raymond, Baron Mais ( 1944 )
 Maude, Edward Frederick ( 1944 )
 Monckton, Edward Walter ( 1944 )
 Napier, Joseph William Lennox, 4th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Napier, Robert John, 5th Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1944 )
 Pelly, Blake Raymond ( 1944 )
 Pelly, Charles Nigel Cavendish ( 1944 )
 Plowden, Piers Standish ( 1944 )
 Purvis-Russell-Montgomery, Henry Keith ( 1944 )
 Russell, Leopold Oliver ( 1944 )
 Samuel-Montagu, Ewen Edward Samuel ( 1944 )
 Sieff, Marcus Joseph, Baron Sieff of Brimpton ( 1944 )
 St. George, Evelyn Bligh ( 1944 )
 Strickland, Mabel Edeline ( 1944 )
 Vereker, Stanley Lloyd Medlicott ( 1944 )
 Walsham, John Scarlett Warren, 4th Bt. ( 1944 )
 Whitehead, Edgar Cuthbert Fremantle ( 1944 )
 Wilberforce, Richard Orme, Baron Wilberforce ( 1944 )
 Woodhouse, Christopher Montague, 5th Baron Terrington ( 1944 )
 Wyldbore-Smith, Francis Brian ( 1944 )
 Wynn, Robert Vaughan, 6th Baron Newborough ( 1944 )
 Aarvold, Carl Douglas ( 1945 )
 Acland, Arthur William ( 1945 )
 Aird, Malcolm Henry ( 1945 )
 Arthur, Matthew, 3rd Baron Glenarthur ( 1945 )
 Aykroyd, Mary Hammond ( 1945 )
 Beauclerk, Charles Frederic Aubrey de Vere, 13th Duke of Saint Albans ( 1945 )
 Blair-Cunynghame, James Ogilvy ( 1945 )
 Blair-Oliphant, David Nigel ( 1945 )
 Boughey, Edward Peter Fletcher ( 1945 )
 Boyle, Hugh MacCormac ( 1945 )
 Buchan, John Norman Stuart, 2nd Baron Tweedsmuir ( 1945 )
 Bunbury, Laura Constance Elinor ( 1945 )
 Burnett, John George ( 1945 )
 Campbell, Alexander Purdon ( 1945 )
 Carden, Henry Christopher, 4th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Casement, Roddie ( 1945 )
 Chadwyck-Healey, Charles Arthur, 4th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Connor, John Richard ( 1945 )
 Cudlipp, Hugh Kinsman, Baron Cudlipp ( 1945 )
 Cunningham, James Glencairn ( 1945 )
 Curtis, William Patrick Stewart ( 1945 )
 Daly, Denis William ( 1945 )
 Daly, Victor Alexander Henry ( 1945 )
 Dawnay, Richard, 10th Viscount Downe ( 1945 )
 Dunn, John Hubert ( 1945 )
 Eaton, Margaret Craig ( 1945 )
 Evans, Sidney Harold, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 Fleming, Robert Peter ( 1945 )
 Floyd, Arthur Bowen ( 1945 )
 Floyd, Charles Murray ( 1945 )
 Foley, Paul Robert ( 1945 )
 French, George Arthur ( 1945 )
 Geddes, Alexander Campbell ( 1945 )
 Geddes, Anthony Reay Mackay ( 1945 )
 Goodbody, Kenneth Manliffe ( 1945 )
 Graham, George Kenneth ( 1945 )
 Griffith, Frances Eliza ( 1945 )
 Hall-Dare, Derrick Arthur ( 1945 )
 Hammick, Henry Alexander ( 1945 )
 Harcourt Vernon, Granville Charles FitzHerbert ( 1945 )
 Harcourt, William Edward, 2nd Viscount Harcourt ( 1945 )
 Hare, John Hugh, 1st Viscount Blakenham ( 1945 )
 Hastings, Robin Hood William Stewart ( 1945 )
 Havilland, Geoffrey Raoul ( 1945 )
 Hope, Archibald Philip, of Craighall, 17th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Hope, James Webley ( 1945 )
 Kemp, John Durival, 1st Viscount Rochdale ( 1945 )
 Kennedy, John de Navarre ( 1945 )
 Kington-Blair-Oliphant, William Yaldwyn ( 1945 )
 Lascelles, Henry Anthony ( 1945 )
 Lawley, Ursula Mary ( 1945 )
 Lawrence, John Waldemar, 6th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Legge, Dorothy ( 1945 )
 Leigh, Honor Dorothy ( 1945 )
 Llewellyn, Henry Morton, 3rd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Lytton-Milbanke, Noel Anthony Scawen, 4th Earl of Lytton ( 1945 )
 MacDermot, Niall ( 1945 )
 Mack, Richard Herbert ( 1945 )
 Maclure, John William Spencer, 3rd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Henry David ( 1945 )
 Marling, John Stanley Vincent, 4th Bt. ( 1945 )
 Maunsell, Mark Stuart Ker ( 1945 )
 Montgomery, Arthur Herbert ( 1945 )
 Montgomery, Ernest John ( 1945 )
 Moynihan, Patrick Berkeley, 2nd Baron Moynihan ( 1945 )
 Nevill, John Henry Guy, 5th Marquess of Abergavenny ( 1945 )
 Norman, Antony Charles Wynyard ( 1945 )
 Orr-Ewing, Charles Ian, Baron Orr-Ewing ( 1945 )
 Pelham-Clinton-Hope, Henry Edward Hugh, 9th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1945 )
 Phillimore, Robert George Hugh ( 1945 )
 Preston, Philip Henry Herbert Hulton ( 1945 )
 Prideaux, Humphrey Povah Treverbian ( 1945 )
 Redmayne, John ( 1945 )
 Rodd, Gustaf Guthrie Rennell ( 1945 )
 Rodney, Ivor Morgan ( 1945 )
 Ruggles-Brise, John Archibald, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Scott, James Maurice ( 1945 )
 Shackleton, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron Shackleton ( 1945 )
 Shakerley, Peter Francis ( 1945 )
 Shawcross, Hartley William, Baron Shawcross ( 1945 )
 Smith, James Frederick Arthur ( 1945 )
 Southby, Archibald Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Spencer, Edward Almeric ( 1945 )
 Spencer, Richard Augustus ( 1945 )
 Stanley, Frederick Arthur ( 1945 )
 Stewart, Keith Ian Douglas ( 1945 )
 Stopford Sackville, Nigel Victor ( 1945 )
 Studholme, Richard Home ( 1945 )
 Usher, John Turnbull, 3rd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Villiers, Francis Berkeley Hyde ( 1945 )
 Vivian, Alexandra Mary Freesia ( 1945 )
 Waller, George Stanley ( 1945 )
 Welby-Everard, Christopher Earle ( 1945 )
 Williams-Wynn, Edward Watkin ( 1945 )
 Wingate, Ronald Evelyn Leslie, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Wrightson, Peter ( 1945 )
 Acland, Peter Bevil Edward ( 1946 )
 Annan, Nöel Gilroy, Baron Annan ( 1946 )
 Anstruther, Alexander Meister ( 1946 )
 Baillet-Latour, Therese ( 1946 )
 Baring, Esmond Charles ( 1946 )
 Barnett, Oliver Charles ( 1946 )
 Benton Jones, Peter Fawcett, 3rd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Birdwood, Felix Tolcher ( 1946 )
 Blackley, Travers Robert ( 1946 ), Military
 Bolton, Ian Frederick Cheney, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Bomford, Guy ( 1946 )
 Boyle, Irene Florinda Maude ( 1946 )
 Bright, Penelope Joan McKerrow ( 1946 )
 Brush, Edward James Augustus Howard ( 1946 )
 Burrowes, Terence ( 1946 )
 Buxton, Geoffrey Mungo ( 1946 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Bryan William ( 1946 )
 Cavendish, Rachel ( 1946 )
 Cayley, Henry Douglas ( 1946 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1946 )
 Chatfield, Mary Katharine Medina ( 1946 )
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Granville Brian ( 1946 )
 Colins, Victor John, Baron Stonham ( 1946 )
 Croker, Edward James O'Brien ( 1946 )
 Crossley, Michael Nicholson ( 1946 )
 Curzon-Howe, Elizabeth Anne ( 1946 )
 Drummond, Josceline Heneage ( 1946 )
 Duncan, David ( 1946 )
 Edwardes, Edward Henry ( 1946 )
 Eliott, Hugh Herbert Heathfield ( 1946 )
 Ellis, Mary ( 1946 )
 Elworthy, John Churchill ( 1946 )
 Evans, Trevor George Corry ( 1946 )
 Finlay, John Euston Bell ( 1946 )
 Flavelle, Clara Ellsworth ( 1946 )
 Glyn, Esmé Consuelo Helen ( 1946 )
 Graham, John Reginald Noble, 3rd Bt., V.C. ( 1946 )
 Graham, Richard Bellingham, 10th Bt. ( 1946 )
 Guthrie, Giles Connop McEacharn, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Heber-Percy, Hugh Alan ( 1946 )
 Hogg, Kenneth Weir, 6th Bt. ( 1946 )
 Hone, Evelyn Dennison ( 1946 )
 Hughes, Alfred Marcus ( 1946 )
 Hughes, Richard Arthur Warren ( 1946 )
 Ingrams, Leonard St. Clare ( 1946 )
 Kirwan-Taylor, William John ( 1946 )
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Mary ( 1946 )
 Lambton, Monica Helen ( 1946 )
 Lycett Green, Nancy ( 1946 )
 Magan, William Morgan Tilson ( 1946 )
 Malcolm, Alexander Dougal ( 1946 )
 Massy, Derek FitzGerald ( 1946 )
 Money-Coutts, Alexander Burdett ( 1946 )
 Moore, Charles Garrett Ponsonby, 11th Earl of Drogheda ( 1946 )
 Murton, Henry Oscar, Baron Murton of Lindisfarne ( 1946 )
 Phillimore, Henry Josceline ( 1946 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Helen ( 1946 )
 Pooley, John Henry ( 1946 )
 Rea, Philip Russell, 2nd Baron Rea ( 1946 )
 Reid, Edward James, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Runciman, Walter Leslie, 2nd Viscount of Runciman of Doxford ( 1946 )
 Russell, Edward Wriothesley Curzon ( 1946 )
 Russell, Phyllis Margaret ( 1946 )
 Selby-Bigge, John Amhurst, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Seymour, Evelyn Roger ( 1946 )
 Smiley, David de Crespigny ( 1946 )
 Stapleton, Mona Josephine Tempest, Baroness Beaumont ( 1946 )
 Stirling, Archibald David ( 1946 )
 Studd, Eric, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Sturrock, Sibyl Anne ( 1946 )
 Teacher, Anthony Donald Macdonald ( 1946 )
 Torby, Anastasia Mikhailovna, Countess de Torby ( 1946 )
 Tyrwhitt, Mary Joan Caroline ( 1946 )
 Verney, Ulick Otway Vortigern ( 1946 )
 Ward, Bernard Ralph Henry ( 1946 )
 Wetherell, Robert William May ( 1946 )
 Andrews, David ( 1947 )
 Cotton, John Richard ( 1947 )
 Cowles, Harriet Virginia Spencer ( 1947 )
 Denman, Anne Judith ( 1947 )
 Fagan, Richard William Feltrim ( 1947 )
 Gore, Francis Norton Wentworth ( 1947 )
 Greenhill, Ernest, 1st Baron Greenhill ( 1947 )
 Horsbrugh, May Eudora ( 1947 )
 Innes, Harold Goodwin ( 1947 )
 Martin, Charles Hamilton ( 1947 )
 Montagu, Stuart Albert Samuel, 3rd Baron Swaythling ( 1947 )
 Neave, Airey Middleton Sheffield ( 1947 )
 Slade, Muriel Rebecca ( 1947 )
 Vernon-Harcourt, William Ronald Denis ( 1947 )
 Allen, William Edward David ( 1948 )
 Baillieu, Margery Merlyn ( 1948 )
 Caulfeild, Grace Hardyman ( 1948 )
 Conan Doyle, Jean Lena Annette ( 1948 )
 Graham, James Porter ( 1948 )
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Edward M. ( 1948 )
 Marshall, Arthur Gregory George ( 1948 )
 Murray, Virginia ( 1948 )
 Rollo, Gylla Constance Susan ( 1948 )
 Warner, Edward Redston ( 1948 )
 Willink, Mary Cecilia Wakefield ( 1948 )
 Beaumont, Richard Ashton ( 1949 )
 Browne, Cyril Edward ( 1949 )
 Chisholm-Batten, Alexander William ( 1949 )
 Gordon-Watson, David Michael Lindsay ( 1949 )
 Graham, Bevis Royal ( 1949 )
 Hawkins, Eustace Fellowes Sinclair ( 1949 )
 Hepper, James Mortimer ( 1949 )
 Pakenham, Richard Hercules Wingfield ( 1949 )
 Parker, Alexander Edward ( 1949 )
 Pound, Graham Trevor ( 1949 )
 Ridley, William Henry Wake ( 1949 )
 Straubenzee, Henry Hamilton ( 1949 )
 Trevelyan, John ( 1949 )
 Alexander, Clare Helen ( 1950 )
 Baynes, Edward Stuart Augustus ( 1950 )
 Brownlow, John Desmond Cavendish, 4th Baron Lurgan ( 1950 )
 Clark, Alexander Lane ( 1950 )
 Close-Smith, Richard Sydney Grenville ( 1950 )
 Coventry, Arthur Beauclerk ( 1950 )
 Douglas, John Sholto Henry ( 1950 )
 Fergusson, Bernard Edward, Baron Ballantrae ( 1950 )
 George, Mary ( 1950 )
 Gretton, John Frederic, 2nd Baron Gretton ( 1950 )
 Howard-Sneyd, Henry Ralph Mowbray ( 1950 )
 Law, Horace Rochfort ( 1950 )
 Mander, Eileen Cicely ( 1950 )
 Molesworth, George Noble ( 1950 )
 Poyntz, John Mackay Brace ( 1950 )
 Stopford, James Montagu Burgoyne, 8th Earl of Courtown ( 1950 )
 Wakefield, Roger Cuthbert ( 1950 )
 Weldon, Hamilton Edward Crosdill ( 1950 )
 Birkin, James Michael ( 1951 )
 Chichester, Victoria May ( 1951 )
 FitzGerald, Denis Henry ( 1951 )
 Grayson, Tristram Hugh Harrington ( 1951 )
 Grey, Ralph Francis Alnwick, Baron Grey of Naunton ( 1951 )
 Holbech, Ronald Herbert Acland ( 1951 )
 Leatherland, Charles Edward, Baron Leatherland ( 1951 )
 Oxley, Dorothy ( 1951 )
 Rose Price, Robert Caradoc ( 1951 )
 West, Dudley Somerset Erskine ( 1951 )
 Bannerman, John MacDonald, Baron Bannerman of Kildonan ( 1952 )
 Blakiston-Houston, Marian ( 1952 )
 Bullen, Dennis Owen ( 1952 )
 Catto, Isabel Ida Gordon ( 1952 )
 Caulfeild, Robert ( 1952 )
 Dashwood, Thomas John Russell ( 1952 )
 Dewar, Michael Kenneth O'Malley, of that Ilk and Vogrie ( 1952 )
 Finlay, Robert James Bell ( 1952 )
 Gardiner, John Kingsmill ( 1952 )
 Gill, Ruth Sylvia ( 1952 )
 Hanmer, John Michael ( 1952 )
 Henderson, May Agnes Florence ( 1952 )
 Hoyer Millar, Evelyn Louisa Elizabeth ( 1952 )
 Lowther, William Guy, 5th Bt. ( 1952 )
 McCowan, Margaret Joan ( 1952 )
 Musgrave, Christopher Norman, 6th Bt. ( 1952 )
 Nelson, William Vernon Hope, 3rd Bt. ( 1952 )
 Rankin, William ( 1952 )
 Selincourt, Mary ( 1952 )
 Strutt, Anthony Geoffrey ( 1952 )
 Bingham, Francis Humphrey ( 1953 )
 Elliott, Hugh Francis Ivo, 3rd Bt. ( 1953 )
 Fraser, Magdalen Mary Charlotte ( 1953 )
 Goldsmid, Gladys Helen Rachel ( 1953 )
 Guest, Ivor Grosvenor, 2nd Viscount Wimborne ( 1953 )
 Harington, Charles Henry Pepys ( 1953 )
 Liddell, Lionel Arthur ( 1953 )
 Lutyens, Ursula ( 1953 )
 Malet, Edward William St. Lo, 8th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Merandon du Plessis, Edith ( 1953 )
 Pelly, Esterel Alice Muriel ( 1953 )
 Rolland, Francis William ( 1953 )
 Rumbold, Alastair Gordon ( 1953 )
 Somervell, Agnes Marion ( 1953 )
 Thesiger, Richard Edward Knight ( 1953 )
 Birkin, Peter Lawrence ( 1954 )
 Butler, Thomas Pierce, 12th Bt. ( 1954 )
 Campbell, David Archibald ( 1954 )
 Campbell, Guy Theophilus Halswell, 5th Bt. ( 1954 )
 Farquhar, Charles Robert Stanier ( 1954 )
 Goschen, Alexander Gerard Lee ( 1954 )
 Greenley, Bertha Anne ( 1954 )
 Johnson, Peter Warren ( 1954 )
 Loyd, Francis Alfred ( 1954 )
 Pilkington, David Charles Bethune ( 1954 )
 Ricketts, Robert Lumsden ( 1954 )
 Ridley, William Terence Colborne ( 1954 )
 Seymour, John Richard Arthur ( 1954 )
 Simpson, Basil Robert James, 2nd Bt. ( 1954 )
 Trevelyan, Pauline ( 1954 )
 Allpass, Charles Warwick ( 1955 )
 Avigdor-Goldsmid, James Arthur, 3rd Bt. ( 1955 )
 Bagot, Charles Frederic Villiers ( 1955 )
 Burgh, Ernest Charles ( 1955 )
 Glyn, Richard Hamilton, 5th/9th Bt. ( 1955 )
 Grenfell, Harry St. Leger ( 1955 )
 Greville, Richard Francis Maynard ( 1955 )
 Lloyd, Marion Avis ( 1955 )
 Montague Browne, Anthony Arthur Duncan ( 1955 )
 Price, Daphne Constance ( 1955 )
 Russell, Edward Southwell, 26th Lord de Clifford ( 1955 )
 Sanders, Vera Elizabeth ( 1955 )
 Schuster, Felix James Moncrieff, 3rd Bt. ( 1955 )
 Sebag-Montefiore, Charles Edward ( 1955 )
 Vane, Christopher William, 10th Baron Barnard of Barnard's Castle ( 1955 )
 Bagenal, Philip Hope Edward ( 1956 )
 Bolton, Margery Allen ( 1956 )
 Chitty, Lily Frances ( 1956 )
 Cook, Marion ( 1956 )
 Coote, Frederick Stanley ( 1956 )
 Cunard, Virginia Beatrice ( 1956 )
 Dundas, James Hamilton ( 1956 )
 Egerton, David Boswell, 16th Bt. ( 1956 )
 Gibbon, Maurice William ( 1956 )
 Gibbon, Thomas Holroyd ( 1956 )
 Gourlay, Basil Ian Spencer ( 1956 )
 Hope, Hugh Alexander ( 1956 )
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Henry Charles, 7th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1956 )
 Macpherson-Grant, Nina Marion ( 1956 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Douglas Charles Mahisra Chula ( 1956 )
 Russell, Avril ( 1956 )
 Trevelyan, Mary ( 1956 )
 Wrightson, Rebecca Hope Gilchrist ( 1956 )
 Acton, Thomas Heward ( 1957 )
 Beevor, Cecil Thomas Ashworth ( 1957 )
 Birkett, Marjorie Methwold ( 1957 )
 Boden, Patrick Anthony Drummond ( 1957 )
 Cannon, Richard Nevill ( 1957 )
 Challen, Edith Wilmhurst ( 1957 )
 Dewey, Rose Myfanwy ( 1957 )
 Grove Annesley, Edmund Patrick ( 1957 )
 Houghton, Daisy ( 1957 )
 Jenkins, Winifred Mary ( 1957 )
 Lambert, Mary Georgiana ( 1957 )
 Murray, Anthony Ian Rupert ( 1957 )
 Newdegate, Lucia Charlotte Susan ( 1957 )
 Palmer, Gordon William Nottage ( 1957 )
 Perry, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron Perry of Walton ( 1957 )
 Ryder, Margaret Susan, Baroness Ryder of Warsaw ( 1957 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Gerard Francis Gisborne ( 1957 )
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Henry O'Donnel ( 1957 )
 Watson-Gandy, Campbell Vere ( 1957 )
 Beckett, Christopher John, 4th Baron Grimthorpe ( 1958 )
 Bromhead, Robert Benjamin Gonville ( 1958 )
 Bruce, Martha Veronica ( 1958 )
 Carter-Campbell, Duncan Maclachlan, 8th of Possil ( 1958 )
 Clayton, Michael Thomas Emilius ( 1958 )
 Cramsie, Alexander James Henry ( 1958 )
 Dundas, James Durham, 6th Bt. ( 1958 )
 Findlay, Laetitia Florence ( 1958 )
 Gibbs, Humphrey Vicary ( 1958 )
 Hankey, Christopher Alers ( 1958 )
 Weller-Poley, Sheila Mary ( 1958 )
 Beaumont, Charles-Louis Leopold Alfred ( 1959 )
 Berry, Julian ( 1959 )
 Brassey, Hugh Trefusis ( 1959 )
 Bruce, Merlin ( 1959 )
 Burns, Cynthia Mary ( 1959 )
 Farmiloe, Cynthia ( 1959 )
 Forbes, Patrick Walter ( 1959 )
 Goff, Thomas Robert Charles ( 1959 )
 Gregory-Hood, Alexander Marshall Horace ( 1959 )
 Hamilton, Thomas Francis Chetwode ( 1959 )
 Harbottle, Michael Neale ( 1959 )
 Kenyon, Irene Helen ( 1959 )
 Keppel, Sonia Rosemary ( 1959 )
 Martin, Robert Andrew St. George ( 1959 )
 Roberts, James Denby, 2nd Bt. ( 1959 )
 Shillington, Robert Edward Graham ( 1959 )
 Spencer-Smith, Jeremy Michael ( 1959 )
 Thompson, Peile, 5th Bt. ( 1959 )
 Adderley, Michael Charles ( 1960 )
 Baker-Cresswell, Mary Emma ( 1960 )
 Burgh, Richard Ulick Paget ( 1960 )
 Colchester, Halsey Sparrowe ( 1960 )
 Cooper, Giles Stannus ( 1960 )
 Cramsie, Richard Desmond ( 1960 )
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Alexander Pascoe ( 1960 )
 Labouchere, Mary Aymée Lilian ( 1960 )
 Maitland, Donald James Dundas ( 1960 )
 Mansel, Edmund Clavell ( 1960 )
 Marks, Rebecca Doro ( 1960 )
 Nightingale, Michael David ( 1960 )
 Park, Daphne Margaret Sybil Desiree, Baroness Park of Monmouth ( 1960 )
 Penn, Eric Charles William Mackenzie ( 1960 )
 Rycroft, Henry Richard ( 1960 )
 Taylor, John Aked, Baron Ingrow ( 1960 )
 Walpole, Pamela Frances ( 1960 )
 Winthrop-Young, Jocelin Slingsby ( 1960 )
 Bancroft, Donald Royle Jackson ( 1961 )
 Dimmock, Peter Harold ( 1961 )
 Gale, Kathleen Myrtle ( 1961 )
 Gibbs, Barbara Louisa ( 1961 )
 Jones, Alun Arthur Gwynne, Baron Chalfont ( 1961 )
 Kerr, Francis Robert Newsam ( 1961 )
 Macpherson, Helen Catriona Stewart ( 1961 )
 Martin, Bridget Grace ( 1961 )
 Maxwell, Leigh ( 1961 )
 Monck, Henry Wyndham Stanley, 6th Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon ( 1961 )
 Rutherford, Margaret ( 1961 )
 Seely, Henry John Alexander, 2nd Baron Mottistone ( 1961 )
 Tennant, Nancy ( 1961 )
 Trench, Dudley Oliver, 5th Baron Ashtown ( 1961 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ivo Murray, 14th Baron Saye and Sele ( 1961 )
 Blair, Chandos ( 1962 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Francis James Cecil ( 1962 )
 Clifford, Lewis Hugh, 13th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh ( 1962 )
 Horsfield, David Ralph ( 1962 )
 Philipps, Gwenllian ( 1962 )
 Rowley, Charles Samuel, 6th Bt. ( 1962 )
 Smith, Honor Mildred Vivian ( 1962 )
 Stanley, Sylvia Laura ( 1962 )
 Walker, Alice Martha ( 1962 )
 Woollcombe, Michael Louis ( 1962 )
 Bell, Mary Katharine ( 1963 )
 Beresford-Peirse, Robert Henry Windham de la Poer ( 1963 )
 Cheyne, William Watson ( 1963 )
 Cornwallis, Fiennes Neil Wykeham, 3rd Baron Cornwallis ( 1963 )
 Gridley, Elsa Joan ( 1963 )
 Harris, Antony John Temple ( 1963 )
 Hope, Richard Frederick ( 1963 )
 Meakin, Beatrice Eileen ( 1963 )
 Sinclair, John Robert Kilgour, 2nd Baron Sinclair of Cleeve ( 1963 )
 Vanneck, Peter Beckford Rutgers ( 1963 )
 Warrender, John Robert, 2nd Baron Bruntisfield ( 1963 )
 Adderley, John Arden, 7th Baron Norton ( 1964 )
 Best, Frank Charles ( 1964 )
 Davies-Cooke, Kathleen Mabel ( 1964 )
 Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthrop ( 1964 )
 Mansel, Isita Clare ( 1964 )
 McCorkell, Michael William ( 1964 )
 Asquith, Helen Frances ( 1965 )
 Baird, Edith Christian Broun ( 1965 )
 Bramall, Edwin Noel Westby, Baron Bramall ( 1965 )
 Chichester, Patrick George ( 1965 )
 Freyberg, Paul Richard, 2nd Baron Freyberg ( 1965 )
 Garnsworthy, Charles William, Baron Garnsworthy ( 1965 )
 Irving, Dorothea Elizabeth ( 1965 )
 Marsden-Smedley, Basil Futvoye ( 1965 )
 Beach, William Gerald Hugh ( 1966 )
 Beamish, Henry Hamilton ( 1966 )
 Birdwood, Christopher R. Brodrick ( 1966 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Arthur, 4th Baron Cozens-Hardy ( 1966 )
 Currie, Arnold William Rivers ( 1966 )
 Dickinson, Agnes Désirée ( 1966 )
 Haig, George Alexander Eugene Douglas, 2nd Earl Haig ( 1966 )
 Heber-Percy, William David ( 1966 )
 Jardine, Ian Liddell, 4th Bt. ( 1966 )
 Jardine, William Edward, of Applegirth, 11th Bt. ( 1966 )
 Johnstone, Margaret ( 1966 )
 Maclean-Bristol, Nicholas Maclean Verity, of Breachachadh Castle ( 1966 )
 Maitland, Alastair George ( 1966 )
 Moon, John Richard Philip ( 1966 )
 Murray, Lionel, Baron Murray of Epping Forest ( 1966 )
 Pease, Michael Stewart ( 1966 )
 Quant, Barbara Mary ( 1966 )
 Sime, David Alistair Hope ( 1966 )
 Urquhart, David Lauchlan, Baron Tayside ( 1966 )
 Arbuthnot, John Keith ( 1967 )
 Bacon, Francis Thomas ( 1967 )
 Cooper, Christine Elisabeth ( 1967 )
 Craig, David Brownrigg, Baron Craig of Radley ( 1967 )
 Dobbs, Joan Kathleen ( 1967 )
 Fry, Francis Wilfrid, 5th Bt. ( 1967 )
 Gibbs, Christopher John ( 1967 )
 Haldane, Robert Aylmer ( 1967 )
 Hardie, Henry David Stewart ( 1967 )
 Balfour, David Andrew, 4th Baron Kinross ( 1968 )
 Beauchamp, Henry Rex ( 1968 )
 Campbell, Lorne Maclaine, of Airds, V.C. ( 1968 )
 Grattan, John ( 1968 )
 Hicks-Beach, Peter Stewart ( 1968 )
 Kennedy, Archibald David, 7th Marquess of Ailsa ( 1968 )
 Nobbs, Ray Herbert Hastings ( 1968 )
 Palmer, Raymond Cecil, 3rd Baron Palmer ( 1968 )
 Ramsden, Charles Alfred ( 1968 )
 Burgh, Patrick Rupert Richard ( 1969 )
 Cavendish, Peter Boucher ( 1969 )
 Dalrymple-Hay, Kenneth Houston ( 1969 )
 Earle, David Eric Martin ( 1969 )
 Feilden, Bernard Melchior ( 1969 )
 Gormley, Joseph, Baron Gormley ( 1969 )
 Liddell, Maurice Arthur ( 1969 )
 Newton, Kenneth Garnar, 3rd Bt. ( 1969 )
 Swinton, John, 7th of Kimmerghame ( 1969 )
 Taylor, Thomas, Baron Taylor of Blackburn ( 1969 )
 Winser, Dorothy Mary ( 1969 )
 Blackwood, George ( 1970 )
 Dawnay, Richard William ( 1970 )
 Frost, David Paradine ( 1970 )
 Hesketh, Roger Fleetwood ( 1970 )
 Llewellyn, Hermione ( 1970 )
 McIntosh, Albert William ( 1970 )
 Napier, Lennox Alexander Hawkins ( 1970 )
 Sandilands, Bruce Walter ( 1970 )
 Wingate, George Nigel Fancourt ( 1970 )
 Cathcart, Eva Renée ( 1971 )
 Cornwall-Legh, Charles Legh Shuldham, 5th Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1971 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Beryl Gladys ( 1971 )
 Farrell, Lucretia Pauline Rebecca Ann ( 1971 )
 Ironside, Christopher ( 1971 )
 Knights, Philip Douglas, Baron Knights ( 1971 )
 Lindsay, Robert William Ludovic ( 1971 )
 MacGregor, John Roddick Russell, Baron MacGregor of Pulham Market ( 1971 )
 Faithfull, Lucy, Baroness Faithfull ( 1972 )
 Home, Teresa Mary Violet ( 1972 )
 Hone, Rosamond Agnes ( 1972 )
 Mackintosh, Lachlan Ronald Duncan, 30th of Mackintosh ( 1972 )
 Newton, Antony Harold, Baron Newton of Braintree ( 1972 )
 Rous, Catherine Charlotte ( 1972 )
 Seebohm, Fidelity ( 1972 )
 St. Clair-Ford, Daphne Jane ( 1972 )
 Yerburgh, Robert Guy Eardley, 2nd Baron Alvingham ( 1972 )
 Bethell, Richard Ker Slingsby ( 1973 )
 Blood, Jeffrey Armstrong ( 1973 )
 MacMillan, John Richard Alexander ( 1973 )
 Pinder, John Humphrey Murray ( 1973 )
 Slim, John Douglas, 2nd Viscount Slim ( 1973 )
 Alexander, John Oswald Claud ( 1974 )
 Darling, Michael Leslie ( 1974 )
 Leask, Alan Sutherland ( 1974 )
 Lewthwaite, Rainald Gilfrid, 4th Bt. ( 1974 )
 Lumley, Mary Constance ( 1974 )
 Meade, Richard John Hannay ( 1974 )
 Scott Thomas, William ( 1974 )
 Bell, Frank Erskine ( 1975 )
 Booth, Aileen Allen ( 1975 )
 Eyre, James Ainsworth Campden Gabriel ( 1975 )
 Kennedy, George Ronald Derrick, 7th Bt. ( 1975 )
 Spring, Kenneth Arthur ( 1975 )
 Stacpoole, John Massy ( 1975 )
 Bannerman, David Gordon, of Elsick, 15th Bt. ( 1976 )
 Campbell, Alistair Bromley ( 1976 )
 Cheyne, Joseph Lister Watson, of Leagarth, 3rd Bt. ( 1976 )
 Lane-Fox, Felicity, Baroness Lane-Fox ( 1976 )
 MacNabb, James Alexander, of that Ilk, 21st Chief ( 1976 )
 McIntosh, Duncan ( 1976 )
 Paget, Sylvia Mary ( 1976 )
 Reyntiens, Nicholas Patrick ( 1976 )
 Salusbury-Trelawny, Jonathan William ( 1976 )
 Barrett-Lennard, Thomas Richard Fiennes, 5th Bt. ( 1977 )
 Crichton, Brian John ( 1977 )
 Gladwin, Derek Oliver, Baron Gladwin of Clee ( 1977 )
 Graham, Gillian Mary Millicent ( 1977 )
 Jones, Nancy Louisa ( 1977 )
 Sandberg, Michael Graham Ruddock, Baron Sandberg ( 1977 )
 Trevelyan, Catherine Mary ( 1977 )
 Balfour, John Charles ( 1978 )
 Dunn, Lydia Selina, Baroness Dunn ( 1978 )
 Fane de Salis, Timothy Jerome ( 1978 )
 Simeon, John Power Barrington ( 1978 )
 Buckmaster, Martin Stanley, 3rd Viscount Buckmaster ( 1979 )
 Campbell-Lamerton, Michael John ( 1979 )
 Newton-John, Olivia ( 1979 )
 Preston, Roger Saint Clair ( 1979 )
 Ramsay, Charles Alexander ( 1979 )
 Sharman, Colin Morven, Baron Sharman ( 1979 )
 Wilson, Mathew John Anthony, 6th Bt. ( 1979 )
 Ansell, Nicholas George Picton ( 1980 )
 Guthrie, Charles Ronald Llewelyn, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank ( 1980 )
 Hatts, Clifford Ronald ( 1980 )
 Peebles, Gavin Horsburgh ( 1980 )
 Rous, William Edward ( 1980 )
 Stack, Ann Prunella ( 1980 )
 Sturt, Mary Anna Sibell Elizabeth ( 1980 )
 Wood, Anne Dorothy ( 1980 )
 Buffett, Charles Ivens ( 1981 )
 Chamberlayne-Macdonald, Nigel Donald Peter ( 1981 )
 Cockburn, Claudia ( 1981 ), for services to disabled people
 Cooke, Victor Alexander, Baron Cooke of Islandreagh ( 1981 )
 Goossens, Sidonie ( 1981 )
 Hanbury-Tenison, Airling Robin ( 1981 )
 Ryder, Richard, Baron Ryder of Wensum ( 1981 )
 Stourton, Nigel John Ivo ( 1981 )
 Wakefield, Joan Rosemary Raynsford ( 1981 )
 Boyce, Michael, Baron Boyce ( 1982 )
 Buxton, Christopher Godfrey Reader ( 1982 )
 Durrell, Gerald Malcolm ( 1982 )
 Ingram, Michael Warren ( 1982 )
 Parker Bowles, Andrew Henry ( 1982 )
 Stafford Northcote, Cecil Henry ( 1982 )
 Thomas, Donald Martin, Baron Thomas of Gresford ( 1982 )
 Christian, Thomas Coleman ( 1983 )
 Evans, David Lloyd ( 1983 )
 Houstoun, Andrew Beatty ( 1983 )
 James, Phyllis Dorothy, Baroness James of Holland Park ( 1983 )
 Mackenzie, Keith Roderick Turing ( 1983 )
 O'Cathain, Detta, Baroness O'Cathain ( 1983 )
 Coggan, Ruth Evelyn ( 1984 )
 Cordy-Simpson, Roderick Alexander ( 1984 )
 Einhorn, Mathieu Donald ( 1984 )
 McEwen, Christian Mary ( 1984 )
 Bergne, Alexander Paul a Court ( 1985 )
 Best, George Frederic Matthew ( 1985 )
 Fearn, Ronald Cyril, Baron Fearn ( 1985 )
 Henderson, John Ronald ( 1985 )
 Hervey-Bathurst, Benjamin Alexander Frederick ( 1985 )
 Howard, Murray Bernard Neville Cyprian ( 1985 )
 Lawrence, John Geoffrey Tristram, 4th Baron Trevethin ( 1985 )
 Whitfield, June Rosemary ( 1985 )
 Cecil, Romayne Elizabeth Algitha ( 1986 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert Edward George Lariston, 6th Earl of Minto ( 1986 )
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Ædgyth Bertha Milburg Mary Antonia Frances ( 1986 )
 Jackson-Stops, Gervase Frank Ashworth ( 1987 )
 Leng, Christopher Anthony William ( 1987 )
 Allfrey, Henry John ( 1988 )
 Best, Richard Stuart, Baron Best ( 1988 )
 Bromhead, David de Gonville ( 1988 )
 Ferris, Romayne Winifred ( 1988 )
 Heathcote, Mark Simon Robert, 10th Bt. ( 1988 )
 Lewis, Robin William ( 1988 )
 MacLeod, Malcolm Loudoun Adair ( 1988 )
 Noble, Iain Andrew, of Ardkinglas and Eilean Iarmain, 3rd Bt. ( 1988 )
 Ross, Walter Hugh Malcolm ( 1988 )
 Arrow, Susan Petronella, Baroness Thomas of Walliswood ( 1989 )
 Barlow, Henry Sackville ( 1989 )
 Barttelot, Brian Walter de Stopham, 5th Bt. ( 1989 )
 Carter, Brian Loftus ( 1989 )
 Clarke, Joyce Anne, Baroness Anelay of St. Johns ( 1990 )
 Coe, Sebastian Newbold, Baron Coe ( 1990 )
 Coghill, John Kendal Plunket ( 1990 )
 Drummond, Maldwin Andrew Cyril ( 1990 )
 Grant-Peterkin, Anthony Peter ( 1990 )
 Newby, Richard Mark, Baron Newby ( 1990 )
 Roux, Philippe Anthoine David ( 1990 )
 Brooke, Michael Henry Hastings ( 1991 )
 Crichton, Patrick Henry Douglas ( 1991 )
 Hellman, Ruth ( 1991 )
 Longley, Adrian Reginald ( 1991 )
 Maclay, Shirley Georgina ( 1991 )
 ffrench Blake, Anthony O'Brien ( 1991 ), for services during the Gulf War
 Asquith, Raymond Benedict Bartholomew, 3rd Earl of Oxford and Asquith ( 1992 )
 Borthwick, Winifred Letitia ( 1992 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North John Frederick ( 1992 )
 Demetriadi, Michael Anthony ( 1992 )
 Hamburger, Michael Peter Leopold ( 1992 )
 Northcote, Richard ( 1992 )
 Schofield, Sybil Judith ( 1992 )
 Wakefield, Mary Sheila ( 1992 )
 Bisson, Jill Elizabeth, Baroness Pitkeathley ( 1993 )
 Buchan, David John Brian Washington ( 1993 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Iain ( 1993 )
 Hunt, Philip Alexander, Baron Hunt of Kings Heath ( 1993 )
 Keynes, Stephen John ( 1993 )
 Marsham, John Kingsford ( 1993 )
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, Mary Rosemary Marie-Gabrielle ( 1993 )
 Neville, Catherine Dorothy ( 1993 )
 O'Keefe, Elizabeth Deirdre, Baroness Doocey ( 1993 )
 Rosengarten, Sally Ralea, Baroness Greengross ( 1993 )
 Shutt, David Trevor, Baron Shutt of Greetland ( 1993 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ranulph, 3rd Bt. ( 1993 )
 Bartlam, Caroline Bridget ( 1994 )
 Brassey, David Henry, 3rd Baron Brassey of Apethorpe ( 1994 )
 Dholakia, Navnit, Baron Dholakia ( 1994 )
 Engleheart, Angela Mary ( 1994 )
 George, Rosalind Patricia-Anne, Baroness Howells of St. Davids ( 1994 )
 Bamfield, Phyllida Katharine ( 1995 )
 Bruce-Lockhart, Alexander John, Baron Bruce-Lockhart ( 1995 )
 Clerk, Robert Maxwell, of Penicuik, 11th Bt. ( 1995 )
 Cohen, Leonard Harold ( 1995 )
 Dewar, Alan Graham ( 1995 )
 Dickson, Margaret Fiona ( 1995 )
 Forbes, Rosemary Davina ( 1995 )
 Grosvenor, Gerald Cavendish, 6th Duke of Westminster ( 1995 )
 Martin, Robert Cecil John ( 1995 )
 Page, Alan Geoffrey ( 1995 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Penelope Jane ( 1995 )
 Dudgeon, Michael G. ( 1996 )
 Fountain, Kathleen Margaret, Baroness Richardson of Callow ( 1996 )
 German, Michael James, Baron German ( 1996 )
 Hoare, Timothy Edward Charles, 8th Bt. ( 1996 )
 Phillips, Andrew Wyndham, Baron Phillips of Sudbury ( 1996 )
 Samuel, David Herbert, 3rd Viscount Samuel ( 1996 )
 Schluter, Gillian Evelyn ( 1996 )
 Short, James Alan ( 1996 )
 Whitaker, James Herbert Ingham, 3rd Bt. ( 1996 )
 Bailey, Jennifer Mary Toresen ( 1997 )
 Bhatia, Amirall Alibhai, Baron Bhatia ( 1997 )
 Blanchard, William James Hume ( 1997 )
 Gurney, Jean Elizabeth ( 1997 )
 Loyd, Belinda Maris ( 1997 )
 McAlpine, Kenneth ( 1997 )
 Newland, Loris Antonella Thomasa ( 1997 )
 Andrews, Elizabeth Kay, Baroness Andrews ( 1998 )
 Donaghy, Rita Margaret, Baroness Donaghy ( 1998 )
 Errington, Geoffrey Frederick, 2nd Bt. ( 1998 )
 Mackenzie, Brian, Baron Mackenzie of Framwellgate ( 1998 )
 Ponsonby, John Maurice Maynard ( 1998 )
 Tasker, Anne, Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen ( 1998 )
 Alderdice, David King ( 1999 )
 Hope, Richard Arthur ( 1999 )
 Howarth, Valerie Georgina, Baroness Howarth of Breckland ( 1999 )
 Prendergast, John Barry ( 1999 )
 Riches, Anne Clare ( 1999 )
 Blomfield, David Guy ( 2000 )
 Bowlby, Elizabeth Gwendoline ( 2000 )
 Grey-Thompson, Carys Davinia, Baroness Grey-Thompson ( 2000 )
 Guinness, Grania Maeve Rosaura ( 2000 )
 Hill, James Frederick, 4th Bt. ( 2000 )
 Lewin, Susan ( 2000 )
 Mitford-Slade, Patrick Buxton ( 2000 )
 Neeson, William John Liam ( 2000 )
 Sherlock, Maeve Christina Mary, Baroness Sherlock ( 2000 )
 Benjamin, Floella Karen Yunies, Baroness Benjamin ( 2001 )
 Birkin, Jane Mallory ( 2001 )
 Fetherstonhaugh, Henry George ( 2001 )
 MacNicol, Ian ( 2001 )
 Nicolson, Nigel ( 2001 )
 Noble, Lilias Mulgrave ( 2001 )
 Tryon, Anthony George Merrick, 3rd Baron Tryon ( 2001 )
 Browne, Beryl Elizabeth Price ( 2002 )
 Crossley, Richard Nicholas ( 2002 )
 Laing, Alasdair North Grant ( 2002 )
 Lister-Kaye, John Philip Lister, 8th Bt. ( 2002 )
 Redgrave, Lynn Rachel ( 2002 )
 Creswell, Alexander John Peter ( 2003 ), for work in Basra
 Lawrence, William Fettiplace, 5th Bt. ( 2003 )
 Palmer, Godfrey Henry Oliver ( 2003 )
 Spicer, Brian Julian Evan ( 2003 )
 Keen, Maurice Hugh ( 2004 )
 McKenna, Virginia ( 2004 )
 Gardner, Francis Rolleston ( 2005 )
 Ingleby-Mackenzie, Alexander Colin David ( 2005 )
 Raven, Andrew Owen Earle ( 2005 )
 Sanderson, Frank Linton, 3rd Bt. ( 2005 )
 Hurd, Thomas Robert Benedict ( 2006 )
 Horsley-Beresford, Peter ( 2007 )
 Laurie, James Hugh Calum ( 2007 )
 Watts, Susan Elizabeth ( 2007 )
 Winter, David Michael ( 2007 )
 Cator, Henry Greville ( 2008 )
 Fulford-Dobson, Michael ( 2008 )
 Gillow, John Brian ( 2008 )
 Heyhoe, Rachael, Baroness Heyhoe Flint ( 2008 )
 Phillips, Alexandra Anastasia ( 2008 )
 Preußen, Antonia Elizabeth Brigid Luise ( 2008 )
 Athill, Diana ( 2009 )
 Barnsley, Victoria ( 2009 )
 Dickinson, Peter Malcolm de Brissac ( 2009 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Michael Charles ( 2009 )
 Hussein-Ece, Meral, Baroness Hussein-Ece ( 2009 )
 Serota, Judith Alexandra Anne ( 2009 )
 Stewart-Richardson, Peter Neil Ralli ( 2009 )
 Bruce, Alastair Andrew Bernard Reibey, of Crionaich ( 2010 )
 Janner, Marion Juliette ( 2010 )
 Pitman, John Hugh ( 2010 )
 Worrall, Catherine ( 2010 )
 Pakenham, Rachel Mary ( 2012 )
 Dean, Tacita Charlotte ( 2013 )
 Holt-Wilson, Alexander Daniel ( 2013 )
 Catlow, Claire ( 2014 )
 Montgomery, William Howard Clive ( 2014 )
 Petrie, Charles James, 6th Bt. ( 2014 )
 Colville, Sarah Anne ( 2015 )
 Spencer, Elizabeth Janet ( 2015 )
 Wax, Ruby ( 2015 )
 Eisler, Ivan ( 2016 )
 Gohir, Shaistra, Baroness Gohir ( 2016 )
 Mathias, Jonathan Glyn ( 2016 )
 Peltz, Daniel ( 2016 )
 Wake, Cedric Philip ( 2016 )
 Fane, Andrew William Mildmay ( 2017 )
 Walpole, Alice Louise ( 2017 )
 Cormack, Teresa Mary ( 2018 )
 Smith, Bartholomew Evan Eric ( 2018 )
 Tatton-Brown, Timothy William Trelawny ( 2018 )
 Vestey, James Patrick ( 2018 )
 Dean, Ptolemy Hugo ( 2019 )
 French, Lucy Kathleen ( 2019 )
 Garland, Margaret Anne, Baroness Ford ( 2019 )
 Haughey, Caroline ( 2019 )
 Eckersley, Fergus John ( 2020 )
 Hughes, Thomas Collingwood, 15th Bt. ( 2020 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Juliet Rose ( 2020 )
Count equals 3378 individuals.
Order of Merit (O.M.)
 Bentinck, Moyra de Vere
 Cheshire, Geoffrey Leonard, Baron Cheshire
 Dale, Henry Hallett
 Franks, Oliver Shewell, Baron Franks
 Freud, Lucien Michael
 Gielgud, Arthur John
 Hinton, Christopher, Baron Hinton of Bankside
 Hooker, Joseph Dalton
 Huxley, Andrew Fielding
 Jebb, Richard Claverhouse
 Keppel, Henry
 Lutyens, Edwin Landseer
 Mare, Walter
 Murray, George Gilbert Aimé
 Parsons, Charles Algernon
 Penrose, Roger
 Seymour, Edward Hobart
 Stoppard, Tom
 Thomson, Joseph John
 Todd, Alexander Robert, Baron Todd
 Trevelyan, George Otto, 2nd Bt.
 White, George Stuart, V.C.
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Viscount Wolseley
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1902 )
 Morley, John, 1st and last Viscount Morley of Blackburn ( 1902 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts, V.C. ( 1902 )
 Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place ( 1902 )
 Thomson, William, 1st and last Baron Kelvin ( 1902 )
 Fisher, John Arbuthnot, 1st Baron Fisher ( 1905 )
 Hunt, William Holman ( 1905 )
 Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer ( 1906 )
 Bryce, James, 1st and last Viscount Bryce ( 1907 )
 Nightingale, Florence ( 1907 )
 Wilson, Arthur Knyvet, 3rd Bt., V.C. ( 1912 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, 1st Earl of Ypres ( 1914 )
 Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1st and last Viscount Haldane of Cloan ( 1915 )
 Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour ( 1916 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe ( 1916 )
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1919 )
 Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor ( 1919 )
 Rutherford, Ernest, 1st and last Baron Rutherford of Nelson ( 1925 )
 Bridges, Robert Seymour ( 1929 )
 Trevelyan, George Macaulay ( 1930 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1931 )
 Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode ( 1936 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell ( 1937 )
 Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens ( 1937 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montacute, 1st Baron Chatfield ( 1939 )
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st Baron Newall ( 1940 )
 Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian ( 1942 )
 John, Augustus Edwin ( 1942 )
 Webb, Sidney James, 1st and last Baron Passfield ( 1944 )
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke ( 1946 )
 Cunningham, Andrew Browne, 1st and last Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope ( 1946 )
 Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st and last Viscount Portal of Hungerford ( 1946 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard ( 1946 )
 Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, 1st Earl of Halifax ( 1946 )
 Winant, John Gilbert ( 1947 )
 Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell ( 1949 )
 Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee ( 1951 )
 Cadogan, Alexander George Montagu ( 1951 )
 Trenchard, Hugh Montague, 1st Viscount Trenchard ( 1951 )
 Hailey, William Malcolm, 1st and last Baron Hailey ( 1956 )
 Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ( 1957 )
 Samuel, Herbert Louis, 1st Viscount Samuel ( 1958 )
 Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1959 )
 Havilland, Geoffrey ( 1962 )
 Britten, Edward Benjamin, Baron Britten ( 1965 )
 Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey ( 1965 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma ( 1965 )
 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett ( 1967 )
 Mountbatten, Philip, 1st Duke of Edinburgh ( 1968 )
 Zuckerman, Solly, Baron Zuckerman ( 1968 )
 Penney, William Gordon, Baron Penney ( 1969 )
 Wedgwood, Cicely Veronica ( 1969 )
 Clark, Kenneth MacKenzie, Baron Clark ( 1976 )
 Macmillan, Maurice Harold, 1st Earl of Stockton ( 1976 )
 Olivier, Laurence Kerr, Baron Olivier ( 1981 )
 Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1987 )
 Porter, George, Baron Porter of Luddenham ( 1989 )
 Roberts, Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher ( 1990 )
 Jenkins, Roy Harris, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead ( 1993 )
 Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron Denning ( 1997 )
 Foster, Norman Robert, Baron Foster of Thames Bank ( 1997 )
 Hume, Basil ( 1999 )
 May, Robert McCredie, Baron May of Oxford ( 2002 )
 Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles Jacob, 4th Baron Rothschild ( 2002 )
 Boothroyd, Betty, Baroness Boothroyd ( 2005 )
 Darzi, Ara, Baron Darzi of Denham ( 2016 )
Count equals 89 individuals.
Order of Merit (O.M.) of the Italian Republic
 Curzon, Alexandra Naldera, 4th Class
Count equals 1 individual.
Patrick Kavanagh Prize for poetry
 O'Cuilleamiin, Eiléan ( 1973 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Royal Victorian Chain
 Campbell, John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, 9th Duke of Argyll
 Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st and last Marquess Curzon of Kedleston
 Duff, Alexander William George, 1st Duke of Fife
 Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst
 Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery
 Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1902 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Charles Keith, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1905 )
 Davidson, Randall Thomas, 1st Baron Davidson of Lambeth ( 1911 )
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom ( 1921 )
 Lang, Cosmo Gordon, 1st and last Baron Lang of Lambeth ( 1923 )
 Curzon, Richard George Penn, 4th Earl Howe ( 1925 )
 Windsor, George VI, King of the United Kingdom ( 1927 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William John Arthur Charles James, 6th Duke of Portland ( 1932 )
 Windsor, Henry William Frederick Albert, 1st Duke of Gloucester ( 1932 )
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Earl of Cromer ( 1935 )
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1935 )
 Stanley, Edward George Villiers, 17th Earl of Derby ( 1935 )
 Windsor, George Edward Alexander Edmund, 1st Duke of Kent ( 1936 )
  Léopold III, Roi des Belges ( 1937 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth Angela Marguerite ( 1937 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1937 )
 Hamilton, James Albert Edward, 3rd Duke of Abercorn ( 1945 )
 Fisher, Geoffrey Francis, Baron Fisher of Lambeth ( 1949 )
 Villiers, George Herbert Hyde, 6th Earl of Clarendon ( 1952 )
 Somerset, Henry Hugh Arthur FitzRoy, 10th Duke of Beaufort ( 1953 )
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1963 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, 14th Duke of Hamilton ( 1964 )
 Coggan, Frederick Donald, Baron Coggan ( 1980 )
 Windsor, Margaret Rose, Princess of the United Kingdom ( 1990 )
 Runcie, Robert Alexander Kennedy, Baron Runcie ( 1991 )
 Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield ( 1992 )
 Carey, George Leonard, Baron Carey of Clifton ( 2002 )
Count equals 32 individuals.
Total count equals 24080 individuals.