Battle of Aisne
Berners, Hugh Hamilton ( 14 Sep 1914 )
 Gibson-Craig, Archibald Charle
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Arras
 Morris, Charles Alan Smith
Seely, Frank Reginald ( Apr 1917 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Dogger Bank
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 24 Jan 1915 )
Bentinck, Wolter January Gerri ( 1781 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montac ( 1915 )
 Goodenough, William Edmund ( 1915 )
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Regi
Count equals 5 individuals.
Battle of Heligoland
 Mountbatten, George Louis Vict ( 1914 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Heligoland Bight
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 28 Aug 1914 )
 Chatfield, Alfred Ernle Montac ( 1914 ), as Flag Captain of H.M.S. Lion
 Goodenough, William Edmund ( 1914 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Horn Reef
Stuart, Dudley ( 1 Jun 1916 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Jutland
Adams, Samuel Allen ( 31 May 1916 )
Arbuthnot, Robert Keith, 4th Bt ( 31 May 1916 ), in command of the first cruiser squadron (old-style armoured cruisers)
Bailey, Bernard Michael ( 31 May 1916 )
 Beamish, Tufton Percy Hamilton, during which he was the Commanding Officer of the HMS Cordelia
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 31 May 1916 ), as Commander of the First Battlecruiser Squadron
 Bentinck, Rudolf Walter ( 31 May 1916 ), as Chief of Staff to Vice-Admiral Beatty, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bethell, Maurice John ( 31 May 1916 )
 Bingham, Edward Barry Stewart, ( 31 May 1916 )
 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stua ( 31 May 1916 )
Broughton, Alfred William Delv ( 31 May 1916 )
 Callaghan, James ( 31 May 1916 )
Chichester, Robert Charles ( 31 May 1916 )
 Colville, Charles Alexander, 3r ( 31 May 1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Coplestone-Boughey, Alfred Fle ( 31 May 1916 )
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 4th Bt. ( 31 May 1916 ), in command of H.M.S. Centurion
 Drummond, Edmund Rupert ( 31 May 1916 )
Eden, William Nicholas ( 31 May 1916 )
Esmonde, John Henry Grattan ( 31 May 1916 )
 Fancourt, Henry Lockhart St. J ( 31 May 1916 )
 Fane, Vere Anthony Francis St. ( 31 May 1916 ), in H.M.S. Lion
Feilding, Hugh Cecil Robert ( 31 May 1916 )
Fisher, Charles Dennis ( 31 May 1916 )
 Fitzmaurice, Henry Godfrey ( 31 May 1916 )
Forbes, James Arthur Charles ( 31 May 1916 )
Fuller-Acland-Hood, Charles Al ( 31 May 1916 )
 Goodenough, William Edmund ( 31 May 1916 )
Harris, Malcolm Alfred Milner ( 31 May 1916 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Edward Henry Fit ( 31 May 1916 ), as captain of H.M.S. Inflexible
 Hood, Horace Lambert Alexander ( 31 May 1916 )
 Lake, Atwell Henry, 9th Bt. ( 31 May 1916 ), in H.M.S. Lion
 Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh ( 31 May 1916 )
MacCormac, John Sides Davies ( 31 May 1916 )
 Marsden, Arthur ( 31 May 1916 ), as commander of H.M.S. Argent
Morgan, George William Faulcon ( 31 May 1916 )
 Mountbatten, George Louis Vict ( 31 May 1916 )
Murray, Alexander Gordon ( 27 May 1916 )
 Onslow, Arthur Gerald ( 31 May 1916 )
 Orr Ewing, John ( 31 May 1916 )
 Pennell, Harry ( 31 May 1916 )
Percy, Algernon William ( 31 May 1916 )
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Regi ( 31 May 1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Richardson, Alexander John Sou ( 31 May 1916 )
 Richardson, John ( 31 May 1916 )
Scott, John D'Urban ( 31 May 1916 )
Shore, Lionel Henry ( 31 May 1916 )
Silvertop, Arthur Edward ( 31 May 1916 )
Smyth-Osbourne, Edward ( 31 May 1916 )
Sperling, Charles Auriol ( 31 May 1916 ), on board H.M.S. Petard
 Stirling, Anselan John Buchana ( 31 May 1916 ), as captain of a destroyer flotilla
Strickland, Percy
 Townsend, Cyril Samuel ( 31 May 1916 )
Townsend, Richard Herbert ( 31 May 1916 )
Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Leopo ( 31 May 1916 )
 Waterlow, John Beauchamp ( 31 May 1916 )
Willoughby, Henry Ernest Digby ( 31 May 1916 )
 Windsor, George VI, King of the ( 31 May 1916 ), for which he was mentioned in despatches
 Wintour, Charles John ( 31 May 1916 )
Count equals 57 individuals.
Battle of Loos
Davidson-Houston, Charles Elri ( 25 Sep 1915 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Lesley Regin, where he was severely wounded
 Dundas, Richard Charles ( Sep 1915 )
Fowler, George Glyn ( Sep 1915 )
Morrison, Alexander ( 1915 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Battle of Megiddo
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1 ( 19 Sep 1918 ), where he defeated the Turks
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Mons
Battenberg, Maurice Victor Don ( Oct 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Tuchet, James, 3rd Earl of Cast ( 14 Aug 1678 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Nahr-al-Kalek
 Sherbrooke, Henry Graham ( Feb 1917 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of St. Julien
 Watson-Armstrong, William John ( Apr 1915 ), where he was severely wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Vimy Ridge
Campbell, Kenneth Archibald
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Ypres
O'Kelly, Henry Arundell de Pen
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of the Aisne
Mackinnon, Alexander Hood, youn ( Sep 1914 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of the Aisnes
Lucas-Tooth, Douglas Keith Luc
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of the Somme
Andrews, James Allfrey ( 1 Jul 1916 )
Bagot, Edward Luke Henry ( 10 Sep 1916 )
 Barton, Thomas Eyre ( Aug 1916 )
Bentinck, Henry Duncan, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cockfield, C. F. ( c Aug 1916 )
Herbert, Percy Robert, Viscount ( Sep 1916 )
Ratcliffe, Alfred Victor
Count equals 7 individuals.
Battles of Heligoland
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Regi
Count equals 1 individual.
First Battle of Aisne
Carpenter-Garnier, John Trefus
Cecil, William Amherst ( 16 Sep 1914 )
Fergusson, James Adam Hamilton ( Sep 1914 )
Grant Duff, Adrian ( 2 Sep 1914 )
Pelham, Herbert Lyttelton ( 14 Sep 1914 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
First Battle of Ypres
Brooke, James Anson Otho, V.C.
Brooksbank, Hugh Godfrey
Weld Forester, Arthur Orlando ( 1 Nov 1914 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
First World War
 Abbey, John Roland
Abbey, Noel Roland
Abel Smith, Wilfrid Robert
 Abercromby, George William, of, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Abercromby, Robert Alexander, o, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Abercromby, Robert Ogilvie, where he was wounded
 Abney-Hastings, Edward Hugh Ha
Abney-Hastings, Paulyn Charles
 Abraham, Geoffrey William Pepp
 Abraham, Philip Selwyn ( 1914 ), with the Royal Artillery
Abrahams, Montagu Nathaniel
 Acheson, Archibald Charles Mon, where he was wounded twice, and was mentioned in despatches
 Acheson, Patrick George Edward
 Ackroyd, Cuthbert Lowell, 1st B
 Acland, Arthur William, where he was wounded twice
 Acland, Baldwin John Dyke, as part of the Canadian staff
 Acland, Clemence Margaret, where he was an ambulance driver
 Acland, Edward Fox Dyke
 Acland, Henry Vivian, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Acland, Hubert Guy Dyke, 4th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Acland, John Bevil, serving in France
Acland, John Henry Dyke
 Acland, Lauchlan Henry Dyke
 Acland, Leopold George Dyke, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Acland, Wilfred Reginald Dyke, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Acland, William Henry Dyke, 3rd, where he was mentioned in despatches, and wounded
 Acland-Troyte, Gilbert John, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Acland-Troyte, Herbert Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Acton, Armar Edward
 Acton, Paul Reginald
 Acton, Thomas Hampden Evans
 Acton, William Maxwell ( 1914-1916 ), when he was mentioned in despatches
 Adair, Allan Henry Shafto, 6th ( 1916-1919 )
Adam, Arthur Innes
 Adam, Herbert Algernon, when he was mentioned in despatches
 Adam, William Augustus
 Adams, Augustine ( 1917-1918 ), with 2nd Infantry Battalion on the Western Front
 Adams, Bryan Fullerton ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Adams, Eustace Walter, in Egypt and France, and was wounded in 1916
 Adams, George Chatterton ( 1914 ), where he mentioned in despatches
 Adams, Gilbert Warren Fysh
 Adams, John Percy Fitzherbert
 Adams, Samuel Allen
 Adderley, Hubert Bowyer Arden,
Adderley, Humphry James Arden
 Addington, Gerald William, 5th, in India, Mesopotamia, Aden and Salonika
 Addington, Harold William
 Addington, Raymond Anthony, 6th ( 1914-1919 ), in Flanders and South Persia
 Addington, Rupert Hiley Priaul, where he was wounded twice
Addison, Arthur Joseph Berkele
Adeane, Henry Robert Augustus
Aganoor, Aganoor John
 Agar-Robartes, Alexander Georg, where he was wounded
 Agar-Robartes, Arthur Victor, 8 ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Agar-Robartes, Cecil Edward
Agar-Robartes, Thomas Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Agnew, Alan Graeme, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Agnew, Charles Gerald
 Agnew, Douglas
 Agnew, Ewan Siegfried, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Agnew, Fulque Melville Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Agnew, George Colin, where he was mentioned in despatches and invalided
Agnew, Graham
 Agnew, Harold Carnegie
 Agnew, Herbert Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Agnew, John Stuart, 3rd Bt.
 Agnew, Kenneth Morland, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Agnew, Quentin Charles Graham, in France
 Agnew, Samuel Montagu
 Agnew, William Gladstone
Agoult, Hector Hughes Alphonse
Ainsworth, John Stirling
 Aird, John Renton, 3rd Bt.
Aitchison, Thomas Donald
 Aitken, Allan Anderson
 Aitken, Arthur Noble
 Aitken, Joseph Magnus
 Aitken, Robert Traven Donaldso
 Aitken, William Maxwell, 1st Ba ( 1915 ), as eyewitness with the Canadian Expeditionary Force
 Aizlewood, John Aldham, and was mentioned in despatches
 Akers-Douglas, George Alexande ( 1914 )
Albon, Bertrand
 Albu, Cecil Arthur
 Albu, Vivian Claud
 Albu, Walter George
 Aldworth, John Charles Oliver
 Alen-Mahon, Cecil Maurice
 Alers-Hankey, Cecil George Her
 Alexander, Albert Victor, 1st a
 Alexander, Caledon Charles
 Alexander, Charles Adam Murray, when he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Alexander, Charles Otway
 Alexander, Conn
 Alexander, Dudley Henry, as a General Staff Officer, 3rd grade
 Alexander, Edward Bruce, as a Major with the Ceylon Mounted Rifles
 Alexander, Edward Currie, as a General Staff Officer (G.S.O.)
 Alexander, Eric James Desmond
 Alexander, Frank Samuel, 1st Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofi, where he was wounded three times and mentioned in despatches five times
 Alexander, Herbrand Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Alexander, James Cedric St. La
 Alexander, James Ulick Francis ( 1915-1921 ), attached to the Egyptian Army
 Alexander, Lionel Cecil Willia
 Alexander, Paul Robert Mayne, mentioned in despatches
 Alexander, Philip Sylvester, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Alexander, Robert Dundas
Alexander, Walter Lorenzo
 Alexander, William James
 Alexander, William Nathaniel S, he was twice mentioned in despatches
 Alison, Archibald, 4th Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
 Alison, Frederick Black, 5th Bt ( 1914-1919 )
Alison, George Newdegate
Allen, Albert John
 Allen, Atwell Hayes
 Allen, Conway Benning
 Allen, David Trevor, with the Shropshire Light Infantry and Armoured Cars
 Allen, Henry Adair, he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Allen, Kyrle, as a Captain in the Royal Army Service Corps (R.A.S.C.)
 Allen, Samuel
Allen, William Francis, with the 45th Battalion
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1 ( 1914-1918 ), for which he was mentioned in despatches seven times, received the thanks of Parliament, and was awarded Ł50,000 for his services
Allenby, Horace Michael Hynman
 Alleyne, John Meynell, 4th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Alleyne, Reynold Meynell
Allsopp, Anthony Victor George
 Allsopp, Charles, 3rd Baron Hin, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Aman, Dudley Leigh, 1st Baron M ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Amherst, Jeffery John Archer, 5, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Amos, Malcolm
 Anderson, Charles Alexander
 Anderson, Charles Bevan Carew
Anderson, David
 Anderson, Francis James
 Anderson, Francis James, with the General Staff
Anderson, Francis Sainthill, with the Royal Horse Artillery
Anderson, George
 Anderson, Harry, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces
 Anderson, Noel Maurice
Anderson, William Herbert, V.C.
 Anderson-Pelham, Alfred Ronald
 Anderson-Pelham, Cecil Henry
 Anderson-Pelham-Welby, Charles
 Andrews, Eva, as a transport driver
 Andrews, Harold James, with the Royal Naval Air Force (R.N.A.F.)
 Andrews, Michael
 Andrews, Thomas Frederick, with the Australian Forces
 Andrews, William, as a Captain Lieutenant of the Royal Army Ordinance Corps
 Angas, Lawrence Lee Bazley, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Anley, Barnett Dyer Lampier Gr
 Anley, William Bower
 Annan, Robert
Annesley, Albemarle Cator ( 1914-1916 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Annesley, Arthur James Patrick
 Annesley, Clifford Reginald Te, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Annesley, Francis Dighton, 14th
 Annesley, James Howard Adolphu, where he was once again mentioned in despatches, and was wounded
 Annesley, Martin Tyndale ( 1917-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Annesley, Philip de Vere ( 1916-1918 )
 Annesley, Robert, 9th Earl Anne, in the Royal Navy
 Anson, Alfred
Anson, Arthur
 Anson, Claud Ronald, where he was wounded
 Anson, Edward Reynell, 6th Bt.
 Anson, Ernald Henry
 Anson, Frederic, where he was wounded
 Anson, Henry Adelbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Anson, Thomas Edward, 4th Earl
 Anson, Thomas George, where he was wounded twice
 Anson, William Alfred, where he was wounded
Anstruther, John Arnold St. Cl
 Anstruther, Philip George, where he was wounded twice and mentioned in despatches
 Anstruther, Ralph William, of B
 Anstruther, Robert Abercrombie, where he was mentioned in despatches
Anstruther, Robert Edward, where he was twice wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, Fi
Antrobus, Cecil Hugh ( 1914-1915 )
Antrobus, Charles Alexander
Antrobus, Edmund
 Antrobus, Philip Humphrey, 6th, where he was wounded twice and mentioned in despatches
 Antrobus, Ronald Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Arbuthnot, Alister Dare Stavel, where he was wounded
 Arbuthnot, Andrew Carmichael, where he drove an ambulance
 Arbuthnot, Archibald Hugh Goug
 Arbuthnot, Clive Denison
 Arbuthnot, Dalrymple, 5th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches eight times
 Arbuthnot, Ernest Kennaway, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Arbuthnot, Geoffrey Schomberg, where he was mentioned in despatches
Arbuthnot, Gerald Archibald
 Arbuthnot, John Bernard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arbuthnot, Kenneth Wyndham
 Arbuthnot, Malcolm Alexander, where he was seriously wounded at Ypres
 Arbuthnot, Robert Wemyss Muir, where he was wounded twice
 Arbuthnot, William FitzGerald
 Arbuthnot, William Patrick, with the 4th Cruiser Squadron and 1st Battle Squadron
 Arbuthnott, Archibald ( 1917-1918 ), where he was severely wounded
 Arbuthnott, Hugh
 Arbuthnott, Hugh Robin Claud
 Arbuthnott, James Gordon
 Arbuthnott, John St. Clair
 Arbuthnott, Robert Keith, 15th
 Arcedeckne-Butler, St. John De
 Archdale, Audley Quintin, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
Archdale, Dominick Mervyn
 Archdale, Edward Mervyn, with the Canadian Expeditionary Force
 Archdale, Fulbert Audley, mentioned in despatches
Archdale, George Mervyn
 Archdale, George Montgomery, with the French Army
 Archdale, Henry Blackwood
 Archdale, Humphreys
 Archdale, James Blackwood, as the Chief Ordnance Officer for the Dublin and Curragh Districts
 Archdale, Nicholas Edward, 2nd, with the submarine flotillas
 Archdale, Osmund Audley, wounded
 Archdale, Patrick Mervyn, mentioned in despatches
 Archdale, Richard Montgomery, with the 19th Hussars
Archdale, Theodore Montgomery
Archdale-Porter, John Grey, as a Major with the 9th Lancers
Archdall, Nicholas James Mervy, a Major with the Cameron Highlanders
Archibald, Fred Frothingham
 Arden, Albert
 Arden, Alwynne Hills
 Arden, Arthur Hemmersley, in teh Canadian Army
 Arden, Edward Turchill, in France
Arden, Humphrey Warwick
Arden, John Henry Morris
 Arkwright, Henry Fitzherbert
Armes, Raymond Linay
Armes, William Morriss
 Armitage, George, in the Royal Artillery
 Armstrong, Christopher Wyborn
 Armstrong, Henry Maxwell, with the Canadian Field Artillery
 Armstrong, James Robert Bargra
Armstrong, Michael Richard Lea
 Armstrong, Nevill Alexander Dr, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Armstrong, Robert Anthony, in Iraq and Mohmand
 Armstrong, William Fortescue, mentioned in despatches four times
 Armstrong-Jones, Ronald Owen L
 Armytage, George Ayscough, 7th, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
Arnott, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arnott, John Frederic, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arnott, Lauriston John, 3rd Bt., where he was wounded twice
 Arnott, Robert John, 4th Bt., in France and Salonica
 Arthur, Edmund John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arthur, George Compton Archiba
Arthur, Henry Bartle Compton
Arthur, James
 Arthur, Thomas Alan
 Ashburner, Robert Percy Foster
 Ashburner, Terrance, including the Battle of Delville Wood on the Somme
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Ear
Ashtown, Martin Arthur, and was mentioned in despatches
 Asquith, Arthur Melland, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Asquith, Cyril, Baron Asquith o
 Asquith, Herbert
Asquith, Raymond
 Assheton, Richard Thomas
 Astley, Albert Edward Delavel, , where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Astley, Aston Giffard, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Astley, Jacob John, with the Sherwood Foresters
 Astley, Philip Reginald
 Astley-Corbett, John Dugdale P ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded
 Astley-Rushton, Edward Astley ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Astor, John Jacob, 1st Baron As, where he was twice wounded
Atkin, George Fawson Hope
Atkin, Keyser
 Atkins-Bowyer, Richard Wentwor, where he was wounded twice
 Atkinson, Gerald Newcomen
 Atkinson, Guy Montague
 Atkinson, Hector John
Atkinson, Henry Noel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Atkinson, Hubert Rowan
 Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Ea, where he was wounded
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelo, where he was wounded
 Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley, Jr., with the U.S. Navy
Auchinleck, Armar Leslie
 Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Auden, John Lorimer
 Austin, John Byron Fraser, 3rd
 Austin, John Standish Thomas J
 Austin, Joseph Edward
 Austin, William Michael Byron, , with the Yorkshire Dragoons
 Avigdor-Goldsmid, Osmond Elim, ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Awdry, Charles Selwyn
 Aykroyd, Harold Hammond
 Aykroyd, Wallace Ruddell, in the Royal Air Force
 Aylmer, Edward Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Aylmer, Henry Gerald ( 1915-1918 ), in France
 Aylmer, Richard Michael, during which he was wounded
Babington, Humfrey Temple
 Babington, James Melville, where he was mentioned in dispatches eight times
 Babington, John Tremayne
 Babington, Philip
Babington, Ralph Vivian
 Back, Terence Hugh
 Backhouse, Edward Henry Walfor, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Backhouse, Miles Roland Charle, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Backhouse, Oliver
 Bacon, Robert Low ( 1917-1919 )
 Baddeley, Allan
 Baden-Powell, Baden Fletcher S
 Bagenal, Beauchamp Walter, with the Australian Army
 Bagenal, Charles James, as a Major in the Army
 Bagenal, Nicholas Beauchamp, with the 11th (S) Battalion Suffolk Regiment and the 1st Battalion Irish Guards
 Bagenal, Philip Hope Edward, in the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Baggallay, Richard Romer Claud ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Bagge, Alfred William Francis,
 Bagge, Henry Percy, where he was wounded
 Bagnall, Eustace William
 Bagnell, Robert Armstrong
 Bagnell, William Gerald, as a Captain with the 4th Royal Irish Dragoons
 Bagot, Alan Desmond, 1st and la
 Bagot, Caryl Ernest, 6th Baron
 Bagot, Charles Edward Kirwan ( 1915-1918 ), he was mentioned in despatches twice
Bagot, Frederic Spencer Welles
Bagot-Chester, Greville John M, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bagot-Chester, Hugh Augustus, where he won three medals
Bagration-Moukhransky, Konstan
 Bagshawe, Frederick William ( 1914-1919 )
 Bagwell, John
 Bagwell-Purefoy, John, as a Flying Officer with the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
 Bailey, Arthur, in British East Africa
 Bailey, Charles Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bailey, Clive Maxwell
Bailey, Gerald Sergison
 Bailey, Herbert Crawshay
 Bailey, John Henry, where he was gassed in 1917
 Bailey, John Lancelot
 Bailey, Robert Neale Menteth
 Bailey, Wilfred Russell, 3rd Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Bailey, William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baillie, Arthur Malcolm August
Baillie, Gawaine George Stuart
 Baillie, George
 Baillie, George Evan Michael
Baillie, Robert
Baillie-Hamilton, Charles Doug
 Baillie-Hamilton, George Dougl, where he was wounded
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, 12th, where he was wounded
 Baillie-Hamilton, Walter Stuar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baillieu, Clive Latham, 1st Bar ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Bainbridge, Eric
Baines, Alexander Frederic Cec
 Baird, Alexander Walter Freder, where he was mentioned in despatches nine times
 Baird, James Hozier Gardiner, o, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Baird, John Lawrence, of Ury, 1, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baird, Randolph Eustace Wemyss, in France
 Baird, Robert Douglas
Baird, William Frank Gardiner
Baker, Cecil Douglas
Baker, Dennis
 Baker, Hugh, with the Canadian Army
 Baker, Randolf Littlehales, 4th ( 1915 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
Baldock, William Philip
 Baldwin, John Eustice Arthur
 Baldwin, Oliver Ridsdale, 2nd E
 Balfour, Francis Cecil Campbel ( 1917-1919 ), in Mesopotamia, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Balfour, Harold Harington, 1st, with the 60th Rifles, Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
 Balfour, Harry Robert Chichest, where he was wounded
 Balfour-Melville, Francis Ogil ( 1917 ), with the Australian Imperial Forces
Balfour-Melville, James Elliot
Ball, Arnold Harding
 Ball, Hilda Mary, Voluntary Aid Department (V.A.D.)
 Ball, Randal Gresley, where he was wounded
 Ball, Richard Joseph, as a Captain with the Royal Engineers
 Ball, Robert Gordon
 Ball, William Valentine, in the Anti-Aircraft Corps
 Ball-Acton, Charles Annesley
Ball-Acton, Reginald Thomas An
Ballard, Charles Frederick
 Bampfylde, George Wentworth Wa, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Bampfylde, Hugh De Burgh Warwi
 Banbury, Cecil Edmund, where he was mentioned in despatches
Banbury, Charles William ( 1914 )
 Banbury, Ralph Edgar, where he was wounded
Banbury, William Michael Victo
Bankes, Edward Nugent
 Bannerman, Alexander, of Elsick
 Bannerman, Bertrand, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bannerman, Donald Arthur Gordo
Bannerman, Kenneth Mordaunt
 Bannerman, Nigel Johnstone
 Bannerman, Wynyard Philip
 Barber, Grace, as part of the 1st British Field Hospital for Serbia
 Barber, Thomas Philip, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Barclay, Leslie George de Rune
 Barclay, Leslie William Hamilt, with the Australian Imperial Force
Barclay, Rafe Hedworth Myddelt
 Barcroft, Gilbert Evelyn, with the Ulster Division
 Barcroft, Richard Cecil, attached to the Staff of the Dublin Military Command as a Lands Compensation Officer
 Baring, Caryl Digby
Baring, Charles Alexander, with the Australian Imperial Force
 Baring, Charles Christian, 2nd, where he was wounded
Baring, Christopher Cecil
 Baring, Dudley William
Baring, Ernest, with the Australian Imperial Force
 Baring, Evelyn Bingham
 Baring, Everard
Baring, Guy Victor
 Baring, Henry
 Baring, Hugo, where he was wounded at Ypres
 Baring, John Henry
 Baring, Maurice, where he was mentioned in despatches
Baring, Reginald Arthur
 Baring, Rowland Thomas, 2nd Ear
 Baring, Thomas Esmé, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baring, Windham
 Baring-Gould, Edward Arthur
 Barkley, Thomas Yuille ( 1915-1919 ), with the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Barlow, Christopher Neild
Barlow, Harold Carver
Barlow, Patrick Basil
 Barlow, Sidney Ralph Midelton
Barne, Miles
Barne, Seymour
Barnes, Charles Roper Gorell
 Barnes, Harold Douglas ( 1915 ), where he was severely wounded
Barnes, Henry Gorell, 2nd Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barnes, Reginald Speke, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barnes, Ronald Gorell, 3rd Baro, where he was mentioned in despatches
Barnett, Charles Frederick Rob
 Barnewall, Charles Aloysius, 19
Barnewall, Reginald Nicholas F
 Barran, Hugh Bradley
 Barrett, Rollo Samuel
 Barrett-Lennard, Aylmer Guy Ho, where he was wounded
 Barrett-Lennard, Charles
 Barrett-Lennard, Fiennes Cecil, in East Africa
 Barrett-Lennard, John
 Barrett-Lennard, William Louis, where he was wounded
 Barrington, Croker Edmund ( 1916-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barrington, John ( 1917-1919 )
 Barrington, John Beatty ( 1915-1919 )
 Barrington, John Frederick ( 1915-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barrington, Rupert Edward Selb ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Barrington, Thomas Percy ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barron, Netterville Guy, during which he was wounded
 Barron-Newell, Edward Alphonse, as a Temporary Lieutenant with the 12th Lancers
Barrow, Alexander Egan
 Barrow, Geoffrey Selwyn
 Barrow, George de Symons, during which he was mentioned in despatches
 Barrow, Ronald Edmund
 Barrow, Wilfred John Wilson Cr
 Barry, Edward Arthur, 2nd Bt.
 Barry, Edward Courtenay Tress, in the Royal Engineers
 Barry, Frank Russell, he was mentioned in despatches
 Barry, Gerald
 Barry, Gerald Reid ( 1917-1919 )
 Barry, Hubert Wyndham
 Barry, Margaret ( 1917-1918 ), in the Voluntary Aid Detachment
 Barry, Ronald Tress, where he was wounded
 Barry, Stanley Leonard, in France, where he was mentioned in despatches
Barthorp, Michael Arthur Raymo
Barthropp, Sidney Alfred Natha
Bartley, Stanhope Cole
Barton, Albert Thomas Lionel, as a 2nd Lieutenant with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
 Barton, Baptist Johnston, as a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Duke of Wellington's Regiment
Barton, Bertie Bowman
 Barton, Bertram James Richards, as a Lieutenant with the Royal Field Artillery
Barton, Charles Erskine
Barton, Charles Geoffrey, as a Captain in the 5th Battalion of he Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
 Barton, Charles Robert
 Barton, Edward Humphrey
 Barton, Robert Childers
Barton, Thomas Eyre
 Barton, William Hugh
Bartram, Harry Brocklesby
Barttelot, Nigel Kenneth Walte, where he was mentioned in despatches
Barttelot, Walter Balfour, 3rd, where he was mentioned in despatches four times, and was wounded
 Bass, William Arthur Hamar, 2nd
 Bastard, Reginald
 Bates, Austin Graves, where he was mentioned in despatches three times, and wounded
 Bates, Cecil Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bates, Denis Haughton ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bates, Frederic Alan, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Bates, Maurice Halifax ( 1917-1918 )
Bates, Stanes Geoffrey
 Bates, Sydney Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Bathurst, Allen Algernon, Lord ( 1915-1919 )
 Bathurst, Arthur Henry
 Bathurst, Benjamin Ludlow, 2nd
 Bathurst, Charles Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Bathurst, Charles, 1st Viscount, as Assistant Military Secretary, Southern Command
Bayern, Heinrich
 Bayley, Arthur George, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Bayly, Charles John
 Bayly, Edward Archibald Theodo, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bayly, Launcelot Myles
Bayly, Maurice Fitzgerlad, in the RCE
 Baynes, Edward Stuart Augustus, where he was wounded
 Baynes, Kenneth Schalch, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baynes, Nigel William Frances, where he was wounded
 Baynes, Ronald Christopher
 Baynes, Rory Malcolm Stuart, 6t ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Baynes, William Edward Colston
Bazett, Arthur Hugh
Bazett, Gilbert Knowles
Bazett, Hugo Campbell
 Beamish, Benjamin, as a Captain with the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Beamish, Desmond William
 Beamish, Earl Douglas
 Beamish, Francis Teulon, as a Major, Autralian Medical Corps
 Beamish, Frederick Chaloner, with the 3rd/4th King's African Rifles
 Beamish, Geoffrey Vance Gordon
 Beamish, Harold Delacour, as a Major with Remount Services, Ireland
 Beamish, Henry Hamilton, with the South African Infantry
 Beamish, John Joseph, with the Frence Artillery
 Beamish, Richard Marie, with the French Army, and with the Sialkot Cavalry Brigade
 Beamish, Sackville Edward Ceci, during which he was mentioned in despatches
 Beamish, Thomas Charles Consta, after returning from North America
 Beamish, Tufton Percy Hamilton
 Beamish, Walter Strickland, as a Lieutenant-Colonel with the Royal Artillery and the Indian Army
 Beamish, Warburton Edward, as a Major in the Royal Ulster Fusiliers
 Beamish, William Paul, in the French Army
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1914-1918 )
 Beatty, Richard George ( 1914-1915 ), on the North-West Frontier and Shabkardar
Beauchamp, Edward Archibald
 Beauclerk, Amelius Aubrey de V
 Beauclerk, Amelius George de V
 Beauclerk, Ferdinand
Beauclerk, Nevill Alfred de Ve
 Beauclerk, Osbourne de Vere, 12
Beauclerk, Sydney Wentworth
Beaufort, Francis Hugh
 Beaumont, George Arthur Hamilt, where he was severely wounded
 Beaumont, Henry Cecil Charles, where he was severely wounded
 Beaumont, Wentworth Henry Cann, serving with the Guards Machine Gun Regiment
Beaumont-Nesbitt, Wilfrid Henr
Becher, Edmund Richard Fane
 Becher, Edward Overington ( 1915-1918 ), in France
Becher, Henry Campbell
Becher, Henry Owen Dabridgecou
 Becher, Henry Sullivan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Becher, John Hedges
Becher, John Pickard
 Becher, Lancelot Alleyn ( 1918 )
 Becher, Lancelot Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Becher, Ralph Frederick Richar, during which he was mentioned in despatches
 Becher, Sherard Michael
Becher, William Stewart
 Beck, Alexander
 Beckett, Ralph William Ernest, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Beckwith-Smith, Merton
 Beevor, Cecil Thomas Ashworth, where he was wounded
 Beevor, Thomas Lubbock, 6th Bt.
Beevor, Vernon Savile
Belding, Clare Beauchamp Glove
 Belfield, Edwin Guy
Belfield, Eric
 Belfield, George Gordon
 Bell, George Cecil
Bell, John Murray
 Bell, Joseph Anthony Douglas ( 1914-1918 ), where he became a Prisoner of War
 Bell, Maurice Hugh Lowthian, 3r ( 1914-1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Bell-Irving, Roderick Ogle
 Bellew, Bryan Bertram, 6th Baro
 Bellew, Edward Henry, 5th Baron
Bellew, Richard Courtenay
 Bellingham, Alan Mure, where he was wounded twice
 Bellingham, Arthur Stuart, where he was twice wounded
 Bellingham, Edward Henry Charl, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches three times
Bellingham, Roger Charles Noel
Benckendorff, Peter
Bengough, John Crosbie, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Benn, Ion Bridges Hamilton ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Benn, Ion Hamilton, 1st Bt. ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
Benn, Oliver Williams
 Benn, William Wedgwood, 1st Vis, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Bennett, Charles Wilfrid, 2nd B ( 1916-1919 )
 Bennett, Ernest Nathaniel
Benson, Eric William
 Benson, Reginald Lindsay
 Bentinck, Walter Guy, Baron Ben, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bentley, Charles Arthur Campbe
 Benyon, Richard
 Beresford, Arthur Mordaunt de, where he was wounded twice
Beresford, Charles Zaragoza de
 Beresford, George de la Poer
 Beresford, Gervais de la Poer, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Beresford, Guy Errol de la Poe, where he was wounded
 Beresford, Henry Mayo de la Po, where he was wounded
 Beresford, Marcus Gervais de l
 Beresford, Marcus John Barré d ( 1914-1916 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches at Gallipoli
 Beresford, William Russell de, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Beresford-Ash, Douglas, during which he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Beresford-Peirse, Arthur Cecil, where he was wounded
 Beresford-Peirse, Noel Monson, where he was mentioned in despatches, and served in Mesopotamia, France and Belgium
 Beresford-Peirse, Raymond Wind
 Berkeley, Charles Walter ( 1917-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Berkeley, Christopher Robert, where he was again wounded and mentioned in despatches six times
 Berkeley, Hubert
 Berkeley, Maurice Henry
 Berkeley, Robert Esme, where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Berkeley-Weld, John Joseph Fra, where he wa mentioned in despatches
 Bernard, Ronald Playfair St. V, and was mentioned in despatches
 Berney, Richard William, in German East Africa
 Berney, Robert Henry
 Berney, Thomas Reedham, 10th Bt
 Berridge, Richard, as a Lieutenant with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves
 Berry, Robert Sewers
 Bertie, Arthur Michael Cosmo, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
Bertie, Claud Peregrine
 Bertie, James Willoughby ( 1917-1919 )
Bertie, Ninian Mark Kerr
Bertie, Richard Frederic Norre
 Best, Humphrey Willie
 Best, Matthew Robert
 Best, Philip George, 6th Baron, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Best-Shaw, John James Kenward,
 Bethell, Alexander Edward
Bethell, Christopher, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bethell, Christopher Alick, where he was wounded
Bethell, Edward Walter, where he was wounded
Bethell, Frank Harry ( 1914-1915 )
 Bethell, Hugh Keppel ( 1914-1918 )
 Bethell, Jocelyn Slingsby, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bethell, Llewelyn Slingsby
Bethell, Maurice John, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bethell, Richard ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded
 Bethell, Vivian Lionel Slingsb
Bewicke-Copley, Redvers Lionel
 Bewicke-Copley, Robert Godfrey, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Bewley, Alfred William, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Bibby, Arthur Harold, 1st Bt., in France and Flanders, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Bibby, Francis Stephen
Bibby, Henry Leigh
 Bibby, James David
 Bibby, John Eric Hartley
Bibby, John Patrick
Bibby, John Pengelly
Bickmore, David Francis
 Biddulph, Francis John
 Biddulph, Harry
 Biddulph, Hope
 Biddulph, Michael
 Biddulph, Michael William John
 Biddulph, Nicholas Trafalgar, commanding the 13th Battalion
 Biddulph, Robert Assheton
Bigge, John Neville
 Bingham, Arthur Maurice Robert
 Bingham, Cecil Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bingham, David Cecil
 Bingham, Edward Barry Stewart, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bingham, Francis Humphrey
 Bingham, George Charles, 5th Ea, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bingham, George Roderick Benti
 Bingham, Hugh Terence de Burgh ( 1914-1918 ), in the Indian Defence Force
 Bingham, John Denis Yelverton, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Bingham, Lionel Ernest, where he was wounded twice
 Bingham, Ralph Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Bingham, Richard Gerald Ava
Birch Reynardson, Edward Vere
 Birdwood, Christopher Bromhead, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Birdwood, Christopher Travers, where he was wounded
Birdwood, Christopher William
 Birdwood, Felix Tolcher, where he was wounded
Birdwood, Gordon Alic Brodrick
 Birdwood, Halhed Brodrick
 Birdwood, Hubert Brodrick, where he was wounded
Birdwood, Richard Lockington
 Birkin, Charles Wilfred, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Birkin, Harry Laurence, where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Birkin, Philip Austen
Birkin, Thomas Richard Chetwyn
 Birkmyre, Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1916-1918 ), in the Royal Field Artillery, serving in Flanders
 Birley, Oswald Joseph Hornby, in the Royal Fusiliers
 Biscoe, Thomas Winne
Biscoe, unknown
 Black, John Campbell Lamont
 Blackall, Henry William Butler
 Blackburn, Arthur Seaforth, V.C
Blackburne Daniell, George
 Blackburne Daniell, Henry Edmu, with Durham Light Infantry and Royal Engineers
 Blackburne Daniell, William Ar, at Gallipoli
 Blacker, George Francis, as a Captain of the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Blacker, Latham Valentine Stew, with the 57th Wilde's Rifles, during which he was wounded
 Blacker, Stewart Ward William, with the 3rd Division
 Blackett, Henry Beaumont, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stua ( 1914-1919 ), with the Royal Navy
 Blackett, Ralph
 Blackett, William Stewart Burd
 Blackley, Travers Robert, with the Royal Artillery
 Blackwood, Albemarle Price, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Blackwood, Hans Frederick ( 1914 ), where he was wounded
 Blackwood, Henry Palmer Temple, with the Canadian Expeditionary Force
Blackwood, Henry Stear
Blair, George Young
 Blake, Cecil Bruce ( 1914 ), where he was wounded
 Blake, Francis Edward Colquhou
Blake, Harold Martin Joseph
Blake, Norman Pilkington
Blake, Valentine Charles
 Blakeney, Edward William Charl
 Blakeney, Herbert Norwood, during which he was wounded
 Blakeney, Herbert de Courcy
 Blakeney, John Edward
 Blakeney, Leslie St. Leger ( 1914 ), with the Togoland Force in West Africa
 Blakeney, Stephen Richard St.
 Blakeney, William Edward Albem
 Blakiston, Arthur Frederick, 7t
 Blakiston-Houston, Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blakiston-Houston, John, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Blakiston-Houston, John Matthe
 Bland, Edward Humphrey
 Bland, Robert Wyndham Humphrey
 Bland, Sydney Frances Josephin, as a Sister for the Joint War Committee
 Bland, William St. Colum
Blane, Charles Rodney, 4th Bt.
Blane, Hugh Seymour
Blane, James Pitcairn
Blane, Malcolm Gilbert Stewart
Blaquiere, Alan Boyle
Blaquiere, John
Blathwayt, Henry Wynter
 Blennerhassett, Arthur
 Blennerhassett, William Arthur, with the 12th Gloucestershire Regiment
Bligh, Edward Henry Swinburne
Bligh, Frederick Arthur
Bligh, Jack Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bligh, Noel Gervase, where he was mentioned in despatches
Blois, Dudley George ( 1914-1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Blomefield, Thomas Charles Alf
 Blomfield, Valentine
 Blood, Charles Fitzgerald, with the South Irish Horse
 Blood, Charles Newman, with the Royal Field Artillery, Royal Flying Corps, and Royal Engineers
 Blood, Horace Fitzgerald, as a Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Blood, Jeffrey Armstrong
 Blood, Lewis Edward Lloyd Bind, with the 16th Irish Division
 Blood, Morice
 Blood, Neptune Newcome Beresfo, during which he was mentioned in despatches as a Captain with the New Guinea Forces
 Blood, William Edmund Robarts, wounded, mentioned in despatches
 Blood, William Holcroft, during which he was mentioned in despatches
 Blood-Smyth, Henry Bindon, as a Lieutenant with the East Kent Regiment
Bloomer, Arnold Grayson
 Blount, Edward Robert, 11th Bt., with the Royal Flying Corps
 Blount, Walter Aston, 10th Bt., where he was wounded twice
 Blundell, Francis Nicholas ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blunden, Eric Overington, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blunt, Allan St. John, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Blunt, Arthur Powlett ( 1917-1918 )
 Blunt, Charles David McKinnon ( 1914 )
 Blunt, Conrad Edward Grant ( 1915-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blunt, John Harvey, 9th Bt. ( 1914 )
 Blunt, William Senhouse
 Blyton, William Reid, Baron Bly ( 1914-1918 )
Bocholtz-Asseburg, Hermann
Boden, Anthony Drummond
Boileau, Frank Ridley
Boileau, Gerald Stewart Charle ( 1914-1916 ), when he was discharged medically unfit
 Boileau, Raymond Frederic, 4th, where he was mentioned in despatches
Boles, Hastings Fortescue
 Bolitho, Edward Hoblyn Warren, and was mentioned in despatches three times and was wounded twice
Bolitho, Richard Geoffrey
 Bolitho, Thomas Gerald Glyn, in Observation Balloons in France
Bolitho, William Torquill Macl
 Bolster, Thomas Charles Carpen, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bolton, Ian Frederick Cheney, 2, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bomford, George Warren
 Bomford, Guy
 Bomford, Trevor Laurence
Bond, Charles Gordon
 Bond, Edward Ravenshaw Trevely
 Bond, George Montgomery, in France, Salonika and Macedonia
Bond, Reginald Edwin, in Mesopotamia
Bonham Carter, Norman
 Bonham, Eric Henry, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bonham, John Wroughton, with the Remount Service
 Bonham-Carter, Francis Hugh
 Bonsor, Arthur Charles
Bonsor, Malcolm Cosmo
 Bonsor, Reginald, 2nd Bt. ( 1914-1919 )
 Bonsor, Robert Cecil
 Boord, Oscar Leslie
 Boot, John, 2nd Baron Trent
 Booth, Ernest Brabazon ( 1914-1916 ), in the Cameroons
 Booth, Francis Adrian Blaydes
 Booth, James Erskine Wise
 Booth, Thomas Macaulay ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Booth-Jones, Thomas Vernon
 Boothby, Basil Tanfield Beridg ( 1916-1919 ), serving in France and Flanders, and was mentioned in despatches twice
Boothby, Ernest Brooke
 Boothby, Evelyn Leonard Beridg
 Boothby, Frederick Lewis Maitl
 Boothby, George Augustus Berti ( 1914-1918 )
 Boothby, Hubert Basil, and was mentioned in despatches
Boothby, James Robert
Boothby, John Henry
 Boothby, Reginald Evelyn ( 1914-1919 )
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Claude, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward Willi ( 1914-1918 )
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Lionel, 6th B
 Borrie, Ernest, serving in the King's Own Royal Lancasters, in Bangalore, the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus
 Borrie, Stanley, as a dispatch rider with the Artists Rifles
 Borrie, William
Borrowes, Walter
 Borthwick, Alfred Edward
 Borthwick, Arthur Sandilands
 Borthwick, William ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded twice and became a POW
 Borwick, George, 2nd Baron Borw
 Borwick, Robert Geoffrey, 3rd B
 Boscawen, Edward Aroha, in Palestone
 Boscawen, Evelyn Hugh John, 8th
Boscawen, George Edward
Boscawen, Hugh Townshend
 Boscawen, Mildmay Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boscawen, Spencer, where he was mentioned in despatches
Boscawen, Vere Douglas
Bosville Macdonald, Godfrey Ev
 Bosville Macdonald, Ronald Ian
 Bosworth-Martin, Stephen Boswo
 Boucher, Charles Hamilton
 Boughey, Anchitel Edward Fletc
 Boughey, John Fletcher
 Boultbee, Arthur Elsdale
Boultbee, Joseph Maxwell
Boulton, Arthur Vane
Boulton, Christian Harold Erne
 Boulton, Oscar Evan ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bourke, Arthur John Henry, and was mentioned in despatches twice
Bourke, Bertram Walter
Bourke, Eustace George Walter, where he was wounded
 Bourke, Henry Beresford, as DCO
 Bourke, Ulick Henry, 9th Earl o
 Bourke, Ulrick John Deane, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bourke-Borrowes, Cecil Hubert, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bourke-Borrowes, Dermot Richar ( 1916-1918 ), in Mesopotamia, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bowater, Eric Vansittart, in the Royal Artillery
 Bowater, Frank Henry, 1st Bt.
 Bowater, Noël Vansittart, 2nd B ( 1914-1919 )
 Bowden-Smith, Philip Ernest
 Bowen, Edward Crowther, 2nd Bt.
 Bowen, James Bevan
 Bowen-Colthurst, John Colthurs, where he suffered shell-shock
 Bowen-Colthurst, Robert Macgre
Bowes-Lyon, Charles Lindsay Cl
Bowes-Lyon, Fergus
Bowes-Lyon, Gavin Patrick
 Bowes-Lyon, Geoffrey Francis ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded
 Bowes-Lyon, Hubert Ernest, where he was wounded
 Bowes-Lyon, John Herbert, where he was wounded
 Bowes-Lyon, Malcom, where he was wounded
 Bowes-Lyon, Michael Claude Ham, where he became a POW in 1917
 Bowes-Lyon, Patrick, 15th Earl, where he was wounded
 Bowes-Lyon, Ronald George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bowlby, Adelbert Charles Edwar ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1st Bt., when he was mentioned in despatches
 Bowlby, Cuthbert Francis Bond ( 1914-1918 )
Bowlby, Geoffrey Vaux Salvin
 Bowlby, Gerard William Salvin, with the Royal Scots
 Bowlby, Henry Russell
 Bowlby, Hugh Savin ( 1914-1918 )
Bowlby, Lionel Henry Salvin
 Bowlby, Russell Frank
Bowman, Arthur William
 Bowman, Humphrey Ernest
 Bowman, James, 1st Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
 Bowyer, George Edward Wentwort, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Bowyer, Richard Grenville
Bowyer-Smijth, Henry
 Bowyer-Smyth, Philip Weyland, 1
 Boxwell, Ambrose, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyce, Harold Leslie, 1st Bt., in the Australian Imperial Force
 Boyd, Cecil Anderson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyd, Henry Alexander, and was mentioned in dispathces four times
 Boyd, John Leslie Sheppard
 Boyd-Carpenter, Archibald
 Boyd-Rochfort, Cecil Charles ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Boyd-Rochfort, Harold, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Boylan, Edward Thomas Arthur G, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boylan, Francis Michael Benedi
 Boyle, Alan Reginald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyle, Alexander David
 Boyle, Algernon Douglas Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyle, Cecil Alexander
 Boyle, Charles Norman Cavendis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyle, Charles Roger Cavendish, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches twice
 Boyle, Edmund Michael Gordon L
 Boyle, Edward Louis Dalrymple, where he was mentioned in despatches
Boyle, Ernest Charles Patrick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyle, Frederick John
 Boyle, Hugh MacCormac
 Boyle, James
 Boyle, John Charters, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyle, John David, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Boyle, Lionel Richard Cavendis
 Boyle, Patrick James, 8th Earl, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyle, Reginald Courtenay
Boyle, Richard Bernard, 7th Ear
 Boyle, Richard Frederick Rober, where he was wounded
 Boyle, Robert Francis
 Boyle, Sydney Herbert, in the East African Campaign
 Boyle, William Henry Dudley, 12, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Brabant, Alfred Geoffrey
 Brabazon, Claud Maitland Patri
Brabazon, Ernest William Maitl, and was mentioned in despatches
 Brabazon, Reginald le Normand, , and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Brabazon, Terrence Anthony Cha
 Brace, Henry Fergusson, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Bradford, Edward Austen
 Bradford, Evelyn Ridley, 2nd Bt ( 1914 )
Bradshaw, Bartholomew
 Bradshaw, William Pat Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
Brain, Francis Sydney, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brain, John Atkins, where he was wounded in 1918
 Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baro, with the Red Cross
 Brand, Henry Arthur Trevor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brand, Hubert George
 Brand, Humphrey Ranulph, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brand, John Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brand, Roger, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brand, Thomas Walter, 3rd Visco, where he was mentioned in despatches eight times
Brandolini d'Adda, Brandolino,
 Brandon, Arthur Ernest, with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps
 Brasier-Creagh, George Washing
 Brasier-Creagh, Jack Gerard, with Royal Irish Rifles
 Brasier-Creagh, Richard Sherlo
 Brass, William, 1st and last Ba, in France, Egypt and Italy, serving in the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
Brassey, Gerard Charles
Brassey, Harold Ernest
 Brassey, Henry Leonard Campbel
 Brazier-Creagh, Edmond Beresfo, in Royal Field Artillery, and was wounded
 Brazier-Creagh, Kilner Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
Breese, William Lawrence
 Brereton, Edward FitzGerald
 Brereton, Franc Sadleir
 Brereton, Frederick Sadleir
 Brett, Maurice Vyner Balliol, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Bridgeman, Geoffrey John Orlan ( 1917-1919 )
 Bridgeman, Henry George Orland
Bridgeman, Humphrey Herbert Or
 Bridgeman, Orlando, 5th Earl of ( 1915-1917 )
Bridgeman, Richard Orlando Bea
 Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 2nd Vi, where he was twice wounded
 Bridgeman, Roger Orlando, where he was wounded
 Bridges, Edward Ettingdean, 1st
Bridges, William Throsby
Brierly, Alwin Huard
Brinckman, Denys
 Brinckman, Theodore Ernest War ( 1916-1918 )
 Brinckman, Theodore Francis, 3r ( 1914 )
 Brisco, Gilfrid Rimington
 Brisco, Oriel Arthur, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, in Egypt and France
Brisco, Wastel
 Broadbridge, Eric Wilberforce, , in the Machine Gun Company, where was mentioned in despatches
 Brocklebank, Charles Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brocklebank, John Jasper
 Brocklebank, Ralph Royds
Brocklebank, Thomas Geoffrey
Brocklehurst, Henry Courtney
 Brocklehurst, Philip Lee, 2nd B ( 1914-1917 )
 Brodie, Benjamin Collins, 4th B ( 1914-1919 ), with the Surrey Yeomanry and Gordon Highalnders, and was mentioned in despatches twice
Brodie, Donald Francis O'Calla
Brodie, Douglas Edward
 Brodie, Ian Ashley Moreton, 24t
 Brodie, Malcolm William O'Call, where he was mentioned in despatches
Brodie-Innes, John Stuart, of M
 Brodrick, George St. John, 2nd, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bromet, John Neville
Bromfield, Hary Hickham
 Bromhead, Benjamin Gonville
 Bromhead, Richard Freckleton G
 Bromley, Arthur, 8th Bt.
Bromley, Herbert Assheton
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Visco ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Brooke, Arthur, where he was severely wounded
 Brooke, Arthur Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Brooke, Arthur Francis, where he was wounded
 Brooke, Augustine Henry
 Brooke, Basil Charles Barringt
 Brooke, Basil Gerald
 Brooke, Basil Stanlake, 1st Vis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brooke, Basil Vernon
 Brooke, Bertram Willes Dayrell
 Brooke, Christopher Robert Ing, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Brooke, Geoffrey Thomas ( 1914 )
Brooke, George
Brooke, George Cecil
 Brooke, George Frank, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
Brooke, Henry Brian
 Brooke, Henry Hastings, where he was wounded
 Brooke, Hugh, 2nd Bt. ( 1914 )
 Brooke, James Anson Otho, V.C.
 Brooke, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brooke, Leonard Stopford
Brooke, Patrick Harry
 Brooke, Robert Weston, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Brooke, Ronald George, where he was mentioned in despatches
Brooke, Victor Reginald
 Brooke-Pechell, Mortimer Georg, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was invalided
 Brooks, Noel Brand ( 1914-1919 )
 Brooks, Thomas Marshall ( 1914-1919 )
Brooksbank, Stamp
Broome, Louis George
 Brougham, John Collingwood
 Broughton, Geoffrey Delves, where he was wounded
 Broughton, Henry John Delves, 1
Broughton, Hugo Delves
 Broughton, Legh Harley Delves, where he was mentioned in dipatches
 Broughton, Theodore Delves, serving in Mesopotamia and Persia, and was mentioned in despatches
 Broughton, Vernon Lamonnerie D, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Broughton, William Edward Delv, where he was mentioned in despatches, and was wounded
 Broun-Lindsay, Humphrey George ( 1918-1919 ), in France and Italy
 Brown, Cedric Clifton
 Brown, Francis Clifton, where he was metnioned in dispatches
 Brown, Frederick Seddon
Brown, Gordon Hargreaves, where he was wounded
Brown, Wynyard Keith
Browne, Alfred Eden, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Browne, Ambrose George Denis
Browne, Arthur Richard Howe
 Browne, Denis Robert Howe ( 1916-1919 ), in Mesopotamia
 Browne, Evelyn, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Browne, Gerald Ralph Desmond, 7 ( 1916-1918 )
 Browne, Harry Ernest, where he was severely wounded
Browne, Maurice Henry Dermot
 Browne, Percy Howe, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Browne, Ulick de Burgh, 7th Mar ( 1917-1918 )
 Browne, Valentine Charles, 5th
 Browne, Valentine Edward Charl, where he was wounded
Browne, William Charles Denis
 Browne-Clayton, Robert Clayton, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Browning, Langley ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brownlow, Andrew L'Estrange, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Brownlow, Guy James ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Brownlow, Wilfrid Herbert Ceci
 Bruce Lockhart, Robert McGrego
 Bruce, Alastair Lavallette Eri, in the London Scottish and Royal Air Force
 Bruce, Alexander Cathcart, where he was wounded
 Bruce, Alexander Fairlie
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1914 ), in the campaign in Egypt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bruce, Clarence Napier, 3rd Bar
 Bruce, David, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Bruce, Edward James, 14th Earl, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Bruce, George James
 Bruce, George John Gordon, 7th, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches four times
Bruce, Gervase Ronald
Bruce, Henry Lyndhurst
 Bruce, Ian Robert Craufurd Geo, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Bruce, James
 Bruce, John Bernard
 Bruce, Michael William Selby, o, serving in the Dardanelles, Egypt and France, and was wounded
 Bruce, Robert
 Bruce, Robert Cathcart, in France and Belgium
 Bruce, Robert Charles
Bruce, Robert Lloyd
 Bruce, Robert, Master of Burlei ( 1914 )
 Bruce, Stanley Melbourne, 1st a ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded twice
 Bruce, Victor Alexander
 Bruce, Victor Austin
 Bruce, William ( 1915-1916 ), where he was wounded twice
 Bruce, William Fox, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Bruce, William Nigel Ernle, where he was seriously wounded
 Bruce-Gardyne, Evan, 13th of Mi ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brudenell-Bruce, George Willia, where he was again mentioned in despatches
Brudenell-Bruce, James Ernest
 Brudenell-Bruce, Robert Hanbur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bruen, Arthur Thomas, as s British Red Cross Society driver
 Bruen, Edward Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brunner, Felix John Morgan, 3rd
Brunton, Edward Henry Pollock
 Brunton, James Stopford Lauder, in France
Brunton, Laurence, in Egypt and France
 Brush, George Howard, with 36th (Ulster) Division, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brush, John Eastwood Ramsay ( 1914-1918 ), when he was invalided
 Bryan, George Leopold, 4th Baro
 Bryant, Arthur Wynne Morgan
Brühl, Friedrich
Brühl, Friedrich Johannes
Buchan, Alastair Ebenezer
 Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsm
 Buchan-Hepburn, John Trant, with the Ceylon Planter's Rifle Corps and Australian Artillery
 Buchan-Hepburn, Thomas Swinton
 Buchanan, Andrew Sinclair
Buchanan-Baillie-Hamilton, Art
 Buchanan-Baillie-Hamilton, Nei
 Buchanan-Smith, Alick Drummond
 Bucher, Francis Roy
Buckley, Felix George
 Buckmaster, Owen Stanley, 2nd V, where he was wounded
 Bucknall, William Rixon
 Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Charles, where he was wounded
Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Richard
Buddicom, Walter Digby
 Buffett, Bernard Campbell, where he was severely wounded
 Buffett, Frederick Stanley, in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East
 Buffett, Steele ( 1917-1919 )
 Buffett, Thomas Henry Seymour
Bulkeley, Thomas Henry Rivers
 Bull, George, where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
 Bullen, Edward Tester
 Bullen, Stephen Darley
Buller, Lesley Montagu
 Buller, Mowbray Louis
 Bullock, Christopher Llewellyn
 Bullock, Harold Malcolm, 1st an ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded
 Bullock-Marsham, Francis Willi, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bulmer, Geoffrey Percival
 Bulteel, Cecil Edward
Bulteel, Edward Wynter
Bulteel, Thomas Edward
 Bulteel, Walter Gordon ( 1915-1918 )
 Bunbury, Charles Henry Napier,
 Bunbury, Evan Campbell, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Bunbury, Francis William ( 1914-1918 )
 Bunbury, Gerald Bruce St. Pier, where he was wounded
 Bunbury, Henry William
Bunbury, Patrick Stanley St. P
 Bunbury, Richard Seymour, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Bunbury, William St. Pierre
 Burbidge, Richard Grant Woodma
Burchardt-Ashton, Alexander Er
 Burdett, Arthur St. George
Burdett, Charles Plantagenet
 Burdett, Cyril Trench, with the Royal Navy Division
Burdett, Edward Jerome
 Burdett, Ernest Wyndham, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burdett, Henry Aylmer, 10th Bt., where he was wounded
 Burdett, Henry Leatham, in Royal Artillery
 Burdett, John Head, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burges, Richard Ynyr ( 1918 ), in H.M.S. Warspite, and was present at the surrender of German fleet
 Burgh, Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burgh, Desmond Herlouin
 Burgh, Eric
 Burgh, Ernest Charles, with 1st Australian Imperial Force
 Burgh, Hubert Henry
 Burgh, Hugo Graham, where he was mentioned in despatches
Burgh, John Maurice Truscott, with the Royal Navy
Burgh, Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burgh, Ulric Campbell
 Burke Cole, John James, where he was wounded three times, and was mentioned in despatches
 Burke, Charles Dominick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burke, Edward Bernard Mary
 Burke, Gerald Howe, 7th Bt., where he was wounded twice
 Burke, Henry Joseph
 Burke, Hubert Francis ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Burke, John Bernard Mary, where he was mentioned in despatches
Burn, Arthur Herbert Posden
 Burn, John
 Burn-Clerk-Rattray, Paul Rober
 Burnell, Charles Desborough
 Burnell-Nugent, Frank Henry, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Burnett, Alexander Douglas Gil
 Burnett, Alexander Edwin, of Le, where he was severely wounded
 Burnett, Arthur Moubray, 8th of
 Burnett, Charles Stuart
Burnett, Ian Alistair Kendall
 Burnett, James Lauderdale Gilb, where he was mentioned in desptaches eleven times, and was severely wounded
 Burnett, John Alexander, 7th of
 Burnett, Leslie Trew, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burnett, Robert Lindsay
 Burnett, Thomas Leslie Forbes
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burney, Sydney Bernard
 Burnham, Gordon Le Roy ( 1914-1918 )
Burns, James Drummond
 Burns, John Alan, 4th Baron Inv, where he was wounded
 Burrard, Charles ( 1914 )
 Burrard, Gerald, 8th Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches and was severely wounded
 Burrard, Harry George ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Burrard, William Dutton ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Burrough, Francis Thomas
 Burrowes, Alec, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Burrowes, Arnold Brian
 Burrowes, Arnold Robinson, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Burrowes, Patrick William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burrowes, Robert Philip, where he was wounded
Burton, Alfred Henry Wellesley, where he was wounded
 Burton, Benjamin Wellesley
 Burton, Edward Thomas Derrick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burton, Gerald John Lloyd, where he was wounded
Burton, Robert Cecil
Burton, Stephen John
Butcher, Henry Townsend
Butler, Bernard Arnold Barring
Butler, Brian Danvers
 Butler, Charles Ernest Alfred, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Butler, Charles Walter ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Butler, Edmund Pierce
 Butler, Edward Walter Charles ( 1918-1919 ), with the 4th Dragoon Guards
 Butler, FitzWalter George Prob ( 1914 )
 Butler, Francis James
Butler, Gordon Kerr Montagu
 Butler, Henry Claude
 Butler, Hubert Blennerhassett, in France and Palestine
 Butler, James Arthur Norman, 6t
 Butler, James George Anson, 5th, where he was wounded
 Butler, James Hubert Theobald, where he was wounded
 Butler, James Humphrey, where he was wounded twice
 Butler, James Whitwell
Butler, John Fitzhardinge Paul
 Butler, Leslie James Probyn ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Butler, Patrick Richard
 Butler, Piers Percy, in the U.S. Navy
 Butler, Richard
 Butler, Richard Pierce, 11th Bt ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Butler, Robert Thomas Rowley P, where he was mentioned in despatches, and was wounded
 Butler, Theodore Patrick Proby, in France, Palestine and Sudan, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Butler, William Bayford
Butler-Bowdon, Basil Joseph Be
 Butler-Stoney, Bowes
 Butler-Stoney, Charles Kemble, with the Royal Flying Corps
 Butler-Stoney, Richard Brooke
Butler-Stoney, Thomas Butler
 Buxton, Abbot Redmond
 Buxton, Anthony, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Buxton, Arthur
 Buxton, Barclay Godfrey, iwhere he was severely wounded
 Buxton, Bernard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Buxton, Clarence Edward Victor, where he was mentioned in despatches
Buxton, Denis Bertram Sydney
 Buxton, Desmond Gurney
 Buxton, Edward Hugh
 Buxton, Edward North, where he was mentioned in despatches
Buxton, George Barclay, in British East Africa, Egypt and France
 Buxton, Harry Gurney
 Buxton, Henry Fowell
Buxton, Hugh Forster
 Buxton, Ivor, where he was mentioned in despatches
Buxton, Jocelyn Murray Victor
 Buxton, John Lawrence, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Buxton, Leland William Wilberf
 Buxton, Lionel Gurney, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Buxton, Maurice Victor
 Buxton, Murray Barclay, where he was severely wounded
 Buxton, Robert Vere, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Buxton, Roden Henry Victor
 Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 5th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Buzzard, Charles Norman ( 1914 )
 Buzzard, Frank Anstie, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byass, Geoffrey Robert Sidney, ( 1914-1919 ), in Egypt, Palestine and France
 Byass, Harry Nicholl ( 1914-1919 )
 Byers, Mandale, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byl, Pieter Voltelyn Graham
 Byng, Antony Schomberg, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Byng, Arthur Maitland
 Byng, Arthur Stanley, 10th Visc, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Byng, Francis Dacres
 Byng, George, 9th Viscount Torr
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1
 Byrne, Albert Barnitz
 Byron, George Rochfort
 Byron, Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byron, Wilfrid
 Bčre, Rupert, 1st Bt.
Cable, George Pickersgill
 Caccia, Anthony Mario Felix ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Cadbury, Egbert, where he became an ace, and shot down two Zeppelins over the North Sea with his Sopwith Camel
 Cadbury, Laurence John ( 1914-1919 ), with the Friend's Ambulance Unit
 Caddell, Ernest Duncan
Cadell, Assheton Biddulph
Cadman, Charles Joseph, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cadman, James
 Cadman, Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cadman, William Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cadogan, Edward Cecil George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cadogan, Francis Charles, with the Anzac Landing, Dover Patrol, and Black and Caspian Seas
Cadogan, Henry Osbert Samuel
 Cadogan, William George Sydney
Cahill, Edward
Cahill, John Nugent
Cahill, Patrick Leopold
Cairnes, Alfred Bellingham
 Cairnes, Francis Herbert, in Military Intelligence
 Cairnes, James Elliot
 Cairnes, Tom Algar Elliot, with the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
 Cairnes, Tom Algar Elliot
 Cairnes, William Edward Plunke
Cairnes, William Jameson
 Cairns, Wilfred Dallas, 4th Ear, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Callow, Horace B. Cheslyn
 Calmady-Hamlyn, Charles Hamlyn, with the E.E.F.
 Calvert, John Dutton
 Calvert, Ralph Dutton ( 1917 )
 Cambridge, Adolphus Charles, 1s, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cambridge, George Francis Hugh, in the Reserve Regiment, 1st Life Guards
Cameron, Allan George
Cameron, Archibald
 Cameron, Archibald Rice
 Cameron, Cyril St. Clair
 Cameron, Donald Charles, in Palestine
 Cameron, Donald Walter, of Loch, serving in France, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cameron, John Ewen
Cameron, Napier Charles Gordon
 Cameron, Norman Ogilvie Mouat, where he was severely wounded
 Cameron, William Henry Veitch
 Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, B, he was wounded
 Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, H, he was mentioned in despatches thrice
 Campbell Swinton, Alan Henry, 6, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was severely wounded
 Campbell, Alan Le Grand
Campbell, Alan Robert Sinclair
 Campbell, Albert, with the Canadian contingent
Campbell, Alexander Boswell
 Campbell, Alexander Douglas
Campbell, Allan William George
 Campbell, Angus Dudley
 Campbell, Archibald
 Campbell, Cecil James ( 1914 )
Campbell, Charles Colin Kinloc
 Campbell, Charles William, 9th
Campbell, Claude Henry
Campbell, Colin Palmer
 Campbell, David Graham Muschet ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches six times
Campbell, Donald
 Campbell, Donald Swinton, 2nd B
 Campbell, Douglas Walter
Campbell, Duncan
 Campbell, Edward FitzGerald
 Campbell, Edward Fitzgerald, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, Eric Francis Dennist
 Campbell, Eric Octavius, where he was wounded, and mentioned in despatches three times
 Campbell, George Frederic Coli
 Campbell, George Ilay, of Succo
 Campbell, Gerald FitzGerald
 Campbell, Glidden
 Campbell, Gordon, V.C.
 Campbell, Guy Colin, 4th Bt.
 Campbell, Harold George, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
Campbell, Henry Bethune
 Campbell, Ian Malcolm, in Gallipoli, Egypt and France, and was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, Ian Vincent Hamilton
 Campbell, Ion Edward FitzGeral, where he was wounded
 Campbell, Ion Percy FitzGerald, where he was mentioned in despatches
Campbell, Ivar
Campbell, James Archibald Loch
 Campbell, John Alexander Colds
 Campbell, John Archibald
Campbell, John Beresford ( 1914-1915 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, John Bruce Stuart, 2n ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded twice
 Campbell, John Dermot, in the Royal Artillery
 Campbell, John Duncan, with the Canadian contingent
 Campbell, John Duncan Vaughan, , with the Royal Navy
 Campbell, John Vaughan, V.C., where he was mentioned in despatches
Campbell, Lawford Burne
 Campbell, Louis Hamilton, of Au, with the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
 Campbell, Neil Alister Henry, where he was wounded
 Campbell, Patrick Colin
Campbell, Philip Sidney
 Campbell, Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, Thomas, with the Canadian contingent
 Campbell, Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches eleven times
 Campbell, Walter Henry Edward
 Campbell, William, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Campbell, William Robinson
 Campbell-Gray, Lindsay Stuart, , where he was thirce wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Campbell-Johnston, Alex
Campbell-Johnston, Patrick Sey
Campbell-Johnston, Ronald Alfr
 Campbell-Orde, Alan Colin, where he was wounded
 Campbell-Orde, Arthur John, 4th
 Campbell-Orde, John Vernon
 Campbell-Orde, Ronald Charles ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded
 Campion, Gilbert Francis Montr ( 1914-1917 )
Candole, Alexander Corry
Cannan, Horatio James
 Capell, Algernon Essex, in British East Africa
Capell, Arthur George Coningsb, where he was mentioned in despatches
Capper, Thomson
Carden, Arnold, with 24th London Regiment
Carden, Charles William, with theRoyal Engineers, and was badly wounded
Carden, Derrick Alfred
 Carden, Edward Percy, with the Royal Engineers
 Carden, Eustace Markham
 Carden, Frederick, with 24th London Regiment and AOC
Carden, Frederick Craven
 Carden, Frederick Henry Walter
Carden, Henry Charles
Carden, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carden, John King, in the Royal Engineers and Grenadier Guards, and was wounded twice
Carden, John Rutter
 Carden, Lionel Berkeley, with the Canadian Army
 Carden, Louis Peile, where he was mentioned in despatches
Carden, Ronald James Walter
 Carden, Sackville Hamilton
Cardwell, Hugh Brodie
Carew, Francis Ludovic
 Carew, Henry Walter Palk ( 1914 ), with the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles and Royal Flying Corps
Carew, Jasper
 Carew, Peter FitzWilliam ( 1914-1919 )
 Carew, Reginald Lionel Otho
 Carew, Robert John Henry ( 1914 )
 Carew, Thomas Alfred Curtis ( 1914-1919 ), with the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles
 Carew, Thomas Palk, 10th Bt.
Carey, Leicester William Le Ma
 Carey, Octavius William ( 1914-1918 ), in France, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Carington, Rupert Victor John, , where he wounded twice
 Carleton, Dudley Massey Pigott ( 1914-1918 )
 Carleton, Montgomery Lancelot, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carlyon, Geoffrey
 Carlyon, Laurence Jago
Carlyon, Thomas Tonkin
 Carmichael-Anstruther, Hugh Jo
Carne, Jean Edmond Marie
 Carnegie, Charles Gilbert
Carnegie, David Alexander
 Carnegie, David John, 10th Earl
Carnegie, Frederick Alexander
 Carnegie, John Douglas, 12th Ea, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carr White, Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Carr White, Percy
 Carr White, Reginald Alfred
Carr, Martin Raymond
 Carre-Riddell, Consett, where he was wounded and he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Carre-Riddell, Gervase, where he was wounded
 Carroll, John Donal, with Royal Warwickshire Regiment
 Carroll, John William Vincent, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carroll-Leahy, Noel Edward Jos
 Carson, Walter Seymour
 Carson, William Henry Lambert, where he was wounded
Cart de la Fontaine, Alfred Ed
Carter, James Shuckburgh
 Carter, John Fillis Carré, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carter-Campbell, George Tupper
Cartland, James Bertram Falkne
Cary, Byron Plantagenet, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cary, Lucius Plantagenet, 13th
 Cary, Philip Plantagenet
 Cary, Robert Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1916-1918 )
 Casement, Edgar Reginald
 Casement, Francis
 Casement, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Casement, John Moore
 Casement, Robert James
 Casey, Richard Gardiner, Baron ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Cassel, Felix, 1st Bt.
Castle, Tudor Ralph
Cathcart, Augustus Ernest ( 1914 )
 Cathcart, Frederick Adrian
 Caulfeild, Charles Trevor
 Caulfeild, Grace Hardyman ( 1914 ), in France, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Caulfeild, Harry Frowd St. Geo, where he was wounded
 Caulfeild, Robert Toby St. Geo, where he was wounded
 Caulfeild, St. George Frederic, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Caulfeild, Wilmot Smyth, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cavaye, William Frederick ( 1917-1919 ), with the British Expeditionary Force in France
Cave, Edmund Shallcross Jasper
 Cave, Edward Charles, 3rd Bt. ( 1915-1919 ), with the Somerset Light Infantry
Cave, Thomas Bourchier
Cave, Walter Henry Charles
 Cave-Browne, Horace, in Mesopotamia
 Cave-Browne, William, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Frank Wyamar ( 1915-1919 )
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Genille, 12th
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Nigel Freder, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Alfred Edward John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Alwyn Lionel Compto, where he was severely wounded twice, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Charles Frederick, 5
 Cavendish, Edward William Spen, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cavendish, Frederick George, where he was wounded twice, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Frederick William L, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, George Sidney Godol, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cavendish, Godfrey Lionel John
 Cavendish, Henry James Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Henry Sheppard Hart
 Cavendish, John Compton, 4th Ba, where he was wounded
 Cavendish, John Spencer
 Cavendish, Ralph Henry Volteli, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Richard Frederick, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Cavendish, Ronald Valentine, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cavendish, William Edwin
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was wounded
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Ferdinand, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Henry, inclduing the Gallipoli Campaign
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Ar ( 1914-1916 )
 Cawley, John Stephen, where he was mnetioned in despatches
Cawley, Oswald
 Cayley, Arthur Bowen, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Cayley, Digby Coddington, in Gallipoli and France
 Cayley, Douglas Edward, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
Cayley, Francis Digby Edward
 Cayley, Harry Francis
 Cayley, Henry Priaulx
 Cayley, Hugh Charles
 Cayley, Kenelm Henry Ernest, 10, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Cayley, Norman
 Cayley, Philip Estcourt, in the North-West Frontier and Mesopotamia
 Cayley, Walter de Sausmarez, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cayzer, Charles William, 3rd Bt
 Cayzer, Harold Stanley, where he was wounded
 Cayzer, Herbert Robin, 1st Baro, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cazenove, Ralph de Lérisson
 Cecil, Henry Mitford Amherst
 Cecil, Thomas James Amherst, where he was wounded
Cetto, Ernst
 Chadwyck-Healey, Edward Randal
 Chadwyck-Healey, Gerald Edward
 Chadwyck-Healey, Oliver Nowell, where he was mentioned in despatches
Chalmers, Ralph
Chalmers, Robert
 Chaloner, Claudius Willoughby
 Chaloner, Thomas Weston Peel L
Champion de Crespigny, Claude
 Champion, Arthur John, Baron Ch ( 1915-1919 )
 Champion, Walter
Chance, Eustace George St. Cla
 Chance, Roger James Ferguson, 3, where he was wounded twice and mentioned in despatches twice
 Chance, William Hugh Stobart ( 1914-1918 )
 Chandler, William Kellman, II
 Chaplin, Eric, 2nd Viscount Cha ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chaplin, Vere ( 1914-1919 )
Chapman, Charles Lancelot
Chapman, David Archibald James
 Chapman, Robert, 1st Bt., where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches four times
 Chappel, George Pester
 Charles, Noel Hughes Havelock, ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Charlesworth, Alexander Thomas
 Charley, Arthur Frederick
 Charley, Harold Richard, with the 2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles, and was wounded and became a POW
 Charley, Noel
Charteris, Hugo Francis, Lord E
 Charteris, Nigel Keppel, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Charteris, Ronald Louis
Charteris, Yvo Alan
Chastel de la Howarderie, Eman
Chavasse, Aidan
 Chavasse, Christopher Maude
 Chavasse, Claude Lionel
 Chavasse, Francis Bernard
 Chaworth-Musters, Anthony ( 1914 ), where he was severely wounded
Chaworth-Musters, Patricius Ge, where he was wounded at the retreat from Mons in September 1914
Chaworth-Musters, Philip Mundy
 Chaworth-Musters, Robert
 Chaytor, D'Arcy, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Chaytor, Edward Walter Clervau, where he was twice wounded and mentioned in despatches seven times
 Chaytor, Frank Clervaux, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Chaytor, Lawrence Clervaux, with the Canterbury Mounted Rifle Regiment and New Zealand Machine Gun Corps, where he was wounded twice
 Chenevix Trench, Alfred Saward, where he was mentioned in despatches
Chenevix Trench, Charles Regin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chenevix Trench, Eric ( 1914-1918 )
Chenevix Trench, Francis Maxwe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chenevix Trench, Hugo
 Chenevix Trench, Ivor, where he was wounded
 Chenevix Trench, Julius Franci, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chenevix Trench, Robert Denis ( 1918 )
 Chester, Anthony James Bagot, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chester, George Bagot, where he was twice wounded
Chester, Greville Arthur Bagot
Chester, Lewis Charles Bagot
Chester, Walter Greville Bagot, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
Chester-Master, Richard Cheste
Chesterton, Frank
 Chetwode, George Knightley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Chetwood-Aiken, Harold Freelan ( 1914-1918 )
 Chetwynd, Arthur Henry Talbot, , where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Chetwynd, William Ralph Talbot
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Bryan Henr
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Granville
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Granville
Chetwynd-Stapylton, Henry Mile
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles Flemi
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles John
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Frederick Gil
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Geoffrey Rich
Chetwynd-Talbot, Humfrey Richa
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Nicholas Gera
 Chevers, Norman Michael Joseph
Chevigne, Anne Marie Joseph Gu
 Cheyne, Joseph Lister, of Leaga, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Chichester, Alfred Godfrey de, where he was wounded twice
 Chichester, Arthur Claud Spenc
 Chichester, Arthur O'Neill Cub
 Chichester, Arthur Whyte
 Chichester, Athol Augustus
 Chichester, Charles Frederick
 Chichester, James John ( 1916-1918 )
 Chichester, Marcus Beresford
 Chichester, Reginald de Blaqui
 Chichester, Robert Peel Dawson
 Chichester, Shane Randolph, with the Royal Naval Division
Chichester, William George Cub
 Child-Villiers, Arthur George, where he was mentioned in despatches
Childe-Pemberton, Edmund Willi
 Childers, Henry Caesar, with Strathcona's Horse
 Childers, Robert Erskine
Chippendall, Bertram Thorold
 Chisholm-Batten, Alexander Wil
Chisholm-Batten, James Utermar
Chisholm-Batten, John de Havil
Cholmeley, Montague Aubrey Row
Cholmondeley, Charles Almeric
 Cholmondeley, George Horatio C
 Cholmondeley, George Hugo, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Christian, Arthur Henry ( 1914-1918 )
 Christian, Charles James ( 1916-1917 )
 Christian, Charles Joseph ( 1916-1917 )
 Christian, Cornelius Stephen H, where he was wounded twice (gassed)
Christian, Edward Charles
 Christian, Everard George Curw, where he was wounded
 Christian, Ewan
 Christian, John Osborne Lucas
 Christian, Julius Christopher
 Christian, Robert Howard Mello, serving in the U.S. Army
 Christian, Shelford Ramsey Ber, serving in the U.S. Army
 Christian, Sidney Herbert, and was wounded at Messines (1917) and again at Kemmel (1918)
 Christian, Walter Lawry, with the 1st MG Company and 10th MG Company, 3rd MG Battalion
 Christian, William Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Christian, William Gordon
 Christie, Archibald
 Christie-Miller, Geoffry, where he was mentioned in despatches
Christison, Frederick John
 Church, Geoffrey Selby, 2nd Bt. ( 1914-1919 )
Church, John William
Churchman, Charles Harvey
 Churchward, Paul Rycaut Stanbu ( 1915-1917 ), in the Mediterranean
Churchward, Percy Alaric
 Chuter-Ede, James, Baron Chuter
Clairmonte, George Egerton
 Clark, Andrew Edmund James, 3rd ( 1914-1919 )
 Clark, Henry James Douglas ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in depsatches and was severely wounded
Clark, James
 Clark, Thomas George
 Clark, Thomas Jackson
Clarke, Brian Lloyd
 Clarke, Charles St. Aubyn ( 1917-1917 ), in France
 Clarke, George Alfred Erskine
 Clarke, Henry Herbert
Clarke, John Gay
 Clarke, Marshal Falconer
 Clarke, Marshal Llewelyn
 Clarke, Marshal Neville
 Clarke, Ralph Stephenson, in Gallipoli, Palestine and Egypt
Clarke, Seaforth St. John
 Clarke, Thomas Arthur
Clarke, William A. St. Aubyn
 Clarke, William James, in South West Africa, and was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, William Lionel Russell ( 1915-1919 )
 Clarke, William Ruddell
 Clayton East, George Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clayton, Arthur John Granville
 Clayton, Emilius, where he was wounded
 Clayton, George Edward
 Clayton, Gerald Fancourt, where he was wounded
 Clayton, Harold Dudley, 10th Bt
 Clayton, Harold Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clayton, Henry Edward Gilbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clayton, Reginald Ernest Thorn, where he was severely wounded twice
 Cleeve, Charles Edward
 Cleeve, Edward Henry Cecil
 Cleeve, William Frederick
Clegg-Hill, Arthur Reginald, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Clegg-Hill, Charles Rowland, 6t, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Clegg-Hill, Gerald Spencer
 Clegg-Hill, Rowland Richard, 4t
 Clementi-Smith, Hubert
 Clements, Charles, 5th Earl of ( 1915-1917 )
 Clements, George Stuart, in the Royal Irish Rifles
 Clements, Henry Theophilus Wic
 Clements, Marcus Louis Stewart, where he was wounded
 Clerk, Aylmer Gustavus, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Clerk, Beauchamp
Clerk, John Eric Sinclair
 Clerke, David Herbert Hamund ( 1917-1918 )
Clerke, Francis William Talbot
 Clifford, Bede Edmund Hugh
 Clifford, Charles Oswald Hugh, ( 1914-1918 )
Clifford, George Gilbert Josep
Clifford, Henry Francis
 Clifford, Henry Frederick Hugh, where he was wounded and mentioed in despatches
Clifford, Hugh Gilbert Francis
Clifford, Walter Francis Josep
 Clifton, Charles Caryl
 Clifton, Harry Arthur, in Gallipoli and Egypt
 Clifton, Percy Robert, serving in Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine
 Clinton, Walter Laurence
 Clive, George Sidney
 Clive, Percy Archer
 Close-Brooks, John Charles
 Clover, HArwood Linay, in Gallipoli
 Clover, Isaac
 Clowes, Henry Arthur
Clutterbuck, David
 Clutterbuck, Walter Edmund, in Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine and South Russia
 Coates, Vincent Middleton Hope
 Coats, Archibald
 Coats, James Stuart, 3rd Bt., where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Coats, Thomas, 2nd Baron Glenta ( 1914-1918 ), in France with the Worcestershire Regiment, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C., where he was mentioned in despatches nine times
 Cobbe, Henry Hercules, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Cobbe, Ivor Staveley
Cobbe, Mervyn Hugh
Cobbold, Charles Townsend
 Cobbold, Clement John Fromante, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cobbold, Guy Fromanteel
 Cochrane, Alexander Francis
 Cochrane, Archibald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cochrane, Archibald Douglas, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Cochrane, Basil Robert
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Ba
 Cochrane, Edward Owen
 Cochrane, John Ernest Charles
 Cochrane, Ralph Alexander
 Cochrane, Robert Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cochrane, Thomas George Freder, where he was wounded three times and mentioned in despatches three times
 Cochrane, Thomas Hesketh Dougl, on the General Staff
 Cochrane, Thomas Horatio Arthu
 Cochrane-Baillie, Victor Alexa ( 1914-1917 ), where he was wounded twice and mentioned in despatches
 Cockburn, James Stanhope, of th
 Cockburn, John Brydges, of that, in Cameroons and France, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was severely wounded twice
 Cockburn, Robert, of that Ilk,
 Cockburn, Ronald Abercromby, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Cocks, Arthur Herbert Tennyson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cocks, Henry Bromley, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Cocks, Reginald Somers, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coddington, Arthur Francis
Coddington, Hubert John
 Codrington, Christopher Willia, where he was wounded
 Codrington, Geoffrey Ronald, where he was mentioned in despatches four times, and was wounded
 Codrington, John Alfred ( 1917-1918 )
 Codrington, William Melville, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coghill, Marmaduke Nevill Patr ( 1916-1918 ), in Flanders
 Coghill, Nevill Henry Kendal A ( 1917-1919 )
 Cohen, Charles Waley ( 1915-1921 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Coke, Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
 Coke, John Spencer
 Coke, Lovel William
 Coke, Reginald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coke, Richard ( 1914 ), where he was wounded twice
 Coke, Roger, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coke, Thomas William, 4th Earl
Coker, Cadwallader John
Coker, John Cadwallader
 Coker, Lewis
 Colborne, Francis Lionel Lydst ( 1914-1917 )
 Colborne-Vivian, James Ulysses ( 1914-1919 )
 Cole, Arthur Willoughby George
 Cole, Seymour Hamilton Maule, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cole-Hamilton, Hugh Arthur Wil ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times, was wounded and became a POW in 1918
 Cole-Hamilton, John Beresford, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cole-Hamilton, John Claud
 Cole-Hamilton, William Moore
 Coleridge, Guy Lushington
 Coleridge, John Duke
Coleridge, Luke Frederick Renn
 Coleridge, Paul Humphrey, where he was wounded
 Coleridge, Wilfred Duke
Colfox, Thomas David
 Colfox, William Philip, 1st Bt., where he was twice wounded
 Collett, Henry Seymour, 2nd Bt., where he was wounded twice, and became a POW
 Collett, Stanley Beresford
 Collier, Alfred Hardcastle, 3rd
 Collier, Angus Lyell ( 1914-1918 )
 Collier, Eric Cecil Frederick
 Collins, Archibald John
 Collis, William Henry
Collis-Browne, Alfred Ulick
 Colman, Leonard Maple
 Colman, Nigel Claudian Dalziel
 Colquhoun, Iain, of Luss, 7th B, where he was wounded
 Colston, Edward Murray, 2nd Bar ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches five times
 Colt, Henry Archer, 9th Bt., where he was severely wounded, and was mentioned in despatches twice)
 Colthurst, George Oliver, 7th B
 Colthurst, Richard St. John Je
 Colvill, David Chaigneau, in France
Colvill, George Chaigneau
 Colvill, James Chaigneau
 Colvill, Robert Lowry Chaignea, where he was wounded
 Colville, David, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Colville, David John, 1st Baron ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded twice
Colville, Henry George Coulson
 Colville, John Gilbert
 Colville, Norman Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Colville, Robert Alfred ( 1915-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James
Colyer-Fergusson, Thomas River
 Colyer-Fergusson, William Port, where he was wounded
Combe, George Henry Richard
 Compton, Douglas James Cecil, in France
 Compton, Edward Robert Francis, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Compton, Gerald
Compton, Spencer Douglas
 Compton, William Bingham, 6th M, where he was wounded
 Comyn, Lewis James, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Conant, Nigel Cecil Peter
 Congreve, John
Congreve, William La Touche, V.
Connell, Alfred Hamilton
 Conner, Henry Longfield, in the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
 Conolly, Edward Michael, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Conolly, Lucius O'Brien John
Considine, Christopher Daniel
Considine, Heffernan James
 Considine, Percy Joseph Freder
 Constable, Clifford Edward
 Constable-Maxwell, Gerald Jose
 Constable-Maxwell, Ian Simon J, where he was wounded
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Malco, and was mentioned in despatches
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Walte, and was mentioned in despatches six times
Conyers, Charles
 Conyers, Charles Graham Arthur
 Conyers, David George
 Conyngham, Frederick William B
 Coode-Adams, Geoffery, with the Royal Artillery
Cook, George Trevor Roper
 Cooke, Arthur Charles Darwin
 Cooke, Philip Bryan
 Cooke-Collis, William James No, where he was mentioned in despatches eight times
Cooke-Yarborough, Edmund Selwy
 Cooke-Yarborough, Geoffrey Mic
 Cooke-Yarborough, Wilfred Erne
 Cookman, Nathaniel Edward Roge
Cooksey, Joseph Arnold
 Cooksey, Wilfred Maurice
 Cooper, Alfred Duff, 1st Viscou, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cooper, Arthur Hamilton
 Cooper, Austin Clare, with Canadian Black Watch
 Cooper, Austin Owen, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Cooper, Austin Samuel
 Cooper, Edward Joshua
 Cooper, Francis D'Arcy, 1st Bt., where he was badly wounded on the Somme
 Cooper, George James Robertson, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Cooper, Guy Edward
 Cooper, Matthew Pennefather Ll, in Flanders with Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Cooper, Percy Beauchamp Astley
 Cooper, Richard Joshua
Coote, Charles Gartside Eyre
 Coote, John Cecil
 Coote, Maxwell Henry
 Cope, Denzil, 14th Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
 Cope, Mordaunt Leckonby, 16th B ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Copeman, Charles Neville Chris
 Corballis, Basil Joseph
 Corballis, Edward Roux Littled, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Corballis, James Cecil
Corballis, Richard Arthur, with 3rd Battalion, Dorset Regiment
 Corbally Stourton, Edward Plan, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches four times
 Corbally, Louis William
 Corbet, Bertram D'Avenant ( 1915 )
Corbet, George Frederick Franc
Corbet, John Hugh
Corbet, Reginald Vincent Campb
Corbet, Roland James, 5th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Corbett, Arthur Cameron
 Corbett, Thomas Godfrey Polson, where he was wounded
 Corbyn, Frederick James Harold
Corbyn, Vernon Hector
 Cordeaux, Edward Cawdron ( 1914-1918 ), serving in the Dardenelles, Gallipoli and Jutland
Corkery, Eric Denis, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Corkran, Reginald Seymour
Cornberg, Helmut
Cornberg, Joachim Jobst
 Cornewall, William Francis, 7th ( 1914-1918 )
 Cornwallis, Fiennes Wykeham Ma
 Cornwallis, Wykeham Stanley, 2n, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Cornwallis-West, George Freder
 Cory-Wright, Alan, where he was severely wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cory-Wright, Douglas
 Cory-Wright, Geoffrey, 3rd Bt., where he was wounded
 Cory-Wright, Ronald, where he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cosby, Errold Ashworth Sydney
 Costobadie, Frederick Palliser
 Cotton, Frederick Arthur Stapl, where he was severely wounded
 Cotton, George Edward Stapleto ( 1914-1917 )
 Cotton, Henry Wilmot Stapleton, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Cotton, Hugh Stapleton, where he was wounded
 Cotton, Ronald Egerton, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Cotton, Stapleton Lynch
 Cotton, Vere Egerton, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Couper, George Robert Cecil, 5t
 Couper, Guy, 4th Bt. ( 1916-1918 ), with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Couper, Victor Arthur ( 1915-1918 )
 Courage, Anthony ( 1914-1918 )
Courage, Godfrey Michell
 Courcy, John Arthur Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Courcy, Michael William Robert, in Mesopotamia and Mari, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Court, Servais Fitz Walter Mar ( 1915-1918 ), where he was wounded twice
Court, William Hubert Roylance
 Courtauld, Louis
 Courtauld-Thomson, Courtauld G, as a British Red Cross Commissioner, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Courthope, George Loyd, 1st and, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Cousins, Noel Arthur Cavendish
 Coutanche, Alexander Moncrieff ( 1917-1920 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Coventry, Charles John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coventry, Charles William Gera
 Coventry, George St. John ( 1915-1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coventry, George William, Visco, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coventry, John Joseph, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coventry, Leslie Corbet
 Coventry, Thomas George, with the Canadian Expeditionary Force
Coventry, William St. John, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cowie, Hugh Norman Ramsay
 Cowley, Anthony Beach, with the Colours, and was badly wounded
Cox, Ralph George Snead, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Coxe, Tench Francis ( 1917-1918 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Basil, where he was wounded
Cozens-Hardy, Raven
 Cozens-Hardy, Sydney Noel
Crabbe, Hubert Lyon Bingham
 Cradock-Hartopp, Charles Willi, in France, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cradock-Hartopp, Louis Montagu, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cradock-Hartopp, Ronald Arthur
Cragg, John Francis
 Craig, James, 1st Viscount Crai
Cramer, Ulrich
Cramsie, Arthur Butler
 Cramsie, Robert Alexander
 Craske, John ( 1914-1915 )
 Craufurd, Archibald
 Craufurd, Robert Quentin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage, where he was wounded three times
 Craven, Arthur Julius ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Craven, Harold Evelyn Andrew ( 1914-1919 )
 Craven, Louis Bertrand
 Craven, Rupert Cecil ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded three times
 Craven, William George Bradley, where he was wounded
Crawfurd-Stirling-Stuart, Jame
Crawley, Eustace
Crawley, Jack
 Crawley, John Lloyd, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Crawley, Thomas Henry Ouseley
 Crawley, William Asheton
 Crawley-Boevey, Charles Arthur ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Crawley-Boevey, Edward Martin
 Crawley-Boevey, Leslie
 Crawley-Boevey, Martin, where he was mentioned in despatches
Crawley-Boevey, Thomas Russell
 Crawshay, Mervyn
 Creagh, Edward Philip Nagle
 Creagh, Peter Hubert
Creagh, William
Crellin, William Watson Anders
Cresswell, Francis Joseph
 Crewe, Charles Preston, in East Africa
Crichton, Alexander Godfrey
 Crichton, Arthur Owen, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Crichton, Brian Dodwell
 Crichton, Charles William Harr ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Crichton, Eric Cuthbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crichton, George Arthur Charle
Crichton, Henry William, Viscou ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Crichton, Hubert Francis ( 1914 )
 Crichton, John Arthur
 Crichton, Reginald Louis
 Crichton, Richard Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Crichton-Browne, Cecil Harold
Crichton-Stuart, Ninian Edward
 Cripps, Frederick Heyworth, 3rd, he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Cripps, Leonard Harrison, he was mentioned in depatches twice and wounded
 Critchett, George Montague, 2nd
 Critchley-Waring, Arthur Cunli
 Croasdaile, Lancelot
 Croasdaile, Richard Edward
 Croft, Henry Page, 1st Baron Cr, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Croft, Owen George Scudmore ( 1914-1918 )
 Croft, Richard Page ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Croft, William Denman, where he was mentioned in despatches ten times
 Crofton, Arthur Edward Lowther, where he was mentioned in despatches
Crofton, Charles Woodward
 Crofton, Cyril Randell ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded in 1915
Crofton, Edward Vivian Morgan
Crofton, Eric Blake
 Crofton, Malby ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Crofton, Malby Richard Henry, 4, where he was mentioned in despatches twice, and was wounded four times
 Crofton, Morgan George, 6th Bt., in France, Italy and East Africa, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Crofton, Philip Duke ( 1914-1918 )
 Crofton, Richard Cecil Milman
 Crofton, Roger, with Royal Artillery, and was mentioned in despatches twice
Crofton, Thomas Horsfall
 Croker, Crofton, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Croker, Edward James O'Brien
 Croker, George FitzGerald
 Croker, Reginald, with Royal Army Service Corps and RFC
 Croker, William Pennefather
 Crombie, John Harvey Forbes
Crone, David, with the Irish Guards
Crone, John, with the U.S. Army
Crooke, Elliot Hampden
 Crooke, Frederick Montague War
Crooke, Hugh Nevill
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland, where he was mentioned in dispatches six times
 Crookshank, Harry Frederick Co ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded twice
 Cros, Philip Harvey, 2nd Bt.
 Crosbie, Douglas Edward
 Crosbie, Frank, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crosbie, James Dayrolles
 Crosbie, John
 Crosbie, Pierse Leslie
 Crosbie, Walter McClellan, where he was wounded
Crossley, Brian
 Crossley, Francis Savile, 2nd B ( 1914-1915 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Crossley, John de Bathe, in Gallipoli, Palestine and Flanders
 Crozier, Baptist Barton
 Cruickshank, Ernest Victor Geo
 Cruickshank, William
Cruse, Stanley
 Cubitt, Charles Cyril, where he was wounded twice
Cubitt, Henry Archibald
Cubitt, William Hugh
 Cuckney, John Graham, Baron Cuc, with the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers and King's African Rifles
 Cullen, Hugh, where he was wounded
 Culme-Seymour, Arthur Granvill, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Culme-Seymour, Evelyn
Culme-Seymour, George
 Culme-Seymour, John Wentworth
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 4th Bt.
 Cummins, Arthur Aylmer
 Cummins, Charles Warren, in London Scottish, 14th London Regiment
 Cummins, Ernest Jackson, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cummins, Fenton King, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cummins, Harry Ashley Vane
Cummins, Harry Jackson
 Cummins, Henry Alfred, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cummins, Nicholas Marshall
 Cummins, Robert Constable, as Pathologist 60th General Hospital, Salonika
 Cummins, William Ashley
 Cunard, Victor ( 1916-1919 )
Cuningham, James Campbell, with the Royal Flying Corps
 Cuningham, John Henry ( 1916-1919 )
 Cuninghame, Boyd Alexander
 Cuninghame, Francis George Gle, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cunliffe, Brooke Foster Gordon
Cunliffe, Foster Hugh Egerton,
 Cunliffe, Frederick Hugh Gordo, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Cunliffe, John Brooke
Cunliffe, Robert Ellis
 Cunliffe, Rolf, 2nd Baron Cunli ( 1917-1919 ), with the Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Air Force, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cunliffe, William Lockhart ( 1918 ), with the Grenadier Guards
 Cunliffe-Lister, Philip, 1st Ea, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Cunningham, Alan Gordon ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches five times
 Cunningham, Andrew Browne, 1st ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cunningham, Josias
 Cunningham-Reid, Alec Stratfor, with teh Royal Engineers and Royal Flying Corps
 Cunynghame, David Hardinge ( 1915-1919 ), where he was wounded
 Cunynghame, Francis James de M ( 1914-1916 )
 Cuppage, Burke
 Currie, Disney Rivers, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Currie, Frederick Rivers
 Currie, Ryves Alexander Mark, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Currie, Walter Mordaunt Cyril, ( 1915-1916 ), with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps
 Curtis, Arthur Drury ( 1914-1918 )
 Curtis, Arthur Evelyn Scott ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Curtis, Arthur Evelyn Scott, with Royal Engineers Signals in BEF
 Curtis, Berwick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Curtis, Edgar Francis Egerton, ( 1916-1917 ), in Egypt and Palestine
 Curtis, Edward George ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches six times
Curtis, Jocelyn Stewart
 Curtis, Philip Pinckney ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Curtis, Spencer Carey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Curtis, Timothy Herbert Willia ( 1914-1915 )
 Curzon, Chambré George William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Curzon, FitzRoy Edmund Penn
 Curzon, Francis Richard Henry
 Curzon, Richard Nathaniel, 2nd
 Curzon-Howe, Leicester Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Curzon-Howe-Herrick, Assheton
 Cusack, Henry Vernon
 Cusack, Reginald Ernest
 Cusack-Smith, Thomas Berry, 5th ( 1915-1916 ), in Mesopotamia
 Cust, Adelbert Salusbury Cocka
 Cust, Lionel George Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cust, Peregrine Francis Adelbe
 Cust, Robert Henry Hobart, in the Y.M.C.A.
Cuthbert, James Harold
D'Arcy, François
 D'Arcy, Isidore Joseph
 D'Arcy, James
 D'Arcy, John Conyers, where he was wounded twice
D'Arcy, Lionel George, with the Royal Flying Corps
 D'Arcy, Richard
 D'Arcy, Samuel Hollis Alfred
 D'Arcy, Thomas Norman
 D'Arcy-Evans, Elystan Eyre Cec, in Egypt
D'Arcy-Irvine, Charles William
 D'Oyly, Henry Ralph Neville
 D'Oyly, John Rochfort, 13th Bt.
 D'Oyly, Warren Hastings
 Dalrymple, John James, 12th Ear, where he was mentioned in dispatches and became a POW
 Dalrymple, Walter Grey North H, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, Frederick
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Vict
 Dalrymple-Hay, Brian George Ro
 Dalrymple-Hay, Charles Stewart, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dalrymple-Hay, Christopher Mon, with submarines and anti-submarines, and was mentioned in despatches
 Dalrymple-Hay, James Erroll, where he was wounded
 Dalrymple-Hay, James Reginald
 Dalrymple-Hay, John Charles Ho, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Dalrymple-Hay, Kenneth Houston
 Dalrymple-Hay, Stair Francis B, where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Dalrymple-White, Godfrey Dalry, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Dalton, Edward Hugh John Neale ( 1914-1918 ), serving in France and Italy
 Daly, Albert Peter Vincent, with the Connaught Rangers, Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
 Daly, Arthur Crawford, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times, and was gassed
 Daly, Denis William
 Daly, George Dermot
 Daly, Victor Alexander Henry
Daly, William Cecil
 Dalzell, Arthur Edward, 13th Ea, raising the 12th Service Battalion, Cheshire Regiment
 Dalzell, Robert Manuel
 Dames-Longworth, Travers Rober
 Dampier, Cecil Frederick
 Dane, James Auchinleck, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Dane, Victor Louis Yate
 Daniell, Frank William, and was mentioned in despatches
 Darby, Arthur John Lovett
 Darby, Horatio Gordon O'Carrol
 Darell, Guy Marsland, where he was wounded twice, and was mentioned in despatches four times
 Darell, Harry Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Darell, Lionel Edward Hamilton ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Darell, William Harry Verelst, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
Darley, Desmond John
 Darling, John Clive, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Darling, Ralph Reginald Auchin
 Darroch, Duncan, 6th of Gourock, in Gallipoli and Sinai
 Darroch, Duncan, 7th of Gourock
 Darvall, Lawrence
Dashwood, Claude Burrard Lewes
 Dashwood, Edmund William
Dashwood, Ernest George
 Dashwood, John Lindsay, 10th Bt
Dashwood, Lionel Albert
Dashwood, Robert Henry Lindsay
 Dashwood, Robert Henry Seymour, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
 Dashwood, Sidney Lewes, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Dashwood, Vere Edmund Crofts, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Dashwood, Wilfred James
Davidson, Donald Alastair Lesl
 Davies, Arwyn Randall, Baron Ar
Davies, George Llewelyn
 Davies-Cooke, Philip Ralph
 Davis-Goff, Herbert William, 2n ( 1914-1916 )
 Davson, Harry Miller, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
Davson, Thomas Gordon
 Dawnay, Alan Geoffrey Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches eight times
 Dawnay, Cuthbert Henry
 Dawnay, Eric Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dawnay, Faith
 Dawnay, Guy Payan, where he was mentioned in despatches eleven times
 Dawnay, Hugh
 Dawnay, John, 9th Viscount Down
 Dawson, Arthur Trevor, 1st Bt.
 Dawson, Bertrand Edward, 1st an, where he was mentioed in despatches
Dawson, Erskine William Dougla
Dawson, Richard Long
Dawson, Stephen Leonard
Dawson-Damer, George Seymour
 Dawson-Damer, Lionel George He
 Deacon, John Nissen ( 1914 )
 Deane, Matthew FitzMaurice Til
 Dease, Ernest Joseph
Dease, Maurice James
 Dease, Richard Edmund Antony, with the South Irish Horse
 Dease, William Gerald
 Deasy, Henry Hugh Peter
 Deedes, Charles Parker ( 1914-1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches six times
Deedes, Herbert Philip
 Delamer, William Percy, with the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
 Delmege, Carfrae Hamilton, where he was wounded
Delmege, Eyre Bolton Massy
 Delmege, Hugh Jocelyn
Delmege, James O'Grady
 Delmege, John Christopher Roys, where he was wounded and became a POW (1917)
 Dening, Douglas Montgomery
 Dening, Esler Maberley ( 1915-1919 ), with the Australian Imperial Forces, in Egypt and France
 Dening, Roland ( 1914-1918 ), in France, Palestine and Syria
 Denison, Conyngham Charles, 7th, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Denison, Edward Conyngham
 Denison, Ernest William, 6th Ba
Denison, Gerald Evelyn Henry
 Denison, Hugo William Cecil, 4t ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded three times
 Denison-Pender, Henry Denison, and was mentioned in despatches
 Denison-Pender, John Cuthbert,
Denman, Richard Charles
 Denman, Richard Douglas, 1st Bt
Denman, Roderick Peter George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Denman, Thomas, 3rd Baron Denma
 Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron D, in France with the Royal Engineers
Denning, John Edward Newdigate
Dennis, Cecil
 Dennis, Meade Edward
 Dennis, Meade James Crosbie
 Denny, Arthur de Courcy MacGil
 Denny, Henry Allen Maynard, where he was wounded
 Denny, Richard Brougham ( 1915 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Denny, Robert Edmund Barry
 Denny, Thomas Hamilton
 Dering, Anthony Lionel Yea
 Dering, Claud Lacy Yea
 Dering, Henry Edward, 10th Bt., in France
Dering, Rupert Cholmeley Yea
Devereux, Edmund Bourchier
 Devereux, Geoffrey de Bohun, where he was mentioned in despatches
Devereux, Humphrey William
 Devereux, Robert Godfrey de Bo, where he was wounded
 Devereux, Robert de Bohun, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Dewar, Albemarle Willoughby Da
 Dewar, David Deas ( 1915 ), with 23rd (Sportsman's) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers in France
 Dewar, David Erskine, as Assistant Adjutant-General
 Dewar, Hubert Stephen Lowry
 Dewar, John Arthur
 Dewar, John, 2nd Baron Fortevio, with the Scottish Horse
 Dewar, Matthew James Manuia, where he was wounded in 1916
 Dewey, Hugh Grahame, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dewey, Norman Strafford
 Dewey, Stanley Daws, 2nd Bt.
 Dewey, Thomas Lewis
 Dick-Cunyngham, George Alastai ( 1914-1918 )
 Dick-Cunyngham, James Keith, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Dick-Cunyngham, William Stewar, in France, Salonika and Italy, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dick-Lauder, John North Dalrym, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dickinson, Richard Sebastion W ( 1915-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dickson, Barrington Blomfield
 Digby, Arthur Kenelm, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Digby, Edward Kenelm, 11th Baro, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
Digby, John Kenelm
Digby, Lionel Kenelm
 Digby, Thomas Hankinson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Digby-Johnson, Eric, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Diggle, Neston William
 Dill, John Frederick Gordon
 Dill, John Greer
 Dill, John Martin Gordon, where he was wounded
Dill, John Rowe
Dill, Richard Marcus Gordon
 Dill, Richard Moore Colquhoun, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dill, Richard Wale Gordon, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Dill, Robert Foster
 Dill, Victor Robert Colquhoun, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dillon, Eric FitzGerald, 19th V, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Dillon, Henry Mountifort ( 1914 )
 Dillon, Luke Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches
Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Joh
 Dimmock, Henry Lionel fforting, where he became a POW
Ditmas, Thomas Owen Bulteel
Dix, Stephen Hamilton
 Dixon, Herbert, 1st Baron Glent, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dixon, Noel Wilbraham, in submarines
 Dobbin, Graham Leonard
 Dobbin, John Henry Brooke
 Dobbin, John Robson
 Dobbin, John Vernon, with 1st Australian Light Horse
 Dobbin, Leonard
 Dobbs, Arthur Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dobbs, Cathcart Eric Stewart
 Dobbs, Charles Fairlie, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Dobbs, Conway Edward
 Dobbs, Conway Richard
Dobbs, Hugh Cathcart
 Dobbs, Nithsdale Conway
 Dobbs, Richard Conway, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Dobbs, Whiteford Stewart, where he ost an arm
Dobbs, William Cary
Doblhoff, Franz
Dodgshon, Angus John Charles
 Dolmage, James Anthony, with Royal Army Medical Corps
 Domvile, Archibald Compton Win
 Domvile, Barry Edward
 Domvile, Charles Barry, with 5th Battalion, Royal Munster Fusiliers (and was invalided out)
 Domville, Cecil Lionel, 6th Bt. ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Domville, Gerald Guy, 7th Bt. ( 1915-1918 )
 Domville, James Henry, 5th Bt.
 Don-Wauchope, Patrick George, o, in teh Royal Field Artillery, and was wounded
Donaldson, Denis
 Donaldson, Hay Frederick
 Donnelly, Charles Edward Ronal
 Donnelly, John Francis
 Donnelly, Patrick Joseph
 Donovan, Terence Norbert, Baron ( 1917-1919 ), in France with the Bedfordshire Regiment, and with the Royal Air Force
Dooner, Graham
Dorman, Edward Crump
 Dorman, Edward Mungo, with 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards
Dorman, Thomas Robert Hobart
Dorman, Thomas Stephen Lewis
 Dormer, Edward Henry
 Dormer, Kenelm Everard, where he was wounded
 Dormer, Robert Stanhope, where he was wounded
Dornberg, Elimar
 Dorrien-Smith, Arthur Algernon ( 1914-1918 )
 Dorrien-Smith, Edward Pendarve ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded in 1915
 Douglas, Archibald Roderick Sh
 Douglas, Archibald Sholto Geor, he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas, Archibald Stair Monta ( 1915-1916 ), where he was wounded
 Douglas, Archibald William
Douglas, Bruce Francis Sholto
 Douglas, Cecil Charles, where he was wounded
 Douglas, Charles William Sholt
Douglas, David William Sholto
 Douglas, Edward Montagu, where he became a POW
 Douglas, Edward Percy, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas, Francis Archibald Kel, where he was wounded twice
 Douglas, Henry Archibald
 Douglas, John Sholto, with the British Expeditionary Force
 Douglas, Ronald John Sholto
 Douglas, Sholto Courtenay Mack ( 1914-1918 )
 Douglas, William Charles, 5th o
 Douglas, William Sholto
 Douglas, William Sholto, 1st an ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Douglas-Hamilton, Angus Falcon ( 1914-1915 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas-Hamilton, Herbert Eust ( 1914-1918 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, James Angus ( 1914-1918 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Kenneth Aubr ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas-Hamilton, Lesley Regin ( 1914-1916 )
 Douglas-Home, Charles Cospatri, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas-Irvine, Walter Francis, where he was wounded
Douglas-Pennant, Alan George S
 Douglas-Pennant, Archibald
 Douglas-Pennant, Charles
 Douglas-Pennant, Cyril Eustace, he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas-Pennant, Frank, 5th Bar
 Douglas-Pennant, George Henry, he was mentioned in depatches
 Douglas-Pennant, Hugh Napier, 4, he was awarded the 1914-1915 star and two medals
 Dowding, Charles Stanley
 Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenhe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dowding, Kenneth Townley
 Downton, Arthur Murray
 Downton, Geoffrey Murray, he was mentioned in despatches
 Doyne, Robert Harry
 Drake, Francis Collingwood
 Drake, John Hughes ( 1914-1919 ), serving in Egypt and France, and was mentioned in despatches three times
Drake, Robert Flint
Draper, Mark Denman
Drew, Adrian
 Dring, Robert Harding
 Drinkwater, John
 Drummond, Cyril Augustus
Drummond, David Robert
 Drummond, Francis William
 Drummond, Frederick Boyd Henea, where he was wounded
 Drummond, Frederick Hervey Joh, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Drummond, Frederick John
 Drummond, Geoffrey Heneage, V.C, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Drummond, Harvey Gerald Burns, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Drummond, Henry Murray
 Drummond, John Ian Edward
 Drummond, John, 10th of Megginc
 Drummond, Josceline Heneage, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Drummond, Laurence George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Drummond, Lindsay, with the Royal Scots Guards
 Drummond, Malcolm David George, in Dardenelles and Salonika, where he was wounded
 Drummond, Maldwin
 Drummond, Maurice Charles Andr, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Drummond, Maurice John Heneage, where he was wounded
 Drummond, Mortimer Percy Georg, where he was mentioned in despatches
Drummond, Nigel Felton
Drummond, Robert Charles Crosb
 Drummond, Spencer Heneage
 Drummond-Hay, Claude Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Drummond-Hay, Eric
 Drummond-Hay, Geoffrey Francis
 Drummond-Hay, Harold Sandford, with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces
 Drummond-Hay, John Tudor, with 78th Canadian Highlanders
Drummond-Hay, Leonard Vivian, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Drummond-Hay, Robert Augustin
 Drury-Lowe, William Drury
Drysdale, William
Duberly, Grey William
 Duckworth, Francis Robinson Gl, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Duckworth-King, George Henry J ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Dudgeon, Joseph Hume ( 1914-1918 )
Duff Gordon, Cosmo Lewis
 Duff Gordon, Douglas Frederick
 Duff, Alan Colquhoun
Duff, Beauchamp Patrick
 Duff, Granville John Berney
 Duff, Ian Archibald James
Duff, Joseph Tiopira
Duff, Martin Rangiamohia
Duff, Robert George Vivian, 2nd
 Duff-Dunbar, Kenneth James
 Duff-Sutherland Dunbar, George, with the War Office, in France and the Indian Frontier
 Dugan, Winston Joseph, 1st and ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches six times
 Dugdale, Thomas Lionel, 1st Bar ( 1917-1918 )
 Duke, Edward, 2nd Baron Merriva
Dumbleton, Douglas Horatio
 Dunbar, Adrian Ivor, of Mochrum, with the Australian Imperial Forces
Dunbar, Arbuthnott John
 Dunbar, Archibald Edward, of No, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dunbar, George Alexander Drumm, in German South-West Africa and France
 Dunbar, James Brander, with West African Forces in Sierra Leone
 Dunbar, Richard John Victor Mi, where he was twice wounded
 Dunbar, William Henry George, o
Dunbar-Dunbar-Rivers, Evelyn
 Dunbar-Nasmith, Martin Eric, V., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Duncan, Charles Edgar Oliver, 3
 Duncan, James Alexander Lawson ( 1917-1920 )
Duncombe, Charles William Regi
 Duncombe-Anderson, Wilfred Art, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Duncombe-Shafto, Arthur
Dundas, Cecil Henry
 Dundas, David George Minden
 Dundas, Frederick Charles
 Dundas, Geoffrey William Seymo, where he was wounded
 Dundas, George Heneage Lawrenc, and was mentioned in despatches
 Dundas, Harold Victor
Dundas, James Robert Duncan
 Dundas, John George Lawrence
Dundas, Richard Charles
 Dunn, John Hubert
 Dunnington-Jefferson, John Ale, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
Dunnington-Jefferson, Wilfrid
Dunsterville, Graham Eardley
 Duntze, George Puxley, 5th Bt., with the South African Brigade and Devon Regiment
Dunville, John Spencer, V.C.
 Dupree, Eric, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dupree, James
 Dupree, Vernon, 3rd Bt., where he was wounded
 Dupree, Victor, 4th Bt., where he was wounded and became a POW
 Dupree, William, 2nd Bt.
 Durand, Alan Algernon Marion, 3, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
 Durand, Edward Percy Marion, 2n, in Mesopotamia
 Durand, Henry Marion, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Durand, Mortimer Henry Marion
Durand, Reginald Heber Marion
 Dutton, Arthur Brandreth Scott
 Dutton, James Huntly, 6th Baron ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Duval, Maurice Raoul
 Dyer, Benjamin Archibald, where he was wounded
 Dyer, Frederick Thomas Swinner
Dyer, John Swinnerton, 12th Bt., where he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Dyer, Leonard Schroeder Swinne
 Dyer, Leonard Whitworth Swinne
 Dyer-Bennet, Richard Stewart, where he was wounded twice
Dyott, Kenelm Mitchell
 Dyson, George St. John Armitag
 Eardley-Wilmot, Arthur, where he was wounded
 Eardley-Wilmot, Ernest Lancelo ( 1917-1918 ), with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, and was wounded
Eardley-Wilmot, Frederick Lawr
Eardley-Wilmot, Gerald Howard
 Eardley-Wilmot, Guy
 Eardley-Wilmot, John, 4th Bt. ( 1914 ), where he was wounded
Eardley-Wilmot, Theodore E.
 Eardley-Wilmot, Trevor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eardley-Wilmot, Vere Levinge
 Earle, Eric Greville, where he was mentioned in despatches four times and wounded twice
 Earle, Guy Fife, where he was wounded
 Earle, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1914-1916 )
 Earle, John Wilfrid, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Earle, Thomas Algernon, 4th Bt.
Eccles, John Denison
Echlin, Richard Brabazon Moore
 Eden, Algernon Graham
 Eden, Ashley Morland
 Eden, Francis Robert, 6th Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eden, Geoffrey Morton, 7th Baro, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Eden, Henry Charles Hamilton
Eden, John
 Eden, Robert Anthony, 1st Earl ( 1915-1919 )
 Eden, Schomberg Henley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eden, Terence, 8th Baron Auckla, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eden, Timothy Calvert, 6th/8th, where he became a POW
 Eden, Ursula, where she was mentioned in despatches
Eden, William Alfred Morton
Edghill, Ashley Gay
Edlmann, Ernest Elliot
 Edmondson, Albert James, 1st Ba
 Edmondstoune-Cranstoun, Charle, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Edmondstoune-Cranstoun, George, with the Lanarkshire Yeomanry and Royal Tank Corps
 Edmonstone, Archibald Charles,
 Edmonstone, Edward St. John
Edmonstone, William George
Edwardes, Cecil
 Edwardes, George Henry
 Edwardes, Hugh, 6th Baron Kensi, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Edwardes, Owen
 Edwardes, Richard, he was mentioned in despatches
Edwardes, Thomas
Edwards, Arthur Noel
 Edwards, Cyril Ernest ( 1914-1918 )
Edwards, Donald William
Edwards, Geoffrey Otho Charles
Edwards, Robert Amor
 Edwards, William Armine
Edwards, William Francis Bouch
 Egerton, Arthur Frederick
Egerton, Arthur George Edward
Egerton, Arthur Oswald
Egerton, Brian Raleigh
Egerton, Charles Caledon, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Egerton, Edward Brassey
Egerton, George Algernon
 Egerton, Granville George Alge, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Egerton, James Boswell
 Egerton, John Francis Granvill, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Egerton, John George
Egerton, Louis Edwin William
Egerton, Philip Graham
 Egerton, Philip Marjoribanks, with the U.S. Navy Air Force
 Egerton, Raleigh Gilbert
Egerton, Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Egerton, Robert Randle
 Egerton, Seymour Edward Freder
 Egerton, Thomas Graham
 Egerton, Wilfred Charles Willi, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Egerton, Wilfrid Allen, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Egerton, William Graham, with the U.S. Air Force
 Egerton, William Markham le Cl, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
Egerton, Wion de Malpas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Egerton-Warburton, Cecil Edwar, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Egerton-Warburton, Cecil Willi
 Egerton-Warburton, Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Egerton-Warburton, John
 Egerton-Warburton, Philip Augu, with the Australian Imperial Forces
Egerton-Warburton, Piers, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Egerton-Warburton, Piers Edwar, in Palestine
 Egerton-Warburton, Rowland, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Egerton-Warburton, Wilbraham
 Eliot, Arthur Ernest Henry ( 1914 )
 Eliot, John Granville Cornwall, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Eliott, Charles Francis, where he was twice wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Eliott, Francis Augustus Heath, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Eliott, Francis Ferguson, with the Australian Artillery
 Eliott, Heathfield George Henr, with South African Artillery
Eliott, Hugh Russell
 Eliott-Drake-Colborne, John Re, at Menos, Alexandria and Salonica
 Elkington, Christopher Garrett, where he was seriously wounded
Elkington, Thomas Garrett
 Ellershaw, Arthur
Ellershaw, Wilfred
Ellice, Alexander
Ellice, Andrew Robert
 Elliot, Alban Charles, and was mentioned in despatches
 Elliot, Archibald Campbell, in the Bihar Light Horse
 Elliot, Charles Amyand Alexand, and was mentioned in despatches
Elliot, Dudley Sinclair
 Elliot, Edward Halhead Hugh, and was mentioned in despatches
 Elliot, Gilbert Augustus
Elliot, Hugh
 Elliot, Hugh
Elliot, John Amyand
 Elliot, Ninian Lewis, in the Bihar Light Horse
Elliot, William Alexander
Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gavi
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Hube
 Ellis, Arthur Evelyn Paul, where he was severely wounded
Ellis, Francis Bervis
 Ellis, Gerald Montagu Augustus, where he was wounded twice
 Ellis, Henry Guysulf Bertram
 Ellis, Humphrey Cadogan
 Ellis, Roland Arthur, where he was severely wounded
 Ellis-Hume-Williams, Roy, 2nd B ( 1914-1918 )
Elmhirst, Ernest Christopher
Elmhirst, William
 Elphinstone, Alexander Logie, o ( 1914-1915 )
Elphinstone, Arthur Percy Arch
 Elphinstone, Howard Graham, 4th ( 1917 )
 Elphinstone, William Graham, in France and Egypt
 Elphinstone-Dalrymple, Francis ( 1914-1918 ), in France, Gallipoli and Palestine, and was mentioned in despatches
 Elton, George Kenward
 Elton, Godfrey, 1st Baron Elton, at Siege of Kut-el-Amara where he was wounded and POW in Turkey, 191618
Elton, Gordon Daubeny Gresley, he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Elton, Henry Brown
Elwes, Wilfred Gervase
 Emmet, James Albert Garland
 Emmet, Robert
Emond, Frederick Montgomery
 Empson, Arthur Hugh Acland
Erbach-Fürstenau, Adolf Kraft
 Erroll, George Murison
 Erskine Wemyss, Michael John, o, where he was wounded
 Erskine, Arthur Edward ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Erskine, Fenton Augustus, and was mentioned in despatches
 Erskine, Francis Walter
Erskine, Henry David
 Erskine, Ian David
 Erskine, James Francis
 Erskine, James McCleave
 Erskine, John Francis Ashley, L
 Erskine, John Steuart, in the 4th Battalion, Kings Own Regiment
 Erskine, Montagu, 6th Baron Ers
 Erskine, Robert George
 Erskine, Ronald Douglas Stuart
 Erskine, Seymour Elphinstone
 Erskine, Thomas Harry, in France
Erskine, Walter Augustus, and was mentioned in despatches
 Erskine-Hill, Alexander Gallow
 Erskine-Murray, Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Erskine-Murray, Robert Alan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Erskine-Wemyss, Rosslyn Erskin, including the Gallipoli landings
 Esdaile, Percy Charles, where he was injured twice and gassed
Esmonde, Geoffrey
 Esmonde, John Lymbrick, 14th Bt ( 1915-1918 )
 Esmonde, Laurence Grattan, 13th, where he was mentioned in despatches
Etchegoyen, Louis
 Eustace, Alexander Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eustace, Frank Rowland
 Eustace, Hardy Theodore
 Eustace, Henry Montague, where he was wounded
 Eustace, John Bridges, with the Ministry of Munitions
 Eustace, John Patrick Leonard, with South African Infantry
Eustace, Thomas George
 Eustace, Wallace George, with the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Evans, Charles Henry, with the 6th Australian Light Horse
 Evans, Charles Henry Cook, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Evans, Charles Medley, with the 4th Battalion, 61st Battalion, and 62nd Battalion
 Evans, Edward Ratcliffe Garth, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Evans, Evelyn Ward, 3rd Bt. ( 1915-1919 )
Evans, George Edward, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Evans, James
 Evans, John Andrew Timothy, with the 34th and 36th Battalions
Evans, John Arthur, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Evans-Freke, Percy Cecil
 Evans-Freke, Ralfe, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Eve, Arthur Malcolm Trustram, 1
 Eve, John Douglas Trustram ( 1916-1919 )
 Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Arthur Fr, where he was wounded
 Evelyn, John Harcourt Chichest, where he was seriously wounded
 Evershed, Francis Raymond, 1st
 Every, Oswald
Every-Clayton, George Ernest W
 Every-Clayton, John Oswald, where he was torpedoed
Ewart, Cecil Frederick Kelso
Ewart, Victor Alexander
Exshaw, Arthur
Exshaw, Edward Halliday, with Canadian Highlanders
 Exshaw, George
 Exshaw, Noel Thomas Sandford, with Royal Army Service Corps
 Exshaw, Richard, with French Artillery
 Exshaw, Roland Lynar
 Exshaw, Ronald Henry, with Coldstream Guards
 Eyre, Annesley Sylvester, with South African Medical Corps
 Eyre, Cyril James, with 2nd South African Infantry
Eyre, Lewis Godfrey
 Eyre, Richard John
 Eyre, Richard Philip Hastings
 Eyre, Vincent Thomas Joseph
 Eyres Monsell, Bolton Meredith ( 1916-1919 )
 Fagan, Arthur William, in the Indian Army
 Fagan, Brian Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
 Fagan, Christopher Frederick F, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Fagan, Christopher George Forb, where he was mnetioned in despatches
 Fagan, Edward Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Fagan, Francis William Feltrim
 Fagan, Louis Estell, Jr.
Fagan, Niel
 Fagan, Richard Feltrim
 Fagan, Richard William Feltrim
 Fagan, Thomas Ellwood Zell
 Fairbairn, Aubrey John Murray, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fairbairn, James Valentine ( 1916-1917 ), when he was shot down and became a POW
 Fairbairn, Sydney George
 Fairfax, Bryan Charles
 Fairfax, John Carlyle ( 1918-1919 ), in France
 Fairlie-Cuninghame, Hussey Bur ( 1916-1918 )
 Fairlie-Cuninghame, William Al
 Falaise, Henri, Marquis de la F
 Falle, Bertram Godfrey, 1st and
 Fane de Salis, Anthony
Fane de Salis, Charles Eric Fa
Fane de Salis, George Rodolph
Fane de Salis, Jerome Joseph
 Fane de Salis, John Peter
Fane de Salis, John Peter Fabi
 Fane de Salis, Rodolph Henry, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Fane de Salis, Sydney Charles ( 1914-1919 )
 Fane de Salis, William
 Fane, Anthony Mildmay Julian, 1
 Fane, Arthur George Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fane, Aubrey Francis Sydney
 Fane, Frederick Luther, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fane, Gerard William Reginald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fane, Henry William Newman ( 1915-1919 )
Fane, Horatio Alfred
Fane, Octavious Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Fane, Robert Gerald
 Fane, Vere Anthony Francis St.
Farmer, Charles George Edgar
 Farquhar, Alastair
 Farquhar, Arthur McNeill
 Farquhar, Arthur Ronald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Farquhar, FitzRoy James Wilber, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Farquhar, Francis Douglas
 Farquhar, Harold Lister, where he was wounded
Farquhar, Hobart Brooks, where he was wounded
 Farquhar, John Wentworth, serving in H.M.S. Benbow at Jutland
 Farquhar, Malcolm
Farquhar, Rupert, where he was mentioned in despatches
Farquhar, Walter Randolph Fitz, in Gallipoli, Egypt and France
Farquhar, unknown son
 Farquharson, Alexander Haldane ( 1915-1918 ), in France
 Farrar, Thomas Innis, in France and Mesopotamia
Farrar, Valentine Anstruther
 Farrar, Walter Frederick
 Farwell, George Wells
 Fayrer, Frederick Durand Stirl
 Fayrer, Joseph Herbert Spens, 3
Fayrer, Joseph Steward
 Fayrer, Joseph, 2nd Bt.
 Feilden, Edward Leyland Cooke
 Feilden, Rodolph
 Feilding, Francis Henry Everar, with the Intelligence Staff in Egypt and Palestine
 Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynn, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
Feilding, Henry Simon
 Feilding, Hugh Cecil Robert
 Feilding, Rowland Charles, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Feilding, Rudolph Edmund Aloys, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Feilding, Rudolph Robert Basil
 Fell, James Pemberton
Fellowes, Basil Hamilton Abdy
 Fellowes, Carol Arthur, 4th Bar
 Fellowes, Coulson Churchill
 Fellowes, Eric William Edward, , in the North Sea
Fellowes, Hedworth George Ailw
Fellowes, Ronald Townshend, 2nd ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches five times
Fenwick, Anthony Lionel
 Fenwick, Montagu John
 Ferguson Davie, Arthur Francis
 Ferguson Davie, Charles Franci
 Ferguson, Donald Harry, with the Indian Army Cavalry and Machine Gun Corps
 Ferguson, Gerald William, with the Royal Flying Corps
 Ferguson, John Frederick, in Palestine and Mesopotamia
 Ferguson, Roland Edward Stuart, with the Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Air Force
Ferguson, Victor John
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerra, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Fergusson, James Andrew
 Fergusson-Buchanan, George Jam
 Ferranti, Vincent Ziani
 Fetherston-Godley, Francis Wil
 Fetherstonhaugh, Alfred Hardin
 Fetherstonhaugh, Ashley Elliot
 Fetherstonhaugh, Edwyn
Fetherstonhaugh, Gerald Ernest
 Fetherstonhaugh, James Edward
Fetherstonhaugh, John Lennox
 Fetherstonhaugh, Lewis Holmes, with the Royal Army Serivce Corps
 Fetherstonhaugh, Rupert Howard, where he became a POW
 Field, Marshall, III, with the 122nd Field Artillery, U.S Army
 Field-Marsham, Charles George
 Fielding, Allen
Fielding, George Rudolf
Fiennes-Clinton, Edward Henry, with51st Battalion, Australian Infantry, Australian Imperial Force
 Finch, William Robert Edward H, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Finch-Hatton, Denys George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Finch-Hatton, Guy Montagu Geor, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Finch-Knightley, Charles Danie, where he was wounded
 Findlater, Alexander ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Findlater, Charles, with Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Findlater, Herbert Snowden, with 7th Royal Dublin Fusiliers
 Findlater, James Ronald
Findlater, Percival St. George
Findley, Neil Douglas
 Firestone, Harvey Samuel, Jr., as a naval aviator
 Firth, John Charles Bradley
 Fisher, Edmund Montagu Prinsep
 Fisher, Edwin
Fisher, George Kenneth Thompso
 Fisher, Julian Lawrence ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Fison, Francis Geoffrey, 2nd Bt, where he was wounded
Fison, Laurimer
 Fison, William Guy, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Fitton, Hugh Gregory
Fitz-Clarence, Augustus Arthur
 Fitz-Clarence, Charles, V.C.
 Fitz-Clarence, Harold Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
FitzGeorge-Hamilton, George Ed
 FitzGerald, Arthur Henry Brins
 FitzGerald, Brinsley John Hami, as Private Secretary on the personal staff of the Commander-in-Chief
 FitzGerald, Dermot
FitzGerald, Desmond, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 FitzGerald, Dudley Francis Nor
 FitzGerald, Edward, 7th Duke of, where he was wounded
 FitzGerald, George Frederick
FitzGerald, Gerald Hugh
 FitzGerald, Gerald Milnes ( 1914-1918 )
FitzGerald, Gerald Thomas
 FitzGerald, James Brinsley Pet, where he was mentioned in despatches
 FitzGerald, John Peter Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 FitzGerald, John Sidney North, where he was mentioned in despatches
FitzGerald, Maurice Robert
 FitzGerald, Percy Desmond, where he was mentioned in despatches
 FitzGerald, Peter Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches four times, and was wounded again
 FitzGerald, Peter John
 FitzGerald, Robert Brinsley
 FitzHerbert, Arthur Geoffrey M
FitzHerbert, Arthur Richard
 FitzHerbert, Cecil Henry, with the Royal Naval Air Service
 FitzHerbert, Norman
 FitzHerbert-Brockholes, Roger
FitzHerbert-Brockholes, Thomas
FitzHugh, Godfrey
FitzMaurice, Archibald Hamilto
FitzMaurice, Cecil Hamilton Ki
 FitzMaurice, Edmond Walter, 7th
 FitzMaurice, Llewellyn O'Bryen
 FitzRoy Newdegate, John Mauric
 FitzRoy, Charles Henry, 4th Bar
FitzRoy, Edward Henry
 FitzRoy, Victor Robert Charles
 FitzRoy, William Henry Alfred, , where he was wounded
 FitzWilliam, Eric Spencer, 9th ( 1916-1917 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Edwar
 Fitzalan-Howard, Henry Edmund, ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded
Fitzalan-Howard, Philip Granvi
 Fitzgerald, Cecil Henry, with 72nd Seaforth Highlanders
Fitzgerald-Moore, Brian Ponson
Fitzgibbon, Brian Normanby
 Fitzgibbon, Gerald Ernest Geor ( 1914-1919 )
Fitzherbert, Anthony Decimus
 Fitzherbert, Arnold Vesey
 Fitzherbert, Basil John
 Fitzherbert, Eden, in Army
 Fitzherbert, Edward Stafford, 1, wher he commanded H.M.S. Colossus
 Fitzherbert, Evelyn C. W.
 Fitzherbert, Thomas Charles
 Fitzherbert-Stafford, Francis
 Fitzmaurice, Desmond FitzJohn, where he was mentioned in despatches
Fitzmaurice, Harman Samuel
 Fitzmaurice, Henry Godfrey, where he was wounded
 Fitzmaurice, James Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Fitzmaurice, John Desmond
Fitzmaurice, Maurice Alexander, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice Swynfen
 Fitzmaurice, Raymond
 Fitzmaurice, Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Fitzmaurice, Wilfred Haughton
 Fitzroy, Harold Charles Cavend, with the Military Provost Staff Corps
Fitzroy, Michael Algernon
 Fitzroy, Robert Oliver, 2nd Vis
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles d ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Flashman, James Ironside
 Fleetwood-Hesketh, Charles Hes ( 1914-1917 )
 Fleming, Alexander, in the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Fleming, Frank Thomas, 10th Bt., with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Fleming, Valentine
 Fleming, William Kelland, with New Zealand Rifles
 Fleming-Hamilton, William Malc
 Fletcher, Reginald Thomas Herb ( 1914-1918 )
 Fletcher, Walter John
 Fletcher-Vane, Francis Patrick ( 1914-1918 )
 Flint, Eric Charles Montagu, in Gallipoli and Palestine
 Floyd, Arthur Bowen, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Floyd, Henry Robert Kincaid, 5t ( 1918 )
 Floyd, James Francis Murray
 Floyd, Sandford
 Floyer-Acland, Arthur Nugent, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Fock, Bernard Lorenzo
 Fock, Henry Edward William, 5th
 Fock, John Henry Edward, 6th Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Foley, Frank Wigram, where he was severely wounded
 Foley, Guy Francis, where he was wounded
Foley, Thomas Algernon FitzGer
 Foljambe, Bertram Marmaduke Os, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Foljambe, Gerald William Frede
Foljambe, Hubert Francis Fitzw
Foljambe, Josceline Charles Wi
Follett, Gilbert Burrell Spenc
 Forbes Adam, Colin Gurden
 Forbes Adam, Ronald, 2nd Bt., in France and Italy, and was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, Arthur George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, Atholl Laurence Cunyng
 Forbes, Atholl Murray Hay, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Forbes, Bernard Arthur William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, Bertram Aloysius, with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Forbes, Courtenay Fergus Ochon, in Mesopotamia
 Forbes, Donald Alexander, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, Duncan Alexander, where he was wounded
Forbes, Fergus George Arthur
 Forbes, George Francis Reginal
 Forbes, James Stewart
 Forbes, James Stuart, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, Malcolm Hay Ochoncar
 Forbes, Reginald Michael Norma, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Forbes, Ronald Ferdinande, where he was mentioned in despatches
Forbes, Spencer Dundas
 Forbes, William Balfour, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, William Robert Townsen, where he was wounded
 Forbes-Gordon, Arthur Dalrympl
 Forbes-Leith, Charles Rosedew, , where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Forbes-Sempill, Arthur Lionel, where he was mentioned in despatches
Forbes-Sempill, Robert Abercro
 Forbes-Sempill, William Franci
 Ford, Patrick Johnston, 1st Bt.
 Forestier Walker, George Towns, where he was mentioned in despatches nine times
 Forestier-Walker, Edmond Alec, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Forestier-Walker, Roland Stuar, where he was mentioned in despatches
Forrest, Charles Evelyn
Forster, Alfred Henry ( 1916-1919 )
 Forster, Henry William, 1st and
Forster, John
 Forster, John, 1st Baron Forste ( 1914-1919 )
 Fort, Edward Dimond
 Fortescue, Charles Granville
 Fortescue, Denzil George, 6th E
 Fortescue, Francis Alexander, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Fortescue, Grenville
 Fortescue, Hugh William, 5th Ea, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Fortescue, John Grenville, where he was wounded
 Forwood, Arthur Noel ( 1915-1917 )
 Forwood, Dudley Baines, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forwood, Eric Baines
 Forwood, Talbot Brittain, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Foster, Thomas Saxby Gregory, 2 ( 1917-1919 )
 Fowke, Charles Arthur Freer, where he was wounded twice
 Fowke, Gustavus Henry Spencer, where he was wounded
 Fowke, Laurence Archdale, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Fowler, Bryan John
Fowler, Charles Jefford
 Fowler, Cole Cortlandt
 Fowler, Edward Gardiner, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fowler, Frank, with Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Flying Corps
 Fowler, George Glyn
 Fowler, John Sharman, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fowler, Robert St. Leger
 Fowler, Willoughby Jones
 Fox, Francis William Jemmett
 Fox, Nial Arthur Hubert, The Fo
Fox, Reginald Wilson
 Fox, Waldo Trench
 Fox-Strangways, Vivian, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fox-Strangways, Walter Angelo, , with the Special Mediterranean Intelligence Bureau
 Foxlee, Ralph Rudd ( 1914-1918 )
Fraguier, Edmond
Fraguier, Xavier
Frampton, Leonard Henry ( 1914-1916 )
 Frampton, Percy Frederick
 Frampton, Ulysses Raymond
 Francis-Hawkins, Alexander Joh
 Francis-Hawkins, Fitzroy Hecto
Francklin, Philip
 Frankland, Arthur Pelham
 Frankland, Robert Cecil Colvil
 Frankland, Thomas Hugh Colvill, and was mentioned in despatches
 Frankland-Payne-Gallwey, John, ( 1914 )
 Franks, Archibald Fitzherbert, with Canadian Army
 Franks, George Despard
 Franks, George McKenzie, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Franks, Henry Cecil
 Franks, Henry Guy Stanley
 Franks, Ivan Bromhead
Franks, John Fergusson
 Franks, Kendal Fergusson, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Franks, Philip Hamilton, where he was wounded
 Fraser, Alastair Norman, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, Alastair Thomas Joseph, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, Alexander Arthur, 20th, where he became a POW
 Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron ( 1914-1919 )
 Fraser, George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, Hugh Joseph
 Fraser, John, 1st Bt., with the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Fraser, Keith Alexander, of Led ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Fraser, Simon
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, William Jocelyn Ian, Ba ( 1915-1916 ), where he was blinded by a gunshot wound and invalided in 1916
 Freake, Frederick Charles Mait ( 1915-1919 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Frederick, Charles Edward St., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Frederick, Edward Boscawen, 9th, where he wasa severely
 Frederick, Roger
 Frederick, Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
Freeman, Noel William
 Freeman, Russell Herbert
 Freeman, Wilfrid Rhodes, 1st Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Freeman-Mitford, Bertram Thoma, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Freeman-Mitford, Clement Bertr ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Freeman-Mitford, Ernest Rupert
Freeman-Thomas, Gerard Frederi
 Fremantle, Alfred Ernest Alber
 Fremantle, Charles Albert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fremantle, Francis Edward, in Gallipoli, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and was mentioned in despatches
 Fremantle, Sydney Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
French, Arthur Reginald, 5th Ba
 French, Charles Henry
French, Charles John
French, Charles Stockley
French, Claude Alexander
 French, Edward Fulke
 French, Edward Gerald Fleming, where he was wounded and gassed in 1917, and was mentioned in dispatches twice
French, Ernest Aloysius
 French, Francis Henry, in Russia and Siberia
 French, George Arthur
French, George Philip
 French, John Arthur Innes
 French, John Cyril
 French, John Poyntz, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 French, John Richard Lowndes, 2 ( 1915-1917 )
 French, Louis Richard
French, Valentine Douglas
 French, William Joseph
 Frewen-Laton, Ivo Wyndham Lato
 Frewen-Laton, Stephen, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches six times and wounded nine times
Froude, John Aubrey
Fry, Alfred Harold
 Fry, John Nicholas Pease, 4th B ( 1916-1919 ), with the Friends Ambulance Unit
 Fry, Theodore Penrose, 3rd Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
 Fulford, Francis Edgar Anthony
Fuller Maitland, William Allan
 Fuller, William Fleetwood, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fuller-Acland-Hood, Alexander ( 1914-1919 )
 Fuller-Acland-Hood, Francis Pe ( 1914-1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Fullerton-Carnegie, George Dav, where he was wounded twice and mentioned in depatches
 Fulton, Angus Robertson
Furnell, Cecil Herbert Michael
 Furnell, George Oswald Michael, where he became a POW
 Furnell, Michael John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fyfe, David Patrick Maxwell, 1s, with the Scots Guards
Gabbett, Richard Edward Philli
 Gage, Ezekiel Hugh
 Gage, Henry Rainald, 6th Viscou, where he was wounded
 Gage, James Seton Drummond
 Gage, John
Gage, John Stewart-Moore
 Gage, Moreton Foley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gage, Richard Francis ODonnel
Gaisford, Walter Thomas
Galbraith, David Boyd
 Galbraith, James Hardie
Galbraith, Norman Dunlop
 Galbraith, Robert Jack
 Galbraith, Thomas Dunlop, 1st B, in H.M.S. Audacious and Queen Elizabeth
 Galbraith, Walter Weir
Galbraith, William Brodie
Galen, Ferdinand-Josef
 Gallaher, Alexander, where he was wounded five times, became a POW, and escaped
Galloway, Harold Bessemer
 Gallwey, Francis Vivian
 Gallwey, Henry William Dayrell
 Gallwey, Thomas Hinton Edward, where he was wounded
 Gallwey, Thomas Joseph
Galton, Francis William Joseph
Galton, Theodore Hugh
 Ganzoni, Francis John Childs, 1 ( 1914 )
Gardiner, Alexander Anson
Gardiner, Frederick Thomas
 Gardiner-Hill, Harold ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gardner, Eric
Gardner, George Henry, in Buckinghamshire Yeomanry
 Gardner, Noel Inglis
Garfit, Thomas Noel Cheney
Garnett, Claude Lionel
Garnier, Denys Keppel
Garnier, John Waren
Garrard, Percy
 Garrioch, John Magnus Hurrie
 Garsia, Herbert George Anderso, as Assistant Adjutant-General, Egyptian Army
Garton, Edward Clive
Garton, Herbert Westlake
Gascoyne-Cecil, George Edward
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Hugh Richard H
Gascoyne-Cecil, John Arthur
Gascoyne-Cecil, Randle William ( 1915-1917 ), where he was wounded
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Reginald Edwar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur ( 1915-1918 )
Gascoyne-Cecil, Rupert Edward
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Victor Alexand, where he was wounded twice
Gaskell, John Charles Temple
 Gason, Major George Houghton
Gatacre, Edward George
 Gatacre, William Edward ( 1914-1918 ), where he became a POW in Germany
Gathorne-Hardy, Alfred Cecil
 Gathorne-Hardy, Geoffrey Malco, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches ten times!
 Gathorne-Hardy, Nigel Charles, where he was mentioned in desptaches four times
 Gavan Duffy, Brendan, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Gavan Duffy, Charles
 Gavan Duffy, Charles Diarmaid, with the Australian Imperial Forces
Gavan Duffy, Desmond, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Gavan Duffy, John Leo
 Geddes, Auckland Campbell, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Geddes, Augustus David
 Geddes, Charles John, Baron Ged ( 1915-1918 ), with the Royal Flying Corps
 Gellibrand, John
 George, William King
 Gerard, Charles Robert Tolver, where he was wounded
 Gerard, Frederick John, 3rd Bar, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded twice
 Gethin, Frederic Durrant Scott
 Gethin, Percy Edward Lovell
Gethin, Percy Francis
 Gethin, Percy St. Lawrence
 Gethin, Richard, in East Africa
Gethin, Richard Patrick Wilmot
 Gethin, Richard Walter St. Law, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gibbon, Charles Monk, with New Zealand Military Forces
 Gibbon, Edward Acton
 Gibbon, Thomas Holroyd
 Gibbon, William Monk, and was invalided out
 Gibbons, Alexander Doran, 7th B, in Mesopotamia and France
 Gibbons, Edward Stephen, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was seriously wounded
 Gibbons, Henry, in Flanders and Russia, and was wounded
Gibbons, John
 Gibbons, John Noel Graham, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gibbons, Robert Reginald, where he was wounded
 Gibbs, Alfred Joseph ( 1915-1918 ), when he was wounded
 Gibbs, Antony Hubert
Gibbs, Edward Reginald
Gibbs, Eustace Lyle
 Gibbs, Francis Antony Woodard
 Gibbs, George Louis Downall, mentioned in despatches
 Gibbs, Guy Melvil
 Gibbs, John Evelyn
 Gibbs, Lancelot Merivale
 Gibbs, Lionel Cyril
 Gibbs, Ralph Crawley-Boevey
Gibbs, Ronald Charles Melbourn ( 1914 )
 Gibbs, Walter Durant, 4th Baron, where he served in Persia, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gibbs, William
Gibbs, William Beresford
 Gibbs, William Otter, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gibson, Ackroyd Herbert, 3rd Bt
Gibson, Charles Sidney
 Gibson, Edward Russell, 3rd Bar ( 1917-1918 ), on board H.M.S. Superb, H.M.S. Dreadnought, and H.M.S. Monarch
 Gibson, William James Carmicha
Gibson-Carmichael, Alexander D
Gibson-Craig, Archibald Charle, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gibson-Craig-Carmichael, Henry, in Egypt
Gielgud, Henry Lex Francis Ada
 Giffard, Eddie
 Giffard, Hardinge Goulburn, 2nd
 Giffard, Jack
 Giffard, Walter
 Gilbey, Alban James
Gilbey, Eric
 Gilbey, Geoffrey Holland
 Gilbey, Oliver Holland, with the The Blues
 Gilbey, Sebastian Walter
Giles, Robert O'Halloran
Gilkison, Dugald Stewart
Gill, Erold Waring
Gillespie, Franklin Macaulay
 Gillett, Sydney Harold, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Gilliland, Valentine Knox
 Gillman, Webb, and was mentioned in despatches ten times
 Gillon, Stair Agnew
Gilmour, Douglas
 Gilmour, John, of Lundin and Mo, in Gallipoli, Egypt and Pelastine and was mentioned in despatches and was also wounded
Giustiniani-Bandini, Giuseppe, in the Italian Army
 Gladstone, Albert Charles, of F, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gladstone, Charles Andrew, of F, where he attached to the Royal Flying Corps, and became a POW
 Gladstone, Stephen Deiniol, where he was mentioned in deaptches
Gladstone, William Glynne Char
Glassborow, Leonard Victor Lee
 Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfre, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Glyn, Arthur St. Leger, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Glyn, Frederic, 4th Baron Wolve ( 1914-1916 )
 Glyn, Geoffrey Carr ( 1914-1916 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Glyn, George Edward Dudley Car, where he was wounded
 Glyn, Ralph George Campbell, 1s, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Glyn, Richard FitzGerald, 4th/8, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
Godfrey, Arthur Harry Langham ( 1914-1918 )
Godfrey-Faussett, Owen
 Godley, Alexander John
 Godley, Brian Richard, in Mesopotamia, and was mentioned in despatches
 Godley, Francis Clements
 Godley, Richard Shearman
 Godman, John
 Goff, Algernon Hamilton Stannu
 Goff, Hugh Stuart Trevor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goff, Lionel Trevor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goff, Reginald Stannus, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goff, Robert Ewen Cameron ( 1917 ), in Flanders
 Goff, Thomas Robert Charles
 Goldney, Henry Hastings, 4th Bt ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Goldsmid Montefiore, Leonard N ( 1914-1919 ), with the Hampshire Regiment
Gooch, Geoffrey Fulthorpe
 Gooch, Kenneth Thackeray
 Gooch, Lancelot Daniel Edward
 Gooch, Richard Francis Knight, where he was mentioned in despatches
Gooch, unnnamed son
 Goodbody, Godfrey Marcus
Goodbody, Henry Edgar
 Goodbody, Jerome Marcus
Goodbody, Manliffe Francis
 Gooden-Chisholm, Mairi Lambert
 Gooden-Chisholm, Uailean Hamis ( 1915-1918 ), in Palestine and Egypt
 Goodenough, James Grenville
 Goodson, Alfred Lassam, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, Alexander Robert Gisbo, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Gordon, Alexander William Kenm, where he was severely wounded
 Gordon, Alister Fraser
 Gordon, Dudley Gladstone, 3rd M, where he was mentioned in despatches
Gordon, Eldred Pottinger
 Gordon, Francis Lewis Rawson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, Geoffrey Seton
 Gordon, George Hamilton
 Gordon, Gerard Stafford Stavel
 Gordon, Granville Cecil Dougla, where he was mentioned in despatches
Gordon, Henry Gisborne, and was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, John Edmund ( 1915-1918 )
 Gordon, John de la Hay, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gordon, Laurence George Frank, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, Lewis Malcolm ( 1914-1919 )
 Gordon, Lochinvar Alexander Ch, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, William Alexander
 Gordon-Cumming, Alexander Penr, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon-Duff, George Edward ( 1914-1918 )
 Gordon-Duff, John Beauchamp, where he was wounded
 Gordon-Duff, Lachlan
Gordon-Lennox, Bernard Charles
Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, L
 Gordon-Lennox, Esmé Charles, where he was mentioned in desptaches and was wounded twice
 Gordon-Lennox, Victor Charles, where he was wounded
Gore, Francis Southwell Cecil
 Gore, Frederick Dundas Corbet, in Egypt and Gallipoli
 Gore, Frederick John
Gore, Gerald Ribton
 Gore, Irwin St. John, where he was wounded
Gore, James Harold Arran
 Gore, John Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gore, Staveley Napier, in South-West Africa and France, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
Gore-Browne, Geoffrey George
 Gore-Langton, Grenville Edward, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Gore-Langton, Hubert Edwin, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Gore-Langton, Norman Eric, where he was mentioned in dispatches with the Canadians
 Goring, Francis, in Egypt, Gallipoli and Flanders
 Goring, Frederick Yelverton, where he was wounded three times
 Goring, Herbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goring, Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goschen, Arthur Alec, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goschen, George Gerard, where he was wounded
Goschen, George Joachim
 Goschen, George Joachim, 2nd Vi
Gosling, Charles
 Gott, William Henry Ewart ( 1915-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Gough, Dermot Humphrey
 Gough, George Patrick, where he was wounded
 Gough, Guy Vincent Hugh
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer, where he led a division at Ypres and Loos, and a corps at the Somme
 Gough, Hugh William, 4th Viscou, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
Gough, John Bloomfield
Gough, John Edmund, V.C., as chief of staff to Field Marshal Douglas Haig
Gough, Rupert
 Gough-Calthorpe, Frederick Som ( 1915-1919 )
 Gough-Calthorpe, Somerset Fred ( 1914-1919 )
Gould, Patrick Wallace
 Graham, Alastair Mungo, where he was wounded
 Graham, Donald Bruce, where he was wounded
Graham, Donald Hatt Noble
 Graham, Douglas Beresford Mali
 Graham, Douglas Malise, and was mentioned in despatches
 Graham, Edward William Harold, in Italy
Graham, Eric Montrose
 Graham, Fergus Frederick, 5th B, where he was mentioned in despatches and was severely wounded
 Graham, Fergus Reginald Winsfo, where he was wounded twice, and was mentioned in despatches four times
 Graham, Fergus Stuart
 Graham, James Dunsterville
 Graham, James, 6th Duke of Mont
 Graham, John Reginald Noble, 3r
 Graham, Malise
 Graham, Philip Skelton
 Graham, Reginald Guy, 9th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Graham, Roderic Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Graham, Roland Harris
Graham, Ronald Macleod
 Graham, Stuart Douglas, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Graham, Stuart Menteith, where he was wounded twice
 Graham, Thomas Ottiwell
Graham-Montgomery, Graham John
 Graham-Toler, Leopold James
 Graham-Vivian, Richard Preston, where he was wounded twice
Grange, James Burness
 Grant, Arthur, of Monymusk, 10t, where he was severely wounded
 Grant, Charles John Cecil ( 1914-1918 )
 Grant, Josceline Charles Henry, he was mentioned in despatches
 Grant, Robert Francis Sydney, he was mentioned in despatches twice and was severely wounded
 Grant, William Douglas
Grant-Suttie, Archibald Ronald
 Grant-Suttie, George Donald
 Grant-Suttie, Hubert Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Granville, Edgar Louis, Baron G, in Gallipoli, Egypt and France
 Grattan, Arthur Phayre
 Grattan, Ernest Loftus Colley
 Grattan, Henry
Grattan, John, where he was wounded
 Grattan-Bellew, Charles Christ
Grattan-Bellew, William Arthur
Graves, Adrian
 Graves, Alweyn Montague, with the Australian Imperial Forces
Graves, Austin Joseph Geoffrey
Graves, Evelyn Paget
Graves-Sawle, Richard Charles
Gray, Francis Hatfield
 Gray, Frederick William Barton
 Gray, William, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches, was wounded and became a POW
 Grayson, Denys Henry Harringto
 Grayson, Henry Mulleneux, 1st B
 Grayson, Rupert Stanley Harrin, where he was wounded twice
 Green, Arthur von Lilienstein, in the South Africa Native Labour Contingent
 Green-Price, Francis Chase
 Green-Price, James Llewellyn, where he was wounded
 Green-Price, Robert Henry, 3rd
 Greene, Arthur Latham
 Greene, Barrington Stopford Co
 Greene, David Campbell, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Greene, Geoffrey Plunket Conyn
 Greene, Wilfred Arthur, 1st and ( 1914-1918 )
 Greenly, Walter Howorth ( 1914-1918 )
 Greenwell, Aynsley Eyre
 Greenwell, Evelyn Eyre
 Greenwell, Geoffrey Eyre
 Greenwell, Ronald Eyre
 Greer, Alured Ussher
 Greer, Donald Alister
Greer, Eric Beresford
 Greer, Eric Roberts
 Greer, Fergus Ussher Morriss, with Royal Garrison Artillery
 Greer, Francis St. Leger
 Greer, Frederick Augustus
 Greer, Nathaniel Alexander Sta, with Australian Imperial Forces
 Greeves, John
Greeves, Thomas Malcomson
Gregory, William Robert
 Gregory-Hood, Charles Hugh, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Gregson-Ellis, Philip George S
Gregson-Ellis, Richard George
Greig, Ronald Henry
 Grenfell, Arthur Morton, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was wounded twice
 Grenfell, Cecil Alfred
 Grenfell, Francis Octavius, V.C, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Grenfell, Gerald William
 Grenfell, Harold Maxwell
 Grenfell, John Pascoe
Grenfell, Julian Henry Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
Grenfell, Riversdale Nonus
 Gresley, Laurence ( 1914-1919 )
 Gresley, Roger
Gresley, Stukeley Marmaduke
Greswolde-Williams, Francis Hu
 Gretton, John, 1st Baron Gretto
Gretton, Rupert Harold
 Greville, Brooke Southwell, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Greville, Brooke Southwell Edw, in Mesopotamia and Persia
 Greville, Charles Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
Greville, George Gordon Franci
 Greville, Guy George Frederick, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Greville, John Algernon Fulke
 Greville, Maynard
 Grey, Aubrey Arthur Douglas, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Grey, Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grey, Charles Robert, 5th Earl
 Grey, Charles Robin Jocelyn Ed, with the Royal Air Force
 Grey, Francis Temple ( 1915-1917 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches when H.M.S. Cornwallis was torpedoed and sunk
 Grey, Geoffrey Ernest Adair, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
 Grey, George, 8th Baron Walsing, where he was wounded three times and was mentioned in dispatches four times
 Grey, Harry Martin, 5th Bt.
 Grey, John
 Grey, John Foley, 8th Bt., where he was wounded
 Grey, Nigel Francis Egerton
 Grey, Spencer Douglas Adair, where he was mentioned in despatches
Grey-Egerton, Philip de Malpas
Grey-Egerton, Rowland le Belwa
 Grierson, Alexander George Wil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grierson, Carl Harold
 Grierson, Frederick Vedast, in the Middle East, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grierson, Robert Gilbert White
Griffin, Reginald Herbert
 Grigg, Edward William MacLeay, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grigson, Claude Vivian
Grigson, Kenneth Walton
Grigson, Lionel Henry Shuckfor
 Grigson, Wilfrid
 Grimston, Horace Sylvester
 Grimston, Robert Villiers, 1st
 Grinnell-Milne, Douglas George, and was mentioned in despatches
 Grinnell-Milne, Duncan William
 Grosvenor, Gerald Richard, where he was wounded
 Grosvenor, Gilbert
 Grosvenor, Hugh Richard Arthur, with armoured cars in France and in North Afirca
Grosvenor, Hugh William
 Grosvenor, Hugh, 2nd Baron Stal ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Grosvenor, Richard Eustace, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grosvenor, Robert Arthur, and was mentioned in despatches
 Grove, Gerald, 3rd Bt., in the German South-West and British South African Campaigns
 Grove, Major James Robert Wood, he was mentioned in despatches
Grover, Edward Brockett
 Grover, Ehret Ernest ( 1914-1918 )
 Grover, Ernest Cyril ( 1914-1918 )
 Grover, Frank Chaplyn, became a POW in Antwerp
 Grubb, Alexander Henry Watkins, he was mentioned in despatches eight times
Grubb, Douglas Noel
 Grubb, Harold Crichton-Stuart
 Grubb, Henry Cecil
 Grubb, Herbert Watkins
Grubb, Lawrence Ernest
 Grubb, Lewis William Richardso, with the Royal Irish Rifles, Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
 Grubb, Norman Percy
 Grubb, Reginald Watkins
 Grubb, Richard Raymond De Cruc
Grubb, Walter Bousfield Watkin
Gruisen, Nicolas Albert Roy
Gruisen, Wilfred
 Guest, Christian Henry Charles
 Guest, Frederick Edward
 Guest, Lionel George William
 Guest, Oscar Montague, where he was wounded
 Guinness, Algernon Arthur St.
 Guinness, Arthur Rundell, where he was wounded at Ypres
 Guinness, Edward Douglas
 Guinness, Gerald Richard de Ca
 Guinness, Henry Eustace
 Guinness, John Cecil Cope Jenk
 Guinness, Owen Charles, where he was severely wounded
 Guinness, Richard Smyth
 Guinness, Victor Edward Gwynne
 Guinness, Walter Edward, 1st Ba, in Gallipoli and Flanders, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Guinness, William Ernest, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guise, Harry Rivett Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guise, Henry George Christophe
Guise, Reginald Edward
 Guise, Vernon Robert ( 1915-1916 ), in Mesopotamia
Gull, Francis William Lindley
 Gull, Richard Cameron, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Gun Cuninghame, Robert George
 Gunning, George Hamilton, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Gunning, Henry Ross, where he was wounded
 Gunning, Orlando George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gunston, Derrick Wellesley, 1st
 Gunter, Robert Benyon Nevill, 2
 Gurdon, Bertram Francis, 2nd Ba
 Gutch, John
 Gutch, Wilfrid
 Guthrie, Connop Thirwall Rober ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Guthrie, Mungo Alexander
Gwyer, Cyril
 Gwynn, Charles William, he was mentioned in despatches
 Gwynn, Denis Rolleston, he was invalided out in 1917
 Gwynn, Stephen Lucius, he was invalided out
Hackett, Eric Adrian Nethercot
 Hackett, George Kennedy, he was mentioned in despatches
 Hackett, Gerald Olf Basil
Hackett, Learo Aylmer Henry
 Hackett, Robert Isaac Dalby
 Hackett, Thomas Dalby Hutcheso, he was mentioned in despatches
 Hacking, Douglas Hewitt, 1st Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Haden-Guest, Leslie, 1st Baron
Haggard, Rider Lancelot
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig
 Haire, Leonard ( 1914-1918 )
 Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Haldane, Henry Chicheley, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Haldane, James Aylmer Lowthorp, in France and Belgium, and was mentioned in despatches nine times
 Haldane, James Oswald
 Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson ( 1914-1919 ), where he was twice wounded
 Haldane, Maldwyn Makgill
Haldane, Robert Patrick
 Hales Pakenham Mahon, Wilfrid ( 1914-1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches twice
Hall, Arthur Henry
 Hall, Charles Henry Edward, as Battery Commander
Hall, David Henry
 Hall, Douglas Montgomery Berna, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches three tiems
Hall, Edgar Cullen
Hall, Fitzroy Henry
 Hall, Francis
 Hall, Frederick, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Hall, Gerald Percy
 Hall, Henry Mitchell
Hall, John Edward
 Hall, Lionel Reid, of Dunglass, , where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hall, Malcolm Wilfred Forester
Hall, Philip Sarsfield
 Hall, Roger
 Hall, William Charles
 Hallinan, Edward Victor
 Hallinan, Francis
 Hallinan, Thomas Francis Denne
 Halsey, Arthur
 Halsey, Lionel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Halsey, Thomas Edgar, 3rd Bt.
 Halsey, Walter Johnstone, 2nd B, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hambling, Herbert Guy Musgrave
 Hambro, Angus Valdimar ( 1917-1921 )
 Hambro, Bertram Emil
 Hambro, Charles Jocelyn
 Hambro, Harold Everard
Hambro, Percival
 Hambro, Percival Otway
 Hambro, Ronald Olaf, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamer, James
 Hamer, Thomas
 Hamill-Stewart, Donald Henry
 Hamilton Stubber, Robert
 Hamilton, Anthony George
Hamilton, Arthur John
 Hamilton, Benjamin Henry Noel, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hamilton, Cecil Fyffe Pryce
 Hamilton, Charles Norman Macle, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hamilton, Charles Sackville
 Hamilton, Claud Nigel ( 1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton, Collingwood George C ( 1917 ), with the Royal Flying Corps
 Hamilton, Crewe Chetwode
 Hamilton, Edward William
 Hamilton, Francis Alexander Ch
 Hamilton, Frank
 Hamilton, Gavin George, 2nd Bar
Hamilton, Geoffrey Cecil Monck
 Hamilton, George Theodore
 Hamilton, Gerald de Courcy
 Hamilton, Gilbert Claud, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton, Hans Wellesley, 2nd B, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hamilton, Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hamilton, Henry Austin
 Hamilton, Leslie d'Henin
 Hamilton, Louis Henry Keppel
 Hamilton, Maurice William Chet
Hamilton, Mervyn James
Hamilton, Ralph Gerard Alexand, where he was wounded twice, and mentioned in despatches three times
 Hamilton, Robert Carodoc, of Si
 Hamilton, Robert Cecil
 Hamilton, Ronald James, where he was wounded
 Hamilton, Sackville William Sa
 Hamilton, Thomas Sydney Percev, with the London Regiment
 Hamilton, Vivian Claude
Hamilton-Dalrymple, John Rapha
 Hamilton-Gordon, Alexander, where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton-Gordon, Ernest Arthur
 Hamilton-Grace, Raymond Sheffi ( 1914-1915 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hamilton-Grierson, Philip Fran, in Mesopotamia and Palestine
 Hamilton-Russell, Arthur ( 1915-1918 ), serving in Flanders, where he was wounded again
 Hamilton-Spencer-Smith, Drummo, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Fre ( 1914-1917 )
Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Ian, where he was wounded
 Hammick, Alexander Robert
 Hammick, Ernest Lumley
Hammick, Eustace
 Hammick, Henry Alexander
 Hammick, Robert Townsend
Hammick, Stephen Frederick
 Hamond-Graeme, Egerton, 5th Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
 Hampson, Dennys Francis, 11th B ( 1915-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Hanbury-Tracy, Eric Thomas Hen
 Hanbury-Tracy, William Charles
 Hancock, Ralph Escott, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Handcock, Robert Arthur, 6th Ba
 Hanham, John Ludlow, 10th Bt., where he was wounded
 Hanham, Patrick John
 Hanham, Phelips Brooke
Hanmer, Alexander John, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hanmer, Anthony Hugh, with the New Zealand Expditionary Force
 Hanmer, Arthur Richard
 Hanmer, Charles Gordon
 Hanmer, Edward Henry John, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hanmer, Guy Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hanmer, Henry Ivan
 Hanmer, John Percy, with the Australian Imperial Forces
Hanmer, Lambert Alfred Graham
 Hanmer, Robert Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hanson, Charles Edwin Bourne, 2
 Harbord, Edward Ralph, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Harbord, Eric Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches
Harbord, John, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Harbord, Lionel Anthony
Harbord, Philip Anthony Asshet, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Harbord, Richard Morden, 10th B ( 1914-1917 )
 Harbord, Victor Alexander Char ( 1915-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Harcourt Vernon, Arthur Arunde
 Harcourt Vernon, Egerton Gerva
 Harcourt Vernon, Granville Art
 Harcourt Vernon, Granville Cha, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded three times
Harcourt Vernon, Hardolph Evel
 Harcourt, Robert Venables Vern
 Harding, Allan Francis John, 1s, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
Hardinge, Edward Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hardinge, Henry Ralph
Hardinge, Patrick Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hardman, Hudson Beaufort
 Hardy, Arthur Evelyn
 Hardy, Bertram, 3rd Bt.
 Hardy, Eric John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hardy, Leonard Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hare, Edward Philip Leigh
 Hare, Francis Theodore
Hare, Harry Vivian
 Hare, Percy Richard, in Egypt, Gallipoli and Salonika
 Hare, Richard
 Hare, Richard Granville, 4th Ea
 Hare, Robert William, where he was mentioned in despatches
Harford, John Henry
Harington, Herbert Hastings
 Harington, John, and was mentioned in despatches four times and was wounded three times
 Harmood-Banner, Harmood, 2nd Bt ( 1914 )
 Harmood-Banner, Walcot
 Harmsworth, Alfred Leicester S, where he was wounded
 Harmsworth, Esmond Cecil, 2nd V
Harmsworth, Harold Alfred Vyvy, where he was wounded twice
 Harmsworth, Harold Cecil Aubre
Harmsworth, Vere Sidney Tudor
 Harold-Barry, Charles William, as a Captain with the Royal Munster Fusiliers and the Machine Gun Corps (M.G.C.)
Harold-Barry, John Gerard, as a Lieutenant with the Royal Munster Fusiliers
 Harris, Arthur Travers, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Harris, Eric Townsend
 Harris, George St. Vincent, 5th, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Harris, Harry Perceval Haringt
Harris, Harry Thomas Hopkinson
 Harris, James Edward, 5th Earl
 Harris, Lawrence Anstie
Harris, Robert
Harrison, Cecil Eustace
Harrison, Gerard Younghusband
Harrison, James Molyneux
 Harrison, John de Courcy, in Gallipoli and France, where he was wounded
Harrison, Leonard John
Hart Dyke, Francis
 Hart Dyke, Percyvall, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hart, Henry Percival, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hart, Henry Travers ( 1914-1918 )
Hartwell, Barry
 Hartwell, Brodrick Cecil Denha
 Hartwell, John Redmond, and was mentioned in despatches
 Harvey, Cavendish William
 Harvey, Charles Donald Crosbie
 Harvey, Henry Cavendish, where he was wounded
 Harvey, Herbert
 Harvey, John James Gascoyne, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Harvey, Oliver Charles Harvey, , in France, Egypt and Palestine, and was and was mentioned in despatches
 Harvey, Reginald Lloyd
 Harvey, Robert Crosbie, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Harvey, William Crosbie, where he was wounded
Harvey-Kelly, Hubert Dunstervi
Hasler, Julian
 Hastings, Warner Francis John
 Hattersley, Sidney Martin, where he was taken prisoner in 1916
 Haughton, Henry Wilfred
 Haughton, John Wilfred, with Army Service Corps
Haughton, Thomas Greenwood
Havelock, Beresford Arthur Jar, and was mentioned in despatches
 Havelock-Allan, Henry Spencer, where he was wounded in 1916
 Hawker, Arden Seymour
Hawker, Lanoe George, V.C.
 Hawker, Tyrrell Mann
 Hawkins, Charles Francis ( 1914 )
 Hawkins, Charles Francis, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hawkins, Cyril Cćsar, in German East Africa with 9th South African Horse
 Hawkins, Edmund John Edward, in the 5th RI Lancers and Royal Flying Corps
 Hawkins, Eustace Fellowes Sinc, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hawkins, Geoffrey Alan Brooke
Hawkins, Humphry Cćsar, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hawkins, Victor Francis Staple
 Hawkins, Villiers Geoffrey Cćs
 Hawks, Howard Winchester, as a pilot with the U.S. Army Air Corps
Hawley, Cyril Francis
 Hawley, Henry Cusack Wingfield
 Haworth, Arthur Geoffrey, 2nd B, and was mentioned in despatches
Haworth, Philip Theodore
 Haworth-Booth, Michael ( 1914-1919 )
 Haworth-Booth, Robin Howard
 Haworth-Leslie, Martin Tregenn, with the Australian Imperial Forces in Egypt, Gallipoli and France, and was wounded
 Hay, Archibald
Hay, Arthur Vincent
 Hay, Bache McEvers Athole, 11th ( 1914-1919 )
Hay, Charles Edward Erroll
 Hay, Charles Gore, 20th Earl of
 Hay, Cuthbert Joseph, where he was wounded
Hay, Douglas Woulfe
 Hay, Duncan Edwyn, 10th Bt.
 Hay, Edward Douglas John, in Gallipoli, Egypt and France
 Hay, Ernest Patrick
 Hay, George Harold, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hay, Ivan Josslyn Lumley
 Hay, James
 Hay, James Douglas, in Hyderabad Volunteer Rifles
 Hay, Malcolm Vivian, of Seaton, where he was wounded
 Hay, Sereld Mordaunt Alan Joss
 Hay, Thomas William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hay, William George Montagu, 11, where he was woundd
 Hay-Drummond-Hay, Cecil Lawren
 Hay-Newton, Stuart, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hayes, Ernest de Lannony
Hayes, Robert
 Hazlerigg, Greville
 Hazlerigg, Grey
 Hazlerigg, Guy Maynard ( 1916 ), in East Africa, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hazlerigg, Martival Grey
 Hazlerigg, Thomas, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hazlerigg, Thomas Maynard
Head, Bernard
 Headlam, Cuthbert Morley, 1st B ( 1914-1919 )
 Heale, Alfred Lawson, where he was wounded in June 1918
 Heale, Arthur Stanley, in India and Africa
 Healy, John William
 Healy, Maurice
Heath, Voltelin Percy
 Heathcoat-Amory, John, 3rd Bt., and was mentioned in despatches
Heathcoat-Amory, Ludovic
 Heathcote, Arthur Napier, and was mentioned in despatches
 Heathcote, Hugh Harold, with the Australian Imperial Force
Heathcote, James Shirley
 Heathcote, John Robert Campbel
 Heathcote, Robert Evelyn Manne, and was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Heathcote, William, in South-West Africa
 Heaton-Armstrong, Bertha Grace, with the Womens Auxiliary Police Corps (W.A.P.C.)
 Heaton-Armstrong, Charles Geor
 Heaton-Armstrong, John Dunamac, as a Captain with the 20th Deccan Horse of the Indian Army Reserve
 Heaton-Armstrong, William Dunc, he was mentioned in despatches
Heaton-Ellis, Charles Edward R
 Heaton-Ellis, Charles Henry Br ( 1914-1918 ), with the Admiralty
Heaton-Ellis, David
 Heaton-Ellis, John Sydney, serving in Mesopotamia and South-West Persia
 Heber-Percy, Hugh Alan, where he was wounded
 Heber-Percy, Josceline Reginal
Hellyer, George Edgecombe
 Hely Hutchinson, Christopher D
 Hely Hutchinson, Maurice Rober ( 1916-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hely Hutchinson, Richard Georg, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Hely Hutchinson, Richard Walte, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Helyar, Maurice Howard
 Hemming, Edward Hughes, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Henderson, Albert Norman
 Henderson, Arthur, Baron Rowley ( 1914-1918 )
Henderson, Charles Edward Pier
 Henderson, David
 Henderson, Harold Greenwood
 Henderson, Lachlan Macalister
Henderson, Reginald George
 Henderson, Robert Henderson
 Henderson, William Watson, 1st ( 1914-1918 )
Hendrick-Aylmer, Gerald Hans
 Heneage, George Edward, 2nd Bar ( 1914-1918 )
 Henley, Anthony Morton, where he was mentioned in despatches
Henn, Eric
 Hennessy, George Richard James, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hennessy, Raymond
 Hennessy, Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Henniker, Alan, and was mentioned in despatches
 Henniker, Augustus Major
 Henniker, Frederick Chandos
 Henniker, Robert John Aldborou, and was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
 Henniker-Heaton, Arthur
 Henniker-Major, Charles Henry
 Henniker-Major, John Ernest de
Hepburne-Scott, Alexander Noel
 Hepburne-Scott, Charles Franci
 Hepburne-Scott, Francis Willia
 Herbert, Auberon Thomas, 9th Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Herbert, Aubrey Nigel Henry Mo, where he was wounded
 Herbert, Edward Robert Henry, 5, where he was wounded
Herbert, Elidyr John Bernard
 Herbert, George Sidney, 1st and
 Herbert, Henry George Alfred M
 Herbert, Michael George
 Herbert, Otway Charles
Heriot, George E.
 Heriot-Maitland, James Dalglei
Heriot-Maitland-Dougall, Hamis
 Heriot-Maitland-Dougall, Willi
 Heriot-Maitland-Dougall, Wilmo, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Hermon, Edward William
 Hermon-Hodge, Claude Preston, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Hermon-Hodge, George Guy
 Hermon-Hodge, Harry Baldwin, with the Nigerian Frontier Force
Hermon-Hodge, John Percival
 Hermon-Hodge, Leonard St. Lege
 Hermon-Hodge, Robert Edward Ud
 Hermon-Hodge, Roland Herman, 2n
 Heron-Maxwell, Ivor Walter Her
 Herschell, Richard Farrer, 2nd
 Hervey, Dudley Edward Francis
 Hervey, Eric George
Hervey, Gerald Arthur
 Hervey, Richard George
Hervey, Thomas Percy Arthur
 Hervey-Bathurst, Bertrand Elwe ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded three times
 Hervey-Bathurst, Frederick Edw, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Heseltine, John Edward Norfor
 Hesilrige, Charles
Hessen-Kassel, Friedrich Wilhe ( 1914-1916 )
Hessen-Kassel, Maximiliian Fri ( 1914-1914 )
Heward, Frank Horace
 Hewart, Hugh Vaughan, 2nd Visco
 Hewett, Charles William
 Hewett, George Nele
 Hewett, George Stuart
Hewett, Harald
 Hewett, James Duff ( 1915-1918 ), with the Royal Flying Corps
 Hewett, John George, 5th Bt. ( 1914-1915 ), in Briitsh East Africa
 Hewett, Paul, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hewett, William George, where he was mentioned in despatches five times, and was wounded
 Hewett, William Henry Routledg, with South African Infantry
Hewitt, Archibald Rodney, he was mentioned in despatches
 Hewitt, Brian Lifford
 Hewitt, Cecil James, where he was wounded twice
Hewitt, Denis George Wyldbore,
 Hewitt, Dudley Riddiford
 Hewitt, Evelyn James, 7th Visco, he was mentioned in despatches
Hewitt, George Alfred Guest
Hewitt, James Francis
Hewitt, William George
Heygate, Claud Raymond
 Heygate, Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Heygate, Lionel Clement, where he was wounded
 Heygate, William Howley Beaumo
Heywood, Arthur George
 Heywood, Cecil Percival, where he was mentioned in despatches six times and was wounded
 Heywood, Charles Christopher
 Heywood, Everard Lempričre ( 1917 )
 Heywood, Graham Percival, 4th B, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Heywood, Hugh Christopher Lemp, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Heyworth, Geoffrey, 1st Baron H ( 1915-1918 )
Heyworth, Reginald Francis
 Hibbert, Washington Charles Th
 Hickes, Arthur Gould Remington ( 1916 )
 Hickes, Edward Weston, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hickes, Lancelot Daryl, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
Hickes, Raymond Thomas ( 1916 )
 Hickman, Alfred Edward Howard, , in France, and was wounded
 Hickman, Arthur
 Hickman, Charles Edward, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hickman, Edward Shadwell, with the 54th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force
 Hickman, Geoffrey Victor, and was mentioned in despatches
Hickman, Philip Gregory
 Hickman, Thomas Edgecumbe, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hickman, Wilfred Haden
Hickman, William Christie
Hicks-Beach, Michael Hugh, Visc
Higgon, Archibald Bellairs
Higgon, John Arthur
 Hill, Arthur FitzGerald Sandys
 Hill, Arthur Francis Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hill, Arthur Rowland
 Hill, Arthur Wills Percy Welli, attached to the British Red Cross
 Hill, Cyril John Percy
 Hill, Edward James, Baron Hill ( 1914-1918 ), with Royal Marines Engineers
 Hill, Geoffrey Noel, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Hill, George Chenevix, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hill, Guy Charles Dunlop
 Hill, Harold Percivale
 Hill, Henry Alan
 Hill, Henry Blyth, 6th Bt., and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hill, Hubert George Morgan
 Hill, John Francis
 Hill, John Kenyon, in British East Africa
Hill, Randle Edward
 Hill, Richard Augustus Sandys
 Hill, Robert Sale, where he was wounded
 Hill, Rowland Clement Ridley, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hill-Trevor, Charles Edward, 3r
Hill-Trevor, Hillyar George Ed
 Hill-Trevor, Marcus Richard
Hills, William Frederick Walli
 Hilton, Conrad Nicholson ( 1918 )
Hind, Lawrence Arthur
 Hirst, Geoffrey Frederick Robe
 Hirst, Harold Hugh, attached to Royal Engineers Signals
 Hoare, Evelyn Melville
Hoare, Gerard Benyon Croft
Hoare, Henry Colt Arthur
 Hoare, Keith Robin, with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Hoare, Percival Hugh Trench
Hoare, Reginald Arthur
 Hoare, Robert Rawdon ( 1914-1918 )
 Hoare, Samuel John Gurney, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Hoare, Vincent Robertson
 Hobart, Claud Vere Cavendish, 2, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hobart, Percy Cleghorn Stanley
 Hobart-Hampden, Arthur Edward, in the Royal Flying Corps
Hobart-Hampden, George Miles A
Hobhouse, Paul Edward
Hoblyn, Walter Frederick
 Hodder-Williams, Ralph Wilfred, where he was wounded
 Hodges-Nugent, Charles Hugh Ho ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hodgins, Arthur E.
 Hodson, Edmond Adair, 5th Bt., and was mentioned in despatches
 Hodson, Francis Lord Charlton, , where he was wounded
 Hodson, Gerald Lord
 Hodson, Gilbert Stanley
Hodson, Hubert Bernard
 Hogg, Arthur Ramsey, 7th Bt., where he was wounded twice
 Hogg, Ian Graham
 Hogg, Kenneth Weir, 6th Bt., where he was wounded
 Hoghton, Cuthbert, 12th Bt.
 Hoghton, Guy, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
Hoghton, Vere
Hohenau, Friedrich, Count von H ( 1914-1918 )
Hohenau, Friedrich-Franz ( 1914-1918 )
 Hohler, Arthur Preston, where he was mentioned in despatches
Holbech, William Hugh
Holcroft, Gilbert Culcheth
 Holland, Cedric Swinton ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Holland, John Dixon Cuyler
 Holland, Lancelot ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Holland, Michael James
 Holland, Stuart Lund, 2nd Baron ( 1914-1919 )
Holland, Thomas Welsby
Holland, William Francis Charl
 Holland-Hibbert, Thurstan, 4th
Hollings, John Herbert Butler
 Hollins, Frank Hubert, 3rd Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
Hollist, Anthony May Capron
 Hollist, Gerald Wetherell Capr
 Holman, Adrian ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Holmes ŕ Court, Alan Worsley, and was mentioned in despatches
 Holmes ŕ Court, Arthur Worsley, with the Canadian Expeditionary Force, and was gassed and wounded
 Holmes ŕ Court, Leonard, 4th Ba
 Holmes ŕ Court, Reginald Ashe, where he was wounded
 Holmes ŕ Court, Richard Willia, where he was wounded
 Holmes ŕ Court, Rupert Edward, where he was wounded
 Holmes ŕ Court, William Alexan, where he was severely wounded
 Holt, Herbert Paton ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Home, James, of Blackadder, 11t, in France and Belgium
Hone, Nathaniel Frederick
 Hone, Percy Frederick, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hone, Thomas Nathaniel, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Hone, William Patrick
 Honywood, William Wynne, 10th B, and was mentioned in despatches three times
Hood, Charles Ivo Sinclair
 Hood, Edward, in France, and and was mentioned in despatches
Hood, Maurice Henry Nelson, in the Royal Naval Division
 Hood, Neville Albert
 Hooper, Frederic Collins, 1st B
 Hope Johnstone, Charles John
 Hope Johnstone, David Percy
Hope Johnstone, Henry Murray ( 1914-1917 )
Hope Johnstone, William Gordon
 Hope, Arthur Clement, where he was wounded
 Hope, Arthur Henry Cecil
 Hope, Arthur Oswald James, 2nd, he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Hope, Charles Melbourne
 Hope, Douglas Edmund, as RTO
Hope, George Everard
 Hope, George Webley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, Graham Archibald
 Hope, Henry John, 3rd Baron Ran, he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Hope, Herbert Willes Webley
 Hope, Hugh Lewis, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded three times
 Hope, James
Hope, James Horatio, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Hope, James, 2nd Bt.
 Hope, John Alexander Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, John Augustus, of Craigha, where he was wounded
 Hope, John Charles David
 Hope, John Urmson, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, Laurence Nugent
 Hope, Lucius Charles, where he was severely wounded
 Hope, Richard Berwick, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2n, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, William Douglas
 Hope-Dunbar, Charles Dunbar, of
 Hope-Vere, James Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hope-Vere, Ralph Jean James, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Hope-Wallace, James
Hopkins, James Randolph Innes
 Hopwood, Alfred Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
 Hopwood, Francis John, 3rd Baro
 Hopwood, James Spencer Neill, 2 ( 1915-1916 )
 Hordern, Archibald Frederick ( 1914-1919 )
 Hordern, Arthur Venables Calve ( 1915-1918 ), with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Hordern, Charles ( 1914-1919 )
 Hordern, Clifford Willoughby P ( 1915-1918 )
 Hordern, Edward Joseph Calvele
 Hordern, Gwyn Venables, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
Hordern, Herbert Radcliffe
 Hordern, Herle Maudslay
 Hordern, Hugh Maudslay
 Hordern, Lionel Herbert ( 1914 )
 Hordern, Philip ( 1914-1919 )
 Hore-Belisha, Leslie, 1st and l, with the Royal Fusiliers and the Public Schools Battalion, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Gore A, where he was severely wounded
 Hore-Ruthven, Christian Malise, where he was wounded, and mentioned in despatches
 Hore-Ruthven, Walter James, 9th, with the Rifle Brigade, even though aged 76
 Hore-Ruthven, Walter Patrick, 1, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times and was wouned
 Horlick, James Nockells, 4th Bt, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hornby, Henry Russell, 2nd Bt. ( 1914-1919 )
Hornby, William Raymond
 Horne, Alan Edgar, 2nd Bt., and was mentioned in despatches four times
 Horne, Henry Sinclair, 1st and ( 1914-1918 )
 Horne, Robert Stevenson, 1st Vi
 Horne, William Guy, where he became a POW
Horner, Edward William
Hornung, John Peter
Horsfall, Cedric Fawcett
 Horsley-Beresford, Henry Willi
 Hort, Aylmer Victor Dyson ( 1916-1919 )
 Hort, Fenton George, 7th Bt., with the Royal Engineers
 Horthy, Miklós
Hoskyns, Chandos Benedict Arde, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Hoskyns, Edwyn Cecil Leigh
 Hoskyns, Edwyn Clement, 13th Bt ( 1915-1919 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Hoskyns-Abrahall, Christopher
 Hoskyns-Abrahall, James, with the Australian Imperial Force, and was wounded
 Hoskyns-Abrahall, Theo Chandos, where he was wounded
Hoste, William Graham, 4th Bt.
Hostetter, Theodore R.
 Hotham, Charles Ernest, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hotham, John
 Hotham, John Clarence
 Hotham, William Montagu
 Houldsworth, William Thomas Re
 Houstoun-Boswall, Charles
Houstoun-Boswall, George Regin
 Houstoun-Boswall, Gordon, of Bl
 Houstoun-Boswall, John Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Houstoun-Boswall, William Evel, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Howard, Algar Henry Stafford, where he was wounded
 Howard, Arthur Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Howard, Arthur Jared Palmer, where he was wounded
Howard, Bernard Henry
 Howard, Bernard Henry Esmé, where he was wounded, beacame a POW and escaped
 Howard, Bertram Marcus, with the East Riding Yeomanry
 Howard, Charles Alfred, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Howard, Charles Wilbraham John
 Howard, Donald Sterling Palmer
 Howard, Edmund John, with the Royal Artillery
 Howard, Francis
 Howard, George Josslyn L'Estra
Howard, Henry Charles Mowbray, where he was mentioned in despatches
Howard, Henry Molyneux Paget, 1
 Howard, Henry Mowbray
 Howard, James Knyvett Estcourt
 Howard, Leslie
Howard, Lyulph Walter Mowbray
 Howard, Michael Francis Staffo
 Howard, Richard Fitzroy
Howard, Robert Henry Palmer
 Howard, Robert John
 Howard, William Gilbert
 Howard-Bury, Charles Kenneth, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times, and became a POW
 Howard-Sneyd, Henry Ralph Mowb ( 1914-1916 )
Howe, Gilbert Frederick Temple
 Howe, Thomas Edward Barham, where he was mentioned in despatches
Howell, Philip
 Hoyer Millar, Robert Christian
Hubbard, Bertram John
 Hubbard, Francis Spencer
 Hubbard, Gerald Napier, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Hubbard, Harold Evelyn, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Hubbard, John Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hubbard, John Gellibrand, 3rd B ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hudson, Robert Arthur
 Hudson, Savile Ernest
 Huggins, Godfrey Martin, 1st Vi
 Huggins, John ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Huggins, Philip Michael, in East Africa
 Hughes, Alfred Collingwood, 10t, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hughes, Alfred Marcus
 Hughes, Frederic St. John
Hughes, John Walter
 Hughes, Richard Edgar, 13th Bt.
 Hughes, Wilfred Selwyn Kent
Hughes-Onslow, Denzil, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Hughes-Onslow, Geoffrey Henry
 Hughes-Onslow, Oliver, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hulse, Edward Hamilton Westrow, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hulton, Alan Edward Grey
Hulton-Harrop, Hugh de Lacy
Hume, Edward Archibald
 Hume, John Elgar, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hume, John James Francis ( 1914-1917 )
Hume-Wright, Maurice Gabriel
Humphreys, Dashwood William Ha
 Humphreys, George Geoffrey Pre
 Hungerford, Clarence
 Hungerford, Richard Geoffrey S, with the Canadian Engineers
 Hungerford, Winspeare Toye
Hunt, George Ward
Hunt, Gerald Ponsonby Sneyd
 Hunt-Grubbe, Brudenell ( 1914-1919 )
 Hunter Blair, Alister
 Hunter Blair, Colin Edward, where he was wounded
 Hunter Blair, David Walter, where he became a POW
 Hunter Blair, Edward, of Dunske
 Hunter Blair, Forbes Cromartie, in Gallipoli, Salonika and Egypt
Hunter Blair, Gaspard Patrick
 Hunter Blair, James, of Dunskey, where he was wounded
 Hunter Blair, Ronald
 Hunter Blair, Walter Charles ( 1914-1916 )
 Hunter, Joseph Charles
Hunter, Martin
 Hunter, Richard Jocelyn
 Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27 ( 1914-1919 ), and was mentioned in despatches ten times
 Huntington-Whiteley, Herbert M, where he was wounded
 Hutchinson, Ambrose
 Hutchinson, Arthur Heap, where he was wounded
 Hutchinson, Frederick Heap
 Hutchinson, Geoffrey Clegg, Bar ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded
Hutchinson, John Summerscales
 Hutchinson, William Henry Heap, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Hutchison, Cecil Tait ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Hutchison, Eric Alexander Ogil ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hutchison, James Riley Holt, of, with Lanarkshire Yeomanry and Indian Cavalry
 Hutchison, Robert, 1st and last ( 1914-1918 )
 Hutchison, Thomas Holt ( 1917 ), with Royal Naval Air Service
 Hutchison, William Oliphant
 Illingworth, Henry Cyril Harke ( 1914-1917 )
 Imbert-Terry, Claude Henry Max, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Imbert-Terry, Douglas Philip, where he was wounded
 Imbert-Terry, Frederic Bouhier, and was mentioned in despatches
 Imbert-Terry, Henry Bouhier, 2n, and was mentioned in despatches twice
Impey, John Eugene
 Ingilby, John Uchtred Macdowal
 Ingleby-Mackenzie, Kenneth Ale ( 1916-1918 )
 Ingram, Bruce Stirling
 Ingram, Collingwood
 Ingram, Herbert, 2nd Bt.
 Ingram, Thomas Lewis
 Inman, Philip Albert, 1st Baron ( 1915-1916 ), when he was invalided
 Innes, Alexander
Innes, Alexander Berowald
 Innes, Athol Rupert ( 1917 ), with 15th Battalion, 1st Australian Imperial Force, and was wounded at Passchendaele
Innes, Donald McLeod
 Innes, Edward Henry
 Innes, Francis Allsopp
 Innes, Harold Goodwin
Innes, Patrick McLeod
Innes, Richard Pemberton
 Innes, Sydney Armitage, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Innes-Cross, Sydney Maxwell
 Innes-Ker, Alastair Robert, where he was wounded
 Innes-Ker, Henry John, 8th Duke ( 1914-1915 ), where he was severely wounded
 Innes-Ker, Robert Edward, where he was wounded
 Inskip, John Hampden
 Irby, Cecil Eustace, 8th Baron
 Irby, Gerald Howard Boteler, 9t ( 1915-1918 )
 Irby, Leonard Paul
Ireland, John Balfour
 Iremonger, Harold Edward Willi, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Ironside, William Edmund, 1st B, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Irvine, Quentin Hugh Innes
 Irvine-Fortescue, Archer, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Irvine-Fortescue, John Faithfu
 Irvine-Fortescue, William Gren ( 1915-1918 )
 Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marqu, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Isham, Henry Euseby Murray
 Isham, John Vere
 Isham, Vere Arthur Richard, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and ( 1914-1918 )
 Jackson, Basil Hippisley
Jackson, Claude Stewart, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Jackson, Egbert Brooke, with the 17th Battalion, New Zealand Expeditionary Forces
 Jackson, Ernest Somerville, where he was mentioned in desptaches
Jackson, Geoffrey Laird, where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Jackson, George Herbert, 2nd Ba, in the Army Ordnance Department
 Jackson, George Julius, 3rd Bt., where he was wounded
 Jackson, Guy Rolf, where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Jackson, Harold D'Aguilar, with U.S. Engineers in France
 Jackson, Henry Humphrey, where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Jackson, Hugh Nicholas, 2nd Bt.
 Jackson, Thomas Dare, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Jackson, Walter David Russell, , where he was mentioned in despatches
Jackson, William Brabazon Math
 Jackson, William Frederick, 1st ( 1914-1916 ), where he became an invalid
Jackson-Taylor, Curzon
 Jacob, Frederick Arthur
Jacobson, Lyonel Hugh
 Jaffray, Hugh Alexander, where he was wounded
Jaffray, John Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Jaffray, William Edmund, 4th Bt
 Jager, Arthur Noel Richardson
James, Archibald Hugh
 James, Archibald William Henry ( 1914-1919 )
 James, Arthur Godfrey ( 1914-1918 )
James, Bernard Ashworth
 James, Bernard Ramsden ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 James, Charles Ashton ( 1914-1919 )
James, George Millais
 James, Gerard Bowes Kingston, 7
 James, Philip William
 James, Renouard Eliot
 James, Thomas Norman ( 1914-1918 )
 James, William Bernard
 Jamieson, Chandos Wyndham
 Janner, Barnett, Baron Janner, with Royal Garrison Artillery
 Janson, Charles Wilfred
Jardine, Arthur Hugh
 Jardine, Colin Arthur, 3rd Bt., where he was wounded three times, and was mentioned in despatches four times
 Jardine, Francis Alexander Las, where he was wounded
 Jardine, John Eric Birdwood, 2n, in Mesopotamia, where he was mentioned in desptaches
Jardine, John Lodge Murray
 Jardine, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1914-1919 )
 Jardine, Kenneth William Seymo
 Jardine, Lionel Westrop, in Mesopotamia, where he was mentioned in desptaches and was severely wounded
 Jauncey, John Henry, of Tullich
 Jebb, Gladwyn Dundas
 Jebb, Joshua Henry Miles, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Jeffcock, Harold Charles Firth
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Ba, where he was severely wounded
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth
 Jenkins, David Llewelyn, Baron ( 1918 )
 Jenkinson, John Banks, where he was mentioned in despatches
Jephson, Edward Jermy
 Jerningham, William Henry Staf
 Jervis, John Cyril Carnegie
 Jessel, George, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Jessel, Herbert Merton, 1st Bar, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Jessel, Richard Hugh
 Jocelyn, Robert Soame, 8th Earl
Johnson, Alfred William
 Johnson, Allen Edwin
 Johnson, Allen Victor, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded three times
 Johnson, Elliot Philipse ( 1914 ), in Mesopotamia, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Johnson, Guy Allen Colpoys Orm, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Johnson, Henry Allen Beaumont, ( 1914-1916 )
 Johnson, Henry Allen William, 4, where he was mentioned in despatches
Johnson, Laurence Frederick
 Johnson, Percy Eliot
 Johnson, Ralph Harold Ormsby, with New Zealand Forces in Palestine
Johnson, Robert Warren
 Johnson, Stanley
 Johnson, William Gillilan
 Johnson-Ferguson, Edward Alexa, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Johnston, Charles Moore
Johnston, Horace James
Johnston, Randal William MacDo
 Johnston, Thomas Kelly Evans, on London District Staff
 Johnston-Saint, Peter, where he was wounded
 Johnstone, Charles Arthur
 Johnstone, George Horace, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Johnstone, Gilbert Lumley
Johnstone, John Andrew
 Johnstone, Montague Joseph Cha
Johnstone, Reginald Fitzroy Le
 Johnstone, Richard Noel
 Johnstone-Douglas, Walter Henr
 Johnstone-Scott, Charles ( 1915 ), in German South-West Africa
 Joicey, Hugh Edward, 3rd Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Joicey, James Arthur, 2nd Baron
Joicey, Sydney James Drever
Joicey-Cecil, John Francis Jam
 Joicey-Cecil, John Pakenham
 Jolliffe, Berkeley Gerald Hylt
 Jolliffe, Conyers Herbert
 Jolliffe, William George Herve
Jones, Henry Richard Inigo
 Jones, Lawrence Evelyn, 5th Bt., where he was wounded and became a POW
 Joseph, Samuel George, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Joynson-Hicks, Richard Cecil, 2 ( 1915 ), where he was wounded
 Kavanagh, Charles Toler MacMor
 Kavanagh, Dermot MacMorrough, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kay-Shuttleworth, Edward James
Kay-Shuttleworth, Lawrence Ugh, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Kaye, Henry Gordon, 2nd Bt., in France and Salonika, and was wounded
 Keane, John, 5th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Keane, Richard Henry
 Kearley, Gerald Chester, 2nd Vi, in Scots Guards and Remount Service
Keenleyside, Guy Francis Headl
 Keightley, Philip Charles Russ
 Keith, James, Baron Keith of Av, with the Seaforth Highlanders
 Keith-Falconer, Adrian Wentwor
 Keith-Falconer, Arthur George, ( 1914-1918 )
Keith-Murray, Alastair William
Keith-Murray, Walter Herbert
 Kemeys-Tynte, Charles Theodore ( 1915-1918 )
 Kemmis-Betty, Harry Mervyn ( 1914-1919 ), commanding the repair ship Assistance at Scapa Flow
 Kemp, George, 1st Baron Rochdal
 Kennard, Howard John
Kennard, Maurice Nicholl
Kennard, Terence Evelyn
 Kennard, Vivian George
Kennaway, Arthur Lewis
Kennedy, Archibald Edward
 Kennedy, Archibald, 4th Marques
 Kennedy, Aubrey Leo ( 1914-1919 )
Kennedy, Charles Seecombe Crau
 Kennedy, Edward Coverley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kennedy, Francis Henry
 Kennedy, Francis William, he was mentioned in despatches twice
Kennedy, Horas Tristram
 Kennedy, Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches
Kennedy, Humphfrey Hayes
 Kennedy, John Gilbert
Kennedy, John Horace
Kennedy, John Patrick Francis
Kennedy, John Pitt
 Kennedy, John Ralph Bayly, 4th
Kennedy, Paul Adrian
Kennedy, Ronald Bayly Craven
 Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, Willi, and was mentioned in despatches three times
Kenny, Bernard William
 Kenworthy, Joseph Montague, 10t
 Kenyon, Edward Ranulph, he was mentioned in despatches five times and was wounded
 Kenyon, Guy Victor
 Kenyon, Harold Anthony, where he was wounded
 Kenyon, Herbert Edward, he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Kenyon, Joseph Robert, he was mentioned in despatches
 Kenyon, William Patrick ( 1917-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Kenyon-Slaney, Francis Gerald, he was mentioned in despatches
 Kenyon-Slaney, Philip Percy, he was mentioned in despatches
 Kenyon-Slaney, Robert Orlando, where he was wounded
 Kenyon-Slaney, Walter Rupert ( 1914 )
 Keppel, Albert Edward George A, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Keppel, Arnold Ramsay
 Keppel, Frederick George
 Keppel, George
 Keppel, Rupert Oswald Derek, where he was wounded and taken as a prisoner of war
 Keppel, Walter Egerton George ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ker, Charles Arthur
Ker-Gulland, Reginald Glover
 Kerans, Edward Thomas John
 Kerr, Basil
 Kerr, Charles Ian, 1st Baron Te, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Kerr, Charles Lester, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Kerr, David Anselm
 Kerr, Frederick Walter
Kerr, Frederick Walter, with the BEF, where he was mentioned in despatches
Kerr, Henry Grace
 Kerr, John David, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kerr, Louis William Howard
 Kerr, Mark Edward Frederick, where he was wounded and gassed
 Kerr, Mark Peregrine Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kerr, Philip Walter
 Kerr, William Walter Raleigh, with the BEF
Kerr-Clark, Struan Robertson
 Kerr-Smiley, Peter Kerr
 Kerrich, John Herbert
 Kershaw, Frank
 Kerwood, Lionel
Kevill-Davies, William Albert
 Keyes, Adrian St. Vincent, in the Dardenlles
 Keyes, Terence Humphrey ( 1914-1917 ), in Meospotamia, Persian Gulf and South Persia
Kidston, William Hamilton Camp
 Kimber, Guy Mackenzie
Kimber, Henry Cyril Dixon
 Kindersley, Guy Molesworth, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Kindersley, Hugh Kenyon Molesw ( 1917-1919 )
Kindersley, Lionel Nassau
 King, Alexander William, 6th Bt
King, Andrew Buchanan
King, Arthur Montague
 King, John Francklyn ( 1914-1918 ), where he served in Egypt and Flanders, and was mentioned in despatches and won three medals
 King, William Albert de Courcy
 King, William Augustus Henry
 King, Wingfield Charles Gerald, where he was wounded
 King-Hall, William Stephen, Bar ( 1914-1918 ), with the Grand Fleet and 11th Submarine Flotilla
King-Harman, Lawrence Hope
 King-Harman, Robert Douglas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 King-Harman, Wentworth Alexand, where he was mentioned in despatches
 King-Tenison, Henry Edwyn, 9th ( 1914-1918 )
 King-Tenison, Robert Henry Eth
 Kingscote, Algernon Robert Fit ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Kingscote, Edric Thomas, in the 2nd Battalion, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Reigment
 Kingscote, Maurice John ( 1914-1919 )
 Kington, Steuart Brabazon ( 1916-1918 ), in the Royal Flying Corps, serving in France
Kington, William Miles
 Kington-Blair-Oliphant, Philip, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Kinloch, David Alexander, of Gi, he was mentioned in despatches
 Kinloch, James
Kinnaird, Arthur Middleton, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Kinnaird, Douglas Arthur, Maste
 Kinnaird, Kenneth Fitzgerald, 1 ( 1914-1918 )
 Kinnaird, Patrick Charles, where he was wounded
Kirkpatrick, Athol
 Kirkpatrick, Charles, and he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Kirkpatrick, Harry Fearnley, and he was mentioned in despatches three time
 Kirkpatrick, Thomas Frederick
 Kirwan-Taylor, Harold George, with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Kitchener, Henry Elliott Cheva, in South-Est Africa
 Kitchener, Henry Franklin Chev
 Kitson, Roland Dudley, 3rd Baro, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Knatchbull, George Wyndham Chi ( 1914 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Knatchbull, Michael Herbert Ru, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Knatchbull, Reginald Norton
 Knatchbull, Wyndham Persse
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Adrian No
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Everard
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Maurice A
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Wyndham W
 Knollys, Edward George William
Knollys, Frederick Roger Alexa
 Knox, Alfred William Fortescue
 Knox, Cecil Leonard, V.C.
 Knox, Columb Thomas, where he was wounded
 Knox, Harry Hugh Sidney, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
Knox, James Meldrum
 Knox, John Needham, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Knox, Leonard Needham ( 1915-1920 )
 Knox, Thomas Uchter Caulfield, ( 1914-1915 )
 Knox, William Humphreys ( 1916-1918 )
Koehler, Wolfgang
Kollmann, Siegfried
 Labertouche, Guy Neal
 Lacon, George Haworth Ussher, 6, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Lacon, Henry Reginald Dunbar
Lacon, Sidney John Boileau
Laithwaite, Alan
 Lake, Hubert Geoffrey, where he was invalided
Lake, Noel Graham
 Lakin, Michael Lawrence, and he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lakin, Richard, 2nd Bt.
Lamb, John
Lambart, Charles Edward Kilcou
 Lambart, Edgar Alan ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lambart, Ernest Oliver Cavan ( 1914-1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lambart, Ford Augustus Oliver ( 1917-1919 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10t, where he was mentioned in despatches nine times
Lambart, Gerald Edgar Oliver F
 Lambart, Henry Godfrey Randolp
 Lambart, Horace Edward Samuel
 Lambart, Julian Harold Legge
Lambart, Lionel John Olive, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lambart, Percy Francis
 Lambart, Richard Frederick Lac, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lambert, Alexander Fane
 Lambert, Cecil Foley
 Lambert, Cyril de Courcy
 Lambert, D'Arcy Richard
 Lambert, Francis Courtenay
Lambert, Francis Henry
 Lambert, Francis John
 Lambert, Henry Alexander
 Lambert, Mervyn Hyacinth
 Lambert, Walter Odwin Hutton
 Lambert, Walter Peter, with Connaught Rangers and on Staff
 Lambert, William Robert, where he was wounded
 Lambton, Claud, where he was wounded
Lambton, Francis
Lambton, Geoffrey
 Lambton, John Frederick, 5th Ea, where he was wounded
 Lambton, William, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Lampson, Adam Cathcart, he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Lampson, Curtis George, 3rd Bt.
Landsberg-Velen, Hermann Josep
 Lane, Frank Nowell
Lane, Percy Ernald
 Lane, William Arbuthnot, 2nd Bt ( 1914-1918 )
 Lane-Fox, George Richard, 1st a ( 1914 ), where he was wounded, and mentioned in despatches
 Lang, Arthur, and was invalided out in 1917
 Langdale, Charles Adrian Josep
Langford, Colin Cecil
 Langford, Edward Gilliat, and was mentioned in despatches
Langrishe, Hercules Ralph
 Langrishe, Hercules Robert, 5th, in the Mediterranean and Russia
 Langrishe, John du Plessis
 Langrishe, Richard Bellingham
 Langrishe, Terence Hume, 6th Bt
 Larcom, Thomas Perceval, 3rd Bt, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Lascelles, Alan Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lascelles, Edward Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lascelles, Ernest, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lascelles, Evelyn Herbert, where he was wounded
 Lascelles, Francis William, where he was wounded
 Lascelles, George Reginald
Lascelles, Guy Ernest
 Lascelles, Henry Francis, with the Welsh Guards
 Lascelles, Henry George Charle, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded twice
 Lascelles, John Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lascelles, John Norman Pultene, where he was wounded
 Lascelles, Ronald Hastings
 Latham, Charles, 1st Baron Lath
 Latta, James Douglas
 Laurie, George Brenton
 Laurie, John Emilius, of Maxwel, and he was mentioned in despatches
Laurie, Wilfrid Walter
 Law, Adrian Aloysius Sherwood
 Law, Augustus Leonard Paget ( 1916 ), where he was severely wounded
Law, Charles ( 1914 )
 Law, Frederick Wilfred
 Law, Harrington
 Law, Henry Astell, 7th Baron El, where he was mentioned in despatches
Law, James Kidston
Law, Thomas Pakenham
 Law, William Victor
 Lawes, John Claud, 4th Bt.
 Lawrence, Charles Trevor ( 1917-1918 ), in Nigeria
 Lawrence, Charles Trevor, 2nd B, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Lawrence, Christopher Hal
Lawrence, Frank Helier
 Lawrence, Geoffrey Lawrence, 3r, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lawrence, Henry Walter Neville, where he was wounded twice
 Lawrence, Herbert Alexander
Lawrence, Malcolm Eyton
Lawrence, Michael Charles
Lawrence, Oliver John
 Lawrence, Percy Roland Bradfor, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Lawrence, Thomas Edward, assisting the Arabs to rise up against the Ottomans
Lawrence, William George
Lawson, Arthur Bertram, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Lawson, Digby, 2nd Bt., and he was mentioned in despatches
 Lawson, Edward Frederick, 4th B, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Lawson, John James, 1st and las, with the Royal Field Artillery
 Lawson-Tancred, Thomas Selby, 9
 Layard, Austen Havelock, in Egypt and Salonika
 Layard, Charles Peter Julius, in Belgium and France, and was mentioned in despatches four times and was wounded twice
 Layard, Raymond Julius, with the Royal Flying Corps
 Le Fanu, George Ernest Hugh ( 1914-1916 ), in the Togoland Campaign
 Le Marchant, Edward Thomas, 4th
Le Marchant, Spencer Henry
Le Poer Trench, Frederick Powe
 Leach, Elaine Carlisle ( 1914-1915 ), with the V.A.D., and was mentioned in despatches
 Leask, Alfred Ernest
 Leask, Charles Thornton
 Leask, John
 Leatherland, Charles Edward, Ba ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Lechmere, Nicholas George Berw
 Lechmere, Ronald Berwick Hunge ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Lee, Arthur Hamilton, 1st and l ( 1914-1915 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Lee, Lennox Cleland
Lee, Noel, at Gallipoli
Lee, Noel Esmund
 Lee, Richard Phillips
 Lee-Dillon, Robert Francis ( 1914-1919 )
Leeds, John de Cerwick
 Leeds, Reginald Arthur St. Joh
 Leeds, Thomas Louis, and he was mentioned in despatches
Lees, Edmund Hastings Harcourt
 Lees, Jean Marie Ivor, 6th Bt.
Lees, John Arnold
 Lees, John Victor Elliott, 3rd, where he was severely wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
Lees, Thomas Evans Keith, 2nd B
 Lees, Thomas Orde Hans
 Leese, Clive
 Leese, Neville, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Leese, Oliver William Hargreav, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Legard, Charles
Legard, Geoffrey Philip
Legard, George Bruce, he was mentioned in despatches
Legard, Ralph Hawksworth
Legard, Reginald John
 Legard, Roger Alexander
 Legard, d'Arcy, he was mentioned in despatches
Legge, Gerald
 Legge, Heneage Cecil
 Legge, Hugh
 Legge, Humphrey, 8th Earl of Da, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legge, John Augustus ( 1915-1920 ), as a Naval Transport Officer, and was mentioned in despatches
 Legge, John Douglas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legge, Montague George Bentinc, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legge, Ronald George
 Legge, Walter Traversari, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legge, William Kaye, where he was mentioned in despatches
Legge-Bourke, Nigel Walter
 Legh, Hubert Cornwall, as a brigade commander
 Legh, Piers Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legh, Richard William Davenpor
 Leicester, Byron ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Leicester, Charles Byrne Warre ( 1914-1918 )
 Leicester, George William Fred ( 1914 ), where he was wounded and became a POW
 Leicester-Warren, Cuthbert
Leigh, Chandos
 Leigh, Francis Dudley, 3rd Baro
 Leigh, John Cecil Gerard ( 1914-1919 )
Leigh, John Egerton ( 1914-1917 )
 Leigh-Pemberton, Robert Dougla
 Leighton, Bertie Edward Parker, where he was wounded
 Leighton, Bryan Baldwyn Mawddd
 Leighton, Charlton Dudley Fore
Leighton, John Burgh Talbot, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Leighton, Richard Tihel, 10th B, where he was wounded and became a POW
Leiningen, Emich Ernst Hermann
 Leith, Alexander Robert, where he was wounded
 Leith-Buchanan, Charles John, where he was wounded
 Leith-Buchanan, George Hector, he was mentioned in despatches
 Leith-Buchanan, Thomas Tod
 Lendrum, Alan Cane
 Lendrum, Marcus Beresford, with Royal Irish Fusiliers
 Lennard, Henry Arthur Hallam F ( 1914-1918 )
 Lennard, Stephen Arthur Hallam ( 1918-1919 )
 Lenox-Conyngham, Hubert Maxwel, where he was mentioned in despatches
Lenox-Conyngham, John Staples
 Lenox-Conyngham, William Arbut
Lentaigne, Victor Aloysius
Lerchenfeld, Ludwig
 Leslie, Norman Evelyn, 19th Ear, where he was wounded
Leslie, Norman Jerome Beaucham
Leslie, Reginald Frederick Stu
 Leslie-Melville, Alexander Bro, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Leslie-Melville, Archibald Ale, where he was wounded
 Leslie-Melville, Ian
 Leslie-Melville, Norman Victor
 Lethbridge, Duncan John Leghe
 Lethbridge, Ernest Astley Edmu, in Mesopotamia, and where he was mentioned in despatches twice and became a POW
 Lethbridge, Hector Wrath, 6th B ( 1917-1918 )
 Lethbridge, John George Jules
 Lethbridge, Walter Alexander C
 Lethbridge, Walter Miguel
 Lett, Hugh, 1st Bt. ( 1914-1916 ), in France and Belgium
 Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh
 Leveson-Gower, Charles Cameron, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Leveson-Gower, Clement Edward
 Leveson-Gower, Henry Dudley Gr, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Leveson-Gower, Osbert Charles
 Leveson-Gower, Philip, where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Leveson-Gower, Richard Henry G
Leveson-Gower, Ronald Charles
Leveson-Gower, William George
 Leveson-Gower, William Spencer, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Levinge, Arthur Tenison
 Levinge, Charles Horace
 Levinge, Frederick Rufane
 Levinge, George Edward
 Levinge, George Marcus Tenison, where he was wounded
Levinge, Gerald Henry
Levinge, Harry George
Levinge, Henry Marcus Tenison
 Levinge, Reginald Augustus, he was mentioned in despatches
 Levinge, Richard Hugh
Levinge, Richard William, 10th
 Levy Lever, Arthur, 1st Bt.
 Levy-Lawson, Harry Lawson Webs, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Levy-Lawson, William Arnold We, where he was mentioned in despatches
Levy-Lawson, William Bernard W
Lewis, James Windsor
Lewthwaite, Charles Gilfrid, he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Lewthwaite, William, 2nd Bt.
 Ley, Christopher Francis Aden
Ley, Geoffrey Arthur Henry
 Ley, Henry Gordon, 2nd Bt.
Ley, Maurice Aden
Ley, Maurice Carew
 Leyland, Reginald Hamilton
Lichtenberg, Gottfried
 Liddell, Cecil Frederick Josep, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Liddell, David Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Liddell, Geoffrey William, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Liddell, Guy Maynard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Liddell, John Sinclair
 Liddell, William Andrew ( 1914-1918 )
 Liddell-Grainger, Henry Hubert, where he was wounded
Liebert, Bernard Robert
Liechtenstein, Heinrich
 Lighton, Christopher Robert, 8t, where he was wounded
 Lindemann, Frederick Alexander, as an experimental pilot
 Lindesay-Bethune, Reginald, 12t
 Lindley, John Edward
 Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches
Lindsay, Archibald Thurston Th
Lindsay, Claud Frederic Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay, David Howard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay, Edward Reginald
Lindsay, Francis Howard
 Lindsay, George Mackintosh ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay, Henry Edith Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lindsay, Henry Edzell Morgan
 Lindsay, James Howard ( 1914-1917 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay, John Colin Howard ( 1914-1919 )
 Lindsay, Lionel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay, Walter Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay, Walter Patrick, where he was wounded
 Line, James
Ling, Percy John
Lippe-Biesterfeld, Ernst Juliu
Lippe-Biesterfeld, Friedrich W
Lippe-Weissenfeld, Ernst
 Lister-Kaye, Kenelm Arthur, 5th
 Lithgow, James, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Little, Charles Hope
 Little, Clement William Robert
 Little, Malcolm Orme
Littledale, Robert
Littledale, Willoughby John
 Littleton, Algernon Edward Per
Littleton, Cecil Francis Henry
 Littleton, Charles Christopher ( 1914 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Littleton, Edith Modwena, and was mentioned in despatches
 Littleton, Edward Thomas Walho
 Littleton, Josceline William
 Littleton, Richard Charles Art
 Littleton, William Hugh, where he was wounded
Livesay, George Augustus Bligh
 Livesay, Harry ( 1915-1917 )
 Livesay, Robert O'Hara
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Cecil J ( 1914-1915 )
 Livingstone-Learmonth, David J
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Hugh
 Livingstone-Learmonth, John Er, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Lestock
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Maxwell ( 1914-1918 )
Livingstone-Learmonth, Nigel J
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Ralph
 Llewellin, John Jestyn, 1st Bar ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Llewellin, William Wigan
 Llewellin-Taylour, Alfred Robe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st ( 1914-1918 )
 Llewellyn, William Herbert Cly
 Lloyd George, Gwilym, 1st Visco, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Lloyd, Cyril Gascoigne, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Lloyd, Ernest Alfred Collyer
 Lloyd, Ernest Guy Richard, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lloyd, Frederick Charles, where he was wounded at Gallipoli
 Lloyd, Henry Greame
 Lloyd, Humphrey Clifford
 Lloyd, John Rodney
Lloyd, Lewis John Bucknall
 Lloyd, Meyricke Entwisle
Lloyd, Mostyn William
Lloyd, Owen Robert
 Lloyd, Wilfrid Lewis
Lloyd-Baker, Michael Granville
 Lloyd-Blood, Lancelot Ivan Nep, with the 5th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, (he was mentioned in despatches)
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Ieuan
 Lloyd-Mostyn, James Pryce, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Morys Lancelot, where he was wounded
Lobkowicz, Joseph
 Loch, Edward Douglas, 2nd Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Locker-Lampson, Godfrey Lampso ( 1914-1918 )
Lockwood, Richard William Mark
 Loder, Eric Raymond, and he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Loder, Giles Harold
 Loder, John de Vere, 2nd Baron, in Egypt and Egypt an was where he was mentioned in dispatches
Loder, Robert Egerton, at Gallipoli and Egypt, and was mentioned in despatches
Loder-Symonds, John Frederick
Loder-Symonds, Robert Francis
Loder-Symonds, Thomas Lenthall
Loder-Symonds, William Crawsha
Loe, Degenhard-Bertram
Loe, Klemens
 Loftus, Guy Alvo Greville
Long, Alfred
 Long, Clement Loftus
 Long, Richard Eric Onslow, 3rd, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Long, Samuel Charles
 Long, Walter
 Long, Wilfred James, in France and Salonika, and was mentioned in despatches twice and wounded
 Longbourne, Alfred Conyers
 Longbourne, Francis Cecil
Longbourne, Hugh Richard
 Longbourne, James
Longbourne, William Louis Jenn
 Longton, Francis Peter
Lonsdale, James Raymond McClin
 Lopes, Henry Ludlow, 2nd Baron, as a staff captain
Lousada, Bertie Charles
Lousada, Edward Arthur
 Low, Frederick Stephen
Low, James Morrison
 Low, Stuart
 Lowe, Francis Gordon, 2nd Bt. ( 1916-1919 ), with the Indian Army in Mespotamia, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lowe, John Claude Malcolm, with the Royal Naval Air Service
 Lowis, Ninian ( 1916-1918 ), where he was wounded twice
 Lowis, Penton Shakespear ( 1914-1918 ), on the Western Front
Lowndes, Richard Forbes
 Lownie, James Hood Wilson, in the Royal Engineers
 Lowry-Corry, Adrian
Lowry-Corry, Armar Valentine
Lowry-Corry, Frederick Richard
 Lowry-Corry, Henry Charles, where he was wounded
 Lowry-Corry, Noel Armar ( 1914-1915 )
 Lowry-Corry, Walter
Lowson, Courtenay Patrick Flow
 Lowson, Eleanor Margaret, where she was mentioned in despatches
Lowth, Francis Robert Leslie
Lowth, John Leslie
Lowth, Norman Charles Leslie
 Lowther, Anthony Edward, Viscou
 Lowther, Arthur James Beresfor, where he was wounded
 Lowther, Charles Bingham, 4th B, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lowther, Christopher William, where he was wounded
 Lowther, Henry Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Lowther, Lancelot Edward, 6th E, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lowther, Mildred
Loxley, Arthur Noel
 Loxley, Gerald Herbert
Loxley, Reginald Victor Byron
Loxley, Vere Duncombe
 Loyd, Henry Charles
Luard, Charles Elmhirst
 Luard, Edward Bourryan
 Luard, Lowes Dalbiac, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Lubbock, Alan ( 1915-1918 )
 Lubbock, Alexander Nevile
 Lubbock, Alfred Basil ( 1914 )
Lubbock, Eric Fox Pitt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lubbock, Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches twice, and wounded
 Lubbock, Guy, where he was mentioned in despatches
Lubbock, Harold Fox Pitt
 Lubbock, Merlin Gordon
 Lucas, Alan Reginald Farrar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lucas, Ernest Murray
 Lucas, Evelyn Penn, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Lucas, George William, 1st Baro, with the Royal Naval Air Service
 Lucas, Hubert Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lucas, Jocelyn Morton, 4th Bt., where he was wounded and became a POW
Lucas, Thomas Farquhar
 Lucas-Clements, Shuckburgh Upt
 Lucas-Tooth, Archibald Leonard
 Lucas-Tooth, Douglas Keith Luc, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lucas-Tooth, Selwyn Lucas
Lucie-Smith, Euan
Ludford-Astley, Alexander Giff
 Lugard, Edward James ( 1915-1919 )
Lumbroso, Umberto
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Ea ( 1916-1919 ), where he was wounded
 Lumley, Osbert Victor George A ( 1915-1919 )
Lumley, Richard John
Lumsden, Carlos Barron
 Lumsden, John Fitzhardinge, in France and Palestine
 Lundy, William James, where he was wounded
Lupton, Charles Roger
 Lupton, Francis Ashford
Lupton, Lionel Martineau
Lupton, Maurice
 Lushington, Arthur Patrick Dou
 Lushington, Franklin, where he was wounded
 Lushington, Herbert Castleman, , in Yeomanry
 Lushington, Stephen, where he was mentioned in despatches
Lushington, Sydney Edward Jame
 Lycett Green, Edward Arthur, 3r
 Lycett Green, Francis Denis
 Lygon, Henry ( 1914 ), where he was wounded
 Lygon, Robert, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Lyle, Archibald Moir Park, 2nd, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lyle, Charles Ernest Leonard, 1
Lynch, Colmer William Donald
 Lynch-Blosse, Cecil Eagles, with Poona Horse
 Lynch-Blosse, Francis Courtena, where he was wounded
 Lynch-Blosse, Henry, 15th Bt.
 Lynch-Blosse, Robert Cyril, 13t
 Lynch-Blosse, Robert, 12th Bt.
Lyon, Edward Lycett
Lyon, Francis Charles
 Lyon, Francis Howard
 Lyon, Henry
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Marie Imma
 Lyons, Henry Edward, 1st and la ( 1915-1919 )
 Lyttelton, Archer Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lyttelton, John Cavendish, 9th ( 1915-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lyttelton, Oliver, 1st Viscount
 Lyttelton, Richard Glynne, where he was wounded
 Lyttelton, Stephen Clive
 Lytton, Neville Stephen, 3rd Ea, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Mabane, William, 1st and last B ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
Mac Gregor, John Atholl
 Mac Gregor, Malcolm, of Mac Gre, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 MacAndrew, Charles Glen, 1st Ba, in France
 MacAndrew, James Orr, where he was wounded
 MacDermot, Francis Charles, where he he was mentioned in despatches four times
 MacDermott, John Clarke, Baron
MacGeough Bond, Ralph Shelton
MacGregor, Cortlandt Richard
MacGregor, Kenneth
MacGregor, Thomas Charles Stua
MacLeod, G. Charles Sholto
 MacLeod, George Fielden, Baron
MacLeod, Ian Breac
 MacLeod, John Mackintosh Norma
 MacLeod, Torquil Bright, 16th o, in Gallipoli and the Middle East
 MacNeece Foster, William Foste
Macalpine-Downie, James Robert
Macarthur-Onslow, Arthur Willi
 Macarthur-Onslow, George
 Macarthur-Onslow, James Arthur ( 1917-1918 )
Macartney, Harold Eric Joseph
 Macartney, Henry Dundas Keith, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Macartney, Hussey Burgh George
 Macartney, James Moore
 Macartney-Filgate, Arthur Melv, with Royal Munster Rifles and Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
 Macartney-Filgate, Dermot Lowt, where he was mentioned in despatches
Macartney-Filgate, Desmond Mau, with the Royal Flying Corps
 Macartney-Filgate, Edward John
 Macartney-Filgate, John Victor, where he was wounded twice
 Macartney-Snape, John Edward, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Macdonald, Allan Reginald, 11th
 Macdonald, Donald Ronald
 Macdonald, James Leslie Auld
 Macdonald, William Malcolm Bel ( 1915-1919 ), with Canadian Engineers
 Macdonell, Alasdair Somerled
 Macdougall, Alexander James, 29, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Macdowall, Henry Charles Victo, and was recommended for the Victoria Cross (V.C.), and was a POW
 Macgregor, Robert James M'Conn
Machachlan, Ronald Campbell
Machell, Percy Wilfred
 Mack, Philip John
 Mackay, Kenneth, 2nd Earl of In
Mackenzie, Allan Keith, where he was wounded
 Mackenzie, Colin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackenzie, Eric Dighton, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded three times
 Mackenzie, Hector David, of Gai, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackenzie, Kenneth Gordon
 Mackenzie, Ramsay Malcolm Bolt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackenzie, Roderick Edward Fra, where he was mentioned in despatches
Mackenzie, Roderick Ian
 Mackenzie, Victor Audley Falco, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Mackenzie-Kennedy, Edward Char
 Mackie-Campbell, Geordie Osmon ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackintosh, Angus Alexander, of, and was wounded at Ypres in 1914
 Mackintosh, Harold Vincent, 1st
 Mackintosh, Malcolm Arthur Aen, with Cameron Highlanders
Mackworth, Francis Julian Audl ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackworth, Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackworth, Harry Llewellyn, 8th, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackworth, Philip Herbert
 Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthro
 Maclachlan, Crawford
 Maclaine, Kenneth Douglas Lorn, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Maclaine, Ronald Gillean
Maclay, Ebenezer
Maclay, William Strang
 Maclean, Charles Lachlan
 Maclean, Hector Fitzroy
 Maclean, Henry Donald Neil
 Maclure, John William Spencer,
 Macmillan, Maurice Harold, 1st, where he was wounded three times
 Macnab, Allan James ( 1914-1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Macnabb, Rawdon James ( 1914-1918 ), in France and Palestine
Macnaghten, Arthur Douglas, of
Macnaghten, Arthur Edward Hay
 Macnaghten, Balfour, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Macnaghten, Charles Melville ( 1915-1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Macnaghten, Edward Harry, of Du
 Macnaghten, Ernest Brander, where he was mentioned in despatches eight times
 Macnaghten, Gillichrist Edward
 Macnaghten, Ronald Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Macpherson, Ewan George, of Clu
 Macpherson, George Denis ( 1914-1915 )
 Macpherson, Thomas, 1st Baron M, with Highland Light Infantry
 Macready, Gordon Nevil, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Mactaggart, John Auld, 2nd Bt., where he was wounded
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Madden, Charles Hulbert
Madocks, Henry John
 Magan, Arthur Tilson Shaen, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mainwaring, Watkin Randle Kyna
 Mainwaring-Burton, William, with Royal Engineers
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, And, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Cha, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Cha
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Hen, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Jam
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Joh, where he was severely wounded
 Maitland, Alfred Henry
 Maitland, Angus Charles Marjor, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Maitland, Claud Archibald Scot ( 1914-1918 )
 Maitland, Frederick Colin, 14th, where he was wounded
 Maitland, George Ramsay, 7th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
Maitland, Graham McDonald
 Maitland, John, 6th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Maitland, Keith Andrew Ramsay, and was mentioned in despatches
 Maitland, Reginald Charles Fre, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maitland-Heriot, Charles Adria
 Maitland-Heriot, Edward Errol ( 1916-1918 ), with the Royal Naval Air Service
 Maitland-Heriot, Gerald Ian, with 1st Division Artillery, and was gassed
 Maitland-Heriot, Ralph Lionel, with the Royal Field Artillery, and where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Fre, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Mar, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Makgill, John Donald Alexander
 Makgill, Robert Haldane
 Makins, Ernest, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Makins, Geoffrey
Makins, Hugh
 Malcolm, George Harold ( 1914-1919 )
 Malcolm, Michael Albert James, , where he was severely wounded
 Malcolm, Neill ( 1914-1919 ), where he was severely wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Malet, Alexander Wyndham
 Malet, Clement Hugh Weston Wyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Malet, George Edward Grenville
 Malet, Harry Charles St. Lo, 7t, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Malet, Hugh Arthur Grenville
 Mallett, Douglas Evelyn
 Mallinson, Lancelot Victor
 Mallinson, Stuart Sidney, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Mallock, Charles Herbert
Mandat-Grancey, Jean Charles
 Mander, Charles Arthur, 2nd Bt.
 Mander, Geoffrey Le Mesurier, in the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Field Artillery
Mann, Charles Julian
 Mann, Edward John, 2nd Bt., where he was wounded
 Mann, Francis Thomas, he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded three times
 Mann, William Edgar, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Manners, Francis Henry, 4th Bar, where he was mentioned in despatches
Manners, John Neville, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Manners, Robert William Orland, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Manners-Sutton, Charles Graham ( 1914-1918 )
 Mannix, Edward John
 Mansel, Charles Pleydell
 Mansel, Eustace Philip Belgrav
 Mansel, Rhys Clavell, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Mansel, William Du Pré
Mansel-Pleydell, Edmund Morton
 Mansel-Pleydell, Harry Percy M, where he was mentioned in despatches
Mansel-Pleydell, Henry Grove M, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Mansel-Pleydell, John Morton
 Mansel-Pleydell, Ralph Morton, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Mansfield, James Cleland, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mansfield, John Hamilton
 Mansfield, Ralph Sheldon, 4th B, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Mansfield, William Henry Charl, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Mappin, William Hubert ( 1914-1919 )
March Phillipps de Lisle, Alex
 March Phillipps de Lisle, Ambr ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded twice
 March Phillipps de Lisle, John
 March Phillipps de Lisle, Rudo
 March Phillipps, Edward Willia
March Phillipps, Spencer Lisle
 Margesson, Henry David Reginal
 Marindin, Cecil Colvile ( 1914-1918 )
 Marjoribanks, Dudley Churchill ( 1914 )
Marker, Raymond John
Marker, Thomas Maxwell
 Markham, Charles, 2nd Bt. ( 1918 )
Markham, Montagu Wilfred
Markham, Ronald Antony
 Marling, Percival Scope, 3rd Bt
Marmier, Francois Raynald Etie
 Marrow, Edward Amfield
 Marsden, Percy, with Hodson's Horse
 Marsh, Henry Stanley
Marshall, William
 Marsham, Charles, 6th Earl of R, where he was wounded
 Marsham, John Ralph Theodore, where he was wounded
 Marsham, Keith Henry
 Marsham, Sydney Edward
Marsham-Townshend, Ferdinand
 Marsham-Townshend, Hugh Sydney, where he was wounded
 Marson, Harold Falcon William
 Martin, Charles Hamilton
 Martin, Gerald Hamilton
 Martin, John Bosworth
 Martin, Robert Edmund, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Martin, William Francis
 Martin-Leake, Arthur, V.C. and, he was mentioned in despatches
 Martineau, Horace Robert, V.C., serving in Egypt and Gallipoli
Marwood, Charles Philip Lysagh
 Marwood-Elton, William, where he was mentioned in despatches
Masefield, Charles John Beech
 Mason, Glyn Keith Murray, 2nd B, serving in Salonika and Palestine, and was wounded twice
 Massy, Bertie Errol, where he was wounded and became a POW
Massy, Charles Bute
 Massy, Charles Walter, where he was wounded, and mentioned in despatches twice
 Massy, Creagh Ivor, in the Somme, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Massy, Derek FitzGerald, in Mesopotamia, Palestine and Afghanistan, and was mentioned in despatches
Massy, Haworth Peel
 Massy, Hugh Hamon de Moleyns, where he was wounded
 Massy, Hugh Royds Stokes, where he was mentioned in despatches
Massy, Hugh de Hertal ( 1915 )
 Massy, James Eyre
Massy, John Hamon
 Massy, Lawrence Peel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Massy, Lionel Henry
Massy-Beresford, John Clarina
 Massy-Dawson, Francis Evelyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Massy-Westropp, John Francis R
 Massy-Westropp, Ralph Frederic
 Matcham, William Eyre, with the Remount Depot
 Mather-Jackson, Edward Arthur, ( 1917-1918 )
 Mather-Jackson, George Christo, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Mather-Jackson, Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
Matheson, Alexander Perceval
Matheson, Ian Kenneth
Matheson, Roderick Kyrle
 Matheson, Torquhil George, of L, where he was mentioned in despatches ten times
 Maud, Charles Carus
 Maud, Henry ( 1914-1919 )
 Maud, William Hartley ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Maude, Charles Raymond, and was mentioned in despatches
 Maude, Christian George
Maude, Cornwallis Charles Wynd
 Maude, Edward Frederick
 Maude, Eustace Wyndham, 7th Vis, and was mentioned in despatches
 Maude, Frederick Stanley, and was mentioned in despatches six times
 Maude, George Ashley
Maude, Gervase Henry Francis
 Maude, Hubert William, with the Canadian MMG
Maude, John William Ashley
 Maude, Marcus Beresford, and was mentioned in despatches
Maude, Robert Cornwallis, 6th V
 Maude, Victor Francis, with the Royal Air Force
 Maunsell, Cecil John Cokayne
 Maunsell, Edward Charles Cecil ( 1914-1918 )
 Maunsell, Eustace Ball, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maunsell, Frederick Guy
 Maunsell, Frederick Henry Robe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maunsell, George William, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
Maunsell, George Wyndham
Maunsell, Herbert Stopford
 Maunsell, Ivan O'Grady, with 91st Punjabis and 2nd/89th Punjabis
Maunsell, John William
 Maunsell, Octavius Studdert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maunsell, Philip Mountstuart A
 Maunsell, Sydney Augustus Wray, at Gallipoli and the Western Frontier
 Maunsell, Vero St. John, where he was wounded
 Maxse, Ernest George Berkeley, as an Admiralty Control Officer and Military Control Officer in Holland
 Maxse, Frederick Ivor
 Maxwell, Arthur Kenlis, 11th Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maxwell, Aymer Edward
Maxwell, Charles William
Maxwell, Eustace Lockhart
Maxwell, Ian Bouverie
Maxwell, Peter Benson
 Maxwell, Richard Sydney Somers, where he was severely wounded
Maxwell, William Francis John
 Maxwell-Heron, Basil Charles M
 Maxwell-Heron, Guy Heron
Maxwell-Stuart, Alfred Joseph
Maxwell-Stuart, Edmund Joseph
 Maxwell-Stuart, Francis Joseph
Maxwell-Stuart, Henry Joseph I
Maxwell-Stuart, Joseph Joachim
 Maynard, Francis Herbert, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 McAlester, William Henry Somer ( 1914-1916 )
 McAlpine, Archibald Douglas
 McClintock, Edward Stanley
 McClintock, Henry Foster
 McClintock, John Knox ( 1914-1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 McClintock, Robert Lyle
 McClintock-Bunbury, Thomas Leo, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McConnell, Clarence Henry Quen
 McConnell, Horace Lincoln
McConnell, William Clarke
 McCorkell, Barry Francis
 McCoy, Augustine Stanley
 McCoy, Frederic Stanley Richar, with the 1st Australian Pioneer Battalion
 McCraith, Bernard, where he was severely wounded
 McDonnell, Angus ( 1916-1919 )
McDonnell, Schomberg Kerr ( 1915 )
McEwen, James Robert Dundas
 McEwen, John Helias Finnie, of, where he became a POW
 McFarland, Basil Alexander Tal, with the Artists Rifles
 McGarel-Hogg, Gerald Francis
 McGillycuddy, Anthony John
 McGillycuddy, Arthur Orpen
McGillycuddy, Richard Hugh
 McGillycuddy, Ross Kinloch, The ( 1914-1919 )
 McGregor, Malcolm James Harrin
 McGrigor, Charles Rhoderic Rob
McGrigor, James Neil Grant
 McGrigor, Rhoderic Robert
 McGrigor, William Colquhoun Gr
McKenzie, William Lewis
 McLaren, Florence Priscilla
McLaughlin, Archibald
McLaughlin, Hubert Guy
 McLeod, Archibald Alastair
 McLeod, Murdoch Campbell, 2nd B, with Seaforth Highlanders and General Staff
 McMahon, Horace Westropp, 5th B, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McMahon, Kellerman Eyre, 6th Bt
 McMahon, Norman Reginald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McNair, John Ballantyne, in Honourable Artillery Company and Border Regiment
 McNair, William Lennox
McNeile, John
 McShane, Ernest Percival ( 1917-1918 ), with 40th Battalion, Australian Imperial Forces
 McWilliam, Henry Hastings, where he became a POW
 Meade, Arthur Vesey, 5th Earl o
 Meade, Charles Francis
 Meade, Edward Brabazon, as Aide-de-Camp on personal Staff, and was mentioned in despatches
 Meade, John Windham, where he was wounded twice
Meade, Richard Gilbert Trevor
 Meade-Fetherstonhaugh, Herbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Medlicott, Henry Edward
Medlicott, Stephen
 Medlicott, Walter Barrington, in one of the public school battalions of the Royal Fusiliers
 Melikoff, Maximilian
Mellenthin, Paul
 Mellish, Edward Noel, V.C.
 Mellon, Richard King
 Mellor, James Gerald Guy ( 1914-1918 )
 Mellor, John Serocold Paget, 2n, in Mesopotamia, where he was wounded twice and taken as a POW at Kut
Mellor, Walton
 Menzies, Arthur Briton, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Menzies, George Wilson, with the 7th Australian Light Horse
 Menzies, Nathaniel Satterfield, with the 7th Australian Light Horse
 Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and l ( 1914-1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches three times
Merritt, Cecil Mark
 Meston, Dougall, 2nd Baron Mest
 Metcalfe, Eric Debonnaire Theo ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Metcalfe, Francis Bramall
Metcalfe, James Beverley
 Methuen, Anthony Paul, 5th Baro ( 1916-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Methuen, Paul Ayshford, 4th Bar
Methuen, St. John Arthur Paul
 Meyer, Frank Cecil, 2nd Bt. ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meynell, Charles Wilfred Lindl
 Meynell, Everard Charles Lindl, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meynell, Francis Hugo Lindley ( 1914-1917 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Meynell, Robert Alexander Lind, where he was wounded
 Meyrick, Frederick Charlton, 2n, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meyrick, Walter Thomas
 Meysey-Thompson, Algar de Clif ( 1914-1918 )
Meysey-Thompson, Claude Henry
 Meysey-Thompson, Ernest Claude
 Meysey-Thompson, Harold James ( 1917-1918 )
 Meysey-Thompson, Hubert Charle
 Meysey-Thompson, Onslow Victor ( 1917-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Meysey-Thompson, Richard Frede
 Michell, John Colloyran
Middleton, William Archibald A
 Milbank, Frederick Richard, 3rd, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Milbanke, John Peniston, 10th B
 Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milburn, Archibald William, where he was mentioned in despatches
Milburn, Gerald Richard
 Milburn, John Davison
 Milburn, Leonard John, 3rd Bt.
 Mildmay, Francis Bingham, 1st B ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Miles, Charles William, 5th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Miles, Reginald Bratihwaite
 Miles, William Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Millais, Geoffroy de Carteret
 Millar, Gerald Arthur
Millar, Gilbert Henry
Millar, Ion Keith
 Millar, Robert Hoyer
 Miller, Alastair George Lionel
Miller, Francis Macdonald, with the Australian Imperial Forces
Miller, Frederick William Jose
 Miller, Geoffrey Wallace Mitch, and was mentioned in despatches
 Miller, George Ralph, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was wounded twice
 Miller, Inglis Francis Rowley
Miller, John Leslie Wellesley
Miller, John Lockhart
 Miller, Thomas George Alexande, where he was severely wounded
 Miller, William Frederick, of G, where he was wounded
Miller-Hallett, Stewart Alexan
 Milliken-Napier, Alexander Len, where he was wounded twice
 Milliken-Napier, Ivan Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milliken-Napier, Lennox Robert, where he was wounded twice
 Milliken-Napier, William Edwar
 Mills, Arthur Hobart, where he was wounded
 Mills, Arthur Robert, 3rd Baron ( 1914-1916 )
Mills, Charles Thomas
 Mills, Egremont John ( 1914-1918 )
 Mills, Frederick Leighton Vict, where he was mentioned in despatches
Mills, R. F. N.
 Milman, Henry Augustus
 Milman, Humphrey Radcliffe
 Milman, Octavius Rodney Everar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milman, William Ernest, 6th Bt.
 Milne, George Francis, 1st Baro, where he was mentioned in despatches
Milne, John Theobald
 Milner, Edward
 Milner, James, 1st Baron Milner
 Milner, Marcus Henry
 Milnes-Coates, Edward Clive, 2n, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Minchin, Alfred Hugh, in the 1st Australian Imperial Force
 Minchin, Alfred William
 Minchin, Duncan, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Minchin, Frederick Frank Reill, where he was mentioned in despatches eight times
 Minchin, Frederick William
 Minchin, Henry Newland, in the 1st Australian Imperial Force, in the Middle East and France
Minchin, Herbert Charles Loder
 Minchin, Herbert Keane, with 16th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force in France
 Minchin, Hubert d'Esterre, with the 28th Battalion, 1st Australian Imperial Force
 Minchin, Hugh Charles Stephens
 Minchin, James Basil, in Gallipoli and France, in 16th Battalion, 1st Australian Iimperial Force
 Minchin, James Humphrey Cotton
 Minchin, Joseph Ernest
 Minchin, Linden James, in the 7th Light Horse
 Minchin, Lionel James, in 16th Battalion, Australian Imperial Forces
 Minchin, Noel Beechey ( 1915-1919 ), in the 1st Australian Iimperial Forces
 Minchin, Percival Edward, in 28th Battalion, Australian Impeial Force
 Minchin, Richard Minchin, with the 12th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment
 Minchin, Robert Scott, with the Canadian Army
 Minchin, Sydney Frederick, in 44th Battalion, Australian Iimperial Forces
 Minchin, William Allan
 Minchin, William Percy, with the Australian forces
 Mitchison, Gilbert Richard, Bar ( 1914-1918 )
 Moir, Arrol, 2nd Bt.
Moir-Byres, James S.
 Molesworth, Alec Lindsay Morti, where he was mentioned in despatches
Molesworth, Charles Ernest Wyn
Molesworth, Charles Willoughby
 Molesworth, Edward Algernon, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Molesworth, Edward Hogarth
 Molesworth, Eric Nassau, where he was wounded
 Molesworth, Francis Crofton
 Molesworth, George Nepean
 Molesworth, George Noble, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Molesworth, Herbert Ellicombe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Molesworth, Hickman Walter Lan
 Molesworth, Hugh Wilson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Molesworth, John Davenport New, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Molesworth, Richard Cecil ( 1917-1918 ), in the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
 Molesworth, Richard Piggot, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Molesworth, Robert Murray Nass, where he was wounded
 Molesworth, Selwyn Francis, where he was wounded
 Molesworth, William Earle, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Molesworth, William Nassau, where he was mentioned in despatches twice, and was wounded twice
 Moleyns, Richard Philip Arembe, where he was twice wounded
Molloy, Brian Charles Baskervi
Molson, Eric Elsdale
 Molson, John Elsdale ( 1914-1919 )
 Molyneux, Caryl Richard, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Molyneux, Cecil Richard
 Molyneux, Edward Henry, where he lost an eye
 Molyneux, Hugh William Osbert,
 Molyneux, Richard Frederick ( 1914-1915 )
Molyneux-Montgomerie, George F
Momber, Edward Marie Felix
 Monck, Charles Henry Stanley
 Monckton, Charles Arthur Whitm, in India
 Monckton, Frederick Hardy
 Monckton, Reginald Francis Per
 Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Vi, where he was mentioned in despatches
Monckton, unknown son
 Monckton-Arundell, George Vere, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Moncreiff, Adrian Wellwood ( 1917-1918 ), with Canadian Expeditionary Force
 Moncreiff, Francis Beresford, where he was wounded
 Moncreiff, Norman Halliday
 Moncreiff, Richard Henry FitzH, where he was wounded
 Moncreiffe, John Alexander, where he was mentioned in desptaches and was wounded
 Moncreiffe, John Robert Guy, of, as a submarine commander
 Moncreiffe, Robert Drummond, of, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Moncreiffe, Thomas Gerald Auck, where he was wounded
 Mond, Henry Ludwig, 2nd Baron M ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Money-Coutts, Hugh Burdett, 6th ( 1915-1917 ), in Gallipoli and Egypt
 Money-Kyrle, Cecil Leigh, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Money-Kyrle, Roger Ernle
 Monson-FitzJohn, Gilbert John ( 1915-1916 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded twice
 Montagu Douglas Scott, David J, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Montagu Douglas Scott, George
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Henry F, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Herbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter, with the Egyptian Army in Sudan
 Montagu Douglas Scott, William
Montagu, Alexander Cyril
 Montagu, Cuthbert Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Montagu, Edward
 Montagu, James Gerard Edgar Dr
 Montagu, Lionel Samuel, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Montagu, Monthermer Stanley Hu, in East Africa, and was mentioned in despatches
 Montagu, St. John Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
Montagu, Walter Philip
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Alan R, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Monteith, John Cassels
 Montgomerie, Alexander James, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Montgomerie, Archibald Seton, 1, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montgomerie, Archibald William, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Montgomerie, Hew Seton
 Montgomerie, Roger Oswald
Montgomery, Andrew Graham
 Montgomery, Basil Purvis-Russe ( 1914 ), with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Montgomery, Bernard Law, 1st Vi, where he was severely wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Montgomery, Donald Stanley
 Montgomery, Robert Maxwell, where he was wounded twice
 Montgomery, Thomas Hassard
 Montgomery-Cuninghame, Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Montmorency, Arthur Hervé Albe ( 1915-1916 )
 Montmorency, Hervey Guy Franci ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montmorency, John Pratt
 Montmorency, Miles Fletcher, 17
 Montmorency, Reginald D'Alton
Montmorency, Reymond Ligonier
 Moon, Arthur
 Moon, Robert Oswald
Moore, Edward Francis Courtena
 Moore, Eric Edward James ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Moore, Ethne Philippa
 Moore, Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Moore, Francis Cecil
Moore, Gillachrist
 Moore, Harold Mead ( 1914-1919 )
Moore, Henry Glanville Allen
 Moore, Joseph Roger
 Moore, Thomas Cecil Russell, 1s ( 1914-1918 )
 Moore, William Samson, 2nd Bt.
 Moore-Brabazon, John Theodore, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Mordaunt, John Francis Cumberl, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Mordaunt, Osbert Cautley, where he was mentioned in despatches
Moreton Macdonald, Norman Char, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Morgan, Courtenay Charles Evan ( 1914-1918 )
 Morgan, Evan Frederic, 2nd Visc
 Morgan, Vaughan
 Morgan-Grenville, Harry Nugent, he was mentioned in despatches
Morgan-Grenville, Richard Geor, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Morgan-Grenville, Robert Willi, where he was wounded
 Morgan-Grenville, Thomas Georg, he was mentioned in despatches
 Morris, Cedric Lockwood, 9th Bt
Morris, Charles Alan Smith, where he was wounded three times
 Morris, Charles Richard, Baron ( 1914-1918 ), in France and Belgium
 Morris, George Henry
 Morris, Harry, 1st Baron Morris, where he was mentioned in despatches
Morris, John Torrington
 Morris, John William, Baron Mor ( 1916-1919 )
 Morris, Percy Byng
 Morris, Tankerville Robert Arm, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Morris, Thomas Herbert Picton
 Morrison, James Archibald ( 1916-1917 ), where he was wounded
 Morrison, John Stanton Fleming
 Morrison, Neil
 Morrison, Robert Craigmyle, 1st ( 1915-1919 )
 Morrison, William Shepherd, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was wounded
 Morrison-Bell, Arthur Clive, 1s
 Morrison-Bell, Claude William
 Morrison-Bell, Ernest Fitzroy
 Morrison-Bell, Eustace Widdrin, and was mentioned in despatches
 Morrison-Low, Walter John, 2nd
Morrogh Bernard, Francis, as a Lieutenant with the Royal military forces
 Morrogh Bernard, John Alexande
 Morrogh Bernard, Joseph George, when he was wounded
 Morton, Fergus Dunlop, Baron Mo ( 1914-1918 )
Morton, George
Morton, Robert Brooke
 Mosley, John William Paget
Mosley, Nicholas ( 1914-1915 )
 Mosley, Oswald Ernald, 6th Bt., where he was wounded
 Mosley, Oswald, 5th Bt. ( 1914-1916 )
 Mostyn, George Anthony
 Mostyn, Joseph Cecil Mary, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mostyn, Joseph Edward Hubert
 Mostyn, Pyers George Joseph, 11, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Mott, Adrian Spear, 2nd Bt.
 Moulton, Hugh Fletcher ( 1914-1918 )
Mount, Francis
 Mountain, Brian Edward Stanley
 Mountbatten, Alexander Albert, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mountbatten, Leopold Arthur Lo
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Alb ( 1916-1918 ), in the Grand Fleet
 Moxon, Frank
Moxon, Hugh Cecil
Moyna, Edward Gerald James
 Moynihan, Berkeley George Andr ( 1914-1916 ), with the BEF
Muir Mackenzie, Robert Cecil, o
Mulholland, Andrew Edward Some
 Mulholland, Charles Henry Geor, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Mulholland, Godfrey John Arthu, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mulholland, Henry George Hill,
Mulkern, Hulbert
Mulkern, Lionel Henry
 Mumby, Gerald Charles Ross, as a pilot
 Munro, Arthur Herman, of Foulis, with the 47th Division
Munro, George Hermann
 Munro, Hector Charles Seymour, where he was mentioned in despatches
Mure, Godfrey Arthur Stanhope
 Murphy, Carlo, with Royal Army Service Corps
 Murphy, Cuthbert Morgan
 Murphy, Cyril Francis de Sales
 Murphy, Harry
 Murphy, James Edward
 Murphy, John Moran
Murphy, Lewis
 Murphy, Norbert Nicholas, with South Irish Horse
 Murray, Alastair Donald Stewar, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Murray, Alexander Edward, 8th E ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Murray, Algernon Charles
 Murray, Archibald Digby, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Archie Alastair Stewar, where he was wounded
 Murray, Arthur Alexander Wolfe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Arthur Cecil, 3rd Visco ( 1915-1916 ), with the 1st Canadian Infantry Division in France, and was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Bertie Elibank, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Murray, Cecil de Grey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Charles James ( 1917-1918 )
 Murray, Charles John
 Murray, Cyril Alexander George, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Cyril Francis Tyrrel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, David Charles Graeme ( 1914-1918 )
 Murray, Douglas Elibank ( 1915-1918 ), with the Australian Light Horse in Palestine
Murray, Edward Douglas
 Murray, Edward Rushworth Blaki
Murray, Fane Wright Stapleton
 Murray, George
 Murray, George Arthur Delmé, where he was mentioned in despatches
Murray, Henry Francis Farquhar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Henry James Stewart
 Murray, James Wolfe
 Murray, James Wolfe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Kenelm Bold, of Blackba
 Murray, Kenelm Digby Bold, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Malcolm Donald
Murray, Maurice Austin
 Murray, Philip George Wolfe
 Murray, Reginald Herbert Earn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Robert Alexander Wolfe, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Murray, Ronald Thomas Graham
Murray, Rupert Auriol Conant
Murray, William Edward
Murray, William Raymond Croft
 Murray-Moore, Gerald Graham, where he was mentioned in despatches
Musgrave, Christopher
 Musgrave, Christopher Norman, 6, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Musgrave, Edward Christopher, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Musgrave, Francis Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Musson, Harold Methven
Nagle, Gilbert
 Nall, Joseph, 1st Bt., where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Nantes, William Gerald L.
 Napier, Archibald John Robert, where he was wounded
 Napier, Arthur Francis Scott
 Napier, Charles
 Napier, Charles Frederick Hami
 Napier, Charles Macnaughton
 Napier, Donald Charles, where he was wounded
 Napier, Edward Herbert Scott, 4
Napier, Egbert
 Napier, Francis Edward Basil, 1
 Napier, Frederick William Scot
 Napier, John Lenox Clavering
 Napier, Joseph William Lennox, , where he was wounded three times and became a POW
 Napier, Laurence Egerton Scott, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier, Robert Archibald, of Me
Napier, Rupert George Carringt
 Napier, Vivian John Lennox
 Napier, William John, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Napier, William Lennox, 3rd Bt.
 Napier, William Rawdon, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier-Clavering, Francis Dona, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier-Clavering, Noel Warren, where he was mentioned in despatches
Nash, James Haran
 Nathan, Harry Louis, 1st Baron, where he was severely wounded
Naylor-Leyland, George Vyvyan
Neave, Alexander Lionel Willia
 Neave, Arundell, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Neave, Charles Alexander
 Neave, Edward Arthur, in South-West Africa
Neave, Gerald Vansittart, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Neave, Hugh Alexander, with the Mechanical Transport in Flanders
 Neave, Richard
 Needham, Evelyn Jack, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Needham, Francis Charles Adelb
 Needham, Francis Edward, where he was wounded
 Needham, Francis Henry, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Needham, Francis Jack
 Needham, Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Needham, Robert
 Needham, Robert Philip, where he became a POW
 Nelson, Albert Francis Joseph, in the Australian Imperial Forces
 Nelson, Charles Sebastian Jose, in the Australian Imperial Forces
 Nelson, Henry Edward Joseph Ho, in the Australian Imperial Forces
Nelson, Thomas Arthur
Nepean, Evan Cecil
 Nepean, Evelyn Charles Yorke S, where he was mentioned in despatches
Nepean, Francis Molyneux Yorke
 Nepean, Herbert Dryden Home Yo, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Nepean, Leonard Percyval St. V
 Nesbitt, Edward Arthur
 Nethersole, John
 Nevill, Frederick Reginald
 Nevill, John Henry
Nevill, John Henry Gaythorne
Neville, Bernard Philip
 Neville, Grey Aldworth
 Neville, Henry Seymour, 9th Lor, in the Royal Naval Air Service
Neville, Hugh George
 Neville, James Edmund Henderso ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded twice
 Neville, Lionel John Neville
 Neville, Philip Lloyd
 Neville-Grenville, Bertram
 Newall, Cyril Louis Norton, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Newland, Foster Reuss, in France and Italy, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Newman, Cecil Gustavus Jacques
 Newman, Edward Devon, where he was wounded
Newton, Denzil Onslow Cochrane
 Newton, Edgar Henry, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Newton, Thomas Cochrane ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nichols, Robert ( 1914-1916 )
 Nicholson, Arthur Carleton
 Nicholson, Clement Octavius Ed, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Nicholson, George Crosfield No
 Nicholson, Hugh Blomfield, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Nicholson, John Humphrey
 Nicholson, Otho William
 Nicholson, Walter Norris, where he was mentioned in despatches
Nicholson, William Dukinfield
 Nickson, Howard Groves Davis
 Nicolson, Erskine Arthur, 3rd B
 Nicolson, Frederick Archibald, , where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Nicolson, Norman Alexander
 Nield, Alan Edgar, with the Australian Imperial Forces
Nield, Wilfred
 Nightingale, Claud Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nightingale, Dudley Arthur
 Nightingale, Edward Manners, 14
 Nightingale, Manners Ralph Wil, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Nightingale, Victor Russell Jo
Nivison, Robert Butler
 Nixon, Christopher William, 2nd, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nobbs, Charles Henry ffrench, where he became a POW from 20 September 1917 to 17 March 1919
 Nobbs, Evelyn Jane, as staff nurse, Choubra Infectious Hospital, 2nd & 3rd Australian General Hospitals, and the 3rd Australian Casualty Clearing Station
Nobbs, George Fletcher, with the 10th Field Artillery Brigade
 Nobbs, George Fletcher
Nobbs, George Rawdon ffrench
 Nobbs, Henry Sydney, the 5th Australian Division Signal Company
 Nobbs, Ivens Satterfield
 Nobbs, Sarah Marie, as a staff nurse with the New Zealand Field Hospital of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Noble, Humphrey Brunel, of Ardm, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Noble, Marc Andrew Patrick
Noble, William Black
 Noel, Arthur Edward Joseph, 4th ( 1915 ), in France
 Noel, Cecil Frederick Gerard ( 1915 ), where he was wounded
 Noel, Darwin Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Noel, Francis Arthur Gerard, with the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force
Noel, Francis Methuen
 Noel, Gambier Baptist Edward, where he was wounded
 Noel, Henry Cecil
 Noel, Hubert Lewis Clifford, with the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Noel, John Andrew Vernatti
 Noel, John Baptist Lucius
 Noel, John Byron, where he became a POW
 Noel, Maurice Waldegrave ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Noel, Montague Wriothesley, where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Noel, Norman Philpot Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded twice
Noel, Tom Cecil
 Noel, William Henry Middleton
Norman, Charles
 Norman, Henry Nigel St. Valery, and was mentioned in despatches
 Norman, Roland Frank Holdway, and was wounded at the Somme
 Normand, Wilfred Guild, Baron N ( 1915-1918 )
 Norrie, Charles Willoughby Mok, where he was wounded four times and was mentioned in despatches twice
Norrie, George Stuart
 North, Dudley William John ( 1914-1919 )
 North, George Eustace Dudley, where he was wounded
 North, Majoribanks Keppel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 North, Roger Edward Francis Gu ( 1914-1918 )
 North, William Frederick Georg ( 1914-1918 )
 North, William Frederick John, ( 1915-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 North-Bomford, John George
 Northcote, Arthur Frederick St
 Northcote, Charles Montagu ( 1915-1916 )
 Northcote, Cyril Charles Staff ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Northcote, Dudley Stafford
Northcote, Edward Stafford
 Northcote, Harold Beauchamp St, in Mesopotamia and Persia
Northcote, Hugh Farrar
 Northcote, Leonard Augustus St, in Gallipoli, Egypt and the Balkans
 Northcote, Robert Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Northcote, Thomas Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Norton, Cecil Herbert
Norton, Leopold Grantley
 Norton, Richard Henry Brinsley, where he was wounded
 Norton, William Reuben
 Norton-Griffiths, John, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Norton-Taylor, Hugh Wilson
 Norway, Frederick Hamilton
 Nugent, Albert Beauchamp
Nugent, George Colborne
 Nugent, George Guy Bulwer, 4th
 Nugent, George Roubiliac Hodge, where he was severely wounded in France
Nugent, Gerald William, as a Captain with the Royal Irish Rifles
 Nugent, Gilbert Charles, 12th E, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
Nugent, Mark Lavallin O'Reilly
 Nugent, Oliver Stewart Wood ( 1914-1918 )
Nugent, Richard Francis Robert
 Nugent, Terence Edmund Gascoig, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Nugent, William Andrew, and was mentioned in despatches
 Nunneley, Charles Francis
 Nussey, Cecil Antony ( 1914-1918 )
 Nussey, Thomas Moore, 2nd Bt. ( 1914-1919 )
 Nutting, Arthur Ronald Stansmo, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nutting, Harold Stanmore, 2nd B, where he was wounded
Nye, Reginald Raynor
O'Brien Butler, Capel Desmond
O'Brien Butler, Charles Paget, where he was mentioned in despatches
O'Brien, Aubrey Ulick Marshall ( 1914 )
O'Brien, Desmond
 O'Brien, Donough Edward Foster
 O'Brien, Henry Barnaby, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 O'Brien, Henry Eoghan, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 O'Brien, Timothy Carew, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
O'Brien, Timothy John Aloysius, where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Brien-ffrench, Alexis Evelyn, with Middlesex Regiment
 O'Brien-ffrench, Conrad Fulke
 O'Connell, Daniel Patrick ( 1917-1918 ), with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade
O'Connell, Donal
 O'Connell, Donal Bernard
 O'Connell, Hugh Gleadowe
 O'Connell, Maurice Charles ( 1914-1919 )
 O'Connell, Maurice James
 O'Connell, Maurice James Arthu, where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Connell, Maurice Thomas ( 1917-1918 ), with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, and was invalided
 O'Connell-Hewett, James Piers
O'Donel, George
 O'Donell, Douglas, Graf O'Donel
 O'Donoghue, Geoffrey Charles P
O'Donovan, Miles Henry
 O'Donovan, Morgan John Winthro
 O'Donovan, Victor Teige, and was invalided
O'Grady, De Courcy
 O'Grady, Donald de Courcy, where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Grady, Gerald Francis de Cou, where he was wounded three times
 O'Grady, Henry de Courcy, where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Grady, Standish de Courcy, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 O'Morchoe, Arthur Donel MacMur
 O'Morchoe, Kenneth Gibbon
 O'Morchoe, Nial Creagh, The O'M, where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Neill, Arthur Edward Bruce
 O'Neill, Robert William Hugh, 1 ( 1915-1918 )
 O'Reilly-Nugent, Wilfrid Basil, with New Zealand Mounted Rifles
Oakes, Thomas Henry Edmund
Odell, Cecil Henry
Odell, Frederick George
 Odell, Thomas Urquhart ( 1916-1918 )
Ogilvie-Grant, James, 11th Earl
 Ogilvy, David, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ogilvy, David Lyulph Gore Wols ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
Ogilvy, Gilbert Mark Haworth, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Ogilvy, Gilchrist Nevill, of In
 Ogilvy, Lyulph Gilchrist Stanl ( 1914-1915 )
Ogilvy, Patrick Julian Harry S
Ogilvy, William Wickham
 Ogilvy-Grant, Robert Abercromb
 Ogilvy-Wedderburn, John Andrew
 Oldfield, Leopold Charles Loui
Oldham, Wilton Stransham
 Oliphant, Donald Aden
 Oliphant, Frederick Marcus ( 1914-1918 )
 Oliphant, Granville Richard ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Oliphant, Henry Gerard Laurenc ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Oliphant, James ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Oliphant, Laurence Richard ( 1914-1919 )
 Oliphant, Trevor, where he was wounded
 Oliver, Ashley
Oliver, Richard Edward Deane
 Oliver, Richard John Deane, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Oliver-Bellasis, Richard
 Onslow, Arthur Denzil
 Onslow, Cranley Charlton, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Onslow, Eric Montague, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Onslow, George Arthur
 Onslow, George Thorp
 Onslow, Herbert Frank
 Onslow, Milo Richard Beaumont, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
Onslow, Richard Francis John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Onslow, Roger Warin Beaconsfie, where he was wounded
Onslow, Thomas
 Onslow, William Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Orde-Powlett, Amias Christophe
 Orde-Powlett, William George A
 Orde-Powlett, William Percy
Orellana Tollemache, Leo Quint
 Orr Ewing, Archibald
 Orr Ewing, Archibald Ian
 Orr Ewing, Edward Lindsay, where he was wounded
Orr Ewing, Ernest Pellew
 Orr Ewing, Hugh Eric Douglas
 Orr Ewing, Hugh James
 Orr Ewing, Ian Leslie, where he was wounded
 Orr Ewing, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Orr Ewing, Norman Archibald, of, where he was mentioned in despatches five times and was wounded twice
 Orr Ewing, Roy
Orr, Walter Leslie
 Osborne, Edward ( 1916-1918 ), in France
 Osborne, George Francis, 16th B, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
Osborne, Maurice Godolphin
 Osmaston, Bertram Hutchinson ( 1915-1918 ), when he was severely wounded in 1918 and invalided in 1919
 Osmaston, Cecil Alvend FitzHer ( 1914-1918 )
 Osmaston, Gordon Hutchinson, in France and Waziristan
Osmaston, Oswald Camplyon Hutc
Osmaston, Robert Shirley
Otter, Robert John Charles
Ouchterlony, John Palgrave Hea
Owen, Augustus
Pack-Beresford, Charles George
 Pack-Beresford, Henry John, as the Deputy Assistant Adjutant (D.A.A.) and Quarter Master General (Q.M.G.) for the 21st Division
 Packe, Edmund Christopher, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Paget, Albert Edward Sydney Lo ( 1914-1917 ), where he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Paget, Bernard Charles Tolver, he was mentioned in despatches
 Paget, Bernard Leopold, with the Artists Rifles and 2nd/13th London Regiment in France, Macedonia, Palestine and Egypt
 Paget, Cyril Nevil
Paget, Desmond Otho
 Paget, Edward Francis, he was mentioned in depatches
Paget, Francis Austin Elliott
 Paget, Geoffery Moore, he was wounded
 Paget, George Howard, where he was wounded twice
 Paget, George Norrie, he was wounded
 Paget, Gladys Theresa, as a nursing member of the British Red Cross
 Paget, Humphrey, he was mentioned in despatches
Paget, John Christopher
 Paget, Louis Michael Howard
Paget, Michael Theodore
 Paget, Oswald Leopold, where he was captured in 1918 as a Prisoner of War
 Paget, Richard James
 Paget, Roland Edward ( 1915-1916 ), where he was wounded
Paget, Samuel James
 Paget, Victor Frederick Willia, in France
 Paget, Victor William
 Paget, Wellesley Lynedoch Henr, where he was again mentioned in despatches
Paine, James Henry
 Pakenham, Arthur McClellan
 Pakenham, Compton Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pakenham, Edward Michael
 Pakenham, George Robin Montagu, where he was wounded
 Pakenham, George de la Poer Be, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Pakenham, Hercules Arthur
 Pakenham, Hewitt John Havelock
Pakenham, John Walter Deaven
 Pakenham, Robert Edward Michae
 Pakenham, Thomas, 5th Earl of L, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pakenham, William Henry Verner, where he was wounded
 Pakington, Herbert Stuart, 4th, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Palairet, Charles Andrew Hamil, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Palk, John Wilmot Mackenzie
 Palk, Lawrence Charles Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Palk, Lawrence Edward Broomfie, in Gallipoli, Egypt and Mesopotamia
 Palk, Lawrence William, 3rd Bar ( 1914-1918 )
 Palmer, Albert John, he was mentioned in despatches
 Palmer, Charles Eric
Palmer, Edward Ducarel
 Palmer, Francis Hubert, he was wounded twice and mentioned in despatches
 Palmer, Geoffrey Frederick Nei, he was wounded
 Palmer, Geoffrey Herbert
 Palmer, Reginald Howard Reed
 Palmer, Robert Alexander, 1st B ( 1914-1918 ), in Egypt, France and Belgium
 Palmer, Robert Henry, he was mentioned in despatches five times
Palmer, Robert Stafford Arthur
 Palmes, Edward William Eustace, and was mentioned in despatches
Palmes, Guy Nicholas
Paramore, Robert Edward Pynsen
 Pargiter, George Albert, Baron ( 1914-1916 ), at Gallipoli
Parke, John Aubrey
Parke, Walter Evelyn
Parker, Alfred Ernest
 Parker, Charles Edward
Parker, Cyril Edmund
 Parker, Edmund Robert, 4th Earl, at XI Corps HQ
 Parker, Frederick Archibald
 Parker, George Loveden William
 Parker, Gerald Longley
 Parker, Gerard, he was mentioned in despatches twice and wounded twice
 Parker, Ivo Murray, with the Coldstream Guards
 Parker, John Barnardiston Hyde
 Parker, John Holford, in Royal Engineers
 Parker, John Stanley
Parker, Leonard, where he was wounded
 Parker, Montagu Brownlow, 5th E, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Parker, Oliver Ivan
 Parker, Robert William
 Parker, Ronald Francis
 Parker, Victor
 Parker, Wilfred
 Parker, Wilfrid Henry
 Parker, William Lorenzo, 3rd Bt, he was mentioned in despatches
 Parker, William Stephan Hyde, 1
 Parker-Jervis, Edward Mainwari, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Parker-Jervis, George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Parker-Jervis, Humphrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
Parker-Jervis, Thomas
 Parker-Jervis, William Swynfen, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Parkin, Ernest ( 1914-1916 )
Parnell, Geoffrey Brooke
Parnell, Henry Bligh Fortescue, where he was mentioned in despatches
Parnell, William Alastair Dame
 Parry, Lionel Dalton, with the Royal Navy
Parsons, Algernon George
Parsons, Desmond Clere
 Parsons, John Randal
 Parsons, Richard Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Parsons, William Edward, 5th Ea, where he was severely wounded
 Parsons, William Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
Partington, James Leslie
 Partington, Preston Pearce
 Pasley, Joseph Montagu Sabine
 Pasley, Rodney Marshall Sabine
Pasley, Thomas Edward Sabine
 Pasley, Thomas Edward Sabine, 3
Pass, Frank, V.C.
 Paston-Bedingfeld, Edmund Geor, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Patchell, William Neville
 Paterson, Robert Jardine, with the Coldstream Guards
Paulet, Cecil Henry
 Paulet, Henry William Montagu,
 Pauncefort-Duncombe, Everard P, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Payne, Charles Robert
Payne, Edgar
 Payne, Leonard
 Payne-Gallwey, Lowry Philip
Payne-Gallwey, Maurice Hylton
Payne-Gallwey, Philip Francis
 Payne-Gallwey, Reginald Frankl, in the London Eelctrical Engineers
 Payne-Gallwey, William Thomas
 Peake, Frederick Gerald
 Peake, Osbert, 1st Viscount Ing
Peake, Raymond
Pearson, Francis Geoffrey, with Motor Transport Section, British Expeditionary Force
 Pearson, Neville Arthur, 2nd Bt ( 1917-1918 )
Pease, Christopher York
 Pease, Edward, 3rd Bt. ( 1915 ), where he was severely wounded
 Pease, Joseph, 2nd Baron Gainfo, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pease, Nicholas Arthington ( 1914-1918 )
Pease, Oswald Allen, with the Canadian Expeditionary Force
 Pease, Richard Arthur, 2nd Bt.
Pease, Ronald Herbert Pike
 Pechell, Horace Randal Kerr ( 1916-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Pechell, Hugh Charles ( 1915-1919 ), where he was wounded
 Pechell, Paul, 8th Bt. ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Peck, Ambrose Maynaed
 Peek, Roger Grenville, he was made a prisoner of war
 Peek, Wilfrid, 3rd Bt. ( 1916-1919 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Peel, Arthur George Villiers, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Peel, Edward John Russell, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Peel, Herbert Wicksted Ethelst
Peel, Lawrence
Peel, Maurice Berkeley, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Peel, Robert Francis
 Peel, Sidney Cornwallis, 1st an ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelham, Anthony Ashley Ivo, serving in France and Palestine, and was mentioned in despatches
Pelham, Charles Sackville, Lord
 Pelham, Dudley Roger Hugh, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Pelham, Henry George Godolphin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelham, Marcus Herbert, 6th Ear
 Pelham, Sackville George, 5th E, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Pelham-Clinton, Guy Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelham-Clinton, Henry Charles, in the Dardanelles, Macedonia and Palestine, and was wounded twice
 Pelly, Arthur Roland
 Pelly, Charles Hamilton Raymon
 Pelly, Douglas Raymond, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Pelly, Edmund Godfrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, Eric Percy Leonard, where he was wounded
 Pelly, Francis Brian
 Pelly, Frank le Quesne
 Pelly, Harold Alwyne, 5th Bt., in France and Mesopotamia
 Pelly, Henry Bertram, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, Hutcheson Raymond, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, John Henry
 Pelly, Kenneth Raymond
 Pelly, Phillip Vincent, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, Raymond Theodore, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Pelly, Richard Lawrence ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Pelly, William Francis Henry
 Pelpola, Peter Donald, in German East Africa
Pember, Henry Cecil
 Pemberton, Francis Percy Campb
 Penn, Arthur Horace ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
Penn, Edward Hugh Mowbrey
Penn, Eric Frank
Pennefather, Charles Lewis
 Pennefather, John Brodrick, in Gallipoli and Mesopotamia
 Pennefather, William
 Penny, Magnus Herbert Forssman
 Penny, Thomas Algernon Edgar
Penruddocke, Charles
Penruddocke, Thomas T.
Peploe, Keith
 Pepys, Arthur Guy Leslie ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches twice
 Pepys, Gerald Leslie, where he was mentioned in despatches
Pepys, Reginald Whitmore
 Perceval, Edward Maxwell
Perceval-Maxwell, Richard Henr
 Perceval-Maxwell, Robert David, where he was seriously wounded
 Percy, Alan Ian, 8th Duke of No
Percy, Henry Edward
 Percy, William Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Perks, Robert Malcolm Mewburn, ( 1914-1919 )
Perry, Evelyn Walter Copland
 Persse, Cecil de Burgh
Persse, Dudley Eyre R.
Persse, Dudley Francis
 Persse, Edmund Maturin
Persse, Edward Aubrey
 Persse, Gerard Baldwin
Persse, Henry Wilfred
Persse, John Geoffrey, with Australian Forces
 Persse, Reginald Barry Lovaine
 Persse, Richard
Persse, Rodolph Algernon
 Persse, Sydney Henry
 Persse, Thomas Beverley
 Persse, William Arthur
Pery, Cecil de Vere
Pery, Edmond William Claude Ge
 Pery, Edmund Colquhoun, 5th Ear, in Egypt, Gallipoli and Framce, and was mentioned in despatches
 Pery, Harry Reddall de Vere, with the Australian Imperial Force
 Pery, Henry Vernon Horsley, with the Australian Imperial Force, adn was wounded
 Pery-Knox-Gore, Arthur Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pery-Knox-Gore, Aubrey Edmond, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Pery-Knox-Gore, Ivan Cokayne, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pery-Knox-Gore, Wilfred Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
Petersen, unknown
 Peto, Christopher Henry Maxwel, he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
Peto, Clement Henry
 Peto, Geoffrey Kelsall
 Peto, Henry Francis Morton, 3rd
 Peto, James Michael, 2nd Bt., he ws mentioned in despatches
 Peto, Valentine Frank Cane
 Peto, Walter Samuel
 Petre, Bernard Francis
 Petre, Bernard Francis
 Petre, Charles Bernard, with East Lancashire Regiment
 Petre, Edward Henry
 Petre, Henry Aloysius, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Petre, Henry Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Petre, John Joseph, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Petre, Joseph Austin
Petre, Lionel George Carroll, 1
Petre, Robert John
 Petre, Roderic Loraine, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Petre, Walter Reginald Glynn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Petre, William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Petrie, Charles Alexander, 3rd
 Petrie, Edward Lindsay Haddon,
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Willi ( 1914-1918 )
 Philippi, George
Philipps, Colwyn Erasmus Arnol, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Philipps, Ivor
Philipps, Roland Erasmus
Philips, Basil Edwin
Philips, Mark Hibbert
 Philipson-Stow, Elliot Philips
 Philipson-Stow, Guyon Philipso
 Phillimore, Henry Augustus Gre, in Punjab and Palestine
Phillimore, Matthew Arden
 Phillimore, Reginald Henry, he was mentioned in desptaches four times
 Phillimore, Richard Fortescue
 Phillimore, Valentine Egerton
 Phillimore, Walter Godfrey, 2nd, he was wounded and taken as a Prisoner of War (P.O.W)
 Phillimore, William Raigersfel
 Phillips, Harold Lionel, he was mentioned in despatches
 Phillips, Noel McGrigor, serving in the Near East
 Phillpotts, Louis Murray
 Philott, Teynham Fuge
Phipps, Charles Stewart
 Phipps, Russell Constance Char
Pickering, Francis Alexander U
 Pickthorn, Charles Edward Murr
 Pickthorn, Kenneth William Mur
Picot, Philip
 Picton-Warlow, Arthur
 Picton-Warlow, Wilfred
Pierce, Robert Campbell
 Pierrepont, Gervas Evelyn, 6th ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Piers, Charles Pigott, 9th Bt.
 Piers, Claude Pigott
 Pigot, Robert, 6th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Pigott, Gerald Wellesley
 Pilditch, Philip Harold, 2nd Bt, he was mentioned in despatches
Pile, Cyril John
 Pile, Frederick Alfred, 2nd Bt., he was mentioned in despatches
 Pile, Walter Devereux, he was mentioned in despatches
Pilkington, George
Pinder, Albert Humphrey, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Pinhey, Kenneth Fleetwood Gord
 Pinsent, Clive
 Pinsent, John Ryland, he was mentioned in despatches four times
Pinsent, Laurence Alfred
Pinsent, Phillip Ryland
Pinsent, Richard Parker
 Pinsent, Roy, 2nd Bt.
Pipe-Wolferstan, Clive Ronald
 Pirie, Patrick Taldo, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Pizey, Mark
 Plat Taylor, St. John Louis Hy ( 1914-1918 ), and he was mentioned in despatches
 Platt, Robert, Baron Platt ( 1918 )
Playfair, Lyon George Henry Ly
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Humphrey ( 1914-1916 )
Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob Edwar
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob, 6th E
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Samuel Will
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Stuart, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 7th
 Plowden, Piers Standish
 Plowden, Richard Anthony Aston, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Plowden, Roger Edmund Joseph
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow ( 1914-1918 )
 Plumer, Thomas Hall Rokeby, 2nd
Plunket, Cedric John
 Plunket, Terence Conyngham, 6th ( 1918 )
Plunkett, Algernon Venables
 Plunkett, Edward John Morton D, where he was wounded
 Plunkett, Gerald William Desmo ( 1918-1919 )
 Plunkett, Oliver James Horace, ( 1915-1918 )
 Plunkett, Otway Randal Percy O, with Canadian Forces
 Plunkett, Sydney Wilmott
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Regi, with the Grand Fleet
 Pocock, Joseph Albert
Pole-Carew, Wymond Nicholas Ri
 Pollen, Anthony Cecil Hungerfo, he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Pollen, Clement Hungerford
 Pollen, Francis Gabriel Hunger, he was mentioned in despatches
 Pollen, John Lancelot Hungerfo ( 1916-1918 )
 Pollen, Stephen Hungerford, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Pollen, Walter Michael Hungerf ( 1914-1917 ), he was mentioned in despatches and wounded twice
 Pollock, Arthur Jocelyn Colema, he was mentioned in despatches thrice and received a star and two medals
Pollock, Charles Thomas Anderd
 Pollock, Evelyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pollock, Frederick Arthur ( 1918 ), in Royal Engineers
Pollock, Frederick Robert
Pollock, George Henry
 Pollock, Guy Cameron
 Pollock, Harry Clement
 Pollock, Hassard Hume, he was mentioned in despatches twice
Pollock, Martin Viner
 Pollock, Ralph Charles Geoffre, he was wounded
 Pomeroy, Edmund John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pomeroy, Francis Knox
 Pomeroy, Ralph Legge, 8th Visco
Ponsonby, Ashley William Nevil
 Ponsonby, Bertie Brabazon ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded
 Ponsonby, Charles Edward, 1st B, where he was wounded
Ponsonby, Cyril Myles Brabazon ( 1914-1915 )
Ponsonby, Cyril Thomas
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Gre, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Ponsonby, Gerald Maurice, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ponsonby, Guy Evelyn ( 1916-1918 ), where he was wounded
 Ponsonby, Henry Chambré, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ponsonby, Hubert William, 5th B
 Ponsonby, John, where he was mentioned in despatches 7 times, and was wounded
 Ponsonby, Maurice George Jesse, where he was mentioned in despatches
Ponsonby, Michael Henry
Ponsonby, Spencer Lawrence
 Ponsonby, Victor Coope
 Poole, Frederick Cuthbert, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Pooley, Charles Richard Willia ( 1914 )
 Pooley, Ernest Henry, 1st Bt.
 Pooley, Thomas Edward
 Poore, Robert Montagu, where he was mentioned in despatches
Poore, Roger
Poore, Roger Alvin
 Pope, Cuthbert John, serving on H.M.A.S. Sydney
Pope, Harold Edward
 Popplewell, Ernest, Baron Poppl ( 1914-1918 )
 Portal, Andrew Wallace, he was wounded
 Portal, Bertram Percy, he was mentioned in despatches
 Portal, Charles Frederick Alge ( 1914-1919 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Portal, Gervas Edward
 Portal, John Leslie
 Portal, Maurice Raymond
Portal, Oldric Spencer
Portal, Raymond Spencer
 Portal, Reginald Henry
 Portal, Wyndham Raymond, 1st an, he was mentioned in despatches
 Porter, Nicholas Henry Archdal, as a Lieutenant with the 9th Lancers
 Porter, Samuel Lowry, Baron Por
 Porteus, Donald Valpy
 Portman, Edward Claud Berkeley
 Portman, Gerald Berkeley, 7th V
 Portman, Guy Maurice Berkeley
 Pound, Allen Leslie, 3rd Bt. ( 1915-1918 )
 Pound, Graham Trevor ( 1915-1919 ), where he was wounded
Pound, John Russell
Pound, Murray Stuart
Powell, Charles Baden Drury
 Powell, Charles Herbert
 Powell, Douglas, 2nd Bt.
Powell, Gerald Frederick Watso
Powell, Rhys Campbell ffolliot
Powell, Scott
Powley, Alan Denys
 Powley, Clement Edward ( 1914 ), with the Australian Imperial Forces
Pownall, George Harley
 Powys, Horace James
 Powys-Keck, Thomas Charles Ley
 Poyntz, Alban Rahere Castleton
 Poyntz, Hugh Stainton ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Poyntz, John Michael
 Poyntz, Richard Stephen Pierre ( 1914-1918 )
 Poyntz, Robert Hugh ( 1914-1918 )
Pratt, Audley Charles
 Pratt, John Charles, 4th Marque
Pratt, Lionel Henry
 Prescott, Richard, 2nd Bt.
 Prescott, William Henry, 1st Bt
 Preston, Edward Hulton, 5th Bt.
 Preston, Hubert Anthony John, where he was wounded twice
 Preston, Jenico Thomas
 Preston, Philip Henry Hulton, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Preston, Richard Martin Peter, where he was mentioned in despatches
Preston, Rudolph Arthur
Preußen, Tassilo Wilhelm Humbe ( 1914-1917 )
 Prevost, George Herbert, he was mentioned in despatches and received two medals and a star
Preysing-Lichtenegg-Moos, Joha
 Price, Cyril Uvedale, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Price, Francis Henry Talbot
 Price, Geoffrey Uvedale, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Price, George Dominic, he was mentioned in despatches
 Price, Harold Rokeby, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Price, James Thirkell
 Price, Kenneth Alexander
 Price, Murray Rokeby, where he was wounded
 Price, Ralph Charles
 Price, Rose Percy Caradoc, he was mentioned in despatches
 Price, Thomas Herbert Francis, he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Price, Thomas Ralph Plumer
Price, Vivian Franklin Lyon Ro
 Priestland, Edward Andreas, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Primrose, Albert Edward Harry
Primrose, Neil James Archibald
 Prince-Smith, William, 3rd Bt., he was mentioned in despatches
 Prior-Palmer, Otho Leslie
Prittie, Francis Reginald Denn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Prittie, Henry Cornelius O'Cal, where he was mentioned in despatchesn and was wounded
 Proby, Granville, he was wounded
 Proby, Richard George, 1st Bt.
Proctor-Beauchamp, Horace Geor
Proctor-Beauchamp, Montagu Bar
Prothero, Rowland John
 Pryce-Jones, Albert Westhead, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Pryce-Jones, Henry Morris ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches six times
 Pryce-Jones, Pryce Victor, 2nd ( 1914-1918 )
Pryce-Jones, Reginald Ernest P
 Pryke, Hamer Forest Stanley, he received a star and two medals
 Pryke, Richard Frederick Norma
 Purdon Coote, Charles Robert
 Purey-Cust, Arthur John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Purey-Cust, Herbert Edward
 Purey-Cust, Richard Brownlow, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Purvis-Russell-Montgomery, Hen, in Salonika, where he was wounded
 Pym, Alexander Ruthven ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pym, Charles Evelyn, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Pym, Claud John
Pym, Francis Leslie Melville
 Quilter, Eustace Cuthbert
 Quilter, John Arnold Cuthbert
 Quintal, Albert Robert, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Quintal, Byron George, with the 1st and 53rd Battalions
Quintal, David Landers, and become a Turkish POW
 Quintal, Edward Lester, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces
Quintal, Edward Young
 Quintal, Frank Joseph, with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade
 Quintal, Heywood Lisle, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Quintal, Ivor Lawrence Ivor
 Quintal, Ralph Henry, with the 7th Australian Light Horse
Quintal, Roy Edwin
 Quintal, Russell Gascoigne Har, with the 53rd Battalion
 Quintal, Thomas Austin, with the 1st Australian Pioneer Battalion
Radcliffe, Arthur Philip Josep
 Radcliffe, Everard Joseph, 5th
 Radcliffe, Henry Joseph Franci
Radcliffe, John Douglas Hender
 Radcliffe, Joseph Francis Edwa ( 1914-1915 ), he was wounded
Radcliffe, Percival Victor Alb
 Radcliffe, Philip John Joseph
 Radcliffe, Roger Chideock Jose
Radclyffe, Charles Edward
 Radford, Arthur William
Radziwill, Nicholas
 Raffan, George
 Raikes, Geoffrey Taunton
 Rainsford-Hannay, Archibald Go
 Rainsford-Hannay, Donald, and was wounded at Loos
 Rainsford-Hannay, Frederick, of, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Rainsford-Hannay, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rainsford-Hannay, Ramsay
 Ralli, Leonidas Lucas
 Ralli, Strati, 2nd Bt.
 Ramsay, Alexander Fitzgerald, he was wounded
 Ramsay, Alexander Robert Maule, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay, Archibald Henry Maule ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded
 Ramsay, Arthur George Maule, 14, where he was wounded
 Ramsay, Bertram Home, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Ramsay, Charles Fox Maule, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay, Hilton Alexander, he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay, James Douglas, 11th Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
Ramsay, John Marmaduke
 Ramsay, John Richard
 Ramsay, Norman
 Ramsay, Norman, he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay-Fairfax, William George, he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Ewen Ayme
Ramsbotham, Geoffrey Bury
 Ramsbotham, Richard Bury
 Ramsden, Arthur Amherst, in the ranks
 Ramsden, Arthur Geoffrey Franc, he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsden, Eugene Joseph Squire ( 1915-1918 )
 Ramsden, Geoffrey Charles Fres ( 1914-1919 )
 Ramsden, Herbert Frescheville, he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsden, Ralph Western ( 1915-1916 )
 Ramsden, William Havelock Chap
Randolph, Arthur Bertram
 Rankin, Charles Herbert, he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Rankin, James Reginald Lea, 2nd
Ranking, George Harvey
Ransome, Geoffrey
Rapaport, John Lindsay
 Raphael, Geoffrey George, where he was wounded
 Rasch, Frederick Carne, 2nd Bt., he was mentioned in despatches
 Rasch, Guy Elland Carne, he was mentioned in despatches
 Rashleigh, Harry, he was mentioned in despatches
 Rashleigh, John Kendall, he was mentioned in despatches
 Rashleigh, Philip, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Rattray, Haldane Burney
Raw, Rupert George
 Rawlinson, Alfred, 3rd Bt. ( 1914-1916 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st a
 Rawnsley, John Richard Chaplin, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Rawstorne, Thomas Geoffrey
Ray, Archibald Douglas Hussey
 Raymond, John Kimber
 Raymond-Barker, Aubrey Basil, where he became a POW in 1916
Raymond-Barker, Richard Raymon
 Rea, Philip Russell, 2nd Baron
 Reade, George Bookey Swan, with the Canadian Expeditionary Force
Reade, John Henry Loftus, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Readhead, Stanley ( 1916 ), where he was wounded and where he was mentioned in dispatches
Rechteren-Limpurg-Speckfeld, F
Redern, Wilhelm Heinrich Victo
 Rees, Thomas Wynford ( 1917-1918 ), in Mesopotamia and Palestine
 Reid, Douglas Neilson, of Sprin
Reid, George
Reid, James, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Reid, James Scott Cumberland, B ( 1914-1918 )
Reid, Leslie
 Reilly-Minchin, Henry Falkiner, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1s ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Remington, Ernest Alfred Roger ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Remnant, James Farquharson, 1st
 Remnant, Peter Farquharson
 Remnant, Robert John Farquhars
 Renshaw, Charles Stephen Bine,
Renton, Henry Noel Leslie
 Renton, Ronald Kenneth Duncan
 Renwick, Gustav Adolph, where he was severely wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Renwick, Septimus
Reuss zu Köstritz, Heinrich XL ( 1914-1916 )
Reuss zu Köstritz, Heinrich XX
Reynolds, Douglas, V.C., where he was severely wounded
 Reynolds, James Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1915-1916 )
 Reynolds, John Francis Roskell
 Reynolds-Moreton, Claude Antho, where he was wounded
 Reynolds-Moreton, Percy Cliffo, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Rhodes, Hervey, Baron Rhodes
 Rhodes, John Phillips, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Rhodes-Moorhouse, William Barn
 Rhys, Charles Arthur Uryan, 8th
 Riach, Malcolm Alexander Stewa
 Riach, Nigel Malcolm Stewart
 Riach, Ronald Stewart
 Ribbentrop, Joachim
 Rich, Almeric Edmund Frederic,
 Rich, Almeric Frederic Conness ( 1914-1919 )
 Rich, Charles Edwin Frederick ( 1914-1919 ), in France, and was where he was mentioned in dispatches five times
 Rich, Charles Rodney St. John ( 1917-1919 )
Rich, Ernest Evelyn
 Rich, Geoffrey Gordon ( 1914-1918 )
 Rich, William Gordon
Richards, Roland
 Richardson, Angus MacDonald
 Richardson, Charles Henry Garn, where he was wounded
Richardson, John Watson
 Richardson, William Wigham, 2nd ( 1914-1919 )
 Richardson-Bunbury, Moutray Fr
 Richmond, Oliffe Legh
Rickard, Victor George Howard
 Rickword, John Edgell ( 1916-1918 ), where he was wounded twice, losing the sight in one eye
 Riddell, Archibald, in Mesopotamia and Palestine, and was mentioned in despatches
 Riddell, Edward Vansittart Dic, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Riddell, Henry James
 Riddell, James Foster
 Riddell, John Balfour, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Riddell, Robert Buchanan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Riddell, Walter
 Riddell, Walter Robert Buchana
 Ridley, Edward Davenport, where he was wounded
 Ridley, George Arden ( 1914-1917 ), where he was wounded
 Ridley, Gerard Arthur
 Ridley, Jaspar Nicholas, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Ridley, Mervyn Adrian Touchet ( 1914-1919 )
 Ridout, Gaspard Alured Evelyn
 Rigby, Hugh Mallinson, 1st Bt. ( 1916 )
 Riley, Christopher John Molesw
 Rimington, Michael Frederic
Ripley, Charles Roger
 Ripley, Edward Guy
 Ripley, Frederick Hugh, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ripley, Geoffrey Arnold, 3rd Bt
 Ripley, Henry William Alfred, 3
 Ripley, Hugh Ivor Emmott
 Ripley, Hugh William Grey
Ritchie, Alexander Stewart ( 1914-1918 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Edward Charles
 Rivett-Carnac, Herbert Gordon
 Rivett-Carnac, James William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rivett-Carnac, John Claude Thu
 Rivett-Carnac, Percy Kenneth, in Egypt, Persian Gulf and East Africa
 Robb, Frederick Spencer Wilson
 Robb, Hugh Anselm Boulton
 Robbins, Lionel Charles, Baron ( 1916-1919 )
 Robeck, John Michael, 1st and l
 Roberts, Geoffrey
 Roberts, Gilbert Howland
 Roberts, Thomas Langdon Howlan, where he was wounded
 Roberts, Walter St. Clair Howl
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches
Robertson, E. C.
 Robertson, Langton George Dunc ( 1917 ), where he was invalided
 Robertson, Robert Bannerman Fr ( 1914-1918 ), with the 9th Lancers, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st
Robertson-Glasgow, Archibald W
 Robertson-Glasgow, Martin
 Robins, Thomas Ellis, 1st and l ( 1914-1918 ), in Egypt, Gallipoli and Palestine, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Robinson, Frederick Villiers L, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Robinson, Frederick Winwood
Robinson, Hercules Edward Jose
 Robinson, John Beverley ( 1915-1917 ), where he became a POW and escaped
 Robinson, John Selwyn
 Robson, Harold Burge, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Roche, George Denis Burke ( 1917-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rochfort, Horace Marriott Thom
 Rockett, Richard Napoleon
 Rodd, Francis James Rennell, 2n, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rodney, Charles Christian Simo, where he became a POW
 Rodney, George Bridges Harley
 Rodney, Ivor Morgan
 Rodney, James Henry Bertie, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Rodney, Lennox George Brydges ( 1914 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Rodney, William Francis
Roe, Arthur Robert Montgomery
 Rolland, Francis William
Rolleston, Francis Lancelot
 Rolleston, John Philip ( 1916-1918 )
 Rollo, John Eric Henry, 12th Lo
 Rollo, William Hereward Charle
Rolls, John McLean, 2nd Baron L
Romanov, Oleg Konstantinovich, ( 1914 )
 Rome, Robert Cowper ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Romer, Cecil Francis
 Romer, Charles Robert ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded, and mentioned in despatches twice
 Romer, Guy Frederick
Romer, Mark Lemon Ritchie
 Romilly, Arthur Hovell, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Romilly, Cosmo George
Romilly, Francis Henry
 Romilly, William Gaspard Guy, 4
 Rootes, William Edward, 1st Bar
 Roper, Alexander William
 Roper, Blayney Trevor
Roper, Major Reginald Trevor
 Roper, Richard Blayney, in Egypt and Mesopotamia
 Roper, William Trevor, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Roper-Curzon, Christopher John
 Roper-Curzon, Henry John Phili
 Roper-Curzon, Ralph Henry, where he was wounded
 Ropner, Emil Hugo Oscar Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ropner, Geoffrey Vyvyan
 Ropner, Leonard, 1st Bt.
 Ropner, Richard
 Ropner, William Guy
 Rose Price, Thomas, he was mentioned in despatches four times
Rose, A. H. ( 1914 )
 Rose, Cecil Guy
 Rose, Charles Vincent Douglas, where he was wounded and invalided
Rose, Frank Stanley Day, 2nd Bt
 Rose, Harcourt George Sainte C
 Rose, Hugh Arthur, 1st Bt. ( 1915-1917 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Rose, Hugh, 24th of Kilravock, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Rose, Ivor Sainte Croix, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Rose, Philip Vivian, where he was severely wounded and became a POW
Ross, Arthur John
 Ross, James Paterson, 1st Bt.
 Rothschild, Anthony Gustav, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Rothschild, Evelyn Achille, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rothschild, James Armand Edmon
Rouse-Boughton-Knight, Thomas
 Rowan-Hamilton, Archibald Jame
 Rowan-Hamilton, Gawain Basil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rowlandson, Michael George Dob
Rowley, Charles Ronald
 Rowley, Charles Samuel, 6th Bt.
 Rowley, Clotworthy Wellington, with the New Zealand Forces
Rowley, George Cecil
 Rowley, George Guy Singleton, with the Remount Service
 Rowley, George William, 5th Bt., where he was wounded
 Rowley, Howard Fiennes Julius, where he was mentioned in despatches
Rowley, Joshua Robert
Rowley, Reginald Frederick, where he was wounded
 Rowley, Robin Julius Leigh, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Rowley, William Chambré, 6th Ba
 Rowley, William Joshua, 6th Bt., where he was wounded
 Rowley-Conwy, Rafe Grenville, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Royle, Charles, Baron Royle ( 1915-1919 )
Royle, Samuel
 Rugge-Price, Charles Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Ruggles-Brise, Edward Archibal
 Ruggles-Brise, Evelyn Coope
 Ruggles-Brise, Harold Ralph
 Rumbold, Charles Edmund Arden
 Rumbold, Christian Franklyn Ha, in the Persian Gulf
 Rumbold, Edmund Law Hollins
 Rumbold, Hugh Cecil Levinge, where he was wounded
 Rumbold, Thomas Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rumbold, William Richard
Rundle, Beaumont, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Russell, Alec Charles, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Russell, Alexander Victor Fred, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Russell, Arthur Edward Ian Mon
 Russell, Arthur Oliver Villier, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Russell, Bertrand Joseph, here he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Russell, Claud Frederick Willi
 Russell, Drostan Arthur Cumine
 Russell, Edmond Henry Cecil, with the Australian Imperial Force
 Russell, Edward Frederick Lang, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Russell, Gerald Cyril, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, Gilbert Byng Alwyne
 Russell, Guy Herbrand Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, Hastings William Sack
Russell, Henry Branfill
 Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th, where he was mentioned in despatches
Russell, James Cosmo
 Russell, John Albert, where he was wounded
 Russell, John Hardress Cecil, with the Australian Imperial Force
 Russell, John Hugo, 3rd Baron A
Russell, Leonard Cosmo Bolles
 Russell, Sidney Cumine, of Aden
 Russell, Victor Alexander Fred, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Ruttledge, John Forrest, and was mentioned in despatches
Rutzen, Alan Frederick James
 Rycroft, Alfred Richard Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Rycroft, Henry Frederick
 Rycroft, Julian Neil Oscar, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Rycroft, Nelson Edward Oliver,
 Rycroft, Richard Nelson, 5th Bt
 Rycroft, William Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches seven times
 Ryder, Algernon Frederick Rola, where he was wounded four times
 Ryder, Archibald Stuart Dudley
 Ryder, Aubrey Leveson Dudley, where he was wounded
 Ryder, Charles Henry Dudley
 Ryder, Dudley William
 Ryder, Dudley, 6th Earl of Harr, where he was wounded
 Ryder, Henry Dudley
Ryder, Robert Nathaniel Dudley
 Ryder, Wilfred Ironside
 Saalfeld, Ernst Friedrich Hein ( 1914-1915 )
Saalfeld, Georg Wilhelm ( 1914-1916 )
Sachsen-Meiningen, Ernst Leopo
Sachsen-Meiningen, Friedrich J
Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Albre ( 1914-1918 )
 Sackville, Gilbert George Regi ( 1914 )
 Sackville-West, Bertrand Georg
 Sackville-West, Charles John, 4, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Sackville-West, Lionel Edward,
Sadler, Ernest Reginald Hayes
 Sale-Hill, Alan Rowley, where he was wounded
 Sales la Terričre, Howard Mont
Salm-Hoogstraeten, Alexander F
Salm-Salm, Emanuel Alfred Leop
 Salt, Harold Francis, in Gallipoli, the Balkans, Palestine and Syria, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Salt, Thomas Anderton, 2nd Bt., in France, Balkans, Palestine and the Easter Rising
Salt, Walter Petit, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Salusbury-Trelawny, James Edwa, where he was severely wounded
 Salusbury-Trelawny, John Maitl, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Samuel, Edward Louis, 3rd Bt.
Samuel, Gerald George
 Samuel, Gerald Glen
 Samuel, Randolph John
 Samuel, Walter Horace, 2nd Visc ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Samuel, Wilfrid Gilbert
 Samuelson, Bernard Godfrey
 Samuelson, Carol Hubert Franci ( 1917-1919 )
 Samuelson, Francis Henry Berna
Samuelson, Geoffrey Bernard Fi, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Samuelson, Rupert Eric Hubert
Sandbach, William
Sanders, Alvin Augustus
 Sanders, Robert Arthur, 1st and ( 1914-1918 ), in Egypt and Palestine, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Sanderson, Basil, 1st Baron San
Sandford, Charles V.
 Sarsfield-Hall, Edwin Geoffrey
Sartoris, Charles Frederick
Satchwell, Ralph William
Satgé, Frederick Gordon
Satzger von Bálványos, Paul
 Saumarez, James St. Vincent Br, where he was wounded
Saumarez, Reginald Stafford
 Sausmarez, Cecil
Savile, George Keith
Savoia-Carignano, Umberto Mari
Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, O
 Scarlett, Hugh Richard, 7th Bar, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Scarlett, Leopold Francis
 Scarlett, Percy Gerald, where he received a mention in dispatches
Schneider, Henri-Paul Antoine
Schnurbein, Maximilian
 Schuster, Christopher John Cla
 Schuster, Victor, 2nd Bt. ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Schönborn-Wiesentheid, Joseph
 Sclater-Booth, John Limbrey Ro, where he won two medals
 Sclater-Booth, Walter Dashwood, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Scott Douglas, George Francis
 Scott, Charles Baliol
Scott, Charles Brough
 Scott, Denys
 Scott, Geoffrey Thomas Archiba
 Scott, Jervoise Bolitho, 1st Bt
 Scott, John, 4th Earl of Eldon
 Scott, Michael
 Scott, Osmund ( 1916-1918 ), with the Royal Army Service Corps
 Scott, Walter, 3rd Bt.
 Scott-Ellis, Thomas Evelyn, 8th
Scott-MacKirdy, Charles David
 Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, Charles
 Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, Henry, o ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seager, George Leighton, 1st Ba, where he was invalided
 Seager, John Elliot
Seager, William Henry
 Seale, Henry Dendy
 Searle, Tom Douglas
 Sebag-Montefiore, Eric Cecil
 Sebag-Montefiore, John ( 1914-1917 )
Sebag-Montefiore, Robert
 Sebag-Montefiore, Thomas Henry ( 1914-1919 ), in France, Belgium, Italy and Germany
 Sebright, Giles Edward, 13th Bt
Seely, Charles Grant, where he was wounded
 Seely, Frank Evelyn, in Egypt
 Seely, Henry John Alexander, 2n, with the Royal Field Artillery, in Italy
 Seely, John Edward Bernard, 1st, where he was mentioned in despatches 5 times, and was wounded
 Selby-Bigge, John Amhurst, 2nd ( 1914-1919 )
 Selby-Lowndes, William ( 1915-1919 )
 Selby-Smyth, Miles Bury
 Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norma ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Seton, Bruce Gordon, of Abercor, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Seton, Dorothy Beatrix
 Seton, Henry Winton
 Seton, John Hastings, of Pitmed
 Seton, Robert Coote ( 1916-1919 ), with the Australian Forces
 Seymer, Vivian Home, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Seymour, Albert Edward, with the Royal Canadian Navy
 Seymour, Archibald George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, Arthur
 Seymour, Arthur George, in Mesopotamia
 Seymour, Beauchamp, where he was severely wounded
 Seymour, Charles Evelyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, Charles Hugh Napier, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Seymour, Claude, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Seymour, Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, Edward Beauchamp
 Seymour, Edward Hamilton, 16th
 Seymour, Edward William
 Seymour, Evelyn Francis Edward, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Seymour, Francis
 Seymour, Francis Ernest
 Seymour, Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, Leopold Robert, where he was wounded
 Seymour, Ralph Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, Reginal Guy, where he was wounded
 Seymour, Reginald Henry, where he was wounded
Seymour, Vere
 Seymour, Vere Hugh, France and Ministry of Shipping
 Seymour, William John
 Seymour, William Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Shakerley, Cyril Holland, 5th B
 Shakerley, Walter Geoffrey, 3rd ( 1914-1916 )
 Shakespeare, Geoffrey Hithersa
Shaughnessy, Alfred Thomas
 Shaughnessy, William James, 2nd
 Shaw, Alexander, 2nd Baron Crai ( 1915-1916 )
 Shaw, Bernard Henry Gilbert
 Shaw, Charles John, of Tordarro
Shaw, Edward Alfred
 Shaw, Edward Wingfield, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Shaw, Frederick Charleton, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Shaw, Frederick William, 5th Bt
 Shaw, James Rowan
 Shaw, Percy Jocelyn, in Mesopotamia and Palestine
 Shaw, Robert Mervyn
 Shaw, Robert de Vere, 6th Bt.
 Shaw-Stewart, Basil Heron, and was mentioned in despatches
Shaw-Stewart, Niel
Shaw-Stewart, Patrick Houston
 Shaw-Stewart, Walter Guy, 9th B, where he was wounded twice
Shaw-Stewart, William Houston
Shelley, Cecil William Charles
Shelley, Ernest Bowen
 Shelley, George Edward, where he was wounded
 Shelley, Hubert
 Shelley, John Frederick, 10th B
 Shelley, Sidney Patrick, 8th Bt
Sheridan, William Frederick Te
 Sherrard, George Charles
Sherston, Somerset Arthur
 Sherston-Baker, Dodington Geor
 Shewell, Edward Warner ( 1914-1918 )
Shiffner, John Bridger, 6th Bt.
 Shirley, Sewallis Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert
 Siddeley, Cyril Davenport, 2nd, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Siddeley, Ernest Hall
 Siddeley, Norman Goodier, where he was wounded
 Sievier, Robert Brudenell-Bruc
 Silley, Joseph William Durk, with Royal Horse Artillery
Silva-Tarouca, Franz Ernst Ign
Silva-Tarouca, Joseph
Silvertop, Francis Somerled Jo
Silvertop, William A.
 Simeon, Charles Edward Barring
 Simeon, Cornwall Barrington, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Simeon, John Pole, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Simeon, Leonard Stephen Barrin
 Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Vis, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Simonds, Charles Francis
Simonds, John de Luze
 Simpson, Basil Robert James, 2n, where he was wounded
Simpson, Claude Frank Bell
 Simpson, Ernest Aldrich
 Simpson, Frank Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Simpson, James Cowie
 Simpson, John Cyril Finucane, 3
 Sinclair, Archibald Henry Macd
 Sinclair, John Alexander
 Sinclair, John Rose George, of
 Sinclair, Robert John, 1st Baro
 Sinclair, Ronald Sutherland Br
 Sinclair-Lockhart, Graeme Dunc
 Singer, Morgan
 Skeffington, Algernon William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Skeffington, Blennerhasset Joh
 Skinner, Edgar Louis
 Skinner, Philip John Lancelot
 Skinner, Thomas Gordon, 3rd Bt.
 Skipwith, Charles Grey Yule, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Skipwith, Frank Peyton
 Skipwith, Frederick, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Skipwith, Frederick George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Skipwith, Fulwar Estoteville
Skipwith, Granville Arthur
 Skipwith, Harry Louis Estotevi
 Skipwith, James Wemyss, where he was wounded three times and was mentioned in dispatches
Skrine, Henry Langton
Skrine, Sholto Herries
Slacke, Charles Owen
 Slade, Alfred Fothringham, 5th
 Slade, Gerald Gordon
 Slade, Reginald Robert
 Sleight, Ernest, 2nd Bt.
 Sleight, Rowland
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Visco, where he was wounded twice
 Smiley, John, 2nd Bt.
Smith Cuninghame, Alfred Keith, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Smith Cuninghame, Robert Dick ( 1915-1918 ), where he was wounded three times and was mentioned in despatches
 Smith Cuninghame, William Wall ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Smith de Heriz, Cyril Ralph Va
Smith de Heriz, Francis Gerald
Smith, Algernon Lindsay Eric
 Smith, Arthur Francis ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded three times
Smith, Arthur George Murray
Smith, Bernard Ridley Winthrop
Smith, Charles Jervoise Dudley
 Smith, Ernest Gates P.
 Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Ear ( 1914-1915 ), where he served in France and was mentioned in despatches
Smith, George Buchanan
 Smith, Gerald Montagu, where he was wounded three times and mentioned in despatches three times
Smith, Gilbert Seymour Worsley
Smith, Granville Keith-Falcone
 Smith, Harry Reginald Walter M, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in dispatches
Smith, Herbert Stoney
Smith, Julian Martin
 Smith, Leslie
Smith, Robert Dunlop
 Smith, Robert Workman, of Crowm
 Smith, Sydney
 Smith-Barry, Robert Raymond
Smith-Cumming, Alastair Mansfi, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood ( 1914-1918 )
Smith-Rewse, Henry Bingham Whi
 Smyth, Herbert Edward FitzRoy, in Mesopotamia and North Russia
 Smyth, John George, 1st Bt., V., where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Smyth-Osbourne, George Nowell
 Smyth-Osbourne, John Greville, where he became a POW
Smyth-Osbourne, Wilfrid
 Snell, Alfred Rockwell, with the 19th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force, and was wounded twice
Snell, Ernest Edward Burnett
 Snell, Henry Irwin, with the 22nd MG Battalion and 17th Infantry Battalion
Sneyd, Thomas Humphrey
Snow, Charles Hastings
 Snow, Charles Stewart Hastings
 Snow, D'oyly Piers
Solemacher, Johann Friedrich
 Somers Cocks, Arthur Percy, 7th ( 1915-1917 ), with the Canadian Forces
Somerset, Alan Wyndham
 Somerset, Arthur Plantagenet F ( 1915 ), where he was wounded
 Somerset, Charles William Henr, in France, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham
 Somerset, Edward Henry ( 1914 ), in German South West Africa with Cullinan's Horse, and in France, Egypt and British East Africa with the South African Infantry
Somerset, FitzRoy Aubrey
 Somerset, FitzRoy Henry ( 1914 )
 Somerset, Henry Charles Somers, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Somerset, Henry George FitzRoy, in the Australian Imperial Force
 Somerset, Malcolm Bruce, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Somerset, Nigel FitzRoy, he was wounded twice and mentioned in despatches thrice
Somerset, Norman Arthur Henry
 Somerset, Richard Granville, he was wounded twice
Somerset, Villiers Henry Plant
 Somerset, Wellesley FitzRoy, he was wounded
 Somerset-Johnstone, James Mont
Sopwith, Reginald Scott
 Sotheby, Herbert George ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Sotheby, Lionel Frederick Sout
 Sotheby, William Edward Southw ( 1914-1918 )
 Southby, Archibald Richard Jam
 Southwell, Robert Arthur Willi
Spearman, Alexander Young Craw
 Spearman, Charles Edward
 Spears, Edward Louis, 1st Bt. ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches five times and was wounded four times
 Speir, Kenneth Robert Napier
Speke, Hugh
 Spencer, Albert Edward John, 7t ( 1917-1918 ), and was wounded
 Spencer, Almeric Arthur Willia ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Spencer, Aubrey Vere ( 1914-1918 ), being mentioned in despatches
 Spencer, Cecil Edward Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Spencer, Edward Almeric ( 1914-1918 ), , and was wounded
 Spencer, Francis Elmhirst ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches five times
Spencer, Henry Beresford ( 1914-1918 )
 Spencer, John Almeric Walter ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Spencer, Richard Augustus ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Spencer, Victor Alexander, 2nd ( 1914-1918 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Charles Ric ( 1914-1918 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Edward Geor ( 1914-1918 ), and was wounded twice
 Spencer-Churchill, Ivor Charle ( 1917-1918 )
 Spencer-Churchill, John Albert ( 1914-1918 )
 Spencer-Churchill, John Strang ( 1914-1918 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Spencer-Nairn, Robert, of Monim
 Spencer-Smith, Richard Osbalde, where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Spens, William Patrick, 1st Bar, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Spicer, Lancelot Dykes, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Spicer, Stewart Dykes, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Spielmann, Ferdinand Isidore
Spread, Frederick Bradshaw Dea
 Spring Rice, Charles, 5th Baron
Spring Rice, Gerald
 Spring, Albert
 Spring, Frederick Gordon, he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Spring, Trevor Coleridge
Spurway, Alexander Popham
Spurway, George Vyvyan
Spurway, Richard Popham
 St. Aubyn, Edward Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. Aubyn, Edward Stuart
St. Aubyn, Erskine Knollys Hev, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. Aubyn, Francis Cecil Ord, 3, where he was wounded twice
 St. Aubyn, Lionel Michael, where he was mentioned in despatches
St. Aubyn, Morice Julian
 St. Aubyn, Piers Stewart
 St. Clair, Archibald James Mur
 St. Clair, Charles Henry Murra, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 St. Clair, Charles Home Dougla, where he was mentioned in dispatches
St. Clair, Charles Matthew Dun
St. Clair, Christopher Fenwick
 St. Clair, George James Paul, where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 St. Clair, Lockhart Frederick, with the Royal Flying Corps where he was wounded
 St. Clair, William Lockhart, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 St. Clair-Erskine, Francis Edw, where he was wounded
 St. Clair-Erskine, James Franc ( 1915-1917 )
 St. George, Clifford Fortescue
St. George, Howard Avenel Blig
St. George, John Christopher
St. Hill, Collis George Herber
 St. John, Arthur Beauchamp, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, Charles Edward Flemi
 St. John, Edmund Farquhar ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, Ferdinand John
 St. John, Francis Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 St. John, Frederick Oliver
 St. John, Geoffrey Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, Henry Beauchamp
St. John, Herbert Newell
 St. John, Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, Richard Stukeley, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, Rowland Tudor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, St. Andrew Oliver ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John-Mildmay, Anthony, 8th, where he was wounded twice
St. John-Mildmay, Bouverie Wal
 St. John-Mildmay, George
 St. John-Mildmay, Paulet Bertr
 St. John-Mildmay, Walter Herve
St. Leger, St. John Richard
St. Quintin, Clifford Jack
Stack, Edward Hugh Bagot
 Stacpoole, Edward Hubert Micha, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Stacpoole, Francis Gustave, where he was wounded
 Stacpoole, George Edward Josep
Stacpoole, George Eric Guy
 Stacpoole, George William Robe
 Stacpoole, Richard Hassard
Stacpoole, Robert Andrew
Stacpoole, Roderick Algernon A, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stafford-King-Harman, Cecil Wi ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Stafford-King-Harman, Edward C ( 1914 )
 Stamer, Hugo Frederick Barnaba
 Stamer, Lovelace, 4th Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stamer, William Donovan, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in dispatches
 Stanhope, Isabella Olave, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Stanhope, James Richard, 7th Ea ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Stanhope, Richard Philip
Stanhope, Talbot FitzRoy Eden
 Stanier, Alexander Beville Gib
 Stanley, Alan Sidney Wentworth
 Stanley, Algernon Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stanley, Charles Henry
 Stanley, Edmund Stewart, where he was wounded
 Stanley, Ferdinand Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stanley, Frederick William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stanley, George Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Stanley, John William
 Stanley, Oliver Hugh, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Stanley, Victor Albert ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Stannus, Thomas Robert Alexand
 Staples, Robert George Alexand
 Stapleton, Francis Harry ( 1914-1918 )
 Stapleton, Hugh le Despencer ( 1914 )
 Stapleton, Louis Henry
 Stapleton, Miles Talbot, 9th Bt ( 1914-1919 )
Stapleton, Thomas
Stapleton-Bretherton, Osmond F
Stapleton-Bretherton, Wilfrid
 Stapleton-Cotton, Francis Lync ( 1916-1919 ), where he was wounded
 Stapleton-Cotton, Richard Grev
 Stapleton-Cotton, Robert Franc
 Starkey, John Henry
 Steele, Charles Montagu
Stephenson, Denys George
 Stephenson, Henry Francis Blak
 Stephenson, Henry Kenyon, 1st B, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Stephenson, William Raymond Sh
 Stevenson, Samuel Delano
 Stevenson-Hamilton, James, 16th, in Gallipoli and Egypt
Steward, Arthur Amyot
 Steward, Edward Merivale
Stewart, Adrian Harry
 Stewart, Albert Fortescue, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stewart, Algernon Bingham Anst
Stewart, Charles Frederic Some
 Stewart, Cosmo Gordon, where he was mentioned in dispatches six times and was wounded
Stewart, Geoffrey
Stewart, George Cecil
 Stewart, Hugh, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Stewart, Hugh Charlie Godfray, , where he was wounded
 Stewart, Hugh Houghton, 4th Bt. ( 1914-1916 )
Stewart, James Augustus
 Stewart, James Watson, of Balgo
 Stewart, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
Stewart, John Houghton
Stewart, Keith Anthony
 Stewart, Malcolm Gilbert Watso
 Stewart, Mervyn James
 Stewart, Randolph Algernon Ron
Stewart, Walter Robert
 Stewart, William Nassau
 Stewart-Brown, Hamilton
 Stewart-Brown, Leslie
 Stewart-Brown, Ronald
Stewart-Murray, George
 Stewart-Murray, James Thomas, 9, where he was wounded, and captured and held as a POW
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8t, where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Stewart-Richardson, Arthur Jam
 Stewart-Richardson, Edward Aus
 Stewart-Richardson, John Henry
Stewart-Richardson, John Laude
 Stewart-Richardson, Neil Graha
 Stewart-Richardson, Robert Mon, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stewart-Savile, Derek Noel, and was mentioned in despatches
 Stewart-Savile, Robert Stewart
 Stewart-Savile, Walter, with Dorset Yeomanry
 Stirling, Archibald, of Keir, in Gallipoli and Egypt
 Stirling, Arthur Charles, 6th o, where he was wounded twice
 Stirling, George Murray Home, 9 ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches four times and was wounded
Stirling, Robert
 Stirling, Thomas Willing, 5th o
 Stirling, Walter Andrew, in France
 Stirling, Walter Francis
 Stirling, William, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Stirling-Cookson, Samuel Baill
Stobart, John Geoffrey
 Stockdale, Herbert Edward, where he was mentioned in dispatches five times
Stockdale, William Walter Barn
 Stockley, Hugh Roderick ( 1917-1918 ), with the Mesopotamian Expeditioanry Force, and was again mentioned in despatches
Stockley, James Pearson
 Stockwell, Clifton Inglis
Stoddart, Frederick William
 Stoke-Roberts, Arthur Edward
 Stoke-Roberts, Edward Rowland
Stolberg-Rossla, Jost
Stolberg-Wernigerode, Wolf Ern
 Stoney, Edward Bowes, with the Royal Army Medical Corps
Stoney, Francis George Duncan
Stoney, George Francis, with the 72nd Seaforth Highalnders
 Stoney, Gerald Johnstone Lipye
 Stoney, Henry Howard, with the 64th Staffordshire Regiment
 Stoney, Johnstone Percy Lipyea, where he was wounded
 Stoney, Leigh Sadleir
 Stoney, Patrick Sinclair, with the 26th Punjabis
 Stoney, Ralph Durrant Sadleir, where he was mentioned in despatches
Stoney, Thomas Ramsay
Stonor, Cuthbert Mary Anthony
Stonor, Howard Carew
 Stopford Sackville, Lionel Cha, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Arthur
 Stopford, Charles William, where he was wounded, and mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Frederick Victor
 Stopford, Frederick William
 Stopford, George Christian Noe ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded
 Stopford, George Waller
 Stopford, Grosvenor Francis ( 1915-1920 ), where he was wounded
 Stopford, Guy
Stopford, Heneage Frank
 Stopford, James Richard Nevill ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Lionel Arthur Montag ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Lionel Montagu Phipp
 Stopford, Montagu George North, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Montagu Henry Aubrey ( 1914-1915 )
 Stopford, Robert Maurice, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Walter John, where he was mentioned in despatches
Storr, Leycester Penrhyn
 Stotherd, Sydney Boyle
 Stott, George Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Stourton, Alfred Edward Corbal
 Stourton, Rudolph Henry Philip, where he was wounded
 Stourton, William Marmaduke, 26, where he was mentioned in despatches
Stourton-Langdale, Edward Fran
 Stracey, Algernon Augustus Hen, where he was wounded
 Stracey, John Bourchier
 Stracey, Reginald George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Strachey, Claude Otto
 Strachey, Edward, 2nd Baron Str, in Mesopotamia, Persia and India
 Strachey, Ewen Macpherson, at Gallipoli and in France
 Strachey, John Francis, where he was invalided
 Strachey, Richard Clive, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Strachey, Richard Clive
Strang, John
 Strang, William, 1st Baron Stra
Straubenzee, Charles Turner
Strickland, Alban Reginald
 Strickland, Arthur William, where he wounded five times
 Strickland, Cecil
 Strickland, Frederic, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Strickland, Gerald Constantine, where he was wounded
 Strickland, Henry
 Strickland, Nathaniel Lewis Hu, where he became a POW
 Strickland, Walter Edward
 Stronge, Charles Edmond Sincla, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stronge, Charles Norman Lockha, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Stronge, James Matthew
 Strutt, Edward Lisle ( 1914-1919 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches four times
 Strutt, Geoffrey St. John ( 1914-1917 ), where he was wounded
Strutt, Richard Neville
 Stuart Taylor, Eric, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Stuart, Andrew John, Viscount S
 Stuart, Archibald John Morton,
 Stuart, Arthur, 7th Earl Castle, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stuart, Burleigh Francis Brown, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Stuart, Charles
Stuart, Charles Erskine
Stuart, Edgar Archibald
 Stuart, Francis Douglas, 18th E, where he was wounded
 Stuart, Henry Campbell
 Stuart, James Gray, 1st Viscoun, where he was mentioned in despatches
Stuart, Kenneth Freemantle
Stuart, Robert James Noel
Stuart, Robert Sheffield
 Stuart, Ronald Neil, V.C.
 Stuart, Simeon Henry Lechmere, , where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stuart, William Dugald
Stuart, William Esmé Montague
 Stuart-Hamilton, Henry Rudston
 Stuart-Linton, Charles Edward ( 1914-1918 ), with the Canadian Expeditionary Force
Stuart-Menteth, Charles Bruce
 Stuart-Menteth, Montagu, where he was wounded
 Stucley, Humphrey St. Leger
 Studd, Eric, 2nd Bt.
Studd, Francis Cyril Rupert
 Studd, Herbert William, where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
Studd, Lionel Fairfax
 Studdert, Augustine FitzGerald
 Studdert, Charles Handcock
 Studdert, Francis Perceval
 Studdert, George Henry
 Studdert, John Herbert
 Studdert, Reginald Hallam
 Studdert, Richard
 Studdert, Robert Hallam, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Studdert, Thomas George Herber
 Studholme, Henry Gray, 1st Bt.
 Studholme, John Morton Rangabé
Studholme, Lancelot Joseph Moo
Studholme, Paul Francis Willia
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Dov ( 1914-1918 ), where he commanded the force that destroyed the German Pacific Fleet off the Falklands on 8 Dec 1914
 Sturdee, Lionel Arthur Doveton
Sturt, Gerard Philip Montagu N
 Style, Rodney Charles
 Sullivan, Edward Langford ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
Summers, Alfred Spencer Mason
 Summers, Geoffrey, 1st Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
 Sumner, Benedict Humphrey ( 1914-1917 )
Sundius Smith, Ronald Christia
 Sutherland, Halliday Gibson ( 1914-1918 )
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Alas, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Geor
Sutton, Fergus Algernon
 Sutton, Francis Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Sutton, Hugh Clement, where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
 Sutton, John Gilbert
 Sutton, Lionel Tatton
 Sutton, Nigel Eustace Philip
 Sutton, Oliver Manners, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Sutton, Richard Vincent, 6th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded twice
 Sutton, Robert Lexington, 8th B
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Christopher, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Oliver, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Swann, Geoffrey
Swift, Wilfrid Harold
 Swinton, Edulf Bentinck, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Swinton, Ernest Dunlop
 Syer, Hubert Lionel
 Sykes, Alfred ( 1916-1918 ), with the 1st Canadian Pioneers
 Sykes, Charles Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Sykes, John Henry
 Sykes, Tatton Benvenuto Mark, 6
Symons, Hubert
 Synge, Alan Hamilton Stuart
Synge, Allen Francis
Synge, Francis Patrick Hamilto
 Synge, Robert Follett Muter Fo
 Synge, Robert Millington, where he was wounded twice
 Synge, William Alfred Thackera
Tailby, T. M. T.
Taine, James Tayne
Talbot Rice, John Arthur
 Talbot, Arthur Aston
 Talbot, Arthur George
 Talbot, Arthur Hervey
 Talbot, Cecil Ponsonby, in submarines, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Talbot, Douglas Hervey
Talbot, Edward Charles
 Talbot, Edward Keble, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Talbot, Francis John Reginald
 Talbot, Frank Eustace George
 Talbot, George Reginald FitzRo, where he was mentioned in dispatches in India
Talbot, Gilbert Walter Lyttelt
 Talbot, Henry FitzRoy George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Talbot, Milo George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Talbot, Neville Stuart, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Talbot, Reginald Aloysius
Talbot, Reginald Fitzroy
 Talbot, Reginald Stanislaus Vi
 Talbot-Crosbie, Maurice Bertie
Talmash, Arthur Henry William
 Tancred, Bertram Selby
 Tangye, Wilfred Noel ( 1915-1918 ), with Graves Registration Units
 Tapps Gervis Meyrick, George L, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Tapps Gervis Meyrick, Richard
 Tarleton, Gerald Weldon Browne
Tarratt, Duncan McNeill Fox
Tarratt, William Stewart
 Tate, Arthur Wignall, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Tate, George Vernon
 Tate, Henry Burton
 Taylor, Alfred Jesse, 1st Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Taylor, Harold Charles Norman
 Taylor, Henry Wallace, including Gallipoli, where he was wounded
Taylor, Hugh
 Taylor, Richard Edward Montagu
Taylor, Seymour George Frederi
 Taylour, Basil Reginald Hamilt ( 1915-1918 )
 Taylour, Geoffrey Thomas, 4th M ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Taylour, George Ryefield, with 7th Division
Teacher, Norman McDonald
 Tedder, Arthur William, 1st Bar
 Teissier, Henry, 5th Baron de T ( 1914-1918 )
 Telfer Smollett, Alexander Pat
 Tempest, Roger Stephen, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Temple, Richard Durand, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches six times
 Temple-Gore-Langton, Evelyn Ar, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Tennant, Alan
Tennant, Charles
Tennant, Edward Wyndham
 Tennant, Ernest William Dalrym
 Tennant, Francis Michael, where he was mentioned in despatches
Tennant, Henry
Tennant, John Amherst
Tennant, John Edward ( 1914-1918 ), serving in France and Mesopotamia, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Tennant, Mark
Tennant, William Galbraith
Tennyson, Alfred Aubrey
 Tennyson, Alfred Browning Stan
Tennyson, Harold Courtenay
 Tennyson, Lionel Hallam, 3rd Ba, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice and was wounded three times
 Tetley-Jones, William
 Thellusson, Hugh Edmund, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Thesiger, Bertram Sackville, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Thesiger, Eric Richard, where he was wounded twice and mentioed in despatches twice
 Thesiger, Ernest Frederic Grah ( 1914-1915 ), with the Q.V. Rifles
Thesiger, Frederic Ivor
 Thesiger, George Handcock ( 1914-1915 ), where he was metnioned in despatches
 Thesiger, Gerald Edward Peirso
 Thesiger, Percy Mansfield, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Thesiger, Wilfred Gilbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Thomas, Cecil
Thomas, Frederick George Byam
 Thomas, George Alan, 7th Bt.
 Thomas, John Cyril Collette
Thompson, Gilbert, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Thompson, Lionel Graham Camero
 Thompson, Miles Atkinson
Thompson, Philip
 Thompson, Reginald, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Thompson, Richard Henry Vaugha
 Thompson, Thomas Raikes Lovett, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Thompson, Whately, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Thompson, William Whitaker, in Malta, Egypt and Gallipoli
Thomson, A. Y. Graham
 Thomson, Christopher Birdwood,
 Thomson, Frederick Charles, of, in Egypt and Salonika
 Thomson, Harold Lyon
 Thomson, Roger Gordon, where he was mentioned in despatches five times and was wounded
Thorne, Thomas Fleetwood Josep
 Thorneycroft, George Edward Me
 Thornhill, Henry Elliott Blund
 Thorold, Anthony Herbert Gerar, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Thorold, Edward Leofric
 Thorold, Ernest Hayford ( 1914-1916 ), with the BEF, and was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Thorold, George Preston
 Thorold, Guy Frederick
 Thorold, Henry Karslake ( 1915-1918 )
Thorpe, John Somerled
 Throckmorton, Basil Charles Da
 Throckmorton, Geoffrey Berkele ( 1914-1918 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Throckmorton, Herbert John Ant
 Throckmorton, Richard Courtena ( 1914-1916 )
 Thurlow, Edward Guy Lethbridge, where he was mentioned in dispatches seven times
 Thurlow, Godfrey Hovell
Thurn und Taxis, Egon
Thynne, Alexander George ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Thynne, Algernon Carteret
 Thynne, Denis Granville
 Thynne, George Augustus Carter
 Thynne, Hugh Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Thynne, John Alexander, Viscoun
 Thynne, Richard Granville, where he was wounded
 Thynne, Ulric Oliver, where he was again mentioned in despatches
Tillard, Arthur George
Tillard, Philip Algernon
 Timothy, Francis Ernest
 Timothy, William Nicholas Rola, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Tindal, Ralph
Tippet, Charles Henry
 Tippet, Herbert Charles Coning, at the Somme and Passchendale
Tippet, John Viivan
 Tizard, Henry Thomas
 Toler-Aylward, Hector James
 Toler-Aylward, Victor George
 Tollemache, Bentley Lyonel Joh, where he was wounded
Tollemache, Bevil Douglas
 Tollemache, Denis Plantagenet, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was a POW 1917-18
 Tollemache, Edward Devereux Ha, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Tollemache, Harold Wilbraham M, where he was wounded
 Tollemache, Humphrey Douglas
 Tollemache, Humphrey Thomas, 6t ( 1916-1918 )
Tollemache, John Eadred
 Tollemache, John Ernest ( 1917-1918 )
 Tollemache, Lawrence Lionel
 Tollemache, Lyonel Alexander A, where he was wounded
 Tollemache, Mortimer Granville
 Tomkins, Ernest Leith
 Tomlin, George Garrw
 Tonge, Cecil Graham, including service on Lake Nyasa
 Tottenham, Francis
 Tottenham, Ponsonby John Loftu
 Touche, Norman George, 2nd Bt., with Army Service Corps
 Tovey, George Strangways ( 1914-1918 )
 Tovey, John Cronyn, Baron Tovey, where he was mentioned in despatches
Tower, Christopher Cecil
 Towers-Clark, William Tidswell ( 1914-1919 )
 Towneley-Bertie, Montagu Henry, where he was wounded
 Towneley-O'Hagan, Maurice Herb
Townsend, Arthur FitzHenry
 Townsend, Cuthbert Hanson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Townsend, Edward Neville, where he was mentioned in despatches, severely wounded and became a POW
 Townsend, Edward Richard
Townsend, Francis Edward Steav
 Townsend, John Walter Elmsley, in Crete
 Townsend, Percy Dalrymple
 Townshend, Charles Richard de
 Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrer, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Townshend, Henry Brooke Villie ( 1917-1919 )
 Townshend, Hugh, with Royal Engineers
 Trafford, Charles Alan Cathcar, in France
 Trafford, Edward Aloysius
 Trafford, Geoffrey Edmond, where he was wounded
Trafford, Henry Joseph
 Trafford, Herman St. Michael, where he was wounded
 Trafford, Hubert Edmund Franci, where he was wounded
 Trafford, Humphrey Edmund, 4th, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Trafford, Oswald
Trafford, Ralph Eric Galfrid A
Trafford, Reginald Francis
 Trafford, Rudolph Edgar Franci, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Trafford, Thomas Cecil, where he was wounded
 Traill, Alexander Frederick
 Traill, Anthony O'Brien
 Traill, Edmund Francis Tarleto
 Traill, Henry Edward O'Brien, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Traill, William Stewart, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Tredcroft, Cyril Arthur Lennox
 Trefgarne, George Morgan, 1st B
Trefusis, Arthur Owen
 Trefusis, Francis Mackworth ( 1915-1917 ), as a Chaplain of the Forces
 Trefusis, George Rodolph
 Trefusis, Haworth Walter
 Trench, Claude Llewellyn Pomer, where he won two medals
Trench, Derrick Le Poer
 Trench, Desmond Patrick, where he was wounded
 Trench, Frederic FitzCurrie
Trench, Frederic Sydney ( 1914-1916 ), where he was wounded three times
Trench, Frederick Charles Bloo
 Trench, Geoffrey FitzLouis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Trench, George Frederick ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Trench, Nugent Charles
Trench, Percy Richard Oliver
 Trench, Walter Frederick Olive ( 1917-1919 )
 Trench-Gascoigne, Alvary Dougl, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Trevelyan, Charles William, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Trevelyan, Walter Raleigh Feth, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Trevelyan, Wilfred
Trevor-Roper, Charles Cadwalad
Trevor-Roper, Geoffrey
Trevor-Roper, Hubert
 Trevor-Roper, Ranulph Dacre, where he was wounded twice
Tribe, Charles Walter
Tritton, Alan George
 Tritton, Claude Henry
 Tritton, Julian Seymour
 Tritton, Nigel Charles
 Trollope, Arthur Grant, 13th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Trollope, Clive Heseltine, with the 9th Australian Field Ambulance
 Trollope, Leonard Edward Annes, with the Royal Garrison Artillery
Trollope, Thomas Carew, 3rd Bar
 Trotter, Algernon Richard, 12th
Trotter, Edward Henry
Trotter, Reginald Baird
 Troubridge, Thomas Hope
 Troubridge, Thomas St. Vincent, where he was wounded
Trousdell, Maurice George
Trumbull, John Franklin
 Truran, Cyril Jameson
Truscott, Cyril Alfred
 Truscott, Eric Homewood Stanha
Truscott, Francis George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Truscott, James Ralph
 Truscott, Roy Francis
Tryon, Henry
Tryon, Richard
 Tuck, Desmond Adolph
 Tuck, William Reginald, 2nd Bt.
 Tucker, Frederick James, Baron ( 1914-1918 )
 Tudor, Alan Roper
 Tufton, John Sackville Richard, and was mentioned in despatches
 Tuite, Brian Hugh Morgan, 12th, where he was wounded
Tuite, Henry Mark
Tuite, Mark Alan Wallace
Tupman, Arthur Lyon
 Tupper, Charles Stewart, 2nd Bt
 Tupper, Charles William
 Tupper, Charles, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Tupper, Reginald Hibbert, where he was wounded
Tupper, Victor Gordon, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded twice
 Turing, John Leslie, of Foveran, where he was wounded
 Turing, Robert Andrew Henry, of, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Turner, Bingham Alexander
Turnour, Arthur Wallace
Turnour, Arthur William Winter
 Turnour, Edward, 6th Earl Winte ( 1914-1918 ), in Gallipoli, Egypt and the Hedaz
 Turnour, James Owen ( 1917 ), where he was wounded in France
Turnour, John Edward Garth
Tuyll van Serooskerken, Mauric
 Twining, Stephen Herbert ( 1914-1918 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, All, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Car
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Cec, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Eus, in Flanders and the Darndenelles
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Geo, as Area Commandant, Flanders
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Geo
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ivo, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Joh, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Joh
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Lau, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Nat, in Mesopotamia and Palestine, and was mentioned in despatches
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Cecil Julian, with the Royal Field Artillery
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Edward Carey ( 1914-1919 ), on the HQ Staff, India
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Julian Dallas, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
Tyrrell, Francis Chichester Vi
Tyrrell, Hugo William Louis
 Tyrwhitt, Leonard Francis, where he was wounded
 Tyrwhitt, Reginald Yorke, 1st B
Upjohn, William Moon
 Upton, Eric Edward Montagu Joh
 Urquhart, Edward Frederick Mal
 Usher, Ronald James
 Ussher, Allan Vesey, where he was mentioned in despatches, and was wounded at the Battle of Loos
 Ussher, Arland
Vade-Walpole, Thomas Henry Bou
 Vallings, Henry Alan
 Van de Weyer, Bates Grimston ( 1914-1915 ), where he was wounded and became a POW
 Van de Weyer, Jean Bates ( 1917 )
Vandeleur, Alexander Moore
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Granv, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Vane, Christopher William, 10th, where he was wounded twice
Vane-Tempest, Charles Stewart
 Vane-Tempest, Ernest Charles W, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Vanneck, Andrew Nicholas Armst
 Vanneck, Joshua Walter Hunting
 Vans Agnew, John Burns, of Baro, where he was wounded
 Vans Agnew, John, of Barnbarroc
Vansittart, Arnold Bexley
 Vansittart, Eden ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Vassar-Smith, Charles Martin, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vaudrey-Barker-Mill, William C
 Vaughan Williams, Ralph
 Vaughan, Ernest Edmund Henry M, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Vaughan, Eugčne Napoléon Ernes, where he was mentioned in despatches
Vaughan, George Edmund, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Vaughan-Morgan, Kenyon Pascoe ( 1914-1919 )
Vavasour, George Marmaduke
 Vavasour, Hubert Philip Anthon
 Vavasour, John Wilfrid Leonard
 Vavasour, Leonard Pius, 4th Bt.
 Venables, Charles John
 Venables, William Alfred ( 1915-1919 )
 Venables-Vernon, Francis Lawra, in the North Sea and Mediterranean
 Venables-Vernon, George Franci
Venables-Vernon, William Walte
Vequel-Westernach, Karl
 Vere Drummond, George Henry, where he was wounded
 Vere, Robert Stephen Vere
 Vereker, Charles Granville
 Vereker, George Gordon, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Vereker, John Cayzer Medlicott
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees, where he was mentioned in despatches eight times and was wounded three times
 Vereker, Maurice Charles Prend
Vereker, Robert Humphrey Medli
 Vereker, Standish Henry Prende, attached to the British Forces in the Cameroons and Mounted Infantry
 Vereker, Standish Robert Gage, , where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded three times
 Vereker, Stanley Lloyd Medlico
 Verner, Charles George ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Verner, Guy William Hay
 Verney, Harry Calvert Williams
 Verney, John Henry Peyto, 20th, where he was wounded
 Verney, Ralph, 1st Bt., where he was wounded
 Verney, Reynell Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vernon, Courtenay Robert Percy
Vernon, Herbert Douglas
 Vernon, Humphrey Bagnall
Vernon, William Hamo
 Vernon-Harcourt, Bernard Franc
 Vesey, Charles Edward Gore, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Vesey, Ivo Lucius Beresford, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Vesey, Osbert Eustace, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Vesey, Thomas Eustace, where he was wounded twice
 Vesey, Yvo Richard, 5th Viscoun
 Villiers, Algernon Edward
Villiers, Algernon Hyde
 Villiers, Charles Hyde, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Villiers, Charles Walter, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Villiers, Eric Hyde, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Villiers, Francis Edward Earle
 Villiers, George Dumba
 Villiers, George John Theodore, where he was wounded
 Villiers, Gerald Berkeley
Villiers, Henry Lister
 Villiers, Oliver George Graham, where he was mentioned in despatches
Villiers, William Earle
 Villiers-Stuart, Charles Herbe
Villiers-Stuart, Desmond de la
 Villiers-Stuart, John Patrick, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Villiers-Stuart, William Desmo, where he mentioned in despatches three times
Vincent, Charles
Vivian, Charles Augustus
 Vivian, Eric Paul, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vivian, George Crespigny Braba ( 1914 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Vivian, Hugh
Vollenhoven, Joost
 Vyvyan, Arthur Vyell, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Vyvyan, Cecil Albert
 Vyvyan, Courtenay Bourchier, 10, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Vyvyan, Maurice Courtenay, where he was wounded
 Vyvyan, Philip
 Vyvyan, Ralph Ernest, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vyvyan, Richard Trefusis, in Egypt, SAlonika and Palestine
 Vyvyan, Richard Walter Comyn
Vyvyan, Walter Drummond, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vyvyan, William Geoffrey
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Albert O'Donn, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Arthur Claude, where he was wounded
Vyvyan-Robinson, Beresford Hau ( 1915-1917 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Francis
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Hugh Wren ( 1914-1916 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Malcolm, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Philip Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wade-Palmer, Robert Reginald F
 Wadeson, Frederick William Geo ( 1914-1917 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Waechter, Harry Sedan, 1st Bt.
 Wagstaff, Cyril Mosley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wahab, James Charles
 Wake, Baldwin St. Aubyn
Wake, Charles Baldwin Drury
 Wake, Drury St. Aubyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wake, Edward St. Aubyn
 Wake, Frank Eyre
 Wake, Godwin Rupert, and was mentioned in despatches four times
 Wake, Hereward, 13th Bt., and was mentioned in despatches four times
Wake, Hugh St. Aubyn
 Wake-Walker, Baldwin Charles, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wake-Walker, William Frederic
 Wakefield, Arthur William, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wakefield, William Wavell, 1st
 Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1s
Wakeman, Edward Offley Rouse ( 1915 )
 Wakeman, Offley, 4th Bt., where he was wounded
Wakley, Bertram Joseph
 Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Waldse
Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Waldse
Waldeck und Pyrmont, Wolrad ( 1914 )
Waldegrave, Edmund John
 Waley Cohen, Jacob, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Walford, Garth Neville, V.C.
 Walford, George Henry, he was mentioned in despatches
 Walford, Luit Alexander Ellis
 Walford, Luit Hamilton Stewart
 Walker, Bertram James
 Walker, Cecil Edward, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Walker, Claude Edward Forestie, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Walker, Claude Frederick, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Walker, Codrington Gwynne Reid
Walker, Edgar Wilmer
 Walker, Ernest, in German East Africa
Walker, Frederick Charles
 Walker, Harold Maxwell
 Walker, John Percy Ernest, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Walker, Oswald Bethell
Walker, Reginald, he was mentioned in despatches
Walker, Roger Beverley, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Walker, Ronald Heron
 Walker, Wilfred Beckett
 Walker, William Hall, 1st Baron
 Walker-Heneage-Vivian, Algerno
 Walker-Munro, Edward Lionel
 Walker-Munro, Ian Charles Rona, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Wallace, Alexander Moultrie
 Wallace, Archibald Malcolm
 Wallace, Charles Henry
 Wallace, Charles John, where he was mentioned in dispatches six times
 Wallace, Hugh
 Wallace, Hugh Robert, of Busbie, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Wallace, Robert Francis Hurter ( 1914-1918 ), where he was severely wounded and where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
Waller, Francis Ernest, 4th Bt.
 Waller, Roland Edgar, 8th Bt.
 Waller, Stanier Edmund William, in Gallipoli, Egypt and France
 Waller, Wathen Arthur, 5th Bt. ( 1914-1918 )
Wallis, Henry Digby
 Wallop, Gerard Vernon, 9th Earl
Walmesley, Richard
Walpole, Horatio Spencer
Walpole, John Robsart
 Walpole, Robert Henry
Walrond, Victor, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Walters, Edward Charles
 Walthall, Brian James Delves, where he was wounded
 Walthall, Edward Charles Walth, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Walthall, Henry Douglas Delves
 Wanger, Walter F.
 Warburton, William Francis Hen
 Ward Jones, Charles Frederick
 Ward, Arnold Sandwith
 Ward, Bernard Mordaunt
 Ward, Charles Humble, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ward, Edward Simons, 2nd Bt., where he was wounded
 Ward, Evan Bernard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ward, Gerald Ernest Francis
 Ward, Gladstone William
 Ward, Guy Bernard Campbell
 Ward, Hamilton Frederick
 Ward, John Hubert, where he was mentioned in twice despatches
 Ward, Melvill Willis, 3rd Bt.
 Ward, Robert Arthur, where he was twice mentioned in despatches
 Ward, Roderick John
 Ward, William Humble Eric, 3rd, where he was wounded
 Ward-Boughton-Leigh, Egerton, and was mentioned in despatches
Waring, Edward Robert
 Waring, Holburt Jacob, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches
Waring, Holt
 Waring, Holt
Waring, Rurie
Warner, Archibald
Warner, Cornwallis John
 Warner, Edward Courtenay Thoma, where he was mentioned in dispatches seven times
 Warren, Augustus George Digby,
 Warren, Edward Galway, where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Warren, Richard Crawford, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Warren, Thomas Richard Pennefa, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Warren, William Robert Vaughto, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Warrender, Hugh Valdave, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Wason, Sydney Rigby
Wassiltchkov, George
 Waterlow, James Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
Waterlow, John Beauchamp
 Waterlow, Philip Alexander, 4th
Watney, William Herbert
Watson, Arthur Toward
 Watson, Douglas Hamilton
Watson, John, 3rd Bt.
 Watson, Leslie Dundas
 Watson, Norman James, 2nd Bt. ( 1916-1918 )
 Watson, Thomas Gavin, where he was wounded
 Watson-Armstrong, William John ( 1914-1917 )
Watson-Taylor, Arthur Simon
 Watt, Andrew Hubert
 Watt, Gerald Allingham
 Waugh, Alexander Raban
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Wavell, Arthur John Byng
 Way, Harold Bromley
 Webb, William Harcourt ( 1914-1917 )
 Webb-Bowen, Edward Wheeler ( 1916-1917 ), in the Australian Imperial Forces
 Webb-Johnson, Alfred Edward, 1s, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Wedderburn, Alexander Henry Me, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Wedderburn, Harry Francis Keir
 Wedderburn-Maxwell, Henry Godf
 Wedderburn-Maxwell, James
 Wedderburn-Maxwell, John
Wedgwood, Arthur Felix
Wedgwood, Cecil
 Wedgwood, Clement John ( 1916-1919 )
 Wedgwood, Francis Charles Bowe, where he was wounded
 Wedgwood, Gilbert Henry
 Wedgwood, Josiah Clement, 1st B ( 1914-1916 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice and was wounded
 Weeks, Ronald Morce, 1st and la ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Weir, Andrew Herbert
 Weir, Archibald
Welby, Glynne Everard Earle
 Welby, Hugh Robert Everard Ear ( 1916-1918 )
 Welby, Richard Earle
Welby, Richard William Gregory
 Welby-Pelham, Reginald Evelyn, in East Africa
 Welch, George James Cullum, 1st
Welch, Harold Echalay
 Weld Forester, Cecil George Wi
 Weld Forester, Edric Alfred Ce, where he was severely wounded
 Weld Forester, Wolstan Beaumon
 Weld-Blundell, George Frederic
 Weldon, Anthony Arthur, 6th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Weldon, Arthur Steuart
 Weldon, Ernest Steuart, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Weldon, Henry Walter, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Weldon, Kenneth Charles, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Weldon, Lewen Francis Barringt, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
Welldon, James Hoste
 Wellesley, Arthur Charles, 5th ( 1914-1918 )
 Wellesley, Cecil George ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Wellesley, Cyril Gerald Valeri
Wellesley, Edmond Ernest Charl
Wellesley, Eric George ( 1914-1915 )
 Wellesley, Frederick Henry Bur ( 1914-1918 ), , and was wounded
 Wellesley, George ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wellesley, Gerald Valentine ( 1914-1918 )
 Wellesley, Gerald Valerian, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Wellesley, Richard ( 1914 )
 Wellesley, Violet Evelyn ( 1914-1918 )
Wells, Guy Franey
 Wentworth-Stanley, Charles ( 1914-1918 )
 Wentworth-Stanley, Charles Sid, in Gallipoli, Palestine, France and Belgium
Wernher, Alexander Pigott
 Wernher, Derrick Julius, 2nd Bt ( 1914-1919 )
 Wernher, Harold Augustus, 3rd B ( 1914-1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 West, Alexander Henry Delap ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches four times
West, Charles Skeffington, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was wounded
 West, Cyril Charles ( 1914-1918 )
West, Henry Cave
West, Richard Annesley, V.C. ( 1914-1918 )
Westarp, George
 Westenra, William, 5th/6th Baro
Westerholt und Gysenberg, Otto
 Westmacott, Guy Randolph
 Westropp, Frederick Malcolm
 Westropp, Henry Charles
 Westropp, Hugh Thomas George M, with North Irish Horse
 Westropp, Lionel Henry Mountif, he was wounded twice
 Westropp, Victor John Eric
Wetherell, Robert May, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Wharton, Guy FitzGerald
 Wheeler, Guy Danvers
 Wheler, Aubrey Stuart
 Wheler, Trevor
 Wheler, Trevor Wood, 13th Bt.
Whetstone, Walter Hugh
 Whinney, Frank Toller
 Whitaker, Albert Edward, 1st Bt, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Whitaker, James
 Whitaker, John Albert Charles,
 White, Cecil Meadows Frith, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 White, Charles James ( 1914-1919 ), on staff, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 White, Charles Ramsay
 White, Francis William, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 White, George Arthur Wellesley
 White, George Towry
 White, Herbert John Frith, where he was wounded
 White, Herbert Meadows Frith
 White, John Broughton
 White, Lucia Emily Margaret ( 1914-1918 ), serving overseas with the Y.M.C.A. and British Red Cross Society, Nursing Service
 White, Luke Henry, 4th Baron An
White, Lynton Woolmer
 White, Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches six times, and wounded twice
 White, Robert Percy Frith, where he was wounded
 White, Rudolph Dymoke, 2nd Bt.
 White, Thomas, in Mesopotamia, where he became a POW in November 1915, and escaped in July 1918
 Whitefoord, Caleb Alan Bryce
Whitefoord, Charles Blairquaha
Whitefoord, Lionel Cole
 Whitefoord, Philip Geoffrey, in France and Belgium, and was mentioned in despatches twice
Whitehead, George William Eden
 Whitehead, James Hugh Edendale
 Whitehead, John Robert Gobertu
 Whitehead, Philip Henry Rathbo, where he was wounded
 Whitehead, Wilfred James, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Whiteley, Ronald George
 Whiteley, William Tattersall, 2
Whitgreave, Henry Egerton
 Whitmore, Francis Henry Dougla, where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
 Whittle, Frederick Joseph, with the 7th Australian Light Horse
Whyte, Mark Gilchrist
 Wigan, Denis Grey
 Wigan, Roderick Grey, 3rd Bt.
Wigan, William Lewis
 Wigg, George Edward Cecil, Baro
 Wiggin, Charles Richard Henry, , where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wiggin, Edgar Askin, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Wiggin, George Robert
 Wiggin, William Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wigram, Charles Knox
 Wigram, Cyril Charles
 Wigram, Kenneth, where he was mentioned in dispatches seven times
 Wigram, Ralph Follett
 Wigram, Robert
 Wigram, Ronald Scott Jervoise
 Wilkie-Dalyell, James Bruce, of, where he was mentioned in despatches
Willans, Robert St. John
 Willey, Francis Vernon, 2nd Bar, serving in Egypt and Gallipoli
 William-Powlett, Barton Newton
 William-Powlett, Newton James
 William-Powlett, Peveril Barto, in Gallipoli and Jutland
 Williams, Allen Douglas
 Williams, Burton Robert, 6th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Williams, Edward Gordon
 Williams, Evelyn Hugh Watkin, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Williams, Hugh Grenville, 6th B, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Williams, John Nathaniel
 Williams, Lawrence, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Williams, Lawrence Trevor Grea
 Williams, Osmond Trahairn Deud, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Williams, Rhys Rhys, 1st Bt.
Williams, William Crawshay Lod
Williams-Bulkeley, Richard Ger
Williams-Freeman, Anthony Peer
Williams-Wynn, Charles Watkin
 Williams-Wynn, Frederick Rowla
 Williams-Wynn, Owen Watkin, 8th, where he was wounded
 Williams-Wynn, Robert William, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Williamson, Adolphus Hudleston
 Williamson, Hudleston Noel Hed ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches three times and was wounded
 Williamson, Stephen Kenneth Gu, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Williamson, Thomas, Baron Willi ( 1915-1919 )
 Willink, Francis Arthur
Willink, George Ouvry
 Willink, Henry Urmston, 1st Bt.
Willink, Herman James Lindale
 Willink, John Humphrey Wakefie ( 1915-1918 )
 Willis, Algernon Usborne
 Willis-Bund, Henry Harding, with the Worcestershire Regiment
 Willock, Robert Peel
Willoughby, Francis George God
 Willoughby, James Alexander, where he was wounded
 Willoughby, Joe Henry Claude
 Willoughby, Michael Guy Perciv, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Willoughby, Nesbit Edward
Willoughby, Peter Robert
 Wills, Gilbert Alan Hamilton, 1, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wills, Maitland Cecil Melville
Wills, Robert Bruce Melville
 Wills, Ronald Dewhurst
 Wills, Stanley Clifford
 Wills, Walter Douglas Melville
 Wills, Wilfrid Dewhurst
Wilmot, Edmund Sacheverel
 Wilmot, Edward
 Wilmot, Henry Cecil
 Wilmot, John, 1st Baron Wilmot, in the Royal Naval Air Service
 Wilmot, Laurence Mead
 Wilmot, Ralph Henry Sacheverel
Wilmot, Robert Coningsby
 Wilmot, Sacheverel Darwin
Wilmot, Thomas Norbury
 Wilmot-Sitwell, Hervey Degge ( 1914-1918 )
Wilson, Augustus George Maryon
 Wilson, Charles Henry Wellesle
 Wilson, Charles McMoran, 1st Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Wilson, David
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Gordon Chesney ( 1914 )
 Wilson, Guy Greville, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wilson, Henry Fuller Maitland
 Wilson, Henry Maitland, 1st Bar, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Wilson, James Robertson, of Air ( 1915-1917 ), in Gallipoli and Egypt
 Wilson, John Menzies, of Airdri
 Wilson, John Mitchell Harvey, 2
 Wilson, Lorton Alexander
 Wilson, Mathew Richard Henry, 4
 Wilson, Nigel Maitland, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wilson, Richard Henry George
 Wilson, Robert Amcotts, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Wilson, Thomas Douglas
 Winant, John Gilbert
Wind, Edmund, V.C.
 Windham, Ashe Wadham George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Windham, Henry Steuart
 Windsor, Edward VIII, King of t ( 1914-1916 ), at Flanders and in Italy
Windsor-Clive, Archer
 Windsor-Clive, George
 Wing, Frederick Drummond Vince
 Wingate, Alfred Woodrow Stanle ( 1914-1918 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Wingate, Malcolm Roy
 Wingate, Reginald Ramsay ( 1914 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Wingate, Ronald Evelyn Leslie, ( 1917-1919 )
Wingfield, Cecil John Talbot R
Wingfield, Granville Harry
 Wingfield, Maurice Anthony, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wingfield, Maurice ffolliott R, where he was wounded
 Wingfield, Mervyn Edward Georg
 Wingfield, Mervyn Richard, 8th
Wingfield, Richard James Trenc, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wingfield, Richard Mervyn, in South-West Africa and France, where he was wounded
 Wingfield, William Edward, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Wingfield-Stratford, Cecil Ver, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Wingfield-Stratford, Esmé Ceci
Wingfield-Stratford, Esmé John
 Wingfield-Stratford, Geoffrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wingfield-Stratford, Howard
 Winn, Charles John Frederick ( 1914-1917 ), where he was wounded
 Winn, Reginald Henry
 Winn, Rowland George, 3rd Baron, where he was wounded
Winnington, John Francis Sarto, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Winnington, John Winston Foley
Winnington-Ingram, Francis Har
Winterbottom, Dudley
 Winterbottom, Guy
 Wise, Frederick, 1st Baron Wise
 Wiseman, Wallis Julian
 Wiseman, William Thomas
 Wodehouse, Arthur Hugh
Wodehouse, Arthur Powys
 Wodehouse, Charles Ewart
 Wodehouse, Clarence John d'Eve, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wodehouse, Edmond, where he was wounded
 Wodehouse, Edward
Wodehouse, Ernest Charles Forb
Wodehouse, John Francis Ashbur
 Wodehouse, John, 3rd Earl of Ki, where he was mentioned in despatches teice, and was wounded
 Wodehouse, Philip George, where he was mentioned in despatches
Wolff Metternich zur Gracht, F
Wollaston, Frederick Hargreave
 Wolrige Gordon, Henry Gordon
 Wolrige Gordon, John Gordon, 8t
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 8th of, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 9th of, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Wolrige Gordon, Walter Gordon, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Wolseley, Capel Charles, 9th Bt, in Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine
 Wolseley, Edric Charles Joseph
 Wolseley, Robert Francis Josep, where he was wounded
Wolseley, William Bertie
 Wolseley, William Ralph Joseph, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Wolseley, William Spencer Jose
Wontner, Harold Leslie St. Joh, with the London Rifle Brigade
 Wood, Arthur Herbert
 Wood, Charles Michell Aloysius, he was mentioned in despatches
 Wood, Edmund Walter Hanbury
 Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wood, Evelyn FitzGerald Michel, he was mentioned in despatches twice
Wood, J. L.
 Wood, John Arthur Haigh, 2nd Bt ( 1914-1918 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Wood, John Stuart Page, 6th Bt., he was mentioned in despatches
Wood, Lewis Ironside
Wood, Maximillian David Franci
 Woodall, Ambrose Edgar, 1st Bar ( 1915-1918 )
 Woodman, Leonard Cecil, where he was gassed
 Woods, James Park, V.C.
Woodward, Robert
 Wooley, Geoffrey Harold, V.C.
 Woosnam, Richard Bowen
 Wootton, John Wesley
Woracziczky von Pabienitz, Joh
 Worsley, Edward Marcus, where he was wounded twice
 Worsley, William Arthington, 4t, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Wrey, Edward Charles, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wrey, Reginald Charles
Wright, Allan O'Halloran
 Wright, Geoiffrey Machell Hung, where he was wounded
 Wright, Henry Thomas Richard
 Wrightson, Charles Archibald W
 Wrightson, Wilfred Ingram
 Wrixon-Becher, Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Wrottesley, Francis Robert, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wrottesley, Frederic John, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wrottesley, Walter Bennet, where he was wounded
 Wylde, Leslie George, including on the staff of the chief censor in England
 Wyndham, Dennis, in the Wiltshire Regiment
 Wyndham, Edward Scawen, 5th Bar, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Wyndham, Everard Humphrey, where he was mentioned in despatches
Wyndham, George Heremon
 Wyndham, Guy Richard Charles, where he was wounded
 Wyndham, Hugh Archibald, 4th Ba, with the South African Forces, and was mentioned in despatches
Wyndham, Percy Lyulph
Wyndham, William Reginald
 Wyndham-Quin, Richard Southwel, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Wyndham-Quin, Valentine Mauric
 Wynn, Robert Vaughan, 6th Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Wynn, Rowland Tempest Beresfor, with the Royal Flying Corps
 Wynne-Finch, John Charles, where he was wounded twice
 Wynne-Finch, William Heneage, where he was wounded twice, and mentioned in despatches twice
Würtzburg, Edmund
 Yarde-Buller, Henry ( 1914-1916 )
Yarrow, Eric Fernandez
 Yelverton, Barry Augustus ( 1916-1919 ), in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Yelverton, Hermann Stratton, in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Yewdall, Mark
 Yorke, Alfred Ernest Frederick
 Yorke, Charles Alexander, 8th E
 Yorke, Henry Reginald, where he was mentioned in despatches
Yorke, James Hamilton Langdon
 Yorke, Philip Gerard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Yorke, Ralph Maximilian, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Yorke, Reginald Henry Crofton
 Yorke, Simon Algernon
 Young, Alan Rowley
 Young, Arthur Stewart Leslie, 1
 Young, Edward Hilton, 1st Baron ( 1917 ), on the Flemish Front
 Young, Frederick Campbell, where he lost a leg in France
 Young, Geoffrey Winthrop ( 1914-1918 ), in Flanders and Italy, where he was mentioned in dispatches and severely wounded
Young, George Arnold
Young, George Edward Savill
Young, George Neville Patrick
 Young, Henry George, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Young, Henry Herbert, where he was wounded
 Young, Henry Shedden Baring
 Young, Hubert Winthrop, in Mesopotamia
 Young, Hugh Greville, where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
Young, James Francis
Young, John Ferrers Harington
 Young, Mark Aitchison
 Young, Norman Egerton, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Young, Wilfred Francis, with the 2nd Auckland Infantry Battalion, New Zealand Expeditionary Forces
Young-Herries, Alexander
Younger, Charles Frearson
 Younger, James Paton
 Younger, James, 2nd Viscount Yo, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
Younghusband, Allan Wadham
 Younghusband, Leigh Norman
 ffolkes, Francis Arthur Stanle, where he was mentioned in despatches
ffolkes, William Rupert Compto
 ffrench Blake, Arthur O'Brien
ffrench Blake, St. John Lucius, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
ffrench, Evelyn Alexander Wils, where he was again severely wounded
ffrench, George Edward
 ffrench, Murrough Humphrey de
Count equals 7900 individuals.
First World War
 Cunynghame, Percy Francis, of M ( 1914-1919 ), and was mentioned in despatches twice
Count equals 1 individual.
First World War|\where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nicholson, John Sanctuary
Count equals 1 individual.
First World War|he was mentioned in despatches seven ti
 Ramsay, Frank William
Count equals 1 individual.
First World War|where he was mentioned in despatches an
 Harris, Alfred Frederick Willi
Count equals 1 individual.
First World War|where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Scott, Oswald Arthur
Count equals 1 individual.
First World War|where he was wounded
 Bingham, George Charles Patric
Count equals 1 individual.
First World War|where he was wounded twice
 St. George, Richard Theophilus
Count equals 1 individual.
Gallipoli Campaign
 Agnew, Quentin Charles Graham
 Aitken, Allan Anderson ( 1915 ), where he was wounded
Annand, Wallace Moir ( 1915 )
Barrett-Lennard, Douglas ( 1915 )
Bayly, William Henry
 Bennett, George Robert ( 1915 )
Bray, Gerard Theodore
 Brisco, Oriel Arthur
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( Apr 1915 ), where he was wounded, made brevet and mentioned in despatches
Buffett, Allen Fletcher
 Campbell, John Alexander Colds ( Apr 1915 )
Caulfeild, Algernon Montgomeri
Cawley, Harold Thomas
 Chataway, William Percival
Coke, Arthur George
Cole-Hamilton, Arthur Richard
 Cooper, Richard Joshua ( 1915 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Crofton, Hugh Lefroy
Cubitt, Edward Randall
Cubitt, Victor Murray
 Downes, Frank Henry, where he received a gunshot wound to both eyes
Draper, Roger Francis ( 1915 )
Ferguson Davie, Herbert George
 Fetherstonhaugh, Edwyn
 Grierson, Frederick Vedast
Hackett, Henry Robert
 Hamilton, Ian Standish Monteit
Hamilton-Grierson, James Gilbe
 Hamilton-Grierson, Philip Fran
Hanmer, Anthony Hugh ( 1915 )
Hanmer, John Percy ( 1915 )
Hatton, Edward Allen Smeathman
Hewitt, Arthur Lifford Oliver
Holt, Joseph
 Hovey, Robert Baldwin ( 1915 )
 Howe, Thomas Edward Barham, where he was wounded
 Kenna, Paul Aloysius, V.C.
 King, John Francklyn ( Apr 1915 )
 Lambert, Walter Richard D'Arcy
 Ley, Christopher Francis Aden ( 1915 )
Lister, Charles Alfred, with the Royal Naval Division, and was wounded three times
MacDermot, Hugh Maurice
 Mahon, Bryan Thomas
Mascie-Taylor, Hugo
McCowan, Hew
Morton, Gerald Arthur
 Mundy, Pierrepont Rodney Mille ( 1915 ), including the Battle of Chunuk Bair
 Napier, Henry Edward ( 25 Apr 1915 ), for which he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier, Joseph William Lennox,
Niven, William Edward Graham
Oliphant, Marcus
 Paget, Salisbury Howard ( 1915 ), where he was wounded
 Palmer, Phillip Joseph, where he was wounded twice
Palmer, Rupert Alexander
Pelly, Hubert Richard
 Phillips, Noel McGrigor
 Proctor-Beauchamp, Horace Geor
 Quintal, Fletcher Evelyn ( Apr 1915 ), where he was wounded, losing an eye
Rowley-Conwy, Geoffrey Seymour
 Sanders, Robert Arthur, 1st and
Sassoon, Hamo Watts, and was wounded at Suvla Bay, losing his leg
 Seely, Frank Evelyn
 Sinclair, Robert John, 1st Baro ( 1915 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Slade, Frederick William Patri ( 1915 ), in submarines in the Dardenelles
 Somerset, Charles William Henr
Spielmann, Harold Lionel Isido ( 1915 )
 Stacy, Acton Chaplin
Stoney, George Butler
Stopford Sackville, Geoffrey W
 Townsend, Cyril Samuel, as Beachmaster at the West Beach
Villiers-Stuart, Charles Herbe ( May 1915 )
 Wilmer, Harold Gordon
Wontner-Smith, Septimus ( Apr 1915 ), where he was mortally wounded
Count equals 73 individuals.
Looshai Expedition
 Elles, Edmond Roche ( 1871-1872 )
 Graham, John Moore ( 1860-1861 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Looshal Expedition
 Brownlow, Charles Henry ( 1871-1872 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Mesopotamia Campaign
Acland-Troyte, Hugh Leonard ( 1916 )
 Burrard, Harry George ( 1920-1921 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Chenevix Trench, Julius Franci ( 1920 ), where he won a medal and clasp
 Hambro, Percival Otway ( 1920-1921 )
Harrison, Hyde Gwynne
 Johnson, Allen Edwin ( 1920-1921 )
 Johnstone, FitzRoy Augustus Be ( 1915-1916 )
 Lubbock, Merlin Gordon ( 1919-1920 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Nat ( 1920 ), where he was wounded
 Udny-Hamilton, Robert Edward A ( 1915-1918 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 10 individuals.
Mesopotamian Insurrection
 Smyth, John George, 1st Bt., V. ( 1920-1921 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Second Battle of Ypres
Arbuthnot, Kenneth Wyndham ( 25 Apr 1915 )
Campbell, William Robinson
Orde-Powlett, William Percy ( May 1915 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Siege of Mons
Burdett, Egleton ( 1709 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of St. Valery-sur-Somme
 Beauchamp, Richard, 13th Earl o ( 1422 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Third Battle of Ypres
Keppel, Albert Edward George A
Count equals 1 individual.
Zeebrugge Raid
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st ( 1918 )
 Young, Edward Hilton, 1st Baron ( 23 Apr 1918 ), serving on H.M.S. Vindictive, where he was severely wounded
Count equals 2 individuals.
campaign in South West Africa
 Gore, Frederick George ( 1915 )
Count equals 1 individual.
capture of German New Guinea
 Scarlett, Leopold Francis
Count equals 1 individuals.
Total count equals 8105 individuals.
=killed in action or mortally wounded during this battle/war