Deputy Lieutenant
 Dickson, Thomas Alexander
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.)
 Abdy, Thomas Neville, 1st Bt.
 Abel Smith, Helen Isobel Katherine
 Abrahams, Michael
 Acland-Hood-Reynardson, Arthur
 Acton, Thomas
 Adam, William Patrick
 Adams, Henry Cadwallader
 Adams-Connor, Harry George
 Adderley, Henry Arden, 5th Baron Norton
 Adeane, Edward Stanley
 Adeane, Henry John
 Ainslie, Montague
 Akers-Douglas, Aretas, 1st Viscount Chilston
 Alcock, Harry
 Aldworth, Richard Oliver
 Alexander, Granville Henry Jackson
 Alexander, James Dalison
 Alexander, James, 4th Earl of Caledon
 Alexander, John Staples
 Alexander, Lesley
 Alexander, Robert Arthur Moloney
 Alexander, Robert Christopher
 Alexander, Robert Jackson
 Alexander, Samuel Maxwell
 Alix, Charles Peter
 Allen, Hugh Evelyn
 Allen, John Hensleigh
 Allfrey, Henry Sydney
 Allfrey, Hubert Mortimer
 Allhusen, Augustus Henry Eden
 Allison, William S.
 Allix, Charles Israel Loraine
 Alston, George, of Muirburn
 Alston, John Patrick, of Muirburn
 Alston-Roberts-West, James
 Ancketill, William
 Anderson, David Mitchell
 Anderson, Ian Forrest
 Anderson, James
 Anderson, Margaret Betty Harvey, Baroness Skrimshire of Quarter
 Anderson, Susan Elaine
 Andrews, Thomas
 Angus, Robert Lawrence
 Angus, Robert Lawrence
 Anketell, Matthew John
 Anketell, William
 Anley, Philip Maitland Gore
 Anson, George Henry
 Anstruther, Charles Frederick St. Clair, of Charleton
 Anstruther, Philip George
 Antrobus, Gibbs Crawfurd
 Anyers Willis, Henry Rodolph
 Archdale, Edward
 Archdale, James Blackwood
 Archdall, Edward
 Archdall, Mervyn
 Arkwright, Frederic Charles
 Arkwright, John Thomas
 Arkwright, Richard
 Armitage, Joseph
 Armitage, Stephen Cecil
 Armitstead, Richard
 Armstrong, Edmund J.
 Armstrong, Henry Napier
 Armstrong, Marcus Beresford
 Armstrong, William Jones
 Armstrong-Macdonnell, Charles Randal
 Armstrong-Macdonnell, William Edward
 Armytage, John, 2nd Bt.
 Arnold, Augustus Walter
 Arnold-Forster, Edward Penrose
 Arthur, Allan
 Ashton, John Howard
 Ashwin, James
 Askew, John Majoribanks
 Astell, John Harvey
 Astell, William Harvey
 Atherley, Arthur
 Athill, Francis Remi Imbert
 Atkins-Bowyer, Henry
 Atkinson, David
 Atkinson, Edward
 Atkinson-Clark, George Dixon
 Attye, James
 Austin, Clive Grantham
 Austin, Clive Grantham
 Awdry, Daniel Edmund
 Awdry, Edmund Portman
 Awdry, John Wither
 Aylmer, John Algernon
 Aylward-Kearney, James Kearney
 Aylward-Kearney, James Kearney
 Bacon, Edward
 Bacon, Henry, 11th and 12th Bt.
 Bagenal, Beauchamp Frederick
 Bagge, Alfred Thomas, 3rd Bt.
 Bagge, John Alfred Picton, 6th Bt.
 Bagge, John Picton, 5th Bt.
 Bagge, Richard
 Bagnell, Thomas
 Bagot, Josceline Fitzroy
 Bagshawe, Francis Ernest Gisborne
 Bagwell, John Philip
 Bailey, Henry
 Bailey, Thomas Farmer
 Baillie, Adrian William Maxwell, of Polkemmet, 6th Bt.
 Baillie, Ronald Hugh
 Baillie, William, of Polkemmet, 2nd Bt.
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 4th Bt.
 Baird, Edward William David
 Baird, James Gardiner, of Saughtonhall, 7th Bt.
 Baird, William
 Baird, William, of Elie
 Baird-Hay, James George
 Baker, Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Baldwin, John Eustice Arthur
 Balfe, Michael Joseph
 Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour
 Balfour, Charles James
 Balfour, Edward William Sturgis, 9th of Balbirnie
 Balfour, John Edmond Hugh
 Balfour, John, 7th of Balbirnie
 Balguy, John
 Ballingale, Hugh
 Bankes, Henry Hyde Nugent
 Bankes, William
 Bankes, Wynne Albert
 Bannatyne, James Fitzgerald
 Barbary, John Ewart Trounce
 Barbary, Peter John
 Barber, Colin Muir
 Barbour, John Doherty
 Barbour, John Milne, 1st and last Bt.
 Barclay, Arthur Kett
 Barclay, Robert Wyvill
 Barclay-Harvey, Charles Malcolm
 Barcroft, Henry
 Bardwell, Thomas Newman Frederick
 Baring, Alexander Hugh, 4th Baron Ashburton
 Baring, Thomas Charles
 Barnard-Hankey, John
 Barneby, William Henry
 Barnes, Harold Douglas
 Barnett, George Henry
 Barnewall, Charles Aloysius, 18th Baron Trimlestown
 Barnewall, Richard
 Barrington, Croker, 4th Bt.
 Barrington, John
 Barron, Henry Winston, 1st Bt.
 Barron, Morgan
 Barron, Pierce Marcus
 Barron, Pierse George
 Barron-Newell, Edward Alphonse Winston
 Barstow, John Anthony Tristram
 Bartlett, Alfred James Napier
 Bartlett, John Edward
 Barton, Baptist Johnston
 Barton, Baptist Johnston
 Barton, Bertram Hugh
 Barton, Charles Robert
 Barton, Charles William
 Barton, Folliott Warren
 Barton, Hugh Lynedoch
 Barton, Hugh William
 Barton, John Seddon
 Barton, John Watson
 Barton, Malcolm Peter Speight
 Barton, Nathaniel
 Barton, Samuel Henry
 Barton, Thomas Johnston
 Barton, William Hugh
 Bass, Hamar Alfred
 Bass, Michael Thomas
 Basset, Charles Henry
 Basset, Gustavus Lambart
 Basset, John
 Bassett, Richard
 Bastard, Baldwin John Pollexfen
 Baston, Frederick William
 Bateman, Thomas Osborne
 Bates, Edward Percy, 2nd Bt.
 Bateson, Thomas, 1st Baron Deramore of Belvoir
 Bathe, Gerald Henry Perceval, 4th Bt.
 Batt, William Frederic
 Batten, John
 Baxendale, Joseph Francis Noel
 Baxendale, Joseph William
 Baxendale, William Lloyd John
 Baxter, Edward Armitstead
 Baxter, Noel Edward
 Baxter, William Edward
 Bayly, Edward Richard
 Bayly, Edward Symes
 Bayly, John
 Bayly, John
 Baynes, Christopher, 1st Bt.
 Bazley-White, John
 Beale, Basil Perry
 Beamish, Francis Bernard
 Beamish, Richard Henrick
 Beamish, Richard Pigott
 Beamish, Tufton Percy Hamilton
 Beauchamp, Edmund Beauchamp
 Beauchamp, Edmund Beauchamp
 Beauclerk, William Nelthorpe
 Beaumont, Henry Frederick
 Beaumont, Henry Ralph
 Beaumont, Wentworth Canning Blackett, 1st Viscount Allendale
 Beaumont, Wentworth Henry Canning, 2nd Viscount Allendale
 Beaumont-Nesbitt, Edward John Downing
 Beech, Rowland John
 Behrens, Clive
 Bell, Charles Loraine
 Bell, Charles Wentworth
 Bell, Joseph
 Bell, William Heward
 Bellingham, Alan Edward, 3rd Bt.
 Bence, Henry Alexander Starkie
 Bence-Trower, Peter Alexander
 Bengough, Nigel James
 Benskin, Joseph
 Bentinck, George William Pierrepont
 Beresford, George de la Poer
 Beresford, John Barré
 Beresford, Ralph Henry Barré de la Poer
 Beresford-Ash, William Randal Hamilton
 Beresford-Peirse, Henry Monson de la Poer, 3rd Bt.
 Berington, Charles Michael
 Berners, Charles Hugh
 Berridge, Richard
 Berry, John, of Tayfield
 Berry, Robert
 Berry, Robert
 Berry, William, of Tayfield
 Best, George
 Best, George, 5th Baron Wynford
 Best, Walter Stuart
 Best, William Draper Mortimer, 3rd Baron Wynford
 Bevan, Thomas
 Bevan, Thomas
 Bewicke-Copley, Robert Calverley Alington
 Bianconi, Charles
 Bibby, James Jenkinson
 Biddulph, Middleton Westenra
 Bilimoria, Karan Faridoon, Baron Bilimoria
 Binney, James
 Birch, Wyndham Lindsay
 Birchall, Piers Edward Dearman
 Bird, Charles Henry
 Birkbeck, Edward, 1st and last Bt.
 Birkbeck, Henry Anthony
 Birkbeck, Oliver
 Birkbeck, William
 Birkbeck, William John
 Birley, Hugh Hornby
 Birley, Joseph
 Birley, Richard
 Blaauw, William Henry
 Blackburne, John Ireland
 Blackburne, Robert Ireland
 Blacker, Edward Carew
 Blacker, Stewart
 Blacker, Stewart Ward William
 Blacker, William
 Blacker, William Jacob
 Blacker-Douglass, Maxwell Vandeleur
 Blackett, Christopher Edward
 Blackett, Christopher William Stewart Burdett
 Blackett, Edward, 6th Bt.
 Blackwood-Price, James
 Blair, Charles
 Blake, Arthur Maurice
 Blake, Charles
 Blake, Charles Kilmaine
 Blake, Erroll Augustus, 4th Baron Wallscourt
 Blake, Henry Arthur
 Blake, Martin Joseph
 Blake, William Greaves
 Blake, William Greaves
 Blakeney, John
 Blakeney, John Henry
 Blakeney, Robert
 Blakeney, Robert
 Blakeney, Theophilus
 Blaker, Nathaniel Robert
 Bland, Francis Christopher
 Bland, Humphrey Loftus
 Bland, John Loftus
 Blandy-Jenkins, John
 Blennerhassett, Arthur
 Blennerhassett, Gerald
 Blennerhassett, Gerald FitzGerald
 Blennerhassett, William Massy
 Bligh, Edward
 Bligh, Edward Vesey
 Bligh, John Stuart, 6th Earl of Darnley
 Blofeld, John Christopher Calthorpe
 Blood, Bindon
 Bloomfield, Benjamin Francis Meynell
 Blundell, Nicholas
 Blunden, John Overington
 Blunden, John, 3rd Bt.
 Blunt, Charles William, 6th Bt.
 Blunt, Edward Walter
 Board, Andrew George
 Body, Thomas Munn
 Boileau, George Wilson
 Boileau, John Peter, 1st Bt.
 Bolton, Edwin, 1st Bt.
 Bond, James Willoughby
 Bond, John Wentworth Garneys
 Bond, Nathaniel
 Bond-Cabbell, Benjamin
 Bonham-Carter, John
 Bonham-Carter, John
 Borlase, John
 Borthwick, John, 13th of Crookston
 Bosanquet, Bernard Tindal
 Bosanquet, Day Hort
 Boulton, William Whytehead, 1st Bt.
 Bourke, Richard
 Bourne, Gilbert Charles
 Bourne, John
 Bourne, Robert
 Bousfield, William
 Bouverie, Edward
 Bowater, Thomas Vansittart, 1st Bt.
 Bower, Edward Chivers
 Bower, Robert Hartley
 Bowes-Lyon, David
 Bowes-Lyon, Davina Katherine
 Bowyer, George, 3rd/7th Bt.
 Bowyer, Wentworth Grenville
 Bowyer-Smijth, William, 11th Bt.
 Boyce, Joseph
 Boyce, Michael, Baron Boyce
 Boyd, Archibald Henry
 Boyd, Edward, of Mertonhall
 Boyd, James
 Boyd, James Hay, of Townsend
 Boyd-Rochfort, George Arthur, V.C.
 Boyle, Patrick
 Boyse, Henry Thomas Arthur Shapland Hunt
 Boyse, Thomas
 Bradbeer, John Derek Richardson
 Bradshaw, Octavius
 Brady, Francis William, 2nd Bt.
 Brandram, Francis Holles
 Brassey, Henry Arthur
 Bray, Francis Edmond
 Bray, Jocelyn
 Brenchley, Thomas Harman
 Brereton, Edward
 Bridgeman, William Clive, 1st Viscount Bridgeman
 Brien, John
 Briggs, Rawdon
 Brinkley, John Lloyd
 Briscoe, Edward John
 Brittan, Leon, Baron Brittan of Spennithorne
 Britten, Richard Frederick
 Brocklebank, Charles Henry
 Brocklebank, Ralph
 Brocklebank, Richard Hugh Royds
 Brocklebank, Thomas
 Brocklehurst, Philip Lancaster, 1st Bt.
 Brodie, David James, of Lethen
 Brodie, Peter Bellinger
 Brodie, Thomas Dawson, 1st and last Bt.
 Bromley, Henry, 4th Bt.
 Bromley-Martin, Eliot George
 Bromley-Martin, George Edward
 Brooke, Arthur
 Brooke, George Augustus Frederick
 Brooke, Harry Vesey
 Brooke, John
 Brooke, John William
 Brooke, Richard Marcus, 8th Bt.
 Brooke, Robert John
 Brooke, Thomas, 1st and last Bt.
 Brooke, Victor Alexander, 3rd Bt.
 Brougham, Henry Charles, 3rd Baron Brougham and Vaux
 Brougham, William, 2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux
 Broughton, Urban Huttleston Rogers, 1st Baron Fairhaven
 Brown, Archibald
 Brown, John Harman
 Brown, Samuel James
 Brown, Samuel James
 Brown, Thomas
 Brown, William Richmond, 2nd Bt.
 Browne, Andrew Smythe Montagu
 Browne, Benjamin Chapman
 Browne, George
 Browne-Clayton, Lucy Victoria
 Browne-Clayton, Richard Clayton
 Bruce, Hervey Ronald, 5th Bt.
 Bruce, Samuel
 Bruce, Samuel
 Bruce, Samuel
 Bruce, William Cunningham, 9th Bt.
 Bruce-Pryce, John Bruce
 Bryan, Loftus
 Bryans, Herbert William
 Bryans, James
 Buchan-Hepburn, Thomas, of Smeaton Hepburn, 3rd Bt.
 Buchanan, Andrew
 Buchanan, Andrew, 1st of Ardenconnel
 Buchanan, Archibald
 Buchanan, Edmund Pullar
 Buchanan, James, 2nd Bt.
 Bucknall-Estcourt, Thomas Grimston Bucknall
 Buckworth, Theophilus Russell
 Buller, James Wentworth
 Burdon, Rowland
 Burgess, John Lawrie
 Burke Cole, John William
 Burke, Thomas John, 3rd Bt.
 Burlison, Henry Thomas, Baron Burlison
 Burn-Callander, William Henry
 Burns, Alan
 Burns, James
 Burton, David Fowler
 Burton, Percy Collingwood
 Bushe, Gervase Parker
 Busk, Hans
 Butler, Charles Edward Kingstone
 Butler, James
 Butler, James Wandesford
 Butler, Theobald FitzWalter
 Butler-Bowdon, John Erdeswick
 Butler-Bowdon, William Erdeswick Ignatius
 Butler-Johnstone, Henry
 Butter, Archibald
 Butts, Frederick Manus
 Byers, Charles Frank, Baron Byers
 Byng, Henry
 Cadell, Henry Moubray
 Cadell, John Macfarlane
 Cadell, John, of Cockenzie
 Cadge, Christopher Rawlinson
 Caillard, Camille Felix Désiré
 Caird, James
 Cairnes, Thomas Plunket
 Caldbeck, William
 Callander, John Henry, 9th of Prestonhall
 Calmady, Charles Biggs
 Calrow, William
 Calrow, William
 Calvert, Charles Archibald
 Calvert, Edmund Archibald
 Cameron, Bruce Allan Fassiefern
 Cameron, Donald Angus, of Lochiel, 27th Chief of Clan Cameron
 Cameron, Donald, of Lochiel, 23rd Chief of Clan Cameron
 Cameron, Donald, of Lochiel, 24th Chief of Clan Cameron
 Campbell Adamson, William John
 Campbell Swinton, Archibald, 3rd of Kimmerghame
 Campbell, Alexander, 1st of Auchendarroch
 Campbell, Archibald, of Blackhouse
 Campbell, Colin Minton
 Campbell, Colin, 2nd of Colgrain
 Campbell, Edward Parker, 6th of South Hall
 Campbell, Gordon Thomas Calthrop, Baron Campbell of Croy
 Campbell, Henry Alastair, of Altries
 Campbell, Robert
 Campbell, Robert
 Campbell-Davys, Richard
 Campbell-Orde, Arthur John, 4th Bt.
 Campbell-Preston, Margaret Fleetwood
 Campbell-Preston, Robert Mordan Thorne, 12th of Ardchattan
 Campbell-Preston, Robert William Pigott Clarke, of Ardchattan
 Campion, William Henry
 Campion, William Robert
 Canning, Charles Henry Spencer George, 2nd Baron Garvagh
 Capel, William
 Capell Brooke, Arthur Richard, 1st and last Baron Brooke of Oakley
 Carden, Henry Daniel
 Carleton-Smith, Michael Edward
 Carlyon, Thomas Tristram Spry
 Carmichael, James Louis, of Arthurstone
 Carnegie, David John, 10th Earl of Northesk
 Carnegie, John Jervis
 Carnegie, Robin Macdonald
 Carnegy, Ughtred Elliott Carnegy, 12th of Lour
 Carpenter-Garnier, John
 Carpenter-Garnier, Leonard George
 Carr, John
 Carrick-Buchanan, Andrew
 Carter, Henry Gordon
 Cartwright, Richard Aubrey
 Casement, John
 Casey, Edmund Henry
 Castle, Charles
 Catlow, Thomas Noel
 Cator, Henry John
 Caulfeild, Edward Houston
 Cavendish, Henry Cavendish
 Cavendish, John Compton, 4th Baron Chesham
 Cavendish, Peter Boucher
 Cayley, George Allanson, 8th Bt.
 Cayley, Walter de Sausmarez
 Cazalet, Edward Stephen
 Cazalet, Peter Victor Ferdinand
 Cazalet, Victor Anthony
 Cazalet, William Marshall
 Cely Trevilian, Maurice Fearing
 Cely Trevilian, Richard Edwin Fearing
 Chadd, George Victor Nudd
 Chadwyck-Healey, Charles Edward Heley, 1st Bt.
 Chamberlayne, Thomas
 Chambers, Antony Craven
 Chambers, George Henry
 Chambers, George Wilton
 Chance, James Timmins, 1st Bt.
 Chancellor, John George
 Chandos-Pole, John Walkelyne
 Chaplin, Henry, 1st Viscount Chaplin
 Chaplin, R.
 Chapman, Allan Claude
 Charlesworth, John Charlesworth Dodgson
 Charlesworth, William Gryce
 Charley, William
 Charlton, St. John
 Charlton, St. John Chiverton
 Chaytor, Clervaux Darley
 Cheney, John Norman
 Cherois, Daniel
 Cherois, Daniel
 Chester, Charles Montagu
 Chester, Robert
 Chetwynd, Charles
 Chetwynd, William Henry
 Chevers, George
 Chichester, Charles
 Chichester, Charles Raleigh
 Chichester-Constable, Raleigh Charles Joseph
 Child, Coles William John
 Chinnery, Walter Moresby
 Christie, George William Langham
 Christie-Miller, John Aylmer
 Church, James Cunningham
 Churton, Geoffrey Vardon
 Chute, Chaloner William
 Chuter-Ede, James, Baron Chuter-Ede
 Clark, Elleanor Laura
 Clark, George Ernest, 2nd Bt.
 Clark, George Smith, 1st Bt.
 Clark, George Thomas
 Clark, James
 Clark, Wyndham Damer
 Clark-Kennedy, Alexander William
 Clarke, James Addison
 Clay, John Charles
 Clayton, Nathaniel George
 Clayton, William Robert, 6th Bt.
 Cleeve, Frederick Charles
 Clegg, Harry
 Clements, Robert Bermingham, 4th Earl of Leitrim
 Cleminson, James Arnold Stacey
 Clifton-Brown, Anthony George
 Clive, Archer
 Clive, George
 Clive, Percy Archer
 Close, Maxwell Archibald
 Clowes, Archibald Somerset
 Clowes, Samuel William
 Clutterbuck, Maurice Isacke
 Coates, William
 Coats, Peter
 Coats, William David
 Cobbold, Ivan John Murray
 Cobbold, John Chevallier
 Cobbold, John Dupuis
 Cobbold, Philip Wyndham
 Coke, D'Ewes
 Coke, Edward Thomas
 Coke, John Talbot
 Coker, Lewis
 Cole, Francis Burton Owen
 Cole-Hamilton, Claud George
 Collier, Angus Lyell
 Collin, Geoffrey de Egglesfield
 Colman, Jeremiah James
 Colquhoun, John
 Colthurst, George St. John, 6th Bt.
 Coltman, Thomas Alexander Hamilton, of Daljarroch and Blair
 Coltman-Rogers, Guy
 Coltman-Rogers, Guy
 Colvile, Henry Robert
 Colvin, John Forrester
 Combe, Robert Thomas
 Compton, Henry Francis
 Conant, Edward Nathaniel
 Connal, Kenneth Hugh Munro
 Conolly, Thomas
 Consett, Montagu Charles Warcop Peter
 Consett, Montagu William Warcop Peter
 Consett, William Warcop Peter
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Walter Joseph, 1st Bt.
 Constable-Maxwell-Stuart, Henry, 16th of Traquair
 Conyngham, Henry Francis, 4th Marquess Conyngham
 Cooke-Collis, William
 Cookson, John
 Coope, Octavius Edward
 Coore, Henry Foster
 Coote, Charles Henry Eyre
 Coote, Charles Henry, 10th Bt.
 Coote, Charles Purdon
 Copeland, Richard Pirie
 Copland-Griffiths, Felix Alexander Vincent
 Copley, Anthony
 Corbally, Elias Mary Benedict
 Corbally, Matthew
 Corbally, Matthew James
 Corbet, Richard
 Corbet, Richard Prynce
 Corbett, John
 Cordes, Thomas
 Corsar, Charles Herbert Kenneth
 Coryton, William
 Courcy, Michael William, 25th Lord Kingsale
 Courtauld, Augustine
 Coventry, Charles John
 Coventry, George William, Viscount Deerhurst
 Cowdy, Edward
 Cowdy, Robert McKean
 Cowell-Stepney, John Stepney, 1st Bt.
 Cowper, Henry Frederick
 Cox, Ambrose
 Cox, Frederick
 Coxhead, James Alfred
 Coxwell-Rogers, Richard Rogers
 Cracroft-Amcotts, Weston
 Cracroft-Eley, Robert Peel Charles
 Cradock, Edmund James
 Cragg, Edward Henry
 Cragg, William Alfred
 Cramer, Marmaduke Coghill
 Cranmer-Byng, Alfred Molyneux
 Craster, John
 Craven, Thomas
 Crawford, Alastair Wardrop Euing
 Crawford, Alistair Wardrop Euing
 Crawford, Mervyn
 Crawford, William Sharman
 Crawshay-Williams, Eliot
 Creaghe, Richard
 Crewdson, William Dillworth
 Crewe-Read, John Offley
 Crichton, Charles Frederick
 Cripps, Frederick William Beresford
 Cripps, Henry William
 Cripps, Joseph
 Critchley, Edward Ashton
 Croasdaile, Lancelot
 Crofton, Malby, 3rd Bt.
 Crompton, John Bell
 Crompton-Inglefield, John Frederick
 Crookshank, Chichester de Windt, 7th of Drumhalry
 Cropper, Charles James
 Cropper, James Winstanley
 Crosland, Walter Hugh
 Cross, William
 Crossman, Humphrey
 Crowe, Thomas
 Cruddas, William Donaldson
 Cruise, Francis Richard
 Crutchley, Victor Alexander Charles, V.C.
 Cubitt, Edward George
 Cubitt, Henry Finley
 Cuming, Robert Hugh
 Cuming, Robert Stevenson Dalton
 Cuninghame, John
 Cunliffe-Lister-Kay, Ellis
 Cunningham, Charles J.
 Curre, Edward Matthew
 Currie, Raikes
 Curtis, Charles Constable
 Curwen, Edward Stanley
 Curwen, Henry Christian
 Curzon, Francis Curzon
 Cusack, Ralph Smith
 Cuthbertson, John Neilson
 D'Arcy, Matthew Peter
 D'Arcy, Richard
 Dacre, George Bentley
 Dalbiac, Henry Eardley Aylmer
 Dalgety, Frederick Gonnerman
 Dalgety, Frederick Gonnerman
 Dalison, Maximillian Dudley Digges
 Dallas-Yorke, Thomas Yorke
 Dalrymple, Hew, of North Berwick, 6th Bt.
 Dalrymple, John Warrender, of North Berwick, 7th Bt.
 Dalrymple-Hay, John Charles, of Park Place, 3rd Bt.
 Dalrymple-Horn-Elphinstone, Robert Elphinstone, 3rd Bt.
 Daly, Denis St. George, 2nd Baron Dunsandle and Clanconal
 Daly, John Archer
 Dane, James Auchinleck
 Daniell, Peter Averell
 Daniell, Robert Benjamin
 Darby, Alfred Edmund William
 Darby, Alfred Edmund William
 Darby, George
 Darby-Griffith, Christopher
 Darby-Griffith, George
 Darley, Alfred Edward
 Darley, Henry
 Darroch, Duncan, 4th of Gourock and Drums
 Darroch, Duncan, 5th of Gourock and of Torridon
 Darwin, Francis Sacheverel
 Davidson, Duncan, of Tulloch
 Davidson, Duncan, of Tulloch
 Davidson, Henry, of Tulloch
 Davies, Morris
 Davies, Richard Rees
 Davies, William
 Davis, William Wellclose
 Dawson-Damer, Henry John Reuben, 3rd Earl of Portarlington
 Dawson-Damer, Lionel George Henry Seymour, 5th Earl of Portarlington
 Dawson-Damer, Lionel Seymour William, 4th Earl of Portarlington
 Deacon, Edmund
 Deacon, Edmund Henry
 Deane, James
 Deane, William Henry
 Dease, Edmund Gerald
 Dease, Edmund James
 Deedes, William
 Delmé Radcliffe, Francis Augustus
 Dempster, Robert
 Denison, William Maxwell Evelyn
 Dennis, Meade James Crosbie
 Denny, Edward, 3rd Bt.
 Denny, Ernest Wriothesley
 Denny, Maurice Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Denny, William
 Dent, John
 Dering, Cholmeley Edward
 Dering, Edward Cholmeley, 8th Bt.
 Deverell, William Henry
 Dew, Frederick Napleton
 Dewar, John Alexander, 1st Baron Forteviot
 Dewar, William Wemyss Methven
 Dewhurst, John Geoffrey
 Dick, Quintin
 Dickins, Charles Scrase
 Dickins, Charles Spencer Scrase
 Dillon-Lee, Theodore Dominic Geoffrey, 15th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
 Dimsdale, Thomas Robert, 4th Baron Dimsdale
 Dixon, George Hodgson
 Dixon, Henry
 Dixon, John
 Dobbs, Richard Arthur Frederick
 Dodd, George
 Dolling, Robert Holbeche
 Dolling, Robert Holbeche
 Domvile, William Compton, 3rd Bt.
 Domville, James Graham, 3rd Bt.
 Donaldson, Richard
 Done, Richard Henry
 Donnithorne, Edward Harris
 Dopping, Anthony John
 Dougal, John
 Douglas, Charles John Cathcart
 Douglas, William Charles, 5th of Brigdon
 Douglas-Hamilton, Alfred
 Douglas-Irvine, Walter
 Doveton, John Frederick
 Dower, Alan Vincent Gandar
 Doyle, James
 Doyle, James Owen
 Doyne, Bury
 Doyne, Charles Mervyn
 Doyne, Robert Stephen
 Doyne, Robert Wentworth
 Drake, Arthur Eric Courtney
 Drake, Francis Collingwood
 Drummond, Andrew Cecil
 Drummond, Cecil George Assheton
 Drummond, Cyril Augustus
 Drummond, Edgar Atheling
 Drummond, George Stirling Home, of Blair-Drummond and Ardoch
 Drummond, Maldwin Andrew Cyril
 Drummond, William Charles
 Drury-Lowe, William Drury Nathaniel
 Dryden, Henry Edward Leigh, 4th/7th Bt.
 Duberly, Archibald Hugh
 Duckworth-Chad, Anthony Nicholas George
 Duff-Assheton-Smith, George William
 Dugdale, Arthur George
 Dugdale, John Eldon Marshall
 Dugdale, John Stratford
 Dugdale, Thomas
 Dugdale, William Stratford
 Dugdale, William Stratford
 Dunbar, Archibald, of Northfield, 6th Bt.
 Dunbar, Archibald, of Northfield, 7th Bt.
 Dunbar, George Dunbar
 Dunbar, Uthred James Hay, of Mochrum, 8th Bt.
 Dunbar-Buller, Charles William
 Duncan, Nigel William
 Duncombe, Cecil
 Duncombe, William Ernest, 1st Earl Feversham of Ryedale
 Dundas, Joseph, of Fingask
 Dundas, Robert, of Arniston, 2nd Bt.
 Dunlop, Robert Jack
 Dunn, Keith Frederick William
 Dunn, Leslie Colville
 Dunn, Robert Henry William
 Dunne, Edward Marten
 Dunville, John Dunville
 Durrant, Henry Josias, 4th Bt.
 Dutton, James Huntly, 6th Baron Sherborne
 Dutton, Ralph Heneage
 Dyson Perrins, Charles William
 Eardley-Wilmot, John Eardley, 2nd Bt.
 Eastwood, John Fisher
 Eaton, Richard William
 Ebden, Charles John
 Eccles, Charles
 Eden, William George, 4th Baron Auckland
 Eden-Perkins, Arthur Frederick
 Edmondes, Charles Thomas
 Edmonstone, Archibald, of Duntreath, 5th Bt.
 Edmonstone, William, of Duntreath, 4th Bt.
 Edwardes, Owen Tucker
 Edwards, Henry Lees
 Edwards-Vaughan, John
 Egerton, Algernon Fulke
 Egerton, Charles Augustus
 Egerton, Hugh Sydney
 Egerton, Seymour John Grey, 4th Earl of Wilton of Wilton Castle
 Egerton, Wilbraham
 Egerton-Warburton, Piers
 Eidingtoun, James
 Eliot, John Granville Cornwallis, 6th Earl of Saint Germans
 Eliot, Robert Kerr
 Eliot, William
 Elkington, Christopher Garrett
 Elliot, Robert Henry
 Ellis, Hnery Leslie
 Ellis, Richard
 Ellison-Macartney, John William
 Elmhirst, Thomas Walker
 Elwes, Gervase Henry
 Elwes, John Henry
 Elwes, Valentine Dudley Henry Cary
 Emerson, John
 Enraght-Moony, Francis Mooney
 Erskine, James Elphinstone
 Erskine-Wemyss, Randolph Gordon, of Wemyss
 Esdaile, Charles Edward Jeffries
 Esmonde, James
 Esmonde, Thomas Henry Grattan, 11th Bt.
 Eustace, Henry
 Eustace, John Bridges
 Evans, Barbara Noel
 Evans, David Thomas Gruffydd, Baron Evans of Claughton
 Evans, Geoffrey Charles
 Evans, James John Pugh
 Evans, R. J. C.
 Evans, Timothy Michael
 Evans, William Herbert
 Evans-Freke, William Charles, 8th Baron Carbery
 Evans-Lombe, Edward Henry
 Evill, Douglas Claude Strathern
 Ewart, Frederick William
 Ewart, Gerald Valentine
 Eykyn, Roger
 Eyre, John
 Eyre-Matcham, William Eyre
 Eyston, Charles
 Eyton, Thomas Campbell
 Eyton, Thomas Slaney
 Eyton, Trevor
 Faber, John David Beverley
 Fairbairn, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 Fairbank, Henry Nevill
 Fairfax, Henry
 Fairholme, William
 Fairhurst, James Ashton
 Fairlie, James Ogilvy
 Falbe, Vigant William
 Fallon, John
 Fane de Salis, Charles John
 Fanning, William
 Fanning-Evans, Thomas
 Fanshawe, Robert
 Farmar, Jasper
 Farmer, William Francis Garmul
 Farmer, William Robert Gamul
 Farnham, Edward Basil
 Farquharson, James Ross, of Invercauld
 Farquharson, James, of Invercauld
 Farquharson, Robert Francis Ogilvie
 Farquharson, Robert, of Finzean
 Farrell, Edward Francis Jenico Joseph
 Farrell, John
 Farrell, Thomas Hugh Francis
 Faulconer, Thomas
 Faulkner, Hugh Webb
 Faure Walker, Edward William
 Favell, Richard Molyneux
 Featherstonhaugh, David Henry
 Feilden, Percy Henry Guy
 Feilden, Randle Guy
 Feilden, William Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Fellowes, David Lyon
 Fellowes, Robert
 Fellowes, Robert
 Fellowes-Gordon, Henry Gordon
 Fenwick, George J.
 Fenwick, Thomas Fenwick
 Fenwicke-Clennell, Geoffrey Edward
 Ferguson, Algernon Francis Holford
 Ferguson, George Alexander
 Ferguson, George Arthur, 6th of Pitfour
 Ferguson, Graham
 Ferguson, James
 Ferguson, James William
 Ferguson, John Frederick
 Ferguson, John Gordon Goddard de Poulton
 Ferguson, Richard Saul
 Fergusson-Buchanan, George James, of Auchentorlie
 Ferrand, Walker
 Ferrand, William
 Ferranti, Sebastian Basil Joseph Ziani
 Fetherston-Godfrey, Francis William Crewer
 Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy
 Finch, Charles Wightwick, 8th Earl of Aylesford
 Findlay, Jane Barbara
 Findlay, John Ritchie
 Finlay, Henry Thomas
 Firth, Charles Phillimore Lewton
 Fisher-Rowe, Herbert Mayow
 Fiske, William Geoffrey, Baron Fiske
 Fison, Frederick William, 1st Bt.
 FitzGerald, Maurice, 18th Knight of Kerry
 FitzGerald, Peter George, 1st Bt.
 FitzHerbert-Brockholes, William Joseph
 FitzHugh, Thomas Lloyd
 FitzMaurice, Henry Warrender
 Fitzgerald, Gerald
 Fitzgerald, Thomas George
 Fitzherbert, Edward Stafford, 13th Baron Stafford
 Fitzwilliams, Charles Collinsplatt Lloyd
 Fitzwilliams, Charles Home Lloyd
 Fitzwilliams, Reginald Clixby
 Flanagan, John Woulfe
 Fleet, Thomas Horn
 Fleming, Philip
 Fleming, Robert
 Fleming-Hamilton, William Malcolm
 Fletcher, Alfred
 Fletcher, Alfred
 Fletcher, Andrew Mansel Talbot
 Fletcher, Charles John
 Fletcher, Edward Charles
 Fletcher, Lionel John William
 Flint, Mildred Dorothy
 Flower, William Spencer, 7th Viscount Ashbrook
 Fock, Henry Edward William, 5th Baron de Robeck
 Foley, Henry
 Fooks, Raymond Hatherell
 Foot, Richard Mildmay
 Forbes Irvine, Alexander, 20th of Drum
 Forbes, Charles Henry
 Forbes, Charles William, 4th of Callendar
 Forbes, Ian Rose Innes
 Forbes, John Foster, of Rothiemay
 Forbes-Gordon, Arthur, of Rayne
 Forbes-Leith, Alexander John, 1st and last Baron Leith of Fyvie
 Forbes-Mitchell, Duncan, of Thainstone
 Forbes-Mitchell, Henry David, of Balgownie
 Forbes-Mitchell, John, of Thainstone
 Forbes-Robertson, James, V.C.
 Ford, Mortimer Noel
 Forde, Thomas William
 Forde, William Brownlow
 Forde, William Brownlow
 Fordham, Edward King
 Fordham, Herbert George
 Forestier-Walker, George Ferdinand Radzivill, 2nd Bt.
 Forster, George, 2nd Bt.
 Fort, George Munkhouse
 Fortescue, Francis
 Fortescue, William Blundell
 Foster, Augustus Vere, 4th Bt.
 Foster, Edmund Benson
 Foster, Gordon Bentley
 Foster, John
 Foster, John
 Foster, John
 Foster, John Frederick
 Foster, John Frederick
 Foster, Neil Phipps
 Foster, Robert John
 Foster, William
 Fothergill, Sydney Roden
 Fountaine, Charles Algernon Andrew
 Fowke, Frederick Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 Fowke, Thomas
 Fowler, Frank
 Fowler, Robert
 Fownes-Luttrell, Alexander
 Fownes-Luttrell, George
 Fox, Frederick Hynde
 Fox, George
 Fox, John St. Vigor
 Fox-Pitt, William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane
 Frampton, Henry
 France-Hayhurst, Charles Hosken
 Francis, John Clement Wolstan
 Frank, Frederick Bacon
 Frankland-Russell-Astley, Bertram Frankland
 Fraser, Alexander Casper
 Fraser, Alick Christian
 Fraser, Charles Annand
 Fraser, Charles Ian, of Reelig
 Fraser, Ian
 Fraser, James
 Fraser-Tytler, Edward Grant, of Aldourie
 Freeman, William Russell Stewart
 Freeman-Mitford, Bertram Thomas Carlyle Ogilvy, 3rd Baron Redesdale
 Frere, Temple
 Friedberger, John Cameron
 Friend, Arthur Leslie Irvine
 Friend, James Irvine Hatfield
 Frobisher, Thomas
 Fryer, Frederic Arthur Bashford
 Fryer, Frederick Daniel
 Fuller, Mary Elizabeth Fleetwood
 Fuller-Acland-Hood, Alexander, 1st Baron St. Audries
 Fullerton-Elphinstone, William Buller, 15th Lord Elphinstone
 Fyfe, James Gordon
 Fyffe, Laurence Ronald Kington
 Fyffe, Richard Laurence Oliphant
 Gaisford, Thomas
 Galbraith, James Hardie
 Galloway, Harold Bessemer
 Gambier Parry, Thomas
 Gammell, Mary Finella
 Gandolfi-Hornyold, John Vincent, 13th Marchese Gandolfi
 Gardner, Alan Coulston
 Garfit, Thomas Cheney
 Garnsworthy, Charles William, Baron Garnsworthy
 Garstin, John Ribton
 Garstin, Robert
 Gaskell, Joseph Gerald
 Gatacre, Edward
 Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 1st Earl of Cranbrook
 Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 3rd Earl of Cranbrook
 Gathorne-Hardy, John Stewart, 2nd Earl of Cranbrook
 Geddes, William Duguid
 Gerard, Frederick Sewallis
 Gibbings, John Thomas Cuthbert
 Gibbs, Herbert Gray
 Gibson Fleming, William Harry
 Gibson, Thomas George
 Gibson-Carmichael, William Henry, of Skirling, 10th Bt.
 Giffard, Thomas Arthur Walter
 Gilbert, Carew Davies
 Gilbert, Carew Davies
 Gilbey, Walter, 1st Bt.
 Giles, Charles Tyrrell
 Gillett, Anthony
 Gillett, William Alan
 Gilliat, John Babington
 Gilliland, George Knox
 Gillon, Andrew, 10th of Walhouse
 Gilzean-Reid, Hugh
 Gilzean-Reid, Hugh
 Gladstone, Hugh Steuart, of Capenoch
 Glyn, Ralph George Campbell, 1st and last Baron Glyn
 Godber, Joseph Bradshaw, Baron Godber of Willington
 Goddard, William Edward
 Godman, Charles Bulkeley
 Godman, Edmund Temple
 Godman, John
 Gold, Guy Gilbey
 Gold, Henry
 Golding, Edward
 Gooch, Daniel, 1st Bt.
 Gooch, Edward Sherlock, 7th Bt.
 Gooch, Francis Robert Sherlock Lambert, 8th Bt.
 Goodden, John
 Goodden, John Robert Phelips
 Goodhart, Joseph Henry
 Gooding, Ralph
 Gordon, Charles Thomas
 Gordon, Charles, 11th Marquess of Huntly
 Gordon, G. T.
 Gordon, George Tomline
 Gordon, John Taylor
 Gordon-Duff, Lachlan Duff, 8th of Drummuir and 10th of Park
 Gordon-Duff-Pennington, Patrick Thomas
 Gordon-Finlayson, Robert
 Gore-Booth, Josslyn Augustus Richard, 6th Bt.
 Goring, John
 Gosling, George Edward
 Gosling, Robert
 Gosling, Robert
 Gosling, William Douglas
 Gosling, William Sullivan
 Gough, Richard
 Gough-Calthorpe, Frederick Henry William, 5th Baron Calthorpe
 Gould, Edward
 Goulding, William Joshua, 1st Bt.
 Gow, James Michael
 Gow, John Wesley Harper
 Gow, John Wesley Harper
 Graham, Frederick Ulric, 3rd Bt.
 Graham, James Noble
 Graham, Ogilvie Blair
 Graham, Thomas Winter Sheppard
 Graham, William
 Graham, William
 Graham, William, 5th of Airth
 Grant, Alexander, of Dalvey, 10th Bt.
 Grant, Charles Edward
 Grant, James Murray, 11th of Glenmoriston
 Grant, John
 Grant-Peterkin, James Alexander
 Grant-Thorold, Alexander William Thorold
 Granville, Bernard
 Granville, Bernard
 Gray, George
 Gray-Cheape, Leslie George
 Graz, Charles Louis Maurice
 Greaves, John Whitehead
 Greaves, Owain Edward Whitehead
 Green, Horace Egerton
 Green, Lionel Havercroft
 Green, William Wyndham
 Greene, Nuttall
 Greener, William John Martin
 Greenfield, William Bunce
 Greenhill Gardyne, Charles
 Greenwood, John Richard
 Greer, Henry Harpur
 Greer, Joseph
 Greer, Thomas MacGregor
 Gregorson, John, of Ardtornish
 Gregory, Robert
 Gregory-Hood, Charles Hugh
 Greig, Louis
 Greville-Nugent, Patrick Emilius John
 Grew, James
 Grey, Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon
 Grey, Thomas, 6th Baron Walsingham
 Grey-Egerton, Philip Henry Brian, 12th Bt.
 Griffith, Edward Waldegrave
 Griffith-Boscawen, Boscawen Trevor
 Griffith-Williams, Eric Llewellyn Griffith
 Grimshaw, Robert
 Grimshawe, Charles Livius
 Grimston, Oswald James Augustus
 Groves, James Grimble
 Grubb, Ralph Ernest Watkins
 Gubbins, Joseph
 Guest, Thomas Merthyr
 Guinness, Benjamin Lee
 Guinness, Benjamin Lee, 1st Bt.
 Gun Cuninghame, Robert George Archibald Hamilton
 Gun, William
 Gurdon, Adam Brampton Douglas
 Gurdon, Theophilus Thornhagh
 Gurdon-Rebow, Hector John
 Gurney, Jocelyn Eustace
 Gurney, John Henry
 Gurney, John Henry
 Gurney, Quintin Edward
 Gurney, Richard Hanbury Joseph
 Guthrie, Ivan Douglas, of Guthrie
 Gwyer, Charles James
 Haggie, David Henry
 Haldane, James
 Haldane-Duncan-Mercer-Henderson, Hew Adam Dalrymple Hamilton
 Hall, Alexander William
 Hall, Edwin
 Hall, Roger
 Hall, William James
 Halsey, Lionel
 Hamersley, Hugh
 Hamersley, Hugh
 Hamilton Ash, William
 Hamilton Ormsby, Alfred
 Hamilton, A. Hamilton
 Hamilton, Claud Hamilton, 12th of Barns
 Hamilton, Dacre Mervyn Archdale
 Hamilton, Edward William Terrick
 Hamilton, George Alexander
 Hamilton, Hans Wellesley, 2nd Baron Holmpatrick
 Hamilton, Henry Alexander
 Hamilton, Ion Trant, 1st Baron Holmpatrick
 Hamilton, James
 Hamilton, John
 Hamilton, John, 14th of Fairholm and Kirkton
 Hamilton, William
 Hamilton, William Joseph
 Hamilton-Campbell, William Kentigern
 Hamilton-Dalrymple, Walter, of North Berwick, 8th Bt.
 Hamlyn, Frederick
 Hamond, Anthony
 Hampton-Lewis, Thomas Lewis
 Hanbury, Christopher Lionel
 Hanbury, Edmund Smith
 Hanbury, Osgood
 Hanbury, Richard Nigel
 Hanbury, Robert
 Hanbury-Tracy, Henry
 Hancocks, A. T.
 Harcourt Vernon, Edward Evelyn
 Harcourt, Edward William
 Hardcastle, Frank
 Harden, James Richard Edwards
 Hardie, Alan Scott
 Harding, Francis Egerton
 Hardinge, Charles Stewart, 2nd Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton
 Hardy, Charles
 Hardy, John, 1st Bt.
 Hardy, Laurence
 Hare, Edgar
 Hare, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 Harford, William Henry
 Hargreaves, Kenneth
 Hargreaves, Robert Halstead
 Harington-Stuart, Robert Edward Stuart
 Harley, Robert William Daker
 Harman, Thomas Edwards
 Harold-Barry, John
 Harris, George Robert Canning, 4th Baron Harris
 Harris, Percy Alfred, 1st Bt.
 Harris-Temple, Arthur Reginald
 Harrison, Benson
 Harrison, Gerald Joseph Cuthbert
 Harrison, John Fenwick
 Harrison, Joseph
 Harrison, Robert John
 Harrop, Jonah
 Harrop, Jonah
 Hart, George Vaughan
 Hart, Henry
 Hart-Davis, Henry Vaughan
 Harter, James Francis Hatfeild
 Hartopp, Edward Bourchier
 Harvey, John
 Harvey, John
 Harvey, John Edmund Audley
 Harvey, Roger Lennox Edward
 Harvey, William James
 Haughton, Samuel Gillmor
 Hawkins-Dempster, George
 Haworth, Benjamin
 Haworth-Booth, Benjamin Blaydes
 Hay, Edward Douglas John
 Hay, James
 Hay, Malcolm Vivian, of Seaton
 Hay, William
 Hay, William James
 Hay-Newton, William Drummond Ogilby
 Hay-Newton, William Waring
 Hayes, Francis Edward Sutherland
 Hayes, Richard Michael Lloyd
 Hazlehurst, Thomas Francis
 Head, Michael
 Head, William Henry
 Headlam, Thomas Emerson
 Headlam, Thomas Emerson
 Heard, John Isaac
 Heaton, Hugh Edward
 Heaton-Ellis, Charles Henry Brabazon
 Hedderwick, J. D.
 Hedderwick, J. D.
 Helps, Rowley Philip Arthur
 Helyar, Horace Augustus
 Henderson, Nigel Stuart
 Heneage, Arthur Pelham
 Henley, Anthony, 3rd Baron Henley of Chardstock
 Henley, Joseph John
 Henley, Joseph Warner
 Henniker, Bridges Powell, 4th Bt.
 Henry, John
 Hepenstall, Lambert John Dopping
 Herbert, Arthur Stewart
 Herbert, Edward Bleiddian
 Herbert, George Edward Stanhope Molyneux, 5th Earl of Carnarvon
 Herbert, George Sidney, 1st and last Bt.
 Herbert, John Arthur
 Herbert, John Arthur Edward
 Herbert, Robert George Wyndham
 Hercy, John
 Herdman, Claudius Alexander
 Herdman, John Claudius
 Heron-Maxwell-Blair, Edward, of Teviot Bank
 Hewitt, Arthur T.
 Hewson, George
 Hewson, George Rawdon Maurice
 Heygate, Edward Nicholas
 Heygate, Frederick William, 2nd Bt.
 Heywood, Thomas
 Heywood-Lonsdale, Robert Henry
 Hezlet, Robert Knox
 Hickman, Alfred, 1st Bt.
 Hickman, Francis William Gore
 Hickman, Stopford Cosby
 Hickson, John
 Higgon, John Donald George
 Highett, John
 Hildick-Smith, John Norman
 Hildyard, Angus Jeremy Christopher
 Hill, Anthony Ewart Ledger
 Hill, Edward Roderick
 Hill, Geoffrey Richard Clegg
 Hill, James Duke
 Hill, Richard Frederick
 Hilleary, Edward Langdale
 Hingston, Charles Alfred
 Hirst, Robert Augustus Hankey
 Hoare, Alfred Ernest
 Hoare, Henry Gerard Philip
 Hoare, Stafford O'Brien
 Hobart, George Bertie Benjamin
 Hodgens, Henry
 Hodgetts-Foley, Henry John Wentworth
 Hodgetts-Foley, John Hodgetts
 Hodgkinson, George Edmund
 Hodgson, Robert Kirkman
 Hodson, Robert Adair, 4th Bt.
 Hogarth, Robert George
 Hogg, Jonathan
 Hogg, Norman
 Hoghton, James, 11th Bt.
 Hohler, Henry Booth
 Holbrook, Claude Vivian
 Holden, John
 Holdsworth, Frederick John Cropper
 Holford, Thomas
 Holland, Jools Miles
 Holland, Trevenan James
 Holland-Hibbert, Arthur Henry, 3rd Viscount Knutsford
 Hollings, Herbert John Butler
 Hollington, Alfred Jordan
 Holloway, Horatio Francis Kingsford
 Hollway, James
 Holme, William
 Holmes, Harry
 Holroyd-Smyth, Rowland Henry Tyssen
 Holt, Vernon Harrison
 Homfray, Herbert Richards
 Hooper, Angela Marie
 Hope Johnstone, John James
 Hope, James Kenneth
 Hope, John, of St. Mary's Isle
 Hope, Mary Dorothea
 Hope-Dunbar, Charles Dunbar, of St. Mary's Isle, 6th Bt.
 Hope-Vere, James Joseph
 Hope-Vere, William Edward
 Hornby, William Henry
 Horndon, David William Hicks John
 Hornidge, Richard
 Hornidge, Richard
 Hornung, Charles Bernard Raphael
 Hort, Josiah William, 2nd Bt.
 Horton-Fawkes, Le Gendre George William
 Hoste, Derick
 Houldsworth, Henry
 Houldsworth, Henry Hamilton, 2nd Bt.
 Houldsworth, Ian George Henry
 Houldsworth, James
 Houldsworth, James
 Houldsworth, James Hamilton
 Houssemayne du Boulay, Ernest de Vismes
 Houstoun, Andrew Beatty
 Houstoun, James
 Howard, Charles James Stanley, 10th Earl of Carlisle
 Howard, Eliot Charles Stewart
 Howard, Henry Cecil Lloyd
 Howard, Henry, 3rd Earl of Effingham
 Howard, John
 Howard, Stephen Goodwin
 Howard-Bury, Kenneth
 Howard-Vyse, Edward Dacre
 Howard-Vyse, Richard Granville Hylton
 Howell, Francis Buller
 Howley, Edward
 Hubbard, Lucinda Mary Lavinia
 Hudsen, George Bickersteth
 Hudson, Peter
 Hughan, Thomas, of Airds
 Hughes, Burroughes Maurice
 Hughes, Frederick
 Hughes, Selina Margaret
 Hughes-Bonsall, James George Frederick
 Hughes-Hallett, Norton Joseph
 Hulton-Harrop, William Edward Montagu
 Humfrey, Bruce
 Humfrey, Robert Blake
 Humphreys, John
 Humphreys, William
 Humphreys-Owen, Arthur Charles
 Hunt, Nicholas John Streynsham
 Hunt-Grubbe, Thomas
 Hunter Gordon, Patrick
 Hunter, Charles E.
 Hunter, Charles Edward
 Hunter, Joseph Charles
 Hunter-Jones, M. E.
 Huntington, William Balle
 Huntsman, Benjamin
 Huntsman, Benjamin
 Huntsman, Benjamin
 Hurt, Francis
 Hussey, Edward
 Hussey, John
 Hutchinson, John William
 Hutchinson-Lloyd-Vaughan, William Peisley
 Hutchison, Graham
 Huth, Edward
 Huth, Ferdinand Marshall
 Hutton, George Holden
 Hutton, John
 Hutton, William
 Hyde, John
 Ievers, Robert Holmes
 Imbert-Terry, Henry Bouhier, 2nd Bt.
 Imbert-Terry, Henry Machu, 1st Bt
 Incledon-Webber, Godfrey Sturdy
 Incledon-Webber, William Beare
 Ind, James
 Ing, George Harold Absell
 Inglis, Malcolm
 Ingram, Michael Warren
 Innes, Alexander
 Innes, Alexander
 Innes, Alexander Berowald
 Innes, Arthur
 Innes, Francis Newell, 6th of Learney
 Innes, James Milne, of Balvenie and Edingight, 11th Bt.
 Innes, John, of Balvenie and Edingight, 12th Bt.
 Innes, Thomas, 5th of Learney and Cullerlie
 Innes, William
 Innes, William Disney
 Innes-Cross, Arthur Charles
 Irvine, Edward Tottenham
 Irvine, John Gerard Christopher
 Irving, Sydney, Baron Irving of Dartford
 Irwin, Thomas Angelo
 Irwin, Thomas Strutt
 Isaac, Charles Leonard
 Isaac, John Swinton
 Isaac, Swinton
 Isaacson, Frederick Wootton
 Ismay, Thomas Henry
 Jack, James Lockhead
 Jackson, Henry Mather, 2nd Bt.
 Jackson, John Arthur
 Jackson, W. H.
 James, Frederick Walter
 James, John
 James, Thomas
 James, William Coxeter
 James, William Dodge
 James, William Milbourne
 Jameson, Andrew
 Jameson, John
 Jameson, William Kenneth Eustace
 Jamie, John Puxley White
 Jardine, Alexander, of Applegirth, 8th Bt.
 Jardine, James Bruce
 Jarvis, Charles Francis Cracroft
 Jarvis, Ralph George Edward
 Jebb, Avery Gladwin
 Jeffreys, Arthur Frederick
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Baron Jeffreys
 Jeffreys, Walter Powell
 Jenner, Robert F.
 Jenyns, George Arthur Bulwer
 Jephson-Norreys, Charles Denham Orlando, 1st and last Bt.
 Jervis, William Monk
 Jervoise, Francis Henry Tristram
 Jewson, John Howlett
 Jocelyn, Robert Julian Orde, 7th Earl of Roden
 Johnson, George John
 Johnson, Harry
 Johnson, Philip
 Johnston, Alick Baird
 Johnston, Andrew
 Johnston, James
 Johnston, Richard Eugene Graves
 Johnston-Stewart, Stair Hathorn Johnston, of Physgill
 Johnstone, James, of Alva
 Johnstone, John Heywood
 Joicey, John
 Jones, Calvert Richard
 Jones, Henry Vaughan Edwards
 Jones, James
 Jones, John
 Jones, John
 Jones, Morey Quayle
 Jones, Willoughby, 3rd Bt.
 Jones-Davies, T. E.
 Jones-Mortimer, Hugh Maurice Carstairs
 Jones-Parry, Thomas Parry
 Joseph, Samuel George, 1st Bt.
 Karslake, John Burgess Preston
 Kearney, Patrick J.
 Kearsley, Edward Reginald
 Keir, Patrick Small
 Kekewich, Lewis Pendarves
 Kekewich, Samuel Trehawke
 Kellie-MacCallum, James Dalgleish
 Kelly-Kenny, Thomas
 Kemble, Horace Leonard
 Kemmis, William
 Kemmis, William Henry Oliphert
 Kemp, George, 1st Baron Rochdale
 Kemp-Welch, Charles Durant
 Kennard, Stephen Ponder
 Kennedy, Peter Norman Bingham
 Kennedy, Robert John
 Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, Neil James
 Kennington, John
 Kenyon, Edward
 Keogh, Cornelius Alexander
 Ker, David
 Ker, David Alfred William
 Ker, David John Richard
 Ker, David Stewart
 Kerr, John David
 Kerrison, Edmund Roger Allday
 Keswick, William
 Kettle, Rupert Berkeley
 Kevill-Davies, William Trevelyan
 Kidd, Stanley
 Kinahan, George
 Kinahan, Robert George Caldwell
 Kincaid Lennox, John Lennox, of Woodhead and Kincaid
 Kindersley, Archibald Ogilvie Lyttelton
 King, Edward Bolton
 King, Edward Raleigh
 King, Gilbert, 3rd Bt.
 King, James Osborne
 King, John Henry Wyndham
 King, John James
 King, Peter John Locke
 Kingan, William Sinclair
 Kingscote, Nigel Richard Fitzhardinge
 Kingsmill, William Howley
 Kington-Oliphant, Thomas Laurence, 11th of Gask
 Kinloch, David Alexander, of Gilmerton, 11th Bt.
 Kinloch, George, 1st Bt.
 Kinloch, Henry Anstruther
 Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald, 10th Lord Kinnaird
 Kirk, George Edmonstone
 Kirk, John
 Kirkbank, William
 Kirklinton, G. Graham
 Kirkpatrick, Kenneth Clarke
 Kirkwood, David
 Kirwan, Denis
 Kitson, Frank Edward
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward Hugessen, 1st Baron Brabourne of Brabourne
 Knight, Edward
 Knowles, Lees, 1st and last Bt.
 Knowlys, Thomas John
 Knox, Charles Home Cuff
 Knox, Charles William Cuff
 Knox, Henry William
 Knox, Utred Augustus
 Knox, William
 Krohn, Herman Alexander
 Kynaston, Walter Roger Owen
 La Touche, John
 Lacon, Edmund Henry Knowles, 3rd Bt.
 Laing, James
 Lamb, Richard Westbrook
 Lambarde, William
 Lambart, Gustavus
 Lambert, Henry
 Lambton, Frederick William, 4th Earl of Durham
 Landale, David William Neill
 Lane, Henry
 Lane, John Henry Hervey Vincent
 Lane, Thomas
 Langdale, Charles Joseph
 Langdale, Charles Joseph
 Langdale, Henry Joseph
 Langley, George
 Langton, Bennet Rothes
 Langton, Charles
 Lascelles, Egremont William
 Lascelles, Walter Richard
 Latham, David MacDuff
 Lautour, Joseph Andrew
 Law, Hugh Francis d'Assisi Stuart
 Lawes, Robert Bartholomew
 Laycock, Joseph Frederick
 Le Marchant, Edward Thomas, 4th Bt.
 Leahy, Daniel
 Leatham, Claude
 Leatham, Claude
 Leatham, Edmund Ernest
 Lecky, John James
 Lees, Geoffrey William Martin
 Lees, John Victor Elliott, 3rd Bt.
 Lefroy, Augustine Hugh
 Legard, Charles, 11th Bt.
 Legh, Charles Richard Banastre
 Leigh, John Blundell
 Leighton, Stanley
 Leith, Alexander, of Freefield and Glenkindie
 Leith, Thomas
 Leith-Hay, Andrew, of Rannes and Leith Hall
 Leith-Hay, Charles Edward Norman, of Rannes
 Leng, John
 Lennard, John Farnaby, 1st Bt.
 Lenox-Conyngham, William
 Lentaigne, Joseph Nugent
 Leslie, John
 Leslie, John Henry
 Leslie, Jonathan, of Rothie Norman
 Leslie, Robert Charles
 Leslie, William, 11th of Warthill and 9th of Folla
 Leslie-Ellis, Henry
 Leslie-Melville, John Thornton, 11th Earl of Leven
 Leslie-Melville-Cartwright, Thomas Robert
 Lethbridge, Ambrose Goddard
 Leveson-Gower, Granville Charles Gresham
 Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2nd Earl Granville
 Levett, Richard Byrd
 Levett, Theophilus John
 Levita, Cecil Bingham
 Lewer, Arthur John
 Lewin, Frederick Thomas
 Lewis, Charles Edward
 Lewthwaite, William
 Liardet, Henry Maugham
 Liddell, Cyril Arthur
 Liddell, Gerald Wellesley, 6th Baron Ravensworth
 Liddell, Henry George, 2nd Earl of Ravensworth
 Liddell, Robert Arthur, 7th Baron Ravensworth
 Lilburn, William, of Coull
 Lindsay, George Hayward
 Lindsay, James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford
 Lindsay, Michael Egan
 Lindsay, William
 Littleboy, Charles Norman
 Livingstone, William Henry Darley
 Llewellen Palmer, William
 Llewellyn, Henry Morton, 3rd Bt.
 Lloyd, Edward Henry
 Lloyd, Eyre
 Lloyd, Guy
 Lloyd, John
 Lloyd, Samuel Eyre Massy
 Lloyd, Thomas Edward John
 Lloyd, Thomas Owen Saunders
 Lloyd, William Butler
 Lloyd-Anstruther, James Hamilton
 Lloyd-Baker, Granville Edwin
 Lloyd-Baker, Granville Edwin Lloyd
 Loch, George
 Locke, Richard Goord Edwal
 Lockwood, William Robert Percival
 Loftus-Otway, William Marjoribanks
 Long, Samuel
 Long, William
 Long, William
 Long, William Beeston
 Longstaff, Cedric Llewellyn
 Lonsdale, James
 Lopes, George Ludlow
 Lopes, Henry Charles, 1st Baron Ludlow
 Lopes, Henry Yarde-Buller, 1st Baron Roborough
 Lopes, Massey, 3rd Bt.
 Lopes, Ralph Ludlow
 Lopes, Ralph, 2nd Bt.
 Lorimer, John Thornton
 Lort-Phillips, Patrick
 Lovett, Joseph Venables
 Loveys Jervoise, John
 Low, James, 1st Bt.
 Lowry, James Corry Jones
 Lowry, Robert William
 Lowsley-Williams, David
 Lowther, James
 Loyd, Archie Kirkman
 Loyd, Edward Henry
 Loyd, Henry Charles
 Loyd, Lewis Vivian
 Lubbock, Henry James
 Lubienski, Louis Pomian
 Lucas-Calcraft, Charles Yorke
 Luce, Charles Richard
 Lumsden, Henry, of Pitcaple
 Lumsden, Hugh Gordon, of Auchindoir and Clova
 Lumsden, John
 Lumsden, Walter
 Lutley, John Habington Barneby
 Lutley, John Hablington
 Lyell, Charles, of Kinnordy, 1st and last Bt.
 Lyell, Leonard, 1st Baron Lyell
 Lyle, Archibald Moir Park, 2nd Bt.
 Lyle, Hugh Thomas
 Lynch, Henry Blosse
 Lynden-Bell, Arthur Lynden
 Lyon, Thomas
 Lyon, Thomas Henry
 Lyons, Henry
 Lyons, James D.
 Lyons, John Charles
 Lyster, George Fosbery
 Lyttelton, Charles George, 8th Viscount Cobham
 MacAlister, Matthew Keith, of Glenbarr
 MacDermot, Charles Edward, The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin
 MacKean, George Burrell
 MacMillan, Gordon Holmes Alexander, of MacMillan and Knap
 MacPherson, Albert Cameron, of Cluny Macpherson, 17th Chief
 MacRae, Colin William, of Feoirlinn
 MacRae, Duncan
 MacRae, Duncan, of Conchra
 MacRae, John Duncan George
 Macalister, Charles John
 Macalpine-Leny, William Harley
 Macartney, Frank Alan George
 Macartney, George
 Macartney, George Travers
 Macdonald, Emma Hamilla
 Macdonald, James
 Macdonald, Ranald George, 21st of Clanranald and Moidart and 7th of Benbecula
 Macdonald, Robert, 1st of Inchkenneth and Gribune
 Macdonald-Buchanan, Reginald Narcissus
 Macdonell, Eneas Ronald
 Macdougall, John, 25th of Dunollie and of Lorn
 Macdowall-Grant, Hay, 7th of Arndilly
 Macfarlane, Duncan Alwyn
 Mackenzie, Douglas William Alexander Dalziel
 Mackenzie, Edward
 Mackenzie, Hector Andrew Courtney, of Dalmore
 Mackenzie, John Ord
 Mackenzie, Sarah Marjory
 Mackenzie, Victor Audley Falconer, of Glenmuick, 3rd Bt.
 Mackenzie, William Dalziel
 Mackenzie-Fraser, Frederick, 11th of Inverallochy and 7th of Castle Fraser
 Mackie, James
 Mackinnon, William Alexander, of Strathaird, 33th Chief of MacKinnon
 Mackintosh, Aeneas
 Mackintosh, Alexander Aeneas, 27th of Mackintosh
 Mackintosh, Alexander, 26th of Mackintosh
 Mackintosh, Lachlan Donald, 29th of Mackintosh
 Mackintosh-Walker, Thomas Charles Bruce
 Macky, Francis Coffin
 Maclachlan, George, 21st of Maclachlan
 Maclachlan, Robert, 20th of Maclachlan
 Maclaine, Murdoch, 20th of Lochbuie
 Maclaren, Robert
 Maclean, Fitzroy Donald, 10th Bt.
 Maclean, John Robert
 Maclean, Margaret Iona Letitia
 Maclean, Robert Alexander
 Macleod, Norman Magnus, 26th of MacLeod
 Macmillan, Frederick Orridge
 Macnaghten, Francis Alexander, of Dundarave, 8th Bt.
 Macnamara, Arthur
 Macnamara, Henry Valentine
 Macpherson, Alexander Duncan
 Macpherson, Duncan, of Cluny Macpherson, 15th Chief
 Macpherson, George
 Macpherson-Campbell, Campbell, of Ballimore and Drumduan
 Macrae, Brigadier-General John Cecil
 Macrae, James Charles
 Macrae, Robert Andrew Alexander Scarth
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt.
 Madden, John
 Madden, Samuel
 Maddock, John Dennil
 Magniac, Herbert Richard
 Magniac, Oswald
 Mahon, Thomas George Stacpoole
 Mahony, Peirce
 Mahony, Richard John
 Mainwaring, Rowland
 Mainwaring, Salusbury Kynaston
 Mainwaring-Ellerker-Onslow, Guildford James Hiller
 Maitland, Claud Archibald Scott
 Maitland, David
 Maitland, Stuart Cairns
 Malcolm, William Elphinstone
 Malone, John Richard
 Maltby, Christopher Michael
 Maltby, Paul Copeland
 Mansel Lewis, Charles William
 Mansel, George Pleydell
 Mansel, John Bell William, 11th Bt.
 Mansel, Robert Henry
 Mansfield, Francis Stewart
 Mansfield, George
 Mansfield, George
 Marker, Richard
 Markham, Henry Philip
 Marriott, Charles
 Marsden-Smedley, Christopher
 Marshall, Reginald Dykes
 Marshall, William
 Marsham, Charles William
 Marsham, Charles, 4th Earl of Romney
 Marsham, George
 Marsham-Townshend, Robert
 Martin, James
 Martin, Waldyve Alexander Hamilton
 Martin-Leake, John
 Marwood-Elton, Edward, 1st and last Bt.
 Mason, Henry Paul
 Mason, Michael Henry
 Mason, Robert Harvey
 Mason, William Henry
 Massingberd, Stephen
 Massingberd-Mundy, Charles Francis
 Massy, Edward Taylor
 Massy, William Hugh Massy Hutchinson
 Massy-Dawson, George Staunton King
 Mathews, Joseph Douglas
 Matthews, Andrew Marriott
 Matthews, Michael
 Maxwell-Heron, John Heron, of Heron and Kiroughtree
 Mayhew, John Dixon
 Mayhew, Thomas Garrett
 Mayhewe, Arthur
 McBarnet, A. Cockburn
 McBean, Alexander
 McBeath, John Edwin Home
 McCarthy-O'Leary, John
 McCausland, Conolly
 McCausland, Conolly Robert
 McCausland, Conolly Thomas
 McCausland, Marcus
 McClintock, Arthur George Florence
 McClintock, George Perry
 McClintock, Robert
 McClintock, Robert
 McCorquodale, Harold
 McCraith, Patrick James Danvers
 McCreery, Richard Loudon
 McDouall, James
 McFerran, John Cecil Grant
 McFerran, John Rowan Addison
 McGillycuddy, John
 McKie, John
 McLaren, Duncan
 McMicking, Gilbert
 Medlicott, Thomas
 Medlycott, William Coles Paget, 3rd Bt.
 Medlycott, William Coles, 2nd Bt.
 Meldon, Albert
 Melles, Joseph William
 Mellish, Edward Noel, V.C.
 Mellor, James Thomas Paulton
 Mellor, John Edward
 Mellows, Michael James
 Merriam, Lawrence Pierce Brooke
 Merry, James
 Metford, Francis
 Methuen, Frederick Henry Paul, 2nd Baron Methuen of Corsham
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham
 Mewburn, William
 Meynell, Hugo
 Meyrick, Thomas Charlton, 1st Bt.
 Michel, Charles Edward
 Michelmore, William Godwin
 Micklethwait, St. John Aldrich
 Midgley, Ellen Margaret, Baroness Eaton
 Milbank, Henry John
 Miles, Ann Hilary
 Miles, Philip William Skynner
 Miller, Charles Harvey
 Miller, James
 Miller, Rowley
 Milles, George Watson, 1st Earl Sondes
 Mills, Arthur
 Mills, Charles Henry, 1st Baron Hillingdon
 Mills, John
 Mills, John
 Milne-Home, David
 Milne-Home, John Hepburn
 Milnes Gaskell, Charles George
 Milnes Gaskell, Evelyn
 Milnes Gaskell, James
 Milward, Victor
 Mitchell, Alexander
 Mitchell, David Bower
 Mitchell, Henry Kelsall Beckford
 Mitchell, James
 Mitchell, Joanna Mary
 Mitchell, Sampson
 Moffat, James
 Mogg, Herbert John
 Moir-Byres, George
 Molesworth-St. Aubyn, Hender John
 Molloy, Lawrence Bomford
 Molyneux, Capel, 7th Bt.
 Monckton, Francis
 Money-Kyrle, William
 Monk, Charles James
 Monro, George Nowlan, of Auchinbowrie
 Monsell, Thomas William Gaston, 2nd Baron Emly
 Monson, William John, 1st and last Viscount Oxenbridge
 Montagu, William Drogo, 7th Duke of Manchester
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, Edward Montagu Stuart Grenville, 1st Earl of Wharncliffe
 Montefiore, Moses Haim, 1st and last Bt.
 Monteith, Joseph
 Monteith, Joseph
 Monteith, Joseph Basil Lawrence
 Montgomerie, Samuel Hynman
 Montgomerie, William Eglinton
 Montgomery, Hugh
 Montgomery, Hugh Edward
 Montgomery, Hugh de Fellenberg
 Montgomery, James
 Montgomery, William
 Montgomery-Cuninghame, William James, of Corsehill, 9th Bt.
 Montmorency, Hervey Randall Saville Pratt
 Moon, Francis Graham, 1st Bt.
 Moore, Arthur John
 Moore, Denis Grattan
 Moore, George Henry
 Moore, Joseph Fletcher
 Moore, Lewis
 Moore, Randall Kingsmill
 Moore, Susan
 More O'Ferrall, Ambrose
 More O'Ferrall, Edward Gerald
 More O'Ferrall, Gerald
 More O'Ferrall, Richard
 More, Robert Jasper
 Moreton Macdonald, John Ronald, 18th of Largie and 24th of the Lee
 Morgan, Anthony Hickman
 Morgan, Francis Frederick Richard Mansel
 Morkill, John William
 Morland, William Courtenay
 Morley, John
 Morley, Samuel
 Morris, Edward George
 Morris, John Armine, 3rd Bt.
 Morris, Thomas
 Morrison, Charles
 Morrison, Edwin Allen
 Morrison, Elizabeth Mary
 Morrogh Bernard, John
 Morse, Arthur Francis
 Morton, Edward James
 Morton, Mathew Villiers Sankey
 Mosley, Tonman, 3rd Bt.
 Mostyn, Hubert George Charles, 7th Baron Vaux of Harrowden
 Moubray, Robert
 Moubray, William Hobson
 Moutray, Anketell
 Muir, John Gardiner
 Mulholland, Andrew
 Mulholland, Henry Lyle, 2nd Baron Dunleath of Ballywalter
 Mulliner, Herbert Hall
 Mundy, Alfred Edward Miller
 Munro, Charles, of Foulis, 10th Bt.
 Munro-Ferguson, Hector
 Mure, William, of Caldwell
 Mure, William, of Caldwell
 Murphy, James
 Murray, Charles Edward Gostling
 Murray, Charles Graham
 Murray, James Wolfe
 Murray, John
 Murray, John George
 Murray, John, of Folla
 Murray, Maurice
 Murray, Maurice
 Murray, Thomas Prain Douglas
 Murray, William Athol
 Murray-Aynsley, John
 Murray-Buchanan, Edward Mackenzie, of Leny
 Murray-Stewart, Horatio Granville, of Broughton
 Musters, Henry
 Myddelton, Ririd
 Myddelton, Robert Edward
 Mynors, Peter Rickards
 Naper, James Lenox
 Napier, Andrew Patrick Forbes
 Napier, William Francis Cyril James Hamilton, 13th Lord Napier of Merchistoun
 Napier-Clavering, Jean Margaret Avison
 Nash, Vincent
 Nash, Vincent
 Naylor, David Murray
 Naylor, John
 Neave, Arthur Thomas Digby
 Nelson, David George Hargraves
 Nepean, Molyneux Hyde, 3rd Bt.
 Neville, Alfred Geoffrey
 Neville-Grenville, Robert
 Newall, Geoffrey Stirling
 Newman, John
 Newman, John Adam Richard
 Newport, Simon
 Newson-Smith, Henry
 Newton, Charles Edmund
 Newton, Philip Jocelyn
 Nicholl Carne, Robert Charles
 Nicholl, John Iltyd Dillwyn
 Nicholson, Christopher Armytage
 Nicholson, Christopher Armytage
 Nicholson, Frank Douglas
 Nicholson, J. A. H.
 Nicholson, John Armytage
 Nicholson, Stuart
 Nicol, Donald Ninian, of Ardmarnoch
 Nixon, Christopher William, 2nd Bt.
 Noble, John Hatt
 Noel, Berkeley Plantagenet Guilford Charles
 Norman, Charles Loyd
 Norman, E. K.
 Norman, Frederick Henry
 Norman, George Warde
 North, John Sydney
 Notten-Pole, Peter, 3rd Bt.
 Nugent, Andrew
 Nugent, Edmond Henry Stuart
 Nugent, George Edmund, 2nd Bt.
 Nugent, Oliver Stewart Wood
 Nugent, Roland Thomas, 1st and last Bt.
 O'Brien, Patrick, 2nd Bt.
 O'Brien, Timothy, 1st Bt.
 O'Connell, Daniel
 O'Connell, John
 O'Connor, Edmond
 O'Conor, Edmond
 O'Donnel, John
 O'Hara, Charles William
 O'Moore, Garrett, The O'Moore
 O'Neill, Edward, 2nd Baron O'Neill of Shane's Castle
 O'Neill, Robert Torrens
 O'Reilly, Philip
 O'Shee, Nicholas Richard Power
 Ogilby, Robert Alexander
 Ogilvy, John, of Inverquharity, 9th Bt.
 Ogilvy-Grant, James, 9th Earl of Seafield
 Oglander, Henry, 7th Bt.
 Oglander, John Henry
 Ogle, Newton Charles
 Oldham, Frederick Hugh Langston
 Oliver, John
 Oliver-Bellasis, Richard John Erskine
 Olivier, William Herbert
 Olliver, George
 Olphert, John
 Olphert, Wybrants
 Onslow, Andrew George
 Onslow, Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Oppenheim, Henry Maurice William
 Orde, Charles William
 Orde, John
 Orde-Powlett, Amias Charles
 Orde-Powlett, William Henry, 3rd Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle
 Orlebar, Richard
 Orme, Christopher Guy
 Orme, Robert
 Ormsby-Gore, William
 Osborne, William, 13th Bt.
 Otter, Robert Charles
 Otter, Robin
 Owen, George Leader
 Owen, William
 Pack-Beresford, Denis Robert
 Pack-Beresford, Denis William
 Pack-Beresford, Reynell James
 Packe, George Hussey
 Packe, Hussey
 Paget, Henry, 4th Marquess of Anglesey
 Paget, John Moore
 Paget, Richard Horner, 1st Bt.
 Paget-Tomlinson, William Smith
 Pain, Rosemary Ann
 Palliser, John
 Palmer, Albert John
 Palmer, Joseph Eric
 Palmer, Philip Dayrell Stewart
 Palmer, Richard John
 Palmes, George
 Parker, Edward
 Parker, Isolda Rosamund
 Parker, Peter Henry
 Parker-Jervis, Roger Farmer
 Parkingston, John Roper
 Parkyns, Thomas George Augustus, 5th Bt.
 Parr, Joseph Charlton
 Parr, Roger Charlton
 Parsons, Edward Howard Thornbrough
 Part, Charles Thomas
 Patrick, John
 Patten, Thomas
 Patteson, Henry Tyrwhitt Staniforth
 Pattinson, Naomi Angela
 Paul, Joseph John Dawson
 Pauncefort-Duncombe, Philip Duncombe, 1st Bt.
 Pawle, Hanbury
 Paynter, Noel Stephen
 Paynter, William
 Peacock, Frederick William
 Pearce-Edgecumbe, Edward Robert
 Pearce-Serocold, Oswald
 Peard, Elizabeth Margaret Susan
 Pears, Steuart Arnold
 Pearson, Robert Stanley
 Pease, Francis Richard
 Pease, John William
 Pease, Joseph Walker
 Pedder, Edward
 Peel, Francis Richard Jonathan
 Peel, Mervyn Lloyd
 Peel, Sidney Cornwallis, 1st and last Bt.
 Peel, William
 Pelham Burn, Angus Maitland
 Pell, Albert Julian
 Pelly, Henry Carstairs, 3rd Bt.
 Pelly, Raymond
 Pelly, Richard Wilson
 Pemberton, Francis William Wingate
 Pemberton, John Stapylton Grey
 Pemberton, Richard Laurence Stapylton
 Pennant, David Falconer
 Pennefather, Richard D.
 Penrhyn, Edward Hugh Leycester
 Penson, Thomas
 Peploe, Daniel Henry Theophilus
 Perceval-Maxwell, Robert
 Perceval-Maxwell, Robert David
 Percival, Arthur Ernest
 Percy, Elizabeth Ivy
 Percy, Hugh Josceline
 Perkin, Thomas Dix
 Perkins, Hugh
 Perry, Samuel
 Perry, Samuel Thomas James
 Persse, Dudley
 Persse, William Arthur
 Persse, William Norton
 Pery, William Hale John Charles, 3rd Earl of Limerick
 Peters, William Henry
 Petre, Bernard James
 Petre, Henry
 Petre, Henry William
 Phelips, William Robert
 Phelps, Douglas Vandeleur
 Phibbs, Owen
 Philipps, John Philipps Allen Lloyd
 Philipps, John Wynford, 1st Viscount Saint Davids
 Philips, John Lionel
 Philips, John William
 Philipson-Stow, Robert Nicholas
 Phillips, Edward Courtenay
 Phillips, W. Clifford
 Pigott, William
 Pike, Ebenezer John Lecky
 Pike, Joseph
 Pike, Joseph Cuthbert
 Pilkington, William Henry, Baron Pilkington
 Pilkington, William Windle
 Pine-Coffin, John Richard
 Pinney, George Ambrose
 Pinney, Reginald John
 Pirie, Duncan Vernon
 Pixley, Francis William
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Henry Hales
 Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 5th Earl of Radnor
 Pleydell-Bouverie-Campbell-Wyndham, Philip Arthur
 Pleydell-Railston, Henry George Moreton
 Plowden, William Francis
 Plunkett, Edward John Morton Drax, 17th Lord Dunsany
 Plunkett, Edward, 15th Lord Dunsany
 Pochin, Henry Davis
 Pocklington, George Henry
 Pole-Carew, William Henry
 Polhill-Turner, Frederick Charles
 Pollard, Edwin John
 Pollock, James Patrick
 Pollock, John Buchanan
 Pollock, John Naper George
 Pollock, John Osborn George
 Pollock-McCall, Robert George
 Pollok, John
 Ponsonby, Frederick George Brabazon, 6th Earl of Bessborough
 Ponsonby-Barker, William
 Poole, Frederick Cuthbert
 Portal, Edward Robert
 Portal, John
 Portal, Melville
 Porter, George Hornidge, 1st Bt.
 Porter, John Grey Vesey
 Porter, William
 Portman, Lucy Mabella
 Portman, William Henry Berkeley, 2nd Viscount Portman of Bryanston
 Postlethwaite, Robert
 Pott, Arthur
 Powell, Alexander Francis
 Powell, Alexander Pitts Elliott
 Powell, Henry Lloyd
 Powell, Henry Weyland
 Power, Patrick Joseph Mahon
 Pownall, John Fish
 Powys, John, 5th Baron Lilford of Lilford
 Poë, George Leslie
 Prain, John Murray
 Pratt, Edward Roger
 Pratt, Edward Roger Murray
 Pratt, Fendall William Harvey
 Pratt, John Charles, 3rd Marquess Camden
 Pratt, Walter Caulfeild
 Prescott, John
 Preston, Thomas
 Pretyman, Ernest George
 Price, Montague Whittingham
 Price, Robert Kenrick
 Prideaux, John Francis
 Prior-Wandesforde, Richard Henry
 Probert, Richard Harlachenden Carwardine
 Probyn, Edmund
 Pryce-Jones, Henry Morris
 Pryor, Arthur D.
 Pryor, Marlborough Robert
 Pryor, Norman Selwyn
 Pryor, Walter Marlborough
 Pugh, Herbert Owain
 Pumphrey, Christopher Jonathan
 Pumphrey, Jonathan Moberly
 Purves, Charles Hyde Home
 Purvis, Charles
 Quilter, William Cuthbert, 1st Bt.
 Radcliffe, Joseph
 Raeburn, William Hannay, 1st Bt.
 Raikes, Henry Cecil
 Raikes, Iwan Geoffrey
 Rainsford Hannay, Frederick, of Kirkdale
 Rainsford-Hannay, Ramsay William, of Kirkdale
 Rait, James
 Rampini, Charles
 Ramsay, Alexander Entwisle, 4th Bt.
 Ramsay, Douglas Munro
 Ramsay, James Henry, 10th Bt.
 Ramsay, John
 Ramsay-Gibson-Maitland, James, 4th Bt.
 Ramsden, Frank
 Ramsden, Henry James
 Ramsden, John Charles Francis
 Randolph, Algernon Forbes
 Rankin, James Reginald Lea, 2nd Bt.
 Rankin, James, 1st Bt.
 Rasch, Frederick Carne
 Rasch, Frederick Carne, 1st Bt.
 Rasch, Frederick Carne, 2nd Bt.
 Rashleigh, Jonathan
 Ravenshaw, John Goldsborough
 Rawson, Richard Hamilton
 Rawstorne, Lawrence
 Rawstorne, Lawrence
 Raynsford, Antony Edward Montague
 Raynsford, Richard Montagu
 Reade, Chandos Stanhope Hoskyns, 8th Bt.
 Reade, John Page
 Reade, Robert Henry
 Reeve, John Sherard
 Reid, Alexander James, 3rd Bt.
 Reid, Hugh, of Springburn, 1st Bt.
 Reid, John
 Reid, Percy Fergus Ivo
 Reid, Percy Lester
 Renny-Tailyour, John Wingfield
 Reynard, Frederick
 Reynolds, James Philip, 1st Bt.
 Rhodes, John William
 Rhys, David Llewellin
 Riall, William Augustus
 Ricardo, Henry George
 Ricardo, Horace
 Ricardo, John Lewis
 Richards, Angela Felicity, Baroness Harris of Richmond
 Richards, George Warren
 Richards, John Goddard
 Richards, Richard
 Richards, Richard Meredyth
 Richardson, Henry Mervyn
 Richardson, John Maunsell
 Richardson, Joseph
 Richardson-Brady, William Stewart
 Richardson-Robertson, Robert
 Rickett, Joseph Compton
 Ridley, Matthew White, 1st Viscount Ridley
 Ridley, Matthew White, 2nd Viscount Ridley
 Rienzi, Thomas
 Rigby, James
 Riley, Hamlet
 Ripley, Henry William, 1st Bt.
 Ritson, Utrick Alexander
 Rivett-Carnac, John, 2nd Bt.
 Robarts, Abraham John
 Roberts, Arthur Phillips
 Roberts, Howland, 5th Bt.
 Roberts, Martyn John
 Roberts, Owen John
 Roberts, Samuel, 1st Bt.
 Robertson, Henry Beyer
 Robertson, Ian Argyll, of Brackla
 Robertson, James Alexander Rowland
 Robertson, Josiah James
 Robertson, Sarah Elisabeth
 Robertson-Aikman, Thomas Stokes George Hugh
 Robertson-Glasgow, Robert Bruce
 Robinson, Christopher William
 Robinson, Frank Grenville Argyle
 Robinson, James Francis
 Robinson, T. L.
 Roch, Thomas James
 Rochfort, Horace William Noel
 Rochfort, William Robert Hood
 Rocyn-Jones, David
 Rodney, William Powell
 Rogers, John Middleton
 Rogers, John Thornton
 Rolleston, James ffranck
 Romilly, Samuel Henry
 Romilly, William, 2nd Baron Romilly
 Rose, Holden
 Rose, John Nugent, 15th of Holme
 Rose-Cleland, James Dowsett
 Ross, James
 Ross, Walter John Macdonald
 Rossborough-Colclough, Thomas
 Rothschild, James Armand Edmond
 Rothschild, Mayer Amschel
 Round, Charles James
 Round, James Gray
 Roundell, Charles Savile
 Roundell, Christopher Foulis
 Roundell, Danson Richardson
 Rous, William Rufus
 Rowe, John
 Rowley, Charles Samuel, 6th Bt.
 Rowley, George Fydell
 Rowley, Hercules Langford Boyle
 Rowley, Joshua Thelluson, 5th Bt.
 Royds, Edmund
 Rugge-Price, Charles, 6th Bt.
 Ruggles-Brise, Edward Archibald, 1st Bt.
 Rumsey, Edward Waugh
 Russell, Arthur Oliver Villiers, 2nd Baron Ampthill
 Russell, George, 4th Bt.
 Russell, Theodosius Stuart
 Ruttledge, Thomas
 Ruttledge, Thomas Henry Bruen
 Rutzen, John Frederick Foley, Baron de Rutzen
 Ryder, Henry, 4th Earl of Harrowby
 Ryder, Richard Stephen
 Salkeld, Carleton
 Salmon, Henry Thomas
 Salt, Thomas
 Salusbury-Trelawny, Harry Reginald
 Salusbury-Trelawny, John, 9th Bt.
 Salvesen, Harold Keith
 Salvesen, Henry Adoplh
 Salvin, Herman Charles Joseph
 Salvin, Marmaduke Charles
 Sandars, John Drysdale
 Sandars, John Eric William Graves
 Sandbach, Henry Robertson
 Sankey, Harold Bantock
 Sankey, Herbert Stuart
 Saunders, Robert Francis
 Sawbridge, Henry Barne
 Sayer, Robert
 Scarlett, James Yorke MacGregor, 4th Baron Abinger
 Schomberg, Edward St. George
 Schuster, John
 Sclater, James Henry
 Sclater, James Henry
 Scott Plummer, Charles
 Scott, Charles Norman Lindsay Tollemache
 Scott, Thomas Rennie
 Scott, William Patrick
 Scott-Douglas, George Brisbane, 5th Bt.
 Scott-Duff, Arthur Abercromby
 Scott-Kerr, William
 Scott-Langley, David Lionel
 Scott-Moncrieff, Alan Kenneth
 Scrase-Dickins, Mark Frederick Hakon
 Scriven, John
 Scrope, Simon Thomas
 Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, Frederick Lewis
 Seager, John Elliot
 Seale, Henry Paul, 2nd Bt.
 Seckham, Samuel Lipscombe
 Seed, John Humphrey Allison
 Seely, Henry John Alexander, 2nd Baron Mottistone
 Selby, Prideaux John
 Selby-Lowndes, William
 Serjeantson, Cecil Myles
 Seton-Steuart, Henry James, of Allanton and Touch, 3rd Bt.
 Seymour, Alfred
 Seymour, Charles Derick
 Shaw, Eyre Massey
 Shaw, Frederick William, 5th Bt.
 Shawe-Taylor, Walter Taylor Newton
 Shearer, Edgar Donald Reid
 Sheepshanks, Robin John
 Sheffield, Robert, 5th Bt.
 Sherlock, David
 Shiffner, Thomas
 Shirley, Evelyn Philip
 Shuckburgh, George Thomas Francis, 9th Bt.
 Shuldham, Molyneux William
 Shuttleworth, Ashton John
 Simon, Jocelyn Edward Salis, Baron Simon of Glaisdale
 Simpson, John Bell
 Simpson, Stephen
 Sinclair, Clarence Granville
 Sinclair, James
 Sinclair, Kenneth Duncan Lecky
 Sinclair, Robert Charles, of Murkle, 9th Bt.
 Sinclair, Thomas
 Sinclair, Thomas
 Sinclair-Lockhart, Graeme, of Castle Hill, 10th Bt.
 Sington, John
 Sinnott, Edward Stockley
 Sitwell, Francis
 Sitwell, George
 Sivewright, Robert Charles Townsend
 Sivewright, Robert Henry V.
 Skeffington-Smyth, Edward Randal
 Skene, James, of Rubislaw
 Skene, Philip George Moncrieff, 8th of Pitlour and 12th of Hallyards
 Skrine, Henry Duncan
 Skrine, Henry Mills
 Slade, Wyndham
 Sleigh, William Lowrie
 Slessor, John Cotesworth
 Sloane-Stanley, Roger Cyril Hans
 Sloggett, Arthur John Henry
 Smijth-Windham, Joseph
 Smiles, Walter
 Smith Cuninghame, John Anstruther, 15th of Caprington
 Smith, Abel
 Smith, Abel Henry
 Smith, Aubrey Clare Hugh
 Smith, Augustus John
 Smith, Eric Carrington
 Smith, George Anthony Murray
 Smith, George Murray
 Smith, Gerald Dudley
 Smith, Henry
 Smith, Henry
 Smith, Henry Abel
 Smith, Jeremy Fox Eric
 Smith, Robert
 Smith, Roland Audley
 Smith, Rowland
 Smith, Thomas Eustace
 Smith, William, 3rd Bt.
 Smith-Barry, Arthur Hugh, 1st and last Baron Barrymore
 Smith-Barry, James Hugh
 Smith-Barry, Richard Hugh
 Smith-Bosanquet, Horace James Smith
 Smith-Dodsworth, Charles Edward, 5th Bt.
 Smyly, Dennis Douglas Pilkington
 Smyly, John George
 Smyth, Christopher
 Smyth, John George
 Smyth, Ralph
 Smyth, Robert
 Smyth, Robert
 Smyth-Osbourne, George Nowell Thomas
 Smyth-Osbourne, John Smyth
 Snagge, Thomas
 Snagge, Thomas William
 Sneyd-Kynnersley, Clement Thomas
 Soames, Allen Aldwin
 Soames, Arthur Gilstrap
 Soltau-Symons, George William Culme
 Somervell, Arnold Colin
 Somervell, James
 Somervell, James, of Sorn Castle
 Somerville, Thomas Henry
 Somerville, William Fownes
 Sotheron-Estcourt, Thomas Henry Sutton
 Spedding, Henry Anthony
 Spedding, James
 Spedding, John James
 Speir, Robert Cecil Talbot
 Speir, Robert Thomas Napier
 Speirs, Archibald Alexander
 Speirs, Gavin Charteris Towers
 Spencer Stanhope, John
 Spencer, Charles Richard
 Spencer, Huntly Gordon
 Spencer-Stanhope, John Montague
 Spicer, James
 Spiegelberg, A. William A.
 Sprot, John
 Spry, Samuel Thomas
 St. John, George Francis William
 St. John, Henry, 5th Viscount Bolingbroke
 St. Leger, Hayes, 4th Viscount Doneraile
 St. Leger, John
 St. Quintin, William Herbert
 Stacpoole, Richard John Delazouch
 Stamp, Josiah Charles, 1st Baron Stamp
 Stancomb, William
 Stanhope, Charles Wyndham, 7th Earl of Harrington
 Stanley, William
 Stanley, William Burroughs
 Stansfeld, John de Bourbel, of Dunninald
 Stanton, John Richard Guy
 Stanton, William Henry
 Staples, Nathaniel Alexander, 10th Bt.
 Stapleton-Cotton, Wellington Henry, 2nd Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore
 Starkey, Emily Mary
 Starkey, John Frederick
 Starkey, John Henry
 Starkey, John Ralph, 1st Bt.
 Starkey, Lewis Randle
 Starkie, Le Gendre Nicholas
 Staunton, John
 Staveley-Hill, Henry Staveley
 Stephen, Alexander Murray
 Stephens, Reginald Byng
 Stepney, Stephen Rawson
 Stern, Edward David, 1st and last Bt.
 Steuart Fothringham, Thomas
 Stevens, Frank Augustus Douglas
 Stevens, John Arthur, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington
 Stevenson, James, of Braidwood
 Stevenson, John
 Stevenson, Robert
 Stevenson, Thomas Rennie
 Stevenson-Hamilton, James, 16th of Fairholm and Kirkton
 Stewart, Alexander John Robert
 Stewart, Charles Frederick
 Stewart, George Francis
 Stewart, Harold Charles
 Stewart, Hugh Houghton, 4th Bt.
 Stewart, Ian McAlister, 13th of Achnacone
 Stewart, James Robert
 Stewart, John Henderson, 1st Bt.
 Stewart, John Henry Keith
 Stewart, John Vandeleur
 Stewart, Patrick Alexander Vansittart
 Stewart-Mackenzie, Keith William
 Stewart-Moore, James Andrew
 Stirling Home Drummond, Henry Edward, of Blair Drummond
 Stirling, Carolus Home Graham
 Stirling, James Erskine
 Stirling, John, of Fairburn
 Stirling, John, of Fairburn and Monar
 Stirling, Margaret Elizabeth Mary
 Stirling, Patrick, of Kippendavie
 Stirling, William
 Stirling-Hamilton, Robert William, of Preston, 12th Bt.
 Stirling-Home-Drummond-Moray, Charles, 9th of Blair Drummond and 19th of Abercairny
 Stirling-Home-Drummond-Moray, James William, 21st of Abercairny
 Stirling-Home-Drummond-Moray, William Augustus, 20th of Abercairny
 Stobart, Frank
 Stobart, Hugh Morton
 Stokes, John
 Stone, John
 Stonor, Francis
 Stopford-Blair, Edward James
 Story-Maskelyne, Mervin Herbert Nevil
 Stourton, Alfred Joseph, 24th Baron Segrave
 Stourton, Philip Henry Joseph
 Strange, Hamon
 Strange, Nicholas, 4th Bt.
 Strange, Roland
 Strange, Roland
 Streatfeild, Henry
 Streatfeild, Henry Dorrien
 Streatfeild, Richard Shuttleworth
 Streatfield, Claude Everard John
 Strickland, Charles William, 8th Bt.
 Strickland, Edward Peter
 Stronge, James Matthew, 3rd Bt.
 Stronge, John Calvert, 4th Bt.
 Stroyan, John
 Strutt, George Herbert
 Strutt, Robert John, 4th Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place
 Stuart, Donald Mackenzie
 Stuart, John
 Stuart, William
 Stuckey, Vincent
 Studdert, Frances Grace
 Studdert, Frederick Naunton
 Studdert, Ion
 Studdert, Robert Ashworth
 Studdy, Henry
 Sullivan, Thomas Kingston
 Sunnucks, James
 Surtees, Henry Siward Balliol
 Sutcliffe, David
 Sutcliffe, John Harold Vick
 Sutherland, George Henry, of Cringletie
 Swabey, William
 Swire, Adrian Christopher
 Swire, John Kidston
 Swire, William
 Swithinbank, Harold William
 Sykes, Arthur Henry
 Sykes, Thomas Hardcastle
 Symes-Bullen, John Bullen
 Symons, Thomas Raymond
 Talbot, John Gilbert
 Tanner, William
 Tarleton, Alfred Henry
 Tayleur, John
 Taylor, Richard Ian Griffith
 Taylour, Thomas, Earl of Bective
 Telfer Smollett, Patrick Tobias, of Bonhill
 Tempest, Charles Henry, 1st and last Bt.
 Temple, Diana Mary
 Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt.
 Temple-Gore-Langton, William Stephen, 4th Earl Temple of Stowe
 Tenison, William
 Tennant, Charles Clow, of The Glen, 1st Bt.
 Tennant, Iain Mark
 Tennyson, George
 Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Charles
 Terrell, Stephen
 Tharp, Gerard
 Thomas, Anthony Vyvyan
 Thomas, Antony Charles
 Thomas, George William Griffiths
 Thomlinson, William
 Thompson, Edward Hugh Dudley
 Thompson, George Rodie
 Thompson, Matthew
 Thompson, Thomas
 Thoms, Patrick Hunter, 1st of Aberlemno
 Thomson, Charles Newbigging
 Thomson, James Currie
 Thomson-Walker, John William
 Thorburn, Walter
 Thorburn, William, 1st of Craigerne
 Thorne, Augustus Francis Andrew Nicol
 Thorne, George
 Thorneycroft, Edward Kendall
 Thorneycroft, James Baird
 Thornhill, George
 Thornton, Thomas Anson
 Thorold, Cecil
 Thring, George Arthur
 Thring, John Gale Dalton
 Thruston, Edmund Heathcote
 Thunder, MichaeI
 Thurlow, Thomas Lyon
 Thursby-Pelham, James Augustine Harvey
 Thwaites, Daniel
 Thwaites, John
 Tighe, James Stuart
 Tilly, Alfred
 Tilney, Robert Adolphus George
 Tisdall, John
 Todd, George Herbert Norris
 Todd-Thornton, James Henry
 Todhunter, Michael John Benjamin
 Toler, Thomas Clayton
 Toler-Aylward, Hector James Charles
 Tomkin, James Michael Heigham Royce
 Tottenham, Charles John
 Toulmin, Henry Joseph
 Tower, Christopher Theron
 Tower, Christopher Thomas
 Townley, Charles Francis
 Townsend, Frederick
 Toyne Sewell, Timothy Patrick
 Traherne, Morgan Popkin
 Trant, Fitzgibbon
 Trant, John
 Travers, Robert Augustus
 Tremayne, Arthur
 Trench, Henry
 Trench-Gascoigne, Frederick Charles
 Trevelyan, George Otto, 2nd Bt.
 Trevor, Edward Salusbury Rose
 Trollope, Froude Dillon
 Trotter, Algernon Richard, 12th of Mortonhall and 3rd of Charterhall
 Trotter, James Keith
 Trotter, Richard, 10th of Mortonhall and 1st of Charterhall
 Trotter, William Kemp
 Tudway, Charles Clement
 Tufnell, Carleton
 Tulloch, James Bruce Gregorie
 Turner, Charles Henry
 Turner, Dawson William
 Turner, James Aspinall
 Turner, John, of Turnerhall
 Turnor, Christopher
 Turnor, Herbert Broke
 Turton, Edmund Henry
 Turton, Edmund Russborough, 1st Bt.
 Tweedie, Hugh Justin
 Tweedie, James, of Quarter
 Tyler, Arthur Catchmay
 Tyler, George
 Tyringham, Giffard Loftus
 Tyrwhitt-Drake, Thomas
 Unett, William
 Upjohn, Gerald Ritchie, Baron Upjohn
 Urquhart, Ronald Walton
 Usher, Andrew
 Vandeleur, Crofton Moore
 Vans Agnew, John, of Barnbarroch and Sheuchan
 Vans Agnew, Robert, of Barnbarroch and Sheuchan
 Vaughan, Charles Hilary Vaughan
 Vaughan, Charles Jerome
 Vaughan, Francis Baynham
 Vaughan-Lee, Arthur Vaughan Hanning
 Vaughan-Lee, Vaughan Hanning
 Venables Kyrke, Richard H.
 Verdin, Richard Bertram
 Verdin, Richard Norman Harrison
 Verner, William
 Verney, Harry, 2nd Bt.
 Verney, Henry, 18th Lord Willoughby de Broke
 Vernon, Cuthbert Avenal John
 Vernon, Edward
 Vernon, Edward Venables
 Vernon, John Edward Venables
 Vernon-Harcourt, Egerton
 Vernon-Wentworth, Frederick William Thomas
 Verrall, Thomas Jenner
 Villiers-Stuart, Henry John Richard
 Viney, Elliott Merriam
 Viney, Oscar Vaughan
 Vitré, Percy Theodosius Denis
 Vivian, Richard Glynn
 Vivian-Neal, Arthur Westall
 Vyvyan, Richard
 Vyvyan, Richard Henry Stackhouse
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Philip
 Wace, Henry
 Wade, Robert Craven
 Wade, William Blayney
 Waechter, Max Leonard
 Wailes-Fairbairn, William Fairbairn
 Waithman, Robert William
 Waithman, William Sharp
 Wakefield, Jacob
 Wakeman, Offley, 3rd Bt.
 Waldegrave, William Frederick, 9th Earl Waldegrave
 Waldo-Sibthorp, Evelyn Elizabeth
 Walker, G. P. A.
 Walker, James Robert, 2nd Bt.
 Walker, William Giles Newsom
 Walker-Heneage, Clement, V.C.
 Wallace, Falconer Lewis
 Wallace, Hugh Robert, of Busbie
 Wallace, William Nevin
 Wallace, William Nevin
 Waller, Ambrose John Rayne
 Waller, Robert Peel
 Wallis, John Paul
 Walpole, Horatio William, 4th Earl of Orford
 Walsham, John
 Walsham, John, 2nd Bt.
 Walshe, Edward Cormac
 Warburton, Richard
 Ward, Edward Foote
 Ward, Robert Edward
 Warde, Charles Arthur Madan
 Warde-Aldam, William
 Warde-Norbury, Harold George
 Wardlaw-Ramsay, Arthur Balcarres, 21st of Whitehill and of Tillicoultry
 Wardlaw-Ramsay, Robert George, of Whitehill and Tillicoutry
 Waring, Walter
 Warren, Raymond
 Waters, John Dallas
 Watkins, Hubert Bromley
 Watson, Dymock
 Watson, Forrester Colvin
 Watson, George Lewis
 Watson, John Farsyde
 Watson, Solomon
 Watson-Carnegy, Patrick Alexander, of Lour
 Watson-Gandy, William Donald Paul
 Watson-Taylor, Simon
 Watt, Ernest Richard Bradley Hall
 Weatherill, Virginia
 Webb, Matthew Righton
 Webb, Richard Frederick
 Webb, William Frank Broughton
 Webber, Thomas Wingfield
 Wedderburn, John
 Wedgwood, Martin Amery
 Weigall, Henry
 Weir, Robert
 Welby, Adlard
 Welby, Charles Glynne Earle, 5th Bt.
 Welby-Everard, Edward Everard Earle
 Weld, Humphrey Joseph Giles
 Weld, John
 Weld, Wilfrid Joseph
 Weldon, Anthony Crossdill, 5th Bt.
 Wellby, Roger Stanley
 Wells, John
 Wells, John
 Wells, John
 Wells, John
 Wells, William
 Wemyss, Maynard Francis Colchester
 Wemyss, Michael James, of that Ilk, younger
 Westby, William Jones
 Westropp-Dawson, Walter Mountiford
 Weyland, John
 Whaley, H. E.
 Wheatley, Charles Joshua Hirst
 Wheeler, Alexander Hamilton
 Wheeler, Aubrey John
 Wheeler, Edward Vincent
 Whitaker, William Ingham
 Whitbread, Samuel Charles
 Whitbread, Simon
 White, Harold Samuel
 White, Henry Alwyn
 White, Henry George
 White, John Joseph
 White, Robert Eaton, 1st Bt.
 White, Thomas Woolaston, 2nd Bt.
 Whiteman, John Clarmont
 Whitgreave, Francis
 Whitson, Thomas Barnby
 Whyte, John James
 Whyte, John Joseph
 Wickham, Lamplugh Wickham
 Wickham, William
 Wigan, John Tyson
 Wignall, Frederick William
 Wignall, Frederick William
 Wigram, Charles Hampden
 Wild, Wilfrid Hubert
 Wilkinson, George Edward
 Wilkinson, John Green
 Willes, William
 Williams, Arthur John
 Williams, Arthur Scott
 Williams, Berkeley Cole Wilmot
 Williams, Claude St. Maur
 Williams, David
 Williams, Edward Wilmot
 Williams, Eustace Scott
 Williams, Evan
 Williams, George Mervyn
 Williams, Gwylim
 Williams, Hakewill Tresyllian
 Williams, John
 Williams, Philip Penry
 Williams, Robert, 1st Bt.
 Williams, Romer
 Williams, Romer
 Williams, Tessa Gillian Rosamond
 Williams-Ellis, John Richard Baldwyn
 Williams-Ellis, Martyn Ivor
 Williams-Wynn, Henry Bertie Watkin
 Willis Fleming, John Edward Arthur
 Willis, John Walpole
 Willis, John William Bund
 Wills, Robert
 Willyams, Edward Brydges
 Wilmot, Edmund
 Wilmot-Sitwell, Robert Sacheverell
 Wilson, Alexander
 Wilson, Edward Hugh
 Wilson, George Edward
 Wilson, James
 Wilson, James Elliott
 Wilson, John Gerald
 Wilson, Joseph
 Wilson, Joseph
 Wilson, Joseph Edward Maitland
 Wilson, Murrough John
 Wilson-FitzGerald, William Henry
 Windsor, Rodney Francis Maurice
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st Bt.
 Wingfield Digby, George Digby
 Wingfield Digby, Kenelm Simon
 Wingfield, Anthony Henry
 Wingfield, Edward Rhys
 Wingfield, Isabella
 Wingfield, Mervyn Edward George Rhys
 Wingfield-Stratford, John
 Winn, Rowland, 1st Baron Saint Oswald of Nostell
 Winnington, Sarah Rose
 Winton, John Parry
 Winton, Robert Henry
 Winton, Walter
 Wise, Henry Christopher
 Wodehouse, Henry
 Wollaston, Frederick
 Wollaston, Frederick Eustace Arbuthnott
 Wollaston, Frederick William
 Wolseley, Clement James, 7th Bt.
 Wolseley, John Richard, 6th Bt.
 Wood, Edward Robert
 Wood, Frederick Henry
 Wood, John Gathorne
 Wood, John Lockhart
 Wood, Martin Francis
 Wood, Thomas
 Wood, William Raynor
 Woodard, Robert Nathaniel
 Woodhouse, Robert
 Woodhouse, Samuel
 Woodhouse, William Herbert
 Woods, Edward Hamilton
 Woods, Hans Hamilton
 Woollcombe, Louis Charles Stirling
 Woollcombe-Adams, Edward
 Woolley, Harold, Baron Woolley
 Woolsey, O'Brien Bellingham
 Wrench, Frederick Stringer
 Wrey, Bourchier Palk, 8th Bt.
 Wrey, Henry Bourchier Toke, 10th Bt.
 Wrey, Robert Bourchier Sherard, 11th Bt.
 Wright, Alfred George William
 Wright, Douglas Graham Moncrieff, of Kinmonth
 Wright, Evelyn Francis FitzHerbert
 Wright, Samuel
 Wrixon, William
 Wrixon-Becher, Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Wrottesley, Arthur, 3rd Baron Wrottesley
 Wrottesley, Edward Bennet
 Wroughton, Philip
 Wroughton, Philip
 Wyatt, James
 Wyatt, Richard John Penfold
 Wyatt-Edgell, Arthur
 Wykeham, Aubrey Augustus Henley
 Wykeham, Philip James Digby
 Wykeham-Musgrave, Wenman Aubrey
 Wyndham, William
 Wynn, Robert Vaughan, 6th Baron Newborough
 Wynne, Edward William Lloyd
 Wynne-Finch, Charles Griffiths
 Wythes, Ernest James
 Wyvill, Marmaduke
 Wyvill, Marmaduke D'Arcy
 Yarburgh, Nicholas Edmund
 York, Christopher
 York, Edward
 Yorke, Eliot Thomas
 Yorke, Pierce Wynne
 Yorke, Thomas Edward
 Young, John
 Young, William Litton Rowland de Burgh
 Young-Herries, William Dobrée
 Younger, Henry Johnston
 Ziegler, Colin Louis
 ffrench, Thomas, 4th Baron ffrench of Castle ffrench
 Harrison, Richard ( 1681 )
 Wolryche, John ( 1683-1685 )
 Parry Okeden, William ( 1860 )
 Dillon-Lee, Arthur Edmund Denis, 16th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin ( 1888 )
 Cameron, Donald Walter, of Lochiel, 25th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1907-1933 )
 Blood, Charles Fitzgerald ( 1919 )
 Carew, Robert John Henry ( 1919 )
 Buxton, Anthony ( 1920 )
 Montmorency, John Pratt ( 1920 )
 Adams, Samuel Allen ( 1921 )
 Farquharson, Alexander Haldane, of Invercauld ( 1921 )
 Somerset, Henry Hugh Arthur FitzRoy, 10th Duke of Beaufort ( 1923 )
 Vane, Christopher William, 10th Baron Barnard of Barnard's Castle ( 1927 )
 Clayton, Edward Robert ( 1933 )
 Colville, David John, 1st Baron Clydesmuir ( 1933 )
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelot, 6th Bt. ( 1934 )
 Maitland, John Francis Whitaker ( 1935 )
 Hamilton, Frederick Arthur ( 1936 )
 Harris, George St. Vincent, 5th Baron Harris ( 1936 )
 Meyrick, Thomas Frederick, 3rd Bt. ( 1936 )
 Proby, Granville ( 1936 )
 Alexander, Charles Adam Murray ( 1938 )
 Butler, Richard Austen, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden ( 1938 )
 Manners, Francis Henry, 4th Baron Manners of Foston ( 1939 )
 Porter, Nicholas Henry Archdale ( 1940 )
 Elkington, Christopher Garrett ( 1941 )
 Atkinson, Guy Montague ( 1942 )
 Bilsland, Alexander Steven, 1st and last Baron Bilsland ( 1942 )
 Macdonald, Alexander Godfrey, 7th Baron Macdonald of Slate ( 1942 )
 Massy, Hugh Royds Stokes ( 1944 )
 Spencer, Aubrey Vere ( 1944 )
 Barton, Bertram James Richardson ( 1945 )
 Trotter, Henry Redvers, 13th of Mortonhall and 4th of Charterhall ( 1945 )
 Lopes, Massey Henry Edgecumbe, 2nd Baron Roborough ( 1946 )
 Dawnay, Richard, 10th Viscount Downe ( 1947 )
 Windsor-Clive, George ( 1947 )
 Gordon-Duff, Thomas Robert, 10th of Drummuir and 12th of Park ( 1948-1964 )
 Goring, John ( 1948 )
 Guest, Ivor Grosvenor, 2nd Viscount Wimborne ( 1948 )
 Tyrell-Kenyon, Lloyd, 5th Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington ( 1948 )
 Archdale, Mervyn Henry Dawson ( 1949 )
 Brudenell-Bruce, Chandos Sydney Cedric, 7th Marquess of Ailesbury ( 1950 )
 Chester-Master, William Alfred ( 1950 )
 Kenyon-Slaney, Robert Orlando Rodolph ( 1950 )
 Bridgeman, Gerald Michael Orlando, 6th Earl of Bradford ( 1951 )
 Egerton, Henry Jack ( 1951 )
 Peto, James Michael, 2nd Bt. ( 1951 )
 Stanier, Alexander Beville Gibbons, 2nd Bt. ( 1951 )
 Armstrong, Michael Henry ( 1952 )
 Hope, Laurence Nugent ( 1953 )
 Samuel-Montagu, Ewen Edward Samuel ( 1953 )
 Tatton-Sykes, Mark Tatton Richard, 7th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Aird, John Renton, 3rd Bt. ( 1954 )
 Clifton, Peter Thomas ( 1954 )
 Lambert, Alexander Fane ( 1954 )
 Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, Richard Hamilton, 2nd Bt. ( 1955 )
 Cubitt, Charles Guy ( 1955 )
 Rea, Philip Russell, 2nd Baron Rea ( 1955 )
 Sarsfield-Hall, Edwin Geoffrey ( 1955 )
 Pratt, John Charles Henry, 5th Marquess Camden ( 1957 )
 Hamilton, George Cecil Hans ( 1959 )
 Clive, Archer Francis Lawrence ( 1960 )
 Fergusson-Cuninghame, Robert Wallace, 17th of Caprington ( 1960 )
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Somerville Travers Alexander ( 1960 )
 Andrews, John Lawson Ormrod ( 1961 )
 Armstrong-Jones, Ronald Owen Lloyd ( 1961 )
 Forbes Irvine, Henry Quentin, 24th of Drum ( 1961 )
 Hesketh, Charles Peter Fleetwood ( 1961 )
 Beckwith-Smith, Peter Merton ( 1962 )
 Brooke, John Weston, 3rd Bt. ( 1963 )
 Cooke, John Sholto Fitzpatrick ( 1963 )
 Monckton-Arundell, Simon George Robert, 9th Viscount Galway ( 1963 )
 Lowther, Anthony George ( 1964 )
 Banbury, Charles William, 2nd Baron Banbury of Southam ( 1965 )
 Irvine, Francis Charles Quentin ( 1966 )
 James, Christopher Alexander ( 1966 )
 Lindgren, George Samuel, Baron Lindgren ( 1966 )
 Portal, Francis Spencer, 5th Bt. ( 1967 )
 Baring, Charles Evelyn, 1st Baron Howick of Glendale ( 1968 )
 Hare, John Hugh, 1st Viscount Blakenham ( 1968 )
 Erskine, Donald Seymour ( 1969 )
 Baring, Francis John, 5th Baron Northbrook ( 1972 )
 Dashwood, Henry George Massy, 8th Bt. ( 1972 )
 Guthrie, John Douglas Maude, 19th of Guthrie ( 1972 )
 Tryon, Charles George Vivian, 2nd Baron Tryon ( 1972 )
 Bonsor, Nicholas Cosmo, 4th Bt. ( 1973 )
 Beamish, Tufton Victor Hamilton, Baron Chelwood ( 1974 )
 Malcolm, Robin Neil Lochmell, 19th of Poltalloch ( 1974 )
 St. Aubyn, Thomas Edward ( 1984 )
 Bruce, Martha Veronica ( 1987 )
 Cavendish, Richard Hugh, Baron Cavendish of Furness ( 1988 )
 Hills, John Evelyn ( 1989 )
 Forbes Adam, Nigel Colin, 5th Bt. ( 1991 )
 Clerk, Robert Maxwell, of Penicuik, 11th Bt. ( 1995 )
 Arrow, Susan Petronella, Baroness Thomas of Walliswood ( 1996 )
 Marr, James Allan ( 1999 )
 Burrell, John Raymond, 9th Bt. ( 2000 )
 Duncombe, Clarissa ( 2000 )
 Kitchener-Fellowes, Julian Alexander, Baron Fellowes of West Stafford ( 2009 )
 Monro, Seymour Hector Russell Hale ( 2011 )
Count equals 3056 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Angus
 Bolton, Lyndon ( 1993-1995 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Buckinghamshire
 Kearley, Hudson Ewbanke, 1st Viscount Devonport
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Caernarvonshire
 Williams, Arthur Osmund, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Lancashire
 Feilden, Montague Joseph
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) [New Zealand]
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Baron Freyberg, V.C. ( 1952 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) and County Councillor (C.C.)
 Andrews, John Miller ( 1917-1937 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) for County Wicklow
 Fitzwilliam, William Henry
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) for Denbighshire
 Tate, Ernest William, 3rd Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) for Lancashire
 Egerton, Francis Charles Granville, 3rd Earl of Ellesmere
 Egerton, John Francis Granville Scrope, 4th Earl of Ellesmere
 Waddington, David Charles, Baron Waddington ( 1991 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) for Northumberland
 Baker Baker, William Henry
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) for Sussex
 Williamson, Ferdinand Hedworth
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) for Westmorland
 Wakefield, William
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) for the West Riding, Yorkshire
 Jackson, Francis Stanley
 Lawson, Andrew Sherlock
 Mappin, Frederick Thorpe, 1st Bt.
 Starkey, John
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Aberdeenshire
 Forbes, James Ochoncar
 Forbes, John, of Craigievar, 7th Bt.
 Forbes-Sempill, William, 17th Lord Sempill
 Forbes, Patrick Walter ( 1963 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Aysrhire and Arran
 Boyle, Patrick Robin Archibald, 10th Earl of Glasgow ( 1995 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Inverness
 Ramsden, John William, 5th Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Peebles and Kinross
 Graham-Montgomery, James Gordon Henry, 4th Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the East Riding, Yorkshire
 Wood, Charles Ingram Courtenay, 2nd Earl of Halifax ( 1955-1968 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of (Cheshire)
 Grey-Egerton, Philip le Belward, 11th Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Aberdeenshire
 Abercromby, Robert John, of Birkenbog, 7th Bt.
 Baird, Alexander, of Ury, 1st Bt.
 Bannerman, Arthur Johnston
 Brooks, William Cunliffe, 1st and last Bt.
 Buchan, Norman Macleod, of Auchmacoy, 18th Earl of Caithness
 Burnett, Arthur Moubray, 8th of Kemnay
 Burnett, James Lauderdale Gilbert, of Leys, 13th Bt.
 Burnett, Robert, of Leys, 11th Bt.
 Burnett, Thomas, of Leys, 12th Bt.
 Carnegie, Charles Noel, 10th Earl of Southesk
 Coats, Thomas, 2nd Baron Glentanar
 Duff, Alexander William George, 1st Duke of Fife
 Duff, Garden, 8th of Hatton
 Farquhar, Arthur, of Drumnagesk
 Farquharson, Francis
 Farquharson, Francis, of Finzean
 Farquharson, Joseph, of Finzean
 Forbes Irvine, Alexander, 22nd of Drum
 Forbes, Atholl Laurence Cunyngham, 21st Lord Forbes
 Forbes, Atholl Monson, 20th Lord Forbes
 Forbes, Charles John, of Newe, 4th Bt.
 Forbes, Horace Courtenay Gammell, 19th Lord Forbes
 Forbes, Walter Robert Drummond
 Forbes-Gordon, Arthur Newton
 Fraser, Alexander Arthur, 20th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy
 Fraser, Alexander William Frederick, 19th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy
 Gordon, Alexander
 Grant, Arthur, of Monymusk, 10th Bt.
 Hay, Charles Gore, 20th Earl of Erroll
 Hay, James Malcolm, of Seaton
 Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore
 Leith, Alexander Henry, 5th Lord Burgh
 Leith, Alexander Robert
 Littlejohn, David
 Mackenzie, Allan Russell, of Glenmuick, 2nd Bt.
 Morison, Alexander Edward Forbes, 11th of Bognie and Mountblairy
 Morison, Frederick de la Marre, 10th of Bognie and Mountblairy
 Pearson, Weetman Dickinson, 1st Viscount Cowdray
 Russell, Francis Shirley, of Aden
 Russell, James George Ferguson, of Aden
 Russell, James, of Aden
 Seton, William Coote, 7th Bt.
 Seton, William Samuel, of Pitmedden, 9th Bt.
 Tennant, Harold John
 Gordon-Duff, John Beauchamp ( 1945-1964 )
 Forbes-Leith, Robert Ian Algernon, of Fyvie, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Gordon, David George Ian Alexander, 4th Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1949 )
 Forbes, John Stewart, of Newe, 6th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Forbes, Nigel Ivan, 22nd Lord Forbes ( 1958 )
 Sinclair, James Roderick, 19th Earl of Caithness ( 1963 )
 Boissier, Beatrice Mary June ( 1971 )
 Forbes, Bridget Rosemary Zilla ( 1996 )
 Forbes, Malcolm Nigel, 23rd Lord Forbes ( 1996 )
 Gordon, Alexander George, 7th Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair ( 1998 )
 Irvine-Fortescue, Grenville Archer ( 20 Aug 2018 )
Count equals 55 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Anglesey
 Dixon, Charles Egerton
 Irby, George Florance, 6th Baron Boston
 Neave, Thomas Lewis Hughes, 5th Bt.
 Paget, Charles Henry Alexander, 6th Marquess of Anglesey
 Stanley, Arthur Lyulph, 5th Baron Sheffield
 Stanley, Oliver Hugh
 Stapleton-Cotton, Richard Southwell George
 Tapps Gervis Meyrick, George Augustus Eliott, 4th Bt.
 Tapps Gervis Meyrick, George Llewelyn, 5th Bt.
 Vivian, Claud Esme
 Vivian, Claud Hamilton
 Williams, Lawrence
 Williams, Robert ap Hugh
 Herbert, William, 2nd Marquess of Powis ( 1688 )
 Prichard-Jones, John, 1st Bt. ( 1905 )
 Paget, George Charles Henry Victor, 7th Marquess of Anglesey ( 1960 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Angus
 Balfour, Alexander
 Bowes-Lyon, Patrick
 Bowes-Lyon, Patrick, 15th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
 Carnegie, Charles Noel, 10th Earl of Southesk
 Howard, Donald Euan Palmer, 4th Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal
 Ogilvy, Herbert Kinnaird, 12th Bt.
 Ramsay, John Gilbert, 15th Earl of Dalhousie
 Ogilvy, Bruce Arthur Ashley ( 1936-1951 )
 Maitland, George Ramsay, 7th Bt. ( 1942 )
 Carnegie, Charles Alexander, 11th Earl of Southesk ( 1947 )
 Ramsay, Simon, 16th Earl of Dalhousie ( 1951 )
 Elphinstone, John Alexander, 17th Lord Elphinstone ( 1955 )
 Ogilvy, David George Patrick Coke, 12th Earl of Airlie ( 1964-1989 )
 Hoyer Millar, Evelyn Louisa Elizabeth ( 1971 )
 Stansfeld, John Raoul Wilmot, of Dunninald ( 1984 )
 Carnegy, Elizabeth Patricia, of Lour, Baroness Carnegy of Lour ( 1988 )
 Lyell, Charles, 3rd Baron Lyell ( 1988 )
 McCorquodale, Mary Pamela ( 1989 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Michael Fergus, 18th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1994 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ardmayle
 Grubb, Louis Henry
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Argyll
 Campbell, Archibald Argyll Lochnell, 13th of Lochnell
 Campbell, John, 4th of South Hall
 Campbell, John, 5th of Barcaldine
 Malcolm, George Ian, 18th of Poltalloch ( 1948 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Argyll and Bute
 Campbell, Ian, 12th Duke of Argyll ( 1987-1994 )
 McGrigor, Charles Edward, 5th Bt. ( 1987 )
 Maclean, Lachlan Hector Charles, of Duart and Morvern, 12th Bt. ( 1993 )
 Maclean-Bristol, Nicholas Maclean Verity, of Breachachadh Castle ( 1996 )
 Hill, Mary Claire ( 1998 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Argyllshire
 Campbell, Archibald
 Campbell, Colin George Pelham, 6th of Stonefield
 Campbell, Colin George, 5th of Stonefield
 Campbell, Duncan, of Barcaldine, 1st Bt.
 Campbell, Ivan
 Campbell, John, 2nd of Possil
 Campbell, John, 7th of Knockbury and 11th of Kilberry
 Compton, Alwyne Frederick
 Douglas, Sholto George, 19th Earl of Morton
 Lamont, Archibald James, of that Ilk
 Lamont, John Henry, of that Ilk
 MacDougall, Charles Allan, 27th of Dunollie and of Lorn
 Macdougall, Alexander James, 29th of Dunollie
 Macdougall, Stewart, of Lunga
 Maclaine, Donald, 22nd of Lochbuie
 Maclaine, Murdoch Gillean, 23rd of Lochbuie
 Malcolm, Edward Donald, 16th of Poltalloch
 Malcolm, John Wingfield, 1st and last Baron Malcolm of Poltalloch
 Malcolm, John, 14th of Poltalloch
 Malcolm, Neil, 12th of Poltalloch
 Morrison, Hugh
 Smith, Donald Alexander, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal
 Popham, Strachan Irving ( 1848 )
 Campbell, Edward Fitzgerald ( 1958 )
Count equals 24 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Aryshire
 Smith Cuninghame, William Cathcart, 14th of Caprington
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Avon
 Darling, Robert Charles Henry, 2nd Baron Darling ( 1974 )
 Gibbs, George Richard Lawley, 2nd Baron Wraxall ( 1974 )
 Braithwaite, Timothy M. ( 21 Feb 1977 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ayr and Arran
 Graham, Jean Sibyl Violet
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Baron MacLehose of Beoch ( 1983 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ayrshire
 Alexander, Claud, of Ballochmyle, 1st Bt.
 Arthur, Evelyn Stewart
 Arthur, Matthew, of Carlung, 1st Baron Glenarthur
 Boyle, David, 7th Earl of Glasgow
 Brisbane, Charles Thomas, of Brisbane
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William John Arthur Charles James, 6th Duke of Portland
 Chadwyck-Healey, Gerald Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage, of Kilbirnie, 5th Bt.
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North de Coigny
 Dalrymple-Hay, James Francis
 Farquhar, Henry Thomas, 4th Bt.
 Fergusson, James, of Kilkerran, 6th Bt.
 Guthrie, Geoffrey Dominick Augustus Frederick, 2nd Baron Oranmore and Browne
 Houldsworth, William Henry, 1st Bt.
 Houldsworth, William Thomas Reginald, 3rd Bt.
 Hunter Blair, Edward, of Blairquhan and Dunskey, 4th Bt.
 Hunter Blair, Edward, of Dunskey, 6th Bt.
 Hunter, Robert, 25th of Hunterston
 Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27th of Hunterston
 Kennedy, Archibald, 4th Marquess of Ailsa
 Kennedy, David
 MacAlister, Charles Somerville, of Loup and Kennox
 MacAlister, Charles, of Loup and Kennox
 Mackay, James Lyle, 1st Earl of Inchcape
 McAdam, John Loudon
 McAlester, Charles Godfrey Somerville, of Loup and Kennox
 McAlester, Charles Somerville, of Loup and Kennox
 McEwen, Robert Finnie, of Marchmont and Bardrochat
 Montgomerie, Archibald Seton, 16th Earl of Eglinton
 Montgomerie, Archibald William, 14th Earl of Eglinton
 Montgomerie, John Eglinton
 Montgomerie, Rodger
 Rawdon-Hastings, Charles Edward, 11th Earl of Loudoun
 Smith Cuninghame, John Anstruther, 15th of Caprington
 Vernon, Greville Richard
 Smith Cuninghame, William Wallace, 16th of Caprington ( 1922 )
 Hughes-Onslow, Geoffrey Henry ( 1932-1950 )
 Dalrymple, Hew North ( 1955 )
 MacAndrew, Charles Glen, 1st Baron MacAndrew ( 1955 )
 Borwick, Michael George ( 1960-1979 )
 Kennedy, Archibald David, 7th Marquess of Ailsa ( 1960 )
 MacAndrew, James Orr ( 1966 )
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Edward Frederick, of Bargany ( 1973 )
 Hagart-Alexander, Claud, of Ballochmyle, 3rd Bt. ( 1973 )
 Hunter Blair, James ( 1975 )
Count equals 45 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Banff
 Gordon-Cumming, William
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Banff and Elgin
 Steuart-Menzies, William George, of Culdares and Arndilly
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Banffshire
 Abercromby, Robert Alexander, of Birkenbog, 9th Bt.
 Abercromby, Robert John, of Birkenbog, 7th Bt.
 Abercromby, Robert, of Birkenbog, 5th Bt.
 Bruce, Thomas Charles
 Duff, Alexander William George, 1st Duke of Fife
 Gordon, Thomas Duff, 9th of Park
 Gordon-Duff, Lachlan
 Innes, John, of Balvenie and Edingight, 9th Bt.
 Macpherson-Grant, George, 3rd Bt.
 Macpherson-Grant, John, of Ballindalloch, 4th Bt.
 Morison, Alexander Edward Forbes, 11th of Bognie and Mountblairy
 Morison, Frederick de la Marre, 10th of Bognie and Mountblairy
 Steuart Menzies, Ronald, of Menzies
 Abercromby, George William, of Birkenbog, 8th Bt. ( 1928 )
 Macpherson-Grant, Ewan George, 6th Bt. ( 1952 )
 Gordon-Duff, Lachlan Cecil ( 1958 )
 Innes, William Alexander Disney ( 1959-1971 )
 Macpherson-Grant, Clare Nancy ( 1991-1998 )
 Monro, Hugh Brisbane Henry Ewart ( 2019 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Banffshire and Inverness-shire
 Ogilvie-Grant, James, 11th Earl of Seafield
 Ogilvy-Grant, Ian Charles, 8th Earl of Seafield
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Bedfordshire
 Cockayne-Cust, Henry John
 Hanmer, Wyndham Edward, 4th Bt.
 Osborn, George Robert, 6th Bt.
 Peel, William Robert Wellesley, 1st Earl Peel
 Pym, Francis
 Pym, Francis Leslie
 Russell, George William Francis Sackville, 10th Duke of Bedford
 Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th Duke of Bedford
 St. John, Henry Beauchamp Oliver, 18th Baron Saint John of Bletso
 St. John, Moubray St. Andrew Thornton, 19th Baron Saint John of Bletso
 Stewart, Percy Malcolm, 1st Bt.
 Stuart, William
 Thynne, Francis John
 Thynne, John Charles
 Watson, William Clarence
 Wernher, Harold Augustus, 3rd Bt.
 Lawson Johnston, Ian St. John, 2nd Baron Luke ( 1938 )
 Wells, Sydney Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1940 )
 Ramsbotham, Herwald, 1st Viscount Soulbury ( 1944-1954 )
 Morgan-Grenville, Thomas George Breadalbane ( 1949 )
 Lennox-Boyd, Alan Tindal, 1st Viscount Boyd of Merton ( 1954-1960 )
 Lawson Johnston, Hugh de Beauchamp ( 1964 )
 Wells, Oliver John ( 1964 )
 Stewart, Ronald Compton, 2nd Bt. ( 1974 )
 Lawson Johnston, Laura Pearl ( 1976 )
 Russell, Henry Robin Ian, 14th Duke of Bedford ( 1985-2003 )
 King-Harman, Anthony Lawrence ( 1987 )
 Whitbread, Charles Edward Samuel ( 2018 )
Count equals 28 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Belfast
 Bates, Richard Dawson, 1st Bt.
 Coates, William Frederick, 1st Bt.
 Dixon, Daniel, 1st Bt.
 Ewart, William Quartus, 2nd Bt.
 McConnell, Joseph, 2nd Bt.
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Berjshire
 Webster, Michael George Thomas
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Berkshire
 Arbuthnot, William
 Barrington, Walter Bulkeley, 9th Viscount Barrington of Ardglass
 Bertie, Montagu Arthur, 7th Earl of Abingdon
 Brett, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher
 Brown, Francis Clifton
 Crichton, George Arthur Charles
 Foley, Henry
 Leveson-Gower, John
 Mount, William
 Mount, William Arthur, 1st Bt.
 Mount, William George
 Mowbray, Robert Gray Cornish, 2nd Bt.
 Neville, Richard
 Palmer, Charles Eric
 Palmer, Walter, 1st and last Bt.
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Duncombe
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Helen
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob, 4th Earl of Radnor
 Simonds, John Hayes
 Throckmorton, Nicholas William George, 9th Bt.
 Towneley-Bertie, Montagu Charles Francis, Lord Norreys
 Walsh, John Benn, 1st Baron Ormathwaite
 Winchcombe, Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1689-1702 )
 Storer, Anthony Morris ( 1797 )
 Fuller Maitland, Ebenezer ( 1825 )
 Carden, Frederick Henry Walter, 3rd Bt. ( 1936 )
 Thurlow, Edward Guy Lethbridge ( 1946 )
 Palmer, Reginald Howard Reed ( 1953 )
 Wellesley, Richard ( 1954 )
 Palmer, Gordon William Nottage ( 1960 )
 Mowbray, George Robert, 5th Bt. ( 1967 )
 Beaumont, Edward Nicholas Canning ( 1982 )
 Bailie, Lorna Eveline Hope ( 1989 )
 Seymour, George Raymond ( 1992 )
 Rai, Shreela, Baroness Flather ( 1994 )
 Stopford, Elizabeth Cameron ( 1994 )
 Errington, Stuart Grant ( 2000 )
 Ward, Gerald John ( 2000 )
 Matheson, Alexander Fergus, of Matheson, 8th Bt. ( 2019 )
Count equals 39 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Berwick and Haddington
 Hall, Basil Francis, of Dunglass, 7th Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Berwickshire
 Campbell Swinton, John Liulf, 4th of Kimmerghame
 Chenevix Trench, Julius Francis
 Douglas-Home, Charles Alexander, 12th Earl of Home
 Erskine, James Francis
 Grant-Suttie, James, 6th Bt.
 Hay, William Montagu, 10th Marquess of Tweeddale
 Hepburne-Scott, Walter George, 9th Lord Polwarth
 Houstoun-Boswall, George Augustus Frederick, of Blackadder, 2nd Bt.
 Houstoun-Boswall, George Lauderdale, of Blackadder, 3rd Bt.
 Houstoun-Boswall, George Reginald, of Blackadder, 4th Bt.
 Houstoun-Boswall-Preston, Thomas Alford
 Innes-Ker, James Henry Robert, 7th Duke of Roxburghe
 Liddell-Grainger, Henry Hubert, of Ayton
 Mackay, Donald James, 11th Lord Reay
 Maitland, Frederick Colin, 14th Earl of Lauderdale
 Maitland, Ian Colin, 15th Earl of Lauderdale
 Ramsay, Bertram Home
 Trotter, Henry, 11th of Mortonhall and 2nd of Charterhall
 Wilkie, John
 Purves-Hume-Campbell, Hugh, of Marchmont, 7th Bt. ( 1834-1847 )
 McEwen, John Helias Finnie, of Marchmont and Bardrochat, 1st Bt. ( 1933 )
 Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick, Baron Home of the Hirsel ( 1944 )
 Hay, George Harold ( 1948 )
 Liddell-Grainger, David Ian, of Ayton ( 1963-1985 )
 Swinton, John, 7th of Kimmerghame ( 1980-1989 )
 Douglas-Home, Lavinia Caroline ( 1983 )
 Furness, Simon John ( 1983 )
 Trotter, Alexander Richard, 14th of Mortonhall and 5th of Charterhall ( 1987-2000 )
Count equals 28 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Borders
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert Edward George Lariston, 6th Earl of Minto ( 1983 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Brecknockshire
 Fuller Maitland, Ebenezer ( 1830 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Breconshire
 Ashburnham, Bertram, 5th Earl of Ashburnham
 Bailey, William
 Devereux, Robert Charles, 17th Viscount Hereford
 Devereux, Robert, 16th Viscount Hereford
 Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Charles Leyshon, 2nd Bt.
 Fuller Maitland, William
 Lindsay, Henry Gore
 Wilson, Alec Thomas Lee
 Parker, William Lorenzo, 3rd Bt. ( 1948-1957 )
 Lawrence, Charles Trevor, 2nd Baron Trevethin ( 1949 )
 Napier, Vivian John Lennox ( 1958-1964 )
 Parker, William Lorenzo, 3rd Bt. ( 1965-1971 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Bristol
 Hanbury-Tracy, Hubert George Edward
 Reynolds-Moreton, Richard Charles
 Vassar-Smith, Richard, 1st Bt.
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Buckinghamshire
 Bowyer, George Edward Wentworth, 1st Baron Denham
 Calvert, Frederick
 Carington, Rupert Clement George, 4th Baron Carrington of Upton
 Cavendish, Richard
 Chaplin, Acton
 Clayton, Rice Richard
 Dashwood, Robert John, 9th Bt.
 FitzMaurice, Edmond Walter, 7th Earl of Orkney
 Fremantle, Thomas Francis, 2nd Baron Cottesloe
 Grenfell, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Desborough
 Harvey, Robert Bateson, 1st Bt.
 Hobart-Hampden-Mercer-Henderson, Sidney Carr, 7th Earl of Buckinghamshire
 James, Bernard Ramsden
 Lawrence, John Hamilton, 2nd Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub and of Grately
 Lawson, Edward Frederick, 4th Baron Burnham
 Levy-Lawson, Edward, 1st Baron Burnham
 Levy-Lawson, Harry Lawson Webster, 1st and last Viscount Burnham
 Mosley, Tonman, 1st and last Baron Anslow
 Pauncefort-Duncombe, Philip Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Pigott, Charles Robert, 3rd Bt.
 Rose, Philip Frederick, 2nd Bt.
 Rothschild, Anthony Gustav
 Rothschild, Leopold
 Rothschild, Lionel Walter, 2nd Baron Rothschild
 Tyrwhitt-Drake, Thomas
 Tyrwhitt-Drake, Thomas William
 Wynn-Carington, Charles Robert, 1st and last Marquess of Lincolnshire
 Cripps, Frederick Heyworth, 3rd Baron Parmoor ( 1929 )
 Pauncefort-Duncombe, Everard Philip Digby, 3rd Bt. ( 1934 )
 Beaumont, Michael Wentworth ( 1938 )
 Warren, Thomas Richard Pennefather, 8th Bt. ( 1941 )
 Earle, Eric Greville ( 1950 )
 Carington, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1951 )
 Floyd, Henry Robert Kincaid, 5th Bt. ( 1959 )
 Curzon, Edward Richard Assheton Penn, 6th Earl Howe ( 1960 )
 Verney, Ralph Bruce, 5th Bt. ( 1960-1965 )
 Verney, Lawrence John ( 1967 )
 Pauncefort-Duncombe, Philip Digby, 4th Bt. ( 1971 )
 Barlow, Thomas Erasmus, 3rd Bt. ( 1976 )
 Lawson, William Edward Harry, 5th Baron Burnham ( 1977 )
 Forrest, Alison Wightman ( 1995 )
 Stuart, Elizabeth Helen ( 1995 )
Count equals 42 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Bute
 Crichton-Stuart, Herbert
 Dalrymple, Charles, of Newhailes, 1st Bt.
 Lamont, John, of that Ilk
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of COunty Durham
 Williamson, Victor Alexander ( 1865 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of COunty Leitrim
 Crofton, Duke
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of COunty Londonderry
 McCorkell, Dudley Evelyn Bruce ( 1926 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of COunty Westmeath
 Browne, Francis William, 4th Baron Kilmaine
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Caernarvon
 Morris, John William, Baron Morris of Borth-y-Gest ( 1951 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Caernarvonshire
 Armstrong-Jones, Robert
 Douglas-Pennant, Edward Sholto, 3rd Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai
 Douglas-Pennant, George Sholto Gordon, 2nd Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai
 Douglas-Pennant, Hugh Napier, 4th Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai
 Duff, Robert George
 Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Henry Richard Howel
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Llewelyn Nevill Vaughan, 3rd Baron Mostyn of Mostyn
 Wynn, Frederick George
 Wynne-Finch, Charles Arthur
 Duff, Charles Michael Robert Vivian, 3rd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Wynne-Finch, John Charles ( 1947 )
 Stuart, David Randolph Moray, 2nd Viscount Stuart of Findhorn ( 1963-1968 )
Count equals 13 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Caithness
 Anstruther, Ralph William, of Balcaskie, 6th Bt.
 Barry, Francis Tress, 1st Bt.
 Keith, Peter
 Sinclair, Frederick Granville
 Sinclair, John George Tollemache, of Ulbster, 3rd Bt.
 Sinclair, Ronald Norman John Charles Udny, of Dunbeath, 8th Bt.
 Sinclair-Wemyss, David
 Usher, John, 1st Bt.
 Usher, Robert, 2nd Bt.
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor Frederick William, 9th Duke of Portland ( 1927 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Arthur Henry, 7th Duke of Portland ( 1927 )
 Sinclair, Robin Macdonald, 2nd Viscount Thurso ( 1952-1964 )
 Duff-Sutherland Dunbar, George Cospatrick, of Hempriggs, 7th Bt. ( 1955 )
 Anstruther, Ralph Hugo, of that Ilk, 7th/12th Bt. ( 1965 )
 Harmsworth, Stanley George Michael St. John ( 1965 )
 Grenfell, Victor Cyril ( 1977 )
 Black, Robert David, 3rd Bt. ( 1991 )
 Gunn, Iain Alexander, of Banniskirk ( 1998 )
Count equals 18 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Caithness-shire
 Buchanan, James
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cambrdgeshire
 Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 2000 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cambridgeshire
 Briscoe, John James, 1st Bt.
 Cooper, Daniel, 2nd Bt.
 Neville, Henry, 7th Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke
 Newton, George Onslow
 Proby, Peter, 2nd Bt.
 Stanley, Alan Sidney Wentworth
 Stanley, Sidney
 Walbanke-Childers, John
 Wentworth-Stanley, Charles
 Yorke, Albert Edward Philip Henry, 6th Earl of Hardwicke
 Yorke, Charles Philip, 5th Earl of Hardwicke
 Yorke, Elliot Constantine
 Yorke, John Manners, 7th Earl of Hardwicke
 Legge-Bourke, Edward Alexander Henry ( 1955 )
 Astor, John Jacob ( 1962 )
 Butler, Terence Brinsley John Danvers ( 1964 )
 Marshall, Arthur Gregory George ( 1968 )
 Broughton, Ailwyn Henry George, 3rd Baron Fairhaven ( 1973 )
 Pym, Francis Leslie, Baron Pym ( 1973 )
 Breitmeyer, Alan Norman ( 1978 )
 Cecil, Victoria Diana ( 1993 )
 Fellowes, John Ailwyn, 4th Baron de Ramsey of Ramsey Abbey ( 1993 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Elizabeth-Anne Marie Gabrielle ( 1994 )
 Proby, William Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1995 )
 Bailey, Jennifer Mary Toresen ( 1996 )
 Roche, Frances Caroline Burke ( 2019 )
Count equals 26 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cardiganhsire
 Harford, John Charles, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cardiganshire
 Griffith, Charles Marshall
 Harford, Frederic Dundas
 Harford, John Scandrett
 Hope, Herbert Willes Webley
 Mathias, Lewis James
 Savile, William
 Vaughan, George Henry Arthur, 6th Earl of Lisburne
 Llewellyn, William Herbert Rhydian ( 1963 )
Count equals 8 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Carmarthenshire
 Campbell, Frederick Archibald Vaughan, of Cawdor, 3rd Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
 Ferguson Davie, John Davie, 2nd Bt.
 Rice, Arthur de Cardonnel, 6th Baron Dynevor of Dynevor
 Richardson, John Crow
 Tregoning, John Simmons
 Williams-Drummond, Francis Dudley
 Williams-Drummond, James, 3rd Bt.
 Rhys, Charles Arthur Uryan, 8th Baron Dynevor of Dynevor ( 1925 )
 Philipps, Nesta Donne ( 1965 )
 Mansel Lewis, David Courtenay ( 1971 )
Count equals 10 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Carnarvonshire
 Assheton-Smith, Charles Garden, 1st Bt.
 Herbert, Aubrey Nigel Henry Molyneux
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Chatteris
 Dunn-Gardner, John
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cheshire
 Ashton, Thomas
 Broughton, Henry John Delves, 11th Bt.
 Brunner, Harold Roscoe
 Cholmondeley, Hugh
 Christie-Miller, Geoffry
 Cotton-Jodrell, Edward Thomas Davenant
 Dixon, George, 1st Bt.
 Egerton-Warburton, Geoffrey
 Egerton-Warburton, Rowland Eyles
 Greenall, Gilbert, 1st Baron Daresbury
 Grey Egerton, Philip Reginald Belward, 14th Bt.
 Grosvenor, Arthur Hugh
 Harmood-Banner, John Sutherland, 1st Bt.
 Hayes-Newington, Bertram Yorke
 Legh, George Cornwall
 Legh, George John
 Legh, Henry Martin Cornwall
 Legh, Hubert Cornwall
 Legh, Peter
 Legh, Richard William Davenport, 3rd Baron Newton
 Legh, Thomas
 Legh, Thomas Wodehouse, 2nd Baron Newton
 Legh, William John, 1st Baron Newton
 Leicester-Warren, Cuthbert
 Leigh, Egerton
 Leigh, Egerton
 Leigh, Egerton
 Lever, William Hulme, 2nd Viscount Leverhulme
 Poole, Bryan Davies
 Ramsden-Jodrell, Henry
 Royden, Thomas Bland, 1st Bt.
 Shakerley, Charles Watkin, 2nd Bt.
 Sparrow, Geoffrey Ernald
 Stanley, Arthur Lyulph, 5th Baron Sheffield
 Swetenham, Clement
 Tollemache, Bentley Lyonel John, 3rd Baron Tollemache of Helmingham
 Tollemache, Wilbraham Frederic, 2nd Baron Tollemache of Helmingham
 Tollemache, Wilbraham Spencer
 Trafford, Richard Leigh
 Trafford, Trafford
 Trelawny, Horace Dormer
 Mond, Alfred Moritz, 1st Baron Melchett ( 1929 )
 Bibby, Arthur Harold, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
 Grey, Roger, 10th Earl of Stamford ( 1937 )
 Cornwall-Legh, Charles Legh Shuldham, 5th Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1949 )
 Flower, Desmond Llowarch Edward, 10th Viscount Ashbrook ( 1949 )
 Grosvenor, Robert George, 5th Duke of Westminster ( 1950 )
 Antrobus, Ronald Henry ( 1952 )
 Cholmondeley, George Hugh, 6th Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1955 )
 Leighton Byrne, John ( 1955-1968 )
 Baker Wilbraham, Randle John, 7th Bt. ( 1959 )
 Grosvenor, Gerald Hugh, 4th Duke of Westminster ( 1967 )
 Grubb, Alexander James Watkins ( 1972 )
 Kitchener, Henry Herbert, 3rd Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome ( 1972 )
 Lamb, Foster Charles Lowry, 2nd Baron Rochester ( 1979 )
 Flower, Michael Llowarch Warburton, 11th Viscount Ashbrook ( 1982-1990 )
 Grosvenor, Gerald Cavendish, 6th Duke of Westminster ( 1982 )
 Carlisle, Mark, Baron Carlisle of Bucklow ( 1983 )
 Bibby, Derek James, 2nd Bt. ( 1987 )
 Baker Wilbraham, Richard, 8th Bt. ( 1992 )
 Cholmondeley, David George Philip, 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1992 )
 Leslie, Lavinia Margaret ( 1992 )
 Greenall, Peter Gilbert, 4th Baron Daresbury ( 1994 )
 Cornwall-Legh, Richard Henry, 6th Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1995 )
Count equals 64 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Chester
 Brooks, Thomas Marshall
 Tomkinson, Charles William
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of City of Aberdeen
 Forbes-Leith, Robert Ian Algernon, of Fyvie, 2nd Bt. ( 1964 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of City of London
 Huggins, Henry
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Clackmannanshire
 Bruce, Alexander Hugh, 6th Lord Balfour of Burleigh
 Bruce, George John Gordon, 7th Lord Balfour of Burleigh
 Lindsay, John Colin Howard
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cleveland
 Chaloner, Thomas Richard John Long, 3rd Baron Gisborough ( 1973 )
 Dugdale, Charles James, 2nd Baron Crathorne ( 1983 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Clwyd
 Williams-Wynn, David Watkin, 11th Bt. ( 1966 )
 Ormrod, Peter Charles ( 1972 )
 Gladstone, Erskine William, of Fasque and Balfour, 7th Bt. ( 1974-1984 )
 Rowley-Conwy, Geoffrey Alexander, 9th Baron Langford of Summerhill ( 1977 )
 Hanmer, John Wyndham Edward, 8th Bt. ( 1978 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cornwall
 Archer, Charles Gordon
 Archer, Edward
 Bolitho, Thomas Bedford
 Bolitho, Thomas Robins
 Bolitho, Thomas Simon
 Bolitho, William
 Borlase, George Simon
 Boscawen, Evelyn Edward Thomas, 7th Viscount Falmouth
 Boscawen, John Richard de Clare
 Campbell, Alexander Henry
 Edgcumbe, Piers Alexander Hamilton, 5th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
 Eliot, Charles George Cornwallis
 Eliot, Henry Cornwallis, 5th Earl of Saint Germans
 Fortescue, John Bevill
 Foster, Lewis Charles
 Foster, Richard
 Hanson, Charles Augustin, 1st Bt.
 Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis, Henry Walter
 Hood, Neville Albert
 Johnstone, George Horace
 Kendall, Nicholas
 Molesworth, Lewis William, 11th Bt.
 Onslow, William Wallace Rhoderic, 5th Bt.
 Pole-Carew, Reginald
 Prideaux-Brune, Charles Glynn
 Rashleigh, Colman Battie, 3rd Bt.
 Rashleigh, Colman, 2nd Bt.
 Salusbury-Trelawny, William Lewis, 10th Bt.
 Smith-Dorrien-Smith, Thomas Algernon
 St. Aubyn, Edward
 St. Aubyn, John Townshend, 2nd Baron St. Levan of St. Michaels Mount
 St. Aubyn, John, 1st Baron St. Levan of St. Michaels Mount
 Tangye, Richard Trevithick Gilbertstone
 Trelawny, John
 Vivian, George Crespigny Brabazon, 4th Baron Vivian of Glynn and of Truro
 Vyvyan, Courtenay Bourchier, 10th Bt.
 Williams, Frederick Martin, 2nd Bt.
 Williams, Michael
 Williams, Michael Henry
 Williams, William, 1st Bt.
 Edgcumbe, Richard, 1st Baron Edgcumbe of Mount-Edgcumbe ( 1702 )
 Eliot, Edward Granville, 3rd Earl of Saint Germans ( 1841 )
 Carew Pole, John Gawen, 12th Bt. ( 1947-1950 )
 Edgcumbe, Kenelm William Edward, 6th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1961 )
 St. Aubyn, Francis Cecil Ord, 3rd Baron St. Levan of St. Michaels Mount ( 1961 )
 Fortescue, John Desmond Grenville ( 1964 )
 Lennox-Boyd, Alan Tindal, 1st Viscount Boyd of Merton ( 1965 )
 Boscawen, George Hugh, 9th Viscount Falmouth ( 1968-1977 )
 Molesworth-St. Aubyn, John Arscott, 15th Bt. ( 1971 )
 St. Aubyn, John Francis Arthur, 4th Baron St. Levan of St. Michaels Mount ( 1977-1992 )
 Carew Pole, John Richard Walter Reginald, 13th Bt. ( 1988 )
 Galsworthy, Arthur Michael Johnstone ( 1993 )
 Clive, Alice Mary ( 1995 )
 Fraser, Margaret Ellen ( 2003 )
 Bolitho, Edward Thomas ( 2008-2011 )
Count equals 55 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Counties Westmeath and Cavan
 Dease, Gerald
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Antrim
 Adair, Allan Henry Shafto, 6th Bt.
 Adair, Hugh Edward, 3rd Bt.
 Adair, Robert Shafto, 5th Bt.
 Allen, Samuel
 Campbell, John Dermot
 Casement, Francis Charles
 Casement, Roger
 Charley, Edward Johnson
 Charley, John Stouppe
 Chichester, Adolphus John Spencer Churchill
 Chichester, Robert Peel Dawson Spencer
 Dixon, Thomas James, 2nd Bt.
 Dobbs, Archibald Edward
 Dobbs, Arthur Frederick
 Dobbs, Montagu William Edward
 Johnston, Thomas Kelly Evans
 Lecky, Hugh
 Macnaghten, Edward Charles, of Dundarave, 5th Bt.
 McConnell, Robert John, 1st Bt.
 McDonnell, Mark, 5th Earl of Antrim
 McDonnell, Randal John Somerled, 8th Earl of Antrim
 McDonnell, Randal Mark Kerr, 7th Earl of Antrim
 McDonnell, William Randal, 6th Earl of Antrim
 McNeill, Edmund
 Montagu, Robert
 Moore, James Stewart
 Moore, William Samson, 2nd Bt.
 Moore, William, 1st Bt.
 O'Neill, Arthur Edward Bruce
 Pakenham, Hercules Arthur
 Pakenham, Thomas Henry
 Skeffington, Algernon William John Clotworthy Whyte-Melville, 12th Viscount Massereene
 Smiley, Hugh Houston, 1st Bt.
 Stannus, Walter Trevor
 Traill, Anthony
 Traill, William Stewart
 Young, Henry George
 Young, John
 Young, William Robert
 Upton, Henry Edward Montagu Dorington Clotworthy, 4th Viscount Templetown ( 1877 )
 Dobbs, St. Clair Mulholland ( 1910 )
 Traill, Anthony O'Brien ( 1945 )
 Charley, Harold Richard ( 1946 )
 Cramsie, Alexander James Henry ( 1948 )
 O'Neill, Terence Marne, Baron O'Neill of the Maine ( 1948 )
 O'Neill, Raymond Arthur Clanaboy, 4th Baron O'Neill of Shane's Castle ( 1967-1994 )
 Cooke, Victor Alexander, Baron Cooke of Islandreagh ( 1970 )
 Dixon, Thomas Robin Valerian, 3rd Baron Glentoran ( 1979 )
 Moore, William Roger Clotworthy, 3rd Bt. ( 1990 )
 O'Neill, Shane Sebastian Clanaboy ( 2018 )
Count equals 50 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Armagh
 Acheson, Archibald Charles Montagu Brabazon, 5th Earl of Gosford
 Boyle, John Charters
 Brownlow, William, 3rd Baron Lurgan
 Byers, William
 Johnston, James
 MacGeough Bond Shelton, Ralph
 MacGeough Bond, Joshua Walter
 MacGeough Bond, Walter William Adrian
 Montagu, George, 6th Duke of Manchester
 Montagu, William Angus Drogo, 9th Duke of Manchester
 Needham, Francis Charles, 3rd Earl of Kilmorey
 Stronge, James Mathew, 2nd Bt.
 Stronge, Walter Lockhart, 6th Bt.
 Armstrong, Henry Bruce ( 1880 )
 MacGeough Bond, Walter Albert Nevill ( 1960 )
Count equals 15 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Carlow
 Browne, Robert Clayton
 Browne-Clayton, Robert Clayton
 Browne-Clayton, William Clayton
 Bruen, Henry
 Butler, Richard Pierce, 11th Bt.
 Doyne, Dermot Henry
 Duckett, Steuart James Charles
 Duckett, William
 Eustace, Hardy
 Faulkner, Henry
 FitzGerald, Maurice, 2nd Bt.
 Kavanagh, Walter MacMorrough, The MacMorrough
 Kavanagh, Arthur MacMorrough, The MacMorrough ( 1857 )
Count equals 13 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Cavan
 Burrowes, Robert
 Burrowes, Thomas Cosby
 Burrowes, Thomas James
 Clements, Henry Theophilus
 Clifford, Robert Cecil
 Lucas-Clements, Theophilus
 Maxwell, Arthur Kenlis, 11th Baron Farnham
 Maxwell, Henry Edward
 Nesbitt, Alexander
 Nesbitt, John
 Pratt, Mervyn
 Butler, John Vansittart Danvers, 6th Earl of Lanesborough ( 1876-1900 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Clare
 Burton Conyngham, Francis Nathaniel Valentine
 Burton Conyngham, Henry Stuart
 Burton Conyngham, William Conyngham Vandeleur
 Butler, Augustine Fitzgerald
 Butler, Robert St. John FitzWalter, 16th/26th Baron Dunboyne
 Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, James Thomas
 Henn, Thomas Rice
 O'Brien, Lucius William, 15th Baron of Inchiquin
 O'Brien, Robert Vere
 O'Callaghan, Charles George Martin
 O'Callaghan, John
 Stacpoole, Richard
 Stacpoole, Richard John
 Studdert, Robert O'Brien
 Studdert, Thomas
 Studdert, Thomas
 Butler-Stoney, Bowes ( 1919 )
Count equals 17 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Cork
 Aldworth, Richard William
 Arnott, John Alexander, 2nd Bt.
 Bury-Barry, James Robert
 Coghill, Egerton Bushe, 5th Bt.
 Colthurst, George Conway, 5th Bt.
 Coote, Charles Purdon
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland
 Evans-Freke, Algernon William George, 9th Baron Carbery
 Fagan, William Trant
 Freeman, Joseph Deane
 Goulding, Edward Alfred, 1st and last Baron Wargrave
 Goulding, William
 Leigh-White, Edward Egerton
 McCarthy-O'Leary, John
 Murphy, John
 Murphy, John Nicholas
 O'Brien, Timothy Carew, 3rd Bt.
 O'Connell, Daniel Mary Joseph
 O'Donovan, Henry Winthrop, The O'Donovan
 O'Donovan, Morgan William, The O'Donovan
 O'Grady, Darby
 Payne-Townshend, Horace
 Purdon, Bartholomew
 Roche, Edward FitzEdmund Burke, 2nd Baron Fermoy
 Sanders, Robert Massy Dawson
 Studdert, Robert O'Brien
 Synge, Edward, 3rd Bt.
 Townsend, Henry
 Townsend, Horatio
 Townsend, Samuel
 Warren, Augustus Riversdale, 5th Bt.
 Wrixon-Becher, Eustace William Windham, 4th Bt.
 Wrixon-Becher, John, 3rd Bt.
 Wrixon-Becher, William Nicholas
Count equals 34 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Cvan
 Burrowes, Robert James
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Derry
 Browne, George
 Bruce, Henry Stewart Beresford
 Chichester-Clark, James Lenox-Conyngham
 Clark, Charles Brian
 Clark, George Wallis Newport
 Clark, James Jackson
 Clark, James Johnston
 Hezlet, Arthur Richard
 Lenox-Conyngham, William Arbuthnot
 Lenox-Conyngham, William Fitzwilliam
 MacCausland, Redmond Alexander
 Montagu, Robert Acheson Cromie
 Thompson, George Matthew
 Clark, Alexander Wallis ( 1918 )
 Clark, Henry Jackson ( 1927 )
 Clark, John Alexander ( 1937 )
 Clark, Alexander Lane ( 1948 )
 Clark, William Moore Wallis ( 1952 )
 Chichester-Clark, James Dawson, Baron Moyola ( 1954-1975 )
 Davidson, Kenneth Bulstrode Lloyd ( 1954 )
Count equals 20 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Donegal
 Chambers, Robert Newman Pitt
 Chichester, Robert Peel Dawson Spencer
 Cochrane, Ernest Grey Lambton
 Cooke, John Fitzpatrick
 Grove, James Grove Wood
 Hamilton, James Albert Edward, 3rd Duke of Abercorn
 Hart, John George Vaughan
 Hewitt, James, 4th Viscount Lifford
 Leslie, John, 1st Bt.
 Stewart, Augustus Abraham James, 9th Bt.
 Stewart, Harry Jocelyn Urquhart, 11th Bt.
 Stoney, Thomas Butler
 Style, Thomas Charles, 8th Bt.
 Watt, Andrew Alexander
Count equals 14 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Down
 Annesley, Hugh, 5th Earl Annesley
 Blakiston-Houston, Charles
 Blakiston-Houston, John
 Blakiston-Houston, Richard
 Blakiston-Houston, Richard Patrick
 Craig, James, 1st Viscount Craigavon
 Crawford, Arthur Johnston Sharman
 Dixon, Daniel, 1st Bt.
 Dixon, Herbert, 1st Baron Glentoran
 Dunville, Robert Grimshaw
 FitzGerald-de Ros, Dudley Charles, 23rd Lord de Ros of Helmsley
 Forde, Desmond Charles
 Forde, Mathew
 Forde, Patrick Mathew Desmond
 Gordon, Alexander Hamilton Miller Haven
 Gordon, Alexander Robert Gisborne
 Gordon, David
 Gordon, Robert
 Graham, Ogilvie Blair
 Hall, Francis
 Hall, Roger
 Hall, Roger
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Terence John Temple, 2nd Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
 Hill, Arthur William
 Jocelyn, John Strange, 5th Earl of Roden
 Keppel, Derek William Charles, Viscount Bury
 Lowry, Robert Graham
 Maxwell, John David
 Meade, Arthur Vesey, 5th Earl of Clanwilliam
 Meade, John Percy
 Moorhead, Wickham Hercules Bradshaw
 Mulholland, Charles Edward Henry John, 4th Baron Dunleath of Ballywalter
 Mulholland, Charles Henry George, 3rd Baron Dunleath of Ballywalter
 Mulholland, Henry George Hill, 1st Bt.
 Mulholland, John, 1st Baron Dunleath of Ballywalter
 Needham, Francis Charles Adelbert Henry, 4th Earl of Kilmorey
 Needham, Francis Charles, 3rd Earl of Kilmorey
 Nugent, Andrew
 Nugent, John Vesey
 Perceval-Maxwell, John Robert
 Rowan-Hamilton, Denys Archibald
 Rowan-Hamilton, Gawain Basil
 Rowan-Hamilton, Gawin William
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Edward Charles Robert, 8th Marquess of Londonderry
 Ward, Henry William, 5th Viscount Bangor
 Yarburgh-Bateson, Robert Wilfred, 3rd Baron Deramore of Belvior
 Blakiston-Houston, John Matthew ( 1946 )
 Brownlow, Guy James ( 1946 )
 Brush, Edward James Augustus Howard ( 1953-1974 )
 Meade, John Charles Edmund Carson, 6th Earl of Clanwilliam ( 1957-1962 )
 Brownlow, William Stephen ( 1961 )
 Jocelyn, Robert William, 9th Earl of Roden ( 1961 )
 Chambré, Alan Stuart Hunt ( 1967 )
 Hall, William Joseph ( 1975 )
 Faulkner, James Dennis Compton ( 1988 )
Count equals 55 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Dublin
 Brooke, George Frederick, 1st Bt.
 Cobbe, Charles
 Cobbe, Charles
 Cochrane, Stanley Herbert, 1st Bt.
 Coghill, John Joscelyn, 4th Bt.
 Colthurst-Vesey, Charles Nicholas
 Colthurst-Vesey, Charles Vesey
 Cusack, James William Henry Claud
 Domvile, Herbert Winnington
 Findlater, William Huffington
 Goff, Joseph
 Grace, Percy Raymond, 4th Bt.
 Guinness, Arthur
 Guinness, Arthur Edward, 1st and last Baron Ardilaun of Ashford
 Guinness, Arthur Ernest
 Guinness, Reginald Robert Bruce
 Hackett, Thomas
 Hamilton, James Hans
 Hely Hutchinson, John
 Hemphill, Stanhope Charles John, 2nd Baron Hemphill
 Kennedy, John Charles, 3rd Bt.
 Lindsay, Henry Edzell Morgan
 Lindsay, Henry Gore
 Nixon, Christopher John, 1st Bt.
 Nutting, John Gardiner, 1st Bt.
 Plunket, William Lee, 5th Baron Plunket of Newton
 Plunkett, Horace Curzon
 Preston, Jenico William Joseph, 14th Viscount Gormanston
 Rowley, Hercules Douglas Edward
 Rowley, Hercules Langford, 2nd Baron Langford of Summerhill
 Shaw, Robert, 2nd Bt.
 Shaw, Robert, 4th Bt.
 Talbot, Richard Gilbert
 Talbot, Richard Wogan, 5th Baron Talbot of Malahide
Count equals 34 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Durham
 Bell, Isaac Lowthian, 1st Bt.
 Bell, Thomas Hugh, 2nd Bt.
 Brown, Douglas Clifton, 1st and last Viscount Ruffside
 Cochrane, Basil Edward Arthur
 Eden, William, 5th/7th Bt.
 Fry, Theodore, 1st Bt.
 Furness, Christopher, 1st Baron Furness
 Gray, William
 Hamilton-Russell, Claud Eustace
 Hamilton-Russell, Frederick Gustavus
 Hamilton-Russell, Gustavus William, 9th Viscount Boyne
 Havelock-Allan, Henry Spencer Moreton, 2nd Bt.
 Head, Charles Arthur
 Headlam, Cuthbert Morley, 1st Bt.
 Herschell, Farrar, 1st Baron Herschell of the City of Durban
 Joicey, James, 1st Baron Joicey
 Liddell, Adolphus Frederick Octavious
 Liddell, Atholl Charles John, 3rd Earl of Ravensworth
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough
 Milbank, Augustus Sussex
 Morrison-Bell, Charles William, 1st Bt.
 Mowbray, John Robert, 1st Bt.
 Palmer, Claude Bowes
 Pease, Arthur Francis, 1st Bt.
 Pease, Joseph Albert, 1st Baron Gainford
 Pease, Joseph Whitwell, 1st Bt.
 Ropner, Emil Hugo Oscar Robert, 1st Bt.
 Ropner, John Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Simpson, Frank Robert, 1st Bt.
 Storey, Samuel
 Vane, Henry Morgan
 Vane, Henry de Vere, 9th Baron Barnard of Barnard's Castle
 Vane, William Lyonel
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry
 Williamson, Hedworth, 8th Bt.
 Williamson, Hedworth, 9th Bt.
 Wrightson, Thomas Garmondsay Guy, 2nd Bt.
 Wrightson, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Chaytor, William Henry Edward, 4th Bt. ( 1900 )
 Chapman, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
 Stobart, George Herbert ( 1924 )
 Gray, William, 2nd Bt. ( 1932 )
 Stopford, Guy ( 1948 )
 Chapman, Robert MacGowan, 2nd Bt. ( 1952 )
 Ropner, John Bruce Woollacott, 2nd Bt. ( 1955 )
 Simpson, Basil Robert James, 2nd Bt. ( 1956 )
 Vane, Harry John Neville, 11th Baron Barnard of Barnard's Castle ( 1956-1970 )
 Wrightson, John Garmondsway, 3rd Bt. ( 1961 )
Count equals 48 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Durham and North Riding of Yorkshire
 Palmer, Charles Mark, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Fermamagh
 McClintock, John, 1st Baron Rathdonnell
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Fermanagh
 Archdale, Edward Mervyn, 1st Bt.
 Archdale, Mervyn Edward
 Brooke, Arthur Douglas, 4th Bt.
 Brooke, Francis Theophilius
 Cole, Lowry Egerton, 4th Earl of Enniskillen
 Crichton, John Henry George, 5th Earl Erne of Crom Castle
 Dane, Richard
 Johnstone, John Douglas
 Johnstone, Samuel Yates
 Langham, Herbert Charles Arthur, 13th Bt.
 Lendrum, George
 Lendrum, George Cosby
 Lendrum, James
 Lowry-Corry, Armar, 5th Earl of Belmore
 Lowry-Corry, Cecil, 6th Earl of Belmore
 Lowry-Corry, Galbraith Armar, 7th Earl of Belmore
 Madden, Charles Dudley
 Madden, John
 Massy-Beresford, John George Beresford
 Maude, Christopher Hugh
 Langham, John Charles Patrick, 14th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Cole, David Lowry, 6th Earl of Enniskillen ( 1963-1978 )
 Gage, Francis Boyd ( 1973 )
 Hamilton, Claud Anthony ( 1978 )
 Brooke, Alan Henry, 3rd Viscount Brookeborough ( 1987 )
 Plunket, Charles Patrick Benjamin ( 1992 )
Count equals 26 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Galloway
 ffrench, Acheson Sydney O'Brien
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Galway
 Bernard, Denis John Charles Kirwan
 Bernard, Percy Brodrick
 Blake, Andrew William
 Burke, Gerald Howe, 7th Bt.
 Burke, Henry George, 5th Bt.
 Campbell, John Beresford
 Chevers, John
 Chevers, John Joseph
 Chevers, Michael Joseph
 D'Arcy, Hyacinth
 D'Arcy, Richard
 Daly, Denis St. George
 Daly, James Peter
 Eyre, William Henry Gregory
 Gough, George Stephens, 2nd Viscount Gough of Goojerat
 Gough, Hugh William, 4th Viscount Gough of Goojerat
 Gough, Hugh, 3rd Viscount Gough of Goojerat
 Gregory, William Henry
 Guinness, Arthur Edward, 1st and last Baron Ardilaun of Ashford
 Lambert, James Staunton
 Lambert, Walter Peter
 Lascelles, Henry George Charles, 6th Earl of Harewood
 Le Poer Trench, William Frederick, 5th Earl of Clancarty
 Mahon, James FitzGerald Ross, 3rd Bt.
 Mahon, William Henry, 5th Bt.
 Martyn, Edward Joseph
 Morris, George
 Nugent, Anthony Francis, 11th Earl of Westmeath
 Persse, Burton Robert Parsons
 Persse, Burton de Burgh
 Persse, Dudley
 St. George, Christopher
 Talbot, William John
 Trench, Frederic Oliver, 3rd Baron Ashtown
 ffrench, Robert
 D'Arcy, James ( 1915 )
 Grattan-Bellew, Henry Christopher, 3rd Bt. ( 1922 )
Count equals 37 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Kerry
 Allanson-Winn, Charles Mark, 4th Lord Headley, Baron Allanson and Winn of Aghadoe
 Blennerhassett, Rowland, 4th Bt.
 Cronin-Coltsmann, Daniel
 Cronin-Coltsmann, Daniel John
 Crosbie, James
 Crosbie, James Dayrolles
 Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Dayrolles Blakeney, 4th Baron Ventry
 Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Frederick Rossmore Wauchope, 5th Baron Ventry
 FitzGerald, Maurice, 2nd Bt.
 FitzGerald, Robert John
 Godfrey, John Fermor, 4th Bt.
 Guinness, Arthur Edward, 1st and last Baron Ardilaun of Ashford
 Herbert, Henry Arthur
 Herbert, Thomas
 Leeson-Marshall, Markham Richard
 O'Connell, Daniel Ross, 3rd Bt.
 O'Connell, Maurice James, 2nd Bt.
 O'Connell, Morgan Ross, 4th Bt.
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry William Edmund, 6th Marquess of Lansdowne
 Talbot-Crosbie, Lindsey Bertie
 Talbot-Crosbie, William Talbot
Count equals 21 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Kildare
 Aylmer, Gerald George, 8th Bt.
 Burgh, Thomas John
 Carter, William Henry
 Dixon, Herbert, 1st Baron Glentoran
 Fock, John Henry Edward, 4th Baron de Robeck
 Maunsell, George Woods
 Sweetman, Edmund Casimir
 Sweetman, Patrick
Count equals 8 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Kilkenny
 Bryan, George Leopold, 4th Baron Bellew of Barmeath
 Butler, Charles Ernest Alfred French Somerset, 7th Earl of Carrick
 Butler, Henry Edmund, 13th Viscount Mountgarret
 Butler, Henry Edmund, 14th Viscount Mountgarret
 Butler, James Arthur Wellington Foley, 4th Marquess of Ormonde
 Butler, James George Anson, 5th Marquess of Ormonde
 Butler, Somerset James
 Butler-Kearney, Charles James
 Langrishe, Hercules Robert, 5th Bt.
 Langrishe, James, 4th Bt.
 Poer, Raymond
 Ponsonby, Edward, 8th Earl of Bessborough
 Ponsonby, Vere Brabazon, 9th Earl of Bessborough
 Smithwick, John William
 Kavanagh, Arthur MacMorrough, The MacMorrough ( 1856 )
Count equals 15 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Leitrim
 Clements, Henry John Beresford
 Crofton, Duke Arthur
 Crofton, Morgan George, 4th Bt.
 Forbes, William Francis
 Godley, Archibald
 Godley, John
 La Touche, Francis
 La Touche, Peter
 La Touche, William Robert
 Lyons-Montgomery, Hugh
 Massy, John Thomas William, 6th Baron Massy of Duntrileague
 Peyton, James Reynolds
 Peyton, Richard Reynolds
Count equals 13 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Limerick
 Barrington, Charles Burton, 5th Bt.
 Bourke, Richard
 Considine, Heffernan
 Considine, Heffernan
 Considine, Heffernan James Fritz Joseph John
 Croker, Courtenay Le Poer Trench
 Croker, Edward
 Croker, Edward
 Croker, Frederick Edward Albert
 Croker, Henry Stanley Monck
 Deane-Morgan, Hamilton Matthew Tilson FitzMaurice, 4th Baron Muskerry
 Delmege, James O'Grady
 Evans, Eyre
 FitzGerald, Desmond FitzJohn Lloyd, 27th Knight of Glin
 FitzGerald, Desmond John Edmund, 26th Knight of Glin
 FitzGerald, John Fraunceis, 24th Knight of Glin
 FitzGibbon, Gerald Normanby
 Furnell, George Cantillon
 Furnell, Michael
 Lloyd, Thomas
 Lloyd, Thomas
 Massy, Hugh
 Massy, John Thomas William, 6th Baron Massy of Duntrileague
 O'Brien, Edward William
 O'Brien, William Dermod
 O'Grady, Gerald de Courcy
 O'Grady, John de Courcy
 Pery, William Henry Edmond de Vere Sheaffe, 4th Earl of Limerick
 Roche, David Vandeleur, 2nd Bt.
 Spring Rice, Thomas, 2nd Baron Monteagle of Brandon
 White, William John
 Cleeve, Thomas Henry ( 1905 )
Count equals 32 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County London
 Cadogan, Henry Arthur, Viscount Chelsea
 Cunynghame, Percy Francis, of Milncraig, 10th Bt.
 Davison, William Henry, 1st Baron Broughshane
 Jessel, Herbert Merton, 1st Baron Jessel
 Mallinson, William James, 2nd Bt.
 Maryon-Wilson, Spencer Pocklington Maryon, 11th Bt.
 Nathan, Harry Louis, 1st Baron Nathan
 Vaughan-Morgan, Kenyon Pascoe ( 1928 )
 Roberts, Thomas Langdon Howland, 6th Bt. ( 1962 )
 Mallinson, Stuart Sidney ( 1966 )
Count equals 10 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Londonderry
 Bruce, Hervey Juckes Lloyd, 4th Bt.
 Bruce, Stewart Crawford
 Canning, Albert Stratford George
 Canning, Charles John Spencer George, 3rd Baron Garvagh
 Canning, Leopold Ernest Stratford George, 4th Baron Garvagh
 Chichester, Adolphus John Spencer Churchill
 Chichester, Robert Peel Dawson Spencer
 Heygate, Frederick Gage, 3rd Bt.
 McCorkell, David Browne
 Montagu, John Michael Cromie
 Stronge, Charles Edmond Sinclair, 7th Bt.
 Beresford-Ash, Douglas ( 1938 )
 Cooke, Thomas Fitzpatrick ( 1950 )
 McCorkell, Barry Francis ( 1954 )
 McCorkell, Michael William ( 1962 )
Count equals 15 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Longford
 Archdale, Nicholas Montgomery
 Bond, Willoughby James
 Forbes, William Francis
 Tuite, Joseph
 White, Luke, 3rd Baron Annaly of Annaly and Rathcline
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Louth
 Filgate, William de Salis
 Fortescue, John Charles William
 Fortescue, Mathew Charles Edward
 Fortescue, Matthew
 McClintock-Bunbury, Thomas Kane, 2nd Baron Rathdonnell
 Plunkett, Randal Pilgrim Ralph, 14th Baron Louth
Count equals 6 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Mayo
 Bingham, Albert Yelverton
 Bingham, George Charles, 5th Earl of Lucan
 Bingham, John George Barry, 5th Baron Clanmorris of Newbrook
 Blacker, Murray McGregor
 Blake, Llewellyn
 Blake, Maurice
 Blake, Maurice Charles Joseph
 Blake, Valentine O'Connor
 Browne, Dominick Andrew
 Browne, Dominick Sidney
 Browne, Geoffrey Henry, 1st Baron Mereworth
 Browne, George Eakins
 Browne, Henry Ulick, 5th Marquess of Sligo
 Browne, John Edward Deane, 5th Baron Kilmaine
 Browne, John Thomas, 4th Marquess of Sligo
 Clive, Edward Henry
 Fitzgerald, Charles Lionel
 Fitzgerald, Desmond Gerald
 Gore, Arthur Jocelyn Charles, 6th Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands
 Guthrie, Geoffrey Dominick Augustus Frederick, 2nd Baron Oranmore and Browne
 Lindsey, Thomas Spencer
 Lynch-Blosse, Henry, 11th Bt.
 Lynch-Blosse, Robert, 12th Bt.
 Pery-Knox-Gore, Edmond Henry Cockayne
 Pratt, Joseph
 Stoney, Robert Vesey
 Lambert, Alexander Clendenning ( 1836 )
 Lambert, Joseph Alexander ( 1905 )
Count equals 28 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Meath
 Bourke, John Jocelyn
 Coddington, John Nicholas
 Dillon, John Fox, 7th Bt.
 Fitzherbert, Richard Ruxton
 Fowler, Robert
 Fowler, Robert Henry
 Lambart, Gustavus William
 Naper, James Lenox William
 Plunkett, Arthur James Francis, 11th Earl of Fingall
 Preston, Edward Francis John
 Preston, Jenico Edward Joseph, 15th Viscount Gormanston
 Rothwell, Richard
 Rothwell, Thomas
 Rowley, Hercules Edward, 4th Baron Langford of Summerhill
 Rowley, Hercules Langford, 2nd Baron Langford of Summerhill
 Taylour, Geoffrey Thomas, 4th Marquess of Headfort
Count equals 16 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Merseyside
 Grant, Guinevere ( 1974-1976 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Middlesex
 Kelk, John, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Monaghan
 Cole, Owen Blayney
 FitzHerbert, Thomas
 Lentaigne, John Francis O'Neill
 Lewis, Henry Owen
 Madden, John Clements Waterhouse
 Shirley, Evelyn Charles
 Westenra, Peter Craven
 Barrett-Lennard, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1900 )
Count equals 8 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Offaly
 Lloyd, John Hardress
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Roscommon
 Crofton, Arthur Edward Lowther, 4th Baron Crofton of Mote
 Crofton, Edward Henry Churchill, 3rd Baron Crofton of Mote
 Dames-Longworth, Edward Travers
 French, Christopher
 French, Francis Charles, 6th Baron de Freyne of Coolavin
 Kelly, Denis
 Mapother, Thomas Austin
 O'Conor, Charles Mathew
 O'Conor, Denis
 O'Conor, Patrick Hugh
 Pakenham Mahon, Henry
 Pakenham Mahon, Henry Sandford
 Talbot, John
 Talbot, William John
 Wills-Sandford, William Robert
Count equals 15 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Sligo
 Cooper, Bryan Ricco
 Cooper, Edward Henry
 Crofton, James, 1st Bt.
 Gore-Booth, Henry William, 5th Bt.
 MacDermot, Hugh Hyacinth O'Rorke, The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin
 Ormsby-Gore, William Richard, 2nd Baron Harlech
 Crofton, Edward ( 1691 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Tipperary
 Bagwell, John
 Bagwell, Richard
 Barton, William
 Blackett, Edward Algernon
 Butler, Thomas
 Butler-Stoney, Walter Charles
 Carden, Andrew
 Carden, Andrew Murray
 Carden, Henry Robert
 Carden, John
 Carden, John Craven, 4th Bt.
 Carden, John Craven, 5th Bt.
 Carden, John Rutter
 Carden, Richard George
 Carden, Richard Minchin
 Charteris, Richard Butler
 Clarke, Charles
 Clarke, Charles Neville
 Cooke, Robert
 Cooke, Robert Joseph
 Cooper, Austin Samuel
 Daly, William
 Darby, Jonathan Charles
 Gason, Richard Wills
 Going, William
 Gough, George Stephens, 2nd Viscount Gough of Goojerat
 Hely Hutchinson, John Luke George, 5th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty
 Hely Hutchinson, Richard Walter John, 6th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty
 Judkin-FitzGerald, Thomas, 3rd Bt.
 Low, Francis Simon
 Massy, William Godfrey Dunham
 Moore, Stephen
 Moore, Stephen Charles
 Otway-Ruthven, William Clifford
 Perry, Samuel
 Ponsonby, Thomas Brabazon
 Power, John Elliott Cecil, 4th Bt.
 Power, Richard Crampton, 3rd Bt.
 Power-Lalor, Edmond James
 Prittie, Francis Aldborough
 Prittie, Henry, 3rd Baron Dunalley of Kilboy
 Ryan, George
 Ryan, George Edward
 Trench, Charles Sadleir Musgrave
 Trench, Cosby Godolphin
Count equals 45 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Tyrone
 Auchinleck, Thomas
 Browne, Thomas Richardson
 Burges, John Ynyr
 Burges, Ynyr Henry
 Caulfeild, James Alfred, 7th Viscount Charlemont
 Cole-Hamilton, Arthur Richard
 Cole-Hamilton, Arthur Willoughby
 Eccles, John Stuart
 Goff, Joseph
 Goff, Joseph
 Knox, Thomas Granville
 Knox, William Stuart
 Knox-Browne, John Hervey
 Knox-Browne, Mervyn William Charles Nesbitt
 Lendrum, George Cosby
 Lendrum, James
 Lendrum, Marcus Beresford
 McClintock, John Knox
 McMahon, Lionel, 4th Bt.
 McMahon, William Samuel, 3rd Bt.
 Savill, Gillian
 Staples, James Head
 Stewart, John Marcus, 3rd Bt.
 Stronge, James Mathew, 2nd Bt.
 Vesey, George Waller
 Vesey, Samuel
 Burges, Ynyr Alfred ( 1933 )
 Stewart, Hugh Charlie Godfray, 6th Bt. ( 1971 )
 Archdale, Mervyn Talbot ( 1974 )
Count equals 29 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Waterford
 Anderson, Thomas William
 Beauclerk, Osbourne de Vere, 12th Duke of Saint Albans
 Beresford, Henry de la Poer, 6th Marquess of Waterford
 Beresford, Robert Henry
 Carew, Robert Thomas
 Carew, Robert Thomas
 Carew, Thomas
 Congreve, Ambrose
 Congreve, John
 Congreve, John
 Davis-Goff, Herbert William, 2nd Bt.
 Davis-Goff, William, 1st Bt.
 Dobbs, Robert Conway Dobbs
 Fortescue, Dudley Francis
 Gallwey, William Joseph
 Hely Hutchinson, John Luke George, 5th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty
 Hely Hutchinson, Richard Walter John, 6th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty
 Keane, Richard Henry, 4th Bt.
 Musgrave, Richard John, 5th Bt.
 Palliser, Wray Bury
 Power, Hubert
 Power, John William
 Power, Patrick Mahon
 Purcell-FitzGerald, Gerald Charles
 Ussher, Richard John
 Power, Ambrose William Bushe ( 1904 )
Count equals 26 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Westmeath
 Chapman, Francis Vansittart
 Cooper, Edward Joshua
 Devenish-Meares, John
 Fetherstonhaugh, Cecil Howard Digby
 Fetherstonhaugh, John David
 Fetherstonhaugh, Richard Steele
 Fetherstonhaugh, Thomas James
 Greville, Algernon William Fulke, 2nd Baron Greville of Clonyn
 Greville, Charles Beresford Fulke, 3rd Baron Greville of Clonyn
 Greville, Ronald Henry Fulke
 Handcock, Robert Arthur, 6th Baron Castlemaine of Moydrum
 Harris Temple, Reginald
 Howard-Bury, Charles Kenneth
 Levinge, Harry Corbyn
 Levinge, Richard William, 10th Bt.
 Nugent, Walter Richard, 4th Bt.
 O'Reilly, Philip
 Robinson, Hercules
 Rochfort-Boyd, George Augustus
 Tuite, Hugh Morgan
Count equals 20 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Wexford
 Bruen, Francis
 Carew, Robert Shapland George Julian, 3rd Baron Carew
 Chichester, Arthur Claud Spencer, 4th Baron Templemore
 Chichester, Arthur Henry, 3rd Baron Templemore
 Chichester, Harry Spencer, 2nd Baron Templemore
 Colclough, Patrick
 Cookman, Nathaniel Narcissus
 Doyne, Robert
 Esmonde, John, 10th Bt.
 Goff, Jacob William
 Hall-Dare, Robert Westley
 Hall-Dare, Robert Westley
 Harvey, Percy Lorenzo
 Lambert, Henry Patrick
 Stopford, James Richard Neville, 7th Earl of Courtown
 Talbot, John Hyacinth
 Wallop, Newton, 6th Earl of Portsmouth
 Stopford, James George Henry, 5th Earl of Courtown ( 1848 )
 Alcock, Philip Clayton ( 1910 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County Wicklow
 Boscawen, Hugh le Despenser
 Brabazon, Reginald le Normand, 13th Earl of Meath
 Brooke, Francis Theophilius
 Casement, Roger
 Dick, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam
 Forward-Howard, Ralph Francis, 7th Earl of Wicklow
 Gun Cuninghame, Cornwallis Robert Ducarel
 Gun Cuninghame, Robert
 Hodson, George Frederick John, 3rd Bt.
 Howard, Hugh Melville
 Parnell, John Henry
 Proby, Douglas James
 Synge, Francis
 Tottenham, Charles George
 Wingfield, Mervyn, 7th Viscount Powerscourt
 Proby, Douglas James ( 1918 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of County and City of Dublin
 Pile, Thomas Devereux, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Coutny Durham
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Edward Charles Robert, 8th Marquess of Londonderry ( 1950 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cumberland
 Brisco, Musgrave Horton, 4th Bt.
 Brocklebank, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Burns-Lindow, Jonas Lindow
 Cowper, Frederick
 Fletcher-Vane, Henry Ralph, 4th Bt.
 Gandy, Henry Garnett
 Graham, Fergus Frederick, 5th Bt.
 Graham, Richard James, 4th Bt.
 Howard, Henry Charles
 Howard, Philip Henry
 Irwin, Thomas Angelo
 James, William
 James, William Edward
 Lewthwaite, John
 Lewthwaite, William, 1st Bt.
 Lowther, Anthony Edward, Viscount Lowther
 Lowther, Lancelot Edward, 6th Earl of Lonsdale
 Lowther, St. George Henry, 4th Earl of Lonsdale
 Lowther, William
 Musgrave, Richard George, 12th Bt.
 Spring Rice, Gerald
 Stanley, Edward
 Stanley, William
 Wyndham, Percy Scawen
 Kemp, John Durival, 1st Viscount Rochdale ( 1948 )
 Johnson-Ferguson, Raymond Patrick ( 1958 )
 Lawson, William Howard, 5th Bt. ( 1963 )
 Wingate, George Nigel Fancourt ( 1966 )
 Bagot, Oliver Robin ( 1967 )
 Graham, Charles Spencer Richard, 6th Bt. ( 1971-1983 )
Count equals 30 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cumbria
 Tryon-Wilson, Charles Edward ( 1974 )
 Cunningham, John Anderson, Baron Cunningham of Felling ( 1991 )
 Jopling, Thomas Michael, Baron Jopling ( 1991-1997 )
 Engleheart, Angela Mary ( 1998 )
 Halsey, Jane ( 2013 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Cumerland
 Lowther, Henry Cecil
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Denbighshire
 Best, William
 Cunliffe, Robert Alfred, 5th Bt.
 Davies-Cooke, Philip
 Egerton, Robert Eyles
 Erskine, Thomas, of Cambo, 2nd Bt.
 Evans, Edward
 Hill, Arthur Edwin, 1st Baron Trevor of Brynkinalt
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Savage
 Lowther, Charles Bingham, 4th Bt.
 Peel, Archibald
 Smith, Frederick Henry, 1st Baron Colwyn
 Walker, William Hall, 1st Baron Wavertree
 Williams-Wynn, Herbert Lloyd Watkin, 7th Bt.
 Williams-Wynn, Owen Watkin, 8th Bt.
 Williams-Wynn, Owen Watkin, 10th Bt. ( 1947-1957 )
 Wynne-Finch, John Charles ( 1947 )
 Hill-Trevor, Nevill Edward ( 1965 )
 Vyvyan, James Graham ( 1965 )
 Lowther, William Guy, 5th Bt. ( 1969 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Derbyshire
 Aitchison-Denman, Thomas, 2nd Baron Denman of Dovedale
 Allsopp, George Higginson
 Baillie, George Evan Michael
 Barnes, Alfred
 Bristowe, Samuel Ellis
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Myles, 11th Bt.
 Cavendish, Edward
 Cavendish, Henry Anson, 4th Baron Waterpark
 Cavendish, Henry Frederick Compton
 Denman, Joseph
 Every, Henry Flower, 10th Bt.
 Every, Henry, 9th Bt.
 Fitz-Clarence-Hunloke, Frederick Charles George
 Fitzherbert, William, 4th Bt.
 Gibson, Hugh Marcus Thornely
 Gresley, Robert, 11th Bt.
 Gretton, John, 1st Baron Gretton
 Hardy, Gerald Holbech
 Hill-Wood, Samuel, 1st Bt.
 Jackson, Geoffrey Meinertzhagen
 Jackson, Henry Humphrey
 Jackson, John Guy Carmichael
 Kerr, Walter Talbot
 Markham, Charles Paxton
 Mosley, Ashton
 Mosley, Ashton Nicholas Every
 Noel, Edward Andrew
 Osmaston, John
 Partington, Edward, 1st Baron Doverdale
 Stanhope, Charles Augustus, 8th Earl of Harrington
 Stanhope, Charles Joseph Leicester, 10th Earl of Harrington
 Strutt, William
 Venables-Vernon, Francis Lawrance William, 9th Lord Vernon, Baron of Kinderton
 Walker, Peter Carlaw, 2nd Bt.
 Waterhouse, Charles
 Wright, Francis
 Rivett, Thomas ( 1745 )
 Winterbottom, William Dickson ( 1917 )
 Stephenson, Henry Francis Blake, 2nd Bt. ( 1948 )
 Walker-Okeover, Ian Peter Andrew Munro, 3rd Bt. ( 1948-1951 )
 Cavendish, Andrew Robert Buxton, 11th Duke of Devonshire ( 1953-1957 )
 Ley, Francis Douglas, 4th Bt. ( 1957 )
 Shuttleworth, John Ashton ( 1972 )
 Hart Dyke, Trevor ( 1981 )
 Sitwell, Sacheverell Reresby, 7th Bt. ( 1984 )
 Varley, Eric Graham, Baron Varley ( 1989 )
 Walker-Okeover, Jane Katharine ( 2002 )
Count equals 47 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Devon
 Acland, Charles Thomas Dyke, 8th/12th Bt.
 Acland, Francis Dyke, 10th/14th Bt.
 Acland, William Alison Dyke, 2nd Bt.
 Acland-Troyte, Hugh Leonard
 Addington, Leonard Allen
 Addington, William Wells, 3rd Viscount Sidmouth
 Astor, Waldorf, 2nd Viscount Astor
 Bampfylde, Augustus Frederick George Warwick, 2nd Baron Poltimore
 Bampfylde, Coplestone Richard George Warwick, 3rd Baron Poltimore
 Baring-Gould, Edward
 Baring-Gould, William
 Boles, John Dennis
 Carington, Rupert Victor John, 5th Baron Carrington of Upton
 Chichester, Arthur, 8th Bt.
 Clifford, Lewis Henry Hugh, 9th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh
 Clifford-Butler, James FitzWalter, 15th/25th Baron Dunboyne
 Coleridge, William Rennell
 Collier, John
 Conran, Gerald Marcell
 Courtenay, Henry Reginald, Lord Courtenay
 Duckworth-King, Dudley Gordon Alan, 5th Bt.
 Edgcumbe, Piers Alexander Hamilton, 5th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
 Edgcumbe, William Henry, 4th Earl of Mount Edgcumbe
 Ferguson Davie, Henry Robert, 1st Bt.
 Ferguson Davie, John Davie, 2nd Bt.
 Fortescue, Dudley Francis
 Fortescue, Hugh, 3rd Earl Fortescue
 Hamilton, Alexander Henry Abercromby
 Hamlyn, Calmady Pollexfen
 Hamlyn, Shilston Calmady
 Heathcoat-Amory, Ian Murray, 2nd Bt.
 Heathcoat-Amory, John, 1st Bt.
 Hepburne-Scott, Henry Alexander, 10th Lord Polwarth
 Holland, John Robert
 Hood, Alexander, 1st Viscount Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas
 Kekewich, Trehawke
 Kennaway, John Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Lindsay, William Alexander
 Moore, Ponsonby William, 9th Earl of Drogheda
 Newman, Lydston, 3rd Bt.
 Newman, Robert Hunt Stapylton Dudley Lydston, 1st and last Baron Mamhead
 Parker, Albert Edmund, 3rd Earl of Morley
 Peek, Henry William, 1st Bt.
 Pellew, Edward Fleetwood John, 4th Viscount Pellew
 Purdon Coote, Nicola Harriette
 Rolle, Mark George Kerr
 Seale, John Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Shelley, John, 9th Bt.
 Smith, William Frederick Danvers, 2nd Viscount Hambleden
 Soltau, George William
 Spencer, Elizabeth Janet
 Stucley, George, 1st Bt.
 Stucley, Hugh Nicholas Granville, 4th Bt.
 Stucley, William Lewis, 2nd Bt.
 Studd, Edward Mortlock
 Templer, Henry Line
 Trefusis, John Schomberg
 Troyte, Charles Arthur William
 William-Powlett, Oliver Newtown Wallop
 Williams, William Robert, 3rd Bt.
 Bastard, Reginald ( 1930 )
 Butler, Leslie James Probyn ( 1930 )
 Kennaway, John, 4th Bt. ( 1938 )
 Shelley, John Frederick, 10th Bt. ( 1939 )
 Acland, Peter Bevil Edward ( 1948-1962 )
 Peto, Christopher Henry Maxwell, 3rd Bt. ( 1950-1955 )
 Heathcoat-Amory, John, 3rd Bt. ( 1952 )
 Stucley, Dennis Frederic Bankes, 5th Bt. ( 1955 )
 Westropp, Lionel Henry Mountifort ( 1956-1960 )
 Scott, John, 4th Earl of Eldon ( 1957-1966 )
 Gibson, Edward Russell, 3rd Baron Ashbourne ( 1962-1965 )
 Heathcoat-Amory, Derick, 1st and last Viscount Amory ( 1962 )
 Birdwood, Richard Douglas Davis ( 1964 )
 Clifford, Lewis Hugh, 13th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh ( 1964 )
 Leeds, Reginald Arthur St. John, 6th Bt. ( 1964 )
 Parker, Frederic Anthony Vivian ( 1964 )
 Peek, William Grenville, 5th Bt. ( 1966 )
 Lambert, George, 2nd Viscount Lambert ( 1969 )
 Studholme, Henry Gray, 1st Bt. ( 1969 )
 Coleridge, Richard Duke, 4th Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1973 )
 Parker, John St. Aubyn, 6th Earl of Morley ( 1973-1978 )
 William-Powlett, Peveril Barton Reibey ( 1973 )
 Cave, Charles Edward Coleridge, 4th Bt. ( 1977 )
 Fane Trefusis, Gerald Nevile Mark, 22nd Lord Clinton ( 1977 )
 Holland-Hibbert, Michael, 6th Viscount Knutsford ( 1977 )
 Northcote, Stafford Henry, 4th Earl of Iddesleigh ( 1979 )
 Heathcoat-Amory, Ian, 6th Bt. ( 1981 )
 Acland, John Hugh Bevil ( 1985-1985 )
 Forrest, Ronald Stephen ( 1985 )
 Alvarez-Builla y Urquijo, Maria Luisa, Contesa del Real Agrado ( 1987 )
 Goodall, Anthony Charles ( 1987 )
 Bury, John Edward ( 1989 )
 Attlee, Donald Laurence ( 1991 )
 Courtenay, Hugh Rupert, 18th Earl of Devon ( 1991 )
 Maxse, Martin William Frederick ( 1995 )
 Ansell, Nicholas George Picton ( 1996 )
 Stucley, Hugh George Coplestone Bampfylde, 6th Bt. ( 1998 )
 Cave, John Charles, 5th Bt. ( 2001 )
 Mountbatten, Ivar Alexander Michael ( 2009 )
Count equals 99 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dorset
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony Cecil
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony Lionel George
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, Lord Ashley
 Baker, Randolf Littlehales, 4th Bt.
 Best, Philip George, 6th Baron Wynford
 Colfox, Thomas Alfred
 Colfox, William
 Fellowes, James
 Fetherstonhaugh-Frampton, Rupert Pennefather
 Glyn, Frederic, 4th Baron Wolverton
 Glyn, Richard FitzGerald, 4th/8th Bt.
 Glyn, Richard George, 3rd Bt.
 Guest, Ivor Bertie, 1st Baron Wimborne
 Guest, Montague John
 Hambro, Angus Valdimar
 Hambro, Charles Joseph Theophilus
 Hambro, Everard Alexander
 Hanham, John Alexander, 9th Bt.
 Hanham, John Ludlow, 10th Bt.
 Hanham, William, 4th Bt.
 Hood, Alexander, 1st Viscount Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas
 Law, Henry Astell, 7th Baron Ellenborough
 Mansel-Pleydell, Edmund Morton
 Mansel-Pleydell, John Clavell
 Munro, Campbell, of Lindertis, 3rd Bt.
 Onslow, William Henry
 Peto, Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Henry Walter
 Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly
 Poore, Robert Montagu
 Ralli, Pandeli
 Sheridan, Algernon Thomas Brinsley
 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
 Towry-Law, Cecil Henry, 6th Baron Ellenborough
 Williams, Robert
 Williams, Robert
 Colfox, William Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1930 )
 Mansel, Rhys Clavell ( 1933-1952 )
 Smith, Harry Reginald Walter Marriott ( 1938 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur James, 5th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1946 )
 Salt, Thomas Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1949 )
 Fox-Strangways, Giles Stephen Holland, 6th Earl of Ilchester ( b 1956 )
 Digby, Edward Henry Kenelm, 12th Baron Digby ( 1957-1965 )
 Floyer-Acland, Arthur Nugent ( 1957 )
 Fox-Strangways, Edward Henry Charles James, 7th Earl of Ilchester ( 1957 )
 Sclater-Booth, John Limbrey Robert, 3rd Baron Basing of Basin Byflete and of Hoddington ( 1959 )
 Seymour, Edward William ( 1959 )
 Glyn, Richard Hamilton, 5th/9th Bt. ( 1960 )
 Scott, Harold Eldon ( 1962 )
 Williams, David Philip, 3rd Bt. ( 1968 )
 Best, Robert Samuel, 8th Baron Wynford ( 1970 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Edward Peter, 6th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1974 )
 Mansel, John Clavell ( 1974 )
 Colfox, William John, 2nd Bt. ( 1977 )
 Bond, Elizabeth Mary Garneys ( 1979 )
 Trench, David Clive Crosbie ( 1979 )
 Earle, Richard Greville ( 1984 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Michael James, 7th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1987 )
 Hammick, Stephen George, 5th Bt. ( 1989 )
 Sturt, Mary Anna Sibell Elizabeth ( 1989 )
 Williams, Robert Philip Nathaniel, 4th Bt. ( 1995 )
 Fulford-Dobson, Michael ( 1997 )
 Monckton, Charlotte Anne ( 1999 )
 Ashley-Cooper, Nicholas Edmund Anthony, 12th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 2019 )
 Jebb, Minette Caroline Mary ( 2019 )
Count equals 65 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dumbartonshire
 Colquhoun, Alan John, of Luss, 6th Bt.
 Ure, John
 White, John Campbell, 1st and last Baron Overtoun
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dumfries and Galloway
 St. Clair, Charles Murray Kennedy, 8th/17th Lord Sinclair ( 1974-1977 )
 Arthur, John Norman Stewart ( 1989-1996 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dumfries-shire
 Constable-Maxwell, Marmaduke Francis, 11th Lord Herries of Terregles
 Douglas, John Sholto, 9th Marquess of Queensberry
 Heron-Maxwell, John Robert Heron, of Springkell, 7th Bt.
 Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow
 Johnstone-Douglas, Arthur Henry
 Laurie, John Emilius, of Maxwelton, 6th Bt.
 Moffat, Francis, of that Ilk
 Murray, William David, Viscount Stormont
 Rollo, John Rogerson, 10th Lord Rollo of Duncrub
 Stothert, William
 Younger, William, 1st Bt.
 Murray, Mungo David Malcolm, 6th/7th Earl of Mansfield ( 1947 )
 Johnson-Ferguson, Neil Edward, 3rd Bt. ( 1957-1965 )
 Monro, Hector Seymour Peter, Baron Monro of Langholm ( 1973 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis John, 9th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1974 )
 Buchanan-Jardine, Andrew Rupert John, of Castlemilk, 4th Bt. ( 1978 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dumfriesshire
 Johnson-Ferguson, Edward Alexander James, 2nd Bt.
 Johnstone, Frederick John William, of Westerhall, 8th Bt.
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dunbartonshire
 Bayly, John
 Burns, John William
 Campbell, Archibald Spencer Lindsey, of Succoth, 5th Bt.
 Colquhoun, James
 Colquhoun, Roderick William
 Denny, Peter
 Leith-Buchanan, Alexander Wellesley George Thomas, 5th Bt.
 Leith-Buchanan, George Hector, 4th Bt.
 Maude, Cornwallis, 1st and last Earl de Montalt of Dundrum
 Orr Ewing, Archibald Ernest, of Ballikinrain, 3rd Bt.
 Orr Ewing, Archibald, of Ballikinrain, 1st Bt.
 Stirling, George Murray Home, 9th Bt.
 Young, Alastair Spencer Templeton, 2nd Bt.
 Colquhoun, Ivar Iain, of Luss, 8th Bt. ( 1952 )
 Whitelaw, William Stephen Ian, 1st and last Viscount Whitelaw ( 1952 )
 Lloyd, Ernest Guy Richard, 1st Bt. ( 1953 )
 McCowan, David James Cargill, 2nd Bt. ( 1953-1961 )
 Arbuthnott, Robert ( 1961 )
 Macfarlane, Norman Somerville, Baron Macfarlane of Bearsden ( 1993 )
 Durie, Andrew Maule Dewar, of Durie ( 1996 )
Count equals 20 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dundee
 Bowes-Lyon, Claude George, 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
 Bowes-Lyon, Claude, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
 Haldane-Duncan, Robert Adam Philips, 3rd Earl of Camperdown of Lundie
 Robertson, Edmund, 1st and last Baron Lochee
 Barrie, Charles ( 1902-1915 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Dyfed
 Bruce, Morys George Lyndhurst, 4th Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1985 )
 Vaughan, John David Malet, 8th Earl of Lisburne ( 1992 )
 Lloyd George, Owen, 3rd Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor ( 1993 )
 Parry, Gordon Samuel David, Baron Parry ( 1993 )
 Lewis, Trevor Oswin ( 1994 )
 Lewis, Robin William ( 2002 )
Count equals 6 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ealing
 Pargiter, George Albert, Baron Pargiter ( 1953 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of East Lothian
 Baird, William Arthur
 Bourke, Robert, 1st and last Baron Connemara
 Brooke, Basil Charles Barrington
 Broun-Lindsay, Humphrey George Maurice
 Dalrymple, Charles, of Newhailes, 1st Bt.
 Grant-Suttie, Robert
 Hunter Blair, Walter Charles
 O'Brien, Henry Barnaby
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, 12th Earl of Haddington ( 1929-1946 )
 Charteris, Francis David, 12th Earl of Wemyss ( 1959-1967 )
 Reid, John Peter Lorne ( 1962 )
 Hamilton-Dalrymple, Hew Fleetwood, 10th Bt. ( 1964-1973 )
 Ogilvy, David John Wilfrid, of Inverquharity, 13th Bt. ( 1971 )
Count equals 13 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of East Lothian and Fifeshire
 Hope, Henry Walter
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of East Sussex
 Boughey, Richard James, 10th Bt.
 Mynors, Thomas Halliday Baskerville
 Clarke, Ralph Stephenson ( 1937 )
 Nevill, Rupert Charles Montecute ( 1960 )
 Sackville, William Herbrand, 10th Earl De La Warr ( 1975 )
 Scott, Walter, 4th Bt. ( 1975 )
 Dodson, John Charles, 3rd Baron Monk Bretton ( 1983 )
 Lloyd, Anthony John Leslie, Baron Lloyd of Berwick ( 1983 )
 Brand, Anthony David, 6th Viscount Hampden of Glynde ( 1986 )
 Camm, Julia Frances, Baroness Cumberlege ( 1986-1991 )
 Gage, Henry Nicholas, 8th Viscount Gage of Castle Island ( 1998 )
 Nevill, Christopher George Charles, 6th Marquess of Abergavenny ( Jan 2011 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Edinburgh
 Balfour, John Blair, 1st Baron Kinross
 Erskine-Hill, Alexander Galloway, of Quothquhan, 1st Bt.
 Hope, Archibald, of Craighall, 12th Bt.
 Hutchison, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Lang, Derek Boileau
 Mathers, George, 1st and last Baron Mathers
 McLaren, John, Lord McLaren
 Montagu Douglas Scott, John Charles, 7th Duke of Buccleuch
 Munro, Robert, 1st and last Baron Alness
 Noel-Paton, Joseph
 Primrose, Bouverie Francis
 Rose, Hugh Arthur, 1st Bt.
 Warrender, George, of Lochend, 6th Bt.
 Rose, Hugh, 2nd Bt. ( 1958 )
 Balfour, David Andrew, 4th Baron Kinross ( 1966 )
 Bennett, Elizabeth Margaret, Baroness Smith of Gilmorehill ( 1996 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Elgin
 Dunbar, Archibald Hamilton, of Northfield, 8th Bt.
 Dunbar, James Brander
 Dunbar-Brander, James Brander
 Dunbar-Dunbar, Edward
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Elginshire
 Macpherson-Grant, George, 3rd Bt.
 Macpherson-Grant, John, of Ballindalloch, 4th Bt.
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Essex
 Allanson-Winn, Charles, 3rd Lord Headley, Baron Allanson and Winn of Aghadoe
 Barclay, Henry Ford
 Barrett-Lennard, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 Barrett-Lennard, Thomas, 3rd Bt.
 Bourke-Borrowes, Cecil Hubert
 Buxton, Denis Alfred Jex
 Buxton, Edward North
 Buxton, Edward North
 Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 3rd Bt.
 Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 5th Bt.
 Cotton, William
 Cramphorn, John Frederic
 Curzon, Robert Lothian
 Denys, George William, 1st Bt.
 Franks, John
 Fuller Maitland, William
 Gore, Arthur Jocelyn Charles, 6th Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands
 Houldsworth, William Thomas Reginald, 3rd Bt.
 Howard, David Mowbray Algernon, 7th Earl of Effingham
 Impey-Lovibond, Archibald
 Luard, William Garnham
 Makins, William Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Neave, Arundell, 4th Bt.
 Neville, Charles Cornwallis, 5th Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke
 Ruggles-Brise, Samuel Brise
 Sebag-Montefiore, Cecil
 Smith, Charles Cunliffe, 3rd Bt.
 Strutt, Gerald Murray
 Strutt, Joseph Holden
 Thomas, Godfrey Vignoles, 9th Bt.
 Tritton, Herbert Leslie Melville
 Warner, Edward
 Wood, Evelyn FitzGerald Michell
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C.
 Wood, William Mark
 Everard, Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1670-1680 )
 Whitmore, Francis Henry Douglas Charlton, 1st Bt. ( 1907 )
 Mallinson, Stuart Sidney ( 1937-1966 )
 Tritton, Claude Henry ( 1940-1957 )
 Ruggles-Brise, John Archibald, 2nd Bt. ( 1945-1947 )
 Allsopp, Samuel Ranulph ( 1946 )
 Neville, Henry Seymour, 9th Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke ( 1950 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Victor Alexander ( 1951-1968 )
 Strutt, Mark Frederick ( 1954 )
 Strutt, Nigel Edward ( 1954 )
 Alexander, William Sigismund Patrick ( 1956-1967 )
 Leatherland, Charles Edward, Baron Leatherland ( 1963 )
 Ruggles-Brise, Guy Edward ( 1967 )
 Scarlett, James Richard, 8th Baron Abinger ( 1968 )
 Alport, Cuthbert James McCall, Baron Alport ( 1974 )
 Buxton, Aubrey Leland Oakes, Baron Buxton of Alsa ( 1975-1985 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Neuflize, 10th Earl of Bessborough ( 1977 )
 Neville, Robin Henry Charles, 10th Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke ( 1980-1992 )
 Myatt, Beryl Catherine, Baroness Platt of Writtle ( 1983 )
 Neave, Julius Arthur Sheffield ( 1983 )
 Dixon-Smith, Robert William, Baron Dixon-Smith ( 1986 )
 Clark, Michael William ( 1988 )
 Nutting, David Anthony ( 1988 )
 Petre, John Patrick Lionel, 18th Baron Petre ( 1991 )
 White, Paul Edward Winston, Baron Hanningfield ( 1991 )
 Tritton, Alan George ( 1993 )
 Farrer, Arthur Mark ( 1996 )
 Stewart-Smith, Christopher Dudley ( 2008 )
 Nalder, Fiona Jane ( 2019 )
Count equals 64 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ettrick and Lauderdale
 Napier, Francis Nigel, 14th Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1975 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ettrick and Laurderdale
 Sanderson, Charles Russell, Baron Sanderson of Bowden ( 1989 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ettrick, Lauderdale and Roxburghshire
 Haig, George Alexander Eugene Douglas, 2nd Earl Haig ( 1977 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Fife
 Anstruther-Thomson, John, of Charleton and Carntyne
 Baird, William
 Balfour, Francis Walter
 Bethune, Alexander, of Blebo
 Bethune, Henry Alexander
 Boyle, George Frederick, 6th Earl of Glasgow
 Bruce, Robert Preston
 Carnegie, James
 Cochrane, Ralph Henry Vere, 4th Baron Cochrane of Cults
 Cochrane, Thomas Horatio Arthur Ernest, 1st Baron Cochrane of Cults
 Erskine, Thomas Harry
 Erskine, ffolliott William, of Cambo, 3rd Bt.
 Gilmour, John, of Lundin and Montrave, 1st Bt.
 Heriot-Maitland-Dougall, William
 Heriot-Maitland-Dougall, William
 Lindesay-Bethune, Reginald, 12th Earl of Lindsay
 Maitland-Heriot, Frederick Lewis
 Nairn, Michael, of Rankeilour, 2nd Bt.
 Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, Henry, of Wedderburn and Birkhill
 Skene, William Baille, 7th of Pitlour and 11th of Hallyards
 Spencer-Nairn, Robert, of Monimail, 1st Bt.
 Spens, James, 2nd of Craigsanquhar
 St. Clair-Erskine, James Francis Harry, 5th Earl of Rosslyn
 Younger, James
 Erskine Wemyss, Michael John, of that Ilk ( 1936 )
 Scrymgeour, Henry James, of Dundee, 11th Earl of Dundee ( 1936 )
 Anstruther-Gray, William John St. Clair, Baron Kilmany ( 1953 )
 Cathcart, Charles Frederick ( 1953 )
 Crichton-Stuart, Michael Duncan David ( 1953 )
 Gilmour, John Edward, of Lundin and Montrave, 3rd Bt. ( 1953-1979 )
 Lindsay, David Alexander Robert, 28th Earl of Crawford ( 1953 )
 Lindsay, Robert Alexander, 29th Earl of Crawford ( 1953 )
 Bruce, Andrew Douglas Alexander Thomas, 15th Earl of Kincardine ( 1955-1987 )
 Erskine, Thomas David, of Cambo, 5th Bt. ( 1955-1981 )
 Morrison-Low, James Richard, 3rd Bt. ( 1978 )
 Gilmour, John, of Lundin and Montrave, 4th Bt. ( 1988 )
 Anstruther, Ralph Hugo, of that Ilk, 7th/12th Bt. ( 1990 )
 Anstruther-Gray, Diana Mary ( 1992 )
 Ewing, Harry, Baron Ewing of Kirkford ( 1995 )
 Spencer-Nairn, Robert Arnold, of Monimail, 3rd Bt. ( 1995 )
 Bruce, Charles Edward, Lord Bruce ( 1997 )
Count equals 41 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Fife and Kinross
 Waldegrave-Leslie, George
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Fifeshire
 Fairlie, James Ogilvie Reginald
 Halkett, Peter Arthur, of Pitferrane, 8th Bt.
 Lindsay, Coutts, 2nd Bt.
 Murray, Charles David, Lord Murray
 St. Clair-Erskine, Robert Francis, 4th Earl of Rosslyn
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Flintshire
 Bankes, John Scott
 Bates, Frederic Alan
 Cayley, George Everard Arthur, 9th Bt.
 Davies-Cooke, Bryan George
 Davies-Cooke, Philip
 Davies-Cooke, Philip Bryan
 Gladstone, Albert Charles, of Fasque and Balfour, 5th Bt.
 Gladstone, William Henry
 Hanmer, Wyndham Charles Henry, 6th Bt.
 Hanmer, Wyndham Edward, 4th Bt.
 Kenyon, George Thomas
 Lloyd, Llewelyn Falkner Lloyd
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Edward Llewelyn Roger, 4th Baron Mostyn of Mostyn
 Mostyn, Edward Henry
 Mostyn, Pyers William, 9th Bt.
 Rowley, Richard Thomas
 Rowley-Conwy, Conwy Grenville Hercules
 Trevor-Roper, Charles James
 Walthall, Edward Walthall Delves
 Williams, Evelyn Hugh Watkin
 Williams, William Grenville, 4th Bt.
 Summers, Geoffrey, 1st Bt. ( 1938 )
 Gladstone, Erskine William, of Fasque and Balfour, 7th Bt. ( 1969 )
Count equals 23 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Forfar
 Ogilvy, David Stanley William, 10th Earl of Airlie ( 1890 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Forfarshire
 Bowes-Lyon, Francis
 Bowes-Lyon, Herbert
 Bowes-Lyon, John Herbert
 Carnegie, George John, 9th Earl of Northesk
 Carnegie, James, 9th Earl of Southesk
 Drummond, John Ian Edward
 Haldane-Duncan, Robert Adam Philips, 3rd Earl of Camperdown of Lundie
 Munro, Campbell, of Lindertis, 3rd Bt.
 Munro, Hugh Thomas, of Lindertis, 4th Bt.
 Munro, Thomas, of Lindertis, 2nd Bt.
 Ogilvy, Reginald Howard Alexander, 10th Bt.
Count equals 11 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Forfarshire and Dundee
 Armitstead, George, 1st and last Baron Armitstead
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of GLoucestershire
 St. Clair, George James Paul ( 1953 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Glamorgan
 Bassett, Richard
 Bruce, John Hamilton
 Byass, Sidney Hutchinson, 1st Bt.
 Cadman, Richard
 Carne, Robert
 Cory, James Herbert, 1st Bt.
 Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn
 Dillwyn, Lewis Weston
 Dillwyn-Llewelyn, John
 Dillwyn-Llewelyn, John Talbot, 1st Bt.
 Gore, Francis William George
 Grenfell, Pascoe St. Leger
 Guest, Arthur Edward
 Jones, Robert Oliver
 Lewis, William Thomas, 1st Baron Merthyr
 Llewellyn, Robert William
 Llewellyn, William
 Llewellyn, William
 Morris, George Byng
 Morris, Robert Armine, 4th Bt.
 Seager, William Henry
 Smith, William Reardon, 1st Bt.
 Spearman, Joseph Layton Elmes, 2nd Bt.
 Thomas, David Alfred, 1st Viscount Rhondda
 Thomas, William James, 1st Bt.
 Vivian, Arthur Pendarves
 Vivian, Ernest Ambrose, 2nd Baron Swansea of Singleton
 Vivian, John Aubrey
 Vivian, John Henry
 Vivian, Odo Richard, 3rd Baron Swansea of Singleton
 Vivian, William Graham
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Henry, 5th Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl
 Bruce, Henry Austin, 1st Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1847 )
 Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1936 )
 Llewellyn, William Herbert Clydwyn ( 1946 )
 Byass, Geoffrey Robert Sidney, 2nd Bt. ( 1963 )
 Heycock, Llewellyn, Baron Heycock ( 1963 )
 Bruce, Morys George Lyndhurst, 4th Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1966-1980 )
Count equals 38 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Glamorganshire
 Romilly, John Gaspard le Marchant, 3rd Baron Romilly
 Hall, George Henry, 1st Viscount Hall ( 1953 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Glasgow
 Arthur, Matthew, of Carlung, 1st Baron Glenarthur
 Douglas-Home, Charles Alexander, 12th Earl of Home
 Dunlop, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig
 Hozier, William Wallace, 1st Baron Newlands
 King, James, 1st Bt.
 MacLeod, John Mackintosh, 1st Bt.
 Mackay, John Jackson, Baron Mackay of Ardbrecknish
 Maclay, Joseph Paton, 1st Baron Maclay
 McCowan, David, 1st Bt.
 Primrose, John Ure, 1st Bt.
 Reid, Andrew Thomson
 Stewart, James Watson, of Balgownie, 1st Bt.
 Ure, John
 Weir, William, 1st Viscount Weir
 Fraser, Hugh, 1st Baron Fraser of Allander ( 1953 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Glocuestershire
 Scudamore, John, 2nd Viscount Scudamore
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Gloucestershire
 Acland, David Alfred
 Barnett, Charles
 Bathurst, Allen Algernon, Lord Apsley
 Bathurst, Allen Benjamin
 Bathurst, Seymour Henry, 7th Earl Bathurst of Bathurst
 Bazley, Gardner Sebastian
 Bazley, Thomas Sebastian, 2nd Bt.
 Bazley, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Bengough, John Charles
 Berkeley, Robert John Grantley
 Cave, Charles Daniel, 1st Bt.
 Cave, George
 Cave, Stephen
 Cave, Stephen
 Colchester-Wemyss, Maynard Willoughby
 Curtis-Hayward, John
 Curtis-Hayward, John Frederick
 Darell, Lionel Edward Hamilton Marmaduke, 6th Bt.
 Darell, Lionel Edward, 5th Bt.
 Dutton, John
 Eyres Monsell, Bolton Meredith, 1st Viscount Monsell
 Fetherston-Godley, Francis William Crewe
 Freeman-Mitford, Algernon Bertram, 1st Baron Redesdale
 Fry, Lewis
 Guise, William Francis George, 5th Bt.
 Harford, John Battersby
 Harford, John Scandrett
 Hicks-Beach, Michael Edward, 1st Earl Saint Aldwyn
 Horlick, James, 1st Bt.
 Howard, Edward Stafford
 Howard, Francis
 Jenkinson, George Banks, 12th Bt.
 Marling, Percival Scope, 3rd Bt., V.C.
 Marling, William Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Morrison-Bell, Ernest Fitzroy
 Noel, Edward Andrew
 Ponsonby, Ashley George John
 Reynolds-Moreton, Henry Haughton, Lord Moreton
 Reynolds-Moreton, Richard Charles
 Smith, Philip Reginald
 Somerset, Henry Adelbert Wellington FitzRoy, 9th Duke of Beaufort
 Stephens-Townshend, Maurice FitzGerald
 Thackwell, John
 Vassar-Smith, Richard, 1st Bt.
 Wedderburn, William, 4th Bt.
 Howard, Algar Henry Stafford ( 1936 )
 Hicks-Beach, Michael John, 2nd Earl Saint Aldwyn ( 1950 )
 Fock, Bernard Lorenzo ( 1953 )
 Goschen, Arthur Alec ( 1953 )
 Weld Forester, Edric Alfred Cecil ( 1953 )
 Brassey, Edwin Perceval ( 1956 )
 Palmer, John Archdale, 7th Bt. ( 1956 )
 Ashton, Thomas Henry Raymond, 2nd Baron Ashton of Hyde ( 1957 )
 Bathurst, Henry Allen John, 8th Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1960-1986 )
 Hicks-Beach, William Whitehead ( 1963 )
 Wingfield, Charles Talbot Rhys ( 1963 )
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge ( 1965 )
 Wigram, George Neville Clive, 2nd Baron Wigram ( 1969 )
 Ponsonby, Thomas Maurice ( 1972 )
 Vestey, Samuel George Armstrong, 3rd Baron Vestey ( 1982 )
 Bonham, Antony Lionel Thomas, 4th Bt. ( 1983 )
 Richardson, Gordon William Humphrey, Baron Richardson of Duntisbourne ( 1983 )
 Skyrme, William Thomas Charles ( 1983 )
 Fane, David Anthony Thomas, 15th Earl of Westmorland ( 1991 )
 Wills, Michael Thomas Noel Hamilton ( 1991 )
Count equals 65 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Grater London
 Macpherson, Ronald Thomas Stewart, of Biallid ( 1977 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Great London
 Mishcon, Victor, Baron Mishcon
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Greater London
 Dudgeon, Michael G.
 Mallinson, Terence Stuart
 Harvie-Watt, George Steven, 1st Bt. ( 1966-1989 )
 Constantine, Theodore, Baron Constantine of Stanmore ( 1967 )
 Weldon, Hamilton Edward Crosdill ( 1967 )
 Plummer, Arthur Desmond Herne, Baron Plummer of St Marylebone ( 1970 )
 Boyd-Carpenter, John Archibald, Baron Boyd-Carpenter ( 1973 )
 Blois, Evelyn Hester, Baroness Macleod of Borve ( 1977 )
 Cubitt, Hugh Guy ( 1978 )
 Bowness, Peter Spencer, Baron Bowness ( 1981 )
 Greengross, David Alan ( 1986 )
 Newall, Francis Storer Eaton, 2nd Baron Newall ( 1988 )
 Slim, John Douglas, 2nd Viscount Slim ( 1988 )
 Imbert, Peter Michael, Baron Imbert ( 1994 )
 Cadogan, Charles Gerald John, 8th Earl Cadogan ( 1996 )
 Balchin, Robert George Alexander, Baron Lingfield ( from 2001 )
 Benjamin, Floella Karen Yunies, Baroness Benjamin ( 2008 )
 Duckworth, Simon D'Olier ( 2008 )
 Bruce, Alastair Andrew Bernard Reibey, of Crionaich ( 2012 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Greater Manchester
 Gregson, John, Baron Gregson ( 1979 )
 Morris, Charles Richard ( 1985 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Gwent
 Thomas, William James Cooper, 2nd Bt. ( 1973 )
 Napier, Lennox Alexander Hawkins ( 1984-1995 )
 Hughes, Royston John, Baron Islwyn ( 1992 )
 Boyle, Simon Hugh Patrick ( 1997 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Gwynedd
 Stanley, Thomas Henry Oliver, 8th Baron Stanley of Alderley ( 1985 )
 Evans, David Lloyd ( 1988 )
 Montgomery, Anne Radclyffe ( 1989 )
 Williams-Bulkeley, Richard Thomas, 14th Bt. ( 1998 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Haddington
 Aitchison-Denman, Thomas, 2nd Baron Denman of Dovedale
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, 10th Earl of Haddington
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, Lord Binning
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 3rd Bt.
 Hay, Arthur, 9th Marquess of Tweeddale
 Kinloch, Alexander, of Gilmerton, 10th Bt.
 Maitland, Frederick Henry, 13th Earl of Lauderdale
 Nisbet Hamilton Ogilvy, Henry Thomas
 Warrender, George, of Lochend, 6th Bt.
Count equals 9 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Haddington and Selkirk
 Charteris, Francis Richard, 10th Earl of Wemyss
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Haddingtonshire
 Buchan-Hepburn, Archibald, of Smeaton Hepburn, 4th Bt.
 Charteris, Hugo Richard, 11th Earl of Wemyss
 Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Hampshire
 Abbott, William
 Agar, James Charles Herbert Welbore Ellis, 3rd Earl of Normanton
 Agar, Sidney James, 4th Earl of Normanton
 Aman, Dudley Leigh, 1st Baron Marley
 Anderson-Pelham, Evelyn Cornwallis
 Ashley, Anthony Evelyn Melbourne
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell
 Baring, Francis Denzil Edward, 5th Baron Ashburton
 Baring, Godfrey, 1st Bt.
 Bates, Edward, 1st Bt.
 Beach, William Wither Bramston
 Beauclerk, Frederick Edward
 Berry, William Ewart, 1st Viscount Camrose
 Booth-Jones, Thomas Vernon
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt.
 Burrard, George, 4th Bt.
 Burrard, John
 Burrard, Paul
 Butler, Edward
 Carnegie, George John, 9th Earl of Northesk
 Chichester, Arthur Claud Spencer, 4th Baron Templemore
 Crichton, Richard Edward
 Curzon, Henry Dugdale
 Dewar, David
 Doughty-Tichborne, Henry Alfred Joseph, 12th Bt.
 Douglas, Edward William
 Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Henry John Montagu, 1st Baron Montagu of Beaulieu
 Douglas-Scott-Montagu, John Walter Edward, 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu
 Drummond, James Eric, 16th Earl of Perth
 Drummond, Maldwin
 Dupree, William Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Fitzroy, Francis Horatio
 Forbes, George
 Gore-Browne, Henry George, V.C.
 Halsey, Walter Johnstone, 2nd Bt.
 Harcourt, William George Granville
 Harris, Edward James, 4th Earl of Malmesbury
 Harris, James Edward, 5th Earl of Malmesbury
 Hoare, Joseph Wallis O'Bryen, 5th Bt.
 Hobart, Claud Vere Cavendish, 2nd Bt.
 Hulse, Edward, 5th Bt.
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe
 Jolliffe, William Sydney Hylton
 Leavett-Shenley, John Alfred
 Leveson-Gower, Philip
 Long, Walter
 Macnaghten, Steuart
 Mitford, Henry Reveley
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward James
 Nicholson, William
 Nicholson, William Graham
 Paulet, Augustus John Henry Beaumont, 15th Marquess of Winchester
 Phillimore, Augustus
 Phillips, Lionel, 1st Bt.
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward
 Portal, Bertram Percy
 Portal, William Wyndham, 2nd Bt.
 Portal, Wyndham Spencer, 1st Bt.
 Proby, Douglas James
 Rose, George Henry
 Royden, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Royden
 Rycroft, Nelson, 4th Bt.
 Rycroft, Richard Nelson, 5th Bt.
 Sclater-Booth, George, 1st Baron Basing of Basin Byflete and of Hoddington
 Sclater-Booth, George, 2nd Baron Basing of Basin Byflete and of Hoddington
 Scott, George Arthur Jervoise
 Scott, James Winter
 St. John-Mildmay, Henry Bouverie Paulett, 5th Bt.
 Thesiger, Bertram Sackville
 Wellesley, Arthur Charles, 4th Duke of Wellington
 White, Rudolph Dymoke, 2nd Bt.
 Wigram, Frederick Wellington John Fitzwygram, 4th Bt.
 Jervoise, Thomas ( 1673-1676 )
 Hawker, Peter ( 1830 )
 Beauclerk, Charles William ( 1844 )
 Jones, Edwin F. ( 1890 )
 Cayzer, Herbert Robin, 1st Baron Rotherwick ( 1936-1950 )
 Scott, Jervoise Bolitho, 1st Bt. ( 1936 )
 Sclater-Booth, John Limbrey Robert, 3rd Baron Basing of Basin Byflete and of Hoddington ( 1939-1950 )
 Mount, William Malcolm, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
 Cunningham, Alan Gordon ( 1950 )
 Baring, Alexander Francis St. Vincent, 6th Baron Ashburton ( 1951 )
 Lubbock, Alan ( 1951 )
 Curtis, William Patrick Stewart ( 1952 )
 Jardine, Colin Arthur, 3rd Bt. ( 1954 )
 Morgan, Vaughan ( 1955 )
 Oliver-Bellasis, John ( 1955 )
 Constable-Maxwell, Gerald Joseph ( 1957 )
 Harris, William James, 6th Earl of Malmesbury ( 1957 )
 Montgomery, Bernard Law, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ( 1959 )
 Makins, William Vivian, 3rd Bt. ( 1960 )
 Baring, Charles Christian, 2nd Bt. ( 1962 )
 Smiley, Hugh Houston, 3rd Bt. ( 1962-1973 )
 Herbert, Henry George Reginald Molyneux, 7th Earl of Carnarvon ( 1965 )
 Phillimore, Richard Augustus Bagot ( 1965 )
 Tollemache, Humphrey Thomas, 6th Bt. ( 1965 )
 Pelly, John Alwyne, 6th Bt. ( 1972 )
 Chamberlayne-Macdonald, Nigel Donald Peter ( 1975 )
 Dawnay, Peter ( 1975 )
 Wellesley, Arthur Valerian, 8th Duke of Wellington ( 1975 )
 Wills, Victor Patrick Hamilton ( 1975 )
 White, Lynton Stuart ( 1977 )
 Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron Denning ( 1978 )
 Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield ( 1978 )
 Boyle, Michael Patrick Radcliffe ( 1982 )
 Fraser, David William ( 1982 )
 Palmer, John Roundell, 4th Earl of Selborne ( 1982 )
 Morgan-Giles, Morgan Charles ( 1983 )
 Prideaux, Humphrey Povah Treverbian ( 1983 )
 Bruce, Henry Victor, of Salloch ( 1984 )
 Stanier, John Wilfred ( 1987 )
 Slessor, John Arthur Guinness ( 1989 )
 Inskip, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote ( 1991 )
 Greig, Henry Louis Carron ( 1992 )
 Ramsbotham, Peter Edward, 3rd Viscount Soulbury ( 1992 )
 Baring, John Francis Harcourt, 7th Baron Ashburton ( 1994 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Miles James, 9th Bt. ( 1996 )
 Radcliffe, Mark Hugh Joseph Radcliffe ( 1997 )
 Wakeham, John, Baron Wakeham ( 1997 )
 William-Powlett, Judith Jean Wallop ( 1999 )
 Dawson, Jane Diana ( 2006 )
 Cubitt, Hugo John ( 2017 )
 Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Mary Rachel ( 2017 )
Count equals 123 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Hampshire, England
 Paget, Bernard Charles Tolver ( 1960 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Haverfordwest
 Foley-Philipps, George William Fisher
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Hereford
 Bengough, Piers Henry George
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Hereford and Worcester
 Lechmere, Berwick Hungerford, 6th Bt. ( 1974-1977 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Herefordshire
 Arbuthnot, George
 Bailey, Henry James
 Berkeley, Robert John Grantley
 Biddulph, John Michael Gordon, 2nd Baron Biddulph
 Biddulph, Michael, 1st Baron Biddulph
 Biddulph, Robert
 Cayley, Digby Leonard Arthur
 Clark, Frederick
 Clive, George Sidney
 Cockburn, Edward Cludde, of that Ilk, 8th Bt.
 Cornewall, George Henry, 5th Bt.
 Cotterell, Geers Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Croft, Herbert Archer, 10th Bt.
 Croft, Herbert George Denman, 9th Bt.
 Devereux, Humphrey de Bohun
 Harington, Richard, 11th Bt.
 Hewitt, James Charles Archibald
 Heygate, Edward Leonard Aspinall
 Hodgetts-Foley, Paul Henry
 Hutchinson, Arthur
 Hutchinson, Edward Smelley
 Lea, George Harris
 Lighton, Christopher Robert, 7th Bt.
 Money-Kyrle, Audley Walter Washbourne
 Money-Kyrle, John Ernle
 Prescott-Decie, Richard
 Rodney, George Bridges Harley Dennett, 7th Baron Rodney of Rodney Stoke
 Rouse-Boughton-Knight, Andrew Johnes
 Rouse-Boughton-Knight, Charles Andrew
 Somerset, Henry Charles Somers Augustus
 Walsham, John
 Walsham, John James, 1st Bt.
 Wood, John, 1st Bt.
 Rodd, Francis James Rennell, 2nd Baron Rennell ( 1948-1957 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Francis Lynch Wellington, 4th Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore ( 1953-1960 )
 Falkiner, Terence Edmond Patrick, 8th Bt. ( 1965 )
 Hervey-Bathurst, Benjamin Alexander Frederick ( 1967 )
Count equals 37 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Herefordshire and Worcestershire
 Corbett, Uvedale ( 1983 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Hertford
 Laming, William Herbert, Baron Laming ( 1999 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Hertfordshire
 Acland, William Henry Dyke, 3rd Bt.
 Boulton, Samual Bagster, 1st Bt.
 Bowlby, Edward Salvin
 Browne, John George Cotton
 Bulwer-Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert, 2nd Earl of Lytton
 Butler, Charles
 Buxton, Henry Alexander Fowell
 Buxton, John Henry
 Capell, George Devereux de Vere, 7th Earl of Essex
 Croft, Henry Page, 1st Baron Croft
 Croft, Richard Benyon
 Croft, Richard Page
 Cust, Adelbert Wellington Brownlow, 3rd Earl Brownlow
 Fremantle, Francis Edward
 Garrard, Samuel, 4th Bt.
 Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, 4th Marquess of Salisbury
 Griffith, Guendolen Mabel Maclean
 Grotrian, Herbert Brent, 1st Bt.
 Halsey, Walter Johnstone, 2nd Bt.
 Henderson, Brodie Haldane
 Herbert, Dennis Henry, 1st Baron Hemingford
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan
 Lawes, John Bennet
 Leigh, John Gerard
 Lysley, William John
 Motion, Joan Elizabeth Mary
 Nall-Cain, Charles Alexander, 1st Baron Brocket
 Paston-Cooper, Astley Paston, 3rd Bt.
 Priestley, Joseph Child
 Sebright, Edgar Reginald Saunders, 11th Bt.
 Sebright, Egbert Cecil Saunders, 10th Bt.
 Villiers, George Herbert Hyde, 6th Earl of Clarendon
 Morrison, Charles, 1st and last Bt. ( 1618-1624 )
 Church, Geoffrey Selby, 2nd Bt. ( 1931 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur James, 5th Marquess of Salisbury ( 1937 )
 Dorrien-Smith, Arthur Algernon ( 1938 )
 Coghill, Marmaduke Nevill Patrick Somerville, 6th Bt. ( 1942 )
 Halsey, Thomas Edgar, 3rd Bt. ( 1948 )
 Fremantle, Francis David Eardley ( 1959 )
 Gilliat, Martin ( 1963 )
 Grimston, John, 6th Earl of Verulam ( 1963 )
 Lloyd, Alexander David Frederick, 2nd Baron Lloyd ( 1963 )
 Tufton, George William Anthony, 5th Baron Hothfield of Hothfield ( 1963 )
 Cobbold, Cameron Fromanteel, 1st Baron Cobbold ( 1972 )
 Boyle, Richard Courtenay ( 1976 )
 MacLaurin, Ian Charter, Baron MacLaurin of Knebworth ( 1992 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Richard Oakley ( 1992 )
 Lytton Cobbold, David Antony Fromanteel, 2nd Baron Cobbold ( 1993 )
 Halsey, Nicholas Guy ( 1998 )
 Ropner, Katherine ( 2019 )
Count equals 50 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Humberside
 Phillips, Joseph Anthony Moore
 Watson, Joseph Rupert Eric Robert, 3rd Baron Manton ( 1980 )
 Wood, Charles Edward Peter Neil, 3rd Earl of Halifax ( 1983-1996 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Huntingdon
 Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, Baron Renton ( 1962 )
 Cecil, David George Brownlow, 6th Marquess of Exeter ( 1965 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Huntingdon and Peterborough
 Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, Baron Renton ( 1964 )
 Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, William Thomas George, 10th Earl Fitzwilliam ( 1965 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Huntingdonshire
 Chichester, Alan George
 Fellowes, Edward, 1st Baron de Ramsey of Ramsey Abbey
 Heathcote, John Moyer
 Heathcote, John Moyer
 Montagu, Charles William Augustus
 Newton, George Onslow
 Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich ( 1643 )
 Proby, Douglas James ( 1925 )
 Proby, Richard George, 1st Bt. ( 1952-1957 )
 Monck, Henry Wyndham Stanley, 6th Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon ( 1973 )
Count equals 10 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Huntingdonshire and Peterborough
 Brassey, Peter Esmé ( 1965 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Invernes-shire
 Macdonald, Allan, 8th of Belfinlay and 1st of Waternish
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Inverness, Nairn and Lochaber
 Gray, Hamish James Hector Northey, Baron Gray of Contin ( 1989 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Inverness-shire
 Baillie, James Evan Bruce, of Dochfour
 Baird, Alexander, of Ury, 1st Bt.
 Baird, James, of Auchmedden
 Baird, John
 Bosville Macdonald, Ronald Archibald, 6th Baron Macdonald of Slate
 Cameron, Dunca, of Inverailort
 Campbell, Frederick Archibald Vaughan, of Cawdor, 3rd Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
 Campbell, John Frederick Vaughan, of Cawdor, 2nd Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
 Chisholm, James Sutherland, of Chisholm
 Farrell, Lucretia Pauline Rebecca Ann
 Fitzalan-Howard, Francis Edward, 2nd Baron Howard of Glossop
 Fraser, Alastair Thomas Joseph
 Gough, Hugh William, 4th Viscount Gough of Goojerat
 Macdonald, Alexander, 1st Baron Macdonald of Slate
 Macdonald, Allan, 2nd of Waternish and the Isle of Rona
 Macdonald, John Andrew, 13th of Glenaladale
 Mackintosh, William, 15th of Mackintosh
 Macneil, Roderick, 21st of Barra
 Macpherson, Ewan, of Cluny Macpherson, 14th Chief
 Macpherson, Ewen Henry Davidson, of Cluny Macpherson, 16th Chief
 Macpherson-Grant, George Bertram
 Macpherson-Grant, George, 3rd Bt.
 Macpherson-Grant, John, of Ballindalloch, 4th Bt.
 Middleton, Charles Marmaduke
 Murray, Alexander Edward, 8th Earl of Dunmore, V.C.
 Murray, Charles Adolphus, 7th Earl of Dunmore
 Scarlett, Hugh Richard, 7th Baron Abinger
 Scarlett, William Frederick, 3rd Baron Abinger
 Stirling-Maxwell, John, of Keir, 10th Bt.
 Stuart, Edmund Archibald, 15th Earl of Moray
 Stuart, George Philip, 14th Earl of Moray
 Fraser, Simon Christopher Joseph, 15th Lord (Fraser of) Lovat ( 1942 )
 Cameron, Donald Hamish, of Lochiel, 26th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1952 )
 Cameron, Charles Alexander ( 1956-1987 )
 Baillie, Michael Evan Victor, 3rd Baron Burton of Burton-on-Trent and of Rangemore ( 1963-1965 )
 Mackintosh, Lachlan Ronald Duncan, 30th of Mackintosh ( 1965 )
 Leveson-Gower, Granville James, 5th Earl Granville ( 1974 )
Count equals 37 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Isle of Wight
 Hamond-Graeme, Graham Eden William Graeme, 4th Bt.
 Simeon, John Stephen Barrington, 4th Bt.
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Kendal
 Wakefield, Edward William
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Kent
 Akers, Aretas
 Avigdor-Goldsmid, Osmond Elim, 1st Bt.
 Bligh, Ivo Francis Walter, 8th Earl of Darnley
 Boscawen, Evelyn Edward Thomas, 7th Viscount Falmouth
 Byng, James Master Owen
 Carmichael, James Robert, 2nd Bt.
 Child, Coles, 1st Bt.
 Cook, Edwin Adolphus
 Cornwallis, Fiennes Stanley Wykeham, 1st Baron Cornwallis
 Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey, 7th Earl Cowper
 Croft, John, 1st Bt.
 Davis, Arthur Charles, 1st Bt.
 Dering, Henry Edward, 10th Bt.
 Dering, Henry Nevill, 9th Bt.
 Drummond, Laurence George
 French, John Tracy William
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
 Gathorne-Hardy, Alfred Erskine
 Goodhart, Charles Emmanuel
 Goschen, George Joachim, 1st Viscount Goschen
 Goschen, George Joachim, 2nd Viscount Goschen
 Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penhurst
 Hardinge, Edmund Stracey, 4th Bt.
 Hardinge, Henry Charles, 3rd Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton
 Harris Temple, Reginald
 Hart Dyke, William, 7th Bt.
 Herschell, Farrar, 1st Baron Herschell of the City of Durban
 Honywood, Courtenay, 7th Bt.
 James, Walter Henry, 2nd Baron Northbourne of Betteshanger
 Jessel, Charles James, 1st Bt.
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward, 2nd Baron Brabourne of Brabourne
 Law, Henry Spencer
 Legge, Arthur Charles
 Leigh-Pemberton, Edward
 Low, Stephen Philpot
 Lubbock, John Birkbeck, 2nd Baron Avebury
 Lubbock, John, 1st Baron Avebury
 Mackinnon, Francis Alexander, of Strathaird, 35th Chief of MacKinnon
 Mackinnon, William Alexander, of Strathaird, 34th Chief of MacKinnon
 Malcolm, John, 14th of Poltalloch
 Mildmay, Henry Bingham
 Miller, Richard Combe
 Mills, Charles William, 2nd Baron Hillingdon
 Morley, Samuel, 1st Baron Hollenden
 Nevill, Ralph Pelham
 North, Frederick George, 8th Earl of Guilford
 Roper-Curzon, Henry John Philip Sidney, 18th Baron Teynham
 Sackville-West, Lionel Edward, 3rd Baron Sackville of Knole
 Sackville-West, Lionel, 2nd Baron Sackville of Knole
 Stirling, Walter, of Faskine, 2nd Bt.
 Stopford, Lionel Arthur Montagu
 Warde, Charles Edward, 1st Bt.
 Waterlow, Sydney Hedley, 1st Bt.
 Wykeham-Martin, Charles
 Astor, John Jacob, 1st Baron Astor of Hever ( 1936-1962 )
 Pym, Charles Evelyn ( 1938 )
 Scarlett, Percy Gerald ( 1949 )
 Sidney, William Philip, 1st Viscount De L'Isle, V.C. ( 1949 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard ( 1949 )
 Cavendish, Ralph Henry Voltelin ( 1952 )
 ffrench Blake, Arthur O'Brien ( 1955 )
 Ackroyd, Cuthbert Lowell, 1st Bt. ( 1962 )
 Deedes, William Francis, Baron Deedes ( 1962 )
 Pym, Alexander Ruthven ( 1963 )
 Astor, Gavin, 2nd Baron Astor of Hever ( 1966 )
 Baring, George Rowland Stanley, 3rd Earl of Cromer ( 1968 )
 Leigh-Pemberton, Robert Robin, Baron Kingsdown ( 1970-1972 )
 Cornwallis, Wykeham Stanley, 2nd Baron Cornwallis ( 1972 )
 Greenaway, Derek Burdick, 2nd Bt. ( 1973 )
 Low, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron Aldington ( 1973 )
 Mountbatten, Patricia Edwina Victoria, Countess Mountbatten of Burma ( 1973 )
 Rodgers, John Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1973 )
 Cornwallis, Fiennes Neil Wykeham, 3rd Baron Cornwallis ( 1976 )
 McAlpine, Kenneth ( 1976 )
 Phillimore, John Gore ( 1979 )
 Kindersley, Robert Hugh Molesworth, 3rd Baron Kindersley ( 1986 )
 Emerton, Audrey Caroline, Baroness Emerton ( 1992 )
 Thomson, George Morgan, Baron Thomson of Monifieth ( 1992 )
 Weatherill, Bruce Bernard, Baron Weatherill ( 1992 )
 Wells, John Julius ( 1992 )
 Sidney, Philip John Algernon, 2nd Viscount De L'Isle ( 1995 )
 Astor, John Jacob, 3rd Baron Astor of Hever ( 1996 )
 James, Christopher George Walter, 5th Baron Northbourne of Betteshanger ( 1996 )
 Avigdor-Goldsmid, Rosemary Chloe ( 1997 )
 Mayhew, Patrick Barnabas Burke, Baron Mayhew of Twysden ( 2001 )
Count equals 85 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Kerry
 Spring, William Collis
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Kincardineshire
 Arbuthnott, John, 10th Viscount Arbuthnott
 Baird, John Lawrence, of Ury, 1st Viscount Stonehaven
 Baird, John, of Ury
 Burnett-Ramsay, Thomas
 Carnegie, Charles Noel, 10th Earl of Southesk
 Colville, Charles Alexander, 3rd Viscount Colville of Culross
 Duff Gordon, Cosmo Edmund, 5th Bt.
 Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis, Charles Henry Rolle, 20th Lord Clinton
 Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis, Charles John Robert, 21st Lord Clinton
 Innes, James William Guy
 Irvine-Fortescue, Archer
 Irvine-Fortescue, Archer
 Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore
 Bentinck, Walter Guy, Baron Bentinck ( 1930 )
 Carnegie, Charles Alexander, 11th Earl of Southesk ( 1930 )
 Innes, Alexander ( 1953 )
 Irvine-Fortescue, James William ( 1957 )
 Arbuthnott, Robert Keith, 15th Viscount Arbuthnott ( 1959 )
 Keith, James Ian, 12th Earl of Kintore ( 1959 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of King's COunty
 Hackett, Thomas
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of King's County
 Darby, Jonathan Charles
 Enraght-Moony, Robert James
 Goodbody, James Perry
 Graham-Toler, Hector John, 3rd Earl of Norbury
 Graham-Toler, Hector Robert
 Graham-Toler, Otway Scarlett
 Graves, William Grogan
 Hastings, Warner Francis John Plantagenet, 15th Earl of Huntingdon
 King, Henry Louis
 Minchin, George John
 Stoney, Andrew Acres
 Warburton, Richard
 Colley, Henry ( 1574 )
Count equals 13 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Kinross
 Peto, Joanna Dava
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Kinross-shire
 Graham-Montgomery, Walter Basil
 Moncreiff, James William
 Purvis-Russell-Montgomery, Henry Keith ( 1937 )
 Montgomery, Basil Henry David, 9th Bt. ( 1960 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Kirkcudbrightshire
 Abercromby, Robert, of Birkenbog, 5th Bt.
 Constable-Maxwell-Stuart, Herbert Joseph, 17th of Traquair
 Gordon, William, 6th Bt.
 Newall, James
 Stewart, Alan Plantagenet, 10th Earl of Galloway
 Stewart, Alexander
 Erskine, John Maxwell, 1st Baron Erskine of Rerrick ( 1940 )
 St. Clair, Charles Murray Kennedy, 8th/17th Lord Sinclair ( 1969-1974 )
 Ross, Walter Hugh Malcolm ( 2003 )
Count equals 9 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Lanarkshire
 Anstruther-Gray, William, of Kilmany and Carntyne
 Campbell, George, of Succoth, 4th Bt.
 Campbell, Walter Frederick, 5th of Islay and of Woodhall
 Carmichael-Anstruther, Windham Charles James, 8th and 5th Bt.
 Carmichael-Anstruther, Windham Robert, 9th and 6th Bt.
 Carmichael-Anstruther, Windham, 7th and 4th Bt.
 Dalrymple, George Grey
 Dalrymple, John Hamilton, 10th Earl of Stair
 Douglas-Hamilton, Alfred Douglas, 13th Duke of Hamilton
 Dunlop, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Hamilton, Alexander Charles, 10th Lord Belhaven and Stenton
 Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow
 Hope-Vere, James Charles
 Hore-Ruthven, Walter Patrick, 10th Lord Ruthven of Freeland
 Keith, Henry Shanks
 King, James, 1st Bt.
 Lamont, Archibald
 Montgomerie, Archibald William, 14th Earl of Eglinton
 Muir, John, of Deanston, 1st Bt.
 Robertson-Aikman, George
 Stewart, James Watson, of Balgownie, 1st Bt.
 Stirling, Archibald, of Keir
 Udny-Hamilton, Robert Edward Archibald, 11th Lord Belhaven and Stenton
 Ure, John
 Watson, John, 1st Bt.
 Wilson, John, of Airdrie, 1st Bt.
 Carmichael-Anstruther, Windham Eric Francis, 11th and 8th Bt. ( 1940 )
 Macdonald Lockhart, Simon Foster, 25th of the Lee ( 1950 )
 Colville, Ronald John Bilsland, 2nd Baron Clydesmuir ( 1955 )
 Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick, Baron Home of the Hirsel ( 1960 )
 Gordon-Cranstoun, Alastair Joseph Edgar, of that Ilk ( 1960 )
 Noel-Paton, Victor Ferrier, Baron Ferrier ( 1960 )
 Cranstoun, David Alexander Somerville, of that Ilk and Corehouse ( 1992 )
 Stevenson-Hamilton, James Christopher, 17th of Fairholm ( 1992 )
Count equals 34 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Lancashire
 Archibald, Charles Dickson
 Assheton, Ralph
 Assheton, Ralph
 Assheton, Ralph Cockayne, 1st Bt.
 Assheton, William
 Bates, Edward, 1st Bt.
 Bayley, Daniel
 Bazley, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Birley, John
 Blundell, Francis Nicholas
 Blundell, William
 Bold-Hoghton, Henry, 8th Bt.
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward, 1st Earl of Lathom
 Brooks, Thomas, 1st Baron Crawshaw of Crawshaw
 Brooks, William Cunliffe, 1st and last Bt.
 Brooks, William, 2nd Baron Crawshaw of Crawshaw
 Brown, William, 1st Bt.
 Brunner, John Tomlinson, 1st Bt.
 Cavendish, Richard Frederick
 Cavendish, Victor Christian William, 9th Duke of Devonshire
 Clifton, John Talbot
 Clifton, Thomas Joseph
 Cozens-Hardy, Edward Herbert, 3rd Baron Cozens-Hardy
 Cross, Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount Cross
 Cross, William Assheton
 Earle, Thomas
 Earle, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 Earle, William
 Every-Clayton, Edward
 Fleetwood-Hesketh, Charles Hesketh
 Forbes Adam, Frank, 1st Bt.
 Fox-Powys, Leopold William Henry
 Gerard, Frederick John, 3rd Baron Gerard of Bryn
 Greenall, Gilbert, 1st Bt.
 Heywood, Oliver
 Hoghton, Henry, 9th Bt.
 Hollins, Arthur Meyrick, 2nd Bt.
 Hornby, William Henry, 1st Bt.
 Hulton, William
 Hulton, William Ford
 Hulton, William Wilbraham Blethyn, 1st Bt.
 Kay-Shuttleworth, James Phillips, 1st Bt.
 Lees, Thomas Evans
 Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, 27th Earl of Crawford
 Maclure, Alan Francis
 Maclure, John William, 1st Bt.
 Molyneux, Osbert Cecil, 6th Earl of Sefton
 Pender, John
 Petrie, Charles, 1st Bt.
 Stanley, Arthur
 Stanley, Edward
 Stanley, Edward James
 Sullivan, Edward Robert, 5th Bt.
 Tate, William Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Towneley, Charles
 Towneley, Peregrine Edward
 Walker, Andrew Barclay, 1st Bt.
 Walker, Peter Carlaw, 2nd Bt.
 Walker, William Hall, 1st Baron Wavertree
 Williamson, James, 1st and last Baron Ashton
 Yerburgh, Robert Armstrong
 Yorke, David John
 Molyneux, Hugh William Osbert, 7th Earl of Sefton ( 1931 )
 Nall, Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1931 )
 Cavendish, Richard Edward Osborne ( 1946 )
 Stanley, Edward John, 18th Earl of Derby ( 1946-1951 )
 Hesketh, Roger Fleetwood ( 1950-1972 )
 Assheton, Ralph, 1st Baron Clitheroe ( 1955 )
 Kay-Shuttleworth, Charles Ughtred John, 4th Baron Shuttleworth ( 1956 )
 Stanley, Michael Charles ( 1964 )
 Stokes, Donald Gresham, Baron Stokes ( 1968 )
 Grant, Guinevere ( 1971-1974 )
 Pearson, Francis Fenwick, 1st Bt. ( 1971 )
 Birtwistle, Michael Albert Astley ( 1976 )
 Assheton, Ralph John, 2nd Baron Clitheroe ( 1986 )
 Kay-Shuttleworth, Charles Geoffrey Nicholas, 5th Baron Shuttleworth ( 1986-1997 )
 Hoghton, Richard Bernard Cuthbert, 14th Bt. ( 1988 )
 Moores, Peter ( 1992 )
 Taylor, Thomas, Baron Taylor of Blackburn ( 1994 )
Count equals 79 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Lancasjire
 Legh, William John, 1st Baron Newton
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Larnarkshire
 Tennant, John, of St. Rollox
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Leicester
 Tollemache, Lyonel Humphrey John, 7th Bt. ( 1980 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Leicestershire
 Bewicke-Copley, Robert Godfrey Wolseley, 5th Lord Cromwell
 Bream, Richard Douglas Fowler
 Cunard, Bache Edward, 3rd Bt.
 Everard, William Lindsay
 Fraser, Keith Alexander, of Ledeclune, 5th Bt.
 Gretton, John
 Gretton, John, 1st Baron Gretton
 Heygate, William Unwin
 Legh-Keck, George Anthony
 Levy, Maurice, 1st Bt.
 March Phillipps de Lisle, Ambrose Lisle
 March Phillipps de Lisle, Edwin Joseph Lisle
 March Phillipps, Charles
 Martin, John
 Martin, Robert Edmund
 Mowbray, George Thomas
 Palmer, Edward Geoffrey Broadley, 10th Bt.
 Palmer, Geoffrey Frederick Neill, 11th Bt.
 Powys-Keck, Harry Leycester
 Rolleston, John Fowke Lancelot
 Rolleston, William Gustavus Stanhope
 Rolleston, William Gustavus Stanhope
 Salt, William Henry, 2nd Bt.
 St. Maur, Archibald Henry Algernon, 13th Duke of Somerset
 Verney-Cave, Alfred Thomas Townshend, 5th Lord Braye
 Wheeler, Arthur, 1st Bt.
 Whitmore, Thomas Charles Douglas
 Wilson, Henry William, 11th Lord Berners
 Skipwith, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1641 )
 Dalgliesh, Richard ( 1907 )
 Nutting, Harold Stanmore, 2nd Bt. ( 1931 )
 Packe, Edmund Christopher ( 1935 )
 Hazlerigg, Arthur Grey, 2nd Baron Hazlerigg ( 1946 )
 Leigh, John Cecil Gerard ( 1946 )
 March Phillipps de Lisle, John Adrian Frederick ( 1953 )
 Verney-Cave, Thomas Adrian, 7th Lord Braye ( 1954 )
 Butler, Denis Anthony Brian, 9th Earl of Lanesborough ( 1962 )
 Berry, Geoffrey Lionel, 2nd Viscount Kemsley ( 1972 )
 March Phillipps de Lisle, Everard John Robert ( 1980 )
 Brooks, Timothy Gerald Martin ( 1984-1989 )
 Kimball, Marcus Richard, Baron Kimball ( 1984 )
 Hyde-Thomson, Paul Cater ( 1986 )
 March Phillipps de Lisle, Julian Peter Alexander ( 1991 )
 Brooks, William Michael Clifton, 4th Baron Crawshaw of Crawshaw ( 1992 )
Count equals 44 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Lincolnshire
 Allix, Charles
 Amcotts, Robert
 Bertie, George Augustus Frederick Albemarle, 10th Earl of Lindsey
 Bertie, Montagu Peregrine Albemarle, 12th Earl of Lindsey
 Bertie, Montagu Peregrine, 11th Earl of Lindsey
 Boothby, Francis Stewart Evelyn
 Cecil, Brownlow Henry George, 4th Marquess of Exeter
 Chaplin, Charles
 Cholmeley, Hugh Arthur Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Cordeaux, Edward Cawdron
 Cust, Adelbert Salusbury Cockayne, 5th Baron Brownlow of Belton
 Dickson, David Rutherford
 Finch-Hatton, Murray Edward Gordon, 12th Earl of Winchilsea
 Foljambe, Arthur William de Brito Savile, 2nd Earl of Liverpool
 Heneage, Peter Edward Findley
 Ingram, Herbert
 King-Fane, William Vere Reeve
 Leslie-Melville, Alexander Samuel
 Monson, Augustus John Debonnaire, 9th Baron Monson of Burton
 Pelham, Dudley Roger Hugh
 Rawnsley, Walter Hugh
 Seely, Charles
 Sheffield, Berkeley Digby George, 6th Bt.
 Sleight, Ernest, 2nd Bt.
 Thorold, John Henry, 12th Bt.
 Welby-Gregory, William Earle, 4th Bt.
 Wray, Christopher
 Beauclerk, William Ameleus Aubrey de Vere, 10th Duke of Saint Albans ( 1860 )
 Thorold, John George, 13th Bt. ( 1926-1951 )
 Cust, Peregrine Francis Adelbert, 6th Baron Brownlow of Belton ( 1929 )
 Lindsay, Martin Alexander, of Dowhill, 1st Bt. ( 1938-1945 )
 Cholmeley, Hugh John Francis Sibthorp, 5th Bt. ( 1939 )
 Brace, Henry Fergusson ( 1944 )
 Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Gilbert James, 3rd Earl of Ancaster ( 1947-1950 )
 Pelham, Marcus Herbert, 6th Earl of Yarborough ( 1950 )
 Rawnsley, John Richard Chaplin ( 1950 )
 Reeve, William ( 1950 )
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Roger ( 1950 )
 Fane, Henry William Newman ( 1951 )
 Sheffield, Edmund Charles Reginald ( 1951 )
 Fane, Mountjoy John Charles Wedderburn ( 1952 )
 Hawley, David Henry, 7th Bt. ( 1952 )
 Welby-Everard, Philip Herbert Earle ( 1957 )
 Thorold, Anthony Henry, 15th Bt. ( 1959 )
 Digby, Arthur Kenelm ( 1961 )
 Welby-Everard, Christopher Earle ( 1966 )
 Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Nancy Jane Marie, Baroness Willoughby de Eresby ( 1993 )
 Fane, Julian Francis ( 1997 )
Count equals 48 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Linlithgow
 Erskine, David Stuart, 13th Earl of Buchan
 Stewart-Clark, John, 1st Bt.
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Linlithgowshire
 Dalyell, Robert Alexander Osborne, of the Binns, 8th Bt.
 Hope, Charles
 Hope, John Adrian Louis, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow
 Hope, Thomas
 Hope-Wallace, James
 Shairp, William
Count equals 6 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Liverpool
 Marquis, Frederick James, 1st Earl of Woolton
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of London
 Armstrong-Jones, Robert
 Benn, John Williams, 1st Bt.
 Bigham, Charles Clive, 2nd Viscount Mersey
 Bonsor, Arthur Charles
 Haliburton, Arthur Lawrence, 1st and last Baron Haliburton of Windsor
 Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marquess of Reading
 Kennard, Coleridge John
 Kennard, Robert William
 Lawrence, William
 Milne-Watson, David, 1st Bt.
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Herbert Andrew
 Montagu, Samuel, 1st Baron Swaythling
 Pease, Alfred Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Perring, John Ernest
 Portman, Guy Maurice Berkeley
 Pryce-Jones, Henry Morris
 Rothschild, Alfred Charles
 Wigram, Clifford
 Barnes, Edmund ( 1903 )
 Campbell Swinton, George Sitwell ( 1926 )
 Stopford, James Montagu Burgoyne, 8th Earl of Courtown ( 1951 )
 Rix, Brian Norman Roger, Baron Rix ( 1987-1988 )
Count equals 22 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of London West
 Thorne, Augustus
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Londonderry
 Colthurst, George Conway, 5th Bt.
 Henry, Denis Stanislaus, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
 McFarland, John Talbot, 3rd Bt. ( 1962 )
 McCorkell, Patrick Evelyn ( 1971 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Lothian
 Borthwick, John Henry Stuart, of that Ilk, 23rd Lord Borthwick ( 1965 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Merionethshire
 Kenyon-Slaney, William
 Oakeley, William Edward
 Scott, George Frederick
 Taylor, John Leigh
 Tottenham, Charles Robert Worsley
 Vane-Tempest, Henry John
Count equals 6 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Merseyside
 Pilkington, Antony Richard
 Stanley, Edward Richard William, 19th Earl of Derby ( 1999 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Middlesex
 Bethell, Slingsby
 Bingham, George Charles, 5th Earl of Lucan
 Blair, Reginald, 1st and last Bt.
 Bourke, Henry Lorton
 Butler, Charles Lennox
 Butler, Robert St. John FitzWalter, 16th/26th Baron Dunboyne
 Byng, Edmund Henry, 6th Earl of Strafford
 Cadogan, Frederick William
 Cheere, Henry, 1st Bt.
 Collier, Robert, 2nd Baron Monkswell of Monkswell
 Cooper, Arthur Hamilton
 Cory-Wright, Cory Francis, 1st Bt.
 Fane de Salis, Jerome, 4th Comte de Salis
 Farquhar, Horace Brand, 1st and last Earl Farquhar
 Fitz-Clarence, William George, 2nd Earl of Munster
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
 Gibbons, Charles, 6th Bt.
 Gibbons, John, 5th Bt.
 Goldsmid, Aron Benedictus
 Greville, George Frederick
 Grosvenor, Algernon Henry
 Harington, John Edward, 10th Bt.
 Harrison, Henry Anthony
 Hobart, Robert Henry, 1st Bt.
 Holland, Henry Thurstan, 1st Viscount Knutsford
 Huggins, Edward
 Lampson, Norman George
 Lawrence, Alexander Graham, 3rd Baron Lawrence of the Punjaub and of Grately
 Loftus, Henry John
 Mackenzie, James Thompson, of Glenmuick, 1st Bt.
 Manners-Sutton, Graham Edward Henry
 Nield, Herbert
 Onslow, Richard, 1st Baron Onslow
 Paget, Berkeley
 Perring, John Ernest
 Prescott, William Henry, 1st Bt.
 Rose, Philip, 1st Bt.
 Salis, Peter, 3rd Comte de Salis
 Somerset, Alfred Plantagenet Frederick Charles
 Stirling, Walter, of Faskine, 2nd Bt.
 Tyssen-Amherst, William Amhurst, 1st Baron Amherst of Hackney
 Worms, Henry, 1st and last Baron Pirbright
 Slingsby, William ( 1617 )
 Franklyn, George Woodroffe ( 1855 )
 Reid, Rawson Hart Boddam ( 1856 )
 Nicholson, Otho William ( 1942 )
 Pargiter, George Albert, Baron Pargiter ( 1965 )
Count equals 47 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Midlothian
 Borthwick, Thomas Banks, 1st and last Baron Whitburgh
 Clark, John Maurice, 2nd Bt.
 Clerk, George Douglas, of Penicuik, 8th Bt.
 Clerk, George James Robert, of Penicuik, 9th Bt.
 Clerk, James, of Penicuik, 7th Bt.
 Dewar, James, 4th of Vogrie
 Don-Wauchope, John, of Newton Don, 8th Bt.
 Dundas, Henry Herbert Philip, of Arniston, 3rd Bt.
 Dundas, Robert, 1st Bt.
 Dundas, Robert, of Arniston
 Gibson-Craig, James Henry, of Riccarton, 3rd Bt.
 Kerr, Philip Henry, 11th Marquess of Lothian
 Little, Walter James
 Primrose, Harry Ronald Neil, 8th Earl of Rosebery
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 8th of Craigmillar and 13th of Liberton, 1st Bt.
 Dalrymple, John James, 12th Earl of Stair ( 1931 )
 Buchanan-Smith, Alick Drummond, Baron Balerno ( 1951 )
 Younger, William McEwan, 1st Bt. ( 1955 )
 Clerk, John Dutton, of Penicuik, 10th Bt. ( 1956-1972 )
 Geddes, Ross Campbell, 2nd Baron Geddes ( 1957 )
 Inglis, Maxwell Ian Hector, of Glencorse, 9th Bt. ( 1957-1964 )
 Primrose, Neil Archibald, 7th Earl of Rosebery ( 1960 )
 Dalrymple, Colin James ( 1961 )
 Bowes-Lyon, David James ( 1992 )
 Borthwick, John Hugh, of that Ilk, 24th Lord Borthwick ( 2001 )
Count equals 25 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Monmouthshire
 Clay, Henry
 Clifford-Butler, James FitzWalter, 15th/25th Baron Dunboyne
 Crompton-Roberts, Charles Montagu
 Forestier-Walker, Charles Leolin, 1st and last Bt.
 Forestier-Walker, George Ferdinand, 3rd Bt.
 Hanbury, John Capel
 Kemeys-Tynte, Charles Kemeys
 Kemeys-Tynte, Halswell Milborne
 Kennard, Edward
 Kennard, Henry Martyn
 Kennard, Robert William
 Lawrence, Alfred Tristram, 1st Baron Trevethin
 Mackworth, Arthur William, 6th Bt.
 Mather-Jackson, Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Mills, Frederick, 1st Bt.
 Pym, Leslie Ruthven
 Shelley-Rolls, John Courtown Edward, 6th Bt.
 Somerset, Henry Adelbert Wellington FitzRoy, 9th Duke of Beaufort
 Somerset, Henry Richard Charles
 Massy, Charles Walter ( 1948-1951 )
 Rees, Thomas Wynford ( 1955 )
 Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1960 )
Count equals 22 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Monmouthsire
 Henniker, Mark Chandos Auberon, 8th Bt. ( 1963 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Montgomeryshire
 Hanbury-Tracy, Charles Douglas Richard, 4th Baron Sudeley of Toddington
 Herbert, George Charles, 4th Earl of Powis
 Long, Richard Penruddocke
 Long, Walter
 Pryce-Jones, Pryce Edward, 1st Bt.
 Vane-Tempest, Henry John
 Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry
 Williams-Wynn, Arthur Watkin
 Beaumont, Ralph Edward Blackett ( 1961 )
Count equals 9 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Moray
 Dunbar, Alexander Arbuthnott ( 1987 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Morayshire
 Bruce, Robert
 Cooper, George Alexander, 1st Bt.
 Gordon-Cumming, Alexander Penrose, of Altyre, 5th Bt.
 Lochore, Hamish John
 Dunbar-Nasmith, Martin Eric, V.C. ( 1942 )
 Stuart, Archibald John Morton, 19th Earl of Moray ( 1949 )
Count equals 6 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Nairn
 Cumming-Bruce, James Frederick
 Leslie-Melville, Ronald Ruthven, 13th Earl of Leven
 Rose, Hugh, 24th of Kilravock ( 1890 )
 Leslie-Melville, Alexander Robert, 16th Earl of Leven ( 1961-1969 )
 Leslie-Melville, David Alexander, Lord Balgonie ( 1968 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Nairnshire
 Campbell, Frederick Archibald Vaughan, of Cawdor, 3rd Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
 Campbell, Hugh Frederick Vaughan, of Cawdor, 4th Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
 Brodie, Montagu Ninian Alexander, 25th of Brodie ( 1970 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Newcastle
 Caldwell, James
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Nithsdale and Annandale and Eskdale Districts
 Hope Johnstone, Patrick Andrew Wentworth, 11th Earl of Annandale and Hartfell ( 1987 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Richard Walter John, 10th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1987 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Norfolk
 Astley, Delaval Graham L'Estrange
 Bagge, Richard Ludwig
 Bagge, Thomas Edward
 Bagge, Thomas Philip
 Bagge, William
 Boileau, Francis George Manningham, 2nd Bt.
 Boileau, Maurice Colborne, 3rd Bt.
 Boileau, Raymond Frederic, 4th Bt.
 Brand, Humphrey Ranulph
 Burroughes, James Burkin
 Buscall, Robert Edmond
 Buxton, Geoffrey Fowell
 Buxton, Harry Gurney
 Buxton, Samuel Gurney
 Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 3rd Bt.
 Carter, John
 Cator, John
 Chamberlain, Robert
 Cholmondeley, George Henry Hugh, 4th Marquess of Cholmondeley
 Coke, Edward Douglas, 7th Earl of Leicester of Holkham
 Coke, Richard
 Coke, Roger
 Coke, Thomas William, 2nd Earl of Leicester of Holkham
 Cubitt, George
 Dowson, Benjamin
 Elwes, Arthur Henry Stuart
 Elwes, Robert
 Fellowes, Edward, 1st Baron de Ramsey of Ramsey Abbey
 Gurdon, Brampton
 Gurdon, Robert Thornhagh, 1st Baron Cranworth of Letton and Cranworth
 Hamond, Graham Eden, 2nd Bt.
 Harbord, Charles, 5th Baron Suffield
 Harbord, Richard Morden, 10th Baron Suffield
 Hare, George Ralph Leigh, 3rd Bt.
 Hare, Robert William
 Harvey, Robert
 Harvey, Robert John
 Harvey, Roger Kerrison
 Henniker-Major, John Major, 5th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney
 Howard, Charles Alfred
 Jary, Robert Herbert Heath
 Joynson-Hicks, William, 1st Viscount Brentford
 Kennedy, John Henry
 Manners, George Espec John
 Manners-Sutton, Charles Graham, 6th Viscount Canterbury
 Manners-Sutton, Henry Charles, 4th Viscount Canterbury
 Manners-Sutton, Henry Frederick Walpole, 5th Viscount Canterbury
 North, Charles
 North, Frederick
 Nugent, Edmund Charles, 3rd Bt.
 Paston-Bedingfeld, Henry George, 7th Bt.
 Proctor-Beauchamp, Reginald William, 5th Bt.
 Proctor-Beauchamp, Thomas William Brograve, 4th Bt.
 Stracey, Edward Henry Gervase, 6th Bt.
 Stracey, Gilbert Hardinge
 Townshend, John James Dudley Stuart, 6th Marquess Townshend of Raynham
 Townshend, John Villiers Stuart, 5th Marquess Townshend of Raynham
 Walpole, Robert Horace, 5th Earl of Orford
 Wodehouse, John, 1st Earl of Kimberley
 ffolkes, William Hovell Browne, 3rd Bt.
 Bullard, Harry ( 1887 )
 ffolkes, Dorothy ( 1934 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Basil ( 1935 )
 Bacon, Edmund Castell, 13th and 14th Bt. ( 1939 )
 Marsham, Charles, 6th Earl of Romney ( 1939 )
 Coke, Thomas William Edward, 5th Earl of Leicester of Holkham ( 1944 )
 Preston, Edward Hulton, 5th Bt. ( 1950 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Arthur, 4th Baron Cozens-Hardy ( 1953 )
 Trappes-Lomax, Thomas Byrnand ( 1954 )
 Wise, Frederick, 1st Baron Wise ( 1954 )
 Grey, George, 8th Baron Walsingham ( 1959 )
 Buxton, Desmond Gurney ( 1961 )
 Lycett Green, Edward Stephen, 4th Bt. ( 1961 )
 Fisher, John Vavasseur, 3rd Baron Fisher ( 1968-1972 )
 Kevill-Davies, Christopher Evelyn ( 1974-1983 )
 Coke, Richard Lovel ( 1977 )
 MacLean, Hector Charles Donald ( 1977 )
 Loyd, Julian St. John ( 1983 )
 Shirley, Robert Washington, 13th Earl Ferrers ( 1983 )
 FitzRoy, Edward Anthony Charles ( 1986 )
 Buxton, John Joseph ( 1989 )
 Bulwer-Long, William Hanslip ( 1992 )
 Wells, Patricia Lesley, Baroness Hollis of Heigham ( 1994 )
 Bagge, John Jeremy Picton, 7th Bt. ( 1996 )
 Knollys, David Francis Dudley, 3rd Viscount Knollys ( 1996 )
 Bacon, Nicholas Hickman Ponsonby, 14th and 15th Bt. ( 1998 )
 MacNicol, Ian ( 1998 )
Count equals 87 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of North Riding, Yorkshire
 Bethell, David Allan, 5th Baron Westbury ( 1973 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of North Yorkshire
 Sturge, Diana Catherine, Baroness Eccles of Moulton
 Willis, Timothy Robert Crum
 Worsley, William Ralph, 6th Bt.
 Cunliffe-Lister, David Yarburgh, 2nd Earl of Swinton ( 1978 )
 Ward-Harrison, John ( 1978-1982 )
 Compton, Robert Edward John ( 1981 )
 Tempest, Henry Roger ( 1981 )
 Dawnay, John Christian George, 11th Viscount Downe ( 1982 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Martin ( 1982 )
 Crossley, Richard Nicholas ( 1988 )
 Sinclair, Susan Lilian Primrose, Baroness Masham of Ilton ( 1991 )
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Robin Evelyn Leo, 5th Baron Derwent ( 1991 )
 Dundas, Lawrence Mark, 4th Marquess of Zetland ( 1994 )
 Inge, Peter Anthony, Baron Inge ( 1994 )
 Dugdale, Charles James, 2nd Baron Crathorne ( 1996-1999 )
 Jopling, Thomas Michael, Baron Jopling ( 1997 )
 Dugdale, David John ( 1998 )
 Milbank, Anthony Frederick, 5th Bt. ( 1998 )
 Peel, William James Robert, 3rd Earl Peel ( 1998 )
 Storey, Richard, 2nd Bt. ( 1998 )
 Montgomery, Sylvia Mary ( 2007 )
 Sidney, Lucy Corinna Agneta ( 2007 )
 James, Helen ( 2019 )
 Soames, Charlotte Clementine ( 2019 )
Count equals 24 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Northamptonshire
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Edward Henry Lancelot
 Bagshaw, Samuel Wyment
 Bostock, Frederick
 Brassey, Henry Leonard Campbell, 1st Baron Brassey of Apethorpe
 Campbell, George Herbert Frederick
 Compton, Charles John Spencer, Earl Compton
 Dashwood, Robert Henry Nevile
 Douglas-Pennant, Edward Sholto, 3rd Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai
 Erskine, William Macnaghten, 5th Baron Erskine of Restormel Castle
 Fane, Francis William Henry, 12th Earl of Westmorland
 FitzRoy, Alfred William Maitland, 8th Duke of Grafton
 FitzRoy, Edward Algernon
 FitzRoy, Henry James, Earl of Euston
 Gage, Moreton Foley
 Grosvenor, Robert Wellesley, 2nd Baron Ebury of Ebury Manor
 Gunning, Charles Vere, 7th Bt.
 Langham, Herbert Hay, 12th Bt.
 Lowther, John George
 Macdonald-Buchanan, John
 Maunsell, Thomas Philip
 McEwen, Christian Mary
 St. Paul, David Richard
 Stockdale, Henry Minshull
 Stopford Sackville, Sackville George
 Stopford Sackville, William Bruce
 Tibbits, John Borlase
 Trafford, Charles Edmund
 Tryon, Thomas
 Vernon, Fitzpatrick Henry, 2nd Baron Lyveden of Lyveden
 Wake, Hereward, 12th Bt.
 Wake, Hereward, 13th Bt.
 White, Luke, 3rd Baron Annaly of Annaly and Rathcline
 Spencer, William, 2nd Baron Spencer of Wormleighton ( 1618-1621 )
 Spencer, William, 2nd Baron Spencer of Wormleighton ( 1624 )
 Proby, Douglas James ( 1918 )
 Cecil, David George Brownlow, 6th Marquess of Exeter ( 1937-1946 )
 Compton, William Bingham, 6th Marquess of Northampton ( 1937 )
 Fermor-Hesketh, Frederick, 2nd Baron Hesketh ( 1950 )
 Isham, Gyles, 12th Bt. ( 1952 )
 Brassey, Bernard Thomas, 2nd Baron Brassey of Apethorpe ( 1958 )
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 5th Bt. ( 1958 )
 Brassey, Peter Esmé ( 1961-1967 )
 Stopford Sackville, Nigel Victor ( 1965 )
 Manningham-Buller, Reginald Edward, 1st Viscount Dilhorne ( 1967 )
 Wake, Hereward, 14th Bt. ( 1969-1984 )
 Brassey, David Henry, 3rd Baron Brassey of Apethorpe ( 1972 )
 Conant, Guy Timothy Geoffrey ( 1972 )
 Brudenell, Edmund Crispin Stephen James George ( 1977 )
 Lowther, John Luke ( 1977-1984 )
 Saunders Watson, Leslie Michael MacDonald ( 1979 )
 Robinson, John James Michael Laud, 11th Bt. ( 1984 )
 Ewart, John Walter Douglas ( 1993 )
 Davidge, Christopher Guy Vere ( 14 Mar 1994 )
 Vivian, Amanda Ursula Georgina ( 2019 )
Count equals 54 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Northanptonshire
 Isham, Charles Edmund, 10th Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Northumberland
 Baker-Cresswell, Addison John
 Beaumont, Somerset Archibald
 Bennet, Charles Augustus, 6th Earl of Tankerville
 Bennet, George Montagu, 7th Earl of Tankerville
 Blackett, Edward Algernon
 Blake, Francis Douglas, 1st Bt.
 Bosanquet, Charles
 Burdon, George
 Grey, Charles Robert, 5th Earl Grey
 Horsley-Beresford, William Marcus de la Poer, 4th Baron Decies
 Jerningham, Hubert Edward Henry
 Middleton, Henry Nicholas
 Napier, Arthur Lenox
 Noble, Andrew, of Ardmore, 1st Bt.
 Percy, Henry Algernon George, Earl Percy
 Renwick, George, 1st Bt.
 Selby-Bigge, Denys Leighton
 Sutherland, Arthur Munro, 1st Bt.
 Watson-Armstrong, William Henry Armstrong Fitzpatrick, 1st Baron Armstrong
 Bridgeman, Henry George Orlando ( 1946 )
 Blackett, Charles Douglas, 9th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Runciman, Walter Leslie, 2nd Viscount of Runciman of Doxford ( 1961 )
 Festing, Francis Wogan ( 1962 )
 Percy, Richard Charles ( 1968 )
 Ridley, Matthew White, 4th Viscount Ridley ( 1968-1984 )
 Bridgeman, Peter Orlando Ronald ( 1983 )
 Elliott, Robert William, Baron Elliott of Morpeth ( 1985 )
 Pease, Richard Thorn, 3rd Bt. ( 1990 )
 Riddell, John Charles Buchanan, of that Ilk, 13th Bt. ( 1990-2000 )
 Vinson, Nigel, Baron Vinson ( 1990 )
 Percy, Ralph George Algernon, 12th Duke of Northumberland ( 1997 )
Count equals 31 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Nottinghamshire
 Birkin, Charles Wilfred
 Birkin, Thomas Isaac, 1st Bt.
 Bristowe, Samuel Ellis
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Charles
 Clifton, Percy Robert
 Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey, 7th Earl Cowper
 Foljambe, Cecil George Saville, 1st Earl of Liverpool
 Gregory, John Sherwin
 Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th Earl of Carnarvon
 Hicking, William Norton, 1st Bt.
 Knowles, Robert Millington
 Manners-Sutton, John Henry
 Monckton-Arundell, George Edward Milnes, 7th Viscount Galway
 Monckton-Arundell, George Vere Arundell, 8th Viscount Galway
 Noel, Edward Andrew
 Pelham-Clinton, Edward William
 Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Archibald Douglas, 7th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne
 Rolleston, Lancelot
 Savile-Lumley, John Savile, 2nd Baron Savile of Rufford
 Seely, Charles Hilton, 2nd Bt.
 Seely, Charles, 1st Bt.
 Seely, Frank Evelyn
 Seymour, George Fitzroy
 Sherbrooke, Henry Porter
 Strutt, Algernon Henry, 3rd Baron Belper
 Strutt, Henry, 2nd Baron Belper
 Sutton, Richard, 4th Bt.
 Thompson, Reginald
 Whitaker, Albert Edward, 1st Bt.
 Whitaker, John Albert Charles, 2nd Bt.
 Willoughby, Digby Wentworth Bayard, 9th Baron Middleton of Middleton
 Wright, John
 Clifton, Clifford ( 1661-1670 )
 Willoughby, Thomas, 1st Baron Middleton of Middleton ( 1694 )
 Barber, Thomas Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1918 )
 Peake, George Herbert ( 1931 )
 Mather-Jackson, Anthony Henry Mather, 6th Bt. ( 1942 )
 Starkey, William Randle, 2nd Bt. ( 1942 )
 Vere-Laurie, George Haliburton Foster Peel ( 1948 )
 Buchanan, Charles James, 4th Bt. ( 1954 )
 Abel Smith, Richard Francis ( 1970-1991 )
 Nall, Michael Joseph, 2nd Bt. ( 1970-1989 )
 Starkey, John Philip, 3rd Bt. ( 1981 )
 Buchanan, Andrew George, 5th Bt. ( 1985-1991 )
 Naish, Charles David ( 1991 )
 Vere-Laurie, George Edward ( 1993 )
 Maclean, Belinda Jane Virginia ( 1998 )
 Hildyard, Robert Henry Thoroton ( 2014 )
Count equals 48 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Nottinghasmhire
 Pelham-Clinton-Hope, Henry Edward Hugh, 9th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne ( 1937-1948 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Orkney
 Irvine-Fortescue, Archer
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Orkney and Shetland
 Dundas, Cospatrick Thomas
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Orkney and Zetland
 Nicolson, Arthur John Frederick William, 11th Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Oxfordshire
 Annesley, Caryl Arthur, 12th Viscount of Valentia
 Barnett, Henry
 Barry, Stanley Leonard
 Biscoe, William Earle
 Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir
 Child-Villiers, Arthur George
 Child-Villiers, George Henry Robert, 8th Earl of the Island of Jersey
 Cole, Edward Campbell Stuart
 Collins, John Ernest Harley
 Dashwood, George John Egerton, 6th Bt.
 Dashwood, Robert Henry Seymour, 7th Bt.
 Dillon, Arthur Henry, 18th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
 Edmondson, Albert James, 1st Baron Sandford
 Fane, John William
 Goodenough, William Macnamara, 1st Bt.
 Harcourt, Aubrey
 Hermon-Hodge, Robert Trotter, 1st Baron Wyfold
 Hermon-Hodge, Roland Herman, 2nd Baron Wyfold
 Mogg, John Nigel Ballard
 Parker, Charles George Archibald
 Phillimore, Walter Godfrey, 2nd Baron Phillimore
 Ponsonby, Edwin Charles William
 Ponsonby, Frederick John William
 Reynolds-Moreton, Henry Haughton, Lord Moreton
 Spencer-Churchill, Alfred
 Spencer-Churchill, George Charles, 8th Duke of Marlborough
 Spencer-Churchill, John George Vanderbilt Henry, 11th Duke of Marlborough
 Spencer-Churchill, Randolph Henry
 Stackhouse, Joyce
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ivo Murray, 14th Baron Saye and Sele
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, John, 11th Baron Saye and Sele
 Brassey, Robert Bingham ( 1919 )
 Spencer-Churchill, John Albert Edward William, 10th Duke of Marlborough ( 1936 )
 Ponsonby, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1944 )
 Harcourt, William Edward, 2nd Viscount Harcourt ( 1952 )
 Stonor, Ralph Robert Watts Sherman, 6th Lord Camoys ( 1953 )
 Stopford, Montagu George North ( 1962 )
 Parker, George Roger Alexander Thomas, 8th Earl of Macclesfield ( 1965 )
 Wills, Hugh David Hamilton ( 1967 )
 Ponsonby, Ashley Charles Gibbs, 2nd Bt. ( 1974-1980 )
 Fiennes, Nathaniel Thomas Allen Fiennes, 15th Baron Saye and Sele ( 1979 )
 Norman, Mark Annesley, 3rd Bt. ( 1985-2003 )
 Baker, Janet Mary, Baroness Young ( 1989 )
 Goodenough, Frederick Roger ( 1989 )
 Stonor, Ralph Thomas Campion George Sherman, 7th Lord Camoys ( 1994 )
 Brunner, Hugo Lawrence Joseph ( 1996 )
 Yerburgh, Robert Guy Eardley, 2nd Baron Alvingham ( 1996 )
 Cochrane, Malcolm Ralph ( 1998 )
Count equals 48 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Peebles-shire
 Balfour, Frederick Robert Stephen
 Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir
 Constable-Maxwell-Stuart, Herbert Joseph, 17th of Traquair
 Forbes, William, of Medwyn
 Hay, Duncan Edwyn, 10th Bt.
 Hay, John Adam, 9th Bt.
 Mitchell-Thomson, Mitchell, 1st Bt.
 Murray, George Wolfe
 Murray, James Wolfe
 Murray, Montolieu Fox Oliphant, 1st Viscount Elibank
 Mackenzie, John Moncrieff Ord ( 1953 )
 Balfour, Alexander Norman ( 1954 )
 Milliken-Napier, William Edward Stirling ( 1954 )
 Dundas, James Durham, 6th Bt. ( 1958 )
Count equals 14 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Peebleshire
 Wolfe Murray, Malcolm Victor Alexander ( 1959 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Peeblesshire
 Murray, William, of Blackbarony, 5th Bt.
 Leng, Christopher Anthony William ( 1983 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Pembrokeshire
 Edwardes, Hugh, 6th Baron Kensington
 Edwardes, William, 5th Baron Kensington
 Lewis, Herbert Clark, 2nd Baron Merthyr
 Meyrick, Frederick Charlton, 2nd Bt.
 Owen, Hugh Charles, 3rd Bt.
 Owen, Hugh, 2nd Bt.
 Philipps, Richard Hanning
 Bowen, James Bevan ( 1932 )
 Lewis, William Brereton Couchman, 3rd Baron Merthyr ( 1932-1959 )
 Yorke, James John Simon ( 1958 )
Count equals 10 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Perth
 Campbell, Charles William, 9th Earl of Breadalbane and Holland
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Perth & Kinross
 Murray, George Iain, 10th Duke of Atholl ( 1980 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Perth and Kinross
 Montgomery, Basil Henry David, 9th Bt. ( 1975 )
 Murray, William David Mungo James, 7th/8th Earl of Mansfield ( 1980 )
 Nairn, Michael, of Rankeilour, 4th Bt. ( 1996 )
 Murray, Georgina Dorothea Mary ( 2011 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Perthshire
 Blair Oliphant, James, 10th of Gask
 Buchanan-Baillie-Hamilton, John Baillie
 Burn-Clerk-Rattray, Paul Robert, of Craighall-Rattray, 27th of Rattray
 Carnegie, David
 Clerk-Rattray, James, of Craighall-Rattray, 26th of Rattray
 Clerk-Rattray, Robert, of Craighall-Rattray, 25th of Rattray
 Dewar, John, 2nd Baron Forteviot
 Drummond, Arthur, of Cromlix
 Drummond, James David, 8th Viscount Strathallan
 Drummond, John, 8th of Megginch
 Drummond, Malcolm, 9th of Megginch and of Kilspindle
 Hanbury, Charles Addington
 Hay-Drummond, Archibald FitzRoy George, 13th Earl of Kinnoull
 Hay-Drummond, George, 12th Earl of Kinnoull
 Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Ancaster
 Heriot-Maitland, James Dalgleish
 Hore-Ruthven, Walter James, 9th Lord Ruthven of Freeland
 Jardine, Robert, of Castlemilk, 1st Bt.
 Kinloch, John George Smyth, of Kinloch, 2nd Bt.
 Kinnaird, Arthur Fitzgerald, 11th Lord Kinnaird
 Lowson, William
 Mac Gregor, Malcolm, of Mac Gregor, 5th Bt.
 Moncreiffe, David, of that Ilk, 6th Bt.
 Moncreiffe, Robert Drummond, of that Ilk, 8th Bt.
 Muir Mackenzie, Alexander, of Delvine, 3rd Bt.
 Murray, Alan David, 5th/6th Earl of Mansfield
 Murray, Mungo
 Murray, William David, 4th/5th Earl of Mansfield
 Peto, Joanna Dava
 Ramsay, James Douglas, 11th Bt.
 Rollo, John Rogerson, 10th Lord Rollo of Duncrub
 Stewart-Richardson, Edmund Robert
 Stewart-Richardson, James Thomas, of Pitfour, 14th Bt.
 Stewart-Richardson, John, of Pitfour, 13th Bt.
 Stirling, Archibald, of Keir
 Stuart, Edmund Archibald, 15th Earl of Moray
 Stuart, Francis James, 16th Earl of Moray
 Wilson, James Robertson, of Airdrie, 2nd Bt.
 Kinnaird, Kenneth Fitzgerald, 12th Lord Kinnaird ( 1936 )
 Dewar, Henry Evelyn Alexander, 3rd Baron Forteviot ( 1961 )
 Lyle, Archibald Michael ( 1961 )
 Moncreiffe, Rupert Iain Kay, of that Ilk, 11th Bt. ( 1961 )
 Heriot-Maitland, Richard Ogilvy ( 1963 )
 Orr Ewing, Ronald Archibald, of Ballikinrain, 5th Bt. ( 1963 )
 Graham, Frederick Clarence Campbell ( 1966-1975 )
 Muir, John Harling, 3rd Bt. ( 1966 )
Count equals 46 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Peterborough
 Cecil, David George Brownlow, 6th Marquess of Exeter ( 1965 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Powys
 Beaumont, John Ralph
 Vivian, John Hamilton Hussey, 4th Baron Swansea of Singleton ( 1962 )
 Davies, David, 3rd Baron Davies ( 1997 )
 Legge-Bourke, William Nigel Henry ( 1997 )
 Bailey, Elizabeth Shân Josephine ( 1998 )
 Davies, Islwyn Edmund Evan ( b 2001 )
Count equals 6 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Queen's County
 Brownlow, William
 Coote, Eyre
 Cosby, Dudley Sydney Ashworth
 Cosby, Thomas Phillips
 FitzGerald, Gerald
 Flower, Henry Jeffery, 6th Viscount Ashbrook
 Flower, Llowarch Robert, 9th Viscount Ashbrook
 Franks, Matthew Henry
 Grace, Valentine Raymond, 5th Bt.
 Graham-Toler, Hector John, 2nd Earl of Norbury
 Hamilton Stubber, Robert
 Hamilton Stubber, Robert
 Moore, Ponsonby William, 9th Earl of Drogheda
 Trench, Thomas Sandes
 Vesey, Yvo Richard, 5th Viscount de Vesci of Abbey Leix
 Warburton, Richard
 Weldon, Anthony Arthur, 6th Bt.
Count equals 17 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Radnorshire
 Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Charles Michael, 3rd Bt.
 Gibson-Watt, James David, Baron Gibson-Watt
 Gibson-Watt, James Watt
 Green-Price, Richard, 1st Bt.
 Green-Price, Robert Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Mynors, Robert Baskerville Rickards
 Mynors, Willoughby Baskerville
 Walsh, George Harry William, 4th Baron Ormathwaite
 Walsham, John
 Walsham, John
 Walsham, John James, 1st Bt. ( 1866 )
 Duff Gordon, Henry William, 6th Bt. ( 1914-1946 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Renfrewshire
 Boyle, George Frederick, 6th Earl of Glasgow
 Clark, Stewart
 Darroch, Duncan, 6th of Gourock
 Glen-Coats, Alexander Harold
 King, Robert
 Macdowall, Day Hort, 22nd of Garthland
 Macdowall, Henry, 23rd of Garthland
 Macdowall, Henry, 24th of Garthland
 Maclay, Joseph Paton, 1st Baron Maclay
 Milliken Napier, John Stirling
 Renshaw, Charles Bine, 1st Bt.
 Shaw-Stewart, John Archibald
 Stirling-Maxwell, John, of Keir, 10th Bt.
 Weir, William, 1st Viscount Weir
 Shaw-Stewart, Walter Guy, 9th Bt. ( 1944-1950 )
 Coats, Ian Pountney ( 1945 )
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, John David ( 1962-1980 )
 Lithgow, William James, 2nd Bt. ( 1970 )
 Shaw-Stewart, Houston Mark, of Greenhall and Blackhall, 11th Bt. ( 1970-1974 )
 Taylor, Thomas Johnston, Baron Taylor of Gryfe ( 1970 )
 Yarrow, Eric Grant, 3rd Bt. ( 1970 )
 Maclay, Joseph Paton, 3rd Baron Maclay ( 1986 )
Count equals 22 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Rosburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale
 Kerr, Michael Andrew Foster Jude, 13th Marquess of Lothian ( 1990 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Rosburghshire
 Hepburne-Scott, Henry Alexander, 10th Lord Polwarth ( 1962-1975 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ross and Cromarty
 Baillie, George Evan Michael
 Blunt-Mackenzie, Edward Walter
 Brooke, Robert Weston, 2nd Bt.
 Mackenzie, James John Randoll, of Scatwell, 6th Bt.
 Shaw, Alexander Nesbitt
 Shaw-Mackenzie, Charles Forbes Hodson, of Tordarroch and 4th of Newhall
 Shaw-Mackenzie, John Andrew, of Tordarroch and 3rd of Newhall
 Wills, Arnold Stancomb
 Shaw, Charles John, of Tordarroch and 7th of Newhall ( 1934 )
 Mackenzie, Hector David, of Gairloch, 8th Bt. ( b 1935 )
 Drummond, Edmund Rupert ( 1956-1960 )
 Ropner, Richard ( 1966 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ross and Cromarty, Skye and Lochalsh
 Compton, Elizabeth ( 1990 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Ross-shire
 Fraser, John, 1st Bt.
 Guest, Ivor Bertie, 1st Baron Wimborne
 Mackenzie, Allan Russell, of Glenmuick, 2nd Bt.
 Mackenzie, Arthur George Ramsay, of Coul, 11th Bt.
 Mackenzie, George Stewart, of Coul, 7th Bt.
 Mackenzie, James Dixon, of Scatwell, 7th Bt.
 Mackenzie, James Thompson, of Glenmuick, 1st Bt.
 Mackenzie, Osgood Hanbury
 Matheson, John, of Attadale
 Matheson, Kenneth James, of Lochalsh, 2nd Bt.
 Munro-Butler-Johnstone, Henry Alexander
 Willoughby, Digby Wentworth Bayard, 9th Baron Middleton of Middleton
 Compton, William Bingham, 6th Marquess of Northampton ( 1936-1957 )
Count equals 13 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale
 Maitland-Carew, Gerald Edward Ian ( 1989 )
 Steel, David Martin Scott, Baron Steel of Aikwood ( 1990 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Roxburghshire
 Babington, James Melville
 Campbell, Hallyburton George, 3rd Baron Stratheden of Cupar and Campbell of St. Andrews
 Campbell, John Beresford
 Campbell, William Frederick, 2nd Baron Stratheden of Cupar and Campbell of St. Andrews
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Joseph
 Eliott, William Francis Augustus, of Stobs, 8th Bt.
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, William Hugh, 3rd Earl of Minto
 Hepburne-Scott, Walter Hugh, 8th Lord Polwarth
 Hepburne-Scott, Walter Thomas, Master of Polwarth
 Innes-Ker, George Victor Robert John, 9th Duke of Roxburghe
 Kerr, Robert Henry Schomberg, 10th Marquess of Lothian
 Montagu Douglas Scott, George William
 Montagu Douglas Scott, John Henry
 Montagu Douglas Scott, William Henry Walter, 6th Duke of Buccleuch
 Ramsay-Fairfax, William George Herbert Taylor, 2nd Bt.
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Victor Gilbert Lariston Garnet, 5th Earl of Minto ( 1942 )
 Campbell, Alastair, 4th Baron Stratheden of Cupar and Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1945 )
 Kerr, Peter Francis Walter, 12th Marquess of Lothian ( 1962 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis John, 9th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1962 )
 Younger, Ralph ( 1962 )
Count equals 20 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Roxburghshire and Berwickshire
 Haig, George Alexander Eugene Douglas, 2nd Earl Haig ( 1952-1967 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Roxburghshire and Warwickshire
 Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Henry William, 3rd Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Rutland
 Adderley, Charles Leigh, 2nd Baron Norton
 Codrington, Alfred Edward
 Evans-Freke, Percy Cecil
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles
 Lowther, Hugh Cecil, 5th Earl of Lonsdale
 Noel, Charles William Francis, 3rd Earl of Gainsborough
 Noel, Gerard James
 Palmer, Frederick
 Conant, Roger John Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1946 )
 Tate, Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1964 )
 Boyle, George Hamilton ( 1997 )
Count equals 11 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Selkirk
 Napier, Francis Nigel, 14th Lord Napier of Merchistoun ( 1974-1975 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Selkirk and Roxburghshire
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert John, 4th Earl of Minto
 Montagu Douglas Scott, John Charles, 7th Duke of Buccleuch
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Selkirkshire
 Hepburne-Scott, Walter George, 9th Lord Polwarth
 Hepburne-Scott, Walter Thomas, Master of Polwarth
 Lang, Hugh Morris
 Mackay, Donald James, 11th Lord Reay
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter John, 8th Duke of Buccleuch
 Montagu Douglas Scott, William Henry Walter, 6th Duke of Buccleuch
 Napier, William John George, 11th Lord Napier of Merchistoun
 Scott, Hugh, 9th of Gala
 Scott, John Henry Francis Kinnaird, 10th of Gala
 Shaw, Alexander, 2nd Baron Craigmyle
 Strang Steel, William, of Philiphaugh
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis John, 9th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1955 )
 Strang Steel, Fiennes William, 2nd Bt. ( 1955 )
 Leslie-Melville, Michael Ian ( 1974 )
Count equals 14 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Shrophsire
 Benson, Moses George ( 1836 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Shropshire
 Bibby, Frank
 Black, Reginald Adam
 Bridgeman, George Cecil Orlando, 4th Earl of Bradford
 Bridgeman, Orlando, 5th Earl of Bradford
 Cholmondeley, Hugh Cecil
 Clegg-Hill, Charles Rowland, 6th Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and of Hardwicke
 Clegg-Hill, Rowland, 3rd Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and of Hardwicke
 Corbet, Henry Reginald
 Corbet, Vincent Rowland, 3rd Bt.
 Corbet, Walter Orlando, 4th Bt.
 Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward, 1st Baron Acton of Aldenham
 Hamilton-Russell, Gustavus Russell, 8th Viscount Boyne
 Hamilton-Russell, Gustavus William, 9th Viscount Boyne
 Heber-Percy, Algernon
 Heber-Percy, Algernon Charles
 Herbert, Robert Charles
 Kenyon, Lloyd
 Kenyon, Robert Lloyd
 Kenyon-Slaney, William
 Kenyon-Slaney, William Slaney
 Leighton, Baldwyn, 8th Bt.
 Leighton, Bertie Edward Parker
 Leighton, Richard Tihel, 10th Bt.
 Lowry-Corry, Montagu William, 1st and last Baron Rowton
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Henry, 3rd Baron Acton of Aldenham
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Richard Maximilian, 2nd Baron Acton of Aldenham
 Needham, Francis Charles, 3rd Earl of Kilmorey
 Ormsby-Gore, John Ralph, 1st Baron Harlech
 Ormsby-Gore, William George Arthur, 4th Baron Harlech
 Ormsby-Gore, William Richard, 2nd Baron Harlech
 Pigot, Robert, 4th Bt.
 Rouse-Boughton, Charles Henry, 3rd and 11th Bt.
 Stanier, Beville, 1st Bt.
 Stanier, Francis
 Sykes, Arthur Patrick
 Taylor, William Francis Kyffin, 1st and last Baron Maenan
 Tyrell-Kenyon, Lloyd, 4th Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington
 Weld Forester, Cecil Theodore, 5th Baron Forester of Willey Park
 Weld Forester, George Cecil Beaumont, 6th Baron Forester of Willey Park
 Whitmore, Thomas
 Windsor-Clive, Ivor Miles, 2nd Earl of Plymouth
 Windsor-Clive, Robert George, 1st Earl of Plymouth
 Wakeman, Offley, 4th Bt. ( 1941 )
 Leese, Oliver William Hargreaves, 3rd Bt. ( 1947 )
 Weld Forester, Cecil George Wilfred, 7th Baron Forester of Willey Park ( 1947 )
 Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 2nd Viscount Bridgeman ( 1951 )
 Hanmer, Robert Hugh ( 1952 )
 Lambart, Michael Edward Oliver, 12th Earl of the County of Cavan ( 1959 )
 Corbet, John Vincent, 7th Bt. ( 1961 )
 Ormsby-Gore, William David, 5th Baron Harlech ( 1961 )
 Windsor-Clive, Other Robert Ivor, 3rd Earl of Plymouth ( 1961 )
 Onslow, Richard George ( 1962 )
 Hamilton-Russell, Gustavus Michael George, 10th Viscount Boyne ( 1965 )
 Heber-Percy, Algernon Eustace Hugh ( 1986-1990 )
 Holt, Vesey Martin Edward ( 1986 )
 Kenyon-Slaney, William Simon Rodolph ( 1986 )
 Verney, Anne Margaret ( 1986 )
 Biffen, William John, Baron Biffen ( 1993 )
 Sanger, Elizabeth Jane ( 1995 )
 Stanley, Kathryn Edith Helen ( 1995 )
 Weld-Forester, George Cecil Brooke, 8th Baron Forester of Willey Park ( 1995 )
 Proust, Christopher James, Baron Kingsland ( 1997 )
 Stephens, Nicholas Edward Egerton ( 2000 )
Count equals 63 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Solihull
 Owen, Joan Anna Dalziel, Baroness Seccombe ( 1968 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Somerset
 Acland, Charles Thomas Dyke, 8th/12th Bt.
 Ayshford Sanford, Edward
 Beauchamp, Frank, 1st Bt.
 Boles, Dennis Fortescue, 1st Bt.
 Boyle, Charles Spencer, 10th Earl of Cork
 Boyle, Edmund John
 Cairns, Wilfred Dallas, 4th Earl Cairns
 Elton, Arthur Hallam, 7th Bt.
 Fry, Francis James
 Gibbs, Antony
 Gibbs, George Abraham, 1st Baron Wraxall
 Gibbs, William Otter
 Gore-Langton, Hubert Edwin
 Gore-Langton, William Henry
 Gore-Langton, William Henry Powell
 Hammond, John
 Heathcoat-Amory, Harry William Ludovic
 Hoare, Henry Ainslie, 5th Bt.
 Hood, Alexander, 1st Viscount Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas
 Hopton, Ralph, 1st Baron Hopton of Stratton
 Jolliffe, Hedworth Hylton, 2nd Baron Hylton of Hylton
 Kemeys-Tynte, Charles Kemeys
 Lambart, Frederick Edward Gould, 9th Earl of the County of Cavan
 Langman, Archibald Lawrence, 2nd Bt.
 Lethbridge, John Hesketh, 3rd Bt.
 Lethbridge, Wroth Acland, 4th Bt.
 Long, Walter
 Marwood-Elton, William
 Meade-King, Richard
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Philip
 Portman, Edward William Berkeley
 Slade, John
 St. John-Mildmay, Charles Beague
 Stanley, Edward James
 Strachey, Edward, 1st Baron Strachie
 Strachey, Edward, 3rd Bt.
 Talbot, James, 4th Baron Talbot of Malahide
 Trollope, Robert Cranmer
 Wills, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Winterstoke
 Colles, John ( 1597 )
 Poulett, John, 2nd Baron Poulett ( c 1660 )
 Miles, Charles William, 5th Bt. ( 1932 )
 Waldegrave, Geoffrey Noel, 12th Earl Waldegrave ( 1951 )
 Acland, Edward Leopold Dyke ( 1952 )
 Hallinan, Edward Victor ( 1953 )
 Warrender, John Robert, 2nd Baron Bruntisfield ( 1965 )
 Tudway Quilter, David Cuthbert ( 1970-1978 )
 Darling, Robert Charles Henry, 2nd Baron Darling ( 1972-1974 )
 Talbot, Arthur Allison Fitzroy ( 1973 )
 Jolliffe, Raymond Hervey, 5th Baron Hylton of Hylton ( 1975-1990 )
 Cameron, Ewen James Hanning, Baron Cameron of Dillington ( 1989 )
 Bethell, Richard Ker Slingsby ( 1991 )
 Bathurst, David Benjamin ( 1996 )
 Darling, Robert Charles Henry, 2nd Baron Darling ( 1996 )
 Waldegrave, Sarah Caroline ( 1998 )
 Godsal, David Hugh ( 2012-2018 )
 Hughes-Onslow, Olivia ( 2019 )
Count equals 57 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Somerset and Avon
 Harvey, Herbert
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of South Glamorgan
 Boothby, Hugo Robert Brooke, 14th Bt. ( 1953 )
 Brooks, John Edward, Baron Brooks of Tremorfa ( 1994 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of South Yorkshire
 Balfour, Robert Arthur, 2nd Baron Riverdale ( 1959 )
 Lumley, Richard Aldred, 12th Earl of Scarbrough ( 1974-1990 )
 Mason, Roy, Baron Mason of Barnsley ( 1992 )
 Hardy, Peter, Baron Hardy of Wath ( 1997 )
 Walker, Harold, Baron Walker of Doncaster ( 1997 )
 Turner, Edward Neil ( 2001 )
 Turner, Charles James ( 2019 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Southampton
 Cooper, George James Robertson, 2nd Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Staffordshire
 Adderley, Charles Bowyer, 1st Baron Norton
 Allsopp, Alfred Percy
 Allsopp, George Higginson
 Allsopp, Henry, 1st Baron Hindlip of Hindlip
 Allsopp, Samuel Charles, 2nd Baron Hindlip of Hindlip
 Anson, George Augustus
 Anson, Thomas Edward, 4th Earl of Lichfield
 Anson, Thomas Francis, 3rd Earl of Lichfield
 Arden, William
 Bagnall, John Nock
 Bagot, Alan Charles
 Bagot, Richard
 Bass, Michael Arthur, 1st Baron Burton of Burton-on-Trent and of Rangemore
 Beddows, William John
 Benson, Godfrey Rathbone, 1st Baron Charnwood
 Borlase-Warren-Venables-Vernon, William John
 Bostock, Nicholas Stephen Godfrey
 Boughey, Thomas Fletcher Fenton, 4th Bt.
 Briscoe, George
 Cadman, James
 Cavendish, Charles Tyrell
 Chetwynd, Richard Walter, 7th Viscount Chetwynd of Bearhaven
 Cooper, Richard Powell, 1st Bt.
 Fitzherbert, Basil Thomas
 Fitzherbert, Thomas
 Fitzherbert-Stafford, Francis Edward, 12th Baron Stafford
 Hardy, Eric John
 Hardy, Reginald, 2nd Bt.
 Heywood, Graham Percival, 4th Bt.
 Heywood, Thomas Percival, 2nd Bt.
 Hickman, Thomas Edgecumbe
 Lane, John
 Legge, William, 7th Earl of Dartmouth
 Lewis, David Henry
 Littleton, Edward Charles Rowley, 4th Baron Hatherton
 Littleton, William Francis
 Littleton, William Hugh
 Lyttelton, John
 Mander, Charles Arthur, 2nd Bt.
 Mander, Charles Tertius, 1st Bt.
 Manningham-Buller, Morton Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Meynell, Francis Hugo Lindley
 Mosley, Oswald, 4th Bt.
 Mosley, Tonman, 1st and last Baron Anslow
 Negus, Robert Essington
 Paget, Alexander Victor
 Parker, William Biddulph, 2nd Bt.
 Parker, William, 1st Bt.
 Parker-Jervis, William Robert
 Ryder, Dudley Francis Stuart, 3rd Earl of Harrowby
 Salt, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Scott, Edward Dolman, 5th/6th Bt.
 Thorneycroft, Thomas
 Vaughan, Edmund Malet
 Ward, Henry
 Wedgwood, Francis Hamilton
 Wedgwood, Josiah Clement, 1st Baron Wedgwood
 Wiggin, Henry Arthur, 2nd Bt.
 Wiggin, Henry Samuel, 1st Bt.
 Williams, Henry David
 Wolseley, Charles Michael, 9th Bt.
 Worthington, Albert Octavius
 Grey, John ( 1689-1696 )
 Paget, Henry, 1st Earl of Uxbridge ( 14 May 1689 )
 Salt, Thomas Anderton, 2nd Bt. ( 1901-1929 )
 Ryder, Dudley, 6th Earl of Harrowby ( 1925 )
 Legge, Humphrey, 8th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1927-1939 )
 Monckton, Reginald Francis Percy ( 1927 )
 Ward, William Humble Eric, 3rd Earl of Dudley ( 1927-1966 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, John George Charles Henry Alton Alexander Chetwynd, 21st Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1946-1962 )
 Littleton, Edward Thomas Walhouse, 5th Baron Hatherton ( 1947 )
 Eadie, James Alister ( 1949 )
 Farquhar, Charles Richard ( 1962 )
 Beatty, Michael P. K. ( 1980 )
 Monckton, Alan Stobart ( 1988 )
 Walker-Okeover, Peter Ralph Leopold, 4th Bt. ( 1992 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles Henry John Benedict Crofton Chetwynd, 22nd Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1994 )
 Fitzherbert, Francis Melfort William, 15th Baron Stafford ( 1994 )
 Anson, Thomas Patrick John, 5th Earl of Lichfield ( 1996 )
Count equals 79 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Stirling
 Wilson, David, of Carbeth, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Stirling and Falkirk
 Nickson, David Wigley, Baron Nickson ( 1982-1997 )
 MacMillan, John Richard Alexander ( 1998 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Stirlinghsire
 Graham, James, 6th Duke of Montrose
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Stirlingshire
 Buchanan, Andrew, 1st Bt.
 Crawford, Euing Russell
 Dundas, Lawrence, 1st Marquess of Zetland
 Home-Spiers, George, of Blackadder, 10th Bt.
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Thomas John, 5th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow
 King, Charles Macintosh
 King, James, 1st Bt.
 Orr Ewing, Archibald Ernest, of Ballikinrain, 3rd Bt.
 Orr Ewing, Archibald, of Ballikinrain, 1st Bt.
 Seton-Steuart, Alan Henry, of Allanton and Touch, 4th Bt.
 Stirling, Archibald, of Keir
 Stirling, Charles Elphinstone Fleming, 8th Bt.
 Younger, James, 2nd Viscount Younger of Leckie
 Abercromby, George Ralph Campbell, 4th Baron Abercromby of Aboukir and Tullibody ( 1860 )
 Kennard, Howard John ( 1930 )
 Dundas, James Colin ( 1937 )
 Bolton, Ian Frederick Cheney, 2nd Bt. ( 1939 )
 Younger, Edward George, 3rd Viscount Younger of Leckie ( 1947-1964 )
 Clark, Henry James Douglas ( 1952 )
 Younger, George Kenneth Hotson, 4th Viscount Younger of Leckie ( 1968 )
 Howie, William Forbes ( 1981 )
Count equals 21 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Strandtown
 Burke, Raymond Augustus
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Strathclyde Region
 Shaw-Stewart, Houston Mark, of Greenhall and Blackhall, 11th Bt. ( 1974-1980 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Suffolk
 Bence-Lambert, Guy Lenox
 Blois, John Ralph, 8th Bt.
 Blois, Ralph Barrrett MacNaghten, 9th Bt.
 Bunbury, Charles Henry Napier, 11th Bt.
 Bunbury, Henry Charles John, 10th Bt.
 Cadogan, Gerald Oakley, 6th Earl Cadogan
 Churchman, Arthur Charles, 1st and last Baron Woodbridge
 Churchman, William Alfred, 1st and last Bt.
 Crossley, Francis Savile, 2nd Baron Somerleyton
 Crossley, Savile Brinton, 1st Baron Somerleyton
 Davenly, Charles
 Davenly, William
 FitzRoy, Alfred William Maitland, 8th Duke of Grafton
 FitzRoy, Augustus Charles Lennox, 7th Duke of Grafton
 FitzRoy, Henry James, Earl of Euston
 Fitzgerald, John
 Ganzoni, Francis John Childs, 1st Baron Belstead
 Ganzoni, Francis John Childs, 1st Baron Belstead
 Gathorne-Hardy, John David, 4th Earl of Cranbrook
 Gooch, Alfred Sherlock, 9th Bt.
 Guinness, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee, 2nd Earl of Iveagh
 Gurdon, Bertram Francis, 2nd Baron Cranworth of Letton and Cranworth
 Hambling, Henry Herbert, 1st Bt.
 Hambro, Harold Everard
 Henniker-Major, Charles Henry Chandos, 6th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Thomas John, 5th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow
 Jackson, Thomas Dare, 2nd Bt.
 Lascelles, Henry George Charles, 6th Earl of Harewood
 Lloyd-Anstruther, Robert Hamilton
 Loch, Edward Douglas, 2nd Baron Loch
 Lowry-Corry, Henry William
 Lucas, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Mackworth-Praed, Herbert Bulkley, 1st and last Bt.
 Marx, Clare Lucy
 Parker, William, 9th Bt.
 Purcell-FitzGerald, John
 Rowley, Charles, 2nd Bt.
 Schreiber, Charles Alfred
 Stuart, Godfrey Richard Conyngham
 Thellusson, Frederick William Brook, 5th Baron Rendlesham of Rendlesham
 Thellusson, Frederick, 4th Baron Rendlesham of Rendlesham
 Vanneck, Charles Andrew, 3rd Baron Huntingfield of Heveningham Hall
 Warner, Edward Courtenay Thomas, 2nd Bt.
 Wilson, Arthur Maitland
 Wilson, Henry
 Wilson, Joseph Maitland
 Felton, Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1660-1688 )
 Elwes, Gervase, 1st Bt. ( 1665-1681 )
 Elwes, Gervase, 1st Bt. ( 1689-1706 )
 Felton, Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1690 )
 Saumarez, James St. Vincent Broke, 5th Baron de Saumarez ( 1937-1964 )
 FitzRoy, Charles Alfred Euston, 10th Duke of Grafton ( 1942 )
 Lowry-Corry, Henry Charles ( 1946 )
 Backhouse, Edward Henry Walford ( 1949-1965 )
 Gooch, Brian Sherlock ( 1958 )
 Rivett-Carnac, James William ( 1958 )
 Stirling, Walter Andrew ( 1958 )
 Tollemache, John Edward Hamilton, 4th Baron Tollemache of Helmingham ( 1958 )
 Whitefoord, Philip Geoffrey ( 1962 )
 Crossley, Saville William Francis, 3rd Baron Somerleyton ( 1964 )
 Schreiber, John Shuldham ( 1964 )
 Rowley, Joshua Francis, 7th Bt. ( 1968-1973 )
 Vestey, Ronald Arthur ( 1970 )
 Cairns, David Charles, 5th Earl Cairns ( 1973 )
 FitzRoy, Hugh Denis Charles, 11th Duke of Grafton ( 1973 )
 Ganzoni, John Julian, 2nd Baron Belstead ( 1979-1994 )
 Erskine, David Hervey ( 1983-2004 )
 Wake-Walker, Christopher Baldwin Hughes ( 1983 )
 Tollemache, Timothy John Edward, 5th Baron Tollemache of Helmingham ( 1984-1994 )
 Ganzoni, Mary Jill ( 1988 )
 Greenwell, Edward Bernard, 4th Bt. ( 1988 )
 Henniker-Major, John Patrick Edward Chandos, 8th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney ( 1988 )
 Schreiber, Mark Shuldham, Baron Marlesford ( 1991 )
 Vestey, Edmund Hoyle ( 1991 )
 Mowbray, John Robert, 6th Bt. ( 1993 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Miriam ( 1995 )
 Gurney, Carol James Hay ( 1995 )
 Hyde Parker, Richard William, 12th Bt. ( 1995 )
 Rous, Robert Charles ( 1995 )
 Gooch, Timothy Robert Sherlock, 13th Bt. ( 1999 )
 Kerr, Claire Amabel Margaret ( 2005 )
 Hughes-Hallett, Thomas Michael Sydney ( 2013 )
 Crossley, Hugh Francis Savile, 4th Baron Somerleyton ( 2019 )
 Gooch, Lucinda ( 2019 )
Count equals 84 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Surrey
 Beaumont, Francis Henry
 Blades, George Rowland, 1st Baron Ebbisham
 Bonsor, Henry Cosmo Orme, 1st Bt.
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Arthur
 Brodie, Benjamin Vincet Sellon, 3rd Bt.
 Brodrick, Arthur Grenville
 Brodrick, William St. John Freemantle, 1st Earl of Midleton
 Burnett, Leslie Trew, 2nd Bt.
 Colman, Jeremiah, 1st Bt.
 Cubitt, Roland Calvert, 3rd Baron Ashcombe
 Egerton, William Francis
 Evelyn, William John
 Farquhar, Walter Rockcliffe, 3rd Bt.
 Foley, FitzAlan Charles John, 6th Baron Foley of Kidderminster
 Foley, Henry Thomas, 5th Baron Foley of Kidderminster
 Fraser, John Malcolm, 1st Bt.
 Guinness, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee, 2nd Earl of Iveagh
 Hacking, Douglas Hewitt, 1st Baron Hacking
 Howard, Robert Mowbray
 Jarvis, Joseph John, 1st Bt.
 King, Lionel Fortescue, 3rd Earl of Lovelace
 Leveson-Gower, Edward Frederick
 Leveson-Gower, Granville William Gresham
 More-Molyneux, James Robert
 Murray, Robert Hay
 Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow
 Onslow, William Hillier, 4th Earl of Onslow
 Pepys, William John, 3rd Earl of Cottenham
 Perceval, Charles George, 7th Earl of Egmont
 Percy, Algernon George, 6th Duke of Northumberland
 Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen
 Sanders, Terence Robert Beaumont
 Scarlett, Peter Campbell
 Serpell, Henry Oberlin
 Spender Clay, Herbert Henry
 Strachey, John St. Loe
 Waterlow, Alfred James
 Waterlow, Walter Blandford
 Wigan, Frederick, 1st Bt.
 Worms, George
 Malcolm, Ian Zachary, 17th of Poltalloch ( 1919 )
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Granville Brian ( 1931 )
 Southby, Archibald Richard James, 1st Bt. ( 1933 )
 Harvie-Watt, George Steven, 1st Bt. ( 1942-1966 )
 Onslow, William Arthur Bampfylde, 6th Earl of Onslow ( 1950-1962 )
 Devitt, Peter Kenneth ( 1959 )
 Child, Coles John, 2nd Bt. ( 1960 )
 Dundas, Hugh Spencer Lisle ( 1968 )
 Aarvold, Carl Douglas ( 1973 )
 Anson, Peter, 7th Bt. ( 1993 )
 Hamilton, James Leslie, 4th Baron Hamilton of Dalzell ( 1993 )
 Dixon, Ann Anastasia Corinna Helena ( 1996 )
 Batty, Patience Hélène Mary ( 2000 )
 Nutting, Peter Robert ( 2000 )
 Garnett, Virginia Hilda Brunette Maxwell, Baroness Bottomley of Nettlestone ( 2006 )
Count equals 55 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Surrey and Middlesex
 Cubitt, George, 1st Baron Ashcombe
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Sussex
 Aldridge, John
 Aldridge, Robert
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry, 4th Bt.
 Barttelot, George
 Barttelot, Walter George, 2nd Bt.
 Barttelot, Walter, 1st Bt.
 Brand, Arthur George
 Brand, Henry Robert, 2nd Viscount Hampden of Glynde
 Brassey, Thomas Allnutt, 2nd Earl Brassey
 Brassey, Thomas, 1st Earl Brassey
 Burrell, Charles Raymond, 6th Bt.
 Curzon, Robert Nathaniel Cecil George, 15th Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth)
 Cusack-Smith, Thomas Berry, 5th Bt.
 Dodson, John William, 2nd Baron Monk Bretton
 Frankland, Frederick William, 8th Bt.
 Gage, Henry Charles, 5th Viscount Gage of Castle Island
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 7th Duke of Richmond
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 8th Duke of Richmond
 Holroyd, Henry North, 3rd Earl of Sheffield
 Howard, Frederick John
 Larnach-Nevill, Guy Temple Montacute, 4th Marquess of Abergavenny
 Legge, Charles Egerton
 Loder, Gerald Walter Erskine, 1st Baron Wakehurst
 Loder, Giles Harold
 Loder, Robert, 1st Bt.
 Loder, Wilfrid Hans
 Lucas, Charles Thomas
 Montefiore, Francis, 1st and last Bt.
 Montefiore, Joseph Mayer
 Nevill, George Montacute
 Nevill, Henry Gilbert Ralph, 3rd Marquess of Abergavenny
 Nevill, Reginald Henry
 Nevill, Richard Plantagenet
 Noel, Ernest
 Pearson, Weetman Harold Miller, 2nd Viscount Cowdray
 Pelham, Jocelyn Brudenell, 6th Earl of Chichester
 Pelham, Walter John, 4th Earl of Chichester
 Sackville, Gilbert George Reginald, 8th Earl De La Warr
 Sergison, Charles Warden
 Sergison, Editha Elma
 Sergison, Warden
 Sergison, Warden George
 Shelley, Percy Florence, 3rd Bt.
 Somerset, Arthur William FitzRoy
 Talbot, William Leopold Porsenna
 Thomas, Inigo
 Turnour, Edward, 5th Earl Winterton
 Vesey-FitzGerald, William Robert Seymour
 Willard, Nicholas
 Wyndham, Henry, 2nd Baron Leconfield of Leconfield
 Wyndham, Percy Scawen
 Alers-Hankey, Cecil George Herbert ( 21 Jul 1927 )
 Gage, Henry Rainald, 6th Viscount Gage of Castle Island ( 1927 )
 Maxse, Frederick Ivor ( 1932 )
 Burrell, Walter Raymond, 8th Bt. ( 1937 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Marmaduke, 16th Duke of Norfolk ( 1945-1949 )
 Pearson, Weetman John Churchill, 3rd Viscount Cowdray ( 1945 )
 Cayzer, Herbert Robin, 1st Baron Rotherwick ( 1948 )
 Taylor, Charles Stuart ( 1948 )
 Shakerley, Cyril Holland, 5th Bt. ( 1949 )
 Nevill, John Henry Guy, 5th Marquess of Abergavenny ( 1955 )
 Astor, Gavin, 2nd Baron Astor of Hever ( 1956 )
 Sackville, Herbrand Edward Dundonald Brassey, 9th Earl De La Warr ( 1956 )
 Whistler, Lashmer Gordon ( 1957 )
 Fane de Salis, Rodolph Henry ( 1960 )
 Colville, Edward Charles ( 1962 )
 Shand, Bruce Middleton Hope ( 1962 )
 Loder, Robert Eric ( 1972 )
 Lakin, John ( 1977 )
 Barttelot, Brian Walter de Stopham, 5th Bt. ( 1988 )
Count equals 70 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Sutherland
 Bruce, David
 Egerton, Philip
 Harmsworth, Harold Sidney, 1st Viscount Rothermere
 Horne, William Edgar, 1st Bt.
 Kimball, Lawrence
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Alastair St. Clair
 Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, Francis Mackenzie, 2nd Earl of Cromartie
 Bruce, John Bernard ( 1959 )
 Janson, Charles Noel ( 1959-1993 )
Count equals 9 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Tower Hamlets
 Cotter, James Laurence, 4th Bt.
 Grenfell, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Desborough
 Osborn, John, 5th Bt.
 Seton, Bruce Maxwell, of Abercorn, 8th Bt.
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Tyne and Wear
 Chapman, David Robert MacGowan, 3rd Bt. ( 1997 )
 Dixon, Donald, Baron Dixon ( 1997 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Warwick
 Plumb, Charles Henry, Baron Plumb ( 1977 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Warwickshire
 Adderley, Charles Bowyer, 1st Baron Norton
 Adderley, Charles Leigh, 2nd Baron Norton
 Biddulph, Theophilus, 7th Bt.
 Biddulph, William Hugh
 Bird, Alfred Frederic, 1st Bt.
 Boultbee, Henry Townshend
 Bridgeman, George Cecil Orlando, 4th Earl of Bradford
 Bridgeman, Orlando, 5th Earl of Bradford
 Butler, Charles Lennox
 Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Henry Montgomerie, 4th Bt.
 Cavendish, Charles Compton William, 3rd Baron Chesham
 Child-Villiers, Victor Albert George, 7th Earl of Island of Jersey
 Craven, George Grimston, 3rd Earl of Craven
 Dormer, Charles Joseph Thaddeus, 14th Baron Dormer of Wyng
 Dormer, John Baptist Joseph, 12th Baron Dormer of Wyng
 Dormer, Roland John, 13th Baron Dormer of Wyng
 Dugdale, William Francis Stratford, 1st Bt.
 Erskine-Murray, Arthur
 Feilding, Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine, 9th Earl of Denbigh
 Finch, Heneage, 7th Earl of Aylesford
 Haldane-Duncan, Robert Adam Philips, 3rd Earl of Camperdown of Lundie
 Hamilton, Robert North Collie, of Silvertonhill, 6th Bt.
 Heber-Percy, Josceline Reginald
 Hood, Francis Wheler, 4th Viscount Hood of Whitley
 Jaffray, John, 1st Bt.
 Jaffray, William, 2nd Bt.
 Lakin, Michael Henry, 1st Bt.
 Leigh, Gilbert Henry Chandos
 Lloyd, Thomas
 Lowe, Francis William, 1st Bt.
 Lucy, Henry Spencer
 Mordaunt, Charles, 10th Bt.
 Mordaunt, John Murray
 Okeover, Haughton Charles
 Palmer-Morewood, Charles Rowland
 Palmer-Morewood, Charles Rowland
 Parker, Alexander Edward
 Peel, Arthur George Villiers
 Peel, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Viscount Peel of Sandy
 Petre, Edward Henry
 Seymour, Francis George Hugh, 5th Marquess of Hertford
 Seymour, George Francis Alexander, 7th Marquess of Hertford
 Shirley, Sewallis Evelyn
 Skipwith, Peyton d'Estoteville, 10th Bt.
 Skipwith, Thomas George, 9th Bt.
 Turville-Petre, Oswald Henry Philip
 Verney, Richard Greville, 19th Lord Willoughby de Broke
 Villiers, Edward Hyde, 5th Earl of Clarendon
 Waller, Francis Ernest, 4th Bt.
 Waller, Wathen Arthur, 5th Bt.
 Ward-Boughton-Leigh, Edward Allesley Boughton
 Wiggin, Edgar Askin
 Little, Malcolm Orme ( 1923 )
 Jaffray, William Edmund, 4th Bt. ( 1931 )
 Verney, John Henry Peyto, 20th Lord Willoughby de Broke ( 1931 )
 Wiggin, Charles Richard Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1931 )
 Siddeley, Cyril Davenport, 2nd Baron Kenilworth ( 1942 )
 Leigh, Rupert William Dudley, 4th Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh ( 1946 )
 Lakin, John ( 1950 )
 Samuel, Marcus Richard, 3rd Viscount Bearsted ( 1950 )
 Greville, Charles Guy Fulke, 7th Earl of Warwick ( 1952 )
 Verney, Reynell Henry ( 1952 )
 Farley, Francis Dashwood ( 1954 )
 Finch-Knightley, Charles Ian, 11th Earl of Aylesford ( 1954 )
 Dugdale, William Stratford, 2nd Bt. ( 1955 )
 Seymour, Hugh Edward Conway, 8th Marquess of Hertford ( 1959 )
 Shuckburgh, Charles Gerald Stewkly, 12th Bt. ( 1965 )
 Butterworth, John Blackstock, Baron Butterworth ( 1967-1974 )
 FitzRoy Newdegate, Francis Humphrey Maurice, 3rd Viscount Daventry ( 1970-1974 )
 Gray-Cheape, Hamish Leslie ( 1990 )
 Gurdon, Jeryl Marcia Sarah ( 1990 )
 Vereker, Charles John Prendergast ( 1993 )
Count equals 72 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Wesmorland
 Fletcher-Vane, William Morgan, 1st Baron Inglewood ( 1964 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of West Gloucestershire
 Marling, Samuel Stephens, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of West Lothian
 Dalyell, Gordon, of the Binns
 Hope, Charles Melbourne
 Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow
 Douglas, John Charles Sholto, 21st Earl of Morton ( 1982 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of West Midlands
 Butterworth, John Blackstock, Baron Butterworth ( 1974 )
 Dear, Geoffrey James, Baron Dear ( 1985 )
 Knights, Philip Douglas, Baron Knights ( 1985 )
 Finch-Knightley, Heneage Charles, 12th Earl of Aylesford ( 1986-1990 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of West Riding, Yorkshire
 Ramsden, John Frescheville, 6th Bt.
 Wade, Donald William, Baron Wade ( 1967 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of West Suffolk
 Agnew, John Stuart, 3rd Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of West Sussex
 Hordern, Peter Maudslay
 Pery, Patrick Edmund, 6th Earl of Limerick
 Rodd, Evelyn Violet Elizabeth, Baroness Emmet of Amberley
 Scott, Donald Dundas
 Weld Forester, Mary Angela Fiona
 Wyndham, John Max Henry Scawen, 7th Baron Leconfield of Leconfield
 Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st and last Viscount Portal of Hungerford ( 1951 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 10th Duke of Richmond ( 1975-1990 )
 FitzGeorge-Balfour, Robert George Victor ( 1977 )
 Loder, Giles Rolls, 3rd Bt. ( 1977 )
 Stapleton Fitzalan Howard, Miles Francis, 17th Duke of Norfolk ( 1977 )
 Trotter, Angela Olivia ( 1977 )
 Higgins, Terence Langley, Baron Higgins ( 1989 )
 Marshall, Robert Michael ( 1990 )
 Luce, Richard Napier, Baron Luce ( 1991 )
 Goring, Richard Harry ( 1994 )
 Pearson, Michael Orlando Weetman, 4th Viscount Cowdray ( 1996 )
 Dholakia, Navnit, Baron Dholakia ( 1999 )
 Young, David Ivor, Baron Young of Graffham ( 1999 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Edward William, 18th Duke of Norfolk ( 2002 )
 Guinness, Emma Lavinia ( 2019 )
Count equals 21 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of West Yorkshire
 Taylor, John Aked, Baron Ingrow ( 1971 )
 Shaw, Michael Norman, Baron Shaw of Northstead ( 1977 )
 Barber, Anthony Perrinott Lysberg, Baron Barber ( 1987 )
 Lockwood, Betty, Baroness Lockwood ( 1987 )
 Bellow, Irwin Norman, Baron Bellwin ( 1991 )
 Hargreaves-Allen, Ingrid Mary ( 1994-1999 )
 Stoddart-Scott, John David Malcolm ( 1998 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Westminster
 Onslow, Thomas, 2nd Baron Onslow
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Westmoreland
 Wynne, Arthur Singleton
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Westmorland
 Bromley-Wilson, Maurice, 7th Bt.
 Gandy, Frederick
 Gandy, Henry
 Gandy, James
 Gandy, James Milnes Gandy
 Howard, Henry Charles
 Lowther, Anthony Edward, Viscount Lowther
 Lowther, Hugh Cecil, 5th Earl of Lonsdale
 Lowther, William
 Whitehead, James, 1st Bt.
 North, Bordrigge North ( 1919 )
 Tryon-Wilson, Charles Edward ( 1971-1974 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Westmorland and Kent
 Tufton, John Sackville Richard, 2nd Baron Hothfield of Hothfield
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Wigtonshire
 Stewart, Alan Plantagenet, 10th Earl of Galloway
 Stewart, Alexander
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Wigtownshire
 Agnew, Charles Hamlyn
 Agnew, Quentin Charles Graham Kinnaird
 Dalrymple, Hew Hamilton
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, Christian Margaret
 Dunbar, William Cospatrick, of Mochrum, 9th Bt.
 Dunbar, William, of Mochrum, 7th Bt.
 Heron-Maxwell, John Shaw
 Hunter Blair, Edward, of Blairquhan and Dunskey, 4th Bt.
 MacTaggart-Stewart, Edward Orde, 2nd Bt.
 Maitland, Patrick, of Freugh
 Maxwell, Aymer Edward
 Agnew, Andrew, of Lochnaw, 8th Bt. ( 1843 )
 Orr Ewing, David ( 1951 )
 Dalrymple, John Aymer, 13th Earl of Stair ( 1953 )
 Strutt, Edward Alexander ( 1966 )
 Orr Ewing, Edward Stuart ( 1970-1989 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Wiltshire
 Agar, James Charles Herbert Welbore Ellis, 3rd Earl of Normanton
 Antrobus, Edmund, 3rd Bt.
 Brudenell-Bruce, George William James Chandos, 6th Marquess of Ailesbury
 Fuller, John Bird
 Fuller, Robert Fleetwood
 Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis
 Gladstone, John Evelyn, 4th Bt.
 Goldney, Gabriel, 1st Bt.
 Goldney, John Tankerville
 Grove, Thomas Fraser, 1st Bt.
 Hammick, Robert Townsend
 Heathcote, William Arthur
 Herbert, Reginald, 15th Earl of Pembroke
 Howard, Bernard
 Hulse, Edward Henry, 6th Bt.
 Hunt-Grubbe, William
 Long, John
 Long, Robert Chaloner Critchley
 Long, Walter
 Malet, Alexander, 2nd Bt.
 Morrison, Alfred
 Nelson, Herbert Horatio, Viscount Trafalgar
 Nelson, Horatio, 3rd Earl Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton
 Nicholson, Arthur Carleton
 Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 3rd Earl of Radnor
 Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 7th Earl of Radnor
 Poore, Richard, 4th Bt.
 Rasch, David Alwyne Carne
 Rasch, Guy Elland Carne
 Seymour, Henry
 Seymour, Henry Danby
 Shaw-Stewart, Walter Richard
 Somerset, Henry Arthur George
 Thynne, Henry Frederick
 Wyndham, Percy Scawen
 Hungerford, Anthony ( 1608-1624 )
 Hungerford, Edward ( 1624 )
 Hungerford, Edward ( b 1681 )
 St. John, Henry, 1st Viscount St. John ( 19 Nov 1683 )
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Mark Edward ( 1932 )
 Lawrence, Geoffrey Lawrence, 3rd Baron Trevethin ( 1945-1949 )
 Long, Richard Eric Onslow, 3rd Viscount Long ( 1946 )
 Morrison, John Granville, 1st Baron Margadale ( 1950-1969 )
 Mercer Nairne Petty-FitzMaurice, George John Charles, 8th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1952 )
 Brassey, Hugh Trefusis ( 1955-1968 )
 Allsopp, Henry Richard, 5th Baron Hindlip of Hindlip ( 1956 )
 Peto, Christopher Henry Maxwell, 3rd Bt. ( 1956 )
 Tritton, Geoffrey Ernest, 3rd Bt. ( 1956 )
 Seymour, Percy Hamilton, 18th Duke of Somerset ( 1960 )
 Gibbs, Martin St. John Valentine ( 1972 )
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael ( 1974-1993 )
 Morrison, James Ian, 2nd Baron Margadale ( 1977 )
 Arundell, Reginald John Richard, 10th Baron Talbot of Malahide ( 1983-1996 )
 Studd, Peter Malden ( 1983 )
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Charles Maurice, 9th Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1990 )
 Brassey, Antony Hugh Owen ( 1991 )
 Tryon, Anthony George Merrick, 3rd Baron Tryon ( 1992 )
 Seymour, John Michael Edward, 19th Duke of Somerset ( 1993 )
 Bartholomew, Charles John Eric ( 1996 )
 Brooking, Patrick Guy ( 1997 )
 Gooch, Arthur Brian Sherlock Heywood, 14th Bt. ( 1999 )
 Merritt, Fiona Mary ( 2019 )
Count equals 62 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Witlshire
 Everett, Joseph
 Margesson, Richard David ( 1992 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Wogtownshire
 Dalrymple, John James, 12th Earl of Stair
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Worcestershire
 Allsopp, Charles, 3rd Baron Hindlip of Hindlip
 Allsopp, Henry, 1st Baron Hindlip of Hindlip
 Baldwin, Alfred
 Bengough, Piers Henry George
 Berkeley, Maurice Henry
 Berkeley, Robert
 Berkeley, Robert John Grantley
 Berkeley, Robert Martin
 Berkeley, Robert Valentine
 Blount, Walter de Sodington, 9th Bt.
 Coventry, George William Reginald Victor, 10th Earl of Coventry
 Coventry, Reginald William
 Gandolfi-Hornyold, Thomas Charles, 1st Duke Gandolfi
 Greswolde-Williams, Francis Wigley Greswolde
 Grey, Henry Foley, 7th Bt.
 Hicks-Beach, Michael, 8th Bt.
 Holder, John Charles, 1st Bt.
 Lechmere, Anthony Hungerford
 Lechmere, Ronald Berwick Hungerford, 5th Bt.
 Lygon, Edward Hugh
 Lyttelton, John
 Maling, Christopher Thompson
 Pakington, Herbert Perrot Murray, 3rd Baron Hampton
 Pakington, John Slaney, 2nd Baron Hampton
 Rudge, Edward Charles
 Sandys, Augustus Frederick Arthur, 4th Lord Sandys, Baron of Ombersley
 Smith, Ferdinando
 Smith, Ferdinando Dudley Lea
 Somerset, Henry Charles Somers Augustus
 Spencer-Churchill, Edward
 Temple, Richard
 Ward, William Humble, 2nd Earl of Dudley
 Wiggin, William Henry
 Windsor-Clive, George Herbert
 Windsor-Clive, Ivor Miles, 2nd Earl of Plymouth
 Windsor-Clive, Robert George, 1st Earl of Plymouth
 Winnington, Francis Salwey, 5th Bt.
 Yorke, John Reginald
 Blayney, Thomas ( 1807 )
 Lechmere, Edmund Arthur, 4th Bt. ( 1900 )
 Pakington, Herbert Stuart, 4th Baron Hampton ( 1922-1946 )
 Brooke, Richard Christopher, 9th Bt. ( 1931-1946 )
 Hill, Arthur FitzGerald Sandys, 6th Lord Sandys, Baron of Ombersley ( 1941 )
 Lygon, William, 8th Earl Beauchamp ( 1947 )
 Berkeley, Robert George Wilmot ( 1952 )
 Chance, William Hugh Stobart ( 1952 )
 Lyttelton, Charles John, 10th Viscount Cobham ( 1952-1957 )
 Pakington, Humphrey Arthur, 5th Baron Hampton ( 1953 )
 Wiggin, Richard Arthur ( 1958 )
 Fane de Salis, Arthur Regester ( 1963 )
 Lyttelton, Charles John, 10th Viscount Cobham ( 1963 )
 Hill, Richard Michael Oliver, 7th Lord Sandys, Baron of Ombersley ( 1968 )
 Huntington-Whiteley, Hugo Baldwin, 3rd Bt. ( 1972 )
 Lechmere, Berwick Hungerford, 6th Bt. ( 1972-1974 )
 Dear, Geoffrey James, Baron Dear ( 1995 )
 Miller, Hilary Duppa ( 2000 )
 Lygon, Rosalind Elizabeth ( 2006 )
Count equals 57 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Yarmouth
 Lacon, John Mortlock
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of Yorkshire
 Armytage, George, 5th Bt.
 Brinckman, Theodore Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Devonshire
 Chaloner, Robert
 Chaloner, Thomas
 Clough-Taylor, Edward
 Cooke, William Ridley Charles, 9th Bt.
 Creyke, Ralph
 Davies-Cooke, Philip
 Dawnay, Guy Cuthbert
 Dixon, Jeremiah
 Dixon, John
 Dugdale, James Lionel
 Dundas, William Fitzwilliam James
 Edwards, Joseph Priestley
 Fairfax, Charles Gregory
 Ferrand, William
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles
 Fitzwilliam, William Hugh Spencer Wentworth
 Green, Edward, 1st Bt.
 Grimston, Charles
 Haworth-Booth, Benjamin Booth
 Hotham, John, 5th Baron Hotham of South Dalton
 Ingilby, Henry Day, 2nd Bt.
 Langdale, Philip Joseph
 Lawson, Andrew Sherlock
 Lawson, John, 2nd Bt.
 Meysey-Thompson, Harry Stephen, 1st Bt.
 Milbank, Mark
 Milbank, Powlett Charles John, 2nd Bt.
 Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington, Lionel, 11th Bt.
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Francis Dudley
 Norton, John Richard Brinsley, 5th Lord Grantley, Baron of Markenfield
 Phipps, Constantine Charles Henry, 3rd Marquess of Normanby
 Salt, Edward
 Salt, Titus
 Salt, Titus, 1st Bt.
 Salt, Titus, 1st Bt.
 Shore, Charles John, 3rd Baron Teignmouth
 Slingsby, Thomas
 Stapleton, Bryan John
 Stourton, Charles, 19th Baron Stourton
 Straubenzee, Henry
 Vyner, Reginald Arthur
 Vyner, Robert Charles de Grey
 Walker, Harold Maxwell
 Walker, James, 1st Bt.
 Wilson, Mathew Amcotts, 3rd Bt.
 Windham, William George
 Wood, Francis
 Wyvill, Christopher, 3rd Bt. ( 1660-1681 )
Count equals 51 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of hampshire
 St. Aubyn, Edward Geoffrey
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of hertfordshire
 Trafford, Humphrey Edmund, 4th Bt. ( 1946 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of hte City of London
 Mais, Alan Raymond, Baron Mais ( 1952 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of hte West Riding of Yorkshire
 Beckett, Ralph William Ernest, 3rd Baron Grimthorpe
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of kent
 Butler, James Arthur Norman, 6th Marquess of Ormonde ( 1952-1955 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of lancashire
 Cross, William
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of renfrewshire
 Alexander, Claud, of Ballochmyle, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Borders Region
 Strang Steel, Fiennes Michael, of Philiphaugh, 3rd Bt. ( 1990 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City and County of Edinburgh
 Bell, William
 Clark, Thomas, 1st Bt.
 Teacher, Anthony Donald Macdonald ( 1963 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City of Belfast
 Byers, Rowland Morrow
 Cunningham, James Glencairn ( 1947 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City of Dublin
 Cochrane, Henry, 1st Bt.
 Grubb, Howard
 Guinness, Arthur Edward, 1st and last Baron Ardilaun of Ashford
 Maunsell, George Woods
Count equals 4 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City of Dundee
 Hughes, William, Baron Hughes ( 1960 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City of Edinburgh
 Younger, William McEwan, 1st Bt. ( 1984 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City of London
 Attlee, Henry
 Charley, William Thomas
 Hambro, Charles Jocelyn
 Studd, John Edward Kynaston, 1st Bt.
 Newson-Smith, John Kenneth, 2nd Bt. ( 1947 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City of Westminster
 Worms, Henry, 1st and last Baron Pirbright
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the City of York
 Armytage, George John, 6th Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the County and City of Belfast
 McCullagh, Crawford, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the County and City of Edinburgh
 Clark, Thomas, 3rd Bt. ( 1955 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the County of Hull
 Bosville Macdonald, Ian Godfrey, of Sleat, 17th Bt. ( 1997 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the County of London
 Cadogan, Edward Cecil George
 Clegg-Hill, Rowland Richard, 4th Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and of Hardwicke
 Dickinson, Willoughby Hyett, 1st Baron Dickinson
 Gathorne-Hardy, Alfred Erskine
 Howard, Arthur Jared Palmer ( 1937 )
 Fremantle, John Walgrave Halford, 4th Baron Cottesloe ( 1951-1976 )
 Cadogan, William Gerald Charles, 7th Earl Cadogan ( 1958 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the County of the City of Belfast
 Clark, George Anthony, 3rd Bt. ( 1961 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the East Riding of Yorkshire
 Beckett, Christopher John, 4th Baron Grimthorpe ( 1969 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the East Riding, Yorkshire
 Bosville Macdonald, Alexander Wentworth Macdonald, of the Isles, 14th Bt.
 Constable, Frederick Augustus Talbot, 3rd Bt.
 Dawnay, Cuthbert Henry
 Dawnay, Eustace Henry
 Denison, William Francis Henry, 2nd Earl of Londesborough
 Denison, William Henry Forester, 1st Earl of Londesborough
 Duncombe, George Augustus, 1st and last Baronet
 Foljambe, Cecil George Saville, 1st Earl of Liverpool
 Hotham, Henry Frederick, 7th Baron Hotham of South Dalton
 Pennington, Josslyn Francis, 5th Baron Muncaster
 Sykes, Christopher
 Sykes, Joseph
 Sykes, Tatton, 5th Bt.
 Wilson, Charles Henry, 1st Baron Nunburnholme
 Wilson, Guy Greville
 Woodhouse, James Thomas, 1st Baron Terrington
 Forbes Adam, Colin Gurden ( 1958 )
 Brooksbank, Edward William, 2nd Bt. ( 1959 )
 Dobbs, John Jopp Fairlie ( 1961 )
 Willoughby, Digby Michael Godfrey John, 12th Baron Middleton of Middleton ( 1963 )
 Wood, Richard Frederick, Baron Holderness ( 1967 )
 Bosville Macdonald, Ian Godfrey, of Sleat, 17th Bt. ( 1997 )
 Whitelaw, Elizabeth Susan ( 1998 )
Count equals 23 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Isle of Ely
 Broughton, Ailwyn Henry George, 3rd Baron Fairhaven ( 1973 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Isle of Wight
 Hamond, Graham Eden, 2nd Bt.
 Hobart, Claud Vere Cavendish, 2nd Bt.
 Holmes à Court, William Leonard
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth, 1st Earl Jellicoe
 Leith, Alexander Henry, 5th Lord Burgh
 Mountbatten, Louis Alexander, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven
 Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Baron Tennyson of Aldworth
 Seely, David Peter, 4th Baron Mottistone ( 1981-1985 )
 Moore-Brabazon, Ivor Anthony, 3rd Baron Brabazon of Tara ( 1993 )
Count equals 9 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the North Riding of Yorkshire
 Duncombe, Charles William Reginald, 2nd Earl of Feversham of Ryedale
 Head, Charles Arthur
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the North Riding, Yorkshire
 Bell, Isaac Lowthian, 1st Bt.
 Bell, Maurice Hugh Lowthian, 3rd Bt.
 Cary, Byron Plantagenet, 12th Viscount of Falkland
 Cathcart, Alan Frederick, 3rd Earl Cathcart
 Cathcart, Alan, 4th Earl Cathcart
 Chaloner, Richard Godolphin Walmesley, 1st Baron Gisborough
 Coates, James
 Coates, William James
 D'Oyly, Edward
 Dawnay, John, 9th Viscount Downe
 Dawnay, William Frederick
 Denison, William Henry Forester, 1st Earl of Londesborough
 Denys, George William, 2nd Bt.
 Duncombe, Charles William Ernest
 Duncombe, Charles Willian Slingsby, 3rd Earl of Feversham of Ryedale
 Dundas, Lawrence John Lumley, 2nd Marquess of Zetland
 Graham, Reginald Guy, 9th Bt.
 Graham, Reginald Henry, 8th Bt.
 Grey, Arthur
 Howard-Vyse, Richard Edward
 Legard, James Digby
 Milbank, Mark William Vane
 Nussey, Thomas Willans, 1st Bt.
 Pease, Alfred Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Pease, Herbert Pike, 1st Baron Daryngton
 Pease, Joseph Whitwell, 1st Bt.
 Straubenzee, Marwood Turner
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Harcourt, 1st Baron Derwent
 Walker, Frederick James
 Willoughby, Tatton Lane Fox
 Wombwell, George Orby, 4th Bt.
 Worsley, William Cayley, 2nd Bt.
 Worsley, William Henry Arthington, 3rd Bt.
 Pease, Richard Arthur, 2nd Bt. ( 1923 )
 Worsley, William Arthington, 4th Bt. ( 1942-1951 )
 Cunliffe-Lister, Philip, 1st Earl of Swinton ( 1948 )
 Orde-Powlett, Nigel Amyas, 6th Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle ( 1952 )
 Straubenzee, Philip Turner ( 1959 )
 Phipps, Oswald Constantine John, 4th Marquess of Normanby ( 1960 )
 Graham, Richard Bellingham, 10th Bt. ( 1961 )
 Brown, Charles Frederick Richmond, 4th Bt. ( 1962 )
 Dundas, Lawrence Aldred Mervyn, 3rd Marquess of Zetland ( 1965 )
 Savile, John Raphael Wentworth, 7th Earl of Mexborough of Lifford ( 1967 )
 Hamilton-Russell, Richard Gustavus ( 1973 )
Count equals 44 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Port of Menteith
 Erskine, Henry David
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Tower HAmlets
 Hanson, Reginald, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Tower Hamlets
 Humphreys, John
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Tower of London
 Cathcart, George
 Dering, Anthony
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the West Riding of Yorkshire
 Beckett, Rupert Evelyn
 Beckett-Denison, Christopher
Count equals 2 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the West Riding of Yorskhire
 Lycett Green, Simon, 5th Bt. ( 1952 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the West Riding, Yorkshire
 Armytage, George John, 6th Bt.
 Brooksbank, Edward Clitherow, 1st Bt.
 Butler, Henry Edmund, 14th Viscount Mountgarret
 Calverley, Edmund
 Calverley, John Selwin
 Campbell, Duncan, 5th of South Hall
 Cary, Lucius William Charles Frederick, Master of Falkland
 Cobbe, Charles Augustus
 Cooke, William Henry Charles Wemyss, 10th Bt.
 Cooke-Yarborough, George Bryan
 Davies-Cooke, Philip Bryan
 Duncan, Surr William, 1st Bt.
 Edwards, Henry, 1st Bt.
 Faber, Edmund Beckett, 1st and last Baron Faber
 Fairbairn, Andrew
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles de Meuron, 7th Earl Fitzwilliam
 Holden, Isaac, 1st Bt.
 Ingilby, Joslan William Vivian, 5th Bt.
 Ingilby, William Henry, 4th Bt.
 Lister-Kaye, Cecil Edmund, 4th Bt.
 Lister-Kaye, John Pepys, 3rd Bt.
 Lloyd, George
 Mackintosh, Harold Vincent, 1st Viscount Mackintosh of Halifax
 Milner, Frederick George, 7th Bt.
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, Archibald Ralph, 3rd Earl of Wharncliffe
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, Francis John, 2nd Earl of Wharncliff
 Moynihan, Berkeley George Andrew, 1st Baron Moynihan
 Muff, George, 1st Baron Calverley
 Nicholson, William Nichol
 Powell, Francis Sharp, 1st and last Bt.
 Ripley, Edward, 2nd Bt.
 Roscoe, J. Clifford
 Savile, John Henry, 6th Earl of Mexborough of Lifford
 Savile, John Horace, 5th Earl of Mexborough of Lifford
 Stourton, Charles Botolph Joseph, 25th Baron Segrave
 Tempest, Arthur Cecil
 Walbanke-Childers, John
 Wilson, Mathew
 Wilson, Mathew Amcotts, 3rd Bt.
 Winn, Rowland, 2nd Baron Saint Oswald of Nostell
 Wood, Charles Lindley, 2nd Viscount Halifax of Monk Bretton
 Wood, Henry John Lindley
 Lupton, Charles ( 1918 )
 Compton, Edward Robert Francis ( 1926 )
 Tempest, Roger Stephen ( 1934 )
 Dunnington-Jefferson, John Alexander, 1st Bt. ( 1936 )
 Milner, James, 1st Baron Milner of Leeds ( 1939 )
 Taylor, William Johnson, 1st Bt. ( 1943 )
 Davies-Cooke, Philip Ralph ( 1947 )
 Lumley-Savile, George Halifax, 3rd Baron Savile of Rufford ( 1954 )
 Winn, Rowland Denys Guy, 4th Baron Saint Oswald of Nostell ( 1962 )
 Kaberry, Donald, Baron Kaberry of Adel ( 1974 )
 Winn, Derek Edward Anthony, 5th Baron Saint Oswald of Nostell ( 1987 )
 Hill, James Frederick, 4th Bt. ( 1994 )
Count equals 54 individuals.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the West and North Riding, Yorkshire
 Cunliffe-Lister, Samuel, 1st Baron Masham of Swinton
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the Western Isles
 Morrison, John William, 2nd Viscount Dunrossil ( 1990-1992 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) of the city of Dublin
 James, John Kingston, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.) on Inverness-shire
 Dallas, Alexander Grant
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.))
 Burn-Murdoch, John, of Coldoch and Gartincaber
Count equals 1 individual.
Deputy Lieutenant of County Armagh
 Greeves, William Edward ( 1952 )
Count equals 1 individuals.
Total count equals 7359 individuals.