Arakan Campaign
 Agnew, Richard Leslie ( 1943-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Britain
 Assheton, William Radclyffe
Barran, Philip Henry
Branch, Guy Rawstron
Davis, Carl Raymond
Hives, Ernest Edward ( 1940 )
Kay-Shuttleworth, Richard Ught
 Macdonnel, Æneas Ranald Donald
 Powell-Shedden, George ffollio
St. John, Peter Cape Beauchamp ( 1940 )
Count equals 9 individuals.
Battle of Dunkirk
 Beamish, Richard Marie ( 1940 )
 Hamill-Stewart, Charles Edward ( 1940 ), where he was captured and became a POW
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of El Alamein
Blair-Imrie, Hew Angus Christo ( 1942 ), where he was wounded
Brühl, Heinrich ( 1 Jul 1942 )
Bulwer-Lytton, Alexander Edwar
Craig, Ian Neville ( Oct 1942 )
Evatt, John Henry Beckwith ( Oct 1942 )
Fortescue, Hugh Peter, Viscount ( 17 Jul 1942 )
Gardyne, David
Legge, William, Viscount Lewish
Lyle, Ian Archibald de Hoghton ( Oct 1942 )
 Tomkin, James Michael Heigham
Ward, Denis Erskine ( Oct 1942 )
Wyndham, Henry Scawen ( 28 Oct 1942 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Battle of Knightsbridge
 Seely, William Evelyn ( 6 Jun 1942 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Stalingrad
Kloss, Friedrich Anton
Thurn und Taxis, Gabriel
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of the Rhine Crossings
Boyle, Richard ( Mar 1945 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of the River Plate
 Dreyer, Desmond Parry ( 1939 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Barber, Robert Heberden ( 6 Jun 1944 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Second Battle of El Alamein
Wheeler, James Napoleon ( 2 Nov 1942 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Second World War
 Aarvold, Carl Douglas
 Abbott, Albert Francis ( 1941-1945 ), in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Abercromby, Keith Douglas
 Abercromby, Robert Alexander, o
 Abney-Hastings, Ian Huddleston
 Acheson, Archibald Alexander J
 Ackery, Alan Melville
 Ackner, Desmond James Conrad, B
 Acland, Antony Guy, 5th Bt.
 Acland, Arthur William, in the 21st Army Group Headquarters
 Acland, Charles Edward Bankes
 Acland, Colin Dyke, with the South African Forces
 Acland, Edward Fox Dyke
 Acland, Emily Mary Dyke, in the Auxiliary Territorial Service and First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
 Acland, Henry Vivian, where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Acland, Ian Hugh
 Acland, James Alison ( 1939-1945 )
 Acland, Michael Dyke
 Acland, Peter Bevil Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Acland, Thomas St. Hill, as part of the 2nd NZ Expeditionary Force
 Acton, Chichester Charles Hamp
 Acton, Edward Leslie Lowry
 Acton, Margaret Janet Olivia
 Acton, Thomas Heward
 Acton, Thomas John Hampden
 Acworth, Herbert William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Adair, Allan Henry Shafto, 6th ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Adair, Desmond Allan Shafto
 Adams, Charles Ephraim John
 Adams, Edward Ward Dillon ( 1944 )
 Adams, Edward Ward Dillon
 Adams, Eustace Stephen Walter
 Adams, Henry Joseph, in the Middle East, Ceylon and New Guinea
 Adams, John Harold, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Adams, John Roger Smith
 Adams, Lionel Douglas
 Adams, Violet Eleanor Sheila
 Adderley, John Arden, 7th Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Adderley, Michael Charles
 Addington, Gurth Louis Francis
 Addington, Hiley William Dever
 Addington, Leslie Richard Bagn
 Addington, Raleigh Hugh Leonar
 Addington, Raymond Thomas Casa
 Addington, Rupert Hiley Priaul, where he was mentioned in dispatches and wounded
Addis, Richard Graham
 Addison, Christopher, 2nd Visco
 Addison, Donald
 Addison, Michael, 3rd Viscount ( 1941-1945 )
 Adeane, Michael Edward, Baron A ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Adye, John Frederic, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Agar, Augustus Willington, V.C.
 Agar, Edward John Sidney Chris
Agar, John Herbert
Agnew, Andrew Quentin
 Agnew, Charles David
Agnew, David Michael
 Agnew, David Quentin Hope, in Burma and Malaya, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Agnew, Frederick Douglas
 Agnew, George Keith, 5th Bt.
Agnew, Michael Hugh
Agnew, Patrick Alexander
 Agnew, Peter Douglas, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Agnew, Peter Garrett, 1st Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Agnew, Peter Graeme
 Agnew, Stephen William, where he was wounded
 Agnew, William Gladstone
 Aiken, John Alexander Carlisle
 Aird, John Renton, 3rd Bt.
 Aird, Joseph Maurice
 Aird, Malcolm Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Aird, Malcolm Robin Meredith, where he was wounded
 Aird, Ronald, where he was wounded
 Aitken, John William Maxwell, 2
 Aitken, Peter Rudyard, where he was wounded
 Aizlewood, John Aldham, and was mentioned in despatches
 Aizlewood, Peter George Dennis
 Akers-Douglas, Ian Stanley
 Akrigg, Cecl Norton, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Albu, George Werner, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Alcantara di Querrieu, Pierre,
 Alcock, Margaret Savage
Alderson, Richard Cosmo
 Aldridge, Peter Mestaer
Aldworth, John Richard St. Leg
 Aldworth, Robert Harvey
 Alexander, Brian, with the 2nd Australian Imperial Force, 6 Division
 Alexander, Bryan James Mildmay
 Alexander, Caledon Charles
 Alexander, Charles Gundry, 2nd
 Alexander, Charles Otway, after being reactivated
 Alexander, Claud, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Alexander, Conn, with the Pioneer Corps and CMP
 Alexander, Evelyn Ruth Dorinda, with the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
 Alexander, Herbrand Charles
 Alexander, John Edward
 Alexander, Lennox Bruce
 Alexander, Margaret Sylvia Dap, with the Women's Royal Naval Service (W.R.N.S)
 Alexander, Michael Charles, and became a POW at Colditz
 Alexander, Nancy Stuart, with the Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.)
 Alexander, Nigel William
Alexander, Patrick Rawnsley
 Alexander, Paul Robert Mayne
 Alexander, Robert Christopher
 Alexander, William Sigismund P, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Allanson-Winn, John Valentine, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Allanson-Winn, Rowland Patrick
 Allen, Conway Benning
 Allen, Douglas Albert Vivian, B
 Allen, Geoffrey Michael
 Allen, Henry Adair
 Allen, Samuel Carson Fitzwilli ( 1939-1945 ), in the Royal Air Force
 Allen, William Edward David ( 1939-1943 )
 Allenby, Claude William Hynman
 Allenby, Dudley Jaffray Hynman
 Alleyne, John Meynell, 4th Bt.
 Alleyne, Reynold Meynell
 Allison, Joseph William Sloan
 Allsopp, Henry Richard, 5th Bar
Allsopp, John Ranulph
 Alport, Cuthbert James McCall, , with the Royal Welsh Fusiliers and the King's African Rifles in East Africa
Alston-Roberts-West, William R
Alverny, Francois
 Aman, Godfrey Pelham Leigh, 2nd ( 1939-1944 ), where he was wounded
 Ancketill, Henry George
 Ancketill, Matthew David, with the South African Coastal Defence Force
 Anderdon, Henry Manisty
 Anderson, Charles Bevan Carew, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Anderson, David Alastair Pears
Anderson, Guy Michael Craigie
Anderson, William Alexander
 Andrews, Harold James, with the Royal Air Force (R.A.F.) on special duties in Portugal and the Azores
 Andrews, Herbert Frank, as a Major with the Ulster Rifles
 Andrews, John Haldane J., as a Chief Engineering Officer for the Merchant Navy
 Andrews, Terence George, as a Major with the Royal Artillery
Andrews, Walter Moubray, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Andrews, William, as a Captain of the Royal Army Ordinance Corps and as a Lieutenant of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Andrews, William Henry Thomson
 Andrews, William Terence, with the Royal Navy
 Annan, John
 Annan, Nöel Gilroy, Baron Annan
 Annan, Thomas Quinn, in the Fleet Air Arm and Intelligence Corps
 Annesley, Francis Dighton, 14th
 Annesley, Martin Tyndale ( 1931-1941 ), where he became a POW
 Annesley, Robert, 9th Earl Anne, in the Royal Signals
 Anson, Anthony John, with the Royal Corps of Signals
 Anson, Edward John
 Anson, Edward Reynell, 6th Bt.
 Anson, Frederic
 Anson, Henry Adelbert
 Anson, Peter, 7th Bt. ( 1941-1945 ), where he served in the South West Pacific and was a Prisoner of War
 Anson, Thomas George
 Anson, Thomas William Arnold, V
 Anstruther, Alexander Meister
 Anstruther, Ralph Hugo, of that, where he was wounded
 Anstruther, Robert Lewin
 Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, Ri
 Anstruther-Gray, William John
 Antrobus, Charles Hugh ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Antrobus, Crawfurd Ralph, where he was wounded
 Antrobus, Dennis Ronald ( 1940-1945 ), where he became a prisoner of war
 Antrobus, Edmund Shakerley Ale ( 1940-1945 )
 Antrobus, Frances Joan ( 1942-1946 ), in the South African Military Nursing Service
 Antrobus, Henry Lindsay ( 1940-1945 )
 Antrobus, Philip Coutts, 7th Bt ( 1939-1942 ), when he became a prisoner of war
 Antrobus, Robert Michael ( 1940-1945 ), in the South African Engineers Corps, where he was invalided
 Arbuthnot, Andrew Robert Coghi ( 1944-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Arbuthnot, Archibald Hugh Goug ( 1939 )
 Arbuthnot, Clive Denison
 Arbuthnot, Ernest Douglas, as a Political Officer on the Abyssinian Frontier
 Arbuthnot, Hugh FitzGerald, 7th
 Arbuthnot, John Keith
 Arbuthnot, John Sinclair-Wemys ( 1939 )
 Arbuthnot, Patrick Charles, in the Middle East, where he was mentioned in despatches
Arbuthnot, Peter Charles Regin
Arbuthnot, Richard Henry Myles, where he was mentioned in despatches
Arbuthnot, Robert Dalrymple, 6t
 Arbuthnot, Terence John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arbuthnott, Archibald
 Arbuthnott, Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arbuthnott, Hugh John, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Arbuthnott, James Gordon
 Arbuthnott, John Campbell, 16th, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (Fleet Air Arm)
 Arbuthnott, John St. Clair
 Arbuthnott, Robert, with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
 Arbuthnott, Robert Keith, 15th, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arcedeckne-Butler, St. John De
 Archdale, Alexander Mervyn
 Archdale, Audley Montgomery, with the Scots Guards
 Archdale, Audley Quintin
 Archdale, Edward Folmer, 3rd Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Archdale, Fulbert Audley, with the Pioneer Corps
 Archdale, Helen Elizabeth, Women's Royal Naval Service (W.R.N.S.)
 Archdale, Humphreys
Archdale, Michael Mervyn Lyon
 Archdale, Nicholas Montgomery, with the 60th Rifles and Parachute Regiment
 Archdale, Osmund Audley
 Archdale, Patrick John Audley, with the Royal Norfolk Regiment
 Archdale, Patrick Mervyn, mentioned in despatches
 Archdale, Richard Montgomery, Gloucestershire Hussars
Archdall, Maynard Kingsley
 Archdall, Mervyn
Archdall, Warwick Henry
 Archer, Henry David
 Archibald, Gordon King
Arco-Zinneberg, Ludwig
 Arco-Zinneberg, Ludwig
Arco-Zinneberg, Wilhelm
 Arden, Francis Edward, where he was wounded in Italy
 Arden, George Philip, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Arden, George William
 Arden, John Philip Humphrey
 Armitage, Benjamin Rhodes
Armitage, Stanley Rhodes
 Armstrong, Andrew St. Clare, 5t, in the Royal Australian Engineers, 2nd Australian Infantry Force
 Armstrong, Christopher Wyborn
 Armstrong, Edmund Charles Mark
 Armstrong, James Robert Bargra
 Armstrong, Michael Henry
 Armstrong, Montagu John Proby, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Armstrong, Robert Anthony
 Armstrong-Jones, Ronald Owen L ( 1945 ), when he was invalided
 Armytage, Walter John, where he was mentioned in despatches, and became a POW
 Arnott, John Anthony, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arnott, John Frederic, in the Saskatchewan Regiment
 Arnott, Thomas John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arthur, George Leonard, serving in Palestine and Italy
 Arundell, John Francis, 16th Ba, and became a POW in 1940, including a spell in Colditz before being repatriated to Britain in 1944 with tuberculosis
 Ashburnham, Anchitel Fleetwood ( 1939-1940 )
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony John Pe ( 1939-1941 ), when he became a POW
 Asquith, Luke
 Astell, Thomas Sidney ( 1939-1945 )
 Astley, Edward Delaval Henry, 2
 Astley, Philip Reginald, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Astley, Simon Nevill
Astley-Corbett, Francis Henry
 Astley-Rushton, James Frederic, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Astor, Ava Alice Muriel, as an ambulance driver
 Astor, Francis David Langhorne
 Astor, Gavin, 2nd Baron Astor o
 Astor, Hugh Waldorf
 Astor, John ( 1942-1946 )
 Astor, John Jacob, in Italy, France, Germany and Norway
Atchison, Ian Alexander Nigel
 Atkinson, Anthony Guy ( 1941-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and became a Japanese prisoner of war
Atkinson, Donald John
 Atkinson, Guy Montague, as the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding Battalion Wiltshire Home Guard
 Attlee, David Charles, in the Irish Guards
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelo ( 1940-1945 )
 Aubrey-Fletcher, John Henry La
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Lancelot Phil ( 1939-1940 ), where he was wounded and held as a POW
 Aubrey-Fletcher, Nigel Chilton ( 1941-1945 )
 Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley, Jr., with the Office of Naval Intelligence
 Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre
 Auden, John Anthony Lorimer
 Austin, John Byron Fraser, 3rd, in the King's African Rifles in Tanganykia and Burnma, where he was mentioned in despatches
Austin, John Patrick Standidge, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Austin, Michael Trescawen, 5th, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Avigdor-Goldsmid, James Arthur, where he was wounded
Awdry, Charles D.
 Aykroyd, Bertram, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Aykroyd, William Miles, 3rd Bt.
 Aylmer, Blanche Mary, in the Womens Royal Air Force
 Aylmer, Edward Arthur, where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Aylmer, Gerald Edward, in the Royal Navy
 Aylmer, Henry Gerald, in the Home Defence Forces
 Aylmer, John Anthony
 Aylmer, John Wyndham, where he was mentioned in despatches thrice
Aylmer, Matthew
Aylmer, Michael Arthur
 Aylmer, Richard Michael, mentioned in despatches
 Ayshford Sanford, Henry Martin, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Babington Smith, Bernard, with the Allied Photographic Intelligence Unit, and was mentioned in dispatches four times
 Babington, Elizabeth Jean
 Babington, Henry Christopher
 Babington, John Tremayne
 Back, Terence Hugh
 Backhouse, Edward Henry Walfor, and became a POW at Signapore (again)
Backhouse, John Edmund, 3rd Bt.
 Backhouse, Jonathan
 Backhouse, Roger Trelawny
 Backhouse, Wilfrid Jaspar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bacon, Edmund Castell, 13th and, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bacon, Henry Thomas ( 1939-1945 )
 Baddeley, Allan
 Baddeley, William Shaw
 Bagenal, Beauchamp, with the Royal Air Force
 Bagenal, John Stuart
Bagenal, Philip, with the 2/10 Battalion Australian Imperial Force
 Bagge, John Alfred Picton, 6th, with the Cheshire Yeomanry in Palestine, Sudan and the British Military Missions to Ethiopia and Bulgaria
 Bagnall, Charles Frederick Rex ( 1939-1945 )
 Bagnell, William David Armstro, with the Allied Liaison, Headquarters
 Bagot, Charles Edward Kirwan
 Bagot, Charles Frederic Villie, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bagot, Oliver Robin, where he was taken Prisoner of War
 Bagwell, John
 Bagwell, William
 Bagwell, William Edward Gumble, as a Major of the Royal Norfolk Regiment
 Bagwell-Purefoy, Arthur Edward
 Bailey, David Cecil
 Bailey, David Russell Bailey, 4
 Bailey, Derrick Thomas Louis, 3
 Bailey, George Allen
 Bailey, James Richard Abe
Bailey, John Vivien
 Baillie, Arthur Malcolm August
 Baillie, George Evan Michael
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, 12th
 Baillie-Hamilton, Walter Stuar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baillieu, Edward Latham, where he was invalided
 Baillieu, Robert Latham, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baillieu, William Latham, 2nd B ( 1939-1940 ), where he was invalided
 Baird, George Henry William
 Baird, James Richard Gardiner,
Baird, Robert Alexander Grevil ( 1939-1943 )
 Baird, Robert Walter Stuart ( 1939-1941 ), with the Lothian and Border Yeomanry, and was then held as a Prisoner of War
 Baird, William Henry Gardiner
 Baker Baker, Oswald Frank
 Baker Wilbraham, Randle John, 7
 Baker, Chester Hamilton, with the Canadian Infantry
 Baker, Hugh Thomas, as a Lieutenant with the Royal Engineers
 Baker, Nigel Ernest Westby
 Baker, Peter Sherston
Baker-Cresswell, Gilfrid Edwar
Baker-Falkner, Roy Sydney, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baldwin, Arthur Windham, 3rd Ea
Baldwin, Christopher Melfort
 Baldwin, John Eustice Arthur
Baldwin, John Noel Anthony
 Baldwin, Oliver Ridsdale, 2nd E ( 1940-1945 )
 Balfour, Alexander Norman ( 1940-1945 ), in France and North Africa, and was mentioned in despatches
 Balfour, David Andrew, 4th Baro
 Balfour, Eustace Arthur Gosche, in North Africa and Italy, where he was wounded
 Balfour, Francis Henry
 Balfour, Gerald Arthur James, 4, in the Merchant Navy
 Balfour, Ian, 2nd Baron Balfour ( 1942-1945 ), in the Royal Navy
 Balfour, John Charles ( 1939-1945 ), in the Royal Artillery in North Africa and Normandy
 Balfour, John Patrick Douglas, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Balfour, Robert Arthur Lytton,
 Balfour, Robert Arthur, 2nd Bar
Balfour, Ronald Edmond
 Ball, Douglas George Oliver, Royal Army Service Corps
 Ball, Peter Halley
Ball, Robert Sturge
 Bampfylde, Anthony Gerard Hugh ( 1939-1945 ), he was a Prisoner of War (P.O.W.)
 Bampfylde, David Cecil Warwick ( 1942-1945 ), he was wounded
Bampfylde, John Augustus Frede
 Banbury, Charles William, 2nd B, where he wa mentikoned in dispatches
 Bancroft, Donald Royle Jackson, in France and Burma, where was mentioned in despatches
 Bannerman, Donald Arthur Gordo
Bannerman, Douglas Edward
 Barber, Anthony Perrinott Lysb ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and captured as a POW
 Barber, Derek Coates, Baron Bar, where he was invalided
 Barber, William Francis, 2nd Bt, fighting in Palestine, Egypt, North Africa and North West Europe
Barbour, David Murray
Barchard, Francis
Barclay, Aubrey Geoffrey de Ru
Barclay, Beauchamp d'Epinay
 Barclay, Colville Herbert Sanf ( 1941 )
Barclay, John Francis St. Barb
 Barclay, Robert Charles Sanfor
 Barclay, William Cradock de Ru, with the New Zealand Forces, where he was invalided
 Barcroft, Cecil Leonard, with the Coastguard Service
 Barcroft, Robert Ball
 Baring, Aubrey George Adeane
Baring, David Stuart
 Baring, Denzil
 Baring, Dudley William
 Baring, Edward Thomas, when he was mentioned in despatches
 Baring, Esmond Charles
Baring, Francis Anthony
 Baring, Francis William
 Baring, George Rowland Stanley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Baring, Hugo Charles, serving in the Middle East and Italy, and was mentioned in despatches
 Baring, Mark
 Baring, Maurice Bingham
 Baring, Michael John
Baring, Patrick
 Baring, Robin Windham
 Baring, Rupert, 4th Baron Revel
Baring-Gould, Benjamin Gordon
 Baring-Gould, Edward Arthur
Baring-Gould, Jasper Julian
Barker, John Frederick
 Barker-Hahlo, Jocelyn George R
Barker-Hahlo, John Francis Cro
Barkley, Hugh Alistair Yuille
 Barlow, Christopher Edward Emm
 Barlow, Richard Hugh, 6th Bt.
 Barnett, Joel, Baron Barnett, in the Royal Army Service Corps
 Barnewall, Francis Richard, in the South West Pacfic
 Barnewall, John Robert, serving in Syria and New Guinea
 Barnewall, Patrick Joseph
 Barnewall, Reginald Robert, 13t
 Barr, Leal Graham, with the 1st Marine Division
 Barraclough, John
 Barran, Edward Nicholson
 Barran, John Leighton, 3rd Bt.
 Barran, Lilian Joan ( 1940-1946 ), in the Women's Royal Naval Service
 Barrett, John Rollo, where he became a POW in Greece
 Barrett, Rollo Samuel
 Barrett-Lennard, Alexander Dac
Barrett-Lennard, Dacre
Barrett-Lennard, Dacre Lowther
Barrett-Lennard, Francis Graha
 Barrett-Lennard, Hugh Dacre, 6t, where he was mentioned in despatches
Barrett-Lennard, Michael Godfr
 Barrett-Lennard, Trevor Henry, in the Australian Infantry Force
 Barrington, Alexander Fitzwill ( 1939-1942 ), and was then captured as a POW
 Barrington, Croker Edmund, where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Barrington, Eric Rupert Walter
 Barrington, John
 Barrington, John Frederick, in the occupying troops in Trinidad
 Barrington, John William ( 1939-1943 ), serving in Italy, and captured as a POW
 Barrington, Peter Malet, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Barron, Percy Edward Abney Pau, as a Lieutenant, Free French Forces
 Barron, William Geoffrey Eusta
 Barrow, Cecil Ronald Patrick, in which he was wounded
Barrow, David
 Barrow, George Lennox, in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate Defence Force
 Barrow, George de Symons, with the Home Guard
Barrow, John Geoffrey, as a 2nd Lieutenant with the Royal Engineers
 Barry, Edward Courtenay Tress, in the Royal Artillery
 Barry, Gerald, including serving as Deputy Military Secretary of the Eastern Army of India
 Barry, Hubert Wyndham
 Barry, John Stapleton
 Barry, Rupert Rodney Francis T, where he was captured and held as a POW
Barstow, Oliver
 Bartholomew, John Cairns, where he became a POW in North Africa
 Barthropp, Patrick Peter Colum, where he became a POW in 1942
 Bartlett, Basil Hardington, 2nd, where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
Bartlett, George Arthur
 Bartlett, Henry David Hardingt
 Barton, Andrew Synge
 Barton, Bertram James Richards, as a Captain with the Home Guard
 Barton, Brough Godfrey
 Barton, Denys Evelyn
 Barton, Frederick Bertram, after which he retired as an honorary Captain
Barton, Henry
 Barton, Hugh David MacEwen
 Barton, Hugh Ronald, attached to the Free French Forces
Barton, John Charles
Barton, Pamela Espeut, as a Flying Officer with the Womens Auxiliary Air Force
 Barttelot, James Nigel Walter
Barttelot, Walter de Stopham, 4, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barttelot, William Frederick G
 Barwick, Richard Llewellyn, 3rd ( 1940-1945 )
 Bataille, Richard Albert, serving in New Guinea
 Bates, Austin Graves ( 1939-1943 )
Bates, Edward Percy
 Bates, Geoffrey Voltelin, 5th B
 Bates, John Dawson, 2nd Bt.
 Bates, Philip Edward
 Bathe, Christopher Albert, 6th
 Batho, Maurice Benjamin, 2nd Bt
Bathurst, Allen Algernon, Lord ( 1939-1942 ), with the Arab Legion from 1941 to 1942
 Bathurst, Benjamin Ludlow, 2nd
 Bathurst, Christopher Metcalfe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bathurst, Peter
 Bathurst, Philip Charles Metca
 Bathurst, William Ralph Seymou
 Baxendale, Joseph Alwyn Franci
 Baxter, Frank Godfrey
 Bayley, John Maurice, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Bayley, Kennett, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Bayly, Charles
 Bayly, George Henry Uniacke ( 1940-1945 )
 Bayly, James Cartwright Uniack
 Bayly, John
 Bayly, Lancelot Peter
 Bayly, Patrick Uniacke
 Baynes, Anthony Edward George
 Baynes, Rory Malcolm Stuart, 6t
Bazalgette, Ian Willoughby, V.C
 Bazley, Thomas Stafford, 3rd Bt, in the Intelligence Services and Ministry of Information
 Beamish, Agnes Olive, in the Auxiliary Territorial Service
 Beamish, Antonia Vivien Hamilt, as a Subaltern in the Auxiliary Territorial Service
 Beamish, Brian Plues, with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserves (R.A.F.V.R.)
 Beamish, Desmond William
 Beamish, Geoffrey Vance Gordon
 Beamish, Gerald Colmley, as a Flying Officer for the Royal Air Force
 Beamish, Helen Evelyn Hamilton, as a Red Cross Nursing Sister
 Beamish, Henry Hamilton, he was mentioned in despatches
 Beamish, Henry William Basil P, with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserves (R.A.F.V.R.)
Beamish, John Otway Hamilton
 Beamish, Noreen Violet, in the Territorial Army Nursing Service
 Beamish, Patrick Hugh, as a Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Beamish, Rex Orpen, with the Australian Military Forces and with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Beamish, Richard Ludlow
 Beamish, Richard Marie
 Beamish, Richard Sackville Ham ( 1940-1945 ), he was held as a prisioner of war
 Beamish, Tufton Victor Hamilto, in France, Belgium, Singapore, Burma, North Africa and Italy
 Beamish, William Anthony Alten, as a Lieutenant with the Royal Signals
 Beattie, George Liddell Carrut
 Beatty, John Lionel, with the 14th/20th King's Hussars
 Beatty, Peter Randolph Louis, in the Royal Naval Reserve
 Beatty, William Richard Le Hun, in the Naval Ordnance Inspection Department
 Beauchamp, David Dohrmann
 Beauchamp, Henry Rex
 Beauchamp, John Proctor
 Beauchamp, Trevor Haultain
Beauchamp, William Dashwood Pr
 Beauclerk, Amelius Aubrey de V
 Beauclerk, Charles Frederic Au
 Beauclerk, Raphael Charles, 6°
Beaufort-Spontin, Karl Albrech
 Beaumont, George Howland Franc, in the Coldstream Guards
 Beaumont, Thomas, in the Royal Artillery, in Africa, India and Burma
 Beaumont, Wentworth Hubert Cha, where he was wounded and taken as a prisoner of war
 Beavan, Sydney Corbin Nicholls, where he became a POW
 Beazley, Hugh John Sherard
 Becher, Charles Henry ( 1941-1945 )
Becher, John Henry
 Becher, John Kenneth ( 1942-1946 )
 Becher, Michael Henry Geoffrey
 Becher, Otto Humphrey
 Becher, Ralph Frederick Richar, during which he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Beck, Richard
 Beckett, Christopher John, 4th
 Beckett, Martyn Gervase, 2nd Bt
 Beckett, Ralph William Ernest, , where he was mentioned in despatches
Beckwith-Smith, Merton, and was captured as a POW in Singapore
 Beckwith-Smith, Peter Merton, serving in France, North-West Europe and Palestine
 Beecham, Joseph Michael
 Beecham, Thomas Welles
Beevor, Thomas Lubbock, 6th Bt.
 Bell, Francis Cecil Leonard
 Bell, Frank Erskine, where he became a POW in Borneo
 Bell, Hugh Francis, 4th Bt.
Bell, John Laurence
Bell, John Lowthian
Bell, Kenelm Stewart Leith
 Bellamy, Robert Hugh
 Bellew, George Rothe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bellingham, Arthur Stuart
 Bellingham-Smith, Oliver, and became a POW of the Japanese
 Beloff, Max, Baron Beloff, with the Royal Signals
Belzunce-Castelmauron, Henri R
 Benn, Anthony
 Benn, Edward Glanvill, where he was mentioned in despatches
Benn, Frederick Christopher
 Benn, Ion Bridges Hamilton
 Benn, John Andrews, 3rd Bt.
Benn, Michael Julius Wedgwood
 Benn, Patrick Ion Hamilton, 2nd, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Benn, William Wedgwood, 1st Vis, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bennet, Charles Augustus Grey,
 Bennett, Charles Wilfrid, 2nd B, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Benson, Giles Barnaby
 Benson, John Roby, 2nd Baron Ch
 Benson, Nicholas Robin
Bentheim und Steinfurt, Alexis
Bentheim und Steinfurt, Georg-
 Bentinck, Henry Noel, 11th Earl, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Bentinck, Wolf Wolter Rudolf
 Benton Jones, Peter Fawcett, 3r, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Benyon, John Wicht ( 1940-1945 )
 Benyon, Richard
 Beresford, Alfred de la Poer
 Beresford, Arthur George Marcu
 Beresford, Benedict Henry de l, with the Royal Armoured Corps
Beresford, Brian de la Poer, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Beresford, Charles Marcus Tris, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Beresford, George de la Poer ( 1939-1942 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Beresford, Gervais de la Poer
Beresford, Hugh Tristram de la
 Beresford, John de la Poer ( 1944-1945 )
 Beresford, Marcus Gervais de l
 Beresford, Marcus Walter de la, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Beresford, Richard de la Poer
 Beresford, Stephen Marcus de l
 Beresford, William Mostyn de l
 Beresford-Peirse, Francis Camp
 Beresford-Peirse, Henry Campbe
 Beresford-Peirse, Raymond Wind
 Beresford-Peirse, Robert Henry
 Berkeley, Basil Robert, where he was wounded
 Berkeley, Edward Henry, in the Royal Engineers, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Berkeley, Maurice
 Bernard, Charles Broderick Amy, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bernard, Percy Ronald Gardner, ( 1939-1945 ), and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Berney, John Reedham, in the Royal New Zealand Air Force
 Berney, Richard Bruce, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Berney, Robert Henry
 Berney, Sinclair Henry Hanson, in the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Berney, Thomas Reedham, 10th Bt
Bernus, Ludwig
 Berridge, James Willcox
 Berridge, Robert Lesley
 Berry, Denis Gomer
 Berry, Geoffrey Lionel, 2nd Vis ( 1940-1942 ), where he was invalided
Berry, George
 Berry, Herbert Oswald, where he was invalided
Berry, John Douglas
 Berry, John Seymour, 2nd Viscou, in North Africa and Italy, and was mentioned in despatches
 Berry, Julian
 Berry, Oliver Charles David ( 1939-1945 )
 Berry, Rodney Mathias, where he was wounded
 Berry, William Michael, Baron H, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Berry, William Neville
Bertie, John Edward
 Best, George Frederic Matthew, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Best, Harry George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Best, John Philip
 Best, John William, where he became at POW at Colditz (from which he tried to escape and was involved in building a glider)
 Best, Patrick George Matthew
 Best, Peter Anthony, where he became a POW
 Best, Robert Samuel, 8th Baron, where he was wounded
 Best, Thomas William, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Best, Walter John, in the Far East, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Best-Shaw, John James Kenward,
 Best-Shaw, John Michael Robert ( 1943-1945 )
 Best-Shaw, Julia Aylmer ( 1943-1945 ), in the Women's Royal Naval Service
 Bethell, Christopher Alick
 Bethell, David Allan, 5th Baron, where he was where he was mentioned in dispatches three times, and was wounded
 Bethell, Jocelyn Slingsby, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bethell, John Raymond, 2nd Baro
 Bethell, Richard Alfred Slings
 Bethell, Richard Morland Tolle
 Bethell, Vivian Lionel Slingsb ( 1939-1942 )
 Bethell, William Gladstone ( 1939-1941 ), when he was invalided
Bevan, Anthony George, with the Royal Navy, aboard the HMS Daring
 Bewicke-Copley, Robert Godfrey, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Bibby, Derek James, 2nd Bt. ( 1942-1946 ), where he was wounded
 Bibby, James David
 Bibby, John Eric Hartley
 Biddulph, Anthony
 Biddulph, Francis John
 Biddulph, Frank Michael
 Biddulph, Jean, in the Women's Royal Naval Service
 Biddulph, Michael Anthony
 Biddulph, Nicholas Osborne Joh, as a Temporary Captain with the Royal Engineers
 Biddulph, Rowland, in France and Burma
 Bigham, Edward Clive, 3rd Visco ( 1940-1945 )
 Billingham, Anthony James
 Bingham, Francis Humphrey, in Somaliland and Abyssinia
 Bingham, George Roderick Benti
 Bingham, Hugh Denis Sinclair
 Bingham, John Edward, in North Africa, with the Derbyshire Yeomanry and Special Air Service
 Bingham, John Michael Ward, 7th, with the Royal Engineers and attached to the General Staff
 Bingham, John Nigel Ralph, where he was wounded
 Birch Reynardson, Vere Henry
 Birdwood, Christopher Bromhead
 Birdwood, Christopher R. Brodr, in the Royal Engineers
 Birdwood, Felix Tolcher
 Birdwood, Nigel Fortune, in the Royal Engineers
 Birdwood, Richard Douglas Davi
 Birkin, Charles Lloyd, 5th Bt.
 Birkin, David Leslie
 Birkin, Geoffrey Ivor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Birkin, James Michael
 Birkin, Peter Lawrence ( 1939 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and held as a POW 1942-1943
Birkin, Philip Gervaise, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Birkmyre, Archibald, 3rd Bt., in Burma
 Birkmyre, Archy ( 1939-1943 ), in the Royal Armoured Corps, and was invalided
 Birtwistle, Michael Albert Ast
Bischoffshausen, Claus-Henning
Bisping, Johann
Blaber, Sidney Clive
Black, James Dallas
 Blackburn, Arthur Seaforth, V.C ( 1939-1942 ), when he was captured in Java and became a POW
 Blackburne Daniell, David Fran, with Royal Air Force
 Blacker, Robert Stewart
Blacker, William Desmond, as a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Royal Artillery
 Blackett, Charles Douglas, 9th ( 1939-1942 ), when he became a POW
 Blackett, Francis Hugh, 11th Bt
 Blackett, George William, 10th, in the Corps of Military Police
 Blackett, John Harold Booth, where he was wounded and invalided
 Blackett, Rupert Henry ( 1939-1942 ), where he was wounded twice
Blackham, John Patrick
 Blackwell, Richard
 Blackwood, Guy Neville
 Bladon, Frank McKno, with the 8th Army
 Blair, Chandos, where he became a POW in 1940 and escaped in 1941
Blair, Malcolm Reginald
 Blair-Cunynghame, James Ogilvy
 Blair-Imrie, Hew Angus Christo
 Blair-Oliphant, David Nigel
Blake, Charles Anthony Howell
 Blake, Francis Edward Colquhou
 Blake, Pamela ( 1943-1945 ), in the Women's Royal Naval Service
 Blake, Robert Norman William, B, where he was a POW from 1942 until he escaped in 1944, and was mentioned in despatches
 Blake, Ulick Temple, 16th Bt.
 Blake, Valentine John Bruce, where he became a POW
 Blakeney, Charles Llewellyn
 Blakeney, Charles Noel ( 1943 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Blakeney, Robert Edward
 Blakeney, Stephen Richard St.
 Blakeney, Thomas Newcome
 Blakeney, William Ernest
 Blaker, Peter Allan Renshaw, Ba, where he was wounded
 Blakiston-Houston, Barbara Kat
 Blakiston-Houston, John ( 1939-1942 )
 Blakiston-Houston, John Matthe
 Bland, Henry Archibald Forster
 Bland, James Franklin McMahon, with the Canadian Army
 Bland, Simon Claude Michael
 Bland, Sydney Frances Josephin, as a Sister for the Joint War Committee
Blennerhassett, Marmaduke Char
 Bligh, Noel Gervase ( 1940-1945 ), with the Royal Pioneer Corps
 Bligh, Peter Stuart, 10th Earl, where he became a POW
 Block, David Arthur Kennedy Wi, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blois, Anthony Gervase
 Blois, Gervase Ralph Edmund, 10
 Blois, Gervase Vanneck
 Blois, Jane Elizabeth Georgian
 Blois-Brooke, Michael Steuart
 Blois-Brooke, Thomas Eardley
 Blomefield, Peregrine Maitland, where he was wounded
 Blomefield, Thomas Edward Pere
Blomefield, Wilmot Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Blomfield, Valentine
 Blood, Bindon, wounded, mentioned in despatches
 Blood, Bindon Fitzgerald
 Blood, Jeffrey Armstrong
 Blood, John Hector
 Blood, Lewis Edward Lloyd Bind
 Blood, Thomas Holcroft
 Blood, William Edmund Robarts
 Blood-Smyth, Liddon FitzGerald ( 1946-1948 ), as a Seaman in the service of the United States Navy
 Blount, Walter Edward Alpin, 12, serving in Motor Torpedo Boats
Blucher von Wahlstatt, Nikolau
 Blunden, Philip Overington, 7th ( 1942-1945 ), in the Royal Navy
Blunt, Charles John Harvey
 Blunt, Evelyn Powlett Clavell ( 1942-1946 )
 Blunt, Grant Anthony Clavell
 Blunt, John Edward Chicheley
 Blunt, Michael Hugh ( 1944-1947 ), serving in Burma
 Blunt, Richard Mark
 Blunt, William Senhouse
 Blunt-Mackenzie, Walter Osra ( 1941-1943 ), in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves
Boal, Samuel McCaughey
 Boardman, Thomas Gray, Baron Bo
Bocholtz-Asseburg, Max
Bock, Richard Norman Walker
 Boden, Patrick Anthony Drummon ( 1943-1945 )
Bodley, Mark Courtenay
Boeselager, Maximilian
 Boileau, Edmond Charles, 7th Bt
 Boisville Newby, Cecil Hugo, and was in command of HMS Echo during the sinking of the Bismarck
Boles, Gerald Fortescue, 2nd Bt
 Boles, Kenneth Coleridge
 Bolitho, Simon Edward, and was wounded twice
 Bolitho, William Robins, in Coldstream Guards and Parachute Regiment
Bols, Kenneth William
 Bolster, David Charles
Bolster, John Lander
Boltenstern, Hans Albrecht
Bomford, Charles Powell
 Bomford, George Warren
 Bomford, Guy
 Bomford, John Chaloner
Bomford, John Hamilton, in Royal New Zealand Air Force
Bomford, Michael Stephen
 Bomford, Peter, with 1st Gurkha Rifles
 Bomford, Raymond Francis, and became a POW in Malaya
Bomford, Richard Lyndon
Bomford, Stephen Robert Willia, in 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Forces
 Bomford, Trevor Laurence
Bomhard, Friedrich
Bond, Charles Frederick Gordon
 Bonham Carter, Mark Raymond, Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW (1943) and escaped (1943)
 Bonham, Antony Lionel Thomas, 4
 Bonham, John Henry Hamilton, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Bonham, Richard Charles
Bonham-Carter, Basil Edgar
 Bonham-Carter, Brian Hulbert, where he became a POW
 Bonham-Carter, Christopher Dou, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Bonham-Carter, Mervyn Charles
 Bonham-Carter, Richard Erskine, where he became a POW 1944-1945
Bonner, George Edward
 Bonsor, Bryan Cosmo, 3rd Bt., with the Buckinghamshire Yeomanry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bonsor, David Victor
 Boord, Oscar Leslie
 Booth, David Reginald Peter
 Booth, George
 Booth, James Charles Macaulay, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Booth, John Brabazon, in India
 Booth, John Roberts ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded three times
 Booth, Kenneth Alec James, in Burma
 Booth, Philip, 2nd Bt., with the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Fusliers and Pioneer Corps
 Booth-Jones, Garry Twemlow
 Booth-Jones, Thomas Vernon
 Boothby, Basil Frederick ( 1942-1945 )
 Boothby, Christopher Evelyn
 Boothby, Hugo Robert Brooke, 14 ( 1942-1944 )
 Boothby, James Robert Maitland ( 1939-1942 )
Boothby, Osbert Stephen ( 1939-1940 )
 Bootle-Wilbraham, Lionel, 6th B, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Borghese, Junio Valerio Scipio
 Borrie, Albert Ernest, in the Green Howards, fighting at Dunkirk and North Africa. He was captuerd personally by Rommel, and was a POW in Italy, Landau and Poland
 Borthwick, Algernon Malcolm
 Borthwick, Brian Thomas
 Borthwick, John Henry Stuart, o
 Borthwick, John Thomas, 3rd Bt.
Borthwick, Peter George Alexan
 Borthwick, William Jason Maxwe
 Borwick, James Hugh Myles, 4th, where he was wounded
 Borwick, Michael George, in the Middle East Commandos, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Borwick, Peter Malise
Bosanquet, Graham Bromhead
Boscawen, Evelyn Frederick Ver
 Boscawen, George Hugh, 9th Visc, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Boscawen, Henry Edward
 Boscawen, John Perceval Townsh
 Boscawen, John Roger, in the South-West Pacific
 Boscawen, Owen Tremayne
 Boscawen, Robert Thomas, where he was wounded
 Bossom, Clive, 2nd Bt.
 Bossom, Doric
 Bosville Macdonald, Alexander ( 1939-1943 ), where he was wounded
 Bosworth-Martin, Stephen Boswo
 Boucher, Charles Hamilton
 Boughey, Edward Peter Fletcher
Boughey, John Fletcher
 Boughey, Richard James, 10th Bt ( 1943-1945 )
Boula de Mareuil, Armand
 Boulton, Christopher Carmichae, serving in France, the Middle East, Italy and Austria
 Boulton, Denis Duncan Harold O
Boulton, Duncan Davidson
 Boulton, Edward John, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boulton, Harold Hugh Christian
 Boulton, William Whytehead, 3rd ( 1939-1944 ), with the Essex Yeomanry, 104th Royal Horse Artillery and 14th Royal Horse Artillery
 Bourke, Arthur John Henry, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bourke, Bryan Longley
 Bourke-Borrowes, Cecil Hubert, attached to RAF North Weald and SHAEF HQ
 Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bo
 Bourne, Norman Harold ( 1943-1945 )
Boustead, John Derek Atheling
 Bowater, Ian Frank
 Bowater, John Vansittart, 4th B, in the Royal Artillery
 Bowden, Frank Houston, 3rd Bt.
 Bowden, Herbert William, Baron ( 1940-1945 )
 Bowden-Smith, Philip Ernest
Bowen, Cecil Leander John
 Bowen, James Bevan
 Bowen, Nicholas Edward
 Bowen, Robert Edward Cole
 Bowen-Colthurst, Charles Patri
 Bowes-Lyon, Douglas Ian Gordon
Bowes-Lyon, John Patrick, Maste ( 1939-1941 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Ronald George, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bowlby, Adelbert Charles Edwar ( 1940-1945 )
 Bowlby, Cuthbert Francis Bond ( 1939-1945 )
 Bowlby, Edward John Mostyn
 Bowlby, Francis Edward Salvin, in the Middle East, Italy and North-West Europe
 Bowlby, George Molesworth Salv
 Bowlby, Hugh Savin ( 1940-1942 )
 Bowlby, Vivian Russell Salvin ( 1939-1945 )
 Bowman, Paul Humphrey Armytage
Bowyer, Richard Laurence Grenv
 Bowyer-Smyth, Philip Weyland, 1, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Boxwell, Francis St. Leger, in the Irish Guards
 Boyd, Francis Bagenal, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boyd, Gilbert Allan Rowland, 6t ( 1943-1944 ), in North africa and Italy
Boyd, Ronald Walter
 Boyd-Carpenter, John Archibald
Boyd-Orr, Donald Noel
 Boyd-Rochfort, Harold, on staff
 Boylan, Edward Thomas Arthur G
 Boylan, Francis Michael Benedi
 Boyle, Alasdair David Forbes, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Boyle, Charles Norman Cavendis, where he was mentioned in despatches
Boyle, David Logan
 Boyle, David William Maurice, 9, in the Atlantic, Arctic and East Indies, and was mentioned in despatches
Boyle, Douglas
 Boyle, Edmund Michael Gordon L
 Boyle, Hugh MacCormac
 Boyle, James, where he became a Japanese POW at Singapore
 Boyle, John David
 Boyle, John William, 14th Earl, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Boyle, Patrick James
Boyle, Patrick John Salvin
 Boyle, Patrick Reginald, 13th E
 Boyle, Patrick Spencer
 Boyle, Peter Norman, where he was shot down and became a POW
 Boyle, Ranald Hugh Montgomerie, where he was wounded
 Boyle, Richard Courtenay
 Boyle, Robert Henry, 8th Earl o
Boyle, Robin Lascelles
 Boyle, Walter Julian Algernon
 Boyle, William Henry Dudley, 12 ( 1939-1940 ), where he commanded the expedition to Narvik
 Brabazon, Anthony Windham Norm, where he was wounded
 Brabazon, Campbell Anthony, in the Australian Imperial Forces, and was wounded
 Brabazon, Robert Charles, in the Australian Imperial Forces, and became a POW
Brabetz, Peter
Brace, Eustace Frank Feilden
 Bradford, Berenger Colborne, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Bradford, Cassandra Felicity
 Bradford, Donald Clifton
 Bradford, Edward Montagu Andre, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bradford, Ridley Lewkenor
 Brain, David Francis
 Brain, Donald
 Brain, Geoffrey John Farrer ( 1942-1945 )
 Braine, Bernard Richard, Baron, with the North Staffordshire Regiment, in Africa, North-West Europe and South-East Asia
 Bramall, Edwin Noel Westby, Bar ( 1944-1945 ), in North-West Europe
 Brand, Charles Andrew, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brand, David Francis, 5th Visco
 Brand, Humphrey Ranulph
 Brand, Michael Charles, where he was wounded
Brand, Robert James
 Brand, Robin
 Brandon, Henry Vivian, Baron Br, with the Royal Artillery, in Madagascar, India and Burma
 Brandon, Richard Ernest, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brandreth, Thomas Tarleton
Branson, Clive Ali Chimmo
 Brasier-Creagh, Brian Richmond
 Brasier-Creagh, Jack Gerard, with Somerset Light Infantry
 Brasier-Creagh, Percy Brooke, in Royal Electricial and Mechanical Engineers
 Brassey, Bernard Thomas, 2nd Ba, where he was wounded
 Brassey, Hugh Trefusis
 Brassey, Peter Esmé, where he was wounded
 Bray, Francis Arthur Michael
 Brazier-Creagh, George Edward, with Royal Artillery
 Brazier-Creagh, Kilner Rupert, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Brazier-Creagh, Neville Henry
Breakwell, Oliver
 Brenan, Gerald John Noel, with North Irish Horse
 Brereton, Thomas Franc Sadleir
 Brett, Antony Reginald Forbes
Brett, John
 Brett, Lionel Gordon Baliol, 4t, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brickwood, Basil Greame, 3rd Bt, in the Royal Air Force
 Brickwood, Rupert Redvers, 2nd
 Bridge, Arthur Darley ( 1940-1945 )
 Bridge, Nigel Cyprian, Baron Br, serving in Italy, France and Germany
 Bridgeman, Geoffrey John Orlan
 Bridgeman, Gerald Michael Orla, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bridgeman, Humphrey Reginald
 Bridgeman, Robert Clive, 2nd Vi ( 1939-1944 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Briggs, Asa, Baron Briggs ( 1942-1945 ), in the Intelligence Corps
Brigstocke, William George Pla
 Brims, David Vaughan, where he became a POW at Oflag VIIB
 Brinckman, Roderick Napoleon, 5, where he was mentioned in despatches, wounded, capptured as a POW, and escaped
 Brinckman, William Brian ( 1942-1945 ), in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and was mentioned in despatches
 Brisco, Donald Gilfrid, 8th Bt., and was a POW from 1942 to 1945
Brisco, Robert Hilton
 Briscoe, John Arthur
 Briscoe, John Leigh Charlton, 4
 Briscoe, Richard Kynaston ( 1940-1945 )
 Broadbridge, Rupert Guy, in Abyssina, Libya and Triploi
 Brockbank, John Myles
 Brocklebank, John Montague, 5th, where he was a POW from 1943 to 1945
 Brocklebank, Thomas Gordon
 Brocklehurst, Henry Courtney
 Brocklehurst, Philip Lee, 2nd B ( 1941-1943 )
 Brodie, Montagu Ninian Alexand ( 1940-1945 ), with the Royal Artillery
Brodrick, Michael Victor
Broke, Charles Vere
 Bromhead, Edmund de Gonville
 Bromhead, Robert Benjamin Gonv
 Bromley, Rupert Howe, 9th Bt.
 Brook, Philip Roy
 Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Visco ( 1939-1945 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Brooke, Anthony Walter Dayrell ( 1941-1945 )
 Brooke, Basil Arthur
 Brooke, Basil Charles Barringt
 Brooke, Basil Gerald
Brooke, Basil Julian David
 Brooke, Basil Malise
 Brooke, Edward Acton
 Brooke, Frank Hastings ( 1939 )
 Brooke, Geoffrey Arthur George, including serving the battleship H.M.S Prince of Wales when it was sunk
 Brooke, George Francis Cecil, 3, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
Brooke, Henry Alan
 Brooke, Henry Arthur Gunning, in Tunisia and Italy
 Brooke, Henry John Allen, in the Mediterranean, North African Landings, Artic Convoys and Pacfic, and was mentioned in despatches
 Brooke, John Warden, 2nd Viscou, where he was wounded
 Brooke, John Weston, 3rd Bt.
 Brooke, Oliver George
Brooke, Paul Rigby Sinclair
 Brooke, Peter Barrington, with the Royal Naval Reserve
Brooke, Reginald Acton
 Brooke, Richard Neville, 10th B, where he was wounded, became a POW, and escaped
 Brooke, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Al, in the Royal Artillery
Brooks, Allan William Ivo
 Brooks, Christopher John
 Brooks, Ronald Marshall
 Brooksbank, Edward William, 2nd
 Brooksbank, Stamp Godfrey
Broome, Keith
Brotherton-Ratcliffe, Edward
 Brotherton-Ratcliffe, John, in the Royal Air Force
 Brougham, John Collingwood
 Brougham, Victor Henry Peter, 4, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Broughton, Evelyn Delves, 12th
 Broughton, Peter John Delves
 Broughton, William Edward
 Broun, Hulance Haddington, in the Middle East
 Broun, Lionel McIntyre, with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Broun, William Windsor, of Cols
Brown, Alexander Bruce Hargrea
 Brown, Charles Frederick Richm
 Brown, Frederick Richard, including in Crete, and became a POW at Tobruk
 Brown, George
 Brown, Ralph Richmond
Browne, Anthony Howe
Browne, David
 Browne, Dominick Andrew Sidney, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Browne, Henry George Angus ( 1939-1942 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Browne, John Francis Archibald, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Browne, Patrick Theodore Levin
 Browne, Patrick Warren
 Browne, Peter Kilmaine
Browne, Peter Raleigh Howe, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Browne, Terence Francis Denis
 Browne, Ulick
 Browne, William Robert Anthony
 Browne-Clayton, Robert Denis
 Browne-Clayton, William Patric
 Brownlow, James Christy, with King's Royal Rifle Corps
 Brownlow, John Desmond Cavendi
 Brownlow, William Stephen, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Bruce Lockhart, Logie
 Bruce Lockhart, Rab Brougham
 Bruce Lockhart, Robert McGrego
 Bruce, Andrew Douglas Alexande, where he was wounded
 Bruce, Bernard, where he was mentioned in despatches
Bruce, Charles John, in North West Europe
 Bruce, Colin Michael Fairlie
 Bruce, David, where he was wounded twice
 Bruce, David Kirkpatrick Este, with the Office of Strategic Services
 Bruce, Donald William Trevor, B, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bruce, Edward Macaulay, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bruce, Francis Michael Ian, of, in the U.S. Marine amphibious forces
 Bruce, Henry Victor, of Salloch
 Bruce, Hervey John William, 6th
 Bruce, Ian Robert Craufurd Geo
 Bruce, Jean, in the Women's Royal Naval Service
 Bruce, John Bernard
 Bruce, John Charles Douglas
 Bruce, Merlin
 Bruce, Michael William Selby, o, and was wounded again
 Bruce, Nigel Henry Clarence
 Bruce, Nigel Macaulay
 Bruce, Nigel Patrick
 Bruce, Nikita, in the Sherwood Foresters and the Intelligence Corps
 Bruce, Robert
 Bruce, Robert Graham Dalzel, and became a POW
Bruce, Robert Julian Thomas
 Bruce, Robert Richard Fernie
 Bruce, William Fox
Bruce, William Reginald Richar
 Bruce-Gardner, Bryan Charles ( 1942-1946 )
 Bruce-Jones, Thomas Dunlop
 Brudenell-Bruce, Chandos Sydne, where he was mentioned in despatches, captured as a POW, and escaped from captivity
 Bruen, Francis
 Bruen, John Martin
 Brush, Auriol Henry, with 9th Australian Division, and was wounded
 Brush, Edward James Augustus H, where he was wounded
 Brühl, Friedrich
Brühl, Ludwig
 Buchan, Alastair Francis
 Buchan, John Norman Stuart, 2nd
 Buchan, William de l'Aigle, 3rd
 Buchan-Hepburn, Ninian Buchan, in India and Burma
 Buchanan, Charles James, 4th Bt
 Buchanan-Jardine, Andrew Ruper
 Buchanan-Smith, Alick Drummond
 Buckley, Denys Burton
 Buckmaster, Martin Stanley, 3rd, in the Middle East
 Bucknall, Richard Drummond Hay
 Bucknall, William Rixon
Bucknill, Samuel John Rennie
 Buffett, Arthur Benjamin Ward, in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Buffett, Charles Ivens, in England, India, Burma, and Thailand
 Buffett, Colin Lindsay
 Buffett, Edwin Sydney
 Buffett, George William McLeav
 Buffett, Henry Rowland
 Buffett, Leslie Edward Wynyard, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Buffett, Moresby, in the Norfolk Island contingent
 Buffett, Neville Albert Herber, and was captured as a POW in Singapore
 Buffett, Selwyn Rowland, in the Middle East and New Guinea
 Buffett, Thomas
 Buffett, Thomas Francis, 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment
 Bull, Anthony
 Bull, Frederick Cecil, in North Africa and Italy
 Bull, George, 3rd Bt.
Bull, Martin Christopher Dashw
 Bull, Peter Cecil
Bull, Stephen John, 2nd Bt.
Bull, William Sharman
 Bullen, Dennis Owen
 Bullen, Paul Gillespie
 Buller, Alexander John Stuart
 Buller, Peter Henry
 Buller, Robert Francis, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bullock-Marsham, Algernon Jame, where he became a POW
 Bullock-Marsham, Cloudesley Ge, where he became a POW
 Bullock-Webster, Sandro Ansell, in the Russian Convoys and Normandy Campaign
 Bulteel, Christopher Harris
 Bulteel, Tom Oliver
 Bunbury, Francis Ramsey St. Pi, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Bunbury, John William Napier, 1
Burbury, Richard Percival Hawk
 Burdett, Charles Henry, with 21st Lancers
 Burdett, Henry Leatham, in Royal Engineers
 Burdett, John Arthur Hugo, in the Royal Air Force
 Burdett, John Head
 Burges, Richard Ynyr
 Burges, Ynyr Alfred
 Burges-Lumsden, Patrick Claud
 Burgh, Charles
 Burgh, Desmond Herlouin
 Burgh, Hugo Christopher Henry, with 9th Australian Division, Australian Imperial Forces
 Burgh, Hugo Graham, when he became a POW and escaped
 Burgh, John Hubert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burgh, Michael Graham, where he was severely wounded when his tank took a direct hit from an SP gun
 Burgh, Patrick Rupert Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burgh, Richard Ulick Paget
 Burgh, Robert Henry
 Burgh, Robert Sydney Maxwell, with Royal Australian Air Force
 Burgh, Ulric Campbell
 Burgh, Wilfred John, with 6th Australia Division, Australian Imperial Forces
 Burke Cole, John William
 Burke Cole, Michael James
 Burke, Brian Arthur ( 1939-1945 )
 Burke, Charles Dominick
Burke, Henry Patrick Joseph Ma
 Burke, Patrick Henry Anthony ( 1939-1944 ), where he was wounded
 Burke, Patrick Hubert Charles
 Burke, Ulick Richard Samuel
 Burke-Roche, Ulick Edmund
 Burnell-Nugent, Anthony Frank, and was mentioned in despatches
 Burnett, Charles Stuart ( 1940-1942 )
 Burnett, David Humphrey, 3rd Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
Burnett, Roger William Odo
 Burney, Cecil Denniston, 3rd Bt, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves
 Burns, George
 Burns, John Alan, 4th Baron Inv
 Burrell, Peter Eustace ( 1940-1944 )
 Burrell, Walter Raymond, 8th Bt
 Burrough, Harold Martin
 Burrough, John Paul ( 1939-1942 ), in Malaya, where he became a Japanese POW in 1942
 Burrowes, Alec
 Burrowes, James Edward
 Burrowes, Robert Philip
 Burrowes, Terence, with 7th Indian Division, 3rd British Division and RMonRE (Militia)
 Burton, Edward Thomas Derrick
 Burton, Lucas John Harmsworth
 Burton, Percy Basil Harmsworth, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burton, Richard John, in the Royal Air Force (Radar)
Burton-Chadwick, Noel Kenneth
 Burton-Chadwick, Robert Peter ( 1942-1945 ), with NZ Military Force in North Africa and Italy
 Bury, William Gledstanes
Bushell, Jack Reginald
Butler, Beauchamp Henry
 Butler, Clarence Francis, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Butler, Denis Anthony Brian, 9t
 Butler, Edmund Pierce
 Butler, Eileen Mary Paget ( 1940 ), with CWAC in the U.K., Holland and France
Butler, Greville Humphrey
 Butler, Hubert Blennerhassett, in Egypt
 Butler, James Arthur Norman, 6t
 Butler, James Dighton, in the Middle East, Persia and India, and was mentioned in despatches
 Butler, James Humphrey
 Butler, James Whitwell
Butler, Patrick Henry Stanley
 Butler, Patrick Theobald Tower, and became a POW in 1940 and was repatriated in 1943
 Butler, Richard Shirley
 Butler, Terence Brinsley John ( 1939-1941 ), when he became a POW
 Butler, Theobald FitzWalter ( 1941-1946 ), with the Royal Air Force in India and Singapore
 Butler, Theobald Walter Somers
 Butler, Thomas Pierce, 12th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Butler, Walter George Ormonde
Butler-Danvers, Anthony Danver
 Butler-Henderson, Edward
 Butler-Henderson, Lionel
 Butler-Henderson, Patrick
 Butler-Stoney, Charles
Butler-Stoney, Thomas FitzHerb
 Butt, Alfred Kenneth Dudley, 2n
 Butterfield, Charles Harris, and was a POW 1942-5
 Butterworth, John Blackstock, B, in the Royal Artillery
 Buxton, Aubrey Leland Oakes, Ba ( 1944 ), in the Royal Artillery, and was mentioned in despatches
 Buxton, Desmond Gurney
 Buxton, Edward North
 Buxton, Gerard St. John Roden
 Buxton, Jocelyn Charles Roden, , where he was mentioned in despatches
Buxton, Joseph Gurney Fowell
 Buxton, Julian Wilberforce
 Buxton, Mark
 Buxton, Maurice
 Buxton, Mervyn
 Buxton, Michael Auriol
 Buxton, Nigel Arthur
 Buxton, Paul William Jex, where he was wounded
Buxton, Peter Stapleton
 Buxton, Roden Henry Victor
 Buxton, Rufus Alexander, 2nd Ba ( 1939-1940 ), where he was invalided
 Buxton, Rupert
Buxton, Samuel Luckyn
 Buzzard, Anthony Wass, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Buzzard, John Huxley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byers, Charles Frank, Baron Bye ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Byers, Frank May Reid, attached to the 1st KGV's O Bengal S and M
 Byers, Rowland Morrow, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byl, Pieter Kenyon Fleming-Vol
 Byng, Arthur Maitland, in the South African Artillery
Byng, Francis Russell Dacres
 Byng, William Humphrey Schombe, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Byrne, Robert Guy
 Byron, Richard Geoffrey Gordon
 Byron, Rupert Frederick George, with the Royal Navy
 Cadell, Maurice, in the Special Forces
 Cadman, Kenneth John
 Cadman, Martin Henry
 Cadman, Richard
 Cadman, Richard Edward Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Cadman, William Guy
 Cadogan, Ambrose Alec Patrick, in the Home Guards and Royal Marines, and was invalided
 Cadogan, Christopher Michael
 Cadogan, Edward Cecil George, in the Royal Air Force
 Cadogan, Francis Charles
 Cadogan, Peter, with SHAEF
 Cadogan, William Gerald Charle
Caffery, Redge
 Cairnes, Francis Herbert, in Military Intelligence
 Cairnes, James Elliot
Cairnes, John Elliot
 Cairnes, Tom Algar Elliot, with the Royal Air Force
 Cairns, David Charles, 5th Earl, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cairns, Hugh Wilfred John, Visc
 Cairns, Hugh William, where he was wounded
 Callaghan, Leonard James, Baron, in the Royal Navy
 Calmady-Hamlyn, Vincent Warwic, in the Middle East, and was mentioned in despatches
 Calvert, Edmund Archibald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Calvocoressi, Ion Melville, serving in Egypt, Italy and the Far East, and was wounded in 1942
Cambridge, Frederick Charles E
 Cameron, Allan John, in the Middle East, and was a POW from 1942
 Cameron, Angus Ewen Selwyn
 Cameron, Charles Alexander, in Egypt and Italy, and was wounded
 Cameron, Donald Hamish, of Loch, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cameron, John William
 Cameron, Neil, Baron Cameron of
 Cameron, Robert Vernon, and became a POW in Singapore
 Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, B
 Campbell Swinton, Alan Henry, 6
 Campbell, Alan Fitzroy
 Campbell, Alan Keir, 4th of Auc, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, Alan Robertson, Baron, and was a POW at Colditz from 1940 to 1945
Campbell, Alastair Guy Spens
 Campbell, Alastair, 4th Baron S ( 1939-1945 ), and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Campbell, Alexander Douglas, serving in France, Middle East and North-West Europe, he was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, Alexander Purdon, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Campbell, Alexander Roy Carlyo
Campbell, Alister Henry
 Campbell, Alister Henry
 Campbell, Angus Mervyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, Cecil James, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Campbell, Charles Colin
 Campbell, Charles Grimshaw
 Campbell, Colin Moffat, of Aber, where he was wounded
 Campbell, David Colin, 3rd Baro, in the 9th Lancers, where he was wounded
 Campbell, Donald Swinton, 2nd B
 Campbell, Duncan Bruce
 Campbell, Edward FitzGerald
 Campbell, Edward FitzGerald Da
 Campbell, Edward Fitzgerald
 Campbell, Elidor Diarmid Calde
 Campbell, Ewan Alexander
 Campbell, George Ilay, of Succo ( 1940-1943 )
 Campbell, Gillachrist, in France and Malaya
Campbell, Gillean Lorne
 Campbell, Gordon Thomas Calthr ( 1942-1945 ), in North-West Europe, where he was disabled
 Campbell, Guy Theophilus Halsw, where he was wounded
 Campbell, Ian Douglas, 11th Duk, and was held as a Prisoner of War (1940-1945)
 Campbell, Ian George Hallyburt
 Campbell, Ian Robert, where he was a POW
 Campbell, John Archibald
 Campbell, John Duncan Vaughan, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, John Romer Boreland, , where he was mentioned in despatches, and was invalided
Campbell, John Ronald
 Campbell, Lorne Maclaine, of Ai, where he was wounded and where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
 Campbell, Louis Hamilton, of Au, with the Royal Navy Reserve
 Campbell, Michael, with the Royal Artillery
 Campbell, Neil Donald
 Campbell, Niall Alexander Hami
 Campbell, Norman Douglas
 Campbell, Norman Dugald Ferrie ( 1940 ), with the Truro 10th Battalion, Home Guard
 Campbell, Robert Dudley, where he was wounded
 Campbell, William lan, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
Campbell-Canney, Peter John
 Campbell-Gray, Ian Douglas
 Campbell-Gray, Lindsay Stuart,
 Campbell-Martin, Peter Cliffor
 Campbell-Orde, Harry Eustace, in Europe and the Middle East
 Campbell-Orde, Ian Ridley, where he was mentioned in despatches
Campbell-Orde, Peter Stewart
 Campbell-Orde, Simon Arthur, 5t
 Campbell-Robson, Lorne, with the Royal Army Medical Corps, and was mentioned in despatches
 Canning, Alexander Leopold Ivo, in Burma, where he was mentioned in despatches
Canning, Victor Stratford de R, where he was mentioned in despatches
Canstein, Herbert
 Capell, Robert Edward de Vere,
 Capponi, Ferrante Luigi Oscar, , for the Allies
 Carden, Andrew
 Carden, Eustace Markham
 Carden, Henry Christopher, 4th
Carden, John Rory
 Carden, Richard Henry Lowry
 Carden, Robert Arthur, with the Royal Hampshire Regiment
 Carew Pole, John Gawen, 12th Bt, he was mentioned in despatches
 Carew, Gavin George, in the Western Desert, Italy, Belgium and Germany, and was mentioned in depstaches
 Carew, John Mohun ( 1943-1944 ), in Burma with the 3rd Gurkha Rifles, and was wounded
Carew, Nicolas Jasper-Grenvill
 Carew, Peter Cuthbert
 Carew, Reginald Lionel Otho
 Carey-Thomas, Oswald Gaskell
 Carington, Peter Alexander Rup
 Carleton Paget, Guy Montgomeri
 Carleton, Guy
 Carleton, John Dudley, attached to the Special Forces
 Carlyon-Hughes, Basil John Sch
 Carnegie, David James, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carnegie, James Murray
 Carnegie, John Fraser
 Carnegie, Raymond Alexander, where he was wounded three times and was mentioned in despatches
 Carnegie, Robert Murray
Carp, Victor Alexander
 Carr, Harry Lascelles
 Carre-Riddell, Consett
 Carre-Riddell, John Walter
 Carroll, Donough
 Carroll, John Frederick
 Carter, Geoffrey Victor Tilson
 Carter-Campbell, Duncan Maclac, in Italy and Europe
Cartland, John Ronald
 Carver, Richard Michael Power, ( 1939-1945 )
 Cary, Byron Godfrey Plantagene
 Cary, Lucius Henry Charles Pla ( 1941-1945 )
 Cary, Philip Plantagenet
 Cary, Robert Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1939 )
 Cary, Roger Hugh, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
 Casement, Francis Charles
 Casement, Julius John
 Casement, Peter Reginald
 Casement, Robert Michael
 Casement, Roddie
 Casement, Roy Samuel
 Cassel, Harold Felix, 3rd Bt.
 Cassidi, Arthur Desmond
 Cassidi, Robert Alexander
Castell-Castell, Gustav Friedr
Castell-Rüdenhausen, Friedrich
Castell-Rüdenhausen, Otto Frie
 Cathcart, Alan Reginald
 Cathcart, Alan, 6th Earl Cathca, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cathcart, Charles Frederick, where he was mentioned despatches
 Catlow, Thomas Noel, when he became a POW, including a spell at Colditz
 Catto, Stephen Gordon, 2nd Baro ( 1943-1947 ), in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Caulfeild, Arthur James
 Caulfeild, Charles Edward St.
 Caulfeild, Evan Michael St. Ge, with the British Army (1939-40) and with the Canadian Forces (1940-46)
 Caulfeild, Robert
 Caulfeild, St. George Frederic, with the Naval Staff, Admiralty
 Caulfeild, Toby St. George, serving in France and South-East Asia
Caulfeild, William Henry
 Caulfeild, Wilmot Smyth
 Cave, John Laurence Mark, in North Africa and Italy
Cave-Browne, Edward Henry
 Cave-Browne, John Raban, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cave-Browne, William ( 1939-1941 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Anthony, in Burma and Indonesia
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Bernard Adri, in Germany and Palestine
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Bryan Willia
 Cave-Browne-Cave, Paul Asteley, in Germany
 Cavendish, Alexander Arbuthnot
 Cavendish, Andrew Robert Buxto
 Cavendish, Charles Francis Alw, in the Middle East and North-West Europe, and was wounded
 Cavendish, Edwin Pearson Delma, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Godfrey Herbert Ric, in the Middle East
 Cavendish, Hubert Gordon Compt, in East Africa
 Cavendish, Jean May, in the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
 Cavendish, John Charles Compto
 Cavendish, John Compton, 4th Ba
 Cavendish, Richard Edward Osbo
 Cavendish, Ronald Valentine, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, William Delmar, where he was wounded twice
Cavendish, William John Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cawley, Frederick Lee, 3rd Baro, where he was wounded
Cawley, Harold Kenneth John
 Cawley, Stephen Robert, with the Royal Signals
 Cayley, Cuthbert John
 Cayley, Cyril, where he was wounded
 Cayley, Edward Cartwright
 Cayley, Forde Everard de Wend, where he became a POW
 Cayley, Hugh Cartwright
 Cayley, Hugh Edward
 Cayley, Kenelm Henry Ernest, 10
 Cayley, Paul Charles Cuthbert
 Cayley, Philip Estcourt ( 1939-1943 )
Cayley, Richard Douglas
 Cayley, Richard Wilkins
 Cayley, William Arthur Seton
 Cayley, William Bernard, where he became a POW
 Cayzer, Bernard Gilbert Stanco
 Cayzer, Charles William, 3rd Bt
 Cayzer, Harold Stanley, where he was wounded
 Cayzer, Herbert Robin, 2nd Baro, in the Middle East
 Cayzer, Michael Anthony Rathbo, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
Cayzer, Nigel John, 4th Bt.
 Cazenove, Edward de Lérisson, when he became a POW in France in 1944
 Cecil, Barclay James Amherst
 Cecil, George Henry Vanderbilt, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Cecil, Henry Kerr Auchmuty
 Cecil, Henry Mitford Amherst
 Cecil, Robert William Evelyn, 2
 Cecil, Rupert Arthur Victor
 Cecil, William Alexander Everi ( 1940-1945 )
 Chadwyck-Healey, Charles Arthu, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Chadwyck-Healey, Edward Randal, where he was wounded
 Chadwyck-Healey, John Hugh, where he was wounded
 Chaloner, Desmond Willoughby R, with the King's African Rifles
 Chaloner, Thomas Weston Peel L
 Chance, Roger James Ferguson, 3 ( 1940-1941 )
 Chaplin, Anthony Freskin Charl ( 1940-1946 )
 Chaplin, Richard Mark ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Chapman, Michael Francis Shers
 Chapman, Robert MacGowan, 2nd B
Chaponay-Morance, Pierre Emman
 Charley, William Robert Hunter
Charlton-Jones, Cecil
 Charmoy Grey, Rodney York, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Charteris, David Nigel
 Charteris, Francis David, 12th
 Charteris, Hugo Francis Guy
 Charteris, John Douglas, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Charteris, Martin Michael Char, in the Middle East
 Charteris, Nigel Keppel
Chartres, John Wilfred
 Chartres, Thomas Victor George, with North Irish Horse
 Chartres, William David Graham
 Chavasse, Evelyn Henry
 Chavasse, Kendal George Flemin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chavasse, Paul Morrison Bushe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chaytor, Edward John Clervaux, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Chaytor, John Clervaux
Cheeke, Oswald Marcus
 Chenevix Trench, Alfred Saward
 Chenevix Trench, Anthony ( 1939-1942 ), where he was captured as a POW
 Chenevix Trench, Godfrey Maxwe
 Chenevix Trench, John Gordon
Chenevix Trench, Maxwell
 Chenevix Trench, Richard Blake, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chenevix Trench, Robert Denis ( 1942-1945 ), where he was captured by the Japanese and held as a POW
 Chester, Anthony James Bagot
 Chester, John Greville Bagot
 Chetwode, George David, where he was wounded
Chetwode, John
 Chetwynd, Adam Duncan, 9th Visc
 Chetwynd, Arthur Henry Talbot,
 Chetwynd, Wentworth Randolph
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Christophe
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Edward Hen
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Edward Mar, where he was mentioned in despatches
Chetwynd-Stapylton, Edward Mil
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Henry Phil
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Miles Rich
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Christopher P
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Edward Hugh F
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Gilbert Alexa, in Iraq, Syria, Persia and Italy, and was mentioned in despatches
 Chetwynd-Talbot, John Arthur
 Chetwynd-Talbot, John George C
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Richard Micha
 Cheyne, Andrew Watson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cheyne, Joseph Lister Watson, o
 Cheyne, Joseph Lister, of Leaga
 Cheyne, William Watson, where he became a POW in 1940
 Chichester, Arthur O'Neill Cub
Chichester, Arthur Patrick Spe
 Chichester, Charles Frederick
 Chichester, Dermot Richard Cla, in teh Middle East and Africa, and became a POW
 Chichester, Desmond Clive, in North Africa and Italy, and was mentioned in despatches
 Chichester, Desmond Shane, in North Africa and Italy
 Chichester, Edward John, 11th B
 Chichester, Oscar Richard Hers
 Chichester, Patrick George ( 1939-1943 )
 Chichester-Clark, James Dawson, where he was wounded
 Child-Villiers, Edward Mansel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Child-Villiers, George Francis
 Childers, Walter Robert
 Chinnery-Haldane, Alexander Na
 Chinnery-Haldane, Brodrick Ver, with the Royal Artillery
 Chisholm, Alastair Hamish Wila, in Seaforth Highlanders, and seconded to the Royal Indian Army Service Corps
 Chisholm, John Harry Mckellar
 Chisholm-Batten, Alexander Wil
 Cholmeley Harrison, Cholmeley
 Cholmeley, Hugh John Francis S
 Cholmondeley, Anthony Pitt, where he became a POW
 Cholmondeley, George Hugh, 6th, in the Middle East, Italy, France and Germany
 Cholmondeley, George Hugo
Cholmondeley, Henry Pakenham G
 Cholmondeley, John George
 Cholmondeley, Thomas Pitt Hami
Christian, Charles Allen
 Christian, Charles George Horn ( 1939-1943 ), when he was invalided
 Christian, Charles Reuben ( 1940-1944 )
 Christian, Franklyn Consett Re, in New Guinea
 Christian, Frederick John ( 1939-1943 ), in the Royal Army Service Corps, and was wounded in North Africa
 Christian, George Maitland ( 1939-1945 )
 Christian, Hasty Lober
 Christian, Holder Stanley
Christian, Jack Laurence Kings ( 1939-1944 )
 Christian, John Monsell, in North Africa, Italy and Austria
 Christian, Julius Reuben Charl
 Christian, Owen Michael Kingsm ( 1939-1945 ), in Italy
 Christian, Richard Frederick
 Christian, Stephen John
 Christie, Hector Lorenzo, where he became a POW
 Christison, Alexander Frank Ph
 Chubb, David William Early, and was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Church, Geoffrey Selby, 2nd Bt. ( 1939-1940 )
 Citrine, Norman Arthur Citrine
Clapton, Thomas Lionel Ashburn
 Clark, Andrew Edmund James, 3rd ( 1939-1945 )
 Clark, Aubrey Alexander Maxwel
 Clark, Charles Brian
 Clark, Charles John Alexander, with North Irish Horse
 Clark, Colin Douglas, 4th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Clark, Cuthbert King, in the Royal Air Force
 Clark, Everett Boyd Christian ( 1940 )
 Clark, Francis Drake, 5th Bt. ( 1943-1946 ), in the Royal Navy
Clark, Francis William
 Clark, George Anthony, 3rd Bt.
 Clark, Henry Francis
 Clark, Henry James Douglas ( 1939-1945 )
 Clark, Henry Wallace Stuart, with bomb and mine disposal
Clark, Ian Ronald Wentworth
 Clark, John Courtenay, with the Royal Army Pay Corps
 Clark, John Maurice
 Clark, Richard Conyngham
 Clark, Thomas George Ramsay Da, in the Royal Air Force
 Clark, Thomas Jackson
Clark, Thomas Roderick Jackson
 Clark, Wentworth Douglas, where he was wounded
 Clark, William Gibson Haig, Bar ( 1941-1946 )
Clarke, Andrew Board Stephenso
 Clarke, Brian William Marshal, with the Submarine Service
Clarke, Charles Martin
 Clarke, Colin Grenville
 Clarke, David Richard
 Clarke, Edward Granville Woodc, in Burma
 Clarke, Edward Neville
Clarke, Ernest Edward Dowling, in the Royal Air Force
 Clarke, George Erskine Lee
Clarke, Guy Douglas
 Clarke, John Russell, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Clarke, Marshal Falconer
 Clarke, Marshal Llewelyn
 Clarke, Michael Alastair
 Clarke, Peter Ethelston, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, Peter Geoffrey Woodchu, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, Ralph Lionel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, Ralph Stephenson, in Iraq, Iran and Sicily, and was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, Reginald Clive Nevil, iin Royal Australian Air Force
 Clarke, Robert Nunn Stephenson, in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
 Clarke, Rupert William John, 3r, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, Samuel Henry Rendall, with RAC
 Clarke, Thomas Graves, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, Thomas Hughes
 Clarke, Thomas Humphrey Woodch
Clarke, William, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clarke, William Antony Francis
 Clayhills-Henderson, David, where he became a POW at Arnhem in September 1944
 Clayton, Arthur Harold, 11th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clayton, Arthur John Granville, with Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
 Clayton, Gilbert Talbot Hatton ( 1942-1945 ), in Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Clayton, Henry Hubert
Cleeve, Anthony Thomas Russell, in Royal Air Force
 Cleeve, Brian Talbot, with the Merchant Navy, King's African Rifles and Military Intelligence
Cleeve, Desmond
 Cleeve, Henry John
 Cleeve, Terence Vincent Aylmer
Clegg-Hill, Frederic Raymond, and was mentioned in despatches
 Clegg-Hill, Gerald Rowland, 7th
 Clements, Charles Marcus Lefvr
 Clements, Henry Theophilus Wic
 Cleminson, James Arnold Stacey, where he became a POW (1944-45)
 Clerk, John Dutton, of Penicuik
 Clerke, John Edward Longuevill
Clerke, Nicholas John
 Clerke, Rupert Francis Henry
 Clifford, George Gilbert Josep ( 1939 )
 Clifford, Lewis Hugh, 13th Baro, where he became a POW, but escaped in 1943
 Clifford, Peter Frazer Sinclai, in North Africa
 Clifton, Peter Thomas
 Clifton-Brown, Anthony George, where he was wounded
 Clifton-Brown, Geoffrey Benedi
 Clive, Archer Francis Lawrence
 Clive, John William Evelyn Som
Clive, Meysey George Dallas
Close, Peter Thrale
 Close, William Herbert, in Greece, North Africa and Normandy
 Close, William Taliaferro
 Close-Smith, Charles Nugent
 Close-Smith, Henry Temple
 Close-Smith, Richard Sydney Gr ( 1939-1941 ), when he became a POW
 Clutterbuck, Walter Edmund ( 1939-1946 )
 Coates, Frederick Gregory Lind, in North Africa and North-West Europe, where he was twice wounded
 Coates, James Patrick
Coates, John Edward
 Coats, Alastair Francis Stuart
 Coats, Ian Charles James
 Coats, Ivor Paul, in North Africa and Italy, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Coats, James Stuart, 3rd Bt.
 Coats, Vernon William ( 1939-1945 )
Cobb, Henry Patrick
Cobb, Wilton Winstanley
Cobbe, Alexander William Locke
Cobbe, Charles Hugh
 Cobbe, Francis Charles
 Cobbold, Michael David Nevill ( 1940-1945 )
 Cobbold, Peter Fromanteel
Cobbold, Robert Nevill
 Cochrane, Alexander Francis
 Cochrane, Archibald Douglas ( 1941-1945 )
Cochrane, Archibald Hamish Fit
 Cochrane, Desmond Oriel Alasta
 Cochrane, Edward Owen, where he was menioned in despatches
 Cochrane, Ernest Henry
Cochrane, Francis Alfred Arthu
 Cochrane, Harold Hubert
 Cochrane, Ian Douglas Leonard, , in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Greece
Cochrane, James Owen
Cochrane, John
Cochrane, John Blair
 Cochrane, John Erskine Dundona
 Cochrane, John Noble, with Royal Air Force
 Cochrane, John Peter
Cochrane, Palmer Basil Dundona
 Cochrane, Peter William FitzGe
 Cochrane, Ralph Alexander, where he was mentioned in despatcces twice
 Cockburn, John Elliot, of that ( 1944-1948 ), with the Royal Air Force
 Cockburn-Campbell, Alexander B
 Cockburn-Campbell, Thomas, 6th, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Cockburn-Campbell, Urban Alfre
 Coddington, Dixie Henry
Coddington, Hubert Geoffrey Jo, in the Royal Air Force
 Codner, Richard Michael Clinto, where he became a POW in Stalag-Luft 3. He was one the three who escaped via the wooden horse
 Codrington, Geoffrey Ronald ( 1939-1946 ), at HQ London District
 Codrington, Simon Francis Beth ( 1942-1945 ), in Italy
 Codrington, William Richard, 7t
 Coffin, Clement Freeman
 Coghill, Joscelyn Ambrose Cram
 Coghill, Marmaduke Nevill Patr, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cohen, Leonard Harold, where he was wounded
 Cohen, Stephen Behrens
 Cokayne, Charles Borlase Marsh
 Cokayne, Edmund Willoughby Mar
 Cokayne, Thomas Probyn
 Coke, Anthony Louis Lovel, 6th, with the Royal Air Force
Coke, David Arthur
 Coke, Gerald Edward
 Coke, Lovel William
 Coke, Richard Lovel, in Italy
 Coke, Roger
 Coke, Thomas William Edward, 5t
 Cole, David Lowry, 6th Earl of
 Cole, Michael Galbraith Lowry,
 Cole-Hamilton, Anthony Mervyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cole-Hamilton, David Edmund
 Cole-Hamilton, Hugh Arthur Wil, when he was invalided
 Cole-Hamilton, John Beresford
 Cole-Hamilton, John Claud
 Coleridge, Antony Duke, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coleridge, Arthur Nicholas
 Coleridge, Francis Stephen
 Coleridge, James Bernard
 Coleridge, Paul Humphrey
 Coleridge, Richard Duke, 4th Ba
 Colfox, William John, 2nd Bt.
 Colley, Henry John, in the Royal Air Force
 Collier, Angus Lyell ( 1939-1945 )
 Collier, Perceval Gerard
 Collier, William Adrian Larry,
 Collings, Geoffrey Stephen d'A
 Collins, Christopher William E, in North Africa and Italy
 Colman, David Wyndham James
 Colmore, Peter Dashwood Murray, in East Africa and Ethiopia
 Colquhoun, Donald Alan ( 1939-1946 )
 Colquhoun, Ivar Iain, of Luss,
 Colt, Henry Archer, 9th Bt.
 Colt, John Rochfort
 Colthurst, Charles St. John
 Coltman-Rogers, David Alan
 Colvill, David Chaigneau, in France, Belgium and Normandy
 Colvill, James Chaigneau, where he commanded destroyers
 Colvill, Robert Lowry Chaignea
 Colville, Archibald
 Colville, Charles Alexander, 3r
 Colville, David
 Colville, David Richard
 Colville, Edward Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
Colville, Frederick James
 Colville, John Gilbert
 Colville, John Rupert
 Colville, Philip Robert ( 1944-1945 ), in North-West Europe, and was mentioned in despatches
 Colville, Ronald John Bilsland, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Colvin, John Horace Ragnar, in the Far East
 Colyer-Fergusson, James Herber, and was a POW (1940-45)
Colyer-Fergusson, Max Christia
Combe, Robert Tristram
 Compton, Edward Robert Francis
 Compton, Robert Edward John ( 1944 ), where he was wounded
 Comyn, John Andrew, in North Africa, where he became a POW
 Comyn, Nugent Gerald Ward, with South African Engineer Corps in East and North Africa, Italy and Austria
Comyn, Reginald
 Comyn, Victor Lewis
 Conant, John Ernest Michael, 2n ( 1942-1945 )
Conant, Rupert Thomas
 Concannon, John Noel
 Conolly, Lucius O'Brien John, in New Guinea and Japan
 Conolly-Carew, William Francis, where he was wounded
Considine, Anthony Talbot Perc, in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Considine, Brian Bertram, with the Royal Air Force
 Considine, Patrick Heffernan
 Considine, Peter Reginald Fran
 Considine, Thomas George
 Constable-Maxwell, Gerald Jose, and was mentioned in despatches
 Constable-Maxwell, Michael Hug, in the Battle of Britain and Duth East Indies
 Constantine, Theodore, Baron Co
 Cooke, Adrian Fitzpatrick
 Cooke, Bryan Edward ( 1939-1942 ), when he became a POW
 Cooke, Charles Arthur John, 11t ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW
 Cooke, David Charles Darwin
Cooke, Eldred Rodney Fitzpatri
 Cooke, John Gervaise Beresford
 Cooke, John Sholto Fitzpatrick
 Cooke, Thomas Fitzpatrick
 Cooke-Collis, Edward Cunliffe, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Cookman, Basil Thornton
 Cookman, Nathaniel Henry Edwar
Cookson, Christopher
 Cookson, John Butler
 Cooper, Adolphus Richard, where he became a POW and escaped
 Cooper, Anthony Matthew, with Combined Operations in Algeria, Middle East and Sicily
Cooper, Astley John, with the Glider Pilot Regiment, 1st Airborne Division
 Cooper, Austin Eric Lloyd, with 4th Division and Indian Army
 Cooper, Austin Francis, with 4th KOR Regiment (Lancaster)
 Cooper, Austin Owen, with Royal Army Pay Corps
Cooper, Donald Lewis Astley
 Cooper, Edward Francis Patrick
 Cooper, Frederick Owen, with the Royal Air Force in India and Burma
Cooper, Geoffrey Desmond
 Cooper, Geoffrey Mervyn
 Cooper, Gerald Nigel Astley
 Cooper, Giles Stannus, with RW Yorkshire Regiment
 Cooper, Matthew Pennefather Ll, as Major (Staff)
 Cooper, Patrick Graham Astley, ( 1939-1940 ), when he was invalided
 Cooper, Peter Robert
 Cooper, Richard Guy, with Royal Irish Fusiliers
 Cooper, Richard Philip
 Cooper, Robert Henry, where he was wounded
 Cooper, William Herbert, 3rd Bt ( 1939-1945 ), in the Royal Observer Corps and Royal Air Force
 Cooper-Chadwick, John Lionel, where he was wounded
 Cooper-Key, Eric Astley
 Coote, Brian Philip
 Coote, Denis Ivor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coote, Dermot Chenevix, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coote, Eric Royds Methuen ( 1940-1944 )
 Coote, John Oldham
 Coote, John Ralph, 14th Bt.
 Coote, John Robin
 Coote, Maxwell Henry, with the Royal Air Force, where he was mentioned in despatches
Coote, Patric Bernard
 Copeman, Michael George Auchel
 Corballis, Basil Joseph
 Corbet, John Vincent, 7th Bt., where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Corbett, Arthur Cameron, 3rd Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches
Corbett, John Polson
 Corbett, Thomas Anthony, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Corbett, Thomas Godfrey Polson
 Corbett-Winder, Edward Frederi
Corbett-Winder, Robert Uvedale
 Corbin, John Ogilvie
 Cordeaux, Edward Cawdron
 Cordle, John Howard, in the Royal Air Force
 Corkery, Eric Denis
 Cornwall Legh, Evelyn Henry Sh, where he was invalided
 Cornwall-Legh, Charles Legh Sh, with the Auxiliary Air Force and Royal Air Force
 Cornwallis, Fiennes Neil Wykeh ( 1940-1944 ), when he was invalided
 Corry, William James, 4th Bt.
Cory-Wright, Anthony John Juli
 Cory-Wright, Francis Newman, where he was wounded
Cory-Wright, Jonathan Francis
 Cory-Wright, Michael, where he became a POW
 Cosby, Eric James Dudley
 Cosby, Errold Ashworth Sydney
 Cosby, Ivan Robert Sydney, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cosgrave, Henry Alexander, with the Royal Tank Regiment
 Cosgrave, Robert Gerald, with Royal Air Force
 Cotter, Arthur Gerald Purcell
 Cotter, Arundel
 Cotter, Arundel John Plunkett
Cotter, David Grenfell
 Cotter, Delaval James Alfred, 6, in North-West Europe
 Cotter, Harry Norman Rogerson
 Cotter, Hilary James Coughtrie, where he was invalided
 Cotter, James Lawrence, with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps
Cotter, Laurence Stopford Llew
 Cotter, Lloyd George
 Cotter, Louis Stephen, with the Canadian Army
 Cotter, Richard Duncan Rogerso
 Cotterell, Richard Charles Gee, in the Middle East and Italy, and was mentioned in despatches
 Cotton, Francis Brian Egerton
 Cotton, Henry Edward Mariano
 Cotton, Hugh Philip Stapleton
 Cotton, Simon Arthur
 Cotts, Robert Chrichton Mitche
Coulston, Henry Charles
 Couper, George Robert Cecil, 5t, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Couper, Jem Ramsay ( 1941-1945 )
 Courage, Anthony
 Courage, Richard Hubert ( 1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Courcy, John Arthur Gerald
 Courcy, Michael John Rancé
 Courtenay, Charles Christopher, where he was wounde and was mentioned in despatches
 Coventry, Cecil Dick Bluett, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coventry, Charles William Gera
 Coventry, Digby Colquitt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coventry, Francis Henry, 12th E
Coventry, George William Regin
 Coventry, Gerald Victor ( 1939 ), with the Candadian Amry
Coventry, Henry Reginald
Coventry, Robert George
Cox, Charles Ian
 Cox, Frederick George ( 1942-1945 ), with Royal Air Force Bomber Command
 Cox, Ralph George Snead
 Cox, Reginald Egerton ( 1943-1945 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Graham Sydney
 Cradock-Hartopp, John Edmund, 9, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cradock-Hartopp, Kenneth Alsto
 Craig, James, 2nd Viscount Crai
 Craig, Patrick William Dennis ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Cramer, Albrecht Wolfgang Eber
Cramer, Johann Ulrich
 Cramphorn, John Frederic, incuding France in 1940 and 1944
 Cramsie, Alexander James Henry, where he was wounded
 Cramsie, Arthur Vacquerie, with Intelligence Corps
 Cramsie, Charles Murray
 Cranmer-Byng, John Launcelot ( 1940-1945 )
Craven, George Edward James
 Craven, William Robert Bradley
Crawford, David Robert
 Crawley, Charles David
 Crawley, James Bryan, with the Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force
 Crawley, John Lloyd Rochfort, in the Merchant Navy
 Crawley, Michael, with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps
 Crawley, Michael
 Crawley-Boevey, Anthony
 Crawley-Boevey, Arthur Martin, where he was mentioned in despatches
Crawley-Boevey, Thomas Roger
 Creagh, Edward Philip Nagle
 Creagh, James Patrick Nagle
 Creagh, Michael O'Moore ( 1939-1942 ), in the Middle East, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Creagh-Barry, Charles Philip N, with the Irish Guards
 Creagh-Barry, Philip Edward Ma, in the Irish Guards
 Creswell, George Hector, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Crichton, Alexander Cochrane
 Crichton, David George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crichton, Francis Michael ( River 1937 ), in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Burma and Pacific
 Crichton, John Henry George, 5t
 Crichton, John Richard
 Crichton, Marcus Henry Reginal
 Crichton, Michael Henry
 Crichton, Patrick Henry Dougla, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crichton, Richard John Vesey, where he was mentioned in despatches, and wounded twice
 Crichton-Stuart, Michael Dunca, where he was wounded twice
 Crichton-Stuart, Patrick Dudle, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cripps, Charles Thomas Joyce
 Cripps, Frederick Heyworth, 3rd
 Cripps, Matthew Anthony Leonar
 Critchett, Ian George Lorraine
 Critchley, Peter Evelyn George
 Critchley-Salmonson, John Albe, in Burma and Italy
 Croasdaile, Alan Lancelot
Croft, James Herbert, 11th Bt.
 Croft, John Archibald Radcliff, where he was wounded twice
 Croft, John Armentières, where he was wounded
 Croft, Michael Henry Glendower
 Croft, Richard Arthur Fitzroy, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crofton, Cyril Anthony
 Crofton, Desmond Gerald ( 1944-1945 ), in France and North-West Europe, where he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Crofton, Edward Blaise, 5th Bar
 Crofton, Malby Sturges, 5th Bt.
 Crofton, Morgan George, in Burma, and was mentioned in despatches
 Crofton, Patrick Donavan ( 1943-1945 ), in Italy and North-West Europe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crofton, Philip Duke ( 1939-1941 )
 Crofton, Richard Cecil Milman, he was mentioned in despatches
Crofton, Robert Denis
 Croker, Crofton ( 1939-1942 ), when he was invalided
 Croker, Edward James O'Brien
 Croker, Edward James O'Brien, recalled for special service
 Croker, George FitzGerald
 Croker, John Newport
 Croker, William Pennefather, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crombie, John Harvey Forbes
 Cronin-Coltsmann, Terence Dani
 Crooke, Frederick Montague War ( 1939-1945 )
 Crooke, Hugh Roland
 Crooke, John Elliott ( 1939-1945 )
 Crookenden, Napier
 Croom-Johnson, Oliver Powell
 Cros, Arthur Roy Peter
 Cros, Claude Philip Arthur Mal
 Cros, Philip Harvey, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crosbie, John Leslie, with Coastal Command
 Crosbie, Robert Fitzgeorge
 Cross, Assheton Henry, 3rd Visc
Cross, Richmund Gilfred
Cross, William Kenneth Ramsden
 Crossley, Charles John
 Crossley, John Richard Irwin
 Crossley, Michael Nicholson, where he was mentioned in despatches
Crossley, Nigel John
 Crowder, Frederick Petre, in North Africa, Italy and Burma
Croÿ, Alfred Franz Johann de N
Croÿ, Franz de Paul Alfred Max
Croÿ, Hubert Marie Francois Lo
Cubitt, Charles
 Cubitt, Charles Guy
 Cubitt, Henry Edward, 4th Baron, with the Royal Air Force
 Cubitt, Michael Francis Vandel, where he became a POW in 1942
 Cubitt, Victor Barrington
 Culme-Seymour, Evelyn
 Culme-Seymour, Gerald Henry Ho
 Culme-Seymour, John Dennis
 Culme-Seymour, Mark Charles, where he was wounded
 Culme-Seymour, Michael, 5th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cummins, Arthur Aylmer
 Cummins, Christopher Fenton Ay
 Cummins, Donald Fenton, in Royal Engineers
 Cummins, Henry Alfred Poole
 Cummins, Maurice Lyle, severely wounded in Italy
 Cummins, William Alfred Brian
 Cuningham, Alister Gordon
Cuningham, Archibald Loudoun
 Cuningham, Robin Ellison
 Cunliffe, Bruce Fergusson
 Cunliffe, Colin Fergusson ( 1939-1945 ), with the Grandier Guards
 Cunliffe, Robert Lionel Brooke, where he was mentioned in despatches
Cunliffe-Lister, John Yarburgh
 Cunliffe-Lister, Philip Ingram, where he became a POW
 Cunliffe-Owen, Dudley Herbert,
Cunliffe-Owen, Hugo Leslie
 Cunningham, Alan Gordon
 Cunningham, Andrew Browne, 1st
 Cunningham, Daniel John Chapma ( 1943-1946 )
 Cunningham, James Glencairn
 Cunningham, Josias
 Cunningham, Samuel Knox, 1st Bt ( 1939-1943 )
 Cunynghame, Frank Vincent ( 1940-1945 )
 Cunynghame, Henry David St. Le
Cunynghame, Wilfrid Bertram St
 Cuppage, Desmond George Burke
 Currie, Arnold William Rivers, where he was wounded
 Currie, Disney Rivers, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Currie, Edward John Charles ( 1942 ), with the Malayan Defence Force at Singapore, and became a POW
 Currie, Frederick Disney River ( 1943 ), in Burma, and was wounded
 Curtis, Arthur Derek Edward
 Curtis, Arthur Drury ( 1939-1945 )
 Curtis, Berwick, as Commodore of Convoys
 Curtis, David Sacheverell ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Curtis, Peter, 6th Bt.
Curtis, Richard Osborne
 Curtis, Robert Cecil
 Curzon, Chambré George William
 Curzon, Edward Richard Assheto
 Curzon, James Quintin Penn ( 1942-1945 )
 Curzon, Ralph Okeover Nathanie
 Curzon-Howe, Henry
 Curzon-Howe-Herrick, Assheton, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cusack-Smith, William Robert D
 Cust, Lionel George Arthur, where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Cust, Peregrine Francis Adelbe
 Cutler, Arthur Roden, V.C.
Czartoryski, Louis
Cziráky de Czirák de Dénesfalv
 D'Arcy, Edward John Wakefield
D'Arcy, John
 D'Arcy, John Conyers, where he was mentioned in despatches
 D'Arcy, Michael Charles Norman, where he was wounded
 D'Arcy, Thomas Norman
 D'Arcy, William Isidore
 D'Oyly, John Rochfort, 13th Bt.
 D'Oyly, Nigel Hadley Miller, 14, in Hong Kong and France
D'Oyly, Reginald Clare Hasting
Dacre, Kenneth Fraser
 Dacres-Dixon, Michael George, where he was wounded and invalided out
 Dahl, Roald, in North Africa, and Greece
 Dallmeyer, Christopher James Y, in France, and North-West Europe
 Dalrymple, Charles Mark, 3rd Bt ( 1940-1945 )
 Dalrymple, Colin James ( 1944-1945 ), in Italy
 Dalrymple, Hew North, in Burma and North Africa, and was wounded twice
 Dalrymple, John Aymer, 13th Ear, in the Middle East, and was mentioned in dispatches
 Dalrymple, Walter Grey North H
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, Frederick
 Dalrymple-Hamilton, North Edwa, in the Arctic Convoys
 Dalrymple-Hay, Brian George Ro
 Dalrymple-Hay, Christopher Mon ( 1939-1944 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Dalrymple-Hay, Houston Stewart
 Dalrymple-Hay, Hugh Brereton, where he became a POW
 Dalrymple-Hay, James Erroll
 Dalrymple-Hay, Kenneth Houston
 Dalrymple-White, Henry Arthur
 Daly, Albert Peter Vincent, where he was mentioned in despatches
Daly, Arthur Timothy
 Daly, Denis Bowes
 Daly, Denis William
 Daly, Dermot Ralph
 Daly, George Dermot
 Daly, James Henry
 Daly, Victor Alexander Henry
 Daly, William Adrian Reynolds, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Damer, George Paul
 Dampier, Denis John
 Dancy, Percival Royston ( 1939-1944 )
Dane, Henry, where he became a POW
Dane, Richard Cecil Allen
Dane, Richard Louis Hastings
 Darby, James Lionel d'Esterre
Darby, John Richard d'Esterre
 Darell, Jeffrey Lionel, 8th Bt.
 Darell, William Oswald, 7th Bt., with the Intelligence Corps
 Darling, Gerald Ralph Auchinle
Darling, James Weyland
 Darling, Ralph Reginald Auchin ( 1939-1943 ), when he retired due to ill health
 Darling, Robert Charles Henry,
 Darling, Thomas Auchinleck
 Darroch, Duncan, 7th of Gourock, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dashwood, Alexander John
Daublebsky, Otto, Freiherr von
 Daunt, William Achilles
Davidson, Colin Keppel
 Davidson, Kenneth Bulstrode Ll, where he was mentioned in despatches
Davies, David Michael, 2nd Baro
 Davies, Denis Norman
 Davies, Islwyn Edmund Evan
Davies-Berrington, Douglas Joh
 Davies-Cooke, Paul John
 Davies-Cooke, Philip Ralph
 Davison, Patrick Owen Alexande
 Davison, Thomas Arthur
 Davison, William Kensington, 3r
 Davson, Harry Miller
Dawans, Sigismund-Helmut
 Dawnay, Christopher Payan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dawnay, David
 Dawnay, Eric Christopher ( 1939-1941 ), where he became a POW
 Dawnay, George William ffolkes
 Dawnay, Michael
 Dawnay, Oliver Payan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dawnay, Peter
 Dawnay, Richard, 10th Viscount
 Dawnay, Ronald ( 1939-1942 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
Dawson-Damer, George Lionel Se
 Day, John Forbes André
 De'Ath, Ian Dudley
 Deacon, David Hawthorne
 Deacon, Ernest Claude, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Dean, Arthur Paul, Baron Dean o
 Dease, Ernest Joseph
Dease, Richard Edmund Antony, as a Pilot Officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserves
 Debenham, Martin Ridley
 Debenham, Piers Kendrick, 2nd B
 Deedes, Charles Julius, in Europe and Italy, and was wounded
 Deedes, William Francis, Baron
Degenfeld-Schonburg, Christoph
Degenfeld-Schonburg, Ferdinand
 Delacourt-Smith, Charles Georg ( 1940-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Delius, James Pringle
 Delmege, Hugh Jocelyn
 Delmege, James O'Grady
 Delmé-Murray, George Philip Al, in Burma, where he was wounded
 Demetriadi, Michael Anthony, and was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Dene, John Anthony, when he became a POW in 1944
 Denison, John Albert Lister, 8t, in Royal Artillery and Royal Electricial and Mechanical Engineers
 Denison, Philip Henry Charles
 Denison-Pender, Richard Ernest, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Denman, Charles Spencer, 5th Ba, in the Middle East
 Denman, George ( 1943-1945 )
 Denman, Harold ( 1941-1946 ), in Royal Artillery
 Denman, Peter Frederick Arthur, in the Intelligence Corps
 Denman, Roderick Peter George
 Dennis, Meade Edward
 Dennis, Stratford Hercules, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Denny, Arthur de Courcy MacGil, in Royal Canadian Artillery and Royal Canadian Air Force
Dent, Digby MacArthur
 Dering, Anthony Myles Chomeley ( 1939-1945 ), in the Pioneer Corps
 Dering, Rupert Anthony Yea, 12t ( 1939-1945 )
 Derrett, Raymond Coleridge
Des Voeux, William Richard de
 Devereux, Robert de Bohun
 Devereux, Rodney de Bohun, in the New Zealand Medical Corps
 Devitt, Howson Charles
 Devitt, John Desmond, where he was wounded
 Devitt, Philip Eyre
 Devitt, Thomas Gordon, 2nd Bt.
 Devlin, William ( 1939-1945 )
 Dewar, David Matthew Henry, of
 Dewar, Henry Evelyn Alexander, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dewar, James David Ramsay, with the Royal Navy
 Dewar, Matthew James Manuia, with the Royal Engineers
 Dewar, Michael Willoughby ( 1941-1945 ), with the Intelligence Corps and SHAEF (Mission to French Government)
 Dewey, Anthony Hugh, 3rd Bt.
Deym zu Stritez, Johann Nepomu
Deym zu Stritez, Victorinus
 Diacre, Kenneth Kenneth
 Dick-Lauder, George Andrew, of, in Palestine, Somaliland, 52nd Middle East Commandos, Sudan, and Crete, where he became a POW
Dickson, Leonard William
 Digby, Arthur Kenelm ( 1939-1941 )
 Digby, Edward Henry Kenelm, 12t
 Digby-Johnson, Eric, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Dilke, Christopher Wentworth
 Dilke, Oswald Ashton Wentworth
Dill, David Gordon
 Dill, John Albert Edward, with Royal Air Force
 Dill, John Martin Gordon
Dill, John Michael Gordon
Dill, John Pengelly
 Dill, Richard Patrick Murray G, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dill, Richard Wale Gordon
 Dill, Victor Robert Colquhoun
 Dillon, Eric FitzGerald, 19th V ( 1939-1941 )
 Dillon, Gerald Francis Lee ( 1940-1945 )
 Dillon, Michael Eric, 20th Visc
 Dillon, Richard Maurice, in Sicily and Italy
Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Geo
 Diplock, William John Kenneth, ( 1939-1945 )
Dixie, Edward Archibald Wolsta, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dixon, Daniel Stewart Thomas B, including Fnrace and Monte Cassino
 Dixon, Noel Wilbraham ( 1939-1944 ), in Naval Staff, and was invalided
 Dixon-Brown, Cecil Thomas
Dobbie, Arthur William Granvil, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Dobbin, Clarence Rudolf
 Dobbin, Robert Archibald
 Dobbin, Tilton Hemsley, with the U.S. Navy
 Dobbs, Cathcart Eric Stewart
 Dobbs, Conway Edward
 Dobbs, Hector George Edmund
 Dobbs, John Jopp Fairlie ( 1939-1940 ), where he was wounded and became a POW (1940-45)
 Dobbs, Nithsdale Conway
 Dobbs, Richard Arthur Frederic
Dohna-Schlobitten, Heinrich
Domvile, Barry
 Domvile, Denys Barry Herbert
 Domvile, John Patrick
 Domville, Gerald Guy, 7th Bt. ( 1939-1945 )
Don-Wauchope, John Andrew
 Don-Wauchope, Patrick George, o, in Italy
 Donaldson, John Francis, Baron
 Donaldson, John George Stuart, ( 1939-1945 )
 Donleavy, James Patrick, in the U.S. Navy
 Dorman, Edward Anthony John Re
 Dorman, Edward Mungo
 Dorman, Edward Stephen Patrick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dorman, Richard
 Dormer, Geoffrey Henry, 17th Ba
Dormer, Hugh Everard
 Dormer, John Kenelm
Dornberg, Friedrich Wilhelm
Dorrien-Smith, Algernon Robert ( 1939-1940 )
Dorrien-Smith, Francis Arthur
Dorrien-Smith, Geoffrey Richar ( 1939-1944 )
Dorrien-Smith, Horace Algernon ( 1939-1942 )
Dorrien-Smith, Lionel Roger
 Dorrien-Smith, Thomas Mervyn ( 1939-1945 )
 Doughty-Tichborne, Anthony Jos
 Doughty-Wylie, Brian Peirson
 Douglas, Archibald Roderick Sh
 Douglas, Archibald Sholto Geor, he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas, Archibald Stair Monta ( 1943-1945 ), in North Africa and Italy
 Douglas, Archibald William
 Douglas, Charles Sholto
 Douglas, David Sholto William
 Douglas, Edward Montagu
 Douglas, Hugh Maxwell
 Douglas, James Archibald
 Douglas, James Sholto, where he was wounded
 Douglas, John Sholto Henry, he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas, Patrick Sholto, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas, Peter Frederic Sholto, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas, Robert Andrew
 Douglas, Sholto Charles John H
 Douglas, Sholto Courtenay Mack ( 1939-1945 )
Douglas, Thomas William
 Douglas, William Sholto, 1st an
Douglas-Hamilton, David ( 1939-1944 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, 14th ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas-Hamilton, George Nigel ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Douglas-Hamilton, James Angus ( 1939-1945 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, Malcolm Avon ( 1939-1945 )
 Douglas-Home, Edward Charles, where he was wounded and became a POW
Douglas-Home, George Cospatric
 Douglas-Home, Henry Montagu
 Douglas-Home, William
 Douglas-Pennant, Cyril Eustace, he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas-Pennant, Malcolm Frank
 Douglas-Pennant, Nigel
Dowding, Arthur Denis Caswall
 Dowding, Derek Hugh Tremenheer, in the Battle of Britain
 Dowding, Hugh Caswall Tremenhe
Downie, James Cunliffe
 Downton, Charles Murray
 Downton, John Malcolm
 Dowson, Philip Manning
 Doyle, John Francis Hastings, 5
 Doyne, Robert Harry
 Drake, John Raffles Flint
Drake, Michael Robert
Drake, Ronald Francis
 Drew-Smythe, Richard David Som, serving in Burma and India
Droste zu Vischering von Nesse
 Droste zu Vischering von Nesse
Droste zu Vischering, Max Ferd
 Drummond, Andrew Morton
 Drummond, Angus Julian
 Drummond, Arthur Malcolm James
 Drummond, Charles Morton, in East African Engineers
 Drummond, Christopher John Vau ( 1944-1945 )
 Drummond, David James Morton ( 1943-1945 )
 Drummond, Edmund Rupert
 Drummond, Francis William
 Drummond, Frederic Cecil
 Drummond, Frederick Boyd Henea
 Drummond, Geoffrey Heneage, V.C ( 1939-1941 )
 Drummond, Geoffrey Mortimer He
 Drummond, James Arthur Lawrenc
Drummond, James Ralph
 Drummond, John, 10th of Megginc
 Drummond, Spencer Heneage
 Drummond-Hay, Athol Bury, where he became a POW
 Drummond-Hay, Charles Robert
 Drummond-Hay, Donald, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Drummond-Hay, George Thomson
 Drummond-Hay, Harold Sandford, with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces
 Drummond-Murray, Edward John
 Duckworth, Richard Dyce, 3rd Bt
 Duckworth-King, George Henry J ( 1940-1945 )
 Duckworth-King, John Richard, 7 ( 1939-1945 )
 Dudgeon, Antony Greville
 Dudgeon, Joseph Hume ( 1939-1945 )
 Dudgeon, Peter William Archdal
 Duff, Alan Colquhoun, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Duff-Dunbar, Kenneth James
 Duff-Sutherland Dunbar, George
 Dugdale, Michael Arthur Stratf
 Dugdale, Thomas Lionel, 1st Bar ( 1940-1941 ), in the Middle East
 Dugdale, William Stratford, 2nd, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Duggan, Hubert John ( 1939-1940 )
Duggan, Robert Urquhart
 Duke, Jack Henry Edmond, 3rd Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dunbar, Drummond Cospatrick Ni, where he was wounded twice
 Dunbar, Robert Fyfe
 Dunbar, Uthred Ninian Vere
 Dunbar, William Hancorn Vere
 Dunbar, William Henry George, o
 Dunbar-Nasmith, David Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Duncan, James Alexander Lawson ( 1940-1945 )
 Duncombe, Charles Willian Slin
 Duncombe-Anderson, Anthony Joh, where he was mentioned in despatches
Duncombe-Anderson, Roland Fred
 Duncombe-Anderson, Wilfred Geo
 Dundas, Adam Duncan, of Dundas
 Dundas, Bruce Thomas
 Dundas, Claud Kenneth Melville
 Dundas, George Heneage Lawrenc
 Dundas, Hugh Mackenzie ( 1943-1945 )
 Dundas, Hugh Spencer Lisle, and was mentioned in despatches
 Dundas, Ian Hope, of Dundas
Dundas, John Charles
 Dundas, John George Lawrence
Dundas, Kenelm Crispin Vivian ( 1939-1942 )
Dundas, Kenneth
 Dundas, Lawrence Aldred Mervyn, and was mentioned in despatches
 Dundas, Richard Serle
Dundas, Robert Charles
Dundas, Robert Maldred St. Joh
 Dundas, Robert Montague
 Dundas, Thomas Calderwood, of A, in North-West Europe, and was mentioned in despatches
 Dundas, William John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dunham, Stanley Armour
 Dunlop, Thomas, 3rd Bt.
 Dunlop, William Beckett
 Dunn, John Hubert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dunn, Philip Gordon, 2nd Bt. ( 1939-1945 )
 Dunn, Robin Horace Walford, in France, Belgium and North Africa
 Duntze, Daniel Evans, 8th Bt., in the U.S. Army Air Force
 Dupree, James
 Dupree, John Rupert
Dupree, William Vernon John
 Durand, Alan Algernon Marion, 3 ( 1939-1940 ), in Belgium and France
 Durand, Algernon Thomas Marion
 Durand, Mortimer Henry Marion ( 1939 )
Durham, Nicholas
 Durie, Raymond Varley Dewar, of, in Shanghai when it fell to the Japanese, escaping to Chungking, a journey of 2,000 miles which took three months and for which he was mentioned in despatches
 Durrant, William Henry Estridg
 Dyer, Frederick Thomas Swinner
 Dyer, Gordon Swinnerton, where he was invalided
 Dyer, Hugh Swinnerton
 Dyer, John Arnold Swinnerton
 Dyer, Thomas Musgrave Swinnert
 Dyson, George St. John Armitag, where be was captured by the Japanese and became a POW
 Dyson, Peter Spencer Dampier
Eales, Charles Herbert Harbert
Eardley-Wilmot, Anthony Nevill, where he was mentioned in despatches
Eardley-Wilmot, Anthony Revell
 Eardley-Wilmot, John Assheton,
Eardley-Wilmot, John Vere
 Eardley-Wilmot, Paul Revell
 Eardley-Wilmot, Philip
 Eardley-Wilmot, Robert Lloyd
 Eardley-Wilmot, Stephen
 Eardley-Wilmot, Stuart Jeffery
 Earle, Cecil Diccon
 Earle, David Eric Martin ( 1945 ), in Burma
 Earle, Eric Greville
 Earle, Guy Fife, in the Royal Air Force
 Earle, Hardman Alexander Mort, , where he was wounded
 Earle, John Arthur, where he was wounded
 Earle, Nigel Lawrence ( 1944-1945 ), in the Royal Armoured Corps
 Earle, Peter Desmond Noel, in the Atlantic & South-East Asia
 Earle, William Hardman ( 1945 ), in South-East Asia
 Eastwood, Cecil Squire
 Eden, Adrian Arthur
 Eden, Geoffrey Morton, 7th Baro ( 1939-1940 )
 Eden, George Henley
 Eden, George Wilfrid, where he was wounded
 Eden, Henry Charles Hamilton, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eden, Ivy Maude, in the Women's Land Army
Eden, Michael Charles
 Eden, Michael Francis, 7th Baro
 Eden, Robert Charles Frederick
 Eden, Robert John Pulleine
 Eden, Roger Quentin
Eden, Simon Gascoyn
 Eden, Terence, 8th Baron Auckla
Edgcumbe, Piers Richard
 Edlmann, Joseph Campbell, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Edmondson, Anthony James Kingh
 Edmondson, John Cyril, 2nd Baro, where he was wounded twice
 Edmonstone, Edward St. John
 Edmund-Davies, Herbert Edmund, , with the Royal Welch Fusiliers
Edmunds, Richard Arthur
 Edward, Albert Duncan, with the 1st Australian Water TPT Group
 Edwardes, David
 Edwardes, William, he was mentioned in despatches
 Edwards, Edgar Allen James, in the Middle East
 Edwards, John Clive Leighton, 2
 Edwards, John Henry Priestley, with the Australian Forces
 Edwards, William Harold, in the Middle East and New Guinea
 Edwards-Moss, John Herbert The
 Edwards-Moss, Thomas Richard
 Egerton, Cyril Reginald
 Egerton, David Boswell, 16th Bt
 Egerton, John Sutherland, 6th D, where he became a POW
 Egerton, Scrope Arthur Francis, where he was mentioned in dispatches and became a POW
 Egerton, Wion de Malpas
 Egerton-Warburton, Edward Howa
 Egerton-Warburton, Wilbraham
 Ehrenburg, Rudolf W. H. V.
 Einhorn, Mathieu Donald, in Britain, North Afirca, Sicily, Italy, Syria and Palestine
Eisenbach, Walter
 Elcock, Frank Dudley
 Eliot, Montagu Robert Vere ( 1944-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Eliot, Nicholas Richard Michae
 Eliott, Arthur Francis Augustu ( 1941-1945 ), in East Africa and Burma
 Eliott, Hugh Herbert Heathfiel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eliott, Ivor Keith Heathfield
Eliott, John Livingston Hopkin
 Elkington, Sydney Hughes, where he lost his arm
 Elliot, Alban Charles
 Elliot, Alexander Henry
 Elliot, Charles Atherton, with the Australian Imperial Forces in New Guinea
 Elliot, Dudley Charles Howard, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Elliot, Gerald Augustus
Elliot, Gilbert George
 Elliot, William Alexander, and was mentioned in despatches
Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Herb
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, John
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, John
 Ellis, William Felton
Elphinstone, Harold George Alm
 Elphinstone, John Alexander, 17, where he became a POW
 Elphinstone, Kenneth John Tris ( 1939-1942 ), when he became a POW
 Elphinstone, Maurice Douglas W
 Elphinstone, Rowland Henry
 Elphinstone, William Graham, in Military Intelligence in the Middle East
 Elphinstone-Dalrymple, Francis
Elwes, John Hargreaves
Elwes, John Henry
 Elwes, Robert Philip Henry
 Elworthy, John Churchill
Emerson, Roderick Stanley
 Emmet, Christopher Anthony Rob ( 1943-1946 ), in the Fleet Air Arm
 Emslie, George Carlyle, Baron E, in North Africa, Italy, Greece and Austria, and was mentioned in despatches
England, Ian Hugh Bellingham
 Ennals, David Hedley, Baron Enn
Erbach-Fürstenau, Adolf
Erbach-Fürstenau, Hermann-Albr
Erbach-Fürstenau, Kraft
 Erskine Crum, Vernon Forbes
Erskine, Alistair Robert Hervy
 Erskine, Augustus Evelyn, with the Australian Imperial Forces, where he became a POW
 Erskine, David Alexander John
 Erskine, David Hervey, in Italy
 Erskine, Donald Cardross Flowe
 Erskine, Donald Seymour ( 1943-1945 )
 Erskine, Francis Walter
 Erskine, George Watkin Eben Ja, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Erskine, Gratney Pierrepont ( 1942-1944 )
 Erskine, Ian David, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Erskine, James Monteith, with the Grenadier Guards
 Erskine, John Francis Hervey, 1, and was mentioned in despatches
 Erskine, Malcolm David, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Erskine, Robert Fallowfield ( 1940-1946 ), with Royal Australian Air Force
 Erskine, Thomas David, of Cambo
 Erskine-Hill, John Colville, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Erskine-Hill, Robert, of Quothq ( 1939-1942 )
 Erskine-Murray, James Alastair
Esmonde, Eugene, V.C.
 Esmonde, John Witham
 Esmonde, Patrick
Estoile, Charles
 Eustace, Charles Frere
 Eustace, Gerard Henry
 Eustace, John Patrick Leonard
 Eustace, Rowland
 Eustace, Thomas Robert Hales, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Evans, Charles Leopold
 Evans, David Lloyd
 Evans, Horace Andrew
 Evans, Richard Andvord, 2nd Bar
 Evans, Robert Rufus
 Evans, Trevor George Corry
 Evans-Freke, Peter Ralfe Harri, in India and Burma
 Evans-Freke, Ralfe
 Evans-Lombe, Richard Charles
 Eve, Arthur Malcolm Trustram, 1
 Eve, John Douglas Trustram ( 1939-1942 )
 Eve, Raymond Alister Trustram
 Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Arthur Fr
 Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Francis A
 Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Frederick
Evelyn, Peter George, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Everard, Nugent Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Every, John Simon, 12th Bt.
 Every-Clayton, John Oswald
Evill, William Alan Strathern
 Ewart, William Ivan Cecil, 6th, where he became a POW
 Exshaw, Selwyn John Harold
 Exshaw, Yorick Henry Raoul, with French Artillery
 Eyre, Cyril James, with Natal Mounted Rifles (2nd Echelon and Reserve Group HQ)
 Eyre, Dean Jack
 Eyre, John Stewart
 Eyre, Richard John
Eyston, Thomas More
 Ezra, Derek, Baron Ezra, in the Army
 Faber, Julian Tufnell, in North-West Europe
 Fagan, Arthur William
 Fagan, Christopher George
 Fagan, Christopher Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fagan, Desmond, in South African Tank Corps
 Fagan, Frederick Charles Feltr
 Fagan, George Dallas Dixon
 Fagan, Hugh Mercer, with the U.S. Navy
Fagan, James Feltrim
 Fagan, Louis Estell, Jr.
 Fagan, Richard William Feltrim
 Fairbairn, Alan Bernard Murray, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fairbairn, Patrick Yelverton
 Fairbairn, William Alan Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fairhurst, Denis Irving
 Falaise, Henri, Marquis de la F
Falaise, Richard Rene Gabriel,
 Falkiner, Gervase Leslie, where he was wounded
Falkiner, Lucien Leslie
 Falkiner, Terence Edmond Patri, where he was wounded
 Falkiner, William Sadleir
 Falkus, Hugh, where he was shot down and became a POW
 Fane de Salis, Anthony
 Fane de Salis, Arthur Regester
 Fane de Salis, Cecil Ulysses O
 Fane de Salis, John Peter ( 1939-1945 ), with the Royal Army Pay Corps
 Fane de Salis, Rodolph Henry, and he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Fane de Salis, Sydney Charles ( 1939-1945 ), and he was mentioned in despatches
Fane, Charles Nevile
 Fane, Charles William
 Fane, David Anthony Thomas, 15t ( 1944 ), where he was wounded
 Fane, Henry John
 Fane, Henry William Newman
 Fane, John Henry Mark, where he became a POW and then escaped
 Fane, Nigel Loftus Henry
 Fane, Peter Francis George, where he became a POW
 Fane, Robert William Augustus
Farley, Walter Ronald
 Farmer, Dudley Herbert Leopold
 Farquhar, Adrian Capell ( 1943-1946 )
 Farquhar, Anthony Hobart, where he became a POW
 Farquhar, Arthur McNeill
 Farquhar, Arthur Ronald
 Farquhar, Charles Richard
 Farquhar, Charles Robert Stani
 Farquhar, Ian Rupert
 Farquhar, John Wentworth, where he was wounded
 Farquhar, Malcolm
 Farquhar, Peter Forbes, in the North Atlantic convoys
 Farquharson, Alwyne Arthur Com, where he was wounded
 Farquharson, Robert Alexander ( 1943-1946 ), with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Farrant, Anthony
 Farrant, Michael Rodney
 Farrell, William John de Courc, he was wounded and invalided from service 1944
 Farrer, Oliver Thomas, 4th Baro ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Farrington, Henry Francis Cold
 Faulconer, Humphrey Patrick ( 1939-1946 ), in the Royal Air Force
 Faulconer, Ivor Christopher ( 1940-1946 ), in the Fleet Air Arm
Faulkner, Walter Douglas
 Fayrer, Joseph Herbert Spens, 3
 Feilden, Henry Wemyss, 6th Bt., with the Royal Engineers
 Feilding, Basil Egerton, where he was wounded
 Feilding, David Charles ( 1939-1940 ), and became a POW
 Feilding, Henry Anthony
 Feilding, Hugh Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Feilding, William Rudolph Step
 Fellowes, Ailwyn Edward, 3rd Ba, where he became a POW
 Fellowes, John David Coulson, where he was mentioned in despatches, wounded and became a POW
 Fellows, Francis Gerald, encountering U-672
 Fenwick, Montagu John
 Ferguson Davie, Henry Herrick,
 Ferguson, Bryan Gratney, with the Black Watch
Ferguson, George Cuthbert Irwi
 Ferguson, George Hamilton
Ferguson, Kenneth Francis
 Ferguson, Roland Edward Stuart, in the Royal Army Service Corps, and was invalided
 Fergusson, Bernard Edward, Baro, in Burma
 Fergusson, Simon Charles David
 Fergusson-Cuninghame, John Alf ( 1939-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Fergusson-Cuninghame, Robert W ( 1939-1945 )
 Festing, Francis Wogan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fetherston-Dilke, Charles Beau ( 1939-1945 )
 Fetherston-Dilke, John Timothy ( 1939-1945 )
 Fetherston-Godley, Francis Wil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fetherstonhaugh, Alfred Hardin, where he became a POW (1942-45)
 Fetherstonhaugh, Theobald Henr, in the Indian Army
 Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy Fell, with the Royal Navy
 Fickling, Hugh Condra
 Field, Marshall, IV
 Field-Marsham, Charles Austin
 Field-Marsham, Robert Edward
 Fielden, David Edward, with the East African Forces
 Fielden, John Anthony
 Fielden, Philip Brand
 Fielding, Allen Henry ( 1939-1946 )
 Fielding, George Rudolf Hanbur, where he was wounded
 Fielding, John Henry ( 1939-1946 )
Filmer-Wilson, Robin
Finch, Edward Henry
Finch, Heneage Michael Charles
 Finch-Hatton, Christopher Guy
 Finch-Knightley, Anthony Henea, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Finch-Knightley, Charles Ian, 1, where he was wounded
 Findlater, Herbert Maxwell, with Royal Berkshire Regiment
 Findlater, John Godfrey, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Finlay, Graeme Bell, 1st Bt. ( 1942-1945 )
 Finlay, John Euston Bell, with 38 Division, Western Command and Special Airborne Force in New Guinea, Moluccas, Phillippines and Borneo
 Finlay, Robert James Bell
 Fisher, Francis Foreman, where he became a POW and escaped
Fisher, George Fisher
 Fisher, Henry Arthur Pears ( 1940-1946 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Fisher, Humphrey Richmond
 Fisher, John Vavasseur, 3rd Bar
Fiske, William Meade Lindsley,
 Fison, John Michael, where he was wounded
 Fison, Richard Guy, 4th Bt.
 FitzGeorge-Balfour, Robert Geo, serving in North Africa, Sicily and North West Europe
FitzGerald, Adrian John
 FitzGerald, Arthur Henry Brins
 FitzGerald, Denis Henry, in Norway and North-West Europe
 FitzGerald, Dudley Francis Nor, on Naval War Staff (NID)
 FitzGerald, Edward, 7th Duke of ( 1939-1942 )
 FitzGerald, George Peter Mauri
 FitzGerald, Gerald Dudley ( 1939-1945 ), in Royal Navy
 FitzGerald, Gerald, 8th Duke of, where he was wounded and invalided
FitzGerald, John Brinsley
 FitzGerald, John Sidney North
 FitzGerald, Michael Francis
 FitzGerald, Peter Charles, with the Australian Military Forces
 FitzGerald, Peter Desmond
 FitzGerald, Peter John
 FitzGibbon, Robert Louis Const
 FitzHerbert, Arthur William ( 1942-1945 )
 FitzHerbert, David Henry
FitzHerbert, Henry Charles Hug
 FitzHerbert, John Richard Fred, where he became a POW
 FitzHerbert, Thomas Arnold Ves, with Royal Ulster Rifles (wounded)
 FitzHerbert, William Michael ( 1941-1945 ), with 2 NZEF
 FitzMaurice, Cecil O'Bryen, 8th
FitzMaurice, Douglas Hubert Ha
 FitzRoy Newdegate, Francis Hum, where he was wounded
 FitzRoy Newdegate, John Mauric
FitzRoy, Charles Oliver Edward
 Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Marma ( 1940 ), in France
 Fitzalan-Howard, Martin
 Fitzalan-Howard, Michael, in North-West Europe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fitzgerald, Brian Arthur Esmon
Fitzgerald, Charles Kirwan
Fitzgerald, Desmond de Bartran
 Fitzgerald, Noel Desmond
 Fitzgerald, Rupert Terence, with Royal Engineers
 Fitzherbert, Arthur de Winton
 Fitzherbert, Basil Francis Nic
 Fitzherbert, Beresford Ivo
Fitzherbert, Charles Trevor Ve
 Fitzherbert, Eden Sydney, with Derbyshire Yeomanry
 Fitzherbert, Michael Cecil, and became a POW in Java
 Fitzherbert, Yvo Laurence Mich, where he was wounded
 Fitzmaurice, Henry Godfrey
Fitzmaurice, James Gerald
 Fitzmaurice, Wilfred Haughton, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Fitzmaurice, Wilfred Vere, where he was invalided
 Fitzroy, Robert Oliver, 2nd Vis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fitzwilliams, Robert Campbell, in Norway, North Africa, Palestine and Germany, and was mentioned in despatches (1942)
Flannery, John Derek Fortescue
 Fleetwood-Hesketh, Francis Cut
Fleming, Michael Valentine Pau
 Fletcher, Reginald Thomas Herb
 Fletcher-Vane, William Morgan, , and was mentioned in despatches
 Flint, Eric Charles Montagu ( 1940-1942 ), in the Pioneer Corps
 Flint, John Montagu, in Italy and the Middle East, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Flower, Desmond Llowarch Edwar
 Flower, Peter Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Floyd, Arthur Bowen, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Floyd, Charles Murray, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Floyd, Henry Robert Kincaid, 5t
 Floyd, John Duckett, 6th Bt.
 Floyd, Sandford
 Floyer-Acland, Arthur Nugent
 Fock, John Henry Edward, 6th Ba
 Foley, Guy Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Foley, Paul Robert
Foley, Thomas John, Jr.
 Foljambe, Bertram Marmaduke Os ( 1939-1942 )
Foljambe, Peter George William
 Foot, Christopher Isaac
 Foot, John Mackintosh, Baron Fo, with the Royal Army Service Corps, and was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes Adam, Ronald, 2nd Bt. ( 1931-1941 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes Irvine, Alexander Forbe
 Forbes Irvine, Henry Quentin, 2
 Forbes, Andrew Garden Duff ( 1943-1945 ), with the Royal New Zealand Air Force
 Forbes, Arthur Michael Gerald
 Forbes, Arthur Patrick Hasting, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, Bertie St. John Ochonc
 Forbes, Bertram Aloysius ( 1941-1942 )
Forbes, David Walter Arthur Wi
 Forbes, Duncan
 Forbes, Hamish Stewart, of Newe, was captured at Dunkirk and became a POW
 Forbes, Ian Dudley Stewart ( 1939-1942 ), where he became a POW
 Forbes, James Alexander
 Forbes, John Stewart, of Newe, , where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Forbes, Nigel Ivan, 22nd Lord F, where he was wounded
 Forbes-Dalrymple, Arthur Ewan,
 Forbes-Leith, Robert Ian Alger, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes-Sempill, Margaret, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Ford, Francis Colville McKenzi
Ford, Francis Orme
 Ford, Harold Frank, where he became a POW
 Ford, Henry Russell, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ford, Henry, II ( 1941-1943 ), with the U.S. Navy
Ford, Peter Roger Anson
 Ford, William Clay, with the U.S. Navy Air Corps
 Forde, Desmond Charles
 Forde, Thomas William
 Forester, Henry William
 Forestier-Walker, Alan Ivor, where he became a POW
 Forestier-Walker, Edmond Annes, in North Africa and Italy with 12th HAC Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
 Forestier-Walker, Robert Jesty, Where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forestier-Walker, Urbain Evely, in Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Forrester, Franz, in North Africa with the 8th Army
 Fortescue, Arthur Henry Grenvi, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Fortescue, Denzil George, 6th E
 Fortescue, John Desmond Grenvi
 Forwood, Peter Noel, 4th Bt. ( 1945 ), with the Welsh Guards
 Foster, John Gregory, 3rd Bt. ( 1944-1946 ), with South African Artillery
 Foster, Lewis Marshall Gregory
 Foster, Thomas Saxby Gregory, 2
 Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, Lesli, with Federated Malay States Volunteers
Foulis, Michael Venour Primros
 Fowke, Frederick Woollaston Ra ( 1939-1943 ), where he was wounded
 Fowke, Gerrard George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fowke, Michael Gustavus, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Fowler, Bryan John
 Fowler, Frank
 Fowler, George Charles Willoug, where he was wounded
Fox, William Herbert
 Fox-Strangways, John Denzil, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Fox-Strangways, Raymond George, with the Royal Air Force
 Fox-Strangways, Vivian
 Fox-Strangways, Walter Angelo, , with the Queen's Royal Regiment
Frampton, Allan Stanley
 Frampton, Frederick Phillip
 Frampton, Trevor Thornton
 Francis-Hawkins, Alexander Joh
Franckenstein, Ludwig
Frank, Howard Frederick, 2nd Bt
 Frank, Robert John, 3rd Bt.
 Frankcomb, John
 Frankland, Thomas William Assh
 Frankland-Payne-Gallwey, John,
Franks, Alexander Lumsden
 Franks, Brian Morton Forster
 Franks, Gerald Murray Kendal
 Franks, Henry Cecil
 Franks, Henry Guy Stanley
 Franks, Hugh Philip Kendal
 Franks, Ivan Bromhead
 Franks, John Gerald
 Franks, Robert Lumsden, as a photographer with Royal Air Force
 Franks, Thomas William, with Royal Canadian Navy
 Franks, lan Fergusson Kendal, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, Alastair Hugh Joseph
Fraser, Alexander Simon, Master
 Fraser, Basil Malcolm, 2nd Bt. ( 1939-1945 )
 Fraser, Blair Alexander
 Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron ( 1939-1945 )
 Fraser, Donald
 Fraser, George
 Fraser, Hugh Charles Patrick J
 Fraser, Ian James
 Fraser, Ian Montagu, and became a POW in Italy, and lost a leg when the camp was bombed
 Fraser, Norman Cochrane
 Fraser, Simon Christopher Jose, where he was wounded
 Fraser, Simon Walter
 Fraser, William, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, William, 2nd Baron Stra
 Frederick, Charles Boscawen, 10
Frederick, John Christopher
 Frederick, John Cromwell
 Frederick, Roger, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Freeman, John Keith Noel, 2nd B
Freeman-Mitford, Thomas David
 Fremantle, David Robert
 Fremantle, Francis David Eardl
 Fremantle, John Walgrave Halfo ( 1939-1945 )
Fremantle, Paris Oscar René Fr
 French, Edward Gerald Fleming ( 1940-1944 )
 French, Francis John Poyntz, with Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve
 French, George Arthur
 French, Humphrey
 French, John Fenwick
 French, John Richard Charles L ( 1939-1945 )
French, Maurice
 French, Robert Dermot
 French, Terence D'Arcy
 French, William Joseph ( 1940-1942 )
 Freud, Clement Raphael
 Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 1st Ba
 Freyberg, Paul Richard, 2nd Bar, in Greece, Egypt, Tunisia and Italy
 Fry, Francis Wilfrid, 5th Bt.
 Fulford, Francis Edgar Anthony
 Fuller, Christopher Herbert Fl
 Fuller, Edward Hamilton Fleetw
 Fuller, John Gerard Henry Flee, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fuller-Acland-Hood, Arthur Joh ( 1939-1945 )
 Fullerton-Carnegie, George Tra
Furlong, Frank Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Furnell, Michael John Gerald
 Furnell, Patrick Cecil Michael
 Furness, Christopher, 2nd Bt.
Furness, Christopher, V.C.
Fyffe, David Oliphant
 Gabbett, Robert Edward
 Gable, William Clark
Gage, Arol Alexander Courtney
 Gage, Edward Fitzhardinge Peyt
 Gage, Ezekiel Boyd, with Royal Artillery
 Gage, Francis Boyd, with Royal Air Force
 Gage, Henry Rainald, 6th Viscou
 Gage, Quentin Henry Moreton, where he was wounded
 Gage, Richard Francis O’Donnel
 Gage, Richard Stewart-Moore
 Galbraith, Alexander Henderson
 Galbraith, James Muir Galloway
 Galbraith, Norman Dunlop Gallo
 Galbraith, Percy Hardie Murray, in India and Burma
 Galbraith, Thomas Galloway Dun
Galbraith, William Brodie Gall
Galen, Clemens-August
Galen, Matthias Bernhard
Galitzine, Dimitri, Prince Gali
 Galloway, Wray Bury, with Royal Air Force
 Gallwey, Gerald Patrick
 Gallwey, Hubert Dayrell, where he was wounded in Crete, and became a POW
 Gallwey, Michael Henry
 Galwey, Geoffrey Valentine ( 1940 )
 Galwey, John Rickards, in the King's African Rifles
 Galwey, William Charles Vernon
 Gambier, Robin Gore
 Gamble, Robin Arthur Norman
 Gardiner, Patrick Lancaster, in North Africa and Italy
 Gardiner, Walter Percy
 Gardner, Patrick Michael
 Gardner, Robert Oswald Guy
 Garnons-Williams, Jocelyn Arth
 Garnsworthy, Charles William, B ( 1939-1945 ), with the Royal Signals
 Garside, Boris Raymond Dyson
 Garthwaite, Anthony William ( 1939-1942 ), when he was invalided
 Garthwaite, William Francis Cu ( 1942 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Gascoigne, Julian Alvery, in North Africa and Italy
 Gascoyne-Cecil, James Charles
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Richard Hugh V
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Edward
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Victor Alexand
Gaskell, Peter Hunter
 Gason, Anthony Wyndham, where he was wounded twice
 Gathorne-Hardy, Patrick Guy
 Gavan Duffy, Charles Allan
 Geddes, Alexander Campbell
 Geddes, Anthony Reay Mackay
 Geddes, David Campbell
 Geddes, Ford Irvine
 Geddes, Ian Irvine
 Geddes, John Reay Campbell, where he was wounded
 Geddes, Keith Irvine
 Gerard, Robert William Frederi
 Gerard, Rupert Charles Frederi
German, Raymond Johnson
 Gerrish, John Edward, on the North-West Frontier
 Gethin, Desmond Richard le Poe, where he was wounded
Gethin, Geoffrey Forrest
Gethin, John Percy Devayne
 Gethin, Patrick St. Lawrence C, where he was wounded
 Gethin, Percy Amorey Beaufort ( 1943-1944 )
 Gethin, Percy Edward Lovell, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gethin, Percy St. Lawrence, in the Middle East
 Gethin, Richard
 Gethin, Richard Patrick St. La
 Gethin, Robert Hugh, with the Intelligence Corps and 1st Airborne Division
 Gethin, William Allan Tristram, in Mauritius, France and Germany, and where he was mentioned in despatches
Geyr von Schweppenburg, Egon A
Geyr von Schweppenburg, Karl P
Gibbes, Nigel Arthur St. Georg
 Gibbon, Acton Henry Gordon
 Gibbon, Edward Acton
 Gibbon, Edward Acton Alcock
 Gibbon, Edward Lyster
 Gibbon, Eric Holroyd, where he became a POW in italy, and escaped in 1943
 Gibbon, Thomas Holroyd, where he was mentioned in despatches at Dunkirk and was wounded at El Alamein
 Gibbons, Colin Kenrick
 Gibbons, Henry, in Nigeria and India
 Gibbons, John Edward, 8th Bt., in Iran and Syria
 Gibbons, Thomas Henry
 Gibbs, Andrew Antony, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gibbs, Anthony Durant, 5th Baro
 Gibbs, Antony
 Gibbs, Beresford Norman
 Gibbs, Eric Philip, and he was mentioned in despatches
Gibbs, Evan Llewellyn
 Gibbs, Joseph Francis Vaughan ( 1943-1945 )
 Gibbs, Lancelot Merivale
 Gibbs, Martin Antony
 Gibbs, Martin St. John Valenti, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gibbs, Mildred Dorothea, in the Civil Defence
 Gibbs, Peter Houldsworth
 Gibbs, Peter Joseph ( 1940-1941 ), when he was invalided
 Gibbs, Ralph Crawley-Boevey
 Gibbs, Roland Christopher, where he served in North Africa, Italy and Europe
Gibbs, Ronald Gordon Vicary
Gibbs, Vicary Paul
Gibson, Alexander Pollock
 Gibson, Christopher Herbert, 3r
 Gibson, Edward Russell, 3rd Bar, taking part in the assault on Sicily
 Gibson, John Frederic, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gibson, Richard Patrick Tallen ( 1940-1941 ), in North Africa, when he became a POW for 1941-43
 Gibson, William David, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gibson-Craig-Carmichael, Archi
 Gibson-Watt, Andrew James, with the Welsh Guards
 Gibson-Watt, James David, Baron, in North Africa and Italy
 Gilbart-Denham, Vivian Vandele
 Gilbey, Arthur Sebastian, where he became a POW
 Gilbey, Giles Milner
 Gilbey, Mark Newman ( 1943-1945 ), in Italy
 Gilbey, Walter Derek, 3rd Bt., where he became a POW
Gillett, Guy Richard Tufnell
 Gilliat, Martin ( 1939-1940 ), and was a POW (1940-45)
 Gillman, Herbert Charles Rube, and was mentioned in despatches
 Gilmour, John Edward, of Lundin, in North-West Europe, and was wounded
Gimson, Josiah Antony Boeck
Giraldes y de la Helguera, Enr
Gise, Rudiger
 Gladstone, John, of Capenoch
 Glanville-Brown, William ( Aug 1939 ), in an anti-aircraft regiment
 Glyn, Anthony Geoffrey Leo Sim
 Glyn, Gerald Hugh
 Glyn, John Patrick Riversdale, , where he was wounded
Glyn, Peter John
 Glyn, Ralph George Campbell, 1s, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Glyn, Richard Hamilton, 5th/9th
 Glyn, Ronald St. George
 Gobourn, Edward David Crichton, with the Royal Fusiliers
 Gobourn, Peter Charles Crichto, where he was wounded
 Godfrey, Arthur Harry Langham
Godfrey-Faussett, David Freder, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Godley, Alexander Shepstone, in Singapore, Ceylon, Burma and India
 Godley, Brian Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Godley, John Raymond, 3rd Baron ( 1940-1946 ), as a naval pilot
Godson, Michael Stapylton, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goff, Hugh Stuart Trevor
Goff, Ion Malise, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goff, Reginald Stannus
 Goff, Robert Ewen Cameron, in France, Belgium and Palestine
Going, Richard Wyndham-Quin
Gompertz, Philip Arthur Leo
 Gooch, Brian Sherlock, he was mentioned in despatches
 Gooch, George Ernest, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gooch, Kenneth Thackeray, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gooch, Richard Frank Sherlock
 Gooch, Robert Eric Sherlock, 11, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gooch, Trevor Peter Sherlock, 5
 Goodall, Anthony Charles, where he became a POW twice
 Goodbody, Douglas Fergus
 Goodbody, Douglas Maurice
 Goodbody, Godfrey Marcus
 Goodbody, Guy Urwick
 Goodbody, Hugh Nicholson
 Goodbody, Kenneth Manliffe
 Goodbody, Philip Perry
 Goodbody, Richard Wakefield
 Goodbody, Roger Relton
 Goodbody, Thomas Richard
Goodbody, William James Perry
 Goodenough, Frederick Cockerel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goodenough, Michael Grant
 Goodenough, Richard Edmund, 2nd, where he was invalided
 Goodhart, John Gordon, 3rd Bt. ( 1942-1946 )
Goodhart, Philip George Nelson
 Gordon, Adam Granville, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, Alastair Ninian John, 6
 Gordon, Alexander Robert Gisbo
 Gordon, Alexander William Kenm
 Gordon, David George Ian Alexa, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, Douglas Charles Lindse
 Gordon, Douglas Claude Alexand, in Italy
 Gordon, Edward Ormond
 Gordon, John Edmund
Gordon, John Eyre Gisborne, in East Africa
 Gordon, John Ramsay
 Gordon, John de la Hay
Gordon, Michael James Andrew
 Gordon, Roderic Armyne
 Gordon-Cranstoun, Alastair Jos, in France and the Middle East
 Gordon-Duff, George Edward
 Gordon-Duff, John Beauchamp, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon-Duff, Lachlan Cecil
Gordon-Duff, Randall Thomas
 Gordon-Duff, Thomas Robert, 10t
 Gordon-Lennox, Alexander Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon-Lennox, Frederick Charl
 Gordon-Lennox, George Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Gordon-Lennox, Reginald Arthur
 Gore, Adrian Clements
 Gore, Dundas Corbet
 Gore, Francis St. John Corbet
 Gore, Frederick Dundas Corbet, with the Australian Army
 Gore, Frederick John Pym
 Gore, Humphry Gerard Napier
 Gore, Nigel Hugh St. George, 14, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Gore, Paul Annesley
 Gore, Ralph St. George Brian, 1
 Gore, Richard Ralph St. George
 Gore, Rosemary Ella Corbet, with the Australian Imperial Force
 Gore, Thomas Gerard
 Gore-Booth, Angus Josslyn, 8th
Gore-Booth, Brian
 Gore-Langton, Alaric Hubert St
 Gore-Langton, Grenville Edward
 Gore-Langton, Hubert Edwin
 Gore-Langton, Ian William
 Gore-Langton, Richard Gerald
 Goring, Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goring, John, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Goschen, Alexander Gerard Lee
 Goschen, Donald Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goschen, Edward Christian, 3rd, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goschen, Geoffrey William
 Goschen, John Alexander, 3rd Vi
Goschen, John Arthur
Goschen, William Henry
Gossage, Peter Leslie
Gott, William Henry Ewart, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gough-Calthorpe, Ronald Arthur
 Gould, Jay, III
 Goulding, William Basil, 3rd Bt
 Gourlay, Basil Ian Spencer
 Graaff, De Villiers, 2nd Bt., and became a POW
 Grade, Lew, Baron Grade, in the Royal Artillery
 Graham, Alastair
 Graham, Brian
 Graham, Charles Spencer Richar
Graham, Clyde Euan Miles
Graham, Derek Ian
 Graham, Dominick Stuart, where he was wounded twice, mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Graham, Douglas Leslie
 Graham, Fergus Reginald Winsfo
 Graham, Frederick Clarence Cam, where he was mentioned in despatches three tmes
 Graham, John Reginald Noble, 3r
Graham, Nigel
Graham, Patrick
 Graham, Philip Skelton
Graham, Philip William Collis
 Graham, Richard Bellingham, 10t, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Graham, Roderic Arthur
 Graham, Roland Harris
 Graham, Stuart Douglas, where he was wounded
 Graham-Vivian, Henry Richard, where he was severely wounded
 Grant Watson, Herbert Claude
Grant Watson, Robert Low
Grant, Arthur Lindsay, of Monym, where he was mentioned in despatches posthumously (1945)
 Grant, Charles Robert Archibal
 Grant, Francis Cullen, of Monym, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grant, Patrick
Grant, Raoul Charles
 Grant, Ronald Charles, 10th Bar
 Grant-Dalton, Nathaniel Duncan, in the Western Desert and Italy
 Grant-Ferris, Robert Grant, Bar, in the Royal Air Force
 Grant-Suttie, Hubert Francis
 Grattan, Henry, and was mentioned in despatches
 Grattan, Henry
 Grattan-Bellew, Arthur John, where he became a POW 1942-45
 Graves, Vernon North
 Gray, Arthur Bernard St. Georg, with Royal Air Force
 Gray, Harold Reginald St. Geor, with the Royal Marines Commandos
 Gray, Wynne Walton St. George
 Grayson, Brian Harrington
 Grayson, Ronald Henry Rudyard, , with the Royal Air Force
 Grayson, Tristram Hugh Harring
Graz, Edward Percy Aymer
 Green-Price, Francis Chase
 Green-Price, John, 4th Bt.
 Greenaway, Derek Burdick, 2nd B
 Greene, Charles Westland, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Greene, Geoffrey Plunket Conyn
 Greene, Juan Nassau, with Royal Air Force
 Greenhill, Denis Arthur, Baron, in North Africa, Italy, India and South-East Asia, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Greenhill, Stanley, 2nd Baron G, in the Royal Air Force
Greenshields, Royston Maurice
 Greenway, Atheling Kelvynge Br
 Greenway, Charles Paul, 3rd Bar, where he was wounded
 Greenwell, John Evelyn
 Greenwell, Peter McClintock, 3r, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Greenwell, Whitfield Ava Aynsl
 Greenwood, Albert Francis, in North Africa, and became a POW at Tobruk on 21 June 1942
 Greenwood, Michael Henry Hamar, with the RCS
 Greer, Alexander Hugh Courtney, with Royal Armoured Corps
 Greer, Derek Richard Roderick, with Royal Ulster Rifles
 Greer, Eric Roberts
 Greer, Roderick Denis, on General Staff War Office
 Greeves, Frederick Douglas
Greeves, Hubert Gough
 Greeves, John Ronald Howard
 Greeves, Patrick Reginald
 Gregory, Rannulf Alfred Earle
 Gregory, Richard Graham
 Gregory-Hood, Alexander Marsha, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Gregson-Ellis, Philip George S
Grenfell, Arthur Bernard John
 Grenfell, Cecil John
Grenfell, Geoffrey Seymour
 Grenfell, Harold Francis Pasco
 Grenfell, Pascoe Christian Vic, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grenfell, Peter George, 2nd Bar
 Grenfell, Victor Cyril, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gresley, Nigel
 Gresley, Roger, in France and India
Gretton, Richard John
 Greville, Guy Eric Fulke, where he became a POW and escaped
 Greville, Guy George Frederick
Greville, John Ambrose Henry
Greville, Ronald Cecil
 Grey Egerton, Philip John Cale, in North Africa and Italy
 Grey, Albert Harry George Camp
 Grey, Arthur Christopher
 Grey, John, 9th Baron Walsingha
 Grey, Martin, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Grey, Nigel
 Grey, Richard Patrick
 Grey, Roger, where he was wounded
 Grey, Roger, 10th Earl of Stamf
 Grierson, Michael John Bewes, o ( 1940-1946 ), with the Royal Air Force
 Griffith-Griffin, Anthony Temp
 Grigg, John Edward Poynder, 2nd
 Grigson, Aubrey Herbert
Grimshaw, Desmond Kenneth Brom
Grimston, Bruce David
 Grimston, Robert Walter Sigism
 Grosvenor, Hugh Richard
 Grosvenor, Robert Arthur ( 1939-1940 ), when he was invalided
 Grosvenor, Robert Egerton, 5th
 Grosvenor, Robert George, 5th D, where he was wounded
Grotrian, Charles Herbert Bren
 Grotrian, John Appelbe Brent, 2, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grotrian, Robert Philip Brent
Grove-White, Dermot
 Grubb, Alexander James Watkins
 Grubb, Arnold Page
 Grubb, Arthur Harold
 Grubb, Cedric Alexander
 Grubb, Edward Thomas
 Grubb, Michael Watkins
 Grubb, Patrick de Cruce, he was severely wounded and so invalided out
 Grubb, Ralph Ernest Watkins
 Grubb, Richard Henry Alexander, with the Singapore Volunteer Corps and Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
 Grubb, Robert Going McClintock
 Grylls, William Edward Harvey
 Guest, Ivor Grosvenor, 2nd Visc
 Guest, John Spencer Churchill, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Guinness, Algernon Arthur St., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guinness, Anthony Peter Boothb, on minesweepers
Guinness, Arthur Onslow Edward
 Guinness, Bryan Walter, 2nd Bar, in the Middle East and France
 Guinness, Edward Douglas
 Guinness, Humphrey Patrick
 Guinness, James Edward Alexand
 Guinness, Thomas Loel Evelyn B, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Guinness, Victor Edward Gwynne
 Gull, John Evelyn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gully, Thomas Sutton Evelyn, 3r
 Gun Cuninghame, Henry Maurice, where he was at Dunkirk, and was mentioned in despatches
 Gunning, Orlando Peter
 Gunning, Robert Charles, 8th Bt
Gunston, John St. George
 Gunston, Richard Wellesley, 2nd
Gurdon, Robert Brampton
 Gurney, Oliver Robert, with the Royal Artillery
 Gurowski, Richard Dudley Melch
Guthrie, Alan
 Guthrie, Connop Thirwall Rober ( 1941-1945 ), in the Security Division
 Guthrie, Giles Connop McEachar
 Guthrie-James, David Pelham
 Guttenberg, Karl Theodor, and became a POW of the British
Guttenberg, Philipp Franz
 Gwynn, Arthur Montagu, he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Gwynne-Evans, Ian William, 3rd
Hacket-Pain, Thomas Archibald
 Hackett, Conn William Cuningha
 Hackett, John Terence Aylmer
 Hackett, John Winthrop ( 1939 ), he was mentioned in despatches five times and was wounded three times
 Hackett, Reginald Robert Winth
 Hacking, Douglas Eric, 2nd Baro
 Hacking, Edgar Bolton
 Haden-Guest, Leslie, 1st Baron
 Haden-Guest, Peter, 4th Baron H
Hadow, John Maude
 Haeften, John Henry Francis
Hagenburg, Wilhelm
 Haggerston, Hugh Carnaby de Ma
 Haig, George Alexander Eugene ( 1939-1942 ), where he became a POW
 Haire, John Edwin, Baron Haire
 Haldane, Herbert John
 Haldane, James ( 1940-1945 )
 Hales Pakenham Mahon, Nicholas
 Hales Pakenham Mahon, Wilfrid ( 1939-1946 ), on General Staff
 Hall, Bruce ( 1940-1942 )
 Hall, David Robert
 Hall, Desmond Percy Dobbyn
 Hall, Francis Alleyne ( 1942-1946 )
Hall, Frederick Fenton Harriso
 Hall, Frederick Henry, 2nd Bt.
Hall, John Buller Edward
Hall, John Wellington
 Hall, Julian Henry, of Dunglass, with Intelligence Corps and Special Forces
 Hall, Lionel Reid, of Dunglass, , where he was mentioned in despatches
Hall, Malcolm
Hall, Patrick Geoffrey
Hall, Philip Roderick
Hall, Thomas Byfield
 Hall, William Henry
 Hall-Dare, Derrick Arthur
 Hallinan, Edward Victor
 Hallinan, Timothy Edward, where he was wounded
 Halpert, Michael Francis de
 Halsey, Guy Marsden, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Halsey, Thomas Edgar, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hambling, Herbert Hugh, 3rd Bt.
 Hambro, Charles Jocelyn
 Hambro, Everard Bingham, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hambro, Jocelyn Olaf
 Hambro, Nigel Harold
Hambro, Robert Alexander
 Hamburger, Michael Peter Leopo
 Hamilton Stubber, John Henry, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton, Alastair Gavin
Hamilton, Anthony Edmund Huber
 Hamilton, Benjamin Henry Noel
 Hamilton, Charles Robert Franc
 Hamilton, Charles Sackville
 Hamilton, Chetwode Maurice Cha
 Hamilton, Claud Nigel ( 1939-1942 )
Hamilton, Cyril Penn
 Hamilton, Edward William
 Hamilton, Frederick Campbell
 Hamilton, Godfrey John
Hamilton, Harry
 Hamilton, Henry
 Hamilton, Hubert Charles Paule, where he was wounded
 Hamilton, Ian Frank Howden
 Hamilton, James Alexander Hans
Hamilton, John Eric
 Hamilton, John William Stirlin
 Hamilton, John d'Henin, 3rd Bar, where he was wounded
 Hamilton, Louis Henry Keppel
 Hamilton, Michael Aubrey
 Hamilton, Patrick Hugh Coghlan
 Hamilton, Thomas Francis Chetw
 Hamilton-Baillie, John Robert ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW
Hamilton-Russell, Arthur Gusta ( 1939-1940 )
Hamilton-Russell, Desmond Clau
Hamilton-Russell, Gustavus Las
 Hamilton-Russell, John
 Hamilton-Russell, Richard Gust, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton-Spencer-Smith, Thomas
Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Bas
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Bas
 Hammick, Henry Edgar Murray
 Hammick, Roger Alexander
 Hammick, Stephen Aubone
 Hampshire, Stuart Newton, with Intelligence Corps
 Hanbury, Harold Greville
 Hanbury, Osgood Philip Villier
Hanbury-Tracy, Michael David C
 Hanbury-Tracy, Richard Algenon
 Hanbury-Tracy-Domvile, Claud E
 Hancock, Dennis Allen Coulter
 Handcock, Clifford Marcel, with the 1st Airborne Division
 Handcock, Terrance Robin ( 1940-1944 ), with the Metropolitan Police Reserve
 Handcock, William Stanley
Handford, Anthony Charles Theo
 Hanham, Henry Phelips, 11th Bt.
 Hanham, John Ludlow, 10th Bt.
 Hanham, Michael William, 12th B
 Hankey, Christopher Alers
 Hankey, Oliver Clement Alers
 Hanmer, Arthur Richard
 Hanmer, Charles Gordon ( 1940-1943 )
 Hanmer, Guy Thomas, where he became a POW
 Hanmer, Henry Ivan
 Hanmer, John Michael, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hanmer, John Walden, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Hanmer, Nicholas Brian
 Hanmer, Patrick William Talgai
 Hanmer, Robert Hugh
 Hanmer, Stephen Henry, where he was wounded
Hannay, Patrick Claude
 Hannay, Ramsay William Rainsfo
Hansen, Hellmut
 Hanson, Charles John, 3rd Bt.
 Hanson, James Edward, Baron Han
 Hanson, Richard Leslie Reginal ( 1941-1945 )
 Harbord, Ralph Evelyn
 Harbord-Hamond, Anthony Philip ( 1942-1945 ), in North Africa and Italy
 Harcourt Vernon, Egerton Gerva
 Harcourt Vernon, Granville Art
 Harcourt Vernon, Granville Cha
 Harcourt, Robert Venables Vern
 Harcourt, William Edward, 2nd V
 Harding, Allan Francis John, 1s, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Harding, Valentine
 Hardy, Maurice John
 Hardy, Rupert John, 4th Bt.
 Hare, Alan Victor
Hare, Charles John Francis
 Hare, Francis Theodore
 Hare, Hugh Percy
Hare, James Hugh
 Hare, John Hugh, 1st Viscount B, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hare, Richard Mervyn, where he became a POW and worked on the Burma-Thailand Railway
 Hare, Robert Gerald Dillon
 Hare, William Francis, 5th Earl
Hargreaves, John Michael
 Harington, Charles Henry Pepys, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Harington, Edward Henry Vernon
 Harington, Hugh
 Harington, John Charles Dundas
 Harington, John Temple
 Harington, Kenneth Douglas Eve ( 1939 )
 Harmar-Nicholls, Harmar, Baron, in India and Burma
 Harmood-Banner, George Knowles
 Harmsworth, Arthur Geoffrey An
Harmsworth, Charles Alfred St.
 Harmsworth, St. John Bernard V
 Harper, Ian Macdonald ( 1939-1945 ), with the Royal Army Service Corps in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and North-West Europe
 Harris, Anthony Travers Kyrle,
 Harris, Christopher Money, with the Reserve of Air Force Officers
 Harris, Edward Hermann, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Harris, George William
 Harris, Jack Wolfred Ashford, 2, with the New Zealand Forces
 Harris, John Percival
 Harris, Lawrence Anstie
 Harris, Thomas Nicholas Robins
 Harris-Temple, Arthur Temple
Harrison, Ernest William
 Harrison, G. Vernon W.
 Harrison, James Harwood, 1st Bt
 Hart Dyke, Eric, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hart Dyke, Michael Percyvall ( 1940-1945 ), in the Middle East
 Hart Dyke, Trevor, in France and Burma
Hart, Edward Chichester
Hartig, Karl Friedrich
 Hartwell, Brodrick William Cha
 Hartwell, John Redmond
 Harvey, Geraldine, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Harvey, Herbert, in Sicily and Italy
 Harvey, Herbert Maurice
 Harvey, James Henry
 Harvey, John James Gascoyne, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Harvey, John Wynn ( 1942-1946 ), with King's Royal Rifle Corps and Essex Regiment
 Harvey, Lloyd Lorenzo
 Harvey, Peter Charles Oliver, 2, with the Royal Artillery
 Harvey, Raymond Cavendish
 Harvey, Reginald Lloyd, and became a POW in Thailand
 Harvey, William Cavendish
Hase, Felix Rüdiger Georg Walt
 Haselden, John Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hastings, David Fox Godolphin
 Hastings, Robin Hood William S, where he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hastings, Stephen Lewis Edmons, in the Western Desert and Italy
 Hastings-Bass, Peter Robin Hoo
 Hattersley, Sidney Martin, and he was mentioned in despatches
Hatzfeldt, Hermann Kraft
 Haughton, Samuel Gillmor
Haviland, David Reginald Ferre
 Hawker, Arden Seymour
 Hawkey, Roger Pryce, 2nd Bt. ( 1939-1945 )
Hawkins, Christopher Alexander ( 1940-1942 )
Hawkins, Cæsar Charles
 Hawkins, Geoffrey Alan Brooke, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hawkins, Gerald Francis Cæsar
 Hawkins, Humphrey Villiers Cæs ( 1942-1945 ), with 6th South African Armoured Division
 Hawkins, Victor Francis Staple, and was seriously wounded at Kohima
 Hawley, David Henry, 7th Bt. ( 1940-1945 ), where he became a POW
 Haworth, Christopher William
 Haworth, Frank Alexander, and was mentioned in despatches
 Haworth, Michael Goodier, and was mentioned in despatches
 Haworth, Stephen Alexander
 Haworth-Booth, Osbert Charles ( 1939-1945 ), in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France and Germany and was mentioned in despatches
 Haworth-Booth, Robin Howard
 Hay, Bache McEvers Athole, 11th ( 1939-1945 )
 Hay, James Malcolm, of Seaton, where he was wounded
 Hay, James Woulfe, in the South African Medium Regiment
 Hay, Martin John
 Hay, Peter Brian, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Hay, Ronald Cuthbert
 Hay-Drummond-Hay, John Waldo E
Hay-Drummond-Hay, Peter
Hay-Neave, Peter Arundell
 Hayter, Richard
 Hazlerigg, Arthur Greville May
 Hazlerigg, Arthur Grey, 2nd Bar
 Hazlerigg, Arthur William
 Hazlerigg, Thomas Heron
 Head, Antony Henry, 1st Viscoun
 Head, Francis David Somerville, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Head, John Kenelm Somerville
 Head, Robert Digby, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Headlam, Anthony Francis
 Healey, Denis Winston, Baron He, and was mentioned in despatches
 Heath, Edward Richard George
 Heathcoat-Amory, Derick, 1st an
Heathcoat-Amory, Edgar Fitzger
Heathcoat-Amory, Patrick Geral
 Heathcoat-Amory, Roderick
 Heathcoat-Amory, William, 5th B
Heathcote, Charles
 Heathcote, Gilbert Simon, 9th B, in the Royal Artillery
 Heathcote, Martin Shirley ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW
 Heathcote, William Jerrold ( 1942 ), and became a POW in Italy
 Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, , where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Heaton-Armstrong, Bertha Grace, with the Womens Auxiliary Police Corps (W.A.P.C.)
 Heaton-Armstrong, Charles Geor
 Heaton-Armstrong, John Dunamac, as a Squadron Leader with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Heaton-Armstrong, Robert Carew, a Squadron Leader with the Royal Air Force
 Heaton-Armstrong, Thomas Micha
 Heaton-Armstrong, William Henr, as a Captain in the Grenadier Guards
 Heaton-Ellis, John Sydney
 Heaton-Ellis, Peter Richard, in North-West Europe
 Heber-Percy, Algernon George W, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Heber-Percy, Cyril Hugh Regina, where he was wounded
 Heber-Percy, David Josceline A, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Heber-Percy, Hermione Constanc
 Heber-Percy, Hugh Alan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Heber-Percy, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Heber-Percy, Peter
 Hely Hutchinson, David Edward
 Hely Hutchinson, Michael ( 1939-1943 ), in Malaya, where he became a POW
Hely Hutchinson, Patrick Walte
 Henderson, Alistair Forsyth Ca ( 1941-1945 ), with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Henderson, Ian Alexander
Henderson, John Alexander Arno
 Henderson, John William Philip ( 1943-1946 )
 Henderson, Peter Gordon, Baron ( 1942-1944 ), with the Scots Guards
Henderson, Robert Fordell
 Henderson, Roger Arnold
 Henderson-Stewart, James, 1st B, where he was wounded
Henley, Antony Basil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Henley, Robert Stephen
 Henn, Francis Robert
 Henn, Thomas Rice, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Henn, William Bryan
 Hennessy, Frederick Francis Ge
 Hennessy, Robert Angus Martin, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Henniker, Anthony Trecothic Ma
 Henniker, Mark Chandos Auberon, where he was wounded
 Henniker, Richard ( 1940-1945 )
 Henniker, Robert John Aldborou
 Henniker-Heaton, Arthur, and was mentioned in despatches
 Henniker-Heaton, Arthur Dermot ( 1939-1945 ), with the Durham Light Infantry
 Henniker-Heaton, Clement Alger ( 1940-1944 )
 Henniker-Heaton, John Victor P, and was mentioned in despatches
 Henniker-Heaton, Michael Hamil
 Henniker-Heaton, Robin John, and was mentioned in despatches
 Henniker-Major, John Patrick E, in Western Desert and Yugoslavia (and was wounded)
 Henniker-Major, Richard Arthur, and became a POW in 1942
 Henry, James Holmes, 2nd Bt., and was mentioned in despatches
 Hepburne-Scott, Francis Michae
 Hepburne-Scott, Francis Willia
 Hepburne-Scott, Henry Alexande
 Hepburne-Scott, Michael Henry
 Hepburne-Scott, Walter Schombe
 Hepper, James Mortimer ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hepper, Montagu Geoffrey Almar ( 1939-1945 )
 Herbert, Anthony Edward George, where he was wounded
 Herbert, Arthur Patrick
 Herbert, Charles Edward Mercer, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Herbert, Christian Victor Char
Herbert, Christopher Reginald
 Herbert, Edward Robert Henry, 5
 Herbert, Edwin Otway, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Herbert, Henry Arthur
 Herbert, Henry George Alfred M
Herbert, Mervyn Horatio Herber
 Herbert, Oliver Hayley Dennis ( 1940-1945 )
 Herbert, Sidney Charles, 16th E
 Herbert, Sidney, 1st and last B, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Herbert, Valentine Henry Okes
 Heriot-Maitland, Richard Ogilv
Hermon-Hodge, Anthony Claude
 Hermon-Hodge, Hermon Robert Fl
 Hervey, Alexander George, where he became a POW
 Hervey, Eric George
 Hervey, Richard George
 Hervey, Ronald Frederick Willi, in the Royal Naval Reserve, Royal Artillery and Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
 Hervey-Bathurst, Benjamin Alex
 Hervey-Bathurst, Frederick Pet
 Herwig, Robert, with the Marines
 Hesketh, Charles Peter Fleetwo
 Hesketh, Roger Fleetwood, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hessen-Philippsthal-Barchfeld, ( 1939-1942 )
Hewett, Basil Duff
 Hewett, Jack Patrick Majendie
 Hewett, Richard William
 Hewett, William George
 Hewitt, Brian Lifford
 Hewitt, Edward James Stanley
 Hewitt, Joseph, 2nd Bt.
 Hewitt, Terence John Lifford, where he became a POW
 Hewitt, Theodore Denis
 Heygate, Edward Stephen
 Heygate, John Edward Nourse, 4t
 Heywood Jones, Benjamin
 Heywood, Basil Lemprière ( 1942-1945 ), in the Royal Air Force Regiment
 Heywood, Everard Lemprière
 Heywood, Oliver Kerr, 5th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Heyworth, Reginald Francis
 Hibbert, Reginald Alfred, in Albania
 Hickman, Arthur
 Hickman, Denis Stewart, in Africa and Italy and became a POW
 Hickman, Geoffrey Victor
 Hickman, Hugh Geoffrey
 Hickman, Michael, where he was wounded
 Hickman, Patrick Nelson
Hickman, Thomas Alfred Kenneth
 Hicks-Beach, Michael William B
 Hicks-Beach, Peter Stewart, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hildyard, Myles Thoroton, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hill, Alaric Bryan ( 1939-1945 ), with the South African Air Force
 Hill, Brian Henry Rowland
 Hill, Clement Walter Rowland, where he was wounded three times
 Hill, Cyril John Percy, and was mentioned in despatches
Hill, Edward Frank
 Hill, Evelyn Vernon Llewellyn
 Hill, George Alfred Rowley, 9th
 Hill, George Chenevix, with the Royal Air Force
 Hill, Hubert George Morgan ( 1939 ), and was mentioned in despatches
Hill, Leonard Graham
 Hill, Richard Augustus Sandys
 Hill, Rowland Graham
Hill, Rowland Mytton
 Hill-Norton, Peter John, Baron, in the Arctic and North-West Approaches
 Hill-Wood, Charles Kerrison Hi
 Hill-Wood, Dennis John Charles ( 1939-1943 ), and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Hilton, Albert Victor, Baron Hi ( 1941-1945 )
 Hirst, Hugh Harold
 Hoare, Bertie Rex O'Bryen, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hoare, James O'Bryen
 Hoare, John Nigel Rolls
 Hoare, Robert Rawdon ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hobart, Percy Cleghorn Stanley
 Hobart, Robert Hampden, 3rd Bt.
 Hobart-Hampden, Sidney Mary Ca, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Hobart-Hampden, Vere Frederick, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Hobhouse, Benjamin Arthur
 Hobhouse, Charles Chisholm, 6th
 Hobhouse, Hugh Cam
 Hobhouse, John Spencer
 Hodge, John Rowland, 2nd Bt.
 Hodgkinson, Robert Hugh
 Hodson, Charles Christopher Ph ( 1939-1946 )
 Hodson, David Thomas ( 1940-1945 )
 Hodson, Edmond Adair, 5th Bt.
 Hodson, Gerald Lord
Hodson, Hubert Blake ( 1939-1942 )
Hoensbroech, Karl
 Hogarth, John Usher
 Hogg, Arthur Ramsey, 7th Bt.
 Hogg, Esmond Popham, where he became a POW
 Hogg, John Nicholson, in Greece, Crete, North Africa and Europe
 Hogg, Michael David, 8th Bt.
 Hogg, Quintin McGarel, Baron Ha
Hohenau, Albrecht ( 1939-1940 )
Hohler, Craven Goring
 Hohler, Edward Christopher ( 1939-1945 )
Holcroft, John Culcheth
 Holden, John
 Holden, Paul, 7th Bt.
 Holder, John Eric Duncan, 3rd B
Holder, Richard John Chavasse
 Holland, Antony Francis
 Holland, Cedric Swinton
 Holland, David Cuthbert Lyall
 Holland, Douglas Orpen Huntly, in Intelligence, and was mentioned in despatches
 Holland, Jim Sothern, 2nd Bt.
 Holland-Hibbert, Julian Thurst ( 1939-1943 ), where he was wounded and invalided
 Holland-Hibbert, Thurstan, 4th
 Hollins, Frederick Undecimus
 Holme, John Robert E.
Holme-Sumner, Berkeley Day
Holmes à Court, Brian
 Holmes à Court, Peter, with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Holmes à Court, Peter Worsley, in Royal Navy Reserve
 Holmes à Court, Robert Anthony, with South African Forces
Holmes à Court, Walter Alexand
 Holmes à Court, William Charle
 Holmes, Hugh Clifford ( 1942-1946 ), with the Royal Artillery
 Holt, Herbert Paton ( 1939-1940 )
Holt, Philip de Vere
 Home, David George, of Blackadd
Homer, John Wood
 Hone, Robert Monro
 Hone, Thomas Sidney
 Honywood, William Wynne, 10th B
 Hood, Harold Joseph, 2nd Bt.
 Hood, Hilary Ollyett Dupuis, where he was wounded
 Hood, John Oscar Everard, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hood, Peter Neville
 Hood, Rowland Arthur Herbert N, serving in the Atlantic, Africa and Burma
 Hood, Samuel Brian Digby, and was mentioned in despatches twice
Hood, Sefton Douglas Lisle
 Hope Johnstone, Percy Wentwort, where he was captured as a Prisoner of War in the Far East
 Hope Johnstone, William August
Hope Osborne, Anthony
Hope, Adrian Alexander
 Hope, Adrian Price Webley
 Hope, Alexander Douglas Byng, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hope, Alexander Erskine
 Hope, Archibald John George, of, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, Archibald Philip, of Crai, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hope, Arthur Clement
 Hope, Arthur Henry Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, Charles Adrian
 Hope, Charles Christopher
 Hope, Charles Evelyn Graham
 Hope, Charles Melbourne
 Hope, Charles Peter
Hope, Charles Webley
 Hope, Charles William Frederic ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW
 Hope, Edward James
Hope, Eustace Jack Linton
 Hope, Henry John, 3rd Baron Ran
 Hope, Hugh Alexander, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, James
 Hope, James Louis
 Hope, James Webley ( 1945 ), in Burma
 Hope, John Adrian, 1st Baron Gl, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, John Cecil
 Hope, John Charles David, with the Royal Air Force
 Hope, John Patrick Molesworth
 Hope, Laurence Nugent
 Hope, Maurice Webley
 Hope, Nigel
 Hope, William Adrian, with South African Artillery
 Hope-Dunbar, Basil Douglas, of
 Hope-Morley, Gordon Hope, 3rd B
 Hopkinson, Francis Archibald
 Hopkinson, John Montgomerie
 Hopwood, Alfred Henry, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hopwood, Francis Michael, 4th B
 Hopwood, John Patrick Tennyson ( 1940-1945 )
 Horder, Thomas Mervyn, 2nd Baro, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Hordern, Clifford Willoughby P ( 1940-1945 )
 Hordern, Marc Philip Cotton
 Hordern, Michael
 Hordern, Peter Hugh ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hordern, Philip ( 1939-1945 )
Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Hardin ( 1939-1942 )
Hornby, John Raymond Henry
 Horne, Antony Edgar Alan
 Horne, William Guy ( 1939-1943 ), with the Auxiliary Air Force
Hornell, Denis Arthur Hawke
 Hornung, John Derek, in France and North-West Europe
 Horsbrugh-Porter, Andrew Marsh, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Horsfall, Cedric Michael
 Horsfall, Donald Fawcett
 Horsfall, John Musgrave, 3rd Bt, in Burma
 Horsfall, Patrick David
 Horsfield, David Ralph
 Horthy, István
 Hoskyns, Chandos Benedict Arde
Hoskyns, Chandos Wren, 14th Bt.
 Hoskyns, John Walter
 Hoskyns-Abrahall, Andrew John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hoskyns-Abrahall, Robin Chando
 Hotham, Alan Geoffrey, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
Hotham, John Altham
 Hotham, John David
 Hotham, William Montagu
 Houldsworth, Walter William Wh, and was mentioned in despatches
 Houssemayne Du Boulay, Hubert
 Houssemayne Du Boulay, Michael ( 1940-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Houstoun, Andrew Beatty
Houstoun-Boswall, George Cleet
 Houstoun-Boswall, John Francis
 Houstoun-Boswall, Thomas, of Bl
 Houstoun-Boswall-Preston, Alis, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, , in the Middle East and North-West Europe, and was mentioned in dispatches
Howard, Alfred Ryland
 Howard, Barnaby John
 Howard, Charles James Ruthven, ( 1942-1945 ), in the Rifle Brigade, where he was severely wounded, losing a leg
 Howard, Charles Wilbraham John
Howard, Christopher John Geoff
 Howard, Donald Euan Palmer, 4th
 Howard, Edmund Bernard Carlo
Howard, Eric Bertram
 Howard, Francis Philip, 2nd Bar, where he became a POW
 Howard, Frederick Henry
 Howard, Geoffrey Charles
 Howard, George Anthony Geoffre, where he was wounded
 Howard, Greville Reginald
 Howard, Hamilton Edward de Cou
 Howard, Henry Anthony Camillo, and was mentioned in despatches
 Howard, Henry Edmund
Howard, Henry Gerald Percival
 Howard, Henry Mowbray
 Howard, Henry Redvers Greville
 Howard, James Knyvett Estcourt
 Howard, John Thurstan Collins
 Howard, John William, in Abyssinia and Madagascar, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Howard, Mark Alfred, with 2nd/7th Australian Infantry Force in North Africa and Greece
Howard, Mark Paul Geoffrey
 Howard, Michael William
 Howard, Mowbray Henry Gordon, 6
 Howard, Richard Frederick Robe
 Howard, Robin Jared Stanley
 Howard, Stafford Vaughan Stepn, in North Africa, Italy and Burma, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Howard, William Cecil James Ph ( 1939-1945 )
 Howard-Johnston, Clarence Dins
 Howarth, Thomas Edward Brodie ( 1944-1945 ), in North-West Europe
Howden, Campbell
 Hoyer Millar, Francis Kinglake, when he was wounded and became a POW in 1944
Hoyos, Ernst
 Hubbard, Derek, where he was wounded
 Hubbard, Thomas Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
Huckvale, Walter
Hudson, John Patrick Charles
 Hudson, Miles Matthew Lee
 Hudson, Robert William, 2nd Vis ( 1943-1945 ), with the Life Guards
 Hugentobler, Roy Douglas
 Huggins, John Godfrey, 2nd Visc
 Hughes, Alfred Marcus
 Hughes, Charles Collingwood
 Hughes, Wilfred Selwyn Kent
 Hughes, William, Baron Hughes ( 1939-1946 ), with the ARP as Controller of Dundee, and the RAOC in India, Borneo and Burma
 Hughes-D'Aeth, John Reginald
 Hughes-Morgan, David James
 Hughes-Morgan, David John, 3rd
 Hughes-Onslow, Andrew George, where he was wounded three times
 Hughes-Onslow, Geoffrey Henry
 Hughes-Onslow, Timothy Neil ( 1944-1945 )
 Hughes-Young, Michael Henry Co, where he was wounded
 Hulse, Hamilton Westrow, 9th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
Hulse, Richard Guy
 Hulton, Geoffrey Alan, 4th Bt. ( 1939-1945 ), where he became a POW
 Hungerford, Desmond Willoughby, with 3rd Division, New Zealand Expeditionary Force
 Hungerford, Geoffrey Anthony W
Hungerford, George Crossley
 Hungerford, Richard Becher, with the Royal Canadian Artillery and British Claims Commission Mediterranean, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hungerford, Richard Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hungerford, Toye Hastings, with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Hungerford, Walter George Donn
 Hungerford, Winspeare Toye, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hunt-Grubbe, Brudenell
 Hunter Blair, Colin Edward
Hunter Blair, David Gaspard
 Hunter Blair, David Walter
 Hunter Blair, Edward Thomas, of
 Hunter Blair, Gaspard Patrick, and was mentioned in despatches
 Hunter Blair, John David
 Hunter Blair, Ronald
 Hunter, Neil Aylmer, 29th of Hu
Hunter, Philip Algernon
 Huntington-Whiteley, Eric Arth
 Huntington-Whiteley, Herbert M
Huntington-Whiteley, Herbert O, and was mentioned in despatches
 Huntington-Whiteley, Hugo Bald, and was mentioned in despatches
Huntly, Donald Norman, including the Augsburg Raid
 Hurst, Quentin Berkeley
 Hussey de Burgh, Ulick Francis
 Hussey, Marmaduke James, Baron, in Grenadier Guards
Hussey, Thomas Ethelston
 Hutchinson, Geoffrey Clegg, Bar ( 1939-1942 )
 Hutchinson, Jeremy Nicholas, Ba
Hutchison, Andrew Balfour
 Hutchison, Cecil Tait ( 1939-1945 ), in Malaya, and was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Hutchison, Eric Alexander Ogil ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hutchison, James Riley Holt, of, with BEF, SOE and Maquis in France
Hutchison, Julian Jervis Oliph
 Hutchison, Peter, 2nd Bt.
Huth, Christopher Raymond
Huth, Sydney Michael
 Hutton Bury, William Bacon, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Iliffe, Edward Langton, 2nd Bar, and was mentioned in despatches
 Imbert-Terry, Edward Henry Bou
 Imbert-Terry, Henry Bouhier, 2n
 Ingilby, Joslan William Vivian
 Inglefield-Watson, Derrick Wil
 Ingram, Herbert, 3rd Bt., and was mentioned in despatches
 Ingram, Ivor Laing, and was mentioned in despatches
 Ingram, Mervyn Jeffry
 Ingram, Michael Warren
 Innes, Alexander
Innes, Arthur Charles Sydney
 Innes, Berowald Alfred, and was wounded
 Innes, Charles Kenneth Gordon,
 Innes, George William Holt
 Innes, Gordon Vivian ( 1940-1945 ), as ABQO, Royal Australian Navy
Innes, Herome Alexander
 Innes, Ronald Gordon Berowald, , where he was wounded
 Innes, William Alexander Disne
Innes-Ker, Alastair James
 Innes-Ker, David Charles
 Innes-Ker, Robert Edward
 Inskip, John Hampden, with the Scots Guards
 Irby, Anthony Paul
 Irby, Cecil Eustace, 8th Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Irby, Gerald Howard Boteler, 9t
 Irby, Kenneth Alan, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Irby, Paul Anthony ( 1944-1945 ), serving in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Irvine, Charles Francis, 25th o, and was mentioned in despatches
 Irvine, Francis Charles Quenti
 Irvine, Kenneth James
Irvine, Robert Hugh
 Irvine-Fortescue, Henry
 Irvine-Fortescue, William Gren
 Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marqu
 Isaacs, Michael Alfred Rufus, 3
 Isham, Gyles, 12th Bt.
 Isham, Ian Vere Gyles, 13th Bt., in North-West Europe
 Jackson, Basil Hippisley
Jackson, David Thomas Trelawny
Jackson, George Hauteville
 Jackson, Henry Humphrey
 Jackson, John Montresor, 6th Bt
 Jackson, Julius Lloyd
 Jackson, Michael Roland, 5th Bt
Jackson, Thomas Richard Eyre
 Jackson, William, 7th Bt.
 Jackson-Taylor, Philip Stuart
 Jacob, Frederick Arthur, in Egypt
 Jaffray, Hugh Alexander ( 1939-1943 )
 Jaffray, Michael John ( 1943-1945 )
 Jaffray, William Edmund, 4th Bt ( 1940-1942 )
 Jagger, Richard Hugh
 James, Bertram Arthur, where he was mentioned in dispatches and became a POW (and was part of the Great Escape)
 James, Christopher Alexander, where he was mentioned in despatches
 James, Gerard Bowes Kingston, 7
 James, Henry Norman, with the Royal Observer Corps
James, John Willmore Hume
 James, Peter Charles
 James, Philip Seaforth
 James, Roderick Evan Dumaresq
 James, Thomas
 James, Ughtred Henry Ramsden ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Jamieson, David Auldjo, V.C.
 Janvrin, Hugh Richard Benest
 Jardine Paterson, Arthur James
 Jardine Paterson, David
 Jardine Paterson, John Valenti, with 6th Battalion, Black Watch
 Jardine Paterson, Robert Noël
 Jardine, Colin Arthur, 3rd Bt. ( 1939 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Jardine, Geoffrey David, where he became a POW in Burma
 Jardine, Ian Liddell, 4th Bt.
 Jardine, Murray Hugh Lascelles, with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Jardine, William Edward, of App, where he was wounded
 Jarvis, Arnold Adrian, 2nd Bt. ( 1939-1946 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Jauncey, Charles Eliot, Baron J
 Jauncey, John Henry, of Tullich
 Jebb, David Gladwyn, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
Jebb, Michael
Jefferies, Hugh Acton
Jeffreys, Christopher John Dar
 Jellicoe, George Patrick John, with teh Coldstream Guards and Special Air Service
 Jenkins, Charles Peter de Bris
 Jenkins, David Llewelyn, Baron ( 1940-1945 )
 Jenks, Robert Fergus, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Jennings, Peter Milton
 Jephcott, John Anthony, 2nd Bt. ( 1944 ), with Royal Electricial and Mechanical Engineers WW II and Royal Army Engineering Corps
 Jervis, Antony St. Vincent
 Jervis, Ronald George James, 7t
 Jessel, Charles John, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Jessel, David Charles George
Jezierski, Jerzy
Jocelyn, John Charlton
 Jocelyn, Robert William, 9th Ea, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Johnsen, John Martin Claridge
 Johnsen, Peter Bowater, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Johnsen, Richard
 Johnsen, William Hugo Gilroy ( 1939-1946 ), in the Royal Artillery
Johnson, Alexander Percival
 Johnson, Allen Antony Wynn
Johnson, Charles Robert
 Johnson, Cyril Martin Hugh
 Johnson, Edward Brabazon Wakef
 Johnson, Guy Allen Colpoys Orm, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Johnson, Henry Allen Beaumont, ( 1940-1941 )
 Johnson, Henry Graham
 Johnson, John Paley, 6th Bt. ( 1939 ), in Burma, Middle East and Italy
 Johnson, Peter Warren, and was mentioned in despatches
Johnson, Robin Quentin Feather
 Johnson, Stanley
 Johnson, Victor Philipse Hill, , in Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Johnson-Ferguson, Brian Charle
 Johnson-Ferguson, Raymond Patr, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Johnston, Charles Collier, Baro
 Johnston, George Robert Arthur, with the Royal Air Force, and was mentioned in despatches
 Johnston, Robert Arnold Frank
Johnstone, Ian Alexander Bruce
 Johnstone, James Veitch
 Johnstone, Montague Joseph Cha
Johnstone, Peter Anthony
 Johnstone, Richard Noel
 Johnstone, Roy Henry Montague, where he was mentioned in despatches
Joicey, David Hugh
Jolly, Richard Frank
 Jones, Alun Arthur Gwynne, Baro, serving in Burma
 Jones, Eric Joseph Silva ( 1939-1945 )
Jones, Hume Riversdale
 Joseph, Keith Sinjohn, Baron Jo, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Joynson-Hicks, Lancelot Willia ( 1941-1944 )
 Joynson-Hicks, Richard Cecil, 2 ( 1939-1944 )
 Kaberry, Donald, Baron Kaberry, where he was mentioned in despatches
Kageneck, Franz Joseph
Kameke, Hasso
Kanitz, Egolf Heinrich
 Karch, Frederick Joseph
 Kavanagh, Dermot MacMorrough
 Kay, Phillip, with the Marquis in Britanny, and as part of Operation Market-Garden, and was mentioned in despatches
 Kay-Shuttleworth, Charles Ught, where he was wounded twice and was invalided
Kay-Shuttleworth, Ronald Orlan
 Keane, Richard Michael, 6th Bt. ( 1939-1944 )
 Keddie, Wallace Arthur Robert
 Kee, Robert ( 1939-1942 ), and became a POW
 Keightley, Charles Frederick
 Keith, Henry Shanks, Baron Keit ( 1941-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Keith, Kenneth Alexander, Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Keith, Michael Telfair, where he became a POW
 Keith-Murray, Robert Malise
 Kellett, Edward Orlando ( 1939-1943 )
 Kemeys-Tynte, Charles John Hal
 Kemp, John Durival, 1st Viscoun, with the US forces in the Pacific, and the British Army in India, and he was mentioned in despatches
Kempis, Eberhard
 Kendrew, Douglas Anthony
 Kennard, Colin David
 Kennard, George Arnold Ford, 3r, where he was mentioned in despatches twice, and was a POW (1939-41)
Kennard, Humphrey Oscar Coleri
 Kennard, Laurence Charles Ury, ( 1939-1945 )
 Kennard, Noel Gerard, with the Cameron Highlanders, Royal Commandos and Z Force
 Kennard, Robert William
 Kennard, Roderick Vivian, with Royal Air Force Intelligence
Kennaway, Charles Stewart Hami
Kennedy, Darby Michael
 Kennedy, Derrick Edward de Ver
 Kennedy, Francis Henry
 Kennedy, Gilbert Ronald ( 1940-1945 )
 Kennedy, Ian Michael Godfrey ( 1941 ), where he was invalided
 Kennedy, John Ralph Bayly, 4th ( 1940-1942 )
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick
 Kennedy, Ludovic Henry Coverle ( 1939-1945 )
 Kenworthy, Basil Frederick de, where he became a POW
 Kenworthy, Cuthbert Reginald D
 Kenworthy, David Montague de B
 Kenyon, Guy Victor
 Kenyon, John Frederick
 Kenyon, Kenneth Herbert
 Kenyon, Lionel Frederick Rober, he was mentioned in despatches
 Kenyon, William Patrick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kenyon-Slaney, Robert Orlando
 Keppel, Derek William Charles, ( 1939-1945 )
 Keppel, Walter Arnold Crispin
Kerans, David Norrie
 Kerr, Charles Lester ( 1939-1940 ), where he was severely wounded
 Kerr, Francis Robert Newsam, where he was wounded
 Kerr, Frederick Mark, where he became a POW
 Kerr, John David
 Kerr, Louis William Howard
 Kerr, Mark Barrington, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kerr, Mark David, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kerr, Mark George
 Kerr, Mark Peregrine Charles
 Kerr, Peter Francis Walter, 12t
 Kerr, Philip Walter
 Kerr, Ronald William
 Kerr-Smiley, Cyril Hugh
 Kerruish, Albert William, and became a POW
 Kershaw, Peter John
Keudell, Otto
Keudell, Robert
 Keyes, Geoffrey Charles Tasker
 Keyes, Michael Patton
 Keyes, Patrick Terence
 Keyes, Ralph Adrian, with the Royal Navy
 Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st
 Keyes, Roger McMahon, where he was wounded
Kielmannsegg, Alexander Nikola
 Kimber, Anthony Dixon, with the South African Navy
 Kimber, Guy Mackenzie
 Kindersley, Hugh Kenyon Molesw, where he was wounded
 Kindersley, Philip Leyland ( 1939-1943 ), where he became a POW
 King, Gerald Rene Wingfield
 King, John Charles Alwyn Hallo
King, Stewart Gerald Wingfield
 King, William Augustus Henry ( 1940-1942 )
 King, William Donald Aelian
 King-Harman, Anthony Lawrence, where he was mentioned in despatches
 King-Harman, Robert Douglas
 Kingscote, Algernon Robert Fit ( 1940-1942 )
Kingscote, David Fitzhardinge
 Kingscote, Nigel Adrian Fitzha ( 1939-1945 ), including the Sicily and Normandy Landings, and was mentioned ind despatches
 Kingscote, Patrick Bloomfield ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Kingscote, Robin Nigel ( 1939-1942 )
 Kington, William Beresford Nai
 Kington-Blair-Oliphant, Philip
 Kington-Blair-Oliphant, Willia
 Kingzett, Richard Norman
 Kinloch, Alexander Davenport, 1
 Kinloch, James
Kirkcaldie, Kenneth
 Kirkpatrick, Herbert James, and he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Kirkpatrick, James Alexander, o
 Kirkpatrick, Sydney Frank
Kirkpatrick, Thomas Frederick
 Kirwan-Taylor, Harold George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kirwan-Taylor, William John
 Kitchener, Henry Herbert, 3rd E
 Kitson, Oliver James Vandeleur
Klinckowstroem, Andreas Ernst
Klitzing, Gebhard Wilhelm
Klitzing, Hans Ludwig Friedric
Klitzing, Heinz Erich Lebrecht
Klitzing, Joachim Lippold
Klitzing, Klaus Jurgen Eberhar
 Knapton, Edric Guy Philip Brom
 Knatchbull, Charles Norton
 Knatchbull, John Ulick, 7th Bar ( 1943-1946 ), in North-West Europe, where he was wounded
 Knatchbull, Norton Cecil Micha, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Knatchbull, Wyndham Marsden
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Herbert C, in the Canadian Army
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Peter Mer, in the 111th Field Regimanet, Royal Artillery, and 6th Indian Field Regiment
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Robin Joh
 Knight, Claude Thorburn
 Knights, Philip Douglas, Baron, in the Royal Air Force
 Knill, John Kenelm Stuart, 4th
 Knill, John Stuart, 3rd Bt.
Knott, John Maurice Wakefield, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Knott, William Espenett Bayly, with the Royal Marines
 Knox, Bryce Muir
 Knox, John Needham
 Knox, Thomas Daniel, 6th Earl o
Korff, Klemens August Paul Mar
Kottulinsky, Josef
 Kuenburg, Hans Wolf
 Kynaston, John Roger
 Lacon, Reginald William Beecro, and he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Lacy, Anthony John Alfred
 Lacy, Maurice John Pierce, 2nd ( 1939-1943 )
 Laing, Charles Douglas Conyers
 Laing, Hector, Baron Laing of D, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Lake, Atwell Henry, 9th Bt.
Lakin, Gerald Michael
 Lakin, John
 Lakin, Maurice Victor ( 1939-1944 ), in North Africa, and was wounded
 Lakin, Richard Barklie, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Lamb, Dennis Charles
 Lamb, Foster Charles Lowry, 2nd
 Lamb, Richard
Lambart, Edward Howard Wallbri
Lambart, Frederick Arthur Henr
 Lambart, Michael Edward Oliver, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lambart, Oliver Francis, 2nd Bt ( 1939-1944 ), with the Royal Army Service Corps
 Lambert, Alexander Fane
 Lambert, Francis John
 Lambert, George, 2nd Viscount L
 Lambert, Henry Alexander
 Lambert, Jeffrey Maurice
 Lambert, Montague Victor
 Lambert, Peter Henry
 Lambert, Robert Guy Wilson ( 1939 )
 Lambert, Walter Peter
 Lambton, Edward George
 Lambton, Hedworth, where he was mentioned in despatches
Lambton, John
 Lamerton, Robert Henry Campbel
Lamont, James Kevin
Lamont, William Keith
 Lampson, Graham Curtis, 2nd Bar
 Lane, Ernest Kendall
Lane, Frank Horsburgh
 Lane, George Henry
 Lane, William Arbuthnot, 2nd Bt ( 1939-1945 )
 Lang, Derek Boileau, where he was taken a POW in 1940 and escaped
 Lang, Eustace Vaughan, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Langrishe, Hugh Richard
 Langrishe, Philip John Duppa, where he became a POW and escaped
 Langrishe, Richard Bellingham ( 1940-1944 )
 Langrishe, Richard Courtnay Gi, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Langrishe, Roger Patrick Hercu, and he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Langrishe, Terence Hume, 6th Bt
 Larcom, Charles Arthur Aiskew
Lascelles, Francis Alfred Geor
 Lascelles, Geoffrey George, with the Royal Australian Navy
 Lascelles, George Henry Hubert, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Lascelles, Gerald David
 Lascelles, Henry Anthony, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lascelles, John Frederick, where he was wounded
 Lascelles, John Norman Pultene
 Lascelles, Oliver
 Latham, Francis Charles Allman
Laubier, Dieudonne
 Laughton, Peter Ian, in Italy and Greece
 Laurie, John Emilius, of Maxwel
 Laurie, Ronald Edward
 Law, Adrian Augustus Stuart
 Law, Charles Anthony Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lawrence, Peter Stafford Hayde, and was mentioned in despatches
Lawrence, Robert Percival
 Lawrence, Roger Fettiplace
 Lawrence, William, 4th Bt.
 Lawson Johnston, Ian St. John, ( 1940-1943 )
 Lawson, Arthur Simon Albert, in the 1st Royal Dragoons
 Lawson, James Alexander Bertra
 Lawson, John Charles Arthur Di ( 1940-1943 ), in the Western Desert, and he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lawson, Lucia Edith, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Lawson, Peter Grant, 2nd Bt. ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Lawson, Robin Grant
 Lawson, William Edward Harry, 5
Lawson-Tancred, Andrew Thomas
 Lawson-Tancred, Christopher ( 1942-1945 )
 Lawson-Tancred, Henry, 10th Bt. ( 1942-1945 )
 Laycock, Robert Edward
 Layton, David
Le Fanu, Anthony, with the Bedfordshire Regiment
 Le Fanu, George Victor Sherida
 Le Fanu, John Lewen
 Le Fanu, Philip Sheridan, with the Royal Australian Naval Reserve
 Le Fanu, Richard, with the East African Artillery
 Le Fanu, Roland
 Le Fanu, Stephen Henry John, with the Australian Army
 Le Hunte Ward, Edward
 LeCREN, Geoffrey Kerr
 Lea, George H., where he became a POW after Arnhem
 Lea, Robert Francis Gore, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Lea, Thomas Claude Harris, 3rd, and he was mentioned in despatches
Leacock, Michael Francis
 Leakey, Arundel Rea
 Leathers, Leslie John
 Lechmere, Reginald Anthony Hun
Ledebur-Wicheln, Eugen Rudolf
Ledebur-Wicheln, Franz-Eugen
Ledebur-Wicheln, Hubertus
Ledebur-Wicheln, Johannes Adam
Lee Steere, Charles Augustus
 Lee, Christopher Frank Carandi, in the Intelligence Corps and Special Forces
 Lee, Michael Peter
 Leeds, Geoffrey Hugh Anthony ( 1939-1942 ), where he was wounded
 Leeds, Reginald Arthur St. Joh
 Lees, Charles Archibald Edward
Lees, James
 Lees, John Victor Elliott, 3rd
 Lees, Michael, where he was severely wounded
 Lees, Thomas Edward, 4th Bt., where he was wounded
 Leese, Alexander William, 4th B ( 1939-1941 ), when he was invalided
Leese, Lincoln
 Leese, Oliver William Hargreav, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legard, Antony Ronald
 Legard, Charles Percy Digby
 Legard, George Hugo Digby
 Legard, Robert Francis, he was mentioned in despatches
Legard, William Ernest
 Legge, David Alexander Keppel, where he was wounded
 Legge, Gerald Humphrey, 9th Ear ( 1942-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legge, Heneage Cecil
 Legge, John Barrington, where he was wounded
 Legge, John Douglas
 Legge, Paul Keppel, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Legge, Peter, where he was mentioned in despatches twice, and was wounded
Legge, Rupert Mortimer
 Legge-Bourke, Edward Alexander, where he was wounded
 Legh, Francis Michael, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Legh, Peter Richard, 4th Baron
 Lehmann, Emil Wendel
 Leicester, Charles Byrne Warre ( 1939-1945 )
 Leigh, Eric
Leigh, James Peter Mosley
 Leigh, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1943-1946 ), in India
 Leigh, William Henry Gerard ( 1939-1945 ), in the Middle East, Italy and North-East Europe
 Leigh-Pemberton, Robert Dougla
 Leighton Byrne, John ( 1939-1941 ), where he became a POW
 Leighton, Richard Tihel, 10th B
 Leith, Philip Edward Meric
Leith-Buchanan, David Gustavus
 Leith-Buchanan, John Wellesley
Lenfestey, John d'Estreville
 Leng, Christopher Anthony Will, in the Middle East, Italy and Burma, and was mentioned in dispatches
 Leng, David Joseph Timothy
 Lennard, Stephen Arthur Hallam ( 1939-1945 )
Lennox-Boyd, Francis Gordon
 Lennox-Boyd, George Edward
 Lenox-Conyngham, Alwyn Douglas
 Lenox-Conyngham, Gerald Hamilt, in Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
 Lenox-Conyngham, William Lowry
 Leon, Ronald George, 3rd Bt.
 Leonard, James Charles Beresfo
 Leonrod, Ludwig
 Leslie, Desmond Arthur Peter
 Leslie, Henry John Lindores, 9t, where he became a POW
 Leslie, John Norman Ide, 4th Bt, where he became a POW
 Leslie, John Wayland ( 1939-1943 ), where he was invalided
 Leslie, Lionel Alistair David, he was mentioned in despatches
 Leslie, Reginald Frederick Stu
 Leslie-Melville, Alexander Rob, where he was wounded
 Leslie-Melville, Alexander Ron
 Leslie-Melville, George David, where he was wounded
 Leslie-Melville, Ian
 Leslie-Melville, Michael Ian
 Lethbridge, Duncan John Leghe
 Lethbridge, Hector Wrath, 6th B, in North Africa, and was invalided home
 Leveson-Gower, Granville James, where he was wounded twice and was mentioned in despatches
 Leveson-Gower, Harold Boscawen
 Leveson-Gower, Hugh Nugent ( 1941-1945 ), in Burma, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Levinge, Reginald Vere Noel
 Levinge, Richard Vere Henry, 11, he was mentioned in despatches
 Levy, Ewart Joseph Maurice, 2nd ( 1940-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Lewin, Frederick Roberts Alexa
 Lewin, Terence Thornton, Baron, with the Home and Mediterranean Fleets, and was mentioned in despatches
Lewis, Clive
 Lewis, William Brereton Couchm, where he became a POW
 Lewthwaite, Gilfrid MacIver
 Lewthwaite, Rainald Gilfrid, 4t, he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Lewthwaite, William Anthony, 3r
 Liddell, Charles Henry, where he was wounded
 Liddell, David Oswald
 Liddell, Geoffrey Andrew ( 1944-1945 )
 Liddell, Henry George Magniac, with Rhodesian Forces
Liddell, Ian Oswald, V.C.
 Liddell, Julian
 Liddell, Lionel Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Liddell, Maurice Arthur ( 1939-1943 ), when he was invalided
 Liddell, Thomas Lyon
 Liddell, William Adrian, where he was mentioned in despatches
Liechtenstein, Aloys Geza Geor
 Lighton, Christopher Robert, 8t
Lilburn, Hugh Neilson
Lillingston, Luke Theodore
Lillingston, Malcolm George
Lindon, Ernest George
 Lindsay, David Howard
 Lindsay, David Ludovic Peter
 Lindsay, George Morgan Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
Lindsay, Harry Lachlan
 Lindsay, James Louis
 Lindsay, Kenneth Andrew ( 1940-1945 ), with the South African Forces
 Lindsay, Martin Alexander, of D, in Norway 1940 (where he was mentioned in despatches) and Europe, where he was wounded
Lindsay, Michael
 Lindsay, Robert William Ludovi
 Lindsay, Thomas Martin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay-Hogg, Anthony Henry, 2n
Lindsay-MacDougall, John Stewa
Lindsay-Stewart, William Alfre
Lippe-Weissenfeld, Carl Franz
 Lister-Kaye, Aubrey Robert Lis, where he became a POW
 Lister-Kaye, Kenelm Arthur, 5th
 Liston Foulis, James Alastair
 Lithgow, Douglas Plenderleath
 Little, John Ernest
Little, Malcolm Archibald Albe
Little, Thomas Donald
 Littleton, Edward Thomas Walho
 Littleton, John William ( 1943-1947 ), with Royal Army Service Corps
 Littleton, Josceline William
 Littleton, Leonard Vere Algern
 Littleton, Richard Charles Art ( 1939-1940 ), when he was invalided
 Littleton, Robert Joscelyn Hen
 Littleton, Thomas Charles Tasm
 Livingstone-Learmonth, David J
Livingstone-Learmonth, John So, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Lennox
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Michael ( 1939-1945 )
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Nigel P
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Somervi
 Llewellyn, David Reginald
 Llewellyn, David Treharne
Llewellyn, Glyn Herbert
 Llewellyn, Henry Morton, 3rd Bt, in the Middle East, North Africa, Italy and North-West Europe
 Llewellyn, Hermione, with the Special Operations Executive in the Middle East
 Llewellyn, Marjorie Joyce, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Llewellyn, Michael Rowland God
 Llewellyn, Rhys, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Llewellyn, William Herbert Rhy, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Llewellyn, William Robert Geor
 Lloyd George, David, 2nd Viscou
 Lloyd George, Owen, 3rd Earl Ll ( 1944-1945 ), in Italy
 Lloyd, Alexander David Frederi ( 1939-1945 )
 Lloyd, Alfred Anson, in Egypt and Italy
 Lloyd, Cyril Gascoigne
 Lloyd, Dennis, Baron Lloyd of H ( 1939-1945 ), in Italy and the Middle East
 Lloyd, Henry Greame
 Lloyd, John Rodney
 Lloyd, Norman Mostyn
 Lloyd, Peter John Ernest
 Lloyd, Wilfrid Lewis
Lloyd, William Eric
 Lloyd-Blood, Nevil
 Lloyd-Mostyn, David Henry, where he was invalided
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Edwin Inigo
Lloyd-Mostyn, Henry Pyers Rona
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Roger Edward, 5th, in France, North Africa and Italy, and was wounded twice and mentioned in despatches
 Lloyd-Verney, Desmond Ralph
 Lloyd-Verney, Gerald, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Loch, George Henry Compton, 3rd
 Loch, Spencer Douglas, 4th Baro
Lochore, John Alexander
 Locock, Nigel Guy Herbert Chan
Loder, David Eustace
 Loder, John Christopher, 3rd Ba, in Western Pacific
 Loder, Robert Eric ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW
Loder-Symonds, Robert Guy
Loe, Felix
 Loftus, George Henry Wellingto
 Long, Charles Edward
 Long, Clement Loftus
 Long, Richard Eric Onslow, 3rd ( 1939-1942 )
 Long, Richard Samuel
 Long, Samuel Godfrey, where he became a POW
Long, Walter Francis David, 2nd
 Long, Walter Reginald Basil
Longmore, Richard Maitland
Longueville, Reginald Francis
 Lopes, Massey Henry Edgecumbe, , where he was wounded
 Lort-Phillips, Patrick
Loveday, John Noel Ronald, in North Africa and Italy
 Lovell, Stuart James
 Lovell-Davis, Peter Lovell, Bar
Low, Antony Frederick Leetham
 Low, Harold Philpot
 Low, Toby Austin Richard Willi ( 1940-1942 ), where he fought in Greece, Crete, Western Desert and Tunisia
 Lowndes-Stone-Norton, Fletcher
 Lownie, John Edward, in the Royal Air Force
 Lownie, Ralph Hamilton, of Larg, in the Royal Engineers, in North-West Europe
 Lowry, Robert Lynd Erskine, Bar, with the Royal Inniskillen Fusiliers, serving in Tunisia
 Lowry-Corry, Frederick Henry ( 1945 )
 Lowry-Corry, Galbraith Armar, 7, where he was wounded
 Lowry-Corry, Henry Charles ( 1939-1942 ), when he became a Prisoner of War
 Lowry-Corry, Montagu William, where he was wounded
 Lowth, Norman Charles Leslie
 Lowther, Anthony Edward, Viscou ( 1940-1943 )
 Lowther, Anthony George
 Lowther, George Hugh
 Lowther, James Hugh William, 7t, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lowther, John Arthur
 Lowther, John Luke, where he was wounded
 Lowther, William Guy, 5th Bt., where he became a POW
 Loyd, Christopher Lewis
 Loyd, Henry Charles
 Lubbock, Alan ( 1939-1945 )
 Lubbock, Christopher William S
 Lubbock, David Miles, where he was mentioned in despatches, and captured as a Prisoner of War
 Lubbock, John Ralph ( 1943-1945 )
 Lubbock, Joseph Guy
 Lubbock, Michael Ronald, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Lubbock, Roger John ( 1939-1945 )
 Lubbock, Rupert James ( 1939-1940 ), where he was captured as a Prisoner of War
 Lucas, Arthur John
 Lucas, Henry Arthur
Lucas, Ralph John Scott, where he was mentioned in despatches posthumously
 Lucas, Stella Mary ( 1939 ), in the Women's Royal Naval Service
 Lucas, Timothy Stovin
 Luce, John David, including the Dieppe Raid
 Lumley, James Rutherford, in Burma
 Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Ea ( 1943-1944 )
 Lumley-Savile, George Halifax,
 Lumley-Savile, Henry Leoline T ( 1942-1944 ), where he was wounded
 Lumsden, Alexander Sabine Cour
 Lushington, Algernon Herbert G, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lushington, Franklin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lushington, Henry Edmund Castl ( 1941-1946 )
 Lushington, Herbert Castleman, ( 1940-1943 )
 Luttrell, Geoffrey Walter Fown
 Lyall, Ronald Crichton, with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps and Hampshire Regiment
 Lycett Green, Edward Stephen, 4
 Lycett Green, Simon, 5th Bt.
Lyell, Charles Antony, 2nd Baro
 Lygon, Reginald Arthur ( 1939-1945 )
 Lygon, William, 8th Earl Beauch ( 1941-1945 ), in Italy
 Lyle, Archibald Michael ( 1939-1944 ), where he was discharged with wounds
Lyle, Robin Alexander ( 1939-1944 )
 Lynch-Blosse, Anthony Cecil
 Lynch-Blosse, Cecil Eagles
 Lynch-Blosse, Eric Hugh ( 1939-1941 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
Lynch-Blosse, Patrick Windsor
 Lynch-Blosse, Robert Cyril, 13t
 Lynch-Blosse, Robert Geoffrey,
 Lynch-Robinson, Niall Bryan, 3r
Lyon, John Scott Limnell
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, John Emeri
 Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Richard Wi
 Lyons, Patrick Owen
Lyons-Montgomery, Hugh Gascoyn
 Lysaght, Nicholas Henry Lyster
Lysaght, Philip Michael Vaugha
 Lyttelton, Antony Alfred, 2nd V ( 1942-1945 ), on General Staff, Mediterranean, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lyttelton, Archer Geoffrey
 Lyttelton, Charles John, 10th V
 Lyttelton, Humphrey Richard Ad
Lyttelton, John Anthony
Lyttelton, Julian
 Lytton-Milbanke, Noel Anthony
Lüttichau, Christian Otto Sieg
Lüttichau, Maximilian Immanuel
Lüttichau, Wilhelm Siegfried M
 Mac Gregor, Donnchadh Tearlach, where he was wounded
 Mac Gregor, Gregor, of Mac Greg
 MacAndrew, Colin Nevill Glen, 2, with Ayrshire Yeomanry
 MacDermot, Charles John, The Ma, where he became a POW
 MacDermot, Hugh Hyacinth
 MacDermot, Miles Hugh Charles
 MacDermot, Niall
MacDougall, Jeffrey
 MacIntyre, Alastair, of Camus n
 MacLean, Charles Hector Fitzro, where he was mentioned in despatches
 MacLehose, Crawford Murray, Bar
 MacLeod, Ian Francis Norman, 3r
 MacLeod, Torquil Bright, 16th o
 MacLeod, Torquil Roderick, 17th, in the Pacific
 MacNabb, James Alexander, of th ( 1944-1945 ), in Burma
 MacNeece Foster, William Foste
 MacPhee, Donald MacDonald
 MacThomas, Patrick Watt, of Fin
 Macarthur-Onslow, Andrew Willi
 Macarthur-Onslow, Denzil ( 1939-1943 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Macarthur-Onslow, Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Macarthur-Onslow, James Arthur
 Macarthur-Onslow, Richard Walt
 Macarthur-Onslow, Robert Carst
 Macartney, Harold Kenneth ( 1941 ), where he became a POW
 Macartney-Filgate, John Victor
 Macartney-Filgate, Patrick Joh
 Macdonald Lockhart, Simon Fost, where he was wounded
 Macdonald, Alan Malcolm Bell, 5 ( 1939-1945 ), in Royal Air Force
 Macdonald, Alexander Godfrey, 7
 Macdonald, Gordon Ramsay, 2nd B, in the Middle East, India, Burma and Malaya, and was mentioned in despatches
Macdonald, Henry Chesborough H
Macdonald, James Archibald ( 1939-1942 )
 Macdonald, Kenneth Lewis, with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, in the Royal Air Force Coastal Command
 Macdonald-Buchanan, John
 Macdonnel, Æneas Ranald Donald, where he became a POW
Macfarlane, Richard ( 1942 )
 Mack, Philip John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackay, Donald Theodoor
 Mackay, Kenneth James William,
 Mackay, Reinhard Alexander
 Mackenzie Stuart, Alexander Jo ( 1942-1947 ), with the Royal Engineers
 Mackenzie, Alastair John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackenzie, Alexander George An
 Mackenzie, Eric Dighton
 Mackenzie, John Moncrieff Ord, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackenzie, Lewis Roderick Kenn, in the Royal Air Force
 Mackenzie, Robert Evelyn, of Co
 Mackenzie, Roderick Edward Fra, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackenzie, Roderick Grant Fran, where he became a POW in 1940
 Mackeson-Sandbach, Graham Lawr ( 1939-1943 )
 Mackie, George Yull, Baron Mack, in RAF Command Command
 Mackinnon, Alan Hood Ian
 Mackinnon, Dan Stuart
 Mackintosh, Aeneas ( 1939-1945 ), with the Royal Air Force
 Mackintosh, Alexander, and was present at Pearl Harbour
 Mackintosh, Duncan Robert ( 1939-1945 )
 Mackintosh, John, 2nd Viscount ( 1942-1945 ), with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps
 Mackintosh, Kenneth, 32nd Chief, with King's African Rifles
 Mackintosh, Robert Duncan, with Cape Town Highlanders in Italy
Mackness, Charles Lawrence
Mackworth, Christopher Charles
 Mackworth, Philip Herbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mackworth, Richard Charles Aud
 Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthro
 Mackworth-Young, Robert Christ, in the Middle East and Normandy
Maclagan, Gerald
 Maclaine, Gillean Robert, 25th ( 1940-1945 ), in the Fleet Air Arm, the Gilder Pilot Regiment and Popski's Private Army, serving in Sicily, Normandy and Arnhem
 Macleod, Iain Norman, in France and Norway, suffering a serious leg injury
 Maclure, John William Spencer, ( 1944-1947 )
 Macmillan, Maurice Victor, Visc
 Macnab, Brigadier John Francis
 Macnaghten, Angus David Henry, where he was wounded
 Macnaghten, Angus Derek Iain J, where he was mentioned in despatches
Macnaghten, Cyril Jocelyn Gill
 Macnaghten, Douglas Melville ( 1939-1945 ), in North Africa and Italy
 Macnaghten, Geoffrey Leslie
 Macneacail, Ian Norman Carmich ( 1939-1945 ), in the Middle East and Borneo
 Maconochie, Kenneth
 Macphail, Kenneth David
 Macpherson, David William Anth ( 1942-1947 )
 Macpherson, Ewan George, of Clu, with Royal Air Force
 Macpherson, James Gordon, 2nd B ( Tst 1970 ), in the Royal Air Force
 Macpherson, Niall Malcolm Stew
 Macpherson, Ronald Thomas Stew, where he became a POW in 1941 and escaped in 1943
 Macpherson-Grant, Ewan George,
 Macready, Nevil John Wilfrid, 3 ( 1942-1947 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mactaggart, Ian John Auld, 3rd ( 1942-1945 ), in India and Burma
 Maffey, Alan Loader, 2nd Baron
 Maffey, Simon Chelmsford Loade, where he was wounded and invalided
 Magan, Francis Shaen
 Magan, William Morgan Tilson
 Magnus, Hilary Barrow
 Magnus-Allcroft, Philip, 2nd Bt
Magruder, Ernest Pendleton Fra
 Mainwaring-Burton, Anthony Ben
 Mainwaring-Burton, Arthur Will
 Mainwaring-Burton, Frederick H
 Mais, Alan Raymond, Baron Mais ( 1939-1946 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Dav
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Dav, where he was mentioned in despatches three times and was wounded
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Dou, where he was wounded
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Edw, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Maitland Makgill Crichton, Ham
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Jam
 Maitland, Alexander Keith, 8th
 Maitland, David Randolph
 Maitland, Donald James Dundas
Maitland, Ivor Colin James, Vis
Maitland-Heriot, Francis Regin
 Maitland-Heriot, Frederick Eua ( 1944-1945 ), with the Fleet Air Arm
 Maitland-Heriot, Gerald Ian ( 1940-1947 ), attached to the Royal Armoured Corps, India
 Maitland-Heriot, Nigel Hugh ( 1944 ), with the Royal Armoured Corps
 Maitland-Heriot, Torrance, in the Royal Air Force, and was wounded
 Maitland-Roberts, Gordon ( 1940-1946 )
Makdougall Scott, Henry John A
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Hen, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Mar
 Makgill, David Comins, with New Zealand Field Artillery
Makgill, James Edward
 Makgill, John Donald Alexander
Makins, Geoffrey Henry
 Makins, Paul Vivian, 4th Bt.
 Makins, William Vivian, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Malcolm, Arthur William Alexan, where he became a POW
 Malcolm, David Peter Michael, o
 Malcolm, Dugald ( 1939-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Malcolm, George Ian, 18th of Po, in Palestine, Egypt, Cyprus, Abyssinia, Malta, and the Pacific
 Malcolm, John Bruce Orme ( 1943-1946 ), with West African Expeditionary Force in India and Burma
 Malcolm, William Neill, with the Royal Artillery
 Malet, Alexander Wyndham, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Malet, Edward William St. Lo, 8, in North Africa and North-West Europe, and was mentioned in despatches
 Malet, George Edward Grenville
Malet, Guy Anthony Rivers
Malet, John Wyndham
 Malet, Richard Wyndham, in Burma and Java
 Maling, John Darwin
 Mallett, Douglas Evelyn ( 1939 )
 Mallinson, Justin Stuart
Mallinson, Michael Stuart
 Mallowan, Max Edgar L.
Maltby, Henry Bradford
Manahan, James Ross
 Mancroft, Stormont Mancroft, 2n, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Mandat-Grancey, Maurice
 Mandelson, George Norman
 Mander, Charles Marcus, 3rd Bt.
Mander, Howard Anthony Nelcon
 Mander, Philip FitzGerald, in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Mandeville, Geoffrey Fortescue
 Mann, Edward Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
Mann, Edward William Eric
 Mann, Francis George, where he was wounded
 Mann, John Pelham
 Manners, Francis Henry, 4th Bar
 Manners, John Errol, where he sank a U-1274 as a destroyer captain
 Manners, John Robert Cecil, 5th
 Mansel, Edmund Clavell, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mansel, Isita Clare, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Mansel, John Clavell
 Mansel, John William Morton, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
Mansel, Mervyn Lascelles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mansel, Rauf ( 1942-1945 ), with the Royal Marines
 Mansel, Regnier Ranulf Dabridg, with the Royal Artillery
 Mansel, Rhys Clavell
 Mansel-Pleydell, David Gabriel ( 1942-1945 ), where he became a (POW, Jan–May 1945
Mansel-Pleydell, John Aymard M
 Mansel-Pleydell, Philip Morton
 Mansfield, John Edward Terence
 Mansfield, John Hamilton ( 1939-1943 )
 Mansfield, Ralph Sheldon, 4th B
 Mansfield, William Henry Charl
Mappin, Charles Thomas Hewitt,
Maragna-Redwitz, Hubert
Maragna-Redwitz, Rudolf
 March Phillipps, Gustavus Henr
 Margesson, Francis Vere Hampde
 Margesson, Thomas Vere Hobart ( 1940-1945 )
Marker, Eric Gerald
 Markey, Gene
 Markham, Charles John, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Marling, John Stanley Vincent,
 Marsden, Arthur John
 Marsden, John Denton, 2nd Bt., where he became a POW
Marshall, John Wilfrid
Marshall, Michael Bree Horatio
Marshall-Cornwall, James
 Marsham, Charles, 6th Earl of R
 Marsham, Hubert Anthony Lucius
 Marsham, Michael Henry, 7th Ear
 Marsham, Peter William
 Marsham, Richard Douglas Holli
 Marsham, Theodore John Ralph
 Marsham-Townshend, John
Marsham-Townshend, Thomas
 Martin, Desmond Arthur Stanley, with Royal Air Force
 Martin, John
 Martin, Robert Andrew St. Geor
Martin-Leake, Stephen Philip
 Martineau, John Edmund
 Martinez del Campo, Manuel ( 1939 )
 Martini, Florian Kazimierz, where he was a Polish air ace
 Marwood-Elton, Nigel William D, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and became a POW
Masefield, John Aiden Beech
 Mason, Keith Alexander Henry, 3 ( 1940-1945 )
Mason, William Murray
 Massey, Patrick Godfrey Goolde, in India, Iraq, Iran and Burma, and was mentioned in despatches
 Massy, Arthur Lawrence John Pe
 Massy, Charles Walter
 Massy, Derek FitzGerald
Massy, Godfrey Atcherley Peel
 Massy, Hamon Ingoldsby
 Massy, Hugh Carruthers, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Massy, Hugh Hamon John Somerse
 Massy, Hugh Le Souëf, with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Massy, Hugh Peter Stokes, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Massy, Hugh Royds Stokes
Massy, Michael Ingoldsby
Massy, Patrick Wilfrid Villier
 Massy-Beresford, Tristram Hugh, in the Far East, where he became a POW
Massy-Dawson, Dennis Staunton
 Massy-Westropp, John Francis R
 Massy-Westropp, Ralph Frederic
 Mathias, Richard Hughes, 2nd Bt ( 1940-1946 )
 Maud, Philip David ( 1939-1940 ), when he became a POW
 Maude, Edward Frederick
 Maude, Henry Cornwallis, with the Queen's Royal Regiment
 Maude, Robert Leslie Eustace, 8 ( 1945 ), with the Coldstream Guards
 Maude-Roxby, Guy Nigel
 Maugham, Robert Cecil Romer, 2n ( 1939-1943 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
Maul, Richard Henry Leigh
 Maule-Cole, Douglas Seymour Fr
 Maunsell, Charles Ronald
 Maunsell, Denis Shelley
Maunsell, Errol Creagh
 Maunsell, Frederick
 Maunsell, George Arthur Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maunsell, George Michael Bruce, with South Rhodesian Forces
 Maunsell, Henry Ian Geoffrey, in the Royal Air Force
 Maunsell, John Charles Edward, with Royal Australian Air Force
 Maunsell, John Raymond
Maunsell, Marcus Eyre Lloyd
 Maunsell, Mark Stuart Ker
 Maunsell, Robert Sydney Dymock, in the North-West European Campaign
 Maxse, Frederick Henry Joseph
 Maxse, John Herbert
 Maxtone Graham, James Anstruth ( 1942-1945 )
 Maxwell Macdonald, John, 19th o ( 1939-1941 ), where he was wounded
 Maxwell, Ian Robert, with British Intelligence
 Maxwell, Leigh, on the Northwest Frontier, and was mentioned in despatches
 Maxwell, Robert Michael, where he was mentioned in despatches
Maxwell, Somerset Arthur
 Maxwell-Stuart, Francis Joseph
 Maxwell-Stuart, Philip Joseph, where he became a POW
 May, Patrick William
 Mayfield, Donald Clyde
Maze, Robert Claude, Sr.
 Mazur, Stanislaw, in Poland, Russia and Italy
 McAlpine, Archibald Douglas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McAlpine, Robert Douglas Chris
McBarnet, Donald Victor Charle
McCann, Gerard Joseph
McCarthy, William Terence Webb
 McClintock, Alan
McClintock, John Leopold Elphi
 McClintock, Nicholas Cole, at Dunkirk, and in Burma at Kohima and Imphal
McClintock, Nigel Stanley
 McClintock-Bunbury, William Ro
 McClure, John Aylmer
 McConnell, Dennis Malcolm
 McConnell, Roderick Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McCorkell, Barry Henry ( 1939-1945 )
McCorkell, Francis Dudley Pake ( 1939-1944 )
 McCorkell, Michael William, in Italy
McCorquodale, Angus, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McCorquodale, Donald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McCorquodale, Malcolm Stewart, ( 1940-1941 )
 McCorquodale, Norman Duncan ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
McCosh, James Reid
 McCoy, Alfred Leopold
 McCoy, Beverly Harrison, inn New Guinea, and Borneo
 McCoy, Edwin Daniel
 McCraith, Patrick James Danver
 McDonnell, James Angus Grey ( 1939-1940 ), where he was captured as a Prisoner of War
 McDonnell, Randal John Somerle
 McDouall, John Crichton Stuart
 McDouall, John Stuart Crichton, with the Australian Infantry Force in the Pacific
 McDougall, Patricia Agnes Mari, with the Women's Royal Naval Service (W.R.N.S.)
McGillycuddy, Arthur Richard B
McGillycuddy, Brian Desmond Jo
McGillycuddy, Denis Michael Ed
 McGillycuddy, Dermot, The Mac G
 McGillycuddy, John Patrick, The, where he was wounded twice, and was mentioned in despatches
 McGowan, Harry Wilson, 2nd Baro
 McGowan, William Johnston ( 1939-1943 ), where he was severely wounded
 McGrigor, Charles Edward, 5th B, where he was mentioned in despatches
McGrigor, James Neil
 McGrigor, Rhoderic Robert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 McIntosh, Duncan, flying Spitfires in defence of Malta
McKenzie, Renold Archibald
 McLaren, John Francis
 McLaren, Martin John
 McLaughlin, Adrian Leigh
 McLaughlin, Patrick Vivian
 McLeod, Norman Portal
 McLeod, Roderick Campbell
 McMorland, Ian Patrick
 McNair, Clement John, 2nd Baron ( 1940-1945 ), in Tunisia, Italy and Austria, and he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 McPhee, Bruce John ( 1941-1945 )
 McWilliam, Henry Hastings
 Meade, John Charles Edmund Car, in the Middle East and France, and was mentioned in despatches
 Meade, John Windham
 Meade, Robert Sidney Stuart ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meade-Fetherstonhaugh, Richard ( 1939 ), where he became a POW
Meinertzhagen, Daniel
 Meinertzhagen, Peter, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Mellon, Paul
 Mellon, Richard King
 Mellor, James Thomas Paulton ( 1939-1945 )
 Mellor, John Francis, 3rd Bt. ( 1943-1946 )
 Menzies, Charles John
 Menzies, Henry Noel, New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Menzies, Henry Walter Harvey, and became a prisoner of war
 Menzies, Walter Stephen
 Mercer Nairne Petty-FitzMauric
 Mercer-Henderson, John Hampden
Meredith, John Andrew Trevor
 Merlyn-Rees, Merlyn, Baron Merl
 Merton, William Ralph ( 1941-1943 ), in the Coastal Command, Royal Air Force
 Messel, Linley Francis ( 1939-1945 ), and he was mentioned in despatches
 Methuen, Charles Leslie
 Methuen, Paul Ayshford, 4th Bar ( 1940-1945 )
 Meyer, Anthony John Charles, 3r ( 1941-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Meynell, Charles Wilfred Lindl, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meynell, Francis Everard
 Meynell, Hugo, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meynell, Richard Walter
Meyrick, Peter Capel
 Meysey-Thompson, Onslow Victor ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Milbank, Denis William Powlett, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milbank, John Gerald Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milbank, Mark Vane, 4th Bt.
 Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milburn, Frederick Michael Hew, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milburn, John Nigel, 4th Bt., where he became a POW
 Milburn, Rupert Leonard Eversl, where he became a POW
 Mildmay, Anthony Bingham, 2nd B, where he was mentioned in despatches
Miles, Charles Robert
 Miles, Reginald Bratihwaite
 Millais, Ralph Regnault, 5th Bt
 Millar, George, in North Africa, where he became a POW of the Italians, and escaped
 Miller, Frederick William Macd ( 1939-1943 )
 Miller, Robert Charles Patrick
 Miller, Robert Edward, in the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Milles-Lade, George Henry, 4th
 Milliken-Napier, William Edwar, where he became a POW
 Mills, Charles Piercy
 Mills, Patrick Charles, 5th Bar ( 1939-1945 )
 Mills, Roger Clinton, 2nd Visco
 Milman, Derek, 9th Bt., in Eritrea, North Africa and Burma, and was mentioned in despatches
 Milman, Dermot Lionel Kennedy, , where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milman, Gerald Stephen
 Milman, Henry Augustus
Milman, Hugh Bruce
 Milman, John Alexander Ralph, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Milman, Malcolm Douglas
 Milne, George Douglass, 2nd Bar, in Norway and the Middle East, and became a POW
 Milne-Watson, David Ronald, 2nd, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Milne-Watson, Michael, 3rd Bt.
 Milner, Arthur James Michael, 2
 Milner, George Edward Mordaunt
 Milner, Henry George, in the Royal Air Force
Milnes-Coates, Anthony Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
Minchin, Alec Randolph, where he became a Japanese POW
 Minchin, Alfred Alyson Fennell
 Minchin, Arthur John, with King's African Rifles
 Minchin, Charles Forde, in Royal Australian Air Force
 Minchin, Christopher
Minchin, Christopher Humphrey, with the Royal Air Force
Minchin, Denis Lloyd, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Minchin, Devon George
Minchin, Douglas James Maurice
 Minchin, Francis Henry, with Australian forces in the Middle East and New Guinea
 Minchin, Frederick Blundell Pr
 Minchin, George Henry, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Minchin, Gerald Louis Francis, with the 2nd Australian Imperial Force
 Minchin, Gordon Victor, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Minchin, Henry Charles
 Minchin, Hubert Brian
 Minchin, Hugh Charles Stephens
 Minchin, John
 Minchin, Jonathan Edward Humph ( 1939-1943 )
 Minchin, Joseph Keane, in the Middle East and Pacific, with 28th Battalion, 2nd Australian Imperial Force
 Minchin, Kevin James ( 1942-1946 ), with the Australian Army
 Minchin, Kingsley Hugh
 Minchin, Lionel George ( 1941-1945 ), with the AMF (1941-2) and Royal Australian Air Force (1942-5)
Minchin, Mervyn, in the 2nd Australian Imperial Force
 Minchin, Michael Hugh
 Minchin, Patrick Molesworth
 Minchin, Peter Franklyn
 Minchin, Philip Henry, with the 2nd Australian Imperial Force
 Minchin, Raymond Sidney, in Royal Australian Air Force
 Minchin, Reginald Humphrey Lod
 Minchin, Rex d'Esterre
 Minchin, Richard George Edward, serving in North Africa, Italy and the Middle East
 Minchin, Robert Scott, in India and Burma
 Minchin, Robin
 Minchin, Ronald d'Esterre
 Minchin, Wilfred Henry, with the Royal Australian Navy
 Minchin, William Allan
 Minchin, William Bruce ( 1940-1946 )
 Minshall, Merlin Theodore
 Miskin, Nigel Monckton
 Mitchell, Harold Paton, 1st Bt. ( 1940-1945 )
 Mitchell-Cotts, William Campbe
 Mitchell-Thomson, Patrick Will
 Moir, Ernest Ian Royds, 3rd Bt.
Molesworth, Anthony Oliver
 Molesworth, Ernest Walter, where he became a Japanese POW working on the Japanese-Singapore and Siam Burmah Railway
 Molesworth, James Vernon Crisp
 Molesworth, John Bysse
 Molesworth, John Henry Nassau, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Molesworth, John Robert Nassau
 Molesworth, John Sydney
 Molesworth, Ralph Gerard Linds
 Molesworth, Richard Cecil ( 1941-1942 ), in Egypt, North-West Frontier and Assam
 Molesworth, Richard Charles Vi
 Molesworth, Richard Gosset, 11t
 Molesworth, Robert Mackinnon
 Molesworth, Stephen Lindsay ( 1944 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Molesworth, William Earle
 Molesworth-St. Aubyn, Hender C, in Iceland, France and Germany
 Molesworth-St. Aubyn, John, 14t
 Molloy, William John, Baron Mol, with the Royal Engineers
Molony, John Bernard
 Molony, Joseph Thomas
 Molson, Arthur Hugh Elsdale, Ba ( 1939-1945 )
Molson, Gerald Hildred Elsdale
 Molson, Hartland de Montarvill, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Molyneaux, James Henry, Baron M
 Molyneux, Hugh William Osbert,
 Monckton, Charles Henry
 Monckton, Charles Tatham, where he was wounded
 Monckton, David
 Monckton, Edward Walter
Monckton, Francis Edward
 Monckton, Frederick Hardy
 Monckton, Gilbert Walter River
 Monckton, John Falkland
Monckton, John Philip
 Monckton, Reginald Francis Per ( 1940-1941 ), with the PR Unit
 Moncreiff, Harry Robert Wellwo, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Moncreiff, Richard Henry FitzH ( 1939-1941 )
 Moncreiffe, David Gerald, of th, where he was wounded
 Moncreiffe, Rupert Iain Kay, of, when he was wounded
 Mond, Derek John Henry
 Money-Coutts, Alexander Burdet
 Money-Coutts, Godfrey Burdett, and he was mentioned in despatches
 Money-Kyrle, Roger Ernle
 Monsell, Henry Bolton Graham E, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Claud A, and was mentioned in despatches
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Claud E, in North Africa and Italy
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Francis ( 1941-1945 ), with East African Forces, and was again mentioned in despatches
 Montagu Douglas Scott, George ( 1939 ), in Europe, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montagu Douglas Scott, John He, where he was wounded
Montagu Douglas Scott, Merlin
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter ( 1942-1945 )
 Montagu Douglas Scott, William, where he was mentoned in despatches
 Montagu, Alexander George Fran
 Montagu, Alexander Victor Edwa, in France
 Montagu, Bryan de Castro Samue
Montagu, Charles Sydney Beatti
 Montagu, James Edward
 Montagu, John Drogo, in Burma, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montagu, John Edward Coley, where he was wounded
 Montagu, Walter Bernard St. Jo, and was wounded
 Montagu, William Drogo Sturges
 Montagu-Pollock, Hubert Vernon
 Montgomerie, Alexander Edward, with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, and became a POW
 Montgomerie, Alexander Kelvin, in the New Zealand Scottish Regiment and Royal New Zealand Navy
 Montgomerie, Archibald William
 Montgomerie, Hew Seton, where he was mentioned in despatches
Montgomerie, Leighton John
 Montgomerie, Roger Hugh
Montgomerie, Thomas
 Montgomery Campbell, Hugh
 Montgomery, Arthur Herbert
 Montgomery, Brian Frederick, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Montgomery, Ernest John, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Montgomery, Robert Kerr
 Montgomery, Robert Maxwell
Montgomery, Thomas Everard, where he became a POW at Arnhem
 Montmorency, Arnold Geoffroy, 1
 Montmorency, Reymond Hervey
Monypenny, John Blackwell Sinc
Moodie, David William
 Moon, Edward Horace Graham
 Moon, Edward, 5th Bt.
 Moon, John Cecil Graham
 Moon, John Richard Philip
 Moon, Robert Blakeney, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Moore, Eric Edward James ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Moore, Eric Edward James, 2nd B ( 1939-1945 )
 Moore, Ethne Philippa
 Moore, Norman Winfrid, where he became a POW
 Moore, Peter John de Appleby
 Moore, Philip Brian Cecil, Baro
Moore, Robert William Alfred
 Moore, Ronald George ( 1939-1945 )
 Moore, William
 Moore-Brabazon, Michael James, in the Royal Air Force
 Mordaunt, Guy Michael, in Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Mordaunt, Nigel John, 13th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mordaunt, Richard John
 Mordaunt-Smith, Bridgeman Roch
 Mordaunt-Smith, Cotterell Boug
 Moreton Macdonald, Charles Ang
 Moreton, Basil Howard, 6th Earl ( 1941-1945 ), in New Guinea and the Islands
 Morgan, Frederick Charles John ( 1939-1945 )
 Morgan, Vaughan
 Morgan-Giles, Morgan Charles
 Morgan-Grenville, Thomas Georg, he was mentioned in despatches
 Morison, Alexander Gordon, 13th ( 1941-1945 ), in the Westminster Regiment
 Morris, Harry, 1st Baron Morris
 Morris, Michael William, 2nd Ba
 Morris, Michael, 3rd Baron Kill
 Morrison, John Granville, 1st B
 Morrison, John Stanton Fleming
 Morrison-Bell, Charles Reginal, where he was wounded
 Morrison-Low, James Richard, 3r
 Morrison-Low, Walter John, 2nd
 Morrogh Bernard, Joseph George, in France, Abyssinia, India, the Middle East and Austria
Morse, Clyde Anthony
 Mortimer, Stanley Grafton, Jr.
 Mosley, John Herbert, where he was wounded
 Mosley, Nicholas, 3rd Baron Rav
 Mosley, Oswald Henry Feilden
 Mostyn, George Anthony
 Mostyn, George Augustus Franci, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mostyn, Joseph Cecil Mary
 Mottram, Peter Hay, with the Royal Army Service Corps
 Mount, William Malcolm, 2nd Bt., where he was wounded
 Mountain, Brian Edward Stanley
 Mountbatten, David Michael, 3rd, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Mountbatten, Louis Francis Alb, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Mountbatten, Philip, 1st Duke o ( 1941-1945 ), in the Meditteranean Fleet, the Home Fleet and the British Pacific Fleet, and was mentioned in despatches
 Moyer, Richard Wesley Fuller
 Moynihan, Patrick Berkeley, 2nd
 Muggeridge, Thomas Malcolm, with the Secret Intelligence Service in Brussels
 Muir Mackenzie, Hamish
 Muir Mackenzie, Robert Henry, o, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Muir, Gerald Robin
Muir, Ian Kay
 Muir, John Harling, 3rd Bt.
 Mulholland, Alfred Ivo
 Mulholland, Michael Henry, 5th ( 1942-1945 )
 Munro, Hector Charles Seymour
 Munro, Patrick, of Foulis, Chie, where he became a POW
 Munro, Roland Alec Wilfred, with the Indian Army
Muntz, Gerard Philip Graces, 3r
Murdoch, Alan
 Murphy, Alfred
 Murphy, Basil Jerome
 Murphy, Cyril Francis de Sales, with the Royal Air Force (Air Ministry)
 Murphy, Jeremiah, with Foot Guards
 Murphy, John Moran ( 1939-1944 ), when he was invalided out
 Murphy, Louis Jerome, with Royal Engineers
Murray, Alexander Donald Mille
 Murray, Alexander Edward
 Murray, Anthony Ian Rupert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Archibald Digby
 Murray, Archibald John, where he was wounded
 Murray, Archie Alastair Stewar
 Murray, Arthur Stewart Pakingt
 Murray, Cecil de Grey
 Murray, Charles Dean Leslie ( 1939-1945 )
 Murray, Charles Stewart, with the Royal Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force
 Murray, David Charles Graeme ( 1939-1945 )
 Murray, David John
 Murray, Donald Stuart
 Murray, Douglas Elibank ( 1939-1943 )
Murray, Edward David, Viscount
 Murray, George
Murray, George Anthony
 Murray, Godfrey Pemberton
 Murray, Iain Arthur
 Murray, Ian Digby
 Murray, Ian Henry, where he was wounded
 Murray, Keith Anderson Hope, Ba
 Murray, Robert Alexander Wolfe, where he became a POW and escaped from the Japanese at Singapore
 Murray, Rowland William Patric
Murray, Stanley Digby
 Murray, Thomas Edward Elibank
 Murton, Henry Oscar, Baron Murt
Musgrave, Christopher Michael
 Musgrave, Christopher Norman, 6
 Musgrave, Richard James, 7th Bt
 Musters, John Vivian Auchmuty, where he was mentioned in despatches
Myers, Paul Montefiore
 Mynors, David Rickards Baskerv, in the Middle East and Italy
 Nairn, Michael George, of Ranke, where he was wounded
 Nall, Audrey
 Nall, Michael Joseph, 2nd Bt.
Naper, Merrik Oliver Lennox
 Naper, Nigel William Ivo
 Napier, Alastair John George M
 Napier, Archibald John Robert
 Napier, Arthur Henry Gurney
 Napier, Charles Macnaughton
 Napier, Charles Scott
 Napier, John Lenox Clavering, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Napier, Joseph William Lennox,
 Napier, Neville Archibald John
 Napier, Nigel Claude Oliver, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier, Robert Archibald, of Me
 Napier, Robert John, 5th Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier, Vivian John Lennox, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Napier, William Archibald, of M
 Napier, William Francis Cyril
 Napier, William Puleston Scott
 Napier-Clavering, Noel Warren, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Nathan, Lawrence David Jose
 Nathan, Roger Carol Michael, 2n, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
Nathan, Trevor Anthony
 Naylor-Leyland, Michael Montag
 Neave, Airey Middleton Sheffie, where he was wounded, mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Neave, Arundell Richard York I
 Neave, Arundell Thomas Clifton
 Neave, Digby Seymour
 Neave, Geoffrey Lionel
 Neave, Julius Arthur Sheffield ( 1940-1946 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Neave, Kenelm Digby ( 1944-1945 ), in North-West Europe, where he was wounded
 Neave, Nelson Digby
 Neave, Robert Morier Sheffield, where he was wounded
 Nebauer, Raymond James ( 1942 ), serving in New Guinea
 Needham, Arthur Edward Peter, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Needham, Francis Charles Adelb
 Needham, Francis Edward
 Needham, Francis Jack
 Needham, Francis Jack Richard
 Needham, Henry, where he was wounded
Neipperg, Karl Reinhard
 Nelson, Charles Sebastian Jose, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nelson, Henry Edward Joseph Ho
 Nelson, James Berkeley Horatio, with South African forces
 Nelson, John Marie Joseph Hora
 Nelson, William Vernon Hope, 3r
 Nepean, Evan Yorke, 6th Bt.
 Neustadt, Richard Elliott, with the U.S. Navy
 Nevill, John Henry Guy, 5th Mar, where he was mentioned in despatches
Nevill, Michael George Ralph
Neville, George Robert Latimer
 Neville, Grey Aldworth
 Neville, Philip Lloyd
Neville, Richard Henry Cornwal
 Neville, Richard Lionel John B, in Burma
 Neville-Grenville, Edward
 Neville-Rolfe, Charles Babingt
 Newbery, Douglas Arnold
 Newman, Durnford Frederick Wyn
 Newman, Guy Arthur
 Newman, Ralph Alured, 5th Bt.
 Newman, Thomas Lydston, where he was wounded
 Newson-Smith, John Kenneth, 2nd
 Newson-Smith, Peter Henry
Newton, Alfred Jeremy Grantham
 Newton, Edgar Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Newton, Harry Michael Rex, 3rd, in North Africa and the Middle East, where he was wounded
 Newton, Kenneth Garnar, 3rd Bt.
 Nicholl-Caddell, Robert Arthur
 Nicholson, Charles William Joh
 Nicholson, Claude ( 1939-1940 ), when he became a POW at the defence of Calais
 Nicholson, David John Stafford
 Nicholson, Godfrey, 1st and las ( 1939-1942 )
 Nicholson, Henry Thomas Atkins, with the Australian Infantry Force
 Nicholson, John Norris, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nicholson, Peter Anthony, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nicholson, William Reginald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nicol, Frederick Edward, in the Royal Australian Navy
 Nicolson, David Henry Arthur, o
 Nicolson, Lionel Benedict
 Nicolson, Nigel, where he was mentioned in despatches
Nicolson, Peter Trevylyan Ersk
 Nightingale, Christopher Carna
 Nightingale, Francis Paul
 Nightingale, Geoffrey Slingsby
 Nightingale, George Manners, where he was wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Nightingale, John Cyprian
 Nightingale, Neville Gascoyne, where he was wounded
 Nightingale, Robert Forbes
Nightingale, Roger Chester, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Niven, James David Graham
 Nixon, Christopher John Louis, where he was mentioned in despatches
Nobbs, Adrien Brancker King
 Nobbs, Frank Fletcher King
 Nobbs, Harry Robert
 Nobbs, Herbert Metcalfe King
 Nobbs, Ivens Satterfield
 Nobbs, Oswell
 Nobbs, Ray Herbert Hastings
 Noble, Humphrey Brunel, of Ardm
 Noble, Michael Anthony Cristob
 Noel, Archibald Charles Willia, where he became a POW
 Noel, Charles Hubert Francis ( 1939-1942 )
 Noel, David Francis Douglas, where he was wounded
 Noel, Douglas Robert George ( 1943-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Noel, Edward Francis Hamlyn, when he was invalided
 Noel, Gambier John Byng, where he was mentioned in desptaches twice
Noel, Gerard Baptist
 Noel, John Andrew Vernatti
 Noel, John Baptist Lucius
 Noel, John Byron
Noel, John Cecil
 Noel, Montague Wriothesley ( 1939-1941 )
 Noel, William Henry Middleton
 Noel-Baker, Francis Edward, with the Royal Tank Regiment and Intelligence Corps
 Noel-Buxton, Michael Barnett
 Norman, Antony Charles Wynyard, and was mentioned in despatches
Norman, Robert
 Norrie, Charles Willoughby Mok
 North, Charles Evelyn
 North, George Montagu
North, John Dudley, 13th Baron ( 1939-1941 )
 North, Roger Edward Francis Gu ( 1939-1945 )
 North, William Frederick Georg ( 1939-1945 )
 North-Bomford, John George ( 1940 ), with the Royal Air Force
 Northcote, Amyas Henry Staffor
 Northcote, Henry James Staffor, in Europe and South-East Asia Command
 Northcote, Henry Stafford, 3rd
 Northcote, Leon Frederick Jame ( 1942-1946 ), with the Royal Navy
 Northcote, Maxwell Adams Staff ( 1942-1946 ), in the Royal Air Force
 Northcote, Oliver Stafford
 Norton, Charles Patrick, 2nd Ba, where he became a POW
 Norton, John Richard Brinsley,
 Norton, Peter John, where he was mentioned in despatches
Norton-Griffiths, Michael, and was mentioned in despatches
 Norton-Griffiths, Peter, 2nd Bt
Nostitz-Rieneck, Franz von Ass
Nugent, Guy Patrick Douglas Jo
 Nugent, Hugh Charles, 6th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
Nugent, John Andrew
Nugent, Patrick Edmund Charles
 Nugent, Peter George Hodges
 Nugent, Peter Walter James, 5th
 Nugent, Robin George Colborne, ( 1944-1945 ), in Italy
 Nunneley, Robin Michael Charle ( 1942-1945 )
Nuttall, Donald Spencer
 Nuttall, Edmund Keith, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nuttall, Norman
 Nutting, Edward Christian Fred
 Nutting, Harold Anthony, 3rd Bt ( 1939-1940 ), when he was invalided
Nutting, John Victor Francis
 O'Brien Butler, Paget Terence, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
O'Brien, Brian Eoghan
 O'Brien, Donough Edward Foster ( 1939-1942 )
 O'Brien, Edmond Robert Richard
 O'Brien, Edward Cecil
 O'Brien, Fionn Myles Maryons
 O'Brien, John Edward Noel, 5th
 O'Brien, Murrough Richard
 O'Brien, Phaedrig Lucius Ambro, and was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 O'Brien, Robert Rollo Gillespi
 O'Brien, Turlough Aubrey
 O'Connell, Donal Bernard
 O'Connell, Maurice Cecil ( 1939-1945 ), with Royal Engineers, where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Connell, Morgan Donal Conail, with Royal Signals
 O'Connell, Noel Hamlyn ( 1939-1945 ), in the Far Esat
 O'Conor, Roderic Aylward
 O'Conor, Roderic Charles
 O'Donell, Douxi, Count O'Donell
 O'Donell, Gabriel, Count O'Done
 O'Donell, Johannes
 O'Donell, Mario, Count O'Donell
 O'Donovan, Morgan John Winthro
 O'Donovan, Timothy John Miles, where he was wounded
 O'Grady, Gerald Lawrence de Co
 O'Grady, Gerald Vigors de Cour
 O'Grady, Philip Henry Vigors d, where he was mentioned in despatches
O'Hagan, Claud Cecil Osborne
 O'Kelly, Walter Lionel, Count O
O'Loghlen, Ross Bryan
 O'Morchoe, Nial Creagh, The O'M
 O'Neil-Roe, Richard John Owen
O'Neill, Brian Arthur
O'Neill, Shane Edward Robert, 3
 O'Neill, Terence Marne, Baron O, where he was wounded
 O'Reilly-Nugent, Wilfrid Basil, with Auckland Infantry
 Oakes, Sydney, 2nd Bt.
 Oakshott, Hendrie Dudley, Baron, in the Middle East and Italy, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and invalided
Oberndorff, Franz Xavier
Oberndorff, Johannes
 Obolensky, Ivan, Prince Obolens
 Oettingen-Oettingen und Oettin
Oettingen-Oettingen und Oettin
 Ogden, William Graeme, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Ogilvie, Patrick Bruce Bine
 Ogilvie, Patrick Bruce Bine, and was mentioned in despatches three times
 Ogilvy, David George Patrick C ( 1945 ), in Germany
 Ogilvy, David John Wilfrid, of
 Ogilvy, Gilbert Mark Haworth
 Ogilvy, John Augustine, where he was mentioned in despatches
Ogilvy, Walter Tulliedeph, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Ogilvy-Grant, Charles Randolph, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Oglander, Denys Ernest Glynn
 Oliphant, Arthur Lancelot Laur
 Oliphant, Laurence Hugh ( 1940-1945 )
 Oliphant, Ralph Henry Hood Lau ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Oliphant, Reginald Godfrey Lau, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Oliver, Peter Raymond, Baron Ol, in Italy
 Oliver, Robert Ormsby, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Oliver-Bellasis, John, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded twice
 Oliver-Bellasis, Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Olivier, Laurence Kerr, Baron O, in the Fleet Air Arm
 Olsen, Frithiof
Olsoufieff, Alessio
 Onslow, Charles Edward
 Onslow, Denzil Richard Cranley, where he was mentioned in despatches
Onslow, Geoffrey Harold
 Onslow, John Vernon, in the Australian Imperial Forces
 Onslow, Richard Francis John
 Onslow, Richard George, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Onslow, Richard Thomas, where he was mentioned in despatches
Onslow, Thomas Philip Riou
 Onslow, William Arthur Bampfyl
 Oppenheimer, Michael Bernard G
 Oppé, Denys Lyonel Tollemache
 Oram, Albert Edward, Baron Oram ( 1942-1945 ), with the Royal Artillery
Ormerod, George Wareing Drewer
 Ormsby-Gore, William David, 5th
 Orpen-Palmer, Antony Westby ( 1941-1946 )
 Orr Ewing, Alan Lindsay, where he was mentioned in despatches, was wounded twice and became a POW
 Orr Ewing, Archibald Ian
 Orr Ewing, David
 Orr Ewing, James Arthur
 Orr Ewing, John Anthony, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Orr Ewing, John Eric Hugh
Orr Ewing, Robert Norman
 Orr Ewing, Robin John Alexande
 Orr Ewing, Ronald Archibald, of, where he became a POW in 1942
 Orr-Ewing, Charles Ian, Baron O, in North Africa, Italy and North-West Europe, and was mentioned in despatches
Ortenburg, Joachim
Ortenburg, Udo William
 Osborn, Danvers Lionel Rouse, 8, with the Intelligence Department, War Office
Osborn, Peter Stanley Howard
Osmaston, Cecil Henry Edward
 Osmaston, Fitzwalter Camplyon ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice and became a POW
 Osmaston, Gordon Hutchinson ( 1940-1941 ), in Iraq
 Osmaston, Henry Arthur ( 1939-1945 )
 Osmaston, John Fitzherbert
Otter, Robert Charles
Outram, Keith Davidson
 Pack-Beresford, Arthur Reynell, with the 4th Regiment Maritime Royal Artillery
 Pack-Beresford, Denis John
 Pack-Beresford, Tristram Antho
Packe, Charles William Christo
 Packe-Drury-Lowe, John Drury B
 Page Wood, John Hatherley Davi, he was mentioned in despatches
 Page Wood, Matthew, in North West Europe
 Page, Alan Geoffrey, where he was shot down and badly burned
 Page, Arthur John, with the Royal Artillery
 Page, Peggie ( 1942-1945 ), with the British Red Cross
Paget, Anthony Francis Macleod, he was mentioned in despatches
Paget, Berkeley Henry Vanistta
 Paget, Bernard Charles Tolver
 Paget, Bernard Leopold, with the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry and Royal Berkshire Regiment
 Paget, Clarence Arthur Edward
 Paget, Cyril Nevil
 Paget, Edward Catesby ( 1940-1945 )
 Paget, Edward Francis Howard
 Paget, George Charles Henry Vi
 Paget, George Norrie, he was mentioned in despatches
Paget, Guy Leo
 Paget, Humphrey
 Paget, James Francis, 3rd Bt., he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Paget, Julian Tolver, 4th Bt.
 Paget, Oswald Leopold
 Paget, Victor Berkeley
Paget, William Edward Sydney
Paine, Robert
 Pakenham, Arthur John Edmond
Pakenham, Hercules Dermot Wilf
 Pakenham, Ivo Robert Raymond L
 Pakenham, Patrick Christopher, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Pakenham, Raymond Beresford
 Pakenham, William Antony Beres
 Pakenham, William Thomas Talbo
 Pakington, Humphrey Arthur, 5th
 Palairet, Allan Frederick, where he became a POW
 Palethorpe-Todd, Richard Andre
Palmer, Anthony Frederick Mark
 Palmer, Charles Alan Salier
 Palmer, Geoffrey Frederick Nei
 Palmer, Gerald Eustace Howell, he was mentioned in despatches
 Palmer, Gordon William Nottage
 Palmer, John Archdale, 7th Bt., in the Royal Artillery
 Palmer, Mark
 Palmer, Robert Henry Charles
 Palmer, Robert Jocelyn, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Palmer, Rodney Howell
 Palmer, Stephen Roundell
 Palmer, William Alexander
Palmer, William Matthew, Viscou
Palmer-Tomkinson, Anthony
Parc, Guillaume Henri
Parc, Maurice Bertrand Jacques
Parish, Charles Woodbine
Parish, David Woodbine
Parish, John Neville Woodbine
Parker, Alfred Nigel
Parker, Anthony Edington Hyde
 Parker, Charles George Archiba, where he became a POW
 Parker, Frederic Anthony Vivia
 Parker, George Roger Alexander
 Parker, Gerard
 Parker, Ivo Murray, with the Royal Artillery
 Parker, Jocelyn George Dudley
 Parker, John Douglas
 Parker, John St. Aubyn, 6th Ear
 Parker, Laurence Edmund Hyde
 Parker, Laurence Frederick Cyr
 Parker, Michael Cyril Edmund
 Parker, Michael Edward
 Parker, Peter Henry
 Parker, Richard Cecil
 Parker, Robert William
 Parker, Roger Jocelyn, in Italy and Austria
 Parker, William Alan, 4th Bt.
Parker, William Richard Christ
Parker-Jervis, Edward Carstair
 Parker-Jervis, John Humphrey
 Parkyns, Clifford Edwin Freder, in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Parkyns, Kenneth George ( 1940 ), where he became a POW
 Parsons, Anthony Derrick
 Parsons, Arthur Christopher
 Parsons, Desmond Harold, with Royal Air Force
 Parsons, Laurence Michael Harv
 Pasley, Charles Hamilton Sabin, he was mentioned in despatches
 Pasley, Joseph Montagu Sabine
 Pasley, Maitland Sabine
 Pasley, Sydney Montagu Sabine, he was invalided out
 Pasley, Thomas Wynyard Sabine
 Payne, Montagu Charles, as a dispatch rider
 Payne-Gallwey, Lowry Philip
 Payne-Gallwey, Peter, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Peake, Edward Charles
Pearce-Serocold, Arthur John
 Pearson, Denis Craven
 Pearson, Neville Arthur, 2nd Bt ( 1939-1944 )
 Pearson, Weetman John Churchil, where he was severely wounded in the retreat to Dunkirk, and had his left arm amputated
Pease, Arthur Peter
 Pease, Charles Ormston Hugh, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Pease, Christopher Henry Beaum, where he was wounded
 Pease, George, 4th Baron Gainfo ( 1944-1945 ), with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
 Pease, Joseph Edward, 3rd Baron
 Pease, Joseph, 2nd Baron Gainfo ( 1939-1942 )
 Pease, Thomas Exham Vincent, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Pedel, Christian Dunsmere, with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Peek, Francis Henry Grenville, , he was mentioned in depatches
Peek, Roger John
 Peek, William Grenville, 5th Bt, he was mentioned in despatches
 Peel, Chiverton Robert
Peel, David Arthur
 Peel, George Frederick, where he was invalided
Peel, Hugh William Jardine Eth
 Peel, Peter, where he was wounded and became a POW
Peel, Robert, 6th Bt.
 Pelham, Anthony George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelham, Harry Francis
 Pelham, John Buxton, 8th Earl o
 Pelham, John Edward, 7th Earl o
 Pelham, Marcus Herbert, 6th Ear
 Pelham, Robert Henry
 Pelham, Sackville George, 5th E
 Pelham, Thomas Bertram
Pelham-Clinton, Alastair Henry
 Pelham-Clinton, Edward Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelham-Clinton-Hope, Henry Edw
 Pellew, Anthony Pownoll
 Pelly, Adrian Vincent
 Pelly, Anthony Edward
 Pelly, Anthony Roger
 Pelly, Blake Raymond ( 1939 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, Claude Bernard Raymond, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Pelly, Clifford Raymond
 Pelly, David Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, Douglas Charles Vincent, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, Douglas Gurney
 Pelly, Edmund Godfrey
 Pelly, Frederick Michael, in the Royal Navy
 Pelly, Henry Patrick Neville
 Pelly, John Alwyne, 6th Bt. ( 1939-1942 ), where he became a POW
 Pelly, John Denis Cavendish, with the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
 Pelly, John Gordon, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, John Noel
 Pelly, Michael Richard Parment, in the Royal Air Force
 Pelly, Peter Douglas Herbert R, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelly, Richard Heywood
 Pelly, Robert Hubert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pelpola, Peter Donald, in Burma
 Peniakoff, Vladimir
 Penn, Eric Charles William Mac
 Pennington-Ramsden, Geoffrey W
 Penny, Peter George, 2nd Viscou
Peploe, David Claud
 Pepys, John Evelyn Leslie
 Pepys, Samuel Guy Leslie ( 1939-1940 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Perceval, Philip Edward
Percy, Henry George Alan, 9th D
 Perring, Ralph Edgar, 1st Bt., he was invalided out
 Persse, Alfred Arthur, with BEF
 Persse, Burton William de Burg
Persse, Charles William Parry
Persse, Donald Robert
 Persse, Edmund Maturin, with Uganda Def Force
Persse, Jocelyn Arthur
 Persse, John Arthur
Persse, John Henry, in the 7th Battalion, Rifle Brigade
 Persse, John Windsor
 Persse, Reginald Barry Lovaine
 Persse, Richard Noel, where he was taken POW at Tobruk
 Persse, Thomas Dudley
 Pery-Knox-Gore, David Edmond S, where he was mentioned in despatches
Pestatore, Wilfried
 Peter-Hoblyn, John Bampfylde
 Peto, Christopher Henry Maxwel, he was mentioned in despatches three times and wounded
 Peto, James Michael, 2nd Bt.
Peto, Timothy Clement
 Petre, Edward Joseph Algernon, where he was wounded
 Petre, Francis John
Petre, Gerard Malcolm Mary Lau
 Petre, Henry Edward
 Petre, Henry William
 Petre, Joseph William Lionel, 1
Petre, Myles Seymour Edward
 Petre, Philip Lewis
 Petre, Robert Charles, in Norway and Italy
 Petre, Roderic Loraine
 Petrie, Charles Richard Borthw
Petty-FitzMaurice, Charles Hop ( 1939-1944 ), where he was wounded, before being killed
Petty-FitzMaurice, Edward Norm
 Peyton, John Wynne William, Bar
Peyton, Thomas Grenville Pitt
 Phelps Brown, Henry
 Philipps, Jestyn Reginald Aust
 Philipps, Richard Hanning
Philips, Norman Lewis
 Philipson-Stow, Christopher, 5t
 Philipson-Stow, Edmond Cecil, 4
 Philipson-Stow, Guyon Philipso
Phillimore, Anthony Francis
 Phillimore, Claud Stephen, 4th
 Phillimore, Henry Josceline
 Phillimore, Hugh David
 Phillimore, John Hugh Bouchier, he was wounded
 Phillimore, John Michael Forte
 Phillimore, Miles Godfrey Walt
 Phillimore, Reginald Henry
 Phillimore, Richard Augustus B
 Phillimore, Robert Fortescue
 Phillimore, Robert George Hugh, he was mentioned in despatches
 Phillimore, William Raigersfel
 Phillips, Anthony Dockray
Phillips, Lionel Francis, 2nd B
Phipps, Alan
Phipps, Francis Constantine
 Phipps, Norman Ernest
 Phipps, Oswald Constantine Joh, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Phipps, Stewart Beaumont
 Phipps, Vivian Henry Blakeney, with the Australian Imperial Forces
 Piercy, Nicholas Pelham, 2nd Ba
 Piers, Charles Robert FitzMaur
Piers, Charles Stuart Tristram
 Piers, George Michael Barringt
Pies, Hans
 Pigot, Robert Anthony, 7th Bt., he was mentioned in despatches
 Pigot, Robert, 6th Bt.
 Pigot-Moodie, John Peter, in the Royal Navy
 Pigott, Berkeley, 4th Bt.
Pigott-Brown, John Hargreaves,
 Pilditch, Edgar Lewis, he was mentioned in despatches
 Pilditch, Philip Harold, 2nd Bt ( 1939-1941 )
 Pilditch, Philip John Frederic, he was invalided out
 Pilditch, Richard Edward, 4th B
 Pile, Frederick Alfred, 2nd Bt.
 Pile, Frederick Devereux, 3rd B
Pilkington, Mark Leslie
 Pinches, John Harvey, in North Africa, Palestine, Greece and Italy
 Pinsent, Andrew Clive Macphers ( 1939 )
 Pinsent, Christopher Roy, 3rd B
 Pinsent, Clive ( 1939-1942 ), he was invalided
 Pinsent, James Macpherson
 Pinsent, John Lawrence
 Pinsent, John Ryland
 Pinsent, Michael Roy
Pipe-Wolferstan, Douglas Hercy
 Pirie, Douglas Gordon, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Pirie, Patrick Taldo, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Pitman, John
 Pizey, Mark
 Platt, Peter, 2nd Bt. ( 1942-1945 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Anthony, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Bartholemew
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Bertrand Er, he was mentioned in despatches
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Michael, where he was wounded
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Philip Hale
 Pleydell-Bouverie, William, 7th
 Plowden, Piers Standish, where he was mentioned in despatches
Plowden, Richard Anthony Aston
 Plowden, Roger Stanley
 Plowden, William Francis Godfr
 Plummer, Arthur Desmond Herne,
 Plumptre, FitzWalter Brook, 21s, in North-West Europe and India
 Plumptre, Peter Bridges, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Plunket, Denis Kiwa
 Plunket, Patrick Terence Willi, where he was wounded
 Plunket, Robin Rathmore, 8th Ba
 Plunkett, Charles Seale, he was mentioned in despatches
 Plunkett, Oliver James Horace, ( 1939-1945 )
 Plunkett, Randal Arthur Henry,
 Plunkett, Randal Otway
 Plunkett, William Joseph
 Pocock, Carmichael Charles Pet
 Poer, Edmond Robert Arnold, 3rd
 Poer, John Piers Anthony
 Pole, Courtenay Deans Carew
 Pole, Peter van Notten, 5th Bt. ( 1941-1945 )
 Pole, Reginald Alexander
 Pole, Reginald Carew
 Pole-Carew, Patrick William Bu
 Pollen, John Michael Hungerfor, he was mentioned in despatches
 Pollen, Stephen Derek Hungerfo, he was mentioned in despatches
 Pollock, Arthur Jocelyn Colema ( 1939-1944 ), he was mentioned in despatches thrice
 Pollock, Charles Harington, he was mentioned in despatches
 Pollock, David Bertram, 2nd Vis
Pollock, Edward Alexander
 Pollock, Harry Clement
Pollock, Harry Guy St George, he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Pollock, Jack Warren
 Pollock, John Charles
 Pollock, Martin James
 Pollock, Ralph Charles Geoffre
 Pollock, Ralph John Hamilton, he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Pomeroy, Arthur John Cinnamond, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Pomeroy, Robert William
 Ponsonby, Arthur Mountifort Lo ( 1940-1946 )
 Ponsonby, Ashley Charles Gibbs, where he was wounded
 Ponsonby, Chambré Brabazon
 Ponsonby, David Arthur ( 1943-1946 ), in the U.S. Navy
 Ponsonby, Edward Gaspard, 2nd B, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Neu
 Ponsonby, Frederick William, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Ponsonby, George Thomas, where he was severely wounded
 Ponsonby, Gerald John, 6th Baro, where he was wounded
Ponsonby, John Ashley
 Ponsonby, Myles Walter ( 1943-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Ponsonby, Robert Martin Domini, where he was mentioned in despatches
Poole, Alick Hugh
Poole, Eric Skeffington
 Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, , he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Pooley, Charles Charleton Bloi
 Pooley, John Henry
 Pooley, Kenneth Warner
 Pooley, Thomas Edward
 Poore, Philip Barry
 Poore, Roger Dennistoun
 Pope, Cuthbert John
 Pope, John Rose, with the Royal Engineers
 Portal, Gervas Edward
 Portal, John Leslie
 Portal, Reginald Henry
 Portal, Richard Wallace ( 1943-1946 )
 Porter, George, Baron Porter of
Porter, Thomas Southall
 Portman, Gerald Berkeley
 Portman, Guy Maurice Berkeley
Portman, John Maurice Berkeley
 Pound, Derek Allen, 4th Bt. ( 1941-1946 )
 Powell, John Henry Courthope
 Powell, Richard George Douglas
 Power, Brian St. Quentin, where he was wounded in Sicily
 Power, George Frederick Cecil
 Power, Ivan McLannahan Cecil, 2
 Poyntz, John Mackay Brace
 Poyntz, John Philip ( 1939-1945 ), in the Royal Air Force
 Pratt, Roderic Arthur Neville, in the Middle East, Italy and Germany, and was wounded
 Prentice, Reginald Ernest, Baro ( 1942-1946 ), in the Royal Artillery
 Prescott, Richard, 2nd Bt., he was invalided
 Prescott, William Robert Stanl, he was invalided in 1943
 Preston, Christopher Edward Ma
 Preston, Jenico Thomas
Preston, Jenico William Richar
 Preston, Philip Henry Herbert, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Preston, Robert Francis Hubert
 Preston, Ronald Douglas Hildeb
Preston, Stephen Edward Thomas
Preußen, Oskar Wilhelm Karl Ha
Preußen, Wilhelm Friedrich Fra ( 1939-1940 )
 Prevost, George James Augustin
Price, Arthur Thomas Rose
 Price, Arthur Victor Rokeby
 Price, Denis
Price, George Dominic
 Price, James Timothy Noel
 Price, John Samuel Rose
 Price, Ralph Montague Rokeby
 Price, Roger Uvedale
 Price, Rose Francis, 6th Bt., he was held as a Prisoner of War (P.O.W.)
 Prichard-Jones, Richard Willia
 Prideaux-Brune, Philip Egerton
 Pringle, John Seton
 Pringle, Norman Hamilton
Prioleau, Anthony Seton Wombwe
 Prior-Palmer, Otho Leslie
Pritchard, Peter Harold Howard
 Prittie, Henry Desmond Graham, , with the Rifle Brigade, King's African Rifles and Staff in East Africa, Middle East and Far East
 Prittie, Terence Cornelius Far ( 1939-1940 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Proby, Claud
 Proby, Peter, 2nd Bt.
 Proby, Richard
 Pryce, Richard Anthony Seyssyl
 Pryce-Jones, Alan Payan ( 1939-1945 )
 Pryce-Jones, David Adrian ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Pryke, Peter Stanley, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Pryke, William Dudley
 Prys-Davies, Gwilym Prys, Baron, in the North Atlantic Convoys
 Puckle, Hugh Noel Murray ( 1942-1944 )
 Pumphrey, John Lawrence, where he became a POW
 Purcell-FitzGerald, Edward Mau, with American Forces
Purcell-FitzGerald, Patrick
Pury, Geoffrey Louis
Putron, Peter
 Pym, Alexander Ruthven
 Pym, Francis Leslie, Baron Pym, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pym, John, where he was mentioned in despatches
Pym, John George Alexander
 Pym, Martin Jeremy, where he was wounded
 Pym, Roland, in the Royal Artillery
 Pym, Victor Francis
Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny, Alb
Quemper de Lanascol, Gabriel
Quennell, Paul
 Quigley, Philip Molesworth
 Quintal, Charles Martin
Quintal, Edward Allen
 Quintal, Edwin Swain, in the Middle East and New Guinea
 Quintal, Frederick Adolph, in Borneo & New Guinea. After his discharge (15 Jan 1946), he was a
taxi driver in Sydney before farming at Kangaroo Valley, NSW. He was a good
tennis player, and in his later years, took up lawn bowls. He retired to live
in Nowra, NSW.
 Quintal, Henry Gilbert Campbel
 Quintal, John Hilton Knight
 Quintal, Macey Gregory, with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Quintal, Roy Cornish
 Quinton, Anthony Meredith, Baro ( 1939 )
 Quirk, Charles Randolph, Baron
Raben, Heinrich
Radcliffe, Harry Peter Joseph
 Radcliffe, Hugh John Reginald
 Radcliffe, Joseph Benedict Eve, he was held as a Prisoner of War (P.O.W.)
 Radcliffe, Michael Anthony Jos ( 1939-1944 ), he was held as a Prisoner of War (P.O.W.)
Radey, Johann Georg
 Radford, Arthur William
 Rae, John Edward Keith, where he escaped from France in 1940, and fought at El Alamein
 Raeburn, Edward Alfred, 3rd Bt.
 Raeburn, William Digby Manifol, he was mentioned in despatches
 Raffan, John Gilbert George Sy
 Raikes, Dacre Francis Arthur ( 1943-1946 ), in the Royal Navy
 Raikes, Iwan Geoffrey
 Raikes, Robert Martin
 Rainsford-Hannay, Patrick Rams ( 1940-1942 )
 Ralfe, Ian, as a Catalina pilot
 Ralli, Godfrey Victor, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ralli, Lucas John, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay, Alexander Arthur Alfon, where he was wounded in North Africa in 1943
 Ramsay, Alexander Henry Richar
 Ramsay, Alexander Robert
 Ramsay, Bertram Home
Ramsay, David James ( 1939-1944 )
Ramsay, Francis Alexander Burn
 Ramsay, George Patrick Maule, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay, George William Neil ( 1939-1945 )
Ramsay, James Surtees Maule
 Ramsay, Neis Alexander, 12th Bt ( 1939-1945 )
Ramsay, Noel Entwisle Burnett, he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay, Simon, 16th Earl of Dal, where he became a POW
 Ramsay-Fairfax, John William
 Ramsay-Fairfax, Victor George, he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Ewen Ayme ( 1939-1940 ), as a General Service Officer, and was invalided
 Ramsbotham, Peter Edward, 3rd V ( 1943-1945 )
 Ramsbotham, Richard Hugh Bury
 Ramsden, Arthur Geoffrey Franc, he was invalided
 Ramsden, Caryl Oliver Imbert, 8
 Ramsden, Geoffrey Anthony Fres, he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsden, John Yescombe
 Ramsden, William Havelock Chap, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Rankin, Hubert Charles Rhys, 3r
 Rankin, John Galloway
Rankin, Robert Lindley
 Rankin, William, he was mentioned in despatches
 Rasch, David Alwyne Carne, he was mentioned in despatches
 Rasch, Guy Elland Carne, he was mentioned in despatches
 Rasch, Richard Guy Carne, 3rd B
 Rashleigh, Harry
 Rashleigh, Harry Evelyn Battie ( 1941 ), with the Royal Armoured Corps
 Rashleigh, John Kendall, with the Intelligence Service
Ratibor, Viktor Albrecht Johan
 Rattray, James Silvester, of Cr, in Africa, Italy, Holland and Germany where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rawlinson, Alfred Frederick, 4t ( 1941-1945 ), where he was invalided
Rawlinson, Michael Grayson
 Rawlinson, Peter Anthony Grays, where he was mentioned in despatches
Rawnsley, Derek
 Rea, Philip Russell, 2nd Baron
 Readhead, James Templeman, 3rd ( 1939-1943 )
 Reardon-Smith, William Reardon
 Redmayne, Martin, Baron Redmayn, in Italy
 Redwood, Thomas Boverton, 2nd B
 Rees, Richard Lodowick Edward
 Rees, Thomas Wynford, in the Western Desert, Eritrea and Burma
Rees-Jones, Godfrey
 Rees-Williams, David, 1st Baron
 Reevely, Walter Desmond
 Reid, Douglas Neilson, of Sprin ( 1939-1941 )
 Reid, George Hugh Neilson
 Reid, John Peter Lorne, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Reilly-Minchin, Henry Falkiner
Reinach, Jean Pierre
 Remnant, Peter Farquharson
 Remnant, Robert John Farquhars
Rennie, John
 Renton, Alexander Frederick Go
 Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, Ba
 Renton, Ronald Kenneth Duncan, with the Intelligence Corps
 Renwick, Eustace Deuchar, 3rd B
Reuss zu Köstritz, Heinrich VI ( 1939-1942 )
Reutther von Weyl, Josef Gabri
Reutther von Weyl, Karl Johann
Rew, John
Reynell-Pack, Heber, as a Lieutenant with the Grenadier Guards
 Reynolds, David James, 3rd Bt.
 Reynolds, James Roskell
 Reynolds, John Francis Roskell
 Reynolds, William Francis Rosk
 Reynolds-Moreton, Claude Antho
 Rhodes, Christopher George, 3rd
 Rhodes-Moorhouse, William Henr
 Rhys, David Reginald, where he was wounded
 Rich, Charles Rodney St. John ( 1939-1944 )
 Rich, William Gordon
Richards, Charles Gordon
 Richardson, Gordon William Hum
 Richardson, Hector du Plessis, where he became a Japanese POW
 Richardson, John Samuel, Baron
 Richardson, Leslie Lewis, 2nd B
 Richardson, Ralph David, in the Fleet Air Arm
Richthofen, Harald
 Ricketts, John Mildmay, in North Africa and Burma, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Ricketts, Michael Rodney, where he was wounded
 Ricketts, Robert Cornwallis Ge
 Riddell, James, with 3rd NZ Tank Corps
 Riddell, John l'Estrange, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Riddell, Peter John Archibald, where he was mentioned in despatches five times
Riddell, Robert
 Riddell, William James
Ridley, Jasper Alexander Mauri
 Ridley, William Terence Colbor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ridlington, Jack Harry, where he was wounded
 Rigby, Hugh John Macbeth, 2nd B
 Riley, Christopher John Molesw
 Riley, John Roland Christopher
Rimington, Reginald Gordon War
Ripley, Edward Robert Guy
Ripley, Henry Derek
 Ripley, Hugh George Harley, 4th, where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Rischbieth, Henry George
 Rischbieth, John Beresford Wil
 Ritchie, David James Reoch
 Ritchie, Harold Malcolm, 5th Ba
 Ritchie, Ian Charles
Ritchie, James Makepiece Thack
 Ritchie, John Kenneth, 3rd Baro
Ritchie, John Nevill
Ritchie, Michael Alan Emerton
 Ritchie, Patrick John Emerton
Ritchie, Stewart John
 Ritchie, William Nigel
 Ritchie, William Peter Emerton ( 1939-1946 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Charles Francis, where he was wounded
 Rivett-Carnac, James William, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Rivett-Carnac, John Claude Thu
 Rivett-Carnac, John Temple
 Rivett-Carnac, Louis Charles W
Robb, Alan Stewart
 Robb, Eustace Frederick
 Robb, Hugh Anselm Boulton
 Robb, John Malcolm
Roberts, Desmond Slavin Bowlby
 Roberts, Gilbert Howland
 Roberts, Ouvry Lindfield
 Roberts, Peter Geoffrey, 3rd Bt
 Roberts, Thomas Langdon Howlan, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Robertson, Ian Argyll, of Brack, in North Africa and Sicily
 Robins, Thomas Ellis, 1st and l ( 1939-1945 )
 Robinson, Isaac Kenneth Blatch
 Robinson, John Beverley
 Robinson, John Roland, 1st Baro
Robinson, John Ronald Villiers
 Robinson, Leonard Pritchard
 Robinson, Michael Frederick La
Robinson, Michael Lister
 Robinson, Peter Beverley
 Robinson, Wilfred Henry Freder
 Robson, Robert Gordon, with the Royal Canadian Navy
Roche, George Campbell Adair
Roche, Reginald Rupert Burke
 Roche, Standish O'Grady, 4th Bt
 Roche, Thomas Gabriel ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Rochfort, Maurice Oswald Patri
 Rockett, Richard Hildreth Fran
Rocque de Severac, Jean-Pierre
 Rodd, Francis James Rennell, 2n, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rodd, Gustaf Guthrie Rennell
 Rodd, Peter Murray Rennell
 Rodney, Charles Christian Simo
Rodney, George William
 Rodney, Ivor Morgan
 Rodney, John Armand
 Rodney, John Francis, 9th Baron, in Burma,where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rodney, Nigel Robert Harley, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
Rogers, John Barker Hereward
 Roll, Gordon Wells ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW
 Rollo, Alexander David, where he was invalided
 Rollo, David Ian, where he was wounded
 Rollo, Eric John Stapylton, 13t
Rollo, Malcolm Rogerson, where he became a POW
Rollo, Norman Chetwynd
 Rollo, Peter Andrew
 Rollo, Primula Susan, in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force
 Rollo, Robert Duncan
 Rollo, William Hereward Charle
Rolt, Cecil Francis Burney
Romilly, Esmond Marcus David
 Romilly, William Gaspard Guy, 4
Roope, Gerard Broadmead, V.C.
 Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.
 Rootes, Brian Gordon
 Rootes, William Geoffrey, 2nd B
 Roper, Dacre Alexander
 Roper, Richard Blayney, in India with Bengal Sappers and Miners
 Roper, William Richard Charles ( 1940-1942 )
 Roper-Caldbeck, Arthur Terence
 Roper-Caldbeck, George Reginal, where he became a POW
 Roper-Caldbeck, Henry Bertram, where he became a POW
 Roper-Caldbeck, William Noel
 Roper-Curzon, Christopher John, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Roper-Curzon, Ralph Henry
 Ropner, Cuthbert Maurice
Ropner, Cuthbert Maurice
 Ropner, Leonard, 1st Bt., in Belgium and Germany
 Ropner, Richard
 Ropner, Robert Desmond
 Rose Price, Robert Caradoc, he was mentioned in despatches
 Rose, Anthony Sainte Croix
 Rose, Camilla Mary Sainte Croi
 Rose, Charles Vincent Douglas, where he was taken as a POW in Singapore
 Rose, Francis Cyril, 4th Bt. ( 1940-1942 ), in the Royal Air Force, and was invalided
Rose, Hugh William Mackenzie
 Rose, Hugh, 2nd Bt. ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Rose, Ivor Sainte Croix, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Roskill, John Ashton Wentworth ( 1940-1945 ), with MI5
Ross, Peter
 Rothschild, Edmund Leopold, where he was wounded
 Rothschild, Elie Robert, and was a POW at Colditz
 Rothschild, Guy Edouard Alphon
 Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Vi, where he was mentioned in despatches
Round, Charles Oliver
 Rous, George Nathaniel
 Rouse-Boughton, Edward Hotham, ( 1939-1945 )
 Rowan-Hamilton, Angus David, where he became a POW and escaped
 Rowan-Hamilton, Denys Archibal
 Rowan-Hamilton, Gawaine Leslie ( 1942 ), where he became a POW
 Rowden, Diana Hope, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Rowden, Maurice Edward Aldred, where he was wounded
 Rowland, Wentworth Lowe, 2nd Bt ( 1939-1945 )
 Rowlandson, Algernon Harvey Wy
 Rowley, Charles Samuel, 6th Bt.
 Rowley, George William, 5th Bt. ( 1939-1941 )
 Rowley, Joshua Francis, 7th Bt.
 Rowley, Vivian Charles Beaumon
 Rowley, William Joshua, 6th Bt.
 Rowley-Conwy, Geoffrey Alexand, in Singapore, where he became a POW, and escaped, then in the Burma Campaign, at Kohima and Arakan
 Rowley-Conwy, Rafe Grenville, in the North Atlantic Convoys
Royle, John Popplewell
 Rudge, John Edward Charles, in the Royal Artillery, and was mentioned in despatches
 Rue, Eric Vincent, 3rd Bt.
Rueff, Albert Marcus
 Rugge-Price, Anthony Arthur Ke
 Rugge-Price, Charles James Nap
 Ruggles-Brise, Guy Edward, where he became a POW and escaped
 Ruggles-Brise, Harold Ralph
 Ruggles-Brise, Stephen Evelyn
 Rumbold, Alastair Gordon
 Rumbold, Richard William John
 Rumbold, Thomas Michael, where he was mentioned in despatches posthumously
 Rumbold, William Robert
 Runcie, Robert Alexander Kenne, with the Scots Guards
Russ, Charles Rupert
 Russell, Alaric Charles Willia
 Russell, Charles Ian, 3rd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, Charles Ritchie, Baron, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Russell, Cosmo Rex Ivor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, David Hastings Gerald
 Russell, Denis Leslie, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, Edmond Henry Cecil
 Russell, Edward Frederick Lang, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, Edward Wriothesley Cu
 Russell, Geoffrey Denis Erskin
 Russell, Guy Herbrand Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
Russell, James
 Russell, John Hugo, 3rd Baron A
 Russell, John Ian Robert, 13th ( 1939-1940 ), where he was invalided
 Russell, Langley Gordon Haslin
 Russell, Leopold Oliver
 Russell, Odo George Henry ( 1939-1940 ), where he was wounded, and held as a POW
 Russell, Phyllis Margaret, in the British Red Cross Society, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, Raymond Lennox Somerv
 Russell, Sidney Cumine, of Aden
 Russell, Stephen Alexander Vil, where he was captured as a prisoner of war
 Russell, Stuart Hugh Minto
Rutzen, John Frederick Foley, B
Ruxton, Thomas Ross
 Ryan, Derek Gerald, 3rd Bt.
Ryan, Michael Erskine
 Rycroft, David Hugh
 Rycroft, Henry Richard, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rycroft, Richard Newton, 7th Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ryder, Algernon Frederick Rola
 Ryder, Archibald Stuart Dudley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ryder, Dudley Danvers Granvill, in India, Java and North-West Europe, where he was wounded
 Ryder, Dudley, 6th Earl of Harr
 Ryder, Edward Dorrien Dudley
Ryder, Ernle Terrick Dudley
 Ryder, Frederick Granville Dud
 Ryder, Hugh Granville Leveson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ryder, John Stuart Terrick Dud ( 1942-1945 ), where he was wounded
Ryder, Lisle Charles Dudley
 Ryder, Robert Edward Dudley, V., where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Saalfeld, Enzio Heinrich Walde ( 1939-1941 )
 Sacher, Michael Moses, with the Royal Army Service Corps
Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Diet ( 1939-1943 )
Sachsen-Meiningen, Anton-Ulric ( 1939-1940 )
 Sackville Hamilton, James Berk ( 1943-1945 ), with the QVO Madras Sappers and Miners in India, Burma and Malaya, where he was mentioned in despatches
Sackville, Thomas Henry Jordan ( 1941-1943 )
 Sackville, William Herbrand, 10
 Sackville-West, Hugh Rosslyn I, where he was wounded
 Sackville-West, Lionel Bertran ( 1939-1942 ), where he became a POW
Salis-Soglio, Antonius
Salm-Salm, Alfred Constantin A
 Salmon, Frank Robert
Salmon, Hugh Talbot Broome
 Salmon, Russell
 Salmon, Thomas David, and was mentioned in despatches
Salt, George Stevenson
 Salt, Thomas Henry, 3rd Bt.
 Salusbury-Trelawny, John Guy ( 1942-1943 ), where he was wounded and became a POW
 Salusbury-Trelawny, John Maitl ( 1940-1944 )
 Salusbury-Trelawny, John Willi
 Salusbury-Trelawny, Philip Mic
 Samuel, Anthony Gerald
 Samuel, David Herbert, 3rd Visc ( 1978 ), in India, Burma and Sumatra where he was mentioned in despatches
 Samuel, Donald Edwin Lewis
 Samuel, Edward Louis, 3rd Bt.
 Samuel, John Oliver Cecil, 4th
 Samuel, Marcus Richard, 3rd Vis ( 1939-1944 ), where he was wounded
 Samuel, Peter Montefiore Samue, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Samuel, Philip Ellis Herbert, where he became a POW in 1941
 Samuelson, Bernard Michael Fra, in Burma, and was mentioned in despatches
 Samuelson, Christopher Blundel, with Staffordshire Yeomanry
 Samuelson, Henry Bernhard
 Samuelson, John Peel Weston, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Samuelson, Richard
 Samuelson, Rupert Eric Hubert
 Sanders, Terence Robert Beaumo
 Sanderson, Frank Philip Bryan,
 Sandilands, Bruce Walter
Sandilands, Geoffrey Bruce Hop
 Sandilands, James Walter
 Sandilands, John Douglas
Sarsfield-Hall, Cecil Moreland
Satzger von Bálványos, Christi
 Saumarez, James Victor Broke, 6
 Saunders, Peter
 Savile, John Raphael Wentworth
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Heinrich Al
Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, G
Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, L
Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, W
 Saywell, John Evan Hardy, with the Australian Imperial Force
Scarlett, Felix Hugh Lawrence
 Scarlett, James Richard, 8th Ba
 Scarlett, John Leopold Campbel, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Scarlett, Percy Gerald ( 1939-1942 )
 Scarman, Leslie George, Baron S
Schaesberg, Eugen Karl Joseph
Schaumburg-Lippe, Albrecht Geo
 Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- ( 1939-1944 )
Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- ( 1939-1941 )
 Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- ( 1939-1940 )
Schnurbein, Maximilian Markus
 Schreiber, Derek Shuldham
 Schreiber, John Shuldham
 Schubert, Guy Edgar
 Schuster, Felix James Moncrief ( 1939-1945 )
Schönaich-Carolath, Hans Georg
Schönburg-Glauchau, Ernst Hein
Schönburg-Waldenburg, Alfred H
Schönburg-Waldenburg, Hugo
 Sclater-Booth, Barbara Amy, in the Women's Royal Naval Service
 Sclater-Booth, Diana Penelope, in theFirst Aid Nursing Yeomanry
 Sclater-Booth, John Limbrey Ro, serving with the Royal Engineers Movement Control, Dorset
 Scott, Alan Dudley
 Scott, Benjamin Thomas Crooke
 Scott, Douglas Winchester, 2nd
 Scott, Eric Surtees
 Scott, Eustace Ian
 Scott, Harold Eldon
Scott, James Philip Edmund
 Scott, James Walter, 2nd Bt. ( 1944-1945 ), in France and Germany
 Scott, Jervoise Bolitho, 1st Bt
 Scott, John, 4th Earl of Eldon
Scott, Kenneth Bertram
 Scott, Osmund Stuart, with the Royal Signals
Scott, Peter Marriott Raleigh
 Scott, Richard Levinge Colthur, he was mentioned in despatches
Scott, Richard Oswald
Scott, Thomas Roland
 Scott, Walter, 3rd Bt.
 Scott, Walter, 4th Bt.
 Scott, William Walter Brough
 Scott-Elliot, James
 Scott-Ellis, John Osmael, 9th L
Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, David
 Scrymgeour-Wedderburn, William
 Seager, Douglas Leighton
 Seale, John Henry, 5th Bt.
 Sebag-Montefiore, Denzil Charl
 Sebag-Montefiore, Eric Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Sebag-Montefiore, Harold Henry, with the Royal Air Force
 Sebag-Montefiore, Oliver Rober ( 1939-1945 )
 Sebag-Montefiore, Thomas Henry
 Sebright, Giles Edward, 13th Bt
 Seeds, James
 Seeds, Robert
 Seely, David Peter, 4th Baron M
 Seely, Frank James Wriothesley
Seely, Nigel Richard William
 Seely, Victor Basil John, 4th B, where he was a prisoner of war from 1941 to 1943, before escaping
Seely, William Evelyn
 Selby-Lowndes, Geoffrey Howard
Selby-Lowndes, Richard Montacu
 Selby-Lowndes, William
 Sells, David Perronet, in North Africa and Italy
 Senger und Etterlin, Fridolin
 Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norma, in Europe and the Middle East
 Sergison-Brooke, Timothy Mark
 Seton, Bruce Lovat, of Abercorn
 Seton, John Hastings, of Pitmed
 Seton, Robert James, of Pitmedd
 Seymour, Adrian John Conway, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, Christopher George, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Seymour, Edward William
 Seymour, Evelyn Roger
Seymour, Frank Hugh
 Seymour, George Fitzroy ( 1941-1942 ), with the 60th Rifles, and was invalided
 Seymour, George Raymond
 Seymour, George Victor, where he was wounded
Seymour, Henry Frank
 Seymour, Hugh Francis
Seymour, Hugh Wilfred Napier
 Seymour, John Edward, where he was wounded
 Seymour, Leopold Richard
 Seymour, Michael Henry, where he became a POW
Seymour, Paul de Grey Horatio
 Seymour, Vere Hugh, in France, North Africa, India and Germany
 Seymour, William John
 Seymour, William Napier, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, William Walter
 Shackleton, Edward Arthur Alex ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Shakerley, Cyril Holland, 5th B
 Shakerley, Peter Francis, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Shand, Bruce Middleton Hope, where h was wounded, and became a POW in 1942
 Shaughnessy, Thomas Bradford
 Shaughnessy, William Graham, 3r, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Shaw, Charles John, of Tordarro ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW in France
 Shaw, Frederick Charleton, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Shaw, Jocelyn Frederick Basil
 Shaw, Percy Jocelyn
 Shaw, Robert de Vere, 6th Bt., where he was invalided
 Shaw, Robert, 7th Bt. ( 1943-1945 )
 Shaw, Thomas Donald Mackay, 3rd ( 1943-1946 )
Shaw-Stewart, Patrick Hugh
 Shaw-Stewart, Walter Guy, 9th B ( 1940 ), in France
 Shawcross, Christopher Nyholm
Sheehan, George Hercus
 Sheffield, Edmund Charles Regi ( 1939-1944 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Sheffield, George Berkeley
Sheil, William Anthony
 Shelley, Charles Francis
 Shelley, George Edward
 Shelley, Spencer ( 1940-1946 )
Shephard, Philip Le Roy
 Shepherd, Malcolm Newton, Baron, in North Africa, Sicily and Italy
 Shiffner, George Edward
Shiffner, Henry Burrows, 7th Bt
 Shiffner, John Scarlett, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Shirley, John Evelyn ( 1941-1945 )
Shoppee, Charles Tilley Collet
 Shordiche-Churchward, Paul Ryc, with the Coldstream Guards
 Shore, Frederick Maxwell Aglio ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Shore, Lionel Charles Frederic, where he wounded
 Short, Edward Watson, Baron Gle
Shuckburgh, Basil James Stewkl, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Shuttleworth, Richard Ashton
 Siddeley, Cyril Davenport, 2nd, he was mentioned in despatches
 Siddeley, John Tennant Davenpo
 Sidney, William Philip, 1st Vis
 Sieff, Marcus Joseph, Baron Sie, in the Middle East
 Sieff, Michael David ( 1939 )
 Sievier, Robert Brudenell-Bruc
 Silkin, Arthur
 Silkin, John
 Silkin, Samuel Charles, Baron S, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Silva-Tarouca, Karl
Silvertop, David Arthur Henry
 Sime, David Alistair Hope
 Simeon, Charles Edward Barring, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Simeon, Hugh Michael
 Simeon, John Edmund Barrington ( 1939-1943 ), where he was invalided
Simeon, John Edward
 Simon, Brian ( 1940-1945 )
 Simon, Roger, 2nd Baron Simon o
 Simonds, Gavin Alexander
Simonds, John Mellor
Simonds, Malachy James, in the Royal Air Force
 Simpson, Robert Seymour
Sinclair, David Barclay
 Sinclair, James ( 1939-1945 ), in North Africa, Malta and Sicily
 Sinclair, James Roderick, 19th
 Sinclair, John Montgomerie
 Sinclair, John Robert Kilgour, , where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Sinclair, Robin Macdonald, 2nd
 Sinclair-Lockhart, Graeme Dunc ( 1942-1946 )
 Sinclair-Lockhart, John Beresf
Singer, Grant Allen
Sissons, Thomas Edward Beswick
 Skeffington, John Clotworthy T ( 1939-1940 ), when he was invalided
Skene, Nigel Robert Mackie
Skinner, Stanley Hewitt
 Skinner, Thomas Gordon, 3rd Bt.
 Skipwith, David James, where he became a POW
Skipwith, Grey d'Estoteville T
 Skipwith, John Granville Wemys
 Skipwith, Lionel Peyton, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Skipwith, Patrick James Townse, where he became a POW
 Skipwith-Tyser, Philip Lionel, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Skyrme, William Thomas Charles ( 1939-1945 )
 Slade, Alfred Fothringham, 5th
 Slade, Gerald Gordon
 Slade, Marcus George Savill, in the Royal Artillery
 Sleight, George Frederick
 Sleight, Michael Marcus
 Sleight, Peter
 Slessor, John Arthur Guinness ( 1943-1945 ), in Northern France
 Slim, William Joseph, 1st Visco, where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
Sloss, Francis Neville
 Smijth-Windham, William Russel, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Smiley, Charles Michael ( 1939-1940 ), where he became a POW
 Smiley, David de Crespigny, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Smiley, Hugh Houston, 3rd Bt.
 Smiley, John Claude
Smith Cuninghame, John
 Smith Cuninghame, Robert Gordo ( 1939-1945 )
 Smith, Alan Bosworth
 Smith, Cecil Roland Heathcote
 Smith, David John
 Smith, Desmond Guy Donovan
 Smith, Ferdinando Dudley Henry
 Smith, Frederick John Vivian, 2, where he was wounded
Smith, Harold Anthony Warringt
 Smith, Hugh Adeane Vivian, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Smith, James Frederick Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
Smith, James Grant
 Smith, John Lindsay Eric, in teh Fleet Air Arm
 Smith, Michael Constantine
Smith, Michael Digby Bosworth
 Smith, Reginald Bosworth
 Smith, Robert Alexander
 Smith, William Gordon, of Crowm, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Smith-Dorrien, Bromley David, where he became a POW in 1942
Smith-Dorrien, Grenfell Horace ( 1939-1944 )
 Smith-Dorrien, Peter Lockwood
 Smithers, Peter Henry, he was mentioned in despatches
 Smyth, Herbert Edward FitzRoy, in France, Norway, Burma and Middle East, and was wounded twice
 Smyth, John George, 1st Bt., V.
Smyth, John Lawrence
 Smyth, Julian
 Smyth, Robin
Snell, Christopher Villiers Iv
 Snell, Edmund George Frederick, and became a Prisoner-of-War in Austria or Greece
 Snell, Francis Ivan ( 1942-1946 )
 Snell, Hubert Keith, with the 1st Australian Highway Regiment, and the 1st Australian Engineer Store Baese Depot
 Snook, Glen Townsend, with the Royal Canadian Navy
 Snow, Julian Ward, Baron Burntw
Solms-Laubach, Karl
 Somerset, Arthur Henry, in the Pacific, in the Royal Australian Navy
 Somerset, Edward Plantagenet ( 1943-1945 ), in the Royal Australian Air Force
 Somerset, FitzRoy Douglas Bosc, where he was wounded
Somerset, FitzRoy Henry
Somerset, John Alexander
 Somerset, John FitzRoy Pechell ( 1942-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Somerset, Nigel FitzRoy, he was held as a prisoner of war (P.O.W.) and mentioned in despatches
 Somerset, Raglan FitzRoy, in the South West Pacific with 2/10 Australian Commando Squadron, and was mentioned in despatches
 Somerset, Wellesley FitzRoy
Somerville, Arthur Prideaux
 Somerville, Christopher
 Somerville, John Nicholas
 Southby, Archibald Richard, 2nd
 Southby, Patrick Henry James
 Sowrey, John Adam, where he became an ace in the Western Desert
 Sparrow, Geoffrey Ernald
 Spearman, Alexander Bowyer, 4th
Spearman, Alexander Louis Char
 Spearman, Alexander Young
 Spears, Edward Louis, 1st Bt.
Spee, Balthasar
 Spencer, Edward Almeric ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Spencer, Edward John, 8th Earl ( 1944-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Spencer, Francis Elmhirst ( 1939-1945 )
 Spencer, John Lawrence ( 1939-1945 )
 Spencer, Richard Augustus ( 1939-1945 )
 Spencer, Victor Alexander, 2nd ( 1939-1945 ), in the US Air Force
 Spencer-Churchill, John George ( 1939-1945 )
 Spencer-Nairn, Michael Alastai
 Spencer-Nairn, Robert Frank
 Spencer-Smith, Jeremy Michael
 Spens, Colin Hope ( 1939-1941 ), with Royal Signals
 Spens, John Alastair, with Royal Artillery
 Spens, Patrick Archibald Willi, with Royal Engineers
 Spens, Robert Richard Patrick, in France and North Africa
 Spens, William George Michael,
Speth von Schulzburg, Viktor
 Spicer, Peter James, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Spicer, Roger Lancelot, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Spicer, Stewart Dykes, 3rd Bt.
 Spielmann, Harold David, taking part in D-Day on Juno Beach with the Canadian Forces
Spread, George Patrick
Spread, Robert Basil
Spring Rice, Stephen Edward
 Spring, Kenneth Arthur, in Burma and Malaya
St. Aubyn, Edward FitzRoy
 St. Aubyn, Erskine Knollys Hev
 St. Aubyn, Francis Cecil Ord, 3 ( 1939-1941 )
 St. Aubyn, Geoffrey Piers
 St. Aubyn, Giles Rowan, where he was invalided
 St. Aubyn, John Francis Arthur, on mine-sweepers guarding the convoys to Russia
St. Aubyn, Michael John
 St. Aubyn, Oliver Piers, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. Aubyn, Thomas Edward
 St. Clair, Charles Murray Kenn
 St. Clair, George James Paul
 St. Clair-Erskine, Anthony Hug, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. Clair-Erskine, David Simon, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. Clair-Erskine, James Alexa ( 1939-1942 ), where he was wounded, mentioned in despatches twice and became a POW
 St. Clair-Ford, Aubrey, 6th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches twice
St. Clair-Ford, Drummond
 St. Clair-Ford, Peter
 St. Clair-Ford, Vernon John
 St. Clair-Stannard, Derek Char
 St. George, George Bligh, 9th B
 St. George, Robert Alan, 7th Bt ( 1939-1942 ), when he became a POW
 St. John, Andrew Beauchamp, 21s
 St. John, Anthony Philip
 St. John, Charles Edward Flemi
 St. John, Edmund Farquhar
 St. John, Edward Henry ( 1941-1944 ), in the Middle East and New Guinea
 St. John, Edward Richard Gordo
 St. John, Henry Beauchamp
 St. John, Michael Beauchamp, as commander of the submarines L26, Traveller, Parthian and Totem
 St. John, Oliver John Frank Lo
 St. John, Orford Henderson St.
 St. John, Roger Ellis Tudor, with Hong Kong, UK and North-West Europe
 St. John, Rowland Tudor
 St. John, St. Andrew Oliver ( 1940-1944 )
St. John, Stephen Rowland
 St. John, Stratford Allan Gera, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
St. Leger, Anthony Rene
St. Maur Sheil, Francis Patric
 St. Quintin, Charles Frederic
Stacpoole, Derek Roderick Will
 Stacpoole, George Geoffrey Rob
 Stacpoole, Richard Hassard
 Stafford-King-Harman, Cecil Wi ( 1939-1943 )
Stafford-King-Harman, Thomas E
 Stamer, Hugo Frederick Barnaba
 Stamer, Lovelace Anthony, 5th B
 Stamer, William Arthur John
 Stamer, William Donovan, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stamp, Arthur Maxwell
 Stamp, Josiah Colin
 Stamper, Henry William Gilborn
 Stanhope, William Henry Leices
 Stanier, Alexander Beville Gib ( 1940-1945 )
Stanley, Anthony Hugh
 Stanley, Charles John Geoffrey ( 1940-1945 ), in France and North-West Europe
 Stanley, David William, in the Middle East, North Africa and Italy
Stanley, Desmond Geoffrey, in the Royal Air Force
 Stanley, Edward John, 18th Earl
 Stanley, Edward John, 6th Baron
 Stanley, Frederick Arthur
 Stanley, Henry Ferdinand
 Stanley, Michael Charles
 Stannus, Graydon Grant Harvey, in France and Burma
Stanton, John Preston
 Staples, Richard Molesworth, 17, in Burma
 Stapleton Fitzalan Howard, Mil, in France, North Africa, Sicily, Italy and North-West Europe
 Stapleton, Joseph Mark Hugh
Stapleton, Miles Henry, where he was posthumously mentioned in despatches
 Stapleton, Robert Myles August ( 1942-1945 )
 Starkey, Lewis Stanton, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Starkey, Morey John Peter, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Starkey, William Randle, 2nd Bt ( 1939-1945 )
 Steele, Robert, where he became a POW
Stengal, Heinrich
 Stenson, William Henry Guillar
Stephens, D'Arcy Melville
 Stephens, Frederick
 Stephenson, Charles Eustace Ke
 Stephenson, Ernest Vincent, in Papua New Guinea
 Stephenson, Henry Francis Blak
Stern, John Douglas
Sternau und Hohenau, Gotz-Kraf
 Stevens, Charles Clinton
 Stevens, Edwin Mackenzie
Stevens, Raymond Harold
 Stevenson, Derek Leyland
 Stevenson, Ivan James Delano, in Abyssinia, Middle East and Burma, and was mentioned in despatches
 Stevenson, Samuel Delano
 Stevenson-Hamilton, Vivian Edg, in the North-West Frontier, Burma and Italy
Steward, Edward Knyvet
 Stewart, Alexander David
 Stewart, Charles Cosmo Bruce, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Stewart, Charles David
 Stewart, David Brodribb, of Str
 Stewart, Desmond St. George, where he became a POW
 Stewart, Hugh Charlie Godfray,
 Stewart, Hugh Dalzell
 Stewart, Hugh St. Clair
 Stewart, Jocelyn Harry, 12th Bt
 Stewart, John Rowley Miller
 Stewart, Keith Ian Douglas, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stewart, Malcolm
 Stewart, Malcolm Geoffrey
 Stewart, Malcolm Gilbert Watso
 Stewart, Malise Herbert
Stewart, William Francis
 Stewart-Brown, Leslie
 Stewart-Brown, Patrick Abbott
 Stewart-Brown, Philip Harman
 Stewart-Brown, Ronald David, where he was mentioned in despatches
Stewart-Brown, William Sutton
Stewart-Clark, Dudley
 Stewart-FitzRoy, William Wentw
Stewart-Mackenzie, Francis Ala
 Stewart-Richardson, Edward Jam, with the Royal New Zealand Air Force
 Stewart-Richardson, Ian Rorie, in Africa and Italy and was mentioned in despatches twice, and was wounded
 Stewart-Richardson, John Charl, with the Royal New Zealand Air Force
 Stewart-Richardson, Torquil Ca
 Stewart-Wilson, Ralph Stewart,
 Stirling, Archibald David, where he founded the Special Air Service, which operated in the North African desert behind enemy lines
 Stirling, Arthur Charles, 6th o
 Stirling, Charles Robert
 Stirling, George Archibald Mun ( 1939-1941 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Stirling, Hugh Joseph
Stirling, Hugh Richard
 Stirling, Walter Francis
 Stirling, William Gurdon, in North Africa and North-West Europe, and was mentioned in dispatches
 Stirling, William Joseph, of Ke
 Stirling-Aird, Peter Douglas M ( 1944-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stirling-Hamilton, Robert Will, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Stockdale, Henry Charles Minsh
 Stocken, Cyril Alfred
Stockley, Ralph Capel
 Stoke-Roberts, George Richard
 Stokes, Donald Gresham, Baron S
Stolberg-Wernigerode, Josef Lu
Stolberg-Wernigerode, Ludwig-C
 Stone, Lyonel Francis Tollemac
 Stoney, Bowes Bindon
 Stoney, George Edward
 Stoney, Gerald Johnstone Percy, with the Royal Canadian Air Force
 Stoney, Ralph Francis Ewart, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Stoney, Richard Edward
 Stoney, Robert Vesey
 Stoney, Thomas Butler, with the Royal Air Force
 Stonor, Pamela Mary, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Stonor, Ralph Robert Watts She
 Stoop, Michael
 Stopford Sackville, Nigel Vict, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Charles William ( 1940-1943 )
 Stopford, Frederick Victor
 Stopford, James Coverley
 Stopford, James Montagu Burgoy
 Stopford, Lionel Frederick Joh ( 1944-1945 )
 Stopford, Michael Robert Horac
 Stopford, Montagu George North, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stopford, Robert Maurice
 Stopford, Terence Victor
 Stopford, Thomas ( 1939-1945 )
 Stopford, Walter John ( 1939-1942 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Storey, Roy Frederick
 Stormonth Darling, Moir Patric
 Stott, Christopher George Swai
 Stott, George Edward, 2nd Bt.
Stourton, Athelstan Claud Edwa
 Stourton, Charles Edward, 27th ( 1943-1944 ), where he was wounded and invalided
 Stourton, Eudo Philip Joseph
 Stourton, John Joseph ( 1939-1943 )
 Stracey-Clitherow, Christopher, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Strachey, Olive Margaret, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Strachey, Thomas Anthony Edwar
 Straker-Smith, William Joseph, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Strang Steel, James Malcolm
 Strang, Colin, 2nd Baron Strang ( 1945 )
 Strang, Robert ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Strang, Robert Lumisden
Strangman, John Mansergh
 Straubenzee, Henry Hamilton
Strickland, Algernon Guy
 Strickland, Cecil Alexander, where he became a POW
Strickland, Claud Dobrée
 Strickland, John Edward
 Strickland, Stanley Arthur
 Strickland-Constable, Robert F
 Stronge, Charles Norman Lockha, where he was invalided
 Stronge, Rupert Humphrey Cecil
 Strutt, Alexander Ronald Georg, where he was wounded
 Strutt, Edward Alexander, with the Royal Air Force
 Strutt, Hedley Vicars
Strutt, Ivan Cornwallis
 Strutt, James Hedley, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Strutt, Nigel Edward, where he was wounded and became a POW
 Strutt, Stephan Alastair
 Stuart Taylor, Richard Laurenc
 Stuart, Archibald John Morton,
 Stuart, Burleigh Edward St. La
Stuart, David Andrew Noel, Visc
 Stuart, David Randolph Moray, 2
 Stuart, John William Brownlow, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Stuart, Robert John Ochiltree,
 Stuart-Hamilton, Henry Rudston
 Stuart-Hamilton, Michael Hamis
 Stuart-Menteth, Henry Alexande, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stuart-Menteth, James Wallace, ( 1939-1944 ), where he was wounded
 Stuart-Menteth, Montagu
 Stuart-Menteth, Thomas Alexand ( 1939-1942 )
 Stuart-Menteth, Walter Granvil, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Stubenberg, Josef-Wolfgang Mar
 Stucley, John Humphrey Albert
 Stucley, Lewis Robert Carew
 Stucley, Peter Francis Carew
 Studd, Eric, 2nd Bt.
 Studdert, Alfred Theodore Stan
 Studdert, Clay Carter, with U.S. Army Air Force
 Studdert, Gordon Robert
 Studdert, Hugh Patrick
 Studdert, James William
 Studdert, John Handcock
 Studdert, John Milton, with Australian Military Forces
 Studdert, Malcolm Lindsay de C, with the Australia Militiary Forces
 Studdert, Mervin Leslie, with the Royal Australian Air Force
 Studdert, Neville Laughton
 Studdert, Reginald Hallam
 Studdert, Richard de Clare, with Australian Military Forces
 Studdert, Robert Hallam
 Studdert, Thomas Copland
 Studdert, Vivien Patricia, n Australian Military Forces
 Studdert, William Walton
 Studholme, Daniel Lindsay
 Studholme, Derek Skene
 Studholme, Joseph Channon
Studholme, Michael Paul
 Studholme, Richard Home
Sturges, Guy L'Estrange Mansfi
 Sturges, Robert Grice
 Style, David Leslie
 Style, Godfrey William, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice and was wounded and invalided
Style, James Glenmore
Style, Robert George
 Suenson-Taylor, Kenneth Bent, 2
 Sullivan, Adam Burns
 Sullivan, George
 Sullivan, Valentine Arthur
 Summers, Felix Roland Brattan,
 Summers, John David ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Sutherland, Peter Munro
 Sutton, Francis Richard Heywoo
Sutton, George Cherrington
 Sutton, John Charles Ludlow Ma
 Sutton, John Gilbert ( 1939-1944 )
 Sutton, Lawrence Seymour
 Sutton, Nigel Eustace Philip
 Sutton, Richard David
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, John Richard
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Oliver
 Sutton-Nelthorpe, Roger
 Swallow, Ralph Geoffrey
 Swann, Anthony Charles Christo
Swann, Kenneth Geoffrey
Swift, Peter Wilkinson
 Swinscow, Thomas Douglas Victo, and was wounded at Arnhem
 Swinton Lee, Annie ( 1944-1946 ), in the French Army
 Swinton, Hugh Alastair
 Swinton, John, 7th of Kimmergha ( 1943-1945 ), in North-West Europe, and was wounded twice
 Swinton, Liulf, 34th of that Il, where he was wounded
 Sykes, Arthur Patrick, where he was wounded
 Sykes, Christopher Hugh, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Sykes, John Henry, in Egypt, North Africa and North-West Europe, and was mentioned in despatches
 Sykes, Richard Alexander
Sykes, William Alan Flowerdew
 Symons, Peter Nicholas, with the South Wales Borderers
 Synge, John Steele, with the Australian Imperial Force, in New Guinea
 Synge, Neale Francis
 Synge, Pamela Mary, in the Middle East, and was mentioned in despatches
 Synge, Patrick Millington ( 1943-1945 )
 Synnot, Anthony Monckton, in the Royal Navy
 Talbot, Arthur Allison Fitzroy, where he was wounded
 Talbot, Arthur George, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Talbot, Brian Harvey
Talbot, Edward Bartle
 Talbot, Evan Arthur Christophe
Talbot, Francis Robert Cecil
Talbot, Gilbert Seymour Wyndha
 Talbot, Granville FitzRoy
Talbot, Joseph Francis John
 Talbot, Joseph Hubert George, 9
 Talbot, Reginald Stanislaus Vi
 Talbot, Thomas George
 Talbot-Ponsonby, Evelyn John
 Tamplin, Guy Richard
 Tancred, Bertram Selby
 Tancred, Rex Selby Assheton ( 1943-1946 ), in the Royal New Zealand Air Force
 Tangye, Derek Alan Trevithick ( 1939-1945 )
 Tangye, Nigel Trevithick ( 1939-1946 )
 Tangye, Richard Colin Trevithi ( 1939-1945 )
Tapps Gervis Meyrick, Peter Ja
 Tapps Gervis Meyrick, Richard, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Tarleton, Gerald Weldon Browne, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Tarnowski, Wladislaw
 Tatton-Sykes, Mark Tatton Rich
 Taylor, Charles Stuart
 Taylor, George, including the North-West Campaign
 Taylor, John Aked, Baron Ingrow
Taylor, Robert Vickris
 Taylor, Winifred Cresswell, with the Voluntary Aid Department (V.A.D.) and Women's Auxiliary Corps (W.A.C.) of India, Naval Wing
 Taylour, Douglas Bective Hunti ( 1940-1945 )
Taylour, Edward Winchester Tol, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Teacher, Anthony Donald Macdon, in France and North-West Europe
Tedder, Arthur Richard Brian
 Tedder, Arthur William, 1st Bar, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Telling, Henry Willis Maxwell
 Tempest, Henry Roger, when he was wounded in Germany
 Temple, Richard Antony Purbeck, wher he was wounded
Temple, Webb Tatham
 Temple-Gore-Langton, Evelyn Ar
 Templeman, Sydney William, Baro, with the Gurkha Rifles, in Burma
 Templeman, Sydney William, Baro, where he was mentioned in dispatches in India and Burma
 Tennant, Archibald
 Tennant, John, where he was wounded and became a POW at Tobruk
 Tennant, John Edward
 Tennyson, Charles Julian
 Tennyson, Frederick Penrose
 Tennyson, James Alfred, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Tennyson, Lionel Hallam, 3rd Ba
 Tennyson, Mark Aubrey, 5th Baro, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Ralph Eus
Thadden, Bogislaw
Thadden, Ernst Dietrich
Thadden, Leopold
 Thatcher, Denis, 1st Bt.
 Thellusson, Charles Anthony Hu
 Thellusson, Peter Robert
 Thenard, Jacques
 Thesiger, Bertram Sackville
Thesiger, Dermot Vigors
 Thesiger, Richard Edward Knigh
 Thesiger, Roderic Miles Dought, where he was wounded twice, and became a POW
Thicknesse, Henry John Anthony
 Thomas, Brian Denny, in Royal Air Force Coastal Cmd
 Thomas, Godfrey Michael David,
 Thomas, Peter John Mitchell, Ba ( 1939-1941 ), becoming a POW for 1941-45
Thomas, Richard Michael Collet
 Thomas, William James Cooper, 2
 Thompson, John Edmunds Cameron
 Thompson, Peile, 5th Bt.
 Thompson, Richard Hilton Marle, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Thompson, Thomas Lionel Tennys, where he was invalided in 1944
Thoms, Bernard Hunter Jameson
 Thoms, Harry Duncan MacThomas
 Thoms, Kenneth Ogilvie
 Thomson, Ivo Wilfrid Home, 2nd, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Thornton, John St. Ledger
 Thorold, Anthony Henry, 15th Bt
 Thorold, Edward Lionel
 Thorold, Henry Karslake
 Thorold, Montague, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Throckmorton, Nicholas Joseph
Throckmorton, Robert Frederick
 Throckmorton, Robert George Ma
 Thubron, Gerald Ernest, in North Italy and Austria
Thun und Hohenstein, August Fe
Thun und Hohenstein, Matteo
Thun und Hohenstein, Oswald
 Thurlow, Edward Guy Lethbridge
 Thynne, Brian Sheridan, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Thynne, Christopher William Gr, with the Australian Forces, where he was wounded
 Thynne, Henry Frederick, 6th Ma, where he was wounded
 Thynne, John Granville
 Thynne, Oliver St. Maur, where he was mentioned in despatches
Thüngen, Lutz
 Tickell, Douglas John
 Tidmarsh, Gerard David
 Tindal, Ralph, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Tippet, Herbert Charles Coning
 Tizard, Peter, in the Royal Army Medical Corps
 Tod, Andrew Leonard Fayrer Kei
 Toler-Aylward, Victor George, when he was mentioned in despatches
 Tolkien, Christopher John Reue
 Tollemache, Anthony Henry Hami, where he was wounded
 Tollemache, Archibald Douglas, with the New Zealand Forces
 Tollemache, Denys Herbert Geor
 Tollemache, Douglas Hugh
 Tollemache, Humphrey Douglas
 Tollemache, Humphrey Thomas, 6t
 Tollemache, John Edward Hamilt, where he was wounded
 Tollemache, John Ernest
 Tollemache, Lawrence Lionel, where he became a Japanase POW 1941-1945
 Tors, Ivan, with the U.S. Army Air Force
 Tottenham, George Robert
 Touchet-Jesson, Thomas Percy H
 Towers-Clark, William Tidswell ( 1940-1944 )
 Townsend, Cyril Moseley, where he was wounded and evacuated at Dunkirk, and in Burma and India
 Townsend, David Franks
 Townsend, Edward Richard
 Townsend, Edward Walter
 Townsend, Peter Woolridge
 Townsend, Philip Arthur
 Townsend, Reginald Philip
 Townsend, Richard Uniacke Denn, with the Merchant Service and Intelligence Corps
 Townshend, Charles Richard de
 Townshend, Edward Arthur Pende
 Townshend, George Maling
 Townshend, John Edwin
 Townshend, Richard Denis Hare
 Trafford, Edward Willoughby
 Trafford, Hubert Edmund Franci, with King's Own Malta Regiment
Traill, Anthony
 Traill, Anthony O'Brien
Traill, Daniel Anthony
 Traill, Henry Austin, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Traill, Henry Francis O'Brien, where he became a POW in Singapore
 Traill, William Walter Alan, with East African Forces
 Trappes-Lomax, Stephen Richard
 Trefusis, Henry
 Trefusis, Robert John Rodolph
 Trench, Antony Barclay ( 1939-1943 ), where he was captured and held as a POW
 Trench, Bernard Frederic
 Trench, David Clive Crosbie ( 1939 ), with the Solomon Islands Defence Force
Trench, Desmond Ernest Crosbie
 Trench, Dudley Oliver, 5th Baro, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Trench, George Shan Crosbie, where he was mentioned and dispatches, and captured and held as a POW
Trench, John Cecil Oliver
Trench, John Patrick
 Trench, Nigel Clive Cosby, 7th, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Trench, Peter Crosbie
Trench-Gascoigne, Douglas Wild
Trenchard, Hugh
 Trenchard, Thomas, 2nd Viscount
 Trevelyan, George Lowthian, 4th
 Trevelyan, Julian Otto ( 1940-1943 )
 Trevelyan, Walter Raleigh, in Italy, and was mentioned in dispatches
 Trevelyan, Walter Raleigh Feth, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was invalided in 1943
 Trevor-Roper, Anthony Dacre, where he was wounded
Trevor-Roper, John Cadwaladr
Trevor-Roper, Ranulf
 Trevor-Roper, Ranulph Dacre
Trevor-Roper, Richard Dacre
 Trevor-Roper, Robert ffaringto, where he was wounded
Tripp, David Mowbray Howard
Tripp, Hugh Mowbray Howard
Tristram, William Barrington
 Tritton, Geoffrey Ernest, 3rd B
 Tritton, John Hedley, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Trollope, Anthony Owen Claveri, with the 2nd/5th Field Regimen,t Royal Australian Artillery in the Middle East and New Guinea
Trotha, Wolf-Ulrich
 Trotman, Anthony Edward Fienne, in North-West Europe, and became a POW
 Trotter, George Richard
 Trotter, Henry Redvers, 13th of, in Middle East and North-West Europe
 Trotter, John, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Trotter, Thomas
 Troubridge, Thomas St. Vincent, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Trowbridge, Vincent Charles Wi
 Truscott, Denis Henry
 Tryon, Charles George Vivian, 2, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Tryon-Wilson, Charles Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Tucker, Charles Richard
 Tufnell, Henry Frederick Erski ( 1940-1946 ), with Sussex T.A. in Ethiopia and Italy
 Tuite, Brian Hugh Morgan, 12th
 Tuite, Dennis George Harmswort
 Tulloch, Donald Derek Cuthbert
 Tupper, Charles Gordon Hibbert
 Tupper, David Wilson Hibbert ( 1942-1945 )
 Turnour, Robert Chad, 7th Earl
 Turville-Constable-Maxwell, Da
Tuyll van Serooskerken, Alexan
Tweedie, Hugo Douglas
Twickel, Ignatius
Twickel, Ludwig
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Cec
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Dav, where he was wounded
Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ing
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ivo ( 1939-1941 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Mic ( 1940-1943 )
Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Ran
 Tyler, Richard Michael Townsen
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Ronald McIver ( 1940-1942 ), with the Royal Air Force, Intelligence
Tyndale-Biscoe, Wilfred Julian
Tyrwhitt, Lionel Rupert Knyvet, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
Ueberacker, Friedrich
 Unsworth, Noel Scott, in Burma
 Upjohn, Clive Henry Critchett
 Upjohn, Gerald Ritchie, Baron U ( 1939-1945 )
 Urquhart, Robert Elliott, of Ga
Usher, Alexander Balmer
 Usher, Robert Ronald Harry, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Usher, Thomas Clive
Van de Weyer, Adrian John Bate
 Van de Weyer, Sylvain Victor B ( 1939-1945 )
 Vandeleur, Giles Alexander Mey
 Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Felix
 Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne, Jr., where he commanded a PT boat
 Vane-Tempest, Francis Charles
 Vanneck, Gerard Charles Arcede, in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Vanneck, Peter Beckford Rutger
 Vans Agnew, John Burns, of Baro
 Vassar-Smith, Richard Rathborn
 Vaughan, Edmund Bernard Malet
 Vaughan, John David Malet, 8th
 Vaughan-Morgan, John Kenyon, Ba ( 1939-1945 )
 Vavasour, Bede Joseph Stourton
 Vavasour, Geoffrey William, 5th
 Vavasour, Hugh Bernard Moore
 Vavasour, Leonard Pius, 4th Bt.
 Venables-Vernon, John Lawrance ( 1942-1946 )
 Vere-Laurie, George Haliburton
 Vereker, Charles William Medli
 Vereker, Colin Leopold Prender, where he was mentioned in despatches
Vereker, Derek Standish
 Vereker, John Cayzer Medlicott
Vereker, John Herbert Radcliff
 Vereker, John Standish Surtees
Vereker, Patrick Brian
 Vereker, Stanley Lloyd Medlico
 Verner, James William Hay
Verner, John Wingfield
Verner, Laurence Hubert
 Verney, David
 Verney, Hugh Alexander, where he was wounded
 Verney, John Henry Peyto, 20th, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Verney, John, 2nd Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Verney, Lawrence John
 Verney, Ralph Bruce, 5th Bt.
 Verney, Stephen Edmund
 Verney, Ulick Otway Vortigern, in italy, France and Burma
 Verney-Cave, Ambrose Jordan
 Verney-Cave, Thomas Adrian, 7th
Vernon, John Hamo Jackson
 Vernon, Mervyn Sydney Bobus, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Vernon, Nigel John Douglas, 4th
 Vernon-Harcourt, Robert
 Vernon-Harcourt, William Ronal, in Burma, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Vesey, Christopher Thomas, where he was wounded
 Vesey, John Eustace, 6th Viscou, where he was a POW
 Vesey, Osbert Eustace
Vesey, Thomas George
 Vestey, Charles Gordon
 Vestey, John Derek, 2nd Bt.
 Vestey, Roger Edmund
Vestey, William Howarth
 Vidal, Eugene Luther, Jr., with the U.S. Army Reserve as master of an Army supply boat in the Aleutians
Vignon, Sixte
 Villiers, Algernon Richard Joh, in France and Iceland
 Villiers, Anthony Henry Heber
 Villiers, Charles English Hyde
 Villiers, David Hugh, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Villiers, Edmund Rollo Stanley, with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
 Villiers, Francis Berkeley Hyd
 Villiers, Geoffrey Richard
 Villiers, George Dumba
 Villiers, Gerald Berkeley
 Villiers, John Michael, where she was mentioned in despatches
 Villiers, Kenneth Charles Howa, in Burma and Far East, where he was wounded
 Villiers, Patrick
 Villiers, Richard Montagu, where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Villiers, Robert Alexander, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Villiers, Thomas Hyde
 Villiers, William Amherst, with the Royal Air Force
 Villiers, William Nicholas Som
 Villiers-Stuart, Charles Henry, with the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
 Vincent, Lacey Eric, 2nd Bt. ( 1930-1941 ), when he was invlaided out
Vittinghof, Friedrich Wilhelm
Vittinghof, Johannes Nepomuk, g
 Vivian, Anthony Crespigny Clau, where he was invalided
Vivian, Anthony William
Vivian, Claud Panton
 Vivian, Desmond Walter Paul, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Vivian, Douglas David Edward, where he was mentioned in dispatches three times
 Vivian, Eric Paul
Vogue, Charles-Louis Arthur Je
 Vosper, Dennis Forwood, Baron R ( 1939-1946 ), with the Cheshire Regiment
Vousden, George Valentine
Vyner, Charles de Grey
 Vyvyan, Edward Courtenay Ferra
 Vyvyan, Frederick Richard
 Vyvyan, John Michal Kenneth
 Vyvyan, John Stanley, 12th Bt.
 Vyvyan, Patrick Hugh, where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Vyvyan, Ralph Ernest
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Arthur Freder
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Francis
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Henry O'Donne, where he became a POW in 1941
 Vyvyan-Robinson, Malcolm ( 1939-1941 )
Wadeson, George Francis
Wadham, Geoffrey Wyndham
 Wagstaff, Norman Reuel
 Wake, Geoffrey St. Aubyn
 Wake, Hereward, 14th Bt.
 Wake, Herwald Molyneux Sitwell
 Wake, Hugh, and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Wake, Peter, where he was wounded
 Wake, Roger, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Wake-Walker, Cedric Collingwoo
 Wake-Walker, Christopher Baldw
 Wake-Walker, William Frederic
 Wakefield, John Roger
 Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1s
 Waldegrave, Geoffrey Noel, 12th
Waldegrave, John Montagu Granv ( 1939-1944 )
 Waley-Cohen, Matthew Henry, where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Walker, Claude Frederick, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Walker, Ernest, in Ethiopia and Madagascar
 Walker, Harold Edward Palmes, in Burma
 Walker, Henry Arthur
Walker, Lionel Clarence
 Walker, Patrick Bruce, in Italy, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Walker, Peter Arthur
 Walker, Peter Hugh Frederick
 Walker, Philip James
 Walker, Timothy Robin Charles, in the Mediterranean and Far East
 Walker-Okeover, Ian Peter Andr
 Walker-Smith, Derek Colclough,
 Wallace, Charles Henry
 Wallace, Charles John, in Europe
Wallace, David John
Wallace, Donald Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wallace, George Douglas, Baron
 Wallace, Malcolm Robert, of tha ( 1941-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Wallenberg, Horst
 Waller, Charles Jellicoe, in Ethiopia and the Middle East
 Waller, Edmund John, in the Middle East, Malta, Sicily and Italy, and was mentioned in dispatches
 Waller, Hardress Jocelyn de Wa, in India and Burma
 Waller, John Stanier, 7th Bt. ( 1940-1945 )
 Waller, Robert William ( 1940-1942 ), in Ethiopia, where he was invalided
 Wallop, Anne Camilla Evelyn
 Wallop, Oliver Malcolm
 Walrond, Henry Humphrey Richar, with the Royal Army Pay Corps
 Walrond, William George Hood, 2 ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Walsham, John Scarlett Warren,
Walters, Michael John Priaulx
Walters, Robert Vincent de Sau
 Walthall, Leigh Edward Delves
Walton-Wilson, Hugh John Crauf
Wangenheim, Götz
Wanklyn, Malcolm David, V.C.
Warburton-Lee, Bernard Armitag
Ward, Anthony Bangor
 Ward, Cyril James
 Ward, David Brinsley ( 1941-1944 )
 Ward, Edward Frederick
 Ward, Edward John Sutton
 Ward, Edwin James Greenfield, in the King's Dragoon Guards
 Ward, George Reginald, 1st and ( 1939-1945 )
 Ward, Hamilton Frederick
 Ward, James Palmer, in North Africa and Italy
 Ward, Joseph George Davidson, 3
 Ward, Julian Humble Dudley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ward, Melvill Willis, 3rd Bt.
 Ward, Richard Erskine
Ward, Richard Thomas
 Ward, Roderick John
 Ward, William Humble David, 4th, where he was wounded
 Ward-Boughton-Leigh, Percy Wil
 Warner, Edward Courtenay Henry, where he was wounded
 Warner, Edward Courtenay Thoma
 Warner, John William ( 1945 )
Warrand, Selwyn John Power
Warren, Arthur Lionel Waldegra
 Warren, Augustus George Digby,
 Warren, Brian Charles Pennefat ( 1942-1945 )
 Warren, Edward Galway
 Warren, Ernest Wilfred, where he was wounded
Warren, Geoffrey Martin
 Warren, John Anthony Crosby
 Warren, William Robert Vaughto
 Warrender, Harold John
 Warrender, Simon George
Warter, John de Grey Tatham
 Wason, Sydney Rigby, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Waterlow, Anthony Edgar Russel
 Waterlow, Peter Rupert
 Waterlow, Ronald James Charlto, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Waterlow, Thomas Gordon, 3rd Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Waterlow, William James, 2nd Bt, where he was mentioned in despatches
Waterman, Guy Victor
Waters, Eric Fletcher
 Watkinson, Harold Arthur, 1st V ( 1939-1945 )
 Watkinson, Kenneth
 Watson, Alastair Joseph
 Watson, Norman James, 2nd Bt. ( 1940-1942 )
 Watson, Philip Alexander, in the Arctic convoys
 Watson, Richard Mark
Watson, Rodney George
 Watson, Thomas Aubrey, 4th Bt.
 Watson, Thomas Gavin, and was mentioned in despatches
 Watson, William Douglas ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Watson-Armstrong, William Henr, where he was wounded
 Watson-Gandy, Anthony Blethyn
 Watt, Kenneth Rupert
 Watt, Terence Andrew Alfred
 Waugh, Alexander Raban, in France, Syria and Iraq
 Waugh, Arthur Evelyn St. John, in the Royal Marines, serving in Crete and Yugoslavia
Wavell, Archibald John Arthur, ( 1939-1945 ), where he was wounded
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st ( 1939-1943 )
 Weatherill, Bruce Bernard, Baro
 Webster, Michael George Thomas
 Wechmar, Rüdiger Volkmar Enerh, in the Western Desert and became a POW
 Wedderburn, David Michael Alex
 Wedderburn, David Walter Fairl
 Wedderburn, Harry Francis Keir
 Wedderburn-Maxwell, John, where he was wounded
Wedderburn-Ogilvy, Donald Step
 Wedgwood, John Hamilton, 2nd Bt
 Weeks, Ronald Morce, 1st and la ( 1939-1945 )
Welby, Edward Hugh Earle
 Welby, Oliver Charles Earle, 6t
 Welby-Everard, Christopher Ear, where he was wounded
 Welby-Everard, Philip Herbert
 Welch, George James Cullum, 1st
 Weld Forester, Cecil George Wi
 Weld-Blundell, George Frederic
 Weld-Forester, Charles Robert ( 1939-1940 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice and became a POW
 Weldon, Anthony Edward Wolsele
 Weldon, Arthur Reginald
 Weldon, Francis William Charle ( 1939-1940 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and became a POW
 Weldon, Hamilton Edward Crosdi, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Weldon, Thomas Brian, 8th Bt.
 Wellesley, Arthur Valerian, 8th ( 1939-1945 ), serving in the Middle East, Italy and North-West Europe
 Wellesley, Denis Arthur, 5th Ea, with the Royal Air Force
 Wellesley, George ( 1939-1945 )
 Wellesley, Gerald, 7th Duke of ( 1939-1945 )
Wellesley, Henry Valerian Geor ( 1939-1943 )
 Wellesley, Richard ( 1939-1945 )
 Wellesley, Violet Evelyn ( 1939-1945 )
Wellesley-Colley, Philip Antho
Wellings, Donald Maitland
 Wells, Charles Maltby, 2nd Bt.
Wells, Christopher Hayward
 Wells, David Franey
 Wells, George Crichton
Wells, James Michael
 Wells, Oliver John
Wells, Thomas Capper
 Wemyss, David, of that Ilk
 Wemyss, James Rawlinson
Wendt, Carl
 Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, William ( 1939-1944 )
 Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, William ( 1939-1945 )
 Wentworth-Stanley, Charles Wro ( 1940-1946 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wentworth-Stanley, Geoffrey Da
 Wentworth-Stanley, Oliver Mont, in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany
Wernher, George Michael Alexan
 Wernher, Harold Augustus, 3rd B
 West, Augustus Cuthbert Erskin
 West, Dudley Somerset Erskine
Westarp, Georg-Viktor
 Westenra, William, 5th/6th Baro
 Weston, John Henry Nugent
Westphalen zu Furstenberg, Car
Westropp Bennett, Paddy
 Westropp, Edward Ralph Shotton
 Westropp, Lionel Henry Mountif
 Westropp, Victor John Eric
 Westwood, John Thomas William
 Westwood, Robert Evelyn Ross
 Whately, Gerald Arthur
 Whately, Thomas David
 Whately-Smith, Anthony Robert
 Wheatley-Hubbard, Evelyn Raymo
 Wheeler, John Hieron, 3rd Bt.
 Wheeler, Vashon James
 Whelan, Katherine Mary
 Wheler, Edward Woodford, 14th B
 Wheler, Stephen Jameson
 Wheler, Trevor Wood, 13th Bt.
 Whitaker, John Albert Charles, , where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 White, Anthony John Frith
 White, Archibald John Ramsay, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 White, Cecil Meadows Frith, where he was mentioned in dispatches six times
 White, Elizabeth Patricia, in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force
 White, Eric Richard Meadows, 2n
 White, Headley Dymoke, 3rd Bt.
 White, Herbert John Frith, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 White, Lynton Stuart, where he was mentioned in despatches
 White, Richard Taylor, where he was mentioned in despatches
 White, Robert Charles Meadows
 White, Robert Percy Frith
 Whitefoord, Anthony
 Whitefoord, Hugh Penry ( 1945 )
 Whitefoord, Neil Steuart Patri
 Whitefoord, Philip Geoffrey, with the BEF in France
 Whitehead, Gilbert Rathbone
 Whitehead, John Chase
 Whitehead, Philip Henry Rathbo, with the Intelligence Corps
 Whitelaw, William Stephen Ian,
 Whiteley, John William Tatters
 Whiteley, William Tattersall, 2 ( 1939-1944 )
Whiting, Jack Maxwell
 Whitmore, George Montagu John
 Whitney, John Hay, where he became a POW, but escaped
 Widgery, John Passmore, Baron W
Wielopolski, Jan
 Wigan, Adair Michael Charles
 Wigan, Alan Lewis, 5th Bt. ( 1939 ), where he was wounded and became a POW
 Wigg, George Edward Cecil, Baro
 Wiggin, John Henry, 4th Bt., where became a POW
 Wiggin, Peter Milner
 Wiggin, Richard Arthur, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wight-Boycott, Denys Reginald
 Wigoder, Basil Thomas, Baron Wi ( 1942-1945 )
Wigram, Aidan Frederic
 Wigram, Charles Knox
 Wigram, Cyril Charles ( 1939-1942 ), where he became a POW
 Wigram, Edmund Hugh Lewis
Wigram, Francis
 Wigram, George Neville Clive, 2
 Wigram, James Robert Knox, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Wigram, Lionel
 Wigram, Mervyn Roland
 Wigram, Robert
 Wigram, Valentine Knox
 Wilberforce, Richard Orme, Baro, with the Royal Artillery
Wilberforce, William Basil Sam
 Wild, Charles Edric Verney
 Wilde, Helm George, as a member of Eisenhower's invasion staff
 Wilkinson, Leonard David, 2nd B
 William-Powlett, Newton James
 William-Powlett, Peter de Bart ( 1939-1944 ), when he became a POW
 William-Powlett, Peveril Barto
 Williams, Basil Edward Grover ( 1939-1945 )
 Williams, David Philip, 3rd Bt.
Williams, Glyn David Rhys
 Williams, Kingsmill Brady Char
 Williams, Lawrence
 Williams, Michael Osmond, 2nd B
Williams, Neville Glyn
 Williams, William Law, 8th Bt.
 Williams-Bulkeley, Richard Har
Williams-Ellis, Christopher
 Williams-Wynn, Edward Watkin
 Williams-Wynn, Owen Watkin, 10t, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice and became a POW
 Williams-Wynn, Watkin
 Williams-Wynne, John Francis
 Williamson, Alexander Fergus F
 Williamson, David Archibald Fo
 Williamson, Hudleston Noel Hed ( 1939-1945 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Williamson, John Archibald Har
Williamson, William Hedworth
 Willink, John Humphrey Wakefie
Willink, Peter John
 Willis, Algernon Usborne
 Willis, Edward Henry, Baron Wil, with the Royal Fusiliers
Willock, Anthony John
 Willock, Robert Peel
 Willoughby, Archibald Macdonal
Willoughby, Bernard
 Willoughby, Digby Michael Godf, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Willoughby, Guy
 Willoughby, Hugh Nesbit
 Willoughby, James Alexander, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Willoughby, Joe Henry Claude
 Willoughby, Michael Guy Perciv
 Wills, Arnold Cass Lycett
 Wills, Arnold Stancomb
Wills, Charles Overton Melvill
 Wills, Edward Robert Hamilton, where he was wounded
 Wills, Frederick Anthony Hamil
Wills, George Peter Vernon, 3rd
 Wills, George Seton, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wills, Gerald
 Wills, Hugh David Hamilton
 Wills, Maitland Cecil Melville
Wills, Michael Desmond Hamilto
 Wills, Wilfrid Dewhurst
 Wilmot, Arthur Ralph, 7th Bt. ( 1939-1942 )
 Wilmot, Edward
 Wilmot, Henry Frederick
 Wilmot, Martyn Sacheverel ( 1939-1941 ), where he became a POW and escaped in 1945
 Wilmot-Sitwell, Hervey Degge, he was mentioned in despatches
 Wilson, Alexander James, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wilson, Arthur Denis
 Wilson, Charles John, 3rd Baron, where he was wounded
 Wilson, David Amcotts
 Wilson, Eric Charles Twelves, V
 Wilson, Francis Amcotts
 Wilson, Henry Stephen, Baron Wi ( 1939-1945 ), in Italy, France and Germany
 Wilson, James Robertson, of Air
 Wilson, James Thomas Amcotts, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wilson, Jeremy Charles
Wilson, John
 Wilson, Richard John McMoran, 2
 Wilson, Richard O'Brien
 Wilson, Robert Amcotts
Wilson, Robert David
 Winant, John Gilbert, Jr., where he became a POW
 Winant, Rivington Russell
 Windham, James Steuart, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Windham, William Evan, where he was mentioned in despatches
Windisch-Grätz, Gottlieb
Windisch-Grätz, Hugo
 Windsor-Clive, Evered Ivor
 Windsor-Clive, Francis Archer, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Windsor-Clive, Other Robert Iv ( 1941-1945 )
 Windsor-Clive, Robert Charles, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Wingate, George Nigel Fancourt ( 1939-1945 )
 Wingate, Orde Charles, where he organised the Chindits operating in Burma
 Wingate, Reginald Eric Lennard, and was mentioned in despatches
 Wingate, Ronald Evelyn Leslie, ( 1939-1945 )
 Wingate, William Granville ( 1940-1946 )
 Wingfield Digby, Richard Shutt, when he became a POW
 Wingfield, Anthony Desmond Rex, where he was wounded
 Wingfield, Charles Talbot Rhys, where he was wounded
 Wingfield, Edward William Rhys
 Wingfield, Maurice Anthony
 Wingfield, Mervyn Patrick, 9th, where he became a POW
 Wingfield, Mervyn Robert Georg, where he was the first Briitsh submarine commander to sink a Japanese submarine, I-34
Wingfield, Richard Sydney Merv
 Wingfield, Robert George
 Wingfield, William Thomas Rhys
 Wingfield-Stratford, Mervyn Ve
Winn, Anthony Edmund
 Winn, Derek Edward Anthony, 5th, in North Africa, where he was wounded
 Winn, Geoffrey Mark Victor
 Winn, Henry John, where he was wounded twice
 Winn, Reginald Henry
 Winn, Rowland Denys Guy, 4th Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Winnington, Francis Salwey Wil, where he was mentioned in despatches and became a POW
 Winnington, Thomas Foley Churc
 Winnington-Ingram, Arthur Fran
 Winnington-Ingram, Charles Alf
 Winnington-Ingram, Richard Sul, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Winthrop-Young, Jocelin Slings
 Wise, Frederick, 1st Baron Wise
 Wiseman, John Henry Ware, in the Pacific, where he was wounded
 Wiseman, Ronald Henry
 Wodehouse, Armine Boyle ( 1942-1945 ), with Grenadier Guards
 Wodehouse, Cenric Nourse
 Wodehouse, Edmond
 Wodehouse, John, 4th Earl of Ki ( 1942-1945 )
 Wodehouse, Lionel von Tempsky ( 1943-1946 ), with the Royal Army Service Corps
Wodehouse, Norman Atherton
 Wodehouse, Patrick Armine ( 1940-1946 )
 Wodehouse, Philip George
 Wolfe Murray, Malcolm Victor A
 Wolff Metternich zur Gracht, F
Wolff Metternich zur Gracht, H
Wolff Metternich zur Gracht, P
 Wolseley, Basil Charles Daniel
 Wolseley, George John Carlos
 Wolseley, Robert Francis Josep
 Wolseley, Robert William Hargr ( 1942 )
 Wolseley, Ronald Wilkinson
Wolseley, Stephen Garnet Huber
 Wombwell, Frederick Philip Alf
Womersley, John Walter
Wontner-Smith, Andrew O'Neill, in the Royal Air Force
 Wood, Bernard Page Western
 Wood, Charles Ingram Courtenay
Wood, Francis Hugh Peter Court
 Wood, John Arthur Haigh, 2nd Bt ( 1940-1944 )
 Wood, John Stuart Page, 6th Bt.
 Wood, Matthew Wakefield Drury
 Wood, Richard Frederick, Baron ( 1941-1943 ), where he was severely wounded and lost both legs
Wood, Russell
 Woodhouse, Christopher Montagu, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Woodhouse, James Allen David, 4, where he was wounded
Woodward, Robert Sinckler
Woodwark, Peter Antony
Worlock, Peter Walter John
 Worsley, William Arthington, 4t ( 1939-1941 )
 Wrey, Castel Richard Bourchier, and was invalided out of the army in 1939
 Wrey, Christopher Bourchier
 Wright, Basil Owen ( 1939-1945 )
 Wright, Margaret Patricia, and was mentioned in despatches
 Wright, Noel Nithsdale ( 1939-1945 )
 Wright, Philip Norman
 Wright, Rupert Anthony ( 1939-1945 )
 Wrightson, John Garmondsway, 3r ( 1940 ), in France with 23rd Division, Belgium and Germany with 6th Airborne Division, and was mentioned in dispatches
 Wrightson, Peter
 Wrightson, Rodney, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wrixon-Becher, William Fane, 5t, where he was wounded twice
 Wrottesley, Arthur John Franci
 Wrottesley, Richard John, 5th B
Wucherer von Huldenfeld, Georg
Wuthenau, Traugott-Helo
 Wykeham, Godfrey Charles Herbe, and was mentioned in despatches
 Wyldbore-Smith, Francis Brian, in the Middle East, France and Germany
Wyldbore-Smith, Hugh Deane
 Wyldbore-Smith, John Henry
Wyndham, David Francis
 Wyndham, Mark Hugh, in the Middle East, Italy and Palestine, and was wounded twice
 Wyndham-Quin, Valentine Mauric, where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Wynn, Charles Henry Romer
 Wynn, John Christopher Watkin, in India and Burma
 Wynn, Robert Charles Michael V, where he was captured at St. Nazaire as a Prisoner of War, and held at Colditz until he escaped in 1944
 Wynne-Finch, John Charles
 Wynne-Finch, William Heneage
Yager, Francis Leslie
 Yarburgh-Bateson, Richard Arth
 Yarburgh-Bateson, Stephen Nich, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Yarde-Buller, John Reginald He
 Yarde-Buller, Richard Francis
 Yarrow, Eric Grant, 3rd Bt., in Burma
 Yeaman, Edward Francis
 Yelverton, Barry Goring ( 1944-1945 ), in the New Zealand Forces
 Yerburgh, John Maurice Armstro, in the Irish Guards
 Yerburgh, Oscar Guy de Bunsen, in the Royal Air Force
 Yerburgh, Richard Eustre Marry ( 1940-1946 )
York, Geoffrey William
Yorke, Alexander Peden
 Yorke, Arthur Philip Denys
 Yorke, Charles Anthony
 Yorke, David Christopher, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Yorke, George Cockburn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Yorke, James John Simon
Yorke, Patrick Langdon
 Yorke, Philip Cecil Langdon
 Yorke, Philip Gerard
 Yorke, Simon Algernon
 Young, Alastair Spencer Temple
 Young, Andrew Broughton, in the Middle East, New Guinea and Borneo
 Young, Arnold Somerville, in New Guinea and Borneo
 Young, Basil Neil
 Young, Courtenay Trevelyan
 Young, Denis Egerton ( 1944 )
 Young, Ernest Stafford
 Young, Geoffrey Lawrence
 Young, Henry Lawrence Savill, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Young, Horace Anthony
 Young, Hugh Findlay, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Young, Jasper Peter
 Young, John William Roe, 5th Bt, where he became a POW
 Young, Jonathan George
Young, Malcolm Henry Cathcart
 Young, Nicholas, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Young, William Brook Charles, in India and Burma
Young, William Elliot
 Younger, Charles Frank Johnsto
 Younger, Edward George, 3rd Vis
 Younger, John William, 3rd Bt. ( 1939-1942 ), in the Middle East, where he became a POW
 Younger, Kenneth Gilmour
 Younger, Ralph
 Younger, William McEwan, 1st Bt, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Ziegler, Heinz
ffrench Blake, Desmond O'Brien
 ffrench Blake, Martin Arthur O
 ffrench Blake, Robert Lifford
ffrench-Davis, Francis Holdswo
 ffrench-Davis, Peter Charles
Count equals 7256 individuals.
Total count equals 7287 individuals.
=killed in action or mortally wounded during this battle/war