Archdekin, Edward
    Bence-Lambert, Guy Lenox
    Chambré, John
    Compton, Francis
    Curry, John
    Dunne, Gerald Fitzgerald
    McDonald, William Charles
    Murphy, George
    Perceval-Maxwell, Robert
    Smillie, Robert
    Strang, William, 1st Baron Strang
    Stronge, Maxwell Du Pré
    Studdert, Loftus Adam
    Croftes, John ( 1599 )
    Walrond, William ( 1671 )
    Cooper, Arthur ( 1712 )
    Walford, Edward George ( 1846 )
    Janvrin, Hugh Richard Benest ( 1969 )
    Nickerson, Joseph ( 1983 )
    Count equals 19 individuals.

    Falcó y d'Adda, Manuel Pascual Luis Carlos Felix Fortunato, 14° Marqués de Almonacir
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Browne, Ulysses Maximilian
    Falcó y d'Adda, Manuel Pascual Luis Carlos Felix Fortunato, 14° Marqués de Almonacir
    Portugal-Columbus, Pedro Manuel Nuño, 7th Duque de Veragua
    FitzJames-Stuart, James Francis, 2nd Duque de Liria y Xerica ( 1714 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

, Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants (F.C.A.)
    Remnant, James Wogan, 3rd Baron Remnant
    Count equals 1 individual.

1914 Star
    Chaytor, Lawrence Clervaux
    Colfox, William Philip, 1st Bt.
    Crichton, Arthur Owen
    Crichton, James Archibald
    Eliott-Drake-Colborne, John Reginald Upton, 3rd Baron Seaton of Seaton
    Feilding, Dorothie Mary Evelyn
    McLaren, Florence Priscilla, with bar
    Neave, Edward Arthur
    Neave, Richard
    Pelly, Raymond Theodore
    Tottenham, Ponsonby John Loftus
    Crofton, Malby ( 1914 )
    Fortescue, Francis Alexander ( 1914 )
    Gooden-Chisholm, Mairi Lambert ( 1914 )
    Ironside, William Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside ( 1914 )
    Irvine-Fortescue, Archer ( 1914 )
    Legge, Walter Traversari ( 1914 )
    Murray, Alexander Edward, 8th Earl of Dunmore, V.C. ( 1914 )
    Ripley, Geoffrey Arnold, 3rd Bt. ( 1914 )
    Vesey, Charles Edward Gore ( 1914 )
    Vesey, Thomas Eustace ( 1914 )
    Count equals 21 individuals.

1st Class in Brilliants of the Medjidie
    Domvile, Compton Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

A Book of Dartmoor
    Baring-Gould, Sabine ( 1900 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

A Treatise of Taxes and Contributions
    Petty, William ( 1662 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Tufton, John Sackville Richard, 2nd Baron Hothfield of Hothfield ( 1915 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Franklin, Ellen Constance
    Leigh, Audrey Cecilia
    Stronge, Zoë Edith
    Wigram, Myrtle
    Wigram, Violet
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Academy Award
    Shearer, Edith Norma ( 1930 ), Best Actress in The Divorcee
    Wyler, William ( 1943 ), Best Director, for Mrs. Miniver
    Wyler, William ( 1947 ), Best Director, for The Best Years of Our Lives
    Huston, John Marcellus ( 1948 ), Best Director for Treasure of the Sierra Madre
    Stevens, George ( 1951 ), for best director of A Place in the Sun
    Sinatra, Francis Albert ( 1954 ), Best Supporting Actor in From Here to Eternity
    Stevens, George ( 1956 ), for best director of Giant
    Niven, James David Graham ( 1958 ), for best actor, in Separate Tables
    Wyler, William ( 1959 ), Best Director, for Ben-Hur
    Neal, Patricia ( 1963 ), for Best Actress in Hud
    Prendergast, John Barry ( 1966 ), for Born Free, best score and best song
    Nichols, Mike ( 1968 ), best director for The Graduate
    Prendergast, John Barry ( 1968 ), for The Lion in Winter, best score
    Fonda, Jane Seymour ( 1971 ), for Best Actress in a Leading Role, in Klute
    Marx, Julius Henry ( 1974 )
    Hawks, Howard Winchester ( 1975 )
    Straight, Beatrice Whitney ( 1977 ), for best supporting actress in Network
    Fonda, Jane Seymour ( 1978 ), for Best Actress in a Leading Role, in Coming Home
    Fonda, Henry Jaynes ( 1981 ), for lifetime achievement
    Fonda, Henry Jaynes ( 1981 ), for Best Actor, in On Golden Pond
    Huston, Anjelica ( 1985 ), Best Supporting Actress in Prizzi's Honor
    Prendergast, John Barry ( 1985 ), for Out of Africa, best score
    Prendergast, John Barry ( 1990 ), for Dances With Wolves, best score
    Lumet, Sidney ( 2005 ), Lifetime Achievement
    Swinton, Katherine Matilda ( 2008 ), for best supporting actress in Michael Clayton
    Redmayne, Edward John David ( 2015 ), best actor, for The Theory of Everything
    Count equals 26 individuals.

Academy Award for Best Actor
    Robertson, Clifford Parker, III ( 1968 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Academy Award for Best Original Score
    Ross, Atticus Matthew Cowper ( 2011 ), for The Social Network
    Count equals 1 individual.

Academy Award for Best Writing
    Bernard, James Michael ( 1952 ), for Seven Days to Noon, jointly with Paul Dehn
    Count equals 1 individual.

Academy Award, Best Supporting Actress
    Curtis, Jamie Lee ( 2023 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Acland's Practice Manual for Micro-vascular Surgery
    Acland, Robert Dyke ( 1997 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Afghan War
    Howard, Francis
    Count equals 1 individual.

African Star
    Chichester, Oscar Richard Herschel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Aide-de-Camp General (extra) to HM George VI
    Paget, Bernard Charles Tolver ( 1944 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Air Cross
    Minchin, Robert Scott
    Count equals 1 individual.

Air Efficiency (A.E.)
    Bardswell, Charles Gifford
    Count equals 1 individual.

Air Efficiency Award (A.E.)
    Beaumont, William Anderson
    Cameron, Neil, Baron Cameron of Balhousie
    Campbell-Orde, Ian Ridley, and bar
    Powell, John Frederick
    Runciman, Walter Leslie, 2nd Viscount of Runciman of Doxford
    Schreiber, John Shuldham
    Sleight, Peter
    Vanneck, Peter Beckford Rutgers
    Verney, John Henry Peyto, 20th Lord Willoughby de Broke
    Watts, Felicity Hyde
    Weldon, Terence Gordon Mackworth de Weltden
    Grant-Ferris, Robert Grant, Baron Harvington ( 1942 )
    Constantine, Theodore, Baron Constantine of Stanmore ( 1945 )
    Cornwall-Legh, Charles Legh Shuldham, 5th Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1946 )
    Conan Doyle, Jean Lena Annette ( 1949 )
    Milner, Arthur James Michael, 2nd Baron Milner of Leeds ( 1952 )
    Monro, Hector Seymour Peter, Baron Monro of Langholm ( 1953 )
    Count equals 17 individuals.

Air Vice Marshal
    Champion de Crespigny, Hugh Vivian, Royal Flying Corps
    Count equals 1 individual.

Alan Nabarro medal
    Hogg, Simon Charles ( 1997 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

All England Badminton Champion
    Thomas, George Alan, 7th Bt. ( 1920 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Aspen Award
    Britten, Edward Benjamin, Baron Britten ( 1964 ), the first one awarded
    Count equals 1 individual.

Assiciate Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society (
    Elderton, Edward Fothergill
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate Fellow, Royal Aeronuatical Society (A.F.R.Ae.S.)
    Cave-Browne-Cave, Beatrice Mabel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate Member, Institute of Mechanial Engineers (A.M.Inst.Mech.E.)
    Blood, Robert Bindon ( 1922 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (A.M.I.E.E.)
    Piercy, James William, 3rd Baron Piercy
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (A.R.I.B.A.)
    Greeves, Kenneth John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, City and Guilds Institute (A.C.G.I.)
    Blood, Robert Bindon
    Spencer-Phillips, Reginald John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Associate, Institute of Actuaries (A.I.A.)
    Wylie, Robert John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, Institute of Chartered Accountants (A.C.A.)
    Palmer, Ernest Cecil Nottage, 2nd Baron Palmer
    Pearson, Richard John Crewdson
    Portal, Jonathan Francis, 6th Bt. ( 1977 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Associate, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (A.C.I.S.)
    Pole, Peter van Notten, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, Royal College of Music (A.R.C.M.)
    Becher, Diana Mary
    Brentnall, Jean Halliday
    Palmer, Robert Henry Charles
    Simpson, John Lawrence
    Young, Lucia Katharine
    Beamish, Silvia Katharine ( 1949 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Associate, Royal College of Organists (A.R.C.O.)
    Palmer, Robert Henry Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, Royal Institute of British Architects (A.R.I.B.A.)
    Cotton, Gilbert Henry
    Laird, Michael Donald
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Associate, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (A.R.I.C.S.)
    Carew Pole, John Richard Walter Reginald, 13th Bt. ( 1967 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, Royal Red Cross (A.R.R.C.)
    Littleton, Edith Modwena
    Ramsey, Marian
    Swinton, Mary Ethel
    Bampfylde, Violet Marcia Catherine Warwick ( 1919 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Associate, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours (A.R.W.S.)
    Barton, Rose ( 1893 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, Royal institute of British Architects (A.R.I.B.A.)
    Hepburne-Scott, Walter Schomberg
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, Roytal red Cross (A.R.R.C.)
    Cohen, Irene Catherine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate, Taxation Institute Incorporated (A.T.I.I.)
    Platt, Victoria Catherine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Atlantic Star with Pacific Bar
    Dyson, Peter Spencer Dampier
    Count equals 1 individual.

Award of the Lion and Sun of Persia
    Waterlow, Sydney Hedley, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Fonda, Henry Jaynes ( 1958 ), for 12 Angry Men
    Lawrence, Christopher Cosmo ( 2014 ), for Special Visual Effects in the movie Gravity
    Count equals 2 individuals.

    Ashcroft, Edith Margaret Emily
    Bragg, Melvyn, Baron Bragg, for Debussy (a film with Ken Russell), Olivier (for LWT), and Interview with Denis Potter (for C4)
    Butler, George Tyssen ( 2001 ), for a TV version of Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure
    Count equals 3 individuals.

BAFTA Fellowship
    Prendergast, John Barry ( 2005 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

BAFTA Scotland Lifetime Achievement Award
    Macdonald, Angus John, Baron Macdonald of Tradeston ( 1997 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff, Grand Cross
    Bethell, David Allan, 5th Baron Westbury ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Balzan Prize for International Law
    Cohen, Rosalyn ( 2007 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland
    Dowse, Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Beaver Award
    Westropp, Aileen Dorothy ( 1946 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bencher of Middle temple
    Hopwood, Charles Henry ( 1876 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bloomer Award of the Linnean Socity
    Rothschild, Miriam Louisa
    Count equals 1 individual.

Board of Trade medal for saving life at sea
    Murray, William Harry Elibank
    Count equals 1 individual.

Boer War
    Burnett, Charles Stuart ( 1900 )
    Forestier-Walker, Roland Stuart ( 1900 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Bohemia in London
    Ransome, Arthur Michell ( 1907 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Booker Prize
    Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Caroline Maureen ( 1977 ), runner-up
    Count equals 1 individual.

Brahms Orden of Hamburg
    Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bressa Prize
    Rutherford, Ernest, 1st and last Baron Rutherford of Nelson ( 1907 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Brilliant Star of Zanzibar
    Fremantle, Edmund Robert, 1st Class
    Count equals 1 individual.

British Chess Champion
    Thomas, George Alan, 7th Bt. ( 1923 )
    Thomas, George Alan, 7th Bt. ( 1935 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Bronze Cross
    Wennink, Cornelis Jacobus, Netherlands
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bronze Lion of Netherlands
    Crofton, Desmond Gerald
    Buchanan-Jardine, Andrew Rupert John, of Castlemilk, 4th Bt. ( 1944 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Buchanan Law Prize
    Windham, Ralph ( 1930 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Lascelles, Kent ( 1998 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Grimston, James Brabazon, 5th Earl of Verulam
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Thesiger, John Still ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Canadian Forces Deocration (C.D.)
    Timmerman, Nelles Woods
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Harvey, Albert, King's Liverpool Regiment
    Pollard, Arthur Rodney Erskine, Corps of Guide, Frontier Force
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Chev Legion d'Honneur
    Gwynn, Stephen Lucius ( 1917 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chev de la Legion d'Honneur
    Barron, Percy Edward Abney Paul
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chevealier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
    Greene, Graham Carleton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chevron Legion d'Honneur
    Beamish, Richard Marie
    Beamish, William Paul ( 1937 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Chevron, Legion of Honor
    Bagwell, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Coammnder, U.S. Legion of Merit
    Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre
    Count equals 1 individual.

Churchill Fellow
    Rischbieth, Henry Mark ( 2000 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Churchill Fellowship
    Campbell, Keir Charles, 5th of Auchendarroch ( 1968 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Colonial Police medal (C.P.M.)
    Hawkins, Arthur John Inskip
    Count equals 1 individual.

Commandeur, Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
    Baird, Alexander Walter Frederick
    Baring, John, 2nd Baron Revelstoke of Membland
    Baring, William Bingham, 2nd Baron Ashburton
    Bentinck, Henry John William
    Bentinck, Rudolf Walter
    Bingham, Cecil Edward
    Bowater, Thomas Vansittart, 1st Bt.
    Brassey, Thomas, 1st Earl Brassey
    Brett, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher
    Bridgeman-Simpson, Francis Charles, 2nd class
    Broadbent, William Henry, 1st Bt.
    Cambridge, Adolphus Charles, 1st Marquess of Cambridge
    Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode
    Chetwynd-Talbot, Reginald Arthur James
    Cunliffe, Frederick Hugh Gordon
    Duff, Alexander Ludovic
    Forestier Walker, George Townshend
    Fremantle, Sydney Robert
    Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfred
    Hanson, Charles Augustin, 1st Bt.
    Hill, Richard Augustus Sandys
    Hobart-Hampden, Augustus Charles
    Hunter Blair, Walter Charles
    Lambert, Cecil Foley
    Lambton, William
    Lewis, Frederick William, 1st Baron Essendon
    Lindsay, James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford
    Lowther, Henry Cecil
    Malcolm, Ian Zachary, 17th of Poltalloch
    Malcolm, Neill
    Maude, Frederick Stanley
    Montgomery-Cuninghame, Thomas Andrew Alexander, of Corsehill, 10th Bt.
    O'Neill, Henry, 1st Visconde de Santa Monica
    Paget, Charles Henry Alexander, 6th Marquess of Anglesey
    Phillimore, Richard Fortescue
    Rimington, Michael Frederic
    Rycroft, William Henry
    Scarlett, James Yorke
    Stanley, Arthur
    Stanley, Ferdinand Charles
    Wake, Hereward, 13th Bt.
    Whitehead, James, 1st Bt.
    Yarde-Buller, Henry
    Brudenell, James Thomas, 7th Earl of Cardigan ( 1856 ), French
    Barclay, Colville Arthur Durell, of Pierston, 11th Bt. ( 1889 )
    Barrow, George de Symons ( 1917 )
    Gillman, Webb ( 1917 )
    Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh ( 1919 )
    Grosvenor, Hugh Richard Arthur, 2nd Duke of Westminster ( 1934 )
    Shah, Sadruddin, Prince Aga Khan ( 1979 ), French
    Count equals 50 individuals.

Commandeur, Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
    Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27th of Hunterston
    Lushington, Stephen
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Companion of Literature
    Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole ( 1965 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Companion of the Textile Institute (Comp.T.I.)
    Alliance, David, Baron Alliance ( 1984 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Companion, British Insitute of Management (C.B.I.M.)
    Alliance, David, Baron Alliance ( 1985 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Companion, British Institute of Management (C.B.I.M.)
    Moss, Jean, Baroness Denton of Wakefield ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Companion, Insitute of Management (C.I.Mgt.)
    Alliance, David, Baron Alliance
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cordon of the Rising Sun of Japan
    Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1st and last Baron Nicholson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Crois de Guerre of Belgium
    Currie, Ryves Alexander Mark
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cropix de Guerre
    Pakenham, William Christopher
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross 'pro Ecclesia et Pontifice'
    Birkin, Ethel Lillian
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice
    Balfe, Kathleen Mary ( 1929 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontificia
    Balfe, Michael Joseph ( 1963 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross of Merit
    Browning, Langley, 1st Class
    Carroll, James Marmion Gilmor ( 1953 ), 1st class with Crown
    O'Kane, Patricia Christine ( 1959 ), 1st Class
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Cross of Merit of Germany
    FitzGibbon, Louis Theobald Dillon ( 1969 ), 1st Class
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross of Romania
    Burbidge, Richard Woodman, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross of St. Augustine
    Colman, Michael Jeremiah, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross of St. Louis of France
    Moyne, Charles, 1st Baron de Longueuil
    Moyne, Charles, 2nd Baron de Longueuil
    Nugent, John
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Cross of St. Raimond de Penafort
    Brennan, Daniel Joseph, Baron Brennan ( 2000 ), Spanish
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross of Valour
    Przysiezny, Josef H.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Cross of Valour of Poland
    Dennis, Stratford Hercules ( 1941 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Crown of Italy
    Lewis, Frederick William, 1st Baron Essendon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Crown of Prussia
    Fremantle, Edmund Robert, 1st Class
    Count equals 1 individual.

Crox de Guerre
    Cavendish, Frederick William Lawrence Shepperd Hart
    Cavendish, Frederick William Lawrence Shepperd Hart, Belgium
    Mellor, James Gerald Guy
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Cunninghame Beattie Award
    Macdonald, Ranald Alasdair, of Keppoch, 28th Chief of Macdonald of Keppoch ( 1960 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Czechoslovak War Cross
    Peto, Christopher Henry Maxwell, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Czechoslovakian War Cross
    Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre ( 1944 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Dead Men Don't Ski
    Pakenham-Walsh, Gertrude Patricia ( 1959 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland
    Greeves, Robert Douglas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Lieutenant (D.L.)
    Macalpine-Leny, William
    Warde, John Roberts O'Brien
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Diamond Sculls at Henley
    Kelly, John Brendan, Jr. ( 1947 )
    Kelly, John Brendan, Jr. ( 1949 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Doctor of Divinity (D.D.)
    Ireland, Walter Foggo
    Count equals 1 individual.

Donovan Award
    Roberts, Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher ( 1981 ), U.S.A.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Elected Representative
    Fletcher-Vane, William Richard, 2nd Baron Inglewood ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Emmy Award
    Birt, John, Baron Birt ( 1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Encomienda Orden de Isabel la Católica Spain
    Lindsay, Ronald Alexander, of Dowhill, 2nd Bt. ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Erasmus Prize, Holland
    Stannus, Edris ( 1974 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Expeditio Buckinghami Ducis
    Herbert, Edward, 1st Baron Herbert of Chirbury ( 1656 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Garrett, John Vivian
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Witherow, Ross O'Neill
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Watson, Robert W.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Elwes, Valentine Dudley Henry Cary
    Count equals 1 individual.

F.I.P.P.S London
    Paget, Richard Arthur Surtees, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

F.L.C.P. (London)
    Farquhar, Walter, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Coote, Michael Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Slade, Gordon
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Proctor-Beauchamp, Montagu Harry, 7th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Braga, Stuart
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Brock, Russell Claude, Baron Brock ( 1949 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Grimston, James Brabazon, 5th Earl of Verulam
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Makgill, Stephen Stewart
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Dillon, Eoin
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Burges, Richard Ynyr
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Hayes, Charles Frederick
    Long, Garry
    Count equals 2 individuals.

    Wright, James Alfred Snarey
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Padday, Percy King
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Houldsworth, Harold Basil, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Guest, Edward Wilson Graham
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Dillon, Eoin
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Mais, Alan Raymond, Baron Mais
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Vavasour, Paul
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Lambert, Guy William
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Shiffner, John Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Hawkins, John Jeremy Inskip
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Rutherford, Alan Gray
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Smyth, Timothy John, 2nd Bt. ( 1985 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Berry, Andrew Bruce
    Rischbieth, Henry George
    Rischbieth, Richard Harold Charles
    Count equals 3 individuals.

    Fenwick, George de Lacy
    Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

    Varian, John Patrick Werge ( 1972 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Williams-Wynn, Edward Watkin
    Williams-Wynn, Owen Watkin, 10th Bt.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

    McCormack, John Joseph
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Carr-Gregg, Ivo Francis Henry Carr
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Ulrich, Frank Ferdinand Aplin
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Ironside, Christopher ( 1977 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Chapple, Harold
    Donald, Ian
    Count equals 2 individuals.

    Healy, Timothy Maurice
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Healy, Timothy Maurice
    Count equals 1 individual.

    McKail, David
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Eban, Raphael
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Langton-Jones, Ronald
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Thacker, Gilbert Doe Dwyer Way
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Joly, Charles Jasper
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Quant, Barbara Mary ( 1967 )
    Ironside, Christopher ( 1970 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

    Burges, Richard Ynyr
    Jayne, Arthur Leonard
    Count equals 2 individuals.

    Macpherson, James Gordon, 2nd Baron Macpherson of Drumochter ( 1966 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellor, Royal Society of Edinburgh (F.R.S.E.)
    Howard, Charles Henry George, 20th Earl of Suffolk
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Barrow, Oscar Theodore ( 1896 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow Institute of Management (F.I.M.)
    Layton, Michael John, 2nd Baron Layton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow in Dental Science (F.D.S.)
    Wilkie, Archibald Cyril
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow in Dental Sugery (R.C.S.)
    Nixon, Sally Veronica Rose
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow in Dental Surgery (F.D.S.)
    Sarson, H. S. R.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the American Academy of Arts
    Maskelyne, Nevil
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (F.A.C.S.)
    Gribbon, Henry Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (F.C.A.)
    Chilver, Helen
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Geological Society (F.G.S.)
    Wright, Joseph
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Insititution of Water Engineers (F.I.W.E.)
    Greeves, John Anthony de Maine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Institute of Arbitrators (F.I.Abr.)
    Greeves, John Anthony de Maine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (F.C.A)
    Nash, Norman Charles Russell
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (F.I.C.E.)
    Greeves, John Anthony de Maine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Irish Geneological Research Society (F.I.G.R.S.)
    Greeves, John Ronald Howard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Library of Congress, Washington
    Maugham, William Somerset
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
    Greeves, Reginald Affleck ( 1906 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.Edin.)
    Greeves, Patrick Reginald ( 1938 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Royal Engineers
    Gregory, Richard Graham
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Royal Insititute of Chartered Surveyors (F.R.I.C.S.)
    Wood, Victor Arthur Evelyn
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow of the Royal Society (F.R.S.)
    Forsyth, Andrew Russell
    Kennedy, William Quarrier
    Wood, William Page, 1st and last Baron Hatherley
    Count equals 3 individuals.

    Kestelman, Hyman
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences (F.Med.Sci.)
    MacDermot, John ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American Academy
    Briggs, Asa, Baron Briggs
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians (F.A.A.F.P.)
    Close, William Taliaferro
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American College of Cardiology (F.A.C.C.)
    Fowler, Michael Bruce
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American College of Obstreticians and Gynaecologists (F.A.C.O.G.)
    FitzGibbon, Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American College of Physicians (F.A.C.P.)
    Brunton, Edward Francis Lauder, 3rd Bt.
    Colt, Edward William Dutton, 10th Bt.
    King, James Hamilton
    MacMillan, Robert Laidlaw
    Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baron Brain ( 1954 )
    Greenhill, Stanley, 2nd Baron Greenhill ( 1959 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Fellow, American College of Surgeons
    Ferrell, Henry Haskins, Jr.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American College of Surgeons (F.A.C.S.)
    Buxton, John Arthur
    Close, William Taliaferro
    Fraser, Ian
    Goldberg, Herbert
    Sutton, Henry Thomas
    Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
    Valera, Eamon ( 1971 )
    McColl, Ian, Baron McColl of Dulwich ( 1975 )
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Fellow, American Geographical Society (F.A.G.S.)
    Morgan, Evan Frederic, 2nd Viscount Tredegar
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers
    Shaw, Jocelyn Frederick Basil
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (F.A.S.C.E.)
    Eddison, John Michael
    Legge, Gounter Heneage Hugh
    Leslie, Alexander
    Paton, Thomas Angus Lyall
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, American Society of Genealogists (F.A.S.G.)
    Moncreiffe, Rupert Iain Kay, of that Ilk, 11th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Ancient Monuments Society (F.A.M.S.)
    Beckett, Martyn Gervase, 2nd Bt. ( 1955 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Antiquarian Society (F.A.S.)
    Bunbury, Henry Edward, 7th Bt.
    Call, John, 1st Bt.
    Couper, Robert
    Neave, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Association of Agricultural Valuers (F.A.A.V.)
    Chichester, Adrian George
    Chichester, Piers Desmond Herschel
    Gossage, Philip Leslie
    Ingilby, Thomas Colvin William, 6th Bt. ( 1983 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Association of Anaesthetists
    Hacking, Edgar Bolton ( 1951 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Association of Corporate Treasurers (F.C.T.)
    Duffett, Christopher Charles Biddulph
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Association of International Accountants (F.A.I.A.)
    Watson, Robert W.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Association of Surgeons (East Africa)
    Grattan, Edmund O'Donnell Colley
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Auctioneers' Institute (F.A.I.)
    Stace, Harry Percy
    Paston-Bedingfeld, Henry Edgar, 10th Bt. ( 1968 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Australia Institute of Agricultural Science (F.A.I.A.S.)
    Cooke-Yarborough, Richard Everett ( 1983 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
    Pargiter, Russell Ashby ( 1967 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (F.A.A.S.)
    Rivettt, David ( 1954 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Australian College of Veterinary Science (F.A.C.V.Sc.)
    Hungerford, Thomas Gordon ( 1974 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Australian Institute of Management (F.A.I.M.)
    Clarke, Rupert William John, 3rd Bt.
    Minchin, Ronald d'Esterre ( 1961 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Australian Society of Accountants (F.A.S.A.)
    Murray, Reginald Herbert Earn
    Needham, Francis Charles
    Pole, Peter van Notten, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Australian Society of Certified Practicisng Accountants (F.C.P.A.)
    Kellett, Maxwell Rex
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (F.C.P.A.)
    Brabazon, Margaret Ann
    Minchin, Antony St. John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Briitsh Academy (F.B.A.)
    Millar, Oliver Nicholas ( 1970 )
    Gardiner, Patrick Lancaster ( 1985 )
    Puttfarken, Thomas ( 2003 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Briitsh Institute of Management (F.B.I.M.)
    Lucas, Thomas Edward Gubbins, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Britiish Academy (F.B.A.)
    Robbins, Lionel Charles, Baron Robbins ( 1942 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Academy (F.B.A.)
    Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour
    Bauer, Peter Thomas, Baron Bauer
    Briggs, Asa, Baron Briggs
    Browne, Edward Granville
    Bullock, Alan Louis Charles, Baron Bullock
    Burkitt, Francis Crawford
    Carr-Saunders, Alexander Morris
    Catlin, Shirley Vivien Teresa Brittain, Baroness Williams of Crosby
    Clapham, John Harold
    Dean, Winton Basil
    Devlin, Patrick Arthur, Baron Devlin
    Goodhart, Arthur Lehman
    Hampshire, Stuart Newton
    Hare, Richard Mervyn
    Harrod, Henry Roy Forbes
    Kenyon, Frederic George
    Kenyon, Kathleen Mary
    Keynes, John Maynard, 1st and last Baron Keynes
    Lee-Dillon, Harold Arthur, 17th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
    Legge, Mary Dominica
    Lucas, John Randolph
    Malcolm, Noel Robert
    Maurice, Joan Violet
    McNair, Arnold Duncan, 1st Baron McNair
    Minns, Ellis Hovell
    Murray, George Gilbert Aimé
    O'Neill, Onora Sylvia, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve
    Oppé, Adolph Paul
    Pelham, Henry Francis
    Petty-FitzMaurice, Edmond George Petty, 1st and last Baron FitzMaurice
    Phillimore, Walter George Francis, 1st Baron Phillimore
    Pollock, Frederick, 3rd Bt.
    Popham, Arthur Fredrick
    Quirk, Charles Randolph, Baron Quirk
    Robertson, Charles Martin
    Robertson, Donald Struan
    Robertson, Donald Struan
    Robinson, Basil William
    Runciman, David Walter, 4th Viscount Runciman of Doxford
    Shand, Alexander Faulkner
    Smith, George Adam
    Stern, Nicholas, Baron Stern of Brentford
    Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt.
    Williams, Arthur Frederic Basil
    Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro ( 1903 )
    Chalmers, Robert, 1st and last Baron Chalmers ( 1927 )
    D'Arcy, Charles Frederick ( 1927 )
    Beveridge, William Henry, 1st and last Baron Beveridge ( 1937 )
    Atkin, James Richard, Baron Atkin ( 1938 )
    Burgh, William George ( 1938 )
    Mynors, Roger Aubrey Baskerville ( 1944 )
    Popham, Arthur Ewart ( 1949 )
    Runciman, James Cochran Stevenson ( 1957 )
    Winnington-Ingram, Reginald Pepys ( 1958 )
    Gurney, Oliver Robert ( 1959 )
    Hamilton, Robert William ( 1960 )
    Phelps Brown, Henry ( 1960 )
    Lascelles, Mary Madge ( 1962 )
    Lambton, Ann Katharine Swynford ( 1964 )
    Mahon, John Denis ( 1964 )
    Blake, Robert Norman William, Baron Blake ( 1967 )
    Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen ( 1971 )
    Beloff, Max, Baron Beloff ( 1973 )
    Little, Ian Malcolm David ( 1973 )
    Runciman, Walter Garrison, 3rd Viscount Runciman of Doxford ( 1975 )
    Dahrendorf, Ralph, Baron Dahrendorf ( 1977 )
    Nicolson, Lionel Benedict ( 1977 )
    Quinton, Anthony Meredith, Baron Quinton ( 1977 )
    Carr, Albert Raymond Maillard ( 1978 )
    Renfrew, Andrew Colin, Baron Renfrew of Kaimsthorn ( 1980 )
    Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley, Baron Stewartby ( 1981 )
    Wedderburn, Kenneth William, Baron Wedderburn of Charlton ( 1981 )
    Morgan, Kenneth Owen, Baron Morgan ( 1983 )
    Goff, Robert Lionel Archibald, Baron Goff of Chieveley ( 1987 )
    Hollis, James Martin ( 1990 )
    Clay, Kathleen Rachel ( 1991 )
    Pasley, John Malcolm Sabine, 5th Bt. ( 1991 )
    Rodger, Alan Ferguson, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry ( 1991 )
    Russell, Conrad Sebastion Robert, 5th Earl Russell ( 1991 )
    Jenkins, Roy Harris, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead ( 1993 )
    Bridges, Margaret Evelyn ( 1994 )
    Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander, Baron Skidelsky ( 1994 )
    Cohen, Rosalyn ( 1995 )
    Young, Michael, Baron Young of Dartington ( 1995 )
    Butterfield, Jeremy John Nicholas ( 1996 )
    Mustill, Michael John, Baron Mustill ( 1996 )
    Graham-Campbell, James Alastair ( 2001 )
    Count equals 87 individuals.

Fellow, British Academy of Film and Television Arts
    Grade, Lew, Baron Grade ( 1979 )
    Attenborough, David Frederick ( 1980 )
    Attenborough, Richard Samuel, Baron Attenborough ( 1983 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, British Association of Accountants and Auditors (F.B.A.A.)
    Watson, Robert W.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Film Institute
    Knatchbull, John Ulick, 7th Baron Brabourne of Brabourne ( 1979 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Horological Institute
    Brodrick, Alan Henry, 12th Viscount Midleton of Midleton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Institute of Interior Design (F.B.I.D.)
    Campbell, Henrietta Nina Sylvia
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Institute of Management (F.B.I.M.)
    Cooke, David William Perceval, 12th Bt.
    Ellis, James Christopher
    Forte, Charles, Baron Forte
    Hill, Julian
    Leighton-Langer, Peter
    Mercer Nairne, Robert Harold
    Agnew, Rudolph Ion Joseph ( 1980 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, British Institute of Profession photography (F.B.I.P.P.)
    Anson, Thomas Patrick John, 5th Earl of Lichfield
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Interplanetary Society
    Fox-Strangways, Maurice Vivian de Touffreville, 9th Earl of Ilchester
    Wodehouse, John Armine, 5th Earl of Kimberley ( 1984 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, British Interplanetary Society (F.B.I.S.)
    Douglas-Hamilton, Angus Alan Douglas, 15th Duke of Hamilton
    Gillett, Nicholas Danvers Penrose, 3rd Bt.
    Strutt, Anthony Geoffrey
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, British Optical Association (F.B.O.A.)
    Benson, John Roby, 2nd Baron Charnwood
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Orthopaedic Association
    Haughton, William Steele
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, British Psychological Society (F.B.Ps.S.)
    Andry, Robert George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Building Societies Institute (F.B.S.)
    Cohen, Reginald Herbert Coleman
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Canadian Society of Animal Science
    Buchanan-Smith, Jock Gordon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (F.C.C.A.)
    Barnett, Joel, Baron Barnett
    Hancock, Marmaduke Theakstone
    Piercy, James William, 3rd Baron Piercy
    Wallace, Charles Pemberton
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Auctioneers' and Estate Agents Insitute (F.A.I.)
    Gillett, Alan Henry Puckridge
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' (F.A.I.)
    Plummer, Arthur Desmond Herne, Baron Plummer of St Marylebone ( 1948 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Instittue (F.A.I.)
    Strutt, Mark Frederick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Institute (F.A.I.)
    Cohen, Reginald Herbert Coleman
    Eve, Douglas John Richard Trustram
    Eve, Herbert Trustram
    Eve, John Douglas Trustram
    Frank, Robert John, 3rd Bt.
    James, Christopher George Walter, 5th Baron Northbourne of Betteshanger
    Leslie-Melville, George David
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Incorporated Institute of Taxation (F.T.I.I.)
    Sowler, Thomas Richard Holland
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Insitute of Transport (F.C.I.T.)
    Cooke, David William Perceval, 12th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Insitute of management Accountants (F.C.M.A.)
    Robson, Lawrence William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Insitutute of Secretaries (F.C.I.S.)
    Comyn, John Andrew
    Fowler, George Charles Willoughby
    Jackson, Phineas Arthur
    Murray, Reginald Herbert Earn
    Noel, Henry Methuen Noel
    Pringle, Norman Murray Archibald MacGregor, 10th Bt.
    Robertson, Langton George Duncan Haldane, 27th of Struan, 13th of Drumachuine and 23rd Chief of Clan ( 1970 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Instittue of Bankers (F.C.I.B.)
    Thomas, Terence James, Baron Thomas of Macclesfield
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Instittue of Marketing (F.C.I.M.)
    Thomas, Terence James, Baron Thomas of Macclesfield
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Instittue of Purchasing and Supply (F.C.I.P.S.)
    Levene, Peter Keith, Baron Levene of Portsoken
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitraters (F.C.I.Arb.)
    Henniker-Major, Mark Ian Philip Chandos, 9th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (F.C.I.Arb.)
    Bigham, Derek Alastair
    Butterfield, Lawrence Albert
    Fox-Andrews, James Roland Blake
    Havelock-Allan, Anthony Mark David, 5th Bt.
    Hacking, Douglas David, 3rd Baron Hacking ( 1979 )
    Donaldson, John Francis, Baron Donaldson of Lymington ( 1980 )
    Borrie, Gordon Johnson, Baron Borrie ( 1992 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers (F.C.I.B.)
    Fearn, Ronald Cyril, Baron Fearn
    Goodenough, Frederick Roger ( 1968 )
    Hall, John Bernard, 3rd Bt. ( 1976 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Linguists (F.C.I.L.)
    Obolensky, Alexei
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Management (F.C.I.M.)
    O'Cathain, Detta, Baroness O'Cathain ( 1987 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (F.C.M.A.)
    Pringle, Norman Murray Archibald MacGregor, 10th Bt.
    Webb, Charles Geoffrey Fane
    Wilson, Geoffrey Hazlitt ( 1959 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Marketing (F.C.I.M.)
    Moss, Jean, Baroness Denton of Wakefield ( 1972 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (F.C.I.P.S.)
    Hale, Derek
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Secretaries (F.C.I.S.)
    Bernard, Dallas, 2nd Bt.
    Broadbridge, George Thomas, 1st Baron Broadbridge
    Tempest, Henry Roger ( 1971 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Surveyors (F.C.I.S.)
    Westwood, William, 2nd Baron Westwood
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Transport
    Boyle, Hugh Charters
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Transport (F.C.I.T)
    Vestey, Edmund Hoyle ( 1982 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of Transport (F.C.I.T.)
    Gueterbock, Anthony FitzHardinge, 18th Lord Berkeley
    Levene, Peter Keith, Baron Levene of Portsoken
    Bradshaw, William Peter, Baron Bradshaw ( 1987 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Institute of transport (F.C.I.T.)
    Macpherson, David William Anthony Blyth, 2nd Baron Strathcarron ( 1991 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Insurance Institute (F.C.I.I.)
    Pickett, Ian Donald
    Lindsay, Ronald Alexander, of Dowhill, 2nd Bt. ( 1964 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Land Agents' Society (F.C.L.A.S.)
    Meyrick, David John Charlton, 4th Bt. ( 1948 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Chartered Land Agents' Society (F.L.A.S.)
    Arbuthnott, John Campbell, 16th Viscount Arbuthnott
    Barrett, Robin Coventry
    Beresford-Peirse, Arthur Cecil Proctor de la Poer
    Blois-Brooke, Thomas Eardley
    Brigg, John Haggas
    Campbell Adamson, William John
    Campbell, Hugh John Vaughan, of Cawdor, 6th Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
    Gibbs, Beresford Norman
    Gibbs, Christopher John
    Godsal, Philip Hugh
    Harding-Newman, Francis Robert
    Hepburne-Scott, Francis Michael
    Howard, Charles James Ruthven, 12th Earl of Carlisle
    Meade, Richard John Edward
    Orde-Powlett, Richard William Algar, 7th Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle
    Pardoe, Robert Hugh
    Proby, Peter, 2nd Bt.
    Spencer, Aubrey Vere
    Whitworth, Ian Henry
    Grubb, Ralph Ernest Watkins ( 1952 )
    Bates, John Dawson, 2nd Bt. ( 1960 )
    Count equals 21 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Society of Designers (F.C.S.D.)
    Gibbs, Antony Richard
    Quant, Barbara Mary
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Chartered Surveyors' Institute (F.S.I.)
    Boyle, Edward, 1st Bt.
    Crosbie Dawson, George
    Curtis, Edward Philip, 8th Bt.
    Douglas, Arthur Hugh
    Eve, Herbert Trustram
    Eve, William
    Hodson, Richard Edmond
    Koch, John Godfrey
    Montagu Douglas Scott, Charles William
    Trench, George Frederic
    Wigram, John
    Wigram, Reginald Spencer
    Count equals 12 individuals.

Fellow, Chemical Society
    Pellew, Charles Ernest, 7th Viscount Exmouth
    Sadler, Samuel Alexander
    Lefebure, Victor ( 1913 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Chemical Society (F.C.S.)
    Cadman, William Henry
    FitzGibbon, Maurice
    Gandy, William Hunter
    Noble, Andrew, of Ardmore, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, City and Guilds of London Institute (F.C.G.I.)
    Cox, Harold Roxbee, Baron Kings Norton ( 1976 )
    Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam ( 1999 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, College Physicians, London
    Hulse, Edward ( 1677 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Medicine and Surgery (F.C.M.S.)
    Barrow, John Andrew Robert Knapp
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Nursing Australia (F.C.N.A.)
    McFarlane, Jean Kenendy, Baroness McFarlane of Llandaff ( 1984 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Pathology (F.C.Path.)
    Warner, Peter Thomas John Christopher Plumbly
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Physicans, Edinburgh (F.C.P.)
    Farquhar, Walter, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Physicians
    Twysden, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Physicians (F.C.P.) (South Africa)
    Perring, Michael Arthur
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Physicians, Ireland
    Barry, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1740 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, College of Physicians, London
    Barry, Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1762 )
    Pepys, Lucas, 1st Bt. ( 1775 )
    Milman, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1778 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, College of Preceptors (F.C.P.)
    Heywood, Peter ( 1980 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Brokers (F.C.I.B.)
    Kennard, Robert Adam
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Dental Surgery (F.D.S.)
    Herbert, Walter Elmes
    Hill, Peter John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Educational Institute of Scotland (F.E.I.S.)
    Cuthbertson, John Neilson
    Noble, John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Empire Society
    Fynes-Clinton, Henry Joy
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Engineering (F.Eng.)
    Giffard, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury ( 1976 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Entomological Society
    St. John, Winstan St. Andrew
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
    Gibbs, John Michael
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (F.F.A.R.AC.S.)
    Bruce, Richard Stephen Witherington
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of England (F.F.A.R.C.S.)
    Bruce, Richard Stephen Witherington
    Chesshyre, Matthew Henry
    Dunnill, Richard Paul Hyde
    Gibbs, John Michael
    Harvey, Phoebe Napier
    McNair, Dorothy
    Robert, John Clive
    Scott, William Russell
    Sykes, Robin George
    Barran, Donald Austyn Nicholson ( 1954 )
    Holden, Edward, 6th Bt. ( 1958 )
    Holderness, Margaret Carleton ( 1959 )
    Haughton, John Marsden ( 1962 )
    Mimpriss, Timothy John ( 1969 )
    Count equals 14 individuals.

Fellow, Faculty of Community Medicine (F.F.C.M.)
    Wrong, Elizabeth Catherine
    Acheson, Roy Malcolm ( 1972 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Faculty of Occupational Medicine (F.F.O.M.)
    Acheson, Roy Malcolm ( 1984 )
    Lawrence-Jones, Christopher, 6th Bt. ( 1987 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Faculty of Pharmeceutical Medicine (F.F.P.M.)
    Petrie, James Colquhoun
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Faculty of Public Health Medicine (F.F.P.H.M.)
    Golding, Anthony Mark Barrington
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Faculty of Radiologists (F.F.R.)
    Villiers, Charles Russell
    Berridge, Francis Richard ( 1951 )
    O'Connell, Daniel ( 1962 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Gelogical Society (F.G.S.)
    Willis, Katherine Jane, Baroness Willis of Summertown
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Gemmological Association (F.G.A.)
    Sancroft-Baker, Raymond Samuel ( 1992 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Geographical Society (F.G.S.)
    Burkitt, Miles Crawford
    Cotter, Gerald de Purcell
    Hamilton, John
    Lucy, William Charles
    Ramsay-Gibson-Maitland, James, 4th Bt.
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Fellow, Geological Society (F.G.S.)
    Acland, Henry Dyke
    Beach, Archibald William
    Bell, William Heward
    Campbell, William Dugald
    Cave-Browne-Cave, Norman
    Challinor, Anthony
    Clifford, William Hugh, 10th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh
    Cole, William Willoughby, 3rd Earl of Enniskillen
    Coote, Vanessa Jean
    Davies-Cooke, Philip
    Ditmas, Francis Ivan Leslie
    Duckworth, Henry
    Duke, Edward
    Fuller, John
    Gibbs, Henry Hucks, 1st Baron Aldenham
    Gough, George Stephens, 2nd Viscount Gough of Goojerat
    Guise, William Vernon, 4th Bt.
    Harding, William
    Hay, James Douglas
    Irby, George Florance, 6th Baron Boston
    Jerningham, Hubert Edward Henry
    Keppel, George Thomas, 6th Earl of Albemarle
    Kingsbury, Arthur William Gerald
    Leckenby, Elizabeth Mary
    Lupton, Arnold
    Mansel-Pleydell, John Clavell
    Marsham-Townshend, Robert
    Martin, Arthur
    Mitchell, Frank Johnstone
    Mond, Robert Ludwig
    Montague, Keith Norman, 3rd Baron Amwell
    Morrison-Bell, Charles William, 1st Bt.
    Mosley, Oswald, 2nd Bt.
    Napier, Charles George
    Nightingale, Anne Philippa Winifred
    Parish, Woodbine
    Pearce, Joseph Chaning
    Redmayne, Richard Augustine Studdert
    Simpson, James Cowie
    Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage
    Stafford, George Basil
    Stow, George William
    Stuart, Andrew Edmund Castle Stuart
    Temple, Charles Lindsay
    Vivian, John Henry
    Walters, Rupert Cavendish Skyring
    Wyatt, James
    Wynne, Arthur Beavor
    Crichton, Alexander ( 1819 )
    Godwin-Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne ( 1830 )
    Wood, Searles Valentine ( 1839 )
    Spens, Colin Hope ( 1932 )
    Evans, William David, Baron Energlyn ( 1939 )
    Bomford, Guy ( 1947 )
    Count equals 54 individuals.

Fellow, Geological Society of London (F.G.S.)
    McMahon, Arthur Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
    FitzGibbon, Robert Louis Constantine Dillon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Guidhall School of Music
    Platt, Peter, 2nd Bt. ( 1973 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Guildhall School of Music and Drama (F.G.S.M.)
    Gellhorn, Peter
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Heraldry Society (F.H.S.)
    Davies-Cooke, Philip
    Chesshyre, David Hubert Boothby ( 1990 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Hotel and Catering and Institutional Management Association
    Parry, Gordon Samuel David, Baron Parry ( 1980 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Human Factors Society of the United States
    Baker, Chester Hamilton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
    McLaughlin, Daphne Howard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Valuers (F.S.V.A.)
    Butler, John Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers (F.S.V.A.)
    Dillon, Richard Arthur Louis
    Donaldson, Michael John Francis
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Indian Academic Society
    Bomford, Guy ( 1935 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitute for Practitioners in Advertising (F.I.P.A.)
    Bell, Timothy John Leigh, Baron Bell
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitute of Biology (F.I.Biol.)
    Palmer, John Roundell, 4th Earl of Selborne
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitute of Directors
    Maclaine, Gillean Robert, 25th of Lochbuie ( 1958 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitute of Engineering Australia (F.I.E.Aust.)
    Nicholson, Peter Theodore
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technoogy (F.I.Mar.E.S.T.)
    Pelly, Richard Cecil
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitute of Materials (F.I.M.)
    Carr, Leonard Robert, Baron Carr of Hadley ( 1957 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitute of Mathematics and Applications (F.I.M.A.)
    Reader-Harris, Michael John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Insitution of Public Health Engineers (F.I.P.H.E.)
    Jacob, Edmund Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (F.I.A.)
    Russell, Matthew Sipho Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Actuaries (F.I.A.)
    Dixon, Stephen William
    White, Martin George
    Wylie, Alan Kennedy
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Actuaries of New Zealand (F.I.A.N.Z.)
    Barclay, Frederick Arthur D'Epinay
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Agricultural Management (F.I.Agr.M.)
    Barber, Derek Coates, Baron Barber of Tewkesbury ( 1992 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Arbitrators (F.I.Arb.)
    Burke, Jeremy Ulick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Bankers (F.I.B.)
    Macartney-Filgate, John Victor Openshaw
    Sandberg, Michael Graham Ruddock, Baron Sandberg ( 1977 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Biology
    Spearman, Richard Ian Campbell ( 1971 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Biology (F.I.Biol.)
    Bagenal, Timothy Bracegirdle
    Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 5th Earl of Cranbrook
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of British Photographers
    Willink, John Humphrey Wakefield
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Building (F.I.O.B.)
    Matthews, Victor Collin, Baron Matthews
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants (F.C.A.)
    Acland, Gwyneth Sybil
    Akers-Douglas, Francis Alexander Moreton
    Annan, John
    Ashton, Simon Claude
    Backhouse, Oliver Richard
    Backhouse, William
    Baddeley, John Wolsey Beresford, 4th Bt.
    Baddeley, Paul Bernard
    Barclay, Robert Colraine, of Pierston, 15th Bt.
    Barlow, Henry Sackville
    Barrett-Lennard, Anne
    Beevor, Esmond Ayton
    Beevor, John Rowland
    Benn, Robert Ernest, 5th Bt.
    Benson, Henry Alexander, Baron Benson
    Black, Francis Rokeby
    Blackall, Bruce Edward
    Bloss, Patrick Donald
    Boddington, Richard Stewart
    Bostock, Richard
    Bowes-Lyon, Simon Alexander
    Bowman-Vaughan, Michael John
    Boyle, Robert William
    Briscoe, Richard Kynaston
    Brooke, Richard Neville, 10th Bt.
    Broun, William Windsor, of Colstoun, 13th Bt.
    Bruce, Michael Alexander
    Burnett, Hugh Thomas
    Butler, Richard Pierce, 13th Bt.
    Cameron, Donald Hamish, of Lochiel, 26th Chief of Clan Cameron
    Carter, W. G. K.
    Chapman, Henry
    Cheyne, Mark Rider
    Chorley, Roger Richard Edward, 2nd Baron Chorley
    Chubb, John Andrew
    Civval, Lewis
    Clark, David William Francis
    Clarke, Bertram
    Collins, Christopher Douglas
    Corner, Elizabeth Margaret
    Craig, Janric Fraser, 3rd Viscount Craigavon
    Creswell, Simon Hawkshaw
    Cripps, Jeremy George Anthony
    Cunynghame, Andrew David Francis, of Milncraig, 12th Bt.
    Dewar, James
    Diamond, John, Baron Diamond
    Dobbs, James Anthony Vaughan
    Dobbs, Richard Noel
    Doherty, Harold Ian
    Drake, David Walter
    Dunbar, David Randolph Michell
    Edmonstone, William Henry Neil
    Every, Henry John Michael, 13th Bt.
    Every-Clayton, Robert Edward
    Fairbairn, William Andrew
    Fane, Andrew William Mildmay
    Farquhar, Anthony Hobart
    Faure Walker, Rupert Roderick
    Feilding, Hugh Richard
    Feilding, Peter Rudolph
    Fitzwilliams, Reginald Clixby
    Forte, Rocco John Vincent
    Freeman, Anthony Tresiddar
    Fremantle, Edward Vigant Eardley
    Fremantle, Francis David Eardley
    Gaymer, Nigel Anthony
    Gibbs, David Ian
    Gibbs, John Kenneth Andrew
    Gilbey, Anthony William, 11th Baron Vaux of Harrowden
    Gillett, Sydney Harold, 1st Bt.
    Goyder, David Bruce
    Gulliver, Ronald
    Gully, Michael Guy John, 4th Viscount Selby
    Gwynne, Nevile Martin
    Halsey, Robert Frederick
    Hamilton, Andrew Robert
    Hampden-Ross, Sydney
    Harvey, Peter Charles Oliver, 2nd Baron Harvey of Tasburgh
    Henderson, Ian Ramsay Hope
    Hildyard, Nicholas Alexander Cyril
    Hirschfield, Desmond Barel, Baron Hirshfield
    Hollis, Michael Andrew
    Hone, Harold Brindley
    Hunting, Charles Patrick Maule
    Huntington-Whiteley, Hugo Baldwin, 3rd Bt.
    Hutton, Cecilia Paris
    Ingram, Ivor Laing
    Irby, Charles Leonard Anthony
    Irvine, Keith Robert
    Jackson, Michael
    Jacobs, David Anthony, Baron Jacobs
    Jenks, Maurice Arthur Brian, 3rd Bt.
    Jenks, Maurice, 1st Bt.
    Jenks, Richard Atherley, 2nd Bt.
    Jenks, Richard John Peter, 4th Bt.
    Kershaw, Edward John, 4th Baron Kershaw
    King-Farlow, Arthur Richard
    King-Farlow, Arthur Roland
    Lane, Peter Stewart, Baron Lane of Horsell
    Lees, Edmund Campbell
    Lindsay, Colin Paul
    Lindsay, Hugh John Alexander
    MacNabb, James Alexander, of that Ilk, 21st Chief
    Macdougall, Patrick Lorn
    Mackenzie, Philip Austin George
    Mann, James Henderson
    Manners, Edward Preston
    May, William Morrison
    Meynell, Richard Walter
    Miller, Eric Douglas
    Milne, Iain Charles Luis
    Molesworth, Allen Henry Neville
    Molony, Peter John, 4th Bt.
    Moore, Edward
    Morley, Hugh Sinclair
    Morley, John Streatfield
    Morris, Michael David, 3rd Baron Morris
    Morris, Reginald John
    Mortimore, Kenneth Leslie
    Murray, James Alexander Gideon
    Newman, Peter Thomas Lydston
    Nightingale, Thomas Barry
    Noel, Charles William
    Norton-Griffiths, John, 3rd Bt.
    Ogilvie, Philip John
    Parker, William Peter Brian, 5th Bt.
    Parsons, John Christopher
    Peat, Charles Urie
    Peat, Henry
    Perring, Richard Eric
    Persse, Thomas Dudley
    Philipson-Stow, Robert Nicholas
    Pitman, Giles William
    Platt, Roland Francis
    Platt, Victoria Catherine
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Rupert William
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Simon
    Pollock, Kevin Alexander
    Pomeroy, Simon Robert Valentine
    Ponsonby, Myles Fitzhugh Longfield, 12th Earl of Bessborough
    Portal, Jonathan Francis, 6th Bt.
    Prentice, John Ness
    Proby, William Henry, 3rd Bt.
    Pugh, John Anthony Chandley
    Putron, John Whitehead
    Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Duncan
    Ramsden, James Tobit
    Robson, Erik Maurice William
    Robson, Lawrence William
    Rowland, Frederick, 1st Bt.
    Rowland, Wentworth Lowe, 2nd Bt.
    Sarson, Michael Barry
    Sebag-Montefiore, Charles Adam Laurie
    Shafto, Charles Edgar
    Shaw, Michael Norman, Baron Shaw of Northstead
    Shirley, Robert William Saswalo, 14th Earl Ferrers
    Slater, A. R. O.
    Spencer-Nairn, Christopher Frank
    Steen, David Michael Cochrane Elsworth
    Stephens, Nicholas Edward Egerton
    Stirling, Nicholas Charles
    Strachan, Andrew Henry
    Strang, Gordon William
    Strong, Michael Charles
    Sykes, Edward Heath
    Talbot Rice, Mervyn Gurney
    Taylor, Robert Mortimer John
    Thesiger, Michael Eric
    Thomson-Glover, Peter James
    Touche, Anthony George, 3rd Bt.
    Touche, Donovan Meredith
    Touche, George Lawrence Capel
    Tucker, Charles
    Vellacott, William Edward
    Verney, Harry Ulick Dennis
    Vernon, James William, 5th Bt.
    Villiers, Charles Nigel
    Wakeham, John, Baron Wakeham
    Ward-Campbell, Iain Gordon Leeds
    Warrender, Anthony Michael
    Weatherill, Henry Bruce
    Whitaker, John James Ingham, 4th Bt.
    Wilson, Anthony Charles Babington
    Chapman, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1919 )
    Carroll, Charles Anthony ( 1925 )
    Molesworth, Hugh Mervyn ( 1931 )
    Chapman, Robert MacGowan, 2nd Bt. ( 1945 )
    Bruce, Donald William Trevor, Baron Bruce of Donington ( 1947 )
    Clerke, John Edward Longueville, 12th Bt. ( 1948 )
    Legge, Gerald Humphrey, 9th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1951 )
    Davson, Christopher Michael Edward, 3rd Bt. ( 1953 )
    Wilson, Geoffrey Hazlitt ( 1955 )
    Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 10th Duke of Richmond ( 1956 )
    Stopford Sackville, Lionel Geoffrey ( 1959 )
    Ball, Charles Irwin, 4th Bt. ( 1960 )
    Carbutt, Francis ( 1961 )
    Leeson, Ian Arthur ( 1964 )
    Larcom, Charles Christopher Royde, 5th Bt. ( 1965 )
    Carroll, Donal Shemus Allingham ( 1966 )
    Clay, Richard Henry, 7th Bt. ( 1966 )
    Levy, Michael Abraham, Baron Levy ( 1966 )
    Spens, Patrick Michael Rex, 3rd Baron Spens ( 1967 )
    Bagge, John Jeremy Picton, 7th Bt. ( 1968 )
    Collett, Christopher ( 1969 )
    Greenway, Mervyn Stephen Kelvynge ( 1969 )
    Shutt, David Trevor, Baron Shutt of Greetland ( 1969 )
    Nugent, Walter Richard Middleton, 6th Bt. ( 1970 )
    Torlesse, Charles David ( 1970 )
    Wigram, Gerrard Charles ( 1970 )
    Cameron, Donald Angus, of Lochiel, 27th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 1971 )
    Carmichael, Richard John, of Carmichael ( 1972 )
    Kaberry, Andrew Murdoch Scott ( 1972 )
    FitzRoy, James Oliver Charles, Earl of Euston ( 1973 )
    Fock, Bryan Michael ( 1973 )
    Horsley, Richard Geoffrey Courtenay ( 1973 )
    Sebag-Montefiore, Charles Adam Laurie ( 1974 )
    Bingham, Simon John Ward, 8th Baron Clanmorris of Newbrook ( 1975 )
    Harvie-Watt, James, 2nd Bt. ( 1975 )
    Legge, William, 10th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1975 )
    Moir, Christopher Ernest, 4th Bt. ( 1976 )
    Sharman, Colin Morven, Baron Sharman ( 1977 )
    Weaver, Christopher Giles Herron ( 1977 )
    Freeman, Roger Norman, Baron Freeman ( 1979 )
    Wentworth-Stanley, David Michael ( 1979 )
    Heathcoat-Amory, David Philip ( 1980 )
    Bruce, Peveril John, of Salloch ( 1981 )
    Ponsonby, Rupert Charles, 7th Baron de Mauley of Canford ( 1990 )
    Troubridge, Thomas Richard, 7th Bt. ( 1991 )
    Floyd, David Henry Cecil ( 1993 )
    Mackintosh, John Clive, 3rd Viscount Mackintosh of Halifax ( 1995 )
    Dawnay, Richard Henry, 12th Viscount Dawnay ( 2002 )
    Count equals 231 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (F.I.C.A.)
    Collett, Angus Christopher Calvert
    Evans, Herbert Gwynne
    Hopkinson, John Montgomerie
    Montgomery, Arthur Herbert
    Mortimer, Derek John Steven
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (F.I.C.A.)
    Hill, Arthur Robin Ian, 8th Marquess of Downshire
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Bankers (F.C.I.B.)
    Austin-Cooper, Richard Arthur ( 1987 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (F.C.I.S.)
    Watson, Robert W.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
    Seager, John Elliot
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (F.I.C.S.)
    Jones, John Hubert Emlyn
    Leathers, Frederick Alan, 2nd Viscount Leathers
    Vereker, Charles William Medlicott
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Chemical Engineers (F.I.Chem.E.)
    Mayo, Benjamin John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chemistry (F.I.C.)
    Bloxam, Hugh Charles Loudon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical
    Redwood, Thomas Boverton, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Ireland
    Barry, James M.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Commerce (F.C.I.)
    Parkes, John Wilfrid
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Design Engineers (F.I.D.E.)
    Gladstone, Peter
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Directors (F.Inst.D.)
    Bruce, James Michael Edward
    Buchan, David William Sinclair, of Auchmacoy
    Forte, Rocco John Vincent
    Gayre, George Robert
    Gray, Anthony James
    Gummer, Peter Selwyn, Baron Chadlington
    Gurney, David Quintin
    Leigh-Pemberton, Jeremy
    Stirling-Home-Drummond-Moray, John Robert
    Hobart-Hampden, George Miles, 10th Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1983 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Electrical Engineers (F.I.E.E.)
    Brooke, Ralph Crichton Rupert
    Bruce, Robert, 8th Lord Balfour of Burleigh
    Dent, Adrian James
    Eborall, Edward Alfred
    Newman, Durnford Frederick Wyndham
    Radcliffe, Charles Joseph Basil
    Robinson, Charles Vernon
    Smijth-Windham, William Russell
    Wheeldon, Alan John Douglas
    Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 1984 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (F.I.E.E.E.)
    Grabbe, Dimitri
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Energy (F.Inst.E.)
    Rutherford, Alan Gray
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Engineers of Australia (F.I.E.Aust.)
    Taylor, Edward Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Financial Accountants (F.F.A.)
    Leighton-Langer, Peter
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Financial Planning (F.I.F.P.)
    Deedes, Jeremy
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Fisheries Management (F.I.F.M.)
    Stansfeld, John Raoul Wilmot, of Dunninald ( 1996 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Horticultural (F.I.Hort.)
    Cornwallis, Fiennes Neil Wykeham, 3rd Baron Cornwallis
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Horticulture (F.I.Hort.)
    Jones, Hamlyn Gordon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Housing Managers
    Hort, Iris Elizabeth
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Housing Managers (F.I.H.M.)
    Vane, Margaret Cicely
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Journalists (F.J.I.)
    Hurd, Anthony Richard, Baron Hurd
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Landscape Architects (F.I.L.A.)
    Booth, Kenneth Alec James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Legal Executives
    Wilson, Pamela Gay
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Life and Pension Advisers
    Chetwynd, Adam Richard John Casson, 10th Viscount Chetwynd of Bearhaven ( 1982 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Linguisits (F.I.L.)
    Morgan, Evan Frederic, 2nd Viscount Tredegar
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Linguists
    Maitland Makgill Crichton, David Hugh
    Henniker-Heaton, Clement Algernon Charles ( 1960 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Management
    Tate, Henry Saxon, 5th Bt. ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Management (F.I. Mgt.)
    Harmsworth, Vere Harold Esmond, 3rd Viscount Rothermere
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Management (F.I.Mgt.)
    Bethell, Richard Ker Slingsby
    Boyle, Richard Bentinck, 9th Earl of Shannon
    Fox-Strangways, Maurice Vivian de Touffreville, 9th Earl of Ilchester
    Palmer, Henry William
    Turner, Edward Neil
    Stuart, Arthur Patrick Avondale, 8th Earl Castle Stewart ( 1978 )
    Cecil, Oswald Nigel Amherst ( 1980 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (F.I.M.C.)
    Parsons, John Christopher
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Marketing (F.Inst.M.)
    Gummer, Peter Selwyn, Baron Chadlington
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Materials (F.I.M.)
    Inskip, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Mechanical Engineering (F.I.Mech.E.)
    Cooke, Victor Alexander, Baron Cooke of Islandreagh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Mechanical Engineers (F.I.Mech.E.)
    Biddulph, Francis John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (F.I.M.M.)
    Browne, Edmund John Phillip, Baron Browne of Madingley
    O'Brien, Murrough Vere ( 1974 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (South Africa)
    Comyn, Nugent Gerald Ward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Navigation (F.I.N.)
    Chichester, Francis Charles
    Colbeck, William R.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Nuclear Engineers (F.I.Nuc.E.)
    Fox-Strangways, Maurice Vivian de Touffreville, 9th Earl of Ilchester
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Personal Management
    Wilkinson, Theon Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Personnel Management (F.I.P.M.)
    Philipps, Rhiannon Elisabeth
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Personnel and Development (F.I.P.D.)
    Bichard, Michael George, Baron Bichard
    Bruce, John Alan Fairlie
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Petroleum (F.Inst.Pet.)
    Hunter, John
    Forsyth, Alistair Charles William, Chief of Forsyth ( 1973 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Physicists (F.Inst.P.)
    Giffard, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury
    Flowers, Brian Hilton, Baron Flowers ( 1961 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Physics (F.Inst.P.)
    Browne, Edmund John Phillip, Baron Browne of Madingley
    Cooke-Yarborough, Edmund Harry
    Craufurd, Quentin Charles Alexander, of Kilbirnie, 6th Bt.
    Montgomery Campbell, Philip Henry
    Phillips, David Chilton, Baron Phillips of Ellesmere ( 1988 )
    Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 1991 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Production Engineers (F.I.Prod.E.)
    Carleton, Henry Hugh Seymour ( 1942 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Professional Engineers of New Zealand (F.I.P.E.N.Z.)
    Davidson, Duncan Hector, of Davidston
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Public Relations (F.I.P.R.)
    Brill, John
    Gummer, Peter Selwyn, Baron Chadlington
    Hornby, Robert John Augustine
    Noel, Robert Gerard Charles
    Laird, John Dunn, Baron Laird ( 1991 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Purchasing Managers (F.I.P.M.)
    Young, John Kenyon Roe, 6th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Quality Assurance (F.I.Q.A.)
    Jackson, Michael Roland, 5th Bt.
    Pollock, David Bertram, 2nd Viscount Hanworth
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of Sales Management
    Mansel, Philip, 15th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of Work Study
    Bowles, Cecil Vance ( 1953 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institute of the Motor Industry (F.I.M.I.)
    Lascelles, Gerald David
    Lucas, Michael William George, 2nd Baron Lucas of Chilworth
    Miller, Hilary Duppa
    Moss, Jean, Baroness Denton of Wakefield ( 1974 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Institute of the Motoring Industry (F.I.M.I)
    Macpherson, David William Anthony Blyth, 2nd Baron Strathcarron ( 1989 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers (F.I.C.E.)
    Neill, John Antony
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers (F.I.C.E.)
    Arbuthnott, Robert
    Barton, Andrew Synge
    Birdwood, Christopher R. Brodrick
    Boyle, John William, 14th Earl of Cork
    Burke, Jeremy Ulick
    Cheyne, Andrew Watson
    Chisholm, Alan
    Cochrane, Hugh Benjamin
    Eddison, John Michael
    Ferguson Davie, William George Michael
    Franks, Martin Lister
    Fulton, Angus Anderson
    Gwynn, John David
    Innes, Peter Alexander Berowald, of Balvenie, 17th Bt.
    Inskip, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote
    Kershaw, Peter John
    Knoop, Nicholas
    Legge, Gounter Heneage Hugh
    Leslie, Alexander
    Montague, Keith Norman, 3rd Baron Amwell
    Mynors, Peter Leslie Baskerville
    Nelson, Henry George, 2nd Baron Nelson of Stafford
    Pratt, David Lynn
    Prime, Richard
    Sanders, Terence Robert Beaumont
    Serota, Stanley
    Spens, Colin Hope
    Strouts, Charles Brian
    Vyvyan, Bernard Jeremy
    Walters, Rupert Cavendish Skyring
    Erskine-Murray, Patrick Elibank ( 1968 )
    Woods Ballard, Timothy John ( 1974 )
    Giffard, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury ( 1975 )
    Collett, Anthony Hugh ( 1987 )
    Count equals 34 individuals.

Fellow, Institution of Electrical Engineers (F.I.E.E.)
    Adams, John Michael Skelton
    Cooke-Yarborough, Edmund Harry
    Erroll, Frederick James, 1st and last Baron Erroll of Hale
    Fulton, Angus Anderson
    Gibbon, Charles Philip Holroyd
    Giffard, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury
    Heaton-Armstrong, Louis John
    Hewett, George Nele
    Inskip, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote
    Pollock, David Bertram, 2nd Viscount Hanworth
    Wynn, Rowland Tempest Beresford
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Fellow, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (F.I.E.E.E.)
    Heaton-Armstrong, Louis John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Engineers of Australia (F.I.E.Aus.)
    Trevelyan, James Philip
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Heating & VEntilation Engineers
    Snow, Edward Eric
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Highways and Transportation (F.I.H.T.)
    Mynors, Peter Leslie Baskerville
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (F.I.Mar.E.S.T.)
    Fairbairn, David Patrick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineering (F.I.Mech.E.)
    Clarke, Ralph Lionel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (F.I.Mech.E.)
    Adams, John Michael Skelton
    Arbuthnott, Robert
    Cavendish-Tribe, Alan
    Cochrane, Hugh Benjamin
    Collingwood, Gerald
    Egerton, David Boswell, 16th Bt.
    Fulton, Angus Anderson
    Gray, Edward Wensley
    Grootenhuis, Peter
    Hayes, Richard Michael Lloyd
    Henniker-Heaton, John Lindsey
    Howard, George William
    Hunter, John
    Inskip, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote
    Layton, Michael John, 2nd Baron Layton
    Mackworth, James Digby
    Maxwell, Dennis Crichton
    Mole, Arthur Charles
    Moll, Johan Heinrich
    Nelson, Henry Roy George, 3rd Baron Nelson of Stafford
    Paget, John Starr, 3rd Bt.
    Pope, John Rose
    Pratt, David Lynn
    Sanders, Terence Robert Beaumont
    Trefusis, Robert John Rodolph
    Trillo, Robert Longley
    Hamilton, James Alexander Hans ( 1964 )
    Vincent, Richard Frederick, Baron Vincent of Coleshill ( 1990 )
    Count equals 28 individuals.

Fellow, Institution of Mining Engineers (F.I.Min.E.)
    Willson, Roy
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (F.I.M.M.)
    Ponsonby, Frederick Matthew Thomas, 4th Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede ( 1996 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Production Engineering (F.I.MProd.E.)
    Clarke, Ralph Lionel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Professional Engineers (F.I.P.E.)
    Paget, John Starr, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Structural Engineers (F.I.Struct.E.)
    Nicholson, Robin Alaster
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Institution of Water and Environmental Management (F.I.W.E.M.)
    Spens, Colin Hope
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Interenational Insitutue for Conservatiion of Historic and Artistic Works (F.I.I.C.)
    Booth-Jones, Charles Vernon Colville
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, International Association of Book-Keepers
    Annesley, Michael Robert, 12th Earl Annesley ( 1997 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, International College of Surgeons (F.I.C.S.)
    Fielder, Ronald George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Worls (F.I.I.C.)
    Tite, Michael Stanley
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, International Institute of Arts and Letters (F.I.A.L.)
    Stanley, Diana Margaret
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, International Society of Haematology
    Brunton, Edward Francis Lauder, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Irish Genealogical Research Society
    O'Brien, Donough
    Wilson, Lorton Alexander
    Gray, Edward Stewart ( 1938 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Irish Genealogical Research Society (F.I.G.R.S.)
    Blackall, Henry William Butler
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Land Agent's Society (F.L.A.S.)
    Eve, John Douglas Trustram
    Hodson, David Thomas
    Kenyon-Slaney, William Simon Rodolph
    Kirkpatrick, John Johnston
    Pardoe, John Huben
    Shelley, John
    Stuart, David Randolph Moray, 2nd Viscount Stuart of Findhorn
    White, Thomas Astley Woollaston, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Fellow, Land Agents Society (F.L.A.S.)
    Hood, Albert Oscar
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Land Agents' ASociety (F.L.A.S.)
    Milburn, Frederick Michael Hewlins ( 1961 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Land Agents' Society (F..L.A.S.)
    Leslie-Melville, George David
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Land Agents' Society (F.L.A.S.)
    Barnardiston, Geoffrey
    Bourke, Walter Longley, 8th Earl of Mayo
    Bowring, Henry Christopher White
    Copeman, Robert Shuckburgh
    Elliot, Gilbert Augustus
    FitzHerbert, John Richard Frederick, 8th Bt.
    Floyd, Charles Murray
    Hawley, David Henry, 7th Bt.
    Henniker-Major, John Ernest de Grey, 7th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney
    Herbert, George William, 7th Earl of Powis
    Long, Richard Samuel
    McMahon, William Patrick, 7th Bt.
    Molesworth-St. Aubyn, Beville
    Mostyn, Joseph Edward Hubert
    Pardoe, John Hubert
    Petre, William
    Williams-Ellis, John Richard Baldwyn
    Stuart, Douglas John Moray, 20th Earl of Moray ( 1948 )
    Wills, Victor Patrick Hamilton ( 1957 )
    Noel, Gerard Lionel Gordon ( 1958 )
    Hay, Arthur William George Patrick, 15th Earl of Kinnoull ( 1964 )
    Count equals 21 individuals.

Fellow, Land Agents' Society (F.LA.S.)
    Monckton, Alan Stobart ( 1965 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Landscape Institute (F.L.I.)
    Ward, Catharine Joan
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Library Association (F.L.A.)
    Budgett, Elizabeth Catherine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Library Association of Ireland (F.L.A.I.)
    Gavan Duffy, Colum ( 1953 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Linean Society (F.L.S.)
    Browne, Isabel Mary Peyronnet
    Hanbury-Tenison, Airling Robin
    Spearman, Richard Ian Campbell
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Linnaean Society (F.L.S.)
    Fraser, Helen Charlotte Isabella
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Linnean Society
    Beamish, Tufton Percy Hamilton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Linnean Society (F.L.S.)
    Alexander, Reginald Gervaise
    Annesley, George, 2nd Earl of Mountnorris
    Beamish, Richard Henrick
    Boothby, William, 7th Bt.
    Brain, Edith Dorothy
    Brook, George
    Bruce, Francis Rosslyn Courtenay
    Burnett, David Humphrey, 3rd Bt.
    Chaplin, Anthony Freskin Charles Hamby, 3rd Viscount Chaplin
    Cros, Primrose Millicent Elaine Mallet
    Cummins, Henry Alfred
    Davies-Cooke, Philip
    Dorrien-Smith, Arthur Algernon
    Douglas, Sholto Charles John Hay, 20th Earl of Morton
    Duckworth, Henry
    Dunn, Stephen Troyte
    Eley, Charles Cuthbert
    Fry, Edward
    Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 5th Earl of Cranbrook
    Goodenough, Frederick Roger
    Gough, George Stephens, 2nd Viscount Gough of Goojerat
    Grey, Thomas, 6th Baron Walsingham
    Guise, William Vernon, 4th Bt.
    Hoare, Richard Colt, 2nd Bt.
    Jacoby, Martin Charles
    Lever, Tresham Christopher Arthur Lindsay, 3rd Bt.
    Loder, Giles Rolls, 3rd Bt.
    Mansel-Pleydell, John Clavell
    McLeod, Murdoch Campbell, 2nd Bt.
    Minchin, Edward Alfred
    Murray, Mungo David Malcolm, 6th/7th Earl of Mansfield
    Oakeley, Henry Francis
    Palmer, William Jocelyn Lewis
    Peckover, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Peckover
    Porter, John Robinson
    Purchon, Nigel Denison
    Ramsay-Gibson-Maitland, James, 4th Bt.
    Ridley, Henry Nicholas
    Roussel, Lilian Alice Mabel
    Simon, Peregrine Charles Hugh
    St. Aubyn, John, 5th Bt.
    St. John, Henry Beauchamp, 13th Baron St. John of Bletso
    Stuart, Andrew Edmund Castle Stuart
    Tenison, William Percival Cosnahan
    Tuely, N C
    Whitbread, Samuel Charles
    Wickham, William
    Crichton, Alexander ( 1793 )
    Hay, Arthur, 9th Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1865 )
    Wilson, John Bracebridge ( 1882 )
    Evans, William David, Baron Energlyn ( 1945 )
    Gathorne-Hardy, Robert ( 1960 )
    Floyd, Charles Murray ( 1965 )
    Talbot, Milo John Reginald, 7th Baron Talbot of Malahide ( 1968 )
    Count equals 54 individuals.

Fellow, Linnean Society (F.L.S.0
    Taylour, Geoffrey Thomas, 4th Marquess of Headfort ( 1929 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Linnean Society (F.LS.)
    Haworth, Adrian Hardy ( 1798 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Linnean Society of the Imperial College (F.L.S.)
    McLaren, Caroline Mary
    Scarlett, James Harry, 9th Baron Abinger
    Tribe, Mary du Caurroy
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, London College of Music (F.L.C.M.)
    Harmsworth, Eric Beauchamp Northcliffe
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Manchester Medical Society
    Bellingham, Roger Carroll Patrick Stephen, 6th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Medical Society
    Fayrer, Joseph, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Medical Society (F.M.S.)
    Acland, Sarah Angelina
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, National Geographic Society of the U.S.A.
    Legge, John Augustus
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Nautical Institute (F.N.I.)
    Wake, Cedric Philip
    Codrington, William Alexander, 8th Bt. ( 1976 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Obstetrical Society of London
    Chavasse, Pye Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Pharmaceutical Society (F.P.S.)
    Brooke, Rupert Woolby
    Gregory, Doris
    Jephcott, Harry, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Philosophical Society (F.Ph.S.)
    Mond, Robert Ludwig
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Physical Society
    Davidson, James Mackenzie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Plastics and Rubber Institute
    Collett, David Brooke
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Academy (F.R.A.)
    Pakington, Dorothy Alice
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Academy Ireland (F.R.A.I.)
    Dewar, Hubert Stephen Lowry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering (F.Eng.)
    Cooke-Yarborough, Edmund Harry
    Grootenhuis, Peter
    Nelson, Henry George, 2nd Baron Nelson of Stafford
    Chilver, Amos Henry, Baron Chilver ( 1977 )
    Tombs, Francis Leonard, Baron Tombs ( 1977 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering (F.R.Eng.)
    Browne, Edmund John Phillip, Baron Browne of Madingley
    Inskip, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote
    Stokes, Donald Gresham, Baron Stokes
    Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 1985 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Academy of Music (F.R.A.M.)
    Agnew, Philip Leslie
    Byrne, Andrew William Arthur
    Goossens, Leon Jean
    Judd, Anthony Hubert Scott
    Vale, Walter
    Vyvyan, Jennifer Brigit
    Clarke, Henry Ashley ( 1970 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society (F.R.A.E.S.)
    Reynolds, Eric Austyn
    Siddeley, John Davenport, 1st Baron Kenilworth
    Wood, Ronald McKinnon
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society (F.R.Ae.S.)
    Andrews, Harold James
    Boothby, Frederick Lewis Maitland
    Buxton, Geoffrey Mungo
    Campbell-Orde, Alan Colin
    Cave-Browne-Cave, Thomas Reginald
    Dunne, John William
    Forbes-Sempill, William Francis, 19th Lord Sempill
    Havilland, Geoffrey
    McAlpine, Kenneth
    Norman, Nigel Desmond
    Smiith-Pert, George James
    Tizard, Henry Thomas
    Trillo, Robert Longley
    Wallis, Barnes Neville
    Rogers, John Robson ( 1983 )
    Craig, David Brownrigg, Baron Craig of Radley ( 1986 )
    Vincent, Richard Frederick, Baron Vincent of Coleshill ( 1990 )
    Whidborne, Richard St. John ( 1993 )
    Blyth, James, Baron Blyth of Rowington ( 1994 )
    Count equals 19 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Agricultrual Society (F.R.Ag.S.)
    Margesson, Richard David ( 1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Agricultural Societies (F.R.Ag.S.)
    Gibson-Watt, James David, Baron Gibson-Watt
    Oliver-Bellasis, Hugh Richard
    Barber, Derek Coates, Baron Barber of Tewkesbury ( 1992 )
    Cameron, Ewen James Hanning, Baron Cameron of Dillington ( 1995 )
    Montagu Douglas Scott, Walter Francis John, 9th Duke of Buccleuch ( 1996 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Agricultural Society (F.R.Ag.S.)
    Davies, Islwyn Edmund Evan
    Drummond, Caroline Jane
    Palmer, John Roundell, 4th Earl of Selborne
    Williams-Wynne, John Francis
    Dalrymple, Marion Violet ( 1963 )
    Plumb, Charles Henry, Baron Plumb ( 1974 )
    Naish, Charles David ( 1986 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Agricultural Society of England (F.R.A.S.E.)
    Barber, Derek Coates, Baron Barber of Tewkesbury ( 1986 )
    Carter, Denis Victor, Baron Carter ( 1997 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Agricultural Soicety (F.R.Ag.S.)
    Fellowes, John Ailwyn, 4th Baron de Ramsey of Ramsey Abbey
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Agriculture Socities (F.R.Ag.S.)
    Naylor-Leyland, Herbert Scarisbrick, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute
    Sebag-Montefiore, Nathaniel Charles
    Sieff, Israel Moses, Baron Sieff
    Stevenson-Hamilton, James Christopher, 17th of Fairholm
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute (F.R.A.I.)
    Bottomley, Susan Margaret
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (F.R.A.I)
    Paget, Richard Arthur Surtees, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (F.R.A.I.)
    Bonn, Philip Edward Leo Africa
    Roussel, Lilian Alice Mabel ( 1923 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Arts Society (F.R.A.S.)
    Dolmage, Cecil Goodrich Julius
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Asiatic Society (F.R.A.S.)
    Bonn, Philip Edward Leo Africa
    Cooper, Thomas Mackay, 1st and last Baron Cooper of Culross
    Fagan, Patrick James
    Fowler, Alpin Grant
    Fox, Charles
    Onslow, William Lake
    Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, George Harcourt, 3rd Baron Derwent
    Villiers, John Francis Hyde
    Dalrymple, William Benedict ( 1997 )
    Gunston, John Wellesley, 3rd Bt. ( 1998 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Asiatic Soicety of Bengal (F.R.A.S.B.)
    Cotter, Gerald de Purcell
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Astronomical SOciety (F.R.A.S.)
    Sinclair, John, of Ulbster, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society (F.R.A.S.)
    Alleyne, John Olpherts Campbell, 5th Bt.
    Anthony, Charles
    Ball, Robert Stawell
    Beaufort, Francis
    Berry, Adrian Michael, 4th Viscount Camrose
    Bonham, Francis John
    Christie, William Henry Mahoney
    Cooke, W. E.
    Dallmeyer, Thomas Rudolphus
    Drummond, Archibald Spencer
    Freeman-Grenville, Greville Stewart Parker
    Godley, Eveline Charlotte
    Granger, Richard Francis Turney
    Green, Nathaniel Everett
    Grubb, Howard
    Heaton-Armstrong, William Charles
    Herbert, Christian Victor Charles, 6th Earl of Powis
    Heward, Edward Vincent
    Langton-Jones, Ronald
    Molesworth, Arthur Hilton Wynn
    Molesworth, Francis Crofton
    Montgomery Campbell, Philip Henry
    Morgan-Grenville, Beatrice Mary Grenville, Lady Kinloss
    Moulton, John Fletcher, Baron Moulton
    Nelson, Albert Francis Joseph Horatio, 6th Earl Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton
    Parsons, Laurence Michael Harvey, 6th Earl of Rosse
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Duke of Northumberland
    Powell, Baden
    Rivett-Carnac, John Henry
    Russell, Martin Basil Paul
    Sackville Hamilton, Andrew James
    Spencer, Victor Alexander, 2nd Viscount Churchill
    Strutt, Anthony Geoffrey
    Taylour, Basil Reginald Hamilton
    Tennant, James Francis
    Toynbee, Henry
    Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira ( 1827 )
    Yolland, William ( 1840 )
    Lettsom, William Garrow ( 1849 )
    Parsons, Laurence, 4th Earl of Rosse ( 1867 )
    Grubb, Thomas ( 1870 )
    Bosanquet, Robert Holford Macdowall ( 1871 )
    Bomford, Guy ( 1935 )
    Count equals 43 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians (F.R.A.C.P.)
    Stowasser, Michael
    Bowerbank, Fred Thompson ( 1938 )
    Chan, Michael Chew Koon, Baron Chan ( 1975 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (F.R.A.C.S.)
    Hamilton, Robert Alexander Benjamin, 12th Lord Belhaven and Stenton
    Hittman, Frederick Cecil Bruce
    Lennox, Andrew Ferris
    Mill, James Crowe Davidson
    Pittar, Cecil Arthur
    Smith, Julian Ormond
    Spiers, Lennox
    Yelland, John Douglas Newman
    Fraser, James David, 2nd Bt. ( 1984 )
    Count equals 9 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australasian Coollege of Surgeons (F.R.A.C.S.) (NZ)
    Mee, Roger Beach Balfour
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Australia College of General Practitioners (F.R.A.C.G.P.)
    Allen, Rodney Elkington
    Thorn, Bronwen Margery
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australia College of Physcians (F.R.A.C.P.)
    Barbour, Marina Louise
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (F.R.A.N.Z.C.O.G
    Schlesinger, Peter E.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (F.R.A.C.G.P.)
    Henderson, John William Philip
    Harvey, Bagenal Crosbie ( 1968 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (F.R.A.C.O.G.)
    Dobson, Peter Capell
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Australian College of Obstreticians and Gynaecologists (F.R.A.C.O.G.)
    Keith, Donald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Australian College of Physcians (F.R.A.C.P.)
    Bryan, Alan Douglas
    Douglas, Robert Andrew ( 1967 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australian College of Physicians (F.R.A.C.P.)
    Goble, Alan James
    Hammett, John Frederick
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australian College of Surgeons (F.R.A.C.S.)
    Capell, Thomas William
    Coltman, Timothy Charles
    Cummins, Christopher Fenton Aylmer
    Gibbs, Peter Murray
    Minchin, Max Ellison ( 1957 )
    O'Brien, Horace Donough ( 1958 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Australian New Zealand College of Physicians (F.R.N.Z.C.P.)
    Beams, Geoffrey Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Pyschiatrists (F.R.A.N.Z.C.P.)
    Cousins, Terence David
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Botanic Society (F.R.B.S.)
    Waterlow, Charles Hickson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal British Society of Sculptors (F.R.B.S.)
    Wyon, Allan Gairdner
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Canadian Geographical Society (F.R.C.G.S.)
    Burden, George Manuel, of Seabegs
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Clolege of Organists (F.R.C.O.)
    Atkins, Ivor Algernon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Anaesthetists (F.R.C.A.)
    Antrobus, James Hugh Lindsay
    Chan, Stephen Chung Ee
    Hedley-Whyte, John Hedley
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Art (F.R.C.A.)
    Hall, Irene Anne
    Munro, George Hamilton, of Foulis, 12th Bt.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Arts (F.R.C.A.)
    Brodrick, Peter Matthew
    Erskine, Robert John
    Sullivan, Malvena Elizabeth
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of General Practitioners (F.R.C.G.P.)
    Bruce, Vivian Richard
    Eastaugh, Andrew Nathaniel
    Fowler, Susanne Jane
    Money, Paul Spencer Kryle
    Savage, Richard Anthony
    Scoones, Francis Harold
    Henderson, John William Philip ( 1969 )
    Rea, John Nicolas, 3rd Baron Rea ( 1989 )
    Lloyd, June Kathleen, Baroness Lloyd of Highbury ( 1990 )
    Downman, Ilora Gillian, Baroness Finlay of Llandaff ( 1992 )
    Miller, Stephen William Macdonald, of Glenlee, 8th Bt. ( 1995 )
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Music (F.R.C.M.)
    Alcock, Walter Galpin
    Crewe-Milnes, Helen Cynthia
    Goossens, Leon Jean
    Greene, Henry Plunket
    Lloyd Webber, William Southcombe
    Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin
    Palmer, Gordon William Nottage
    Ponsonby, Matthew Henry Herbert, 2nd Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede
    Younger, Robert, Baron Blanesburgh
    Beecham, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ( 1934 )
    Spencer, Adelaide Margaret Delia ( 1954 )
    Redcliffe-Maud, John Primatt, Baron Redcliffe-Maud ( 1964 )
    Boissier, Beatrice Mary June ( 1966 )
    Ackroyd, John Robert Whyte, 2nd Bt. ( 1988 )
    Lloyd Webber, Andrew, Baron Lloyd-Webber ( 1988 )
    Lloyd Webber, Julian ( 1994 )
    Count equals 16 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Music (R.C.M.)
    Palmer, Arnold Nottage
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Nursing (F.R.C.N.)
    McFarlane, Jean Kenendy, Baroness McFarlane of Llandaff ( 1976 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (F.R.C.O.G.)
    Beattie, William John Hunt Montgomery
    Brentnall, Charles Philip
    Byrne, Dominic Lawrence
    Cameron, Michael
    Donaldson, Malcolm
    Drew-Smythe, Henry James
    Egerton, Mary Elizabeth
    Finlaison, Francis Harry Hume
    FitzGibbon, Gibbon
    Frankenberg, Benjamin John
    Hamlin, Reginald Henry James
    Lochrane, Charles Damien
    Nicholson, Elinor Catherine
    Samuel, Eileen Victoria
    Schlesinger, Peter E.
    Ward, Joseph
    Crichton, Eric Cuthbert ( 1929 )
    Valera, Eamon ( 1970 )
    McLaren, Anne Laura Dorinthea ( 1986 )
    Acheson, Ernest Donald ( 1992 )
    Count equals 20 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (M.R.C.O.G.)
    Flood, Charles Mackintosh
    Foulkes, John Frederick
    Stewart, David
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Obstreticians and Gynaecological (F.R.C.O.G.)
    Higgins, Lionel George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Obstreticians and Gynaecologists (F.R.C.O.G.)
    Amerongen, André-Jacques
    Barcroft, Joseph
    Barry, Arthur Patrick
    Brudenell, John Michael
    FitzHerbert, Margaret
    Knight, Cyril Herbert
    Lloyd-Jones, Rees
    McNair, Arthur James
    Rowley, Howard
    Scott, James Steel
    Treston, Maurice Lawrence
    Winston, Robert Maurice Lipson, Baron Winston ( 1983 )
    Patel, Narendra Babubhai, Baron Patel ( 1988 )
    Count equals 13 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Obstretics and Gynaecology (F.R.C.O.G.)
    Everett, Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Ophthalmologists (F.R.C.Oph.)
    Talbot, John FitzRoy
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Ophthalmology (F.R.C.Ophth.)
    Monckton, John
    Spalton, David John ( 1988 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Opthalmologists (F.R.C.Ophth.)
    Scott, Robert Alastair Howie
    Arnott, Eric John ( 1988 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Organists
    Goldsbrough, Arnold Wainwright
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Organists (F.R.C.O.)
    Alcock, Walter Galpin
    Armitage, Reginald Moxon
    Davison, Nigel St. John
    Dearden, Vincent
    Denton, David
    Garden, Edward James Clarke
    Gritton, Eric William
    Huggard, John Turner
    Humpherson, William Allen
    Jenkin, John Henry
    Johnson, Mary
    Lloyd Webber, William Southcombe
    Morley, Hugh Oliver
    Nicholson, Sydney Hugo
    Osborn, Montagu John
    Routh, Francis John
    Statham, Heathcote Dicken
    Count equals 17 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Heath (F.R.C.P.C.H.)
    Cox, Anthony Dawson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Paeditricians and Child Health (F.R.C.P.C.H.)
    Chan, Michael Chew Koon, Baron Chan ( 1996 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Patholgists (F.R.C.Path.)
    Nixon, Anne Louise Catherine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists (F.R.C.Path.)
    Geddes, Jennian Ford
    Hayes, Ross Abbott
    Morrison, Danny
    Pugh, Simon Francis
    Williamson, Emma Charlotte Mary
    Stamp, Trevor Charles, 3rd Baron Stamp ( 1963 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (F.R.C.P.A.)
    Hayes, Ross Abbott
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Pathology (F.R.C.Path.)
    Balfour, Anthony John Chetwynd
    Campbell, Alexander Colin Patton
    Eykyn, Susannah Jane
    Milnes Coates, Anthony Robert, 4th Bt. ( 1999 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians (F.R.C.P.)
    Freedman, Abraham
    Moorhead, Thomas Gillman
    Owen-Smith, Brian David
    Perry, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron Perry of Walton ( 1968 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (F.R.C.P.E.)
    Fraser, James David, 2nd Bt. ( 1980 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (F.R.C.P.I.)
    Boxwell, William
    Dawson, William Richard
    Eustace, Marcus John
    FitzGibbon, Gibbon
    Hatchell, Joseph H.
    Macan, Arthur Vernon
    Moorhead, Thomas Gillman
    Murphy, Cyril James Usher
    Nixon-Montgomery, Alexander
    O'Donnell, Michael Joseph
    Purser, Honor Mabel
    Redmond, Joseph Michael
    Steen, Robert Elsworth
    Traill, Anthony
    Cruise, Francis Richard ( 1864 )
    Moore, Norman, 1st Bt. ( 1912 )
    Synge, Victor Millington ( 1921 )
    Cummins, Mary Ellice Thorne ( 1924 )
    Cummins, Nicholas Marshall ( 1929 )
    O'Brien, Brendan Edward ( 1943 )
    Valera, Eamon ( 1947 )
    Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baron Brain ( 1952 )
    Count equals 22 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (F.R.C.Ph.I.)
    Bomford, William Harold ( 1908 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians of London (F.R.C.P.)
    Pearson, Rupert Samuel Bruce
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Canada (F.R.C.P.(C))
    Stewart, Thomas Henry Mackenzie ( 1962 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Canada (F.R.C.P.)
    Brunton, James Lauder, 4th Bt.
    Lewis, David Sclater
    MacMillan, Robert Laidlaw
    Monckton, George
    Weir, Douglas Charles
    Brain, Michael Cottrell, 3rd Baron Brain ( 1958 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh (F.R.C.P.E.)
    Brotherston, John Howie Flint
    Campbell, Alexander Colin Patton
    Campbell, Richard Hubert Alexander
    Davidson, Chalmers
    Foulis, James
    Haldane, Daniel Rutherford
    Hort, Edward Collett
    Innes, James Alastair
    Masson, George Aird
    Rawlins, Michael David
    Rohde, Peter David
    Spens, Thomas
    Stanley, Arthur
    Steel, Christopher Michael
    Stewart, James
    Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute, honorary
    Watson, Douglas Chalmers
    Lauder, William ( 1681 )
    Dick, Alexander, of Prestonfield, 3rd Bt. ( 1727 )
    Paul, John Hayball ( 1858 )
    Bowerbank, Fred Thompson ( 1929 )
    Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baron Brain ( 1953 )
    Kilpatrick, Robert, Baron Kilpatrick of Kincraig ( 1963 )
    Perry, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron Perry of Walton ( 1967 )
    Richardson, John Samuel, Baron Richardson ( 1975 )
    Foster, John Gregory, 3rd Bt. ( 1981 )
    Lloyd, June Kathleen, Baroness Lloyd of Highbury ( 1989 )
    Turnberg, Leslie Arnold, Baron Turnberg ( 1993 )
    Patel, Narendra Babubhai, Baron Patel ( 1997 )
    Count equals 29 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland (F.R.C.P.(I))
    Turnberg, Leslie Arnold, Baron Turnberg ( 1993 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland (F.R.C.P.I.)
    Bourke, Francis Stephen
    O'Carroll, Joseph Francis
    Reid, James, 1st Bt. ( 1900 )
    Cummins, Robert Constable ( 1929 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London (F.R.C.P.)
    Addey, William Fielding
    Ala, Fereydoun
    Alban Davies, Huw
    Alexander, William
    Alport, Arthur Cecil
    Archdall, Mervyn Wilfred
    Asher, Richard Alan John
    Atkinson, Michael
    Babington, Benjamin Guy
    Bacon, Anthony Peter Coats
    Bangham, Derek Raymond
    Bardswell, Noel Dean
    Barr, James
    Batten, Rayner Winterbotham
    Beddard, Arthur Philip
    Berkeley, George Harold Arthur Comyns
    Best, Alexander Vans
    Birley, James Leatham
    Bishop, Thomas
    Boldero, Harold Esmond Arnis
    Booth, John Kaye
    Bott, Edward Charles Arden
    Bridges, Robert Seymour
    Brinton, Wilfred Danvers
    Brinton, William
    Briscoe, John Charlton, 3rd Bt.
    Broadbent, John Francis Harpin, 2nd Bt.
    Broadbent, Walter
    Brook, Charles Groves Darville
    Browne, Edward Granville
    Burnet, Robert William
    Butterfield, William John Hughes, Baron Butterfield
    Buxton, Paul Kenneth
    Buzzard, Edward Farquhar, 1st Bt.
    Buzzard, Thomas
    Calvert, James
    Campbell, Richard Hubert Alexander
    Cawadias, Alexander
    Cayley, Forde Everard de Wend
    Cayley, William
    Chandler, Frederick George
    Charles, John
    Christie, Dugald
    Clark, Andrew, 1st Bt.
    Clarke, John
    Clemow, Arthur Henry W.
    Coates, Charles
    Cohen, Henry, 1st Baron Cohen of Birkenhead
    Colladon, Theodore
    Colt, Edward William Dutton, 10th Bt.
    Conway, Dominick John
    Cooksey, Frank Sebastian
    Cooper, Christine Elisabeth
    Copeman, Sydney Arthur Monckton
    Cox, Anthony Dawson
    Cullinan, Edward Revill
    Cumming, John
    Dancy, Christopher Mark
    Dewar, Thomas William
    Donald, Ian
    Drewitt, Frederic George Dawtrey
    Durrant, Christopher Mercer
    Eastaugh, Andrew Nathaniel
    Eban, Raphael
    Eden, Geoffrey
    Elkington, George Ernest
    Elphinstone, Norah Christine
    Elwin, John Fountain
    Evans, Courtenay Nisbet
    Evans, Horace, 1st and last Baron Evans
    Fayrer, Joseph, 1st Bt.
    Fenwick, Samuel
    Findlay, George William Marshall
    Finlay, William
    Fletcher, Charles Montague
    Fletcher, Herbert Morley
    Fletcher, Walter Morley
    Foster, Balthazar Walter, 1st Baron Ilkeston
    Fowler, Michael Bruce
    Fowler, Percy Bruce Southmayd
    Fox, Edward Long
    Fox, Thomas Colcott
    Fremantle, Francis Edward
    Gibson, Michael Oliver John
    Goble, Alan James
    Gold, S. C.
    Goodhart, Gordon Wilkinson
    Goodhart, James Frederic, 1st Bt.
    Gunn, William
    Haldin-Davis, H.
    Harington, Michael
    Harris, Noel Gordon
    Hawkins, Francis
    Hawkins, Herbert Pennell
    Heaton, John Deakin
    Hobhouse, Edmund Walter Neill
    Hope, Edward William
    Horder, Thomas Jeeves, 1st Baron Horder
    Hoskin, T. Jenner
    Howell, Charles Anthony Hinds
    Howell, Conrad Meredyth Hinds
    Hume, William
    Hunter, Robert Brockie, Baron Hunter of Newington
    Hutton, William Noel
    Jackson, James Ellis
    James, Robert Rutson
    Jex-Blake, Arthur John
    Jolly, Hugh Reginald
    Jurin, James
    Leatham, Aubrey Gerald
    Lewis, Anthony Arthur Gough
    Lindsay, Mary Katherine Martin
    Liveing, Robert
    Lovibond, John Locke
    Lubbock, Montagu
    Lyle, Thomas Keith
    Macalister, Charles John
    Macdougall, Colin Neil
    Mackintosh, Alan Finlay
    Mackworth-Young, Charles Gerard
    Maitland, David Randolph
    Markham, William Orlando
    Martin, Laurence Cleveland
    Mayo, George
    McGrigor, James, 1st Bt.
    Menzies, William Francis
    Michie, Iain
    Miller, Nathaniel Allan
    Mills, Peter George
    Mitchell, John Bernard
    Moir, John Innes Allan
    Monckton, George
    Monckton, Stephen
    Monro, Henry
    Moon, Robert Oswald
    Morley, Henry Seaward
    Morrison, Iain Martin, of Ruchdi
    Mutch, Nathan
    Nicholson, Harry Oliphant
    Nicol, Claude Scott
    Nixon, Anne Louise Catherine
    O'Riordan, Jeffrey Lima Hayes
    Ormerod, Jospeh Arderne
    Orr Ewing, Hugh James
    Outram, Benjamin
    Owen, Sydney
    Paget-Tomlinson, William Smith
    Paine, Christopher Hammon
    Parsons-Smith, Basil Thomas
    Pelly, Michael Desmond Eliot
    Petrie, James Colquhoun
    Pettigrew, James Bell
    Phipson, Edward Selby
    Pinckney, Charles Percy
    Pitt, George Newtown
    Pollock, Arthur Julius
    Pollock, William Rivers
    Porter-Philips, John G.
    Powell, Richard Douglas, 1st Bt.
    Poynton, Frederic John
    Price, James Alan
    Priestley, William Overend
    Pumphrey, Charles Walter Bartholomew
    Rawlins, Michael David
    Reynell, Walter Rupert
    Reynolds, Thomas Forbes
    Reznek, Rodney
    Ribeiro, Bernard Francisco, Baron Ribeiro
    Robson, Angus Osborn
    Rocke, David Anthony
    Rolleston, John Davy
    Roose, Edward Charles Robson
    Roxburgh, Archibald Cathcart
    Russell, Michael Anthony Hamilton
    Sandwith, Humphrey
    Simard, Marie Francoise
    Simey, Athelstan Iliff
    Sinclair, Hugh Macdonald
    Singer, Charles
    Sprigge, Samuel Squire
    Stapleton, Thomas
    Stewart, John Simon Watson, of Balgownie, 6th Bt.
    Stewart-Wallace, Arthur Maurice
    Sutro, Sigismund
    Talbot, John FitzRoy
    Tate, Anne Teresa
    Thorowgood, John Charles
    Thorowgood, John Charles
    Tizard, Peter
    Torrens, James Aubrey
    Townshend, Richard Hume
    Tresawna, W. S.
    Turnbull, Hubert Maitland
    Waterlow, John Conrad
    Wedgwood, John
    Wesselow, Owen Lambert Vaughan Simkinson
    Wood, Paul Hamilton
    Woodwark, Stanley
    Wrong, Elizabeth Catherine
    Yellowlees, Henry
    Baker, George, 1st Bt. ( 1757 )
    Schomberg, Isaac ( 1771 )
    Parsons, John ( 1775 )
    Turner, Thomas ( 1805 )
    Monro, Edward Thomas ( 1816 )
    Thomson, Anthony Todd ( 1842 )
    Acland, Henry Wentworth, 1st Bt. ( 1850 )
    Jenner, William, 1st Bt. ( 1852 )
    Symonds, John Addington ( 1857 )
    Rolleston, George ( 1859 )
    Broadbent, William Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1869 )
    Church, William Selby, 1st Bt. ( 1870 )
    Duckworth, Dyce, 1st Bt. ( 1870 )
    Playfair, William Smoult ( 1870 )
    Taylor, Frederick, 1st Bt. ( 1872 )
    Brunton, Thomas Lauder, 1st Bt. ( 1876 )
    Barlow, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1880 )
    Blacker, George Francis ( 1896 )
    Dawson, Bertrand Edward, 1st and last Viscount Dawson of Penn ( 1903 )
    Hutchison, Robert, 1st Bt. ( 1903 )
    Armstrong-Jones, Robert ( 1907 )
    Wilson, Charles McMoran, 1st Baron Moran ( 1921 )
    Pritchard, Harold ( 1926 )
    Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian ( 1929 )
    Champion de Crespigny, Constantine Trent ( 1929 )
    Gardiner-Hill, Harold ( 1929 )
    Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baron Brain ( 1931 )
    Heathcote, Reginald St. Alban ( 1932 )
    McAlpine, Archibald Douglas ( 1932 )
    Dodds, Edward Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1933 )
    Platt, Robert, Baron Platt ( 1935 )
    Holmes à Court, Alan Worsley ( 1945 )
    Richardson, John Samuel, Baron Richardson ( 1948 )
    Buzzard, Edward Miller ( 1949 )
    Sandifer, Paul Harmer ( 1950 )
    Douglas, Robert Andrew ( 1952 )
    Mallinson, William Paul, 3rd Bt. ( 1953 )
    Maclay, Walter Symington ( 1954 )
    Anderson, David Alastair Pearson, 2nd Viscount Waverley ( 1957 )
    Barcroft, Henry ( 1959 )
    Studdert, Thomas Copland ( 1959 )
    Wells, George Crichton ( 1959 )
    Taylor, Stephen James Lake, Baron Taylor ( 1960 )
    Bowlby, Edward John Mostyn ( 1964 )
    Smith, Honor Mildred Vivian ( 1965 )
    Berridge, Francis Richard ( 1968 )
    Brain, Michael Cottrell, 3rd Baron Brain ( 1968 )
    Lloyd, June Kathleen, Baroness Lloyd of Highbury ( 1969 )
    Oakeley, Henry Francis ( 1969 )
    Acheson, Roy Malcolm ( 1973 )
    Turnberg, Leslie Arnold, Baron Turnberg ( 1973 )
    Milton-Thompson, Godfrey James ( 1974 )
    Kilpatrick, Robert, Baron Kilpatrick of Kincraig ( 1975 )
    Milnes Coates, Anthony Robert, 4th Bt. ( 1978 )
    O'Brien, Brian Dermod ( 1978 )
    Stamp, Trevor Charles Bosworth, 4th Baron Stamp ( 1978 )
    Geddes, Duncan Mackay ( 1982 )
    Adler, Michael William ( 1984 )
    Chan, Michael Chew Koon, Baron Chan ( 1986 )
    Dilke, Timothy Fisher Wentworth, 7th Bt. ( 1986 )
    Murray, Mary Bridget ( 1988 )
    MacDermot, John ( 1989 )
    Spalton, David John ( 1990 )
    Lawrence-Jones, Christopher, 6th Bt. ( 1991 )
    Hattersley, Andrew Tym ( 1997 )
    Hoskyns, Edwyn Wren, 17th Bt. ( 1997 )
    Downman, Ilora Gillian, Baroness Finlay of Llandaff ( 1999 )
    Winston, Robert Maurice Lipson, Baron Winston ( 2002 )
    Count equals 268 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London (F.R.C.P.)
    Moore, Norman, 1st Bt. ( 1877 )
    Lloyd-Mostyn, Roger Hugh ( 1982 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London (F.R.C.P.) (Canada)
    Deck, John Henry Northcote
    Mackenzie, Roderick McQuhae, of Scatwell, 12th Bt.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London (F.R.C.Psych.)
    Barlow, Erasmus Darwin
    Cox, Anthony Dawson
    Cox, Murray Newell
    Holmes, Jeremy Alan
    Russell, Michael Anthony Hamilton
    Zinkin, Louis Maurice
    Eustace, Henry Jocelyn ( 1971 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Psychologists (F.R.C.Psy.)
    Bethell, Maxwell Slingsby ( 1961 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Psychologists (F.R.C.Psych.)
    Rohde, Peter David
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Radiologists (F.R.C.R.)
    Bathurst, Nicholas Charles George
    Byrne, James Vincent
    Campbell-Robson, Lorne
    Goolden, Alan Wilfrid Gough
    Paine, Christopher Hammon
    Platts, Andrew Duncan
    Reznek, Rodney
    Stewart, John Simon Watson, of Balgownie, 6th Bt.
    Tate, Anne Teresa
    Thornton, Anna Sara Constance
    O'Connell, Daniel ( 1958 )
    Wakeley, Charles John ( 1991 )
    Scott, Oliver Christopher Anderson, 3rd Bt. ( 1998 )
    Count equals 13 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons (England) (F.R.C.S.)
    Scott-Watson, Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.
    Marsh, John David
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.)
    Abdy Collins, Eric
    Abernethy, Douglas Allan
    Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke
    Acland, Robert Dyke
    Adams, James Arnold
    Addey, William Fielding
    Adeney, Noel Frederick
    Ainsworth-Davis, John Creyghton
    Aiyar, Ramiah Dorasawamy
    Albers, Alfred Gustave
    Andrews, John Alban
    Arden, George Philip
    Arnold, E. C.
    Arnott, Henry
    Aylwin, John
    Babyn, Roman Bohdan
    Bacon, Annette Susan
    Bacon, Hugh Francis
    Bacon, Peter Jaques
    Baeza, Joshua Isidore
    Bailie, Hugh William Cochrane
    Baker, Charles Ernest
    Barlow, Donald Spiers Monteagle
    Barnardo, Frederick Adolphus Fleming
    Barnes, Samuel
    Bartholomew, John
    Barton, George Kingston
    Barwell, Richard
    Bathurst, Nicholas Charles George
    Batterham, John Williams
    Beare, Robin
    Beattie, William John Hunt Montgomery
    Beevor, Charles
    Bell, Benjamin, of Blackethouse
    Berkeley, George Harold Arthur Comyns
    Berry, James
    Best, Alexander Vans
    Bidwell, Leonard Arthur
    Bishop, Ian
    Bjornson, Olafur
    Black, Joseph
    Blacker, George Francis
    Blacklay, Oliver Hugh
    Bloxham, John Astley
    Bodley-Scott, Maitland
    Booth, Anthony Edmund
    Bowie, Charles William
    Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1st Bt.
    Boyle, Nicholas Hamilton
    Braidwood, Walter Standish
    Brailey, Arthur Robertson
    Brass, John Cooper
    Brewerton, Elmore Wright
    Brinton, Arthur Greene
    Brinton, William
    Bromley, Lance Lee
    Brooks, Jonathan Henry
    Broomhall, Benjamin Charles
    Brown, James S.
    Brown, William Moir
    Browne, Edgar Athelstan
    Browne, George Buckston
    Brudenell, John Michael
    Brudenell, Marcus John Rothwell
    Buckmaster, George Alfred
    Bulteel, Christopher
    Burrell, Lancelot
    Butcher, Richard George Herbert
    Buxton, Kenneth Leonard
    Byrne, James Vincent
    Cadell, Francis
    Calvert, Cecil Armstrong
    Cameron, Michael
    Campbell, John Logan
    Campbell-Robson, Lorne
    Candler, Lawrence
    Carson, Hugh
    Cayley, Cyril Henry
    Chapple, Harold
    Cheyne, William Watson, of Leagarth, 1st Bt.
    Claridge, Martin
    Clark, Andrew
    Clarke, John Stephenson
    Clarkson, Patrick Wensley
    Clouston, Kathleen
    Coates, William
    Colborne, William John
    Cooper, Alfred
    Corkey, Isaac Whitla
    Cormack, Harry Slater
    Corner, Edred Moss
    Costobadie, Vincent Ackroyd Palliser
    Cotterill, Montagu
    Courtenay, Peter Harold Edwin
    Cresswell, Frank P. S.
    Cripps, William Harrison
    Critchett, George
    Crooke, James
    Crouch, Charles Percival
    Cruise, Richard Robert
    Cumming, John
    Cunningham, John Francis
    Cupiss, Francis P.
    D'Abreu, Alphonsus Ligouri
    D'Abreu, Francis Arthur Philip
    Daniel, Herbert McWilliam
    Davis, Peter Reginald
    Day, Lewis Frank
    Dean, Alan Charles Barclay
    Debenham, Leonard Snowden
    Dickinson, Harold Bertie
    Dill, John Frederick Gordon
    Dix, Victor Wilkinson
    Dixon, James Dodd
    Dixon, James William Theodore
    Donaldson, Malcolm
    Douty, Edward Henry
    Doyne, Philip Geoffrey
    Drake, Courtenay Henry
    Drake, Courtney
    Drew-Smythe, Henry James
    Drybrough-Smith, Ernald
    Duffett, Henry Allcroft
    Duke, Abraham
    Duke-Woolley, Frederick
    Durden-Smith, A. J.
    Eames, Michael Harvey Alexander
    Eames, Niall William Adrian
    Eccles, Alfred
    Eccles, William C. McAdam
    Ekin, William Hugh
    Elder, Andrew Murdoch
    Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Victor Gilbert Lariston Garnet, 5th Earl of Minto
    Elliott, Robert
    Elliott-Blake, Henry
    Elmslie, William
    Evans, Brian Antony
    Evans, Evan Laming
    Evans, Thomas John Carey
    Every-Clayton, Leopold Ernest Valentine
    Ewart, David
    Falconer, Alan Scott
    Falconer, Dallas Scott
    Fawcett, Edward Boyd
    Fawcett, William Herbert
    Fayrer, Joseph, 1st Bt.
    Fenwick, John
    Fergus, John Naismith
    Finlaison, Francis Harry Hume
    Finn, Allan Rigden
    Fitzwilliams, Duncan Campbell Lloyd
    Franklin, Denham
    Franklin, Richard Harrington
    Fraser, Ian
    Fremantle, Francis Edward
    Freshman, Edgar
    Friend, Gerald Edward
    Gairdner, Alan Campbell
    Gaskell, Arthur
    Gibbin, Kevin Patrick
    Gild, H. S.
    Gillams, Judith Elizabeth
    Gordon, Angus Buchan
    Goswani, Benudhar
    Graham-Brown, Leonard
    Graham-Jones, John Laurence
    Grange, Charles D'Oyly
    Graves, Ryves William
    Griffiths, Hugh Ernest
    Grimaldi, Peter Martin Gort Beaufort, 16th Marquis Grimaldi
    Grundy, David James
    Haine, Francis Henry
    Haldin-Davis, H.
    Hambly, Edmund Henry
    Hammick, Stephen Love, 1st Bt.
    Hammond, F. J.
    Hardyman, George
    Hare, Evan Hering
    Harkness, Arthur Herbert
    Harman, Nathaniel Bishop
    Hawkins, Caesar F.
    Haydon-Baillie, Malcolm Anthony
    Hayward, John Arthur
    Hazlerigg, Alexandra Frances
    Henderson, Thomas Bonhôte
    Herman, Ashley Ernest
    Hetley, Frederic
    Hewitt, David Walker
    Higgins, Lionel George
    Hildreth, Harold Crossley
    Hillgarth, Wilmott Henderson
    Hogarth, Robert George
    Holmes, Mathew
    Hope, Edward William
    Houghton, John Hyde
    Hovell, Dennis de Berdt
    Howard, Robert Jared Bliss
    Howe, Colin Thomas
    Hubbersty, Francis Stephen
    Hudson, Charles Elliot Leopold Barton
    Hughes, Thomas Collingwood, 15th Bt.
    Hunt, Edmund Henderson
    Ironside, William
    Jackson, John
    James, George Thomas Brooksbank
    James, Peter Mansel Lloyd
    James, W. Warwick
    Jennings, Andrew Melvin
    Jennings, Calverley Middlemiss
    Jennings, Melvin Calverley
    Jennings, Simon
    Jessop, Thomas Richard
    Jessop, Thomas Richard
    Johnson, George Herbert
    Jory, Norman Adams
    Jowett, Albert Edwin
    Joyce, James Leonard
    Kakkar, Ajay Kumar, Baron Kakkar
    Kaye-Smith, Edward
    Keynes, Geoffrey Langdon
    Kilkelly, Charles Edward
    Kinsella, Victor
    Kirwan-Taylor, Harold George
    Knowles, William
    Knox, John Wallace
    Kollitsis, Nicholas Milton
    Lancaster, Joseph
    Lane, William Arbuthnot, 1st Bt.
    Latchmore, Arthur John Craig
    Law, William Thomas
    Lawrence, William, 1st Bt.
    Lawson, George
    Leacock, Aubrey Gordon
    Leslie, William Murray
    Levesley, Alfred Stoyell
    Lewis, Thomas Loftus Townshend
    Lister, William
    Lithgow, Thomas George
    Lloyd, George Jordan
    Lloyd-Jones, Rees
    Lochrane, Charles Damien
    Love, Robert John McNeill
    Lucas, Jonathan Delight
    Lyle, Herbert Willoughby
    Lyndon, George Ernest
    Lyons, Charles John
    MacDonald, Neil
    Mackenzie, Kenneth
    Mackworth, Norman Walter
    Macnamara, Nottidge Charles
    Macnamara, Nottidge Charles
    Maddick, Edmund Distin
    Malcolm, John D.
    Manning, Charles William Stewart French
    Marsh, Frederick Howard
    Marsh, Howard
    Martin-Leake, Arthur, V.C. and bar
    Marx, Clare Lucy
    Matthews, John William
    Maxwell, Joseph Archibald
    Mayo, Thomas Alfred
    McCloud, Jonathan Mark
    McEvedy, Brian Victor
    McNair, Arthur James
    Merryweather, Reginald
    Milewski, Peter Jan
    Mill, James Crowe Davidson
    Milles, W. Jennings
    Mimpriss, Trevor Walter
    Molesworth, Hickman Walter Lancelot
    Monckton, Stephen
    Monk, Ian
    Monro, Alexander
    Monro, James Lawrence
    Montefiore, Nathaniel
    Moore, Thomas
    Moreton, Adrian Leonard
    Morley, Timothy Rowland
    Morse, David Vivian
    Morse, Thomas Herbert
    Mouat, James, V.C.
    Moynihan, Berkeley George Andrew, 1st Baron Moynihan
    Murphy, James
    Myers, Geoffrey
    Napier, Francis Horatio
    Napier, Francis Horatio
    Neilson, Drover Frederick Acton
    Nesbitt, William Peel
    Newell, Richard Leonard Martyn
    Nicholls, George John
    Nicholson, Oliver Ross
    Norbury, Frederick
    Northmore-Ball, Martin Dacre
    Northover, John Martin Alban
    O'Meara, Eugene John
    Oldham, Henry
    Oliviera, Anthony Benjamin
    Page, Charles Max
    Paget, Stephen
    Pannett, Charles Aubrey
    Pappworth, Sidney
    Paramore, Richard Horace
    Parke-Olive, Eustace John
    Parker, Samuel
    Pelly, Saville Marriott
    Pendlebury, Herbert Stringfellow
    Perera, J. K. P.
    Perry, Samuel James Chatterton Prittie
    Pinker, Henry George
    Pitt, George Heriot
    Platts, Andrew Duncan
    Plowright, Charles Bagge
    Pollock, George David
    Porteous, Matthew J. Le Fanu
    Porter, Bertram Butterworth
    Porter, George Hornidge, 1st Bt.
    Porter, William Henry
    Porter-Philips, John G.
    Powell, Henry Denis Whitwell
    Pratt, James John
    Pridie, Kenneth Hampden
    Pye-Smith, Ebenezer
    Raw, Stanley Collingwood
    Read, Charles David
    Reddington, Mortimer Philip
    Reid, Edmund Lewis
    Ribeiro, Bernard Francisco, Baron Ribeiro
    Richards, William Arthur
    Richardson, Leo Aylwin
    Ridley, Nicholas Harold Lloyd
    Rigby, Hugh Mallinson, 1st Bt.
    Rischbieth, Harold
    Roberts, George Augustus
    Roberts, Owen William
    Robertson, Thomas Storm
    Robinson, James Salmond
    Rowell, George
    Rowlandson, Piers
    Rundle, George Edward
    Rutherford, Norman Cecil
    Sadler, Samuel Champernown
    Salaman, John Redcliffe
    Sandell, David Hugh
    Sandwith, Humphrey
    Satchwell, Hubert John
    Scott Brown, W. G.
    Scott, James Christopher
    Scott, James Steel
    Sharpe, J. L.
    Sharpin, Henry Wilson
    Shoppee, Edward Collett
    Simey, Athelstan Iliff
    Slayter, William Bruce
    Sleman, Richard
    Slight, Julian
    Smith, Edwin Rodney, Baron Smith
    Smith, Gilbert
    Smith, Julian Ormond
    Smith, Mark Eric
    Smith, Thomas Frederick Hugh
    Smith, Thomas, 1st Bt.
    Smith, W. Heaton
    Smyth, Michael Joseph
    Somerville, Edgar William
    Southwood, William Frederick Walter
    Sprigge, Samuel Squire
    St. Clair-Sobell, James
    Stanley, E. G.
    Stephen, Robert Alexander
    Stevenson, Derek Cecil
    Stewart, George Irvine Thompson
    Summers, Thomas Collyer
    Synge, John Lighton
    Tatham, Reginald Cyril
    Taylor, H. Neville
    Taylor, James
    Thomson-Walker, John William
    Treston, Maurice Lawrence
    Trestrail, Henry Ernest
    Tuite, Jeremy Denis
    Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Alberic George
    Tyrrell-Gray, Harry
    Uhthoff, John Caldwell
    Uhthoff, John Caldwell
    Unwin, Harold Robert
    Vansittart, Robert Arnold
    Vick, Reginald Martin
    Wadham, Frank Jesser
    Wallis, Frederick Charles
    Ward, Bernard Joseph
    Ward, David Joseph
    Warren, Richard Pelham
    Warwick, Richard
    Wayland-Smith, Richard
    Weakley, Arthur Leonard
    Weaver, J. P. A.
    Webb, Arthur Liddon
    Westman, S. K.
    Whitamore, Vernon Northwood
    Whitelocke, H. Anglin
    Whittingdale, John
    Whyte, Angus Hedley
    Wickham, William John
    Wilkins, William John
    William, Evan Arthur
    Williams, Bernard Warren
    Williamson, Frederick
    Williamson, Robin Charles Noel
    Wilson, Alexander
    Wise, Martin Highfield
    Witherow, Ross O'Neill
    Wood, Arthur Michael
    Wood, Mark Lionel
    Woods, Rex Salisbury
    Woods, Robert Stanton
    Wormald, Thomas
    Wright, James Alfred Snarey
    Wynn-Williams, George
    Yelland, John Douglas Newman
    Yeoman, P. M.
    Young, Austen
    Østerberg, Paul Harald
    Jeaffreson, William ( 1844 )
    Gull, William Withey, 1st Bt. ( 1848 )
    Corbin, Marc Antony Bazille ( 1852 )
    Hicks, Francis Edward ( 1852 )
    Lister, Joseph, 1st and last Baron Lister ( 1852 )
    Scott, Edward John ( 1857 )
    Venning, Edgcombe ( 1867 )
    Gay-French, John ( 1870 )
    Armstrong-Jones, Robert ( 1885 )
    Waring, Holburt Jacob, 1st Bt. ( 1891 )
    Lawson, Arnold ( 1893 )
    Addison, Christopher, 1st Viscount Addison ( 1895 )
    Smith, Thomas Rudolph Hampden, 2nd Bt. ( 1895 )
    Gordon-Watson, Charles ( 1902 )
    Lett, Hugh, 1st Bt. ( 1902 )
    Webb-Johnson, Alfred Edward, 1st and last Baron Webb-Johnson ( 1906 )
    Huggins, Godfrey Martin, 1st Viscount Malvern ( 1908 )
    Pooley, George Henry ( 1908 )
    Woodall, Ambrose Edgar, 1st Baron Uvedale of North End ( 1916 )
    Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1st Bt. ( 1921 )
    Browne, Denis John Wolko ( 1922 )
    Ross, James Paterson, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
    Armitage, George ( 1925 )
    Brock, Russell Claude, Baron Brock ( 1929 )
    Porritt, Arthur Espie, Baron Porritt ( 1930 )
    Nicholson, John Charles, 3rd Bt. ( 1934 )
    Strang, Robert ( 1935 )
    Grattan, Edmund O'Donnell Colley ( 1936 )
    Pringle, John Seton ( 1937 )
    Corbin, John Ogilvie ( 1939 )
    Macpherson, Archibald Ian Stewart ( 1940 )
    Spencer, John Gray Churchill ( 1940 )
    Minchin, Max Ellison ( 1946 )
    Trevor-Roper, Patrick Dacre ( 1947 )
    Cummins, Christopher Fenton Aylmer ( 1949 )
    Wakeley, John Cecil Nicholson, 2nd Bt. ( 1955 )
    Graham, Malcolm Vaughan ( 1956 )
    Ross, James Keith, 2nd Bt. ( 1956 )
    Ross, Harvey Burton ( 1957 )
    Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baron Brain ( 1958 )
    Pease, William Simon, 3rd Baron Wardington ( 1960 )
    Arnott, Eric John ( 1962 )
    McColl, Ian, Baron McColl of Dulwich ( 1962 )
    Sullivan, Michael Francis ( 1966 )
    Miller, Ashley John ( 1969 )
    Auden, Rita Romola ( 1972 )
    Fraser, James David, 2nd Bt. ( 1973 )
    Spalton, David John ( 1975 )
    Woodhouse, Christopher Richard James, 6th Baron Terrington ( 1975 )
    Miller, Stephen William Macdonald, of Glenlee, 8th Bt. ( 1981 )
    Wakeley, Charles John ( 1987 )
    Love, Caroline Anne, Baroness Cox ( 1996 )
    Patel, Narendra Babubhai, Baron Patel ( 1998 )
    Count equals 475 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.) (Australia)
    Greene, Charles Westland
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.) (Canada)
    Nicolle, Frederick Villeneuve
    Watters, Neil Archibald
    Yoneda, Bruce Taro
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.) (d )
    Cahill, Timothy Joseph
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh (F.R.C.S.E.)
    Whyte, Wilbert Donaldson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (F.R.C.S.I.)
    Carroll, John
    Charles, Richard Havelock, 1st Bt.
    Hobson, Abraham
    Smyly, William Cecil Plunket
    Wilson, Thomas George
    Pringle, John Seton ( 1935 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Australia (F.R.A.C.S.)
    Douglas, Gavin James ( 1955 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (F.R.C.S.E.)
    Bell, George William
    Black, Joseph
    Booth, Anthony Edmund
    Borthwick, Francis
    Boyd, Marjorie Ruth Elizabeth
    Bramwell, Herbert
    Campbell, John
    Carr White, Percy
    Chavasse, Pye Henry
    Cockburn, Archibald William
    Cooke, Charles Henry
    Crews, Sydney James
    Crookshank, Harry Maule
    Dick, Alexander, of Prestonfield, 3rd Bt.
    Dobson, Peter Capell
    Douglas, Alexander, of Glenbervie, 7th Bt.
    Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, 14th Duke of Hamilton
    Fayrer, Joseph, 2nd Bt.
    Forrest, Francis Penrose
    Graham, Robert Balfour
    Gray, St. George Bernard Delisle
    Hallowes, Price Blackwood
    Handyside, Peter
    Henderson, Edwin
    Littlejohn, Thomas Herbert
    Lowe, George
    Macdonald, Roderick
    Maclagan, Andrew Douglas
    Macpherson, Archibald Ian Stewart
    Murphy, Denys Fitzgerald
    Nesbitt, Belinda Elizabeth
    Puckle, Hugh Noel Murray
    Rabagliati, Andrea Carlo Francisco
    Reynolds, F. Neon
    Ritchie, James
    Ross, Donald
    Schlesinger, Peter E.
    Scott Brown, W. G.
    Scott, James Steel
    Scott, Robert Alastair Howie
    Wales, George Frederick
    Watts, Elwin
    Weaver, J. P. A.
    Wilson, Thomas Dermot Hume
    Bell, Benjamin, of Blackethouse ( 1771 )
    Bell, Joseph, of Blackethouse ( 1808 )
    Lister, Joseph, 1st and last Baron Lister ( 1855 )
    Dewar, James ( 1878 )
    Barnardo, Thomas John ( 1879 )
    Graham, George Kenneth ( 1947 )
    Crichton, Eric Derk ( 1953 )
    Fraser, James David, 2nd Bt. ( 1953 )
    McColl, Ian, Baron McColl of Dulwich ( 1962 )
    Varian, John Patrick Werge ( 1970 )
    Colthurst, James Richard ( 1985 )
    Ross, James Keith, 2nd Bt. ( 1989 )
    Patel, Narendra Babubhai, Baron Patel ( 1997 )
    Count equals 57 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (F.R.C.S.E.)
    Critchett, George Anderson, 1st Bt. ( 1880 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (F.R.S.E.)
    Brotherston, John Howie Flint
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of England (F.R.C.S.)
    Usher, George Herbert
    Anderson, Charles Bevan Carew ( 1916 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (F.R.C.S.I.)
    Ball, Charles Arthur Kinahan, 2nd Bt.
    Ball, Charles Bent, 1st Bt.
    Benson, Charles Molyneux
    Boyce, Charles
    Boyd, Thomas Crawford
    Butler, Peter
    Considine, Thomas Ivoy
    Cooper, Austin Nathaniel
    Cooper, William Reginald
    Courcy Wheeler, William Ireland
    Crosbie, Pierse Leslie
    Cusack, Samuel Athanasius
    Dobbin, William
    Fitzmaurice, Edward
    Fletcher, Robert Vicars
    Franks, Kendal Matthew St. John
    Fraser, Ian
    Gogarty, Oliver St. John
    Goodbody, Cecil Maurice
    Gordon, Thomas Eagleson
    Graham, George Frederick
    Harvey, William Geoffrey
    Jacob, John Edmond
    Law, Samuel Horace
    Maunsell, Robert Charles Butler
    Minchin, Humphrey John
    Nugent, Rhoda Jane
    O'Brien, Horace Donough
    Purdon, Charles De La Cherois
    Ridgway, William Gerald
    Rigby, Hugh Mallinson, 1st Bt.
    Robinson, Charles Henry
    Ryan, John
    Scott, John Harrison
    Smyly, Philip Crampton
    Somerville-Large, William Collis
    St. Tyner, George
    Stokes, William
    Stoney, Frederick Joseph Wetherall
    Stoney, Richard Atkinson
    Traill, Anthony
    Varian, Stephen Noel
    Villiers-Tuthill, Phineas Barrett
    Walker, Francis Spring
    West, Arthur Annesley
    Woods, Robert Rowan
    Ziervogel, Jacobus Philip
    Bomford, William Harold ( 1908 )
    Graham, Thomas Ottiwell ( 1912 )
    Fraser, James David, 2nd Bt. ( 1984 )
    Count equals 50 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Canada (F.R.C.S.)
    Taylor, John Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh (F.R.C.S.E.)
    Bowman, William, 1st Bt.
    Clark, James Richardson Andrew, 2nd Bt.
    Forbes, Norman Hay
    Fraser, Ian
    Galbraith, Walter Weir
    Hamilton, Thomas
    Hunter, John Brown Dalzell
    Mazumdar, Nirmal Kumar
    Nasmyth, Robert
    Raffan, George
    Solomons, Neil Barry
    Steel, Christopher Michael
    Thompson, George Sydney
    Welby, Frederick Earle
    Fraser, John, 1st Bt. ( 1910 )
    Hoare, William Wallis ( 1916 )
    Strang, Robert ( 1928 )
    Leeds, Charles Rupert Duncan ( 1937 )
    Count equals 18 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh (F.R.C.S.Ed.)
    Wakeley, Charles John ( 1987 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, England
    Porritt, Ernest Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, England (F.R.C.S.)
    Shaw, Henry Jagoe
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (F.R.C.S.I.)
    Lentaigne, John Vincent O'Neill
    Stafford, Thomas Joseph, 1st Bt.
    White, George Burbridge
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (F.R.C.V.S.)
    Bishop, Harry Wilkinson
    Cochrane, Robert Cecil
    Davenport, Colin
    Duck, Francis
    Grunsell, Charles Stuart Grant
    Hoare, Edward Wallis
    Rees-Mogg, Graham Beauchamp Coxeter
    Soulsby, Ernest Jackson Lawson, Baron Soulsby of Swaffham Prior
    Williams, William Rees
    Massy, Rosalys Vida ( 1945 )
    Mountbatten-Windsor, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom ( 1986 )
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Collge of Nursing (F.R.C.N.)
    Love, Caroline Anne, Baroness Cox ( 1985 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Commonwealth Society
    Dunbar, Richard John Victor Michael
    Villiers, Paul Frederick
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Economic Society (F.R.Econ.S.)
    Cohen, Reginald Herbert Coleman
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Economics Society (F.R.Econ.S.)
    Artiss, Edwin E.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Empire Society
    Best, Margaret Mary
    Harvey, Ernest Musgrave, 1st Bt.
    Roper, Alexander John Henry
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Empire Society (F.R.E.S.)
    Bagwell-Purefoy, Edward
    Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st Baron Birdwood
    Cavendish, Henry Sheppard Hart, 6th Baron Waterpark
    Heathcote, Gerald William Yvery
    Hickes, Edward Weston
    Hildyard, Edward John Westgarth
    Legge, John Augustus
    McLeod, Murdoch Campbell, 2nd Bt.
    Morgan, Courtenay Charles Evan, 1st Viscount Tredegar
    Watson, Robert W.
    Westwood, William, 1st Baron Westwood
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Engineers (R.E.)
    Heywood, J. M.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Entomology Society (F.R.Ent.S.)
    Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, Leslie Desmond Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Geographic Service (F.R.G.S.)
    Bell, William Abraham
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Geographic Society (F.R.G.S.)
    Fane de Salis, Anthony Denis Rodolph
    French, Fulke Charles Arthur John, 8th Baron de Freyne of Coolavin
    Lovett, Beresford
    Mac Gregor, Malcolm Gregor Charles, of Mac Gregor, 7th Bt.
    Parish, Woodbine
    Vereker, Foley Charles Prendergast
    Hooper, Gloria Dorothy, Baroness Hooper ( 1982 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Geographical Service (F.R.G.S.)
    Gorges, Edmond Howard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Geographical Societry (F.R.G.S.)
    Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, William John Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (F.R.G.S.)
    Acland, William Alison Dyke, 2nd Bt.
    Adeane, Edward Stanley
    Alcock, Frederick
    Alexander, Dudley Henry
    Allsopp, Charles, 3rd Baron Hindlip of Hindlip
    Anstruther, Keith Francis George
    Anstruther-Gray, William, of Kilmany and Carntyne
    Armitstead, George, 1st and last Baron Armitstead
    Armstrong, Nevill Alexander Drummond
    Arnold, Constance Eleanor
    Babington, William
    Backhouse, Edmund Trelawny, 2nd Bt.
    Baring, Rosemary Ethel
    Barrow, Wilfred John Wilson Croker, 5th Bt.
    Beaumont, Somerset Archibald
    Berkeley, Ernest James Lennox
    Berry, Adrian Michael, 4th Viscount Camrose
    Bertuchi, Anthony Joseph
    Birch, Arthur Nonus
    Birch, John William
    Blakiston, Thomas Wright
    Blois, Charles Nicholas Gervase, 11th Bt.
    Boord, William Arthur, 2nd Bt.
    Boothby, Basil Tanfield Beridge
    Bossom, Clive, 2nd Bt.
    Boulton, Samual Bagster, 1st Bt.
    Bowden, Frank, 1st Bt.
    Bowen-Colthurst, John Colthurst
    Boyle, Edward, 1st Bt.
    Boyle, Edward, 2nd Bt.
    Bradley-Birt, Francis Bradley
    Bridges, Walter Bogue
    Broadbridge, George Thomas, 1st Baron Broadbridge
    Bromhead, David de Gonville
    Brooke, John Weston
    Brown, David Arthur Llewellyn
    Brown, Reginald Llewellyn
    Browne, George Ulick, 6th Marquess of Sligo
    Bryans, John Patrick Gilmour
    Bryans, John Reginald
    Buchanan, Lewis Mansergh
    Buckmaster, Martin Stanley, 3rd Viscount Buckmaster
    Burnett-Ramsay, Thomas
    Burrell, Willoughby Merrik Campbell, 5th Baron Gywdyr
    Burton, Robert Claud
    Butler, Richard Austen, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden
    Butler, Thomas Pierce, 12th Bt.
    Buxton, Lucinda Catherine
    Cadogan, Francis Charles
    Came, Richard Raymont
    Campbell, Alastair Guy Spens
    Campbell, Alastair James Calthrop
    Campbell, Duncan Alexander Dundas, of Barcaldine, 3rd Bt.
    Campbell, John Duncan Vaughan, of Cawdor, 5th Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
    Candole, Eric Armar
    Carnegie, Patrick
    Carroll, Frederick Fitzgerald
    Catt, Philip Herbert
    Cave, Basil Shillito
    Cavendish, Henry Sheppard Hart, 6th Baron Waterpark
    Cayley, Cuthbert John
    Cayley, Henry
    Chaplin, Anthony Freskin Charles Hamby, 3rd Viscount Chaplin
    Chatterton, Eyre
    Chetwynd-Stapylton, Henry Edward
    Christian, William Glynn Heath, which endorsed his Bounty research trip on the Teiyo as the 'Sir John Barrow Commemorative Expedition'. This voyage resulted in a television presentation, and was documented in his 1982
    Clayton, John William
    Clifford, Bede Edmund Hugh
    Cochrane, John Ernest Charles James
    Coleridge, Guy Lushington
    Constable, Hugh Golding
    Cooper, John Julius, 2nd Viscount Norwich
    Coote, Walter
    Cowell-Stepney, Arthur Keppel, 2nd Bt.
    Craufurd, Standish George Gage, of Kilbirnie, 5th Bt.
    Currie, Robert Alexander
    Cusack, Henry Vernon
    Cust, Maria Eleanor Vere
    Davies, David, 1st Baron Davies
    Diamond, Derek Robin
    Dick-Lauder, John Edward Arthur
    Dillon-Lee, Arthur Edmund Denis, 16th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
    Dobbs, Henry Robert Conway
    Donnelly, Ivon
    Douglas, Helen Elizabeth
    Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, 14th Duke of Hamilton
    Dower, Alan Vincent Gandar
    Drage, Godfrey
    Dunbar Brander, Archibald Alexander
    Dunbar, William Cospatrick, of Mochrum, 9th Bt.
    Dunn, Stephen Troyte
    Dunsmure, Alexander Henderson
    Earle, Arthur
    Earle, Lawrence Matthew
    Elwes, Arthur Henry Stuart
    Emmet, David Alastair Rennell
    Fagan, Christopher Sullivan Feltrim
    Falkner, Percival Leo
    Fane de Salis, Andrew Edmund
    Fane, Anthony David Francis Henry, 16th Earl of Westmorland
    Fergus, John Naismith
    Fergusson, Bernard Edward, Baron Ballantrae
    Fetherstonhaugh, Timothy
    Finn, Alexander
    FitzWilliam, Charles William
    Fletcher-Vane, Francis Patrick, 5th Bt.
    Forbes, Edward
    Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, Leslie Desmond Edward
    Fowler, Alpin Grant
    Fox, Charles
    Fremantle, Edmund Robert
    French, Matthew
    French, Patrick Rollo
    Gandy, William Hunter
    Ganzoni, Francis John Childs, 1st Baron Belstead
    Gardner, Christopher Thomas
    Gardner, Francis Rolleston
    Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 5th Earl of Cranbrook
    Glyn, Gervas Powell, 6th Bt.
    Goad, Thomas William
    Goldsmid, Gladys Helen Rachel
    Gore, Augustus Frederick
    Gough, Shane Hugh Maryon, 5th Viscount Gough of Goojerat
    Graham, Evelyn Ronald Brodrick Cloete
    Greenwood, David Henry Hamar, 2nd Viscount Greenwood
    Greer, Thomas
    Grimston, James Brabazon, 5th Earl of Verulam
    Grosvenor, Richard de Aquila, 1st Baron Stalbridge
    Guise, Reginald Edward
    Gwynn, Charles William
    Hackett, Thomas Dalby Hutcheson
    Haliburton, John Selwyn
    Hamilton, Alexander Charles, 10th Lord Belhaven and Stenton
    Hamilton, Frederick Arthur
    Hamilton, John Angus Lushington Moore
    Hamilton, Robert Alexander Benjamin, 12th Lord Belhaven and Stenton
    Hanbury-Tenison, Airling Robin
    Hanbury-Tracy, Ninian John Frederick
    Harington, John
    Hattersley, Charles William
    Head, Robert Pollock Somerville, 4th Bt.
    Heaton-Armstrong, William Charles
    Heber-Percy, Hugh Lewis
    Herbert, Arthur Frederick
    Herbert, Graham Cludde
    Hervey, Dudley Francis Amelius
    Hesilrige, Grey
    Hewett, Bertram Henry Majendie
    Hill, Clement Lloyd
    Hill, Harold Brian Cunningham
    Hill, Richard Michael Oliver, 7th Lord Sandys, Baron of Ombersley
    Horsey, Grace Frances
    Howard, Arthur Henry
    Howard, Oliver
    Hulme, Elizabeth Ellen
    Hutton-Williams, William
    Inglefield, Edward Augustus
    Insole, Alan V.
    Johnson, Colpoys Guy Matt, 8th Bt.
    Johnson, Hubert Colpoys
    Kellett, Edward Orlando
    Kelly, Laurence Charles Kevin
    Kennedy, Robert John
    Kershaw, Richard Ruegg
    Kirby, William Lewis Clark
    Lampson, Curtis George, 3rd Bt.
    Larcom, Thomas Perceval, 3rd Bt.
    Lawrence, James John Trevor, 2nd Bt.
    Legge, John Augustus
    Leveson, Arthur Cavenagh
    Lilburn, Ian Robertson
    Llewellin-Taylour, Alfred Robert
    Lort-Phillips, Patrick
    Luard, Richard George Amherst
    Lucas-Tooth, Everild Vera Undine
    Lumsden, Henry, of Pitcaple
    Lyttelton, George William Spencer
    Lyttelton-Annesley, Arthur Lyttelton
    MacDermot, Brian Hugh Dermot
    Macgregor, William
    Macmillan, Allister
    Macpherson-Grant, Alastair
    Macpherson-Grant, George Bertram
    Maitland, Patrick Francis, 17th Earl of Lauderdale
    Markham, Charles, 2nd Bt.
    Markham, Violet Rosa
    Massy, Harry Stanley
    Maud, William Hartley
    Maxse, Ernest George Berkeley
    Maxwell, Gavin
    McCallum, Duncan
    McCorquodale, Marjorie
    McGrigor, George Duncan
    McMahon, Arthur Henry
    Medlycott, Mervyn Bradford, 5th Bt.
    Melvill, Philip
    Meston, James Scorgie, 1st Baron Meston
    Miller, Thomas
    Milne, Alexander
    Molesworth, Ernest Hilton
    Molesworth, Francis Crofton
    Molesworth, Lewis William, 11th Bt.
    Morgan, Anthony Hickman
    Nathan, Roger Carol Michael, 2nd Baron Nathan
    Needham, Francis Jack
    Nelson, Albert Francis Joseph Horatio, 6th Earl Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton
    Neumann, Rosie Violet Nina Millicent
    Newman, Geoffrey Robert, 6th Bt.
    Noel, Francis Charles Methuen
    Norman, Henry, 1st Bt.
    Oakeley, Christopher Rowland
    Oakes, Harry, 1st Bt.
    Orellana Tollemache, Leo Quintus
    Ormsby-Gore, Seymour Fitzroy
    Pagan, John
    Palliser, John
    Parish, Charles Woodbine
    Parsons, Charles
    Peckover, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Peckover
    Pelly, David Fraser
    Pelly, David Fraser
    Pelly, Gilbert Ralph
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Duke of Northumberland
    Perry, Perceval Lea Dewhurst, 1st and last Baron Perry
    Petre, Mildred Mary
    Petrocokino, Ambrose
    Phillips, Harold Pedro Joseph
    Powell, Baden
    Poyntz, Richard Stephen Pierrepont
    Proctor-Beauchamp, Montagu Harry, 7th Bt.
    Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam
    Raalte, Margherita
    Ramsay, Alexander Ronald Dalhousie
    Rankin, Arthur Niall Talbot
    Rankin, Ian Niall, 4th Bt.
    Rankin, James Reginald Lea, 2nd Bt.
    Rankin, Mark
    Rashleigh, John Kendall
    Rawlins, Francis Hooper
    Rawlinson, George
    Richey, Paul Henry Mills
    Robinson, Frederick Charles
    Robinson, William Cleaver Francis
    Rodwell, Edward
    Roe, William James Lyon Thorne
    Rolls, Charles Stewart
    Roussel, Lilian Alice Mabel
    Rumbold, Charles James Augustus
    Ryder, Charles Henry Dudley
    Sarsfield-Hall, Edwin Geoffrey
    Scarlett, James Harry, 9th Baron Abinger
    Shordiche-Churchward, Paul Rycaut de Shordiche
    Sieff, Israel Moses, Baron Sieff
    Sinclair, William Macdonald
    Skyrme, William Thomas Charles
    Slade, Cecil William Paulet
    Slade, Frederick George
    Slim, Hugo John Robertson
    Smith, George
    Smyth, William Henry
    St. John, Oliver Beauchamp Coventry
    Stacpoole, Henry de Vere
    Stamp, Bryan Unett Dudley
    Stanbury, Peter
    Stapleton, Gregory Joseph Kenneth
    Stevenson-Hamilton, James, 16th of Fairholm and Kirkton
    Stewart, Cosmo Gordon
    Stewart, John Henderson, 1st Bt.
    Stewart, Mervyn James
    Stewart, Robert John Jocelyn
    Stow, George William
    Stronge, Humphrey Cecil Travell
    Stuart, Andrew Edmund Castle Stuart
    Swithinbank, Harold William
    Tangye, Harold Lincoln, 1st Bt.
    Tangye, Nigel Trevithick
    Tangye, Richard
    Tapp, William Henry
    Taylor, Robert Julian Fausitt
    Taylor, Thomas, Baron Taylor of Blackburn
    Temple, Charles Lindsay
    Temple, George Theodore
    Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt.
    Tennant, James Herbert
    Tilley, Henry Arthur
    Tizard, Tomas Henry
    Vans Agnew, John, of Barnbarroch and Sheuchan
    Verney, Edmund Hope, 3rd Bt.
    Vivian, Richard Glynn
    Wakefield, Edward Humphry Tyrrell, 2nd Bt.
    Wakefield, William Birkbeck
    Waldron, Victor Echevarri
    Walpole, Charles Archibald
    Walpole, Charles George
    Walpole, Dorothy Rachel Melissa
    Warner, Edward
    Wavell, Arthur John Byng
    West, Dudley Alexander
    White, Francis William
    Wickham, William
    Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram
    Williams, Arthur Scott
    Willis, Thomas Henry
    Windt, Harry Willis Darell
    Wontner-Smith, Thomas
    Woollven, Rowland Charles John
    Wright, Douglas Graham Moncrieff, of Kinmonth
    Wright, Michael Robert
    Playfair, Robert Lambert ( 1860 )
    Molesworth, James Murray ( 1900 )
    Cameron, Ewen ( 1902 )
    Davis, John King ( 1915 )
    Shaw, Charles John, of Tordarroch and 7th of Newhall ( 1921 )
    Lambart, Howard Frederick John ( 1926 )
    Evans, William David, Baron Energlyn ( 1944 )
    Cradock-Hartopp, Kenneth Alston, 10th Bt. ( 1949 )
    Pease, Joseph Edward, 3rd Baron Gainford ( 1956 )
    Finlay, John Euston Bell ( 1958 )
    Cory, Clinton Charles Donald, 5th Bt. ( 1961 )
    Molloy, William John, Baron Molloy ( 1967 )
    Cobbe, Hugh Michael Thomas ( 1971 )
    Chichester, Giles Bryan ( 1972 )
    Slim, John Douglas, 2nd Viscount Slim ( 1983 )
    Gunston, John Wellesley, 3rd Bt. ( 1988 )
    Hall, John Bernard, 3rd Bt. ( 1988 )
    Brightman, John Anson, Baron Brightman ( 1992 )
    Dalrymple, William Benedict ( 1995 )
    Count equals 327 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Geoographial Society (F.R.G.S.)
    Milman, Everard Stepney
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Historial Society (F.R.Hist.S.)
    Lindsay, Oliver John Martin
    Synge, Margaret Bertha
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Historical Society (F.R.H.S.)
    Browne, Arthur Howe, 8th Marquess of Sligo
    Chaplin, Anthony Freskin Charles Hamby, 3rd Viscount Chaplin
    Clarke, Andrew Ralph Marshal
    Cope, John Hautenville
    Fortescue, John William
    Haworth, Adrian Hardy
    Hoare, Christabel Mary
    Leveson-Gower, Arthur Francis Gresham
    Nelson, Albert Francis Joseph Horatio, 6th Earl Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton
    Rankin, James Reginald Lea, 2nd Bt.
    Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Historical Society (F.R.Hist.S.)
    Adamson, Donald
    Ainsworth, John Francis, 3rd Bt.
    Barrow, Wilfred John Wilson Croker, 5th Bt.
    Beloff, Max, Baron Beloff
    Borg, Alan Charles Nelson
    Boyle, Timothy
    Carr, Albert Raymond Maillard
    Collier, William Oswald
    Dewar, Alfred Charles
    Donoughue, Bernard, Baron Donoughue
    Fagan, Patrick James
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Algernon
    Gwynn, Denis Rolleston
    Hodge, John Rowland, 2nd Bt.
    Kenyon, John Robert
    Markham, Violet Rosa
    McLaughlin, Martin
    Monson-FitzJohn, Gilbert John
    Moor, Charles
    Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow
    Paget, George Charles Henry Victor, 7th Marquess of Anglesey
    Petrie, Charles Alexander, 3rd Bt.
    Proby, Granville
    Prochaska, Franklyn Kimmel
    Reddaway, Thomas Fiddian
    Russell, Raymond Anthony
    Silvester, James
    Wake, Joan
    Worsley, Giles Arthington
    Wyndham, Hugh Archibald, 4th Bacon Leconfield of Leconfield
    Yorke, Philip Chesney
    Morgan, Kenneth Owen, Baron Morgan ( 1964 )
    Russell, Conrad Sebastion Robert, 5th Earl Russell ( 1971 )
    Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander, Baron Skidelsky ( 1973 )
    Barwell, Alice Marjorie Sheila ( 1987 )
    Count equals 35 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Historical Society of Literature (F.R.Hist.S.)
    Magnus-Allcroft, Philip, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Horticultural Societty (F.R.H.S.)
    Crofts, Christopher William ( 1968 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Horticultural Society (F.R.H.S.)
    Ackland-Allen, Dorothy Florence
    Beauchamp, Henry King
    Godley, Eveline Charlotte
    Lawrence, William, 4th Bt.
    Matthews, Muriel Harvey
    Murray, Mungo David Malcolm, 6th/7th Earl of Mansfield
    Palmer, Edward Roundell
    Proctor-Beauchamp, Nicholas
    Ridley, Henry Nicholas
    Waterlow, Paul Langbourne
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Horticultural Society (F.R.Hort.S.)
    Morgan, Evan Frederic, 2nd Viscount Tredegar
    Noel, Anthony Robert Alistair
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Horticuoltural Society (F.R.H.S.)
    Walpole, Anne Sophia ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (F.R.I.A.S.)
    Shaw-Stewart, Michael
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Incorporation of Architects of Scotland (F.R.I.A.S.)
    Kirkwood, James Smith
    Ochterlony, Matthew Montgomerie, 4th Bt.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Insitute of British Architects (F.R.I.B.A.)
    Blomfield, Arthur William ( 1867 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Institute of British Architects (F.R.I.B.A.)
    Attlee, Thomas Simons
    Bagenal, Philip Hope Edward
    Baggallay, Frank Thomas
    Balfour, Eustace James Anthony
    Barbary, Peter John
    Benson, Jeremy Henry
    Berg, Wilfred Clement
    Beverley, Samuel
    Blacking, William Henry Randoll
    Blow, Detmar Jellings
    Bossom, Alfred Charles, Baron Bossom
    Boutchier, Charles Geoffrey
    Brett, Oliver Sylvain Baliol, 3rd Viscount Esher
    Bridges, Edward Ettingdean, 1st Baron Bridges
    Brocklebank, Richard Philip Royds
    Bullock, Alan Louis Charles, Baron Bullock
    Bunney, Michael Frank Wharlton
    Butterfield, Lawrence Albert
    Carey, Raymond Marwood-Elton
    Caroe, Alban Douglas Rendall
    Clay, George Felix Neville, 5th Bt.
    Cockerell, Frederick Pepys
    Coleridge, John Duke
    Coleridge, Paul Humphrey
    Collier, Robert
    Cope, George
    Creasy, Christopher William Frederick
    Cunningham, Charles John
    Curtis, Spencer Carey
    Dalgliesh, Kenneth
    Dawson, Henry
    Douglas, Campbell Douglas
    Dugdale, Michael Arthur Stratford
    Esch, Vincent Jerome
    Firmin, David
    Forestier-Walker, Robert Jestyn Gwent
    Francis, Eric Cawardine
    Franklin, H. James
    Frere, Philip Beaumont
    Gaymer, Anthony Durnford
    Gill, Charles Lovett
    Grey, John
    Hazell, Wilberforce Ernest
    Henniker, Richard
    Hutton, Charles William
    Ingram, Thomas Frederick
    Jackson, Arthur Blomfield
    Jackson, Basil Hippisley
    Kitson, Sydney Decimus
    Lane-Davies, Hugh John
    Llewellyn-Davies, Richard, Baron Llewelyn-Davies
    Lloyd, Sidney John
    Macartney, Robin Halliday
    Macdougall, Leslie Grahame
    Makower, Peter
    Mansel, John William Morton
    Mansell, Edward
    Marshall, Alfred
    Mathews, Joseph Douglas
    Medlycott, Thomas Anthony Hutchings
    Milner, William Frederick Victor Mordaunt, 8th Bt.
    Moro, Peter
    Nicholson, Charles Archibald, 2nd Bt.
    Ochterlony, Matthew Montgomerie, 4th Bt.
    Paul, Arthur Forman Balfour
    Pigott, Richard Mountford
    Pollen, Francis Anthony Baring
    Pym, John
    Richmond, Ernest Tatham
    Robertson, Lennox
    Robertson, Manning Durdin
    Robinson, Henry Adrian
    Samuel, Godfrey Herbert
    Scott, Thomas Gilbert
    Scott-Moncrieff, William Walter
    Seely, Henry John Alexander, 2nd Baron Mottistone
    Seymer, Vivian Home
    Shattock, Lawrence Henry
    Spens, Michael Patrick, of Wormiston
    St. Leger, Charles Douglas
    Stamp, Gavin Mark
    Symonds, Robert W.
    Watson, John
    Wilkinson, Stephen
    Williams-Ellis, Bertram Clough
    Willink, William Edward
    Worsley, Giles Arthington
    St. Aubyn, James Pearse ( 1856 )
    Hall, Edwin Thomas ( 1885 )
    Wellesley, Gerald, 7th Duke of Wellington ( 1921 )
    Pakington, Humphrey Arthur, 5th Baron Hampton ( 1932 )
    Paget, Paul Edward ( 1963 )
    Feilden, Bernard Melchior ( 1968 )
    McDonnell, Randal John Somerled, 8th Earl of Antrim ( 1972 )
    Count equals 94 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (F.R.I.C.S.)
    Plummer, Arthur Desmond Herne, Baron Plummer of St Marylebone ( 1970 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Institute of Chemistry (F.R.I.C.)
    Bowles, Horace Edgar
    Brenan, Byron
    Cadman, William Henry
    FitzGibbon, Maurice
    Galwey, Andrew Knox
    Parkes, John Wilfrid
    Titherley, Arthur Walsh
    Jephcott, Harry, 1st Bt. ( 1920 )
    Beaumont, Glynne Wentworth ( 1927 )
    Count equals 9 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Institute of Chemists (F.R.I.Chem.)
    Pelly, Russell George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Institute of Engineers (F.R.Eng.)
    Mayo, Benjamin John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (F.R.I.A.I.)
    Aliaga-Kelly, Charles Grellan
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (F.R.I.C.S.)
    Anstruther, Robert Lewin
    Arbuthnott, John Campbell, 16th Viscount Arbuthnott
    Arnott, John Anthony
    Bagge, Thomas Philip
    Bagot, Charles Henry
    Bagot, Oliver Robin
    Ball, William Macintosh
    Banks, David George Fothergill
    Barrett, Robin Coventry
    Barrett, Rollo Samuel
    Bayliss, Jeremy David Bagot
    Bazley, Harold Alonzo
    Beamish, Terence Forster Baldwin
    Bigham, Derek Alastair
    Bingham, David Julian
    Bossom, Bruce Charles, 3rd Bt.
    Bourke, Geoffrey John
    Brown, Reginald Llewellyn
    Browne, William Robert Anthony Denis
    Butler, Michael James
    Buxton, Christopher Robert
    Cameron-Beaumont, Andrew Jon
    Campbell, David Archibald
    Cave, Charles Edward Coleridge, 4th Bt.
    Caws, Richard Byron
    Cheape, Angus Geoffrey Bruce Ismay
    Cheyne, Patrick John Lister, of Leagarth, 4th Bt.
    Chichester, Adrian George
    Chichester, Desmond Shane
    Chichester, Piers Desmond Herschel
    Clementson, Peter
    Clerk, Robert Maxwell, of Penicuik, 11th Bt.
    Coates, David Carlyon
    Coghill, Hugh Murray Charles
    Colbeck, William R.
    Cope, Peter Vincent
    Cotterell, Robert John
    Cotton, Stephen Hugh Stapleton
    Coventry, John James Seton
    D'Arcy, Cecil Vivian Robert
    Darling, Robert Julian Henry, 3rd Baron Darling
    Davis, Nicholas Austen
    Donger, Alan David
    Evans-Freke, John Anthony
    Eve, Douglas John Richard Trustram
    Every-Clayton, Reginald Arthur Eric
    Floyd, Charles Murray
    Fordham, Christopher Jeremy King
    Fortescue, Martin Denzil
    Frank, Robert John, 3rd Bt.
    Franks, Raynald Arthur McKenzie
    Frye, Colin Charlwood
    Galbraith, James Muir Galloway
    Gibbs, Beresford Norman
    Gillett, Alan Henry Puckridge
    Gillett, Herbert Edward
    Gladstone, Andrew Victor
    Glyn, Christopher Richard, 7th Baron Wolverton
    Goddard, Toby C.
    Godsal, Philip Caulfeild
    Gooch, John Daniel
    Goodenough, Samuel Kenneth Henry
    Grant, Donald Patrick Trevor, 5th Baron Strathspey of Strathspey
    Grimston, Cecil Antony Sylvester
    Hastilow, Cyril Alexander Frederick
    Hatherell, Charles Anson Grey
    Hawke, Edward George, 11th Baron Hawke of Towton
    Hawley, David Henry, 7th Bt.
    Hazlerigg, Arthur Robert
    Henderson, Philip David Hope
    Henniker-Major, John Alexander
    Hepburne-Scott, Francis Michael
    Heywood, Geoffrey Henry
    Hill, Richard Stephen
    Holborow, Geoffrey Jermyn
    Honywood, Filmer Courtenay William, 11th Bt.
    Horrell, Roy Kenneth
    Hort, Iris Elizabeth
    Hoskyns-Abrahall, John Benedict Leigh
    Hotham, Sylvia Benita Frances
    Huntington-Whiteley, Charles Andrew
    Innes, Roderick Temple McLeod
    Jackman, Frank Arthur
    James, John Nigel Courtenay
    Kirkpatrick, John Johnston
    Kirkwood, James Stuart, 4th Baron Kirkwood
    Kirwan-Taylor, William John
    Laird, Daniel Maclelland
    Lane Fox, James Henry
    Laughton, Francis Eugene
    Lawson, Timothy James
    Lechmere, Berwick Hungerford, 6th Bt.
    Legh, David Piers Carlis
    Leslie-Melville, George David
    Leslie-Melville, Michael Ian
    Lloyd, Richard Timothy Butler, 3rd Bt.
    Loder-Symonds, Roderick F.
    MacPhee, Donald MacDonald
    Macpherson, Thomas Alexander Stewart
    Mactaggart, John Auld, 4th Bt.
    McConnell, James Angus
    Meyrick, David John Charlton, 4th Bt.
    Miles, Charles William Noel
    Monckton, Alan Stobart
    Moor, Steuart Martin
    Morison, Alexander, 14th of Bognie and Mountblairy
    Morris, Charles Benedict
    Mounsey-Heysham, Giles Gubbins
    Nall-Cain, David Lawrence Robert
    Neave, Digby Seymour
    Newman, George Christopher
    Newton, Mark Robert
    Noel, Gerard Lionel Gordon
    Noel, William Edward Douglas
    O'Rorke, Timothy Clare
    Orde-Powlett, Richard William Algar, 7th Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle
    Orr-Ewing, Alistair Simon, 2nd Bt.
    Palmer, John Reginald David
    Pelly, Antony Roger
    Plunkett, William Joseph
    Proby, Peter, 2nd Bt.
    Pym, Andrew Leslie
    Ramsay, Alexander Arthur Alfonso David Maule, of Mar
    Ramsay, James Douglas, 11th Bt.
    Roberts, John Malcolm
    Robertson, Iain Niall Ogilvie
    Robinson, James Francis
    Ross, Stephen Sherlock, Baron Ross of Newport
    Ryder, Dudley Adrian Conroy, 8th Earl of Harrowby
    Sankey, Christopher Michael David
    Sclater, Patrick Henry
    Seymour, John Michael Edward, 19th Duke of Somerset
    Shaw, William Boyd Kennedy
    Sinclair, Malcolm Ian, 20th Earl of Caithness
    St. John, Henry Edward Tudor
    Strang Steel, Colin Brodie
    Strickland, Ian
    Strutt, Mark Frederick
    Stuart, David Randolph Moray, 2nd Viscount Stuart of Findhorn
    Stuart, Douglas John Moray, 20th Earl of Moray
    Svensson, John
    Talbot-Ponsonby, Nigel Edward Charles
    Tapps Gervis Meyrick, George Christopher Cadafael, 7th Bt.
    Taylour, Thomas Geoffrey Charles Michael, 6th Marquess of Headfort
    Thorburn, Ronald Patrick
    Tollemache, Lyonel Humphrey John, 7th Bt.
    Townsend, Hugh Hamilton Massey
    Trevor, John Clyfford
    Turner, Edward Neil
    Vereker, Jeffrey Maurice Prendergast
    Vereker, Neville Henry Prendergast
    Verney, Edmund Ralph, 6th Bt.
    Vivian-Neal, Ralph William
    Walker, Julian Francis Scutts
    Walker, Keith William Scutts
    Walker-Smith, Jonah Smith
    Welby, Charles William Hodder
    Weld, Wilfrid Joseph
    Westwood, Nigel Alistair
    Wills, David Seton, 5th Bt.
    Willson, Roy
    Wise, Frederick, 1st Baron Wise
    Wolseley, Charles Garnet Richard Mark, 11th Bt.
    Worsley, William Ralph, 6th Bt.
    Yorke, David John
    Wakefield, Roger Cuthbert ( 1949 )
    Bomford, Guy ( 1950 )
    Grubb, Ralph Ernest Watkins ( 1952 )
    Loyd, Julian St. John ( 1955 )
    Erskine, Donald Seymour ( 1956 )
    Meyrick, Richard Eric ( 1962 )
    Stourton, Michael Godwin Plantagenet ( 1965 )
    Seymour, William Napier ( 1966 )
    Bomford, Anthony Gerald ( 1970 )
    Burnett, David Humphrey, 3rd Bt. ( 1970 )
    Filgate, Judith Clare ( 1970 )
    Hay, Arthur William George Patrick, 15th Earl of Kinnoull ( 1970 )
    Paston-Bedingfeld, Henry Edgar, 10th Bt. ( 1970 )
    Rowan-Hamilton, Gawaine Leslie ( 1970 )
    Williams-Wynne, William Robert Charles ( 1972 )
    Cutsem, Geoffrey Neil ( 1973 )
    Oliver-Bellasis, Charles Arthur John ( 1975 )
    Noel, Thomas ( 1982 )
    Kay-Shuttleworth, Charles Geoffrey Nicholas, 5th Baron Shuttleworth ( 1983 )
    Halsey, Nicholas Guy ( 1984 )
    Wemyss, Michael James, of that Ilk, younger ( 1985 )
    Bosville Macdonald, Ian Godfrey, of Sleat, 17th Bt. ( 1986 )
    Lytton, John Peter Michael Scawen, 5th Earl of Lytton ( 1987 )
    Williams-Bulkeley, Richard Thomas, 14th Bt. ( 1989 )
    Berney, Julian Reedham Stuart, 11th Bt. ( 1992 )
    Cameron, Ewen James Hanning, Baron Cameron of Dillington ( 1992 )
    Colville, Angus Richmond ( 1995 )
    Donaldson, Michael John Francis ( 2000 )
    Simeon, Geoffrey John Barrington ( 2000 )
    Count equals 194 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Linnean Society (F.R.S.L.)
    Stoppard, Tom
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Literary Society (F.R.L.S.)
    Sykes, Christopher Hugh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Literature Society (F.R.S.L.)
    Grasemann, Ruth Barbara, Baroness Rendell of Babergh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Medical Society (F.R.Med.Soc.)
    Havers, Ann Elizabeth Oldfield, Baroness Butler-Sloss ( 1992 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Met. Society (F.R.Met.S.)
    Forestier-Walker, Charles Jocelyn
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society
    Dewey, Stanley Daws, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Metereological Society (F.R.Met.S.)
    Rolls, Charles Stewart
    Russell, Francis Albert Rollo
    Walters, Albert
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Microscopical Society
    Paget, Richard James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Microscopical Soicety (F.R.M.S.)
    Crisp, John Shalders
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Numismatic Society
    Gallwey, Hubert Dayrell ( 1945 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Numismatic Society (F.R.N.S.)
    Grubb, Geoffrey Bevan Watkins
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Philatelic Society
    Elton, Mary Katherine Gloria
    Worms, Anthony Denis Maruice George
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Philatelic Society, London (F.R.P.S.L.)
    Cornwallis, Fiennes Neil Wykeham, 3rd Baron Cornwallis
    Wilson, Nathaniel John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Photograhic Society (F.R.P.S.)
    Mac Gregor, Malcolm Gregor Charles, of Mac Gregor, 7th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Photographic Society (F.R.P.S.)
    Anson, Thomas Patrick John, 5th Earl of Lichfield
    Beauchamp, Ronald Charles
    Bourke, Walter Longley, 8th Earl of Mayo
    Fullerton-Elphinestone, Mountstuart William
    Goldsmid, Gladys Helen Rachel
    Jacobs, John Howard
    Pollock, David Bertram, 2nd Viscount Hanworth
    Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam
    Rankin, Arthur Niall Talbot
    Talbot-Ponsonby, Felicity Philippa
    Waterlow, Paul Langbourne
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Photographical Society (F.R.P.S.)
    Acland, Sarah Angelina
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Royal Meterological Society (F.R.Met.S.)
    Douglas-Scott-Montagu, John Walter Edward, 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Science (F.R.S.)
    Harington, Charles Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Science of Arts (F.R.S.A.)
    Dahrendorf, Ralph, Baron Dahrendorf ( 1977 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Scoiety (F.R.S.)
    Boyle, George, 4th Earl of Glasgow
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Scoiety of Arts (F.R.S.A.)
    Thoms, George Hunter Macthomas, 2nd of Aberlemno
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Scottish Geographical Society (F.R.S.G.S.)
    Kennedy, Archibald, 4th Marquess of Ailsa
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Socieety (F.R.S.)
    Beckett, John, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society (F.R.S.)
    Adrian, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron Adrian
    Agar, George Charles
    Alexander, Robert
    Alison, Archibald, 1st Bt.
    Amyand, Claudius
    Antrobus, Edmund, 1st Bt.
    Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith
    Assheton, Richard
    Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee
    Aubrey, John
    Babington, William
    Baker, Frederick Francis, 2nd Bt.
    Baker, George, 1st Bt.
    Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
    Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour
    Balfour, Francis Maitland
    Balfour, Thomas Graham
    Ball, Robert Stawell
    Ball, Valentine
    Bally, William Ford
    Barclay, Arthur Kett
    Baring, Evelyn, 1st Earl of Cromer
    Barker, Robert, 1st and last Bt.
    Barnes, Ernest William
    Barry, Edward, 1st Bt.
    Bateman, James
    Bathurst, Benjamin
    Beamish, North Ludlow
    Beaufort, Francis
    Beer, Gavin Rylands
    Beit, Otto John, 1st Bt.
    Bell, Isaac Lowthian, 1st Bt.
    Bence-Jones, Henry
    Binney, Edward William
    Bisshopp, Cecil, 12th Baron Zouche (of Hayngworth)
    Blakiston, Peyton
    Blane, William
    Bligh, William
    Boileau, John Theophilus
    Boileau, John Theophilus
    Booth, Charles
    Bourne, Gilbert Charles
    Bowman, William, 1st Bt.
    Boys, Charles Vernon
    Brandreth, Henry Rowland
    Bridges, Brook, 1st Bt.
    Bridges, Edward Ettingdean, 1st Baron Bridges
    Bright, Richard
    Brodie, Benjamin Collins, 1st Bt.
    Brodie, Benjamin Collins, 2nd Bt.
    Brunton, Thomas Lauder, 1st Bt.
    Bryce, James, 1st and last Viscount Bryce
    Brydone, Patrick
    Buchanan, George
    Bulkeley, Richard, 2nd Bt.
    Burney, Charles
    Burney, Charles
    Burney, James
    Burns, John
    Burrell, Peter
    Burrell, William, 2nd Bt.
    Buxton, Patrick Alfred
    Cadman, John, 1st Baron Cadman
    Caird, James
    Call, John, 1st Bt.
    Cameron, John
    Campbell Swinton, Alan Archibald
    Campbell-Johnston, Alexander Robert
    Carmichael Smyth, James
    Carslaw, Horatio Scott
    Cartwright, Edmund
    Cave, Thomas, 6th Bt.
    Cavendish, Henry
    Cavendish, William, 7th Duke of Devonshire
    Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, William Henry, 4th Duke of Portland
    Cayley, George, 6th Bt.
    Chadwick, James
    Chamberlain, Arthur Neville
    Chapman, Thomas
    Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles, 2nd Earl Talbot of Hensol
    Cheyne, William Watson, of Leagarth, 1st Bt.
    Christie, S. H.
    Christie, William Henry Mahoney
    Churchill, Winston
    Clark, Andrew, 1st Bt.
    Clark, F. Le Gros
    Clarke, Charles Mansfield, 1st Bt.
    Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st and last Baron Sydenham of Combe
    Clerk-Maxwell, James, of Middlebie
    Clifford, W. K.
    Cockle, James
    Cole, William Willoughby, 3rd Earl of Enniskillen
    Cooper, Bransby Blake
    Cooper, John Hutton, 1st and last Bt.
    Cope, John Mordaunt, 8th Bt.
    Copeman, Sydney Arthur Monckton
    Copley, Godfrey, 2nd Bt., and founder of the Copley Medal
    Cotton, William
    Cowper, Peter Leopold Louis Francis Nassau, 5th Earl Cowper
    Cox, James Charles
    Crawfurd, John
    Crawley, Michael John
    Crichton-Browne, James
    Cripps, Richard Stafford
    Croft, John, 1st Bt.
    Crofton, Morgan William
    Crombie, Leslie
    Crosbie, John, 2nd Earl of Glandore
    Cross, Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount Cross
    Crum, Walter
    Cunningham, Daniel John
    Currie, James
    Cusack-Smith, William, 2nd Bt.
    Dalrymple-Hay, John Charles, of Park Place, 3rd Bt.
    Darwin, Charles Robert
    Darwin, Erasmus
    Darwin, George Howard
    Darwin, Horace
    Darwin, Robert Waring
    Davis, Samuel
    Dawnay, Henry Pleydell, 3rd Viscount Downe
    Dendy, Arthur
    Dering, George Edward
    Desborough, Arthur Peregrine Henry
    Dickinson, John
    Dillon-Lee, Charles, 12th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
    Dillwyn, Lewis Weston
    Dillwyn-Llewelyn, John
    Dixey, Frederick Augustus
    Douglas, Howard, 3rd Bt.
    Dunstan, Wyndham Rowland
    Dwarris, Fortunatus William Lilley
    Eardley-Wilmot, John Eardley, 1st Bt.
    Egerton, Alfred Charles Glyn
    Eliott, William Francis Augustus, of Stobs, 8th Bt.
    Elliot, John
    Elliot, Walter
    Elliott, Charles Boileau
    Ellis, George
    Elphinstone, George Keith, 1st and last Viscount Keith
    Evans, John
    Eve, Arthur Stewart
    Evelyn, John
    Evelyn, John, 1st Bt.
    Fairbairn, William, 1st Bt.
    Farrar, Frederick William
    Ferguson, Samuel
    Fergusson, William, 1st Bt.
    Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani
    Finch, George Ingle
    Fisher, Ronald Aylmer
    FitzWilliam, Richard, 7th Viscount FitzWilliam
    Fletcher, Walter Morley
    Flower, William Henry
    Forbes, Edward
    Forbes, George
    Forbes, Norman Hay
    Forster-Cooper, Clive
    Fox, Wilson
    Fox-Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Henry
    Frankland, Thomas, 6th Bt.
    Frankland, William
    Fraser, William, 1st Bt.
    Frere, John
    Fry, Edward
    Galton, Francis, 1st Bt.
    Galton, Samuel John
    Garnham, Percy Cyril Claude
    Garrod, Alfred Baring
    Garrod, Archibald Edward
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
    Geikie, James
    Girle, John
    Godwin-Austen, Henry Haversham
    Grant, Thomas Tassell
    Graves, Charles
    Graves, John Thomas
    Graves, Robert James
    Gray, James
    Gregory, Richard
    Gregory, William Henry
    Grey, Thomas, 6th Baron Walsingham
    Grey-Egerton, Philip de Malpas, 10th Bt.
    Grosvenor, Robert, 1st Marquess of Westminster
    Grubb, Howard
    Gull, William Withey, 1st Bt.
    Gulland, Professor John Masson
    Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
    Haldane, John Scott
    Hall, John, of Dunglass, 5th Bt.
    Hall, William Hutcheon
    Hallam, Henry
    Hamilton, David
    Hamilton, Henry Parr
    Hamilton, Hugh
    Hamilton, William
    Hamilton, William John
    Harmer, Sidney
    Harris, Geoffrey Wingfield
    Harris, Harry
    Harris, James
    Harris, William Snow
    Harrison, William
    Haswell, William Aitchison
    Hatton, Christopher, 1st Baron Hatton
    Haughton, Samuel
    Hawkins, Cæsar Henry
    Hawkins, Edward
    Hawley, James
    Head, Henry
    Henniker-Major, John, 2nd Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney
    Heygate, James
    Heywood, Benjamin, 1st Bt.
    Heywood, James
    Hill, Micaiah John Muller
    Hoare, Richard Colt, 2nd Bt.
    Hodgson, Brian Houghton
    Hogg, Quintin McGarel, Baron Hailsham of St. Marylebone
    Hooker, Stanley George
    Hope, John
    Hope, Thomas Charles
    Horner, Leonard
    Horner, Leonard
    Horner, Leonard
    Hornsby, Thomas
    Horsley, Victor A. H.
    Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, Thomas John, 5th Baron Thurlow of Thurlow
    Howard, John Eliot
    Hull, Edward
    Hunter, James de Graaff
    Hussey-Bickerton, Richard, 2nd Bt.
    Hutton, W. F.
    Huxley, Andrew Fielding
    Huxley, Andrew Fielding
    Huxley, Julian
    Inglefield, Edward Augustus
    Inglis, Claude Cavendish
    Isaacson, Peter
    Isham, Justinian, 2nd Bt.
    Jackson, Derek Ainslie
    Jebb, John
    Jefferson, Geoffrey
    Jeffreys, John
    Joly, Charles Jasper
    Jurin, James
    Kane, Robert
    Kaye, Richard, 6th Bt.
    Kearney, John
    Kearton, Christopher Frank, Baron Kearton
    Kempe, Alfred Bray
    Kennedy, Archibald, 1st Marquess of Ailsa
    Keynes, Richard Darwin
    King, James
    Knight-Bruce, James Lewis
    Knowles, Francis Charles, 3rd Bt.
    Knowles, Francis Gerald William, 6th Bt.
    Krebs, John Richard, Baron Krebs
    La Trobe-Bateman, John Frederick
    Langham, James, 2nd Bt.
    Larcom, Thomas Aiskew, 1st Bt.
    Laszlo, Philip Alexius
    Lawes, John Bennet, 1st Bt.
    Layard, Daniel Peter
    Leadlay, Peter Francis
    Leckenby, Elizabeth Mary
    Lees, G. M.
    Lefroy, John Henry
    Legge, William, 4th Earl of Dartmouth
    Legh, Thomas
    Leigh Fermor, Lewis
    Leslie-Foster, John
    Lethieullier, Smart
    Lind, James
    Lindley, John
    Lister, Arthur
    Lister, Joseph Jackson, with an interest in optics
    Lloyd, George
    Lloyd, John
    Locock, Charles, 1st Bt.
    Lodge, Oliver Joseph
    Long, Walter Hume, 1st Viscount Long
    Lowther, William, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale
    Lubbock, John, 1st Baron Avebury
    Lucy, Berkeley, 3rd Bt.
    Lucy, Kingsmill, 2nd Bt.
    Lukis, Frederick Corbin
    Lyell, Charles, of Kinnordy, 1st and last Bt.
    Lyttelton, George William, 4th Lord Lyttelton, Baron of Frankley
    MacLeay, Alexander
    Macdonald, John, Lord Kingsburgh
    Macdonald, Peter Drummond
    Mackenzie, George Stewart, of Coul, 7th Bt.
    Mackinnon, William Alexander, of Strathaird, 34th Chief of MacKinnon
    Mackworth, Herbert, 1st Bt.
    Macleod, James Walter
    Majendie, John James
    Makdougall-Brisbane, Thomas, 1st Bt.
    Malet, Charles Warre, 1st Bt.
    Mallet, Robert
    Malthus, Thomas Robert
    Manby, George William
    Marsden, W.
    Marshall, Walter Charles, Baron Marshall of Goring
    Martin, Archer John Porter
    Martin, Ranald
    Martin-Leake, William
    Matthey, George
    Matthey, George
    Maxwell, Herbert Eustace, of Monreith, 7th Bt.
    McClintock, Robert Singleton
    McGrigor, James, 1st Bt.
    McMahon, Charles Alexander
    McMahon, G. A.
    Merton, Thomas Ralph
    Mills, William Hobson
    Milman, Francis, 1st Bt.
    Milnes, Richard Monckton, 1st Baron Houghton
    Mitchell, George Francis
    Mitchison, Nicolas Avrion
    Molesworth, Coote
    Moncrieff, Alexander
    Mond, Ludwig
    Mond, Robert Ludwig
    Monro, Donald
    Montgomerie, Thomas George
    Morgan, Charles Octavius Swinnerton
    Moss, Charles
    Mott, Basil, 1st Bt.
    Moulton, John Fletcher, Baron Moulton
    Mudge, Richard Zachariah
    Mudge, William
    Mylne, Robert
    Neave, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
    Nicholson, Henry Alleyne
    Niven, Charles
    Noble, Andrew, of Ardmore, 1st Bt.
    O'Brien, Lucius, 3rd Bt.
    Ottley, William Young
    Paget, George Edward
    Paget, James, 1st Bt.
    Palmer, John Roundell, 4th Earl of Selborne
    Parish, Woodbine
    Parsons, Charles Algernon
    Paton, Diarmid Noël
    Pattinson, Hugh Lee
    Pearson, Edwin
    Penrose, Roger
    Perceval, John, 1st Earl of Egmont
    Percival, Thomas
    Percy, Hugh Algernon, 10th Duke of Northumberland
    Perry, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron Perry of Walton
    Pettigrew, James Bell
    Petty, William
    Philips, Richard
    Phillips, David Chilton, Baron Phillips of Ellesmere
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward
    Plunkett, Horace Curzon
    Pocock, George, 1st Bt.
    Porter, George, Baron Porter of Luddenham
    Porter, James
    Porter, John Jacob
    Poulton, Edward Bagnall
    Powell, George Smyth
    Prior, Andrew Redmond
    Quain, Richard
    Raffles, Thomas Stamford Bingley
    Rashleigh, Philip
    Rawlinson, Henry Creswicke, 1st Bt.
    Rendel, James Meadows
    Rennell, James
    Reynolds-Moreton, Henry John, 3rd Earl of Ducie
    Rideal, Eric Keightley
    Ridley, Henry Nicholas
    Ridley, Nicholas Harold Lloyd
    Riou, Edward
    Romer, Robert
    Ross, Ronald
    Rothschild, Lionel Walter, 2nd Baron Rothschild
    Rouse-Boughton, William Edward, 2nd and 10th Bt.
    Rue, Warren
    Rue, Warren
    Ryan, Edward
    Ryder, Dudley, 2nd Earl of Harrowby
    Sabine, Joseph
    Salaman, Redcliffe Nathan
    Salter, Hyde
    Salvin, Osbert
    Samuelson, Bernhard, 1st Bt.
    Saumarez, Richard
    Saunders-Dundas, Robert, 2nd Viscount Melville of Melville
    Savile, George, 7th Bt.
    Sclater, Philip Lutley
    Seymour, Webb John
    Shaw, George
    Shaw-Lefevre, John George
    Shearer, Cresswell
    Shoppee, Charles William
    Shuckburgh, Francis, 8th Bt.
    Siemens, Carl Wilhelm
    Sievier, Robert William
    Simon, Pierre
    Sinclair, John, of Ulbster, 1st Bt.
    Slater, William Kershaw
    Smith, Edward
    Smith, James
    Smyth, Warington Wilkinson
    Smyth, William Henry
    Smythe, W. J.
    Soames, Arthur Christopher John, Baron Soames
    Solly, Samuel
    Southwell, Richard Vynne
    Spearman, Charles Edward
    Spencer Stanhope, John
    Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage
    St. Aubyn, John, 5th Bt.
    Stanhope, Philip Henry, 4th Earl Stanhope
    Stanhope, Philip, 2nd Earl Stanhope
    Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
    Stanley, John Thomas, 1st Baron Stanley of Alderley
    Stark, James
    Stern, Nicholas, Baron Stern of Brentford
    Steuart, Henry, 1st Bt.
    Stirling, Walter, of Faskine, 1st Bt.
    Stoney, Bindon Blood
    Stoney, George
    Stoney, George Gerald
    Stoney, George Johnstone
    Story-Maskelyne, Anthony Mervin Reeve
    Strachey, Richard
    Sutton, Leslie Ernest
    Swain, Paul
    Swanston, Clement Tudway
    Swithinbank, Harold William
    Symonds, William
    Synge, Richard Laurence Millington
    Taylor, Brook
    Taylor, George
    Temple, Richard, 1st Bt.
    Tennant, James Francis
    Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Charles
    Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Eustace Henry William, 1st Bt.
    Thomas, Herbert Henry
    Thomas, Michael Rogers Oldfield
    Thomson, George Paget
    Thomson, Joseph John
    Thomson, William
    Thoresby, Ralph
    Thornycroft, John
    Tizard, Henry Thomas
    Tizard, Tomas Henry
    Todhunter, I.
    Tooke, William
    Torrens, Robert
    Towneley, Charles
    Towneley, Richard
    Tristram, Henry Baker
    Turing, Alan Mathison
    Turnbull, Hubert Maitland
    Twining, Richard
    Tyndall, John
    Ure, Andrew
    Venn, John
    Verdon, George Frederick
    Vernon-Harcourt, Augustus George
    Vivian, John Henry
    Waddington, Conrad Hal
    Waldegrave-Leslie, George
    Walker, George
    Walker, James
    Walker, James
    Waller, Augustus Désiré
    Walpole, Spencer Horatio
    Ward, John William, 1st and last Earl of Dudley of Dudley Castle
    Warren, Charles
    Warrender, George, of Lochend, 4th Bt.
    Watson-Watt, Robert Alexander
    Watts, Philip
    Wavell, Arthur Goodall
    Way, Lewis
    Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone
    Webster, Thomas W.
    Wedgwood, Josiah
    Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer
    Whitbread, Samuel Charles
    Wilbraham, Thomas
    Wilson, Alma Lillian, Baroness Birk
    Wilson, James Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx
    Wilson, Robert
    Winthrop, John, the younger
    Wollaston, Charlton
    Worms, Henry, 1st and last Baron Pirbright
    Wright, Thomas
    Yorke, Charles Philip
    Yorke, Charles Philip, 4th Earl of Hardwicke
    Yorke, Philip James
    Yorke, Philip, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke
    Yorke, Philip, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke
    Young, John Zachary
    Young, William, 2nd Bt.
    ffolkes, Martin Browne, 1st Bt.
    ffolkes, William John Henry Browne, 2nd Bt.
    Boyle, Robert ( 1660 ), and founding member
    Dryden, John ( 1662 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1663 )
    Berkeley, George, 1st Earl of Berkeley ( 1663 ), one of the original members
    Campbell, Archibald, 9th Earl of Argyll ( 1663 )
    Jones, Richard, 1st and last Earl of Ranelagh ( 1663 )
    Lindsay, John, 17th Earl of Crawford ( 1663 )
    Paston, Robert, 1st Earl of Yarmouth ( 1663 )
    Villiers, George, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 1663 ), a founding member
    Willoughby, Francis ( 1663 ), one of the founders
    Boyle, Charles, 2nd Baron Clifford of Lanesborough ( 1664 )
    Portman, William, 6th Bt. ( 1664 )
    Thynne, Thomas, 1st Viscount Weymouth ( 1664 )
    Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Carlisle ( 1665 )
    Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon ( 1665 )
    Stuart, James II, King of Great Britain ( 1665 )
    Hay, John, 2nd Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1666 )
    Robartes, John, 1st Earl of Radnor ( 1666 )
    Rycaut, Paul ( 1666 )
    Berkeley, Charles, 2nd Earl of Berkeley ( 1667 )
    Compton, James, 3rd Earl of Northampton ( 1673 )
    Robartes, Francis ( 1673 )
    Saville, George, 1st Marquess of Halifax ( 1675 )
    Edgcumbe, Richard ( 1678 )
    Hyde, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon ( 1684 )
    Bruce, Robert, 2nd Earl of Elgin ( 1685 )
    Herbert, Thomas, 8th Earl of Pembroke ( 1685 )
    Vaughan, John, 3rd Earl of Carbery ( 1685 )
    Molyneux, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1686 )
    Mackenzie, George, of Tarbat, 1st Earl of Cromarty ( 1692 )
    Willoughby, Thomas, 1st Baron Middleton of Middleton ( 1693 )
    Brydges, James, 1st Duke of Chandos ( 1694 )
    Foley, Thomas, 1st Baron Foley of Kidderminster ( 1696 )
    Mackay, George, 3rd Lord Reay ( 1698 )
    Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1698 )
    Spencer, Charles, 3rd Earl of Sunderland ( 1698 )
    Shirley, Robert ( 1699 )
    Dudley, Matthew, 2nd Bt. ( 1703 )
    Erskine, Robert ( 1703 )
    Burnet, William ( 1705 )
    Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery ( 1706 )
    Townshend, Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend of Raynham ( 1706 )
    Frankland, Thomas, 3rd Bt. ( 1707 )
    Stanhope, Philip, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield ( 1708 )
    Cholmondeley, George, 2nd Earl of Cholmondeley ( 1715 )
    Hamilton, James, 7th Earl of Abercorn ( 1715 )
    Cadogan, Charles, 2nd Baron Cadogan of Oakley ( 1718 )
    Strachey, John ( 1719 )
    North, William, 6th Baron North ( 1720 )
    Beauclerk, Charles, 1st Duke of Saint Albans ( 1722 )
    Boyle, Richard, 4th Earl of Cork ( 1722 )
    Parker, George, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield ( 1722 )
    Paston, William, 2nd Earl of Yarmouth ( 1722 )
    Scott, Francis, 2nd Duke of Buccleuch ( 1724 )
    Dixon, Jeremiah ( 1726 )
    Schomberg, Meyer Löw ( 1726 )
    Clerk, John, of Penicuik, 2nd Bt. ( 1728 )
    Gage, Thomas, 1st Viscount Gage of Castle Island ( 1728 )
    West, John, 1st Earl De La Warr ( 1728 )
    Wheler, Granville ( 1728 )
    Carpenter, George, 2nd Baron Carpenter of Killaghy ( 1729 )
    Calvert, Charles, 5th Baron Baltimore ( 1731 )
    Ayloffe, Joseph, 6th Bt. ( 1732 )
    Lindsay, John, 20th Earl of Crawford ( 1732 )
    Bateman, William, 1st Viscount Bateman ( 1733 )
    Campbell, Colin ( 1733 )
    Erskine, Henry David, 10th Earl of Buchan ( 1734 )
    Southwell, Thomas, 2nd Baron Southwell of Castle Mattress ( 1734 )
    Hamilton, James, 5th Duke of Hamilton ( 1736 )
    Bentinck, William, 2nd Duke of Portland ( 1739 )
    Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden ( 1742 )
    Russell, John, 4th Duke of Bedford ( 1742 )
    Herbert, Henry, 9th Earl of Pembroke ( 1743 )
    Stafford-Howard, William Matthias, 3rd Earl of Stafford ( 1743 )
    Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham ( 1744 )
    Pulteney, William, 1st and last Earl of Bath ( 1744 )
    Spencer, Charles, 3rd Duke of Marlborough ( 1744 )
    Anson, George, 1st and last Lord Anson ( 1745 )
    Willoughby, Hugh, 5th Lord Willoughby of Parham ( 1745 )
    Blake, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1746 )
    Boyle, John, 5th Earl of Cork ( 1746 )
    Child, John, 2nd Earl Tylney of Castlemaine ( 1746 )
    Robinson-Morris, Matthew, 2nd Baron Rokeby ( 1746 )
    Hamilton, Charles ( 1747 )
    Walpole, Horatio, 4th Earl of Orford ( 1747 )
    Yonge, William, 4th Bt. ( 1748 )
    Fitzroy, Charles, 2nd Duke of Grafton ( 1749 )
    Montagu, George, 1st Duke of Montagu ( 1749 )
    Waldegrave, James, 2nd Earl Waldegrave ( 1749 )
    Fetherstonhaugh, Matthew, 1st Bt. ( 1752 )
    Burgh, John Smith, 11th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1753 )
    Caldwell, John, 4th Bt. ( 1753 )
    Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke ( 1753 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 4th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1754 )
    Caulfeild, James, 1st Earl of Charlemont ( 1755 )
    Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond ( 1755 )
    Marsham, Robert, 2nd Baron of Romney ( 1757 )
    Hastings, Francis, 10th Earl of Huntingdon ( 1758 )
    Maskelyne, Nevil ( 1758 )
    Verney, Ralph, 2nd Earl Verney ( 1758 )
    Delaval, Edward Hussey ( 1759 )
    Hanover, Edward Augustus, 1st Duke of York ( 1760 )
    Thynne, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Bath ( 1764 )
    Erskine, David Steuart, 11th Earl of Buchan ( 1765 )
    Banks, Joseph, 1st and last Bt. ( 1766 )
    Bouverie, William, 1st Earl of Radnor ( 1767 )
    Calvert, Frederick, 6th Baron Baltimore ( 1767 )
    Garth-Turnour, Edward Turnour, 1st Earl Winterton ( 1767 )
    Greville, George, 2nd Earl of Warwick ( 1767 )
    Hunter, John ( 1767 )
    Clive, Robert, 1st Baron Clive of Plassey ( 1768 )
    Dundas, Thomas, 1st Baron Dundas of Aske ( 1768 )
    Phipps, Constantine John, 2nd Baron Mulgrave of New Ross ( 1771 )
    Smith, John, 1st Bt. ( 1772 )
    Finch, Heneage, 4th Earl of Aylesford ( 1773 )
    Shuckburgh-Evelyn, George Augustus William, 6th Bt. ( 1774 )
    Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry, 3rd Duke of Portland ( 1775 )
    Stanhope, Philip, 5th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1776 )
    Anderson-Pelham, Charles, 1st Baron Yarborough ( 1777 )
    Mudge, John ( 1777 )
    Stratford, Edward Augustus, 2nd Earl of Aldborough ( 1777 )
    Boyle-Walsingham, Robert ( 1778 )
    Englefield, Henry Charles, 7th Bt. ( 1778 )
    Layard, Charles Peter ( 1778 )
    Proby, John Joshua, 1st Earl of Carysfort ( 1779 )
    Murray, John, 4th Duke of Atholl ( 1780 )
    Ord, John ( 1780 )
    Pepys, Lucas, 1st Bt. ( 1780 )
    Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl Spencer ( 1780 )
    Egerton, Francis Henry, 8th Earl of Bridgwater ( 1781 )
    Young, George ( 1781 )
    Hervey, Frederick Augustus, 4th Earl of Bristol ( 1782 )
    Baker-Holroyd, John, 1st Earl of Sheffield ( 1783 )
    Cust, Brownlow, 1st Baron Brownlow of Belton ( 1783 )
    Campbell, John, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane ( 1784 )
    Cecil, James, 1st Marquess of Salisbury ( 1784 )
    Edgcumbe, George, 1st Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1784 )
    Whitefoord, Caleb Charles ( 1784 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 5th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1785 )
    Hobart, John, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1785 )
    Ussher, Henry ( 1785 )
    Eden, William, 1st Baron Auckland ( 1786 )
    Perceval, Charles George, 2nd Baron Arden ( 1786 )
    Spencer, George, 4th Duke of Marlborough ( 1786 )
    Home, Everard ( 1787 )
    Ord, Craven ( 1787 )
    Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hastings ( 1787 )
    Smithson, James ( 1787 )
    Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn ( 1787 )
    Jenner, Edward Anthony ( 1788 )
    Percy, Hugh, 2nd Duke of Northumberland ( 1788 )
    Grant-Ogilvy, Lewis Alexander, 5th Earl of Seafield ( 1791 )
    Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon ( 1793 )
    North, Frederick, 5th Earl of Guilford ( 1794 )
    Campbell, John, of Cawdor, 1st Baron Cawdor of Castlemartin ( 1795 )
    Howard, George, 6th Earl of Carlisle ( 1795 )
    Parker, John, 1st Earl of Morley ( 1795 )
    Annesley, George, 2nd Earl of Mountnorris ( 1796 )
    Wyndham, George O'Brien, 3rd Earl of Egremont ( 1797 )
    Popham, Home Riggs ( 1799 )
    Stuart, John, 1st Marquess of the County of Bute ( 1799 )
    Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Mountnorris ( 1800 )
    Crichton, Alexander ( 1800 )
    Pelham, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Chichester ( 1800 )
    Smith, Robert, 1st Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1800 )
    Hamilton, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton ( 1802 )
    Turner, Dawson ( 1802 )
    Blaquiere, John, 1st Baron de Blaquiere of Ardkill ( 1803 )
    Brougham, Henry, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ( 1803 )
    Bury, Charles William, 1st Earl of Charleville ( 1803 )
    FitzMaurice, John Hamilton, Viscount Kirkwall ( 1804 )
    Blaquiere, William, 3rd Baron de Blaquiere of Ardkill ( 1805 )
    Cust, John, 1st Earl Brownlow ( 1805 )
    Hervey, Frederick William, 1st Marquess of Bristol ( 1805 )
    Douglas, Thomas, 5th Earl of Selkirk ( 1808 )
    Edgcumbe, Richard, 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1808 )
    Egerton, John William, 7th Earl of Bridgwater ( 1808 )
    Hamilton-Gordon, George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen ( 1808 )
    Beauclerk, Amelius ( 1809 )
    Lygon, William Beauchamp, 2nd Earl Beauchamp ( 1810 )
    Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1811 )
    Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st and last Baron Bexley ( 1812 )
    Lawrence, William, 1st Bt. ( 1813 )
    Hobhouse, John Cam, 1st and last Baron Broughton of Broughton-de-Gyfford ( 1814 )
    Ivory, James ( 1815 )
    Agar-Ellis, George James Welbore, 1st Baron Dover ( 1816 )
    Noel, George Gordon, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale ( 1816 )
    Bromhead, Edward ffrench, 2nd Bt. ( 1817 )
    Crawfurd, John ( 1817 )
    Fortescue, Hugh, 2nd Earl Fortescue ( 1817 )
    Gurney, Hudson ( 1818 )
    Murray, James, 1st Baron Glenlyon ( 1818 )
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Duke of Northumberland ( 1818 )
    Spencer, Francis Almeric, 1st Baron Churchill of Whichwood ( 1818 )
    Butler, George ( 1819 )
    Campbell, John Douglas Edward Henry, 7th Duke of Argyll ( 1819 )
    Clerk, George, of Penicuik, 6th Bt. ( 1819 )
    Ormerod, George ( 1819 )
    Cockburn, George, of Langton, 10th Bt. ( 1820 )
    Spencer, John Charles, 3rd Earl Spencer ( 1820 )
    Howard, Luke ( 1821 )
    Parry, William Edward ( 1821 )
    Watts-Russell, Jesse ( 1821 )
    Harford, John Scandrett ( 1823 )
    Wavell, William ( 1824 )
    Hanover, William IV, King of the United Kingdom ( 1827 )
    Mackinnon, William Alexander, of Strathaird, 33th Chief of MacKinnon ( 1827 )
    Babington, Benjamin Guy ( 1828 )
    Clifton, Marshall Waller ( 1828 )
    Douglas, Dunbar James, 6th Earl of Selkirk ( 1831 )
    Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse ( 1831 )
    Ayshford Sanford, Edward ( 1832 )
    Campbell, John, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane ( 1834 )
    Beamish, Richard ( 1836 )
    Locke, Joseph ( 1838 )
    Carrington, Robert John, 2nd Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1839 )
    Reid, William ( 1839 )
    Byng, George Stevens, 2nd Earl of Strafford ( 1841 )
    Crewe, Hungerford, 3rd Baron Crewe ( 1841 )
    Herbert, Henry John George, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon ( 1841 )
    Melvill, James Cosmo ( 1841 )
    Spring Rice, Thomas, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon ( 1841 )
    Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira ( 1843 )
    Hamilton, Thomas, 9th Earl of Haddington ( 1844 )
    Bernard, James, 2nd Earl of Bandon ( 1845 )
    Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1845 )
    Armstrong, William George, 1st and last Baron Armstrong of Cragside ( 1846 )
    Cautley, Proby Thomas ( 1846 )
    Acland, Henry Wentworth, 1st Bt. ( 1847 )
    Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1847 )
    Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair ( 1848 )
    Sumner, John Bird ( 1848 )
    Baring, Francis Thornhill, 1st Baron Northbrook ( 1849 )
    Godwin-Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne ( 1849 )
    Denison, Albert Denison, 1st Baron Londesborough ( 1850 )
    Campbell, George John Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll ( 1851 )
    FitzRoy, Robert ( 1851 )
    Huxley, Thomas Henry ( 1851 )
    Thomson, William, 1st and last Baron Kelvin ( 1851 )
    Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2nd Earl Granville ( 1853 )
    Baring, William Bingham, 2nd Baron Ashburton ( 1854 )
    Lubbock, John, 1st Baron Avebury ( 1856 )
    Beale, Lionel Smith ( 1857 )
    Bickersteth, Robert ( 1858 )
    Savory, William Scovell, 1st Bt. ( 1858 )
    Talbot, James, 4th Baron Talbot of Malahide ( 1858 )
    Stanley, Edward Henry, 15th Earl of Derby ( 1859 )
    Yolland, William ( 1859 )
    Holroyd, George Augustus Frederick Charles, 2nd Earl of Sheffield ( 1860 )
    Lister, Joseph, 1st and last Baron Lister ( 1860 )
    Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne ( 1860 )
    Strutt, Edward, 1st Baron Belper ( 1860 )
    Rolleston, George ( 1862 )
    Sinclair, James, 14th Earl of Caithness ( 1862 )
    Grubb, Thomas ( 1864 )
    Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava ( 1865 )
    Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming ( 1865 )
    Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron Tennyson of Aldworth ( 1865 )
    Bovill, William ( 1867 )
    Parsons, Laurence, 4th Earl of Rosse ( 1867 )
    Ommanney, Erasmus ( 1868 )
    Baker, Samuel White ( 1869 )
    Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1869 )
    Robinson, Robert Spencer ( 1869 )
    Hay, Arthur, 9th Marquess of Tweeddale ( 1871 )
    Lowe, Robert, 1st Viscount Sherbrooke ( 1871 )
    Ormerod, Edward Latham ( 1872 )
    Bramwell, Frederick Joseph, 1st and last Bt. ( 1873 )
    Cardwell, Edward, 1st and last Viscount Cardwell of Ellerbeck ( 1873 )
    Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place ( 1873 )
    Colvile, James William ( 1875 )
    Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th Earl of Carnarvon ( 1875 )
    Bruce, Henry Austin, 1st Baron Aberdare of Duffryn ( 1876 )
    Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st and last Earl of Beaconsfield ( 1876 )
    Sclater-Booth, George, 1st Baron Basing of Basin Byflete and of Hoddington ( 1876 )
    Lindsay, James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford ( 1878 )
    Baring, Thomas George, 1st Earl of Northbrook ( 1880 )
    Bramwell, George William Wilshire, 1st and last Baron Bramwell of Hever ( 1882 )
    Allman, George Johnston ( 1884 )
    Baker, Arthur Henry ( 1884 )
    Rucker, Arthur William ( 1884 )
    Bowen, Charles Synge Christopher, Baron Bowen of Colwood ( 1885 )
    Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery ( 1886 )
    Hanbury-Tracy, Charles Douglas Richard, 4th Baron Sudeley of Toddington ( 1888 )
    Bosanquet, Robert Holford Macdowall ( 1890 )
    Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1893 )
    Davey, Horace, Baron Davey ( 1895 )
    Broadbent, William Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1897 )
    Percy, Henry George, 7th Duke of Northumberland ( 1900 )
    Strutt, Robert John, 4th Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place ( 1902 )
    Masson, David Orme ( 1903 )
    Townsend, John Sealy Edward ( 1903 )
    Burrard, Sidney Gerald, 7th Bt. ( 1904 )
    Smith, Donald Alexander, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal ( 1904 )
    Guinness, Edward Cecil, 1st Earl of Iveagh ( 1906 )
    Berkeley, Randal Thomas Mowbray, 8th Earl of Berkeley ( 1908 )
    Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell ( 1908 )
    Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th Duke of Bedford ( 1908 )
    Barlow, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1909 )
    Barcroft, Joseph ( 1910 )
    Minchin, Edward Alfred ( 1911 )
    Lenox-Conyngham, Gerald Ponsonby ( 1918 )
    Arden-Close, Charles Frederick ( 1919 )
    Fitzmaurice, Maurice ( 1919 )
    Yarrow, Alfred Fernandez, 1st Bt. ( 1922 )
    Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian ( 1923 )
    Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, 27th Earl of Crawford ( 1924 )
    Rutherford, Ernest, 1st and last Baron Rutherford of Nelson ( 1925 )
    Butler, Edwin John ( 1926 )
    Stopford, John Sebastian Bach, Baron Stopford of Fallowfield ( 1927 )
    Boyd-Orr, John, 1st and last Baron Boyd-Orr ( 1932 )
    Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett ( 1933 )
    Adam, Neil Kensington ( 1935 )
    Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George, 1st Earl of Athlone ( 1937 )
    Born, Max ( 1939 )
    Masson, James Irvine Orme ( 1939 )
    Morris, William Richard, 1st and last Viscount Nuffield ( 1939 )
    Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey ( 1941 )
    Rivettt, David ( 1941 )
    Dodds, Edward Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1942 )
    Todd, Alexander Robert, Baron Todd ( 1942 )
    Fleming, Alexander ( 1943 )
    Synge, John Lighton ( 1943 )
    Zuckerman, Solly, Baron Zuckerman ( 1943 )
    Drummond, Jack Cecil ( 1944 )
    Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ( 1945 )
    Wallis, Barnes Neville ( 1945 )
    Penney, William Gordon, Baron Penney ( 1946 )
    Windsor, Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom ( 1947 )
    Andrews, Thomas ( 1949 ), (this year is obviously incorrect since he died in 1885)
    Neuberger, Albert ( 1951 )
    Barcroft, Henry ( 1953 )
    Jackson, Willis, Baron Jackson of Burnley ( 1953 )
    Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild ( 1953 )
    Henley, Rosalind Venetia ( 1954 )
    Hinton, Christopher, Baron Hinton of Bankside ( 1954 )
    Baker, John Fleetwood, Baron Baker ( 1956 )
    Dainton, Frederick Sydney, Baron Dainton ( 1957 )
    Flowers, Brian Hilton, Baron Flowers ( 1961 )
    Macmillan, Maurice Harold, 1st Earl of Stockton ( 1962 )
    Pollock, Martin Rivers ( 1962 )
    Ashby, Eric, Baron Ashby ( 1963 )
    Wolfson, Isaac, 1st Bt. ( 1963 )
    Brain, Walter Russell, 1st Baron Brain ( 1964 )
    Guinness, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee, 2nd Earl of Iveagh ( 1964 )
    Swinnerton-Dyer, Henry Peter Francis, 16th Bt. ( 1967 )
    Valera, Eamon ( 1968 )
    Barlow, Horace Basil ( 1969 )
    Giffard, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury ( 1969 )
    Pilkington, Lionel Alexander Bethune ( 1969 )
    Bacon, Francis Thomas ( 1973 )
    Lewis, Jack, Baron Lewis of Newnham ( 1973 )
    McLaren, Anne Laura Dorinthea ( 1975 )
    Ashby, Michael Farries ( 1979 )
    Chilver, Amos Henry, Baron Chilver ( 1982 )
    Waterlow, John Conrad ( 1982 )
    Attenborough, David Frederick ( 1983 )
    Roberts, Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher ( 1983 )
    Rothschild, Miriam Louisa ( 1985 )
    Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 1986 )
    Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield ( 1986 )
    Mountbatten-Windsor, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom ( 1987 )
    Hunt, Julian Charles Roland, Baron Hunt of Chesterton ( 1989 )
    Jellicoe, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl Jellicoe ( 1990 )
    Neuberger, Michael Samuel ( 1993 )
    Leakey, Richard Erskine Frere ( 2007 )
    Bhattacharyya, Sushantha Kumar, Baron Bhattacharyya ( 2014 )
    Count equals 868 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society (F.R.S.)
    Canning, George, 1st Baron Garvagh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society (F.R.S.) (Edinburgh)
    Campbell, George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society (F.R.S.) Edinburgh
    Redwood, Thomas Boverton, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society Arts (F.R.S.A.)
    Orr Ewing, Ian Leslie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society Edinburgh (F.R.S.E.)
    Crichton-Browne, James
    Cunningham, John
    Fulton, Angus Anderson
    Havelock, Eric Henry Edwardes
    Ivory, James, Lord Ivory
    Reid, James Scott Cumberland, Baron Reid
    Primrose, Albert Edward Harry Mayer Archibald, 6th Earl of Rosebery ( 1953 )
    Thomson, George Morgan, Baron Thomson of Monifieth ( 1985 )
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society for Literature (F.R.S.L.)
    St. John-Stevas, Norman Antony Francis, Baron St. John of Fawsley ( 1966 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (F.R.S.H.)
    Burton, Lucas John Harmsworth
    Greenhill, Stanley, 2nd Baron Greenhill
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A.)
    Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley, Baron Stewartby
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries Scotland (F.S.A.Scot.)
    Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley, Baron Stewartby
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries in Ireland (F.R.S.A.I.)
    O'Connell, Basil Morgan
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries in ireland (F.R.S.A.I.)
    O'Connell, Donal Bernard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (F.R.S.A.I.)
    Crozier, John Baptist
    Stubbs, William Cotter
    Westropp, Ralph Hugh
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Art (F.R.S.A.)
    Goodenough, Frederick Roger
    Grey, John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts (F.R.S.A.)
     Christine Mary, Baroness Crawley
    Acheson, Archibald Alexander John Stanley, 6th Earl of Gosford
    Ackroyd, Cuthbert Lowell, 1st Bt.
    Acland, Barbara Elizabeth
    Acland, Sarah Angelina
    Agnew, Rudolph Ion Joseph
    Arnold, Constance Eleanor
    Asquith, Anthony
    Backhouse, Edmund Trelawny, 2nd Bt.
    Baden-Powell, Arthur Robert Peter, 2nd Baron Baden-Powell
    Bain, Iain Stuart
    Barcroft, Anna Mary Hermione
    Bartlett, John Hardington, 4th Bt.
    Beckett, Frederick Harrison
    Beckett, Oliver Ralph
    Beloff, Max, Baron Beloff
    Berry, Geoffrey Lionel, 2nd Viscount Kemsley
    Berry, Peter Fremantle
    Berry, William, of Tayfield
    Best, Patrick George Matthew
    Bhatia, Amirall Alibhai, Baron Bhatia
    Bichard, Michael George, Baron Bichard
    Bigham, Derek Alastair
    Bossom, Bruce Charles, 3rd Bt.
    Bossom, Clive, 2nd Bt.
    Boutchier, Charles Geoffrey
    Bowater, Eric Vansittart
    Boyle, Patrick Reginald, 13th Earl of Cork
    Boyle, Richard Bentinck, 9th Earl of Shannon
    Bruce, James Michael Edward
    Campbell, Henrietta Nina Sylvia
    Capell, Frederick Paul de Vere, 11th Earl of Essex
    Carnegy, Elizabeth Patricia, of Lour, Baroness Carnegy of Lour
    Carron, William John, Baron Carron
    Cave-Browne-Cave, Thomas Reginald
    Chenevix Trench, Anthony
    Chetwynd-Stapylton, Henry Philip
    Clarke-Smith, Douglas Alexander
    Clement-Jones, Timothy Francis, Baron Clement-Jones
    Colman, Michael Jeremiah, 3rd Bt.
    Cranmer-Byng, Launcelot Alfred Cranmer
    Craufurd, Quentin Charles Alexander, of Kilbirnie, 6th Bt.
    Croft, Michael Henry Glendower Page, 2nd Baron Croft
    Darvall, Lawrence
    Davis, Basil Montefiore
    Delevingne, Edward Dudley
    Denny, Anthony Coningham de Waltham, 8th Bt.
    Donoughue, Bernard, Baron Donoughue
    Drummond, Norman Walker
    Dugdale, Charles James, 2nd Baron Crathorne
    Eardley-Wilmot, Michael John Assheton, 6th Bt.
    Eaton, Michael McDouall
    Ellison, Reginald Cuthbert Stockdale
    Emerton, Audrey Caroline, Baroness Emerton
    Fairbairn, James Brooke, 6th Bt.
    Falkender, Marcia Matilda, Baroness Falkender
    Forbes, Anthony David Arnold William
    Forbes-Sempill, William Francis, 19th Lord Sempill
    Fox-Strangways, Maurice Vivian de Touffreville, 9th Earl of Ilchester
    Gibb, Avril Veronica
    Gibbs, Antony Richard
    Goad, Thomas William
    Grand, Madeleine Lola Margaret
    Gray, Anthony James
    Grimston, Cecil Antony Sylvester
    Gueterbock, Anthony FitzHardinge, 18th Lord Berkeley
    Gummer, Peter Selwyn, Baron Chadlington
    Haldane, James Martin, 26th of Gleneagles
    Hall, Thomas Armitage
    Hanson, James Edward, Baron Hanson
    Harmsworth, Vere Harold Esmond, 3rd Viscount Rothermere
    Harris, Christopher Money
    Hart-Davis, Adam John
    Hepburne-Scott, Henry Alexander, 10th Lord Polwarth
    Hunt, Tessa Margaret
    Inglefield, Gilbert Samuel
    James, Phyllis Dorothy, Baroness James of Holland Park
    Johnson, Peter
    Johnstone, George Richard Douglas, of Westerhall, 11th Bt.
    Jones, Alun Arthur Gwynne, Baron Chalfont
    Jones, Matthew
    Keith, Kenneth Alexander, Baron Keith of Castleacre
    Kerr, Peter Francis Walter, 12th Marquess of Lothian
    Knowles, Charles Francis, 7th Bt.
    Laver, James
    Leigh, Rowland Henry Gordon
    Levene, Peter Keith, Baron Levene of Portsoken
    Lever, Paul Ronald Scott
    Lilburn, Ian Robertson
    Llewellin-Taylour, Alfred Robert
    Long, Antoinette Sara Frances Sibell
    Loughran, Edith Mary
    Lowe, John Evelyn
    Lucas, Thomas Edward Gubbins, 5th Bt.
    Macdonald, William Malcolm Bell, 4th of Rammerscales
    Macdougall, Patrick Lorn
    Macmillan, Allister
    Macnab, Roy Martin
    Mais, Stuart Petre Brodie
    Mansel Lewis, David Courtenay
    Matthews, Victor Collin, Baron Matthews
    Maunsell, Guy Anson
    Maxwell, Dennis Crichton
    McDonnell, Alexander Randal Mark, 9th Earl of Antrim
    Millington-Drake, Eugene John Henry Vanderstegen
    Morgan, Evan Frederic, 2nd Viscount Tredegar
    Myatt, Beryl Catherine, Baroness Platt of Writtle
    Nathan, Roger Carol Michael, 2nd Baron Nathan
    Nelson, Albert Francis Joseph Horatio, 6th Earl Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton
    Nicholson, Robin Alaster
    Noble, Humphrey Brunel, of Ardmore, 4th Bt.
    Noel, John Baptist Lucius
    Norrie, Charles Willoughby Moke, 1st Baron Norrie
    North, Edward Francis, 9th Earl of Guilford
    O'Brien, Donough
    Park, Daphne Margaret Sybil Desiree, Baroness Park of Monmouth
    Parry, Gordon Samuel David, Baron Parry
    Parsons, Laurence Michael Harvey, 6th Earl of Rosse
    Paul, Swraj, Baron Paul
    Perring, John Raymond, 2nd Bt.
    Petrovic-Njegoš, Milan
    Phillimore, Walter Godfrey, 2nd Baron Phillimore
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Doris
    Pollock, George Frederick, 5th Bt.
    Ponsonby, Robert Noel
    Pope, Jeremy James Richard
    Portal, Francis Spencer, 5th Bt.
    Prashar, Usha Kumari, Baroness Prashar
    Prescott, William Henry, 1st Bt.
    Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam
    Radcliffe, Mark Hugh Joseph Radcliffe
    Ramsay, Patrick George Alexander
    Rice, Patrick Arthur
    Richey, Paul Henry Mills
    Ricketts, Robert Cornwallis Gerald St. Leger, 7th Bt.
    Runton, Anne Maureen
    Rutherford, Sarah Caroline
    Shaw, Thomas Donald Mackay, 3rd Baron Craigmyle
    Siddeley, John Tennant Davenport, 3rd Baron Kenilworth
    Sinclair, Andrew Annadale
    Smith, Adam
    Spencer, Albert Edward John, 7th Earl Spencer
    Stanbury, Peter
    Stone, Andrew Zelig, Baron Stone of Blackheath
    Strang Steel, Malcolm Graham
    Swithinbank, Isobel
    Sykes, Alan Geoffrey
    Symons, Elizabeth Conway, Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean
    Taylor, Alfred Jesse, 1st Baron Grantchester
    Thesiger, Ernest Frederic Graham
    Thomas, Terence James, Baron Thomas of Macclesfield
    Thompson, Matthew William, 3rd Bt.
    Thomson, Roy Herbert, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet
    Thornton, Dorothea Glenys, Baroness Thornton
    Thorpe, John Jeremy
    Townshend, George John Patrick Dominic, 7th Marquess Townshend of Raynham
    Trafford, Dermot Humphrey, 6th Bt.
    Twining, Violet Gertrude
    Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, David Eustace Martindale
    Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Gerard Francis Gisborne
    Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, George Harcourt, 3rd Baron Derwent
    Vestey, Edmund Hoyle
    Villiers, John Francis Hyde
    Vinson, Nigel, Baron Vinson
    Vivian, Deborah Mary
    Ward, Catharine Joan
    Watson-Gandy, Mark
    Weir, William Kenneth James, 3rd Viscount Weir
    Welch, John Reader, 2nd Bt.
    Westwood, Douglas Wilkie
    Westwood, William, 1st Baron Westwood
    Westwood, William, 2nd Baron Westwood
    Whitbread, Samuel Charles
    Wigginton, Michael John
    Willis, Edward Henry, Baron Willis
    Windsor, Richard Alexander Walter George, 2nd Duke of Gloucester
    Wodehouse, John Armine, 5th Earl of Kimberley
    Young, Mary Jane
    Adam, Robert ( 1758 )
    Wakeley, Cecil Pembrey Grey, 1st Bt. ( 1935 )
    Cook, Francis Ferdinand Maurice, 4th Bt. ( 1940 )
    Haig, George Alexander Eugene Douglas, 2nd Earl Haig ( 1951 )
    Campbell, Ian, 12th Duke of Argyll ( 1953 )
    Windsor-Clive, Other Robert Ivor, 3rd Earl of Plymouth ( 1953 )
    Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Eustace Gervais, 2nd Bt. ( 1956 )
    Beauchamp, Peter Clare ( 1958 )
    Hope, John Adrian, 1st Baron Glendevon ( 1962 )
    Duke, Jack Henry Edmond, 3rd Baron Merrivale ( 1964 )
    Murray, Michael Graeme ( 1966 )
    Durie, Christian Frances ( 1967 )
    Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood ( 1970 )
    Bonsor, Nicholas Cosmo, 4th Bt. ( 1970 )
    Eardley-Wilmot, John Assheton, 5th Bt. ( 1970 )
    Fraser, Ian James ( 1970 )
    Plumb, Charles Henry, Baron Plumb ( 1970 )
    Braine, Bernard Richard, Baron Braine of Wheatley ( 1971 )
    Butterfield, William John Hughes, Baron Butterfield ( 1971 )
    Tennant, Iain Mark ( 1971 )
    Archer, Jeffrey Howard, Baron Archer of Weston-super-Mare ( 1973 )
    Harvie-Watt, George Steven, 1st Bt. ( 1973 )
    Rodgers, Andrew Piers Wingate Aikin-Sneath, 3rd Bt. ( 1973 )
    Austin-Cooper, Richard Arthur ( 1974 )
    Plummer, Arthur Desmond Herne, Baron Plummer of St Marylebone ( 1974 )
    St. Aubyn, John Francis Arthur, 4th Baron St. Levan of St. Michaels Mount ( 1974 )
    Allen, Douglas Albert Vivian, Baron Croham ( 1975 )
    Leigh-Pemberton, Robert Robin, Baron Kingsdown ( 1977 )
    Harvie-Watt, James, 2nd Bt. ( 1978 )
    Nairne, Patrick Dalmahoy ( 1978 )
    Haskel, Simon, Baron Haskel ( 1979 )
    Sebag-Montefiore, Charles Adam Laurie ( 1980 )
    Beckett, Martyn Gervase, 2nd Bt. ( 1982 )
    Borrie, Gordon Johnson, Baron Borrie ( 1982 )
    Campbell, Colin Moffat, of Aberuchill, 8th Bt. ( 1982 )
    Sandberg, Michael Graham Ruddock, Baron Sandberg ( 1983 )
    Macpherson, James Gordon, 2nd Baron Macpherson of Drumochter ( 1984 )
    Warwick, Diana Mary, Baroness Warwick of Undercliffe ( 1984 )
    Triggs, Emily May, Baroness Blatch ( 1985 )
    Campbell, Ilay Mark, of Succoth, 7th Bt. ( 1986 )
    Hooper, Gloria Dorothy, Baroness Hooper ( 1986 )
    MacLaurin, Ian Charter, Baron MacLaurin of Knebworth ( 1986 )
    O'Cathain, Detta, Baroness O'Cathain ( 1986 )
    Feldman, Basil Samuel, Baron Feldman ( 1987 )
    Fitz-Clarence, Anthony Charles, 7th Earl of Munster ( 1987 )
    Moss, Jean, Baroness Denton of Wakefield ( 1987 )
    Trotter, Alexander Richard, 14th of Mortonhall and 5th of Charterhall ( 1987 )
    Alliance, David, Baron Alliance ( 1988 )
    Cavendish, Richard Hugh, Baron Cavendish of Furness ( 1988 )
    Judd, Frank Ashcroft, Baron Judd ( 1988 )
    Ackroyd, John Robert Whyte, 2nd Bt. ( 1989 )
    Christopher, Anthony Martin Grosvenor, Baron Christopher ( 1989 )
    Hall, John Bernard, 3rd Bt. ( 1989 )
    Herbert, Dennis Nicholas Herbert, 3rd Baron Hemingford ( 1989 )
    Percy, Henry Alan Walter Richard, 11th Duke of Northumberland ( 1989 )
    Sieff, David Daniel ( 1989 )
    Dear, Geoffrey James, Baron Dear ( 1990 )
    Evans, Matthew, Baron Evans of Temple Guiting ( 1990 )
    Lithgow, William James, 2nd Bt. ( 1990 )
    Riddell, John Charles Buchanan, of that Ilk, 13th Bt. ( 1990 )
    Starkey, John Philip, 3rd Bt. ( 1990 )
    Alexander, Robert Scott, Baron Alexander of Weedon ( 1991 )
    Clarke, Joyce Anne, Baroness Anelay of St. Johns ( 1991 )
    Desai, Meghnad Jagdishhandra, Baron Desai ( 1991 )
    Bull, George Jeffrey ( 1992 )
    Clarke, Elizabeth Audrey ( 1992 )
    Clinton-Davis, Stanley Clinton, Baron Clinton-Davies ( 1992 )
    Condon, Paul Leslie, Baron Condon ( 1992 )
    Dean, Brenda, Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Fylde ( 1992 )
    Hall, Doreen Elizabeth, Baroness Massey of Darwen ( 1992 )
    Naish, Charles David ( 1992 )
    Harris, Jonathan Toby, Baron Harris of Haringey ( 1993 )
    Lea, David Edward, Baron Lea of Crondall ( 1993 )
    Stewart, Janet Alison, Baroness Whitaker ( 1993 )
    Errington, Geoffrey Frederick, 2nd Bt. ( 1994 )
    Rosengarten, Sally Ralea, Baroness Greengross ( 1994 )
    Graham, Gillian Mary Millicent ( 1995 )
    Norton, Philip, Baron Norton of Louth ( 1995 )
    Cameron, Ewen James Hanning, Baron Cameron of Dillington ( 1996 )
    Every, Henry John Michael, 13th Bt. ( 1996 )
    Kearley, Terence, 3rd Viscount Devonport ( 1996 )
    Burns, Robert Andrew ( 1997 )
    Galsworthy, Arthur Michael Johnstone ( 1997 )
    Robertson, George Islay MacNeill, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen ( 1999 )
    Brennan, Daniel Joseph, Baron Brennan ( 2000 )
    Donaghy, Rita Margaret, Baroness Donaghy ( 2004 )
    Bonn, Philip Edward Leo Africa ( 2006 )
    Count equals 265 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts (F.S.A.)
    Perring, Ralph Edgar, 1st Bt. ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, Ireland (F.R.S.A.I.)
    Austin-Cooper, Richard Arthur ( 1980 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, Scotland (F.S.A.Scot.)
    Clerk, John, of Eldin
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of British Sculptors
    Wrightson, Margaret Justina
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of British Sculptors (F.R.B.S.)
    Goudine, Dora
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (F.R.S.C.)
    Samuel, David Herbert, 3rd Viscount Samuel
    Young, Geoffrey Tyndale
    Cole-Hamilton, David John ( 1999 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Chemists (F.R.S.C.)
    Rutherford, Alan Gray
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh (F.R.S.)
    Hope, Victor Alexander John, 2nd Marquess of Linlithgow
    Johnston-Saint, Peter
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh (F.R.S.E.)
    Arbuthnott, John Campbell, 16th Viscount Arbuthnott
    Barcroft, Joseph
    Beattie, John Carruthers
    Bell, George
    Beresford-Peirse, Henry Campbell de La Poer, 5th Bt.
    Berry, John, of Tayfield
    Blaikie, Walter Biggar
    Boyd-Orr, John, 1st and last Baron Boyd-Orr
    Bruce, Robert, 8th Lord Balfour of Burleigh
    Bulfield, Grahame
    Chenevix Trench, Anthony
    Clark, Thomas, 1st Bt.
    Clark, Thomas, 3rd Bt.
    Clerk, John, of Eldin
    Coats, Peter
    Cooper, Thomas Mackay, 1st and last Baron Cooper of Culross
    Erskine-Murray, James Robert
    Fairgrieve, M. McC.
    Fergusson, James, of Kilkerran, 8th Bt.
    Forbes Irvine, Alexander, 20th of Drum
    Gladstone, Hugh Steuart, of Capenoch
    Gwynne-Vaughan, David Thomas
    Hepburne-Scott, Henry Alexander, 10th Lord Polwarth
    Hope, Thomas Charles
    Inglis, John, Lord Glencorse
    Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore
    Langrishe, John du Plessis
    Leslie, George
    Macmillan, Hugh Pattison, Baron Macmillan
    Miller, Thomas
    Milne-Home, David, of Wedderburn
    Mitchell-Thomson, Mitchell, 1st Bt.
    Nickson, David Wigley, Baron Nickson
    Perry, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron Perry of Walton
    Petrie, James Colquhoun
    Robbins, Keith Gilbert
    Robison, John
    Salvesen, Harold Keith
    Scott, James Archibald
    Stephen, Alexander Charles
    Stewart, Bernard Halley
    Stewart, Harold Charles
    Thomson, Robert William
    Thorneycroft, Wallace
    Whitson, Thomas Barnby
    Yarrow, Eric Grant, 3rd Bt.
    Younger, George Kenneth Hotson, 4th Viscount Younger of Leckie
    Bell, Benjamin, of Blackethouse ( 1783 )
    Taylor, Thomas Johnston, Baron Taylor of Gryfe ( 1977 )
    Stewart, Bernard Harold Ian Halley, Baron Stewartby ( 1986 )
    Emslie, George Carlyle, Baron Emslie ( 1987 )
    Cole-Hamilton, David John ( 1988 )
    Risk, Thomas Neilson ( 1988 )
    Laing, Hector, Baron Laing of Dunphail ( 1989 )
    Mackay, James Peter Hymers, Baron Mackay of Clashfern ( 1989 )
    Cameron, Kenneth John, Baron Cameron of Lochbroom ( 1990 )
    Jenkin, Charles Patrick Fleming, Baron Jenkin of Roding ( 2001 )
    Count equals 57 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Literature (F.R.S.L.)
    Adamson, Donald
    Arthur, George Compton Archibald, 3rd Bt.
    Babington Smith, Constance
    Baring, Maurice
    Boileau, Francis George Manningham, 2nd Bt.
    Bragg, Melvyn, Baron Bragg
    Brett, Oliver Sylvain Baliol, 3rd Viscount Esher
    Carr, Albert Raymond Maillard
    Cooper, John Julius, 2nd Viscount Norwich
    Evans, Ifor, Baron Evans of Hungershall
    Fane, Julian Charles
    Fergusson, Bernard Edward, Baron Ballantrae
    FitzGibbon, Robert Louis Constantine Dillon
    Foster, Alfred Edye Manning
    Gilmour, David Robert, 4th Bt.
    Grigg, John Edward Poynder, 2nd Baron Altrincham
    Guinness, Bryan Walter, 2nd Baron Moyne
    Hamilton, George Rostrevor
    Heathcoat-Amory, Ian Mark
    Henn, Thomas Rice
    Johnson, Pamela Hansford
    Jones, Lawrence Evelyn, 5th Bt.
    Kennedy, Margaret
    Laver, James
    Levy-Lawson, Harry Lawson Webster, 1st and last Viscount Burnham
    Lucie-Smith, John Edward McKenzie
    Magnus-Allcroft, Philip, 2nd Bt.
    Marshall, William Wilkinson
    Maugham, William Somerset
    Maxwell, Gavin
    McNair Scott, Alison Linda
    Meston, James Scorgie, 1st Baron Meston
    Monson-FitzJohn, Gilbert John
    Morgan, Evan Frederic, 2nd Viscount Tredegar
    Nicolson, Nigel
    Ollard, Richard Laurence
    Paget, George Charles Henry Victor, 7th Marquess of Anglesey
    Pakenham, Antonia Margaret Caroline
    Pryce-Jones, David
    Raban, Jonathan Mark Hamilton Priaulx
    Sackville-West, Victoria Mary
    Sinclair, Andrew Annadale
    Sinclair, William Macdonald
    Sitwell, Francis Osbert Sacheverell, 5th Bt.
    Speaight, Robert William
    St. Aubyn, Giles Rowan
    Tennant, Emma Christina
    Whitworth, Geoffrey Arundel
    Williams, Elizabeth Anne Mould
    Worms, Anthony Denis Maruice George
    Young, Geoffrey Winthrop
    Gibbon, William Monk ( 1950 )
    Woodhouse, Christopher Montague, 5th Baron Terrington ( 1951 )
    Maude, John Cyril ( 1952 )
    Durrell, Lawrence George ( 1954 )
    Lees-Milne, George James Henry ( 1957 )
    Blake, Robert Norman William, Baron Blake ( 1966 )
    Horne, Alistair Allan ( 1968 )
    Thubron, Colin Gerald Dryden ( 1969 )
    Adams, Richard George ( 1975 )
    Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander, Baron Skidelsky ( 1978 )
    Tolstoy-Miloslavsky, Nikolai Dmitrievich ( 1979 )
    James, Phyllis Dorothy, Baroness James of Holland Park ( 1987 )
    Mount, William Robert Ferdinand, 3rd Bt. ( 1991 )
    Dalrymple, William Benedict ( 1995 )
    Farmar, Mary Alice ( 1997 )
    Dickinson, Peter Malcolm de Brissac ( 1999 )
    Spencer-Churchill, Mary ( 2000 )
    Count equals 68 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine (F.R.S.M.)
    Anderson, David Alastair Pearson, 2nd Viscount Waverley
    Arthur, Lucy Eleanor
    Blacker, George Francis
    Dunn, John Hubert
    Goodbody, Francis Woodcock
    Greenhill, Stanley, 2nd Baron Greenhill
    Shaw-Mackenzie, John Alexander, of Tordarroch and 6th of Newhall
    Gilmour, Anne Margaret ( 1976 )
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers
    Clemson, Kay Christine ( 1992 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society of Pathologists (F.R.S.Path.)
    Isaacson, Peter
    Steel, Christopher Michael
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (F.R.S.T.M.H.)
    Grey, Charles George, 4th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society, Edinburgh (F.R.S.)
    Geddes, Auckland Campbell, 1st Baron Geddes ( 1909 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Society, Edinburgh (F.R.S.E.)
    Barr, James
    Cadell, John Macfarlane
    Drew, Elizabeth Jean
    Ferguson, James, 3rd of Pitfour
    Guest, Edward Graham
    Sachs, Edwin Otho
    Tedder, John Michael, 2nd Baron Tedder
    Touche, John Edward
    Walton, John
    Watson, James
    Jamieson, George Auldjo ( 1860 )
    Macintosh, William, Lord Kyllachy ( 1891 )
    Buchanan-Smith, Alick Drummond, Baron Balerno ( 1928 )
    Erskine, John Maxwell, 1st Baron Erskine of Rerrick ( 1933 )
    Rodger, Alan Ferguson, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry ( 1992 )
    Count equals 15 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Soicety of Arts (F.R.S.A.)
    Forte, Charles, Baron Forte
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Statistical Society (F.S.S.)
    Northcote, Edward Frederic
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Television Society (F.R.T.S.)
    Watson, Alan John, Baron Watson of Richmond ( 1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Town Planning Institute (F.R.T.P.I.)
    Aliaga-Kelly, Charles Grellan
    Mynors, Charles Baskerville
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Town Planning Town Institute (F.R.T.P.I.)
    McConnell, Robert Shean
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal Zoological Society (F.R.Z.S.)
    Lampson, Curtis George, 3rd Bt.
    St. John, Oliver Beauchamp Coventry
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (F.R.Z.S)
    Bagwell-Purefoy, Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Royal of Society (F.R.S.)
    Percy, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland ( 1823 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society Authors
    Gunston, John Wellesley, 3rd Bt. ( 1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antinquaries (F.S.A.)
    Hoare, Richard Colt, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries
    Capell-Coningsby, George, 5th Earl of Essex
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A)
    Bell, William Heward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A.)
    Abdy, John, 3rd Bt.
    Acland, Barbara Elizabeth
    Acland, John Edward
    Adamson, Donald
    Aitchison, Walter De Lancey, 2nd Bt.
    Allen, William Edward David
    Annesley, George, 2nd Earl of Mountnorris
    Anstruther, Ian Fife Campbell, of that Ilk, 8th/13th Bt.
    Anstruther-Gray, William, of Kilmany and Carntyne
    Antrobus, Edmund, 1st Bt.
    Armstrong, Edmund Clarence Richard
    Armstrong-Jones, Robert
    Armytage, George John, 6th Bt.
    Assheton, Nicholas
    Assheton, Ralph, 1st Baron Clitheroe
    Aston, Trevor Henry
    Attwood, Thomas Arthur Carless
    Austen-Leigh, Richard Arthur
    Avison, Thomas
    Bacon, Henry, 11th and 12th Bt.
    Bagot, William, 2nd Baron Bagot of Bagot's Bromley
    Bain, Iain Stuart
    Baker, Frederick Francis, 2nd Bt.
    Baker, George, 1st Bt.
    Balfour, Eustace James Anthony
    Balfour, James Moncreiffe
    Barlow, James Alan Noel, 2nd Bt.
    Barnes, Harold Douglas
    Barrett, William
    Barrett-Lennard, Thomas, 1st Bt.
    Bathurst, Charles, 1st Viscount Bledisloe
    Bathurst, William Ralph Seymour
    Bayly, John
    Baynes, Edward Neil
    Beaumont, George Howland, 7th Bt.
    Bell, Thomas Hugh, 2nd Bt.
    Bellew, George Rothe
    Bellingham, William, 1st Bt.
    Bemrose, William
    Bergendal, Erla Karine
    Birley, Anthony Richard
    Birley, Eric Barff
    Bjornson, Margaret Ann
    Blacking, William Henry Randoll
    Blomfield, Reginald
    Boileau, Francis George Manningham, 2nd Bt.
    Bond, Edward Augustus
    Boord, Thomas William, 1st Bt.
    Borg, Alan Charles Nelson
    Bouwens, Bethel Godefroy
    Bradshaw, Augustus
    Brodie, Benjamin Vincet Sellon, 3rd Bt.
    Brooke, Richard
    Brooke, Thomas, 1st and last Bt.
    Brotherton, Edward Allen, 1st and last Baron Brotherton
    Broughton, Urban Huttleston Rogers, 1st Baron Fairhaven
    Browne, George Buckston
    Browne, George Ulick, 6th Marquess of Sligo
    Bull, William James, 1st Bt.
    Burke, Arthur Meredyth
    Burke, Henry Farnham
    Burkitt, Miles Crawford
    Burney, Charles
    Burrell, William, 2nd Bt.
    Butchart, Hugh Duncan
    Buxton, Denis Alfred Jex
    Campbell, John Duncan Vaughan, of Cawdor, 5th Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
    Canning, George, 1st Baron Garvagh
    Caroe, Alban Douglas Rendall
    Carthew, Thomas
    Cary, Philip Plantagenet
    Casey, Dermot Armstrong
    Cave, Daniel Charles Addington
    Cave, Stephen
    Cave, Thomas, 6th Bt.
    Cave-Browne-Cave, Lyndon Fraser
    Cavendish, Richard, 2nd Baron Waterpark
    Cavendish-Bentinck, William George Frederick
    Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, William Henry, 4th Duke of Portland
    Chadwyck-Healey, Charles Edward Heley, 1st Bt.
    Chetwynd, Adam Duncan, 9th Viscount Chetwynd of Bearhaven
    Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles, 2nd Earl Talbot of Hensol
    Chitty, Herbert
    Chitty, Lily Frances
    Clark, Anna Mary Hawthorn
    Clark, Edwin Kitson
    Clayton, Richard, 1st Bt.
    Clode, Charles Mathew
    Cockerill, Timothy James
    Cokayne, George Edward
    Collier, William Oswald
    Cook, Francis, 1st Bt.
    Cooper, John Julius, 2nd Viscount Norwich
    Cotton, Robert, 1st Bt.
    Cowell-Stepney, John Stepney, 1st Bt.
    Coxwell-Rogers, Richard Rogers
    Cozens-Hardy, Basil
    Croft, Thomas Elmsley, 7th Bt.
    Crookshank, Chichester de Windt, 7th of Drumhalry
    Cross, Georgiana Marjorie
    Curzon, Joan Doreen
    Cust, Lionel Henry
    Dalrymple, Alice Mary
    David, Percival Victor, 2nd Bt.
    Davies, Randall
    Davies-Cooke, Philip Bryan
    Davison, William Henry, 1st Baron Broughshane
    Denman, Arthur
    Dickinson, John
    Dillon, Luke Gerald
    Dillon-Lee, Arthur Edmund Denis, 16th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
    Drummond, Henry
    Drury, Godfrey Dru
    Drury, Martin Dru
    Duckworth, George Herbert
    Dugdale, William Francis Stratford, 1st Bt.
    Durham, James Cuninghame
    Dwarris, Fortunatus William Lilley
    Ebblewhite, Ernest Arthur
    Edwards, Herbert Cecil Ralph
    Ellis, George
    Elton, Charles Isaac
    Elwes, Valentine Dudley Henry Cary
    Elworthy, Fredrick Thomas
    Erita, Edward
    Evans, John Thomas
    Everett, Joseph
    Farquharson, Victor Alexander
    Fergusson, James Ranken, 2nd Bt.
    Finch, Heneage, 4th Earl of Aylesford
    Finch, Heneage, 5th Earl of Aylesford
    Firebrace, Cordell William
    FitzGerald, Gerald Milnes
    FitzRoy, Hugh Denis Charles, 11th Duke of Grafton
    Fletcher, Clarence John Molyneux
    Ford, Richard Brinsley
    Fortescue, Hugh, 1st Earl Fortescue
    Fox-Strangways, Giles Stephen Holland, 6th Earl of Ilchester
    Francis, Eric Cawardine
    Fraser, George Willoughby
    Fraser, William Augustus, 4th Bt.
    Freeman-Grenville, Greville Stewart Parker
    Freeman-Mitford, John Thomas, 1st and last Earl Redesdale
    Frere, John
    Fry, Francis
    Fry, John Pease, 2nd Bt.
    Fry, Theodore Wilfrid
    Fry, Theodore, 1st Bt.
    Fuller Maitland, John Alexander
    Fuller, James Franklin
    Fynes-Clinton, Henry
    Garstin, John Ribton
    Gibbs, Alban George Henry, 2nd Baron Aldenham
    Gibbs, Henry Hucks, 1st Baron Aldenham
    Giffard, Hardinge Frank
    Girouard, Mark
    Gleichen, Helena Emily
    Gordon Clark, Alexandra Mary
    Goulton-Constable, James
    Green, Francis Williams
    Gresley, Roger, 8th Bt.
    Grimston, James Brabazon, 5th Earl of Verulam
    Grover, George Edward
    Grover, John William
    Hamand, Louis Arthur
    Hamel, Christopher Francis Rivers
    Hanbury-Tracy, Merlin Charles Sainthill, 7th Baron Sudeley of Toddington
    Hanson, Reginald, 1st Bt.
    Hargreaves-Allen, Ingrid Mary
    Harland, Albert Augustus
    Heathcote, Thomas, 2nd Bt.
    Hemp, Wilfrid James
    Henniker-Major, John Major, 5th Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney
    Henniker-Major, John, 2nd Baron Henniker of Stratford-upon-Slaney
    Hervey, Frederick William, 1st Marquess of Bristol
    Hildyard, Edward John Westgarth
    Hobhouse, Mary Hermione
    Holland-Martin, Robert Martin
    Hook, James
    Hopkinson, Henry Lennox
    Hornyold-Strickland, Henry Albert
    Howard, Oliver
    Howard, Philip Henry
    Howell, S. Earnshaw
    Howse, William Henry
    Hulbert-Powell, Charles Lacy
    Hussey, Christopher Edward Clive
    Innes, Malcolm Rognvald, 16th of Edingight
    Innes, Thomas, 7th of Learney
    Irby, George Florance, 6th Baron Boston
    Jebb, Henry Gladwin
    Jerningham, Hubert Edward Henry
    Jervoise, Francis Henry Tristram
    Karslake, John Burgess Preston
    Kaye, Richard, 6th Bt.
    Kenyon, Frederic George
    Kenyon, John Robert
    Kenyon, Kathleen Mary
    Keppel, George Thomas, 6th Earl of Albemarle
    Kerr, Philip Walter
    Kington-Oliphant, Thomas Laurence, 11th of Gask
    Lake, James Winter, 3rd Bt.
    Lambert, George
    Lambert, Lionel
    Lang, Marshall Buchanan
    Lanning, E. C.
    Law, Ernest Philip Alphonso
    Lawrence, William Matthew Trevor, 3rd Bt.
    Layard, Daniel Peter
    Le Fanu, William Richard
    Leaf, Charles Symonds
    Lefroy, John Henry
    Legge, William, 4th Earl of Dartmouth
    Leigh, James Wentworth
    Lennard, John Farnaby, 1st Bt.
    Lepper, Francis Alfred
    Lethieullier, Smart
    Leveson-Gower, Arthur Francis Gresham
    Leveson-Gower, Granville William Gresham
    Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, 27th Earl of Crawford
    Lindsay, Leonard Cecil Colin
    Lithgow, Robert Alexander Douglas
    Lowe, John Evelyn
    Lowther, William, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale
    Lubbock, Alan
    Lysley, William John
    Lysons, Daniel
    Mackinlay, Thomas George
    Malet, Charles Warre, 1st Bt.
    Mander, Gerald Poynton
    Mar, Henry Colley
    March Phillipps de Lisle, Edwin Joseph Lisle
    Marsham-Townshend, Robert
    Martin, Archer John Porter
    McDonnell, Schomberg Kerr
    McMahon, Arthur Henry
    Methuen, Paul Ayshford, 4th Baron Methuen of Corsham
    Millar, Oliver Nicholas
    Milner, William Frederick Victor Mordaunt, 8th Bt.
    Minns, Ellis Hovell
    Mitchell, Frank Johnstone
    Mitchell, Henry
    Monckton, Edward Philip
    Monckton, John Braddick
    Mond, Robert Ludwig
    Money-Kyrle, James Stoughton
    Moor, Charles
    Morgan, Courtenay Charles Evan, 1st Viscount Tredegar
    Morley-Fletcher, Hugo David Montagu
    Murray, John, of Folla
    Nathan, Roger Carol Michael, 2nd Baron Nathan
    Nicholl Carne, John Whitlock
    Nichols, John Bowyer Buchanan
    Nicholson, Godfrey, 1st and last Bt.
    Nicolson, Nigel
    Nightingale, Michael David
    Niven, William
    Noble, Saxton William Armstrong, of Ardmore, 3rd Bt.
    Norton, Fletcher, 3rd Lord Grantley, Baron of Markenfield
    O'Brien, Donough
    Oglander, John Henry
    Ollard, Richard Laurence
    Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow
    Ormsby-Gore, William George Arthur, 4th Baron Harlech
    Ottley, William Young
    Paget, Paul Edward
    Parsons, Laurence Michael Harvey, 6th Earl of Rosse
    Pearce, John William Ernest
    Peckover, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Peckover
    Peek, Cuthbert Edgar, 2nd Bt.
    Pelham, Henry Francis
    Perceval, Charles Spencer
    Perks, Clifford
    Peter, James
    Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry William Edmund, 6th Marquess of Lansdowne
    Pitman, Edward Augustus Bracken
    Pixley, Francis William
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward Oliver
    Pollen, John Hungerford
    Pollock, Frederick, 3rd Bt.
    Portal, William Wyndham, 2nd Bt.
    Pringle, Reginald Denys
    Proby, Granville
    Raffles, Thomas Stamford Bingley
    Rawlins, Francis John
    Reddaway, Thomas Fiddian
    Riches, Anne Clare
    Richmond, George
    Rimington, Alexander Wallace
    Rivett-Carnac, John Henry
    Roberts, Charles Frederic
    Roberts, Owen John
    Robertson, Donald Struan
    Robinson, Basil William
    Rodd, Francis James Rennell, 2nd Baron Rennell
    Rogers, Thomas
    Rosedale, Honyel Gough
    Royds, Clement Molyneux
    Russell, Raymond Anthony
    Ryder, Dudley, 1st Earl of Harrowby
    Salvin, Antony
    Saumarez, Richard
    Schomberg, Raphael
    Scott, Ian Jonathan
    Scott, Thomas Gilbert
    Seely, Henry John Alexander, 2nd Baron Mottistone
    Seton, Walter Warren
    Shirley, Robert, 7th Earl Ferrers
    Singer, Charles
    Smyth, William Henry
    Spain, George Redesdale Brooker
    Spielmann, Isidore
    St. Aubyn, John, 5th Bt.
    St. John, John, 12th Baron Saint John of Bletso
    Stagg, Grace Maud
    Stamp, Gavin Mark
    Stewart-Brown, Ronald
    Stirling, Walter, of Faskine, 1st Bt.
    Stokes, Henry Paine
    Stott, Philip Sidney, 1st Bt.
    Strachey, John
    Talbot Rice, David
    Tanner, Lawrence Edward
    Taylour, William Desmond
    Tedder, Henry Richard
    Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt.
    Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Charles
    Thorold, Ia Cecilia
    Tite, Michael Stanley
    Towneley, Charles
    Trollope, Arthur William
    Troubridge, Thomas Herbert Cochrane, 4th Bt.
    Tudor-Craig, Algernon James Riccarton
    Twisden, Thomas Edward
    Twiston-Davies, Leonard
    Tyrell-Kenyon, Lloyd, 5th Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington
    Uniacke, Richard Gordon FitzGerald
    Vane, Gilbert Holles Farrer
    Vane, Henry de Vere, 9th Baron Barnard of Barnard's Castle
    Villiers-Tuthill, Phineas Barrett
    Viney, Elliott Merriam
    Wake, Joan
    Weaver, Lawrence
    Webb, Matthew Righton
    Wheatley, Sydney Williams
    White, George Stanley James, 4th Bt.
    Wilkinson, Nevile Rodwell
    Williams, Elizabeth Anne Mould
    Williams-Wynn, Charles Watkin
    Wilson, Edward, 5th Bt.
    Wilson, Rowland Alwyn
    Wollaston, Gerald Woods
    Wood, Alexander
    Worms, George
    Worsley, Giles Arthington
    Wrottesley, John, 1st Baron Wrottesley
    Wyndham, Hugh Archibald, 4th Bacon Leconfield of Leconfield
    Wyon, Allan
    Yorke, Charles Philip
    Yorke, Philip, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke
    Yorke, Philip, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke
    Young, William, 2nd Bt.
    Boyle, Richard, 4th Earl of Cork ( 1724 )
    Finch, Heneage, 5th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1724 )
    Clerk, John, of Penicuik, 2nd Bt. ( 1725 )
    Ayloffe, Joseph, 6th Bt. ( 1732 )
    Robinson, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1735 )
    Willoughby, Hugh, 5th Lord Willoughby of Parham ( 1748 )
    Cheere, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1750 )
    Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke ( 1751 )
    Parker, George, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield ( 1752 )
    Burgh, John Smith, 11th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1753 )
    Walpole, Horatio, 4th Earl of Orford ( 1753 )
    Caulfeild, James, 1st Earl of Charlemont ( 1755 )
    Adam, Robert ( 1761 )
    Erskine, David Steuart, 11th Earl of Buchan ( 1766 )
    Harcourt, George Simon, 2nd Earl Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt ( 1766 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 4th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1767 )
    Greville, Francis, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1768 )
    Greville, George, 2nd Earl of Warwick ( 1768 )
    Hastings, Francis, 10th Earl of Huntingdon ( 1768 )
    Pepys, Lucas, 1st Bt. ( 1770 )
    Edgcumbe, George, 1st Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1775 )
    Ord, Craven ( 1775 )
    Orde-Powlett, Thomas, 1st Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle ( 1775 )
    Cust, Brownlow, 1st Baron Brownlow of Belton ( 1776 )
    North, Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford ( 1776 )
    Phipps, Constantine John, 2nd Baron Mulgrave of New Ross ( 1776 )
    Stanhope, Philip, 5th Earl of Chesterfield ( 1776 )
    Storer, Anthony Morris ( 1777 )
    Irby, Frederick, 2nd Baron Boston ( 1778 )
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob, 2nd Earl of Radnor ( 1779 )
    Cave, Charles, 8th Bt. ( 1781 )
    Cecil, James, 1st Marquess of Salisbury ( 1784 )
    Dundas, Thomas, 1st Baron Dundas of Aske ( 1784 )
    Hobart, John, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire ( 1784 )
    Montagu, George, 1st Duke of Montagu ( 1784 )
    Pitt, John, 2nd Earl of Chatham ( 1784 )
    Pitt, Thomas, 1st Lord Camelford, Baron of Boconnoc ( 1784 )
    Thynne, Thomas, 1st Marquess of Bath ( 1784 )
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 5th Earl of Shaftesbury ( 1785 )
    Paget, Henry, 1st Earl of Uxbridge ( 1785 )
    Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl Spencer ( 1785 )
    Percy, Hugh, 2nd Duke of Northumberland ( 1787 )
    Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn ( 1787 )
    Stanley, John Thomas, 1st Baron Stanley of Alderley ( 1788 )
    Conyngham, Henry, 1st Marquess Conyngham ( 1789 )
    Reynolds-Moreton, Francis, 3rd Baron Ducie of Tortworth ( 1790 )
    Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth ( 1791 )
    Egerton, Francis Henry, 8th Earl of Bridgwater ( 1791 )
    Hanover, William IV, King of the United Kingdom ( 1791 )
    Griffin, Richard, 2nd Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke ( 1792 )
    Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon ( 1792 )
    Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, 1st Marquess of Hastings ( 1793 )
    Campbell, John, of Cawdor, 1st Baron Cawdor of Castlemartin ( 1794 )
    Clifford, Charles, 6th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh ( 1794 )
    Anderson-Pelham, Charles, 1st Baron Yarborough ( 1796 )
    Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough ( 1798 )
    Petty, William, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne ( 1798 )
    Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Mountnorris ( 1799 )
    Rushout, John, 1st Baron Northwick of Northwick Park ( 1799 )
    Rushout, John, 2nd Baron Northwick of Northwick Park ( 1800 )
    Wyndham, George O'Brien, 3rd Earl of Egremont ( 1800 )
    Cust, John, 1st Earl Brownlow ( 1801 )
    Hill, Thomas Noel, 2nd Baron Berwick of Attingham ( 1801 )
    Hamilton, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton ( 1802 )
    Pratt, John Jeffreys, 1st Marquess Camden ( 1802 )
    Blaquiere, John, 1st Baron de Blaquiere of Ardkill ( 1803 )
    Ellis, Henry Welbore, 2nd Viscount Clifden of Gowran ( 1803 )
    Repton, John Adey ( 1803 )
    Spencer-Churchill, George, 5th Duke of Marlborough ( 1803 )
    Proby, John Joshua, 1st Earl of Carysfort ( 1804 )
    Edgcumbe, Richard, 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( 1808 )
    Egerton, John William, 7th Earl of Bridgwater ( 1808 )
    Ormerod, George ( 1809 )
    Russell, John, 6th Duke of Bedford ( 1809 )
    Talbot, Charles, 15th Earl of Shrewsbury ( 1811 )
    Dundas, Lawrence, 1st Earl of Zetland ( 1812 )
    Smith, Robert, 1st Baron Carrington of Upton ( 1812 )
    Bury, Charles William, 1st Earl of Charleville ( 1814 )
    Herbert, Henry George, 2nd Earl of Carnarvon ( 1814 )
    Reynolds-Moreton, Thomas, 1st Earl of Ducie ( 1814 )
    Agar-Ellis, George James Welbore, 1st Baron Dover ( 1816 )
    Gurney, Hudson ( 1818 )
    Mackinnon, William Alexander, of Strathaird, 33th Chief of MacKinnon ( 1820 )
    Percy, Algernon, 1st Earl of Beverley ( 1820 )
    Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ( 1821 )
    Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st and last Baron Bexley ( 1822 )
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Duke of Northumberland ( 1823 )
    Percy, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland ( 1823 )
    Ashburnham, George, 3rd Earl of Ashburnham ( 1827 )
    Jerningham, George William Stafford, 8th Baron Stafford ( 1829 )
    Cooper, Austin ( 1830 )
    Hervey, Frederick William, 2nd Marquess of Bristol ( 1830 )
    Crichton-Stuart, John, 2nd Marquess of the County of Bute ( 1838 )
    Griffin, Richard, 3rd Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke ( 1838 )
    Stapleton, Thomas ( 1839 )
    Crewe, Hungerford, 3rd Baron Crewe ( 1840 )
    Denison, Albert Denison, 1st Baron Londesborough ( 1840 )
    Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard Plantagenet, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ( 1840 )
    Neville, Richard Cornwallis, 4th Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke ( 1847 )
    Ouvry, Frederic ( 1848 )
    Blaauw, William Henry ( 1850 )
    Cadogan, George, 3rd Earl Cadogan ( 1852 )
    Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse ( 1854 )
    Talbot, James, 4th Baron Talbot of Malahide ( 1854 )
    Kean, Charles John ( 1857 )
    Fraser, William Augustus, 4th Bt. ( 1862 )
    Armytage, George John, 6th Bt. ( 1869 )
    Borthwick, Cunninghame, 19th Lord Borthwick ( 1871 )
    Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward, 1st Baron Acton of Aldenham ( 1876 )
    Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th Earl of Carnarvon ( 1876 )
    Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery ( 1876 )
    Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Leopold George Duncan Albert, 1st Duke of Albany ( 1876 )
    Wood, Charles Lindley, 2nd Viscount Halifax of Monk Bretton ( 1880 )
    Percy, Algernon George, 6th Duke of Northumberland ( 1883 )
    Warren, John Byrne Leicester, 3rd Baron de Tabley of Tabley House ( 1883 )
    Lindsay, James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford ( 1885 )
    Berkeley, Francis William FitzHardinge, 2nd Baron FitzHardinge of Bristol ( 1886 )
    Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton, 1st and last Marquess of Crewe ( 1886 )
    Pelham, Charles Alfred Worsley, 4th Earl of Yarborough ( 1888 )
    Lee-Dillon, Henry Lee Stanton ( 1898 )
    Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, 27th Earl of Crawford ( 1900 )
    Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th Duke of Bedford ( 1901 )
    Orde-Powlett, William Thomas, 4th Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle ( 1903 )
    Jolliffe, Hylton George Hylton, 3rd Baron Hylton of Hylton ( 1908 )
    Mallowan, Max Edgar L. ( 1933 )
    Wellesley, Gerald, 7th Duke of Wellington ( 1935 )
    Croft Murray, Edward Frederick ( 1940 )
    Clay, Kathleen Rachel ( 1950 )
    Paget, George Charles Henry Victor, 7th Marquess of Anglesey ( 1951 )
    Brown, Ralph Richmond ( 1953 )
    Wilmot-Sitwell, Hervey Degge ( 1957 )
    Wynn Reeves, Pamela ( 1958 )
    Runciman, James Cochran Stevenson ( 1964 )
    FitzGerald, Desmond John Villiers, 29th Knight of Glin ( 1970 )
    Lees-Milne, George James Henry ( 1974 )
    Sainty, John ( 1975 )
    Chesshyre, David Hubert Boothby ( 1977 )
    Graham-Campbell, James Alastair ( 1977 )
    Cormack, Patrick Thomas, Baron Cormack ( 1978 )
    Gore, Francis St. John Corbet ( 1979 )
    Haslam, Richard Michael ( 1987 )
    Young, Brian Walter Mark ( 1994 )
    Sebag-Montefiore, Charles Adam Laurie ( 1995 )
    Yorke, James Alexander ( 1997 )
    Harris, Jonathan William ( 2000 )
    Saunders Watson, Leslie Michael MacDonald ( 2001 )
    Skyrme, Diana Suzanne ( 2001 )
    Coulston, Jonathan Charles Nelson ( 2002 )
    Count equals 510 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A.)
    Harmsworth, Arthur Geoffrey Annesley, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A.) (Scot)
    Thoms, George Hunter Macthomas, 2nd of Aberlemno
    MacThomas, Andrew Patrick Clayhills, of Finegand, 19th Chief ( 1973 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A.) (Scotland)
    Forsyth, Alistair Charles William, Chief of Forsyth
    MacAlister, Angus Charles, of Glenbarr
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A.Scot)
    Macpherson, Thomas Alexander Stewart
    Troup, George Elmslie
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (F.S.A.Scot.)
    McBain, James Hughston, of McBain ( 1990 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries Scotland (F.S.A.Scot.)
    Lilburn, Ian Robertson
    Reid, Edward James, 2nd Bt.
    Lumsden, David Gordon Allen d'Aldecamb, of Cushnie ( 1984 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (F.S.A. Scot.)
    Bonn, Philip Edward Leo Africa
    Campbell, Duncan Alexander Dundas, of Barcaldine, 3rd Bt.
    Campbell, John Duncan Vaughan, of Cawdor, 5th Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin
    Carmichael, Evelyn George Massey, of Carmichael
    Clayton, Anthony Hugh Le Quesne
    Liddell-Grainger, David Ian, of Ayton
    Mackenzie, Roderick Grant Francis, 4th Earl of Cromartie
    Macmillan, Hugh Pattison, Baron Macmillan
    McTaggart-Stewart, Frances Emily
    Crichton-Stuart, John, 6th Marquess of the County of Bute ( 1972 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (F.S.A.)
    Irvine-Fortescue, James William ( 1981 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (F.S.A.) (Scot)
    Mackintosh, Lachlan Ronald Duncan, 30th of Mackintosh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (F.S.A.Scot)
    Matheson, Torquhil Alexander, of Matheson, 6th Bt. ( 1989 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (F.S.A.Scot.)
    Austin-Cooper, Richard Arthur
    Douglas-Home, Lavinia Caroline
    Gladstone, Hugh Steuart, of Capenoch
    McGilchrist, Charles Robert
    Moncreiffe, Rupert Iain Kay, of that Ilk, 11th Bt.
    Moncreiffe, Rupert Iain Kay, of that Ilk, 11th Bt.
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries, Ireland (F.S.A.I.)
    Cunningham, Mary Elizabeth
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries, Scotland (F.S.A.)
    Erskine-Murray, James Alastair Frederick Campbell, 13th Lord Elibank
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries, Scotland (F.S.A.Scot.)
    Campbell Swinton, Alan Henry, 6th of Kimmerghame
    Campbell, Frances Henriette
    Henderson, Alistair Donald, of Fordell, younger
    Hill, Andrew Forbes
    How, George Evelyn Paget
    Innes, Malcolm Rognvald, 16th of Edingight
    Innes, Thomas, 7th of Learney
    Macdougall, Leslie Grahame
    McEwen, Robert Finnie, of Marchmont and Bardrochat
    Mitchell-Thomson, Mitchell, 1st Bt.
    Montgomerie, Mollie
    Murray, Mungo David Malcolm, 6th/7th Earl of Mansfield
    Noel-Paton, Joseph
    Payne, Paul Ian Craven
    Shaw, Charles John, of Tordarroch and 7th of Newhall
    Stewart, Mervyn James
    Urquhart, Kenneth Trist
    Morison, Alexander, 7th of Bognie ( 1857 )
    Reid, Edward Thomas Scott ( 1897 )
    Robertson, Langton George Duncan Haldane, 27th of Struan, 13th of Drumachuine and 23rd Chief of Clan ( 1936 )
    Orr Ewing, Christian James Bowyer ( 1980 )
    Leslie, Percy Theodore ( 1983 )
    Drummond, Jean Cherry, 11th of Megginch, Baroness Strange ( 1988 )
    Coulston, Jonathan Charles Nelson ( 1991 )
    Count equals 24 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries, Scotland (F.S.A.Scotland)
    Ochterlony, Charles Francis, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquary (F.S.A.)
    Percy, Hugh, 1st Duke of Northumberland ( 1736 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquities (F.S.A.)
    Renfrew, Andrew Colin, Baron Renfrew of Kaimsthorn ( 1968 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Antiquities, Scotland (F.S.A.Scot.)
    Renfrew, Andrew Colin, Baron Renfrew of Kaimsthorn ( 1970 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Architectural Illustrators (F.S.A.I.)
    O'Brien, Donough
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Arts (F.S.A.)
    Macbride, John David
    Somerset, FitzRoy Richard, 4th Baron Raglan
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Arts (F.S.A.), Scotland
    Kelly, Robina
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Commercial Accountants (F.Comm.A.)
    Watson, Robert W.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Company and Commerical Accountants (F.S.C.A.)
    Forsyth, Alistair Charles William, Chief of Forsyth ( 1976 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Engineers (F.S.E.)
    Allanson-Winn, Rowland George, 5th Lord Headley, Baron Allanson and Winn of Aghadoe
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Genealogist (F.S.G.)
    Denny, Henry Lyttelton Lyster, 7th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Genealogists
    Kerr, Charles John, 2nd Baron Teviot ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Genealogists (F.S.G.)
    Bryce, James
    Medlycott, Mervyn Tregonwell, 9th Bt.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Fellow, Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors (F.S.A.A.)
    Telfer, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Industrial Artists (F.S.I.A.)
    Havinden, Ashley Eldrid
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
    Jacobs, John Howard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers
    Jacobs, John Howard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Society (F.R.S.)
    Percy, Hugh, 1st Duke of Northumberland ( 1736 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of Typographic Designers (F.S.T.D.)
    Bain, Iain Stuart
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Society of antiquaries (F.S.A.)
    Marsham, Robert, 2nd Baron of Romney ( 1762 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers (F.S.A.I.Mech.E.)
    Gray, Edward Wensley
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, South Australian School of Mines (F.S.A.S.M.)
    Robinson, Roy Lister, 1st and last Baron Robinson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Surveyors' Institute
    Warmington, Herbert Andrew Cromartie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Tourism Society
    Parry, Gordon Samuel David, Baron Parry ( 1979 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin University
    Miller, George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Trinity College, London (F.T.C.L.)
    Blood, Esther Mary Christine ( 1972 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Welding Institute (F.Weld.Inst.)
    Cavendish-Tribe, Alan
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Western Counties Association of Agriculutral Valuers
    Butler, Michael James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Zological Society (F.Z.S.)
    Browne, George Ulick, 6th Marquess of Sligo
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Zoological Society (F.Z.S.)
    Balfour, Eustace James Anthony
    Barrow, Wilfred John Wilson Croker, 5th Bt.
    Blakiston, Thomas Wright
    Boyle, John Parke
    Cadogan, Francis Charles
    Clifford, William Hugh, 10th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh
    Cooper, Alan Leslie
    Dalrymple-White, Godfrey Dalrymple, 1st Bt.
    Davies-Cooke, Philip
    Dick-Lauder, John Edward Arthur
    Dillon-Lee, Arthur Edmund Denis, 16th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
    Fiennes-Clinton, Robert Edward, 19th Earl of Lincoln
    Forster-Cooper, Clive
    Garnier, Julie
    Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne, 5th Earl of Cranbrook
    Gladstone, Hugh Steuart, of Capenoch
    Goodbody, Francis Woodcock
    Gordon, Seton
    Graham-Vivian, Richard Preston
    Hope, Maurice Webley
    Hort, Frederick Aylmer
    Insole, Alan V.
    Knox, Columb Thomas
    La Touche, John David Digues
    Marshall, Douglas
    Maxwell, Gavin
    McCallum, Duncan
    McMahon, Arthur Henry
    Milburn, Frederick
    Milburn, Leonard John, 3rd Bt.
    Minchin, Edward Alfred
    Mond, Robert Ludwig
    Morgan, Anthony Hickman
    Morgan, Evan Frederic, 2nd Viscount Tredegar
    Naylor-Leyland, Herbert Scarisbrick, 1st Bt.
    Nelson, Albert Francis Joseph Horatio, 6th Earl Nelson of Trafalgar and of Merton
    Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow
    Raffles, Thomas
    Raffles, Thomas Stamford Bingley
    Rainsford-Hannay, Patrick Ramsay
    Roussel, Lilian Alice Mabel
    Slade, Cecil William Paulet
    Waterlow, Charles Hickson
    Whitaker, Joseph
    White, Eric Richard Meadows, 2nd Bt.
    Wallop, Newton, 6th Earl of Portsmouth ( 1878 )
    Taylour, Geoffrey Thomas, 4th Marquess of Headfort ( 1937 )
    Arbuthnot, David George ( 1940 )
    Count equals 48 individuals.

Fellow, Zoological Society (F.Z.S.) (Scotland)
    Hope, James Arthur
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Zoological Society Scotland (F.Z.S.)
    Erskine-Murray, James Alastair Frederick Campbell, 13th Lord Elibank
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, Zoologicial Society (F.Z.S.)
    Browne, Arthur Howe, 8th Marquess of Sligo
    Caccia, Anthony Mario Felix
    Charles, Richard Havelock, 1st Bt.
    Cotton, John
    Grey, Thomas, 6th Baron Walsingham
    Hampson, Dennys Francis, 11th Bt.
    Howard, Charles Henry George, 20th Earl of Suffolk
    Murray, Mungo David Malcolm, 6th/7th Earl of Mansfield
    Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram
    Gardiner, Allan Frederick ( 1932 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Fellow, [COLOR:38,38,38,249,249,249]Royal Anthropological Institute[:COLOR]
    Monckton, Charles Arthur Whitmore
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, [COLOR:38,38,38,249,249,249]Royal Geographical Society (F.R.G.S.)[:COLOR]
    Monckton, Charles Arthur Whitmore
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, [COLOR:38,38,38,249,249,249]Zoological Society (F.Z.S.)[:COLOR]
    Monckton, Charles Arthur Whitmore
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow, linnean Society (F.L.S.)
    Haworth-Booth, Michael
    Count equals 1 individual.

Fellow,Royal Historical Society (F.R.Hist.S.)
    Greene, Charles Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Felow, Chartered Land Agent's Society (F.L.A.S.)
    Pelly, Richard Heywood
    Count equals 1 individual.

Felow, Institute of Videography
    Waterlow, Christopher Rupert, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Felow, Zoological Society (F.Z.S.)
    Chaplin, Anthony Freskin Charles Hamby, 3rd Viscount Chaplin
    Count equals 1 individual.

Ffellow, Royal Geographical Society (F.R.G.S.)
    Grover, George Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

First Fellow, Royal College of Music (R.C.M.)
    Palmer, Samuel Ernest, 1st Baron Palmer ( 1921 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

First Flight: the diary of a cadet in the Signal Corps in World War I
    Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt ( 1989 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

First World War
    Cole-Hamilton, Claud George, where he was mentioned in despatches four times, wounded, gassed, and became a POW
    Samuel, Edwin Herbert, 2nd Viscount Samuel ( 1917 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Florence Nightingale medal
    Minchin, Lucy Louise Marion
    Count equals 1 individual.

Freeman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
    Palmer, Lionel Hugo ( 1902 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

French Brevet Militaire
    Milburn, Mark Anthony William
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Wedgwood, Piers Anthony Weymouth, 4th Baron Wedgwood ( 1976 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Gentleman of the Privy Chamber
    Paston, Robert, 1st Earl of Yarmouth ( 1667 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Glenn Gould Prize of Canada
    Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1990 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Gold Cross
    Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton ( 1815 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Gold Cross of Merit of Poland
    Annesley, Dorothy Maud
    FitzGibbon, Olive Geraldine Emma
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Gold Mejidieh
    Burke, James Thomas, for gallantry in crossing the Danube
    Count equals 1 individual.

Gold Stick
    Paget, Henry William, 1st Marquess of Anglesey ( 1842 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Gold Sword for Bravery of Russia
    Crown, Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grammy Awards
    Rice, Timothy Miles Bindon, six times
    Count equals 1 individual.

Gran Cruz de Merito Militar of Spain
    Godley, Alexander John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cordon of Our Lady of the Conception of Villa Vicosa
    O'Neill, Henry, 1st Visconde de Santa Monica
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cordon of the Crown of Italy
    Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore, 1st Class
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cordon of the Rising Sun of Japan
    Pakenham, William Christopher
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cordon of the Sacred Treasure of Japan
    Cokayne, Brien Ibrican, 1st Baron Cullen of Ashbourne
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cordon of the Shefakat
    Hanham, Eliza Frances
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cordon, Excellent Cross of China
    Robeck, John Michael, 1st and last Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross Merit (West Germany)
    Perring, Ralph Edgar, 1st Bt. ( 1959 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross Rose of Brazil
    O'Neill, Henry, 1st Visconde de Santa Monica
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross of King Charles III of Spain
    Hardinge, Arthur Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross of Red Eagle
    Seymour, Edward Hobart
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross of St. Michael of Bavaria
    Drummond, Victor Arthur Wellington
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross of the Crown of Italy
    Waterlow, Sydney Hedley, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross of the Redeemer of Greece
    Winnington-Ingram, Arthur Foley ( 1918 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross, Charles III of Spain
    Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1879 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross, Crown of Italy
    Poore, Richard, 4th Bt. ( 1917 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross, Crown of Oak of Luxembourg
    Mackenzie Stuart, Alexander John, Baron Mackenzie-Stuart ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Cross, Polonia Restituta
    Bruce, Edward James, 14th Earl of Kincardine
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Gold Cross of Austria
    Clark, William Gibson Haig, Baron Clark of Kempston ( 1989 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Officer, Crown of Belgium
    Hamilton-Gordon, Alexander
    Hore-Ruthven, Walter James, 9th Lord Ruthven of Freeland ( 1915 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Grand Officer, Crown of Italy
    Hood, Alexander Nelson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Officer, Legion d'Honneur
    Auchinleck, Claude John Eyre
    Robeck, John Michael, 1st and last Bt.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Grand Officer, Legion of Honnour
    Bonaparte, Lucien, 1st Prince de Canino ( 1801 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Officier, Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury
    Bowater, Frank Henry, 1st Bt.
    Burnett, David, 1st Bt.
    Campbell, Colin, 1st and last Baron Clyde of Clydesdale
    Campbell, Ronald Ian
    Charteris, Martin Michael Charles, Baron Charteris of Amisfield
    Clive, George Sidney
    Codrington, Alfred Edward
    Cunliffe-Owen, Francis Philip
    Curzon, Richard George Penn, 4th Earl Howe
    Geddes, Eric Campbell
    Hardinge, Alexander Henry Louis, 2nd Baron Hardinge of Penhurst
    Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, 1st Baron Keyes
    Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10th Earl of the County of Cavan
    Lyon-Dalberg-Acton, Richard Maximilian, 2nd Baron Acton of Aldenham
    Meux, Hedworth
    Poore, Richard, 4th Bt.
    Schneider, Paul
    White, Luke, 3rd Baron Annaly of Annaly and Rathcline, French
    Bonaparte, Joseph, King of Naples and Spain ( 1802 )
    Nugent, Terence Edmund Gascoigne, 1st and last Baron Nugent ( 1960 )
    Scott, John, 4th Earl of Eldon ( 1960 )
    Tomkins, Edward Emile ( 1984 )
    Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1986 )
    Count equals 24 individuals.

Grand Officier, Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
    Godley, Alexander John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Star of Romania
    Norton-Griffiths, John, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Ufficiale al Merito
    Winspeare Guicciardi, Vittorio, Italian
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grandee of Spain
    Acton, Ferdinando Amedeo Maria, 12th Principe di Leporano, 1st class
    Balzo, Ernesto, Duca di Caprigliano, 1st Class
    Grifeo y Gravina, Salvatore, Principe di Palagonia, 1st Class
    Lanté Monte Feltro, Filippo, della Rovere, 1st Class
    Rhys, David Reginald ( 1943 ), 1st Class
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Gray's Inn
    Fitzmaurice, Gerald Gray ( 1925 ), Barrister-at-Law
    Watson, David John ( 1934 ), Barrister-at-Law
    Goldsmith, Peter Henry, Baron Goldsmith ( 1972 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Greek War Cross
    Fitzmaurice, Maurice Swynfen
    Count equals 1 individual.

Greek-English Lexicon
    Liddell, Henry George ( 1843 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Group Captain
    Powell-Shedden, George ffolliott ( 1954 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Guild of TV Producers Script Award
    Cooper, Giles Stannus ( 1961 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hadrian Award
    Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles Jacob, 4th Baron Rothschild ( 1995 ), from the World Monuments Fund, New York City, for restoration and conservation
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hanseati Goethe Prize
    Britten, Edward Benjamin, Baron Britten ( 1961 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Harkness Fellowship
    Stopford, Henry Philip Terence
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hawthorden Prize
    Cecil, Edward Christian David ( 1930 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hawthornden Prize
    Thubron, Colin Gerald Dryden ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Heinemann Prize
    Sackville-West, Victoria Mary ( 1947 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Galwey, John ( 1769 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Sheriff of Berkshire
    Ximenes, Morris ( 1806 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Sheriff of Staffordshire
    Stafford Northcote, Cecil Henry ( 1981 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Associate Member, Institute of Town Planning
    Paget, Richard Arthur Surtees, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Associate, Royal Institute of British Architects (Hon.A.R.I.B.A.)
    Paget, Richard Arthur Surtees, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow
    Myatt, Beryl Catherine, Baroness Platt of Writtle ( 1988 )
    Brown, Simon Denis, Baron Brown of Eaton under Heywood ( 1993 )
    Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 1996 )
    Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 1999 )
    Broers, Alec Nigel, Baron Broers ( 2001 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Honorary Fellow, Chartered Society of Designers (F.C.S.D.)
    Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, City and Guilds of London Institute (F.C.G.I.)
    Alliance, David, Baron Alliance ( 1991 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, College of Speech Therapists (F.C.S.T.)
    Quirk, Charles Randolph, Baron Quirk
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Architects and Surveyors, London (Hon.F.F.A.S.)
    Plummer, Arthur Desmond Herne, Baron Plummer of St Marylebone ( 1966 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Building (Hon.F.F.B.)
    Palumbo, Peter Garth, Baron Palumbo ( 1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Institute of Linguistics (F.I.L.)
    Quirk, Charles Randolph, Baron Quirk
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Institute of Mechanical Engineers (Hon.F.I.Mech.E.)
    Myatt, Beryl Catherine, Baroness Platt of Writtle ( 1984 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Institution of Structural Engineers (Hon.F.I.Struct.E.)
    Palumbo, Peter Garth, Baron Palumbo ( 1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Royal Institute of British Architects (Hon.F.R.I.B.A.)
    Palumbo, Peter Garth, Baron Palumbo
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Royal Photographic Society
    Pollock, George Frederick, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Fellow, Royal Society Edinburgh (F.R.S.E.)
    Andrews, Thomas ( 1870 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Member, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours (R.W.S.)
    Palmer, Arnold Nottage
    Count equals 1 individual.

Humane Society medal
    Wake, Drury St. Aubyn
    Count equals 1 individual.

Huw Weldon Award for Best Arts Programme
    Bragg, Melvyn, Baron Bragg ( 1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Inner Temple
    Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Geoffrey Rupert Cecil, 13th Baron Saye and Sele ( 1911 ), barrister
    Aldous, Charles ( 1967 ), barrister-at-law
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Institite of Marketing (F.Inst.M.)
    Salusbury-Trelawny, John Barry, 13th Bt. ( 1974 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Instructions to Young Sportsmen
    Hawker, Peter
    Count equals 1 individual.

Irish Brigade Certificate for gallantry
    Hackett, Eric Adrian Nethercote
    Count equals 1 individual.

Iron Cross
    Beamish-Bernard, George Adderley Hale
    O'Donell, Douxi, Count O'Donell of Tirconnell, 1st Class
    Maclaine, Murdoch Gillean, 23rd of Lochbuie ( 1871 ), by the Kaiser
    Leonrod, Ludwig ( 1941 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Iron Cross Austria
    Hewett, Edbert Ansgar, 3rd Class
    Count equals 1 individual.

Italian Foreign Challenge Trophy
    Minshall, Merlin Theodore ( 1937 ), a 3 day car race from Rome to Sicily
    Count equals 1 individual.

James Tait Black Memorial Prize
    Beauclerk, Violet Mary
    Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens ( 1927 )
    Cecil, Edward Christian David ( 1930 )
    Gore, John Francis ( 1942 ), for his official memoir of King George V
    Wedgwood, Cicely Veronica ( 1944 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
    Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1970 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

John Llewellyn Rhys Prize
    Howard, Elizabeth Jane ( 1951 ), for her first novel, The Beautiful Visit
    Count equals 1 individual.

John Lucas Walker Scholar, Cambridge
    Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey ( 1924 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Johnston Memorial Trophy for Air Navigation
    Chichester, Francis Charles ( 1931 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Wladimiroff, Juriy Wybe ( 1978 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Jonkvrouw, by Royal Decree
    Wladimiroff, Marina Cecilia ( 1978 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Journal of the Reign of George the Third from the Year 1771 to 1783
    Walpole, Horatio, 4th Earl of Orford ( 1859 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Julius Le Vallon
    Blackwood, Algernon Henry ( 1916 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the High Court, Chancery Division
    Harman, Jeremiah Le Roy ( 1982 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Peace (J.P.)
    Burke, Joseph
    Dyson-Perrins, James Allen
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice of the Peace (J.P.) for Pembrokeshire
    Philipps, Ivor
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Douglas, Howard, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Church, Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Faber, Johan Valdemar
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Whyte, Alexander Frederick
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Willock, Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Douglas, Francis Campbell Ross, 1st Baron Douglas of Barloch
    Duff, Charles Michael Robert Vivian, 3rd Bt.
    Hoare, Frederick Alfred, 1st Bt.
    Mitchell, Harold Paton, 1st Bt.
    William-Hume-Williams, Ellis, 1st Bt.
    Erskine, John Maxwell, 1st Baron Erskine of Rerrick ( 1965 )
    Llewellyn, Robert Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1969 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Kaisar-I-Hind medal, 1st Class
    Hepburne-Scott, Mary Harriet
    Count equals 1 individual.

Kaisar-i-Hind Silver medal
    Frost, Olive Beatrice
    Count equals 1 individual.

Kaisar-i-Hind gold medal
    Ebrahim, Mahomedbhoy Currimbhoy, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Kaisar-i-Hind medal
    Napier, Alan Bertram
    Weldon, Evelyn Stewart
    Pechell, Mildred Mortimer ( 1946 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Kaiser Cup
    Dempster, John, with his yacht Vol au Vent for the Heligoland Yacht Race. The Cup was presented by Kaiser Wilhelm II
    Count equals 1 individual.

Khedive's Star
    Carden, Sackville Hamilton ( 1882 )
    Baden-Powell, Baden Fletcher Smyth ( 1885 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

King Haakon VII Freedom Cross (Norway)
    Longfield, Richard James
    Count equals 1 individual.

King Haakon VII Liberty Cross
    Moloney, William J.
    Count equals 1 individual.

King Haakon VIII Liberty Cross
    Montagu-Pollock, George Seymour, 4th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's COunsel (K.C.)
    Walsh, Cecil Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's Council (K.C.)
    Shaver, Gordon N.
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Townshend, John ( 1596 ), at the Siege of Cadiz
    Count equals 1 individual.

Kinght of the Sword of Sweden
    Fock, Carl Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Carr, Robert, 1st and last Earl of Somerset ( 1607 )
    Ligne, Daniel ( 1620 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Lady, League of Mercy
    Blakiston-Houston, Mary Charlotte
    Count equals 1 individual.

Legion d'Honneur
    Burgh, Hubert Henry
    Butler, Henry
    Byrne, Bernard Abert
    Caddell, Walter Buckingham
    Campbell, Walter, 3rd Class
    Carter, John Fillis Carré
    Charteris, Edmund Butler
    Comyn, Lewis James
    Corballis, Emily Mary
    Cummins, Stevenson Lyle
    Domvile, Archibald Compton Winnington
    Franks, Brian Morton Forster
    Lascelles, Ronald Hastings
    Marshall, Horace Brooks, 1st and last Baron Marshall of Chipstead
    Maunsell, Frederick Guy
    Poype, Roland
    Speir, Kenneth Robert Napier
    Whistler, James McNeill ( 1892 )
    Hume, John Elgar ( 1917 )
    Barton, Hugh Ronald ( 1951 )
    Maclean, FitzRoy Hew, of Dunconnel, 1st Bt. ( 1996 )
    Count equals 21 individuals.

Legion d’Honneur
    Maynard, Ann Veronica Theresa ( 2019 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Legion of Merit
    Chetwode, George Knightley
    Dawnay, Christopher Payan
    Dawnay, Peter, U.S.
    Forbes, Arthur Patrick Hastings, 9th Earl of Granard, U.S.
    Jackson, William Douglas D'Aguilar, with Oak Leaf Cluster
    Karch, Frederick Joseph
    Paget, Humphrey
    Simpson, Bethel Wood
    Studdert, William Walton, with Combat 'V' for Okinawa invasion
    Murray, Henry Alexander ( 1946 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Lenin Peace Prize
    Montagu, Ivor Goldsmid Samuel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Liberation Cross
    Martell, Christian
    Count equals 1 individual.

Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland (L.R.C.P.I.)
    Fitzmaurice, Ulysses
    Count equals 1 individual.

Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London (L.R.C.P.)
    Deacon, Robert
    Venning, Edgcombe ( 1862 )
    Houldsworth, Harold Basil, 2nd Bt. ( 1946 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh (L.R.C.S.E.)
    Macintyre, Iain
    Count equals 1 individual.

Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, London (L.R.C.S.)
    Deacon, Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Somerset, FitzRoy James Henry, 1st Baron Raglan ( 1811 ), 4th Light Dragoons
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lifetime Achievement Award, by the British Comedy Awards
    Whitfield, June Rosemary ( 1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lincoln's Inn
    Watson, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Rockingham
    Sandell, Jenifer Celia Emily ( 1958 ), barrister
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Livingstone Gold medal of Royal Scottish Geographical Society
    Evans, Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell, 1st Baron Mountevans ( 1913 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

London , Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.)
    Mansel, Robert Edward ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord-Lieutenant of Suffolk
    Warner, Thomas Courtenay Theydon, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lucinda Lambton's A to Z of Britain
    Lambton, Lucinda ( 1996 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Légion d'honneur
    Douglas-Pennant, Cyril Eustace
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Fillery, James C., Royal Artillery
    Count equals 1 individual.

Malayan Campaign
    Studd, Edward Fairfax, 4th Bt. ( 1948 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille Militaire
    Beamish, Franck John de Vic
    Beamish, William Paul
    Exshaw, Arthur
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Medaille Reconnaissance Française
    Dawnay, Faith
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille d'Algérie
    Barron, Percy Edward Abney Paul
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille d'Honneur
    Knox, Leonard Needham, with swords
    Quintal, Ivor Lawrence Ivor ( 1920 ), French
    Browne, Osborne Sanderson ( 1974 ), de Premiere Classe avec agrafe de bronze des Services Exceptionnels Monaco
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Medaille de Queen Elisabeth de Belgium
    Foster, Ethel Jane ( 1920 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de Sauvetage of France
    Wellesley, Gerald Valerian
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de Vermeil de la Reconnaissance Française
    Giffard, Flavia Joan Lucy ( 1946 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de la Reconaissance
    Brodrick, Margaret
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de la Reconnaissance Française
    Mulholland, Helen Mary
    Shakespeare, William Goodman
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Medaille de la Reconnaissance of France
    Cole-Hamilton, Margaret Selina
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de la Reine Elisabeth
    Bingham, Frances Josephine Keighley
    Mann, Annie Elizabeth
    Romilly, Elizabeth Mary
    Wylie, Violet Verve
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Medaille de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgium
    Montmorency, Lily Rachel Mary
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de la Reine Elisabeth of Belgium
    Cole-Hamilton, Margaret Selina
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de la Reine Elizabethe
    Norman, Edith, avec Croix Rouge
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de la Resistance
    Barron, Percy Edward Abney Paul
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille de la deportation et de l'internement pour faits de Resistance
    Barron, Percy Edward Abney Paul
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille du Roi Albert
    Dunlop, Thomas, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Medaille militaire
    Barron, Percy Edward Abney Paul
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member of Parliament (M.P.) for Taunton
    Portman, William, 6th Bt. ( 1661 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (M.A.S.C.E.)
    Harold-Barry, Harold Robin ( 1963 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants (A.C.A.)
    Rankin, Gavin Niall, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Institute of Civil Engineers (M.Inst.C.E.)
    Cruttwell, Wilson Clement
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Institution of Civil Engineers (M.I.C.E.)
    Pooley, Charles Blois
    Silcock, Edward J.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Member, Institution of Electrical Engineers (M.I.E.E.)
    Peto, Raymond John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Institution of Marine Engineers (M.I.Mar.E.)
    Hamilton, James Alexander Hans ( 1964 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Royal Asiatic Society (M.R.A.S.)
    Beauchamp, Henry King
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Royal College of Pathology (M.R.C.Path.)
    Campbell, Andrew Colin
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Royal College of Physicians, London (M.R.C.P.)
    Noott, Geoffrey
    Proby, Patience ( 1950 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Member, Royal College of Surgeons (M.R.C.S.)
    Dyer, Sidney Reginald
    Noott, Geoffrey
    Pincott, Rupert
    Yates, Walter Peel
    Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, Alianore Mary Christina ( 1943 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Member, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (M.R.C.S.E.)
    Piers, Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (M.R.C.V.S.)
    Carn, Vanessa Mary ( 1987 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Royal Commission of Historical Monuments (M.S.S.)
    Pickthorn, Kenneth William Murray, 1st Bt. ( 1946 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (M.R.I.C.S.)
    Peto, Henry Christopher Morton Bampfylde, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Member, Royal Irish Academy (M.R.I.A.)
    Lowry, Robert William
    Andrews, Thomas ( 1839 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Member, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours (R.W.S.)
    Barton, Rose ( 1911 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1915 ), Royal Geographic Society
    Count equals 1 individual.

Mendel Award of the Czech Science Academy
    Rothschild, Miriam Louisa ( 1993 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Merite Militaire
    Yorke, Philip Gerard ( 1909 ), Spain
    Count equals 1 individual.

Meritul Cultural Romania
    Bellis, Mary Edith
    Count equals 1 individual.

Michael Balcon Award at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (B.A.F.T.A.)
    Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam ( 1982 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Military medal (M.M.)
    Cartmel, Alfred
    Count equals 1 individual.

Miss Europe
    Diplarakos, Aliki ( 1930 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Mons Star
    Blennerhassett, Hilda
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille Epedérmie
    Stoney, Edith Anne
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille Militaire
    Brocklebank, Charles Gerald
    Erskine, George Watkin Eben James, Belgian
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Médaille d'argent arts, sciences, lettres
    Keppel, Violet
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille d'or de la Reconnaissance
    Anvers, Alice Cahen
    Townshend, Audrey Dorothy Louise
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Médaille de la France Liberée
    Coventry, Anne Blanche Alice
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille de la Reconnaissance Française
    Bingham, Rose Elizabeth
    Coventry, Anne Blanche Alice
    Howe, Claire Lloyd
    Keppel, Theodora, ardent
    Kerr, William Walter Raleigh
    Ponsonby, Vere Brabazon, 9th Earl of Bessborough
    Arbuthnott, Georgina Muriel ( 1945 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Médaille de la Reine Elisabeth
    Graham-Montgomery, Alice Anne
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgique
    Vaughan, Margaret Merry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgium
    Jerome, Leonie Blanche
    Leslie, Mary
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Médaille de la Reine Elisabeth of Belgium
    Bellingham, Augusta Mary Monica
    Birkin, Ethel Lillian
    Borthwick, Lilias Margaret Frances
    Bosanquet, Harriet Emily Hardinge Best
    Howe, Claire Lloyd
    Murray-Aynsley, Helen Elizabeth
    Wellesley, Olivia Georgiana
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Médaille de la Résistance
    Chaponay-Morance, Pierre Emmanuel François Henri Baudoin
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille des Epidémies
    Stuart Taylor, Eric, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Médaille du roi Albert I des Belges
    Batho, Charles Albert, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Mérite Agricole
    Tufton, John Sackville Richard, 2nd Baron Hothfield of Hothfield
    Count equals 1 individual.

NATO Certificate of Merit
    Gason, Anthony Wyndham ( 1962 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

National Prize, British Export Trade Organisation
    Beauchamp, Peter Clare ( 1957 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Navy Cross
    Murray, Cecil Dunmore, U.S.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Newdigate Prize for English
    Trevelyan, Gertrude Eileen ( 1927 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Nobel Peace Prize
    Boyd-Orr, John, 1st and last Baron Boyd-Orr
    Gascoyne-Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert, 1st and last Viscount Cecil of Chelwood ( 1937 )
    Noel-Baker, Philip John, Baron Noel-Baker ( 1959 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Nobel Prize
    Katz, Bernard, for Medicine
    Synge, Richard Laurence Millington
    Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place ( 1904 ), for Physics
    Rutherford, Ernest, 1st and last Baron Rutherford of Nelson ( 1908 ), in Chemistry
    Shaw, George Bernard ( 1925 ), for Literature
    Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian ( 1932 ), in Medicine
    Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard ( 1953 ), in Literature
    Huxley, Andrew Fielding ( 1963 ), in Physiology or Medicine
    Porter, George, Baron Porter of Luddenham ( 1967 ), in Chemistry, joint
    Stone, John Richard Nicholas ( 1984 ), in Economics
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Nobel Prize for Chemistry
    Laioir, Luis
    Count equals 1 individual.

Nobel Prize for Literature
    Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell ( 1950 )
    Mauriac, François ( 1952 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Nobel Prize for Medicine
    Ross, Ronald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Nobel Prize for Physics
    Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett ( 1948 )
    Born, Max ( 1954 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Nobel Prize in Medicine
    Fleming, Alexander ( 1945 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Nobel Prize in Physics
    Marconi, Guglielmo Giovanni Maria, 1st Marchese di Marconi ( 1909 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Noble Prize in Chemistry
    Todd, Alexander Robert, Baron Todd ( 1957 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

North Star of Sweden
    Keith-Falconer, Algernon Hawkins Thomond, 9th Earl of Kintore
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Yorke, Henry Vincent ( 1950 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer French Ordre du Merite Agricole
    Rose, Hugh, 24th of Kilravock ( 1917 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France
    Bowman, James Thomas ( 1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer de Mérite Agricole
    Murray, Charles James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer de la Legion d'Honneur
    Morison, Theodore
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer du Mérite Agricole
    Lawrence, William Matthew Trevor, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer of the Crown of Italy
    Elphinstone-Dalrymple, Francis Napier, 7th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer, Crown of Belgium
    Cummins, Stevenson Lyle
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer, Legion d'Honneur
    Acton, Fitzmaurice Massey
    Bruen, Edward Francis
    Cooke-Collis, William James Norman
    D'Arcy, Pierre Alfred, 3rd Count D'Arcy
    Dennis, Meade James Crosbie
    Dill, John Greer
    Exshaw, Frederic
    Exshaw, Noel Thomas Sandford
    FitzGerald, Percy Desmond
    Fitzmaurice, Maurice Swynfen
    Grubb, Alexander Henry Watkins
    Montmorency, John Pratt ( 1917 )
    Gwynn, Charles William ( 1919 )
    Dennis, Meade Edward ( 1945 )
    Count equals 14 individuals.

Officer, Legion of Honur
    Pollock, Ernest Murray, 1st Viscount Hanworth
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer, Legion of Merit
    Dowding, Arthur Ninian, U.S.
    Makgill Crichton Maitland, Henry David, U.S.
    Stirling, William Gurdon, U.S.
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Officer, Légion d'Honneur
    Bonaparte, Jérôme Napoléon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer, Oaken Crown of Luxembourg
    Norton-Griffiths, Peter, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officer, U.S. Legion of Merit
    Arbuthnott, Hugh
    Burnett, Malcolm Stuart Leslie
    Knox, John Needham
    Robinson, John Roland, 1st Baron Martonmere
    Russell, John Hugo, 3rd Baron Ampthill
    Gibson, Edward Russell, 3rd Baron Ashbourne ( 1944 )
    Chavasse, Kendal George Fleming ( 1945 )
    St. Clair-Ford, Aubrey, 6th Bt. ( 1954 )
    Abbott, Peter Charles ( 1995 )
    Count equals 9 individuals.

Officier de l'Orde des Arts et des Lettres
    Puttnam, David Terence, Baron Puttnam ( 1992 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officier de l'Ordre Nationale du Mérite
    Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone, Robin Evelyn Leo, 5th Baron Derwent ( 1978 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officier de l'Ordre de la Couronne, Belgium
    Schuster, Claud, 1st and last Baron Schuster
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officier, Legion D'Honneur
    Johnston-Saint, Peter
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officier, Legion d'Honneur
    Poole, Frederick Cuthbert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Officier, Légion d'Honneur
    Martell, Christian
    Winspeare Guicciardi, Vittorio, French
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Officier, Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
    Acheson, Archibald Alexander John Stanley, 6th Earl of Gosford
    Alexander, John Hobhouse Inglis
    Anstruther, Charles Frederick St. Clair, of Charleton
    Bazley, Thomas, 1st Bt.
    Beaufré, Andre
    Berry, James Gomer, 1st Viscount Kemsley
    Borthwick, Lilias Margaret Frances
    Bossom, Alfred Charles, Baron Bossom
    Bowater, Eric Vansittart
    Brand, Hubert George
    Cameron, John Ewen
    Cayley, George Cuthbert
    Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Walter Joseph, 1st Bt.
    Dechelette, Eugene
    Dillon, Eric FitzGerald, 19th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin
    Dundas, John George Lawrence
    Forbes-Leith, Charles Rosedew, of Fyvie, 1st Bt.
    Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis
    Grayson, Henry Mulleneux, 1st Bt.
    Grey, Egerton Spencer
    Guinness, Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley
    Gye, Herbert F.
    Hare, Robert William
    Hay-Newton, Francis John Stuart
    Herbert, Percy Egerton
    Hill, Marcus Rowley
    Iliffe, Edward Mauger, 1st Baron Iliffe
    Knox, Uchter John Mark, 5th Earl of Ranfurly
    Lake, Henry Atwell
    Lake, Noel Thomas
    Leigh, Edward Julian Egerton
    Lloyd-Verney, Harry
    Millais, John Everett, 1st Bt.
    Moir, Ernest William, 1st Bt.
    Montagu Douglas Scott, Herbert Andrew
    Morris, Charles Henry
    Mount, William Arthur, 1st Bt.
    Napier, William John
    Neville, George
    Norton-Griffiths, John, 1st Bt.
    O'Grady, Henry de Courcy
    Pakenham, Hercules Arthur
    Pakenham, William Lygon, 4th Earl of Longford
    Peel, Arthur George Villiers
    Peel, William Robert Wellesley, 1st Earl Peel
    Perry, Perceval Lea Dewhurst, 1st and last Baron Perry
    Pery-Knox-Gore, Arthur Francis Gore
    Pinsent, John Ryland
    Ponsonby, John
    Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood
    Spencer, Augustus Almeric
    St. Leger, Edward, 6th Viscount Doneraile
    Stanley, Victor Albert
    Stirling, Anselan John Buchanan
    Strutt, Edward Lisle
    Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh of Terling Place
    Synge, Robert Follett
    Thomas, Godfrey John Vignoles, 10th Bt.
    Vesey, Ivo Lucius Beresford
    Ward, John Hubert
    Warde, Edward Charles
    Wellesley, Arthur Valerian, 8th Duke of Wellington, French
    Wilson, John W.
    Windsor-Clive, Robert George, 1st Earl of Plymouth
    à Court Repington, Charles
    Sackville-West, Charles Richard, 6th Earl De La Warr ( 1856 )
    Renals, Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1895 )
    Baring, Maurice ( 1935 )
    Pollock, Frederick John, 4th Bt. ( 1947 )
    Boothby, Robert John Graham, Baron Boothby ( 1950 )
    Hoskyns-Abrahall, Theo Chandos ( 1950 )
    Ingram, Bruce Stirling ( 1950 )
    Rothschild, Guy Edouard Alphonse Paul ( 1959 )
    Russell, Edward Frederick Langley, 2nd Baron Russell of Liverpool ( 1961 )
    Clarke, Rupert William John, 3rd Bt. ( 1979 )
    Ezra, Derek, Baron Ezra ( 1981 )
    Meyer, Anthony John Charles, 3rd Bt. ( 1983 )
    Rayne, Max, Baron Rayne ( 1987 )
    Weinstock, Arnold, Baron Weinstock ( 1992 )
    Count equals 79 individuals.

Offr de I'lnstruction Publique
    Gwynn, Stephen Lucius ( 1929 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Ordre de la Couronne
    Galdermans, Willem
    Count equals 1 individual.

Ordre du Mérite Agricole
    Malet, Harry Charles St. Lo, 7th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur
    Babington, John Tremayne
    Benn, William Wedgwood, 1st Viscount Stansgate
    Browne, Arthur Howe, 8th Marquess of Sligo
    Cunliffe-Owen, Henry Charles
    Heseltine, John Edward Norfor
    Skene, Philip George Moncrieff, 8th of Pitlour and 12th of Hallyards
    Southby, Archibald Richard James, 1st Bt.
    Stewart, James Watson, of Balgownie, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 8 individuals.

    Harrison, Rex Carey, for his part of Professor Higgins in My Fair Lady
    Rutherford, Margaret, for best supporting actress in the film The VIPs
    Havilland, Joan de Beauvoir ( 1941 )
    Havilland, Olivia Mary ( 1946 )
    Havilland, Olivia Mary ( 1949 )
    Ashcroft, Edith Margaret Emily ( 1985 ), for her role in A Passage to India
    Lawrence, Christopher Cosmo ( 2014 ), for Best Visual Effects on the movie Gravity
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Oswald Mosley
    Skidelsky, Robert Jacob Alexander, Baron Skidelsky ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Padma Vibhushan
    Slade, Madeleine Warre ( 1982 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Palmes d'Officier d'Academie
    Mitchell-Cotts, William Campbell, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Panglima Mangku Negara, Federation of Malaya
    Rees-Williams, David, 1st Baron Ogmore ( 1959 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Partisan Star of Yugoslavia
    Maclean, FitzRoy Hew, of Dunconnel, 1st Bt. ( 1945 ), 1st class
    Count equals 1 individual.

Paul Klinger Award DAG
    Wechmar, Rüdiger Volkmar Enerhard Maximilian Irnfried Joachim ( 1973 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Physician to Queen Elizabeth I
    Riche, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Pike Trophy UK
    Kennedy, Percy William ( 1991 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Polish Cross of Merit
    Bonde, John Anstruther Carl Knutsson, of Charleton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Polish Gold Cross
    Muir, Gerald Robin ( 1942 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Polish Gold Cross of Merit
    FitzGibbon, Louis Theobald Dillon ( 1969 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Polish Grand Cross of Merit
    Howard, Joan Edith Barbara
    Count equals 1 individual.

Portraits and Miniatures
    Jenkins, Roy Harris, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead ( 1993 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Powell Prizeman in Common Law
    Chartres, John ( 1885 ), Middle Temple
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the Dublin College of Surgeons
    Crampton, Philip, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Presidential Award
    Bethell, Nicholas William, 4th Baron Bethell ( 1992 ), Russian
    Count equals 1 individual.

Prime Minister of Japan's Trade Award
    Dunn, Lydia Selina, Baroness Dunn ( 1987 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Chamberlain to HH The Pope
    Morrogh Bernard, Eustace Anthony ( 1933 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Councellor (P.C.)
    Warrington, Thomas Rolls, 1st Baron Warrington of Clyffe ( 1915 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Council (P.C.)
    Radice, Giles Heneage, Baron Radice ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Councillor (P.C.)
    Alexander, Nathaniel
    Alington, William
    Cuffe, James
    Sandars, John Satterfield
    Sinclair, James
    Throckmorton, Robert
    Wynn, William
    Rich, Robert, 2nd Earl of Warwick ( 1641 )
    Oliver, Silver ( 1769 )
    Foster, John, 1st Baron Oriel of Ferrard ( 1786 )
    Cutlar-Fergusson, Robert, 17th of Craigdarroch ( 1834 )
    Pakington, John Somerset, 1st Baron Hampton ( 1852 )
    Somerset, FitzRoy James Henry, 1st Baron Raglan ( 1852 )
    Bampfylde, Augustus Frederick George Warwick, 2nd Baron Poltimore ( 1872 )
    Keating, Henry Singer ( 1875 )
    Hope, James Fitzalan, 1st Baron Rankeillour ( 1922 )
    Alexander, James Ulick Francis Canning ( 1952 )
    Peyton, John Wynne William, Baron Peyton of Yeovil ( 1970 )
    Owen, David Anthony Llewellyn, Baron Owen ( 1976 )
    Morris, Charles Richard ( 1978 )
    Richardson, Ivor Lloyd Morgan ( 1978 )
    Beith, Alan James, Baron Beith ( 1992 )
    Clarke, Anthony Peter, Baron Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony ( 1998 )
    Count equals 23 individuals.

Privy Councillor (P.C.) (Ireland)
    Armstrong, John ( 1789 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Councillor (P.C.) [Ireland]
    Hamilton, Anthony, Comte Hamilton
    Vaughan, John
    Hamilton, Claud ( 1613 )
    Hume-Loftus, Nicholas, 1st Earl of Ely ( 1764 )
    Foster, John, 1st Baron Oriel of Ferrard ( 1799 )
    Skeffington, Thomas Henry, 2nd Viscount Ferrard ( 1809 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Privy Councillor (P.C.) [Scotland]
    Maitland, Charles, 3rd Earl of Lauderdale ( 1661 )
    Maitland, Richard, 4th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1678 )
    Maitland, Charles, 3rd Earl of Lauderdale ( 1686 )
    Maitland, John, 5th Earl of Lauderdale ( 1689 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Privy Councillor [The Netherlands]
    Beer Poortugael, Jacobus Catharinus Cornelis
    Fagel, James
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Privy Counesllor (P.C.) [Scotland]
    Crichton, Lewis, 4th Viscount of Frendraught ( 1688 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Privy Cousnellor (P.C.)
    Hamilton, George, 1st Earl of Orkney ( 1711 )
    Villiers, George Bussy, 4th Earl of the Island of Jersey ( 1765 )
    Worsley, Richard, 7th Bt. ( 1780 )
    Foljambe, Arthur William de Brito Savile, 2nd Earl of Liverpool ( 1917 )
    Vansittart, Robert Gilbert, 1st and last Baron Vansittart ( 1940 )
    Garel-Jones, William Armand Thomas Tristan, Baron Garel-Jones ( 1992 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Prix Bech
    Mackenzie Stuart, Alexander John, Baron Mackenzie-Stuart ( 1989 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Pulitzer Prize
    Kelly, George Edward ( 1925 )
    Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. ( 1956 ), for an interview of Nikita Krushchev
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Purple Heart
    Seton, Charles Wallace
    Count equals 1 individual.

Purple Heart for Wounds
    Every-Clayton, Jon Arthur
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen Elisabeth of Belgium medal
    Stewart-Richardson, Mary Ramsay
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's COunsel (Q.C.)
    Dobson, Denis William
    Evans, David Eiflon Puleston
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Queen's Commendation
    Coventry, Henry John ( 1964 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Commendation for Brave Conduct
    Braidwood, Brian Harold Lithgow ( 1971 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Commendation for Bravery
    Dear, Geoffrey James, Baron Dear ( 1979 )
    Parker Bowles, Andrew Henry ( 1980 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in Air
    Young, William Brook Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Commendation for Valuable Services (Q.C.V.S.)
    Dangerfield, Roland Charles David ( 1996 ), in Bosnia
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Council (Q.C.)
    Davies, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Cousnel (Q.C.)
    Meredith, William Colles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Meritorious' Award
    Cookman, Nathaniel Edward Rogers ( 1971 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Radio Broadcaster of the Year
    Bragg, Melvyn, Baron Bragg ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Ravel Prize
    Britten, Edward Benjamin, Baron Britten ( 1974 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Reconnaissance Française
    Montmorency, Lily Rachel Mary
    Count equals 1 individual.

Reprentative Peer [Ireland]
    Nugent, Thomas, 1st Baron Nugent of Riverston ( 1686 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Representative Peer
    Upton, George Frederick, 3rd Viscount Templetown
    Drummond, Jean Cherry, 11th of Megginch, Baroness Strange ( 1999 )
    Hay, Charles William Harley, 16th Earl of Kinnoull ( 2015 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Representative Peer [Ireland]
    Butler, Charles John Brinsley, 7th Earl of Lanesborough
    Butler, George John Danvers, 5th Earl of Lanesborough
    Butler, John Vansittart Danvers, 6th Earl of Lanesborough
    Howard, Cecil Ralph, 6th Earl of Wicklow
    Howard, Charles Francis Arnold, 5th Earl of Wicklow
    Howard, William, 4th Earl of Wicklow
    Jocelyn, Robert Soame, 8th Earl of Roden
    Upton, Henry Edward Montagu Dorington Clotworthy, 4th Viscount Templetown
    Browne, John Denis, 1st Marquess of Sligo ( 1801 )
    Harman, Laurence, 1st Earl of Rosse ( 1801 )
    Nugent, George Frederick, 7th Earl of Westmeath ( 1801 )
    Parsons, Laurence, 2nd Earl of Rosse ( 1809 )
    Bourke, John, 4th Earl of Mayo ( 1816 )
    O'Brien, William, 2nd Marquess of Thomond ( 1816 )
    Wingfield, Richard, 5th Viscount Powerscourt ( 1821 )
    Vereker, Charles, 2nd Viscount Gort ( 1823 )
    Nugent, George Thomas John, 1st and last Marquess of Westmeath ( 1831 )
    Maude, Cornwallis, 3rd Viscount Hawarden ( 1836 )
    Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse ( 1845 )
    Browne, John Cavendish, 3rd Baron Kilmaine ( 1849 )
    Bourke, Robert, 5th Earl of Mayo ( 1852 )
    Dawson-Damer, Henry John Reuben, 3rd Earl of Portarlington ( 1855 )
    Wingfield, Mervyn, 7th Viscount Powerscourt ( 1865 )
    Allanson-Winn, Charles, 3rd Lord Headley, Baron Allanson and Winn of Aghadoe ( 1868 )
    Parsons, Laurence, 4th Earl of Rosse ( 1868 )
    O'Brien, Edward Donough, 14th Baron of Inchiquin ( 1873 )
    Needham, Francis Charles, 3rd Earl of Kilmorey ( 1881 )
    Allanson-Winn, Charles Mark, 4th Lord Headley, Baron Allanson and Winn of Aghadoe ( 1883 )
    Rowley, Hercules Edward, 4th Baron Langford of Summerhill ( 1884 )
    Browne, Francis William, 4th Baron Kilmaine ( 1890 )
    Dawson-Damer, Lionel George Henry Seymour, 5th Earl of Portarlington ( 1896 )
    O'Brien, Lucius William, 15th Baron of Inchiquin ( 1900 )
    Nugent, Anthony Francis, 11th Earl of Westmeath ( 1901 )
    Browne, Geoffrey Henry, 1st Baron Mereworth ( 1902 )
    Forward-Howard, Ralph Francis, 7th Earl of Wicklow ( 1905 )
    Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st and last Marquess Curzon of Kedleston ( 1908 )
    Browne, John Edward Deane, 5th Baron Kilmaine ( 1911 )
    Parsons, William Edward, 5th Earl of Rosse ( 1911 )
    Beresford, John Graham Hope de la Poer, 5th Baron Decies ( 1912 )
    Needham, Francis Charles Adelbert Henry, 4th Earl of Kilmorey ( 1916 )
    Count equals 40 individuals.

Representative Peer [Scoltand]
    Rollo, John, 8th Lord Rollo of Duncrub ( 1841 )
    Rollo, William, 9th Lord Rollo of Duncrub ( 1847 )
    Rollo, John Rogerson, 10th Lord Rollo of Duncrub ( 1860 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Representative Peer [Scotalnd]
    Goodeve-Erskine, John Francis Erskine, 27th Earl of Mar ( 1886 )
    Leslie, Norman Evelyn, 19th Earl of Rothes ( 1906 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Representative Peer [Scotland]
    Erskine, John, 23rd/6th Earl of Mar ( 1707 )
    Graham, James, 1st Duke of Montrose ( 1707 )
    Ker, John, 1st Duke of Roxburghe ( 1707 )
    Kerr, William, 2nd Marquess of Lothian ( 1707 )
    Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1707 )
    Primrose, Archibald, 1st Earl of Rosebery ( 1707 )
    Dalrymple, John, 2nd Earl of Stair ( 1708 )
    Douglas, James, 2nd Duke of Queensberry ( 1708 )
    Hamilton, George, 1st Earl of Orkney ( 1708 )
    Leslie, John, 9th Earl of Rothes ( 1708 )
    Sutherland, John, 16th Earl of Sutherland ( 1708 )
    Primrose, Archibald, 1st Earl of Rosebery ( 1710 )
    Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1712 )
    Primrose, Archibald, 1st Earl of Rosebery ( 1713 )
    Dalrymple, John, 2nd Earl of Stair ( 1715 )
    Graham, James, 1st Duke of Montrose ( 1715 )
    Ker, John, 1st Duke of Roxburghe ( 1715 )
    Kerr, William, 2nd Marquess of Lothian ( 1715 )
    Leslie, John, 9th Earl of Rothes ( 1715 )
    Sutherland, John, 16th Earl of Sutherland ( 1715 )
    Ogilvy, James, 4th Earl of Findlater ( 1722 )
    Leslie, John, 10th Earl of Rothes ( 1723 )
    Ker, John, 1st Duke of Roxburghe ( 1727 )
    Douglas, George, 13th Earl of Morton ( 1730 )
    Kerr, William, 3rd Marquess of Lothian ( 1731 )
    Campbell, John, 4th Earl of Loudoun ( 1734 )
    Ogilvy, James, 5th Earl of Findlater ( 1734 )
    Sutherland, William, 17th Earl of Sutherland ( 1734 )
    Douglas, James, 14th Earl of Morton ( 1739 )
    Somerville, James, 12th Lord Somerville ( 1743 )
    Dalrymple, John, 2nd Earl of Stair ( 1744 )
    Leslie, John, 10th Earl of Rothes ( 1747 )
    Douglas, William, 4th Duke of Queensberry ( 1761 )
    Sutherland, William, 18th Earl of Sutherland ( 1763 )
    Bowes, John, 9th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1767 )
    Kerr, William Henry, 4th Marquess of Lothian ( 1768 )
    Primrose, Neil, 3rd Earl of Rosebery ( 1768 )
    Dalrymple, John, 5th Earl of Stair ( 1771 )
    Primrose, Neil, 3rd Earl of Rosebery ( 1774 )
    Kerr, William John, 5th Marquess of Lothian ( 1778 )
    Primrose, Neil, 3rd Earl of Rosebery ( 1780 )
    Douglas, George, 16th Earl of Morton ( 1784 )
    Kinnaird, George, 7th Lord Kinnaird ( 1787 )
    Dalrymple, John, 6th Earl of Stair ( 1790 )
    Erskine, Archibald, 7th Earl of Kellie ( 1790 )
    Sandilands, James, 9th Lord Torphichen ( 1790 )
    Bowes, John, 10th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1796 )
    Erskine, Thomas, 9th Earl of Kelie ( 1804 )
    Kinnaird, Charles, 8th Lord Kinnaird ( 1806 )
    Mackay, Eric, 7th Lord Reay ( 1806 )
    Bowes, John, 10th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1807 )
    Erskine, Thomas, 9th Earl of Kelie ( 1807 )
    Fraser, Alexander George, 17th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1807 )
    St. Clair, Charles, 4th/13th Lord Sinclair ( 1807 )
    Douglas, Charles, 6th Marquess of Queensberry ( 1812 )
    Evelyn-Leslie, George William, 13th Earl of Rothes ( 1812 )
    Kerr, William, 6th Marquess of Lothian ( 1817 )
    Innes-Ker, James, 5th Duke of Roxburghe ( 1818 )
    Primrose, Archibald John, 4th Earl of Rosebery ( 1818 )
    Dalrymple, John, 6th Earl of Stair ( 1820 )
    Primrose, Archibald John, 4th Earl of Rosebery ( 1820 )
    Primrose, Archibald John, 4th Earl of Rosebery ( 1826 )
    Douglas, George Sholto, 17th Earl of Morton ( 1828 )
    FitzMaurice, Thomas John Hamilton, 5th Earl of Orkney ( 1833 )
    Mackay, Eric, 7th Lord Reay ( 1835 )
    Ogilvy-Grant, Francis William, 6th Earl of Seafield ( 1841 )
    Lyon-Bowes, Thomas George, 12th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1852 )
    Ogilvy-Grant, John Charles, 7th Earl of Seafield ( 1853 )
    Douglas, Sholto John, 18th Earl of Morton ( 1859 )
    Fraser, Alexander, 18th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1859 )
    St. Clair, James, 5th/14th Lord Sinclair ( 1868 )
    Erskine, Walter Coningsby, 12th Earl of Kellie ( 1869 )
    Bowes-Lyon, Claude, 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne ( 1870 )
    Erskine, Walter Henry, 13th Earl of Kellie ( 1876 )
    FitzMaurice, George William Hamilton, 6th Earl of Orkney ( 1885 )
    St. Clair, Charles William, 6th/15th Lord Sinclair ( 1885 )
    Douglas, Sholto George, 19th Earl of Morton ( 1886 )
    Fraser, Alexander William Frederick, 19th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1890 )
    Erskine, Walter John Francis, 14th Earl of Kellie ( 1892 )
    Sandilands, James Walter, 12th Lord Torphichen ( 1894 )
    Forbes-Sempill, John, 18th Lord Sempill ( 1910 )
    Sandilands, James Walter, 12th Lord Torphichen ( 1910 )
    Fairfax, Albert Kirby, 12th Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( 1917 )
    St. Clair, Archibald James Murray, 7th/16th Lord Sinclair ( 1923 )
    Leslie, Malcolm George Dyer-Edwardes, 20th Earl of Rothes ( 1931 )
    Forbes-Sempill, William Francis, 19th Lord Sempill ( 1935 )
    Fraser, Alexander Arthur, 20th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy ( 1935 )
    Fairfax, Thomas Brian McElvie, 13th Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( 1945 )
    Mackay, Æneas Alexander, 13th Lord Reay ( 1955 )
    St. Clair, Charles Murray Kennedy, 8th/17th Lord Sinclair ( 1959 )
    Count equals 90 individuals.

Rhodes Scholar
    Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey ( 1921 )
    Shaw, Robert Richard ( 1948 )
    Bromley, Rupert Charles, 10th Bt. ( 1956 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Rhodes Scholarship
    Button, Catherine Gail
    Rumbold, Jack Seddon
    Elworthy, Forbes herbert ( 1986 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Richard Dimbleby Award for Outstanding Contribution for TV
    Bragg, Melvyn, Baron Bragg ( 1987 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Romanian Star
    Chichester, Charles Frederick Spencer, with swords
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Acadamecian (R.A.)
    John, Augustus Edwin ( 1928 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Company of Archers
    Leslie, Alastair Pinckard
    Leslie, Malcolm George Dyer-Edwardes, 20th Earl of Rothes
    Moncreiff, Richard Henry FitzHerbert
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Royal Humame Society Award for Bravery
    Griffith-Griffin, Anthony Templer Frederick ( 1990 ), after diving into the Thames in a vain effort to save a young Jamaican
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Humane Society
    Brooke, Ronald George, silver medal
    Fremantle, Edmund Robert, gold, silver and copper medals
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Royal Humane Society Vellum Award
    Grey, Rupert Christopher ( 1963 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Humane Society certificate for saving life
    Burton-Chadwick, Robert, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Humane Society medal
    Wake, Hereward, 13th Bt.
    Dalrymple-Hay, Christopher Montague Vernon Francis ( 1917 ), for saving life at sea
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Royal Humane Society silver medal
    Cockburn, John Brydges, of that Ilk, 11th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Humane Society's Award
    Hopkinson, Henry Lennox D'Aubigne, 1st Baron Colyton ( 1919 ), for saving life from drowning
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Humane Society's Testimonial for saving life
    Massy, Charles Walter ( 1924 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Red Cross
    Arthur, Jean
    Haughton, Louise Victoria
    Riccardi, Fede Maria
    Bulteel, Caroline Muriel ( 1920 ), 2nd class
    Willoughby, Gwendolen Mary ( 1959 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Royal Red Cross (R.R.C.)
    Buller, Georgiana
    Butler, Alexandra Amy Geraldine
    Bywater-Bywater, Rosana Joyce
    Cooke, Elsie Mary Emily
    Cooper, Rose Maud
    Dawkins, Fanny Julia
    Douglas-Home, Isobel Charlotte
    Duff, Alexandra Victoria Alberta Edwina Louise, 2nd Duchess of Fife
    Fynes-Clinton, Mary Gordon
    Hamilton-Dalrymple, Marjorie
    Hay, Emily Henrietta
    Hyndman, Florence
    Kitchener, Frances Madge
    Leveson-Gower, Rosemary Millicent
    Loch, Catharine Grace
    Maunsell, Barbara Winifred Carol
    Maunsell, Elizabeth Alice Mary
    Moncreiffe, Georgina Elisabeth
    Mountbatten, Louise Alexandra Marie Irene, Princess of Battenberg
    Mountbatten, Victoria Alice Elisabeth Julie Marie, Princess of Battenberg
    Nightingale, Violet Harriet
    Peel, Agnes Mary
    Rice, Frances Maud
    Ricketts, Susan Hotham
    Rudge, Dorothy Gwendolen
    Seymour, Dorothy Nina
    Sheffield, Helen
    Stewart, May Elizabeth
    Taylor, Aileen Margaret
    Van de Weyer, Eleanor Frances Weston
    Van de Weyer, Joan
    Watson, Selena Charlotte
    Wraxall, Emilie Elizabeth
    Nightingale, Florence ( 1883 )
    Gray, Mary Emily ( 1908 )
    Gregory, May Edytha ( 1919 )
    Count equals 36 individuals.

Royal Red Cross (R.R.R.C.)
    O'Connell, Kathleen
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Scottish Acadamecian (R.S.A.)
    Syme, Patrick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Scottish Academician (R.S.A.)
    Cadman, William Henry ( 1945 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Society gold medal
    Fairbairn, William, 1st Bt. ( 1860 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Society of Canada
    Clark, William Robinson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Royal Victoria Chain
    Fitzalan-Howard, Bernard Marmaduke, 16th Duke of Norfolk ( 1953 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Russian Red Cross
    Dunlop, Thomas, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Sanitats Kreuz Militar
    McLaughlin, Louisa Elizabeth, Hessen-Darmstadt
    Count equals 1 individual.

Second World War
    Troubridge, Thomas Hope, where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
    Count equals 1 individual.

Segrave Trophy
    Colquhoun, Fiona Bryde ( 1981 ), ‘for outstanding courage on water or in the air'
    Count equals 1 individual.

Senior Fellow
    Palmer, Patrick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Shell Guide to North Wales
    Brett, Lionel Gordon Baliol, 4th Viscount Esher ( 1971 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Shipwrecked Mariners Society
    Fremantle, Edmund Robert, gold medal
    Count equals 1 individual.

Silver Badge
    Rankin, James Reginald Lea, 2nd Bt. ( 1915 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Snowdon Award
    Wilkins, Rosalie Catherine, Baroness Wilkins ( 1983 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Sonning Music Prize of Denmark
    Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1972 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Special Service Cross, British Red Cross Society
    Kay-Shuttleworth, Janet Walcott, during the First World War
    Count equals 1 individual.

St. George's Cross
    Carroll, John William Vincent, 4th class
    Count equals 1 individual.

St. George's Cross of Russia
    Ironside, William Edmund, 1st Baron Ironside
    Count equals 1 individual.

Star of Ethiopia
    Forbes, Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings, 8th Earl of Granard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Star of Romania
    Forbes, Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings, 8th Earl of Granard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Straits and Strategic Waterways in the Red Sea
    FitzGibbon, Louis Theobald Dillon ( 1984 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Sun Too Fast
    Beddington, Sheila Claude ( 1974 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Sunday Times prize for literature
    Sitwell, Francis Osbert Sacheverell, 5th Bt. ( 1947 ), the first
    Count equals 1 individual.

Territorial Award (T.D.)
    Cavendish-Bentinck, Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Territorial Decoratino (T.D.)
    Money-Coutts, Hugh Burdett, 6th Lord Latymer
    Count equals 1 individual.

Territorial Deocration (T.D.)
    Monckton-Arundell, George Edward Milnes, 7th Viscount Galway
    Count equals 1 individual.

The Assassins
    Shelley, Percy Bysshe ( 1814 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

The Crime Against Marcella
    Hardinge, George Edward Charles, 3rd Baron Hardinge of Penhurst ( 1963 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

The Empty House
    Blackwood, Algernon Henry ( 1906 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

The House of Dewar
    Beauclerk-Dewar, Peter de Vere ( 1991 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

The Name of the Rose
    Lipsey, David Lawrence, Baron Lipsey ( 1992 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

The Peisley Family of Clifton Hampden
    Austin-Cooper, Richard Arthur ( 1996 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

The Struggle for Law
    Jhering, Casper Rudolph ( 1872 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

The Torch-Bearers (a stage play)
    Kelly, George Edward ( 1923 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Thomas Cook Award
    Thubron, Colin Gerald Dryden ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Tibet Expedition
    Wigram, Kenneth ( 1904 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Tony Award
    Rice, Timothy Miles Bindon, three times
    Count equals 1 individual.

U.S. Bronze War
    Howard, Donald Sterling Palmer, 3rd Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal
    Count equals 1 individual.

U.S. Certificate of Merit
    Douglas, Peter Frederic Sholto ( 1945 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

U.S. Legion Merit
    Hood, Peter Neville
    Count equals 1 individual.

U.S. Legion of Merit
    Astley, Philip Reginald
    Bethell, Jocelyn Slingsby
    Bourne, Geoffrey Kemp, Baron Bourne
    Campbell, Lorne Maclaine, of Airds, V.C.
    Campbell-Walter, Keith McNeil
    Carew, Gavin George
    Davison, Patrick Owen Alexander, 2nd Baron Broughshane
    Dundas, John George Lawrence
    Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Frederick Arthur
    Fairbairn, Bernard William Murray
    Grant, Ulysses S., III
    Grenfell, Pascoe Christian Victor Francis, 2nd Baron Grenfell
    Hambro, Charles Jocelyn
    Henn, Thomas Rice
    Herbert, Edwin Otway
    Hill, Richard Augustus Sandys
    Hobart, Percy Cleghorn Stanley
    Howard, Donald Sterling Palmer, 3rd Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal
    Johnson-Ferguson, Neil Edward, 3rd Bt.
    Lakin, Richard Barklie
    Llewellyn, Henry Morton, 3rd Bt.
    Mansfield, James Cleland
    Napier, John Lenox Clavering
    Pleydell-Bouverie, Anthony
    Rhodes, Christopher George, 3rd Bt.
    Riddell, Peter John Archibald
    Stamer, William Donovan
    Thesiger, Bertram Sackville
    Mackintosh, Lachlan Donald, 29th of Mackintosh ( 1943 )
    Fox-Strangways, Vivian ( 1944 )
    Blood, William Edmund Robarts ( 1945 )
    Coleridge, Richard Duke, 4th Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1945 )
    Howard-Johnston, Clarence Dinsmore ( 1945 )
    Hunter Blair, Ronald ( 1945 )
    Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild ( 1946 )
    Cradock-Hartopp, Kenneth Alston, 10th Bt. ( 1953 )
    Count equals 36 individuals.

USA Secretary of Commerce's Award To Peace and Commerce
    Dunn, Lydia Selina, Baroness Dunn ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Una Vita Nella Musica of Italy
    Menuhin, Yehudi, Baron Menuhin ( 1983 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Unesco Travelling Fellowship
    Montmorency, Geraldine Susan Maud ( 1952 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

United States Legion of Merit
    Porritt, Arthur Espie, Baron Porritt
    Wood, Leslie Violet Lucy Evelyn
    Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, 1st Baron Poole ( 1945 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

    Colvin, Clement Preston
    Count equals 1 individual.

Verdienstkreutz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    Winspeare Guicciardi, Vittorio
    Count equals 1 individual.

W.H. Smith Literature Award
    Bragg, Melvyn, Baron Bragg ( 2000 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Waterier Peace Prize
    Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell ( 1937 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Wazirstan 1919-1921
    Paget, George Norrie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Whitbread Award for Biography
    Wilson, Richard John McMoran, 2nd Baron Moran
    Count equals 1 individual.

Whitbread Prize
    Jenkins, Roy Harris, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead, for his book, Gladstone
    Count equals 1 individual.

White Eagles over Serbia
    Durrell, Lawrence George ( 1957 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Wihuri-Sibelius Prize
    Britten, Edward Benjamin, Baron Britten ( 1965 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

William Wilberforce Award
    Love, Caroline Anne, Baroness Cox ( 1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

William Wordsworth: a Biography
    Trevelyan, Mary Caroline ( 1957 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Wishful Drinking
    Fisher, Carrie ( 2008 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Wolf Prize for Physics
    Penrose, Roger ( 1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

World Figure Skating Championships
    Kwan, Michelle, for Ladies Singles, 5 times
    Count equals 1 individual.

Yachtsman of the Year Trophy
    Chichester, Francis Charles ( 1960 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Zoological Society (F.Z.S.)
    Dunbar Brander, Archibald Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

[BOLD:]Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London (F.R.C.P.)[:BOLD]
    Howitt, Frank Dutch
    Count equals 1 individual.

[BOLD:][COLOR:251,0,7,255,255,11]Fellow, Royal Entomological Society (F.R.E.S.)[:COLOR][:BOLD]
    Zatlowkal-Williams, Richard G. Z.
    Count equals 1 individual.

[COLOR:1,1,1,255,255,255]Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (F.R.C.S.I.)[:COLOR]
    Babington, Thomas Henderson
    Count equals 1 individual.

[COLOR:1,1,1,255,255,255]Fellow, Royal Society for Public Health (F.R.S.P.H.)[:COLOR]
    Vargas von Rentzell, Thomas Gabriel
    Count equals 1 individual.

[COLOR:57,54,39,255,255,255]Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (F.R.G.S.)[:COLOR]
    Tolstoy-Miloslavsky, Alexandra
    Count equals 1 individual.

elected Member of the House of Lords
    James, Christopher George Walter, 5th Baron Northbourne of Betteshanger ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

gold medal for gallantry Anglo-Spanish defeat of French at Barossa in Peninsular War
    Prevost, William Augustus ( 1811 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

gold medal of the Royal Dublin Society
    Stacpoole, Gwendoline Clare
    Count equals 1 individual.

honorary Associate, Royal College of Music
    Goldsbrough, Arnold Wainwright
    Count equals 1 individual.

honorary Fellow, Faculty of Radiologists (F.F.R.) of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (R.C.S
    Berridge, Francis Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

honorary Freeman of the Borough of Tameside
    Pendry, Thomas, Baron Pendry ( 1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

medal of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium
    Parker-Jervis, Ethel Mary
    Count equals 1 individual.

medal of the Royal Numismatic Society
    Pearce, John William Ernest
    Count equals 1 individual.

medal with clasp and bronze star after bombardment of Alexandria
    Portal, Gerald Herbert ( 1882 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

silver medal of National Shipwreck Relief Society of NSW, Australia, for life-saving
    St. George, Loftus
    Count equals 1 individual.

silver medal of Savoy
    Trafford, Edward Aloysius
    Count equals 1 individual.

silver medal of the Royal Society of Arts
    Dawson, Arthur Trevor, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

two medals and a star
    Palmer, Geoffrey Frederick Neill, 11th Bt. ( 1914 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

warrant granting him a baronetcy was issued, but due to the turbulence of the times no patent was
    Lake, Edward, 1st and last Bt. ( 1643 )
    Count equals 1 individuals.

Total count equals 6238 individuals.