1st Boer War
 Thurlow, Ernest Hovell ( 1881 )
Count equals 1 individual.
1st Kaffir War
 Gregory, Richard ( 1853 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Anglo-Zulu War
 Cavaye, William Frederick ( 1879 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Anglo-Zulu Wars
 Gardner, Alan Coulston ( 1879 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Ashanti Campaign
 Cayley, Walter de Sausmarez ( 1895 )
 Chatfield, Alfred John
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C. ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was severely wounded
 Crosbie, Adolphus Brett ( 1873 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Curtis, Reginald Salmond
 Gordon, Alister Fraser ( 1900 )
 Lascelles, Henry Arthur
 Noel, Gerard Henry Uctred
Count equals 8 individuals.
Ashanti Expedition
 Battenberg, Henry Maurice
 Blunt-Mackenzie, Edward Walter
 Cummins, Henry Alfred ( 1895-1896 )
 Gifford, Edric Frederick, 3rd B ( 1873-1874 )
 Hare, Richard Charles ( 1873-1874 )
 Townsend, Ernest, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Vesey, Charles Edward Gore ( 1895-1896 )
 Ward, Edward Willis Duncan, 1st ( 1895-1896 )
Count equals 8 individuals.
Ashanti War
 Acland-Hood-Reynardson, Arthur ( 1895 )
 Alison, Archibald, 2nd Bt. ( 1873-1874 )
Baird, William Arthur
 Boscawen, John Hugh
 Bromhead, Charles James ( 1873-1874 )
 Butler, William ( 1873-1874 ), where he was mentioned in the despatches of Sir Garnet Wolseley several times and in House of Lords by Duke of Cambridge
 Charteris, Alfred Walter
 Cochrane, John Ernest Charles ( 1900 )
 Dolmage, Alfred Gideon ( 1873 ), with the Royal Marines
 Drummond, Laurence George ( 1895-1896 )
Eardley-Wilmot, Frederick Henr ( 1873 )
 FitzGerald, Maurice, 2nd Bt., as Aide-de-Camp to Sir Archibald Alison, and was mentioned in despatches
 Foley, Cecil Fitzgerald ( 1873 )
 Glyn, John Plumptre Carr
 Hoghton, James, 11th Bt. ( 1873 )
 Holland, Herbert Christian ( 1881 )
 Hood, Grosvenor Arthur Alexand ( 1895-1896 )
 Hulton, Edward Grey ( 1873 )
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Savage
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baro ( 1874 )
 Meysey-Thompson, Richard Frede ( 1873-1874 )
 Noel, Edward ( 1873-1874 )
 North, Dudley, and Zhob Valley
 Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy
 Pery, Harry de Vere ( 1873-1880 )
 Robinson, Charles Walker ( 1873-1874 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Scott, Percy Moreton, 1st Bt. ( 1873-1877 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Scott, Thomas Charles, 5th Earl ( 1874 )
 Stevenson, Andrew Scott ( 1873-1874 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Stuart, Alan Lenox Conyngham ( 1900 )
 Wilson, Richard Henry Francis
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Vi ( 1873 ), as commander of the expedition
 Wood, Evelyn FitzGerald Michel ( 1895-1896 )
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C.
Count equals 34 individuals.
Basutoland Campaign
 Welby, Richard Earle ( 1880-1888 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Basutoland War
 Crewe, Charles Preston ( 1880-1881 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Isandlwana
Degacher, William ( 22 Jan 1879 ), during the Zulu War
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Matabeleland
 Rankin, Charles Herbert ( 1896 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Mawkow's Drift
 Christian, Ewan ( Feb 1900 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Rorke's Drift
 Bromhead, Gonville, V.C. ( 1879-1879 )
 Reynolds, James Henry, V.C. ( 22 Sep 1879 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Ulundi
 Stapleton, Henry, 9th Baron Bea ( 1880 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Bechuanaland Campaign
 Drummond, Laurence George ( 1884-1885 )
 Eliott, Francis Augustus Heath ( 1896-1897 )
 Gough-Calthorpe, Somerset Fred ( 1884-1885 )
 Grant, Percy Frere ( 1897 )
 Johnstone, Montague George ( 1884-1885 ), on HQ Staff
 Knox, Charles Edmond ( 1884 )
 Lambart, Ford Augustus Oliver ( 1897 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baro ( 1885 )
 Miller, Thomas George Alexande
 Watson, Arthur John ( 1884-1885 )
Count equals 10 individuals.
Bechuanaland Expedition
 Bingham, George Charles, 5th Ea ( 1884-1885 )
 Butler, James Henry ( 1885 )
 Hall, Charles Henry Edward ( 1885 ), in Methuen's Horse
 Wingfield-Stratford, Howard ( 1883 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Bechuanaland Landberg Campaign
 Leighton, Bryan Baldwyn Mawddd ( 1897 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Boer Rebellion
 Wrey, William Bourchier Sherar ( 1900 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Boer War
 Abercromby, Robert Ogilvie ( 1899-1902 )
 Acheson, Archibald Charles Mon ( 1899-1901 )
 Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke ( 1900-1901 )
 Acland, Leopold George Dyke ( 1900-1901 )
 Acland-Troyte, Gilbert John ( 1901 ), where he was dangerously wounded
 Acton, William Maxwell ( 1900-1902 )
 Adair, Henry Shafto ( 1900 )
 Adam, Frederick Loch ( 1899-1900 )
 Adam, William Augustus ( 1899-1902 )
 Adams, George Chatterton
 Addington, Harold William ( 1901 )
 Adye, John ( 1899-1902 )
Agnew, Herman Maitland
 Agnew, Percy Reginald, where he was wounded
 Agnew, Quentin Charles Graham ( 1899-1902 )
 Akers-Douglas, George Alexande ( 1900 )
 Aldworth, John Charles Oliver
Aldworth, William
 Alexander, Conn ( 1900-1902 )
 Alexander, Hervey
 Alexander, Kenneth Bush ( 1900-1901 )
 Alexander, Walter Lorenzo, mentioned in despatches
 Alexander, Walter Philip ( 1899-1900 )
 Alexander, William Nathaniel S
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1 ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times and received three brevets, two medals and eight clasps
 Allsopp, Charles, 3rd Baron Hin
 Anderson, George Biddulph
 Anderson-Pelham, Cecil Henry ( 1899-1901 )
 Andrews, Cecil Frank ( 1899-1902 ), with the Imperial Irish Yeomanry
 Anley, Barnett Dyer Lampier Gr
 Annesley, Albemarle Cator ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Annesley, Arthur ( 1900-1902 )
 Annesley, Arthur James Patrick ( 1900-1902 ), where he won a medal
 Annesley, Arthur Sydney Evelyn ( 1901-1902 )
 Annesley, Arthur, 11th Viscount ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Annesley, Francis Denis Jack ( 1900-1902 )
 Annesley, James Howard Adolphu ( 1899-1902 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches, and won two medals with eight clasps
 Annesley, William Robert Ewart ( 1899-1900 )
 Anstruther, Charles Frederick ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Anstruther, Philip George ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Anstruther, Robert Abercrombie ( 1900 )
 Antrobus, Cecil Hugh ( 1900 )
 Antrobus, Walter Guy ( 1901-1902 ), with Marshall's Horse
 Arathoon, Hilary Charles Andoe, on the gunboats Thrush and Widgeon
 Arbuthnot, Andrew Carmichael, with the Seaforth Highlanders
 Arbuthnot, Dalrymple, 5th Bt. ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Arbuthnot, John Bernard ( 1900-1901 )
 Arbuthnot, Kenneth Wyndham ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Arbuthnot, Reginald Ramsay
 Archdale, Theodore Montgomery ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Armstrong, Andrew Harvey, 3rd B ( 1900-1901 )
 Arthur, George Compton Archiba ( 1900-1901 )
 Ashburner, Ernest
 Atkinson, Guy Montague ( 1902 )
 Babington, James Melville ( 1899-1901 )
 Backhouse, Miles Roland Charle ( 1899-1902 )
 Baden-Powell, Baden Fletcher S ( 1900 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenso ( 1899-1901 ), and was again mentioned in despatches
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenso ( 1896 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bagge, Richard Ludwig, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bagot, Josceline Fitzroy ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bagot, Walter Lewis ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and won two medals with six clasps
 Bagot-Chester, Greville John M ( 1900-1901 ), where he won two medals and six clasps
 Bagot-Chester, Hugh Augustus ( 1900 ), where he won a medals and three clasps
 Bagwell-Purefoy, Edward, Adjutant Buckinghamshire Yeomen
 Bailey, Abe, 1st Bt. ( 1900-1902 )
 Bailey, Arthur ( 1900-1901 )
 Bailey, Joseph Henry Russell, 2 ( 1900 )
 Baillie, Augustus Charles ( 1900-1902 )
Baillie, William Lyon Dennisto
Baillieu, Robert Frederick ( 1900 )
 Baird, Alexander Walter Freder ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Baird, Randolph Eustace Wemyss ( 1901-1902 )
 Ball-Acton, Reginald Thomas An ( 1899-1902 )
Ball-Acton, Vere Annesley
 Banbury, Cecil Edmund ( 1900 )
 Banbury, Charles William ( 1900-1902 )
 Bannerman, Alexander, of Elsick, where he was mentioned in dispatched
 Barber, Thomas Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barclay, Francis Charles Lesli
 Barclay, Leslie George de Rune
 Baring, Caryl Digby ( 1899-1902 )
 Baring, Hugo, where he was wounded
 Barrett-Lennard, Fiennes Cecil, where he was wounded
 Barrett-Lennard, John ( 1900 )
 Barrington, Rupert Edward Selb ( 1900-1901 )
 Barry, Stanley Leonard ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Barton, Charles Robert
 Barton, Nathaniel Albert Delap, as a Lieutenant-Colonel with the 88th Regiment
Barton, Robert Johnston ( 28 Mar 1879 )
 Barttelot, Walter Balfour, 3rd ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bass, William Arthur Hamar, 2nd ( 1899-1902 )
 Bathurst, Arthur Henry
 Bayley, Arthur George ( 1899-1902 )
 Bayly, Edward Archibald Theodo ( 1899-1902 ), where he was seriously wounded, and won two medals and seven clasps
 Beamish, Harold Delacour, with the Mounted Infantry
 Beamish, Henry Hamilton, with the Ceylon Planters Contingent
 Beamish, Holmes, with the 5th Dragoon Guards
 Beamish, Warburton Edward
 Beatty, Richard George ( 1900-1902 ), with the 4th Battalion and 1st Mounted Infantry Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment
 Beauclerk, Ernest Octavius
 Beauclerk, Osbourne de Vere, 12 ( 1899-1902 )
 Bell, Edward
Bell, James Dermot Knightley
 Bell, Maurice Hugh Lowthian, 3r ( 1900-1901 )
 Bellingham, Alan Mure ( 1900-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Bellingham, Edward Henry Charl ( 1899-1901 )
 Bennett, Ernest Nathaniel, as an orderly in the Royal Army Medical Corps volunteer Ambulance train
 Bentinck, Reginald Joseph ( 1899-1902 )
 Bentinck, Walter Guy, Baron Ben ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Beresford, Henry de la Poer, 6t ( 1902 )
 Beresford, John Graham Hope de
 Beresford, Marcus John Barré d ( 1900-1902 )
 Beresford-Peirse, Henry Bernar ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Berkeley, Charles Walter ( 1900 )
 Berkeley, Christopher Robert ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded and mentioned in despatches twice
 Berkeley, Maurice Henry ( 1901-1902 )
 Berkeley, Robert Esme ( 1899-1902 )
Berkeley, Thomas Mowbray Marti, where he was wounded at Magersfontein and Paarderburg, and was mentioned in despatches
 Bernard, Ronald Percy Hamilton ( 1902 )
 Berney, Richard William ( 1901-1902 )
Berney, Thomas Hugh
 Bethell-Codrington, George Joh ( 1900 )
 Biddulph, Charles Thomas
 Bingham, Arthur Maurice Robert ( 1899-1902 )
 Bingham, Cecil Edward ( 1899-1901 )
 Birdwood, Halhed Brodrick ( 1901-1902 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded, and was mentioned in despatches five times
 Birkin, Harry Laurence ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Birkin, Richard Leslie ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Bisdee, John Hutton, V.C.
 Blacker, Stewart Ward William
 Blackett, Ralph
Blackett, William Stewart Burd
 Blackwood, Albemarle Price ( 1901 )
 Blake, Cecil Bruce ( 1901-1902 )
 Blakeney, Herbert Norwood, for which he was mentioned in despatches
 Blakiston-Houston, John ( 1899-1902 )
 Blennerhassett, William Arthur ( 1898-1902 )
 Blois, Dudley George ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blood, Bindon, as a Captain with the 8th Cavalry, Indian Army
 Blood, Edmund Maghlin, as a Sargent with the Imperial Yeomen
 Blunt, Allan St. John ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blunt, Charles David McKinnon ( 1899 )
 Blunt, John Harvey, 9th Bt. ( 1899-1902 )
 Bomford, Samuel Richard
 Bond, Edward Ravenshaw Trevely
 Bond, George Montgomery ( 1900-1901 )
 Bond, Henry Raleigh Trevelyan ( 1899-1902 )
 Bonham, Eric Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1900-1902 )
 Bonsor, Reginald, 2nd Bt. ( 1900 )
 Bonus, William John ( 1899-1901 )
 Booth, Thomas Macaulay ( 1900-1902 )
 Booth, William Henry ( 1899-1900 )
 Borrowes, Kildare, 10th Bt. ( 1900 ), in the Imperial Yeomanry
 Borthwick, Alfred Edward
 Borthwick, Arthur Sandilands
Bosville Macdonald, Archibald
 Botha, Louis
 Boulton, Oscar Evan
 Bowen, Charles Otway Cole ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Bowen-Colthurst, John Colthurs ( 1900-1902 )
 Bowes-Lyon, Malcom ( 1899-1900 )
 Bowlby, Anthony Alfred, 1st Bt. ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boxwell, Ambrose ( 1901-1902 ), with the Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers
 Boyd, Henry Alexander ( 1901-1902 )
 Boyd-Carpenter, Archibald
 Boyd-Rochfort, Harold ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
Boyle, Cecil David
Boyle, Cecil William
 Boyle, Charles Spencer, 10th Ea ( 1900-1902 )
 Boyle, Edward Spencer Harry ( 1900 )
 Boyle, Ernest Charles Patrick ( 1900-1902 )
 Boyle, James
 Boyle, Sydney Herbert ( 1900-1902 )
 Brabazon, Claud Maitland Patri ( 1902 )
 Brabazon, Reginald le Normand, ( 1900-1902 )
 Bradford, Edward Austen
Bradford, Evelyn Ridley, 2nd Bt ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Brancker, Grafton Lloyd Dulany
 Brand, Roger ( 1900-1902 )
 Brand, Thomas Walter, 3rd Visco ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Brasier-Creagh, George Percy, as commander of Roberts's Horse
 Brasier-Creagh, George Washing ( 1899-1902 )
 Brasier-Creagh, Sherlock ( 1899-1902 )
 Brasier-Creagh, Sydney John ( 1899-1902 )
Brassey, Percy Frederick
 Brassey, Thomas Allnutt, 2nd Ea ( 1900 )
 Brazier-Creagh, Kilner Charles, where he was wounded
 Brereton, Edward FitzGerald
 Brereton, Franc Sadleir
 Brereton, Frederick Sadleir
 Bridgeman, Orlando, 5th Earl of ( 1900-1902 )
 Brinckman, Theodore Francis, 3r ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Brocklebank, John Jasper ( 1899-1900 )
 Brocklehurst, John Fielden, 1st ( 1899-1901 )
Brodie, Alastair William Mathe
 Brodie, Ian Ashley Moreton, 24t ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Bromhead, Benjamin Gonville ( 1900-1902 )
 Bromhead, Richard Freckleton G ( 1900-1902 )
 Brooke, Christopher Robert Ing ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Brooke, George
 Brooke, George Frank ( 1899-1900 ), where he was wounded
 Brooke, Henry Hastings ( 1902 )
 Brooke, Lionel Godolphin ( 1899-1900 )
 Brooke, Ronald George ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded and mentioned in despatches three times
 Brooke, Victor Reginald ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded and mentioned in despatches twice
 Brooke-Pechell, Horace James ( 1900-1901 )
 Broughton, Legh Harley Delves ( 1900-1902 )
 Brown, Gordon Hargreaves ( 1901-1902 )
 Browne, Arthur Howe, 8th Marque ( 1901-1902 )
 Browne, Evelyn
Browne, Henry Montague ( 1900 )
Browne, James Cavendish
 Browne-Clayton, Robert Clayton ( 1899-1902 )
 Bruce, Reginald Wyndham ( 1901 )
 Bruce, Robert, Master of Burlei ( 1900-1902 ), where he won two medals with five clasps
 Bruce, William ( 1899-1902 )
 Brudenell-Bruce, George Willia ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and won a medal with four clasps
 Brush, George Howard ( 1899-1900 ), with The King's Regiment
 Bryan, George Leopold, 4th Baro ( 1900-1901 )
 Buchanan-Baillie-Hamilton, Art
 Buchanan-Baillie-Hamilton, Nei
 Buffett, John Edward Henry ( 1899-1902 )
Bull, George
 Buller, Redvers Henry, V.C.
 Bulwer, Edward Augustine Earle
 Bunbury, Herbert Napier ( 1898-1900 )
 Burgh, Eric ( 1902 )
Burgh, Hugo Henry Patrick
 Burgh, Thomas John ( 1900-1901 )
 Burnell-Nugent, Frank Henry, where he was wounded
 Burnett, James Lauderdale Gilb ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in desptaches
 Burrard, Harry George ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Burrell, Merrik Raymond, 7th Bt ( 1899-1901 )
 Burrough, Herbert Strong, where he was wounded
 Burrowes, Arnold Robinson ( 1899-1902 )
Burton, Arthur ( 1899 )
 Burton, Benjamin ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burton-Chadwick, Robert, 1st Bt ( 1900-1901 ), with the Duke of Lancaster's Yeomanry
 Butler, Charles Walter ( 1899-1900 )
 Butler, Henry Claude
 Butler, Leslie James Probyn ( 1900 )
 Butler, Richard
 Butler, Richard Pierce, 11th Bt
 Buxton, Abbot Redmond ( 1900-1901 )
 Buxton, Harry Gurney ( 1900-1901 )
 Buxton, John Lawrence ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Buxton, Lionel Gurney ( 1901-1902 )
 Byass, Harry Nicholl ( 1900-1902 )
Byng, Arthur Maitland ( 1902 )
 Byng, Arthur Stanley, 10th Visc ( 1900-1902 )
 Byng, John Anstruther ( 1901-1902 )
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1 ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byng, Lionel Francis George
 Byron, Richard ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byron, Wilfrid ( 1900-1901 )
 Cadogan, Francis Charles
 Cadogan, Gerald Oakley, 6th Ear ( 1900 )
Cadogan, William George Sydney ( 1899-1902 )
 Cairns, Wilfred Dallas, 4th Ear ( 1902 )
 Cambridge, Adolphus Charles, 1s ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus ( 1899-1902 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Cameron, Archibald Rice ( 1899-1902 )
 Cameron, Cyril St. Clair ( 1900-1901 )
 Cameron, Donald Walter, of Loch ( 1899-1902 ), and was severely wounded at the Battle of Belmont
 Cameron, John Ewen ( 1899-1902 )
Cameron, William Henry Veitch
 Cameron-Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, H ( 1900 ), he received a medal with two clasps
 Campbell, Archibald ( 1900 )
 Campbell, David Graham Muschet ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Campbell, Duncan ( 1900-1902 )
Campbell, Ernest George
Campbell, Ian Alastair
 Campbell, Ivan ( 1900-1901 )
Campbell, James Colin
 Campbell, John Bruce Stuart, 2n, with the Australian Forces
 Campbell, John Vaughan, V.C. ( 1899-1902 )
Campbell, Lauchlan Colin
 Campbell, Ralph Alexander ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Campbell, Walter ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Campbell, William, where he was severely wounded
 Campbell, William Robinson ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioed in despatches
 Campbell-Orde, Arthur John, 4th
Campion, Charles
 Capell Brooke, Arthur Richard, ( 1902 )
 Capell, Algernon Essex ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Capell, Arthur George Coningsb ( 1902 )
 Carden, Alexander, serving with the City Imperial Volunteers
 Carden, Frederick Henry Walter ( 1899-1900 )
 Carden, Henry Charles ( 1899-1901 )
 Carden, John ( 1901-1902 )
 Carington, Rupert Clement Geor ( 1901-1902 )
 Carleton, Dudley Massey Pigott ( 1899-1900 )
 Carleton, Frederick Montgomeri, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Carlyon, Geoffrey ( 1899-1900 )
 Carmichael-Anstruther, Hugh Jo
 Carnegie, Robert Francis ( 1899-1901 ), where he was wounded twice, and was mentioned in desptaches twice
 Carroll, John William Vincent ( 1899-1901 ), in Mounted Infantry
 Carson, William Henry Lambert ( 1899-1902 )
 Cary, Lucius Plantagenet, 13th ( 1900-1902 )
 Casement, Roger
 Casement, William
 Cathcart, Augustus Ernest ( 1900-1902 )
 Cathcart, Frederick Adrian
Cathcart, Reginald
 Cathcart, William Harold
 Cavaye, William Frederick ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Alfred Edward John ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish, Charles Compton Wil
Cavendish, Charles William Hug
 Cavendish, Frederick William L ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Cavendish, Henry Sheppard Hart ( 1899-1902 )
Cavendish, John Spencer ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Charles ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Cavendish-Bentinck, Henry ( 1899-1900 )
 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Au ( 1899-1900 )
Cawley, John Stephen ( 1902 )
 Cawley, Robert Hugh, 2nd Baron
 Cayley, Douglas Edward ( 1900-1902 )
 Cayley, Walter de Sausmarez ( 1901-1902 )
 Cayzer, John Sanders ( 1899-1900 )
 Cecil, Ean Francis
 Chaloner, Claudius Willoughby ( 1901-1902 )
Chaloner, Richard Alexander
Chaloner, Richard Godolphin Hu
 Chaloner, Richard Godolphin Wa ( 1900 )
 Charley, Harold Richard
 Charteris, Nigel Keppel, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Charteris, Richard Butler
 Charteris, Ronald Louis
 Chavasse, Henry ( 1900-1901 )
 Chaytor, D'Arcy ( 1899-1901 )
 Chaytor, Edward Walter Clervau ( 1900-1902 ), where he was severely wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Chester-Master, Richard Cheste ( 1899-1902 )
 Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chetwood-Aiken, Harold Freelan
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Bryan Henr ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chetwynd-Stapylton, Granville ( 1900-1902 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Charles Flemi ( 1900-1902 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Frederick Gil ( 1900-1902 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Cheyne, William Watson, of Leag ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned din despatches
 Chichester, Alan George ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chichester, Arthur Claud Spenc ( 1902 )
 Chichester, Edward George, 10th
 Chichester, Edward, 9th Bt. ( 1900-1901 )
 Chichester, Reginald de Blaqui ( 1900-1902 )
 Chichester, Robert Peel Dawson ( 1899-1901 )
 Childers, Robert Erskine, with the Honourable Artillery Company (City Imperial Volunteers Battery)
 Cholmeley, Montague Aubrey Row ( 1899-1902 )
 Cholmondeley, George Horatio C ( 1899-1901 ), as a Railway Staff Officer
 Cholmondeley, Henry Reginald ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cholmondeley, Hugh Cecil ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Christian, Everard George Curw
 Christian, Ewan, with Rimington's Scouts
 Christian, Ewan
 Christian, Francis Edward
 Christian, George Mellor, in the Prince of Wales' Cape Mounted Infantry
 Christian, Harold Basil, with the Imperial Light Horse
 Churchward, Paul Rycaut Stanbu ( 1899-1902 )
 Clark, James Richardson Andrew ( 1902 )
 Clarke, Marshal Falconer
 Clay, Gerard Arden, where he was wounded twice
Clayton, Harold Robert
 Clayton, Henry Edward Gilbert ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Clayton, Kenrick Edward ( 1901-1902 )
 Clegg-Hill, Arthur Reginald
 Clegg-Hill, Charles Rowland, 6t ( 1899-1902 ), and was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Clegg-Hill, Gerald Spencer ( 1900-1902 )
 Clementi-Smith, Hubert
 Clements, Charles, 5th Earl of ( 1900-1902 )
 Clerk, George Douglas, of Penic
 Clifford, Everard Louis Hugh ( 1900 )
Clifford, Henry Frederick Hugh ( 1899-1902 )
 Clifton, Charles Caryl
 Clifton, Cuthbert
 Clifton, Harry Arthur ( 1899-1902 ), with Bethune's Horse
Close-Brooks, John Charles ( 1900 )
 Coats, Andrew ( 1899-1901 ), with the Glasgow Yeomanry
 Cobbe, Henry Hercules ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Ba, where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Cochrane, John Ernest Charles ( 1902 )
 Cochrane, Robert Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cochrane, Thomas Horatio Arthu ( 1900-1901 )
 Cockburn, James Stanhope, of th
 Cockburn, William Alexander Cr
 Coddington, Hubert John
 Codrington, Alfred Edward
 Codrington, William Robert, 6th ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Coke, Edward ( 1900-1902 )
 Coke, John Spencer ( 1902 )
 Coke, Reginald Grey ( 1901-1902 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Coke, Richard ( 1899-1902 )
 Coke, Thomas William, 3rd Earl ( 1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coke, Thomas William, 4th Earl ( 1902 )
 Colborne, Francis Lionel Lydst ( 1900 )
 Colborne-Vivian, James Ulysses ( 1899-1902 )
 Cole, Arthur Willoughby George ( 1901 )
 Cole, Galbraith Lowry Egerton
 Cole, John Henry Michael, 5th E
 Cole, Reginald Berkeley ( 1900 )
 Cole-Hamilton, Claud George ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cole-Hamilton, Henry Arthur ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Cole-Hamilton, William Andrew ( 1901 )
 Cole-Hamilton, William Moore ( 1901-1902 )
 Colston, Edward Murray, 2nd Bar ( 1901-1902 ), Where he was wounded
 Colville, Arthur Eward William ( 1899-1903 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Compton, Alwyne Frederick ( 1900 )
 Compton, Douglas James Cecil ( 1899-1902 )
 Conant, Harry Charles, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Congreve, John ( 1899-1902 )
 Conolly, Edward Michael ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Conolly, Thomas
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Walte
 Conyngham, Victor George Henry ( 1902 )
 Cooke-Collis, William ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cooke-Collis, William James No, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cooper, Arthur Hamilton ( 1901-1902 )
 Cooper, Austin Samuel, with 22nd Cheshire Regiment
 Cooper, Edward Joshua ( 1899-1902 )
 Cooper, Francis Edward
 Cooper, Richard Joshua ( 1900 ), as a Railway Staff Officer
 Corballis, James Frederick Jos
 Corbally Stourton, Edward Plan ( 1900-1902 )
 Corbet, Bertram D'Avenant ( 1899-1900 )
 Cornwallis-West, George Freder
 Cotton, Ronald Egerton ( 1900-1901 )
 Coventry, Leslie Corbet ( 1900-1901 )
 Crabbe, Arthur Bington
 Craig, James, 1st Viscount Crai ( 1900-1902 )
 Craske, John ( 1900-1901 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Craufurd, Robert Quentin ( 1899-1902 )
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Craven, Arthur Julius ( 1899-1902 )
 Craven, Edmund Cecil Codringto ( 1901-1902 )
 Craven, Rupert Cecil ( 1900-1902 )
Crawshay, Mervyn
 Creagh, James Nagle
 Creagh, John ( 1899-1901 ), with the Lincolnshire Regiment
 Creagh, William
 Crewe, Charles Preston ( 1900-1902 )
 Crichton, Charles William Harr ( 1899-1900 )
 Crichton, George Arthur Charle ( 1900-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Crichton, Henry William, Viscou ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crichton, Hubert Francis ( 1902 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Crichton, James Archibald ( 1901-1902 )
 Crichton, Richard Edward ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was severely wounded
 Croft, Richard Page ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Crofton, Cyril Randell ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Crofton, Geoffrey Hugh Schenle ( 1900 )
Crofton, Henry William George
 Crofton, John ffolliott Freder ( 1900-1901 )
 Crofton, Malby ( 1901-1902 )
 Crofton, Malby Edward ( 1899-1900 ), where he was wounded
 Crofton, Morgan George, 6th Bt. ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Crooke-Lawless, Warren Rowland, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Crosbie, Fitzgeorge Bateman
 Crosbie, Henry ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Crossley, Savile Brinton, 1st B ( 1899-1901 )
 Crozier, Baptist Barton ( 1899-1900 )
 Cummins, Henry Alfred ( 1899-1901 )
 Cuninghame, Boyd Alexander
 Cuninghame, Francis George Gle ( 1899-1900 ), where he was wounded
 Cunliffe, John Brooke ( 1900 )
Currey, John Badnall
 Curtis, Edgar Francis Egerton, ( 1900 ), with Strathcona's Horse
 Curtis, Reginald Salmond
 Curtis, Spencer Carey ( 1900 )
 Curtis, Timothy Herbert Willia ( 1901 )
 Curzon, Ernest Charles Penn ( 1899-1901 )
 Curzon, FitzRoy Edmund Penn ( 1900-1902 )
 Curzon, Robert Nathaniel Cecil ( 1900-1901 )
 Cusack-Smith, Guy Henry Charle
D'Arcy, Matthew Stephen Rodolp
 D'Oyly, Warren Hastings ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dalrymple, John James, 12th Ear ( 1900-1902 )
Dalrymple-Fergusson, Gilbert C
 Dalrymple-White, Godfrey Dalry ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Daly, Arthur Crawford, where he was severely wounded
 Dalzell, Arthur Edward, 13th Ea
 Daniell, Frank William ( 1900-1902 )
 Darell, William Harry Verelst ( 1899-1902 )
 Dashwood, Edmund William, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Davidson, Charles John Lloyd ( 1899-1902 )
Davis-Goff, William Ernest, in Bethune's Mounted Infantry
 Davson, Harry Miller
 Dawnay, Guy Payan ( 1899-1902 )
 Dawnay, Hugh ( 1899-1900 )
 Dawnay, Hugh Richard, 8th Visco ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Dawnay, John, 9th Viscount Down ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Deane-Morgan, Hamilton Robert ( 1900 )
 Deedes, Charles Parker ( 1901-1902 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Deedes, Herbert William ( 1902 )
 Denman, Thomas, 3rd Baron Denma ( 1900-1901 ), where he was wounded
 Dennis, John Tracton ( Feb 1900 ), and was wounded at Hart's Hill
 Dennis, Meade James Crosbie ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Denny, William Alfred Charles ( 1899-1900 ), with the Natal Field Force, where he was wounded three times, and was mentioned in despatches
 Dering, Henry Edward, 10th Bt.
Devereux, Rodney Talbot ( 1900 )
Dewar, Edward John
 Dewar-Durie, Robert Nugent ( 1899-1901 ), with 35th Company Imperial Yeomany, General Rundle's Division
 Dick-Cunyngham, George Alastai ( 1900-1902 )
 Dick-Cunyngham, James Keith ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dick-Cunyngham, Robert Henry ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dick-Cunyngham, William Stewar ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Dickson, Barrington Blomfield
 Dickson-Poynder, John Poynder, ( 1900-1901 )
 Digby, George Hugh ( 1901-1902 )
 Digby, Henry Montagu ( 1900-1902 )
 Digby, Lionel William John
 Dignan, Gordon
 Dill, John Greer ( 1901-1902 )
 Dill, Richard Moore Colquhoun
Dillon, Charles Henry
 Dillon, Constantine Theobald F ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Dillon, Eric FitzGerald, 19th V ( 1900-1901 )
 Dillon, Henry Mountifort ( 1900 )
 Dixon, Herbert, 1st Baron Glent ( 1901-1902 )
 Dobbin, George Oliver
 Dobbs, Richard Conway ( 1899-1902 )
 Dodd, Walter
 Domvile, Archibald Compton Win
 Domvile, Beauchamp Victor Sant ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Domvile, Compton Edward
 Dorman, John Cotter ( 1899-1902 )
 Dormer, Edward Henry ( 1900 )
 Dorrien-Smith, Arthur Algernon ( 1900-1902 )
 Dorrien-Smith, Edward Pendarve ( 1899-1902 )
Douglas, Frank
 Douglas, William Charles, 5th o ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Douglas-Hamilton, Kenneth Aubr ( 1900 )
Douglas-Hamilton, Lesley Regin
 Douglas-Pennant, Archibald ( 1901 ), he was mentioned in depatches and wounded
Douglas-Pennant, Charles ( 1899-1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Douglas-Pennant, Frank, 5th Bar, with the King's Royal Rifle Corps
Douglas-Pennant, George Henry ( 1900-1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Doyle, Arthur Havelock James, 4 ( 1900-1902 )
 Drummond, Cyril Augustus
 Drummond, Eustace Harvey
 Drummond, John Ian Edward, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Drummond, Laurence George, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Drummond, Maurice Charles Andr, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Drummond-Hay, John Tudor
Drury-Lowe, William Drury ( 1901-1902 )
 Dugan, Winston Joseph, 1st and ( 1899-1902 )
 Duke, Edward, 2nd Baron Merriva ( 1900-1902 )
 Dunbar, James Brander, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Duncombe, Hubert Ernest Valent
 Duncombe-Anderson, Wilfred Art
 Dundas, George Heneage Lawrenc ( 1900-1902 )
 Dundas, Richard Serle, with Canadian Forces
 Duntze, George Puxley, 5th Bt. ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Durand, Henry Marion ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dutton, James Huntly, 6th Baron ( 1899-1902 )
 Eagar, Edward Boaz
 Eardley-Wilmot, John, 4th Bt. ( 1902 )
 Earle, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and was severely wounded at the Modder River
 Eden, Algernon Graham ( 1901-1902 )
 Eden, Morton Frederic ( 1900-1901 )
 Eden, Schomberg Henley ( 1901-1902 )
 Edgcumbe, Piers Alexander Hami
 Edwardes, Hugh, 6th Baron Kensi ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Edwardes, William, 5th Baron Ke
 Egerton, Arthur Frederick ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Egerton, Frederick Greville
 Egerton, John Francis Granvill ( 1900 )
 Egerton, Wilfred Charles Willi ( 1900-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Egerton, Wilfrid Allen ( 1899-1900 ), with the Naval Brigade
 Egerton-Warburton, Peter Augus ( 1899-1902 )
 Eliot, Arthur Ernest Henry ( 1900-1901 )
 Eliott, Francis Augustus Heath ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Eliott, Gerald Otho Rousski
 Eliott-Drake-Colborne, John Re
 Ellershaw, Edward ( 1901-1902 )
 Elliot, Gilbert Augustus ( 1899-1900 )
 Elliot, Ninian Lewis ( 1900 ), in the Imperial Yeomanry
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, John ( 1900-1901 ), where he was severely wounded
 Ellis, Gerald Montagu Augustus ( 1899-1900 ), where he was wounded
 Elphinstone, Alexander Logie, o
 Erskine, James Francis
 Erskine, Ronald Douglas Stuart ( 1900-1902 )
 Erskine-Murray, Arthur
 Esdaile, Percy Charles
 Esmonde, Laurence Grattan, 13th ( 1899-1902 )
Eustace, Alexander Rowland
 Eustace, Francis John William ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches several times
 Eustace, Henry Montague ( 1899-1902 )
Eustace, John Spottiswoode
Evans-Freke, Cecil Montague
 Evans-Freke, Percy Cecil ( 1900-1901 )
Evelyn, John Harcourt Chichest, with 13th Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry
Exshaw, Alfred
 Eyre, Colin Douglas ( 1901-1902 )
 Eyre, Richard Gerald
 Eyre, Robert ( 1899-1902 )
Eyre, Vincent Thomas Joseph
Fagan, Christopher George Felt ( 1899-1900 )
 Fairbairn, George
 Fairfax, Bryan Charles ( 1902 )
 Farquhar, FitzRoy James Wilber ( 1900-1902 )
 Farquhar, Francis Douglas ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Feilden, Henry Wemyss ( 1900-1901 )
 Feilden, Randle Montague ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Feilden, Rodolph ( 1900-1901 )
 Feilden, Wemyss Gawne Cunningh ( 1899-1902 )
 Feilden, William Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1900 )
 Feilding, Basil George Edward, as a chaplain
 Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynn ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Fellowes, Navarino Bulwer
 Ferguson Davie, Francis Andrew
 Ferguson, Spencer Charles ( 1899-1900 )
 Fergusson, James Andrew, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Fergusson-Buchanan, George Jam
Fetherstonhaugh, Edwyn
 Fetherstonhaugh, Richard Steel
Finch, Heneage Greville, Lord G ( 1901 ), by serving at St. Helena
 Finch, William Robert Edward H ( 1900-1901 )
 Finch-Hatton, Edward Heneage ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Fisher, Arthur Alexander
Fisher, John Francis
Fitz-Clarence, Charles, V.C. ( 1899-1901 )
 Fitz-Clarence, Geoffrey George ( 1899-1902 )
 Fitz-Clarence, Harold Edward ( 1900-1901 )
 Fitz-Clarence, Lionel Ashley A ( 1899-1902 ), with the Cape Mounted Rifles
 FitzGerald, Brinsley John Hami, as Aide-de-Camp to Viscount French
 FitzGerald, Percy Desmond ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches four times
 FitzGerald, Peter Francis ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 FitzHerbert, Arthur Geoffrey M ( 1901-1902 ), with the New Zealand contingent
 FitzHerbert, Norman ( 1900-1901 )
 FitzRoy, Ronald Hugh
 FitzRoy, Victor Robert Charles
 Fitzalan-Howard, Edmund Bernar ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fitzalan-Howard, Henry, 15th Du ( 1900 )
 Fitzgerald, Cecil Henry, with Strathcona Horse
 Fitzgerald, Ormonde Edward, with Lumsden's Horse
 Fitzherbert, Basil John ( 1900-1902 )
 Fitzherbert, Thomas Charles ( 1900-1902 )
 Fitzherbert-Stafford, Francis ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice Swynfen ( 1899-1901 )
 Fitzmaurice, Robert ( 1898-1901 )
 Fitzwilliam, William Charles d ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Fitzwilliams, William Logie Ll
 Fleetwood-Hesketh, Charles Hes ( 1900 )
 Fleming-Hamilton, William Malc
 Fletcher-Vane, Francis Patrick ( 1899-1902 )
 Floyd, Henry Robert Peel, 4th B ( 1899-1900 )
 Foley, Algernon Campbell
 Foley, Frank Wigram
 Foljambe, Arthur William de Br ( 1901-1902 )
 Forbes, Bernard Arthur William ( 1900-1902 )
 Forbes, Donald Alexander ( 1901-1902 )
 Forbes, James Stewart
 Forbes, Ronald Ferdinande ( 1900-1902 )
 Forbes-Leith, Charles Rosedew, ( 1900 )
 Forbes-Leith, Percy
 Forbes-Sempill, John, 18th Lord ( 1901-1902 ), where he was severely wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Forestier Walker, George Towns ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fortescue, Charles Edmund
 Fortescue, Charles Granville ( 1899-1902 )
 Fortescue, Francis Alexander ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Fortescue, Lionel Henry Dudley
 Forward-Howard, Ralph Francis,
 Forwood, Talbot Brittain ( 1901-1902 )
 Foster, Raymond Charles ( 1899-1902 )
 Fowke, Gustavus Henry Spencer ( 1900-1902 )
 Fowler, John Sharman, in the South Africa Field Force, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fox-Strangways, Theodore Steph ( 1899-1900 )
 Frankland, Arthur Pelham ( 1899-1901 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Frankland, Frederick William F ( 1899-1900 )
Frankland, Robert Cecil Colvil ( 1899-1901 )
Frankland, Thomas Hugh Colvill ( 1899-1902 )
Franks, George Despard ( 1898-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fraser, Alastair Norman
 Fraser, Alastair Thomas Joseph
Fraser, Hugh Joseph
 Fraser, Simon Joseph, 14th Lord, with Lovat Scouts, which he raised and commanded
 Frederick, Edward Boscawen, 9th ( 1899-1902 )
Freeman-Mitford, Clement Bertr ( 1900-1901 ), where he was severely wounded
 Freeman-Mitford, David Bertram ( 1900-1902 ), where he was dangerously wounded
 Fremantle, Francis Edward ( 1899-1900 )
 Fremantle, John Morton ( 1900-1902 )
 French, Charles John
 French, George Arthur ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 French, Herbert Cumming ( 1901-1902 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches four times
 French, John Poyntz ( 1899-1901 ), with 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles
 Frewen-Laton, Stephen
 Furnell, Michael John ( 1899-1902 )
 Gage, James Seton Drummond, including the defence of Ladysmith
 Gage, Moreton Foley ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gage, Æella Molyneux Berkeley ( 1899-1900 )
 Gallwey, Edmond Joseph ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Gallwey, Henry
 Gallwey, Thomas Joseph ( 1898-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gallwey, William John ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded and became a POW of the Boers
 Garsia, Herbert George Anderso ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Arthur William
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Edward Herbert ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward H
 Gason, Major George Houghton
 Gatacre, William Edward ( 1899-1900 )
 Gathorne-Hardy, Geoffrey Malco
 Gathorne-Hardy, John Francis ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gathorne-Hardy, Nigel Charles
 Geddes, Auckland Campbell, 1st ( 1901-1902 )
 Gellibrand, John
 Gethin, Frederic Durrant Scott ( 1900-1902 )
Gethin, Henry Richard
 Gethin, Percy Addison Hayward ( 1899-1902 ), with the Intelligence Department
Gethin, Reginald Owen
 Gethin, Richard Charles Percy, ( 1900-1902 )
 Gethin, Richard Walter St. Law ( 1899-1901 )
 Gibbon, Charles Monk ( 1899-1902 )
 Gibbons, Alexander Doran, 7th B ( 1899-1902 )
 Gibbs, George Abraham, 1st Baro
 Gibbs, John Evelyn, where he won a medal with three clasps
 Gibbs, William ( 1901-1902 ), where he won a medal with five clasps
 Gibson, Ernest Victor ( 1900-1902 )
Gibson, Lewis Henry
Gibson-Craig, Robert James
 Gilliat, John Babington ( 1900-1901 )
 Gillman, Webb ( 1899-1900 )
 Gilmour, John, of Lundin and Mo ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfre
 Glyn, Arthur St. Leger ( 1899-1900 )
 Glyn, Frederic, 4th Baron Wolve ( 1900 )
 Glyn, Geoffrey Carr ( 1900-1902 )
 Glyn, Richard FitzGerald, 4th/8 ( 1899-1902 )
 Godley, Alexander John ( 1899-1901 )
 Godley, Francis Clements
 Godley, Richard Shearman ( 1899-1901 ), where he was wounded
 Goff, Algernon Hamilton Stannu ( 1900 )
 Goff, Gerald Lionel Joseph ( 1899 )
 Goff, Lionel Trevor ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Goldinger, Isaac, in the Zeerust Commando
 Goold-Adams, Hamilton John, where he was mentioned in despatches
Gordon, Alister Fraser
 Gordon, Charles Gerald ( 1899-1902 )
 Gordon, Francis Lewis Rawson
 Gordon, Granville Cecil Dougla
 Gordon, Laurence George Frank, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon, William Alexander ( 1900-1901 )
 Gordon, William Maurice ( 1900-1902 ), in the London Scottish
 Gordon-Cumming, Walter Frederi ( 1899-1902 )
Gordon-Duff, Lachlan ( 1899-1902 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Algernon Charle ( 1900-1901 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 7 ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 8 ( 1899-1900 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Esmé Charles ( 1900-1902 )
 Gore, Arthur Charles ( 1900-1902 )
 Gore, Arthur Jocelyn Charles, 6 ( 1900 ), where he was made Brevet, and won a medal with four clasps
 Gore, Frederick George ( 1900 ), where he won medals with clasps
 Gore, St. John Corbet
 Gore, Staveley Napier
 Gore-Booth, Douglas Bloomfield
 Goring, Alan ( 1901-1902 )
 Goring, Forster Gurney, 12th Bt ( 1900-1902 )
 Goring, Walter ( 1899-1902 )
 Goschen, Arthur Alec
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer ( 1892-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was severely wounded
 Gough, John Edmund, V.C. ( 1899-1902 )
 Graham, Douglas Beresford Mali
 Graham, James, 6th Duke of Mont
 Graham, Reginald Guy, 9th Bt. ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Grant, Arthur, of Monymusk, 10t, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grant, Charles John Cecil ( 1899-1902 )
 Grant, Josceline Charles Henry ( 1899-1902 )
 Grant, Percy Frere ( 1899-1902 )
 Grant, Robert Francis Sydney ( 1899-1902 )
Grant, Robert Josceline
 Grant, William Douglas
 Grant, William Lowther ( 1899-1900 )
 Grant-Suttie, George Donald
 Grattan, O'Donnel Colley ( 1899-1900 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Gray, Lonsdale Richard Douglas
 Green-Price, Geoffrey Cecil ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Green-Price, Robert Henry, 3rd ( 1900-1901 )
 Greenly, Walter Howorth ( 1899-1902 )
 Greenwell, Aynsley Eyre ( 1900-1902 )
 Greenwell, Bernard Eyre, 2nd Bt ( 1900-1901 )
 Greer, Frederick Augustus
 Gregory-Hood, Charles Hugh ( 1899-1900 )
Grenfell, Claude George
Grenfell, Francis Octavius, V.C ( 1902 )
 Grenfell, Harold Maxwell ( 1899-1902 )
 Grenfell, John Pascoe
 Greville, Leopold Guy Francis ( 1899-1901 )
 Grey, Raleigh ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Grierson, Alexander Davidson, o
 Grosvenor, Arthur Hugh ( 1900-1901 )
 Grosvenor, Gerald Richard ( 1900 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Grosvenor, Gilbert ( 1900-1902 )
 Grosvenor, Hugh Richard Arthur ( 1900-1901 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Grosvenor, Hugh, 2nd Baron Stal ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Grosvenor, Robert Victor, 3rd B ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Grover, Alban Gerald
 Grover, Henry Chapyln ( 1901 )
Grover, Percival Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guest, Christian Henry Charles ( 1900-1902 )
 Guest, Frederick Edward ( 1901-1902 )
 Guest, Ivor Churchill, 1st Visc ( 1900 )
 Guinness, Charles Davis ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guinness, Eustace
 Guinness, Henry William Newton ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guinness, Rupert Edward Cecil, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guinness, Walter Edward, 1st Ba ( 1900-1901 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Guinness, William Ernest ( 1901 )
 Guise, Christopher Dering ( 1900-1902 )
 Gunning, Charles Archibald Joh ( 1900 )
 Gunning, Charles Vere, 7th Bt., where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gunning, Henry Ross ( 1899 ), where he was wounded
Gunning, Robert Henry ( 1899 )
 Gunter, Robert Benyon Nevill, 2, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gurdon, Bertram Francis, 2nd Ba ( 1901-1902 )
 Gutch, Wilfrid ( 1900-1902 )
 Hackett, Robert Isaac Dalby
 Hackett, Thomas Dalby Hutcheso ( 1902 )
 Haden-Guest, Leslie, 1st Baron ( 1900 ), as a civil surgeon
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Haldane, James Aylmer Lowthorp ( 1899-1900 ), where he was severely wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
Haldane, James Oswald
 Hall, Charles Henry Edward ( 1901-1902 )
 Hall, Francis Henry ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Hall, Henry Thomas ( 1900-1901 )
Hall, Rupert Henry
 Halsey, Arthur, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Halsey, Lionel ( 1899-1900 )
Hambro, Norman Joachim
 Hambro, Percival Otway ( 1899-1901 )
 Hamer, James
 Hamilton, Bruce Meade
 Hamilton, Francis Alexander Ch ( 1899-1902 )
 Hamilton, Frank
 Hamilton, Frederick Arthur
 Hamilton, Gilbert Claud ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton, Hubert Ion Wetherall, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Hamilton, Leslie d'Henin ( 1899-1902 )
 Hamilton, Robert Carodoc, of Si
 Hamilton-Gordon, Alexander ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hamilton-Gordon, Ernest Arthur ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton-Russell, Arthur ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and wounded
 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Fre ( 1900-1901 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches twice9
 Hanbury-Tracy, Algernon Henry ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hanbury-Tracy, Eric Thomas Hen ( 1899-1902 )
Hankey, Hugh Martin Alers ( 1899-1900 ), with Mounted Infantry
 Hannay, Ormelie Campbell
 Harbord, Charles, 6th Baron Suf ( 1900 )
 Harbord, Edward Ralph ( 1900 )
 Harbord, Harbord ( 1900-1901 )
Harbord, Horatio
 Harbord, Maurice Assheton ( 1899-1902 )
 Hare, Edward Philip Leigh ( 1902 )
 Hare, Richard Granville, 4th Ea ( 1900-1901 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Hare, Robert William ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hare, Thomas Leigh, 1st Bt. ( 1901 )
 Harington, John ( 1899-1902 )
 Harington-Stuart, Robert Edwar
 Harmood-Banner, Harmood, 2nd Bt ( 1901-1902 )
Harold-Barry, William John, with the Royal Munster Fusiliers
 Harper, Reginald Tristram ( 1900 )
 Harris, Alfred Frederick Willi ( 1899-1900 )
 Harris, Alfred Frederick Willi ( 1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Harris, George Robert Canning, ( 1900-1901 )
 Harris, George Temple James ( 1899-1900 )
 Harrison, James Molyneux
 Hartley, Edmund Baron, V.C. ( 1899-1902 )
 Hartwell, Brodrick Cecil Denha ( 1900 )
Harvey, Charles Bateson
 Harvey, Crosbie Charles ( 1899-1902 )
 Haughton, Henry Wilfred
 Hawkins, Charles Francis ( 1901-1902 )
 Hawkins, Cyril Cæsar, with 1st Imperial Light Horse (and was severely wounded)
 Hay, Archibald, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hay, Charles Gore, 20th Earl of
 Hay, James
 Hay, James Douglas
 Hay-Newton, Stuart
 Hazlerigg, Greville ( 1900-1901 )
 Hazlerigg, Thomas ( 1900-1901 )
 Heath, Edward Kermode
 Heathcote, John Robert Campbel ( 1902 )
 Heathcote, William ( 1900-1902 )
 Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, ( 1899-1902 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Charles Henry Br ( 1899-1902 )
 Henderson, Lachlan Macalister ( 1899-1902 ), with the 5th Imperial Bushmen
 Henderson, Robert Henderson, with Steineacker's Horse
 Heneage, George Edward, 2nd Bar ( 1902 )
 Henley, Anthony Morton, with Compton's Horse and Royal Scots Guards
 Hennessy, George Richard James
 Hennessy, Richard ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Henniker, Alan ( 1899-1902 )
 Henniker-Heaton, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1900-1901 )
 Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis ( 1899-1900 )
 Herbert, Arthur Frederick ( 1900 )
Herbert, Auberon Thomas, 9th Ba ( 1900-1902 ), as a war correspondant, and was wounded
 Herbert, Edward William ( 1902 )
 Herbert, Ivor John Caradoc, 1st ( 1899-1901 )
 Heriot-Maitland, James Dalglei, where he was mentioned in despatches and was severely wounded
 Heriot-Maitland, John Campbell
 Hermon-Hodge, Roland Herman, 2n ( 1900-1902 )
 Hervey-Bathurst, Bertrand Elwe ( 1901-1902 )
 Hervey-Bathurst, Frederick Edw ( 1899-1900 ), and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Heseltine, John Edward Norfor ( 1899-1900 )
 Hewitt, Dudley Riddiford
 Hewitt, Evelyn James, 7th Visco ( 1902 )
 Heygate, Robert Henry Gage
 Heywood, Bertram Charles Perci ( 1900-1901 )
 Heywood, Cecil Percival ( 1900-1902 )
 Hibbert, Washington Charles Th
 Hickman, Thomas Edgecumbe ( 1899-1902 )
 Hill, Arthur
 Hill, Henry Alan
 Hill, John Francis ( 1902 )
 Hill, John Kenyon ( 1900-1902 )
 Hill-Trevor, Marcus Richard
Hill-Trevor, Nevill Windsor
 Hobart, Claud Vere Cavendish, 2 ( 1899-1900 )
 Hodges, Michael Henry ( 1899-1900 )
 Hodgins, Arthur E.
 Hodson, Gerald Lord
 Hogg, Douglas McGarel, 1st Visc ( 1900-1901 )
 Hogg, Ian Graham
 Holford, William George ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Holland, Lancelot ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Holland, Stuart Lund, 2nd Baron ( 1901-1902 )
Holmes à Court, Arthur Worsley ( 1899-1901 ), with Strathcona's Horse
 Holmes à Court, Leonard, 4th Ba ( 1900-1901 )
 Holmes à Court, Rupert Edward ( 1900-1902 )
 Holt-Wilson, Eric Edward Boket ( 1899-1902 )
 Hood, Alexander Nelson, with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Hood, Grosvenor Arthur Alexand ( 1900-1902 )
 Hood, Neville Albert ( 1900-1902 )
 Hope, Adrian Lewis
 Hope, Douglas Edmund
 Hope, John Augustus, of Craigha
 Hope, Lewis Anstruther
 Hope, Lucius Charles
 Hope-Dunbar, Charles Dunbar, of
 Hopwood, Alfred Henry ( 1901-1902 )
 Hordern, Arthur Venables Calve
 Hordern, Charles ( 1900-1902 )
 Hordern, Gwyn Venables ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hore-Ruthven, Christian Malise ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hore-Ruthven, Philip James Les ( 1901-1902 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Walter Patrick, 1 ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Horne, Henry Sinclair, 1st and ( 1899-1902 )
 Horsley-Beresford, Henry Willi ( 1901-1902 )
 Horsley-Beresford, William Art ( 1899-1900 )
 Hoskyns, Peyton
 Hotham, William Montagu
 Houldsworth, Henry Hamilton, 2n ( 1900-1901 )
 Houstoun-Boswall, George Regin ( 1900-1902 )
 Howard, Charles Alfred ( 1900-1901 )
 Howard, Charles James Stanley, ( 1902 )
 Howard, Esme William, 1st Baron ( 1900 ), as a trooper
 Howard, Francis ( 1899-1900 )
Howard, Michael Francis Staffo
 Hubbard, John Francis ( 1900-1902 )
 Hughes, Frederic St. John ( 1899-1900 )
 Hughes-Onslow, Constantine Hen ( 1899-1900 )
Hulse, Charles Westrow
 Hulse, Edward Henry, 6th Bt. ( 1900-1902 )
 Hume, Hugh Bliss Torriano ( 1902 )
 Hungerford, Richard Geoffrey S
 Hunter Blair, Gilbert Wauchope ( 1901 ), with the Ceylon contingent
 Hunter Blair, Reginald Stanley ( 1901 )
 Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27 ( 1899-1901 )
 Hutchinson, Frank
 Hutchison, Robert, 1st and last ( 1900-1902 )
 Illingworth, Percy Holden ( 1900 )
 Imbert-Terry, Claude Henry Max ( 1901-1902 )
 Ingilby, John Uchtred Macdowal ( 1899-1900 )
 Ingilby, William Henry, 4th Bt. ( 1899-1902 )
 Innes, Sydney Armitage ( 1899-1900 )
 Innes-Jones, Mostyn
 Innes-Ker, Alastair Robert
 Innes-Ker, Henry John, 8th Duke ( 1900 )
 Irby, Frederick Arthur ( 1902 )
 Jackson, Francis Stanley ( 1900-1902 )
 Jackson, George Julius, 3rd Bt. ( 1901-1902 )
 Jackson, Thomas Dare, 2nd Bt. ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 James, Philip William
 James, William Bernard ( 1902 )
 Jardine, William, of Applegirth ( 1899-1902 )
 Jebb, Gladwyn Dundas ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Jebb, Joshua Henry Miles ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Ba ( 1900-1902 )
Jenkinson, John Banks ( 1901-1902 ), with the Mounted Infantry
 Jervis, St. Leger Henry ( 1900-1902 ), where he was severely wounded and was he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Johnson, William Gillilan ( 1899-1901 )
 Johnston, Charles McGarel ( 1899-1902 )
 Johnston, George Birch
 Johnston, Thomas Kelly Evans ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Johnstone, Gilbert Lumley, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Johnstone, Montague George
 Johnstone, Robert FitzRoy Macl
 Johnstone-Scott, Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Joicey, Hugh Edward, 3rd Baron ( 1901-1902 )
 Jolliffe, Berkeley Gerald Hylt ( 1901-1902 )
 Jolliffe, Conyers Herbert ( 1899-1902 )
Jolliffe, John Cecil
 Kavanagh, Charles Toler MacMor
 Keane, John, 5th Bt. ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Keith-Falconer, Arthur George, ( 1900-1902 )
Keith-Falconer, Cecil Edward ( 1899 )
Keith-Falconer, Victor Francis
 Keith-Fraser, Hugh Craufurd ( 1899-1900 )
 Kelly, Walter Max
Kelly, William Maxwell
 Kemp, George, 1st Baron Rochdal ( 1900-1902 )
 Kennedy, Archibald, 4th Marques ( 1900-1902 ), where he won 2 medals and 5 clasps
 Kennedy, Charles, 5th Marquess ( 1900-1902 ), where he won a medal with two clasps)
 Kennedy, Humphfrey Hayes ( 1901-1902 ), where he won a medal with five clasps
 Kennedy, John Gilbert ( 1900-1902 ), where he won two medals and five clasps
 Kenyon-Slaney, Walter Rupert ( 1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Keppel, Arnold Allen Cecil, 8th ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and won a medal with four clasps
 Ker, Charles Arthur ( 1899-1901 )
 Kerr, Frederick Walter
 Kerr, Henry Francis Hobart
 Kerr-Smiley, Peter Kerr ( 1901-1902 )
 Kerrich, John Herbert
Kimber, Charles Dixon
 Kincaid, William Francis Henry ( 1899-1902 )
 King, Robert Guy Cyril ( 1899-1902 ), where he won the King's and Queen's medals
King, Walter Buchanan
 King-Hall, Herbert Goodenough ( 1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 King-Tenison, Henry Edwyn, 9th ( 1900-1902 )
 Kinloch, David Alexander, of Gi, he was mentioned in despatches
 Kitchener, Frederick Walter ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st ( 1899-1900 ), as Chief of Staff (1899-1900)
 Knatchbull, Reginald Norton ( 1899-1900 )
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Everard ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in disptaches
Knowles, Alfred Millington
 Knox, Charles Edmond ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Knox, Robert Ferguson ( 1900 )
Knox, Thomas Uchter Caulfield, ( 1902 )
 Knyvett, Frank Berners
 Lacon, George Haworth Ussher, 6 ( 1901 )
 Laing, Edward Baron
 Lakin, Michael Lawrence ( 1900 )
 Lambart, Edgar Alan ( 1901-1902 )
 Lambart, Ford Augustus Oliver ( 1899-1902 )
 Lambart, Frederick Rudolph, 10t ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lambart, Henry Godfrey Randolp
 Lambart, Horace Edward Samuel ( 1900 )
 Lambert, Frank George
 Lambert, Robert
 Lambert, William Frederick Byr
 Lambton, William ( 1899-1902 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches, and was wounded
 Langrishe, Henry Hoadly ( 1900-1901 )
 Lascelles, George Reginald ( 1899-1900 )
 Lascelles, Ronald Hastings
 Lawrence, Charles Trevor
 Lawrence, Herbert Alexander ( 1899-1902 ), and he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Le Marchant, Edward Thomas, 4th ( 1899-1900 )
 Lees, Elliott, 1st Bt. ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lees, Jean Marie Ivor, 6th Bt. ( 1899-1902 )
 Leese, Neville ( 1900-1902 )
 Legard, d'Arcy ( 1900-1902 )
Legge, Ronald George ( 1900-1901 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Legge, Thomas Charles ( 1901-1902 )
 Legge, William Kaye ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Leigh, Chandos ( 1899-1900 )
 Leighton, Bertie Edward Parker ( 1899-1902 )
 Leighton, Bryan Baldwyn Mawddd ( 1899-1902 )
 Leith, Alexander Robert ( 1899-1902 )
 Leith-Buchanan, James Macdonal ( 1901-1902 )
Lennox, Amyot Maitland Augustu
 Lenox-Conyngham, William Arbut ( 1900-1901 )
 Leslie, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1900 )
Lethbridge, Bertram Escott
 Lethbridge, Ernest Astley Edmu ( 1899-1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Lethbridge, Hugh Francis Heske
 Lethbridge, John Acland Musgra
 Leveson-Gower, Clement Edward ( 1901-1902 )
 Leveson-Gower, Philip ( 1899-1902 )
 Levinge, Richard Hugh ( 1899-1902 )
 Levy-Lawson, William Arnold We ( 1900-1901 ), where he was twice mentioned in despatches
 Lindesay-Bethune, Reginald, 12t
 Lindley, John Edward ( 1899-1900 )
 Lindsay, George Mackintosh ( 1900-1902 )
 Lindsay, Henry Edzell Morgan ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Lindsay, Michael William Howar, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lindsay, Robert Hamilton ( 1899-1900 )
 Lister, Thomas ( 1899-1902 )
 Little, Malcolm Orme, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Littleton, Algernon Edward Per ( 1899-1900 )
 Littleton, Algernon Joshua Per, with Robert's Horse
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Cecil J
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Francis
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Frederi
 Livingstone-Learmonth, John Er
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Lennox
 Livingstone-Learmonth, Maxwell
 Lloyd, Frederick Charles ( 1900-1902 )
 Loch, Edward Douglas, 2nd Baron ( 1899-1900 ), on the Staff, and where he was mentioned in dispatches and was severely wounded
 Long, Samuel Charles, where he was wounded at Ladysmith
Long, Walter, where he was wounded at Kimberley
 Long, Walter Hillyar Colquhoun ( 1880-1881 ), in charge of the besieged forces at Lydenburg
 Long, Wilfred James ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Long, William
 Long, William Edward ( 1902 ), where he was wounded
Longfield, William Mountifort
 Lowry-Corry, Adrian
 Lowry-Corry, Noel Armar ( 1899-1901 )
 Lowther, Charles Bingham, 4th B ( 1900-1901 )
 Lowther, Henry Cecil ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lubbock, Alfred Basil ( 1901-1902 )
 Lubbock, Geoffrey ( 1900-1902 )
 Lubbock, Norman ( 1900 )
 Lucas-Clements, Shuckburgh Upt ( 1901-1902 )
 Lucas-Tooth, Douglas Keith Luc, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Luce, Walter Cecil
 Lugard, Edward James ( 1899-1900 )
 Lumley, Alfred Frederick Georg ( 1900 )
 Lupton, William George
 Lushington, Arthur Patrick Dou ( 1900-1902 )
Lygon, Edward Hugh
 Lygon, Robert ( 1899-1900 ), where he was wounded
 Lyon, Henry
 Lyons, Henry Edward, 1st and la ( 1900-1902 )
Lysley, Gerard Lowther
 Lyttelton, John Cavendish, 9th ( 1901-1902 )
 Lyttelton, Neville Gerald ( 1899-1900 )
 Maberly, Charles Evan ( 1899-1900 ), where he was severely wounded at Magersfontein
 Macarthur-Onslow, Arthur John ( 1900 ), where he was wounded
Macartney, Hussey Burgh George ( 1899-1900 ), where he was wounded
 Macdonald, Kenneth Alexander, 5 ( 1899-1901 ), and he was mentioned in despatches
Macdougall, John Patrick
 Mackenzie, Allan James Reginal
 Mackenzie, Keith Douglas
 Mackintosh, Duncan Alexander E ( 1900-1902 )
Mackworth, Digby
 Mackworth, Harry Llewellyn, 8th ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Mackworth, Humphrey, 7th Bt.
Maclachlan, Donald
 Maclaine, Kenneth Douglas Lorn
 Maclean, Hector Fitzroy
 Maclean, Henry Donald Neil
Maclean, John Marsham
 Macnaghten, Balfour ( 1902 )
 Macnaghten, Ernest Brander ( 1899-1902 )
 Macnaghten, Maurice Patrick ( 1899-1900 )
 Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevi ( 1899-1902 ), and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Mahon, Bryan Thomas
 Mahon, William Henry, 5th Bt. ( 1900-1902 )
 Mainwaring, Watkin Randle Kyna ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Maitland Makgill Crichton, Hen, where he was severely wounded
Maitland, Alfred Henry
 Maitland, Claud Archibald Scot ( 1900-1902 )
 Maitland, Frederick Colin, 14th, with the Imperial Yeomanry, and where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maitland, George Ramsay, 7th Bt ( 1901-1902 )
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Fre, Where he was severely wounded
 Makgill Crichton Maitland, Mar
 Makins, Ernest ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Makins, Geoffrey ( 1899-1900 )
 Malcolm, Neill ( 1899-1900 ), where he was severely wounded
 Malet, Harry Charles St. Lo, 7t, with the 8th Hussars and Cape Mounted Riflemen
 Mander, John Harold
 Manners, Robert William Orland, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Manners-Sutton, Charles Graham ( 1900-1902 )
 Manningham-Buller, Mervyn Edwa, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mansel, George Clavell ( 1899-1902 )
 Mansel, Hugh Arthur ( 1900 )
 Mansel, John Delalynde ( 1900 )
 Marjoribanks, Dudley Churchill ( 1899-1901 )
 Marling, Percival Scope, 3rd Bt ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Martin, Gerald Hamilton
Martin, William Francis
 Martin-Leake, Arthur, V.C. and ( 1899-1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches and was severely wounded
 Marwood-Elton, William ( 1899-1902 )
 Massy, Godfrey Warburton ( 1900-1901 )
 Massy, Hugh Ingoldsby
 Massy, William Richard ( 1900-1901 ), with Robert's Horse
 Matcham, William Eyre ( 1900-1902 )
 Matheson, Torquhil George, of L, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maud, Charles Carus ( 1902-1903 )
 Maude, Eustace Addison ( 1899-1902 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Maude, Frederick Stanley ( 1900-1901 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Maude, Ralph Alexander ( 1900-1901 )
 Maunsell, Cecil John Cokayne ( 1900-1902 )
 Maunsell, George William ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maunsell, Ivan O'Grady ( 1902 ), with the East Surrey Regiment
 Maxse, Frederick Ivor
 Maxwell, Arthur Kenlis, 11th Ba ( 1901-1902 )
Maxwell, Aymer Edward
 Maxwell, Henry Edward ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded at Paardeburg
 Maxwell-Heron, Basil Charles M
 Maxwell-Heron, Guy Heron
McCarthy-O'Leary, William
 McClintock, Henry Foster
 McClintock, Robert Lyle ( 1899-1902 )
McClintock-Bunbury, William
McCorquodale, Hugh Stewart
 McDonnell, Schomberg Kerr ( 1900 )
 McGrigor, Charles Rhoderic Rob
 McGrigor, William Colquhoun Gr ( 1899-1902 )
 McLaughlin, Hubert James
 McLean, Douglas Hamilton
 McMahon, Horace Westropp, 5th B ( 1899-1900 )
 McMahon, Horace Westropp, 5th B ( 1896 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was severely wounded
McMahon, Norman Reginald ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meade, Arthur Vesey, 5th Earl o ( 1900-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Meade, Edward Brabazon ( 1900 )
 Medlicott, Henry Edward, with the Irish Horse
 Mellor, James Gerald Guy ( 1901-1902 )
 Mercer Nairne Petty-FitzMauric ( 1899-1900 )
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baro ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Meyrick, Frederick Charlton, 2n ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and he was wounded
 Meyrick, Herbert Cheverton ( 1900-1901 )
 Meyrick, Rowland Francis ( 1900 )
Meyrick, St. John
 Meysey-Thompson, Richard Frede ( 1900-1902 )
 Mildmay, Francis Bingham, 1st B ( 1900 )
 Millar, Robert Hoyer
 Miller, Alexander Rowley
 Miller, George Ralph ( 1899-1901 )
 Miller, Thomas George Alexande ( 1901 )
 Miller, William Frederick, of G ( 1900-1901 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Milles, George Edward, 2nd Earl
 Milles-Lade, Henry Augustus
 Milles-Lade, Lewis Arthur, 3rd
 Milliken-Napier, Alexander Len
 Mills, Egremont John ( 1900 )
Mills, Sydney
 Milner, Edward
 Milner, George Francis ( 1899-1902 )
 Milner, Marcus Henry ( 1900-1901 )
 Minchin, Charles Frederick ( 1899-1902 ), with the South African Field Force and with Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
Minchin, Joseph Henry, with the West Australian contingent
 Minchin, Spencer Augustus
 Moir-Byres, Patric
 Moke Norrie, George Edward
 Molesworth, Edward Algernon ( 1899-1902 )
 Molesworth, Ernest Hilton
 Molesworth, Theodore Henderson ( 1900-1902 )
 Molesworth-St. Aubyn, Beville ( 1899-1901 ), with the Hampshire Infantry Yeomanry
 Molyneux, Caryl Richard ( 1899-1902 )
 Molyneux, Richard Frederick ( 1899-1900 )
 Monck, Cecil Stanley Owen ( 1899-1900 )
Monck, Charles Henry Stanley ( 1899-1902 )
 Monckton, Noel ( 1899-1902 )
 Moncreiffe, John Alexander, where he was severely wounded
 Moncreiffe, Ronald ( 1900-1902 ), on Baden Powell's staff throughout Siege of Mafeking (when not in close arrest)
 Monro, Seymour Charles Hale ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Francis
 Montagu Douglas Scott, George
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Henry F
 Montagu Douglas Scott, Herbert
 Montagu, James Drogo
 Montagu, Monthermer Stanley Hu ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Montagu, St. John Edward ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Alan R ( 1899-1900 ), where he was severely wounded and was mentioned in dispatches
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Montgomerie, John Eglinton
 Montgomery-Cuninghame, Thomas ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Montmorency, Arthur Hervé Albe
 Montmorency, Hervey Guy Franci
Montmorency, Reymond Hervey Lo
 Moon, Francis Sidney Graham, 3r ( 1902 )
 Moon, Wilfred Graham ( 1899-1902 )
Moore, Charles Ronald
 Moore, Francis ( 1901-1902 )
 Moore, Francis Cecil ( 1900-1901 )
 Mordaunt, John Francis Cumberl ( 1901-1902 )
 Mordaunt, Osbert Cautley ( 1899-1903 )
 Morgan, Courtenay Charles Evan ( 1900-1901 )
 Morris, George Henry ( 1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches
Morris, Thomas Herbert Picton
 Morrison, James Archibald ( 1899-1900 )
 Morrison-Bell, Arthur Clive, 1s ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Morrison-Bell, Ernest Fitzroy ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Morrison-Bell, Eustace Widdrin ( 1901-1902 )
 Mosley, Arthur Rowland
 Mosley, John William Paget
 Mosley, Nicholas ( 1900-1902 )
Mulkern, Henry Charles
Murray, Alastair Heneage
 Murray, Alexander Edward, 8th E ( 1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Alexander Edward, 8th E ( 1899-1900 )
 Murray, Andrew David ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Arthur Alexander Wolfe, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches twice
 Murray, Arthur Charles ( 1901-1902 )
 Murray, Cecil de Grey ( 1900 )
 Murray, Charles Gideon, 2nd Vis
Murray, Edward Oliphant
 Murray, Edward Robert, of Duner ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, George Arthur Delmé, where he won the King's and Queen's medals, with clasps
 Murray, Henry Francis Farquhar
 Murray, Malcolm Donald ( 1899-1900 )
 Murray, Robert Lithgow ( 1900-1902 ), he was wounded twice
 Murray, Rowland William ( 1901-1902 )
Napier, Basil
 Napier, Charles
 Napier, Charles Frederick Hami ( 1901-1902 )
 Napier, Frederick William Scot ( 1902 )
Napier, Henry Edward
 Napier, Henry Lenox
 Napier, John Scott ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier, William John
 Neave, Arthur Cormack
Neave, Arundell ( 1900-1902 )
 Neave, Charles Alexander ( 1899-1902 )
 Neave, Edward Arthur ( 1901-1902 )
 Neave, Richard ( 1901-1902 )
 Needham, Henry ( 1899-1900 )
 Nepean, Leonard Percyval St. V ( 1902 )
 Nesbitt, Edward Arthur
Neville, Lionel John Neville
 Neville-Grenville, Bertram
 Newland, Foster Reuss
 Nicholson, Arthur Carleton
 Nicholson, Clement Octavius Ed
 Nicholson, John Sanctuary, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nicholson, Walter Norris ( 1899-1902 )
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1 ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Noble, George John William, of ( 1900-1901 )
 Noel, Edward William Middleton
 Norman, Montagu Collet, 1st and ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Northcote, Charles Montagu ( 1900 )
 Norton-Griffiths, John, 1st Bt. ( 1900-1902 )
 Nugent, George Colborne
 Nugent, Oliver Stewart Wood ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and was dangerously wounded
 O'Brien Butler, Pierce Edmond
O'Connell, Morgan Henry
 O'Donovan, Morgan William, The ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Grady, John de Courcy ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
O'Neill, Arthur Edward Bruce ( 1899-1900 )
 Oakeley, Edward Francis ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ogilvy, Angus Howard Reginald ( 1899-1900 )
 Ogilvy, David ( 1901-1902 )
Ogilvy, David Stanley William, ( 1900 ), and was mentioned in despatches for gallantry at Modder River, and was again wounded near Brandfort
 Ogilvy, Frederick Charles Ashl
 Ogilvy, Lyulph Gilchrist Stanl ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was awarded a medal
 Oliphant, Laurence James, 9th o ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ommanney, Francis Montagu Maxw
 Onslow, George Arthur ( 1900-1901 )
 Onslow, George Thorp
 Onslow, Roger Warin Beaconsfie ( 1900-1902 )
 Onslow, William Henry ( 1900 )
Orr Ewing, James Alexander
 Orr Ewing, Norman Archibald, of ( 1899-1901 ), with the Arab Camel Corps
 Osborn, Danvers ( 1899-1900 )
 Pack-Beresford, Arthur William, he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Pack-Beresford, Charles George, he was mentioned in despatches
 Packe, Edmund Christopher ( 1899-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Paget, Albert Edward Sydney Lo ( 1899-1901 ), where he won a medal with four clasps
 Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy
 Paget, Geoffery Moore ( 1901 ), he received a medal with two clasps
 Paget, George Thomas Cavendish ( 1900-1901 ), in Paget's Horse, which he raised
 Paget, Gerald Cecil Stewart ( 1900 )
 Paget, Harold
 Paget, Roland Edward ( 1900-1902 )
 Paget, Sydney Augustus ( 1900 )
 Paget, Wellesley Lynedoch Henr ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times, and won a medal and six clasps
 Pakenham, Edward Michael ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pakenham, Harry Francis ( 1900 )
 Pakenham, Hewitt John Havelock ( 1902 )
Pakenham, Robert Edward Michae ( 1899-1902 )
Pakenham, Thomas, 5th Earl of L ( 1902 ), where he was wounded
 Pakenham, Thomas, 5th Earl of L ( 1899-1900 )
 Palairet, Charles Andrew Hamil ( 1901-1902 )
Palk, Lawrence Charles Walter ( 1901-1902 )
 Palk, Lawrence William, 3rd Bar ( 1900-1901 )
 Palmer, Lionel Hugo ( 1901-1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Palmer, Robert Henry, with Lord Strathcona's Horse regiment
 Parker, Gerald Longley ( 1900-1901 )
 Parker, Montagu Brownlow, 5th E ( 1900-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Parker-Jervis, William Swynfen ( 1899-1902 )
Parsons, William Edward, 5th Ea ( 1899-1900 )
 Pasley, Thomas Edward Sabine, 3 ( 1899-1900 ), he was mentioned in despatches twice and received a medal with three clasps
 Paulet, Augustus John Henry Be
 Paulet, Charles Standish ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Payne-Gallwey, William Thomas ( 1901-1902 )
Pechell, Mark Horace Kerr
 Peel, Edward John Russell ( 1899-1900 )
 Peel, Fergus Lister Grosvenor ( 1900-1901 )
 Peel, Robert Francis ( 1899-1902 )
 Peel, Sidney Cornwallis, 1st an ( 1900 )
 Pelham, Dudley Roger Hugh ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Pelly, Frank le Quesne
 Pelly, Henry Gerald ( 1899-1901 )
 Pelly, Raymond Theodore ( 1900-1901 )
 Pepys, Arthur Guy Leslie ( 1900-1902 )
 Perceval, Arthur William Berna ( 1899-1902 )
Perceval, Edward
 Perceval, Edward Maxwell ( 1899-1900 )
 Percy, Alan Ian, 8th Duke of No ( 1901-1902 )
 Persse, Alexander Annesley
Persse, Cecil de Burgh
 Persse, Edward Aubrey
 Persse, Richard
 Pery, Edmond Aubrey Horsley de
 Petre, Charles Bernard ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Petre, Edward Henry ( 1900-1902 )
 Petre, Henry Cecil ( 1901-1902 )
Petre, Joseph Lucius Henry
 Petty-FitzMaurice, Henry Willi ( 1900 ), as extra Aide-de-Camp to Field Marshal Earl Roberts, and was mentioned in despatches
 Philipson-Stow, Elliot Philips
Phillpotts, Louis Murray ( 1900 )
 Phipps-Hornby, Edmund John, V.C
Picton-Warlow, Wilfred
 Piers, Charles Pigott, 9th Bt. ( 1900-1901 ), he received the Queen's medal, four clasps
Pipe-Wolferstan, Humphrey Fran
 Plat Taylor, St. John Louis Hy ( 1899-1900 )
 Pleydell-Bouverie, Jacob, 6th E ( 1900 )
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow ( 1899-1902 ), in charge of the Rhodesian Field Force, where he was wounded
 Plumptre, George Beresford
 Plunkett, Arthur James Francis ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Plunkett, Edward John Morton D ( 1899-1900 )
 Pole-Carew, Reginald ( 1899-1900 )
 Pollen, Stephen Hungerford ( 1899-1900 ), he was mentioned in despatches and received a medal with six clasps
 Pomeroy Colley, Gerald Henry ( 1900-1902 )
 Pomeroy, Edmund John ( 1899-1902 )
 Pomeroy, Ernest Arthur George, ( 1900 )
 Pomeroy, Francis Knox ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Pomeroy, Ralph Legge, 8th Visco ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Ponsonby, Cyril Myles Brabazon ( 1902 )
 Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Gre ( 1901-1902 )
Ponsonby, Gerald Maurice ( 1902 )
 Ponsonby, John ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Poole, Frederick Cuthbert ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Pooley, Thomas Edward ( 1900 )
 Poore, Robert Montagu ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Poore, Roger Alvin ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Portal, Bertram Percy ( 1899-1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches and awarded the South African Medal with three clasps and the King's Medal with two clasps
Porter, Andrew Marshall
 Porteus, Donald Valpy
 Portman, Gerald Berkeley, 7th V ( 1899-1900 )
Powell, Charles Folliott Borra
 Powell, Douglas, 2nd Bt.
 Power, Elliott Derrick Le Poer
 Power, John Elliott Cecil, 4th
 Powley, Clement Edward, as a Trooper
 Powys, Horace James
 Poyntz, Hugh Stainton
 Pratt, Mervyn, where he was badly wounded
Price, Rose, 4th Bt.
 Price, Thomas Caradoc Rose ( 1899-1900 )
 Price, Thomas Herbert Francis
 Prittie, Henry Cornelius O'Cal ( 1901-1902 )
 Proby, William Carysfort ( 1899-1902 )
 Proctor-Beauchamp, Horace Geor ( 1901-1902 )
 Pryce-Jones, Henry Morris ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Purey-Cust, Herbert Edward ( 1899-1900 )
 Pym, Charles Evelyn ( 1901-1902 )
Quilter, John Arnold Cuthbert
 Quintal, Fletcher Evelyn
 Radcliffe, Francis Joseph ( 1899-1902 )
 Rainsford-Hannay, Frederick, of ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Rainsford-Hannay, John
 Ralli, Strati, 2nd Bt. ( 1900-1901 )
 Ramsay, Alexander Fitzgerald ( 1900-1902 )
 Ramsay, Arthur George Maule, 14 ( 1901-1902 )
 Ramsay, Nigel Nels
 Ramsay, Norman ( 1901-1902 )
 Ramsay-Fairfax, William George ( 1902 ), he received a medal with clasps
 Rankin, Charles Herbert ( 1899-1902 ), he was mentioned in despatches and awarded the Queen's Medal with eight clasps anf King's Medal with two clasps
 Rashleigh, John Kendall ( 1900-1902 )
 Rashleigh, Spencer Robert ( 1901 )
 Ravenshaw, Hardis Secondus Lal
 Raw, Rupert George ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st a ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches five times
 Reade, John Henry Loftus
 Reith, Roger Archibald
 Rhodes, Robert Heaton
 Rich, Charles Edwin Frederick ( 1902 )
 Riddell, Archibald
 Riddell, Edward Vansittart Dic
 Riddell, Henry Edward
 Riddell, James Foster
 Riddell, Robert Buchanan, where he was mentioned in despatches
Riddell, Robert George Buchana
 Ridley, Charles Parker
 Rimington, Michael Frederic
 Ripley, Edward Guy ( 1901-1902 )
 Ripley, Frederick Hugh, 2nd Bt. ( 1900 )
 Ripley, Henry William Alfred, 3 ( 1900-1902 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Claud James, 4th ( 1899-1900 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Percy Temple ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Roberts, Frederick Hugh Sherst ( 1899 )
 Robertson, Hugh ( 1900-1901 )
 Robertson, Robert Bannerman Fr ( 1900-1901 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st ( 1900 )
 Robinson, Frederick Villiers L ( 1902 )
 Robinson, Hercules Arthur Temp ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rodney, Lennox George Brydges
 Rolleston, Lancelot, where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Romilly, Arthur Hovell
 Romilly, Bertram Henry Samuel ( 1900-1902 )
 Romilly, John Gaspard le March ( 1900-1902 )
 Roper, Alexander William ( 1899-1902 )
 Roper-Caldbeck, William Caldbe
 Rose, Adrian ( 1900-1902 )
 Rose, Bertram Temple
Rose, Charles Ernest
 Rose, Frank Stanley Day, 2nd Bt ( 1900-1902 )
 Rose, Hugh, 24th of Kilravock ( 1901-1902 )
 Rose, Ivor Sainte Croix
Rowan-Hamilton, Archibald Jame
 Ruck-Keene, Robert Francis ( 1899-1900 )
 Rugge-Price, Charles Frederick ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rumbold, Charles Edmund Arden ( 1901-1902 )
Rumbold, Christian Franklyn Ha ( 1899-1902 )
 Rumbold, Hugh Cecil Levinge ( 1902 )
Rundle, William John Scott, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Russell, Alexander Victor Fred ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Russell, Bertrand Joseph ( 1900 )
 Russell, Gilbert Byng Alwyne ( 1899-1902 )
 Rycroft, Alfred Richard Hugh ( 1899-1902 )
 Rycroft, Richard Nelson, 5th Bt ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rycroft, William Henry ( 1900-1901 )
Ryder, Charles Edward Henry
 Ryder, Robert Nathaniel Dudley ( 1900-1902 )
 Ryder, Wilfred Ironside ( 1900-1901 )
 Sackville, Gilbert George Regi ( 1900 ), where he was wounded
 Sackville-West, Charles John, 4 ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Sale-Hill, Alan Rowley ( 1900-1901 )
 Salt, George Edmund Stevenson, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Salt, Thomas Anderton, 2nd Bt. ( 1902 )
 Sartoris, Arthur Hugh
 Sausmarez, Cecil ( 1899-1902 )
 Sawle, Ralph Patteson
 Sawyer, William Harcourt ( 1899-1902 )
 Scarlett, Hugh Richard, 7th Bar ( 1900-1902 )
 Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- ( 1900 )
 Scott, Charles Baliol
 Scott, Denys
 Scott, Percy Moreton, 1st Bt. ( 1899-1900 )
 Scott-Ellis, Thomas Evelyn, 8th ( 1899-1900 )
 Seely, John Edward Bernard, 1st ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Sergison, Charles Warden ( 1899-1900 )
 Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norma ( 1899-1902 )
 Seton, Henry James, where he was severely wounded
 Seymour, Archibald George ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, Beauchamp ( 1899-1902 )
 Seymour, Charles Hugh Napier ( 1899-1902 )
 Seymour, Edward ( 1900-1902 )
Seymour, Edward Beauchamp ( 1900-1901 ), where he was wounded
 Seymour, Evelyn Francis Edward ( 1901-1902 )
 Seymour, Henry Charles, where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Seymour, Reginal Guy ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Seymour, Reginald Henry ( 1900-1902 ), where he was wounded
 Shackleton, Francis Richard ( 1899-1901 )
 Shakerley-Howell, Ernest Alfre ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Shaw, Frederick William, 5th Bt ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Shelley, Hubert ( 1900-1901 )
 Shelley, Sidney Patrick, 8th Bt ( 1900-1901 )
 Shelley-Rolls, John Courtown E ( 1900 )
 Sheridan, Algernon Brinsley
 Sheridan, John Lothrop Motley
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
 Sherrard, Laurence Arthur
Sherston, John
 Shewell, Edward Warner
 Shore, Frederick H., where he was captured after the Battle of Talana Hill
 Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert ( 1900 )
 Sidney, Algernon, 4th Baron De ( 1901-1902 )
 Simeon, John Pole
 Simonds, Frederick Adolphus ( 1900-1901 )
 Sinclair, John Rose George, of, where he was mentioned in dispatches
Sitwell, Claude George Henry
 Skeffington, Algernon William ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Skeffington, Blennerhasset Joh ( 1900-1901 )
 Skipwith, Frederick George
 Skipwith, James Wemyss
 Slade, John Ramsay
 Sleight, Rowland ( 1899-1902 )
 Smiley, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1899-1900 )
 Smith, Ferdinando Dudley Willi ( 1901-1902 )
 Smith, Harry Reginald Walter M ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Smith, Robert Astley
 Smith, William Townsend ( 1899-1901 )
 Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood ( 1898-1902 )
 Snow, Arthur Baring ( 1899-1902 )
 Snow, Charles Stewart Hastings
 Snow, Daines Barrington
 Somerset, Edward Henry, where he was wounded four times
 Somerset, FitzRoy Henry ( 1899-1902 )
 Somerset, Henry Charles Somers
 Somerville, James Herbert Gust ( 1900 ), where he won a medal and four clasps
 Sotheby, Herbert George ( 1901-1902 )
 Spearman, Alexander Young ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Speir, Kenneth Robert Napier
 Spencer, Henry Beresford ( 1900 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Charles Ric ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Spencer-Churchill, Edward Geor ( 1899-1901 )
 Spencer-Churchill, John Strang ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and was wounded
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leo ( 1899-1900 ), where he was captured, held as a POW, and then escaped
 Spratt, Arthur Graves
 Spring, Frederick Gordon
Spring, Henry Geoffrey
 Spring, Trevor Coleridge ( 1902 )
 St. Aubyn, Edward Geoffrey ( 1901-1902 )
 St. Aubyn, Edward Stuart ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 St. Aubyn, Guy Stewart ( 1899-1900 )
 St. Aubyn, Mervyn Launcelot ( 1900 )
St. Aubyn, Piers Stewart ( 1900 )
 St. Clair, Archibald James Mur ( 1899-1902 )
St. Clair, Charles Henry Murra, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 St. Clair, Charles Home Dougla
 St. Clair-Erskine, James Franc
 St. Clair-Ford, Anson ( 1900-1901 )
 St. Clair-Ford, Beauchamp ( 1901-1902 )
 St. Hill, Collis George Herber
 St. John, Edmund Farquhar ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, Ferdinand John ( 1900 )
 St. John, Francis Gerald
 St. John, Moubray St. Andrew T ( 1899-1902 )
 St. John, Oliver ( 1901 )
 St. John-Mildmay, Alexander Ri
 St. John-Mildmay, Carew Hervey ( 1901-1902 )
 St. John-Mildmay, Charles Beag ( 1900-1901 )
 Stacpoole, George William Robe ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stamer, Lovelace, 4th Bt.
 Stanhope, James Richard, 7th Ea ( 1902 )
 Stanley, Algernon Francis ( 1899-1900 )
 Stanley, Arthur Lyulph, 5th Bar ( 1899-1901 )
 Stanley, Edward George Villier ( 1899-1900 )
 Stanley, Ferdinand Charles ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stanley, Frederick William ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Stanley, George Frederick ( 1899-1900 )
Stanley, Henry Thomas
Stanley, Herbert Foster Wentwo
 Stanley, Oliver Hugh ( 1899-1902 )
 Stannus, Thomas Robert Alexand ( 1899-1901 ), where he was severely wounded
Stansfeld, John Raymond Evelyn, where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Stapleton, Francis Harry ( 1899-1902 )
 Stapleton, Louis Henry ( 1899-1900 )
Stapleton-Bretherton, Robert C
 Stapleton-Cotton, Robert Franc ( 1899-1900 )
 Starkey, John Henry
 Starkey, Lewis Edward, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stephens-Townshend, Hubert de ( 1901-1902 )
 Stevenson, Francis Herbert Ley ( 1900-1902 )
 Stevenson, Robert ( 1899-1902 ), and he was mentioned in despatches
 Stevenson-Hamilton, James, 16th ( 1900-1902 ), and he was mentioned in despatches
 Stevenson-Hamilton, Olmar Char
 Steward, Edward Merivale ( 1900-1901 )
 Stewart, Albert Fortescue ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Stewart, Algernon Bingham Anst
 Stewart, Cosmo Gordon ( 1901-1902 )
 Stewart, George Powell, 5th Bt. ( 1900-1902 )
 Stewart, Hugh Houghton, 4th Bt.
 Stewart, John
 Stewart-Murray, George, where he was mentioned in despatches and won 2 medals and 7 clasps
 Stewart-Murray, James Thomas, 9, where he was mentioned in despatches and won 2 medals and 6 clasps
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8t ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
Stewart-Richardson, Edward Aus
 Stewart-Richardson, Neil Graha
 Stirling, Archibald, of Keir ( 1899-1902 )
 Stirling, Charles
 Stirling, George Murray Home, 9 ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Stirling, Walter Francis, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stobart, George Herbert ( 1899-1900 )
 Stobart, Henry Francis
 Stockdale, Herbert Edward ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stoney, Johnstone Percy Lipyea ( 1901-1902 )
 Stoney, Ralph Durrant Sadleir ( 1899-1902 )
 Stopford, Arthur ( 1900-1901 )
 Stopford, Frederick William
Stopford, Horace Robert
 Stopford, James Richard Nevill ( 1900-1901 )
 Stourton, Alfred Edward Corbal ( 1900-1901 )
 Stourton, Everard Joseph ( 1900-1902 )
 Stourton, Reginald Norman Jose
Stow, William Wilberfoss Phili
Stracey, Reginald George
 Strickland, Walter Richard ( 1899-1902 )
 Strutt, Edward Lisle ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stuart, Burleigh Francis Brown ( 1900-1902 )
 Stuart, Simeon Henry Lechmere, ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Stucley, Humphrey St. Leger ( 1900-1902 )
 Studd, Herbert William ( 1899-1902 )
 Sutton, Hugh Clement ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Swinton, Ernest Dunlop ( 1899-1900 )
 Syer, Hubert Lionel
 Sykes, Charles Henry ( 1900-1901 )
 Sykes, Edward Ernest ( 1900-1901 )
 Sykes, Francis William ( 1900 )
 Sykes, Tatton Benvenuto Mark, 6 ( 1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Talbot, Douglas Hervey ( 1901-1902 )
 Talbot, Edward Reginald John ( 1900-1902 )
 Talbot, George Reginald FitzRo ( 1899-1902 )
 Talbot, Henry FitzRoy George ( 1899-1900 )
 Talbot, Neville Stuart ( 1899-1902 )
Talbot-Crosbie, Hugh
 Talbot-Ponsonby, Edward Freder ( 1899-1902 )
 Taylor, Richard Edward Montagu
 Taylour, George Ryefield ( 1899-1901 ), where was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Teissier, Henry, 5th Baron de T ( 1900-1901 )
 Tempest, Roger Stephen ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Temple, Richard Durand, 3rd Bt. ( 1901-1902 )
 Thesiger, Eric Richard ( 1900-1902 )
 Thesiger, George Handcock ( 1899-1900 ), where he was severely wounded and mentioned in despatches
 Thesiger, Gerald Edward Peirso ( 1900 )
 Thesiger, Wilfred Gilbert ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Thomas, Godfrey Vignoles, 9th B ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Thomas, John Cyril Collette
 Thomson, Christopher Birdwood, ( 1900-1902 )
 Thorneycroft, Alexander Whitel ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Thorold, Charles Cecil Hayford
 Thorold, Frederick Temple ( 1902 )
Thorold, Henry Cecil
 Thorold, John George, 13th Bt.
 Throckmorton, Basil Charles Da ( 1900-1902 )
 Throckmorton, Herbert John Ant
Throckmorton, Richard Courtena ( 1899-1902 )
 Thurlow, Edward Guy Lethbridge ( 1899-1902 )
 Thynne, Alexander George ( 1900-1902 )
 Thynne, Algernon Carteret ( 1900-1902 )
 Thynne, George Augustus Carter ( 1900-1901 )
 Thynne, Ulric Oliver ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Till, Francis Edward
 Tillard, Arthur George
 Tollemache, Bentley Lyonel Joh ( 1902 )
 Tottenham, Edward Loftus
 Tottenham, Ponsonby John Loftu
 Tovey, George Strangways ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Towneley-Bertie, Montagu Charl ( 1899-1902 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Townsend, Edward Neville, dangerously wounded
 Townsend, John Walter Elmsley, at the Relief of Ladysmith
 Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrer ( 1899-1900 )
 Towry-Law, Cecil Henry, 6th Bar ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Traill, Henry Edward O'Brien
 Trefusis, George Rodolph
Trefusis, Haworth Walter ( 1902 )
 Trench, Claude Llewellyn Pomer, where he won a medal with three clasps
 Trench, Frederic John Arthur ( 1901-1902 )
 Trench, Frederick Æmilius
 Trench-Gascoigne, Frederick Ri ( 1899-1900 )
 Trenchard, Hugh Montague, 1st V ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded
 Trevor-Roper, Arthur Messeena ( 1900-1901 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Trollope, Arthur Grant, 13th Bt ( 1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Trollope, John Henry, 2nd Baron ( 1900 )
 Trotter, Algernon Richard, 12th ( 1900-1902 )
 Tryon, George Clement, 1st Baro ( 1899-1900 )
 Tufton, John Sackville Richard ( 1901-1902 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Eus ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Joh ( 1899-1902 )
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Edward Carey ( 1899-1901 )
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Julian Dallas ( 1901-1902 )
 Ussher, Allan Vesey ( 1902 )
 Van de Weyer, Bates Grimston ( 1899-1902 )
 Van de Weyer, Jean Bates ( 1902 )
 Vans Agnew, John, of Barnbarroc ( 1900-1902 )
 Vassar-Smith, Charles Martin ( 1901-1902 )
 Vaughan, Eugène Napoléon Ernes ( 1899 )
Venables, Charles John
 Venables, William Alfred, where he was wounded
 Vere, Robert Stephen Vere ( 1900 )
 Vereker, John Medlicott ( 1900-1901 )
 Vereker, Standish Henry Prende ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and received a medal for distinguished conduct in the field
 Verney, Ralph, 1st Bt. ( 1900-1902 )
 Verney-Cave, Alfred Thomas Tow
 Vernon, Eustace
Vernon, Ronald James
 Vernon, Rupert Robert Charles
 Vesey, Ivo Lucius Beresford ( 1899-1902 ), where he was severely wounded, and was mentioned in despatches
 Villiers, Charles Hyde ( 1900 )
 Villiers, Reginald Hyde ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Vivian, George Crespigny Braba ( 1900-1901 ), where he was severely wounded
 Vyvyan, Courtenay Bourchier, 10 ( 1899-1902 )
 Vyvyan, Herbert Reginald ( 1900-1902 )
 Wake, Gerald Baldwin ( 1899-1902 )
 Wake, Godwin Rupert ( 1899-1902 )
 Wake, Hereward, 13th Bt. ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times, and was wounded
 Wakefield, Arthur William
 Waldegrave, John
 Waley Cohen, Jacob ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Walker, Harold Maxwell ( 1902 )
Walker, John Charles Arthingto
Walker, Wilfred Beckett ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Walker-Heneage-Vivian, Algerno, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Waller, Francis Ernest, 4th Bt. ( 1899-1902 )
 Walsh, George Harry William, 4t ( 1899-1901 )
 Walthall, Edward Charles Walth ( 1899-1901 )
 Walthall, Henry Douglas Delves ( 1900-1901 )
 Ward La Touche, Ernest Otway ( 1900-1901 ), where he won a medal and four clasps
 Ward, Edward Willis Duncan, 1st ( 1899-1900 )
 Ward, Evan Bernard ( 1899-1902 )
Ward, Gerald Ernest Francis ( 1899-1900 )
 Ward, Guy Bernard Campbell ( 1900 )
 Ward, Hamilton Frederick ( 1900-1901 )
 Ward, Herbert Bernard ( 1899-1902 )
 Ward, John Hubert ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ward, Reginald ( 1899-1902 )
 Ward, Robert Arthur ( 1901-1902 )
Warner, Francis Ashton
 Warren, Henry Herrick ( 1900 )
 Waterlow, James Francis ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Watson, Arthur John
 Wavell, Archibald Graham ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st ( 1901-1902 )
Wavell, Arthur John Byng ( 1900-1902 )
 Webb, William Harcourt ( 1899-1901 )
 Webb-Bowen, Edward Wheeler
 Wedgwood, Cecil ( 1900-1902 )
 Wedgwood, Francis Hamilton ( 1900-1902 )
 Wedgwood, Gilbert Henry ( 1900-1902 )
 Wedgwood, Josiah Clement, 1st B ( 1900-1901 )
 Weld Forester, Edric Alfred Ce ( 1900 )
 Weldon, Anthony Arthur, 6th Bt. ( 1899-1900 )
Weldon, Arthur Steuart ( 1900-1902 )
 Weldon, Bertram de Weltden ( 1899 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was wounded
 Weldon, Ernest Steuart ( 1899-1902 )
 Weldon, Francis Harry ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Weldon, George Anthony
 Weldon, Henry Walter ( 1901-1902 )
 Weldon, Kenneth Charles ( 1899-1902 )
 Weldon, Ralph Lewen ( 1900 )
 Weldon, Thomas Hamilton ( 1899-1900 )
 Wellesley, Arthur Charles, 5th ( 1900 )
 Wellesley, Cecil George ( 1900-1902 )
 Wellesley, Henry Arthur Mornin ( 1899-1900 ), with the Imperial Yeomanry
 Wellesley, Richard ( 1900 )
 West, Alexander Henry Delap ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and was wounded
 West, Cyril Charles ( 1899-1902 )
 West, Richard Annesley, V.C.
 Westropp, Henry Charles ( 1899-1902 )
 Wetherell, Robert May, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wheeler, Guy Danvers, where he became a POW, and was mentioned in despatches
White, Cecil Arbuthnot
White, George Arthur Wellesley
 White, Henry Frederick ( 1899-1902 ), where he won the Queen's medal with three clasps and the King's medal with two clasps, but was also wounded
 White, James Robert
 White, Robert ( 1896 )
 White, Robert ( 1900 ), where he won a medal with five clasps
 Whitefoord, Caleb Alan Bryce
 Wiggin, Edgar Askin ( 1899-1902 )
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1900 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wigram, Cyril Charles ( 1901-1902 )
 Wilkie-Dalyell, James Bruce, of
 Williams, Lawrence ( 1901 )
Williams, Osmond Trahairn Deud ( 1901-1902 )
 Williams-Wynn, Robert William ( 1900-1901 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Willoughby, Claude Henry Comar ( 1899-1902 )
 Wilmot, Edmund Mead ( 1900-1901 )
Wilmot, Ralph Henry Sacheverel ( 1899-1902 )
 Wilson, Charles Henry Wellesle ( 1899-1900 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wilson, Guy Greville ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wilson, Henry Fuller Maitland ( 1899-1902 )
 Wilson, Henry Maitland, 1st Bar ( 1900-1902 )
 Wilson, Joseph Maitland ( 1899-1901 )
 Wilson, Mathew Richard Henry, 4 ( 1899-1902 )
 Wilson, Richard Henry Francis
 Wilson, Richard Henry George
 Windham, Ashe ( 1900-1902 )
 Windham, Henry Steuart ( 1900-1902 )
 Windsor-Clive, George ( 1899-1901 )
Wing, Frederick Drummond Vince ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches six times
 Wingfield, Mervyn Edward Georg ( 1900-1901 )
 Wingfield-Stratford, Howard ( 1900-1901 )
 Wingfield-Stratford, Richard N ( 1900-1901 )
 Winnington, John Francis Sarto ( 1899-1900 )
 Wodehouse, Ernest Charles Forb
 Wodehouse, Josceline Henage
 Wolrige Gordon, John Gordon, 8t ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 8th of ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Wolrige Gordon, Walter Gordon
 Wolseley, Edward Joseph ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches and was severely wounded
Wolseley, Hubert Joseph
 Wolseley, John Francis ( 1900-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wombwell, Stephen Frederick
 Wood, Arthur Herbert ( 1898-1900 )
 Wood, Charles Michell Aloysius ( 1899-1900 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Wood, Evelyn FitzGerald Michel ( 1899-1900 ), he was mentioned in despatches
Woodhouse, Henry George
Woosnam, Richard Bowen
 Wray, Kenneth Mackenzie ( 1900-1901 ), as a Captain with the 6th Imperial Bushmen
 Wrey, Reginald Charles ( 1900-1902 )
 Wrixon-Becher, Henry ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wyndham, Guy Percy ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Henry, 5t ( 1899-1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Thomas, 4 ( 1900-1901 )
 Wynn, Robert Vaughan, 6th Baron ( 1899-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Wynne, Arthur Singleton ( 1900-1902 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Yarde-Buller, Henry ( 1899-1902 )
 Yarde-Buller, John Reginald Lo ( 1900-1901 )
Yewdall, William
 Yorke, Henry Reginald ( 1899-1902 ), with Imperial Yeomanry
 Young, Alan Rowley ( 1899-1902 )
Young, Edward Maule
 Young, Frederick Campbell
 Young, Henry George ( 1902 )
Younger, Edward John
 ffrench, Evelyn Alexander Wils ( 1900-1903 ), where he was severely wounded
 à Court Repington, Charles ( 1899-1900 ), and was mentioned in despatches twice
Count equals 1889 individuals.
Boer Wars
 Cotton, Stapleton Lynch, where he was severely wounded
Count equals 1 individual.
Boer war
 Congreve, Walter Norris, V.C.
Count equals 1 individual.
 Massy-Dawson, Francis Evelyn ( 1899-1902 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Cape of Good Hope Campaign
 Crookshank, Chichester William ( 1806 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Capture of the Cape of Good Hope
 Elphinstone, Howard, 1st Bt.
 Fraser, William ( 1796 )
 Need, Samuel ( 1796 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Expedition to Bechuanaland
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1 ( 1883-1884 )
 Anstruther, Ralph William, of B ( 1885 )
 Stapleton, Miles, 10th Baron Be ( 1884-1885 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
First Ashanti Expedition
 Bell, Mark Sever, V.C. ( 1873-1874 )
Count equals 1 individual.
First Boer War
 Ashburnham, Cromer ( 1881 )
 Baynes, Gilbert Samuel ( 1881 )
 Carden, Coldstream James ( 1881 )
 Chichester, Edward, 9th Bt. ( 1881 )
 Chichester, Spencer Frederick ( 1879-1881 )
 Colborne, Francis Lionel Lydst ( 1881 )
 Crabbe, Arthur Bington ( 1881 )
 Crofton, Malby Edward ( 1879 )
 Doyle, Arthur Havelock James, 4 ( 1881 )
Elwes, Robert Hamond ( 1881 )
 Fitz-Clarence, Geoffrey George ( 1881 )
 Fortescue, Francis Alexander ( 1881 )
 Gore, Charles Clitheroe ( 1881 )
 Hamilton, Bruce Meade ( 1881 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Heron-Maxwell, William Henry S ( 1881 )
 Hume, John James Francis ( 1880-1881 ), where he was ganderously wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Jervis, John Edward Leveson, 4t ( 1881 )
 Knollys, Henry ( 1889-1891 )
 Lambart, Frederick Richard Hen
 Lane, Ronald Bertram ( 1881 )
 Manners, Charles George Edmund ( 1880-1881 )
 Maunsell, George William ( 1881 )
 Monro, Seymour Charles Hale ( 1884 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Napier, John Scott ( 1881 )
 O'Connell, Maurice
 Ogilvy-Grant, Robert Abercromb ( 1881 )
 Robinson, Charles Walker ( 1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Robinson, Hercules Arthur Temp ( 1888 )
 Vyvyan, Courtenay Bourchier, 10 ( 1879 )
 Welby, Richard Earle ( 1877-1879 )
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C. ( 1883 )
 Wood, Percy Arthur Everest ( 1877 )
 Wyndham-Quin, Windham Henry, 5t ( 1881 )
Count equals 33 individuals.
First Kaffir War
 Dalrymple-Hay, John Charles, of ( 1835 )
Count equals 1 individual.
First Matabele War
 Bruce, Oswald Robert ( 1894 )
Campbell, John Alexander ( 1893 )
 Carden, John ( 1893 ), as galloper and scout
 Ponsonby, John ( 1893-1894 )
 Price, George Dominic ( 1893-1894 )
 White, Charles James ( 1893 )
Count equals 6 individuals.
Fourth Ashanti War
 Annesley, Arthur James Patrick ( 1896 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenso ( 1895-1896 )
 Barrington, Thomas Percy ( 1895-1896 )
 Beamish, Harold Delacour, serving with the Egyptian Army in Sudan
 Beamish, Tufton Percy Hamilton ( 1896 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Gold Coast Ashanti War
 Towry-Law, Edward Downes, 5th B ( 1873-1874 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Jameson Raid
 Gosling, Audley Vaughan ( 29 Dec 1895 ), for which he was tried at Bow St, London
Count equals 1 individual.
Jameson's Raid
 Coventry, Charles John ( 1896 )
 Stapleton, Louis Henry ( 1895 ), where he was wounded
Count equals 2 individuals.
Jamieson Raid
 Christian, George Mellor
Count equals 1 individual.
Kaffir War
 Annesley, Hugh, 5th Earl Annesl ( 1851-1853 ), where he was severely wounded
 Anstruther, Philip ( 1851 )
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 3rd B ( 1851-1852 )
 Barclay, Frederick Charles d'E
 Bruce, Robert ( 1851-1853 )
 Crewe, Charles Preston ( 1878-1879 )
 Cunliffe-Owen, Henry Charles ( 1846-1847 )
 Dawson, Erskine Scott Francis
 Delmege, Collis Christopher Jo
Eardley-Wilmot, Henry Robert ( 1 Jan 1852 )
 Ellis, Charles David Cunyngham ( 1851-1853 )
Gibson, John ( 1846 )
 Glyn, Julius Richard
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st ( 1878 )
 Hallifax, Robert Dampier ( 1834 )
 Johnstone, Montague Cholmeley ( 1846-1851 )
 Larpent, George Albert, 3rd Bt. ( 1877-1878 )
 Macdonell, Alexander ( 1846-1847 )
Ormsby-Gore, Owen Arthur
 Pellew, Barrington Reynolds
 Slade, Frederick George ( 1878 )
 Slade, Marcus John ( 1846-1847 ), where he commanded the 90th Light Infantry
 Ward, Henry William, 5th Viscou ( 1851-1853 )
Wrottesley, Henry ( 11 Mar 1852 )
Count equals 24 individuals.
Kaffir Wars
 Hardinge, Henry, where he was wounded
 Owen, Hugh Charles, 3rd Bt. ( 1846-1847 )
 Thesiger, Frederick Augustus, 2 ( 1878 ), in command of the British forces
 Whitmore, George Stoddart ( 1851-1853 )
 Whitmore, George Stoddart ( 1847 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Kaffir and Zulu Wars
 Lethbridge, Edward ( 1878-1879 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Langeberg Campaign
 Somerset, Edward Henry
 Somerset, FitzRoy Henry
 Somerset, William Grimmer, with the Cape Mounted Police
Count equals 3 individuals.
Mashonaland Campaign
 Clifton, Charles Caryl ( 1897 )
 Eveleigh-de Moleyns, Frederick ( 1896-1897 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Johnstone-Scott, Charles ( 1897 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Percy Temple ( 1897 )
 Thomson, Christopher Birdwood, ( 1896 )
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Edward Carey
 Venables, William Alfred ( 1896-1897 ), with Rhodesian Horse
Count equals 7 individuals.
Mashonaland Expedition
 Pepys, Arthur Guy Leslie ( 1897 )
 St. Aubyn, Guy Stewart ( 1896 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Mashonaland relief
Blakiston, John Lionel
Count equals 1 individual.
Matabele Campaign
 Browne, Edward Hungerford Caul ( 1893 )
 Byron, Frederick Rochfort ( 1896-1897 )
 Lethbridge, Hugh Francis Heske ( 1896 )
 Maude, Ralph Alexander ( 1896 )
 Nicholson, John Sanctuary ( 1896 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stapleton-Cotton, Robert Franc ( 1896 )
Count equals 6 individuals.
Matabele War
 Blennerhassett, William Arthur ( 1896 )
 Coventry, Charles John
 Eliott, Francis Augustus Heath ( 1893 )
 Frankland, Frederick William F ( 1896 )
 Gore, Staveley Napier
Grenfell, Pascoe St. Leger ( 1896 )
 Johnston, Charles McGarel ( 1896 )
 Kennard, Ernest Coleridge Hega ( 1896 )
 King-Harman, Wentworth Alexand
 Norton-Griffiths, John, 1st Bt. ( 1896-1897 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Paget, Gerald Cecil Stewart
 Pelly, Douglas Raymond ( 1896 )
 Stapleton, Louis Henry ( 1893 )
 Sykes, Francis William ( 1896 )
 Vyvyan, Courtenay Bourchier, 10 ( 1896 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Welby, Edward Earle
Count equals 16 individuals.
Matabele Wars
 Feilding, Rowland Charles ( 1896 ), in Gifford's Horse, and was wounded
Count equals 1 individual.
Matabele and Mashonaland Campaigns
 Poore, Robert Montagu ( 1896-1897 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Matabeleland Campaign
 Drummond, Maldwin ( 1896 )
 Fraser, Keith Alexander, of Led ( 1896 )
 Johnstone-Scott, Charles ( 1893 )
 Miller, Thomas George Alexande
 Moncreiffe, Ronald ( 1896 )
 St. Hill, Collis George Herber ( 1893 )
 Ward, Robert Arthur ( 1896 )
 Warren, Henry Herrick ( 1896 )
 Wolrige Gordon, Walter Gordon ( 1893-1894 )
Count equals 9 individuals.
Matabeleland Expedition
 Pepys, Arthur Guy Leslie ( 1896 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Matabeleland Relief
 Beresford, John Graham Hope de ( 1896-1897 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Matabeleland War
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow ( 1896 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Matabeleland and Mashonaland Rebellions
 Godley, Richard Shearman ( 1896-1897 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Pioneer Expedition to Mashonaland
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Eus ( 1890 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Relief of Mafeking
 Gethin, Percy Addison Hayward ( 1900 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Second Ashanti Campaign
 Beamish, Sackville Edward Ceci ( 1895 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Second Matabele War
 Cambridge, Alexander Augustus ( 1896-1897 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carmichael-Anstruther, Hugh Jo
 White, Charles James ( 1896 ), where he won a medal and clasp
Count equals 3 individuals.
Second Matabeleland War
 Brooke, Ronald George ( 1896 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of Mafeking
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenso ( 1899-1900 ), as the commander of the besieged forces
Hazlerigg, Arthur ( 1900 )
Marsham, Douglas Henry
 Martineau, Horace Robert, V.C., where he lost his arm
Maude, Alwyne Esme
Pechell, Charles Augustus Kerr
 White, Henry Frederick, as part of the relief force
Count equals 7 individuals.
Third Anglo-Ashanti War
 Parke, Charles Ethelston
Count equals 1 individual.
Ulundi Expedition
 Ussher, Beverly William Reid ( 1879 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Zulu Campaign
 Turnour-Fetherstonhaugh, Keith ( 1879 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Zulu Rebellion
 Green-Price, Geoffrey Cecil ( 1906 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Zulu War
 Bigge, Arthur John, 1st and las ( 1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blacker, Latham William ( 1854 )
 Blood, Bindon ( 1879 )
Bonaparte, Eugene Louis Jean J ( 1879 )
 Boyle, Charles John ( 1879 )
 Bromhead, Charles James ( 1870 )
 Brooke, Lionel Godolphin ( 1879 )
 Buller, Redvers Henry, V.C. ( 1879 )
Campbell, Ronald George Elidor ( 1879 )
 Chard, John Rouse Merriott, V.C
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Reginald Arth
 Chichester, Spencer Frederick
 Christian, Ewan John ( 1879 )
Coker, Lewis Cadawallader
 Colville, Charles Robert Willi ( 1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1879 )
 Courtenay, Edward Reginald ( 1870 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Creagh, Arthur Gethin ( 1879 ), and was present at capture of Seltukuni's stronghold
 Dawnay, Hugh Richard, 8th Visco ( 1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Degacher, Henry James
 Dewar, James Cumming, 7th of Vo, where he was mentioned in despatches and was severely wounded
Drummond, William Henry ( Jul 1879 )
 Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Will ( 1879 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Fetherstonhaugh, Richard Steel ( 1879 )
 Fitzgerald, Ormonde ( 1878-1880 )
 French, Arthur John St. George ( 1887-1888 )
 Gifford, Edric Frederick, 3rd B ( 1879 )
 Goff, Gerald Lionel Joseph ( 1879 )
 Gordon-Cumming, William Gordon ( 1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grattan, Henry
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st ( 1879 )
 Greville, Brooke Southwell ( 1878-1879 )
 Hamilton, Alexander Charles, 10 ( 1879 )
 Hamilton, Frederick Tower ( 1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hare, Thomas Leigh, 1st Bt. ( 1879 )
 Hazlerigg, Arthur Grey ( 1879-1880 )
 Hely Hutchinson, Patrick Mauri ( 1877-1879 )
 Heron-Maxwell, William Henry S, and was mentioned in despatches
Hodson, George Frederick John ( 1879 )
 Hope, Lewis Anstruther ( 1878 )
 Jervis, John Edward Leveson, 4t ( 1879 )
 Kemeys-Tynte, Arthur Marcus Ph ( 1879 )
 Kemeys-Tynte, Edward Plantagen ( 1879 )
 Knox, William George
 Lambart, Frederick Richard Hen
 Lane, Ronald Bertram ( 1878-1879 )
 Law, Francis Towry Adeane
 Legard, James Digby ( 1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Lloyd, Llewelyn Henry ( 1879 )
 Marshall, Frederick ( 1879 )
 McMahon, Lionel, 4th Bt. ( 1879 )
 Nevill, Horace John ( 1879 ), where he won a medal
Nicolson, Frederick ( 1879 )
 O'Grady, John de Courcy
 Paget, George Thomas Cavendish ( 1879 )
 Parnell, Henry, 4th Baron Congl, including the Battle of Inyezane and occupation of Ekowe
 Persse, Dudley Thomas
 Pleydell-Bouverie, John ( 1879 )
 Rich, Henry Bayard ( 1879 )
 Shiffner, John, 5th Bt. ( 1879 )
 Skipwith, Grey ( 1879 )
 Slade, Frederick George ( 1879 )
 Smith-Dorrien, Arthur Hale ( 1879 ), in the Naval Brigade
 Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood ( 1879 )
 Stapleton, Henry, 9th Baron Bea ( 1879 ), in the 17th Lancers
 Thesiger, Frederick Augustus, 2 ( 1879 ), in command of the British forces
 Thorneycroft, Alexander Whitel ( 1879-1881 )
 Thurlow, Ernest Hovell ( 1879 )
 Thurlow, Hugh Hovell ( 1879 )
 Thynne, Reginald Thomas ( 1879 )
 Trench, Frederic John Arthur ( 1879 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Geo ( 1879-1880 )
 Warrender, George John Scott, o ( 1879 )
 Wavell, Archibald Graham ( 1879 )
 Williams, Charles Henry Bennet ( 1879 )
 Wolrige Gordon, Robert, 8th of ( 1879 )
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C.
 Wood, Henry John Lindley ( 1879 )
 Young, George Brooke ( 1879 )
Count equals 79 individuals.
Zulu Wars
 Beresford, William Leslie de l ( 1879 )
 Butler, William ( 1879-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, as AQMG
 Carington, Rupert Clement Geor ( 1879 )
Coghill, Nevill Josiah Aylmer,
 Doyle, Francis Grenville ( 1879-1880 )
 Herbert, Edward William ( 1879 )
 Hume, John James Francis ( 1879-1881 )
 Maclean, Alexander William Day ( 1879 )
Sandham, George ( 1871 )
 Scott-Douglas, James Henry
 Sherrard, Charles William ( 1879 )
 Smyth, Henry Augustus ( 1887 )
 Townshend, Richard Arthur Herb ( 1882 )
Vereker, Standish William Pren
Count equals 14 individuals.
Zulu campaign
 Gore, Staveley Napier
Count equals 1 individual.
Zululand Campaign
 Bruce, William ( 1906 )
 Stevenson-Hamilton, James, 16th ( 1888 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
capture of the Cape of Good Hope
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 1st B, where he was the Commander-in-Chief
Count equals 1 individual.
expedition in Zululand
 Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 1 ( 1888 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenso ( 1888 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
recapture of the Cape of Good Hope
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an
 Bosville Macdonald, Godfrey, 3r ( 1805-1806 ), under Sir David Baird
Count equals 2 individuals.
Total count equals 2227 individuals.
=killed in action or mortally wounded during this battle/war