1st Circuit Judge for County Cork
    Conner, Henry Daniel ( 1922-1925 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

2nd Justice of the Court of Common Pleas
    Preston, Robert, 1st Lord Preston of Gormanston ( 1342 )
    Chevers, William ( 24 Mar 1435 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Acting Attorney-General [Upper Canada]
    Robinson, John Beverley, 1st Bt. ( 1812 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Acting Chief Justice [Fiji]
    Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth James ( 1922-1923 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Acting Judge of the High Court [Allahabad]
    Hay-Neave, Everard Reginald ( 1924-1926 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Acting Puisne Judge of the Bombay High Court
    Davar, Jehangi Dinshaw
    Count equals 1 individual.

Advocate Depute
    Watson, William, Baron Thankerton ( 1919 )
    Balfour, Patrick, 2nd Baron Kinross ( 1927-1937 )
    Hardie, Andrew Rutherford, Baron Hardie ( 1979-1983 )
    Rodger, Alan Ferguson, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry ( 1985-1988 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Advocate depute
    Oliphant, William, Lord Newton ( 1604 )
    Mackay, Donald Sage, Baron Mackay of Drumadoon ( 1982-1985 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and Tanzania
    Armstrong, Henry Napier
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Milne-Home, David, of Wedderburn
    Maitland-Heriot, Frederick Lewis ( 1857 )
    Maitland-Heriot, Frederick Lewis ( 1859-1862 )
    Shand, Alexander Burns, 1st and last Baron Shand ( 1860-1862 )
    Wilson, Henry Stephen, Baron Wilson of Langside ( 1949-1961 )
    Clyde, James John, Baron Clyde ( 1973-1974 )
    Cameron, Kenneth John, Baron Cameron of Lochbroom ( 1981-1984 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

    Morgan, Charles, 1st Bt.
    Dundas, David ( 1846-1848 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Advocate-General [Bengal]
    Burroughs, William, 1st and last Bt.
    Woodroffe, James Tisdall
    Sinha, Satyendra Prasanna, 1st Baron Sinha ( 1906 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Advocate-General [Bombay]
    Westropp, Michael Roberts ( 1856 )
    Bayley, Lyttelton Holyoake ( 1866-1869 )
    Neville, James Sewell ( 1869-1872 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Advocate-General [Calcutta]
    Prinsep, Charles Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Advocate-General [Jamaica]
    Innes, James
    Ricketts, George Crawford
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Advocate-General [Madras]
    Toller, Samuel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Advocate-General [Sudan]
    Hamilton-Grierson, Philip Francis ( c 1930 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Advocate-General and MEC [Bengal]
    Sinha, Satyendra Prasanna, 1st Baron Sinha ( 1916-1917 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Advocate-General for Madras
    Corbet, Frederick Hugh Mackenzie ( 1912-1916 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Advocate-General of Madras
    Anstruther, Alexander ( 1803 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Advocate-General, European Court of Justice
    Slynn, Gordon, Baron Slynn of Hadley ( 1981-1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Asmiralty Advocate
    Phillimore, Joseph
    Count equals 1 individual.

Assistant Attorney General [U.S.]
    Beck, James Montgomery
    Count equals 1 individual.

Assistant Bencher
    Havelock-Allan, Anthony Mark David, 5th Bt. ( 1993-1997 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Assistant Justice of the Forest in all England
    Neville, Alan (II) ( 1169-1190 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Assistant Master of the Supreme Court [Natal]
    St. George, Theophilus John, 6th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Assistant Stipendiary Magistrate
    Lewis, Edward Trevor Gwyn
    Count equals 1 individual.

Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court [Quebec]
    Knatchbull-Hugessen, James Cornelius ( 1973-1983 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney -General
    Cockburn, Alexander James Edmund, of Langton, 12th Bt. ( 1851-1852 )
    Cockburn, Alexander James Edmund, of Langton, 12th Bt. ( 1852-1856 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney General [New South Wales]
    Foster, William John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney of the Court of Wards
    Bridgeman, Orlando, 1st Bt. ( 1640 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Alexander, William John, 3rd Bt., to HRH The Prince of Wales
    Bayley, Lyttelton Holyoake
    Follett, William Webb
    Garrow, William
    Herbert, Edward
    Hobart, James, during the reign of King Henry VII
    Hody, William
    Hoorde, Thomas, to King Henry VII
    Jones, William, to King Charles II
    Perceval, Spencer
    Roper, John
    Sawyer, Robert
    Thesiger, Alfred Henry, to HRH The Prince of Wales
    Wetherell, Charles
    Whorwood, William
    Lowther, Hugh ( 1292 )
    Babington, William ( 1414-1420 )
    Hussey, William ( 1471 )
    Baker, John ( 1536-1540 )
    Griffin, Edward ( 1552-1559 )
    Gerard, Gilbert ( 1559-1581 )
    Popham, John ( 1581-1592 )
    Egerton, Thomas, 1st Viscount Brackley ( 1592-1594 )
    Coke, Edward ( 1593 )
    Hobart, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1606-1613 )
    Bacon, Francis, 1st and last Viscount Saint Alban ( 1613-1617 )
    Yelverton, Henry ( 1617-1621 )
    Coventry, Thomas, 1st Baron Coventry of Aylesborough ( 1621-1625 )
    Prideaux, Edmund ( 1649 )
    Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Nottingham ( 1670-1673 )
    North, Francis, 1st Baron Guilford ( 1673-1682 )
    Powys, Thomas ( 1687 )
    Somers, John, 1st Baron Somers of Evesham ( 1692-1693 )
    Folkes, Martin ( 1697 )
    Harcourt, Simon, 1st Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt ( 1707-1708 )
    Harcourt, Simon, 1st Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt ( 1710-1710 )
    Lechmere, Nicholas, 1st Baron Lechmere of Evesham ( 1718-1720 )
    Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke ( 1724-1733 )
    Ryder, Dudley ( 1737 )
    Bathurst, Henry, 2nd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1748-1751 ), to the Prince of Wales
    Bathurst, Henry, 2nd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1751-1754 ), to the Dowager Princess of Wales
    Murray, William, 1st Earl of Mansfield ( 1754-1756 )
    Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden ( 1756-1757 ), to the Prince of Wales
    Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden ( Jul 1757 )
    Yorke, Charles ( 1762-1763 )
    Norton, Fletcher, 1st Lord Grantley, Baron of Markenfield ( 1763-1765 )
    Yorke, Charles ( 1765-1766 )
    Grey, William, 1st Baron Walsingham ( 1766-1771 )
    Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1771-1778 )
    Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn ( 1778-1780 )
    Kenyon, Lloyd, 1st Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington ( 1782-1783 )
    Kenyon, Lloyd, 1st Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington ( 1783-1784 )
    Macdonald, Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1788 )
    Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon ( 1793-1799 )
    Toler, John, 1st Earl of Norbury ( 1798-1799 )
    Freeman-Mitford, John, 1st Baron Redesdale ( 1799-1801 )
    Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough ( 1801 )
    Shepherd, Samuel ( 1817 )
    Gifford, Robert, 1st Baron Gifford of St. Leonard's ( 1819-1824 )
    Brougham, Henry, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ( 22 Apr 1820 ), appointed by Caroline, Princess of Wales, after she became Queen
    Copley, John Singleton, 1st Baron Lyndhurst ( 1824-1826 )
    Scarlett, James, 1st Baron Abinger ( 1827 )
    Scarlett, James, 1st Baron Abinger ( 1829 )
    Denman, Thomas, 1st Baron Denman of Dovedale ( 1830-1832 ), to King William IV
    Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1834-1834 )
    Pollock, Frederick, 1st Bt. ( 1834-1835 )
    Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1835-1841 )
    Pollock, Frederick, 1st Bt. ( 1841-1844 )
    Wilde, Thomas, 1st Baron Truro of Bowes ( 1841-1841 )
    Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1845-1846 )
    Wilde, Thomas, 1st Baron Truro of Bowes ( 1846-1846 )
    Romilly, John, 1st Baron Romilly ( 1850 )
    Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1852-1852 )
    FitzGerald, John David, Baron FitzGerald of Kilmarnock ( 1856-1858 )
    FitzGerald, John David, Baron FitzGerald of Kilmarnock ( 1859-1860 )
    Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne ( 1863-1866 )
    Cairns, Hugh MacCalmont, 1st Earl Cairns ( 1866-1866 )
    Collier, Robert Porrett, 1st Baron Monkswell of Monkswell ( 1868-1871 )
    Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1871-1873 )
    James, Henry, 1st and last Baron James of Hereford ( 1873-1874 )
    Baggallay, Richard ( 1874-1875 )
    Holker, John ( 1875-1880 )
    James, Henry, 1st and last Baron James of Hereford ( 1880-1885 )
    Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( 1885-1892 )
    Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1886-1886 )
    Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1892-1894 )
    Reid, Robert Threshie, 1st and last Baron Loreburn ( 1894-1895 )
    Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( 1895-1900 )
    Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, 1st Viscount Finlay ( 1900-1906 )
    Robson, William Snowdon, Baron Robson ( 1908-1910 )
    Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1910-1913 )
    Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1913-1915 )
    Duke, Henry Edward, 1st Baron Merrivale ( 1915 )
    Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of Birkenhead ( 1915 )
    Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of Birkenhead ( 1916-1919 )
    Hewart, Gordon, 1st Viscount Hewart ( 1919-1922 )
    Hogg, Douglas McGarel, 1st Viscount Hailsham ( 1922-1924 )
    Pollock, Ernest Murray, 1st Viscount Hanworth ( 1922-1922 )
    Hastings, Patrick Gardiner ( 1924 )
    Hogg, Douglas McGarel, 1st Viscount Hailsham ( 1924-1928 )
    Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1928-1929 )
    Jowitt, William Allen, 1st and last Earl Jowitt ( 1929-1932 )
    Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1932-1936 )
    Fyfe, David Patrick Maxwell, 1st and last Earl of Kilmuir ( 1945-1945 )
    Shawcross, Hartley William, Baron Shawcross ( 1945-1951 )
    Heald, Lionel Frederick ( 1951-1954 )
    Soskice, Frank, Baron Stow Hill ( 1951-1951 )
    Manningham-Buller, Reginald Edward, 1st Viscount Dilhorne ( 1954-1962 )
    Elwyn-Jones, Frederick Elwyn, Baron Elwyn-Jones ( 1964-1970 )
    Rawlinson, Peter Anthony Grayson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell ( 1970-1974 )
    Silkin, Samuel Charles, Baron Silkin of Dulwich ( 1974-1979 )
    Mayhew, Patrick Barnabas Burke, Baron Mayhew of Twysden ( 1987-1992 )
    Lyell, Nicholas Walter, Baron Lyell of Markyate ( 1992-1997 )
    Morris, John, Baron Morris of Aberavon ( 1997-1999 )
    Williams, Gareth Wyn, Baron Williams of Mostyn ( 1999-2001 )
    Goldsmith, Peter Henry, Baron Goldsmith ( 2001 )
    Count equals 116 individuals.

Attorney-General [Bahamas]
    Hallinan, Eric ( 1940-1944 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Barbados]
    Burnett, Robert
    Chester, Anthony
    Jones, Robert Burnett
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Attorney-General [Bermuda]
    Stewart, Duncan
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [British Columbia]
    McCreight, John Foster ( 1871-1872 )
    Pooley, Robert Henry ( 1928-1933 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [British Honduras]
    Probyn, Leslie
    Onslow, Alexander Campbell ( 1878-1880 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Canada]
    Macdonald, Hugh John
    Macdonald, John Alexander ( 1854-1862 )
    Macdonald, John Alexander ( 1864-1867 )
    Bennett, Richard Bedford, 1st and last Viscount Bennett ( 1921 )
    Trudeau, Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott ( 1967-1968 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Attorney-General [Cape Colony]
    Villiers, John Henry, 1st Baron de Villiers ( 1872-1874 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Cape of Good Hope]
    Oliphant, Anthony
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Ceylon]
    Layard, Charles Peter ( 1892 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Cyprus]
    Blackall, Henry William Butler ( 1932-1936 )
    Henry, James Holmes, 2nd Bt. ( 1956-1960 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Duchy of Lancaster]
    Audley, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Audley of Walden ( 1526-1531 )
    Brightman, John Anson, Baron Brightman ( 1969-1970 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Fiji]
    Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth James ( 1922 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Gold Coast]
    Townsend, William Richard
    Blackall, Henry William Butler ( 1936-1943 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Granada]
    Probyn, Leslie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Grenada]
    Dalrymple, Hugh
    Mackenzie, Kenneth Francis
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Grenadas]
    Burt, Archibald Piguenit
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Guernsey]
    Sausmarez, John Thomas
    Sausmarez, Thomas ( 1820 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Hong Kong]
    Pauncefote, Julian, 1st and last Baron Pauncefote ( 1863-1873 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [India]
    Aylmer, Fenton John, 13th Bt., V.C. ( 1912-1915 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Isle of Man]
    Caesar, John
    Frissell, John
    Heywood, Peter
    Quillin, John
    Sedden, William
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Attorney-General [Jamaica]
    Arcedeckne, Chalenor
    Ford, Gilbert
    Penny, Robert
    Brodrick, William ( 1692 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Attorney-General [Jersey]
    Durell, John
    Venables-Vernon, William Henry ( 1884 )
    Coutanche, Alexander Moncrieff, Baron Coutanche ( 1931-1935 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Attorney-General [Leeward Islands]
    Hamilton, William Leslie
    Walpole, Charles George ( 1889-1892 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Malta]
    Legh, Richard Cornwall
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Massachusetts]
    Dudley, Paul
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Montserrat]
    Wyke, Anthony
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Natal]
    Gallwey, Michael Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [New Jersey]
    Skinner, Cortlandt
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [New York State]
    Emmet, Thomas Addis
    Stevens, Samuel
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Newfoundland]
    Hoyles, Hugh William
    Morris, Edward Patrick, 1st Baron Morris ( 1903-1907 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Nigeria]
    Hallinan, Eric ( 1948-1952 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [North Carolina]
    Eliott, Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Nyasaland Protectorate]
    Hogg, Alan Frederick ( 1914-1918 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Rhode Island]
    Channing, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Sierra Leone]
    Maude, Ralph Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Singapore]
    Butterfield, Charles Harris ( 1955-1957 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [South Australia]
    Moulden, Beamont Arnold
    Strangeways, Henry Bull Templar ( 1860-1861 )
    Strangeways, Henry Bull Templar ( 1868-1870 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Attorney-General [South Carolina]
    Leigh, Egerton, 1st Bt. ( 1765 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [St. Christophers]
    Woodley, John ( 1826 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Tanganyika]
    Grattan-Bellew, Arthur John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Transvaal and Cape Province]
    Nightingale, Lacy Gamaliel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Trinidad]
    Warner, Charles William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [U.S.]
    Butler, Benjamin Franklin
    Breckinridge, John ( 1805 )
    Bonaparte, Charles Joseph ( 1906-1909 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Attorney-General [Uganda Protectorate]
    Hogg, Alan Frederick ( 1918 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Upper Canada]
    Robinson, John Beverley, 1st Bt. ( 1818 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Van Diemen's Land]
    Stephen, Alfred
    Gellibrand, Joseph Tice ( 1823-1826 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General [Victoria]
    Wrixon, Henry John
    O'Loghlen, Bryan, 3rd Bt. ( 1878-1881 )
    O'Loghlen, Bryan, 3rd Bt. ( 1893-1894 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Attorney-General [Wales]
    Rich, Richard, 1st Baron Rich ( 13 May 1532 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General [Western Australia]
    Onslow, Alexander Campbell ( 1880-1883 )
    Warton, Charles Nicholas ( 1886-1890 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General and Chief Justice of Chester
    Arden, Richard Pepper, 1st Baron Alvanley ( 1784-1788 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General for the Duchy of Lancaster
    Onslow, Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General for the House of Wards
    Onslow, Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of England and Wales
    Horne, William ( 1832-1834 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of Lower Canada
    Ogden, Charles O.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of Munster
    Parsons, Laurence ( 1612 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of Pennsylvania
    Dallas, George Mifflin ( 1833-1835 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of Western Australia
    Drake-Brockman, Frederick Slade
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of teh Duchy of Lancaster
    Ord, John ( 1777 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of the Duchy of Cornwall
    Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1932-1947 )
    Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1948-1951 )
    Russell, Charles Ritchie, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1951-1960 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Attorney-General of the Duchy of Lancaster
    Heath, John
    Jenkins, David Llewelyn, Baron Jenkins
    Moseley, Edward
    Scott, Richard Rashleigh Folliott, Baron Scott of Foscote ( 1980-1983 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Attorney-General of the Imperial Russian senate
    Zakrevsky, Ignatiy Platonovich
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General of the Isle of Man
    Ogden, Charles O. ( 1844 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General to the Prince of Wales
    Loch, George
    Best, William Draper, 1st Baron Wynford ( 1816-1819 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Attorney-General to the Prince of Wales
    Erskine, Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine of Restormel Castle ( 1783-1792 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Attorney-General, Duchy of Lancaster
    Arden, Mary Howarth ( 1991-1993 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Le Marchant, John ( 1359-1383 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff Grand Cross of the Sovereign Order of MAlta
    North, William Henry John, 11th Baron North
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff Grand Cross, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
    Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury
    Onslow, Richard William Alan, 5th Earl of Onslow
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Bailiff Manor of Farebriggs, Staffordshire
    Littleton, Edward, for life
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff Regality of Paisley
    Sempill, Robert, 3rd Lord Sempill ( 1544 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Alton
    Gurdon, Adam, temp HENRY III
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Bridgnorth
    Synge, George ( 1555 )
    Synge, Richard ( 1598 )
    Synge, George ( 1601 )
    Synge, Richard ( 1605 )
    Synge, Richard ( 1617 )
    Synge, Richard ( 1623 )
    Synge, Richard ( 1630 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Bailiff of Bristol
    Yonge, John ( 1385 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Buckingham
    Lampard, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Carmarthen
    Maredugg, Philip ( 1325-1326 )
    Maredugg, Philip ( 1417-1418 )
    Maredugg, Philip ( 1437-1438 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Bailiff of Cork
    Galwey, Geoffrey ( 1423 )
    Galwey, Edward ( 1536 )
    Galwey, Andrew ( 1543 )
    Galwey, Andrew ( 1544 )
    Galwey, James ( 1567 )
    Galwey, George ( 1573 )
    Galwey, Patrick ( 1577 )
    Galwey, John ( 1596 )
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Bailiff of Coutances
    Assheton, John ( 1419 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Daventry
    Wymant, Samuel ( 1727 )
    Wymant, Samuel ( 1742 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Bailiff of Dublin
    Geydon, Henry
    Ussher, Arland ( 1461 )
    Ussher, Christopher ( 1511 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Bailiff of Durham
    Hutton, Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Galway
    Freynsh, Oliver ( 1525 )
    Bodkin, Ambrose ( 1570 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Bailiff of Galway (probably)
    Blake, Geoffrey ( 1486 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Guernsey
    Carey, Godfrey
    Havilland, Peter
    Utermarck, John de Havilland
    Sausmarez, Havilland Walter, 1st and last Bt. ( 1922-1929 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Bailiff of Holland
    Teylingen, Dirk, Heer van Alblas Waddinxveen en Poliën
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Jersey
    Coutanche, Alexander Moncrieff, Baron Coutanche
    Veuille, John
    Carteret, George, 1st Bt. ( 1643 )
    Carteret, Philip, 1st Bt. ( 1675 )
    Carteret, Robert, 3rd Earl Granville ( 1763-1776 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Bailiff of Kennemerland
    Brederode, Dirk II 'de Goede' ( 1288 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Limerick
    Galwey, Richard ( 1414 )
    Stacpoole, Bartholomew ( 1596 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Bailiff of Ludlow
    Wolley, John ( 1723 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Stafford
    Archdale, John ( 1540 ), and again in 1546
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Tyndale, Northumberland
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( 1486 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Woerden, Rijnland, Kennemerland en West-Friesland
    Duivenvoorde, Jan I, Heer van Breda Castricum en Heemskerk
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of Youghal
    Blackall, Bassett ( 1695 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Bailiff of the City of London and the Liberties of Westminster
    Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury ( c 1598 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Baron of Court of Exchequer
    Deasy, Rickard Morgan ( 1861 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Baron of the Court of Exchequer
    Pollock, Charles Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Baron of the Exchequer of teh Supreme Court
    Huddleston, John Walter
    Count equals 1 individual.

Captain and Constable of Doune Castle
    Stewart, James, of Beath ( 1528 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chairman of Justice [Hong Kong]
    Huggins, Alan Armstrong ( 1965-1968 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chairman of Magistrates, Basingstoke Division
    Sclater, William Lutley
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chairman of the Isle of Wight County Bench
    Baring, Godfrey, 1st Bt. ( 1934 )
    Baring, Charles Christian, 2nd Bt. ( 1962 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Chairman of the Midhurst Bench
    Gore, John Francis ( 1944-1958 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Clerk of the King's Bench
    Roper, Thomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable for Staffordshire
    Giffard, John William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Ayrshire
    Robertson-Glasgow, Colin Campbell
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Berkshire
    Poulton, Arthur Faulconer
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Birmingham
    Rafter, Charles Haughton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Buckinghamshire
    Warren, Thomas Richard Pennefather, 8th Bt. ( 1928-1953 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Cheshire
    Hordern, Archibald Frederick ( 1934-1935 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Derbyshire
    Holland, Herbert Christian ( 1897-1916 )
    Anley, Philip Francis Ross ( 1918 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Chief Constable of Devon
    Vyvyan, Herbert Reginald ( 1907-1931 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of East Sussex
    Mayne, Jasper Graham
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Essex
    Peel, Francis Richard Jonathan ( 1933-1962 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Glamorgan
    Lindsay, Henry Gore
    Lindsay, Lionel Arthur ( 1891-1937 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Chief Constable of Gloucestershire
    Christian, Henry ( 1865-1910 ), a position that he filled with distinction
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Herefordshire
    Scudamore-Stanhope, Evelyn Theodore ( 1895-1923 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Huntingdonshire
    Chichester, Alan George ( 1901-1927 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Kent
    Ferguson, John Frederick ( 1946-1958 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Lanarkshire
    McHardy, Wallace Bruce
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Lancashire
    Hordern, Archibald Frederick ( 1935-1950 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Lothianshire and Peebles-shire
    Douglas, Sholto William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Merionethshire
    Best, Thomas William ( 1883-1907 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Norfolk
    Mander, John Harold
    Napier, Egbert ( 1909-1916 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Chief Constable of Northamptonshire
    Bolton, Robert Henry Dundas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Oxfordshire
    Arbuthnot, Ernest Kennaway ( 1921 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Radnorshire
    Walsh, Charles Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of West Riding, Yorkshire
    Russell, Theodosius Stuart
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of West Sussex
    Williams, Arthur Stuart
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Wigtownshire
    Cunliffe, Brooke Stewart
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of Worcestershire
    Carmichael, George Lynedoch ( 1871-1903 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of York
    Lloyd, Ernest Thomas ( 1893-1897 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable of the Metropolitan Police
    Drummond, Maurice Charles Andrew ( 1932 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Constable, Thames Valley Police
    Habgood, Francis John Stapylton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Forester and Justice of the entire royal forest throughout all of England
    Neville, John (II) ( 21 Oct 1235 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Judge of Divorce in the Supreme Court [New South Wales]
    Owen, Langer Meade Loftus
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate [Bombay]
    Cooper, Charles Philip
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate [Southern Rhodesia]
    Hone, Arthur Rickman
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate in Hobart, Tasmania
    Price, John ( 1838-1846 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate in Singapore
    O'Connor, Richard Spear
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of Bow Street
    Conant, Nathaniel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of County Galway
    Blake, Andrew
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of Gambia
    Hume, Edward Archibald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of Johannesburg
    Ashburnham, John Anchitel
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of Norfolk Island
    Elliot, Charles Sinclair
    Young, George Martin Frederick ( 1856-1857 )
    Christian, Isaac ( 1858 )
    Young, George Martin Frederick ( 1859 )
    Buffett, Thomas ( 1860-1861 )
    Quintal, Arthur ( 1862-1864 )
    Buffett, John ( 1867-1870 )
    Buffett, David ( 1871 )
    Nobbs, Fletcher Christian ( 1874-1875 )
    Nobbs, Francis Mason ( 1876-1880 )
    Buffett, John ( 1881-1882 )
    Nobbs, Francis Mason ( 1883-1884 )
    Quintal, Arthur ( 1885 )
    Christian, John Stephen ( 1886-1887 )
    Buffett, Henry Seymour ( 1888 )
    Christian, John Stephen ( 1889-1890 )
    Adams, Byron Stanley Mitchell ( 1891-1892 )
    Christian, John Stephen ( 1893 )
    Nobbs, Francis Mason ( 1894 )
    Adams, Byron Stanley Mitchell ( 1895-1896 )
    Count equals 20 individuals.

Chief Magistrate of North Berwick
    Minchin, Paul ( 1802 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of Pitcairn Island
    Quintal, Edward ( 1838-1839 )
    Quintal, Arthur ( 1840-1841 )
    Christian, Fletcher ( 1842 )
    McCoy, Matthew ( 1843 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1844 )
    Quintal, Arthur ( 1845-1846 )
    Christian, Charles ( 1847 )
    Adams, George ( 1848 )
    Young, Simon ( 1849 )
    Quintal, Arthur ( 1850 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1851 )
    Quintal, Abraham Blatchly ( 1852 )
    McCoy, Matthew ( 1853 )
    Quintal, Arthur ( 1854 )
    Young, George Martin Frederick ( 1855-1856 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1864 )
    Young, Moses ( 1865-1866 )
    Quintal, William ( 1866 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1867 )
    Buffett, Robert Pitcairn ( 1868 )
    Young, Moses ( 1869 )
    McCoy, James Russell ( 1870-1872 )
    Quintal, William ( 1872-1873 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1873 )
    Young, Moses ( 1875 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1876 )
    McCoy, James Russell ( 1878-1879 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1880 )
    Young, Moses ( 1881 )
    Christian, Thursday October ( 1882 )
    McCoy, James Russell ( 1883 )
    Young, Benjamin Stanley ( 1884-1885 )
    McCoy, James Russell ( 1886-1889 )
    Young, Charles Carleton Vieder ( 1890-1891 )
    Young, Benjamin Stanley ( 1892 )
    McCoy, James Russell ( 1905-1906 )
    Young, Arthur Herbert ( 1907 )
    Young, William Alfred ( 1908 )
    McCoy, Matthew Edmond ( 1909 )
    Christian, Gerard Robert Bromley ( 1910-1919 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1920 )
    Christian, Frederick Martin ( 1921 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1922 )
    Christian, Edgar Allen ( 1923-1924 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1925 )
    Christian, Edgar Allen ( 1926-1929 )
    Young, Arthur Herbert ( 1930-1931 )
    Christian, Edgar Allen ( 1932 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1933-1934 )
    Christian, Edgar Allen ( 1935-1939 )
    Young, Andrew Clarence David ( 1940 )
    Christian, Frederick Martin ( 1941 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1942 )
    Christian, Frederick Martin ( 1943 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1944 )
    Young, Norris Henry ( 1945-1948 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1949 )
    Christian, Warren Clive ( 1950-1951 )
    Christian, John Lorenzo ( 1952-1954 )
    Christian, Charles R. Parkin ( 1955-1957 )
    Christian, Warren Clive ( 1958-1960 )
    Christian, John Lorenzo ( 1960-1966 )
    Christian, Ivan Roa ( 1980 )
    Warren, Jay Calvin ( 1991 )
    Count equals 64 individuals.

Chief Magistrate of Tuscany
    Giuliotti, unknown
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of Utrecht
    Reede, Frederik Christiaan Reinhart, 5th Earl of Athlone ( 1790 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of the Dublin Metropolitan District
    Porter, Frank Thorpe
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Magistrate of the Island of Cuba
    Zamora, José M.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Master of the Supreme Court
    Dury, Theodore Seton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Police Constable
    Webb-Bowen, Thomas Ince
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Police Magistrate [Hong Kong]
    Plunket, Charles Bushe
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Police Magistrate of Dublin
    Graves, John Crosbie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Presidency Magistrate [Calcutta]
    Sinha, Sushil Kumar
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas
    Cooke, George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court
    Jolly, Henry Stewart
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief Remembrancer of Court of Exchequer
    Ferneley, Philip
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief of Justice of Bombay
    Pollock, David
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief of Justice of Jamaica
    Guy, John Hudson
    Count equals 1 individual.

Chief of the Itinerant Justices of the Forest
    Neville, Hugh (I) ( b 1199 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Court Judge
    Evans, Fabyan Peter Leaf
    Fawsitt, Diarmhid
    Huskinson, G. Nicholas N.
    Leonard, James Charles Beresford Whyte
    Thesiger, Arthur Lionel Bruce ( 1931-1937 ), Circuit No. 1 (Northumberland)
    Thesiger, Arthur Lionel Bruce ( 1938-1947 ), Circuit No. 57 (Exeter)
    Coplestone-Boughey, John Fenton ( 1969-1985 )
    Grant, Derek Aldwin ( 1969-1984 )
    Cassel, Harold Felix, 3rd Bt. ( 1976-1988 )
    Bing, Inigo Geoffrey ( 2000 )
    Darroch, Alasdair Malcolm ( 2000 )
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Circuit Court Judge [Illionis]
    Trafelet, Dean Michael
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Court Judge for Inner London
    Butler, Patrick Theobald Tower, 18th/28th Baron Dunboyne ( 1972-1986 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Court Judge for the Western Circuit
    Esmonde, John Henry Grattan, 16th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Judge
    Clay, John Lionel
    Cripps, Michael Leonard Seddon, 5th Baron Parmoor
    Irvine, James Eccles Malise
    Previte, John Edward
    Randolph, Joseph Randolph
    Seely, Jonathan Sebastian
    Temple-Morris, Owen
    Woodforde, Woodforde Flooks ( 19 Apr 1874 )
    Chetwynd-Talbot, Richard Michael Arthur ( 1972-1983 )
    Petre, Francis Herbert Loraine ( 1972-1997 )
    Verney, Lawrence John ( 1972-1990 )
    Stucley, John Humphrey Albert ( 1974 )
    Best, Giles Bernard ( 1975-1997 )
    Fox-Andrews, James Roland Blake ( 1985-1994 )
    Bathurst Norman, George Alfred ( 1986 )
    Lownie, Ralph Hamilton, of Largo ( 1986-1995 )
    Brodrick, Michael John Lee ( 1987 )
    Elystan-Morgan, Dafydd Elystan, Baron Elystan-Morgan ( 1987-2003 )
    Colville, John Mark Alexander, 4th Viscount Colville of Culross ( 1993-1999 )
    Geddes, Andrew Campbell ( 1994 ), for Midland and Oxford Circuit
    Thornton, Anthony Christopher Lawrence ( 1994 )
    Gaskell, Joseph William ( 1996 )
    Phillips, Simon Benjamin ( 2015 )
    Count equals 23 individuals.

Circuit Judge (NE Circuit)
    Crawford, William Hamilton Raymund ( 1986 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Judge (Western)
    Harington, Michael Kenneth ( 2000 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Judge [North Wales]
    Jeffreys, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Judge of Brecon
    Lloyd, Richard ( 1660-1676 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Judge of the Central Criminal Court
    Buzzard, John Huxley ( 1974 )
    Owen, John Arthur Dalziel ( 1984-1986 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Circuit Judge, Ashanti and Northern Territories, Gold Coast
    Barton, Cecil Molyneux ( 1929-1934 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Judge, South-East Circuit
    Hughes-Morgan, David John, 3rd Bt. ( 1986-1998 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Circuit Judge, West Circuit
    Meston, James, 3rd Baron Meston ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

City Magistrate, Delhi
    Macnab, Archibald Corrie, of that Ilk, 22nd Chief ( 1914 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Clerk Registrar
    Makgill, James, of Rankeillour ( 1554 ), and was temporarily dismissed for implication in the murder of Rizzio
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector Drogheda
    Gay, Caleb
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector and Commissioner of Ahmedabad
    James, Henry Evan Murchison ( 1889-1891 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector for Cork
    Cavendish, Henry, 1st Bt. ( 1743 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector of Customs and Receiver-General of Mauritius
    Barclay, Colville Arthur Durell, of Pierston, 11th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector of Customs for Southampton
    Pakenham, John ( 1380 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector of Dublin
    Dawson, William
    Dawson, Joshua ( 1703 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Collector of Galway
    Marshall, Simon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector of Internal Revenue, Mauritius
    Barclay, Robert, of Pierston, 8th Bt. ( 1813-1835 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector of Revenue for County Down, County Antrim and County Carrickfergus
    Dawson, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector of Sudsidies in Munslow
    Baldwin, Richard ( 1523 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Collector of the Customs of London
    Burrard, Harry, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Commissioner for the Administration of Justice
    Dalrymple, James, 1st Viscount of Stair ( 1657 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable and Lord-Lieutenant of the Tower of London
    Venables-Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Abingdon ( 1702-1705 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable and Porter of Abergavenny Castle
    Herbert, Richard ( 1509 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable and Porter of Berkeley Castle
    Berkeley, Thomas, 6th Lord Berkeley ( 8 Mar 1533 ), and Keeper of the Park
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable and Steward of Huntingtower
    Murray, James, 2nd Earl of Tullibardine ( 28 Dec 1649 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable and Steward of Knaresborough
    Clifford, Henry, 1st Earl of Cumberland
    Clifford, Henry, 2nd Earl of Cumberland
    Clifford, George, 3rd Earl of Cumberland ( 1597 )
    Clifford, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland ( 1604 ), jointly
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Constable and Steward of Penrith
    Clifford, Henry, 1st Earl of Cumberland
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Abergavenny Castle
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 25 Sep 1510 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Aberystwyth
    Vaughan, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Alnwick Castle
    Wharton, Thomas, 1st Baron Wharton ( 1555 )
    Percy, Thomas ( 1594 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Arklow Castle
    Talbot, Thomas ( 1357 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Athlone
    Dillon-Lee, Charles, 12th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallin ( 1805 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Athlone Castle
    Bourke, Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricarde ( 1601 )
    Berkeley, John, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton ( 26 Dec 1661 )
    Jones, Charles Wilkinson, 4th Viscount Ranelagh ( 1765-1797 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Bamborough Castle
    Warenne, John, 7th Earl of Surrey
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Bamburgh Castle
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( 1471 )
    Darcy, Thomas, 1st Lord Darcy ( 1498 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Barnard's Castle
    Cheyne, John, 1st and last Lord Cheyne ( 15 Mar 1488 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Beaumaris Castle
    Bulkeley, James, 6th Viscount Bulkeley of Cashel
    Bulkeley, Richard, 4th Viscount Bulkeley of Cashel
    Bulkeley, Richard, 5th Viscount Bulkeley of Cashel
    Bulkeley, Rowland
    Velville, Roland
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Constable of Berkeley Castle
    Berkeley, Thomas, 5th Lord Berkeley ( 15 May 1514 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Berwick
    Lindsay, Walter, Lord of Lamberton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Bridgnorth, Chester and Shrewsbury Castles
    Lestrange, John (III) ( 1233-1240 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Brimpsfield Castle
    York, Richard, 1st Earl of Cambridge
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Bristol Castle
    Berkeley, John
    Plantagenet, Edward IV, King of England ( 14 Nov 1460 )
    Chaworth, George, 1st Viscount Chaworth of Armagh ( 1616-1639 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Bruges
    Croft, Hugh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Builth, co. Brecon
    Cherleton, John, 1st Lord Cherleton ( 1314 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Caerleon Castle
    Somerset, Henry, 2nd Earl of Worcester ( 30 Mar 1525 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Caernarvon
    Puleston, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Caernarvon Castle
    Lloyd George, David, 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor ( 1908-1945 )
    Ormsby-Gore, William George Arthur, 4th Baron Harlech ( 1945 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Calais
    Fiennes, Thomas, 8th Lord Dacre ( 1493 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Cararthen and Aberystwyth Castles, and of Careg Cennen Castle
    Plantagenet, Richard, 3rd Duke of York ( 1455-1457 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Cardiff Castle
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 29 May 1509 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Cardigan Castle
    Stephen, Robert
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Carlisle Castle
    Dacre, Randolf, 1st Lord Dacre ( 1330 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Carlow Castle
    Butler, James, 9th Earl of Ormonde ( 1537 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Carnarvon Castle
    Bulkeley, Richard, 4th Viscount Bulkeley of Cashel ( 1713-1714 )
    Paget, Henry, 1st Earl of Uxbridge ( 1785 )
    Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th Earl of Carnarvon ( 1854 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Castle Magne
    Denny, Edward ( 1641 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Castle Rising
    Wodehouse, John ( 1402 )
    Cholmondeley, George Horatio, 2nd Marquess of Cholmondeley ( 1858-1870 )
    Stanley, Frederick Arthur, 16th Earl of Derby ( 1870-1908 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Castle Rising, Norfolk
    Cromwell, Ralph, 2nd Lord Cromwell ( 1404 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Castle Sweyne
    MacNeill, Torquil
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Castle and town of St. Andrews
    Wemyss, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Cessford Castle
    Pringle, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Chepstow Castle
    Cromwell, John, 1st Baron Cromwell ( 1307-1308 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Chester
    FitzEustace, John
    Lacy, Roger
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Chester Castle
    Booth, Lawrence
    Booth, Thomas
    Grey, Reynold, 1st Baron Grey (of Wilton)
    Stanley, Thomas, 1st Lord Stanley
    Pilkington, John ( 1461 ), for life
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Constable of Cockermouth, Cumberland
    Leigh, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Colchester Castle
    Howard, John, 1st Duke of Norfolk ( 1461 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Conisborough Castle
    Percy, Thomas, 1st Baron Egremont ( 1459 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Conway Castle
    Despenser, Aline ( 30 Jan 1326 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Cricieth Castle
    Gruffudd, Hywel y Fwyall
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Cyprus
    Lusignan, Guy
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Devizes
    Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord Despenser ( 1264 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Donington Castle
    Hastinges, William, 1st Lord Hastings
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Doune Castle
    Stewart, James, 1st Lord Doune
    Stewart, Henry, 1st Lord Saint Colme ( 1592-1593 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Dover
    Brooke, William, 10th Lord Cobham (of Kent)
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Dover Castle
    Beaumont, Thomas, Seigneur of Basqueville
    Cobham, Henry, 1st Lord Cobham (of Kent)
    Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton
    Neville, George, 3rd Lord Abergavenny
    Smith, William Henry
    Mansel, John ( 1226 )
    Cobham, Reginald ( 1255 )
    Burghersh, Robert, 1st Lord Burghersh ( 1299-1306 )
    Basset, Ralph, 2nd Lord Basset of Drayton ( 1326-1326 )
    Burghersh, Bartholomew, 1st Lord Burghersh ( 1327 )
    Clinton, William, 1st and last Earl of Huntingdon ( 1330-1343 )
    Burghersh, Bartholomew, 1st Lord Burghersh ( 1343 )
    Burghersh, Bartholomew, 1st Lord Burghersh ( 1346-1350 )
    Langley, Edmund, 1st Duke of York ( 1376-1381 )
    Beaumont, John, 4th Baron Beaumont ( 1392-1396 )
    York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1396-1398 )
    Fiennes, James, 1st Lord Saye and Sele ( 1447-1450 )
    Stafford, Humphrey, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 16 Jul 1450 )
    Neville, Richard, 1st Earl of Warwick ( 1461 )
    Fitzalan, William, 9th/16th Earl of Arundel ( 1 May 1471 )
    Zouche, Edward, 11th Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth) ( 1615-1624 )
    Howard, Theophilus, 2nd Earl of Suffolk ( 1628-1640 )
    Stuart, James II, King of Great Britain ( 1660-1673 )
    Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde ( 1713 )
    Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1829-1852 )
    Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2nd Earl Granville ( 1865-1891 )
    Windsor, George V, King of the United Kingdom ( 1905-1907 )
    Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1934 )
    Freeman-Thomas, Freeman, 1st Marquess of Willingdon ( 1936-1941 )
    Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth Angela Marguerite ( Sep 1978 )
    Boyce, Michael, Baron Boyce ( 2004 )
    Count equals 31 individuals.

Constable of Dryslwyn Castle
    Gwilym, Henry ( 1460-1461 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Dublin Castle
    Pratt, John
    Berneval, Ulphram ( 1279-1281 )
    Butler, James, 2nd Earl of Ormonde ( Mar 1350 )
    Plunket, Christopher, 1st Lord Dunsany ( 1435 )
    St. Lawrence, Christopher, 1st Baron Howth ( 1461 ), for life
    O'Neill, John Bruce Richard, 3rd Viscount O'Neill ( 1811-1855 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Constable of Dudley Castle, Staffordshire
    Lyttelton, John ( 1553 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Dundee
    Scrimgeour, James
    Scrimgeour, James, of Glassarie
    Scrymgeour, James, of Dudhope
    Scrymgeour, John
    Scrymgeour, Alexander, of Dudhope ( 29 Mar 1298 ), by charter as a reward for his military services
    Scrymgeour, John ( 1546 )
    Scrymgeour, John ( 1668 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Constable of Dungarvan Castle, County Waterford
    Butler, Piers, 8th Earl of Ormonde ( Feb 1528 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Dunstaffnage
    Campbell, Arthur
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Dunstanborough Castle
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( Mar 1474 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Durham
    Belasyse, Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Durham Castle
    Darcy, Philip, 1st Lord Darcy ( 1301 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Dynas Castle
    Somerset, Henry, 2nd Earl of Worcester ( 20 Sep 1514 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Edinburgh Castle
    Carneys, William ( 1379-1401 )
    Sempill, Peter ( 1544 )
    Haldane, Archibald ( 1615-1640 )
    Leslie, David, 5th Earl of Leven ( 1689-1702 )
    Leslie, David, 5th Earl of Leven ( 1704-1712 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Constable of England
    Bohun, Humphrey
    Beaumont, Henry, 1st Earl of Buchan ( 1322 )
    Beaumont, Henry, 1st Earl of Buchan ( 1336 )
    York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1397-1399 )
    Percy, Henry, 1st Earl of Northumberland ( 1399-1403 ), for life
    Lancaster, John, Duke of Bedford ( 10 Sep 1403 )
    Beaufort, John, 1st Earl of Somerset ( 1404 )
    Neville, Richard, 5th Earl of Salisbury ( 1429 )
    Plantagenet, Richard, 3rd Duke of York ( 20 Jan 1430 )
    Beaumont, John, 1st Viscount Beaumont ( 1445-1450 )
    Beaufort, Edmund, 1st Duke of Somerset ( 1450 )
    Tiptoft, John, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1462-1467 )
    Tiptoft, John, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 14 Mar 1470 )
    Vere, John, 13th Earl of Oxford ( 1471 )
    Count equals 14 individuals.

Constable of Enniskillen Castle
    Weldon, Peter ( 2003 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Flint Castle
    Gladstone, Henry Neville, 1st and last Baron Gladstone of Hawarden ( 1934 )
    Gladstone, Albert Charles, of Fasque and Balfour, 5th Bt. ( 1935-1967 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Fort Duncannon, County Wexford
    Esmond, Laurence, 1st and last Lord Esmond, Baron of Lymbrick ( 1604-1605 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Fort Falkland
    Gore, Arthur, 1st Bt. ( 1660 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of France
     Raoul, Comte d'Eu et Guines
    Châtillon-Porcéan, Gaucher V, Comte de Porcéan
    Luxembourg, Louis, Comte de St. Pol
    Montmorency, Mathieu I, seigneur de d'Ecouen, de Marly et de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine ( 1138-1160 )
     Raoul, Comte d'Eu et Guines ( 1330 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Constable of Genau'r-glyn, Cardiganshire
    Adda, Maredudd ( 1357-1359 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Gloucester
    Sudeley, William ( 1264 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Gloucester Castle
    Bradeston, Thomas, 1st Lord Bradeston ( 1330 )
    Bradeston, Thomas, 1st Lord Bradeston ( 1338-1360 )
    Beauchamp, John, 1st Baron Beauchamp of Powick ( 16 Aug 1445 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Grouville
    Parcq, Richard ( 1655-1660 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Hadleigh Castle
    Vere, Aubrey, 10th Earl of Oxford ( Feb 1378 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Harlech Castle
    Ormsby-Gore, William George Arthur, 4th Baron Harlech
    Owen, William
    Pole, Richard
    Williams, Arthur Osmund, 1st Bt.
    Hastinges, William, 1st Lord Hastings ( 1462 )
    Ormsby-Gore, George Ralph Charles, 3rd Baron Harlech ( 1927-1938 )
    Williams-Wynne, John Francis ( 1964-1998 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

Constable of Hemsley Castle, Yorkshire
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 14 May 1487 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Hertford Castle
    Wake, Thomas, 2nd Lord Wake ( 1326 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Higham Ferrers Castle
    Hastinges, William, 1st Lord Hastings
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Hillsborough Fort
    Hill, Arthur ( 1660 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Horsley Castle
    Curzon, John ( 1401 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Horston Castle
    Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord Despenser ( 1255 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Inverness Castle
    Baillie, William, of Dunain
    Baillie, David, of Dunain and Shuglie ( 1548 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Inverurie Castle
    Leslie, Malcolm
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Jedburgh Castle
    Percy, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Worcester ( 19 Oct 1397 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Jersey and Guernsey
    Cobham, Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Jerusalem
    Braunschweig-Grubenhagen, Philip
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Kilkea Castle
    Butler, James, 9th Earl of Ormonde ( 1537 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Knaresborough
    Percy, Henry Algernon, 4th Earl of Northumberland ( 1501 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Knaresborough Castle
    Boyle, Richard, 4th Earl of Cork
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( Mar 1474 )
    Stanley, George, Baron Strange (of Knokyn) ( 1485 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Lancaster Castle
    Clayton, Richard, 1st Bt.
    Hulton, William
    Wilson Patten, John, 1st and last Baron Winmarleigh ( 1879-1892 )
    Hulton, William Wilbraham Blethyn, 1st Bt. ( 1892-1907 )
    Molyneux, Hugh William Osbert, 7th Earl of Sefton ( 1942 )
    Stanley, Edward John, 18th Earl of Derby ( 1972-1994 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Constable of Leeds Castle
    Bourchier, Thomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Leeds Castle, Kent
    Neville, Edward ( 1534 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Leicester Castle
    Fowke, Frederick Thomas, 2nd Bt.
    Wilson, Henry William, 11th Lord Berners
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Leighlin Castle
    Bagenal, Dudley ( 1585-1587 )
    Bagenal, Nicholas ( 1597-1607 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Leinster
    Prendergast, Philip, which he acquired through his wife
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Limerick Castle
    Blundell, Francis, 1st Bt.
    Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery ( 1661-1679 )
    Boyle, Murrough, 1st Viscount Blesington ( 1679-1692 )
    Southwell, Thomas George, 1st Viscount Southwell of Castle Mattress ( 1749-1780 )
    Vereker, Charles, 2nd Viscount Gort ( 1809-1842 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Constable of Lincoln
    Gernon, Ranulph, 2nd Earl of Chester ( 1136 ), by King Stephen
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Linlithgow Castle
    Carneys, William ( 1369-1379 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Liverpool
    Molyneux, Richard
    Molyneux, Richard
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Lochmaben Castle in the West Scottish Marches
    Neville, Thomas, 5th Lord Furnivalle ( 23 Oct 1399 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Lochnaw Castle
    Agnew, Andrew, 1st of Lochnaw ( 1426 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Maryborough Castle
    Moore, Charles, 1st Marquess of Drogheda ( 1765-1822 )
    Wellesley-Pole, William, 3rd Earl of Mornington ( 1823-1845 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Maryborough, Queen's County
    Cosbie, Francis ( 1565 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Mefenydd
    Adda, Maredudd ( 1360-1361 )
    Maredudd, Adda, ab Adda ( 1389-1390 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Melbourne Castle, Derbyshire
    Shirley, Ralph
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Middleham
    Neville, John, 1st Lord Neville
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Middleham Castle
    Darcy, Conyers, 1st Earl of Holderness ( 1660-1671 )
    Darcy, Conyers, 2nd Earl of Holderness ( 1671 )
    Darcy, Robert, 3rd Earl of Holderness ( 1702 )
    Darcy, Robert, 4th Earl of Holderness ( 1739 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Constable of Monasterevin, County Kildare
    Cosbie, Francis ( 1555 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Monmouth Castle
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 21 May 1509 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Montgomery Castle
    Lestrange, John (III) ( 1235 )
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1504 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Muskin Higher
    Llewellyn, Rees ( 1899 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Naples
    Orsini, Robert, Conte di Tagliacozzo
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Neath Castle
    Mackworth, Humphrey ( 1703 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Newcastle Castle
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( Mar 1474 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Norham Castle
    Darcy, John, 1st Lord Darcy de Knayth ( 1317 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Normandy
    Evreux, Raoul, Sire de Gacé
    Hommet, Richard
    Hommet, William
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Northam Castle
    Manners, Robert ( b 1345 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Northampton Castle
    Zouche, Alan ( 1261-1263 )
    Grey, Reynold, 1st Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( 1267-1268 )
    Zouche, Alan ( 1267-1267 )
    Segrave, Nicholas, 1st Lord Segrave (of Barton Segrave and Stowe) ( Mar 1308 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Constable of Norwich Castle
    Segrave, Henry
    Hastings, John ( 1441 )
    Howard, John, 1st Duke of Norfolk ( 1461 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Nottingham Caslte
    Manners, Francis, 6th Earl of Rutland ( 1612-1620 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Nottingham Castle
    Manners, John, 4th Earl of Rutland
    Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord Despenser ( 1264 )
    Grey, Reynold, 1st Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( Mar 1266 )
    Grey, Richard ( 1325-1330 )
    Darcy, John, 1st Lord Darcy de Knayth ( 1344-1347 )
    Neville, William ( 1383 )
    Grey, Richard, 1st Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1406 )
    Stafford, Henry, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 17 Jun 1460 )
    Manners, Thomas, 1st Earl of Rutland ( 1542 )
    Manners, Henry, 2nd Earl of Rutland ( 1547 )
    Manners, Edward, 3rd Earl of Rutland ( 1570 )
    Manners, Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland ( 1600 )
    Count equals 12 individuals.

Constable of Odiham Castle
    Pakenham, Hugh ( 1457 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Orford Castle
    Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord Despenser ( 1264 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Orkney
    Innes, Alexander, of Plaidds and Cadboll
    MacCulloch, unknown, of Plaidds
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Oswestry
    Leighton, Richard
    Leighton, William ( 1256 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Oswestry Castle
    Leighton, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Oxford
    Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord Despenser ( 1264 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Oxford Castle
    Oilli, Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Pains Castle, Radnorshire
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 1504 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Painscastle, Radnorshire
    Beauchamp, William ( 1446 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Pembroke Castle
    Walter, Gerald ( b 1092 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Plympton
    Trelawny, Walter ( 1510 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Pontefract Castle
    Neville, Richard, 5th Earl of Salisbury ( 1432 )
    Stanley, George, Baron Strange (of Knokyn) ( 1485 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Porchester Castle
    Fiennes, William, 2nd Lord Saye and Sele ( 1461-1471 )
    Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke ( 1609 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Portbury, Somerset
    St. Loe, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Portugal
    Aviz, João, Duque de Beja
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Queenborough Castle
    Stafford, Humphrey, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( 16 Jul 1450 )
    Herbert, Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke ( 1617 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Queensborough Castle
    Cheyne, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Radnor Castle
    Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke ( 1616 )
    Herbert, William, 1st Baron Powis ( 1631 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Restormel Castle, Cornwall
    Courtenay, Edward, 1st and last Earl of Devon ( 1487 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Rhuddlan Castle
    Rowley-Conwy, Geoffrey Alexander, 9th Baron Langford of Summerhill
    Conwy, Henry ( 1399 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Rhuddlan Castle, Denbighshire
    Legh, Piers
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Richmond Castle
    Conyers, William, 1st Lord Conyers ( 1509 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Richmond and Middleham Castles
    Percy, Thomas, 1st Earl of Northumberland ( Jul 1557 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Rochester
    Cobham, John
    Cobham, Henry, 1st Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1304 ), for life
    Cobham, John, 2nd Lord Cobham (of Kent) ( 1334 ), jointly with his father
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Rochester Castle
    Say, Geoffrey, 2nd Lord Say ( 1355 ), for life
    Fiennes, James, 1st Lord Saye and Sele ( 1442-1443 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Rockingham Castle
    Zouche, Alan ( 1261-1264 )
    Beauchamp, William, 9th Earl of Warwick ( 1298 )
    Zouche, Alan, 1st Lord Zouche ( 1312-1314 )
    Plantagenet, Richard, 3rd Duke of York ( 21 Mar 1451 )
    Vaux, Nicholas, 1st Baron Vaux of Harrowden ( 1502 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Constable of Rothesay Castle
    Montgomerie, Hugh, 1st Earl of Eglinton ( 1489 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Roxburgh
    Striveling, Alexander, 3rd of Cadder and of Achiltree
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Roxburghe Castle
    Ramsay, Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Ruthin Castle
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 18 May 1509 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Scarborough Castle
    Wake, Hugh ( 1239 )
    Percy, Henry, 1st Lord Percy ( Mar 1308 )
    Crossland, Jordan ( 1660-1670 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Scarbrough Castle
    Lumley, Thomas, 1st Lord Lumley ( 1455 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Shepey Castle
    Cornwall, John, 1st and last Baron of Fanhope ( 1402 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Shrewsbury Castle
    Croft, Hugh
    Shirley, Ralph ( c 1300 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of St. Andrews
    Carmichael, John, of Meadowflat
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of St. Briavel's Castle
    Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke
    Herbert, Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke ( 1631 )
    Berkeley, Charles, 2nd Earl of Berkeley ( 1697-1710 )
    Berkeley, James, 3rd Earl of Berkeley ( 1710-1712 )
    Berkeley, James, 3rd Earl of Berkeley ( 1714-1736 )
    Berkeley, Augustus, 4th Earl of Berkeley ( 1737-1755 )
    Howe, John Thynne, 2nd Lord Chedworth, Baron of Chedworth ( 1758-1762 )
    Berkeley, Frederick Augustus, 5th Earl of Berkeley ( 1766-1810 )
    Somerset, Henry Charles, 6th Duke of Beaufort ( 1812-1835 )
    Ponsonby, John William, 4th Earl of Bessborough ( 1831-1841 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Constable of St. Lawrence
    Gibault, Jean
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Stafford Castle
    Littleton, Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Stirling Castle
    Drummond, John, 1st Lord Drummond
    Erskine, Robert, of that Ilk
    Haldane, Archibald
    Haldane, Richard
    Kennedy, Gilbert, of Dunure, 1st Lord Kennedy ( 1466 )
    Erskine, John, 5th Lord Erskine ( b 1525 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Constable of Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire
    Brydges, John, 1st Baron Chandos of Sudeley ( 1538 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Thornbury Castle, Gloucestershire
    St. Loe, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Urquhart Castle
    Chisholm, Robert, 2nd of Chisholm
    Chisholme, Robert, of Chisholm
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Usk Castle
    Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke ( 1459 )
    Somerset, Henry, 2nd Earl of Worcester ( 6 May 1514 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of Wallingford Castle
    Golafre, John
    Wallingford, Richard
     Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall ( 1216 )
    Clinton, John, 1st Lord Clinton ( 1308 )
    Lovel, William, 7th Lord Lovel (of Titchmarsh) ( 1450 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Constable of Warkworth Castle
    Neville, Ralph, 2nd Lord Neville ( 1322 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Warwick Castle
    Clinton, John, 3rd Lord Clinton ( 1390-1397 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Wexford Castle
    Brereton, John ( 1548 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Wicklow Castle
    Loftus, Thomas
    Stanley, George, Baron Strange (of Knokyn) ( 1486 )
    Ussher, William ( 1597 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Constable of Winchester
    Piers, Reynold
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Winchester Castle
    Hastings, Henry ( 1265 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of Windsor Castle
    Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Viktor
    Camoys, Ralph, 1st Lord Camoys ( 1320-1323 )
    Stanley, John ( 1409 )
    Bourchier, John, 1st Lord Berners ( 1461-1474 )
    Windsor, Thomas ( 1484 )
    Courtenay, Henry, 1st and last Marquess of Exeter ( 1525 )
    Herbert, Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke ( 1648-1650 )
    Temple, Richard, 1st Viscount Cobham ( 1716-1723 )
    Montagu, George, 1st Duke of Montagu ( 1752-1790 )
    Brudenell, James, 5th Earl of Cardigan ( 1791-1811 )
    Conyngham, Henry, 1st Marquess Conyngham ( 1829-1832 )
    Fitz-Clarence, George Augustus Frederick, 1st Earl of Munster ( 1833-1842 )
    Campbell, John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, 9th Duke of Argyll ( 1892 )
    Count equals 13 individuals.

Constable of of Spynie
    Innes, Alexander, of Cotts and Leuchars
    Innes, John, of Leuchars
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of the Army
    Lancaster, Thomas, 1st Duke of Clarence ( 1417 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Castle of Femes
    Rocheforte, Gerald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Castle of Gloucester
    Beauchamp, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Castle of Inverness
    Mackintosh, Shaw, of Mackintosh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Castle of Strone
    Cameron, Allan MacIldny, 12th Chief of Clan Cameron ( 29 Nov 1472 ), a heritable position
    Cameron, Donald, of Lochiel, younger ( 24 Oct 1495 ), appointed by King James IV
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Constable of the Castle of the Peak, Derbyshire
    Shirley, Ralph
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the English Army in Gascony
    Beauchamp, Thomas, 11th Earl of Warwick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Fort of Philipstown
    Colley, Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Round Tower
    Ponsonby, Frederick Edward Grey, 1st Baron Sysonby ( 1928 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Three Castles
    Somerset, Charles, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 21 May 1509 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Towe of London
    Compton, George, 4th Earl of Northampton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of the Tower
    Oxenbridge, Robert
    Mansel, John ( 1258 )
    Fiennes, James, 1st Lord Saye and Sele ( Aug 1447 )
    Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen of Corsham ( 1920 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Constable of the Tower of London
    Blount, John, for King Edward III
    Pollock, George, 1st Bt.
    Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1st Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore
    Turenberd, Eymond
    Grenville, Eustace ( 1215 )
    Despenser, Hugh, 1st Lord Despenser ( 1263 )
    Zouche, Alan ( 1267-1268 )
    Neville, John (III) ( 1272-1273 )
    Cromwell, John, 1st Baron Cromwell ( 1308 )
    Cromwell, John, 1st Baron Cromwell ( 1310-1323 )
    Segrave, Stephen, 3rd Lord Segrave ( Feb 1323 )
    Cromwell, John, 1st Baron Cromwell ( 1327-1335 )
    Burghersh, Bartholomew, 1st Lord Burghersh ( 1346-1355 )
    Darcy, John, 1st Lord Darcy de Knayth ( 1346-1347 )
    Darcy, John, 2nd Lord Darcy de Knayth ( 1347-1356 )
    Neville, Ralph, 1st Earl of Westmorland ( 1397-1397 )
    York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1397-1399 )
    York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1397-1397 )
    York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 1 Nov 1406 )
    Tiptoft, John, 1st Earl of Worcester ( 2 Dec 1461 )
    Sutton, John, 1st Baron Dudley ( 1473 )
    Gage, John ( 1540-1553 )
    Clinton, Edward, 1st Earl of Lincoln ( 1553-1553 )
    Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk ( 1601-1601 )
    Fairfax, Thomas, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron ( 1647-1650 )
    Compton, James, 3rd Earl of Northampton ( 1675-1679 )
    Lucas, Thomas, 3rd Baron Lucas of Shenfield ( 1688-1702 )
    Capell, Algernon, 2nd Earl of Essex ( 1706-1710 )
    Howard, Charles, 3rd Earl of Carlisle ( 1715-1722 )
    Clinton, Henry, 7th Earl of Lincoln ( 1723-1725 )
    Powlett, Charles, 3rd Duke of Bolton ( 1725-1726 )
    Lowther, Henry, 3rd Viscount Lonsdale ( 1726-1731 )
    Berkeley, John, 5th Baron Berkeley of Stratton ( 1762-1770 )
    Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess Cornwallis ( 1770-1784 )
    Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess Cornwallis ( 1784-1805 )
    Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington ( 1826-1852 )
    Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala ( 1887-1890 )
    Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C. ( 1911-1919 )
    Milne, George Francis, 1st Baron Milne ( 1933-1938 )
    Wilson, Henry Maitland, 1st Baron Wilson ( 1935-1960 )
    Chetwode, Philip Walhouse, 1st Baron Chetwode ( 1943-1948 )
    Wavell, Archibald Percival, 1st Earl Wavell ( 1948-1950 )
    Brooke, Alan Francis, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke ( 1950-1955 )
    Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofic George, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis ( 1960-1965 )
    Stanier, John Wilfred ( 1990-1996 )
    Inge, Peter Anthony, Baron Inge ( 1996-2001 )
    Dannatt, Francis Richard, Baron Dannatt ( 2009-2016 )
    Count equals 47 individuals.

Constable of the castle of Inverness
    Mackintosh, Malcolm, 10th Chief of Mackintosh and 11th of Clan Chattan ( 1428 ), appointed by King James I, which he then defended during the same year against Alexander Earl of Ross.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable of theTower of London
    Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Earl Cornwallis ( 1740-1762 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Constable to Hugh de Lacy, Earl of Ulster
    Aldithley, Adam
    Count equals 1 individual.

Coroner for Leeds
    Milner, James Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Coroner of Cornwall
    Trelawny, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Coroner of Devon
    Giffard, John
    Giffard, Roger
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Coroner of Dominica
    Lockhart, Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Coroner of Harwich
    Hayles, Roger
    Count equals 1 individual.

Coroner of Lancashire
    Molesworth, Eric Nassau
    Molesworth, Frederick Nassau
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Coroner, County Perth
    Stewart, Thomas, 2nd Lord Innermeath ( 1492 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

County Magistrate for Yorkshire
    Rawson, William Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Crown Court Recorder
    Thomas, Donald Martin, Baron Thomas of Gresford ( 1976 )
    Walker-Smith, John Jonah, 2nd Bt. ( 1980 )
    Archer, Peter Kingsley, Baron Archer of Sandwell ( 1982 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Crown Solicitor for Queen's County
    Jacob, Thomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Dean of the Faculty of Advocates
    Cranstoun, George, Lord Corehouse ( 1823 )
    Keith, James, Baron Keith of Avonholm ( 1936-1937 )
    Emslie, George Carlyle, Baron Emslie ( 1965-1970 )
    Emslie, George Nigel Hannington, Lord Emslie ( 1997-2001 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Depute Justice-General
    Colville, Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Chief Constable of Durham
    Wright, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Chief Magistrate
    Broadbent, Emma Louise
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Circuit Judge
    Thomas, Donald Martin, Baron Thomas of Gresford ( 1974-1976 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Constable and Marshal of England
    Grey, Richard, 1st Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 12 Aug 1405 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Constable of Dover Castle
    Howard, Charles Alfred ( 1932-1935 )
    Scarlett, Percy Gerald ( 1936-1938 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Deputy Constable of the Tower
    Croft, James ( 1552 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy High Court Judge
    Flather, Gary Denis
    Parker, Barbara Adamson
    Thomas, Donald Martin, Baron Thomas of Gresford ( 1985 )
    Irvine, Alexander Andrew Mackay, Baron Irvine of Lairg ( 1987-1997 )
    Beloff, Michael Jacob ( 1989 )
    Arden, Mary Howarth ( 1990-1993 )
    Bennett, Hugh Peter Derwyn ( 1993-1995 )
    Goldsmith, Peter Henry, Baron Goldsmith ( 1994 )
    Lockhart-Mummery, Christopher John ( 1995 )
    Carlile, Alexander Charles, Baron Carlile of Berriew ( 1998 )
    Nutting, John Grenfell, 4th Bt. ( 1998 )
    Pannick, David Philip, Baron Pannick ( 1998-2005 )
    Mostyn, Nicholas Anthony Joseph Ghislain ( 2000 )
    Count equals 13 individuals.

Deputy Judge Advocate
    Gould, King
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Judge Advocate General
    Bonus, Ernest Melville
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Judge Advocate-General
    Onslow, Richard Cranley ( 1907-1909 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Judge of the High Court
    Henderson, Launcelot Dinadan James ( 2001 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Judge-Advocate [South Africa]
    Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Ian Basil Gawaine Temple ( 1900 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Justice Commissioner of Connecticut
    Minor, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Master of the Rolls
    Collis, John FitzGerald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Prothonotary
    Cross, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Protonotary of the Court of the King's Bench
    Hamilton, James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy Registrar of Chancery
    Churchill, John ( b 1639 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy-Constable of Aberystwyth Castle
    Herbert, Edward ( Mar 1544 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Deputy-Recorder of Nottingham
    White, Taylor
    Count equals 1 individual.

District Justice
    Conner, Henry Longfield ( 1929 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

District Magistrate of Transvaal
    Chambers, Charles Roland
    Count equals 1 individual.

Federal Justice of the Federal Supreme Court [Nigeria]
    Abbott, Myles John ( 1957-1961 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Front Bench Spokesman for affairs
    Radice, Giles Heneage, Baron Radice ( 1981 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Front Bench Spokesman for education
    Radice, Giles Heneage, Baron Radice ( 1983-1987 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Front Bench Spokesman for employment
    Radice, Giles Heneage, Baron Radice ( 1981-1983 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

General Collector and Receiver of the King's Composition Money for Connaught
    Coote, Charles, 1st Bt. ( 1613 ), for life
    Count equals 1 individual.

Grand Constable of Sicily and Jerusalem
    Stuart, Bernard, 4th Seigneur d'Aubigny
    Count equals 1 individual.

Great Constable of Sicily and Naples
    Stuart, Bernard, 4th Seigneur d'Aubigny
    Count equals 1 individual.

Great Justice south of the River Forth
    Lyon, John, 3rd Lord Glamis ( 1488 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Head Constable, South African Constablry, Johannesburg
    Beamish, Holmes
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Bailiff of Burley, New Forest
    Wallop, John, 1st Earl of Portsmouth
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Constable of Brechin
    Lindsay, David, 11th Earl of Crawford ( 11 Sep 1587 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Constable of Hillsborough Fort
    Hill, Arthur Robin Ian, 8th Marquess of Downshire ( 1989 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Constable of Inverness Castle
    Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 10th Duke of Richmond ( 1989 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Constable of Lochmaben Castle
    Johnstone, James, 1st Earl of Annandale and Hartfell ( 1661 ), after petitioning King Charles II for recompense on account of the family's suffering during the Civil War
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Constable of Redcastle in Ardmannoch
    Innes, Robert, 2nd of Invermarkie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Constable of of Spynie
    Innes, John, of Leuchars
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hereditary Lord High Constable
    Stafford, Henry, 2nd Duke of Buckingham ( 15 Jul 1483 )
    Stafford, Edward, 3rd Duke of Buckingham ( 1514 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Hereditary Registrar of the Court of Chancery
    Beauclerk, Charles, 1st Duke of Saint Albans ( 1698 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Bailiff of Birmingham
    Chance, William ( 1829-1830 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Bailiff of Castletown
    Kelly, John
    Kelly, John
    Kelly, John
    Count equals 3 individuals.

High Bailiff of Douglas
    Quirk, James
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Bailiff of Jersey
    Carteret, Charles, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Bailiff of Peel
    La Mothe, F.
    Moore, Robert John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

High Bailiff of Ramsey
    Crellin, John Frissell
    Frissell, John
    La Mothe, F.
    Count equals 3 individuals.

High Bailiff of Westminster
    Leigh, Peter
    Turner, Henry Scott
    Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth Augustus, 1st and last Baron Muir Mackenzie ( 1912-1930 )
    Legge, William, 7th Earl of Dartmouth ( 1930-1942 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

High Constable
    Fitzalan, Henry, 12th/19th Earl of Arundel, at the coronation of King Edward VI
    Fitzalan, Henry, 12th/19th Earl of Arundel, at the coronation of Queen Mary
    Count equals 2 individuals.

High Constable of County Limerick
    Blennerhassett, William Massy
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Constable of Newport Hundred, Buckinghamshire
    Annesley, Thomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Constable of the Barony of Ida
    Aylward, Peter (or Piers)
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Court Appeal Judge [Argentina]
    Canevari, Raul Lorenzo Tomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Court Judge
    Bray, Reginald More
    Channell, Arthur Moseley
    Elwes, Richard Everard Augustine
    Hewson, Joseph Bushby
    Pollock, Charles Edward
    Seyliard, John
    Ungoed-Thomas, Arwyn Lynn
    Jackson, Henry Mather, 2nd Bt. ( 1881 )
    Phillimore, Walter George Francis, 1st Baron Phillimore ( 1897 )
    Ridley, Edward ( 1897-1917 )
    Lawrence, Alfred Tristram, 1st Baron Trevethin ( 1904 )
    Bailhache, Clement Meacher ( 1912 )
    Wrottesley, Frederic John ( 1937-1947 )
    McNair, William Lennox ( 1950-1966 )
    Phillimore, Henry Josceline ( 1959-1968 )
    Willis, John Ramsey ( 1959 )
    Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce, James Roualeyn ( 1964-1976 )
    Aldous, William ( 1988-1995 )
    Bratza, Nicolas Dusan ( 1998 )
    Hallett, Heather Carol, Baroness Hallett ( 1999 )
    Count equals 20 individuals.

High Court Judge (Chancery)
    Cohen, Lionel Leonard, Baron Cohen ( 1943 )
    Russell, Charles Ritchie, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1960 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

High Court Judge [Bombay]
    Forbes, Alexander Kinloch
    Bayley, Lyttelton Holyoake ( 1869-1895 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

High Court Judge [Calcutta]
    Macdonell, William Fraser, V.C.
    Trevelyan, Ernest John ( 1885-1898 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

High Court Judge [Madras]
    Kindersley, Nathaniel William
    Napier, Charles Frederick
    Count equals 2 individuals.

High Court Judge of Queen's Bench Division
    Neill, Brian Thomas ( 1978-1984 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Court Judge of the King's Bench
    Darling, Charles John, 1st Baron Darling ( 1897-1923 )
    Low, Frederick ( 1915 )
    Macnaghten, Malcolm Martin ( 1928-1947 )
    Birkett, William Norman, 1st Baron Birkett ( 1941 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

High Court Judge of the Queen's Bench
    Thesiger, Gerald Alfred ( 1958-1978 )
    Bridge, Nigel Cyprian, Baron Bridge of Harwich ( 1968-1975 )
    Ackner, Desmond James Conrad, Baron Ackner ( 1971-1980 )
    Goff, Robert Lionel Archibald, Baron Goff of Chieveley ( 1975-1982 )
    Bingham, Thomas Henry, Baron Bingham of Cornhill ( 1980-1986 )
    Saville, Mark Oliver, Baron Saville of Newdigate ( 1985-1993 )
    Steyn, Johan van Zyl, Baron Steyn ( 1985-1991 )
    Count equals 7 individuals.

High Court Judge of the Queen's Bench Division
    Collins, Andrew
    Croom-Johnson, Reginald
    Slynn, Gordon, Baron Slynn of Hadley ( 1976-1981 )
    Woolf, Harry Kenneth, Baron Woolf ( 1979-1986 )
    Nolan, Michael Patrick, Baron Nolan ( 1982-1991 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

High Court Judge, Chancery
    Hoffmann, Leonard Hubert, Baron Hoffmann ( 1985-1992 )
    Arden, Mary Howarth ( 1993-2000 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

High Court Judge, Chancery Division
    Kay, Edward Ebenezer ( 1881 )
    Buckley, Henry Burton, 1st Baron Wrenbury ( 1900-1906 )
    Buckley, Denys Burton ( 1960-1970 )
    Wilberforce, Richard Orme, Baron Wilberforce ( 1961-1964 )
    Templeman, Sydney William, Baron Templeman ( 1972-1978 )
    Nicholls, Donald James, Baron Nicholls of Birkenhead ( 1983-1986 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

High Court Judge, Court of the King's Bench
    Lawrence, Geoffrey Lawrence, 3rd Baron Trevethin ( 1932-1944 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Court Judge, Family Division
    Hogg, Mary Claire ( 1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

High Court Judge, Queen's Bench
    Donaldson, John Francis, Baron Donaldson of Lymington ( 1966-1979 )
    Lloyd, Anthony John Leslie, Baron Lloyd of Berwick ( 1978-1984 )
    Mustill, Michael John, Baron Mustill ( 1978-1992 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

High Court Judge, Queen's Bench Division
    Edmund-Davies, Herbert Edmund, Baron Edmund-Davies ( 1958-1966 )
    Lane, Geoffrey Dawson, Baron Lane ( 1966-1974 )
    Brown, Simon Denis, Baron Brown of Eaton under Heywood ( 1984-1992 )
    Brooke, Henry ( 1988-1996 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

High Court Judge, Queen's Bench, Commercial List
    Mance, Jonathan Hugh, Baron Mance ( 1993-1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Home Advocate Depute
    Rodger, Alan Ferguson, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry ( 1986-1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Hon. Recorder of the City of Hereford
    Carlile, Alexander Charles, Baron Carlile of Berriew ( 1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honorary Bencher of Lincoln's Inn
    Roberts, Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Honourable Magistrate of Rangoon
    Butler, Horace Somerset Edmond
    Count equals 1 individual.

Joint Attorney-General of Glamorgan
    Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke ( 1535 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Joint Constable of Norwich Castle
    Boleyn, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Wiltshire ( Feb 1512 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Joint Lord Advocate
    Hope, Thomas, of Craighall, 1st Bt. ( 1626 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Joint Lord-Lieutenant and Justice of Fife
    Lindsay, Patrick, 6th Lord Lindsay of the Byres ( 1572 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Joint Master of the Rolls
    Proby, John Joshua, 1st Earl of Carysfort ( 1789-1801 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Jude of the High Court [Bombay]
    Kemball, Charles Gurdon
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Stockdale, Frank Alleyne
    Leighton, Richard ( 1241 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice Depute
    Oliphant, William, Lord Newton ( 1582 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant
    Berkeley, Robert ( 1208 )
    Vere, Robert, 3rd Earl of Oxford ( 1220 )
    Vaux, Oliver ( c 1234 )
    Vaux, John ( c 1278 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Justice Itinerant and Escheator, North of the trent
    Lowther, Hugh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant in Essex
    Cobham, Reginald ( 1248 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant in Middlesex
    Cobham, Reginald ( 1249 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant in Norfolk
    Cobham, William ( 1257 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant in Southampton
    Cobham, William ( 1255 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant in Suffolk
    Cobham, William ( 1257 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant in Sussex
    Cobham, William ( 1255 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Itinerant in Wiltshire
    Cobham, Reginald ( 1249 )
    Cobham, William ( 1255 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice Itinerant of Gloucestershire
    Berkeley, Maurice FitzRobert FitzHarding ( 1190 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice Justice of Sierra Leone
    Smyly, Philip Crampton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice in Eyre Chester
    William, William, fitz Gerald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice in Eyre North of Trent
    Clifford, Robert, 1st Lord Clifford ( 1297-1308 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice in Eyre of all Forests South of Trent
    Plantagenet, Richard, 3rd Duke of York ( 1447-1453 )
    Fitzalan, William, 9th/16th Earl of Arundel ( 1459-1461 )
    Fitzalan, William, 9th/16th Earl of Arundel ( 1483-1485 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Justice in Eyre, South of Trent
    York, Edward, 2nd Duke of York ( 26 Apr 1397 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice in King's Court at Westminster
    Vere, Robert, 3rd Earl of Oxford ( 1221 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice in Yorkshire
    Neville, Geoffrey (VI) ( 1184 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Appeal
    Neill, Brian Thomas ( 1997 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Appeal [Bahamas and Bermuda]
    Hallinan, Eric ( 1966-1968 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Appeal [Falkland Islands]
    Huggins, Alan Armstrong ( 1988-1991 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Assize
    Skipwith, William ( 1351 )
    Nugent, William ( Feb 1412 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice of Assize for the Northern Counties
    Howard, William ( 1293 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Cheshire
    Lestrange, John (III) ( 1241 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Cheshire, Flintshire and North Wales
    Stanley, Thomas, 1st Lord Stanley ( 1443 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Chester
    Badlesmere, Guncelin
    Grey, John
    Throckmorton, John
    Talbot, Gilbert ( 1255 )
    Grey, Reynold, 1st Baron Grey (of Wilton) ( 1270 )
    Holand, Robert, 1st Lord Holand ( 1307-1320 ), intermittently
    Clinton, William, 1st and last Earl of Huntingdon ( 1330-1333 )
    Needham, William ( 1376 )
    Stanley, John ( 1394 )
    Mordaunt, John ( 1500 )
    Count equals 10 individuals.

Justice of Chester and county Flint
    Langley, Edmund, 1st Duke of York ( 28 Sep 1385 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Chester and the four cantrefs of North Wales
    Zouche, Alan ( 1250 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Common Pleas
    Browne, Humphrey ( 1542-1562 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of District Court
    Hamilton, Hubert Charles ( 1933 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Eyre South of the Trent
    Clifford, Robert, 1st Lord Clifford ( 1307-1308 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Forests north of Trent
    Percy, Henry, 3rd Earl of Northumberland ( 1471 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of High Court, King's Bench Division
    Goddard, Raynor, Baron Goddard ( 1932 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of Kent
    Clinton, William, 1st and last Earl of Huntingdon ( 1332 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of King's Bench
    Blennerhassett, Arthur ( 1743 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of North Wales
    Beauchamp, John, 1st Lord de Beauchamp, Baron of Kidderminster
    Holte, Thomas
    Audley, Hugh, 1st Lord Audley (of Stratton Audley) ( 1306 )
    Cherleton, John, 4th Lord Cherleton ( 1387-1387 )
    Pakington, John ( 1535 )
    Count equals 5 individuals.

Justice of South Wales
    Talbot, Gilbert, 1st Lord Talbot ( 1330 )
    Grey, Richard, 1st Lord Grey (of Codnor) ( 1407 )
    Beauchamp, John, 1st Baron Beauchamp of Powick ( 2 May 1447 )
    Pakington, John ( 1542 )
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Justice of teh Court of Common Pleas
    O'Hagan, Thomas, 1st Baron O'Hagan of Tullahogue ( 1865-1868 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the COurt of Common Pleas
    Walsh, John ( 1563-1572 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the City of London
    Skipwith, William ( 1357 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Common Pleas
    Dormer, Robert
    Paston, William
    Yonge, Thomas
    Yonge, Thomas
    Harpur, Richard ( 1567-1577 )
    Lindley, Nathaniel, Baron Lindley ( 1875 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Justice of the District Court
    Cooper, Mark Bloxham ( 1924 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the First Court of Sessions
    Davie, Humphrey ( 1687 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Forest Beyond Trent
    Percy, Henry, 1st Lord Percy ( Dec 1311 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Forest South of Trent
    Clifford, Roger de ( Aug 1265 )
    Wake, Thomas, 2nd Lord Wake ( 1326-1328 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice of the Forest below Trent
    Segrave, Gilbert ( 1242 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Forest south of Trent
    Lestrange, Roger, 1st and last Lord Strange (of Ellesmere) ( 1283-1296 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Forests south of Trent
    Zouche, Alan ( 1261-1264 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the High Court
    Bigham, John Charles, 1st Viscount Mersey ( 1897-1909 )
    Lush, Charles Montague ( 1910-1925 )
    Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron Denning ( 1944-1948 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Justice of the High Court of Australia
    Gavan Duffy, Frank ( 1913-1931 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the High Court, Chancery Division
    Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Hardy, 1st Baron Cozens-Hardy ( 1899-1901 )
    Uthwatt, Augustus Andrewes, Baron Uthwatt ( 1941-1946 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice of the High Court, Comon Pleas Division
    Lopes, Henry Charles, 1st Baron Ludlow ( 1876-1880 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the High Court, King's Bench Division
    Greer, Frederick Arthur, 1st and last Baron Fairfield ( 1919-1927 )
    Parcq, Herbert, Baron du Parcq ( 1932-1938 )
    Devlin, Patrick Arthur, Baron Devlin ( 1948-1960 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Justice of the High Court, Queen's Bench Division
    Collins, Richard Henn, Baron Collins ( 1891-1897 )
    Judge, Igor, Baron Judge ( 10 Oct 1988 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice of the King's Bench
    Dalison, William
    Owen, Thomas
    Corbet, Reginald ( 1559 )
    Yelverton, Christopher ( 1602 )
    Croke, John ( 1607 )
    Caulfeild, William ( 1715-1734 )
    Fortescue-Aland, John, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan ( 1718-1727 )
    Hewitt, James, 1st Viscount Lifford ( 1766-1768 )
    Moore, William, 1st Bt. ( 1917-1921 )
    Count equals 9 individuals.

Justice of the Kings Bench
    Coningsby, Humphrey ( 1510 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the New York Supreme Court
    Gerard, James Watson ( 1908-1911 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Peace (J.p.) for Devon
    Courtenay, Charles Pepys, 14th Earl of Devon
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Peace [New York]
    Fielding, Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Peace [Orange River Colony]
    Werdmuller, Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Peace for Queen's County
    Perceval, William John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Presidency Court of Munster
    Gernon, Luke ( 1618-1660 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Queen's BEnch
    Netterville, Luke ( 15 Oct 1559 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Queen's Bench
    Kenny, William
    Field, William Ventris, 1st and last Baron Field ( 1875 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice of the Supreme Court
    Clarke, Anthony Peter, Baron Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony ( Oct 2009 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Supreme Court [British Columbia]
    McCreight, John Foster ( 1880-1897 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar
    Baumgartner, Edward Jocelyn
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
    Walker, William Gregory
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria
    Gavan Duffy, Charles ( 1933-1961 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the forest in all England
    Neville, Alan (I) ( 1165-1177 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Justice of the forests beyond the Trent
    Neville, Robert (I), Lord of Raby ( 1261 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Johnstone, John, of that Ilk ( 1570 )
    Kennedy, John, 6th Earl of Cassillis ( 1649-1651 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Justice-General of St. Andrews
    Seton, George, 3rd Earl of Winton
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's Advocate
    Hamilton, Thomas, 1st Earl of Haddington ( Jan 1596 )
    Erskine, Charles, of Alva, Lord Tinwald ( 1737 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

King's Advocate in Berbice
    Armstrong, William Jones
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's Advocate-General
    Jenner-Fust, Herbert ( 28 Feb 1828 )
    Dodson, John ( 1834 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

King's Constable
    Gloucester, Miles, Earl of Hereford
    Hereford, Henry
    Hereford, Mahel
    Hereford, Roger, Earl of Hereford
    Hereford, Walter
    Hereford, William
    Count equals 6 individuals.

King's Constable in England
    Wake, Baldwin
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's Justice Itinerant
    Tichborne, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's Justice on circuit
    Pakenham, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's Remembrancer Court of Exchequer
    Eliot, Edward James ( 1785 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

King's Remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer
    Warrender, Patrick, of Lochend, 3rd Bt. ( 1771-1791 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Knight Constable of England
    Vernon, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lady Justice of Appeal
    Hallett, Heather Carol, Baroness Hallett ( 2005 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Liaision Judge, Isle of Wight Magistrates
    Brodrick, Michael John Lee ( 1989-1994 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Liaision Judge, North-East and North-West Hampshire Magistrates
    Brodrick, Michael John Lee ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Liaision Judge, South-East Hampshire Magistrates
    Brodrick, Michael John Lee ( 1989-1993 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Advocate
    Dalrymple, John, 1st Earl of Stair
    Lockhart, George, 1st of Carnwath
    Mackenzie, George, of Rosehaugh
    Nicolson, Thomas
    Rae, William, 3rd Bt.
    Spens, John, of Condie
    Henderson, James, 1st of Fordell ( 1494-1507 )
    Oliphant, William, Lord Newton ( 1612-1626 )
    Hope, Thomas, of Craighall, 1st Bt. ( 1628 )
    Forbes, Duncan, 5th of Culloden ( 1725-1737 )
    Grant, William, Lord Prestongrange ( 1746-1754 )
    Campbell, Ilay, of Succoth, 1st Bt. ( 1784 )
    Hope, Charles, Lord Granton ( 1801-1804 )
    Rutherfurd, Andrew, Lord Rutherfurd ( 1839 )
    Moncreiff, James, 1st Baron Moncreiff of Tulliebole ( 1851-1852 )
    Moncreiff, James, 1st Baron Moncreiff of Tulliebole ( 1852-1858 )
    Moncreiff, James, 1st Baron Moncreiff of Tulliebole ( 1859-1866 )
    Gordon, Edward Strathearn, Baron Gordon of Drumearn ( 1867-1868 )
    Moncreiff, James, 1st Baron Moncreiff of Tulliebole ( 1868-1869 )
    Gordon, Edward Strathearn, Baron Gordon of Drumearn ( 1874-1876 )
    McLaren, John, Lord McLaren ( 1880-1881 )
    Robertson, James Patrick Bannerman, Baron Robertson ( 1888-1891 )
    Shaw, Thomas, 1st Baron Craigmyle ( 1905-1909 )
    Ure, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Strathclyde ( 1909-1913 )
    Murray, Charles David, Lord Murray ( 1922 )
    Normand, Wilfred Guild, Baron Normand ( 1933-1935 )
    Reid, James Scott Cumberland, Baron Reid ( 1941 )
    Wilson, Henry Stephen, Baron Wilson of Langside ( 1967 )
    Cameron, Kenneth John, Baron Cameron of Lochbroom ( 1984-1989 )
    Fraser, Peter Lovat, Baron Fraser of Carmyllie ( 1989-1992 )
    Mackay, Donald Sage, Baron Mackay of Drumadoon ( 1995-1997 )
    Count equals 31 individuals.

Lord Advocate [U.K.]
    Hardie, Andrew Rutherford, Baron Hardie ( 1997-1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice
    Chalk, Alexander John Gervase ( 21 Apr 2023 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer
    Davenport, Humphrey
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Justice
    Bromley, Thomas
    Holt, unknown
    Kelynge, John
    Pemberton, Francis
    Popham, John
    Sulyard, John
    Taylor, Peter Murray, Baron Taylor of Gosforth
    Thirning, William
    Whitshed, William
    Willes, John
    Skipwith, William ( 1378-1388 )
    Fortescue, John ( 25 Jan 1442 )
    Portman, William ( 1554 )
    King, Peter, 1st Lord King, Baron of Ockham ( 1714-1725 )
    Murray, William, 1st Earl of Mansfield ( 1756-1758 )
    Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn ( 1780-1793 )
    Denman, Thomas, 1st Baron Denman of Dovedale ( 1832-1850 )
    Morris, Michael, Baron Morris ( 1876 )
    Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1880-1894 )
    Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( 1900-1913 )
    Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 20 Oct 1913 )
    Lawrence, Alfred Tristram, 1st Baron Trevethin ( 1921-1922 )
    Hewart, Gordon, 1st Viscount Hewart ( 1922-1940 )
    Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1940-1946 )
    Widgery, John Passmore, Baron Widgery ( 1971-1980 )
    Lane, Geoffrey Dawson, Baron Lane ( 1980-1992 )
    Bingham, Thomas Henry, Baron Bingham of Cornhill ( 1996-2000 )
    Count equals 27 individuals.

Lord Chief Justice [Northern Trust]
    Lowry, Robert Lynd Erskine, Baron Lowry ( 1971-1988 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Justice of Bengal
    Russell, Henry, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas
    Luttrell, Thomas
    Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1873-1880 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Lord Chief Justice of England
    Billing, Thomas, during the reign of King Edward IV
    Fleming, Thomas ( 1607 )
    Abbott, Charles, 1st Baron Tenterden ( 1818 )
    Goddard, Raynor, Baron Goddard ( 1946-1958 )
    Parker, Hubert Lister, Baron Parker of Waddington ( 1958 )
    Judge, Igor, Baron Judge ( 1 Oct 2008 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
    Carr, Sue Lascelles, Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill ( 15 Jun 2023 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Justice of Hong Kong
    Davies, William Rees Morgan
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Justice of Jamaica
    Furness, Robert Howard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas
    Donelan, James
    Singleton, Henry
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas
    Baldwin, John
    Dallas, Robert
    Donnellan, Nehemiah
    Pollexfen, Henry
    Richardson, Thomas
    Willoughby, Thomas
    Wilmot, John Eardley
    Brudenell, Robert ( 1521 )
    Anderson, Edmund ( 1582-1605 )
    Bankes, John ( 1641-1644 )
    St. John, Oliver ( 1648-1660 )
    Bridgeman, Orlando, 1st Bt. ( 1660-1668 )
    Arden, Richard Pepper, 1st Baron Alvanley ( May 1801 )
    Mansfield, James ( 1804-1814 )
    Gifford, Robert, 1st Baron Gifford of St. Leonard's ( 1824-1824 )
    Wilde, Thomas, 1st Baron Truro of Bowes ( 1846-1850 )
    Count equals 16 individuals.

Lord Chief Justice of the Court of the King's Bench
    Crewe, Randolph ( 1624-1626 )
    Raynsford, Richard ( 1676-1678 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Lord Chief Justice of the Couty of King's Bench
    Burgh, William ( 1379 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench
    Bramston, John
    Hody, John
    Rogerson, John
    Coke, Edward ( 1613 )
    Glynne, John ( 1655 )
    Jeffreys, George, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem ( 1683-1689 )
    Pratt, John ( 1712-1725 )
    Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough ( 1802-1818 )
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench
    Wray, Christopher ( 1575-1592 )
    Parker, Thomas, 1st Earl of Macclesfield ( 1710-1718 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Lord High Constable
    Bohun, Humphrey, 4th Earl of Hereford
    Stanley, Thomas, 1st Earl of Derby ( 1483 )
    Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham ( Feb 1626 )
    Percy, Algernon, 4th Earl of Northumberland ( 1661-1661 ), for teh coronation of King Charles II
    Fitzroy, Henry, 1st Duke of Grafton ( 23 Apr 1685 )
    Montagu, John, 2nd Duke of Montagu ( 1714 ), for King George I's coronation
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Lord High Constable [England]
    Percy, Henry, 1st Earl of Northumberland ( 1450-1450 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord-Justice Clerk
    Rae, David, Lord Eskgrove ( 1 Jun 1799 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord-Justice General
    Primrose, Archibald, Lord Carrington ( 1676-1678 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Lord-Justice of the Realm
    Howard, Charles, 3rd Earl of Carlisle ( 1714-1714 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Brooke, John Kendall
    Donaldson, Lester Stuart
    Fowler, Marshall Fowler
    Holt, Robert Durning
    Hone, Joseph Terry
    Scobell, Henry Sales
    Sinclair, John, of Stevenson, 1st Bt.
    St. Clair, George
    Waring, Henry
    Christian, William Bell ( 1858 )
    Clarke, Elizabeth Audrey ( 1997-2001 )
    Count equals 11 individuals.

Magistrate [Bermuda]
    Lownie, Ralph Hamilton, of Largo ( 1965-1972 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate [Cape Colony]
    Browne, Frederick Howe
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate [India]
    Woodward, Charles Palgrave ( 11 Aug 1919 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate [New Guinea]
    Reynolds-Moreton, Matthew Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate [New South Wales]
    Pery, William Henry Tennison, 2nd Earl of Limerick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate [Trinidad]
    Pasea, H. H.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate [Western Australia]
    Clifton, Marshall Waller ( 1841 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate and Assistant Judge
    Hylton, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate and Collector of Cawnpore
    Sherer, John Walter
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate at Faridpur
    Ravenshaw, Charles Alexander
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate at Jaffa
    Layard, Charles Peter ( 1831-1832 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate at Meerut
    Ravenshaw, Holden Shepherd
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate for County Donegal
    Hart, John Richard James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate for County Westmeath
    Murray, Willum
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate for Derbyshire
    Holden, Charles Shuttleworth
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Bombay
    Jejeebhoy, Jamsetjee Cursetjee
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of British Honduras
    Wright, John Waldron
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Campbelltown and Bathurst Districts, New South Wales
    Macalister, Lachlan
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of County Kerry
    Quill, Thomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Dingle
    Trant, Thomas Patrick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Furruckabad, India
    Grant, James Thomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of New South Wales
    Donaldson, Stuart Alexander ( 1838 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Norfolk Island
    Christian, Holder Stanley ( 1977-1990 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Palaveran
    Corbet, Richard John ( 1860 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Pitcairn Island
    Young, Pervis Ferris ( 1968-1972 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate of Surat
    Romer, John ( 1816 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate, Dublin Metropolitan Police
    Barton, Thomas Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Magistrate, Harrogate Bench
    Einhorn, Mathieu Donald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Marshall of the King's Bench
    Lenthall, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master in Chancery
    Bennet, Thomas
    Conway, Robert
    Corbet, Robert
    Cox, Samuel Compton
    Croke, John
    Farrer, James William
    Gould, Thomas
    Graves, William
    Harding, Robert
    Harris, Thomas
    Irby, Anthony, in the time of James I
    Litton, Edward
    Lyle, Acheson
    Morris, Edward
    Murphy, Jeremiah John, the first Catholic Master after Emancipation
    Pechell, Samuel
    Pratt, Robert
    Rich, Robert
    Rich, Thomas
    Ridley, Nicholas
    Spicer, William
    Stanihurst, James
    Topham, John
    Tunnadine, John
    Walker, Charles
    Walker, Thomas
    Carew, Matthew ( 1583-1618 )
    Caulfeild, Thomas ( 1655 )
    Hoskyns, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1676-1703 )
    Methuen, John ( 1685 )
    Ussher, John ( 1698-1721 )
    Hiccocks, John ( 1702-1723 )
    Medlicott, James ( 1706-1717 )
    Ord, John ( 1778 )
    Courtenay, William, 10th Earl of Devon ( 1817-1826 )
    Henn, William ( 1822 )
    Henley, Robert Henry, 2nd Baron Henley of Chardstock ( 1826-1840 )
    Brougham, William, 2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux ( 1831-1832 )
    Horne, William ( 1839-1853 )
    Count equals 39 individuals.

Master in Chancery Dublin
    Temple, William ( Jan 1610 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of Equity of the High Court [Bombay]
    Fox, Charles Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Bench
    Inskip, John Hampden ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Court of Bankruptcy
    Higgins, William Frederic
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Court of Chancery
    Halsey, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Court of Common Pleas
    Gordon, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Court of Judicature
    Butler, Robert St. John FitzWalter, 16th/26th Baron Dunboyne
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Court of Wards
    Pigot, Thomas
    Paulet, William, 1st Marquess of Winchester ( 1540-1542 )
    Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury ( 1599-1612 ), for life
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries
    Naunton, Robert
    Paulet, William, 1st Marquess of Winchester ( 1542-1554 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Master of the Court of the Queen's Bench
    Croft, Archer Denman, 8th Bt.
    Brewer, John Hibberd ( 1861-1879 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Master of the King's Bench
    Lane, Hugh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the King's Bench Office
    Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Queen's Bench
    Bushe, Arthur
    Dwarris, Fortunatus William Lilley
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Master of the Queen's Bench, Dublin
    Bushe, Arthur
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Rolls
    Alington, Richard
    Crosbie, John, 2nd Earl of Glandore
    Cæsar, Charles
    Gerard, Gilbert
    Parker, Neville
    Phillips, Nicholas Addison, Baron Phillips of Worth Matravers
    Plumer, Thomas
    Smith, Archibald
    Southwell, Robert
    Southwell, Robert
    Strange, John
    Strange, John
    Taylor, John
    Trevor, John
    Cromwell, Thomas, 1st and last Earl of Essex ( 8 Oct 1534 )
    Beaumont, John ( 13 Dec 1550 )
    Egerton, Thomas, 1st Viscount Brackley ( 1594-1603 )
    Bruce, Edward, 1st Baron Bruce of Kinlosse ( 1603-1611 )
    Cæsar, Julius ( 1614-1636 )
    May, Humphrey ( 1629 )
    Grimston, Harbottle, 2nd Bt. ( 1660-1685 )
    Talbot, William, 3rd Bt. ( 1689-1690 )
    Powle, Henry ( 13 Mar 1690 )
    Jekyll, Joseph ( 1717-1738 )
    Carter, Thomas ( 1731-1754 )
    Verney, John ( 1738-1741 )
    Kenyon, Lloyd, 1st Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington ( 1784-1788 )
    Arden, Richard Pepper, 1st Baron Alvanley ( 4 Jun 1788 )
    Smith, Michael, 1st Bt. ( 1801-1806 )
    Gifford, Robert, 1st Baron Gifford of St. Leonard's ( 1824-1826 )
    Pepys, Charles Christopher, 1st Earl of Cottenham ( Sep 1834 )
    Bickersteth, Henry, 1st Baron Langdale ( 1836-1851 )
    O'Loghlen, Michael, 1st Bt. ( 1837 )
    Romilly, John, 1st Baron Romilly ( 1851 )
    Jessel, George ( 1873 )
    Brett, William Baliol, 1st Viscount Esher ( 1882-1897 )
    Porter, Andrew Marshall, 1st Bt. ( 1883-1906 )
    Lindley, Nathaniel, Baron Lindley ( 1897-1900 )
    Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( May 1900 )
    Collins, Richard Henn, Baron Collins ( 1901-1907 )
    Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Hardy, 1st Baron Cozens-Hardy ( 1907-1918 )
    Eady, Charles Swinfen, 1st Baron Swinfen ( 1918-1919 )
    Pickford, William, 1st and last Baron Sterndale ( 1919-1923 )
    Pollock, Ernest Murray, 1st Viscount Hanworth ( 1923-1935 )
    Wright, Robert Alderson, Baron Wright ( 1935-1937 )
    Evershed, Francis Raymond, 1st and last Baron Evershed ( 1949-1962 )
    Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron Denning ( 1962-1982 )
    Donaldson, John Francis, Baron Donaldson of Lymington ( 1982-1992 )
    Bingham, Thomas Henry, Baron Bingham of Cornhill ( 1992-1996 )
    Woolf, Harry Kenneth, Baron Woolf ( 1996 )
    Clarke, Anthony Peter, Baron Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony ( 2005-2009 )
    Count equals 51 individuals.

Master of the Supreme Court
    Dinwiddy, Thomas Lutwyche
    Erie, Twynhihoe William
    Kaye, Joseph
    Pollock, Henry
    Chitty, Thomas Willes, 1st Bt. ( 1901-1920 )
    Ball, William Valentine ( 1921-1944 )
    Count equals 6 individuals.

Master of the Supreme Court (Queen's Bench)
    Eyre, Patrick Giles Andrew ( 1992 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Supreme Court [Madras]
    Minchin, James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Supreme Court of Calcutta
    Dobbs, Archibald Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Supreme Court of Judicature
    Brewer, John Hibberd ( 1879-1889 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope
    Steuart, John, 9th of Dalguise
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Supreme Court, Queen's Bench Division
    Ritchie, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of the Supreme Courts of Justice
    Prior, Henry Templer
    Count equals 1 individual.

Master of theSupreme Court, Chancery Division
    Clarke, Butler Cholmondeley ( 1973 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Metropolitan Magistrate
    Barker, Lancelot Elliot
    Hopkin, Daniel
    Rose, John
    Hall, William Clarke ( 1913-1914 ), Thames Street
    Hall, William Clarke ( 1914-1932 ), Old Street
    Campbell, Sybil ( 1945-1961 )
    Aubrey-Fletcher, John Henry Lancelot, 7th Bt. ( 1959 )
    Harmsworth, St. John Bernard Vyvyan ( 1961 )
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Metropolitan Police Court Magistrate
    Bennett, Charles Wilfrid, 2nd Bt. ( 1946-1952 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Metropolitan Police Magistrate
    Baggallay, Ernest
    Bullock-Marsham, Robert Henry
    Norton, George Chapple
    Tyrwhitt, Robert Philip ( 1847-1871 )
    Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Louis Charles ( 1851-1890 )
    Harington, Richard, 11th Bt. ( 1871-1872 )
    Slade, Wyndham ( 1877-1901 )
    Kennedy, Gilbert George ( 1889-1907 )
    Denman, George Lewis ( 1890 )
    Grey, John Augustus, 7th Baron Walsingham ( 1905 )
    Drummond, Lister Maurice ( 1913 )
    Fry, Theodore Wilfrid ( 1920-1942 )
    Brodrick, William John Henry ( 1928-1944 )
    Count equals 13 individuals.

Metropolitan Police Magistrate, Marylebone
    Mansfield, John Smith ( 1860-1888 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate
    Harington, Kenneth Douglas Evelyn Herbert ( 1967-1984 )
    Lownie, Ralph Hamilton, of Largo ( 1974-1986 )
    Bathurst Norman, George Alfred ( 1981-1986 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Minister of Justice [Canada]
    Bennett, Richard Bedford, 1st and last Viscount Bennett ( 1921 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minister of Justice [Malta]
    Strickland, Gerald Paul Joseph Cajetan Carmel Antony Martin, 1st and last Baron Strickland ( 1927-1932 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minister of Justice [New South Wales]
    Foster, William John
    Wood, William Herbert
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Minister of Justice [New Zealand]
    Bowen, Charles Christopher ( 1874-1877 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minister of Justice [Nova Scotia]
    Tupper, Charles Hibbert ( 1894-1896 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minister of Justice [Portugal]
    O'Neill, Henry, 1st Visconde de Santa Monica
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minister of Justice [Russia]
    Nabokov, Dmitry Nikolaevich ( 1878-1885 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minister of Justice [Spain]
    Garrigues Díaz-Cañabate, Antonio, 1° Marqués de Garrigues ( 1975 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minister of State, Home Office for Criminal Justice
    Falconer, Charles Leslie, Baron Falconer of Thoroton ( 2002-2003 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Minster of Justice [Newfoundland]
    Morris, Edward Patrick, 1st Baron Morris ( 1903-1907 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Official Receiver and Registrar of Trade Marks, Hong Kong
    Abbott, Myles John ( 1941 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Official Referee at the Supreme Court
    Verey, Henry William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Official Referee of the Supreme Court
    Pollock, Edward James ( 1897-1927 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate
    Jardine, Francis Lascelles
    Sinclair, D. M.
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Police Magistrate [Madras]
    Wilson, William John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate [New South Wales]
    Layard, Frederick Louis
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate at Brighton
    Bigge, Arthur
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate at Marlborough Street, London
    Beadon, William Frederick ( 1856-1862 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate at Wandsworth and Hammersmith
    Beadon, William Frederick ( 1847 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate for London
    Clive, George ( 1839-1847 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate for Macleay River, New South Wales
    Pery, Edmund Aubrey Templar
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate of Marlborough Street
    Conant, Nathaniel
    Conant, John Edward ( 1817 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Police Magistrate of Middlesex
    Andrews, James Pettit
    Count equals 1 individual.

Police Magistrate of Winnipeg
    Macdonald, Hugh John ( 1911 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of Supreme Court
    Sullivan, Timothy
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the Court of Justice [The Netherlands]
    Speelman, Cornelis Jacob
    Speelman-Wobma, Helenus Marinus
    Count equals 2 individuals.

President of the High Court
    O'Keefe, Andreas
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the High Court [Aragon]
    O'Neill, Felix
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the High Court of Nigeria
    Abbott, Myles John ( 1946-1949 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the Supreme Court [Chile]
    Guzman, Gabriel Palma
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the Supreme Court [Peru]
    Robles y Díaz de Lugo, Antolín
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the Supreme Court of Natal
    Wilson, John Carnegie Dove
    Count equals 1 individual.

President of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands
    Wiarda, Gerardus Johannes
    Count equals 1 individual.

President, Family Division of the High Court
    Havers, Ann Elizabeth Oldfield, Baroness Butler-Sloss ( 1999 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Presiding Judge of the North-East Circuit
    Waller, George Mark ( 1992-1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Presiding Judge of the Western Circuit
    Bridge, Nigel Cyprian, Baron Bridge of Harwich ( 1972-1974 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Presiding Judge, Court of Passage
    Taylor, William Francis Kyffin, 1st and last Baron Maenan ( 1903-1948 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Principal Collector of Customs
    Alexander, Edward Bruce ( 1921 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Procurer and Advocate-General [Mauritius]
    Dickson, William Gillespie
    Count equals 1 individual.

Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas
    Brownlow, Richard
    Farmer, George
    Pynsent, John
    Wheatley, Anthony
    Count equals 4 individuals.

Prothonotary of the King's Bench
    Henley, Robert
    Roper, John
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Prothonotary of the county of Lancaster
    Villiers, John Charles, 3rd Earl of Clarendon ( 1804-1838 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Protonotary Apostolic
    Mostyn, Joseph John Reginald Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Protonotary Apostolic ad instar
    Morrogh Bernard, Eustace Anthony ( 1960 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Protonotary of the County Palatine of Chester
    Booth, George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Puisne Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal [Canada]
    Knatchbull-Hugessen, James Cornelius ( 1983 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
    Girouard, Désiré ( 1895-1911 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Mauritius and Ceylon
    Moncreiff, Frederick Charles ( 1900-1905 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Advocate
    Phillimore, Robert Joseph, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Queen's Remembrancer and Senior Master of the Supreme Court
    Pollock, William Frederick, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar and Secretary of the Order of the Bath
    Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynne
    Stapleton-Cotton, Richard Greville Arthur Wellington ( 1932-1953 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Registrar of Chancery
    Long, Walter, 1st Bt. ( 1643-1647 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of Cork
    O'Connell, Daniel Mary Joseph ( 1922-1938 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of Deeds
    Montagu, John Edward ( 1875 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of Deeds [Cape Colony]
    Holland, Benjamin Herbert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of High Court of Chancery
    Koe, Ralphe Pemberton
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of Joint Stock Companies
    Rogers, Frederick, 1st and last Baron Blachford ( 1844-1845 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of Nottinghamshire
    Beaumont, Richard Henry
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of Oxford
    Bagot, Charles Walter
    Bagot, Frederic
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Registrar of Totnes
    Kendall, Nicholas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Bankruptcy High Court
    Giffard, Harry Stanley
    Warmington, Marshall Denham, 2nd Bt. ( 1926 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Registrar of the County Court Dover
    Fielding, George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Diocese of Dublin
    Sale, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Diocese of Exeter
    Keppel, William Arnold Walpole
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the High Court of Bankruptcy
    Murray, William Powell
    Bowyer, John Francis ( 1953 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Registrar of the High Court of Chancery
    Makepeace, Lawrence
    Washington, Lawrence
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Registrar of the High Court of Zululand
    Windham, John ( 1895-1897 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Land Registry
    Follett, Brent Spencer ( 1862-1886 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
    Gore-Booth, Paul Henry, Baron Gore-Booth ( 1966-1984 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Order of the Garter
    Hobart, Henry Lewis
    Keppel, Frederick
    Baillie, Albert Victor ( 1917-1944 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Registrar of the Prerogative Court, Dublin
    Perceval, George
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice
    Butler, William Charles
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Supreme Court
    Synge, Francis Julian
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar of the Supreme Court [New Zealand]
    Allan, Alexander Sunderland
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar-General for England
    Dunbar, William Cospatrick, of Mochrum, 9th Bt. ( 1902-1909 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar-General for Queensland
    Blakeney, William Theophilus
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages
    Graham, George ( 1839-1879 )
    Henniker, Bridges Powell, 4th Bt. ( 1880-1900 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages in England
    Macleod, Reginald, 27th of MacLeod ( 1900-1902 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar-General of Georgia
    Houstoun, Patrick, 5th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar-General of Natal
    Windham, William ( 1901 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Registrar-General of the Cape Colony
    Montagu, John Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate
    Cleverly, James J.
    MacCullagh, John
    Newall, Adam Cook
    Plunkett, Thomas Oliver Westenra
    Veevers, John
    Greene, Joseph ( 1831-1858 )
    Dane, Louis William ( 1900-1901 )
    Lynch-Robinson, Christopher Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1912-1922 )
    Count equals 8 individuals.

Resident Magistrate (R.M.)
    Smyth, Henry de la Valle
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate (R.M.) for County Kilkenny
    Butler, James Thomas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate (R.M.) for Queen's County
    Butler, George Beresford ( 1889-1921 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate County Tipperary
    Dease, Edmund James
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate [Jamiaca]
    Egerton, Richard
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate [Natal]
    Gilson, A. D.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate [New Zealand]
    Aylmer, Justin John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate [Orange River Colony]
    Bowen, St. John Cole
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate [Transvaal]
    Pease, Alfred Edward, 2nd Bt. ( 1903-1905 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate [Western Australia]
    Adam, William Keith
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate for County Kerry
    Massy, Richard Albert
    French, John ( 1892-1898 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Resident Magistrate for County Limerick
    French, John ( 1898 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate for County Tipperary
    Shaw, Beresford William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate for Kilkee, County Clare
    Butler, Thomas ( 1872-1877 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate for Kilkenny
    Considine, Heffernan James Fritz Joseph John ( 1882-1900 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate for Mallow, County Cork
    Butler, Thomas ( Clare 1872 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate for Newry, County Down
    Butler, Thomas ( 1868-1872 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate for West Kimberley [Western Australia]
    Warton, Michael Scales ( 1894-1914 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Albany [Western Australia]
    Cockburn-Campbell, Alexander Thomas, 2nd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Arcadia, South Africa
    Ziervogel, Carl Frederick
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Clonmel, County Tipperary
    Carew, Shapland Francis
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of County Carlow
    Studdert, John FitzGerald
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of County Cork
    Browne, Neal O'Donel ( 1848-1867 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of County Shgo
    Gray, Hugh
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of County Tipperary
    ffrench, Martin Joseph, 5th Baron ffrench of Castle ffrench ( 1846-1882 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Durban
    Titren, Achille Erneste
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Enniskillen
    Sparrow, Robert
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of King's County
    Browne, Neal O'Donel ( 1839-1848 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Letterkenny
    Peel, Edmund Yates
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Natal
    Windham, Ashe ( 1857-1867 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Port Natal
    St. George, Theophilus John, 3rd Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Richmond, Natal
    Hawkins, Arthur Cæsar
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Tanganyika
    Lyon, Malcolm Douglas
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Uganda
    Huggins, Alan Armstrong ( 1951-1953 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Resident Magistrate of Zululand
    Windham, John ( 1897-1902 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Second Justice of Chester
    Best, William Draper, 1st Baron Wynford ( 1817-1818 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Second Justice of Munster
    Meagh, John ( 1570 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Secretary and Registrar of the Order of Merit
    Stonor, Harry Julian ( 1924-1939 )
    Erskine, Arthur Edward ( 1939-1963 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Senior Circuit Judge
    Gibbon, Michael
    Havelock-Allan, Anthony Mark David, 5th Bt. ( 2001 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Senior Judge of the Supreme Court [Victoria]
    Williams, Hartley
    Count equals 1 individual.

Senior Magistrate of Edinburgh
    Geddes, Margaret Campbell ( 1941 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Senior Magistrate of Hamilton
    Paterson, William
    Count equals 1 individual.

Senior Master in Chancery
    Fellowes, William
    Hulbert, Charles
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Senior Master of the Supreme Court
    Pollock, George Frederick ( 1851-1901 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Senior Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court [Bombay]
    Rice, Ralph
    Count equals 1 individual.

Senior Registrar of the Court of Chancery
    Merivale, John Louis
    Count equals 1 individual.

Senior Resident Magistrate of Northern Rhodesia
    Windham, William Evan ( 1952 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor General [U.S.]
    Beck, James Montgomery
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Brett, William Baliol, 1st Viscount Esher ( 1868 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

    Baggallay, Richard
    Denman, Thomas, 1st Baron Denman of Dovedale, to Queen Caroline, whom he defended at her trial
    Dundas, David Barnett, 2nd Bt.
    Garrow, William
    Malet, Baldwin, to King Henry VIII
    Malet, Thomas, to Queen Henrietta Maria
    O'Connor, Terence James
    Rigby, John
    Rosewell, William, to Queen Elizabeth I
    Turnor, Edward
    Winnington, Francis
    Rich, Richard, 1st Baron Rich ( 1533 )
    Egerton, Thomas, 1st Viscount Brackley ( 1581-1592 )
    Coke, Edward ( 1592 )
    Fleming, Thomas ( 1595 )
    Bacon, Francis, 1st and last Viscount Saint Alban ( 1607-1613 )
    Coventry, Thomas, 1st Baron Coventry of Aylesborough ( 1617-1621 )
    Bridgeman, Orlando, 1st Bt. ( 1640 ), to the Prince of Wales
    St. John, Oliver ( 1641-1643 )
    Gardiner, Thomas ( 1645-1647 )
    Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Nottingham ( 1660 )
    North, Francis, 1st Baron Guilford ( 1671-1673 )
    Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Aylesford ( 1679-1686 )
    Somers, John, 1st Baron Somers of Evesham ( 1680-1692 )
    Montagu, Oliver ( 1685 ), to the Queen
    Powys, Thomas ( 1686 )
    Williams, William, 1st Bt. ( 1687 )
    Butler, Theobald ( 1689 ), to King James II
    Folkes, Martin ( 1695 )
    Harcourt, Simon, 1st Viscount Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt ( 1702-1707 )
    Lechmere, Nicholas, 1st Baron Lechmere of Evesham ( 1714-1715 )
    Fortescue-Aland, John, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan ( 1715-1717 )
    Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke ( 1720-1724 )
    Talbot, Charles, 1st Baron Talbot of Hensol ( 1726-1733 )
    Ryder, Dudley ( 1733 )
    Murray, William, 1st Earl of Mansfield ( 1742-1754 )
    Bathurst, Henry, 2nd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1746-1748 ), to the Prince of Wales
    Yorke, Charles ( 1756 )
    Norton, Fletcher, 1st Lord Grantley, Baron of Markenfield ( 1762-1763 )
    Grey, William, 1st Baron Walsingham ( 1763-1766 )
    Dunning, John, 1st Baron Ashburton ( 1768-1770 )
    Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1770-1771 )
    Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn ( 1771 )
    Mansfield, James ( 1780-1782 )
    Arden, Richard Pepper, 1st Baron Alvanley ( 1782-1784 )
    Mansfield, James ( 1783 )
    Macdonald, Archibald, 1st Bt. ( 1784 )
    Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon ( 1788 )
    Toler, John, 1st Earl of Norbury ( 1789-1798 )
    Freeman-Mitford, John, 1st Baron Redesdale ( 1793-1799 )
    Cusack-Smith, William, 2nd Bt. ( 1800-1801 )
    Romilly, Samuel ( 1806 )
    Gifford, Robert, 1st Baron Gifford of St. Leonard's ( 1817-1819 )
    Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, 1st Baron St. Leonards ( 1829-1830 )
    Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell of St. Andrews ( Nov 1832 )
    Pepys, Charles Christopher, 1st Earl of Cottenham ( Feb 1834 )
    Rolfe, Robert Monsey, 1st and last Baron Cranworth ( 1834 )
    Rolfe, Robert Monsey, 1st and last Baron Cranworth ( 1835-1839 )
    Wilde, Thomas, 1st Baron Truro of Bowes ( 1839-1841 )
    Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 15 Apr 1844 )
    Jervis, John ( 1846 )
    Romilly, John, 1st Baron Romilly ( 1848 )
    Cockburn, Alexander James Edmund, of Langton, 12th Bt. ( 1850-1851 )
    Wood, William Page, 1st and last Baron Hatherley ( 1851-1852 )
    Bethell, Richard, 1st Baron Westbury ( 1852-1856 )
    Stuart-Wortley, James Archibald ( 1856-1857 )
    Keating, Henry Singer ( 1857-1858 )
    Cairns, Hugh MacCalmont, 1st Earl Cairns ( 1858-1859 )
    Rose, John, 1st Bt. ( 1859 )
    Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne ( 1861-1863 )
    Collier, Robert Porrett, 1st Baron Monkswell of Monkswell ( 1863-1866 )
    Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1868-1871 )
    Jessel, George ( 1871 )
    Harcourt, William George Granville ( 1873-1874 )
    James, Henry, 1st and last Baron James of Hereford ( 1873 )
    Holker, John ( 1874 )
    Herschell, Farrar, 1st Baron Herschell of the City of Durban ( 1880-1885 )
    Davey, Horace, Baron Davey ( 1886 )
    Reid, Robert Threshie, 1st and last Baron Loreburn ( 1894 )
    Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, 1st Viscount Finlay ( 1895-1900 )
    Carson, Edward Henry, Baron Carson ( 1900-1905 )
    Robson, William Snowdon, Baron Robson ( 1905-1908 )
    Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1910 )
    Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1910-1913 )
    Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, 1st Viscount Buckmaster ( 1913-1915 )
    Cave, George, 1st and last Viscount Cave ( 1915-1916 )
    Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of Birkenhead ( 1915 )
    Hewart, Gordon, 1st Viscount Hewart ( 1916-1919 )
    Pollock, Ernest Murray, 1st Viscount Hanworth ( 1919-1922 )
    Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1922-1924 )
    Watson, William, Baron Thankerton ( 1922 )
    Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1924-1928 )
    Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and last Baron Merriman ( 1928-1929 )
    Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1931-1932 )
    Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and last Baron Merriman ( 1932-1933 )
    Jowitt, William Allen, 1st and last Earl Jowitt ( 1940-1942 )
    Fyfe, David Patrick Maxwell, 1st and last Earl of Kilmuir ( 1942-1945 )
    Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1945-1945 )
    Soskice, Frank, Baron Stow Hill ( 1945-1951 )
    Manningham-Buller, Reginald Edward, 1st Viscount Dilhorne ( 1951-1954 )
    Simon, Jocelyn Edward Salis, Baron Simon of Glaisdale ( 1959-1962 )
    Rawlinson, Peter Anthony Grayson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell ( 1962-1964 )
    Foot, Dingle Mackintosh ( 1964-1967 )
    Archer, Peter Kingsley, Baron Archer of Sandwell ( 1974-1979 )
    Mayhew, Patrick Barnabas Burke, Baron Mayhew of Twysden ( 1983-1987 )
    Lyell, Nicholas Walter, Baron Lyell of Markyate ( 1987-1992 )
    Falconer, Charles Leslie, Baron Falconer of Thoroton ( 1997-1998 )
    Count equals 107 individuals.

Solicitor-General [Ceylon]
    Layard, Charles Peter ( 1888 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General [Cyprus]
    Henry, James Holmes, 2nd Bt. ( 1952 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General [Jersey]
    Durell, John
    Venables-Vernon, William Henry ( 1880 )
    Coutanche, Alexander Moncrieff, Baron Coutanche ( 1925-1931 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Solicitor-General [Lower Canada]
    Stuart, Andrew ( 1837-1840 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General [Scotalnd]
    Mackay, Donald Sage, Baron Mackay of Drumadoon ( 1995 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General [Singapore]
    Butterfield, Charles Harris ( 1948-1955 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General [St. Christophers]
    Woodley, John ( 1807 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General [Upper Canada]
    Robinson, John Beverley, 1st Bt. ( 1815 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General [Victoria]
    Deakin, Alfred ( 1884 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General for the Duchy of Lancaster
    Onslow, Richard ( 1566 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General for the Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland
    Gray, Francis Hatfield
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General of England and Wales
    Horne, William ( 1830-1832 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General to the Elector Palatine
    Whichcote, Jeremy, 1st Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Solicitor-General to the Prince of Wales
    Fortescue-Aland, John, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan ( 1714-1715 )
    Talbot, Charles, 1st Baron Talbot of Hensol ( 1717 )
    Best, William Draper, 1st Baron Wynford ( 1813-1816 )
    Count equals 3 individuals.

Steward and Constable of Barnard Castle
    Beauchamp, William ( 1446 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Steward and Constable of Brecknock Castle
    Somerset, Henry, 2nd Earl of Worcester ( 26 May 1523 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate [Fiji]
    Thomson, Basil Home ( 1884 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate [Hong Kong]
    Huggins, Alan Armstrong ( 1953-1958 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate [Jamaica]
    Daly, Richard ( 1834 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate [New Zealand]
    Henniker, Augustus Henry Aldborough Stratford
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate [Papua New Guinea]
    O'Loghlen, Colman Michael, 6th Bt.
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate [Trinidad]
    Gray, William O'Neill
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate for England
    Campbell, Sybil, the first woemn to hold the position
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate for Pontypridd
    Williams, Gwylim ( 1872-1884 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate for the Borough of Middlesbrough
    Fry, Theodore Wilfrid ( 1908-1920 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate of Brighton
    Heathcote, Charles Gilbert ( 1884-1902 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate of Sheffield
    Welby, Edward Montague Earle ( 1874-1915 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate of Trinidad
    Harragin, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Stipendiary Magistrate, District of Ba, Fiji
    Monckton, Hugh ( b 1911 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Supreme Court Judge
    Plunkett, Oliver
    Count equals 1 individual.

Supreme Court Judge [Federation of Malay States]
    Manby, Percy Alan Farrer
    Count equals 1 individual.

Supreme Court Judge [Straits Settlements]
    Manby, Percy Alan Farrer
    Count equals 1 individual.

Supreme Court Justice
    Wilson, Nicholas Allan Roy, Lord Wilson of Culworth
    Count equals 1 individual.

Taxing Master of the Supreme Court
    Webster, Francis Joseph
    Count equals 1 individual.

U.S. Attorney
    Dallas, Alexander James ( 1801-1814 ), for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    Dallas, George Mifflin ( 1829-1831 ), for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    Count equals 2 individuals.

U.S. Supreme Court of Justice
    Breyer, Stephen
    Count equals 1 individual.

Vice-Chancellor of the Supreme Court
    Browne-Wilkinson, Nicolas Christopher Henry, Baron Browne-Wilkinson ( 1985-1991 )
    Scott, Richard Rashleigh Folliott, Baron Scott of Foscote ( 1994-2000 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Vice-Constable of England
    Berkeley, Thomas, 1st Lord Berkeley ( 1297 )
    Assheton, Ralph ( 1483 )
    Count equals 2 individuals.

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Advocates
    Forbes Irvine, Alexander, 20th of Drum
    Count equals 1 individual.

Vice-President of the Supreme Court [The Netherlands]
    Velden, Benedictus ( 1855-1871 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Visiting Magistrate of Holloway Prison
    Ackroyd, Cuthbert Lowell, 1st Bt. ( 1945-1955 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

Water-Bailiff of Man
    Quayle, John
    Count equals 1 individual.

Writer to the Signet (W.S.)
    Balfour-Kinnear, George William
    Bell, Benjamin
    Bell, Benjamin
    Borthwick, Francis John Gordon
    Dallas, Alexander
    Fraser, Charles Annand
    Home, Henry
    Macdonald, James
    Stormonth Darling, James Carlisle
    Campbell, Colin, of Carwhin ( 9 Feb 1686 )
    Bell, William ( 1807 )
    Burnett, James Horn, of Leys, 10th Bt. ( 1824 )
    Campbell, William Bowie Stuart ( 4 Mar 1826 )
    Bell, Robert Craigie ( 1864 )
    Count equals 14 individuals.

honorary Bencher King's Inns
    Andrews, William Drennan ( 1910 )
    Count equals 1 individual.

stipendiary Magistrate of Liverpool
    Rushton, Edward
    Count equals 1 individual.

the Crown Solicitor for Galway
    Cloherty, Gerald
    Count equals 1 individual.

the Resident Magistrate for Dordrecht, Cape Province, South Africa, (retired)
    Beamish, Ronald George
    Count equals 1 individuals.

Total count equals 1909 individuals.