1st Sikh War
 Browne, James de Burgh
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough ( 1845 )
 Greville, Southwell ( 1845 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
2nd Mahratta War
 Casement, William
Count equals 1 individual.
2nd Punjab War
 Younghusband, George William
Count equals 1 individual.
2nd Sikh War
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough ( 1849 )
Count equals 1 individual.
3rd Afghan War
 Alexander, William Nathaniel S
 Eustace, John Patrick Leonard ( 1919 )
 Greville, Brooke Southwell Edw ( 1919 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
3rd Mahratta War
 Casement, William
Count equals 1 individual.
Abyssinia and Burma campaigns
 Seton, James Lumsden, of Pitmed
Count equals 1 individual.
Afghan Campaign
 Clifford, Robert Cecil ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Dick-Cunyngham, William Henry,
 Durand, Algernon George Arnold, and march to Kandahar with Central India Horse
 Fagan, Christopher George Forb ( 1879-1880 )
 Greer, Roderick Denis ( 1919 )
 Greer, Ussher Macgregor ( 1919 )
 Havelock, Charles Frederick
 Herbert, Graham Cludde ( 1879-1880 )
 Hoskyns, Chandos, 10th Bt. ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Mansel, John Delalynde ( 1878-1880 )
 Maunsell, Charles Henry Wray ( 1878-1880 )
 Wilson, Henry Fuller Maitland ( 1878 )
 Young, William Muston Need, 3rd ( 1878-1879 )
Count equals 13 individuals.
Afghan Expedition
 Egerton, Granville George Alge ( 1879-1880 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Afghan War
 Adye, John ( 1879 )
 Ancketill, David Fitz Ameline ( 1880 )
 Anderson, Charles Alexander ( 1878-1880 )
 Anderson, Charles Bevan Carew ( 1919 )
 Andrews, James Walker ( 1878-1880 ), as the Brigrade Major
 Arbuthnot, Charles George
Atkinson, George ( 1880 )
 Beauclerk, Ferdinand ( 1879 )
Bellew, Walter Henry
 Bennet, Charles, Lord Ossulston ( 1878-1879 )
 Blacker, Latham Charles Miller ( 1878-1879 )
 Blacker, Latham Valentine Stew ( 1919 )
 Blood, Bindon ( 1879-1880 )
 Blood, Joseph Fitzgerald ( 1878-1879 )
 Blood, William Holcroft ( 1919 ), serving as the Deputy-Assistant Quartermaster General, 1st Peshawar Division
 Browne, George Ulick, 6th Marqu ( 1879-1880 )
 Browne-Clayton, William Clayto
Brownlow, Francis
 Bruce, Alfred Crawford ( 1879-1880 )
 Bunbury, William St. Pierre ( 1880 )
 Butler, Charles Walter ( 1919 )
 Campbell, Alexander William De ( 1878-1880 )
 Campbell, Eric Francis Dennist ( 1919 )
 Campbell, Guy Theophilus, 3rd B ( 1878-1880 )
 Campbell, John William, of Aird ( 1879-1880 )
 Carey, William ( 1880-1881 )
 Caulfeild, Algernon Montgomeri ( 1878-1880 )
 Caulfeild, Charles Trevor ( 1918-1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chaloner, Richard Godolphin Wa ( 1879-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chapman, Edward Francis ( 1878-1880 )
 Childers, Edmund Spencer Eardl ( 1878-1880 )
 Cholmondeley, Hugh Cecil ( 1878-1879 )
 Churchward, Paul Rycaut Stanbu ( 1878-1880 )
 Coke, Wenman ( 1879 )
 Colborne, Francis Lionel Lydst ( 1880 )
 Colville, Arthur Eward William ( 1878-1879 )
 Cooke-Collis, William ( 1879-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Coote, Edmund Eyre ( 1879-1880 )
 Cotton, Stapleton Lynch
 Couper, Arthur Edward ( 1878-1880 )
 Couper, Ramsay George Henry, 3r ( 1878-1880 )
 Crosbie, Henry ( 1878-1879 )
 Cubitt, William George, V.C. ( 1880 )
 Cummins, James Turner ( 1878-1880 )
 Cuningham, Charles Alexander ( 1880 )
 Cunliffe, Foster Lionel ( 1878-1879 )
 Dening, Lewis ( 1878-1879 )
 Dewar, Alexander Cumming, 6th o
 Dewar, James Raymond Johnstone ( 1879-1880 )
Dicketts, Oliver Simon
 Dobbs, Charles Fairlie ( 1919 )
 Dorman, John Cotter ( 1878-1879 )
Douglas, James Dundas
 Douglas, Thomas Monteath ( 1838-1842 )
 Doyle, Arthur Havelock James, 4 ( 1879-1880 )
 Dutton, Charles ( 1878-1880 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, Revell
 Earle, Eric Greville ( 1919 )
 Earle, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1878-1880 )
 Egerton, Brian ( 1880-1881 )
 Eustace, Francis John William ( 1878-1880 )
 Fagan, Edward Arthur ( 1920 )
 Fagan, Henry Horace Frederick ( 1878-1880 )
 Fitz-Clarence, Geoffrey George ( 1879-1880 )
Fitzgerald, Thomas Otho
 Fortescue, Francis Alexander ( 1880 )
 Grattan, O'Donnel Colley ( 1878-1880 )
 Guinness, Charles Wolfran Nuge ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Guinness, Henry William Newton ( 1880 )
 Gunning, George Hamilton ( 1919 )
 Hall, Francis Henry ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Havelock, Henry
 Hazlerigg, Thomas Maynard ( 1878-1880 ), and was mentioned in despatches
Hewett, James ( 1848 )
 Hogg, Adam George Forbes ( 1878-1879 )
Honywood, Arthur
 Hotham, John Clarence ( 1919 )
 Howard, Frederick Compton ( 1878-1879 )
 Huggins, Ponsonby Glenn ( 1878-1879 )
 Hume, Henry
 James, Charles Ashton ( 1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches twice
 Jervis, John Edward Leveson, 4t ( 1880 )
 Johnson, Allen Edwin ( 1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Johnson, Henry Allen Beaumont, ( 1919 )
 Johnston, Thomas Kelly Evans ( 1880 )
 Kitchener, Frederick Walter ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lake, Winter Atwell Edward ( 1880 )
 Lambart, Edgar Alan ( 1879-1880 )
 Lambart, Percy Francis ( 1879-1880 )
 Lane, Charles Stuart ( 1878-1879 )
 Legh, Hubert Cornwall ( 1878-1880 )
 Leigh, Rupert ( 1878-1879 )
 Lewes, Hugh Arthur ( 1879-1880 )
 Lugard, Edward ( 1842 )
 Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry ( 1879-1880 )
 Mackinnon, Daniel Henry Loudou ( 1838-1839 )
 Madden, John ( 1840-1842 )
 Massy, Harry Stanley ( 1878-1880 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Massy, William Godfrey Dunham ( 1879-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maunsell, Frederick Richard
 Medlicott, Henry Edward ( 1919 )
 Meston, Dougall, 2nd Baron Mest ( 1919 )
 Molesworth, Alec Lindsay Morti ( 1919 )
 Molesworth, Edward Hogarth
 Monro, Seymour Charles Hale ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward ( 1879-1881 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Morrogh Bernard, John Alexande ( 1919 )
 Murray, Charles Stewart ( 1919 )
 Murray, Edward Rushworth Blaki ( 1919 )
 Napier, James Pearse, 3rd Baron ( 1879-1880 )
 Nepean, Herbert Dryden Home Yo ( 1919 )
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1 ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Grady, Henry de Courcy ( 1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ogilvy, Abercromby Graham ( 1919 )
 Ogilvy, David ( 1919 )
 Ogilvy-Grant, Robert Abercromb ( 1879-1880 )
 Pelly, Henry Gerald ( 1879-1880 )
 Penton, Arthur Pole ( 1879-1880 )
 Pole-Carew, Reginald ( 1879-1880 )
 Pollock, George, 1st Bt., where he captured Kabul
 Pollock, John Archibald Henry ( 1878-1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Powell, Charles Folliott
 Primrose, James Maurice ( 1879-1880 )
 Ramsay, Henry Lushington ( 1878-1879 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsden, Herbert Frescheville ( 1879-1880 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Ernest Henry ( 1879-1880 )
 Rowley, William Chambré, 6th Ba ( 1879-1880 )
 Sale-Hill, Rowley
 Seton, Charles ( 1879-1881 )
 Seton, William Samuel, of Pitme ( 1880 )
 Smyth, John George, 1st Bt., V. ( 1919 )
 Somerset, George FitzRoy Henry ( 1879-1880 ), he received a medal and clasp
 St. John, Oliver Beauchamp Cov ( 1878-1881 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John-Mildmay, Wyndham Paul ( 1878-1879 )
 Stewart-Mackenzie, James Alexa ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice and was wounded
 Stewart-Savile, Walter ( 1878-1880 )
 Stirling, William ( 1878-1879 )
 Strachey, John ( 1880-1881 )
 Talbot, Milo George ( 1879-1880 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt. ( 1878-1879 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Thackwell, Colquhoun Grant Roc ( 1878-1880 )
 Thomas, Godfrey Vignoles, 9th B ( 1878-1880 )
 Towry-Law, Cecil Henry, 6th Bar ( 1878-1879 )
 Trevelyan, Walter Raleigh ( 1879-1880 )
 Villiers, Francis Edward Earle ( 1919 )
 Villiers-Stuart, John Patrick ( 1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Wavell, Llewellyn ( 1879 )
 Whitaker, Albert Edward, 1st Bt ( 1870-1890 )
 Wolseley, George Benjamin ( 1878-1879 )
 Yorke, Horatio Arthur
 à Court Repington, Charles ( 1878 )
Count equals 151 individuals.
Afghanistan Campaign
Alexander, Samuel William Gile
 Annesley, Francis Dighton, 14th ( 1919 )
 Bourke, Arthur John Henry ( 1919 )
 Bruce, Elliott Armstrong ( 1878-1880 )
 Courcy, Michael William Robert ( 1919-1920 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gore, St. George Corbet
Henn, Thomas Rice
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane ( 1839 ), when he captured Ghuznee
 Persse, William
 Preston, Jenico Edwards
 Westropp, George Ralph Collier ( 1879-1880 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Westropp, William Kelly
Count equals 12 individuals.
Afghanistan Cmapaign
 Johnson, Henry Allen William, 4 ( 1878-1878 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Afghanistan War
Cuninghame, George
Hobhouse, John Byron
 Napier, John Scott ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Spilling, John Kinder ( 1880-1881 )
 Wilson, Richard Henry Francis
Count equals 5 individuals.
Battle of Argaum
Donald, James, of Mountblow ( 6 Apr 1831 )
 Gordon, Cosmo
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 29 Nov 1803 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Assaye
 O'Connell, Gleadowe Montgomery, where he was wounded
 Swinton, Samuel
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 23 Sep 1803 ), where he defeated 40,000 men with 7,000 troops
 Young, Thomas ( 1803 ), as a member of the Duke of Wellington's staff
Count equals 4 individuals.
Battle of Ferozeshah
Harvey, James Colebrooke ( 21 Dec 1845 )
 Havelock, Charles Frederick, where he was seriously wounded
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Ghuznee
 Stannus, Robert Trevor
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Goojerat
 Havelock, Charles Frederick
 Markham, Frederick
 Stannus, Henry James, where he was severely wounded
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Hyderabad
 Anstruther-Thomson, William Ad
 Pelly, Henry Joseph, as Adjutant-General
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Kandahar
Trench, Richard John ( 16 Aug 1880 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Lucknow
 Beaumont, Frederick Edward Bla
 Lawrence, Samuel Hill, V.C. ( 1857 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Maiwand, Kandahar
 Oliver, Charles Valentine ( Jul 1880 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Moodkee
Dashwood, Francis ( 21 Dec 1845 )
 Havelock, Charles Frederick
 Stannus, Robert Trevor
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Plassey
 Clive, Robert, 1st Baron Clive ( 23 Jun 1757 ), where he commanded 3,200 men who routed 50,000 foot and 18,000 horse and killed Surajah Dowlah
 Jackson, Robert ( 1757 )
 Johnstone, John ( 23 Jun 1757 ), where he commanded the artillery
 Power, John ( 23 Jun 1757 ), as Aide-de-CAmp to Lord Clive
 Rumbold, Thomas, 1st Bt. ( 1757 ), where he was severely wounded
Count equals 5 individuals.
Battle of Pondicherry
 Coote, Eyre ( 1761 )
 Young, George ( 1778 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Ramnugger, Sikh War
Havelock, William ( 22 Nov 1848 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Seringapatam
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 1st B ( 4 May 1799 ), where he headed the storming party
 Bond, Charles John, where he was wounded
 Dunlop, James, 21st of that Ilk ( 4 May 1799 ), where he was severley wounded
 Exshaw, James Robert ( 1799 )
FitzGerald, Robert ( 1799 ), where he lead the Grenadiers of the 33rd Regiment
 Harris, George, 1st Baron Harri ( 4 May 1799 ), where he defeated Tippoo Sahib and annexed Mysore
 Harris, William George, 2nd Bar ( 4 May 1799 ), with his father
Robertson, Robert ( 1799 )
Count equals 8 individuals.
Battle of Sobraon
 Browne, James de Burgh ( 1846 )
 Havelock, Charles Frederick
 McMahon, Thomas Westropp, 3rd B ( 10 Feb 1846 )
 Sackville-West, Charles Richar ( 1846 ), (Sikh Wars)
 Stannus, Robert Trevor
Count equals 5 individuals.
 Clayton, Henry ( 1826 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Bhutan Campaign
 Westropp, William Kelly
 Wheler, Henry Isham ( 1864-1865 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Bhutan Expedition
 Boughey, George Fletcher Ottle ( 1865-1866 )
 Eardley-Wilmot, Revell
 Grey, Leopold John Herbert
 Hopkinson, Henry ( 1865 )
 Maunsell, Charles Albert ( 1864-1865 )
 Sale-Hill, Rowley
Count equals 6 individuals.
Bhutan War
 Oliver, John Ryder ( 1864-1865 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Big Sandy expedition against the Indians
 Breckenridge, Robert ( Mar 1756 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Burma Campaign
 Bourke, George Deane ( 1887-1889 )
 Carr White, Percy ( 1891-1892 )
 Cole, Arthur Willoughby George ( 1885-1887 )
 Graham, Stuart Bruce ( 1885-1887 )
 Hopkinson, Henry ( 1852 )
 Huggins, Ponsonby Glenn ( 1885-1889 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Johnson, Charles Edward ( 1886-1887 )
 Lawrence, Henry Montgomery
 Long, Wilfred James ( 1891-1892 )
 Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry ( 1886-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Malet, Alexander Wyndham ( 1930-1932 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Montmorency, Willoughby John H ( 1891-1892 )
 Preston, Jenico Edwards
 Ramsden, Herbert Frescheville ( 1886-1887 )
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st a ( 1886-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stewart, George Powell, 5th Bt. ( 1891-1892 )
 Strachey, John ( 1885-1887 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wake, Edward St. Aubyn ( 1885-1886 )
 Wedderburn-Maxwell, James Andr ( 1886-1887 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Burma Expedition
 Campbell Stewart, Richard ( 1886-1887 )
 Campbell, Alexander ( 1885-1886 ), as Chief Marine Transport Officer, and was mentioned in despatches
 Carey, Octavius William ( 1886-1889 )
 Carnegie, Charles Gilbert ( 1886-1888 )
 Daly, Hugh ( 1886-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Dening, Lewis ( 1886-1888 )
 Hamilton, Hubert Ion Wetherall ( 1886-1888 )
 Howard, Francis ( 1888-1889 )
 McMahon, Norman Reginald ( 1886-1887 )
 Napier-Clavering, Charles Warr ( 1885-1887 )
 Synge, Robert Follett Muter Fo ( 1887-1889 )
 Thackwell, Colquhoun Grant Roc ( 1897-1898 )
 Young, William Muston Need, 3rd ( 1887-1889 )
 Young, William Muston Need, 3rd ( 1885-1887 )
 à Court Repington, Charles ( 1889 )
Count equals 15 individuals.
Burma War
 Bromhead, Charles James ( 1887-1889 )
 Bruce, Elliott Armstrong ( 1885-1888 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Carey, William ( 1885-1887 ), where he commanded the artillery
 Caulfeild, Algernon Montgomeri ( 1886-1890 )
 Chapman, Edward Francis ( 1885-1886 )
 Cholmondeley, Henry Reginald ( 1887-1889 )
 Christian, Hugh Henry ( 1852-1854 )
 Cobbe, Henry Hercules ( 1895-1896 )
 Coote, Richard Gethin Creagh ( 1824-1825 )
 Cotton, Stapleton Lynch
 Couper, Victor Arthur ( 1888-1889 )
 Craven, Walter Arthur Keppel ( 1852 )
 Cubitt, William George, V.C. ( 1886-1887 )
 Dalzell, Arthur Edward, 13th Ea ( 1891-1892 )
 Earle, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1886-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Forbes, Robert Inglis ( 1885-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Fortescue, Charles Granville ( 1888-1889 )
 Fremantle, Edmund Robert ( 1852 )
 Greer, Henry Harpur
 Guinness, Henry Seymour ( 1884 )
 Gunning, John Campbell ( 1887-1889 )
 Johnson, Henry Allen William, 4 ( 1886-1887 )
 Kitchener, Henry Elliott Cheva ( 1891 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lugard, Edward James ( 1888-1889 )
 Massy, Harry Stanley ( 1886-1888 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nightingale, Henry Dickonson, 1 ( 1852 )
 Pasley, Montagu Wynyard Sabine ( 1887-1889 ), he received a medal with two clasps
 Rivett-Carnac, John Thurlow ( 1886-1887 )
 St. Aubyn, Francis Michael
 Stuart, Robert Charles Ochiltr ( 1885-1887 )
 Sullivan, Edward Langford ( 1888-1889 )
 Temple, Richard Carnac, 2nd Bt. ( 1887-1890 )
Count equals 32 individuals.
Burmese Campaign
 Lake, Winter Atwell Edward ( 1886-1889 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Burmese Expedition
 Anderson, Charles Alexander ( 1885-1886 )
 Cummins, James Turner ( 1886-1890 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Eliott, Francis Hardinge ( 1888-1889 )
 Leicester, Byron ( 1887-1889 )
 Lynch-Blosse, Robert, 12th Bt. ( 1899 )
 Maunsell, Arthur Munro ( 1887-1889 )
 Wolseley, George Benjamin ( 1887-1891 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Burmese War
 Havelock, Henry
 Howard, Frederick Compton ( 1889-1890 )
 Hunter Blair, Thomas, of Dunske
 Lambert, Walter Miller ( 1885-1886 )
 Noel, Edward ( 1885-1887 )
 Philipps, Ivor ( 1887-1889 )
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Vi ( 1852-1853 ), where he was severely wounded, and was mentioned in dispatches
Count equals 7 individuals.
Campaign against Hyder Ali
 Mackenzie-Humberston, Thomas F ( 1782 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Campaign in North-West Frontier
 Bradford, Edward Ridley Colbor ( 1858-1859 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Capture of Delhi
Frankland, Thomas, where he was wounded twice
 Wilson, Archdale, 1st Bt. ( 14 Sep 1857 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Capture of Ghuznee
 Havelock, Charles Frederick
Count equals 1 individual.
Capture of Lucknow
 Dick-Cunyngham, Robert Keith A ( Nov 1857 ), where he was wounded
 Wilson, Archdale, 1st Bt. ( 17 Mar 1858 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Capture of Pondicherry
 Rollo, James, 7th Lord Rollo of ( 1761 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Capture of Seringapatam
 Floyd, John, 1st Bt. ( 1799 ), as second in charge
 Wallace, William
Count equals 2 individuals.
Central India Campaigns
 Hill, Arthur Blundell George S, with Camel Corps
Count equals 1 individual.
Chin-Lushai Expedition to Burma
 Montagu, Edward ( 1889-1890 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Chitral Campaign
 Arbuthnot, Dalrymple, 5th Bt. ( 1895 )
 Arbuthnot, Kenneth Wyndham ( 1895 ), in the Relief Force
 Aylmer, Fenton John, 13th Bt., ( 1895 ), where he was once again mentioned in despatches
 Bewley, Alfred William ( 1895 )
 Birdwood, Gordon Travers
 Brooke, Ronald George ( 1895 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Byron, Richard ( 1895 )
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage ( 1895 )
 Cunliffe, Frederick Hugh Gordo ( 1895 )
 Egerton, Raleigh Gilbert ( 1895 )
 Ferguson Davie, Arthur Francis ( 1896 )
 Fowler, John Sharman, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Kerr, Frederick Walter
 Moon, Wilfred Graham ( 1895 )
 Murray, Arthur Cecil, 3rd Visco ( 1903-1907 ), with the 5th Gurkha Rifles
 Onslow, Cranley Charlton ( 1895 )
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham ( 1895 )
 Stewart, Algernon Bingham Anst
 Stewart, Cosmo Gordon ( 1895 )
 Stirling, George Murray Home, 9 ( 1895 )
 Thynne, Ulric Oliver ( 1895 )
 Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrer ( 1895 )
 Udny-Hamilton, Robert Edward A ( 1895 ), in the Relief Force
 Watson, Arthur John ( 1897 )
West, George William Maxwell
Count equals 25 individuals.
Chitral Expedition
 Pasley, Montagu Wynyard Sabine ( 1895 ), he received a medal and clasp
 Robertson, William Robert, 1st ( 1895 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Chitral Relief
 Dalrymple-Hay, Stair Francis B ( 1895 )
 Trollope, Arthur Grant, 13th Bt ( 1895 )
 Young, Henry George ( 1895 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Chitral Relief Force
 Blood, Bindon ( 1895 ), Chief Staff Officer
 Cobbe, Alexander Stanhope, V.C. ( 1895 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Minchin, Alfred Beckett ( 1895 )
 Monro, Seymour Charles Hale ( 1895 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Nugent, Oliver Stewart Wood ( 1895 )
 Thackwell, Colquhoun Grant Roc ( 1895 )
 Wingate, George ( 1895 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Chitral Relif Force
 Roberts, Frederick Hugh Sherst ( 1895 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Defence of Lucknow
 Hardinge, George Nicholas
Count equals 1 individual.
First Afghan War
 Ashburner, William ( 1842 ), where he was severely wounded
 Carmichael, Charles Montauban
 Phayre, Robert
 Roberts, Abraham
Count equals 4 individuals.
First Burma War
 Brooke, James ( 1824 ), where he was dangerously wounded, and invalided home in 1825
 Godwin, Henry Thomas
 Noel-Hill, William, 6th Baron B ( 1825-1826 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
First Sikh War
 Lawrence, Richard Charles
Count equals 1 individual.
First Waziristan Revolt
 Barrow, George de Symons ( 1894-1895 )
Count equals 1 individual.
French and Indian Wars
 Grant, Noah, Jr.
Grant, Solomon ( 1755 )
 Masterson, Edward ( 1755-1756 ), as a trooper
Count equals 3 individuals.
French-Indian Wars
Brereton, Perceval, under General Braddock
Howe, George Augustus, 3rd Visc
Count equals 2 individuals.
India Frontier Expedition
 Bailey, William ( 1897 )
Count equals 1 individual.
India Mutiny
 Goldney, Phillip ( 1857 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Indian Campaigns
 Harris, George, 1st Baron Harri ( 1790-1791 )
 Need, Samuel ( 1803-1804 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Indian Frontier Expedition
 Rycroft, William Henry ( 1897 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Indian Muitny
 Cubitt, William George, V.C. ( 1857 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Indian Mutiny
 Adair, Allan Shafto
 Adair, Henry Atkinson ( 1859 )
 Adams, Robert Roy ( 1857 )
 Addington, Charles John
 Adye, John Miller
 Anson, Archibald Henry Augustu
 Ashburner, William ( 1857 )
 Ashburnham, Cromer ( 1857 )
 Bagot-Chester, Heneage Charles
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 3rd B, again, on the staff of Sir Colin Campbell
Banks, John Sherbrooke
 Bannerman, William ( 1858-1859 )
 Barclay, John James ( 1857 )
 Barlow, Morison, 3rd Bt.
 Barry, Daniel Paterson
 Beamish, William Henry Slingsb
 Bernard, Henry Lionel Charles ( 1857 )
 Bertie, Vere Clinton ( 1857 )
 Best, Mawdistly Gaussen ( 1857 )
 Best, Thomas Charles Hardinge ( 1857 )
 Blackett, Charles Francis
 Blair, James, V.C. ( 1857 )
 Blane, Charles Gilbert ( 1857-1858 )
 Blunt, John Harvey, 8th Bt. ( 1857-1859 )
Bogle, Robert
 Borrowes, Erasmus Dixon, 9th Bt, where he was wounded
 Bourke, John Jocelyn
 Bruce, Robert
 Burke, Theobald Hubert, 13th Bt
 Butler, Anthony
Byng, Robert Barlow Palmer ( 1857 )
 Byron, John ( 1857 )
 Cadell, Robert ( 1857 )
 Campbell Stewart, Richard
 Campbell, Charles William, of B, where he was wounded
 Campbell, Colin, 1st and last B, where he re-captured Lucknow
 Carmichael, George Lynedoch, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cassidy, Francis Peter ( 1857 ), where he was severely wounded at the Battle of Cawnpore
 Cavagnari, Pierre Louis Napole ( 1858 )
 Christian, Hugh Henry ( 1857 )
 Clifford, Robert Cecil
 Clogstoun, Herbert Mackworth, V
 Cochrane, Rupert Inglis ( 1857-1859 )
 Cockburn, George William
 Cooper, James Sisson
Cooper, Lovick Emilus
 Corbet, Toovery Archibald
 Crofton, Frederick Robert Came, with the 9th Lancers
 Cumberland, Charles Edward ( 1857-1859 )
Cunliffe, Foster John
 Curzon, George Augustus
 D'Oyly, Charles Walters, 9th Bt ( 1857 )
 Daly, Henry Dermot
 Dashwood, Augustus Astley Geor
 Daunt, John Charles Campbell, V ( 1857 )
 Dawson, Erskine Scott Francis
 Deedes, Herbert George
 Delmege, Collis Christopher Jo, on staff
 Edwardes, Cuthbert Ellison ( 1857-1858 )
 Ellis, Charles David Cunyngham ( 1858-1859 )
 Eyre, Philip Homan
 Fane, Francis Augustus
 Finlay, John ( 1857 )
 Fitzmaurice, Maurice Henry ( 1857-1858 )
 Frankland, Colville
 Franks, Thomas Harte ( 1857 )
 Fraser, Charles Craufurd, V.C.
Gabbett, Thomas
 Galwey, Michael ( 1857-1859 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and received the thanks of the Governor-General
 Gethin, George ( 1857-1858 )
 Glyn, Julius Richard
 Gore, Charles Clitheroe ( 1857-1859 )
 Gough, Charles John Stanley, V. ( 1857 )
 Gough, Hugh Henry, V.C. ( 1857 )
 Graham, John Moore ( 1857-1859 )
 Grant, James Hope
Grant, Robert Innes
 Greville, Southwell ( 1857 )
 Grey, Leopold John Herbert
 Grierson, Thomas Beattie
Guise, Henry John
 Hall, Henry Edward
Hansbrow, George ( 1857 )
Harrison, John Hammond
 Haughton, William ( 1857-1858 ), including the capture of Lucknow
Havelock, Charles
 Havelock, Henry ( 1857 ), at the relief of Cawnpore and Lucknow
 Havelock-Allan, Henry Marshman
 Hay, James Shaw ( 1857 )
 Hay-Newton, William Drummond O ( 1858-1859 )
 Heaton-Ellis, Charles John
 Herbert, Charles
 Herbert, Percy Egerton ( 1857 )
 Hill, Arthur Blundell George S
 Hill, John, 4th Bt. ( 1857 )
 Hogg, Adam George Forbes ( 1858-1859 )
 Horne, Francis Woodley
 Hungerford, Townsend James Wil
 Impey-Lovibond, Archibald
 Irby, Leonard Howard Loyd ( 1857 )
 James, William
 Jenkinson, Edward George
Jennings-Bramly, Alfred
 Johnson, Edwin Beaumont ( 1857 )
 Johnstone, Montague Cholmeley
 Jones, John
 Kerr, Walter Talbot ( 1857-1858 )
 Knatchbull, Norton ( 1858 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lake, Atwell King, 6th Bt.
 Lane, Charles Stuart ( 1857 )
 Lang, Arthur Moffat
 Lascelles, Henry Arthur
 Law, Francis Towry Adeane
Lawrence, Henry Montgomery ( 1857 ), where he organised the defence of Lucknow
 Lawrence, Richard Charles
 Le Poer Trench, Frederick ( 1857 )
Lee, William Weller
 Legh, Edmund Cornwall, at Lucknow and Kaiserbagh
 Leith, James, V.C.
 Leith, Robert William Disney, o ( 1857-1858 )
 Leith, Thomas ( 1858 )
 Lennox, Wilbraham Oates, V.C. ( 1857-1858 )
 Lewes, Hugh Arthur ( 1857 ), where he was severely wounded
 Lindsay, Henry Gore ( 1857 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lloyd-Mostyn, Savage
 Lowis, Ninian
 Luard, Frederick Peter ( 1857-1858 )
 Lugard, Edward, in command a division at the capture of Lucknow
 Macpherson, Duncan, of Cluny Ma
 Macpherson, Ewen Henry Davidso
 Mansfield, Charles Edward
March Phillipps, Everard Aloys
 Massey, Eyre Challoner Henry, 4
 Maud, John Primatt ( 1857 )
 Maunsell, Frederick Richard ( 1857-1859 )
 Maunsell, Thomas ( 1858-1860 )
 Maynard, Charles
 McPherson, James Duncan
 Milman, George Bryan
 Montagu, Victor Alexander ( 1857-1859 )
Montmorency, Robert Geoffrey A ( 1857 )
Moorsom, William Robert
 Nepean, Henry Mack
 Oliver, John Ryder ( 1857-1859 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Outram, Francis Boyd, 2nd Bt. ( 1857 ), where he was wounded
 Outram, James, 1st Bt. ( 1857 )
 Pakenham, William Lygon, 4th Ea, as Adjutant-General
 Pearse, George Godfrey ( 1857 )
 Peel, William, V.C.
Pellew, Barrington Reynolds
 Perceval, Ernest Augustus
 Peyton, John ( 1857-1858 )
 Phillipson, John Burton ( 1858-1858 )
 Poore, Robert ( 1857 )
Power, William
 Powys, Charles
 Preston, Jenico William Joseph
 Primrose, James Maurice
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st ( 1857-1858 )
 Robertson-Aikman, Frederick, V.
 Robinson, Charles Walker ( 1858 )
Rose, Arthur
 Rose, Hugh Henry, 1st and last ( 1857-1858 ), where he captured the rebel strongholds of Jhansi and Gwalior
 Sale-Hill, Rowley
 Seton, James Lumsden, of Pitmed
Sinclair, John
 Sinclair-Lockhart, Graeme, of C
 Sitwell, Francis Henry Massey
 Slade, Alfred Frederic Adolphu
 Smijth-Windham, George
 Smith, William ( 1857 )
 Smith-Gordon, Lionel Eldred, 2n
 Snow, Thomas Rochfort
 Sotheby, Edward Southwell ( 1856-1857 )
Spring, Francis
 St. Clair, Charles William, 6th ( 1857 )
 St. John, John Henry
Staples, John
 Stewart, Randolph Henry, 11th E
 Stirling, William
 Stirling-Hamilton, William, of ( 1857 )
 Stourton, Everard Joseph
 Tennant, James Francis ( 1858 )
 Thesiger, Frederick Augustus, 2
 Tombs, Henry, V.C. ( 1857 )
Tottenham, Ashley
 Townsend-Farquhar, John Henry, , where he defended Lucknow with the 7th Bengal Light Cavalry
Travers, Eaton Joseph
 Ussher, John Theophilus
 Verney, Edmund Hope, 3rd Bt. ( 1857-1858 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Walker-Heneage, Clement, V.C.
 Waller, William Francis Freder
 Warren, Augustus Riversdale, 5t ( 1857 )
 Watson, John, V.C. ( 1857 )
 Wavell, Llewellyn, where he was one of the first officers through the gates at the Siege of Delhi
 Westmacott, Richard ( 1857 )
 Westropp, George Ralph Collier ( 1857 )
Wheeler, Hugh Massy
 Wheler, Trevor, 11th Bt. ( 1857 )
 Willoughby, George Dobson, and was the hero of the Defence of Delhi
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Vi ( 1857-1859 )
 Wolseley, George Benjamin
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C. ( 1859 )
 Wood, Henry Evelyn, V.C. ( 1857 )
Count equals 204 individuals.
Indian Rebellion
 Clerk-Rattray, James, of Craigh, at Havelock's relief and subsequent defence of Lucknow
 Feilden, Henry Wemyss ( 1857 )
Mac Gregor, Francis Alexander
 Ramsden, John Charles Francis ( 1857 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Kabul Campaign
 Campbell, John Charles
 Lawrence, Henry Montgomery
Count equals 2 individuals.
Kabul Mission
 Brooke, Victor Reginald ( 1904 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Khajuri Plain, North-West Frontier
 Kenyon, Lionel Frederick Rober ( 1930-1931 ), he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Mahratta Campaign
 Stannus, Ephraim Gerrish
Count equals 1 individual.
Mahrattas Campaign
Mackenzie-Humberston, Thomas F ( 7 Apr 1783 ), in a naval encounter off Bombay, where he was mortally wounded
Count equals 1 individual.
Mahrattas and Pindarres Campaigns
 Croker, William ( 1817-1818 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Mahsud-Waziristan Campaign
 Greer, Ussher Macgregor ( 1920-1921 )
Count equals 1 individual.
North-West Frontier
 Addington, Raymond Anthony, 6th ( 1919-1920 )
 Annesley, Francis Dighton, 14th ( 1922-1923 )
 Arbuthnot, Terence John ( 1935 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bagot-Chester, Heneage Charles
 Bannerman, William ( 1849 )
 Bannerman, Wynyard Philip ( 1898-1900 )
 Baring, Dudley William ( 1919 )
 Barrington, Thomas Percy ( 1908 )
 Bayley, Arthur George ( 1930 )
 Becher, Henry Sullivan ( 1897-1898 )
 Bernard, Henry Lionel Charles ( 1852 )
 Bonham, Major Francis ( 1863 ), in Umbeyla Pass with the Eusufyare Field Force
 Booth, John Roberts ( 1931 )
 Brereton, Edward FitzGerald ( 1897-1898 )
 Bromhead, Benjamin Denis Gonvi ( 1930 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bromhead, Edmund de Gonville ( 1930 )
 Brooke, Frank Hastings ( 1935 )
 Browning, Langley ( 1930 )
 Brownlow, Caledon Charles
 Buchanan-Baillie-Hamilton, Nei ( 1923 )
 Bunbury, Francis Ramsey St. Pi ( 1935 )
 Burrowes, Terence ( 1933-1937 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Butler, James Humphrey ( 1919-1920 )
 Carr White, Percy ( 1897-1898 )
 Cayley, Walter de Sausmarez ( 1908 )
 Clementi, Montague ( 1863 )
 Codrington, William Robert, 6th ( 1897-1898 )
 Colville, Arthur Eward William ( 1897 )
 Colvin, James Morris Colquhoun
 Couper, Victor Arthur ( 1897-1898 )
 Courtenay, Edward Reginald ( 1897-1898 )
 Croft, John Armentières ( 1935 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Currie, Ryves Alexander Mark ( 1897-1898 )
 D'Arcy, John Conyers ( 1930-1931 ), where he was wounded
 Dalrymple-Hay, Stair Francis B ( 1908 )
 Daly, Albert Peter Vincent ( 1922 )
 Dening, Lewis ( 1897 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Dick-Lauder, John North Dalrym ( 1930 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ellis, Gerald Montagu Augustus ( 1897-1898 )
 Eustace, John Patrick Leonard ( 1936-1938 )
 Eustace, John Patrick Leonard ( 1930 )
 Eustace, Norman ( 1921 )
 Fetherston-Godley, Francis Wil ( 1920 )
 Fetherstonhaugh, John David ( 1897-1898 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Victor Alexand ( 1922 )
Gibbons, Edward Stephen ( 1908 )
 Goring, Arthur ( 1936-1939 )
 Hall, Lionel Reid, of Dunglass,
 Hart Dyke, Percyvall, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Heaton-Ellis, John Sydney ( 1919-1920 )
 Henniker, Mark Chandos Auberon
 Henniker-Major, Charles Henry ( 1897 )
 Hodges-Nugent, Charles Hugh Ho ( 1919 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Hope, Richard Berwick ( 1897 )
 Ismay, Hastings Lionel, 1st and ( 1908 )
 Johnson, Charles Edward ( 1901-1902 )
 Johnson, Elliot Philipse ( 1907 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Judge, Charles Bellew
 Keble, Alfred Ernest Conquer ( 1897-1898 )
 Kennedy, Humphfrey Hayes ( 1908 ), where he again won a medal with a clasp
 King, John Francklyn ( 1908 ), where he won a medal with clasp
 Kington-Blair-Oliphant, Willia ( 1930-1931 )
 Kirkpatrick, Charles ( 1930 )
 Kirkpatrick, Harry Fearnley
 Knollys, Robert Walter Edmund ( 1897-1898 )
 Knox, Alfred William Fortescue ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Knox, Harry Hugh Sidney ( 1897-1898 )
 Knox, Robert Ferguson ( 1897-1898 )
 Knox, William Humphreys ( 1919 )
 Le Fanu, Roland ( 1934-1938 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Leicester, Byron ( 1897-1898 )
 Leigh, Rupert ( 1897 )
 Lennard, Henry Arthur Hallam F ( 1891 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Leveson-Gower, Philip ( 1897-1898 )
 Liddell, William Andrew ( 1890 )
 Lindsay, David Mackie
Llewellyn, David Reginald
 Llewellyn, Francis Carwithen
 Lowis, Penton Shakespear
 Lowry-Corry, Walter ( 1918-1919 )
 Mackenzie, Roderick Grant Fran ( 1930-1931 )
 Mackenzie, Roderick Grant Fran ( 1925 )
 Macpherson, Ewen Henry Davidso ( 1863-1864 )
 Massy, Harry Stanley ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maud, Philip ( 1897-1898 )
 Maud, William Hartley ( 1897-1898 )
 Molesworth, Richard Piggot ( 1897-1898 )
 Molesworth, Roger Bevil ( 1929-1930 )
 Monro, Seymour Charles Hale ( 1897-1898 )
 Montagu, Edward ( 1888 )
 Morrison-Bell, Claude William ( 1897-1898 )
 Morrison-Bell, Eustace Widdrin ( 1897-1898 )
 Mostyn, Joseph Cecil Mary ( 1931 )
 Murray, Arthur Cecil, 3rd Visco
 Murray, Cyril Francis Tyrrel ( 1897-1898 )
 Murray, Edward Rushworth Blaki ( 1919-1920 )
 Napier, John Lenox Clavering ( 1933 )
 Nepean, Evan Yorke, 6th Bt.
 O'Grady, Henry de Courcy ( 1908 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 O'Grady, Henry de Courcy ( 1902 )
 Paget, Oswald Leopold ( 1930 )
 Pearse, George Godfrey ( 1849-1855 )
 Philipps, Ivor ( 1896 )
 Plunkett, Randal Arthur Henry, ( 1930 )
 Pollock, John Archibald Henry ( 1897 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Ramsbotham, Richard Bury
 Rawlins, Arthur Kennedy ( 1897-1903 )
 Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st ( 1863 )
 Seton, Bruce Gordon, of Abercor ( 1894 ), where he was severely
 Seymour, Charles Hugh Napier ( 1920 )
 Seymour, William Walter ( 1919 )
 Shirley, Sewallis Robert ( 1930 )
 Shoubridge, Charles Alban Grev ( 1897-1898 )
 Smyth, John George, 1st Bt., V. ( 1930 )
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham ( 1897-1898 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leo ( 1897 ), in the Malakand Field Force, where he was mentioned in despatches
 St. John, Richard Stukeley ( 1897-1898 )
Standen, James Douglas
 Stanistreet, George Bradshaw ( 1897-1898 )
 Stannus, Graydon Grant Harvey
 Stockley, Hugh Roderick ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Sykes, John Henry ( 1930-1931 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Talbot, George Reginald FitzRo ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Turing, Arthur ( India 1899 )
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Julian Dallas ( 1897-1898 )
 Villiers-Stuart, Charles Herbe ( 1897-1898 )
 Villiers-Stuart, John Patrick, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Villiers-Stuart, William Desmo ( 1897-1898 )
 Warren, Edward Galway ( 1936-1937 )
 Westropp, George Ralph Collier
 Wodehouse, Josceline Henage
 Wolrige Gordon, John Gordon, 8t ( 1897-1898 )
 Young, Henry George ( 1897-1898 )
Count equals 133 individuals.
North-West Frontier Campaign
 Hewett, James
 Maclean, Henry Donald Neil
Rainsford-Hannay, Ramsay
Count equals 3 individuals.
North-West Frontier India
 Godley, Brian Richard ( 1921-1923 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
Count equals 1 individual.
North-West Frontier, India
 Style, Rodney Charles ( 1897-1898 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Northwest Frontier of India
 Anderson, Charles Alexander ( 1897-1898 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Poligar Campaign, India
 Walker, George Townshend, 1st B
Count equals 1 individual.
Punjab Campaign
 Anstruther, Philip ( 1846 )
 Bannerman, William ( 1848-1849 )
 Barry, Daniel Paterson ( 1848-1849 )
 Brownlow, Charles Henry ( 1848 )
 Daly, Henry Dermot
 Fergusson, James Alexander Dun ( 1848 )
 Hopkinson, Henry ( 1848-1849 )
 Hunt-Grubbe, William
 Johnson, Edwin Beaumont
 Markham, Frederick
 Maunsell, Frederick Richard ( 1848-1849 )
 Maunsell, Thomas ( 1848-1849 ), where he was wounded twice
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1 ( 1872 )
 Stewart, Philip George ( 1897-1898 )
 Ward, William John ( 1848-1849 )
 Younghusband, Edward
Count equals 16 individuals.
Punjab Expedition
 Campbell, Edward Fitzgerald, 2n ( 1849 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Punjab Frontier
 Salt, Thomas Anderton, 2nd Bt. ( 1897 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Punjab War
 Mansfield, William Rose, 1st Ba ( 1848-1849 )
 Pearse, George Godfrey ( 1848-1849 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Relief of Kandahar
 Dewar, James Raymond Johnstone ( 1881 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Relief of Lucknow
 Barrow, Lousada, where he played a prominent part in the relief, and is commerorated by a statue there
Dobbs, Francis Hugh ( 1857 )
 Greathed, Edward Harris ( 1857 )
 Havelock-Allan, Henry Marshman ( 1857 ), as DAAG to his father
 Macpherson, Ewen Henry Davidso
Pakenham, Robert Maxwell ( 25 Sep 1857 )
 Sergison, Charles Warden
Count equals 7 individuals.
Relief of Pondicherry
 Haldane, Robert ( Jan 1761 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Second Afghan War
 Arbuthnott, Walter Charles War ( 1880 )
 Ashburnham, Cromer ( 1878-1880 )
 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenso ( 1880-1881 )
 Ball-Acton, Charles ( 1878-1881 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Bannerman, Arthur Johnston ( 1879-1880 )
 Bannerman, William ( 1879-1880 )
 Barrow, Arthur Frederick ( 1878-1880 )
 Barrow, Edmund George ( 1878-1879 )
 Barttelot, Edmund Musgrave
 Boughey, George Fletcher Ottle ( 1878-1880 )
 Bryan, George Leopold, 4th Baro ( 1878-1879 )
 Hamilton-Gordon, Alexander ( 1880 )
 Holland, Herbert Christian ( 1879-1880 )
 Leach, Edward Pemberton, V.C. ( 1878 )
 McPherson, James Duncan ( 1878-1880 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Ogilvy, David Stanley William, ( 1878-1879 )
 Paget, Henry Edward Clarence ( 1880 ), where he won a medal
Ross, Hugh Rose ( c 1879 )
 Westmacott, Richard ( 1879-1880 )
Count equals 19 individuals.
Second Anglo-Afghan War
 Little, Malcolm Orme ( 1878 )
 Wynne, Arthur Singleton ( 1878 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Second Burma War
 Anstruther, Philip ( 1853-1854 )
 Ball-Acton, Charles ( 1853 )
 Borrowes, Erasmus Dixon, 9th Bt ( 1853 )
 Galwey, Michael ( 1852 )
 Godwin, Henry Thomas
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Vi ( 1852-1853 )
Count equals 6 individuals.
Second Mahratta War
 Stuart, Charles Nicholas
Count equals 1 individual.
Second Sikh War
 Campbell, Colin, 1st and last B ( 1848 )
 Dundas, Henry, 3rd Viscount Mel ( 1849 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Seige of Seringapatam
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1s ( 1794 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege and Capture of Lucknow
 Carleton, Henry Alexander ( 1858 ), where he commanded a Division
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of Bhurtpoor
 Havelock, Charles Frederick ( 1825 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of Cartagena de Indias
 Colville, John, 6th Lord Colvil ( 1741 ), where he commanded a regiment
Dunbar, James ( 1741 )
 Johnstone, John ( 1741 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Siege of Delhi
 Campbell, Edward Fitzgerald, 2n ( 1858 )
Chancellor, Alexander
Count equals 2 individuals.
Siege of Lucknow
 Agnew, Gerald Andrew, in the first relief force, and then during the second siege, where he was wounded
Ayshford Sanford, Charles
Barclay, John James, in the relief force
 Barlow, Morison, 3rd Bt.
 Blake, George Pilkington, where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Blunt, John Harvey, 8th Bt.
 Bonham, John ( 1857 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded five times
 Campbell, Charles William, of B ( 1859 )
 Gore-Browne, Henry George, V.C. ( 1857 )
 Hill, Arthur Blundell George S
 Inglis, John Eardley Wilmot ( 1857 )
 Irby, Leonard Howard Loyd, in the relief force
 Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Ba
 Prevost, George Phipps, he was wounded and received a medal and clasp
 Wilmot, Henry Wilmot, 5th Bt., ( 1857 )
Count equals 15 individuals.
Siege of Pondicherry
 Clive, Robert, 1st Baron Clive
 Gordon, Cosmo
 Havilland, Thomas Fiott ( 1793 )
 Morris, Staats Long ( 1761 )
 Rumbold, William Richard ( Oct 1778 ), after which he delivered despatches and colours of the fortress to King George III
Count equals 5 individuals.
Siege of Seringapatam
 Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marque
 O'Connell, Gleadowe Montgomery
Count equals 2 individuals.
Sikh Campaign
 Dewar, Alexander Cumming, 6th o
Count equals 1 individual.
Sikh War
 Havelock, Henry
 Mackinnon, Daniel Henry Loudou ( 1840 )
 Mansfield, William Rose, 1st Ba ( 1845-1846 )
 Powys, Charles
Waldegrave, William Frederick, ( 1846 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Sikh Wars
 Brookes, Robert ( 1849 )
 Croker, William ( 1808-1809 )
 Knight-Bruce, George Hamilton ( 1846 )
 Lugard, Edward ( 1848-1849 )
 Lugard, Edward ( 1845-1846 )
 Nepean, Evan Philip Tighman
 Wilmer, William ( 1848-1849 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Sikh campaigns
 Best, Richard Mawdistly ( 1842-1843 )
Count equals 1 individual.
South Persia and Afghan War
 Molesworth, Francis Crofton ( 1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Third Afghan War
 Agnew, David Quentin Hope ( 1919 )
 Arbuthnot, Archibald Hugh ( 1919 )
 Baring, Dudley William ( 1919 )
 Barrow, George de Symons ( 1919 )
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1919 )
 Carr White, Percy ( 1919 )
 Carr White, Reginald Alfred ( 1919 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton, Frederick Arthur
 Maynard, Francis Herbert
Count equals 9 individuals.
Third Burma War
 Agnew, Charles Hamlyn ( 1885-1887 )
 Agnew, Quentin Charles Graham ( 1885-1886 )
 Aylmer, Fenton John, 13th Bt., ( 1886-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1889 )
 Gordon, James Henry ( 1885-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Irby, Frederick Arthur ( 1885-1887 )
 Knatchbull, George Wyndham Chi ( 1885-1887 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham ( 1886-1889 )
 Vans Agnew, John, of Barnbarroc ( 1887-1888 )
Count equals 10 individuals.
Third Burmese War
Atkinson, Richard Frederick ( 31 Aug 1886 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Tirah Campaign
 Agnew, Quentin Charles Graham ( 1897-1898 )
 Annesley, James Howard Adolphu ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches, and won a medal with two clasps
 Baring, Hugo ( 1897-1898 )
 Birdwood, Halhed Brodrick ( 1897-1898 )
 Birdwood, William Riddell, 1st ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Blakeney, William Edward Albem ( 1897-1898 )
 Blood, William Persse ( 1897 )
 Bourke, George Deane ( 1897-1898 )
 Boyle, Cecil David
 Brooke, Ronald George ( 1897-1898 )
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Burrard, Charles
 Ferguson Davie, Arthur Francis ( 1897-1898 )
Forbes, George Francis Reginal ( 1897-1898 )
 Gunning, George Hamilton ( 1897 )
 Haldane, James Aylmer Lowthorp ( 1897-1898 )
 Huggins, Ponsonby Glenn ( 1897-1898 )
 Kerr, Frederick Walter
 Littledale, Herbert Charles Th ( 1897-1898 )
 Montmorency, Willoughby John H ( 1897-1898 )
 Nightingale, Manners Ralph Wil ( 1898 )
 Philipps, Ivor ( 1896-1897 )
 Price, Thomas Herbert Francis
 Ryder, Wilfred Ironside ( 1897 )
 Somerset, Charles Wyndham ( 1897-1898 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leo ( 1898 )
 Stirling, George Murray Home, 9 ( 1897-1898 )
 Sullivan, Edward Langford ( 1897-1898 ), where he was severely wounded
 Udny-Hamilton, Robert Edward A ( 1897-1898 )
 Villiers-Stuart, William Desmo ( 1897 ), where he was dangerously wounded
 Westmacott, Richard ( 1897-1898 )
 Westropp, George Ralph Collier ( 1897 )
 Wheler, Charles Stuart ( 1897-1898 )
Count equals 33 individuals.
Tirah Expedition
 Alexander, Edward Currie ( 1897-1898 )
 Alexander, Walter Lorenzo ( 1897-1898 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Broadbent, John Edward ( 1897-1898 )
 Campbell, Walter ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Constable-Maxwell-Scott, Walte ( 1897-1898 )
 Craufurd, Standish George Gage ( 1897-1898 ), where he was wounded
 Cunliffe, Foster Lionel ( 1897 )
 Earle, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1897-1898 ), where he was severely wounded
 Feilden, Randle Montague ( 1897-1898 )
 Gough, Hubert de la Poer ( 1897-1898 )
 Hope, Lucius Charles ( 1897 )
 Ingilby, John Uchtred Macdowal ( 1897-1898 )
 Keyes, Terence Humphrey ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches and was wounded
 Mansel, Hugh Arthur ( 1897-1898 )
 Molyneux, Richard Frederick ( 1897-1898 )
 Murray, Cyril Francis Tyrrel ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1 ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Pasley, Montagu Wynyard Sabine ( 1897-1898 ), he was mentioned in despatches and received three clasps
 Poole, Frederick Cuthbert ( 1897-1898 )
 Shoubridge, Thomas Herbert ( 1897 )
 Wake, Edward St. Aubyn ( 1897-1898 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Wake, Hugh St. Aubyn ( 1897-1898 )
 Westropp, Frederick Malcolm
 Wigram, Clive, 1st Baron Wigram ( 1897-1898 )
 Wigram, Kenneth ( 1897-1898 )
 Wood, Arthur Herbert
Count equals 26 individuals.
Tirah Expeditionary Force
 Fowler, John Sharman, where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Umbeyla Campaign|with the 1st Punjab Infantry (Rifles),
 Oliphant, Thomas Truman ( 1863 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Upper Burma Campaign
 Campbell, Duncan John Alfred, o ( 1886-1889 )
 Johnstone, Robert FitzRoy Macl ( 1888-1889 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Waziristan Campaign
 Arbuthnot, Terence John ( 1936-1937 )
 Berkeley, Christopher Robert ( 1922 )
 Bingham, George Roderick Benti ( 1921 )
 Birdwood, Christopher Bromhead ( 1937-1938 )
 Birdwood, Christopher Bromhead ( 1919-1920 )
 Birdwood, Gordon Travers
 Bourke, Arthur John Henry ( 1936-1938 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Bourke, Arthur John Henry ( 1919-1921 )
 Bromhead, Benjamin Denis Gonvi ( 1922-1924 ), where he was wounded
 Bromhead, Benjamin Denis Gonvi ( 1937 ), where he mentioned in despatches
 Brooke, Arthur Francis ( 1920 )
 Bruce, Charles Granville ( 1894-1895 )
 Bunbury, Gerald Bruce St. Pier ( 1919 )
 Bunbury, Noël Louis St. Pierre ( 1936-1937 )
 Bunbury, Noël Louis St. Pierre ( 1920 )
 Bunbury, Noël Louis St. Pierre ( 1930 )
 Burgh, Eric ( 1922 )
 Burgh, Eric ( 1937 )
 Butler, James Dighton ( 1936-1937 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Carey, Octavius William ( 1901-1902 )
 Carter, John Fillis Carré ( 1901-1902 )
 Cayley, Philip Estcourt ( 1919-1920 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Chichester, Reginald de Blaqui ( 1894-1895 )
 Courcy, Michael William Robert ( 1922 )
 Dening, Lewis ( 1901-1902 )
 Eden, George Wilfrid ( 1937 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Egerton, James Boswell ( 1901 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Egerton, Raleigh Gilbert ( 1901-1902 )
 Ferguson Davie, Arthur Francis ( 1901-1902 )
Ferguson Davie, Arthur Francis ( 1894-1895 )
 Floyer-Acland, Arthur Nugent ( 1937-1938 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Fowler, Edward Cole Willoughby ( 1936-1939 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Grant, Alfred Hamilton, of Dalv ( 1919-1920 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Greville, Brooke Southwell Edw ( 1919-1924 )
 Gunning, George Hamilton ( 1901-1902 )
 Gunning, George Hamilton ( 1919-1920 )
 Haldane, James Aylmer Lowthorp ( 1894 )
 Hart Dyke, Percyvall ( 1921-1924 )
 Hill, Geoffrey Noel ( 1920 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Hope, James Webley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Irvine-Fortescue, Archer ( 1922-1923 ), where he was again mentioned in despatches
 Kenyon, Harold Anthony ( 1923 )
 Kenyon, Lionel Frederick Rober ( 1922 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Kenyon, William Patrick ( 1921-1923 )
 Kington-Blair-Oliphant, Philip ( 1921-1924 )
 Kirkpatrick, Charles ( 1920-1923 ), and he was mentioned in despatches four times
 Le Fanu, Roland
 Maynard, Francis Herbert ( 1937-1938 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Molesworth, Roger Bevil ( 1942 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Murray, Archibald Digby ( 1901-1902 )
 Napier, Robert John, 5th Baron ( 1936-1937 )
 Nightingale, Manners Ralph Wil ( 1923-1924 )
 Noel, Edward Francis Hamlyn ( 1921-1923 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 North, Roger Edward Francis Gu ( 1922 )
 Ogilvy, Abercromby Graham ( 1920 )
 Ogilvy, David ( 1923-1924 )
Paget, George Howard
 Rees, Thomas Wynford ( 1920 )
 Riddell, Archibald ( 1921 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Robertson, Brian Hubert, 1st Ba
 Roper, Richard Blayney ( 1919-1921 )
 Ruttledge, Robert Francis ( 1919 )
 Ryder, Wilfred Ironside ( 1894 )
 Stockley, Hugh Roderick ( 1894-1895 )
 Sullivan, Edward Langford ( 1901-1902 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Traill, William Stewart ( 1894-1895 )
 Villiers-Stuart, Charles Herbe ( 1901-1902 )
 Villiers-Stuart, John Patrick ( 1901-1902 )
 Villiers-Stuart, William Desmo ( 1901-1902 )
 Villiers-Stuart, William Desmo ( 1920 )
 Villiers-Stuart, William Desmo ( 1922-1923 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Westropp, George Ralph Collier ( 1901-1902 )
 Williams-Wynne, John Francis ( 1936 )
 Wilson, Nigel Maitland ( 1922-1923 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 74 individuals.
Waziristan Cmapaign
 Knox, William Humphreys ( 1937 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Waziristan Expedition
 Becher, Henry Sullivan ( 1901-1902 )
 Bland, William St. Colum ( 1894-1895 )
 Brooke, George Cecil ( 1895 )
 Gray, Frederick William Barton ( 1894-1895 )
 Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27 ( 1894-1895 ), where he was wounded
 Molesworth, Richard Piggot ( 1894-1895 )
 Pollock, John Archibald Henry ( 1894-1895 )
 Powell, Charles Herbert ( 1894-1895 )
 Roberts, Frederick Hugh Sherst ( 1894-1895 ), where he was mentioned i despatches
 Wigram, Kenneth ( 1901-1902 )
 Yarde-Buller, Henry ( 1894-1895 )
Count equals 11 individuals.
Waziristan Frontier Expedition
 Smyth, John George, 1st Bt., V. ( 1919-1920 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Waziristan conflict
 Alexander, Robert Dundas ( 1901 )
Count equals 1 individual.
campaigns in Afghanistan
 Murray, Arthur Mordaunt
Count equals 1 individual.
storming of Seringapatam
 Burke, William
Count equals 1 individual.
storming of the fortress of Gawilghur
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 5 Dec 1803 ), ending in the submission of Scindia and the Rajah of Berah
Count equals 1 individual.
taking of Coorg, India
 Lindsay, Patrick
Count equals 1 individual.
wars in India
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 1797-1805 ), including the campaign against Tippoo Sahib
Count equals 1 individuals.
Total count equals 1036 individuals.
=killed in action or mortally wounded during this battle/war