Counsel to the Speaker
 Reilly, Francis Savage
Count equals 1 individual.
King's Counsel (K.C.)
 Adam, James
 Arbuthnot, Charles
 Asher, Alexander
 Baden-Powell, Henry Warrington Smyth
 Baggallay, Claude
 Baggally, Claude
 Balfour, Patrick, 2nd Baron Kinross
 Batten, Lauriston Leonard
 Bayford, Robert Frederic
 Bayford, Robert Frederick
 Baylis, Thomas Henry
 Bethune, Strachan
 Biggar, Charles Robert Webster
 Birrell, Augustine
 Blennerhassett, Arthur
 Blennerhassett, Conway
 Blennerhassett, Rowland Ponsonby
 Bligh, Richard
 Blood, Alexander Findlater
 Booth, George
 Bosanquet, Frederick Albert
 Boyd, Abraham
 Boyle, Edward, 1st Bt.
 Brissenden, Edwin Mayhew
 Buckingham, Walter
 Bull, William Perkins
 Burnet, John Rudolph Wardlaw
 Burrows, Roland
 Burston, Beresford
 Bushe, Seymour Coghill Hort
 Caldbeck, William
 Carver, Thomas Gilbert
 Cassels, Walter Gibson Pringle
 Cassidy, Robert
 Castle, Edward James
 Chadwyck-Healey, Charles Edward Heley, 1st Bt.
 Chaytor, Alfred Henry
 Chetwynd-Talbot, John
 Clark, James
 Colefax, Arthur
 Collins, Stephen Ogle
 Cooke, John Fitzpatrick
 Cooper, Mark Bloxham
 Crawford, Donald
 Cuffe, Maurice
 Cust, Francis Cockayne
 Dickinson, James
 Dowdall, Harold Chaloner
 Doyle, Charles William
 Doyle, William
 Drayton, Henry Lumley
 Duncan, Patrick
 Dundas, David Barnett, 2nd Bt.
 Eastwood, John Francis
 Edge, John
 Edge, John Henry
 Edmunds, Lewis Humfrey
 Falkiner, Frederick
 Ferguson, James
 Fetherstonhaugh, Frederick Barnard
 Fetherstonhaugh, Godfrey
 Finch, John, 1st Baron Finch of Fordwich
 FitzGerald, Gerald Augustus Robert
 FitzWilliam, William
 Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, John Vesey
 Galbraith, Benjamin Baker
 Gatty, Stephen Herbert
 Gaussen, Percival David William Campbell
 Giles, Charles Tyrrell
 Gill, Charles Frederick
 Gordon, Alexander
 Gore-Browne, Francis
 Grant, Alexander
 Grantham, William Wilson
 Gray, Albert
 Haldin, Henry Hyman
 Hamilton, Alexander
 Hamilton, Hubert Charles
 Hammond-Chambers, Robert Sharp Borgnis
 Harcourt, William George Granville
 Hardinge, George
 Harman, Robert Donald
 Harris, Reader
 Harrison, Robert Francis
 Harrison, William English
 Hart, George Vaughan
 Healy, Timothy Michael
 Hemming, G. W.
 Henderson, Acheson Thompson
 Heneker, Richard Tuson
 Henn, Thomas Rice
 Hills, Eustace Gilbert
 Hills, Eustace Gilbert
 Hope, Collingwood
 Houston, Arthur
 Hoyles, Newman Wright
 Hutchinson, St. John
 Jardine, Willoughby
 Jellett, William Morgan
 Johnson, Harold Featherston
 Johnson, William
 Jones, David Brynmor
 Jones, William Everard Tyldesley
 Knox, Adrian
 Koughnet, Salter Jehosaphat
 Lascelles, Alfred George
 Law, Thomas Pakenham
 Leigh, Edward Chandos
 Leslie-Foster, John
 Lloyd, Edward Honoratus
 Locker-Lampson, Frederick
 Lowndes, George Rivers
 Loyd, Archie Kirkman
 Lushington, Vernon
 Lyttelton, Alfred
 MacDermot, Henry Blake
 MacDermott, John Clarke, Baron MacDermott
 Macartney, Arthur Chichester
 Mackenzie Stuart, Alexander
 Mackintosh, James
 Maconochie, Charles Cornelius
 Manders, Richard
 Martin, Edward
 Martin, Edward Kirwan Counsell
 Matthews, John Bromhead
 Maunsell, Thomas
 May, George Chichester
 May, George Chichester
 McAulay, Alexander
 McBride, Richard
 McClure, Alexander Logan
 McElligott, Edward John
 McIlwraith, Robert Malcolm
 Mellor, Francis Hamilton
 Mellor, James Gilbert Shaw
 Micklethwait, St. John Gore
 Milford, John Tilman
 Miller, Alexander Edward
 Mitchell-Innes, Edward Alfred
 Montgomery, Robert Mortimer
 Mordaunt, John
 Moritz, Rudolph
 Morley, Arthur
 Mortimer, George Frederick Lloyd
 Nield, Herbert
 Nightingale, Lacy Gamaliel
 O'Connor, Terence James
 O'Grady, Henry Deane
 O'Loghlen, Bryan, 3rd Bt.
 Patchell, John Robert
 Peel, Robert
 Pickford, William, 1st and last Baron Sterndale
 Pigot, John Henry
 Pitman, James Campbell
 Pollock, Henry Edward
 Pooley, Charles Edward
 Porter, Horace A.
 Priestley, Joseph Child
 Pringle, James Alexander
 Profumo, Albert Peter Anthony
 Pugh, Lewis Pugh Evans
 Radcliffe, Francis Reynolds Yonge
 Raikes, Henry St. John Digby
 Ram, Abel John
 Ram, Lucius Abel John Granville
 Read, John Erskine
 Renshaw, Walter Charles
 Robinson, Christopher Charles
 Robinson, Christopher Conway
 Roby, Arthur Godfrey
 Rogers, John Warrington
 Roskill, John Henry
 Rowan, William
 Rowden, Aldred William
 Selwyn, William
 Shadwell, Launcelot
 Sheridan, Richard
 Slade, George Penkivil
 Smith, J. F.
 Smith, Lumley
 Smith, Philip Henry Law
 Smyly, John George
 Staunton, John
 Steel, Allan Gibson
 Steel, Allen Gibson
 Sturges, Hugh Murray
 Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, 1st Baron St. Leonards
 Sullivan, Timothy
 Swiny, John
 Thomson, Samuel
 Thorpe, John Henry
 Turner, Theodore Francis
 Twining, Charles
 Vaughan Williams, Roland Edmund Lomax
 Vivian, Arthur Pendarves
 Walker, Garrett William
 Watson, Arthur Townley, 2nd Bt.
 Wedderburn, Alexander Dundas Ogilvy
 Whitehead, Rowland Edward, 3rd Bt.
 Williams, Frederick Sims
 Williams, John Fischer
 Williams, Philip
 Windeyer, Richard
 Woods, Sidney Brown
 Wrixon, Henry John
 Young, Alfred Karney
 Bacon, Francis, 1st and last Viscount Saint Alban ( 1604 )
 Montagu, Henry, 1st Earl of Manchester ( 1607 )
 North, Francis, 1st Baron Guilford ( 1668 )
 Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Aylesford ( 1677 )
 Herbert, Edward ( 1677 )
 Jeffreys, George, 1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem ( 1677 )
 North, Roger ( 1682 )
 Nugent, Thomas, 1st Baron Nugent of Riverston ( 1685 )
 Conyers, John ( 1693 )
 Fortescue-Aland, John, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan ( 1714 )
 Cowper, Spencer ( 1715 )
 Lumley, Richard, 2nd Earl of Scarbrough ( 1724 )
 Murray, William, 1st Earl of Mansfield ( 1742 )
 Robinson, Christopher ( 1744 )
 Bathurst, Henry, 2nd Earl Bathurst of Bathurst ( 1746 )
 Gore, John, 1st and last Baron Annaly of Tenelick ( 1749 )
 Finch, Daniel, 8th Earl of Winchilsea ( 1752 )
 Norton, Fletcher, 1st Lord Grantley, Baron of Markenfield ( 1754 )
 Yorke, Charles ( 1754 )
 Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden ( 1755 )
 Grey, William, 1st Baron Walsingham ( 1758 )
 Thurlow, Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow of Thurlow ( 1762 )
 Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn ( 1763 )
 Abdy, Anthony Thomas, 5th Bt. ( 1765 )
 Barry, Robert ( 1768 )
 Carleton, Hugh, 1st and last Viscount Carleton of Clare ( 1768 )
 Mansfield, James ( 1772 )
 Yelverton, Barry, 1st Viscount Avonmore ( 1772 )
 Buller, Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1777 )
 Flood, Frederick, 1st and last Bt. ( 1778 )
 Wolfe, Arthur, 1st Viscount Kilwarden ( 1778 )
 Arden, Richard Pepper, 1st Baron Alvanley ( 1780 )
 Kenyon, Lloyd, 1st Baron Kenyon, Baron of Gredington ( 1780 )
 Toler, John, 1st Earl of Norbury ( 1781 )
 Erskine, Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine of Restormel Castle ( 1783 )
 Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon ( 1783 )
 Emmet, Christopher Temple ( 1787 )
 Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough ( 1787 )
 Freeman-Mitford, John, 1st Baron Redesdale ( 1789 )
 Douglas, Sylvester, 1st and last Baron Glenbervie ( 1793 )
 Plunket, William Conyngham, 1st Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1797 )
 Manners-Sutton, Thomas, 1st Baron Manners of Foston ( 1800 )
 Romilly, Samuel ( 1800 )
 Scarlett, James, 1st Baron Abinger ( 1816 )
 Pepys, Charles Christopher, 1st Earl of Cottenham ( 1826 )
 Bickersteth, Henry, 1st Baron Langdale ( 1827 )
 Brougham, Henry, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux ( 1827 )
 Campbell, John, 1st Baron Campbell of St. Andrews ( 1827 )
 Pemberton-Leigh, Thomas, 1st and last Baron Kingsdown ( 1829 )
 O'Loghlen, Michael, 1st Bt. ( 1830 )
 Adam, William George ( 1831 )
 Rolfe, Robert Monsey, 1st and last Baron Cranworth ( 1832 )
 Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron Chelmsford of Chelmsford ( 1834 )
 Merewether, Henry Alworth ( 1853 )
 Chatterton, Hedges Eyre ( 1858 )
 Hemphill, Charles Hare, 1st Baron Hemphill ( 1860 )
 FitzGerald, John Donohoe ( 1890 )
 Dane, Richard Martin ( 1896 )
 Macnaghten, Edward Charles, of Dundarave, 5th Bt. ( 1897 )
 Upjohn, William Henry ( 1897 )
 William-Hume-Williams, Ellis, 1st Bt. ( 1899 )
 Gavan Duffy, Frank ( 1901 )
 Hamilton, John Andrew, 1st and last Viscount Sumner ( 1901 )
 Horridge, Thomas Gardner ( 1901 )
 Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, 1st Viscount Buckmaster ( 1902 )
 Low, Frederick ( 1902 )
 Moon, Ernest Robert ( 1902 )
 Paget, John Rahere, 2nd Bt. ( 1902 )
 Dewar, Arthur, Lord Dewar ( 1903 )
 Acland, Reginald Brodie Dyke ( 1904 )
 Adrian, Alfred Douglas ( 1904 )
 Cave, George, 1st and last Viscount Cave ( 1904 )
 Digby, Kenelm Edward ( 1904 )
 Foster-Vesey-Fitzgerald, James ( 1904 )
 Pollock, Ernest Murray, 1st Viscount Hanworth ( 1905 )
 Atkin, James Richard, Baron Atkin ( 1906 )
 Campbell, Patrick, 1st Baron Glenavy ( 1906 )
 Cassel, Felix, 1st Bt. ( 1906 )
 Hemphill, Stanhope Charles John, 2nd Baron Hemphill ( 1906 )
 Hohler, Gerald Fitzroy ( 1906 )
 Knox, Edmund Francis Vesey ( 1906 )
 Morison, Thomas Brash, Lord Morison ( 1906 )
 Romer, Mark Lemon, Baron Romer ( 1906 )
 Talbot, George John ( 1906 )
 Bennett, Richard Bedford, 1st and last Viscount Bennett ( 1907 )
 Murray, Charles David, Lord Murray ( 1907 )
 Askwith, George Rankin, 1st and last Baron Askwith ( 1908 )
 Russell, Francis Xavier Joseph, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1908 )
 Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ( 1908 )
 Smith, Frederick Edwin, 1st Earl of Birkenhead ( 1908 )
 Sankey, John, 1st and last Viscount Sankey ( 1909 )
 Clauson, Albert Charles, 1st and last Baron Clauson ( 1910 )
 Greer, Frederick Arthur, 1st and last Baron Fairfield ( 1910 )
 Horne, Robert Stevenson, 1st Viscount Horne of Slamannan ( 1910 )
 Munro, Robert, 1st and last Baron Alness ( 1910 )
 Hewart, Gordon, 1st Viscount Hewart ( 1912 )
 Macmillan, Hugh Pattison, Baron Macmillan ( 1912 )
 Roche, Alexander Adair, Baron Roche ( 1912 )
 Maugham, Frederick Herbert, 1st Viscount Maugham ( 1913 )
 Tomlin, Thomas James Chesshyre, Baron Tomlin ( 1913 )
 Williams, Rhys Rhys, 1st Bt. ( 1913 )
 Cohen, Benjamin Arthur ( 1914 )
 Finlay, William, 2nd Viscount Finlay ( 1914 )
 Inskip, Thomas Walker Hobart, 1st Viscount Caldecote ( 1914 )
 Mackenzie, William Warrender, 1st Baron Amulree ( 1914 )
 Tupper, William Johnston ( 1914 )
 Watson, William, Baron Thankerton ( 1914 )
 Babington, Anthony Brutus ( 1917 )
 Hogg, Douglas McGarel, 1st Viscount Hailsham ( 1917 )
 Andrews, James, 1st and last Bt. ( 1918 )
 Boyd, Walter Herbert, 2nd Bt. ( 1918 )
 Sinha, Satyendra Prasanna, 1st Baron Sinha ( 1918 )
 Cautley, Henry Strother, 1st and last Baron Cautley ( 1919 )
 Charteris, Evan Edward ( 1919 )
 Greenwood, Thomas Hamar, 1st Viscount Greenwood ( 1919 )
 Macnaghten, Malcolm Martin ( 1919 )
 Macpherson, James Ian, 1st Baron Strathcarron ( 1919 )
 Merriman, Frank Boyd, 1st and last Baron Merriman ( 1919 )
 Raeburn, William Norman, 2nd Bt. ( 1919 )
 Schuster, Claud, 1st and last Baron Schuster ( 1919 )
 Coventry, Reginald William ( 1921 )
 Greene, Wilfred Arthur, 1st and last Baron Greene ( 1922 )
 Jowitt, William Allen, 1st and last Earl Jowitt ( 1922 )
 Giffard, Hardinge Goulburn, 2nd Earl of Halsbury ( 1923 )
 Goddard, Raynor, Baron Goddard ( 1923 )
 Birkett, William Norman, 1st Baron Birkett ( 1924 )
 Godley, Hugh John, 2nd Baron Kilbracken ( 1924 )
 Simonds, Gavin Turnbull, 1st and last Viscount Simonds ( 1924 )
 Grotrian, Herbert Brent, 1st Bt. ( 1925 )
 Lawrence, Geoffrey Lawrence, 3rd Baron Trevethin ( 1925 )
 Normand, Wilfred Guild, Baron Normand ( 1925 )
 Porter, Samuel Lowry, Baron Porter ( 1925 )
 James, Charles Ashworth ( 1926 )
 Keith, James, Baron Keith of Avonholm ( 1926 )
 Parcq, Herbert, Baron du Parcq ( 1926 )
 Spens, William Patrick, 1st Baron Spens ( 1926 )
 Wrottesley, Frederic John ( 1926 )
 Chitty, Thomas Willes, 1st Bt. ( 1927 )
 Cripps, Richard Stafford ( 1927 )
 Digby, Edward Aylmer ( 1927 )
 Lawrence, Aubrey Trevor ( 1927 )
 Mathew, Theobald ( 1927 )
 Moon, Arthur ( 1928 )
 Pooley, Robert Henry ( 1928 )
 Tupper, Charles Stewart, 2nd Bt. ( 1928 )
 Cohen, Lionel Leonard, Baron Cohen ( 1929 )
 Liddell, Frederick Francis ( 1929 )
 Morton, Fergus Dunlop, Baron Morton of Henryton ( 1929 )
 Monckton, Walter Turner, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley ( 1930 )
 Healy, Maurice ( 1931 )
 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Adrian Norton ( 1932 )
 Reid, James Scott Cumberland, Baron Reid ( 1932 )
 Cope, William, 1st and last Baron Cope ( 1933 )
 Evershed, Francis Raymond, 1st and last Baron Evershed ( 1933 )
 Tucker, Frederick James, Baron Tucker ( 1933 )
 Aske, Robert William, 1st Bt. ( 1934 )
 Fyfe, David Patrick Maxwell, 1st and last Earl of Kilmuir ( 1934 )
 Erskine-Hill, Alexander Galloway, of Quothquhan, 1st Bt. ( 1935 )
 Eve, Arthur Malcolm Trustram, 1st Baron Silsoe ( 1935 )
 Morris, John William, Baron Morris of Borth-y-Gest ( 1935 )
 Radcliffe, Cyril John, 1st Viscount Radcliffe ( 1935 )
 Willink, Henry Urmston, 1st Bt. ( 1935 )
 Asquith, Cyril, Baron Asquith of Bishopstone ( 1936 )
 McIntyre, James Gordon ( 1936 )
 Hodson, Francis Lord Charlton, Baron Hodson ( 1937 )
 Houldsworth, Hubert Stanley, 1st Bt. ( 1937 )
 Romer, Charles Robert ( 1937 )
 Denning, Alfred Thomas, Baron Denning ( 1938 )
 Jenkins, David Llewelyn, Baron Jenkins ( 1938 )
 Lloyd-Blood, Lancelot Ivan Neptune ( 1938 )
 Henderson, Arthur, Baron Rowley ( 1939 )
 Hutchinson, Geoffrey Clegg, Baron Ilford ( 1939 )
 Samuel-Montagu, Ewen Edward Samuel ( 1939 )
 Shawcross, Hartley William, Baron Shawcross ( 1939 )
 Maude, John Cyril ( 1943 )
 Upjohn, Gerald Ritchie, Baron Upjohn ( 1943 )
 Devlin, Patrick Arthur, Baron Devlin ( 1945 )
 Donovan, Terence Norbert, Baron Donovan ( 1945 )
 Harvie-Watt, George Steven, 1st Bt. ( 1945 )
 McNair, Arnold Duncan, 1st Baron McNair ( 1945 )
 Pearce, Edward Holroyd, Baron Pearce ( 1945 )
 Soskice, Frank, Baron Stow Hill ( 1945 )
 Forster, John, 1st Baron Forster of Harraby ( 1946 )
 Manningham-Buller, Reginald Edward, 1st Viscount Dilhorne ( 1946 )
 Strauss, Henry George, 1st and last Baron Conesford ( 1946 )
 Napier, Albert Edward Alexander ( 1947 )
 Gardiner, Gerald Austin, Baron Gardiner ( 1948 )
 Thesiger, Gerald Alfred ( 1948 )
 Roskill, John Ashton Wentworth ( 1949 )
 McNair, William Lennox ( 1950 )
Count equals 396 individuals.
King's Counsel (K.C.) (Canada )
 Shaughnessy, William James, 2nd Baron Shaughnessy ( 1920 )
Count equals 1 individual.
King's Counsel (K.C.) (Scotland)
 Thomson, Frederick Charles, of Glendarroch, 1st Bt. ( 1923 )
Count equals 1 individual.
King's Counsel (K.C.) [Canada]
 Bury, Ambrose Upton Gledstanes
 Hobson, Thomas
 Tupper, Charles Hibbert
Count equals 3 individuals.
King's Counsel (K.C.) [Hong Kong]
 Slade, Marcus Warre
 McNeill, John ( 1950 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
King's Counsel (K.C.) [Ireland]
 Baxter, James Sinclair
 Scott, John Henry, 1st Earl of Clonmell ( 1770 )
 Barton, Dunbar Plunket, 1st and last Bt. ( 1889 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
King's Counsel (K.C.) [Ontario]
 Robinson, Christopher
Count equals 1 individual.
King's Counsel (Q.C.)
 Isaacs, Gerald Rufus, 2nd Marquess of Reading ( 1929 )
Count equals 1 individual.
King's Counsel [South Africa]
 Leonard, J. W.
Count equals 1 individual.
King's Counsellor (K.C.)
 Pollock, Frederick, 3rd Bt.
 Pollock, Robert Erskine
 Pollock, Frederick, 1st Bt. ( 1827 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Priv Counsellor (P.C.)
 Mowbray, John, 2nd Duke of Norfolk ( 1422 )
 Mowbray, John, 3rd Duke of Norfolk ( 1437 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Privy Counselor (P.C.)
 Onslow, Arthur ( 1728 )
 Peake, Osbert, 1st Viscount Ingleby ( 1943 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Qeen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Ireland]
 Campbell, Patrick, 1st Baron Glenavy ( 1892 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen Counsel (Q.C.)
 Mason, George Frederick Peter
 Warrington, Thomas Rolls, 1st Baron Warrington of Clyffe ( 1895 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.)
 Adams, John Roland
 Aherne, Michael Joseph
 Aldous, Guy Travers
 Alexander, Robert
 Alexander, William John, 3rd Bt.
 Andrews, Biggs
 Anelay, Richard Alfred
 Ashley-Cooper, Anthony John
 Aubrey, William, in the Marches of Wales
 Awdry, John Wither
 Babington, Robert John
 Baldwin, Henry
 Balguy, John
 Barron, William Winston
 Barrowclough, Anthony Richard
 Bazalgette, Charles Norman
 Beament, George Edwin
 Beament, Thomas Arthur
 Becher, Henry Corry Rowley
 Bellamy, Christopher William, Baron Bellamy
 Bennett, Cecil Harry Andrew
 Bennett, George
 Bennett, George
 Berkeley, Robert James
 Bessonet, James
 Bing, Geoffrey Henry Cecil
 Bingham, Camilla
 Blackburne, Edward
 Blaker, Nathaniel Robert
 Bland, Loftus Henry
 Bloch, Michael Gordon
 Blood-Smyth, Matthew
 Bosanquet, James Whatman
 Bosanquet, Samuel Ronald Courthope
 Brabazon, Charles James Lennox
 Brady, Francis William, 2nd Bt.
 Brereton, William Henry
 Bristowe, Henry Fox
 Bromley-Martin, Michael Granville
 Browne, Edward Michael Andrew
 Bull, William Perkins
 Bull, William Perkins
 Burt, Archibald Paull
 Burt, Clive Stuart Saxon
 Butler, Peter Woods
 Caldecott, Andrew
 Calver, Henry Robert Sherwood
 Calvert, Frederick
 Campbell, James Albert
 Campbell, Nicholas C. W.
 Caplan, Leonard
 Carter, Edward
 Casswell, Joshua David
 Chambers, John David
 Chambers, Thomas
 Clarke, Christopher Simon Courtenay Stephenson
 Clarkson, Patrick Robert James
 Clegg, Richard Ninian Barwick
 Clerk, John
 Cohen, Arthur
 Collins, Martin
 Collins, Stephen
 Connell, Michael Bryan
 Conner, Henry Daniel
 Cooke, William Henry
 Cooper, Thomas Mackay, 1st and last Baron Cooper of Culross
 Corballis, John Richard
 Crawford, William Hamilton Raymund
 Curtis-Bennett, Frederick Henry Derek
 D'Abreu, Elizabeth Clare
 Daniel, John Stuart
 Darvall, Cholmondeley
 Davidson, Neil Forbes, Baron Davidson
 Davies, David
 Davison, John Robert
 Deasy, Rickard Morgan
 Disney, William
 Dobbs, William Cary
 Dobry, George Leon Severyn
 Doughty, Charles
 Drew, Simon Patrick
 Drinkwater, John Muir
 Drummond-Hay, Humphry Ringler
 Dugdale, John Stratford
 Dugmore, William
 Dunn, James Hamet, 1st Bt.
 Eastham, Thomas Michael
 Edgedale, Samuel Richard
 Elrington, Joseph Favière
 Elton, Charles Isaac
 Erdrich, Harry J.
 Essayan, Michael
 Etherton, Terence Michael Elkan Barnet, Baron Etherton
 Fearnley-Whittingstall, William Arthur
 Ferguson, Samuel
 Fergusson, Samuel
 FitzGerald, Edward
 Fitzgerald, Edward Hamilton
 Fitzgerald, Thomas
 Flather, Gary Denis
 Focke, Paul Everard Justus
 Forsyth, William
 Foster, Peter Harry Baston Woodroffe
 Fox-Andrews, Norman
 Franks, John
 Freeland, Simon Dennis Marsden
 French, George
 George, John
 Gibson, Charles Anthony Warneford
 Goldsmid, Francis Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Goodhart, Arthur Lehman
 Goudie, Thomas James Cooper
 Grant, Derek Aldwin
 Grattan-Bellew, Arthur John
 Greenwood, John
 Griffith-Jones, John Mervyn Guthrie
 Griffits, James Olliff
 Hall, George Wanklyn
 Hamilton, Adrian
 Hamilton, Alexander
 Hamilton, Hans Henry
 Hammersley, Alfred St. George
 Hancock, William Neilson
 Harcourt Vernon, Granville Patrick
 Harman, Jeremiah Le Roy
 Harragin, Walter
 Harris, John Percival
 Harris, Thomas
 Harris, William Barclay
 Harrison, W. G.
 Harvey, Cyril Perce
 Harvie, Jonathan
 Hastings, Patrick
 Hastings, Patrick Gardiner
 Hathon, J. Cassie
 Haughey, Caroline
 Havers, Cecil Robert
 Havers, Robert Michael Oldfield, Baron Havers
 Headlam, Thomas Emerson
 Heald, Lionel Frederick
 Henchy, Peter FitzGibbon
 Henderson, Charles Lamond
 Henn, Jonathan
 Henniker, Aldborough
 Herbert, Jesse Basil
 Herschell, Farrar, 1st Baron Herschell of the City of Durban
 Higgins, Joseph Napier
 Higham, John Arthur
 Hill, Michael
 Hinks, Frank Peter
 Hobson, John Gardiner Summer
 Hoggett, John
 Holmes, Hugh Oliver
 Holmes, Robert
 Holmes, Valentine
 Holroyd Pearce, James Edward
 Honeyman, George
 Hope-Scott, James Robert
 Horsfield, Peter Muir Francis
 Houghton, George Henry
 Howard, John Curtois
 Howard, Michael, Baron Howard of Lympne
 Howard, William McLaren
 Huddleston, John Walter
 Hughes, Ronw Moelwyn
 Hughes, Sam H. S.
 Hungerford, John Girdlestone
 Hurst, Gerald Berkeley
 Hutchinson, St. John
 Hutton, Noel Kilpatrick
 Hylton-Foster, Harry Braustyn Hylton
 Jackson, Henry Mather, 2nd Bt.
 Janner, Greville Ewan, Baron Janner of Braunstone
 Jelf, Arthur Richard
 Johnson, Robert
 Jones, Ian Edwards
 Jones, Victor Robert
 Joy, H.
 Karmel, David
 Karslake, Edward Kent
 Kay, Joseph
 Kaye, William Squire Barker
 Keating, Henry Sheehy
 Keen, Richard Sanderson, Baron Keen of Elie
 Keir, James Dewar
 Kemmis, Henry
 Kenyon, John Robert
 Kerr, Michael Andrew Foster Jude, 13th Marquess of Lothian
 Kingston, William Martin
 Latham, William
 Laughton-Scott, Edward Hay
 Law, Charles Ewan
 Le Grice, Andrew Valentine
 Leake, George Walpole
 Lean, Ivor
 Lederman, David
 Leech, Charles
 Leith, John Farley
 Leonard, Anthony J.
 Lester, Maya
 Lewin, G. A.
 Lindon, John Benjamin
 Litton, Edward Falconer
 Lloyd, John H.
 Lloyd, Morgan
 Lloyd, Rhys Gerran, Baron Lloyd of Kilgerran
 Loch, George
 Lockwood, Frank
 Lowndes, William Loftus
 Lundell, Oscar
 MacDermot, Hugh Hyacinth O'Rorke, The MacDermot, Prince of Coolavin
 MacGillivray, Evan James
 Macaskie, Nicholas Lechmere Cunningham
 Macdonald, Samuel Smith
 Macnaghten, Malcolm Martin
 Mallalieu, Ann, Baroness Mallalieu
 Mare, Thomas
 Marlowe, Anthony Alfred Harmsworth
 Martland, Ronald
 Martley, Henry
 Marwood-Elton, Edward, 1st and last Bt.
 Maude, John Cyril
 May, Michelle
 McCarthy, Justin
 McLaren Webster, David
 McNair, Arnold Duncan, 1st Baron McNair
 McTavish, Duncan K.
 Merewether, Henry Alworth
 Meysey-Thompson, Albert Childers
 Miles, Robert John
 Miller, Stearne Ball
 Milner, Horatio Ray
 Mishcon, Victor, Baron Mishcon
 Miskin, James
 Moleyns, Thomas
 Molyneux, Echlin
 Moore, William Harvey
 Morison, Alastair Malcolm, Lord Morison
 Morison, Ronald Peter
 Morison, Thomas Richard Atkin
 Morris, Gwyn Rhyse Francis
 Morse, Charles
 Morton, Hugh Drennan Baird, Baron Morton of Shuna
 Munro, Harry Robert Gascoigne
 Murphy, Francis Stack
 Murphy, Jeremiah John
 Murphy, John Baldwin
 Murray, Willum
 Myburgh, Philip Albert
 Mylne, Nigel
 Nelson, Vincent L.
 North, John Henry
 O'Connell, Daniel
 O'Connor, Charles Andrew
 O'Grady, Waller
 O'Loghlen, Michael, 7th Bt.
 O'Shaughnessy, Michael
 Osborne, John
 Osborne, John
 Owen, Timothy W.
 Page, Arthur
 Paget, Reginald Thomas Guy Des Voeux, Baron Paget of Northampton
 Pakenham-Walsh, John
 Pardee, Timothy Blair
 Parkes, Richard
 Parry, John Billingsley
 Paull, Gilbert James
 Phillimore, John George
 Phillips, Simon Benjamin
 Phinn, Thomas
 Phipson, Thomas Weatherly
 Pickering, Percival Andre
 Platts-Mills, John Faithful Fortescue
 Pooley, Charles Edward
 Pope, Anthony Ross
 Price, Arthur Leolin
 Price, Edwin Plumer
 Price, James Richard Kenrick
 Price, Richard Mervyn
 Pryor, Robert Charles
 Purchas, Christopher
 Purchas, Robin
 Quain, Redmond
 Quilliam, Ronald Henry
 Radcliff, Joseph Ormsby
 Rankin, John
 Rees-Davies, William Rupert
 Renshaw, Thomas Charles
 Richards, Griffith
 Richardson, John
 Rippon, Aubrey Geoffrey Frederick, Baron Rippon of Hexham
 Robins, Daniel Gerard
 Robinson, Bryan
 Robinson, Walter Gherardi
 Robinson, William Fothergill
 Rogers, F. I. N.
 Rolleston-Spunner, Charles
 Round, Edmund
 Rowcliffe, Henry
 Rumbold, Jack Seddon
 Russell Vick, Godfrey
 Ryder-Richardson, Edward
 Sausse, Matthew
 Scott, John
 Seeds, Robert
 Sells, Oliver Matthew
 Shaw, Charles
 Shekleton, Robert William
 Sherlock, David
 Sidney, W. J.
 Silva, George Desmond
 Simon, Jocelyn Edward Salis, Baron Simon of Glaisdale
 Simpson, Robin Maitland Gary
 Skirrow, Walter
 Slade, Frederick William, 2nd Bt.
 Smith, John
 Smith, Larratt William
 Smyly, John George
 Smyly, John George
 Smyly, William Cecil
 Somerset, Granville Robert Henry
 Somervell, Donald Bradley, Baron Somervell of Harrow
 Speed, Robert William
 Speed, William
 Spens, William George Michael, 2nd Baron Spens
 Spreull, George John
 Stable, Rondle Owen Charles
 Stainton, Anthony Nathaniel
 Stainton, John Armitage
 Staples, Thomas, 9th Bt.
 Starke, John Erskine
 Stephens, Archibald John
 Stevenson, William
 Stratford, Robin
 Stroyan, Ronald
 Stuart-Smith, Jeremy Hugh
 Sumner, William Donald Massey
 Swanston, Clement Tudway
 Talbot, Thomas George
 Temple-Morris, Owen
 Terrell, Stephen
 Thomas, David James
 Thomas, Michael David
 Threlfall, Richard Ian
 Tighe, Robert
 Toller, S. Bush
 Tolstoy-Miloslavsky, Dimitri
 Trafford, Mark Russell
 Trench, Frederick Netterville
 Trusted, Harry Herbert
 Tupper, Reginald Hibbert
 Turner, Michael John
 Turner, Theodore Francis
 Ungoed-Thomas, Arwyn Lynn
 Van Koughnet, Philip Michael Scott
 Vaughan, David
 Viner, Ian
 Vowden, Desmond Harvey Weight
 Waley, Andrew Felix
 Walker, George Edward Orr
 Wallace, James, Baron Wallace of Tankerness
 Walpole, Spencer Horatio
 Warren, Richard Benson
 Warren, Robert Richard
 Warren, Samuel
 Wasserman, John Jacob
 Watson, David John
 Webb, Thomas E.
 Webber, Charles Tankerville
 Webster, Thomas W.
 Wells, William Thomas
 West, Hamilton Henry Wyndham
 West, Henry
 Wetherell, Charles
 Whately, William
 White, Thomas Jennings
 Whitmore, Charles Shapland
 Wide, Charles Thomas
 Wigram, Loftus Tottenham
 Wilkinson, Nigel Vivian Marshall
 Williams, Joshua Strange
 Williams, Montagu Stephen
 Willis, John Ramsey
 Wilson, Roland Frederick
 Woodcock, Hubert Drysdale Bayley
 Woolf, Sidney
 Wordsworth, Charles
 Wrightson, Edmund Harry Paul Garmondsway
 Bacon, Francis, 1st and last Viscount Saint Alban ( 1595 )
 Lechmere, Nicholas, 1st Baron Lechmere of Evesham ( 1708 )
 Plunket, John Span, 3rd Baron Plunket of Newton ( 1837 )
 Hayter, William Goodenough, 1st Bt. ( 1839 )
 Bethell, Richard, 1st Baron Westbury ( 1840 )
 Dundas, David ( 1840 )
 Cockburn, Alexander James Edmund, of Langton, 12th Bt. ( 1841 )
 O'Brien, James ( 1841 )
 Stuart-Wortley, James Archibald ( 1841 )
 Watson, William Henry ( 1841 )
 Napier, Joseph, 1st Bt. ( 1844 )
 Wood, William Page, 1st and last Baron Hatherley ( 1845 )
 Christian, Jonathan Whitby ( 1846 )
 FitzGerald, John David, Baron FitzGerald of Kilmarnock ( 1847 )
 Andrews, Robert ( 1849 )
 Keating, Henry Singer ( 1849 )
 O'Hagan, Thomas, 1st Baron O'Hagan of Tullahogue ( 1849 )
 Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne ( 1849 )
 Bramwell, George William Wilshire, 1st and last Baron Bramwell of Hever ( 1851 )
 Follett, Brent Spencer ( 1851 )
 Mellor, John ( 1851 )
 Rose, John, 1st Bt. ( 1851 )
 O'Loghlen, Colman Michael, 2nd Bt. ( 1852 )
 James, William Milbourne ( 1853 )
 Beckett, Edmund, 1st Baron Grimthorpe ( 1854 )
 Collier, Robert Porrett, 1st Baron Monkswell of Monkswell ( 1854 )
 Wilde, James Plaisted, 1st and last Baron Penzance ( 1855 )
 Cairns, Hugh MacCalmont, 1st Earl Cairns ( 1856 )
 Andrews, Charles James Fox ( 1858 )
 Deane, James Parker ( 1858 )
 Hawkins, Henry, 1st and last Baron Brampton of Brampton ( 1858 )
 Pennefather, Edward ( 1858 )
 Brett, William Baliol, 1st Viscount Esher ( 1860 )
 Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1861 )
 Denman, George ( 1861 )
 Liddell, Adolphus Frederick Octavious ( 1861 )
 Hobhouse, Arthur, 1st and last Baron Hobhouse ( 1862 )
 Burke, James St. George ( 1863 )
 Morris, Michael, Baron Morris ( 1863 )
 Coffey, James Charles ( 1864 )
 Field, William Ventris, 1st and last Baron Field ( 1864 )
 Giffard, Hardinge Stanley, 1st Earl of Halsbury ( 1865 )
 Jessel, George ( 1865 )
 Cripps, Henry William ( 1866 )
 Holker, John ( 1866 )
 Kay, Edward Ebenezer ( 1866 )
 Cole, Henry Thomas ( 1867 )
 Gordon, Edward Strathearn, Baron Gordon of Drumearn ( 1868 )
 Matthews, Henry, 1st and lst Viscount Llandaff ( 1868 )
 Plunket, David Robert, 1st and last Baron Rathmore ( 1868 )
 Stephen, James Fitzjames, 1st Bt. ( 1868 )
 Fry, Edward ( 1869 )
 James, Henry, 1st and last Baron James of Hereford ( 1869 )
 Lopes, Henry Charles, 1st Baron Ludlow ( 1869 )
 Andrews, William Drennan ( 1872 )
 Porter, Andrew Marshall, 1st Bt. ( 1872 )
 Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1872 )
 Walker, Samuel, 1st Bt. ( 1872 )
 Thesiger, Alfred Henry ( 1873 )
 Hopwood, Charles Henry ( 1874 )
 Baines, W. ( 1875 )
 Davey, Horace, Baron Davey ( 1875 )
 McCreight, John Foster ( 1875 )
 Mellor, John William ( 1875 )
 Boyd, Walter, 1st Bt. ( 1877 )
 Gully, William Court, 1st Viscount Selby ( 1877 )
 Kekewich, Arthur ( 1877 )
 Marriott, William Thackeray ( 1877 )
 Webster, Richard Everard, 1st Baron Alverstone ( 1878 )
 Atkinson, John, Baron Atkinson ( 1880 )
 Macnaghten, Edward, Baron Macnaghten ( 1880 )
 O'Brien, Peter, 1st and last Baron O'Brien ( 1880 )
 Kinnear, Alexander Smith, 1st and last Baron Kinnear ( 1881 )
 Romer, Robert ( 1881 )
 Warmington, Cornelius Marshall, 1st Bt. ( 1881 )
 Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Hardy, 1st Baron Cozens-Hardy ( 1882 )
 Finlay, Robert Bannatyne, 1st Viscount Finlay ( 1882 )
 Reid, Robert Threshie, 1st and last Baron Loreburn ( 1882 )
 Bigham, John Charles, 1st Viscount Mersey ( 1883 )
 Collins, Richard Henn, Baron Collins ( 1883 )
 Darling, Charles John, 1st Baron Darling ( 1885 )
 Moulton, John Fletcher, Baron Moulton ( 1885 )
 Robertson, James Patrick Bannerman, Baron Robertson ( 1885 )
 Buckley, Henry Burton, 1st Baron Wrenbury ( 1886 )
 Muir Mackenzie, Kenneth Augustus, 1st and last Baron Muir Mackenzie ( 1887 )
 Barnes, John Gorell, 1st Baron Gorell ( 1888 )
 Gallwey, Michael Henry ( 1888 )
 Jeune, Francis Henry, 1st and last Baron St. Helier ( 1888 )
 Vaughan Williams, Roland Lomax Bowdler ( 1889 )
 Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith ( 1890 )
 Cripps, Charles Alfred, 1st Baron Parmoor ( 1890 )
 Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1st and last Viscount Haldane of Cloan ( 1890 )
 Leese, Joseph Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1891 )
 Murray, Andrew Graham, 1st Viscount Dunedin ( 1891 )
 Coleridge, Bernard John Seymour, 2nd Baron Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary ( 1892 )
 Ridley, Edward ( 1892 )
 Robson, William Snowdon, Baron Robson ( 1892 )
 Stuart-Wortley, Charles Beilby, 1st and last Baron Stuart of Wortley ( 1892 )
 Eady, Charles Swinfen, 1st Baron Swinfen ( 1893 )
 Pickford, William, 1st and last Baron Sterndale ( 1893 )
 Carson, Edward Henry, Baron Carson ( 1894 )
 Shaw, Thomas, 1st Baron Craigmyle ( 1894 )
 Robertson, Edmund, 1st and last Baron Lochee ( 1895 )
 Taylor, William Francis Kyffin, 1st and last Baron Maenan ( 1895 )
 Henry, Denis Stanislaus, 1st Bt. ( 1896 )
 Morris, Edward Patrick, 1st Baron Morris ( 1896 )
 Butcher, John George, 1st and last Baron Danesfort ( 1897 )
 Lindsay, William Alexander ( 1897 )
 McLaren, Charles Benjamin Bright, 1st Baron Aberconway ( 1897 )
 Ure, Alexander, 1st and last Baron Strathclyde ( 1897 )
 Isaacs, Rufus Daniel, 1st Marquess of Reading ( 1898 )
 Duke, Henry Edward, 1st Baron Merrivale ( 1899 )
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert, 1st and last Viscount Cecil of Chelwood ( 1899 )
 Lyttelton, Alfred ( 1899 )
 Moore, William, 1st Bt. ( 1899 )
 O'Brien, Ignatius John, 1st and last Baron Shandon ( 1899 )
 Younger, Robert, Baron Blanesburgh ( 1900 )
 Montgomery, Donald Stanley ( 1911 )
 Morrison, William Shepherd, 1st Viscount Dunrossil ( 1934 )
 Blackall, Henry William Butler ( 1935 )
 Clark, Andrew Edmund James, 3rd Bt. ( 1943 )
 Mitchison, Gilbert Richard, Baron Mitchison ( 1946 )
 Hungerford, Richard Becher ( 1947 )
 Kennedy, John de Navarre ( 1947 )
 Somerset, Raglan Horatio Edwyn Henry ( 1947 )
 Russell, Charles Ritchie, Baron Russell of Killowen ( 1948 )
 Shawcross, Christopher Nyholm ( 1949 )
 Phipps, Norman Ernest ( 1951 )
 Williams, Francis John Watkin, 8th Bt. ( 1951 )
 Phillimore, Henry Josceline ( 1952 )
 Hogg, Quintin McGarel, Baron Hailsham of St. Marylebone ( 1953 )
 Armstrong-Jones, Ronald Owen Lloyd ( 1954 )
 Foot, Dingle Mackintosh ( 1954 )
 Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, Baron Renton ( 1954 )
 Talbot, Thomas George ( 1954 )
 Wilberforce, Richard Orme, Baron Wilberforce ( 1954 )
 Molony, Joseph Thomas ( 1955 )
 Walker-Smith, Derek Colclough, Baron Broxbourne ( 1955 )
 Barnett, Oliver Charles ( 1956 )
 Daiches, Lionel Henry ( 1956 )
 Micklethwait, Robert Gore ( 1956 )
 St. John, Edward Henry ( 1956 )
 Fitzmaurice, Gerald Gray ( 1957 )
 Harington, John Charles Dundas ( 1957 )
 Magnus, Hilary Barrow ( 1957 )
 Scarman, Leslie George, Baron Scarman ( 1957 )
 Stewart-Brown, Ronald David ( 1957 )
 Cripps, Matthew Anthony Leonard ( 1958 )
 Fletcher-Cooke, Charles ( 1958 )
 Cunningham, Samuel Knox, 1st Bt. ( 1959 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, George Nigel, 10th Earl of Selkirk ( 1959 )
 Rawlinson, Peter Anthony Grayson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell ( 1959 )
 Brodrick, Norman John Lee ( 1960 )
 Fisher, Henry Arthur Pears ( 1960 )
 Hanbury, Harold Greville ( 1960 )
 Hooson, Hugh Emlyn, Baron Hooson ( 1960 )
 Ackner, Desmond James Conrad, Baron Ackner ( 1961 )
 Brandon, Henry Vivian, Baron Brandon of Oakbrook ( 1961 )
 Brightman, John Anson, Baron Brightman ( 1961 )
 Chorley, Robert Samuel Theodore, 1st Baron Chorley ( 1961 )
 Donaldson, John Francis, Baron Donaldson of Lymington ( 1961 )
 Hutchinson, Jeremy Nicholas, Baron Hutchinson of Lullington ( 1961 )
 Vallat, Francis Aimé ( 1961 )
 Dunn, Robin Horace Walford ( 1962 )
 Lane, Geoffrey Dawson, Baron Lane ( 1962 )
 MacDermot, Niall ( 1963 )
 Silkin, Samuel Charles, Baron Silkin of Dulwich ( 1963 )
 Wingate, William Granville ( 1963 )
 Griffiths, William Hugh, Baron Griffiths ( 1964 )
 Campbell, Alan Robertson, Baron Campbell of Alloway ( 1965 )
 Harmsworth, Perceval Anthony Thomas Hildebrand ( 1965 )
 Howe, Richard Edward Geoffrey, Baron Howe of Aberavon ( 1965 )
 Mackay, James Peter Hymers, Baron Mackay of Clashfern ( 1965 )
 Purchas, Francis Brooks ( 1965 )
 Taverne, Dick, Baron Taverne ( 1965 )
 Thomas, Peter John Mitchell, Baron Thomas of Gwydir ( 1965 )
 Wilson, Henry Stephen, Baron Wilson of Langside ( 1965 )
 Inskip, John Hampden ( 1966 )
 Neill, Francis Patrick, Baron Neill of Bladen ( 1966 )
 Wigoder, Basil Thomas, Baron Wigoder ( 1966 )
 Butler, Reginald Michael Thomas, 3rd Bt. ( 1967 )
 Campbell, Ian George Hallyburton ( 1967 )
 Darling, Gerald Ralph Auchinleck ( 1967 )
 Goff, Robert Lionel Archibald, Baron Goff of Chieveley ( 1967 )
 Lloyd, Anthony John Leslie, Baron Lloyd of Berwick ( 1967 )
 McCluskey, John Herbert, Baron McCluskey ( 1967 )
 Willmer, John Franklin ( 1967 )
 Fox-Andrews, James Roland Blake ( 1968 )
 Mustill, Michael John, Baron Mustill ( 1968 )
 Neill, Brian Thomas ( 1968 )
 Nolan, Michael Patrick, Baron Nolan ( 1968 )
 Rees, Peter Wynford Innes, Baron Rees ( 1969 )
 Cassel, Harold Felix, 3rd Bt. ( 1970 )
 Heald, Mervyn ( 1970 )
 Owen, John Arthur Dalziel ( 1970 )
 Stuart-Smith, Murray ( 1970 )
 Archer, Peter Kingsley, Baron Archer of Sandwell ( 1971 )
 Carlisle, Mark, Baron Carlisle of Bucklow ( 1971 )
 Macpherson, William Alan, of Cluny Macpherson and 6th of Blairgowrie, 27th Chief ( 1971 )
 Richard, Ivor Seward, Baron Richard ( 1971 )
 Suenson-Taylor, Kenneth Bent, 2nd Baron Grantchester ( 1971 )
 Waddington, David Charles, Baron Waddington ( 1971 )
 Bingham, Thomas Henry, Baron Bingham of Cornhill ( 1972 )
 Browne-Wilkinson, Nicolas Christopher Henry, Baron Browne-Wilkinson ( 1972 )
 Cameron, Kenneth John, Baron Cameron of Lochbroom ( 1972 )
 Eve, David Malcolm Trustram, 2nd Baron Silsoe ( 1972 )
 Mayhew, Patrick Barnabas Burke, Baron Mayhew of Twysden ( 1972 )
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, John Saye Wingfield ( 1972 )
 Alexander, Robert Scott, Baron Alexander of Weedon ( 1973 )
 Browne, William Joseph ( 1973 )
 Hobhouse, John Stewart, Baron Hobhouse of Woodborough ( 1973 )
 Kennedy, Paul Joseph Morrow ( 1973 )
 Millett, Peter Julian, Baron Millett ( 1973 )
 Morris, John, Baron Morris of Aberavon ( 1973 )
 Miller, Michael ( 1974 )
 Murray, John Ian, Lord Dervaird ( 1974 )
 Nicholls, Donald James, Baron Nicholls of Birkenhead ( 1974 )
 Slynn, Gordon, Baron Slynn of Hadley ( 1974 )
 Lester, Anthony Paul, Baron Lester of Herne Hill ( 1975 )
 Lloyd, Dennis, Baron Lloyd of Hampstead ( 1975 )
 Macaulay, Donald, Baron Macaulay of Bragar ( 1975 )
 Parker, Barbara Adamson ( 1975 )
 Saville, Mark Oliver, Baron Saville of Newdigate ( 1975 )
 Scott, Richard Rashleigh Folliott, Baron Scott of Foscote ( 1975 )
 Aldous, William ( 1976 )
 Hoffmann, Leonard Hubert, Baron Hoffmann ( 1977 )
 Bathurst, Christopher Hiley Ludlow, 3rd Viscount Bledisloe ( 1978 )
 Brittan, Leon, Baron Brittan of Spennithorne ( 1978 )
 Colville, John Mark Alexander, 4th Viscount Colville of Culross ( 1978 )
 Irvine, Alexander Andrew Mackay, Baron Irvine of Lairg ( 1978 )
 Scott, Peter Denys John ( 1978 )
 Williams, Gareth Wyn, Baron Williams of Mostyn ( 1978 )
 Clarke, Anthony Peter, Baron Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony ( 1979 )
 Elphinstone, Kenneth John Tristram ( 1979 )
 Goodhart, William Howard, Baron Goodhart ( 1979 )
 Grey, Robin Douglas ( 1979 )
 Judge, Igor, Baron Judge ( 1979 )
 Steyn, Johan van Zyl, Baron Steyn ( 1979 )
 Thomas, Donald Martin, Baron Thomas of Gresford ( 1979 )
 Waller, George Mark ( 1979 )
 Brodie, Colin Alexander ( 1980 )
 Lyell, Nicholas Walter, Baron Lyell of Markyate ( 1980 )
 Beloff, Michael Jacob ( 1981 )
 Boston, Terence George, Baron Boston of Faversham ( 1981 )
 Brooke, Henry ( 1981 )
 Grabiner, Anthony Stephen, Baron Grabiner ( 1981 )
 Broun, Malcolm David ( 1982 )
 Douglas, Robert Ramsay ( 1982 )
 Fraser, Peter Lovat, Baron Fraser of Carmyllie ( 1982 )
 Mance, Jonathan Hugh, Baron Mance ( 1982 )
 Walker, Robert, Baron Walker of Gestingthorpe ( 1982 )
 Fenwick, Justin Francis Quintus ( 1983 )
 Sandys, Julian George Winston ( 1983 )
 Carlile, Alexander Charles, Baron Carlile of Berriew ( 1984 )
 Aldous, Charles ( 1985 )
 Brennan, Daniel Joseph, Baron Brennan ( 1985 )
 Rodger, Alan Ferguson, Baron Rodger of Earlsferry ( 1985 )
 Arden, Mary Howarth ( 1986 )
 Borrie, Gordon Johnson, Baron Borrie ( 1986 )
 Cohen, Rosalyn ( 1986 )
 Lockhart-Mummery, Christopher John ( 1986 )
 Beckett, Richard Gervase, 3rd Bt. ( 1987 )
 Goldsmith, Peter Henry, Baron Goldsmith ( 1987 )
 Neuberger, David Edmond, Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury ( 1987 )
 Wilson, Nicholas Allan Roy, Lord Wilson of Culworth ( 1987 )
 Bennett, Hugh Peter Derwyn ( 1988 )
 Bratza, Nicolas Dusan ( 1988 )
 Brougham, Christopher John ( 1988 )
 Cassel, Timothy Felix Harold, 4th Bt. ( 1988 )
 Proust, Christopher James, Baron Kingsland ( 1988 )
 Thornton, Anthony Christopher Lawrence ( 1988 )
 Douglas, James Sholto ( 1989 )
 Hogg, Mary Claire ( 1989 )
 Hogg, Douglas Martin, Baron Hailsham of Kettlethorpe ( 1990 )
 Wedderburn, Kenneth William, Baron Wedderburn of Charlton ( 1990 )
 Dennys, Nicholas Charles Jonathan ( 1991 )
 Falconer, Charles Leslie, Baron Falconer of Thoroton ( 1991 )
 Kennedy, Helena Ann, Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws ( 1991 )
 Pelly, Louise Sophia ( 1991 )
 Price, Francis Caradoc Rose, 7th Bt. ( 1991 )
 Scotland, Patricia Janet, Baroness Scotland of Asthal ( 1991 )
 Simon, Peregrine Charles Hugh ( 1991 )
 Mitchell, Jonathan James ( 1992 )
 Pannick, David Philip, Baron Pannick ( 1992 )
 Ullstein, Augustus Rupert Patrick Anthony ( 1992 )
 Coleridge, Paul James Duke ( 1993 )
 Mansfield, Guy Rhys John, 6th Baron Sandhurst of Sandhurst ( 1994 )
 Agnew, Crispin Hamlyn, of Lochnaw, 11th Bt. ( 1995 )
 Booth, Cherie ( 1995 )
 Boyd, Colin David, Baron Boyd of Duncansby ( 1995 )
 Flint, Charles John Raffles ( 1995 )
 Garnier, Edward Henry, Baron Garnier ( 1995 )
 Henderson, Launcelot Dinadan James ( 1995 )
 Nutting, John Grenfell, 4th Bt. ( 1995 )
 Prynne, Andrew Geoffrey Lockyer ( 1995 )
 Douglas-Hamilton, James Alexander, Baron Selkirk of Douglas ( 1996 )
 Malcolm, Alastair Richard ( 1996 )
 Massey, William Greville Sale ( 1996 )
 Meston, James, 3rd Baron Meston ( 1996 )
 Weatherill, Bernard Richard ( 1996 )
 Bevan, John Perry Vaughan ( 1997 )
 Cohen, Jonathan Lionel ( 1997 )
 Mostyn, Nicholas Anthony Joseph Ghislain ( 1997 )
 Browne-Wilkinson, Simon ( 1998 )
 Miskin, Charles James Monckton ( 1998 )
 Howard, Charles Anthony Frederick ( 1999 )
 Jenkins, Edward Nicholas ( 2000 )
 Taube, Simon Axel Robin ( 2000 )
 Sutcliffe, Andrew Harold Wentworth ( 2001 )
 Gray, Peter Leslie ( 2002 )
 Philipps, Guy Wogan, 4th Baron Milford ( 2002 )
 Young, Stephen Stewart Templeton, 3rd Bt. ( 2002 )
 Cameron, Allan Alexander ( 2003 )
 Carr, Sue Lascelles, Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill ( 2003 )
Count equals 702 individuals.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Canada]
 Anderson, John Thomas
 Aylmer, Henry Adolphus Paget
 Chitty, Robert Michael Willes
 Clerk, Stephan
 Stuart, Andrew ( 1854 )
 Tupper, James Stewart ( 1890 )
 Macdonald, Hugh John ( 1899 )
Count equals 7 individuals.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Ceylon]
 Elphinstone, Lancelot Henry ( 1925 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Cyprus]
 Henry, James Holmes, 2nd Bt. ( 1957 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Hong Kong]
 Darling, Gerald Ralph Auchinleck ( 1968 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Ireland]
 Gibson, Edward, 1st Baron Ashbourne ( 1872 )
 Carson, Edward Henry, Baron Carson ( 1889 )
 Molony, Thomas Francis, 1st Bt. ( 1899 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Lower Canada]
 Buchanan, Alexander
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [New South Wales]
 Alexander, Robert Scott, Baron Alexander of Weedon ( 1983 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [New Zealand]
 Cooke, Robin Brunskill, Baron Cooke of Thorndon ( 1964 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Northern Ireland]
 Lowry, Robert Lynd Erskine, Baron Lowry ( 1955 )
 MacDermott, John Clarke ( 1964 )
 Carswell, Robert Douglas, Baron Carswell ( 1971 )
 Rawlinson, Peter Anthony Grayson, Baron Rawlinson of Ewell ( 1972 )
 Nolan, Michael Patrick, Baron Nolan ( 1974 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Nova Scotia]
 Dickey, Arthur R.
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Ontario]
 Macdonald, John Alexander ( 1846 )
 Becher, Henry ( 1885 )
 Robinson, Christopher ( 1950 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Scotland]
 Emslie, George Carlyle, Baron Emslie ( 1957 )
 Keith, Henry Shanks, Baron Keith of Kinkel ( 1962 )
 Mackenzie Stuart, Alexander John, Baron Mackenzie-Stuart ( 1963 )
 Clyde, James John, Baron Clyde ( 1971 )
 Fairbairn, Nicholas Hardwick, of Fordell ( 1972 )
 Hope, James Arthur David, Baron Hope of Craighead ( 1978 )
 Moncreiffe, Rupert Iain Kay, of that Ilk, 11th Bt. ( 1980 )
 Hardie, Andrew Rutherford, Baron Hardie ( 1985 )
 Emslie, George Nigel Hannington, Lord Emslie ( 1986 )
 Emslie, Derek Robert Alexander, Lord Kingnorth ( 1987 )
 Mackay, Donald Sage, Baron Mackay of Drumadoon ( 1987 )
 Clark, Lynda Margaret, Baroness Clark of Calton ( 1989 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Singapore]
 Butterfield, Charles Harris ( 1952 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) [Tanganyika]
 Henry, James Holmes, 2nd Bt. ( 1953 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) ]Scotland]
 Jauncey, Charles Eliot, Baron Jauncey of Tullichettle ( 1963 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) for County Palatine
 Burke, Peter Joseph
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsel [Northern Ireland]
 Hutton, James Brian Edward, Baron Hutton ( 1970 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Queen's Counsellor (Q.C.)
 Phillips, Nicholas Addison, Baron Phillips of Worth Matravers ( 1978 )
Count equals 1 individuals.
Total count equals 1165 individuals.