Anglo-Egyptian War
 Pole-Carew, Reginald ( 1882 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Khartoum
 Arbuthnot, Kenneth Wyndham
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty
Curzon, FitzRoy Edmund Penn, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Ba ( 1898 )
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8t
Count equals 5 individuals.
Battle of Majuba
Maude, Cornwallis ( 27 Feb 1881 )
 Pomeroy-Colley, George ( 27 Feb 1881 )
Romilly, Francis
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Omdurman
 Fison, Hugh Valentine
Grenfell, Robert Septimus ( 4 Sep 1898 )
Howard, Hubert George Lyulph ( Sep 1898 )
 Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood ( 1898 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Battle of Tamai, Nile Expedition
 Stevenson, Andrew Scott ( 1884-1885 ), and he was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Tel-el-Kebir
 Cooper, Richard Joshua
 Dill, Richard Moore Colquhoun
 Hay, Arthur ( 13 Sep 1882 )
 Holland, Herbert Christian, where he was wounded
 Vanneck, Joshua Charles, 4th Ba ( 1885 )
Count equals 5 individuals.
Battle of the Nile
 Aylmer, Frederick Whitworth Wi ( 7 Aug 1798 )
 Darby, Henry d'Esterre, where he was distinguished for his gallant conduct in command of H.M.S. Bellerophon
 Galwey, Edward ( 7 Aug 1798 )
Jolliffe, George ( 1 Aug 1798 )
 Nelson, Horatio, 1st and last V ( 1798 )
 Nugent, John
 Proby, Granville Leveson, 3rd E
 Smith, George
Count equals 8 individuals.
Battles of the Nile
 Troubridge, Thomas, 1st Bt.
Count equals 1 individual.
East Sudan Campaign
 Monck, Henry Power Charles Sta ( 1885 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Eastern Sudan Campaign
 Baynes, Gilbert Samuel ( 1884 )
 Purey-Cust, Herbert Edward ( 1884-1885 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Egypt Campaign
 Acheson, Edward Archibald Brab ( 1882 )
 Arthur, George Compton Archiba ( 1882 )
 Baynes, Kenneth Schalch
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt. ( 1882 )
 Butler, William ( 1882 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Caulfeild, Algernon Montgomeri ( 1892-1893 )
 Couper, Arthur Edward ( 1884 )
 Couper, George ( 1882 )
 Cradock-Hartopp, Charles Edwar ( 1882 )
 Dawson, Douglas Frederick Rawd ( 1882 )
 Feilding, Francis Henry Everar ( 1882 )
 Feilding, Rudolph Robert Basil ( 1882 )
 FitzGeorge, George William Ado
 Greville, Algernon Brooke Eden ( 1882 )
 Hamilton, Hubert Ion Wetherall ( 1897-1899 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Hay, Arthur ( 1882 )
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane ( 1801-1802 )
 Lambart, Ford Edward Willes ( 1882 )
 Lambert, Cecil Foley ( 1882 )
 Littledale, Herbert Charles Th ( 1884 )
 Lyttelton, Neville Gerald ( 1882 )
 Ogilvy, David
 Poore, Richard, 4th Bt. ( 1882 ), in the Bombardment of Alexandria
 Rich, Henry Bayard ( 1882 )
 Slade, Frederick George ( 1882 )
 St. John-Mildmay, Henry Paulet ( 1882 )
 Stanley, Victor Albert ( 1882 )
 Stopford, Frederick William
 Stopford, Lionel Arthur Montag ( 1882 )
Count equals 29 individuals.
Egypt Expedition|\where he was mentioned in despatches
 Methuen, Paul Sanford, 3rd Baro ( 1882 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Egyptian Campaign
 Abdy, Anthony Charles Sykes, 3r ( 1882 )
 Agnew, Samuel Montagu ( 1882 )
 Aird, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1884-1885 )
 Alexander, James, 4th Earl of C ( 1882 )
 Alison, Archibald, 2nd Bt. ( 1882 )
 Anstruther, Ralph William, of B ( 1883 )
 Ashburnham, Cromer ( 1882 )
 Ashburnham, Thomas, 6th Earl of ( 1882 )
 Bacon, Nicholas Henry, 12th and ( 1882 )
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, Lord ( 1882 )
 Baker Baker, William Henry ( 1882 )
Balfour, Robert Frederick
 Barclay, David Edward Durell, o ( 1882 ), where he was wounded at Tel-el-Kebir
 Barrow, Edmund George ( 1882 )
 Barttelot, Edmund Musgrave
 Becher, Edward French ( 1882 )
 Beresford, Charles William de ( 1882 )
 Beresford, Henry William de la ( 1882 )
 Berkeley, Thomas Mowbray Marti
 Blakeney, William Edward Albem
 Blood, William Persse ( 1882 )
 Blunt-Mackenzie, Edward Walter, on Lord Kitchener's staff
 Boothby, William Osbert ( 1882 )
 Boscawen, Evelyn Edward Thomas ( 1882 )
 Bourke, Maurice Archibald ( 1882 ), at the bombardment of Alexandria
 Boyle, Edmund, 8th Earl of Cork ( 1801 )
 Boyle, Robert Francis ( 1882 )
 Brasier-Creagh, William Johnso ( 1801 )
 Brocklehurst, John Fielden, 1st ( 1882 )
 Burgh, Ulick George Campbell ( 1882 )
 Burrowes, Alexander Leslie Sco ( 1882 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Burrowes, Algernon St. Leger ( 1882 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Campbell, Charles William, of B ( 1882 )
 Campbell, Edward Parker, 6th of ( 1882 )
 Campbell, Ivan ( 1882 )
 Chichester, Alan George ( 1882 ), where he was severely wounded
 Chichester, Edward, 9th Bt. ( 1884-1885 )
 Chichester, Edward, 9th Bt. ( 1882 )
 Cochrane, William Francis Dund ( 1882 )
 Codrington, Alfred Edward
 Coke, Thomas William, 3rd Earl ( 1882 )
 Cole-Hamilton, Arthur Richard ( 1882 )
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1882 )
 Cooper, Richard Joshua ( 1882 )
 Crabbe, Arthur Bington ( 1882 )
 Creagh, Arthur Gethin ( 1882 )
 Currey, Edmund
 Curzon, FitzRoy Edmund Penn ( 1898 )
 Dawnay, Eustace Henry ( 1882 )
 Earle, Henry, 3rd Bt. ( 1882 )
Earle, William, commanding the River Column, Nile Expedition
 Elles, Edmond Roche ( 1882 )
 Elphinstone, Howard, 1st Bt.
 Fitzherbert, Edward Stafford, 1 ( 1882 )
 Fitzpatrick, Bernard Edward Ba ( 1882 )
 Fortescue, Francis Alexander ( 1883-1888 )
 Fortescue, Seymour John ( 1882 )
 Fuller-Acland-Hood, Alexander, ( 1882 )
 Gallwey, Thomas Joseph, where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 Gordon-Cumming, William Gordon ( 1882 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Algernon Charle ( 1882 )
 Gregorie, Charles Frederick ( 1882 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Grenfell, Harold Maxwell ( 1898 )
Grey, George
 Guise, John Wright, 3rd Bt. ( 1801 )
 Harbord, Richard Morden, 10th B ( 1882 )
 Hare, Richard Charles ( 1882 )
 Hely Hutchinson, Patrick Mauri ( 1882 )
 Herbert, Ivor John Caradoc, 1st ( 1882 )
 Holbech, Walter Henry ( 1882 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Holland, Herbert Christian ( 1882 )
 Home, James, of Blackadder, 11t ( 1882-1885 )
 Hope, John, 4th Earl of Hopetou ( 1801 )
 Hughes-Onslow, Constantine Hen ( 1882 )
 Hunter Blair, Reginald Stanley ( 1882 )
 Jellicoe, John Henry Rushworth ( 1882 )
 Jervis, John Edward Leveson, 4t ( 1882 )
 Keith-Falconer, Cecil Edward ( 1897 )
 Keppel, Colin Richard
 Kerr, Mark Edward Frederick ( 1882 )
 Kerr, Mark Edward Frederick ( 1891 )
 King, Williamina Alexandri Jan
 Legh, Hubert Cornwall ( 1882 )
 Leslie, John, 2nd Bt. ( 1882 )
 Mahon, Bryan Thomas ( 1896 )
 Meux, Hedworth ( 1882 )
 Mitchell, Hugh Henry ( 1801 )
 Monck, Henry Power Charles Sta ( 1882 )
 Monro, Seymour Charles Hale ( 1882 )
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward ( 1882 )
 Morris, William Baines ( 1882 )
 Mountbatten, Louis Alexander, 1 ( 1882 )
 Nicholson, Willliam Gustavus, 1 ( 1882 )
 Pelly, Henry Gerald ( 1882 )
 Pigott, William Harvey ( 1882 )
 Ricketts, William ( 1882 )
 Rivett-Carnac, Ernest Henry ( 1882 )
 Russell, Gilbert Byng Alwyne ( 1898 ), including Khartoum
 Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th ( 1882 )
 Rycroft, William Henry ( 1884 )
 Rycroft, William Henry ( 1887 )
 Ryder, William Henry Dudley ( 1882 )
 Scott, Percy Moreton, 1st Bt. ( 1882 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Seymour, William Frederick Ern ( 1882 )
 Skipwith, Grey ( 1882 )
 Smith-Cumming, Mansfield Georg ( 1882 )
 Smith-Dorrien, Arthur Hale ( 1882 ), in H.M.S. Eclipse
 Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood ( 1882 )
 St. Aubyn, Edward Stuart ( 1882 )
 St. Aubyn, John Townshend, 2nd ( 1883-1885 ), as Aide-de-Camp
 Starkey, Lewis Edward
 Stevenson, Thomas Rennie ( 1882 ), including Battle of Tel-el-Kebir (despatches, medal and clasp and Khedive's Star)
 Stewart, James ( 1802 ), where he was wounded
Swinton, George Sholto
 Thomas, Godfrey Vignoles, 9th B ( 1882 )
 Turner, Charles
 Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Eus ( 1888-1889 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Edward Carey ( 1882 )
 Vanneck, Joshua Charles, 4th Ba ( 1882 )
 Wake, Drury St. Aubyn ( 1882 )
Walker, Frederick Howard Fores
 Westropp, Amos Freeman
 Wheler, Charles Stuart ( 1882 )
 Wheler, William Alfred ( 1882 )
 White, Luke, 3rd Baron Annaly o ( 1882 ), where he won a medal, clasp and bronze star
 Wolrige Gordon, Walter Gordon ( 1884 )
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Vi ( 1882 ), capturing Cairo
 Wolseley, John Francis ( 1897 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wrey, William Bourchier Sherar ( 1882 )
Count equals 129 individuals.
Egyptian Expedition
 Archdall, Mervyn ( 1801-1802 ), losing his right arm at Lake Marestis in 1801
 Campbell, Alexander
 Childers, Edmund Spencer Eardl ( 1882 )
 Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st an ( 1882 )
 Corbet, Walter Orlando, 4th Bt. ( 1882 )
 Egerton, Granville George Alge ( 1882 )
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st ( 1882 )
 Hare, Thomas Leigh, 1st Bt. ( 1882 )
 Macready, Cecil Frederick Nevi ( 1882 ), wit the Gordon Highlanders
 Maunsell, Charles Albert ( 1882 )
 Maunsell, George William ( 1882 )
 Stevenson, Andrew Scott ( 1884 )
 Thackwell, Colquhoun Grant Roc ( 1882 )
 Wolseley, George Benjamin ( 1882 )
Count equals 14 individuals.
Egyptian Intervention
 Aylmer, John Algernon ( 1882 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Egyptian War
 Adye, John ( 1882 )
 Adye, John Miller ( 1882 )
 Ancketill, David Fitz Ameline ( 1882 )
 Boyle, Edward Louis Dalrymple ( 1882 )
 Campbell, Patrick, against Napoleon
 Carden, Sackville Hamilton ( 1882 )
 Caulfeild, James Montgomerie ( 1882 )
 Clementi, Montague ( 1882 )
 Cummins, James Turner ( 1882 )
 Dalbiac, Philip Hugh ( 1882 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
 Disney-Roebuck, Francis Henry
 Dorman, John Cotter ( 1882 )
Doyle, Francis Grenville ( 1882 )
 Eyre, Philip Homan
 Grant, William Lowther ( 1882 )
 Grattan, Henry
 Hamilton, James de Courcy ( 1882 )
 Haworth-Booth, Francis Fitzger ( 1882 )
 Hulton, Edward Grey ( 1882 )
 Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould, 27 ( 1896 ), on Sir Herbert Kitchener's Staff, and was mentioned in despatches
 Kennedy, Francis William ( 1882 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 King-Hall, Herbert Goodenough ( 1882 )
 Leigh, Rupert ( 1882 )
 Madden, Charles Edward, 1st Bt. ( 1882 )
 Marling, Percival Scope, 3rd Bt ( 1882 )
 More-Molyneux, Robert Henry ( 1882 ), in the bombardment of Alexandria
 Stuart, Robert Walter, 11th Lor ( 1801 )
 Sturdee, Frederick Charles Dov ( 1882 )
 Taylour, Basil Reginald Hamilt ( 1882 )
 Tottenham, Henry Loftus ( 1882 )
 Vyvyan, Beville Granville ( 1882 )
 Waller, Wathen Henry ( 1882 )
Count equals 32 individuals.
Khartoum Expedition
 Hope, Lewis Anstruther ( 1898 )
 Keith-Falconer, Cecil Edward ( 1898 )
 Walker-Munro, Edward Lionel ( 1895 ), where he was wounded and was mentioned in despatches
Count equals 3 individuals.
Nile Campaign
 Ferguson, Spencer Charles ( 1898 )
 Franks, George McKenzie ( 1898-1899 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Grenfell, Francis Wallace, 1st ( 1884 )
 Heygate, Robert Henry Gage
 Hood, Horace Lambert Alexander ( 1897-1898 ), and was mentioned in despatches
 Maberly, Charles Evan ( 1884-1885 )
 Marling, Percival Scope, 3rd Bt ( 1884-1885 )
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Stucley, Humphrey St. Leger
 Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, 1st Vi ( 1883-1885 ), to relieve General Gordon
Count equals 10 individuals.
Nile Expedition
 Adye, John ( 1884-1885 )
 Amherst, Hugh, 4th Earl Amherst ( 1884-1885 )
 Arbuthnot, Kenneth Wyndham ( 1898 )
 Arthur, George Compton Archiba ( 1884-1885 )
 Baden-Powell, Baden Fletcher S ( 1884-1885 ), in the Guards Camel Corps, where he won a medal and clasp
 Bagot, Walter Lewis ( 1898 ), where he was wounded and won two medals with a clasp
 Baring, Everard ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Beamish, Franck John de Vic ( 1885 )
 Beatty, David, 1st Earl Beatty ( 1897-1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Beresford, Charles William de ( 1884-1885 ), on Lord Wolsely's staff, and was in command of the Naval Brigade at the battles of Abu Klea, Abu Kru and Metemmeh
 Blunt, Conrad Edward Grant ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Boscawen, Evelyn Edward Thomas ( 1894-1895 )
 Bourke, George Deane ( 1883-1886 )
 Bradford, Evelyn Ridley, 2nd Bt ( 1898 )
 Brooke, Ronald George ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Bryan, George Leopold, 4th Baro ( 1884-1885 )
 Butler, William ( 1884-1885 ), as AA&QMG, and was mentioned in despatches
 Carleton, Frederick Montgomeri ( 1897 )
 Cavendish, William Edwin ( 1898 )
 Chetwynd-Talbot, Reginald Arth
 Childers, Edmund Spencer Eardl ( 1884-1885 )
 Clive, George Sidney ( 1898 )
 Colville, Stanley Cecil James ( 1884-1885 )
 Courtenay, Edward Reginald ( 1884-1885 )
 Creagh, Arthur Gethin ( 1884-1885 )
 Cummins, Stevenson Lyle ( 1898-1899 )
 Dawnay, Hugh
 Dawson, Douglas Frederick Rawd ( 1884-1885 )
Eagar, Edward Boaz ( 1898 )
 Egerton, Arthur Frederick ( 1898 )
 Egerton, Granville George Alge ( 1898 )
 Eyre, Philip Homan
 Fergusson, Charles, of Kilkerra ( 1897-1899 ), where he was mentioned in despatches four times and was wounded
 Fetherstonhaugh, Richard Steel ( 1884-1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Gascoyne-Cecil, Edward Herbert ( 1898 )
 Gore, St. John Corbet
 Gough, John Edmund, V.C. ( 1898 )
 Guest, Frederick Edward ( 1899 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Guinness, Henry William Newton ( 1884-1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl Haig ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hamilton, John Fane Charles ( 1884-1885 )
 Hardinge, Henry Charles, 3rd Vi ( 1885 ), with the Mounted Infantry, Camel Corps
 Harington, John ( 1898 )
 Herbert, Ivor John Caradoc, 1st ( 1884-1885 )
 Hervey-Bathurst, Frederick Edw
 Hickman, Thomas Edgecumbe ( 1897-1899 )
 Hill, Henry Blyth, 6th Bt. ( 1898 ), at Khartoum and subsequent operations against Ahmed Fedil
 Holland, Lancelot ( 1898 )
 Hope, Lewis Anstruther ( 1884-1885 )
 Hordern, Gwyn Venables ( 1899 )
 Hunter Blair, Reginald Stanley ( 1885 )
 Inglefield, Loftus Edward Coor
 Jeffreys, George Darell, 1st Ba ( 1898 )
 Kincaid, William Francis Henry ( 1898 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st ( 1897 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lambton, Charles ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in depatches
 Lambton, William ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Lyttelton, Neville Gerald ( 1898 )
 Milne, George Francis, 1st Baro ( 1898 )
 Montmorency, Willoughby John H ( 1899 )
 Murray, Andrew David ( 1885 )
 Nelson, Edward Agar Horatio, 5t ( 1885-1886 )
 Ogilvy, David Stanley William, ( 1884-1885 ), being slightly wounded at Abu Klea and again at El Gubat, and twice mentioned in despatches
 Ogilvy-Grant, Robert Abercromb ( 1884-1885 )
 Poore, Richard, 4th Bt. ( 1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Rawlinson, Henry Seymour, 1st a ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Riach, Malcolm Stewart ( 1884-1885 )
 Robb, Frederick Spencer Wilson ( 1898 )
 Roberts, Frederick Hugh Sherst ( 1898 )
 Roper, Alexander William ( 1884-1885 )
 Rose, Hugh, 24th of Kilravock ( 1884-1885 )
 Seymour, Edward ( 1898 )
 Smith, Harry Reginald Walter M ( 1898 )
 Spearman, Alexander Young ( 1898 )
 Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leo ( 1898 )
 St. Aubyn, John Townshend, 2nd ( 1884-1886 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Stanley, Ferdinand Charles ( 1898 )
 Stirling, Archibald, of Keir ( 1899 )
 Style, Rodney Charles ( 1885-1886 )
 Talbot, Henry FitzRoy George ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Talbot, Milo George ( 1897-1899 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Teissier, Henry, 5th Baron de T ( 1884 )
Thesiger, George Handcock ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrer ( 1897-1898 )
 Trench-Gascoigne, Frederick Ri ( 1884-1885 )
 Vereker, John Medlicott ( 1884-1885 )
 White, Robert ( 1884-1885 ), where he won a medal with clasp, and bronze star
 Wilson, Richard Henry George
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st ( 1884-1885 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Wood, Arthur Herbert ( 1898 )
 Wood, Charles Michell Aloysius ( 1898 ), he was mentioned in despatches
 Wraxall, Morville William, 6th ( 1884-1885 ), with the Commissiariat and Transport Corps
 Yarde-Buller, Henry ( 1898 )
 Yorke, Horatio Arthur
 à Court Repington, Charles ( 1898 ), and was mentioned in despatches rwice
Count equals 95 individuals.
Omdurman Campaign
 Maitland, Alfred Henry
Count equals 1 individual.
Sudan CAmpaign
 Compton, Alwyne Frederick ( 1884 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Sudan Campaign
 Baillie-Hamilton, George, Lord ( 1884-1885 )
Barrow, Hugh Lousada ( 1891 )
 Bayly, Edward Archibald Theodo ( 1910 ), where he again won a medal and three clasps
 Bayly, Edward Archibald Theodo ( 1908 ), where he won a medal and clasp
 Bentinck, Rudolf Walter ( 1891 )
 Boyle, Edward Louis Dalrymple ( 1884 )
Burnaby, Frederick Gustavus An
 Burney, Cecil, 1st Bt. ( 1884 )
 Burrowes, Algernon St. Leger ( 1884-1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Butler, James Henry ( 1896-1899 )
 Campbell, Ralph Alexander ( 1898 )
 Carden, Coldstream James ( 1885 )
 Caulfeild, James Montgomerie ( 1883-1884 )
 Cochrane, Douglas Mackinnon Ba, on the Desert March, Relief of Khartoum, where he was despatches in despatches
 Cochrane, William Francis Dund ( 1896-1898 )
 Colborne, Francis Lionel Lydst ( 1884-1885 )
 Cooke-Collis, William ( 1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cummins, Stevenson Lyle ( 1900-1902 )
 Curtis, Reginald Salmond
 Dawson, Douglas Frederick Rawd
 Drummond, Laurence George ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Duckworth-King, Dudley Gordon ( 1885 )
 Dunbar, James Brander ( 1903-1904 )
 Erskine, James Francis
 Feilden, Randle Montague ( 1904-1905 )
 Foley, Algernon Campbell
 Forbes-Sempill, John, 18th Lord ( 1885-1886 )
 Garsia, Herbert George Anderso ( 1898 )
 Gleichen, Albert Edward Wilfre
 Gordon, William Staveley ( 1896-1900 )
 Graham, Stuart Bruce ( 1884-1885 )
 Grover, George Edward ( 1885 ), as DAA and QMG, Head of Intelligence Department
 Hatton, Villiers
 Herbert, Edward William ( 1884 )
Herbert, St. Leger Algernon ( 1885 )
 Hordern, Lionel Herbert ( 1885 )
 Hore-Ruthven, Alexander Gore A ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Hulton, Edward Grey ( 1884 )
 Hunter Blair, Walter Charles ( 1898 ), and was mentioned in despatches
Kenna, Paul Aloysius, V.C.
 Kincaid, William Francis Henry ( 1884-1885 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st ( 1888-1889 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Layard, Arthur Austen Macgrego ( 1885 )
 Leith, Alexander Henry, 5th Lor ( 1888-1889 )
 Loch, Edward Douglas, 2nd Baron ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry ( 1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Macdonald, Kenneth Alexander, 5 ( 1898 )
 Maitland, Alfred Henry ( 1898 )
 Mansel, Eustace Gambier ( 1884 )
 Mansel-Pleydell, Henry Bingham ( 1884 )
 Maunsell, George William ( 1885-1886 )
 McGrigor, William Colquhoun Gr ( 1885 )
 Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Edward ( 1884-1885 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Montmorency, Reymond Hervey Lo ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Morrison, James Archibald ( 1898 )
 Murray, Alexander Edward, 8th E ( 1896 )
 Murray, Andrew David ( 1898 ), where he was mentioned in despatches three times
 O'Connell, James Ross ( 1898 )
 Oliphant, Laurence James, 9th o ( 1885 )
 Onslow, George Thorp
 Plumer, Herbert Charles Onslow ( 1884 )
 Proctor-Beauchamp, Horace Geor ( 1888 )
Romilly, Francis John
 Ross, John Foster George, of Bl ( 1885 )
 Skipwith, Frederick George ( 1898 )
 Slade, Frederick George ( 1884 )
Soltau, John Frederick ( 1885 )
 Stewart, Cosmo Gordon ( 1897-1900 )
 Stopford, Frederick William
 Sutton, George Francis ( 1885 )
 Thomas, Godfrey Vignoles, 9th B ( 1884 )
 Tyndale-Biscoe, Edward Carey ( 1884 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
Urquhart, Beauchamp Colclough, ( 1898 )
 Wilson, Richard Henry Francis
 Wolrige Gordon, Henry Gordon ( 1885-1886 )
 Wolseley, George Benjamin ( 1884-1885 )
 Wynne, Arthur Singleton ( 1885 )
Count equals 77 individuals.
Sudan Expedition
 Annesley, William Richard Nort ( 1885-1886 )
 Ashburnham, Cromer ( 1884 )
 Baynes, Kenneth Schalch ( 1882-1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches twice
 Beresford, Henry William de la ( 1885 )
 Brocklehurst, John Fielden, 1st ( 1884-1885 )
 Byng, Julian Hedworth George, 1 ( 1884 )
 Clarke, George Sydenham, 1st an ( 1885 )
 Courtenay, Edward Reginald ( 1885-1886 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Cummins, James Turner ( 1885 )
Dallison, Maximillian Dudley D
 Douglas-Hamilton, Angus Falcon ( 1884-1885 )
Douglas-Hamilton, Angus Falcon ( 1885-1886 )
 Drummond, Malcolm, 9th of Meggi ( 1885 )
 French, John Denton Pinkstone, ( 1884-1885 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Gordon, Edward Hyde Hamilton ( 1884 )
 Grant, Robert ( 1885 ), as Commander, Royal Engineers
 Hickman, Thomas Edgecumbe ( 1884-1885 )
 Hickman, Thomas Edgecumbe ( 1888-1889 )
 Howard, Francis ( 1898 )
 Keppel, Colin Richard
 Kitchener, Frederick Walter ( 1898 )
 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, 1st ( 1884-1885 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Maude, Frederick Stanley ( 1885 )
 Maxse, Frederick Ivor
 McLaughlin, Hubert James
 Molyneux, Richard Frederick ( 1898 ), where he was severely wounded
 Ogilvy, David Stanley William, ( 1884 )
 Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy
 Paget, Harold
 Pakenham, Hercules Arthur ( 1885 )
 Sawyer, William Harcourt ( 1885 )
 Sinclair, John, 1st Baron Pentl ( 1885 )
 Stracey, Henry Hardinge Denne ( 1885 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrer ( 1884-1885 )
 Ussher, Beverly William Reid ( 1884-1885 )
 Ward, Edward Willis Duncan, 1st ( 1885 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
 Westmacott, Richard ( 1885 )
 White, Henry Frederick ( 1884-1885 ), where he won a medal with clasp and bronze star
 Wolrige Gordon, Walter Gordon ( 1884-1885 )
 Yelverton, Barry Nugent, 5th Vi ( 1885 )
Count equals 40 individuals.
Sudan Operations
 Wingate, Francis Reginald, 1st ( 1897-1898 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Tel-el-Kebir Campaign
 Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington ( 1882 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Zulu, Egyptian, Burmese and Chinese Campaigns
 Wrey, Robert Bourchier Sherard
Count equals 1 individual.
campaign in Palestine and Egypt
 Kington, Steuart Brabazon ( 1919-1921 )
Count equals 1 individual.
campaign in the Sudan
Bruce, Robert, Master of Burlei ( 1912 ), where he won a medal with clasp
 Stewart-Murray, John George, 8t ( 1893 ), where he was mentioned in despatches
 Thynne, Reginald Thomas
Count equals 3 individuals.
Total count equals 471 individuals.
=killed in action or mortally wounded during this battle/war