Arabian Peninsular Campaign
 Kerr-Smiley, Peter Simon ( 1956-1957 )
Count equals 1 individual.
BAttle of Waterloo
 Harvey, William Harrison ( 1815 ), where he lost an arm
Count equals 1 individual.
Batle of Waterloo
 Sleigh, James Wallace ( 1815 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Batlle of Vitoria
 Doyle, John Milley
Count equals 1 individual.
Batlle of the Pyrenees
 Doyle, John Milley
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Albuera
 Abercromby, Alexander ( 16 May 1811 ), where he commanded his brigade
Duckworth, George Henry ( 16 May 1811 )
Gibbons, George ( 16 May 1811 )
 Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount H ( 1811 )
Hoghton, Daniel ( 16 May 1811 )
 Leighton, Burgh
 Lumley-Saunderson, William, where he commanded the cavalry
 Moleyns, Thomas Townsend Aremb, where he was wounded
 O'Neill, Tulio
Rothwell, Thomas ( 16 May 1811 )
Scott, John Mackenzie ( 16 May 1811 )
 Spring, William Collis ( 16 May 1811 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Battle of Alexandria
Abercromby, Ralph ( 21 Mar 1801 ), where he was mortally wounded
Blake, Denis John ( 1801 )
Ogle, Thomas ( 1801 ), during the landing at Aboukir Bay
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Auerstadt
Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Kar ( 10 Nov 1806 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Badajoz
 Grey, George ( 1812 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Bergen-op-Zoom
Carleton, George
 Crosbie, William Edward, 6th Bt, where he was severely wounded
Gore, Arthur ( 9 Mar 1814 )
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Busaco
 Abercromby, Alexander ( 27 Sep 1810 )
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an ( 27 Aug 1810 )
 Colborne, John, 1st Baron Seato ( 26 Sep 1810 )
 Falkiner, Samuel Edmund, 5th Bt
 Fane, John, 11th Earl of Westmo
 Hay, George, 8th Marquess of Tw ( 27 Sep 1810 ), where he was wounded as DAQMG
 Slade, John, 1st Bt. ( 27 Sep 1810 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 27 Sep 1810 ), defeating Marshal Massena
Count equals 8 individuals.
Battle of Copenhagen
 Bligh, William ( 1801 )
 Campbell, Duncan, of Barcaldine
 Christian, Evan ( 1807 ), on board H.M.S. Brunswick
 Couper, George, 1st Bt.
 Doyle, Francis Hastings, 1st Bt
 FitzMaurice, James ( 2 Apr 1801 )
 Fremantle, Thomas Francis
Minchin, Spencer ( 1801 )
 Minchin, William ( 1801 )
Nelson, Horatio, 1st and last V ( 1801 )
Riou, Edward ( 2 Apr 1801 )
 Spratt, James
 Stanhope, Henry Edwyn, 1st Bt.
 Thesiger, Frederic ( 1801 ), as Aide-de-Camp to Admiral Nelson
 Trevor, Henry Otway, 21st Lord ( 1807 )
 Troubridge, Edward Thomas, 2nd ( 1801 )
 Westropp, Amos Freeman ( 1801 )
 Westropp, Henry Hickman
Count equals 18 individuals.
Battle of Corunna
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an ( 16 Jan 1809 ), serving under General Moore
 Best, Thomas Fairfax ( 16 Jan 1809 )
 Blaquiere, George
Burrard, Paul Harry, where he was Aide-de-Camp to Sir John Moore
 Colborne, John, 1st Baron Seato ( 16 Jan 1809 )
 Darby-Griffith, Matthew Chitty ( 1809 ), where he lost a leg
 Everard, Matthias
 Maxwell, William, of Monreith, ( 1809 ), where he lost an arm
 Moore, John
 Paget, Henry William, 1st Marqu ( 16 Jan 1809 ), where he commanded the cavalry under Sir John Moore
 Slade, John, 1st Bt. ( 1812 )
 Verner, William, 1st Bt.
Count equals 12 individuals.
Battle of Fuentes d'Onor
Butler, Francis ( 5 May 1811 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Fuentes d'Onoro
 Slade, John, 1st Bt. ( 1811-1811 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 5 May 1811 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Lissa
 Hoste, William, 1st Bt. ( 1811 ), where he defeated Commodore Bernard Bubourdieu's squadron of 7 frigates, with only 4 frigates
 Stamer, Lovelace, 2nd Bt.
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of Nive
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an ( Dec 1813 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Nivelle
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough ( 19 Nov 1813 )
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 10 Nov 1813 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Battle of Orthez
 Blood, Thomas, during which he was severely wounded
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles, 5th Duk ( 1814 ), where he was wounded
MacDermot, Henry ( 1814 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 27 Feb 1814 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Battle of Quatre Bras
Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Fri ( 16 Jun 1815 )
 Cameron, John ( 1815 )
 Carmichael Smyth, James, 1st Bt ( 1815 ), on the personal staff of Duke of Wellington
 Clayton, William Robert, 5th Bt, where he was wounded
 Croft, Thomas Elmsley, 7th Bt. ( 16 Jun 1815 ), where he was severely wounded
 Dawson, John, 2nd Earl of Porta ( 1815 )
 Fitzmaurice, John, in the advance guard
 Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount H ( 16 Jun 1815 ), where he lost his left hand
 Hardinge, Richard ( 16 Jun 1815 )
Hay, James, Lord Hay ( 16 Jun 1815 )
Kennedy, James Grant ( 16 Jun 1815 )
Miller, William ( 16 Jun 1815 )
 Montagu, Henry, 6th Baron Rokeb ( 16 Jun 1815 )
 Shirley, William ( 16 Jun 1815 )
 Stuart, William
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 16 Jun 1815 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Battle of Roliça
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 17 Aug 1808 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Saalfeld
Preußen, Friedrich Christian L ( 10 Oct 1806 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Salamanca
 Abraham, Thomas
 Baldwin, John Charles
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an ( 22 Jul 1812 ), where he was severely is wounded
 Cathcart, Charles Murray, 2nd E
 Collis, John, where he had both eyes shot out
 Falkiner, Samuel Edmund, 5th Bt
 Gough, William
 Innes, Gordon Clunes ( 22 Jul 1812 )
Innes, John ( c 22 Jul 1812 )
Judkin-FitzGerald, Robert Unia ( 1812 )
Le Marchant, John Gaspard ( 22 Jul 1812 )
Selby, William ( 22 Jul 1812 )
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1s ( 1812 ), where he lead a decisive cavalry charge
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 22 Jul 1812 ), defeating Marmont
 Westropp, Lionel John ( 1812 )
 White, Henry, 1st Baron Annaly ( 22 Jul 1812 )
Count equals 16 individuals.
Battle of Talavera
 Abraham, Thomas
 Beamish-Bernard, Adderley
Beckett, Richard ( 28 Jul 1809 )
Blake, Andrew ( 28 Jul 1809 )
 Boothby, Charles ( 1809 ), where he lost a leg, and became a French POW
 Campbell, Alexander, 1st Bt., where he was severely wounded
 Campbell, Duncan, of Barcaldine ( 27 Jul 1809 ), as Aide-de-Camp to General Sir Alexander Campbell, Bt.
 Collis, John
 Dawson, John, 2nd Earl of Porta ( 1809 )
 Duff, James, 4th Earl Fife ( 1809 ), where he was wounded
Evans, John ( 27 Jul 1809 )
 Falkiner, Samuel Edmund, 5th Bt
 Fane, John, 11th Earl of Westmo
 Farrington, Charles Henry, 2nd
 FitzGibbon, Richard Hobart, 3rd
 Gordon, Alexander ( 28 Jul 1809 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough ( 1809 ), where he was severely wounded
 Hawker, Peter, where he was severely wounded
 Hulse, Richard
 Hunter Blair, Thomas, of Dunske ( 1814 ), where he was wounded and made a prisoner by the French
Irby, Edward Methuen ( 27 Jul 1809 )
Mackenzie, John Randoll, of Sud ( Aug 1809 )
 Neville, Henry ( 27 Jul 1809 )
 Russell, George William ( 27 Jul 1809 ), where he was wounded
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1s ( 1809 ), for which he received the thanks of Parliament
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 27 Jul 1809 )
Count equals 26 individuals.
Battle of Toulouse
 Michell, Charles Collier
 Verner, William, 1st Bt.
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 10 Apr 1814 ), where he finally defeated Marshall Soult
Count equals 3 individuals.
Battle of Trafalgar
 Assheton-Smith, William ( 1805 )
 Barclay, Robert Heriot ( 20 Oct 1805 )
 Bligh, George Miller ( 1805 )
 Carnegie, William, 7th Earl of ( 1805 )
 Champion de Crespigny, Augustu ( Oct 1805 )
 Codrington, Edward ( 1805 ), in command H.M.S. Orion
 Cooke, John ( 21 Oct 1805 )
 Digby, Henry ( 1805 ), in charge of H.M.S. Africa
 Dixie, Alexander, 9th Bt. ( 1805 )
Duff, George ( 21 Oct 1805 )
 Duff, Norwich ( 21 Oct 1805 )
 Fremantle, Thomas Francis
Gordon, Alexander ( 21 Oct 1805 )
 Gordon, Thomas Duff, 9th of Par ( 21 Oct 1805 )
 Harrington, Daniel ( 20 Oct 1805 ), serving under Nelson on H.M.S. Victory
 Harvey, Eliab ( 1805 ), in command H.M.S. Temeraire
 Moorsom, Robert ( 1805 )
 Napier, William John, 9th Lord
 Nelson, Horatio, 1st and last V ( 21 Oct 1805 )
 Nevill, Ralph, Viscount Nevill ( 20 Oct 1805 ), serving on H.M.S. Victory
 Pellew, Israel, as commander of H.M.S. Conqueror
 Perceval, George James, 6th Ear
 Proby, Granville Leveson, 3rd E
 Robinson, Hercules ( 1805 )
 Spratt, James ( 1805 )
 Tyler, Charles ( 1805 ), in command of H.M.S. Tonnant
 Westropp, Amos Freeman ( 1805 )
 Worsley, Miller ( 1805 )
Count equals 28 individuals.
Battle of Vimeiro
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 21 Aug 1808 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of Vitoria
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an ( 21 Jun 1813 )
Cadogan, Henry ( 21 Jun 1813 )
 Campbell, Norman ( 21 Jun 1813 ), where he was wounded
Carew, Robert Shapland ( Jun 1813 )
 Cathcart, Charles Murray, 2nd E
Fane, Charles ( 1813 )
 Gough, Hugh, 1st Viscount Gough ( 21 Jun 1813 ), where he was severely wounded
 Hay, George, 8th Marquess of Tw ( 21 Jun 1813 ), as AQMG
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane
Palmer, Joseph
Scanlan, Connell
 Stretton, Severus William Lyna, where he was wounded
Thellusson, George ( 21 Jun 1813 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 21 Jun 1813 ), where he defeated Marshal Jourdan
Count equals 14 individuals.
Battle of Waterloo
 Abercromby, Alexander ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Abraham, Thomas ( 1815 )
 Acheson, Edward
 Adye, Stephen ( 1815 )
 Allen, Charles Manning ( 18 Jun 1815 ), in the advance Guard of the French Army
 Allen, John Hay ( 18 Jun 1815 ), in the advance Guard of the French Army
 Anson, George ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Barnewall, Aylmer John, 9th Bt. ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Barrett, George Goodin ( Jun 1815 )
 Barton, Chambré Brabazon
 Bathurst, Thomas Seymour ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Beamish-Bernard, Adderley
 Beckwith, John Charles ( 1815 ), where he lost a leg
 Bentinck, Charles Anthony Ferd, on the Staff
Bernard, Henry Boyle ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Biddulph, Theophilus, 6th Bt. ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Blackwood, Robert Temple ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Blennerhassett, Aldworth ( 1815 )
 Blois, Charles, 7th Bt. ( 16 Jun 1815 )
 Brereton, William, whee he was severely wounded
 Bridgeman, Orlando Henry ( 18 Jun 1815 )
Bringhurst, John Dorset ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Bromhead, Edmund Gonville, 3rd
 Browne, John
 Browne, Michael, where he was wounded
 Bruce, Robert ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Butler, Whitwell ( 1815 ), where he carried the Colours
 Byng, John, 1st Earl of Straffo ( 1815 )
 Cameron, Donald, of Lochiel, 23 ( 16 Jun 1815 )
 Campbell, Donald ( 16 Jun 1815 ), where he was wounded
 Campbell, Norman ( 16 Jun 1815 ), where he was wounded
Canning, Charles Fox ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Carden, Henry Robert, 3rd Bt. ( 16 Jun 1815 )
 Carmichael Smyth, James, 1st Bt, on the personal staff of Duke of Wellington
 Cathcart, Charles Murray, 2nd E ( 1815 )
 Cathcart, George ( 1815 ), as Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Wellington
 Chartres, Thomas ( 1815 )
 Chatterton, James Charles, 3rd ( 1815 )
 Clark-Kennedy, Alexander Kenne
 Clayton, William Robert, 5th Bt
 Clerke, William, 9th Bt.
 Colborne, John, 1st Baron Seato ( 1815 ), where he commanded the 52nd Light Infantry
 Colville, Charles
 Cooper, Alfred ( 1815 ), in the 14th Infantry Regiment
 Cotter, George Sackville ( 18 Jun 1815 )
Craufurd, Thomas Gage ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Dallas, Alexander Robert Charl
 Davies, Thomas Henry Hastings ( 1815 )
 Dawkins, George Augustus Frede ( 1815 )
 Dawson, John, 2nd Earl of Porta ( 1815 )
 Dobbs, John ( 1815 )
 Eliott Lockhart, John ( 1815 )
Ellis, Henry ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Erskine, Esmé Stuart ( 16 Jun 1815 ), where he lost an arm
 Evelyn, George ( 1815 ), where he was wounded
 Farrington, Charles Henry, 2nd
Fisher, William
 FitzGerald, Edward Thomas ( 1815 ), as Assistant Quartermaster-General with the Guards
FitzGerald, Richard ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 FitzRoy, Charles Augustus ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Fitzroy, Charles ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Floyd, Henry, 2nd Bt. ( 1815 )
 Fludyer, George ( 1815 )
 Forbes, James, Master of Forbes ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Forbes, Walter, 18th Lord Forbe ( 18 Jun 1815 ), supposedly the youngest officer there
 Forster, Henry, where he was wounded
 Frankland, Frederick William, 8 ( 1815 )
 Fraser, Alexander George, 17th ( 18 Jun 1815 ), at the defence of Hougoumount
 Frazer, Augustus Simon ( 1815 )
 Fremantle, John ( 1815 )
 Gordon, Alexander ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles, 5th Duk ( 1815 )
Gunning, George Orlando ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Gybbon-Monypenny, Thomas ( 18 Jun 1815 )
Hackett, Isaac ( 18 Jul 1815 )
 Hamilton, Archibald James ( 1815 ), with the Scots Greys
 Hardinge, Henry, 1st Viscount H ( 18 Jun 1815 )
Haren, Charle Frederik Sigismu ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Harris, William George, 2nd Bar, as commander of 2nd/73rd Regiment, and was wounded
 Hart, John Richard James ( 1815 )
 Havelock, William, where he was Aide-de-Camp to Count von Alten, and was wounded
Hay, Alexander ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Hewett, William
Hobhouse, Benjamin ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Hopkins, John William ( 1815 )
 Hotham, Beaumont, 3rd Baron Hot ( 1815 )
Howard, Frederick ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Hunter Blair, Thomas, of Dunske ( 1815 ), where he was wounded
 Irby, Henry Edward ( 18 Jun 1815 )
Jolliffe, Charles ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Keppel, Augustus Frederick, 5th ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Keppel, George Thomas, 6th Earl ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Lancey, William ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Lennox, William Pitt ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Lingard, Thomas ( 1815 )
 Luard, John ( 1815 )
 Lyon, James ( 1815 )
 Macdonell, James ( 1815 ), where he was distinguished in the defence of Hougoumont
 Mackinnon, Daniel ( 1815 ), where he was wounded
 Mackworth, Digby, 4th Bt.
 Maunsell, John Edmund ( 1815 ), in Major Beane's troop
 Michell, Charles Collier ( 1815 )
Milnes, William Henry ( 1815 )
 Minchin, Charles Humphrey
 Mitchell, Hugh Henry ( 1815 )
 Montagu, Henry, 6th Baron Rokeb ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Murray, Henry ( 1815 )
 Norcott, Amos Godsell Robert ( 1815 )
 Norton, Fletcher, 3rd Lord Gran, where he was wounded
 Paget, Henry William, 1st Marqu ( 18 Jun 1815 ), where he commanded the Anglo-Belgian cavalry, contributing greatly to the Allied success, although he was wounded and lost a leg
 Percy, Henry ( 1815 )
 Persse, William Nicholas ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Picton, Thomas ( 18 Jun 1815 )
Ponsonby, William ( 16 Jun 1815 )
Pym, John ( 18 Jun 1815 ), in the 13th Light Dragoons
 Ramsay, William Norman ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Robertson, George Duncan, 21st ( 1815 )
 Scott-Douglas, John James, 3rd ( 1815 )
 Shirley, William ( 18 Jun 1815 )
Shordiche, Robert ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Sinclair, John ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Slade, John Henry ( 18 Jun 1815 )
 Somerset, FitzRoy James Henry, ( 18 Jun 1815 ), he lost an arm
 Standen, George Douglas, at Hougoumont
 Stevenson, Charles Butler ( 1815 )
Stothert, William ( 18 Jun 1815 ), where he was wounded
 Stuart, William ( 1815 ), where he lost an arm
 Sweny, John Paget
 Taylor, Thomas William ( 1815 ), in the 10th Hussars
 Thackwell, Joseph ( 1815 )
 Verner, William, 1st Bt.
 Walbanke-Childers, Michael ( 1815 ), Brigade Major to Sir John Vandeleur
 Waldegrave, John James, 6th Ear ( 1815 )
 Wallace, James Maxwell ( 1815 )
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 18 Jun 1815 ), where he finally defeated Napoleon
 Whichcote, George
 Wigston, Richard Henry ( 18 Jun 1815 ), with 2nd Battalion, 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards
 Wright, William, where he was severely wounded
 Wyndham, Henry ( 1815 )
Count equals 139 individuals.
Battle of the Glorious First of June
 Larcom, Joseph ( 1 Jun 1798 ), and was promoted afterwards
 Larcom, Thomas ( 1 Jun 1798 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Battle of the Nive
Le Marchant, Carey ( 12 Mar 1814 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Battle of the Pyrenees
Campbell, Allan William ( Jul 1813 )
 Clayton, William Robert, 5th Bt
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane
Wauchope, Andrew ( 1813 )
Count equals 4 individuals.
Battlle of Trafalgar
 Hall, William ( 1805 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Bombardment of Copenhagen
 Thesiger, Frederick, 1st Baron ( 7 Sep 1807 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Capture of Bergen-op-Zoom
 Boyle, Edmund, 8th Earl of Cork, where he was taken prisoner
Count equals 1 individual.
Copenhagen Expedition
 Ludlow, George James, 3rd Earl ( 1807 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Corunna Campaign
 Vivian, Richard Hussey, 1st Bar ( 1808-1809 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Glorious First
 Bowyer, George, 1st/5th Bt. ( 1 Jun 1794 ), where he lost a leg, and distinguished himself
 Butcher, Samuel ( 1 Jun 1794 ), under Lord Howe
 Douglas, Andrew Snape ( 1 Jun 1794 )
 Graves, Thomas, 1st Lord Graves ( 1 Jun 1794 ), under Howe, where he was severely wounded
Count equals 4 individuals.
Glorious First of June
 Howe, Richard, 1st and last Ear ( 1 Jun 1794 )
 Laurie, Robert, of Maxwelton, 6 ( 1 Jun 1794 ), where he distinguished himself
Count equals 2 individuals.
Napoleonic War
 Archdall, Mervyn
Count equals 1 individual.
Napoleonic Wars
Arden, Henry
Barton, Charles
Bettesworth, George Edmund Byr
 Blakeney, John, he was taken POW by the French and executed
 Campbell, James, 1st and last B ( 1805-1813 ), in Naples and Sicily
 Dalyell, William Cunningham, of
Davie, John ( 1793 )
 Drummond-Hay, Edward William A, in the Peninsula, France and Low Countries
 Farquhar, Arthur
 Ferguson, Adam
Fletcher-Vane, Walter
 Fox, George
 Fraser, James John, 3rd Bt.
 Frissell, John ( 1783-1802 ), and was wounded on 1 June 1794
Gordon, William
 Hardinge, George Nicholas
Hodge, Edward
Hood, Alexander
Hood, Francis Wheler
 Hope-Vere, George
 Lavie, Thomas
 Macbride, John
 Moreau, Jean Victor
 O'Connell, Maurice Charles Phi
 O'Donovan, Richard, The O'Donov, in campaigns in Flanders and Spain
 Parker, William, 1st Bt.
 Pell, Watkin Owen ( 1808-1813 ), where he led several actions resulting in the capture of enemy ships and participated in the defence of Cadiz and Tarifa as captain of the Thunder bomb
 Poat, Thomas
Purves, Patrick
 Robb, John B.
Ross, Robert
Rothwell, Richard
 Sapieha, Pawel, Prince Sapieha, in charge of his own private regiment during the march on Moscow
Spearman, John Robert
 Spencer, Frederick, 4th Earl Sp ( 1811-1815 ), in the Mediterranean
 Stuart, Charles Edward
Sullivan, Henry, 2nd Bt.
Tollemache, Lionel Robert
Trollope, William Arthur
 Tuyll van Serooskerken, Dieder
 Ussher, John ( 1815 )
 Ussher, Richard Keily, in the West Indies
 Wright, William ( 1813-1814 ), in Holland
 Österreich, Karl Ludwig, where he lead his army against Napoleon
Count equals 44 individuals.
Peninsular Campaign
 Parke, Thomas Adams
Count equals 1 individual.
Peninsular War
 Burke, Dominick
 Cochrane, William Erskine
 Colville, Charles
 Darby, Christopher
 Grey, George
 Hackett, Henry
 Hackett, Robert
 Hope, James Archibald ( 1811-1813 )
 Kyle, Alexander
 Macdonald, Robert, 1st of Inchk, where he was wounded
 Mends, Robert
 Stuart, Simeon Henry, 5th Bt.
Count equals 12 individuals.
Peninsular Wars
 Abercromby, Alexander
 Acland, Wroth Palmer ( 1808-1809 )
 Adye, Stephen
 Agnew, Thomas Ramsden ( 1813 )
 Ainslie, Charles Philip ( 1809-1811 )
 Aitchison, John ( 1808-1814 )
 Allen, Joshua William, 6th Visc, serving under Wellington, where he distinguished himself with his dashing conduct
 Anson, George
 Anson, William, 1st Bt.
 Anstruther, Robert, where he greatly distinguished himself
 Barclay, Robert Brydges, where he was wounded
 Barrett, Samuel
 Barttelot, George
 Beckwith, Thomas Sydney
 Bentinck, Charles Anthony Ferd, and was wounded at Barossa inn 1812
 Blayney, Andrew Thomas, 11th Lo ( 1810 ), where he was captured and held prisoner until 1814
 Blood, Thomas
 Bosville Macdonald, Godfrey, 3r ( 1812 )
 Bourbon, Louis Antoine, Duc d'A
 Brereton, William, where he was distinguished
 Browne, John
 Browne, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Ken, with 40th Regiment
Brownlow, William
 Bruce, Robert
 Buchan, John
 Burrard, Harry, 1st Bt.
 Burrowes, Arnold Robinson ( 1808-1814 ), as Aide-de-Camp to Field-Marshal Viscount Beresford
 Byng, John, 1st Earl of Straffo ( 1811-1814 )
 Cain, James
 Campbell, Charles William, of B
 Campbell, Colin, 1st and last B, where he was twice severely wounded while leading a forlorn hope at the siege of San Sebastian
 Campbell, Duncan, of Barcaldine
 Carden, Henry Robert, 3rd Bt.
 Cathcart, Charles Murray, 2nd E
 Chandos-Pole, Edward Sachevere
 Chartres, William
 Clarke, John, where he was captured but escaped
 Clarke, Samuel
 Clerke, William, 9th Bt.
 Cochrane, William George ( 1809-1812 )
 Coker, Thomas Lewis
 Cole, Galbraith Lowry
 Combe, Prosper Aime Victor ( 1809 ), where he was captured in le Basque, and imprisoned at Dartmoor
 Cotter, George Sackville
 Couper, George, 1st Bt.
 Courcy, John
 Crookshank, Chichester William
 Dalbiac, James Charles
 Daly, Francis Dermot
Daly, unknown son
 Davies, Thomas Henry Hastings
 Denning, Isaac
 Dobbs, John
 Douglas, Howard, 3rd Bt.
 Douglas, James Dawes
 Doyle, Carlo Joseph
 Dunlop, James, 21st of that Ilk ( 1811 ), where he commanded a brigade in the 5th Division
 Elphinstone, Howard, 1st Bt.
 Eustace, William Cornwallis
 Evelyn, George
 Fane, William
 FitzGerald, John Forster
 Fitzmaurice, John
 Fitzroy, Charles
 Fock, John Michael Henry, 3rd B, serving with General Sir John Moore in Spain
 Forster, Henry
 Frankland, Frederick William, 8 ( 1812-1814 )
 Fraser, Alexander George, 17th ( 1811-1814 )
 Fraser, Alexander George, 17th ( 1808-1809 )
 Frazer, Augustus Simon
 Fremantle, John, as Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Wellington
 Fuller-Eliott-Drake, Thomas Tr
 Gethin, Richard
 Gibbons, Frederick, and was severely wounded at Albuera
 Gordon-Lennox, Charles, 5th Duk
 Gore-Langton, Edward
 Gough, William
 Graham, Edward Smith ( 1810 )
 Grattan, William, where he was wounded twice
 Gregory, Arthur Francis
 Grey, George, 3rd Baron Walsing, where she was wounded
 Grieve, Patrick ( 1812-1814 )
 Guise, John Wright, 3rd Bt. ( 1812-1814 ), including Salamanca, Madrid, Burgos, Vittoria, Bidassoa, Nive, Adour, and Bayonne
 Guise, John Wright, 3rd Bt. ( 1809 ), including Busaco, and Fuentes d'Onoro
 Hamlyn-Williams, James, 3rd Bt., with the 7th Hussars
 Harding, William ( 1812-1814 )
 Hay, George, 8th Marquess of Tw ( 1806 )
 Hely Hutchinson, John, 3rd Earl
 Hewett, George Henry, 2nd Bt.
 Hill, Rowland, 1st Viscount Hil ( 1813 )
 Hopkins, John William
 Hough, Henry ( 1812-1814 ), in the Royal Artillery
 Jauncey, Henry Fyge, where he was wounded
 Jauncey, John
Johnson, James Stephen
 Johnstone, John
 Jones, Oliver Thomas
 Keane, John, 1st Baron Keane ( 1814 )
 Knollys, William Thomas
 Lane, Henry Bowyer
 Leighton, Baldwin, 6th Bt.
 Lorentz, Charles, Baron de Lore
 Luard, John
 Lynch, Henry Blosse
 Macdonald, Chichester, with 82nd and 34th Regiments
Macdougall, Alexander
 Mackinnon, Henry
 Mackworth, Digby, 4th Bt.
 Maclaine, Murdoch, 20th of Loch
 Madden, Charles Dudley ( 1809-1811 )
 Mainwaring-Ellerker-Onslow, Ed
 Makdougall-Brisbane, Thomas, 1s
 Mitchell, Hugh Henry ( 1814 )
 Moleyns, Thomas Townsend Aremb
 Monck, Charles Joseph Kelly, 3r
Montfort, Charles
 Montmorency, Reymond Hervey ( 1811 ), where he became a POW in the advance to Badajoz
 Mudge, Richard Zachariah
 Munro, Charles, of Foulis, 9th ( 1811 )
 Murray, Henry
 O'Connell, John
 O'Donnell, Carlos
 O'Grady, Gerald de Courcy ( 1811 )
O'Grady, John Thomas
 O'Neill, Arturo, 1st Marqués de
 O'Neill, Tulio
 Onslow, Thomas Cranley, where he was mentioned in despatches
 Page-Turner, Edward George Tho
 Page-Turner, Francis William M
 Pakenham, Edward Michael
 Pakenham, Hercules Robert
 Persse, Dominick ( 1812 )
 Persse, William
 Persse, William
Picton, Thomas ( 1807-1814 )
 Power, Manley
 Ramsay, George, 9th Earl of Dal
 Riddell, Henry James
 Robertson, George Duncan, 21st
 Rous, John Edward Cornwallis, 2 ( 1814 )
 Saunderson, Hardress Robert ( 1809-1810 )
 Schreiber, William Frederick
 Scott-Douglas, John James, 3rd
 Seton, Henry John, of Abercorn,
Seton, James
 Shakespear, Arthur
 Shaw, Claudius ( 1812-1814 )
 Shirley, Charles
 Smijth-Windham, Joseph
 Somers-Cocks, John Sommers, 2nd ( 1812 )
 St. John-Mildmay, Humphrey
 Stannus, Robert, where he was wounded five times
 Stewart, William ( 1808-1812 )
 Stretton, Severus William Lyna
 Stuart, Robert Walter, 11th Lor ( 1809 )
 Synge, Charles
 Thackwell, Joseph
 Trefusis, Robert Cotton St. Jo
 Trelawny, Hamelin
 Trevor, Henry Otway, 21st Lord
 Vane, Charles William, 3rd Marq ( 1809-1812 ), as Adjutant-General
 Vivian, Richard Hussey, 1st Bar
 Walbanke-Childers, Michael ( 1811-1814 )
 Waldegrave, John James, 6th Ear
 Walker, George Townshend, 1st B ( 1808-1814 )
 Warre, William
 Warrender, John, of Lochend, 5t
 Watson, William Henry
 Wavell, Arthur Goodall
 White, Henry, 1st Baron Annaly, where he won a medal with clasps
 Whitworth-Aylmer, Matthew, 5th
 Williams, William
Count equals 172 individuals.
Peninsular Was
 Butler, Francis
Count equals 1 individual.
Retreat to Corunna
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 1st B, where he lost an arm
 Macnamara, Frederick Hayes
Count equals 2 individuals.
Retreat to Torres Vedras
 Stapleton-Cotton, Stapleton, 1s ( 1810 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Seige of Badajoz
Blackwood, Robert Temple ( 1811 ), where he was severely wounded
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of Alexandria
 Coote, Eyre ( 1800-1801 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of Badajoz
 Adderly, James ( 1812 )
 Beresford, William Carr, 1st an ( 1812 )
 Bermingham, John ( 1811 )
 Gethin, Richard, first through the wall at the storming of Badajoz
Innes, William
James, Francis ( Apr 1812 )
Levinge, Charles
 Straubenzee, George ( 1811 )
 Walker, George Townshend, 1st B ( 1812 ), where he was wounded in the storming
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 6 Apr 1812 )
Westropp, Ralph ( 9 Mar 1811 )
 White, Henry, 1st Baron Annaly ( 1812 )
Count equals 12 individuals.
Siege of Bergen-op-Zoom
 Drummond, John, 4th Duke of Per ( 1747 )
 Henderson, Robert, of Tunnygask ( 1622 )
Count equals 2 individuals.
Siege of Copenhagen
 Norton-Taylor, William ( 1807 )
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege of Salamanca
 O'Neill, Tulio
Count equals 1 individual.
Siege oft Badajoz
Booth, Charles ( Apr 1812 )
Count equals 1 individual.
The Glorious First
 Cotton, Charles, 5th Bt. ( 1 Jun 1794 ), in command of H.M.S Majestic
 Hood, Alexander, 1st Viscount B ( 1 Jun 1794 ), as second in command on The Royal George
Count equals 2 individuals.
The Glorious First of June
 Gardner, Alan, 1st Baron Gardne ( 1 Jun 1794 )
Count equals 1 individual.
The Peninsular War
 Prevost, William Augustus
Count equals 1 individual.
 Montagu, John ( 1815 ), with the 52nd Regiment
Count equals 1 individual.
Waterloo Campaign
 Erskine, John Francis Miller, 2 ( 1815 )
 Hill, Arthur Moyses William, 2n ( 1815 )
 Stewart, William Henry
 Vivian, Richard Hussey, 1st Bar ( 1815 ), where he was mentioned in dispatches
Count equals 4 individuals.
attack on the Picurina, before Badajoz
Powys, Henry
Count equals 1 individual.
bombardment of Copenhagen
 Baird, David, of Newbyth, 1st B
Count equals 1 individual.
capture of Madrid
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 12 Aug 1812 )
Count equals 1 individual.
forcing of a passage over the Douro
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( 12 May 1809 )
Count equals 1 individual.
invasion of Portugal
 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of ( Mar 1811 ), by extending the fortications of Torres Vedras, he prevented the French from getting to Lisbon, forcing them to retreat back into Spain
Count equals 1 individual.
occupation of Copenhagen
 Burrard, Harry, 1st Bt. ( 1808 )
Count equals 1 individual.
retreat from Corunna
 Carmichael Smyth, James, 1st Bt
 Proby, John, 2nd Earl of Carysf
Count equals 2 individuals.
Total count equals 610 individuals.
=killed in action or mortally wounded during this battle/war