( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Ä Å Æ É Ö Ø Ü '
Raab(2) Raabs(2) Raalte(14) Raaphorst(2) Raatz(6) Rabache(1) Rabagliati(5) Raban(39) Rabbe(1) Rabben(5) Rabbidge(1) Rabbitt(1) Raben(2) Raben-Levetzau(23) Raber(1) Rabett(13) Rabie(10) Rabinovitch(2) Rabl von Böhmen(28) Rabl von Neuhaus zu Böhmen(6) Rabl(14) Raboczi(2) Rabollini(1) Rabone(6) Raboxicz(1) Raburn(6) Rabutin(4) Raby of Raby Castle(4) Raby(17) Racah(2) Race(5) Raceta(3) Rachals(1) Rachel(1) Rachevsky(1) Rachevskya(1) Rachewski(1) Rachkind(3) Rachmaninoff(2) Raciborska(1) Racibórz(2) Racic(1) Racine du Jonquoy(1) Rack(2) Rackham(6) Rackley(3) Rackstraw(4) Racmananoff(1) Racz(2) Raczynski(1) Radamovic(1) Radburn(2) Radcliff(17) Radcliffe(415) Radclyff(2) Radclyffe(80) Radclyffe-Livingstone-Eyre(6) Radda von Boskowstein(3) Raddenbury(2) Raddock(2) Rader(2) Radermacher Schorer(2) Radetsky(1) Radey(10) Radford(57) Radford-Norcop(2) Radice(17) Radice-Morras(2) Radji-Emmanuel(2) Radl(2) Radle(1) Radley(18) Radloff(4) Radmall(13) Radmore(3) Radmylde(6) Radnor(24) Radnotfay(1) Radomir(4) Radonicich(2) Radonyich(1) Radosevic(1) Radovitch(1) Radowitz(4) Radsky(2) Radstock of Castle Town(7) Radstock(1) Radtke(4) Radunovich(5) Radvilaite(1) Radwan(4) Radway(4) Radwell(2) Radzikiewicz(4) Radziwill Galbraith(2) Radziwill(173) Rae(170) Rae-Fraser(5) Rae-Johnston(4) Raeburn(50) Raeburn-Cowell(1) Raesveld(3) Raeymaekers(3) Rafelis de Saint Sauveur(27) Raff(2) Raffael(2) Raffan(15) Raffe(6) Raffel(2) Rafferty(5) Raffles(53) Raffles-Flint(5) Raffo(3) Raffray(2) Rafin(2) Rafinesque(2) Rafique(1) Rafoth(2) Raften(1) Rafter(2) Raftesath(2) Ragen(2) Ragg(4) Raglan(13) Ragland(10) Ragnvaldsdottir(2) Ragnvaldsson(8) Ragnwald(2) Ragois de Bretonvilliers(1) Ragsdale(3) Rahi(1) Rahilly(9) Rahimtoola(2) Rahr(4) Rai(4) Raievsky(4) Raievskya(1) Raigersfeld(3) Raikes(128) Railey(2) Railing(5) Raillard(1) Railrow(1) Railston(3) Railton(19) Raiman(2) Raimond(2) Raimond-Modène(1) Rainbow(11) Raincey(1) Raincliffe of Raincliffe(4) Raincock(1) Raine(18) Raineau(2) Rainer(2) Raines(7) Rainey(34) Rainey-Robinson(10) Rainforth(3) Rainger(1) Rainie(2) Rainier(4) Rainprecht(2) Rains(4) Rainsbury(1) Rainsford Hannay(9) Rainsford(73) Rainsford-Hannay(26) Rainton(9) Raisch(2) Raisler(3) Raisne(1) Raison(7) Rait(42) Raith(1) Raith, Monymaill and Balwearie(14) Raits(1) Raitt(5) Raitz von Frentz(5) Rajasundaram(2) Rajek(13) Rake(9) Rakic(5) Rakich(4) Rakittievich von Toplitza(1) Rakoczi(1) Rakovitch(3) Rakusen(1) Ralamb(1) Rale(1) Ralegh(5) Raleigh(78) Raley(5) Ralfe(12) Ralfs(2) Rall(2) Ralli(218) Ralph/RAlph(24) Ralphs(2) Ralston(30) Ralston-Patrick(2) Ram(72) Ramacos(1) Ramadge(1) Ramadier de Lormet(1) Ramadier(1) Ramage(7) Ramaix(13) Ramakrishnan(1) Ramani(2) Ramani-Poduval(1) Rambaut(16) Ramberg(3) Rambie(1) Rambouillet(3) Rambures(1) Rambuteau(1) Ramchandani(2) Ramel(4) Ramell(1) Rameru(3) Ramerupt(13) Rames(2) Ramey(3) Ramey-Home(4) Ramin(2) Ramin-Daber(1) Ramirez de Arellano(3) Ramirez de Cartagena(1) Ramirez y Arriagada(1) Ramirez y Balasco(2) Ramirez y Cortinez(1) Ramirez y Eguiluz(14) Ramirez y Olivares(1) Ramirez(14) Ramm(8) Ramolino(3) Ramos de Deus(1) Ramos Las Heras(1) Ramos Lopez(1) Ramos(3) Ramos-Bandiera(3) Rampini(2) Ramplee(5) Rampley(2) Rampling(2) Rampolla del Tindaro(1) Rampolla di Sant 'Agata(7) Ramponi(1) Ramsauer(1) Ramsay of Carrington(17) Ramsay of Cartvale(1) Ramsay of Dalhousie(18) Ramsay of Glenmark(6) Ramsay of Melrose(1) Ramsay(948) Ramsay-Fairfax(20) Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy(23) Ramsay-Gibson-Maitland(10) Ramsay-Gordon(2) Ramsay-Hill(1) Ramsay-Irvine(2) Ramsay-L'Amy(2) Ramsay-Steel-Maitland(13) Ramsbotham(160) Ramsbottom(8) Ramsdale(3) Ramsden(354) Ramsden-Jodrell(6) Ramsey of Canterbury(1) Ramsey of Ramsey Abbey(8) Ramsey(46) Ramshaw(2) Ramshay(1) Ramskill(2) Ramson(2) Ramsvik(4) Ramus(2) Ramwell(2) Ramírez de Madrid(3) Rana(6) Ranberg(2) Ranby(10) Rance(14) Rancher de la Ferriere(1) Ranchhodlal(35) Rancliffe(4) Rancon(2) Rancougne(2) Rand(1) Rand-Bell(2) Randaccio(5) Randag(2) Randall of Uxbridge(1) Randall(115) Randals(1) Randel(3) Randell(10) Randerson(2) Randes(2) Randill(2) Randle(4) Randles(6) Randolph(126) Randow(1) Rands(10) Randt(1) Randwijck(11) Randwyck(2) Randyll(3) Ranelagh(16) Ranford(2) Ranfurly of Ramphorlie(8) Ranfurly(15) Rangel(2) Ranger(16) Rangoni(1) Rangsit(2) Ranicar(3) Rank(20) Ranke(9) Rankeillour(12) Ranken(22) Rankin(162) Rankin-Reid(2) Rankine(40) Ranking(17) Ranksborough(2) Rankyn(1) Ranney(1) Rannie(11) Rannoch(2) Ranoe(2) Ransburg(4) Ransom(18) Ransome(22) Ranson(1) Ransone(4) Rantoul(4) Rantzau(14) Rantzau-Ahrensburg(3) Rantzau-Hohenfeld(2) Ranulf(2) Ranulph(1) Ranuzzi de Bianchi(4) Raould(1) Rapalje(1) Rapallo(2) Rapaport(3) Rapata(2) Raper(36) Raphael(44) Rapier(1) Rapinet(1) Rapley(2) Raponi(1) Raposo de Magalhães(3) Raposo(4) Rapoza(1) Rapozo(1) Rapp(9) Rappard(3) Rappini di Casteldelfino(12) Rappolstein(2) Rappoltstein(5) Rappu(5) Raquez(2) Raquin(3) Rarden(2) Rasa(1) Rasbotham(4) Rasch(36) Rascia(1) Rase(1) Rash(2) Rashbury(1) Rashdall(2) Rashed(2) Rasheed(4) Rashid(5) Rashimas(1) Rashleigh(122) Rasic(3) Rasin(2) Rask(2) Raskovic(3) Rasmunssen(1) Rasmussen(14) Raso(1) Rasponi(15) Rasponi-Bonanzi(4) Rasputin(2) Rassam(6) Rastall(2) Rastano(2) Rastegar-Javaheri(2) Rastell(2) Rastrick(4) Rataj(4) Ratansey(2) Ratard(2) Ratchitch(1) Ratcliff(18) Ratcliffe(57) Ratcliffe-Brotherton(9) Rate(6) Ratendone(2) Rates(2) Rath(7) Rathbone(34) Rathborne(18) Rathbourne(1) Rathbun(1) Rathcavan(6) Rathcreedan(6) Rathdonnell(9) Rathdowne(13) Rathenow(1) Rathfarnham(3) Rathfelder(2) Rathgulby(1) Rathmell(1) Rathmore(1) Rathvon(2) Ratibor und Corvey(14) Ratibor zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst(1) Ratibor(8) Ratisbonne de Ravinel(2) Ratkova-Rognova(2) Ratliff(7) Ratliffe(1) Ratnatunga(2) Ratner(11) Ratoff(2) Ratta(2) Rattazzi(13) Rattee(1) Ratten(3) Rattey(3) Ratti di Bagnaro(1) Ratti Opizzoni(1) Ratti(1) Rattigan(7) Ratton(3) Rattray(104) Ratynska(2) Ratynski(2) Ratzenbock(2) Ratzenelnbogen(1) Rau(4) Raubenheimer(5) Rauber(1) Rauch de Nyék(2) Rauch(8) Rauf(3) Raule(1) Raulo(1) Raunig(1) Rausch von Traubenberg(6) Rausch(12) Rauschenberger(1) Rauscher(2) Rausing(14) Rautamara(1) Ravaschieri Fieschi(2) Ravel(1) Ravell(2) Ravelli(2) Ravelrig(1) Raven(23) Ravencroft(1) Ravenel(5) Ravenhill(23) Ravenor(12) Ravens(3) Ravensberg und Westfalen(1) Ravensberg(3) Ravensberg-Vechta(2) Ravensburg(8) Ravenscamp(1) Ravenscroft(40) Ravensdale of Kedleston(1) Ravensdale(6) Ravenshaw(91) Ravenshear(4) Ravensworth(12) Ravensworth, Baron of Ravensworth Castle(1) Ravensworth(10) Ravera(4) Raverat(4) Ravet(2) Ravier(2) Ravinel(19) Ravis(2) Ravn(10) Ravnkilde(3) Ravogli(2) Raw(17) Rawdon of Rawdon(1) Rawdon Smith(2) Rawdon(51) Rawdon-Hastings(27) Rawe(5) Rawes(4) Rawle(8) Rawleigh(1) Rawlence(21) Rawles(1) Rawley(2) Rawlin(5) Rawling(1) Rawlings(26) Rawlins(152) Rawlinson of Ewell(1) Rawlinson(123) Rawll(5) Rawls(1) Rawnsley(37) Rawoo(2) Raworth(9) Rawson(66) Rawson-Butler(1) Rawson-Shaw(2) Rawster(1) Rawsthorne(1) Rawstone(2) Rawstorne(38) Rawstron(2) Ray(57) Ray-Jones(2) Rayden(15) Raye(2) Rayevska(1) Rayevski(1) Rayfield(4) Rayleigh of Terling Place(11) Raylestone(1) Rayman(1) Rayment(9) Raymer(2) Raymes(1) Raymon(2) Raymond(92) Raymond-Barker(36) Raymond-Stallard-Penoyre(2) Raymondo(1) Raynall(2) Raynar(6) Rayne(20) Rayner(50) Rayner-Laver(3) Rayner-Wood(2) Raynes(11) Rayney(15) Raynfforth(2) Raynham(2) Raynor(11) Raynsford(49) Rayonne(1) Rayson(5) Rayward(1) Raywid(2) Raywood(3) Razumovski(2) Razumovskii(1) Razuns(1) Razy(4) Razzall(11) Razès(3) Re'em(1) Rea(112) Reachi(2) Read(223) Reade Peycke(2) Reade(358) Reader(38) Reader-Harris(8) Readett-Bayley(8) Readhead(19) Reading(46) Readings(5) Readman(19) Readshaw(4) Ready(14) Reael(1) Reagan(32) Reagh(7) Real Defensa(3) Real Piedad(2) Real Tesoro(1) Real(1) Reale(1) Reali(2) Reamsbotham(2) Rean(8) Reap(1) Reardon(8) Reardon-Smith(57) Reason(2) Reau de Gaigonniere(3) Reau de la Gaignonniere(3) Reavell(2) Reavely(2) Reay(32) Reban(1) Rebanks(9) Rebbeck(5) Rebecchini(1) Rebeiro(1) Reboa(3) Reboul(4) Rebow(6) Rebuck(2) Rechberg und Rothenlowen zu Hohenrechberg(1) Rechberg und Rothenlöwen zu Hohenrechberg(43) Rechberg und Rothenlöwen(1) Rechberg und Röthlowen zu Hohenrechberg(1) Rechberg(14) Rechnitzer(2) Rechteren(3) Rechteren-Limpurg(4) Rechteren-Limpurg-Speckfeld(21) Rechulski(1) Reck(4) Reckberg(1) Recke(5) Reckitt(9) Recklinghausen(3) Recknagel(1) Recorbet(2) Record(3) Recuerdo(1) Recum(2) Red'kine(2) Red(3) Reda(1) Redall(1) Redcliffe(2) Redcliffe-Maud(5) Redd(5) Reddall(2) Reddaway(13) Redden(4) Reddick(5) Reddie(5) Redding(7) Reddington(12) Reddish(14) Reddy(3) Rede(18) Redei(1) Redelinghuis(1) Redelmann(5) Reden(5) Reden-Lutcken(1) Reden-Lütcken(9) Reder(1) Redericks(6) Redern(7) Redesdale(15) Redfearn(6) Redfearn-Shaw(1) Redfern(24) Redfield(2) Redford(3) Redgrave(94) Redhead(22) Reding(1) Redington(19) Redish(2) Redkins(2) Redler(6) Redlich(3) Redman(48) Redman-Law(3) Redmayne(82) Redmon(2) Redmond(35) Redondo y Esperante(1) Redpath(24) Redrap(2) Redrup(2) Redshaw(8) Redstone(4) Redvers(13) Redvers-Bate(1) Redvers-Cox(2) Redward(8) Redway(4) Redwitz(7) Redwood(94) Redyk(1) Ree(6) Reebkomp(1) Reece(14) Reece-Jones(2) Reed of Allermuir(1) Reed(173) Reede d'Oudtshoorn(2) Reede(35) Reede-Ginkel(2) Reede-Lynden(4) Reeder(5) Reeders(1) Reekie(3) Reeks(2) Reeling(1) Reeman(2) Reen(1) Reenstierna(2) Rees Bryant(2) Rees of Ludlow(1) Rees(161) Rees-Davies(2) Rees-Evans(1) Rees-Jones(2) Rees-Mogg(36) Rees-Williams(13) Reese(12) Reeson(5) Reeve De La Pole(4) Reeve(203) Reeve-Parker(4) Reeve-Tucker(5) Reevely(8) Reeves(164) Refaat(2) Reford(3) Refoy(1) Regan(14) Regenbogen(2) Regendorf(3) Regensburg(3) Regenstein(1) Regester(2) Regets(2) Reggie(1) Reggio(9) Regiovanni(1) Regis(3) Regnat(1) Regnauld de Bellescize(1) Regnault(5) Regnier(6) Regoli(2) Reh y Cadona(1) Reh y Lopez-Doriga(5) Rehakova(1) Rehberg(1) Rehder(3) Rehm(2) Rehrl(1) Rehé(2) Reibey(12) Reibnitz(4) Reich(2) Reichburg(2) Reiche(5) Reichenbach(2) Reichenbach-Goschutz(4) Reichenbach-Lessonitz(24) Reichenberg(3) Reichenburg(2) Reichenfels(1) Reichenstein(1) Reichersbeuern(1) Reichert(5) Reichhold(1) Reichl(3) Reichsperg(1) Reichstadt(1) Reid Fleener(1) Reid of Cardowan(1) Reid(692) Reid-Bennie(2) Reid-Dick(2) Reid-Foster(2) Reid-Graham(2) Reid-Kay(6) Reid-Marr(3) Reid-Robertson(1) Reid-Seith(2) Reidenbach(2) Reidhaven(14) Reidheugh(2) Reidingen(1) Reidinger(1) Reidkerch(2) Reidl von Riedenau(2) Reidoch(2) Reidy(16) Reidy-Crofts(2) Reifen(1) Reiffenstein(1) Reifferscheid(1) Reifferscheidt(3) Reifferscheidt-Bedburg(2) Reifferscheidt-Wildenberg(2) Reigate(1) Reigersberg(1) Reignieur(3) Reijnst(1) Reiley(2) Reille(7) Reilly(154) Reilly-Minchin(6) Reily(2) Reiman(1) Reimers(5) Reims(1) Rein(1) Reina(2) Reinach(4) Reinach-Hirtzbach(1) Reinbod(2) Reinbott(2) Reinders(13) Reindl(2) Reindorp(2) Reine(1) Reiner(3) Reinganum(1) Reingruber(2) Reinhard(1) Reinhardt(3) Reinhart(2) Reinhold(6) Reininghaus(1) Reinke(5) Reinking(1) Reinol(1) Reinold(1) Reinoso de los Santos y Barragan(1) Reinoso de los Santos(1) Reintjes(3) Reints(1) Reis(6) Reiser(4) Reisky von Dubnitz(2) Reisky(10) Reisner(2) Reiss(14) Reiss-Brian(2) Reitan(2) Reitano(4) Reiter(2) Reith(46) Reithauser(2) Reitman(6) Reittner(1) Reitz(3) Reitzenstein(5) Reixach y Gisbert(2) Relf(5) Rella(2) Rellie(8) Relling(2) Relly(5) Relph(2) Relton(4) Remak(3) Remaudière(1) Rembelska(1) Rembelski(4) Remching(1) Reme(1) Remekhazy von Gurahoncz(1) Remen(3) Rementer(2) Rementeria(1) Remeo(2) Remes(2) Remington(50) Remington-Hobbs(10) Remmert(1) Remmes(2) Remmett-Smith(2) Remnant(59) Remnick(2) Remoncourt(1) Remoundos(4) Remphrey(5) Remsen(1) Rena(3) Renals(29) Renaud(1) Renda(2) Rendall(30) Rendel of Hatchlands(2) Rendel(24) Rendell of Babergh(1) Rendell(18) Rendle(11) Rendlesham of Rendlesham(18) Rendorp(7) Renes(7) Renesse(14) Renet(2) Renfrew of Kaimsthorn(1) Renfrew(11) Renfrew-Knight(2) Renfro(2) Rengers(5) Renick(2) Reniger(1) Renison(5) Renn(1) Rennald(2) Rennard(7) Rennell(13) Rennenberg(2) Renner(5) Rennes(6) Rennie(41) Rennie-Strachan-Carnegie(6) Rennoldson(1) Renny(27) Renny-Tailyour(7) Reno(2) Renois(2) Renou(3) Renouard(1) Renouf(7) Rensburg(27) Renshaw(96) Rensi(1) Rensselaer(8) Rensseler(23) Renta(1) Renter(2) Renton of Mount Harry(1) Renton(91) Rentoul(2) Rentschler(2) Renty(1) Rentz(1) Rentzell(1) Renusson d'Hauteville(2) Renwick of Clifton(1) Renwick(126) Renzi(5) Renzior(1) Renzy(2) Reoch(5) Repard(12) Repelaer(5) Repelin(1) Repentigny(1) Repetito(2) Repington(14) Repka(1) Repko(2) Repnina(1) Repogle(3) Reponen(2) Repp(1) Reppert(3) Repps(4) Repton(16) Repucci(5) Requa(2) Reresby(23) Rescorle(3) Reskymer(1) Respy(1) ress(1) Resseguier de Miremont(4) Resseguier(1) Rességuier de Miremont(1) Resta-Pallavicino(1) Restaing(1) Restall(3) Restler(2) Reston(2) Restrepo(1) Restwold(2) Restwolde(2) Retallack(13) Retana(1) Reteif(16) Retemaier(1) Retemeijer(2) Retey(1) Retford(5) Rethel(18) Rethy(4) Retief(2) Retmiller(2) Retner(2) Retson(3) Retter(4) Rettie(2) Retzenstein(2) Reuilly(2) Reum(2) Reuschel(2) Reuss zu Burgk(1) Reuss zu Ebersdorf(1) Reuss zu Ebersdorff(3) Reuss zu Gera(25) Reuss zu Greiz(33) Reuss zu Köstritz(116) Reuss zu Lobenstein und Ebersdorf(4) Reuss zu Lobenstein(3) Reuss zu Schleiz(27) Reuss zu Unter-Greiz(2) Reuss zur Lippe(1) Reuss(10) Reusz de Ráthony(2) Reuten(1) Reuter(15) Reutern(9) Reutersvärd(4) Reuther(2) Reutter(17) Reutther von Weyl(7) Reuttner von Weyl-Mynett(3) Reve(2) Revedin(6) Revel(5) Reveley(13) Revell(15) Revels(2) Revelstoke of Membland(9) Reventlow(15) Reventlow-Criminil(2) Revers(1) Revertera(1) Revett(4) Revi(1) Reviakin(3) Reviczky von Recisnye(1) Reviers(5) Reville(2) Revington(1) Revières(2) Revson(10) Revy(2) Rew(14) Reweliotty(2) Rex(10) Rey de España(1) Rey y de Pablo-Blanco(1) Rey y Guil(1) Rey(22) Reyes(1) Reyloff(2) Reymes(6) Reyna-Corvallán y Dillon(1) Reyna-Corvallán(1) Reynald(1) Reynard(23) Reynardson(11) Reynaud(6) Reyne(10) Reynecke(3) Reynel(3) Reynell(50) Reynell-Pack(13) Reyner(2) Reynes(4) Reynett(7) Reyney(4) Reynier(1) Reyno(2) Reynold(3) Reynolds Leiningen(1) Reynolds(472) Reynolds-Moreton(116) Reynor(1) Reynoso y Queralt(1) Reynst(3) Reyntiens(11) Reynvoet(1) Reznek(2) Rezzano(1) Rhaetia(1) Rham(9) Rhangabé(2) Rhau(3) Rhayader(1) Rhea(2) Rhead(2) Rheades(2) Rheam(1) Rheault(2) Rheims(12) Rhein(13) Rheinfelden(6) Rhemen(2) Rhena(2) Rhenen(1) Rhett(3) Rheuben(2) Rhind(6) Rhind-Tutt(2) Rhine(3) Rhinehart(1) Rhirid(2) Rhisiart(1) Rhiwallon(2) Rho(3) Rhoades(2) Rhoads(2) Rhobert(1) Rhode(1) Rhoden(5) Rhoderick-Jones(2) Rhodes(218) Rhodes-Maddox(1) Rhodes-Moorhouse(4) Rhodes-Robertson(7) Rhodes-Robinson(2) Rhodri(8) Rhoesa(1) Rhondda(5) Rhydderch(1) Rhyl of Holywell(1) Rhymes(2) Rhynd(1) Rhys Hir(1) Rhys Williams(13) Rhys(68) Rhys-Jones(23) Rhys-Williams(3) Rhätien(3) Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde(5) Riach(24) Riadore(2) Riall(17) Rialton(2) Riansares(4) Riant(1) Rianzaro(1) Riaro-Sforza(2) Riba Guillarte(1) Ribas(1) Ribbentrop(11) Ribbing af Zernava(1) Ribbing(2) Ribblesdale(9) Ribbon(1) Ribeiro Filho(1) Ribeiro(11) Ribemont(3) Riberia Lisboa(1) Riberiro Adair Allen(1) Riberiro Allen(1) Riberolles(2) Ribes(1) Ribet(6) Riborgaza(1) Ribton(13) Riby(3) Rica y García-San Miguel(1) Ricaldone(1) Ricaldoni(1) Ricarda(1) Ricardo(41) Ricasoli Firidolfi(1) Riccabona von Reichenfels(3) Riccard(5) Riccardi(8) Riccarton(1) Riccartoun(4) Ricci(5) Ricci-Paracciani(2) Ricciardi(2) Rice Barnett(2) Rice(289) Rice-Davis(2) Rice-Evans(1) Rice-Trevor(7) Rich y Carvajo(1) Rich(381) Richard d'Ivry(1) Richard Fychan(1) Richard(60) Richard-Preston(7) Richardes(2) Richardie de Besse(1) Richards of Herstmonceux(1) Richards(479) Richardson of Callow(1) Richardson of Duntisbourne(1) Richardson(878) Richardson-Brady(3) Richardson-Bunbury(68) Richardson-Drummond-Hay(2) Richardson-Gardner(4) Richardson-Robertson(3) Richburg(1) Riche(4) Richeburg(1) Richelieu(3) Richemount Grey(1) Richens(2) Richepance(2) Richer(6) Richerson(1) Riches(11) Richetto(2) Richey(7) Richford(2) Richheimer(3) Richie(5) Richings(5) Richli(2) Richman(4) Richmond and Gordon(3) Richmond Brown(1) Richmond(158) Richmond-Gale-Braddyll(4) Richmond-Watson(51) Richmund-Jones(2) Richolson(1) Richter(10) Richthofen(37) Richwood(1) Riché(2) Rickard(28) Rickards Collinson(3) Rickards(58) Rickart Hepburn(16) Rickart(4) Rickerby(1) Rickerton(1) Ricket(2) Rickett(27) Ricketts(341) Rickford(4) Rickman(29) Rickotts(2) Ricks(12) Rickword(4) Rico(1) Ricolfi Doria(2) Ricoy y de Borbón(4) Ricoy y de Pereira(1) Ricoy y Foriscot(2) Riddel(3) Riddell(481) Riddell-Blount(5) Riddell-Carre(15) Riddell-Martin(3) Riddell-Webster(9) Ridden(2) Riddenklau(2) Riddett(13) Riddick(14) Riddiford(12) Ridding(2) Riddington(4) Riddle(25) Riddlesdell(2) Riddock(2) Rideal(2) Rideau(2) Ridehalgh(2) Ridel(7) Ridell(2) Ridelsford(2) Rideout(15) Rider(28) Ridgate(6) Ridgdill(4) Ridge(35) Ridgely(13) Ridgen(2) Ridgeon(2) Ridger(3) Ridgers(4) Ridgeway of Gallen-Ridgeway(1) Ridgeway(26) Ridgley(6) Ridgway(47) Ridgwell(9) Riding(3) Ridings(2) Ridland(9) Ridler(5) Ridley of Liddesdale(2) Ridley(303) Ridley-Colborne(8) Ridley-Day(4) Ridley-Smith(5) Ridlington(16) Ridmore(2) Ridolfi(1) Ridout(12) Ridsdale(21) Ridware(2) Rie(2) Rieben(2) Rieck(8) Riedel(1) Riedemann(19) Riedenburg(2) Riedenstein(3) Rieder(1) Riederer von Paar zu Schönau(18) Riederer(3) Riedesel zu Eisenbach(11) Riedesel(5) Riedhammer(2) Riediker(2) Riedl(1) Riedlinger(2) Riedmaten(1) Riegel(4) Rieger(1) Riegler(1) Riely(2) Riemen(1) Riemeyer(4) Riemsdijk(10) Rieneck in Grünsfeld(1) Rieneck in Rothenfels(1) Rieneck(1) Rieniets(2) Rienzi(2) Rieper(2) Rieppel(2) Riera Mateu(2) Riera y Alegre(1) Riera y Biosca(1) Riera y de Habsburgo(3) Riera y de Leyva(1) Ries(2) Riese-Stallburg(1) Riesenbeck(5) Rieseneck(1) Riesinger(1) Riesle(6) Riesopp(1) Riess(2) Rietberg(19) Rieu-Villeneuve(1) Rieux(3) Riez(2) Rifaat(6) Riffey(4) Rigal(1) Rigby(136) Rigby-Hall(4) Rigden(5) Rigdon(2) Rigel(5) Rigg(40) Riggall(10) Rigge(4) Riggio(3) Riggs(10) Riggs-Miller(1) Righetti(2) Righter(3) Rightmire(2) Righton(6) Righy(4) Riglos Quirno-Costa(1) Rigmaden(1) Rigmaiden(2) Rigmalden(2) Rigmayden(1) Rignall(2) Rignon(1) Rijckevorsel(1) Rijnen(2) Rijningen(1) Rijshouwer(3) Rijswijk(1) Rikaczewski(1) Riker(3) Riky(2) Riland(2) Riland-Bedford(7) Rilands(2) Riley(140) Riley-Smith(11) Rilleston(2) Rillstone(2) Rilton(1) Rilye(1) Rimbotti(2) Rime(1) Rimell(5) Rimer(2) Rimes(2) Rimington(49) Rimington-Wilson(9) Rimmer(21) Rimoldi(1) Rin de Capodistria(1) Rin(11) Rinagl(4) Rinaldi(5) Rincon(2) Rind(4) Rinder(1) Rinderknecht(1) Rindfleish(1) Rindom(4) Rindsmaul(4) Rindt(2) Ring(14) Ringberg(3) Ringeisen(1) Ringelheim(2) Ringeling(1) Ringer(6) Ringerike(1) Ringeringe(1) Ringette(1) Ringey(7) Ringhoffer(2) Ringland(3) Ringrose(32) Ringrose-Voase(9) Ringsell(5) Ringstead(1) Ringwood(3) Rinn(1) Rintelen(10) Rintoul(4) Rinzy(1) Rio(6) Riofreddo(16) Riollot(5) Rion(1) Riordan(8) Riordon(2) Rios Estrella(1) Riou(4) Riparbella(3) Ripart-Monclar(1) Riparüs(1) Ripert-Barret(1) Ripkin(1) Ripley(115) Riplingham(1) Riplinghame(1) Riplowe(1) Ripman(3) Ripoll(2) Ripon(12) Ripp(1) Rippchen(2) Ripper(15) Rippert d'Alauzier(1) Rippetoe(1) Ripping(2) Rippingham(2) Rippolone(2) Rippon of Hexham(1) Rippon(15) Ripsher(2) Riquet(4) Rirett(1) Ririnui(4) Risby(4) Risbye(2) Rischbieth(30) Risden(1) Riseborough(2) Riseley(4) Risenfelder(1) Risenfels(4) Rishman(1) Rishton(4) Rishworth(1) Risi(1) Rising(5) Risk(18) Risley(18) Risnal(1) Risnel(3) Rispin(3) Rispoli(1) Rissell(1) Rissi(1) Ristic(1) Ristuccia(1) Rita Peixoto e Silva(1) Ritblat(2) Ritchey(4) Ritchie of Brompton(1) Ritchie of Downpatrick(1) Ritchie of Dundee(11) Ritchie(277) Ritchie-Calder(2) Ritchie-Ciccone(1) Ritchie-Thomson(2) Ritchings(2) Rithie(3) Ritschel(1) Ritscher(1) Ritson(28) Rittel(2) Rittenhouse(2) Ritter zu Groenesteyn(4) Ritter(43) Rittershausen(1) Rittich Mauduit(2) Rittinghausen(1) Rittson-Thomas(9) Ritz(1) Ritzberger(1) Riungu(1) Riva Zambrano(1) Riva(3) Rival de Rouville(2) Rivallain(1) Rivanazzano(2) Rivarola(2) Rivas(1) Rivaz(15) Rive(7) Rivelsrud(1) River(3) Rivera Ordóñez(1) Rivera y Martinez de Irujo(1) Rivera(2) Riverdale(5) Rivere(2) Riverein(1) Riverie(1) Riverieulx de Chambost(1) Riverol(2) Riveroll y Miravete(1) Riveroll y Ventimiglia-Geraci(1) Rivers of Sudeley Castle(6) Rivers(63) Rivers-Bulkeley(13) Rivers-Fletcher(2) Riversdale of Rathcormuck(2) Riverseulx(1) Rivet(9) Rivett(41) Rivett-Carnac(196) Rivetti(2) Rivettt(4) Riviere(19) Rivington(20) Rivière(11) Rivo(2) Rix(23) Rix-Taylor(2) Rixon(3) Rixton(2) Rizo-Rangabé(5) Rizvi(2) Rizzie(1) Rizzo(4) Rizzotti y Pruvost(1) Rizzotti(2) Roach(52) Roache(1) Road(4) Roadknight(3) Roadley(1) Roadley-Simkin(3) Roads(2) Roakes(2) Roalfe-Cox(1) Roan(2) Roane(3) Roany(2) Roatta(2) Rob(4) Robaglia(2) Robard(1) Robards(2) Robart(1) Robartes of Lanhydrock and of Truro(4) Robartes of Truro(2) Robartes(31) Robarts(40) Robathan(2) Robb(59) Robbard(2) Robberds(5) Robbert(2) Robberts(1) Robbertse(1) Robbins(129) Robe(4) Robeck(11) Robeck-Carolin(2) Robens of Woldingham(2) Robens(8) Robert d'Aquiria(1) Robert de Rancher(4) Robert(43) Roberthall(2) Roberti(6) Roberti-Cozzo(1) Roberton(34) Roberts of Conwy(1) Roberts of Llandudno(1) Roberts West(4) Roberts(1079) Roberts-Buchanan(2) Roberts-Gawen(2) Roberts-Hay-Boyd(3) Robertshaw(2) Robertson of Oakridge(5) Robertson of Port Ellen(1) Robertson(1210) Robertson-Aikman(17) Robertson-Cumming(2) Robertson-Eustace(10) Robertson-Glasgow(38) Robertson-Macdonald(7) Robertson-Macleod/Robertson-MacLeod(7) Robertson-McIsaac(2) Robertson-Riches(2) Robertson-Scott(3) Robertson-Wade(1) Robertson-Walker(2) Robeson(14) Robessart(2) Robey(7) Robiano(7) Robieson(2) Robigo(2) Robilant e Cereaglio(1) Robilliard(4) Robin(19) Robinow(2) Robins(110) Robinson Duff(1) Robinson à Court(1) Robinson(1651) Robinson-Boardman(1) Robinson-Douglas(2) Robinson-Horley(2) Robinson-Lytton(5) Robinson-Morris(2) Robinson-Smith(2) Robirosa Alzaga(1) Robison(10) Robjant(5) Robjohn(2) Robledo(3) Robles y Díaz de Lugo(1) Robles y Jiménez(1) Robles(6) Robles-Estremadoyro(1) Robley(8) Robnett(3) Roboan(2) Roboh(2) Roborgh(7) Roborough(7) Robotham(3) Robsart(4) Robson of Kiddington(1) Robson(181) Roby(5) Robyns(6) Rocafort y Altazzura(1) Rocasolano Camacho(1) Rocasolano Rodriguez(1) Rocca Imperiale(1) Rocca(14) Rocca-Serra(1) Roccagiovine(5) Roccagugleilma(1) Roccaguglielma(4) Roccasecca dei Volsci(1) Rocchetta(3) Rocco(2) Roccolino(1) Rocella(1) Roch(14) Rocha Alvear(1) Rocha de Alvear(1) Rocha(1) Rochard(4) Rochat(1) Rochdale(11) Roche Chandre(1) Roche Guyon(2) Roche of Fermoy(7) Roche Saint Andre(10) Roche(320) Roche-Burchard(1) Roche-Guyon(2) Roche-Kelly(1) Roche-sur-Yon(1) Rochead(13) Rochebrochard d'Auzay(1) Rochechouart de Mortemart(21) Rochechouart(6) Rochefort sur Yvelin(1) Rochefort(6) Rocheforte(9) Rochefoucauld de Montbel(1) Rochefoucauld(60) Rocher(1) Rochery de Marcenay(1) Roches(5) Rochester(22) Rochet(1) Rocheta(1) Rochetesson(1) Rochette(2) Rochford(25) Rochfort(250) Rochfort-Boyd(14) Rochfort-Hume(3) Rochforte(2) Rochfoucauld-Bayers(3) Rochling(1) Rochussen(16) Rock(23) Rockcliff(4) Rockcliffe(2) Rocke(30) Rockefeller(28) Rockel(4) Rockett(13) Rockingham(13) Rockley(14) Rockliffe(2) Rocklitz(1) Rocknroll(1) Rocksavage(11) Rockville(1) Rockwell(5) Rockwood(1) Rocliffe(1) Rocquard de Combereau(1) Rocque de Severac(13) Rocyn-Jones(5) Rod(2) Roda(1) Rodakowska(2) Rodakowski(3) Rodakowski-Rivers(3) Rodbard(3) Rodber(2) Rodd(46) Roddam(11) Rodden(3) Roddick(14) Roddie(1) Roddy(6) Rodemachern(1) Roden(29) Roden-Ryan(3) Rodenburg(5) Rodenrijs(1) Roder(3) Roderbourg(2) Roderburg(4) Roderick(9) Rodes(26) Rodewald(1) Rodewell(2) Rodez(2) Rodez-Benavent(14) Rodger of Earlsferry(1) Rodger(25) Rodgers of Quarry Bank(1) Rodgers(80) Rodgett(2) Rodham(6) Rodick(4) Rodier(3) Rodker(2) Rodman(3) Rodney of Rodney Stoke(20) Rodney(184) Rodocanachi(17) Rodriga(2) Rodrigo(1) Rodrigues(4) Rodriguez Baldovino(1) Rodriguez de Duran(1) Rodriguez Diaz(1) Rodriguez Gangui(2) Rodriguez Jimenez(1) Rodriguez Martin(1) Rodriguez Ossa(1) Rodriguez Pinto(1) Rodriguez y Morell(2) Rodriguez y Simo(1) Rodriguez(22) Rodriguez-Perez(3) Rodriques(1) Rodriquez Moldonado(1) Rodriquez Restrepo(1) Rodriquez Ruiz(1) Rodríguez Alonso(1) Rodríguez de Castro y Bueno(1) Rodríguez de Castro y Mena(1) Rodríguez de la Viuda y González(1) Rodríguez de la Viuda(1) Rodríguez de Rivas y de La Gándara(1) Rodríguez de Rivas y Díaz de Erazo(1) Rodríguez(1) Rodsted(2) Rodway(2) Rodwell(15) Rodwell-Evans(2) Rodzianko(4) Roe(146) Roeber(7) Roebig(3) Roebuck(5) Roedel-Duffy(2) Roeder von Diersburg(3) Roeder(3) Roedger(1) Roehenstart(1) Roelfzema(1) Roemer(5) Roeper(2) Roesdotter(1) Roessler-Merz(1) Roest(2) Roethke(2) Roetter(9) Roeulx(3) Rofe(6) Roffey(12) Rogaly(7) Rogan(14) Rogate(2) Rogendorf-Gunnersdorf(1) Roger(26) Rogers of Riverside(1) Rogers(484) Rogers-Coltman(9) Rogers-Harrison(2) Rogers-Leman(1) Rogers-Tillstone(1) Rogerson(49) Roget(1) Roggenbach(1) Rogier(1) Rogillio(3) Rognoy(2) Rogoshewska(2) Rogovskya(2) Rogue(1) Roguska(1) Roh(7) Rohan Chabot(1) Rohan de Mantauban(2) Rohan(116) Rohan-Chabot(38) Rohan-Guéméné(1) Rohan-Rochefort(4) Rohde(9) Rohemer(5) Rohl(1) Rohler(2) Rohman(4) Rohnau von Streckenbach(1) Rohnau(52) Rohner(2) Rohonczy(1) Rohozinski(2) Rohr(12) Rohrbach(1) Rohrer(3) Rohrig(1) Roi(1) Roidi(3) Roigt(2) Roissard de Bellet(1) Roissier(1) Rojahn(3) Rojas y Roca de Togores(1) Rojas(6) Roke(2) Rokeby(43) Rokeby-Johnson(6) Rokel(1) Rokele(3) Rokeling(2) Rokell(2) Rokes(1) Rokesby(2) Rokesley(8) Rokewood(2) Rokisky(1) Rokotuibau(1) Rolan(1) Roland(22) Rolf(2) Rolfe(54) Rolfs(1) Rolin(10) Roll Montpellier(3) Roll of Ipsden(1) Roll(29) Rolla Patta(1) Rolland(38) Rollason(6) Rolle of Stevenstone(1) Rolle(67) Roller(6) Rolles(5) Rolleston(196) Rolleston-Spunner(2) Rollet(3) Rollin(1) Rollingen(1) Rollings(6) Rollins(7) Rollinson(1) Rollit(2) Rollnick(2) Rollo of Duncrub(14) Rollo(232) Rollo-Bowman-Ballantine(3) Rollock(4) Rolls(39) Rolnick(4) Rolo(2) Roloff(1) Rolph(10) Rolston(10) Rolt(57) Rolten(2) Rom(5) Roma(1) Romagna(2) Romagnano(1) Romain(4) Romaine(1) Romako(1) Roman(3) Roman-Fricero(9) Romand(5) Romanes(1) Romania(24) Romanis(2) Romano(3) Romanoff(39) Romanones(3) Romanov(205) Romanov-Ilyinsky(14) Romanova(16) Romanovich(1) Romanovskaya(1) Romanovsky(3) Romanovsky-Iskander(3) Romanovsky-Krassinsky(1) Romanovskya(7) Romanovskya-Brasova(1) Romanovskya-Eilken(1) Romanovskya-Galitzine(1) Romanovskya-Ilynskya(1) Romanovskya-Iskander(1) Romanovskya-Koutouzova(1) Romanovskya-Krassinskya(1) Romanovskya-Paley(2) Romanovskya-Pavlovskya(1) Romanovskya-Vorontzova(1) Romans(22) Romare(3) Romarin(2) Romay Sotomayor y Lamba(1) Romay y Basail(4) Romay y Hernández de Cházaro(1) Romay y Piña(1) Romay y Riveroll Ventimiglia-Geraci(1) Romay y Riveroll-Riveroll(1) Romay y Wisburn-Chacon(1) Romay(1) Rome(32) Romefort(1) Romeli(1) Romer(131) Romer-Lee(22) Romero y Jimenez(1) Romero(9) Romero-Jimenez y de Morales(1) Romilly(94) Romirer(2) Rommeney(2) Romney(29) Romodanovskii(1) Romodanovsky(2) Romont(1) Romorantin(1) Rompaey(1) Romrod(1) Romsey(4) Ronacker(1) Ronak(2) Ronald(19) Ronaldean(2) Ronalds(2) Ronaldshay(5) Ronaldson(5) Ronan(3) Ronay de Zombor(3) Ronayne(15) Roncallo(1) Rondeau(2) Rondestvedt(1) Ronen(1) Roney(1) Roney-Dougal(2) ronson(2) Roo van Alderwerelt(1) Roo(2) Roock(1) Rood(7) Roodenbeke(1) Roodenburg(4) Roojen(2) Rook(7) Rooke(63) Rooker(3) Rooker-Roberts(9) Rookery(1) Rookes(9) Rookin(1) Rooks(8) Rooksby(2) Rookwood(10) Roome(4) Rooney(51) Roooker Roberts(2) Roope(9) Rooper(34) Roos of Belvior(5) Roos of Hamlake(1) Roos(15) Roosa(1) Roose(5) Roose-Francis(2) Roosen(1) Roosevelt(61) Roosmale Nepveu(6) Roosmale-Cocq(2) Roost(1) Root(9) Rootes(27) Rooth(7) Rootham(2) Roots(4) Rooyen(1) Roper(289) Roper-Caldbeck(34) Roper-Curzon(80) Ropes(2) Ropner(159) Ropp(2) Roque(1) Roquefeil(2) Roquefeuil(1) Roquelaure(1) Roquemont(1) Roquette(2) Rordorf und weitere(1) Rorer(2) Roretz(1) Rorich(3) Rorison(1) Rork(2) Rorke(2) Rorthays(37) Rorty(1) Ros of Helmsley(27) Ros of Wark(2) Ros(67) Rosa(9) Rosales Jackson(1) Rosales(2) Rosales-Martinez(1) Rosambert(1) Rosanelli(1) Rosanes(6) Rosario de Lambertye-Gerbeviller(1) Rosas Salas-Puentes(1) Rosato(1) Rosboch(4) Rosborough(8) Roscelyn(2) Roscoe(39) Roscommon(12) Roscow(2) Roscrea(4) Rosden(2) Rose of Monewden(1) Rose Price(14) Rose(714) Rose-Cleland(2) Rose-Innes(2) Rose-Lloyd(2) Rose-Richards(3) Roseberry(7) Rosebery(32) Roseblade(1) Roseby(1) Rosec(5) Rosedale(14) Rosee(1) Rosegg(1) Rosehill and Eglismauldie(15) Rosehill(3) Rosell(6) Roselle(1) Roselt(1) Roseman(7) Rosemeyer(2) Rosemond(1) Rosen(38) Rosenau(1) Rosenbaum(6) Rosenberg(14) Rosenblad(2) Rosenbloom(2) Rosenborg(53) Rosenburg(4) Rosendorff(4) Rosenfeld(2) Rosenfelder(1) Rosengarten(3) Rosenheim(7) Rosenholtz(2) Rosenkrantz(5) Rosenow(1) Rosenquist(2) Rosenthal(18) Rosenvinge(2) Rosenwald(5) Rosenzweig(2) Rosenørn-Lanng(4) Roser(1) Rosetta(1) Rosetti(3) Rosettie(1) Roseveare(1) Rosewarne(10) Rosewell(2) Roshan(4) Rosher(5) Rosie(1) Rosier(1) Rosiers(1) Rosillo y Martos(1) Rosinol(1) Roskell(9) Roskelyn(2) Roskill(21) Roslan(1) Rosling(1) Roslington(1) Rosmead(4) Rosmoderes(3) Rosmorduc(4) Rosnay(12) Rosner(1) Rosoff(3) Rospigliosi(35) Rospigliosi-Pallavicini(8) Ross of Halkhead(11) Ross of Hawkhead(3) Ross of Marnock(1) Ross of Newport(2) Ross Skinner(7) Ross Williamson(1) Ross(989) Ross-Brown(2) Ross-Hime(2) Ross-Hume(2) Ross-Hurst(1) Ross-Johnson(2) Ross-Lewin(14) Ross-Ross(5) Ross-Skinner(8) Ross-Smith(2) Ross-Taylor(8) Ross-Wilson(2) Rossall(2) Rossana(1) Rossant(2) Rossborough(10) Rossborough-Colclough(3) Rossdale(2) Rosse(26) Rossel(1) Rossell(3) Rosselli(9) Rosselot(1) Rossendale(2) Rosser(20) Rosset(1) Rosseter(2) Rossetti(5) Rossi di Montelera(5) Rossi(47) Rossie(1) Rossier(3) Rossignol(2) Rossington(2) Rossiter(40) Rosslee(3) Rosslein(2) Rossley(4) Rosslyn(16) Rossman(4) Rossmore of Monaghan(22) Rossmore(1) Rost(1) Rosta(3) Rostami(1) Rostan d'Ancezune(1) Rostock(5) Rostori(1) Rostov(6) Rostrollano(2) Rostron(7) Rostworowska(2) Rostworowski(8) Rostyn(2) Roswell(2) Roszkowska(1) Roszkowski(1) Rosée(1) Rot(1) Rotan(3) Rotberg(6) Rotelli(1) Rotenham(4) Rotenhan(26) Rotewicz(1) Roth(2) Rothaug(4) Rothe(28) Rothenberg(2) Rothenburg(3) Rothenbüehler(7) Rothenstein(7) Rothenthal(6) Rother(1) Rotheram(11) Rotherey(2) Rotherham(15) Rothermere(15) Rotherwick(3) Rothery(8) Rothes(48) Rothesay(24) Rothkirch und Trach(9) Rothney(5) Rothrock(2) Rothschild(251) Rothstein(3) Rothwell(122) Rothé(2) Rotolo(1) Rotondo(4) Rott(2) Rottal(7) Rotten(1) Rottenburg(15) Rottenhausen und Rasztina(3) Rotton(9) Rouanez(2) Roubanis(2) Rouci(3) Roucy(15) Roudabush(5) Roudiere(1) Rouech(2) Rouen(2) Rouergue(4) Rouge(6) Rougemont(19) Rough(9) Roughly(3) Roughton(7) Rougier(1) Rougé(13) Roule(2) Rouleau(2) Roulet(2) Rouliers(1) Roullee(2) Roulston(7) Roumanie-Biarneix(1) Roumare(1) Roumiantzoff-Pachkevitch(1) Roumieu(2) Round(63) Round-Turner(44) Roundell(34) Rounding(4) Roundtree(1) Roundway(4) Rountree(17) Roupe(2) Roupell(19) Roure(1) Rourke(2) Rous of Dennington(6) Rous(181) Rousby(2) Rouse(84) Rouse-Boughton(25) Rouse-Boughton-Knight(14) Rousillon(3) Rousseau de Bel Air(1) Rousseau(6) Roussel(12) Roussov(2) Roussy de Sales(11) Routch(1) Route(2) Router(1) Routh(33) Routledge(38) Routliffe(1) Rouvroi(2) Rouw(1) Roux(14) Rouxel(1) Rouy(2) Rovatti(1) Rovella Loiacono(1) Rovella(2) Rovensky(4) Roverbella(1) Rovere(7) Rovere-Montfoort(1) Rovereto(3) Roviano(1) Rovigo(2) Row(7) Row-Fogo(2) Rowall(1) Rowallan(8) Rowan(57) Rowan-Hamilton(70) Rowan-Robinson(3) Rowan-Thomson(5) Rowatt(1) Rowbotham(7) Rowbottom(2) Rowbury(2) Rowcliffe(12) Rowcroft(22) Rowden(31) Rowdon(10) Rowe(257) Rowe-Beddoe(7) Rowe-Hunter(4) Rowell(11) Rowie(4) Rowland Payne(3) Rowland(65) Rowland-Rouse(1) Rowlands(41) Rowlandson(33) Rowlatt(44) Rowles(8) Rowlett(2) Rowley Solsona(2) Rowley(392) Rowley-Conwy(30) Rowling(4) Rowlintgon(1) Rowney(8) Rownie(2) Rownson(2) Rowntree(49) Rows(2) Rowsay(2) Rowse(18) Rowsell(9) Rowsome(8) Rowton(1) Roxbee Cox(4) Roxbrough(1) Roxburgh(36) Roxburghe(55) Roxby(4) Roxley(2) Roy de Blicquy(4) Roy du Campgrain(2) Roy(39) Roy-Lewis(2) Royaards(12) Royal(7) Royal-Dawson(5) Royall of Blaisdon(1) Royall(8) Royce(4) Royce-Tomkin(1) Roycroft(1) Royden(80) Roydon(4) Royds(84) Roye(2) Royer(4) Roylance(4) Royle(52) Royle-Bantoft(1) Roylston(1) Roynon(3) Royo-Villanova y Paya(1) Royo-Villanova y Urrestarazu(1) Roys d'Eschandelys(2) Roys(5) Royse(12) Royston(19) Roystone(4) Roystoun(1) Royton(1) Roza Alconada(1) Roza Jauregui(2) Roza(1) Rozas y Drummond(3) Rozas y Meléndez de La Cuesta(1) Rozells(1) Rozenszki(1) Rozet(3) Rozier(5) Rozman(1) Rozmanith(3) Rozmberk(3) Rozmitál(3) Rozoy(1) Rozum(1) Rozwadowska(1) Rozycka(1) Roët(6) Ruawicha(1) Ruban(4) Rube(4) Ruben(2) Rubens(5) Rubenstein(2) Rubery(6) Rubie(8) Rubin(12) Rubinstein(5) Rubio del Ribero(1) Rubio y Torres(1) Rubio(1) Rubirosa(1) Ruby(2) Rucellai(1) Ruchaud(1) Rucinski(2) Ruck Keene(11) Ruck(28) Ruck-Keene(10) Rucke(1) Rucker(14) Rucks(1) Rudd(61) Ruddach(2) Ruddell(13) Rudder(2) Ruddick(6) Ruddiman(1) Ruddle(5) Ruddoch(2) Ruddock(23) Rudduck(2) Rude(1) Rudez(2) Rudgard(2) Rudge(47) Rudgeley(2) Rudin(2) Ruding(6) Rudkin(11) Rudloff(1) Rudman(9) Rudnay de Rudnó et Divék-Ujfalu(33) Rudnay(2) Rudnick(6) Rudnitzky(2) Rudolf(3) Rudolff(1) Rudolph(1) Rudston(10) Rudston-Read(9) Rudston-Reed(1) Rudt von Collenberg(3) Rudworth(2) Rudyard(2) Rudyerd(4) Rue(70) Rueda y Muniz(1) Rueff(3) Ruegger(2) Ruehle(1) Ruel(1) Ruestow(12) Rueter(2) Ruff(5) Ruffell(4) Ruffelle(1) Ruffen(3) Ruffer(6) Ruffin(5) Ruffing(2) Ruffner(6) Ruffner-Little(1) Ruffo di Bagnara(8) Ruffo di Calabria(9) Ruffo(3) Rufford(7) Ruffside(2) Rufs(1) Rufus Isaacs(2) Rugani(8) Rugby(7) Rugdeley(2) Ruge(2) Rugeley(2) Rugg(9) Rugge(7) Rugge-Price(57) Ruggieri(1) Ruggiero(3) Ruggles-Brise(67) Ruglen(5) Ruhe(2) Ruhen(7) Ruhm(1) Ruhr(4) Ruhrenstroth-Bauer(2) Ruijtenburgh(1) Ruinart de Brimont(1) Ruini(1) Ruish(3) Ruishe(1) Ruiter(4) Ruiz Bannero(1) Ruiz de Arana y Montalvo(1) Ruiz de Azcárate y Garcia de Lomas(1) Ruiz de Bucesta y Cruzat(1) Ruiz de Bucesta y Heredia(2) Ruiz de Bucesta y Jordán de Urries(2) Ruiz de Bucesta y Mora(3) Ruiz de Bucesta y Osorio de Moscoso(1) Ruiz de Castilla(2) Ruiz de Castro(1) Ruiz Guiñazu Auerza(1) Ruiz Guiñazu Bosch(4) Ruiz Jimenez(1) Ruiz Maasburg(1) Ruiz Velasquez(1) Ruiz y de Castro(3) Ruiz y Gomez(1) Ruiz y Moragas(1) Ruiz(5) Ruka(4) Rukavina von Vidovgrad(5) Rukavishnikova(1) Rule(27) Rule-King(1) Rull(2) Rumania(1) Rumball(6) Rumbellow(4) Rumble(4) Rumbold(144) Rumboll(7) Rumbough(7) Rumbould(12) Rumebe(1) Rumeli(1) Rumelli(1) Rumigny(4) Rumilly(2) Rumley(8) Rummel(2) Rumney(4) Rumohr(1) Rumpel(2) Rumpf(2) Rumpff(2) Rumrill(1) Rumsey(23) Rumwalla(2) Runcie(10) Runciman of Doxford(8) Runciman(48) Runck(2) Runcorn(3) Rundall(13) Rundell(14) Rundgren(5) Rundle(45) Rune(3) Runfelt(3) Runge(20) Runic(1) Runkel(4) Runkel-Westerburg(1) Runnacles(4) Runnels(4) Runnels-Moss(2) Runnington(4) Runolfsdottir(1) Runow(4) Runsiman(1) Runton(5) Runyon(2) Ruoff(1) Ruokojärvi(1) Rupe(2) Rupp(2) Ruppa(1) Ruppin(7) Rupprecht(3) Ruprecht(6) Rurik(2) Rus(2) Rusbridge(2) Rusbridger(17) Rusca(2) Rusch(2) Ruschulte(1) Ruscoe(2) Ruscombe-King(5) Rusconi(1) Ruse(4) Rush(35) Rushall(1) Rushbridger(2) Rushbrook(4) Rushbrooke(6) Rushbury(1) Rushcliffe(3) Rushdie(7) Rushe(3) Rushforth(2) Rushmer(2) Rusholme(1) Rushout(46) Rushout-Bowles(6) Rushton(26) Rushworth(20) Rusk(8) Ruskin(2) Rusly(1) Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa(2) Ruspoli Memmo(1) Ruspoli y Alvarez de las Asturias Bohorques(4) Ruspoli y Caro(1) Ruspoli y Godoy(2) Ruspoli y Morenés(1) Ruspoli y Sanchiz(1) Ruspoli y Solís–Beaumont(1) Ruspoli(72) Russ(8) Russborough(14) Russel(20) Russel-Cruise(1) Russell of Killowen(6) Russell of Liverpool(9) Russell of Thornhaugh(18) Russell Vick(8) Russell(1693) Russell-Clarke(3) Russell-Cox(2) Russell-Cruise(2) Russell-French(2) Russell-Hills(5) Russell-Johnston(7) Russell-Pavier(4) Russell-Roberts(4) Russell-Scarr(3) Russell-Smith(3) Russell-Stoneham(4) Russell-Walling(2) Russi(4) Russia(133) Russon(2) Russum(2) Russwürm(6) Rust(20) Rusten(1) Rustenbach(1) Ruston(6) Rustringen and Jutland(1) Rutan(1) Rutenskiold(1) Rutgers(2) Ruth(8) Ruther(1) Rutherfoord(48) Rutherford of Nelson(2) Rutherford(265) Rutherford-Smith(3) Rutherforth(3) Rutherfurd(19) Rutherfurid(2) Rutherston(2) Ruthven of Canberra(4) Ruthven of Ettrick(2) Ruthven of Freeland(13) Ruthven of Gowrie(4) Ruthven(147) Ruthven-Smith(6) Rutland(84) Rutledge(29) Rutley(6) Rutnam(2) Rutowski(2) Rutson(4) Rutt(2) Rutten(2) Ruttenstein(4) Rutter(21) Rutter-Williamson(2) Ruttie(2) Ruttinger(1) Ruttle(2) Ruttledge(40) Ruttley(5) Rutton(2) Rutty(2) Rutz(3) Rutzen(8) Rutzou(3) Ruulio(2) Ruvigny(9) Ruxton(82) Ruyloba(1) Ruytenburgh(2) Ruyter(2) Ruza(1) Ruíz Velarde(1) Ruótolo Beck(2) Ruótolo Borghese(2) Ruótolo(18) Ry(7) Ryall(13) Ryan(318) Ryazan(2) Ryba(1) Rybak(2) Rycaut(12) Ryche(2) Rycken(1) Ryckman(1) Rycroft(109) Rydan(2) Rydawl(2) Ryde(2) Ryder of Eaton Hastings(2) Ryder of Warsaw(1) Ryder of Wensum(1) Ryder Runton(2) Ryder(354) Ryder-Richardson(16) Ryding(4) Rydings(1) Rye(42) Ryecart(6) Ryecroft(2) Ryer(3) Ryerse(1) Ryerson(1) Ryes Hopkins(1) Ryes(3) Ryeves(4) Rygate(8) Rygge(4) Rylance(3) Ryland(64) Rylands(20) Rylatt(2) Ryle(12) Rylestone(1) Rylewski(1) Ryley(9) Ryman(8) Rymer(10) Rymond(1) Rynd(21) Rynes(2) Ryness(1) Rynvelt(2) Ryott(3) Ryrie(13) Rys(2) Rysava(2) Rysbrack(2) Ryser(2) Rythe(1) Ryther(13) Ryton(4) Ryves(60) Rzewuska(2) Rzhev(2) Rzyszczewski(7) Rzyzora(6) Rätien(1) (2) Réance(2) Récourt(1) Rémillard(1) Rétout(2) Rödel(2) Röel(1) Röell(2) Röhmelt(1) Röhr(1) Röll(2) Rönngren(1) Röttingen und Lobenhausen(1) Röttingen(1) Røed(4) Rønnow(3) Rübe(2) Rüegg(1) Rügen(20) Rümann(2) Rüttimann(2)